Where Do I Start My Healing Journey?

Rays of Wisdom - Healers and Healing - Where do I start my Healing Journey?Cleansing ourselves of all those false beliefs and prejudices that for far too long have been weighing our souls down is one of the most essential parts of everyone’s healing journey. The way I see it, we are all in this life together so we can help each other to recognise the things that have become outdated and by now represent nothing but excess baggage waiting to be discarded. However, there is no need to begrudge any of our old convictions, because once they were necessary tools that served us well and in some way helped our evolutionary progress along. Are you finding, as I frequently do, that a great deal of the knowledge that is presently coming your way is setting you free to turn to the things that really matter in your life?

Take for example the law of Karma. The awareness of it sets us free from the prison of seeking revenge and creating every more difficult Karmic conditions and relationships for ourselves and those around us. When something unpleasant has happened to us in the past or still is happening now, the understanding of this law makes it easier to find forgiveness for ourselves and for everything that shares our world with us. The mere recognition of the purpose and meaning of our being in this earthly existence is frequently enough to get the healing process going on its own. Genuine forgiveness, compassion and love for our race and planet, as well as for our own suffering, then floods from our Highest Self into our earthly consciousness, flows through our whole being and brings healing.

As briefly touched upon earlier, may the following serve an example of how in the long course of our evolution, our perception of God and our world has changed, and then compare it with how it is changing, now. The old Testament tells us in Deuteronomy 32:35: ‘To me belongs vengeance, and when their foot shall slip, I will recompense them at the time.’ This contains a clear reference to the law of Karma. In the New Testament St. Paul wrote in his letters to the Romans 12:19 ‘Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather restrain your wrath; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will execute justice for you, said the Lord.’  Both texts are from the George Lamsa Bible translation from the original Aramaic texts of the Peshitta. More about this very special Bible can be found in the booklist.

Although Deuteronomy is presented as an address by Moses, scholars generally agree that it dates from a much later period of Israelite history. An early edition of Deuteronomy, as it exists today, has been identified with the book of the Law discovered in the Temple of Jerusalem about 622 BC (2 Kings 22:8; 2 Chronicles 34:15). This early edition, corresponding roughly to chapters 5–26 and 28 of Deuteronomy, as it now stands, expresses a cultic liturgy. Chapters 5–11 contain an introductory speech by Moses, largely hortatory. In chapters 12–26 laws are reiterated that the people are exhorted to obey. The section closes with a report of the formulation of a Covenant between God and his chosen people. Chapter 28 recounts in elaborate detail the blessings or curses that will come upon the people, depending on their response to laws that explicate their covenantal obligations. This arrangement of materials corresponds to the liturgy of Covenant renewal festivals that were celebrated in Israel’s pre-monarchic period. Within this cultic context, very ancient laws were preserved and transmitted.

Deuteronomy is one of the first books in the Old Testament. This is a clear demonstration that the truth of God’s Law of Karma has been with us from the earliest beginnings of the religions that have been accompanying us on our evolutionary journey for such a very long time. It would be interesting to find out when wisdom like this one was actually given to our race. What a long time it has taken until we are finally ready to understand its true meaning, i.e. that in fact it is nothing short of a reference to the Divine laws. No reasons for any of the ancient teachings seem to have been given to us, to help us grasp their meaning. And what a world of difference that would have made to us, but it seems that in those days we were still expected to believe and follow blindly, mostly out of fear of a God, who was a cold, distant and threatening being that could not be understood by anyone. Would you agree that it is much easier to love our Father/Mother Creator, the Great White Spirit, when one knows of the intimate nature of one’s own relationship with It?

Is it any wonder that so many slipped and fell by the roadside, during the previous age, when – as already discussed – the Age of Neptune was the age of deception, of blind faith and belief?  Even by the time St. Paul wrote his epistles, things had not improved and no reasons were given why we were not to take revenge on anyone. Now that we know why this is unwise, how much better we can keep on keeping on, regardless. I can only speak for myself, but for me it is always easier to stick to something, when I know it makes sense.

The healing journey back into the oneness with our Highest Self sooner or later has to be undertaken by everybody. Our Highest Self is waiting to be called upon to guide and protect, nurture, comfort and heal us. Deep within the very core of our own being, we need to re-discover the space where once again, we can again fully and consciously be the beloved child of God, who in truth none of us ever stopped being. To get us there, regular healing journeys into the self are required and they have the potential of turning into exciting trips for inner discoveries. And, as mentioned before, because spiritually everything has to be done for real, shortcuts do not exist. Regular times of meditation, prayer, quiet reflection and contemplation are as essential as is giving of our best in all our daily endeavours. Work is as good a spiritual discipline as any other, when done in the right spirit and when one aims all one’s efforts towards re-establishing full contact and a constant dialogue with the Divine.

Our true Father/Mother is alive within each one, though at first it is only a tiny spark. Through our constant efforts at channelling the Divine healing energy, each spark has the potential of growing into the cleansing, purifying and healing flame that will clear away the dross of all our deepest and darkest fears. With the help of God and the Angels, they need and can be transmuted into the pure gold of renewed hope, faith and trust, in God and also in ourselves and all life.

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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