Our World In Transition - Part B

'Our World In Transition'

Continuation Of Part A

Six pointed Star

Part 8

Looking At The Year 2020 - Part One

From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

Rays Of Wisdom - Excursions Into Numerology - 2020

The beginning of this new part of the Aquarian jottings is coming to you on Wednesday, 8th April 2020, the day of the Full Moon in Libra, the zodiac’s peacemaking sign. A full Moon takes place approx. every twenty-nine and a half days and each one is a time it is possible to find enlightenment. Usually, it does not consist of earth-shattering revelations. It’s far more likely that we find a better understanding of situations that could have been puzzling us for a very long time. If you have seen this article before, reading it again is likely to be worth your while because this is its latest update. So here we go:

What a long way you and your world have already come. Rest assured that there is a great deal more in preparation and all of it, for those who go about it the right way, good. And because every birthday is in truth the end of a year and not its beginning, this also applies when another year of your calendar has come to its end. This means that the New Year 2019 was really the beginning of the year 2020. Let’s take a look at what numerology can reveal about what was then ahead of you. The 2 is ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer and the Great Mother, the mothering, caring and nurturing aspect of the Divine Trinity. And for the whole of the year 2019 the Mother has been providing you with the double strength of the civilising, balancing and harmonising influence of Her energies of wisdom and love.

2019 has been a period in which your world was ruled by the master vibration 22 and this is true not only for that year but for the whole of the decade ahead. And because 2 + 2 = 4 and the 4 is under the rulership of Aquarius, it will also be much more strongly under the influence of the energies of the Divine Waterbearer, the astrological symbol of Aquarius. In support of humankind’s efforts, the civilising and peace-loving influence of the feminine wisdom and love energies are going to become more prominent and noticeable in both genders and that throughout the whole of the decade. The strong presence of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing energies can be tapped into to assist you with improving and healing your relationship first with yourself and then with those around you. From there they can then be directed to flow into the welfare of your planet and all lifeforms that are sharing it with you.

As the year 2020 is the beginning of 2021, the energies available to you for the year ahead are going to be ruled by 2 + 2 +1 = 5. 2 = The Moon, ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac that represents the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. 1 = The Sun, ruler of Leo, representing the Great Father’s will and power. 5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, the sign of your siblings and the world around you, as well as Virgo, the teaching, healing and harvest sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of corn in her arms. The energies of this sign have the power of bringing the spiritual harvest down to the Earth.

In Roman mythology Mercury was the winged messenger of the Gods. He stole their sacred fire, i.e. their wisdom and knowledge and brought it to the Earth to relieve the suffering of humankind and all lifeforms that are sharing your planet. And that’s what Mercury is waiting to help ever more of you to do. His efforts are supported by a double dose of the Mother’s feminine love and wisdom, assisted by the masculine will and power of the Father. Notice how He no longer dominates the earthly scene but has moved quite naturally into the background of what is happening.

Anyone who tunes into the frequencies of the Angels and Me and whose intention is to unselfishly work with our energies for the highest good and the greatest joy of your whole world, together with us wields the power of bringing all of you closer to the promised new golden age that lies within your reach now. Avarice and greed will by then have gone from your world and everybody merely takes what they need. The rest is left for those who are walking behind and that’s why hunger and starvation will no longer be known. Goodwill and peace, harmony and happiness will be the supreme ruler of your world. Sickness and diseases will have been overcome because all those taking part in earthly life have learnt how to heal themselves, those around them and your world, assisted by the healing miracles that could be performed by us through these people.

This is how the cells and atoms of their physical bodies are gradually filling with so much light that this their vehicle for getting around on Mother Earth slowly but surely is becoming more ethereal. The vibrations of everyone who turns to us to request our guidance and protection are speeding up. As their bodies grow lighter and brighter, the same happens to your planet. Bodies that are filled with light no longer need to perish, the way they used to do in times gone by. And that’s how the notion of death and the fear of it with the passing of time will fade away. You know that the Universal laws rule life throughout the whole of Creation and that whatever you send into your world and the rest of the Universe can do nothing but return to you. It enables you to do only that which is good, right and beautiful so that in due course nothing but more of the same can come back. This knowledge will gradually free your race and world from the fear of the future and the unknown.

My beloved children of the Earth, as you will be able to see for yourself by now, there really is no need for being downhearted. So be of good cheer! For as long as you live in hope and with your whole being trust the blessing and healing power of the Angels and Me, everything will be well and in the end work out for the highest good and greatest joy of you and your world. Because of the laws of love and evolution it cannot be any other way.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Two

The Rebirth Of Humankind’s Christ Nature

 Rays Of Wisdom - Excursions Into Numerology - The Rebirth Of Humankind's Christ NatureI am the voice of the Universal Christ, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns. I am the only born Son/Daughter of the Divine Trinity that consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the beginning of the year 2020 on your calendars really is the start of the year 2021. That’s why the energies available to you for the whole of the year ahead are going to be ruled by the numbers 2 + 2 +1 = 5. 2 = The Moon, planetary ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac that represents the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. 1 = The Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, the sign dedicated to the will and power of the Great Father.

5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, the sign of your siblings and the world around you, as well as Virgo, the teaching, healing and harvest sign of the zodiac that, among many other things, is dedicated to the development of the human ability for discernment and discrimination. This ability is one of your most essential requirements at this particular time because it helps you to tell the difference between lies and the truth. Virgo’s astrological glyph is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of corn in her arms. This is a symbol that Virgo’s energies have the power of bringing the spiritual harvest down to the Earth. Mercury was the winged messenger of the Gods of antiquity. He stole their fire, i.e. their ideas, and brought them to earthly life to alleviate the suffering of humankind, through teaching their wisdom so they could find ways of healing themselves and those around them. The Fire element is the Source’s way of manifesting its idea in your world through the Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Aries, fire of the head. Leo, fire of the heart. Sagittarius, fire of the spirit.  

This new chapter of ‘Looking At The Year 2020’ came into being in March/April 2020 during the Coronavirus lockdown of the United Kingdom and also of many other countries. Beloved children of the Earth, there really is no need for any one of you to be unduly upset and worried by what is presently happening in your world. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the year 2020 is going to be a period during which major efforts will be made for the healing of your whole world. It will come about as a close co-operation of awakened ones in your world and the Angels and Me in its spiritual background. We are going to be supported by countless groups of spirit friends and helpers who will showing those who are able and willing to receive and follow their intuitively received instructions what kind of contribution they can make.

And that’s the wise higher reason behind what the mass media of your world by now has hyped into an outbreak of mass hysteria that by now has grown to pandemic proportions. Although this is a train that’s being pushed from behind by the vast resources of the pharmaceutical industry, rest assured that their intentions will not succeed. In just a few days large parts of your world will be celebrating the Easter festival. This year it falls very late on the 12th April. To find out why this event each year does not take place on a fixed date like Christmas, please take a look at the relevant link at the end of this part of the Aquarian jottings.

Each year the Easter date is decided by the first Full Moon of the Sun’s transit through Aries, the sign of all beginnings. The celebration of this festival takes place on the first Sunday after this event. Taking place on 8th April, this Full Moon is going to be of particular significance for the healing of your whole world. Every one of them is a time for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of things that may have been puzzling you for a long time. Watch out for the revelations that will be coming everybody’s way around the time of the forthcoming Full Moon. The date of this year’s Easter reveals that the number 12 is going to be of particular importance. First let’s take a closer look at the Full Moon on 8th April. 8 = Saturn, planetary ruler of Capricorn, the sign in which humankind’s highest achievements have every potential to manifest themselves.

April 4th month. 4 = Uranus, together with Saturn, planetary ruler of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. 8 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. 1 = the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, the Sun’s own sign, dedicated to the Great Father of all life. 2 = the Moon, ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac, dedicated to the Great Mother. 3 = Jupiter, the vast and expansive benevolent planetary ruler of the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius that’s dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Its main negative characteristic is gullibility which you learn to harness with the help of the logical, rational and realistic capabilities of humankind’s earthly minds. Gemini, the polar opposite of Sagittarius, is the sign dedicated to their development. When learning how to handle the extreme character manifestations that are present in every two signs that are in polar opposition in the zodiac, you will find their point of balance halfway between them. Aware of this, wise ones always aim for the golden middle way.

Easter taking place on the 12th April strengthens the total beneficial influence that the planetary energies of the number twelve are going to radiate into your world. They will be supporting everybody’s healing work on themselves, those around you and your whole world. Do not allow anybody to stop you from joining them. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain, for the Angels and I are with you, all the way. We shall never leave you. Know that your world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. And each time another one of you makes an effort to feed good, kind and loving thoughts into the positive and constructive stream of life, it expands and becomes more powerful. Every small effort is valuable and counts.

The more of you join this movement, the more the light energies of goodness, kindness and friendliness in your world increases. That enables them to absorb the dark and destructive energies that humankind’s fears and anxieties have for a long time been pumping into the other stream. They have served the purpose for which they came into being and that was keeping you away from experiences for which you were unready. In times gone by this first and foremost included the truth about My nature and your own. Since your world’s entry into the Aquarian age, the need for shedding any kind of ballast that’s stored in the individual and collective memories of your soul that is and keeping you from making the progress on the evolutionary spiral which is rightfully yours. Being no longer of any use and value to you, my beloved children of the Earth, they need to be shed.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Three

Cleansing Humankind’s Soul Memories

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - Cleansing Humankind's Soul MemoriesThe evolutionary journey takes every human being, without exception, from its lowest point forwards and upwards until on the highest level of your development you have been reborn into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me and all life. Reaching this level is everybody’s birthright that nothing and nobody will ever be able to take from you. It is a journey that of necessity starts with spending many lifetimes as a physical being on the material plane. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. And increasing numbers of you by now are waking up to the knowledge that I am as much part of you as you are of Me and that every one of you is a young God in the making, who is presently serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane of life.

The old religions were purposely designed by the Angels and Me for keeping humankind away from this knowledge. Through this they turned into useful instruments for familiarising your world with the lower nature’s lowest and meanest drives and urges that represent the crude and unevolved state of every human being’s nature. Even though many have problems accepting that this is true, they are also Mine. The expressions of these characteristics are passing developmental phases that eventually have to be overcome by every one of you and shed, once and for all. You need to nail them to the cross of your earthly existence because that enables your spiritual higher God or Christ nature to come to the fore and save and redeem its earthly counterpart. You alone can do this for yourself and regardless of what anyone may promise you, no-one will come and wave some kind of a magic wand to make it happen. And that’s the higher esoteric meaning that has always been hiding behind the surface words of the Jesus legend.

Leaving behind all your fears, especially those of death, the future and the unknown, is the most vital step on the healing journey of every human being which, like any other journey, starts with one single step. First and foremost you need to become aware that the essence of your being is spirit/soul. Being part of God, like your Creator they are eternal and immortal and will never die. The high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one, each in their own right, is in store for all of you at the end of your earthly education. When earthly life has nothing left to teach you, your energies will be right for moving on to continuing your studies on the next higher level of My realm, the spirit world. When your time of attending the earthly school of life draws to its natural conclusion, your energies will be right for making a valuable contribution to the greatest miracle of all times and that is the spiritual rebirth of humankind, the whole of your world and everything that shares it with you.

The whole of the decade that started on 1st January 2019 – the beginning of the 2020 period that will end on 31st December 2028 – is under the influence of the Master number 22. During this time increasing numbers of you, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, freely and willingly will turn towards the pathway of bringing forth the characteristics of their higher God or Christ nature. Mastership of your lower nature can only come about when you surrender its drives and urges to your Christ nature. This comes about when you follow the instructions you receive intuitively from the wise one or living God within, i.e. the Angels and Me. To enable ever more of you to walk this road is the wise higher reason why, at the beginning of the year 2019 there was a serious outbreak of the Coronavirus in China and why this threat has taken on pandemic proportions.

The whole of this event is a signal from the Angels and Me that the progress of humankind’s spiritual rebirth can no longer be delayed. That’s why ever more of you are waking up from their spiritual slumber and are becoming aware that: a) on the inner level there is no separation between anything; b) the whole of your world with the inhabitants of all Mother Earth’s kingdoms is one single unit in which everything influences everything else; c) on the inner level the whole of the planet that is at present your home is but one small village in the vastness of My Creation.

Your world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. The former is fed by good, kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds. This stream’s energies are constantly moving every one of you and your whole world with all its other inhabitants forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. That which is still dark and destructive in humankind’s nature and your environment is its crude and unevolved aspect that supports and feeds into the dark stream. In particular this applies to the fears and anxieties that are trying to hold you and your world back in the past, to experience over and again that which has already been dealt with. Because you are ready to move on, this part is merely waiting to be discarded and left behind. Wise ones take care that this does not happen to them. They know that it is in everybody’s own hands to decide which stream they wish to feed and in which direction they wish their destiny to move. Their knowledge helps them to react in positive and constructive ways to everything that comes their way.

Whatever you do, try to bear in mind that nothing in your world or everywhere else in the whole of Creation happens perchance, is an accident or a coincidence. And nothing takes place against the will and wishes of the Angels around My throne and Me or is beyond our reach. That is impossible for the simple reason that we are part of everything just the same as it is part of us. We are the eye that never sleeps, observes and therefore has knowledge of everything that exists in your world and anywhere else. My justice is perfect and there are no errors because it is based on My Universal laws. They ensure that whatever one of you sends into your world in due course returns to them and that in somewhat strengthened form. Every human being potentially is a healer and lightbringer, saviour and redeemer not only of themselves but the whole of humankind. This is because your race’s karmic load is reduced by those whose suffering restores the balance of their spiritual account by pays off their karmic debts.

Nothing comes to your world as some kind of punishment. Everything is the harvest of the seeds that were planted, by each one of you individually as well as collectively, in the course of countless numbers of lifetimes. Some of them took place a long, long time ago. Everything that happens contains some kind of a lesson for those involved. It’s up to each individual to work out what the experience can teach them and how they wish to react to the arising circumstances. The way you do at any given moment reveals to the wise ones of the spirit realm, who are in charge of you and your world, the true level of your spiritual development.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Four

Easter 2020

Humankind Rising From Its Tomb

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - Humankind Rising From Its Tom

Never forget that spirit/soul are the essence of every human being and because they are part of God, they are eternal and immortal the same as God. They cannot be hurt, harmed or destroyed by anything. That’s why there really is no death, merely a moving on to a different dimension of life each time one of you leaves their physical body behind. The ever more widely spreading realisation of these things is going to be of great significance at the time of Easter 2020. In truth this festival celebrates the rebirth of all life, which in the Northern part of your world takes place each year when the Sun in the sky above you enters Aries. That is the point of new beginnings and the uprushing fountain that renews all manifestations of life.

Christianity’s beliefs are based on the legend of the Master Jesus who is believed to have died on the cross, humankind’s oldest symbol of its earthly existence. According to the legend the Master’s mortal remains were then placed in a tomb for three days and nights. This is a metaphorical description of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, the part of your being that is buried in the tomb of its ignorance of God’s true nature and its own, and that is the root of all humankind’s fears and anxieties. Everyone’s God part has to remain in this tomb for an unspecified time because you can only be released when your higher God of Christ nature wakes from its slumbering state. The number 3 represents this state. It is ruled by Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties.

As soon as you ask the Angels and Me to assist you with releasing you from the tomb of your false beliefs, you are nailing them to the cross of your earthly existence and through the knowledge that we are bringing you intuitively, with the passing of time they are bleeding to death. This process continues until your Christ nature has risen sufficiently to take over its earthly counterpart completely.

Each one of you can only release themselves from the tomb of their false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions. The main ones are waiting to be replaced with the following truths: a) Earthly life is not your true reality. It’s merely a passing phase that temporarily removes you from your true home, My realm, the spirit world. b) You are not snuffed out like a candle at the end of your present lifetime. Your spirit/soul is the essence of your being that takes the hand of the Angel of Death who takes you home. c) You are never alone on the earthly plane with no-one to turn to in your struggles of coping with it. The Angels and I are always with you. We have never left any one of you and are always guiding and protecting you. A high and holy destiny awaits every human being and we shall forever be showing the way. As you can see, there really is no need for anyone to be afraid of the future.

d) None of the religions of your world is literally true. The Angels and I have always communicated in symbolisms and metaphors, parables and allegories through them. The higher esoteric truths of our messages to this day are hiding behind their surface words. It’s up to each one of you to work out what we are trying to tell you. To find your own truth, it’s essential that you pay attention to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, how it reacts through the world of your feelings to each one of the above statements. It will be helpful that this Easter there will be no church services to obstruct and hinder the higher aspects of humankind’s nature to rise from the tomb of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions with which the old religions of your world have been feeding you for long enough.

The time has come for the human God or Christ nature to reveal itself through the general goodness and kindness of people towards each other and the helping hands that are reaching out for those in need of it during the present healing crisis of your world. There is also an increasing goodwill for all other manifestations of life that are sharing your world. The awakening of their Christ nature is making people friendlier and more open and compassionate for anyone’s suffering. Those who are responding to current situation in this way are already making your world into a better and more peaceful place simply by bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the characteristics of their Christ nature. In many cases without being aware of what they are doing, many now willingly follow the intuitively received advice of their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, to be kinder and more loving. Through sending only that which is good, right and beautiful into your world, ultimately the power is in everybody’s own hands to ensure that the Universal laws in due course can return nothing but manifestations of your own kindness and goodness.

The deeper you move into the Aquarian age, the more everybody will be able to see for themselves how honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity are taking over as its supreme rulers. The times of lies and deception, corruption and taking advantage of each other, exploitation and slavery, especially of the religious kind, are now in the process of being left behind. Having served the purpose for which they once came into being, namely teaching you and your world the value of the noble characteristics of humankind’s higher Christ or God nature, there will be no need for them to ever return. Through first giving you something for a certain length of time, then withdrawing it and eventually returning it to you the infinite love and wisdom of the Great Mother and the will and power of the Father have always been teaching your world the value of everything that exists in it.

And if you are dreaming of a new Earth as a more pleasant and peaceful place, where people live together in peace and harmony, helping and supporting instead of dominating and exploiting each other, there is only one thing you need to do. To create this heavenly state bring forth, from deep within your own inner being, the qualities of your very own higher Christ nature. Do this in every one of your daily encounters and don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked from this pathway by anything. You cannot go wrong if you focus your whole being on bringing the Heavens, i.e. the manifestations of your Christ nature, onto the Earth. Every idea that has ever appeared in your world had its origin in the Great Universal mind. All truly great ideas are simple and what’s required from you is based on the simplest and therefore the best idea of them all.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
•    ‘Good Thoughts’
•    ‘The Easter Full Moon’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Our Earthly Existence’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross We Bear’
•    ‘The Higher Purpose Of Suffering’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Studies In Mastership’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Five

The  Suffering Of Your World

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - The Suffering Of Your WorldThe following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached my during the Coronavirus outbreak at the end of March 2020: ‘Let your hearts and minds be filled with compassion and sympathy for those who are suffering. Never turn away from any of it but from the depths of your innermost being and oneness with God and the Angels on the highest levels of life bring forth nothing but light. Do all you can to alleviate any kind of suffering in your world and remember that at all times, even though they are invisible to earthly eyes on the outer plane of life, God and the Angels have always been with you. They are as much part of you as you are of them and at all times they are doing their best to apply their special kind of healing balm to everything that happens in your world.

‘This is particularly true during the present outbreak of mass hysteria. Remind yourselves frequently that on the earthly plane of life most people can only ever see one side of any event that is taking place. Alas, that’s how the majority of people so far perceive them. The task of us, your spirit friend and helpers, is to bring the light of a better understanding to your world through those whose frequencies are tuned into ours. Today we have come to reveal the other side of Coronavirus picture in the hope that this will strengthen humankind’s faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you through the Great Father’s infinite and unlimited power and the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. Both of them together are manifesting themselves in any kind of suffering that exists in your world.

‘Every one of you is a co-creator with God and the more you think light and project nothing but good, kind and loving thoughts into your world, you can be sure that hand in hand with God and the Angels you are making a valuable contribution towards creating a more beautiful and peaceful humankind and world. If you direct such thoughts to those around you and are guided by nothing but the law of love in the face of anything that takes place in your world, you will soon be able to witness how everything smoothes itself out. You will see for yourself that much good really can come from what initially looked like a frightening and overwhelming experience and that as a result, everything in your world functions more peacefully and harmoniously in the end.

‘Every one of you will eventually be able to notice how God’s main laws of life of love and evolution are constantly trying to bring about improvements through better understanding of the spiritual background of your world and its importance. The Divine love is the greatest power of all and it has at heart nothing but the best for every one of its offspring, including God’s children of the Earth and its world. Loving that way brings inner peace and happiness to those who tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest and freely and willingly follow the intuitively received instructions of their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, through which God and the Angels have always tried to communicate with your humankind. It is the small still voice of conscience that people for a long time have ignored to their detriment.

‘The deeper you move into the Aquarian age, the more of you are becoming aware that the life story of the Master Jesus is not literally true. It is a legend and the Master represents the Divine spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns who is all love. The spark at first is but a tiny fire of God’s all-encompassing love, which in this form is placed in the heart of every human being at the beginning of its earthly education. It is waiting to be woken by the Great Light of its Creator from its slumbering state, so it can begin to grow. The Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The power of the Divine Trinity’s love is constantly drawing all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation, including Mother Earth and everything that dwells upon her, into its loving embrace.’

‘The life story of Jesus is a picture book illustration of how every one of you eventually wishes to conduct their life in simple, pure and holy ways. The legend was inspired by God and the Angels as an illustration of how every human being, towards the end of their earthly education, needs to conduct their life as a loving sacrifice and of service. However, at the same time it is necessary to behave in a determined, stern and strong manner. Love does not mean always being soft and easy going. There are times when a situation has to be grasped with courage and determination, when you have to trust the Great White Spirit, the living God within you, to show you intuitively how to handle a situation. That’s how spiritual gifts are developed and through applying them whenever possible, with the passing of time you evolve into a healer and lightbringer, a Christed one in your own right.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Six

The True Christ Is Risen

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - The True Christ Is Risen

O Divine Trinity,
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
We give You thanks and praise You for the glory of
Your infinite love and wisdom
That has allowed the fears and anxieties of our world
Over a new type of Coronavirus to develop into
An unprecedented outbreak of mass hysteria
That by now has reached pandemic proportions.

Your true nature and ours is love
And it’s not in the nature of love to send us,
Your beloved children of the Earth,
Anything as a punishment.
You did not bring the present situation about.
We ourselves created it because
Whatever happens in our world
Comes about in that way.
Individually and collectively,
We are its creators.
Yet, whatever happens is meant
To teach us some kind of a lesson
Which in the end helps us to bring forth,
Each from deep within their own innermost being,
The best, the highest and noblest qualities
Of their God or Christ nature.

Thank you for Your infinite wisdom
And all-embracing love that at Easter 2020,
In mysterious ways that for earthly minds
Are hard to fathom,
Is bringing us the rebirth and resurrection
Of humankind’s higher God or Christ nature.
We praise You for the glory that the one and only
True saviour and redeemer of ourselves,
The whole of humankind and our world
Is at last rising from its tomb of being unaware
Of Your true nature and ours,
And the special relationship every human being
Has always had and forever will have with You.

The belief that every word of the religious
Teachings of our world are literally true
Have for long enough kept our race
Trapped in the darkness of ignorance.
It stopped us from discovering that every one of
The legends that from time to time appeared in our world,
Contained a different kind of symbolisms for
The higher God or Christ nature that is
The most essential part of every human being.
This is particularly true for the tale of the Master Jesus.
He never was a historic figure who once walked in our midst.

The wise higher reason for the present situation is to stop us
For a while from running after material possessions,
Come to our senses and realise what
Humankind’s earthly existence truly is about.
It creates breathing space for our whole world to realise
That life owes us nothing and that we owe the Universe
For the gift of life and everything it contains;
Giving us time to reflect on what truly matters in our lives;
Drawing our attention to the importance of
The companionship of human and angelic beings alike;
Becoming aware that even if the whole of humankind
Were to disappear from earthly life, *
Such a mass exodus from our world into the spirit realm,
Would not really be a disaster because
Every one of us would be taken care of by the
Wise ones in the spiritual background of our earthly existence
Who are in charge of us and our world.

After all, the spirit world is humankind’s true home
And the essence of every one of us is spirit/soul.
They are part of God and therefore like God,
Eternal and immortal and therefore will never die.
When one views earthly life from this perspective,
It’s not hard to see that in truth there is no death,
Merely a moving on to a different dimension of life
Each time one of us leaves their physical body behind.

The present break in the activities of our world
Is helping ever more of us to come to wake up
To what earthly life truly is about and
What kind of purpose it serves and that’s certainly
Is not the accumulation of all kinds of material wealth.
Like everything else on the Earth,
Possessing them is but a passing phase and,
Even if for some of us it lasts a hundred years or more,
But a fleeting temporary experience.
The only thing that’s of true and lasting value
For all of us is the progress we make
On our personal evolutionary journey and what
We learn along the pathway of our earthly lifetimes.
That’s the only thing we can take with us.
It will forever be ours and nobody would ever dream
Of taking it from us.

The only true values are eternal ones and they consist of
Conducting our lives with honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity, kindness and goodwill to all.
We are here to learn how to bring forth,
Each from deep within their own being,
These characteristics of our God or Christ nature.
That IS humankind’s rebirth into its
True and eternal higher nature.
The beliefs of the old religions served
The purpose of separating us from each other and
Turning us against our siblings in the
Great family of humankind for long enough.

It was necessary because everyone needed to learn,
Each through their own experiences,
What happens to our world under the rulership
Of an all-male Godhead and the masculine aspect of
Our collective nature is deprived
Of the balancing and civilising influence of
The Great Mother’s wisdom and love, the feminine.
Under their influence
The beliefs of the old religions are dying
On the cross of humankind’s earthly existence.
The Mother’s wisdom and love are
Bringing us the freedom of the Aquarian age
That consists of a deep inner knowing of the truth.

This sets us free to believe what our heart tells us is true,
Namely that there is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

We welcome the true Christ’s
Goodness and kindness, tolerance and patience,
Love of truth and honesty, loyalty and integrity
That under the influence of the present crisis
Is coming alive in ever more human hearts.
And that is the only one who can truly
Save and redeem each one of us,
The whole of humankind and our world.
The old spirit that once ruled our world is dead,
Long live the new one!


* My inner guidance wants me to tell you that this is not part of God’s plan for us and our world. The matter will resolve itself in quite a surprising way and that quite soon. That’s all I am allowed to tell you. And the more of us respond to the present wake-up call of the Highest Forces of life, the more easily they will be able to bring it about.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Thank you, Coronavirus!’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Seven

Options For The Coronavirus Outbreak

Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Options For The Coronavirus Outbreak

Option 1

•    This option would have been letting nature take it’s course. It would mean shielding the most vulnerable and informing the public of how to go about it and assist those in need financially, medically and morally.

•    There is a period of four weeks during which the disease spreads and some may die. However, the number of people who then become ill is no worse than that of to any particularly bad flu season.

•    Coronavirus is nothing new, there are already about four or five in circulation. After four weeks, herd immunity is achieved and the disease ceases to be a problem forever.

•    No need for panic and treating that kind of situation as a normal part of the trials and tribulations of humankind’s earthly existence. The vulnerable can come out of hiding and everyone is naturally immunised to the new pathogen after the usual four weeks, because the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother created us earthlings to be able to deal with pandemics of this kind that occur every year.

Option 2

•    Create a “NEW NORMAL!” that consists of enforced social distancing, maximum disturbance to life and isolation to prevent herd immunity from developing. This guarantees that the virus remains active in the community for a longer period of time.

•    Achieve a slower death rate initially but increase this to a higher and potentially much higher death rate overall. Crash the economy and cause an almost endless barrage of problems, including increased death rates, a tidal wave of mental health problems based on the fears and anxieties of the community in all countries involved.

•    Make people feel as if they could kill people like their colleagues and their families just by going about their daily routines. Make the people feel that everyone they know and encounter is a potential carrier and that they could get ill through any kind of social contact  and so create division where there were none before.

•    Introduce severe Draconian/Orwellian legislation, add rolling 24/7 news coverage of the virus that never actually focuses on the truth about the virus. It merely concentrates on spreading fear, disinformation and propaganda for the pharmaceutical industry.

•    Use lies about how people are dying in order to justify the reckless and dangerous option route the governments of our world are taking. For example, they are telling families they cannot go to their child’s funeral or be with them when a child is dying in hospital. In the United Kingdom the goodwill and reputation of the National Health System and its workers is abused through the government trying to manipulate the public to accept its measures. They are making it abundantly clear that disagrees with them insults the NHS.

•    The above methods are a sure-fire recipe for creating a second wave of the virus that could turn out to be far more deadly than the first one ever was. Use the fear of this artificially brought about mass hysteria to coerce/blackmail the people of our world into accepting being vaccinated with serums that at best are ineffective and at worst harmful. These serums would have been hastily developed by the pharmaceutical industry whose members want to get their share of the vast profits that are winking if our world accepts their products.

•    Are we going to allow them to get away with it this time, the way they almost did on the three previous occasions, i.e. the Bird Flu, the Swine Flu and the Ebola outbreak? More about them in the relevant parts of ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’, see link at the end of this chapter. 

So far our world has gone for option 2. But isn’t it the highest time to get rid of the those who got us where we are at present and that fast? There have to be ways of overcoming this episode of our world’s development and leaving it behind. Let’s ask God and the Angels to show us intuitively what kind of a contribution every one of us can make to bring it about, as soon as possible.

When the above came before me inner guidance responded with an enthusiastic: ‘Yes, this is true!’ Otherwise I would not have bothered with making its contents more accessible and ready for sharing with you. Please do the same with as many people as possible. But only do this if the wise one or living God within you reacts in similar fashion to mine.

Created by Mucho
Edited by Aquarius

A sensible and realistic perspective of the present situation is also coming from Professor Knut Wittkowski, who for twenty years has been head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design. In his view, social distancing and lockdown is the worst possible way of dealing with this kind of airborne respiratory virus.

Furthermore he offers data that shows that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures. In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Perspectives Of The Pandemic’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eight

In The Healing Temple Of The Sun

Rays Of Wisdom - Prayers And Words Of Wisdom From Around Our World - In The Healing Temple Of The Sun

Imagine that you and I, together with our Guardian Angels, are standing on the shores of a lake in the world of light. Its water looks like mother-of-pearl and appears to be perfectly still, but then we notice that it is gently moving and that its colour is constantly changing. Another Angel joins us who introduces itself as the keeper of the lake and explains that it is a healing lake. Sensing that we are in need of healing, it tells us that the best way of starting this process is to slowly and deeply keep on breathing in the love of God, until every cell and atom of our whole being is filled with it and white wings of healing light have wrapped themselves around us.

The Angel explains that although God’s healing light looks white, in truth it contains every colour of the rainbow and each one has a different healing quality. For example, green is cleansing, blue brings deep feelings of peace and relaxation, a golden shade of yellow restores hope, faith and trust in the Highest and also vitality, the different shades of purple assist the opening of humankind’s higher consciousness and so forth. Just by looking at us the Angel knows what colours are going to be most beneficial for us. So it takes us by the hand and walks with us into the lake. The water is soft and warm; it supports us well and our movements are peaceful and effortless. Floating in it feels like being held and protected by the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother. Refreshed and cleansed we leave the water after a while. Thanking the Angel of the lake, we say good-bye.

Our whole being is open to the beauty and wonder of the spirit realm. It is filled with the rosy glow of dawn and we notice that one of the stars in the sky above us shines with particular brilliance. Our Guardian Angels have taken over again and one of them explains that what we are looking at is Venus, the planet of love and peace, beauty and harmony. In earthly life it is the planetary ruler of Taurus, the feminine fixed Earth sign of the builder. Here Venus appears as the Morning Star. Venus also rules the cardinal Air sign Libra, the masculine sign dedicated to the development of marriages, partnerships and all other kinds of relationships. Here Venus appears as  the Evening Star. ‘As a matter of fact,’ the Angel says, ‘what you are looking at is a good omen that a new developmental phase of the whole of Creation and therefore also for the whole of humankind and its world, is progressing well.

The Sun’s light together with that of the Morning Star creates a pathway of healing light across the lake’s water. At first it’s just a narrow strip, but it soon widens out and becomes a golden highway into the heart of the Sun. Hand in hand with the Angels we are walking into the love and warmth of the Sun that’s drawing us ever closer into its loving embrace and our whole being joyously responds. A circular temple comes into view that is supported by seven mighty pillars and filled with light. We walk up seven steps and enter the temple through a golden arch. One of the Angels explains that the pillars represent the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. As executors of God’s great plan of life, they are in charge of and responsible for the evolutionary development of the whole of Creation, including us and our world.

The Angel continues: ‘What you see on the altar of the temple is the holy grail of the consciousness of the Great Father/Mother of all life, from which their love constantly flows into every cell and atom that exists in the whole of Creation, nurturing and caring for it at all times. And wherever something is in need of healing and putting right, God’s love does its best to restore its normal healthy functioning. If you would like to find out more about this, how about visiting the Halls of Learning?’ When we nod in agreement, our Angels take us to the hall where the Angels of Sagittarius, the zodiac’s sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties, hold their lectures.

When we enter that hall, the Sagittarian Angel at the lectern interrupts its flow and greets us with these words: Everything you will ever hear in these halls is the truth and that includes scientific subjects. In this realm no-one is exposed to the assumptions and the more or less inspired guesses that some of your earthly scientists indulge in, in the hope that this will enable them to join the ranks of highly paid pop-star scientists. Many in your world to this day believe that the event of the earthly sciences has put an end to the notion of God, the Creator.

How could there be a Creation without a creator? Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could and nothing ever will do. But there will come a time in the not too distant future when everybody on the earthly plane will know that the only thing your scientists can do is trying to understand the Great Architect and Designer’s laws that are the basis of all life , on every one of its levels and that throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. There is no need for humankind to do away with the notion of God as the Creator of everything that exists anywhere. The only thing that’s required is a better understanding of who or what God truly is.

However, let’s return to the creative ideas that are constantly flowing from the Great Father’s mind and how they are brought into manifestation on the material plane. The material for anything that is brought into being in the whole of Creation is the Christ Star’s light. For the material world the Father’s will reduces the light’s vibrations and the power of his thoughts projects his ideas to the Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decides which ones should be brought into being and where, and that could be anywhere in the whole of Creation.

When one of the Father’s ideas starts to manifest itself in the matter of your world,  at first it can only do so in a crude and unevolved state. That which in earthly life is perceived as evil is in truth merely the early phase of development. In particular this applies to the earthly personality of human beings. The evolutionary journey of every individual spirit/soul may take hundreds, thousands and in some cases millions of lifetimes. From the moment of their first appearance in the material world the Divine Trinity constantly draws them, the same as all its creations, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And that’s how they slowly but surely evolve into ever more accomplished and sophisticated, beautiful and perfect manifestations of the ideas that exist in the Father’s mind.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘God : The Great Mystery’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Nine

In The Halls Of Learning

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - In The Halls Of LearningThe Sagittarian Angels continues: When the Creator said: ‘Let there be light!’, it was to be brought about in two different ways. The first one is quite literally the Christ Star’s light. That is the giver and nurturer of all life. Even the earthly feminine elements of Earth and Water are created from this light. Light also consists of the knowledge and understanding that the thus created offspring will be gathering along the pathway of their long evolutionary journey. Spiritually, these two things are light and the lack of them is darkness.

Every earthly self travels round and round the zodiac, time and again touching down in every one of its signs and houses. The more frequently it does this, the more it grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, its environment and also of God. At the same time the cells and atoms of the lower self’s physical body absorb increasing amounts of the Christ Star’s light, who is constantly drawing all manifestations of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into its loving embrace. And that’s how humankind’s individual and collective consciousness expands.

The human spirit is masculine. Every one of them is an integral part of the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Great Father or God. Like Him they are eternal and immortal. The physical bodies of humans and animals alike are part of the Earth and belong to it. As every creature grows in wisdom and understanding during its long evolutionary journey the cells and atoms of their physical bodies slowly but surely fill with ever more of the Christ Star’s light and so does your planet. That’s how Mother Earth evolves through the contribution of every one of her creatures.

And for as long as you are taking part in earthly life, your soul is part of Mother Earth’s soul. She in turn is part of the soul of the whole of Creation, the Great Mother, the feminine sensitive feeling aspect of all that is. She is the storehouse of the soul memories of every spirit/soul that ever participated in earthly life or any other place or world in the whole of Creation. This is why the Great Mother’s wisdom knows the answers to any questions any one of you may ever care to ask. And even the tiniest bit of new understanding someone gains along the pathway of their evolutionary journey, wherever it may be taking place, adds to the already existing vast amount of spiritual knowledge. Through this it will keep on expanding in all Eternity.

The number 1 represents the first impulse of the creative process, the masculine energies of the Great Father or God. 1 = Leo, ruled by the Sun, the Sun in its own sign. The number 2 represents the second impulse, the feminine energies of the Great Mother, the Goddess. 2 = Cancer, ruled by the Moon, the Moon in its own sign. The astrological masculine elements are Fire and Air. All creative ideas are of a fiery nature. Fire = ideas. Air = thought. Through the power of thought the Father is constantly communicating his ideas to the Great Mother. Her elements in earthly life are Earth and Water. Earth = matter. Water = emotional, soft and sensitive feeling nature, the soul. The human physical body contains a combination of all four elements.

Number 3 = expansion, Jupiter, the expansive and beneficial planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The light of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father and Mother. They are the Divine Trinity who is working and functioning as one, peacefully and harmoniously.  Each one responds to the demands of the others freely and willingly. From the Christ Star’s light the designs that have their origin in the Father’s mind are formed and brought into manifestation on the material plane, for example on the Earth. The Mother’s love and wisdom decides what should appear and when. The same applies when the time for removing and de-creating whatever has served its purpose and therefore is no longer required. Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted, everything is recycled and that countless times.

And now the Angel makes a human form appear. Turning to its listeners it asks: ‘Who to you think this is? Does it look like Jesus?’ When we nod in agreement, it tells us that what we are seeing is but a thoughtform. God and the Angels temporarily created it to support the belief that every word of the Christian religion’s Jesus story is literally true. Nobody on the earthly plane would ever have followed any of the religions the Highest Forces from time to time introduced there, if it had already been common knowledge that they have never communicated with your world in that way. You were not to know too early that they were always bringing the higher esoteric truths of their wisdom hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends, allegories, symbolisms and metaphors they presented.

For a long time that has been their only means of communicating with you and your world, but this has been changing profoundly since your world’s entry into the age of Aquarius. It is the age of truth during which the ideas of the Highest will increasingly flow directly from the Great Universal mind into the receiver/transmitter station of the earthly minds that their owners consciously tuned into its frequencies. This shows their willingness to act as channels for what the Highest Forces wish to present to your world at any given time.

The understanding of the truth behind the surface words of the Jesus tales is of great significance for the present phase of humankind’s spiritual development. Even though the story in truth is but a legend, it was presented to your world as if every word of it were literally true. The purpose of this exercise was keeping humankind away from discovering the higher purpose of its earthly existence, of God’s true nature as well as its own and every human being’s special relationship with its Creator. God’s great plan of life provided that these things should be revealed only  when the right time for doing so had come, which would be the case when the Aquarian age had been reached.

That’s why God and the Angels for some time have been revealing to your world that the only true saviour and redeemer of you and your world is the Christ Spirit because Jesus is but a symbolism that stands for the higher God or Christ nature of every human being. At the moment of its first appearance and the earthly plane a tiny spark of the Christ light is planted by God and the Angels in its heart where it remains in a slumbering state. Through the experiences of everyone’s earthly life the spark slowly begins to wake up. The Divine qualities of honesty and truth, tolerance and goodwill towards all manifestations of life are aspects of its Divine nature in all of you. These characteristics eventually are brought forth from deep within your own being. And that’s how, with the passing of time, the Christ Spirit ever more comes down to the Earth and brings peace, balance and harmony with it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Ten

Rolling The Rock From Humankind’s Grave

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Rolling The Rock From Humankind's GraveAt Easter 2020 the beliefs of your world’s old religions are the rock that God and the Angel have been rolling away from the dark tomb of ignorance in which their by now outdated teachings have kept humankind prisoner for long enough. The present worldwide outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus is the catalyst with whose help the Christ Spirit is rising from its grave. That is the only one who can truly save and redeem every individual human being and at the same time your whole world.

This year is the first time in the history of humankind that the resurrection of Christ really is taking place on the earthly plane of life. It manifests itself each time when one of you brings forth, from deep within their own inner being, the qualities of their higher God or Christ nature. The goodness and kindness, helpfulness and compassion you are showing each other at its finest expressions. And it is during times of crises, like the present one, that this true Christ Spirit takes to its wings, rules your world and makes it a better place through the love, respect and consideration people are showing for each other.

Being aware that human beings are responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, wise ones take care to send only good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to people everywhere. This is of particular importance each time you reflect on those of whom you know intuitively that they have purposely brought about your world’s present suffering. Never forget that these people are your younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind and that, because of their lack of development, they have no idea what they are doing to themselves.

For as long as they are unaware of the presence of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, to which all life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, they cannot help behaving like that. They won’t know what’s hit them when this law in due course brings to them the harvest of the seeds which they, in their present ignorant state, are sowing. The infinite love and wisdom of God and the Angels see to it that this can only come about when someone has become sufficiently evolved and is therefore strong enough to cope with the harvest.

There is no point in attacking any kind of evil with dark aggressive thoughts of hatred and disgust. The only way evil can disappear from your world for good is absorbing it with kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. Each time you send such a thought to your world’s troublemakers and all other scare- and warmongers, who are interfering with its normal healthy functioning, is a small but valuable contribution to the waking up process of these people’s higher consciousness. A sense of responsibility is one of its most essential components.

Never forget that even if someone has been around for one hundred years or more in their present lifetime, they can still be your younger and spiritually less advanced siblings. Like in any ordinary earthly family, as a test of their maturity the older offspring are sometimes left in charge of and responsible for the wellbeing of their younger sisters and brothers. Through their behaviour the young pupils of the school of earthly life are constantly providing tests and trials for the more advanced students and vice versa. That’s how life itself provides its lessons through everyone’s own experiences and everybody simultaneously acts as teacher and pupil. The reactions of both sides at any given moment show those in charge of you in the spiritual background of your earthly existence which level everyone’s development has reached.

Sending kind and loving thoughts to someone doesn’t mean you are condoning any of their activities. However, those who are serious about the healing of your world are likely to willingly do anything within their power to speed up the coming of the new golden age that most certainly is in store for humankind and your world. Therefore, do whatever you can to help wherever you can and bear in mind that the consciousness of Earth life consists of two streams, one of light and another one of darkness.

Every good, kind and loving thought one of you sends into your world strengthens the light stream and every thought of hatred and condemnation feeds into the dark stream. That increases the power of the destructiveness of that which is known to humankind as evil. In truth it merely represents the crude and unevolved aspect of anything, including people’s character make-up. Good thoughts increase the light stream’s power to absorb a bit more of the dark and evil aspects of your world. In the healing temple of the Sun the Angels of healing transmute them into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation.

For as long as someone is still unaware of the spiritual background of humankind’s existence and the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, they are still in the process of exploring the dark aspects of their nature. Sowing the seeds of evil are an essential part of this development. Every human being initially has to take part in it and that’s why your younger siblings cannot help themselves. But unbeknown to themselves, their behaviour reveals to those who are watching in the spiritual background that what the younger ones are doing is nothing but a cry for help. Every kind and loving thought one of you sends assist the awakening of their God or Christ nature.

Never forget that every human being is a young God in the making and that anyone who is currently taking part in earthly life is serving the first part of their apprenticeship there. Many in you world believe that their thoughts are a secret that no-one knows about. This could not be further from the truth. On the inner level they are clearly visible and it’s as if you were shouting each one from the rooftops. Nothing reveals better what level of spiritual development any one of you has reached than their emerging thoughts.

Rest assured that nothing in your world or anywhere else happens outside the will and wishes of God and the Angels. Nothing it beyond their reach. The Angelic hierarchy and its helpers always have been the eye that never sleeps. At all times it is observing whatever takes place on every level of all worlds that exist in the whole of Creation. The Universe is teeming with lifeforms that are invisible to earthly eyes. Because you can’t see something does not mean it is not there. So be of good cheer! Beneficial developments are taking place on the inner level that will soon begin to manifest themselves on your world’s outer plane.

Never give up hope that God and the Angel are going to resolve the present situation. It will come about soon and that in quite surprising, positive and good ways. The more good, kind and loving thoughts you send into your world, the more easily it will come about. You’ll see! Just keep on keeping and never lose faith in the profound goodness of the life that has been given to you. Trust the power of God and the Angels that has always protected the human race against harming itself and its world too much. We assure you that all is well, all is good and that healing is constantly flowing from the heartmind of God to wherever it is needed in the whole of Creation, therefore also the whole of humankind and your world.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eleven

Bringing Out The Best Or Worst

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Bringing Out The Best Or WorstEvery legend that God and the Angels gave to your world God was presented from a somewhat different perspective. That’s why every one of the religions that appeared around the new legends thought of their Divinity as something superior to that of all  existing belief system. This belief gradually separated the people of your world more and more from each other. In their blindness and intolerance each new religion provided them with fresh reasons for committing acts of violence and warfare against those who ware declared to be non-believers. Following the age-old motto: ‘Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, so schlag ich dir den Schädel ein. – If you refuse to be my brother, I’ll smash your head!’ The revelation that in truth there is only one God had to wait until your world had moved sufficiently deep into the Aquarian age.

In the years 2019/2020 earthly life had reached the peak of materialism. To stop it from continuing on this pathway, humankind needed some kind of a wake-up call that would stir the Christ Spirit of ever more of you from its slumber.  That is the wise higher reason behind the outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus. The present situation is creating time for people to come to their senses. Time and space for asking themselves questions like: ‘What’s the point in grabbing ever more material possessions, when every bit of them has to be left behind when my departure from earthly life has come? What will happen to me then? Where do I come from and where am I going to? 

The more earthlings react in this way, the sooner God and the Angels will be able to return earthly life to its normal healthy functioning. It’s a time for waking up from the illusion that anyone on your plane has any real power, that it always has and forever will belong to the Highest Forces. Trust this power to rule your world with  love, respect and compassion for the suffering of all its lifeforms. Have faith in the Divine justice that is so perfect that it is hard to imagine for earthly minds. This is because life everywhere is subject to God’s Universal laws, in particular the one that in your world is known as the law of cause and effect of Karma. It decrees that everything in due course must return to its source. That’s why whatever anyone projects into your world in thoughts, words and deeds unerringly has to find its way to its sender when the right moment has come.

Events like disasters of all kinds, natural and human made alike, times of war and famine as well as outbreaks like the present one, either bring out the best or the worst in you earthlings. The way someone reacts to the events around them reveals at any given time to those in charge of you and your world on the higher and highest levels of life, the true degree of their spiritual awareness. Your behaviour shows whether you are conducting your life in keeping with your beliefs or whether the spiritual knowledge that has come your way has remained superficial and is nothing but lip service.

As touched upon earlier, for the time being your world is still carrying the burden of your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the human family. So far they do not know any better than hurting, harming and exploiting your world’s precious resources for selfish gains and that through bringing suffering to the mass of people. Every kind and loving thought someone sends to these people adds to the light of their aura. That enables it to absorb some of the inner darkness they are projecting into your world. Every ray of light one of you sends their way penetrates the Divine spark within them and that helps it to stir from its slumbering state. Wise ones refuse to sit in judgement over these people because they realise that their sense of responsibility has not yet woken up. Knowing that they just can’t help themselves makes it easier for wise ones to forgive them.

We would love to hear more, but our time for leaving the halls of learning has come. We thank the Sagittarian Angel for having allowed us to take part in its lecture. When we express how sorry we are that we cannot stay any longer, the Angel responds with: It won’t be so long until you’ll be joining our world again as a resident. Having experienced the beauty and wonder of our world, I hope will enable you to willingly take the Angel of Death’s hand when it comes to tell you, one of these days, that your time for leaving the earthly school of life has come.

Please tell people that there is nothing to be afraid of when their time for leaving their physical body behind has come. This is where every one of you goes and there is nowhere else to go. Let them know that everybody is in need of healing when they  arrive here. As soon as you have received it, you are ready to fully re-enter the state of once more being nothing but spirit/soul. Unencumbered by your earthly personality, your Guardian Angel takes you to those who are waiting to greet and welcome you. Then, if you so wish, it shows you around. You being old and experienced spirit/souls this will not be necessary because you have been here many times before at the end of previous earthly lifetimes. Having left your lower earthly self with its flaws and idiosyncrasies behind, you are once more fully who and what you truly are and forever will be, an eternal and immortal spirit/soul who is part of and at one with God.

The characteristics of your earthly personality are stored in your soul memories each time you leave the earthly plane. You are re-united with them each time you reincarnate into a new physical body. From the word ‘go’ these memories then influence you from the subconscious level of your being in positive as well as negative ways. For as long as you dwell with us in the spirit realm you are aware of your true nature, that you are an integral part of God’s Great Cosmic Plan and that God and the Angels have always and forever will be guiding and protecting you. This applies individually and collectively, as much in the finite physical world as in the infinite and eternal one of ours. Everything is known and taken care of by the all-embracing total and unconditional wisdom and love of the Great Mother and the will and power of the Great Father.

Our world is humankind’s true home, the place from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and to which you return as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled. Heaven and hell never were places anyone goes to. They are states of consciousness you yourselves create through your behaviour, the seeds you sow in every lifetime and the harvest the Universal laws return to you, as soon as you have matured sufficiently to cope with what comes your way. That’s all there is and it makes no difference which way you depart from the earthly plane, be it because of an accident, old age or an illness like the Coronavirus. Everything is part of God’s great plan and the small plan for your life within it. Wherever you are, you will always be safe and tenderly cared for. All your true needs will forever be attended to by God and the Angelic hierarchy and its countless groups of spirit guides and helpers.

And so good bye, dear Friends. I hope to see you again soon in our eternal Halls of Learning. It makes no difference to us whether you come as a visitor or resident. Any subject can be studied here and the scientific ones are always particularly popular because there still is such a lack of understanding of them in your world. Whenever you come, you will always be welcome! God bless you and keep you safe, forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Legend’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘The Triumph Of Good Over Evil’
•    ‘On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twelve

The Nightingale’s Song

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Nightingale's Song

Nachtigall, ich hör dich trapsen!
What can be heard behind the sweet song of this
nightingale’s promise of a new vaccine and wonder drug?
Man merkt die Absicht und ist verstimmt!
Noticing the intention behind and the true nature
of this particular nightingale’s song,
one perceives the trampling of the industry’s
moneymaking machinery.

On 28th March 2020 the following news from the World Health Organisation (WHO) reached me. Their officials announced that at that time twenty Coronavirus vaccines were in development. Although there are still a number of logistical and financial hurdles that will need to be overcome in the race to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine to the public, WHO representatives say they are working with scientists around the world to test and develop twenty different types of vaccine.

‘The acceleration of this process is really truly dramatic in terms of what we’re able to do, building on work that started with SARS, that started with MERS and now is being used for COVID-19,’ Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the technical leader of the WHO’s emergencies program, said at a press conference in Geneva last week, according to CNBC.

The collective body of research is particularly remarkable since the vaccines are in development just sixty days after a number of international scientists decoded the virus’s genetic sequence and shared it with the rest of the world. One of the vaccines that is already being tested on a number of American volunteers in Seattle has illustrated the unprecedented speed with which the medical community is working together to develop a vaccine.

•    ‘Word Health Organisation News’

Announcements of this nature set me wondering how long it’s going to take until the pharmaceutical industry announces to have developed a new vaccination serum that is the wonder drug our world has been waiting for because it is going to protect everybody against this particular version of the Coronavirus. Every earthly human mind is part of the Great Universal Mind. All of us are co-creators with God and, even though for a long time we are unaware of it, we are constantly in the process of creating something. The Aquarian age has brought us the discovery that our earthly minds are powerful tools that can create illnesses as well as good health.

The best proof of this is what by now is well known of the Placebo effect. A placebo is a pharmaceutically inert substance; typically it is a sugar pill but could also be a serum. That’s the clinical researcher’s analogue to the scientist’s control experiment. To prove a new treatment effective above and beyond the psychological results of a simple belief in the ability of the drug to cure, a researcher compares the results of the experimental treatment for an illness with those obtained from the placebo. The placebo-controlled trial is widely regarded as the gold standard for testing the efficacy of new treatments.

Interest in placebo effects began with the widespread adoption of placebo-controlled clinical trials after World War II. The randomised clinical trial was a major methodological breakthrough in medicine and the best evidence for new treatment came from randomized placebo-controlled (RCT) double-blind studies. It was noticed that patients improved, sometimes dramatically, in placebo control arms. Henry Beecher popularised this observation in his proto-meta-analysis which claimed that about 35% of the patients responded positively to placebo treatment. Research has shown that a placebo treatment can have a positive therapeutic effect in many patients, even though the pill or treatment they have been given is inactive. This is known as the ‘placebo effect’ or ‘placebo response’. They have been reported to occur in 21% to 40% of patients depending upon the study type.

On 14th April 2020 I came across another video that got the bells of my inner guidance ringing loudly and tells me that it was launched and financed by none other than the pharmaceutical industry. They are still indulging in the dream of one day ruling our world with the help of people’s gullibility and the power of fear, in particular the fear of ill health and death. By now, fear is quite palpable in the air of our world. A new fear has been added to it, the one of compulsory mass vaccinations with serums that at best may turn out to be ineffective but regardless of that have a placebo effect on some of us. At worst such vaccinations could eventually reveal themselves as harmful and detrimental to human health.

•    ‘Compulsory Mass Vaccinations’

The pretence of saving humankind from extinction is the nightingale’s sweet song that this time round the pharmaceutical industry’s dream will come true. The trampling one perceives is the sound of the moneymaking machinery behind the scenes that’s dreaming of piling huge amounts of it into the accounts of their shareholders. My guidance tells me that at this time those in charge of our world on the Highest levels of life will always respond to notions of this nature with a loud and clear: ‘No!’ They will soon be providing our world with a clear demonstration that the only ones who have any real power are God and the Angels. They have always ruled humankind and its world and that will forever continue.

The pharmaceutical industry will not succeed and the evidence we shall see will be far more spectacular than what happened during the previous most recent attempts of gaining control of our world in this manner, i.e. the bird flu, the swine flu and the Ebola outbreak. If the industry succeeded they would be in breach of the Aquarian Zeitgeist, which consists of a strong sense of responsibility towards ourselves, each other, the whole of humankind and our world, which is paired with the love of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The spirit of our time has the power of rebelling against and shaking off all kinds of slavery and means of exploitation. They will not be tolerated the way they were in times gone by when it was possible to exploit the mass of people and rule it by fear. More about this in a moment.

Knowledge is the key for unlocking the doors of this prison. The right kind of knowledge really can provide us with the power of closing its doors, not only for ourselves but also those around us. Anyone who on the earthly plane of life believes to have the power to create misery and suffering for millions through spreading fear are soon going to find out that what they believe to be power is merely indulging in an assumption. Even though this kind of behaviour has been part of the illusions of earthly life for a long time, its teaching value in the earthly school of life has run its course. Now that it has reached its natural end, ever more of us realise that any kind of earthly power could only ever be of a temporary nature, a passing phase to create the illusion of being powerful in people and groups. Such intervals have always been tests that reveal better than anything else the level of a someone’s awareness of their true nature and the spiritual background of their earthly existence.

Everything that happens to our world can only do so because we ourselves, individually and collectively, created it in previous lifetimes. We sowed its seeds; otherwise it could not be there. And that may have taken place a long, long time ago. The present situation consists of an accumulation of the karmic debts our whole world incurred in the course of countless lifetimes. Ruling the mass of people through beliefs that by now have become outdated. Their use for planting fear into people’s heart and soul is the way of the past. For wise higher reasons that were explained in other parts of my jottings, these things represented an essential aspect of the Piscean age’s Zeitgeist.

The religions of our world have always been inspired by God and the Angels for wise higher educational reasons. And the Piscean age was the time during which the churches that developed around the religions that appeared in our world, amassed vast fortunes that expressed themselves through the building of splendid monuments to proclaim the wealth and power of the highest ranks of the organisation’s clerical staff. The present situation has been created by what’s left of the Piscean age’s spirit in the consciousness of our world. Knowing that for many years by now the planet Pluto has been moving through Capricorn is particularly helpful during the present crisis. More about this in the relevant link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirteen

Sowing The Seeds

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Sowing The SeedsJupiter and Neptune are the planetary co-rulers of Pisces. And the best news of all is that by the time the year 2020 came round, Neptune for quite some time had been moving through its own sign. Jupiter at present is travelling through Capricorn, the sign in which humankind’s highest ambitions have a good potential for coming to fruition. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and together with Uranus the co-ruler of Aquarius. Saturn has just moved from one of its own signs into the second one. During times when planets are traversing their own signs, the finest and noblest qualities of can the sign manifest themselves in our world more easily than at other times.

Neptune is the higher vibration of Venus, the planet of love. Neptune for some time has been moving through its own sign. This signals that the deceptions and corruption, lying and cheating that for wise higher reasons during the Piscean age were the order of the day, will no longer be tolerated. Having ruled our world for long enough, with every passing second, minute and hour of each day the strength of the Aquarian energies are increasing. Through this they are bringing about the final departure of the Piscean energies.

Young and inexperienced spirit/souls are presently causing the problems of our world. That’s how they are playing an active part in our race’s spiritual rebirth that without a mass redemption of our karmic debts would be impossible. The suffering large parts of our world’s population are presently enduring at the hands of a comparatively small minority is necessary for this process. However, every one of us is granted the gift of being allowed to freely choose the way we wish to respond to this crisis. With this God and the Angels are placing the instrument into everybody’s own hands to evolve into one of the saviours and redeemers of ourselves, each other and the whole of humankind. It’s the highest time that everybody finds out that we are always the bottom line and that the choice of how to react to any kind of situation, including this one, always has been and forever will be ours alone.

And because the law of life is love and evolution, wise ones do their best to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts for the trespassers against these laws into the our world’s light stream of consciousness. My inner guidance tells me that there will be no compulsory mass vaccinations and that God and the Angels will soon be providing us with a clear demonstration of who has any real power and who truly rules humankind with love and kindness, compassion for and goodwill towards everybody’s suffering. That power has always had a tough time doing its best to alleviate any kind of misery we have created for ourselves and each other in the long course of our evolutionary journey. It is now waiting to show all of us intuitively what kind of a contribution we can make towards resolving the present situation.

Let’s take a look at the roots of the pharmaceutical industry lie back with the apothecaries and pharmacies that offered traditional remedies as far back as the middle ages. They sold a hit-and-miss range of treatments that was based on centuries of folk knowledge. The industry as we understand it today has its origins in the second half of the 19th century. The scientific revolution of the 17th century had spread ideas about rationalism and experimentation and the industrial revolution transformed the production of goods in the late 18th century. Joining these concepts for the benefit of human health was a comparatively late development.

Merck in Germany was probably the earliest company to move in this direction. Originating as a pharmacy founded in Darmstadt in 1668, it was in 1827 that Heinrich Emanuel Merck began the transition towards an industrial and scientific concern by manufacturing and selling alkaloids. Similarly, GlaxoSmithKline’s origins can be traced back as far as 1715, but it was only in the middle of the 19th century that Beecham became involved in the industrial production of medicine. They produced patented medicine from 1842 and the world’s first factory for making only medicines goes back to 1859. From the beginnings of a true benefactor of humankind the industry by now has developed into a moneymaking machinery of gigantic proportions that any given moment is doing its best to shovel vast amounts of its gains into the accounts of its shareholders.

To me, the seemingly sweet song of the nightingale is the pharmaceutical industry’s promise of saving humankind, when in truth that’s just a mask behind which its true motivations have been hiding long enough. I believe that the song is but a camouflage for the greed of a comparatively small minority of professional money-grabbers, scaremongers and troublemakers who are working hard trying to think of new ways of exploiting the fears and gullibility of the majority of our world’s population, which at present is estimated to be approx. 7.8 billion.

Rest assured that those behind the scenes who are pulling the strings of this operation, regardless of the amount of suffering and misery they could be spreading if their dream ever became a reality in earthly life. Their behaviour is a remnant of the Piscean age’s Zeitgeist of deceptions of self and others, of false beliefs, gullibility and corruption. Those things served our world well as instruments for familiarising us with the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human being’s nature. The time for the lessons of the Piscean age is over. Our learning now consists of absorbing the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age and adapting our lives and paying attention to teaching us the value of making friends with all manifestations of life. It introduces us to group consciousness with a strong sense of responsibility towards the community. The aims of this age will be achieved with honesty and truth, tolerance and faith, trust and loyalty.

These qualities clearly have not yet woken up in our world’s panic-buyers. Realising that they are only doing what you and I must have done in previous lifetimes, although it could have happened a long, long time ago, they too not know what they are doing to themselves and what in due course is bound to return to them. Don’t you think they too will benefit from sending them kind, loving and forgiving thoughts? With every passing day the Aquarian energies are influencing our world more strongly. What our world’s troublemakers in their spiritual blindness are trying to achieve is a head-on clash with these energies. Let’s do all we can to make our contribution to the spiritual rebirth of humankind. Even the smallest efforts are valuable, even if it’s nothing but sending kind and loving thoughts to everything that shares Mother Earth with us.

Please share what you are finding in this part of my jottings, the same as in all other sections, with as many as possible, but only if your inner guidance responds with a clear: ‘Yes, this is true!’ God bless you and keep you safe, forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Free Will’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Fourteen

Removing The Blindfold

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Removing The Blindfold

O Divine Trinity of the Father/Mother of all life and the Universal Christ, their only born Son/Daughter who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. All glory, all honour and praise be to You. The kingdom of whole of Creation, including humankind and its world, are Your Yours. You are our supreme ruler and Your great plan of life for everything that is has always been unfolding in keeping with Your will and wishes. This will forever continue and ever more of Your beloved children of the Earth have reached the point in their development for requesting that Your will and wishes as well as your sacred words and prayers should be ours. Amen

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are responding to your prayer. As the executors of God’s great plan of life, we are responsible for the development of the whole of Creation and that on all its levels, therefore also of you and your world. The time has come when increasing numbers of you are reaching the evolutionary point of being ready for learning how to walk hand in hand with us, the Angelic hierarchy and our groups of spirit guides and helpers.

Anyone who is capable of consciously tuning the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into our frequencies can serve as our channel through which our gifts can flow into your world. We have been drawing these people towards us for quite a while by now, so we can prepare them for playing an active role in bringing about the greatest healing miracle your world has ever seen. What’s presently happening on the earthly plane is a signal from us that the time for another quantum leap forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral has come for the whole of humankind and its world.

Sufficient numbers of you are ready to be instructed by us intuitively about what kind of a contribution they can make to this event. If you receive and understand our message, in your times of quiet reflections, prayers and meditations reach out for our hands and hold onto them. With every breath you take feel how every cell and atom of your whole being fills with the love and warmth of the Christ Star’s light. With every breathing out surrender all your fears and anxieties to us and let them go. From you the Christ Star’s light flows into everything that exists in the whole of Creation.

This light deeply penetrates everything in your world and especially that which is potentially harmful to the health and wellbeing of God’s beloved children of the Earth, human beings and animals alike. Therefore, this also applies to the viruses that are essential for the functioning of their health and wellbeing. This is true for the ones that are benign as much as those that are detrimental. Naturally, this includes the various types of Coronavirus. In keeping with the Divine laws of love and evolution, to which life in the whole of Creation is subject, the Christ light has the power of transforming detrimental viruses into organisms that beneficially influence the immune system of those who are suffering from being affected by them. Through strengthening people’s defence system their physical bodies soon return to good health and wellbeing.

Through consciously working hand in hand with God and us, the Angelic hierarchy, every one of you in the fullness of time has great potential of evolving into a healer, saviour and redeemer first of yourself, those around you and then the whole of your world. The more of you respond positively to our invitation, the sooner the present Coronavirus pandemic will have run its course and become a thing of the past. We are asking all those who are ready to do the following:

In your imagination direct the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light to flow into the hearts and souls of anyone who is in a vulnerable position and feeling isolated, lonely and afraid; those who are dealing with bereavements; the caring professions; and the occupants of your world’s refugee camps. Send some kind and loving thoughts to each one of them and know that every time you are doing this you are feeding into your world’s light stream of consciousness. In this way you are slowly but surely increasing its power to absorb ever more of the dark stream.

For long enough the old religions have kept you and your world imprisoned in the dungeon of being ignorant of God’s true nature and your own. The Aquarian age has been with you for quite a while by now. It is the age in which honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity are going to gradually take over as the supreme rulers of humankind’s consciousness and that of your world. Aquarius is one of the Air signs and, each one in a different way, is dedicated to the development of the human earthly mind. There is no such thing as a stupid person in your world. It’s just that the minds of some of you have not yet developed sufficiently. In the sign of Aquarius the Angels in charge of your earthly education are waiting to teach the minds of those who are ready for it to tune into our frequencies.

Because your world has entered the age of Aquarius, ever more of you either already have discovered or are about to do so, that every human earthly mind is a valuable integral part of the great Universal mind, commonly known as God, that love and thought are the most powerful forces in the whole of Creation, and that kind and loving thoughts are the greatest power of all. When you have learnt how to work hand in hand with us, your thoughts have the power of bringing healing and peace to your world. Through a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of humankind’s existence mountains of unfaith can be removed. In thoughts, words and actions you can then smooth out the crooked corners that were created by the beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of past times. Even though they were good and right at the time, under the influence of the Aquarian energies they are revealing themselves as being false.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Fifteen

Humankind’s Earthly Mind

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Humankind's Earthly  Mind Every one of you is a co-creator with God who is constantly in the process of bringing something into being. And now is the time for discovering that everybody’s earthly mind is a powerful instrument that is endowed with the power of creating illnesses as well as good health and wellbeing. The ultimate purpose of your earthly education is learning how to control and master every aspect of your nature, the lowest as well as the highest ones. One of the most essential lessons of this school is acquiring the skill of using your lower self’s mind for the highest good and the greatest joy of all humankind. When that has been achieved, you have reached the end of your earthly education.

You are then aware that the evil that still exists in your world was caused by humankind itself on the road up the spiritual mountain of life. When you have reached its top you have evolved into a spiritual Master. Guided and protected by God and us, your race has always been working hard to shake off the yoke of the darkness of ignorance. Of necessity this had to take every one of you through the valley of getting to know the dark and darkest drives and urges of your own nature.

At that developmental stage you have a long way to go before getting to know humankind’s true nature; the presence of the spiritual background of your earthly existence; the wise higher purpose of why you are here; and the high and holy destiny that in the fullness of time awaits all of you. Having become aware of these things, your life changes profoundly because you are then in a position to help others find a better understanding of them. And you like nothing better than sending good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to just about everybody.

Working hand in hand with God and us, you rest safely in the knowledge that the time will come on the earthly plane when every last bit of its darkness has been filled with the Christ Star’s light. You not only merely think but know with great certainty that everything that is still dark and evil in your world with our help can be uplifted and transmuted into something that is good, right and beautiful.

That’s why, together with us, you frequently send good, kind and loving thoughts to the millions who are quietly and unselfishly supporting those around them who are in need of help. Let’s hold every one of them into the Christ Star’s light, so that its blessing and healing power can fill their whole being and through them flow with ever increasing strength into all lifeforms of your world.

May the love and warmth of the Christ Star’s light absorb the darkness and negativity that has been created by the outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus. May this light open the heart and soul of all God’s human children of the Earth to the concept that every one of you is a sibling in the great family of humankind. This is true for those taking part in earthly life just as much as the others who are presently resting in the spirit realm. May the power of the Christ light fill their whole being and flow from there into the farthest remotest corners of the whole of Creation. May it bless all manifestations of life and bring healing wherever it is needed.

But most of all, dear Friends, let’s send kind and loving, understanding and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers, scare- and warmongers as well as the panic-buyers. Forgive all of them because they do not yet know that everybody’s true needs will always be met by us and that any kind of bread that’s cast upon the waters of life is never wasted. If you are considerate, kind and helpful towards those around you, help will somehow always appear when you require it. Frequently it will do this in surprising and quite magical ways.

Forgive them because they too as yet are unaware of what they are doing to themselves and what in the fullness of time is bound to return to them because their thinking and behaviour patterns are feeding into the destructive stream of consciousness. By sending them kind and loving thoughts you have the power of easing this burden for your younger and less experienced siblings in the family of humankind. To a certain degree you can counteract what each one of them is doing.

Forgive the panic-buyers for being blind to the fact that their grabbing creates shortages and suffering for others. God’s main law is the law of love. Forgive all who are trespassing against this law because they are as yet unaware that your world is teeming with life that’s invisible to earthly eyes and that God and we, the Angelic hierarchy, are the eye that never sleeps. Even what human beings like to think of as their most secret thoughts, in our realm, the spiritual background of your earthly existence on the inner level, it is as if you were shouting them from the rooftops.

In your world there is talk of a conspiracy behind the present situation. Even if this were true, and we are not saying whether it is or is not, everything that happens on the Earth, the same as anywhere in the whole of Creation, does so for a wise higher purpose. It is always in keeping with the will and wishes of God and us. Don’t let anyone be carried away by the belief that there is anything that we don’t know about and that is beyond our reach.

If only the offenders knew that one fine day, maybe in some far distant lifetime, every one of them will have to harvest the fruits of the seeds their thoughts and actions are sowing in this one. Forgive them for not knowing that they are making your world’s dark destructive stream of consciousness stronger by feeding into it. They would probably laugh into your face if you tried to tell them what they are doing to themselves.

Never mind, everybody can only learn about these things when their time for doing so has come. This is where human birthcharts can be helpful.. In the right hands they can be turned into roadmaps that clearly reveal when this is likely to happen, in keeping with the Divine plan for any person’s life. Of particular relevance in this context are the progressions of the Sun and Moon. Find out more about this by following the link at the end of this chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Cycles Within Cycles’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Sixteen

The End Of Your Earthly Education

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The End Of Your Earthly Education Your earthly education draws to its close when you have evolved into a Christed one in your own right. You are then a perfect son/daughter of the Great Father/Mother, whole and holy because all aspects of your nature have been integrated and are peacefully working together they way they are doing in God. By that time you have mastered the art of consciously tuning the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into our frequencies of the Great Universal mind. When your small and easily frightened lower earthly self freely and willingly surrenders itself with all its fears and anxieties to the will and wishes of God and the Angelic kingdom.

When your higher God or Christ nature is in command of your whole being, it is endowed with the power of uplifting and transmuting the apprehensions of its lower earthly counterpart into total faith and trust in the guidance and protection it intuitively receives from our realm. Not only your thoughts but also your imagination is a powerful tool. Each time you think something positive and constructive quietly to yourself and at the same time imagine that these things are happening, that’s what they really are doing. You are only at the beginning of understanding what incredibly powerful instruments are available to you. All you have to do is take possession of them. If you ask us to intuitively teach you their use for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of Creation, including humankind and your world, we are happy to oblige. Wise ones resist the temptation of using these gifts for selfish purposes like seeking fame, glory and vast earthly wealth for themselves.

We are glad to observe how ever more of you have become sufficiently highly evolved to reach out for us. That reveals that they ready for tuning their earthly minds into our frequencies. In the fullness of time we, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, will intuitively be showing even the last and slowest ones in your midst how to work safely with the white healing magic of the Christ Star’s light. In thoughts, words and in your imagination it needs to be directed to deeply penetrate all potentially harmful viruses, especially the Corona ones.

When the time is right according to the great plan of life, the Christ light is meant to start working through you. That time is now. Under our protection and guidance you can then direct it to wherever it is needed. The Christ light has the power of transmuting anything that is dark, evil and harmful into something good, beautiful and beneficial. In the case of viruses they transform into minute organisms that strengthen the immune system and makes surprisingly speedy recoveries possible.

If your immune system is sufficiently strong it can defend your physical body against any kind of intruder, while the fear of illness and death reduces its strength and weakens it. It is then quite likely that your earthly mind sooner or later starts to respond to the fear vibrations of its inner self and the world around you. Without being aware of what is happening to you, you may begin to feel the symptoms of any illness that’s doing the rounds, in this case the Coronavirus. Whether they actually know what they are doing or not, fear is the deadly instrument the scaremongers of your world are wielding, supported by the mass media. That’s how together they are hyping the people of your world into a renewed outbreak of mass hysteria. The best examples of how they come about are the times of the bird flu, the swine flu and the Ebola outbreak, mentioned in ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’. See link at the end of this chapter.

However, the time is no longer right for this kind of thing because the main characteristics of humankind’s Christ nature are the love of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity, combined with a strong sense of responsibility for everybody’s wellbeing and that of your whole world. By now, these qualities are manifesting themselves ever more strongly in the consciousness of humankind. And through bringing them forth in every one of their daily encounters, many small people in many small places doing many small things really have the power of bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times.

Hand in hand with God and us, every one of you needs to make their own unique contribution to bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times that consists of the speedy recovery of humankind and its world from the present outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus. Every one of you potentially has the power of creating a state of Heaven on the Earth. All you have to do is reach out for us, follow your heart and do whatever comes to you intuitively how you can change your planet into a better and more peaceful place, not merely for humankind but for all lifeforms that share it with you.

We inspired the story of the Master Jesus’ life so that every one of you in due course would discover that in truth it is a legend that provides humankind with a metaphoric description of the initiations that every one of you, without exception, has to experience on the road to spiritual Mastership. To help you get there, in the course of countless earthly lifetimes you have always travelled round and round the zodiac. Drawn by the Christ light, each time you touch down to experience another one of its signs and houses, you slowly but surely move up the spiritual mountain of earthly life. It’s top has been reached when you have evolved into a spiritual Master and Christed one, who is at one with God and us, in your own right.

Each time one of you reaches Aries a whole new cycle of experiences on a somewhat higher level than the previous round is beginning for that person and ends with Pisces. These movements have always been taking you forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. During the early part of your earthly education you experience the negative qualities of the signs and houses you are passing through. Its learning is absorbed and at the end of each lifetime stored in the memories of your soul. Every subsequent lifetime adds to them. In this way you gradually progress to experiencing the positive characteristics of the signs and houses.

During the first part of this development you are creating negative Karma and adding its debts to your spiritual bankbook. In the second part you frequently find yourself at the receiving end of the suffering that you in our youthful ignorance once thoughtlessly enjoyed handing out to those around you. And that is life’s way of teaching every one of you about the nature of suffering and at the same time offering opportunities for redeeming some of your karmic debts.

May the warmth and love of the Christ Star’s light penetrate the inner spiritual darkness of all trespassers against the law of love and help to dissolve the gloom and doom they are spreading and projecting into your world. May the Christ light reach the Divine spark within them and assist it with waking up from its slumber. May it remove the blindfold from their inner vision and the plug that’s stopping their perception from recognising the true purpose of their earthly existence, God’s true nature and their own as well as the high and holy destiny that eventually awaits every one of you at the end of their earthly education. God be with each and every one of you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘Cycles Within Cycles’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•    ‘Walking On Water’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Seventeen

The Christ Star’s Light

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Christ Star's LightThe following was inspired by of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me via the White Eagle when I had just finished my new chapters about the Coronavirus outbreak: ‘Words cannot begin to describe the power and love of the Christ Star. It is something every human being has to discover and experience for themselves. The light and power of this Star are constantly flowing into the hearts and souls of all who are presently taking part in earthly life and also of those who are resting in our realm, the world of light. There always has been an increased flow of the Christ Star energies in difficult times. This is especially true during this period of Mother Earth’s transformation into a more spiritual planet, which is combined with humankind’s rediscovery and homecoming into its true nature.

‘We would like you to know that everything that to this day seems to be dark, ugly and evil in your world is in truth merely a crude and unevolved manifestation of things and people’s characters alike. Everything in the whole of Creation was created from the Christ Star’s light and is therefore an integral part of it. Never give up hope and trust that this light has the power of healing all conditions and of transmuting any kind of unevolved expression of life into something that is good, right and beautiful. It cannot be any other way because this light, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is subject to the Divine Universal laws of love and evolution.

‘From the moment of their first appearance, the Christ light has been moving all forms of life steadily forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life and that will forever continue. Its radiance will never cease to hold everything that exists in the whole of Creation in its loving embrace. Naturally, this includes humankind and its world. And when the right time for this development to take place, the Angels will intuitively teach every individual human being how to handle the Christ Star’s light the right way.

‘When you have learnt how to work hand in hand with the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, guided and protected by them every one of you will eventually be empowered to direct the Christ light’s energies to deeply penetrate everything that has become sick and weakened in the course of its earthly existence. Through this contact it will be so strengthened and healed that spontaneous healing miracle are quite on the cards. Therefore, do not hesitate to surrender your whole being to the warmth and love of Christ light and ask those in charge of you and your world in our realm to instruct you intuitively what kind of a contribution you can make to the blessing and healing of your whole world.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eighteen

To Everything There Is A Season

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - To Everything There Is A Season

To everything there is a season
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to cast away stones and
A time to gather stones together.

A time to embrace and
A time to refrain from embracing.
A time to lose and a time to seek.
A time to tie up and a time to untie.

A time to rend and a time to sew.
A time to keep silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace –

He has made everything beautiful, in its time.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

A time for lying and cheating,
Deceptions and corruption,
Slavery of all kinds and
Exploitation of the masses:
The Age of Pisces.
And a time for the rebirth of
Everybody’s own God or Christ nature,
Bringing forth, each from deep within their own being,
Humankind’s highest noblest qualities,
Restoring honesty and truth in our world.
Each their own saviour and redeemer,
Of each other and our world:
The Age of Aquarius

Farewell to the times of not knowing
God’s true nature and our own,
Of thinking that leaving our physical body
Means being snuffed out like a candle.
A time for finding out that each time we depart
From the earthly plane we
Are returning to the spirit realm,
Humankind’s true eternal home.
A time for the conscious awareness that
The essence of our being is spirit/soul,
That every one of us is as much part of God
As God is part of us and that like God,
We are eternal and immortal beings
Who will never die.

A time for forgiving and healing
Ourselves, each other, our world
And everything that shares it with us.
A time for attending to and blessing
The deep inner wounds of all lifetimes.
Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels
For the Age of Aquarius and
Humankind’s spiritual rebirth.

Ecclesiastes is one of the most ancient parts of the Old Testament. It has its roots in Judaism and from there they penetrate ever deeper into the much older spiritual traditions of the Middle East and Africa, and in particular the Ancient Egyptian religion.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Nineteen

Breakdowns – Signals Of Spiritual Transformation

The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Iconoclastic Energies Of UranusThe sign Aquarius and the eleventh house, its natural domain, are co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents’ nature. Before any one of us can safely be released into the freedom of the Aquarian age, our thinking and behaviour patterns have to prove that we have achieved self-discipline through mastering and overcoming the drives and urges of our lower earthly being. Because of the iconoclastic nature of the Uranian energies this is essential. They are most helpful when it comes to shedding the ballast of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions which the old and by now outdated belief systems have planted deep into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. But the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, this is bound to gradually become easier for all of us.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with the old belief systems. They are only outdated for as long as one misinterprets them as being literally true, when nothing could be further from the truth. You will be surprised to find how any one of the tales and legends that God and the Angels from time to time gave to our world can come alive. They quite happily reveal the higher esoteric meanings that, for wise educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind their surface words. Of particular interest to us and our world is the story of the life and times of the Master Jesus.

Now that the age of truth is with us, it is becoming ever more widely known that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked the Earth. He is a symbolism of the God and Christ nature that exists in every human being, even though for a long time merely in seedform. The Master Jesus always was and to this day remains a thoughtform that was created by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of teaching our world values like honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The infinite wisdom, patience and love of the Great Father/Mother has always taught us children of the Earth the value of things by first providing us with them, then temporarily withholding them and later returning them to us. The length of this process depends on how important the lessons are for us and our world.

The six thousand years of patriarchy with its testosterone-driven all-male religions, which fortunately by now have just about run their course, is probably the finest example of how something of this nature manifests itself on the earthly plane. The patriarchy has been a valuable teaching aid for the Highest Forces of life. We were shown what happens when the masculine aggression and lust for powerseeking and empire building is allowed to rule our world and express itself in ever more destructive warmongering. The feminine with its loving, caring and nurturing qualities is the masculine’s natural counterpart throughout the whole of Creation. And that’s how all of us, in the course of many lifetimes, each through their own experiences, were taught how our world reacts when the balancing and civilising influence of the feminine is withdrawn.

Aided and abetted by the old religions, the patriarchy created endless opportunities so that every one of God’s children of the Earth could find out first hand, sometimes at the giving end by handing the ugly and nasty traces of their earthly nature out, and in other lifetimes finding themselves at their receiving end, how the characteristics of humankind’s unevolved lower and lowest nature express themselves in earthly life. That’s been the Great Father/Mother’s way of teaching us lovingly and with endless patience the value of the best and noblest characteristics of our God or Christ nature. For a long time they are slumbering in every human being’s innermost self. How much of this part of their nature we ourselves thus far have developed depends on the point we have reached at any given moment on our individual evolutionary journey.

But let’s return to Aquarius for a moment. The astrological symbol of this sign is the Waterbearer and that is a man who holds a bowl in his arms from which water is flowing. This sign does not belong to – as many believe to this day – the Water element but to that of the Air. The Water signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s emotional world, while the Air signs are doing the same for the intellectual capabilities of our earthly minds. Aquarius represents the Great Universal mind, of which everyone’s earthly mind is an integral part. It’s good to know that we are in the process of leaving behind the emotionalism of the Piscean age – Water at its most fluid. At present our physical bodies consist predominantly of water, but with the passing of time this is going to change into air and light. As a result of this, the spoken and written word is going to gradually disappear from our world. It will be replaced by thought transmissions, the spirit realm’s method of communication. Every human spirit/soul belongs to and is an integral part of that world.

The monumental adjustments and changes these transformations demand from us and why they are necessary by no means merely apply to the selected few. They concern everybody and we are all involved. And because many have no idea of what is expected of us and our world, it is hardly surprising that breakdowns are very common, on the public scene as well as in individual lives. By the way, I believe that the reason for the present severe over-crowding of our world is due to the fact that all those who are sufficiently evolved and therefore agreed, before entering into their present lifetime, to take part in humankind’s rebirth are either already here or will be appearing shortly. However, this state of affairs will not go on forever. It will continue up to a certain point and then the birth rates will quite naturally go down to manageable levels again. The timing of when this will come about is known to the Highest Forces only.

Also, I believe that every crisis that anyone in our world has to endure is an outcry of our collective spirit/soul to those in charge of us in the spirit realm to come to our help. They know the way of all things and are equipped with the ability to guide and show us how we can free our race from the emotional baggage of past times through which we and our world became ever more materialistically orientated. Undoubtedly, this has too been for the wise higher reason of teaching us and our world another valuable lesson. But signs are emerging everywhere that this part of our race’s development is waiting to be left behind.

There is every reason for being glad and rejoicing because the saddest part of our evolutionary journey is over and the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom truly is definitely with us. It is bringing us the freedom to believe what the dwelling place of our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, our heart tells us is true and there is no longer any need to believe that the misinterpretations of our world’s sacred texts are true. In a nutshell that’s what the freedom of the Aquarian age means. Wise ones leave those who are as yet unready to comprehend such things to the beliefs that for the time being are dear to them. They rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are showing every earthly self the way when their time for waking up from their spiritual slumber has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•    ‘Walking On Water’
•    ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty

Moving On

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - Moving On

As every flower must fade and youth give way to old age,
So all wisdom and virtues may be valid only in their day.
Nothing but our Highest Self stays with us forever.
At life’s calling the small earthly self has to say farewell
And be ready for another new beginning.

Bravely and without sadness fresh learning can be tackled
With the knowledge that in the spiritual background
Of our earthly existence the power of the Unseen,
Even though it is invisible to earthly eyes,
Has always ruled supreme and forever will do so.
This means that wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still wish to take us,
We shall be guided and protected by
The wise ones in charge of us,
Who will encourage us and help us to live.

Knowing that the Earth is not our true home.
Allows our spirit and soul to roam freely and happily
Through space and time,
Without any shadow of a doubt that
The loving arms of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Are surrounding us and keeping us safe.
These parents do not wish to restrict any of
Its children of the Earth and tie them forever
To such a lowly existence,
When quite the opposite is true.

A high and holy destiny awaits each and every one of us.
Step by step the Universe has always been trying to lift us
Beyond the horizons of our understanding.
And whenever someone stays with one particular
Way of living for too long,
Their spirit and soul stagnate and begin to yearn for
Different kinds of learning.
This, however, can only be found
In new adventures and explorations.

The awareness that there really is no death,
That life is eternal and without beginning or end,
Makes it easier to respond to life’s demands,
When our time for moving on
Into different dimensions of life has come.
It turns the hour of our departure from the physical plane of life
Into an occasion of gladness and enjoyment about
Our rebirth into the world of light and
The approach of studies of a more elevated kind.

But even before it comes to this,
The realisation that in truth life’s call
For all human beings will never end
 Fills our whole being with good cheer.
It enables us to cheerfully say good-bye,
Whenever the need for it arises.
Having found healing and peace
In the conscious awareness of
Our oneness with God, the Angels and all life,
Willingly and peacefully we shall
Forever move forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘Stufen’ by Hermann Hesse
Freely translated by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-One

Do Not Judge

Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - Do Not Judge

Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of  their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.

Only being able to ever see one side of anything they observe and that beyond a shadow of doubt everything that happens in our world is part of the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and life lessons, frequently of many people, wise ones refuse to judge anything at face value. They know that the things that are ugly and evil are manifestations of their unevolved state, and that each one of them is on its way of slowly but surely – and that may take many human earthly lifetimes – being transformed into something that’s good, right and beautiful.

This is why these sages have no need for wasting the precious energies of the lifeforce within them on complaining, whinging and moaning, getting angry and upset about the present state of our world. They prefer to spend it on looking at and contemplating on the many things and people that have already reached much higher evolutionary levels. Aware that this assists their own spiritual development as well as that of our world, wherever they are they are doing their best to bring more of it into being.

As ever, there is more to this than meets the eye. Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light and the other of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and in our world their manifestations are good or evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength. If we are among the lamenters who can only see the dark side of our world, our thoughts as well as written and spoken words of complaint about its state are dragging us further into the dungeon of depression. It acts like a quagmire that pulls those affected ever deeper into the dark side of themselves and our world.

The resulting darkness, if left unattended and unresolved, is stored in the memories of our soul each time we leave our physical body behind at the end of another earthly lifetime. The lower self has no idea that its soul is calling out ever louder that it is in need of healing. Suppressing depressive symptoms with the products of the pharmaceutical industry merely delays what is truly required. With the help of these chemicals we are going to bring the darkness, that is entirely of our own making, with us into every new lifetime. When depression hits us then, we cannot understand for the life of us why this should be happening to us.

This is bound to continue until we bravely face our depression and seriously get to work on it. And that’s an extremely scary enterprise, but we do not have to do this on our own. Far from it! God and the Angels are part of us and with us at all times. Not only are they aware of our suffering, they are suffering with us. All we have to do is ask for their help. It will never be denied to anyone who requests it. So why not get on with it, now and see what happens?

And that’s why wise ones at all times look at the bright side of things. They concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and the good that is in every human being. They know that even if it may exist only in seedform in someone so far, it is there. The evolutionary law of life will see to it that it wakes up when the time is right for this to happen. Such kind and loving thoughts and words are feeding into the stream of light and adding to its strength. They also have the power of igniting the Divine spark in those around us and assist their awakening to come about more easily than it would otherwise have done.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged’
•    ‘Sitting In Judgement’
•    ‘Love Your Enemies’
•    ‘You Only See One Side Of The Picture’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Two

All Of Life Is Flowingness

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - All Of Life Is Flowingness

I trust God’s great plan of life
And the small one for me within it.
They are clear evidence how
All of life is flowingness
And that in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
There is no need to worry because
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me
And only what I am has power.

I give up my personal struggles and ambitions
And rest safely in the knowledge that
Everything that’s rightfully mine
Will always be drawn to me.
Therefore, I now let go
And put my hands into the loving hands
Of God and the Angels.
I trust the guidance I intuitively receive from them,
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.


* * *

To everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

That’s how God and the Angels,
In the course of life’s journey
Forwards and upwards on
The evolutionary spiral of life,
Are making everything beautiful,
In God’s time, not ours.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Three

From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

You Are Never Alone

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – You Are Never Alone

‘Know that you are never alone.
God and the Angels are constantly with you.
They are holding, comforting and loving you,
totally and unconditionally,
no matter what may ever befall you.’

Some people believe that you, My beloved children of the Earth, on that plane of life are completely left to your own devices and can do whatever you like. This is a false belief that could not be further from the truth. Nothing in your world or elsewhere is a coincidence or happens perchance. A wise higher reason lies behind everything. And wherever you may find yourselves at any given moment, the events of your life could only ever come about because they are part of My great plan for the evolution of all life. The Angels and Masters around My throne, the Christ Circle, are the executors of My plan. They are also responsible for the development of every aspect of you and your world. All life in the whole of Creation is subject to the close scrutiny of the Angels and Masters, and many other groups of guides and helpers in My world, the realm of light. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, let no-one run away with the idea that they do not exist. They are the eye that never sleeps.

For educational reasons spirit/souls of different evolutionary levels are at any given time taking part in earthly life. At any given time there are younger and less experienced spirit/souls in your midst who are undergoing the first grade of their earthly schooling. Because so far they are unaware of the true higher purpose and meaning of their existence, it is inevitable that they are interfering with the smooth functioning of your world. That’s how the Angels and I are providing the tests and trials for their older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind.

When some of them hunt one or the other of the animal species of your world to the brink of extinction, the Angels inspire those of your scientists, who are in the process of waking up to and are beginning to follow the motivations of their higher God or Christ nature, with ideas for avoiding this. As soon as one of them becomes seriously interested in the welfare of your planet and its animal population, we can use them as channels through whom our wisdom and truth can flow into the consciousness of your world. This is how it comes about that the development of processes like the cloning of endangered species is entrusted into the care of spirit/souls who have reached the second and middle phase of their earthly education.

For the people involved this creates opportunities for redeeming some of the negative Karma they incurred during the lifetimes of attending the lower grades. Love and evolution together are My first Universal law of life. The law of cause and effect, also known as that of Karma and reincarnation in your world, is the first law’s main subsidiary that fulfils the function of a homing device. This law ensures that everything returns to its source and that in the vastness of My Creation’s space and time nothing will ever be lost for good. That includes human spirits and souls. Regardless of how many earthly lifetimes it may take every single one of you eventually returns into the conscious awareness of your oneness with Me.

The law of Karma has nothing to do with revenge or punishment. Quite the opposite is true because it creates opportunities for new learning as well as redeeming and paying off the karmic debts you accumulated in the course of past earthly sojourns. Every aspect of My Creation is constantly in search of balancing and the law of Karma ensures that everything eventually does. The Angels are supervising the working out of all My laws and the effects they are having on everything on the earthly plane. They see to it that, independent of how long this may take, the scales of life and justice for each one of you and your world are finally brought into perfect equilibrium.

As many of you know by now, the whole of My Creation consists of dualities and polarities. In Me they are working together harmoniously and are perfectly balanced. Even though you are unaware of this for a long time, the same is also at work in each one of you. For as long as you lack the understanding of your true nature and the forces and energies that are affecting you and everything that happens to you during the early stages of your earthly education, the heavenly and earthly aspects of your nature are bound to struggle against each other. It takes many lifetimes before you have mastered the art of getting these two parts to co-operate and function together peacefully and harmoniously the way they are doing in Me.

And because wise ones are aware of these things, they would never dream of sitting in judgement over anyone. They simply send love and healing from their own hearts and aura, and refuse to criticise or question others. Advice they only give when it has been asked for, because they understand that every soul can only move forwards one small step at a time and through learning from their own trials and errors. This is the only way spiritual illumination in the form of wisdom, self-control and mastery can be achieved by any one of you. All of you are young Gods in the making who are presently serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane of life. Each one is an aspiring master soul in the process of learning how to become dispassionate and capable of meeting any kind of event with tranquillity.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Four

The New Golden Age Of Spiritual Freedom

Has Anybody Seen My Old Friend?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transittion - Looking At The Year 2020 - Has Anybody Seen My Old Friend?
Has anybody seen my old friend Abraham?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems that the good die young,
Because when I looked around, he’d gone.

Has anybody seen my old friend John?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems that the good die young,
Because when I looked around, he’d gone.

Has anybody seen my old friend Martin?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems that the good die young,
Because when I looked around, he’d gone.

Didn’t you love the things that they stood for?
How they tried to make our world a better place!
With my whole being I know that
They didn’t come for nothing.
None of their efforts were wasted because by now
The time is no longer far away when our earthly existence
Has freed itself of hatred, violence and warmongering,
Deception and exploitation of the masses by
A minority who is pulling the strings behind the
Scenes of our world, thinking that their greed is enough
To provide them with the power of ruling our world.
The Coronavirus outbreak is part of the process of
God and the Angels showing us that they,
With the help of the law of love and evolution,
Are the only ones who have ever truly
Ruled our world and that
This will forever continue.

Has anybody seen my old friend Bobby?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
Yes, I can tell you where all our friends have gone.
They have returned to the world of light,
Humankind’s true home,
Where they are safe and secure.
From there they have always been supporting
And showing us how each one of us can
Do their share of creating the new golden age
Of spiritual freedom and plenty for everything
That shares our planet with us.

Richard Holler
Edited by Aquarius

And have you by any chance seen my beloved best friend of sixty-eight years and husband of almost fifty-five of them, who departed from earthly life at the end of January 2020? To some of you know him as the Courtjester or Scriptorius. Only joking! I know that he’s alive and well in the spirit world and enjoying its greater freedom. That’s what Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy and many other well known people, who left this plane before and after them, have been doing all along. The spirit realm is humankind’s true home from which we all emerge at the beginning of each new earthly lifetime and to which we return when its end comes round. There is nowhere else for anyone to go.

And what about Heaven and hell? They never were places anyone goes to, but represent states of consciousness that we create for ourselves and those around us. We are good at bringing about hell on Earth for as long as we are unaware of our true nature and that, because of God’s Universal laws, everything we send into our world in thoughts, words and deeds unerringly finds its way back to us, either in this lifetime or a future one. Divine justice is so perfect that for a long time it’s hard to imagine for our earthly selves. Any bread cast on the waters of life returns to us and that not necessarily through the same people. This also applies to that which is harmful and evil. God’s justice never errs and as soon as we have grown strong enough to cope with what comes our way, our next lifetime finds us at the receiving end of the suffering we once inflicted upon those around us.

During the early stages of our earthly education our thinking and behaviour patterns are based on beliefs of which we like to think that they are based on the truth. But in the fullness of time, our Christ nature stirs from its slumbers. It dawns on us that the high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one in our own right is in store for every human being eventually. We then realise that there will never be anyone who waves some kind of a magic wand to save us and redeem every one of the sins we ever committed, because we ourselves are the only ones who can do this. We wake up to the fact that the story of the Master Jesus’ life is but a legend. Its metaphors and symbolisms represent the initiations every human being experiences in the course of their long evolutionary journey.

Jesus is the symbol of everyone’s own God or Christ nature. For a long time the Divine characteristics of our nature are asleep and hidden deep within our own being. No-one will ever sit in judgement over us and there will be no judgement day. Upon arrival in the spirit world, we rest and recover from the stresses and strains of our most recent earthly existence. Hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us, we then take a good and honest look at how we performed in the course of all our earthly lifetimes. Only when we feel that our earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with the redemption of some more of its karmic debts, does our spirit/soul decide where, when and with whom this should be attempted.

In consultation with various other Angelic groups, our wise ones find the right slot for us. Even though we are making the most of what’s left of our freedom in the spirit world, we are good and ready to withdraw from it for another spell. After all, it’s what we want because without it no progress is possible for any earthly self’s travels up its personal evolutionary spiral. For each one of us this journey consists of bringing forth, everybody from deep within their own being, and work on developing the characteristics of our true eternal God or Christ nature.

Our earthly personality is left behind each time we return to the state of being nothing but spirit/soul. Stored in our soul memories, this part of us waits to be picked up again at the beginning of our next earthly lifetime, should another one be needed to complete our compulsory earthly education. During our times in the spirit realm, we are well aware of what happens on the earthly plane and that enables us to provide those who are struggling to cope with its events with the necessary spiritual support. What we are not allowed to do is working on changing anyone’s earthly personality. But we are always there and can be called upon at any time of day or night. There is no such thing as darkness of any kind in the world of light.

The age of Aquarius is dedicated to group consciousness, friendship with all life and above all honesty and truth. These concepts are the gateways into a new golden age that is ahead for our whole world. Abraham, John, Martin and Bobby have been part of various groups of spirit guides. The members of all groups are constantly working very hard on behalf of humankind and it’s good to know that they and also my husband have joined one of them. Our spirit friends and helpers are doing their best to help all of us on this side of the veil that separates their world from ours, whenever we ask for it.

They are delighted to intuitively show us how to work our way through the final stages of humankind’s rebirth – or rather rediscovery – of its higher God or Christ nature. Through this Mother Earth is also transforming herself into a more pleasant and peaceful planet that will eventually radiate nothing but healing and goodwill into the whole of Creation. I have applied for a place in one of these groups, so I can continue to serve my apprenticeship as a young God in the making by supporting you, when my time of departure has come.

All groups are working hand in hand with the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle. They are executors of God’s great plan of life and in charge of the development of everything that exists in the whole of Creation on all its levels. They have always passed their instructions to the lower ranks of spirit guides and helpers. They in turn have only ever been allowed to present to our world that which is in keeping with the great plan of life and what we are therefore ready to digest and understand. Nothing in our world ever happened perchance, by accident or was a coincidence. The same is true for anyone’s departure from the earthly plane. Only when the purpose of our lifetime has been fulfilled, one of the Angels of death takes our hand and we are allowed to go home.

It makes no difference whether in our present lifetime we found fame and fortune or were completely unknown. Once our earthly personality has been shed, we are all the same. And everything that occurs in the course of any one of our lifetimes can only take place because it represents the harvest of the seeds we ourselves once sowed, either earlier during this lifetime or in a previous one that took place a long time ago. All is part of God’s great plan of life and the billions and trillions of small plans for every human being within it.

And whenever one of us leaves this plane, irrespective of how it comes about, the departed one most certainly is not dead but merely has moved into a different dimension of life. It’s just that one of the Angels of death has freed that person’s captive spirit/soul from the prison of existing as a material being in a world that, with the passing of time, became ever more materialistically orientated. Isn’t it a wonderful relief to find out that in truth every human being, including Abraham, John, Martin, Bobby, my husband, therefore also you and me, are eternal and immortal spirit/souls who can and will never die?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Has Anybody Here Seen My Brother Abraham?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Five

Good Morning Starshine

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Good Morning Starshine

Good morning Starshine,
The Earth says hello.
You twinkle above us,
We twinkle below.
Good morning Starshine,
You lead us along.
My love and me, as we sing
Our early morning singing song.

Good morning Christ Star,
O Light of all lights and
Sun of all suns.
All earthlings say: ‘Hello!’
You radiate Your light into our world
And we respond to it from below.

Good morning Christ Star,
Please lead all of us along.
We kneel before You and
Our early morning song
Sings our gratitude and
Praise for You.

Our whole world yearns for the
Spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age
Of believing what our heart and soul
Tell us is true.
May Your honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity rule
Us and our world,
For ever and ever.


From the musical ‘Hair’
About the Age Of Aquarius

Book and lyrics by
James Rado and Gerome Ragni
Music by Galt MacDermot
Adapted by Aquarius

This part was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me from the White Eagle Lodge during the Coronavirus pandemic: ‘Many people in your world are as yet unaware that every one of you, without exception, is a spark of the Christ Light and therefore a child of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The time has come for ever more of you to find out that all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in you. And that means that in the present situation none of you is as helpless as you may think you are.

‘The infinite wisdom and all encompassing, understanding and therefore forgiving love of the Highest Forces have granted every human being the precious gift of freedom of choice. And choose you must because not choosing reveals that you are supporting those who are once again trying to rule humankind with the power of fear. This is how a comparatively small minority in your world is at the moment trying to exploit the mass of people for selfish gains. That’s how the religions of your world once ruled humankind and therefore represents the way of the past. No person or organisation of your world will ever be allowed to act the part of the priesthood.

‘This is because by now the Aquarian age has been reached. It is the age in which all Divine qualities, especially those of honesty and truth, are slowly but surely taking over the role of humankind’s supreme rulers. It will not come about through an outside force, but through each and every one of you bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the characteristics of their very own God or Christ nature. And it’s up to every one of you choose to cower fearfully, like a rabbit in front of a snake that given half a chance will surely eat it, or whether you would rather turn to God and the Angels to request that they show you intuitively how you can contribute to humankind working its way out of its predicament.

‘The help of God and the Angels cannot come to anyone without asking. But they are happy to advise those who turn to them. For a long time they have working on humankind’s awakening to its true higher nature. The present situation is a wake-up call that is accompanied by an opportunity to prove that with their help and will all things really are possible, that crooked corners can be made straight and any condition healed.

‘They are waiting for your call because they need the help of every one of you as much as you need theirs. To set the wheels in motion, take care to go about it the right way. In your moments of quiet reflection and meditation request their guidance and protection before venturing into healing mode. Pay attention to what comes to you intuitively, trust the instructions you receive and follow them.

‘Know that the Christ Star’s light has the power of absorbing all darkness and fear that exists on all levels of your planet. In the Divine Trinity’s healing temple the Angels of healing and peace are constantly occupied with uplifting and transmuting such energies into blessing and healing ones that from there flow to anyone who is in need of it and works on restoring it to normal healthy functioning. Every year at the special time of the Wesak Festival the roots of every human being can reach particularly deep into the heartmind of the Divine Trinity. In return they are provided with a steadily increasing unshakable faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that every one of you has been given.

‘In your imagination now visualise the spiritual inner level of life where the whole of humankind is kneeling before the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. They are praying for Divine mercy and forgiveness. Let’s join them and add prayer to theirs:

‘O Great White Spirit and the Angels please grant every single one of us and the whole of humankind the gift of Your guidance and protection. Please show all of us intuitively how to go blessing and healing our world, so it can return to normal healthy functioning for all lifeforms that shares it with us. Become aware that every human earthly mind and imagination is a powerful instrument. As co-creators with God, each one of you has the power within to create good as well as evil, sickness and also good health.

‘Take good care how you use this your very own precious tool. And now imagine that the Christ light’s warmth and love deeply penetrates every cell and atom of your own being and flows from there into your whole world. Watch how everything it touches that is harmful for anyone’s wellbeing is uplifted and transmuted into something beneficial. In particular concentrate on the different types of Coronavirus. Observe the Christ Light strengthening the immune system of humans and animals affected by them and how the symptoms of their afflictions are clearing up and their whole being restored to its normal healthy functioning.’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Good Morning Starshine’

Six pointed Star

Good Morning, Starshine – Part Twenty-Six


Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Good Morning Starshine - Covid-19

‘Progressing on the evolutionary spiral is the birthright of humankind and everything that shares your world, as well as the planet itself. Anything that influences it in harmful ways is trying to interfere with this and hold all of it back in the past. Everything of this nature represents their crude and unevolved state and in truth is nothing but a relic from the past. This applies to all kinds of damaging bacteria and viruses and in particular the Coronavirus that’s been given the name of Covid-19.

‘Love and evolution together are the main Divine law that rules life in the whole of Creation, including that of the Earth. In keeping with this law, the damaging influences that remain anywhere are merely waiting to be changed into something beneficial, in this case not only humankind but everything that shares your planet with you. That’s why God and the Angels, through us, invite you to take part in the following: during your times of quiet reflection and meditation imagine that the Covid-19 looks like the image above. Observe how the full strength of the Christ Star’s light deeply penetrates into the virus and how through this its colour changes from red to a pleasant green like the trees and grasses of your world.

‘This invitation is the tool that God and the Angels are herewith laying into the hands of anyone who is reading this. Please do not forget to share it with as many as possible of those around you, so that they too can make their very own contribution to changing your world’s present situation. It’s up to each one of you whether it will continue for an indefinite time or reach its natural end. With your help it could come much sooner than anybody dares to think at the moment and that in quite a magical way.

‘God bless every one of you and keep you safe, forever and ever. To us, your spirit friends and helpers, it makes no difference whether anyone is as yet capable of following our invitation or not. We love all of you, totally and unconditionally, because we are aware that, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest one of you is going to wake up from their spiritual slumber and get to know God’s true nature and their own.’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Seven

Good Morning, Starshine – Part Three

The Miracle Unfolds

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Good Morning Starshine - Covid-19

On the 17th May 2020 my attention was drawn to the following: The Coronavirus could ‘burn out naturally’ so a vaccine is no longer needed, a former World Health Organisation director has claimed, as the Government announces it is dedicating more than £90m to an inoculation development centre. Professor Karol Sikora, an oncologist and chief medical officer at Rutherford Health, said it is likely that the British public has more immunity than was previously thought and Covid-19 could end up ‘petering out by itself’. ‘There is a real chance that the virus will burn out naturally before any vaccine is developed,’ he wrote on his social media profile yesterday. ‘We are seeing a roughly similar pattern everywhere. I suspect we have more immunity than estimated. We need to keep slowing the virus, but it could be petering out by itself.’

Professor Sikora’s comments come as Alok Sharma, the Business Secretary, today (Sunday) announced that the Government would be investing £93m in the construction of the UK’s first dedicated Vaccine Manufacturing and Innovation Centre (VMIC), to be opened in summer next year, 12 months ahead of schedule. A further £38m is being invested in creating a rapid deployment facility in the coming weeks, with the aim of ensuring any successful vaccine developed can be quickly distributed. The VMIC, located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, will have the capacity to produce enough vaccine doses to serve the entire UK population in as little as six months, the Government has said.

Sir Mark Walport, chief executive of UK Research and Innovation, described the VMIC as an ‘essential new weapon in the UK’s arsenal’ which will provide a boost in the race to develop a vaccine by scientists at the University of Oxford and Imperial College London. Mr Sharma said we need to be ready to ‘manufacture a vaccine by the millions’ when the breakthrough comes, and this funding will help make that happen.

The VMIC’s chief executive, Dr Matthew Duchars, added: ‘This investment will rapidly accelerate the construction of the facility, enabling us to bring it online a year sooner. In addition, the capacity will be significantly increased, so that enough vaccines could be made for everyone in the UK within a matter of months of opening.’

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has previously admitted that an effective Coronavirus vaccine may never be found. Speaking at the Downing Street briefing on Monday evening Mr Johnson said: ‘This is by no means guaranteed. I believe I’m right in saying that even after 18 years we still don’t have a vaccine for Sars. What I can tell you is that the UK is at the forefront of concerting international activity to try to deliver a vaccine.’

Recommended Reading:
1.    ‘Covid-19 Burning Out Naturally’
2.    ‘Coronavirus Disappearing Rapidly’
3.    ‘Scientific Experts Sidelined’

The first item reached me 17th May 2020 and the second and third on 25th May 2020. To me, this sequence is a sign that the healing miracle which many in our midst, hand in hand with God and the Angels, have been working on for a while, is definitely taking place and that throughout our whole of our world. Alleluia! Thanks and praise be to the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, for showing those who are already involved in this movement intuitively how to proceed. At least potentially this applies to every human being. We are by no means helpless and everybody can do their share of bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times.

The Angelic hierarchy as the executor of the Divine great plan of life is responsible for the development of our whole world and everything that’s taking part in it. Yet, to this day there are some in our world who believe that, by pulling the strings of the masses with the help of fear they will allow themselves to be manipulated and exploited by a comparatively small minority in pursuit of satisfying its greed for money and power. When belief systems with their all-male Godhead held sway over people’s souls and purse-strings, this was possible. But manner in which our present situation is changing is a clear demonstration that this will no longer be tolerated, because those days have gone for good. The Aquarian age is the developmental phase in which we are re-discovering the value of honesty and truth. The deeper we move into this age, the more it will become visible everywhere that God and the Angels always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of us and our world.

Through withholding something for a certain length of time, the infinite wisdom and love of the Great Mother have always been teaching us the value of things. The previous age was that of Pisces, the age of cheating and lying, false beliefs and deception, of the self and others. That’s why the Angelic hierarchy in those days not only tolerated this kind of behaviour but even encouraged it. The lessons of that age were designed to teach us the value of honesty and truth, so that we would cherish and defend them when they were once more revealing themselves in the Aquarian age.

The patriarchy was a time of religions that ruled our world through male dominance and all-male Divinities. During this period the Great Mother’s wisdom and love withdrew the kindness and caring of the feminine principle from our world. Even though this development lasted approx. six thousand years, it needs to be born in mind that this too was but a passing phase and no more than the batting of an eyelid in God’s time. We are all responsible for every thought, word and action and therefore also the state of our world at any given time. Every one of us did their share of creating the present situation.

The majority of those who are taking part in earthly life now, time and again have taken part in ruling the masses with fear so they could exploited to the heart’s content of their leading classes. During some of these lifetimes we were at the giving end of these experiences and in others at the receiving end. At that developmental stage we were as yet unaware that life throughout the whole of Creation, and therefore also our world, is ruled by God’s perfect justice. In due course it returns whatever one of us sends into our world to its sender. Unlike its earthly counterpart, Divine justice is by no means blind. It’s impossible to understand for as long as we are as yet unaware of the spiritual background of our existence and what role it plays in its functioning.

The time has come for facing up to what kind of a mess all of us together have created and brought with us from the spiritual ignorance of previous lifetimes. Knowing how it came about, there’s no point in complaining. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work on putting things right! Don’t you think it’s only fair and square that every one of us has to make their very own special effort to redeem themselves and through this restore our world’s balance another tiny bit? Now that we have moved deeply enough into the age of honesty and truth, because the main laws of life are love and evolution, God and the Angels are happy to show anyone who requests their assistance how to proceed.

However, God’s great plan for us and our world decrees that if we wish healing and pace to come to us and our world, first of all we have to sweep in front of our own door and conduct our life in ever more kind, loving and peaceful ways. That’s an essential part of the great miracle. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are ready to teach all of us intuitively if we go about things the right way. This means tuning our earthly minds into their frequencies and asking them to show us how to uplift and transmute all harmful influences of our world into beneficial ones. In particular this applies to the Covid-19 virus.

Never forget that nothing in the whole of Creation happens without the help and will of God and the Angels. Nothing is beyond their reach. The only reason why Covid-19 came into being was to awaken the whole of humankind from its spiritual slumber. Having served this purpose, ever more of us are open to the discovery that God and the Angels are the only authority in the whole of Creation, who at all times has our race’s best at heart. They love every one of us totally and unconditionally, without judgement and prejudice against anyone. The inner guidance they have always tried to provide intuitively for us through the small still voice of our conscience, is the only teacher anywhere who is utterly reliable and trustworthy.

From the spiritual background of our earthly existence, God and the Angels have always been the ultimate supreme rulers and that will forever continue. They are the only power who can bring the present situation to a happy ending and, in keeping with the main laws of life, its natural conclusion. ‘Know that I am as much part of you as you are of Me. And whatever name you like best for Me, the Highest Force and Greatest Power of life, whether you call Me God, Allah or the Universe, I will always respond when one of you asks for My help. Forever I shall guide and protect you and keep you safe from all harming influences, whoever you are and wherever you may presently dwell.’

For simplicity’s sake I like the words God and the Angels best. Never forget that at all times, they need our help as much as we need theirs. Together with them each one of us can lift the darkness of ignorance that to this day fills and surrounds so much of our world into the warmth and love of the Christ Star’s light of understanding. Their presence and co-operation provides all who are applying for this job with the power to uplift and transmute everything that to this day is dark, evil and ugly in our world into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Among many other things, the Aquarian age is a time for transmutation. And that’s how, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, the Covid-19 virus is now transformed into a beneficial influence. Its colour changes from red for danger to green for all is well. It strengthens and heals the immune systems of anyone who is affected by this intruder. Their symptoms are clearing up and, without any medical intervention, only seemingly as if by some kind of magic, the patient’s whole being restores itself to normal healthy functioning. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels, the true eternal rulers of us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Interview with Dr. Dolores Cahill’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Eight

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

When You Wish Upon A Star

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - When You Wish Upon A Star

When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are,
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is to extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

Fate is kind.
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfilment of their secret longing.

Like a bolt out of the blue,
Fate steps in and sees you through,
When you wished upon a star,
Your dreams come true.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is too extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

When you wish upon a star,
Your dream comes true.
Each time we wish upon the Highest Star,
The Universal Christ,
The Angels see to it that it really does.

Jesse McCartney
From Walt Disney’s ‘Pinocchio’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘When You Wish Upon A Star’

The Universe loves people who have the courage to commit themselves to a task. When we give of our best and send nothing but kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into our world, the spiritual background of our world responds joyously and helps us to remove the obstacles in our way. When we dream the impossible dream and reach for the only seemingly unreachable Highest Star, the Universal Christ’s spirit, Its energies then gives wings to our vision into us and has the power to lift us and our world way above their present evolutionary level.

When this happens, we are taking part in the alchemy of love and through the experiences of our own life we discover that the higher esoteric meaning of the alchemical process is the change of humankind’s leaden earthly part into the pure gold of its higher spiritual nature. Because they thought that with the help of alchemy the base metals of our world, for example lead, really could be turned into gold, it’s no longer surprising that the people of past ages did not succeed with their quest. Taking spiritual concepts literally will never get us earthlings anywhere. The very reason of our present existence is the search for true and everlasting riches. The pot of gold at the end of this particular rainbow is once more hidden in the wisdom and truth of our own and our world’s spiritual background.

Towards the end of humankind’s earthly education every one of us, high and low alike, at last becomes aware of their true nature and the presence of the Universal laws. This enables us to send nothing but good thoughts, words and deeds into our world and when we do our best to bring forth and practise the qualities of our Christ nature in every one of our daily encounters, the leaden desires of our earthly nature are left behind and the alchemy of love transforms them into the pure gold of our Christ nature.

When we ask for healing in our prayers, meditations and quiet reflections and tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star, our vibrations attune themselves to Its white healing magic. After a consultation with the Lords of Karma, the Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, send the Angels of healing and peace to do everything possible in view of the Karmic conditions that prevail in the area and the people we are focussing on. Whenever one of us unselfishly works for the blessing and healing of our whole world, the Angels never leave us. Never forget that when the inner and outer aspects of our planet are healing, the same happens to everybody and therefore also us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Twenty-Nine

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

The Impossible Dream

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

In the fullness of time, the unreachable star described in the above song can and is meant to be reached and that by each one of us. Each time we spread new understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, we act as lightbringers and sowers of seeds. Through this we gradually evolve into a light and a shining star in our own right, who is becoming ever more at one with the Christ Star. In this way increasing amounts of the darkness of our world are absorbed into the light of the Star and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life.

The materialism we experience during the early stages of our earthly development has its place in the grand scheme of evolution because it gets us in touch with the power of love and the first stirrings of our higher nature. As we ascend the evolutionary spiral of life, its lower counterpart is gradually left behind. Hidden behind the hunger and thirst for material possessions felt earlier on, are the first manifestations of something quite different. They were expressions of all human souls’ longing for love.

There comes a time for all of us when our earthly self begins to yearn to make contact with something it cannot yet understand. With the awakening of its higher nature and intuition, the higher part of our being can merely be sensed vaguely. Although we are as yet unable to give love, we feel the need for it in our life and yearn to be loved by someone. This draws people into our life who are willing to love us and to show us the meaning of love.

Every human being eventually reaches the evolutionary point when we begin to sense and feel the presence of the higher dimensions of life, even though so far we do not understand them, we may not even consciously be aware of their existence. The initially tiny flame of earthly love kindles a longing in our heart and soul for reaching out and loving something that is more than earthly love, that will and cannot die and will be with us forever.

During that phase of our development, each time we observe a natural phenomenon like nature’s awakening in spring, we sense that behind the manifestations of such beauty and splendour there just has to be a higher power that brings it all into being. Could it be the product of the mind of a great intellect that created even the tiniest part of it? We notice to our delight that each time we reflect on this, a feeling of peace and harmony seems to fill our whole being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Little Things’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty

From ‘Words And Prayers From Around Our World’

The Angel In Disguise

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - The Angel In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take Heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see.
And to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly, heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
A living splendour
That has been woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a toil, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with discovering these joys,
For they conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with profound esteem of your true nature
And a prayer that for you, now and forever,
The awareness of your immortal and eternal
Being wakes up and fills your
Earthly existence with the light of truth
And its shadows cease to exist.

Fifteenth Century Prayer
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty-One

Messengers From The Spirit Realm

Wednesday, 27th May 2020

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Messengers From The Spirit RealmBy reflecting what’s taking place in our world’s counterpart, its inner spiritual level, the Great Mother’s wisdom and love has always been trying to help all Her beloved children, who at any given time are dwelling on the material plane, to cope with their existence. The birds of our world are messengers from the spirit realm. They are an essential part of the Mother’s guidance and that is the only one in the whole of Creation that is utterly trustworthy. She is the wise one or living God within every one of us. Because She is part of everything that exists anywhere, She knows the way of all things and can be trusted to have the answer for any question we may ever care to ask.

The Mother guides animals and humans alike through their instinctive behaviour patterns that never err. This is how She has always provided for and steered every one of Her children of the Earth. Animal behaviour is instinctive. And having evolved through the animal kingdom, every human physical body to this day is part of it. Instinctive behaviour shows us how to survive in the world of matter.

I live within a stone’s throw of a nine hundred year old church that is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, one of our world’s many symbolisms for the Great Mother. My kitchen window looks out to this church. Under normal circumstances there is usually much bird activity around its main tower and I love watching it. Alas, since the beginning of the lockdown it seems to have come almost to a standstill. Oh joy this morning! Before starting to prepare breakfast, I had my usual look at the church. To my delight lots of swallows were flying round and round the tower, but there were no other birds! I have to admit that it took me a while before it dawned on me that, through the swallows and me the spirit realm wants to transmit a message of significance to our world.

When I had finished my breakfast, I proceeded to do the washing up. At first no birds could be seen anywhere. A moment or two later one single seagull appeared. It was circling higher and higher into the air and my inner guidance reacted with: ‘Reach upwards and never mind looking down! Trust God and the Angels to return your world to a new state of normal healthy functioning and that it will come about much sooner than anybody at the moment dares to hope.’ So, dear Friends, let’s keep on trusting that we and our world are resting safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, that they always have done and will do, forever. Thanks and praise by to all in the spirit realm and our world who are contributing to making the greatest healing miracle of all times happen.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
•    ‘The Message Of The Birds’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty-Two

From ‘Relationship Healing’

The Swallow As Animal Totem

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Swallow As Animal Totel

When swallows attract our attention, the world of spirit through them may wish to provide us with some specialised guidance we require at that particular time. These birds can teach us a great deal, for example the power of objectivity, community fellowship and communications in group environments. Discernment and proper actions to avoid threats with tenacity, style and class can be learnt from them. They encourage us to think quickly, react appropriately and use the power of thought to manifest our ideals. With the help of our nesting instincts our inner guidance may wish to teach us how to create something from nothing and show us how to use the gifts of our inborn ingenuity and determination to skilfully bring about that which we need to succeed.

Swallows are masters of the air and show us how to move with utmost grace, agility and style. Their appearance in our life asks us whether we are moving with the flow of our thoughts and ideals and whether we are working sufficiently in cooperation with others. They show us how love and communication when they are paired with trust can achieve most. When swallows capture our special attention in some way, the time may have come for renewing the environment around us and riding the favourable air currents and tailwinds to stay above anything that comes our way.

In times gone by the swallow could represent either as a sign of good or bad fortune. It was regarded as a noble creature that has a rich and colourful history behind it. Swallow was a symbol of love and faith, hope and honour and many other favourable attributes. For sailors it represented a symbol of loyalty and good fortune that connected them with the principles  of honour, friendship and family. The swallow is one of the rare creatures that places great value on these things and we do well to apply them as guidelines to our life.

What characterises swallows most is their instinct for partnership. Throughout their whole lifespan they have only one mate. If our attention is drawn to the swallow somehow, it happens to remind us to take a closer look at how we are dealing with our relationships. Our spirit guides are calling us to look at the things we have done with our partners lately. Have we complimented them on what they are doing and did we do things for them to make their life easier and more enjoyable? Not because they asked us but because that’s what we wanted to do. What is our general attitude towards them? Have we gone wrong somewhere and maybe are inflicting pain and suffering on them?

In the Celtic tradition the swallow is a symbol for a change in the gender roles. The male builds the nest and then through its singing has to woo a mate. This may be worth considering if for us the time has come to let go of the roles and stereotypes that society for such a long time placed upon humankind.

The swallow also stands for a loyal and faithful kind of love. They are good examples of enduring faithfulness and love to one’s spouse, because they are monogamous and only choose one mate for their whole lifetime . That’s the only one with whom they ever mate. Because they return to their homes each year, it is believed that a man with a tattoo of the swallow can be expected to always return to his family. Since swallows never fly very far from their nesting place, the sight of them brings good tidings of homecoming to sailors because land is near. These birds are also believed to carry the spirits of sailors who have died at sea, to their home in the spirit world.

In the days of yore the swallow was thought to be connected with the Gods and the souls of those who passed into our other world. In Greek and Roman mythology some of the Gods and Goddesses could transform themselves into swallows. Mothers of children who have died revered the swallow as the bird that carried the soul of their little ones into the world of light. That’s why killing one these birds was frowned upon.

Most of the tattoos containing the image of the swallow were created after the form of the blue European barn swallow with its long forked tail. They build their nests out of mud and that represents a symbol of the freedom of wide open skies and eternal happiness.

Swallow comes to our attention as a spirit guide when the time has come for:

•    Being more vocal about our feelings, especially those of love.
•    Analysing the things we have done and are presently doing to our loved ones.
•    Accepting changes that enrich the love in our relationships.

And it’s a good idea to call on swallow as a spirit guide when:

•    We need to express our feelings toward the one we love.
•    Examining what we are doing to our partners and have more time for them.
•    Restoring the love that once drew us together.
•    Transforming all relationships into more loving ones.
•    Learning to trust the basic goodness of all relationships in our life.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty-Three

Space Traveller Extraordinaire :  Mother Earth

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - Space Traveller Extraordinaire : Mother EarthEverything in the whole of Creation has been created from the Christ Star’s Light, therefore also the inner and outer part of every human being. It’s just that at the beginning of our earthly education our physical bodies contain a tiny spark of the Universal Christ, who is the Light of all light and the Sun of all suns. At that developmental stage the spark exists merely in seedform. However, in the course of many lifetimes in the earthly school of life,  this light increases and grows stronger with every bit of wisdom and understanding we gain, each through their own experiences. This is how every individual consciousness and that of our whole world constantly expands.

And that’s why every one of our planet’s present population of approx. 7.7 billion is quite literally a seed of the Highest Star, i.e. a starseed on the magnificent spaceship Mother Earth. At all times, we and our world together are moving through space at the breathtaking speed of almost 30 kilometres per second or 67,000 miles per hour. At the same time our planet rotates round its own axis once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds. As her circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometres, her surface at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per second or roughly 1,000 miles per hour. God and the Angels purposely placed our planet in a remote corner of the Universe. It was done so we could not do too much harm to the surrounding planets, especially those of our own solar system, as soon as our technical know-how had progressed sufficiently to attempt such enterprises.

The great plan of life shows quite clearly that God and the Angels at all times have always been holding our world’s reins safely in their loving hands. This is in spite of allowing each one of us the freedom to decide how we wish to react to anything that comes before us. The Highest Forces of life would never allow us to interfere with the functioning of other planets. That never changed, even though on the surface of things it sometimes looks possible. Something would always happen, frequently at the last moment, to deter us from trying to exploit and damage other planets and their worlds, the way we – for wise higher educational purposes – for a long time were allowed to deal with ours.

The unusual situation of our world provides plenty of opportunities, individually and collectively, for making good where we once sinned. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, every human being carries within the potential of bringing forth, from deep within themselves, the characteristics of their God or Christ nature. In this process even the slowest ones eventually evolve into saviours and redeemers not only of themselves and the human race, but our whole world. All who are presently taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons are destined to play an essential role in bringing about the greatest healing miracle our world has ever witnessed. Naturally, this also applies to those who are resting and recovering from the trials and tribulations of their earthly existence in the world of light. From there many of them are doing their best to support our efforts.

Quite literally, everybody is equally welcome on board the good spaceship Mother Earth. We are all the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth and there is no distinction between anyone. Every one is a special and unique being, a many faceted jewel and there is no other one like it in the whole of Creation. All of us were created to fulfil a specific function during this crucial period of the final stage of our planet’s evolutionary journey. We have reached the stage during which God and the Angels, together with us, are going to transmute the Earth from the state of a purely material being into an ever more ethereal one. Find out more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

In truth, every human being is a young God in the making. And the ultimate aim of our earthly education is to evolve, each one in their own right, into a healer and bringer of light. In this context light means wisdom and a better understanding of God’s true nature and our own, the higher purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and its spiritual background. All of us, without exception, are walking this road of many lifetimes in search of consciousness expanding experiences that help us to gain them. And there comes a time in everybody’s development when it dawns on us that Jesus never was a historical personality who once walked in our midst, but represents every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature.

Jesus was one of the many symbolisms that God and the Angels chose to bring us, down the ages, ever closer to the understanding that in truth every one of us is a young God in the making. The different aspects of this God/man’s life story describe in legendary allegorical form the initiations that every human being experiences during its earthly education.

The whole of humankind is the crew of spaceship Mother Earth. As a spark of the Greatest Light in the whole of Creation, every one of us truly is a starseed in its own right. For the time being, we are serving our apprenticeship on the material plane of life. On this spaceship there are no religions because love is it’s the supreme ruler. That is their religion and it knows but one nation: the whole of humankind. Warmongering, violence and crime have no place here. Like dishonesty, lying and cheating, corruption and exploitation of the masses they have been left behind. As everybody just takes what they need and leave the rest for the others, there is no hunger. Illnesses and diseases are things of the past because the transmitter/receiver station of all earthly minds have been tuned into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life. They have learnt to trust the intuitively received instructions of how to work with the Christ Star’s white healing magic, each from their very own wise one or living God within, and so follow them without hesitation.

These good things and many more besides are in store for us and our world. So rejoice, dear Friends, and let’s enjoy travelling on our Starship. Isn’t it exciting to be allowed to take part in it? Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for providing us with an adventure of such magnitude. And in return for the goodness and kindness Mother Earth has always shown humankind for millions of years, in spite of our frequently diabolical behaviour, hasn’t she richly deserved that every one of us asks God and the Angels to teach us intuitively how we can contribute to the greatest healing miracles of all times that is taking place right here and now, under everybody’s eyes?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Thirty-Four


Rays Of  Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Invictus

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler
 * * *

‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

* * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

How good it is to know that:
Even though I am responsible for every one of
My thoughts, words and actions,
The Highest forces of life have always been
Steering my boat. All I ever had to do was row.
You, O Great Father/Mother of all life
Are the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of my earthly existence.
At the end of each lifetime, one of Your Angels takes
Me into the world of spirit and that’s my true home.
It’s harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than those of any other place I have ever been.
Each time my anchor is dropped there,
I can see plenty of evidence that
All is well with me and my world,
And that forever it will be so.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary journey,
It’s good to know that:
Every human being is a great deal more than
A mere earthly personality.
The essence of everybody is spirit/soul.
A long time ago, it’s existence started as
A tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light.
In the course of many lifetimes,
The strength of everybody’s own light
Constantly increases.

Every human being is as much part of God
As God is part of every one of us.
We are eternal beings who can and will never die.
The spirit realm is our true home,
From which all of us emerge at the beginning
Of each new lifetime and return to,
As soon as it has run its course.
Nobody is ever snuffed out like a candle.
One of the Angels of Death takes our spirit/soul
By the hand and moves us into
Another dimension of life, that’s all.

A high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us.
And because spirit guides and helpers are constantly
Accompanying us, we shall never get lost in
The vastness of the Universe’s space and time.
That’s why we shall always be safe wherever
The lessons of the earthly school of life
May still need to take us.
Everything that ever happened there served
The wise higher purpose of teaching humankind,
Individually and collectively, something.

So let’s be grateful for everything that has been
And be glad that, for as long as we send nothing but
Good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions
Into our world, nothing but the same will return to us,
In due course, when our karmic debts have been paid.
O Great Father/Mother of all life and Your
Only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
We stand in awe and wonder before the
Greatness and beauty of Your Creation.
Forever we shall be singing the praises
Of Your wisdom and love that have
Brought us and our world to this point,
Each on their own evolutionary spiral
And all together that of our world.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated February 2021

For every human being there exists a small developmental plan within the Divine great plan for our world and the whole of Creation. Each new lifetime presents us with another birthchart. When placed in the right hands it can reveal what each newly born has brought with them from previous lifetimes as well as indicating in rough outlines the lessons awaiting them. For wise higher reasons, however, the birthchart on its own does not give a great deal away about what’s in store for the newcomer. Ah, but wait a moment! The Moon represents our earthly personality and where we have come from, where we have spent our most recent lifetime. The Sun shows our spirit/soul’s predestined pathway of where we are going, ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, our own and all of humankind’s.

To my mind, the progressions of the Sun and in particular the Moon are much more revealing than anything else. The Sun moves forward at the steady pace of one degree per year. The Moon is known as the runner because it progresses at the rate of one degree per month. When you can see for yourself how both these energies have always been affecting your own life and that of those around you, the way I have been doing for a long time, the Universe is providing you with living proof that we can but row our life’s boat. The behaviour of every one of us is comparable to a dog on a lead, which the Angels of Karma are holding it in their hands. It’s our karmic debts that determine what kind of relationships and lessons we have to encounter.

The Sun/Moon progressions show quite clearly how the Christ Spirit, the Light of all lights and the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us, is constantly pulling all earthly life, including you and me, forwards and upwards on humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary spiral and also our world. Even though we can but row the boat of our life, we are not manoeuvred like marionettes or pulled like puppets on a string. Because the Highest Forces of life have given us the precious gift of freedom of choice, at all times we are allowed to make our own decisions of how we wish to react to whatever comes our way. However, we are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actins. The Universal law of cause and effect, widely known as the law of Karma, decrees that they have to return to us in the fullness of time. This can come about later in the same lifetime or in a far distant future one, when our earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with what it once created.

Unbeknown to us earthlings for a long time, our choices have always decided what kind of Karma we are creating for ourselves, the whole of humankind and also our world. There are two streams of consciousness, a constructive positive one of light and a destructive negative one of darkness. Everything we think, speak and do has constantly been feeding into one of these streams and strengthened it. The decision which stream we wish to support from now on is ours alone. Everything depends on the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached when we find out about these things. They empower us to steer the boat of our life and destiny in the desired direction. And that shows that knowledge truly is power!

In the spiritual background of our earthly existence wise ones have always been in charge of the individual and collective development of us and our world. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, assisted by countless groups of spirit guides and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit realm always have been and forever will be the eye that never sleeps. Our decisions show them the degree of spiritual maturity we have reached at any given moment.

As a spark of the Great Light every human being in truth is a young God in the making. Attending the lessons of the earthly school of life is only compulsory for the initial part of our development. It has run its course when the following conditions have been fulfilled: a) all earthly lessons have been learnt; b) every aspect of our nature, i.e. the masculine and feminine, darkness and light, lower and higher personality, have been integrated; and c) when the last bit of the Karma we created in this lifetime and all previous ones has been redeemed. And that can only come about when we bravely and patiently work our way through any kind of suffering that has to be endured and accept the responsibility for creating it, in the course of one or several previous lifetimes.

Naturally, this also applies to what’s presently happening in our world. The most helpful item for dealing with whatever comes our way was placed in every human spirit/soul’s cradle, so to speak, by the infinite love, wisdom and foresight of the Great Father/Mother. That’s why every one of us, without exception, has been provided with their very own inner guidance and built-in lie-detector. Therefore, each time information about the plandemic reaches you, even if all those around you believe that it’s true, if your lie-detector seems to be the only one that responds to what you hear or read with: ‘This is not true!’, there is every reason why you should trust what it’s saying to you.

Do your best to go with the flow, rest safely in the knowledge that you are responding to the voice of the wise one or living God within you, who knows the way of all things and the right answers to any question you may ever wish to ask. They will come to you intuitively from within the innermost core of your own being. This is the only teacher or guru in the whole of Creation who is truly reliable and trustworthy, who will never lead any of us astray. This is how all my writings have come into being in the course of about thirty years. The price I have paid for them has been, and to this day is, every other day having to endure severe headaches. I did not know for a long time that this was a necessary part of peeling layer upon layer of fears and anxieties from my own soul memories as well as those of the whole of humankind.

Latest Update September 2021 

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•     ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . .  (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - There's None So Blind 

My inner guidance advises me to start sharing this new part of my writings on the day of the New Moon in Cancer on Saturday, 21st June 2020. Every New Moon marks the point of new beginnings. New project launched at that time are not guaranteed to succeed, but they have a great chance of doing so than at any other time of the month. Cancer is the sign dedicated to the nurturing and caring second principle of the creative force, the Great Mother. And what’s before you now is coming to you with Her love. She wants us to know that we and our world are held in the loving hands of the Great Father/Mother, for they are one and inseparable.

On the 12th June 2020 the following appeared in the Yahoo News: ‘A new study suggests that as many as eighty percent of people whose tests for the Coronavirus are positive have no symptoms. Matthew Hancock, the British politician who has been serving as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care since 2018, has admitted that this is going to make controlling the disease very difficult.

‘The Health Secretary cited the Office for National Statistics survey at Thursday's Downing Street press briefing as he hailed the Government's NHS Test and Trace system as being crucial to breaking the chain of transmission, particularly in the light of diagnostic challenges. His comments came as Boris Johnson continues to assess  whether to relax the two-metre social distancing guidance after announcing the latest changes to his exit strategy for England’s lockdown.’

What a strange comment! I cannot help wondering what the figure of eighty percent is telling Matthew Hancock. If someone said it means that this amount of people in the United Kingdom by now are immune to the virus, would he believe it? Well, maybe the Minister would, but whether he’d have the courage to say so is another matter entirely. After all, there’s none so blind and none so deaf to the messages that come to our world from its spiritual background as those who are as yet unaware that it exists. In fact, it is teeming with many different manifestations of life that are invisible to their perception of our world. That’s the meaning of the Bible’s St. John 1:5:  ‘And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.’

Eighty percent to me is a sign that the healing miracle, which steadily increasing numbers of us are working on and hoping for, really is taking place. I believe that it clearly shows that Covid-19, with the help and will of God and the Angels and in co-operation with ever more earthly helpers, is being transmuted into a beneficial organism that strengthens the immune system of anyone who is affected by the virus. Their symptoms are clearing up and their whole being is restored to a better healthy functioning than before.

Viewed from the higher perspective of our world’s individual and collective evolutionary spiral, eighty percent of people having become immune to the virus most certainly is great news for those who are working, hand in hand with us, on this the most ambitious project this planet has ever experienced. Thanks and praise be for it!

How extremely disappointing for the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media that there never will be any need for compulsory mass vaccinations that would pump huge profits into the shareholders’ accounts of the companies involved. Bad news also for the mass media and all other professional scaremongers. Just imagine, Radio, TV and newspapers will have nothing to talk and write about apart from their usual rape and murder casts.

Because humankind has been granted the gift of freedom of choice, God and the Angels do not interfere unnecessarily with anyone’s life and that of our world. The age of Pisces has been the age of deception and treachery, dishonesty and cheating, lying and corruption. The best news of all is that this part of humankind’s education has definitely been left behind because for quite a while the age of truth has been with us. That’s why the Highest Forces of life no longer wish humankind to suffer unnecessarily at the hands of those who to this day adore manipulating the masses for selfish material gains through the spreading of fear. Whenever things are in danger of getting out of hand in any kind of situation, they most certainly step in and come to the rescue of whatever is in need of it.

The highly advanced communication methods, for which God and the Angels have been providing our world with ever fresh ideas, in our time are making it much easier to create outbreaks of mass hysteria of previously unknown proportions. The formula for those behind the scenes whose business methods are sufficiently unscrupulous and dishonest is very simple! All they need to is find ways of constantly stirring up humankind’s deep seated fears of illness and death to the point of panic. Isn’t it good to know that this kind of behaviour belongs to the past? Nobody, especially the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media, will be allowed to follow in the footsteps of our world’ religions. They accumulated their wealth, which to this day is immense, through dominating and exploiting the masses by using their inborn fear of death. This was supported by the threat that if people did not supply the churches’ coffers generously, they would forever be frying in the fires of hell.

This kind of thing was inspired by God and the Angels for wise higher educational reasons. Having served their purpose, they are no longer required. Many of us by now are aware that leaving our physical body behind is in truth no particularly big deal. The only thing that happens is that the essence of our being, our spirit/soul, moves from one dimension of consciousness into another. It means going home to the place from which every human being emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to when it ends. Independent of by which method this comes about, it happens whenever the purpose of any given lifetime has been fulfilled. We also have found out by now know that Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to. They are merely descriptions of the two states of consciousness all of us are capable of creating for ourselves and those around us.

Fortunately, the times for acquiring enormous wealth through spreading false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are definitely over. It was only possible because people still could not yet understand the spiritual aspects of their earthly existence. Although  kind of thing was an essential part of the Piscean age’s lessons of lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption, God and the Angels did not intend that this kind of behaviour should continue indefinitely. Their way of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth was through withholding them. During the age of Aquarius their value would be re-discovered. As a result, we now treasure the truth and do all we can to protect it by sharing what comes our way with as many as possible. To assist us with doing this is the reason why the Highest have been providing our world with ever more brilliant ideas for developing the highly advanced communication system that is now with us. 

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (2)

The Miracle Revealed

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Miracle RevealedPlease accept my sincere apologies for mistakenly thinking yesterday that it was the 21st June 2020 and the day of the New Moon in Cancer. I did not discover until later that it was Saturday, 20th June 2020. As nothing in our world happens perchance, is a coincidence or an accident, my error must have fulfilled a wise higher purpose. The only thing that comes to mind is that God and the Angels wish to bring this important message to your attention on the actual day of the New Moon. The yellow rose represents the Great Mother’s wisdom and love that for a long time has been coming your way through my writings.

And now, if you are sitting comfortably, I’ll begin: It was around 19.00 hours of 20th June 2020 that I decided to take a second look at the Yahoo News. I usually only do this once per day. So it must have been my inner guidance who prompted me to visit the site again. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I discovered what definitely had not been there earlier. It was the following statement: ‘Coronavirus has downgraded from a ‘tiger to a wild cat’ and could die out on its own without a vaccine, an infectious diseases specialist has claimed. Prof Matteo Bassetti, head of the infectious diseases clinic at the Policlinico San Martino hospital in Italy, told The Telegraph that Covid-19 has been losing its virulence in the last month and that patients who would have previously died are now recovering.

The expert in critical care said the plummeting number of cases could mean a vaccine is no longer needed, as the virus might never return. His comments come after the Health Secretary announced on Thursday that a deal had been struck between pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University to begin the manufacture of a potential vaccine. ‘The clinical impression I have is that the virus is changing in severity,’ said Prof Bassetti. ‘In March and early April the patterns were completely different. People were coming to emergency departments with a very difficult to manage illness and they needed oxygen and ventilation, some developed pneumonia.

‘However, during the past four weeks the picture has completely changed in terms of patterns. There could be a lower viral load in the respiratory tract, probably due to a genetic mutation in the virus which has not yet been demonstrated scientifically. Also we are now more aware of the disease and able to manage it.’

You and I have a better idea of how this change has come about! If anyone told our world’s experts that what they are seeing is the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on our planet and that it is being performed by no lesser authority than God and the Angelic hierarchy. From our world’s spiritual background they have been toiling for quite a while, together with those of us whose earthly mind is tuned into their frequencies. That’s how we evolved into receiver/transmitter stations for channelling their ideas and energies into us and everything that shares this planet with us.

Thanks and praise be to the Divine Trinity and their Angels for providing us with the first signs of a scientific nature that the miracle is really happening. Hallelujah! And thank you for showing us intuitively how each one of us can make their own individual contribution. Let’s keep on keeping on, dear Friends.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (3)

Correcting Our World’s Imbalances

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Correcting Our World's ImbalancesIn keeping with God’s great plan of life, approx. six thousand years of patriarchy have been left behind and with it the age of Pisces, the age during which deception of the self and others, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption were our world’s supreme rulers. The polar opposites of those characteristics are those of the Aquarian Age. This is going to be time during which we and our world will conduct our lives according to the concepts of group consciousness, friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not merely on our planet but the whole of Creation. They are the most essential aspects of this new age’s Zeitgeist.

The patriarchy was a time during which the energies of all-male religions ever more dominated the feminine principles. Fortunately, that was but one phase of humankind’s earthly education, even though in some parts of our world people are still struggling to overcome the imbalances that were created by this unnatural state. To shed some light into this dark corner of our existence, let’s take a closer look at the Bible’s St. John 1:5 ‘And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.’ As we know by now, spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness.

The religion itself that developed around the Jesus legend was the darkness that as yet failed to recognise that the God-man in truth represents a symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. As soon as any one of us has reached a certain developmental point, this aspect of their nature begins to move into the foreground of that their consciousness. After a while, it begins to dawn on them that the only one they themselves. No outer influences are involved. It is a natural process when our earthly self has spiritually matured sufficiently for our higher nature to wake from its slumbering state and we start to feel like treating everything that comes our way with goodness, kindness and friendliness.

When we find out that the main law of life is love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love, we realise that with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things really are possible, that crooked places can be made straight and all conditions healed. From the beginning of material manifestations of life, all of them have individually and collectively been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And the latest news about Covid-19, see the previous chapter, clearly show how the Highest Forces of life at all times are occupied with restoring our world’s balance.

Covid-19 probably has been, and at the moment still is, one of the most disturbing imbalances our world ever had to deal with. But not to worry! The Aquarian age, among many other things, is the age of transmutation. That’s the best news of all. My inner guidance, the most reliable teacher and guru in the whole of Creation tells me that God and the Angels for quite a while have been working very hard on transmuting Covid-19. They are assisted by the awakened ones in our world whose minds are tuned into their frequencies. And that’s by no means all! These efforts are strengthened by the work of countless groups of guides and helpers in the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.

From being a harmful parasite that has the power of sucking its host dry and creating illnesses in humans and animals alike, all together they have been toiling for some time to change Covid-19 into a beneficial organism that supports, strengthens and heals the immune systems of those affected when it was still a virus. In the course of this process its colour changes from red to green. Bearing in mind the main laws of life, what could be more natural than the transmutation of the crude and unevolved harmful version of this virus into something beneficial that’s worth acquiring. What if it’s still contagious? Well, in that case getting in touch with those who have already developed the advanced is most certainly desirable and so is contact with them and that as close as possible. After all, laughter and fun are contagious, why shouldn’t the new Covid-19 possess this power?

If its carriers are capable of transferring it to those around them, and maybe that’s what’s been happening for quite a while by now, Covid-19’s presence will reveal itself through the immune systems of ever more people being strengthened and healed. Their symptoms will be clearing up, speedily and efficiently, without external medical intervention. As a reward for what they had to endure, they are likely to feel fitter and healthier than they have been for a long time. And it will not take long until the coverage of people whose health is steadily improving has reached one hundred percent. Covid-19 cannot cause any kind of suffering because it no longer exists. Deaths will again only take place when the purpose of someone’s lifetime has been fulfilled. That, by the way, has always been the case and therefore is also true for Coronavirus deaths. Thanks and praise be to the Highest for nothing to contain.

Many of us are aware by now that everything on the earthly plane happens for the wise higher purpose of teaching us and our world a specific lesson. And none of the Covid-19 victims died in vain. Now that they are once more nothing but spirit/soul, they have no difficulties recognising the driving forces and their intentions behind the pandemic, and that with great clarity. Secrets do not exist in our world’s spiritual background. On the inner level everything is clearly visible to anyone and even what we earthlings like to think of as our innermost thoughts, are seen as if we were shouting them from the rooftops.

It’s just a thin veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds from each other. Those who passed into the world of spirit during the pandemic, just the same as at any other time, are now enjoying the greater freedom of that realm. They are very much alive and well. A long time before they reincarnated into our world, guided and assisted by the wise ones in charge of humankind, they agreed that this particular lifetime should end the way it did. During our earthly education’s early stages we tend to reincarnate through the same groups of people. But the more highly evolved we become, the more we venture into exploring the cultural background of other countries. That has been an essential ingredient that made the worldwide spread of the virus and the resulting pandemic possible.

The only difference between those dwelling in the spirit realm and our world is that on their side of the veil we are once more fully aware of our true nature as spirit/souls, who like God are eternal and immortal. We then realise that in principle every human being is a young God in the making, who is serving their apprenticeship by helping Mother Earth with her evolutionary journey, either on one side of the veil or the other.

Those who died because of Covid-19 in its early dangerous state, as soon as they have rested sufficiently, are invited by the wise ones in charge of them to continue their evolutionary journey by joining one of the many groups of the spirit world’s guides and helpers. Apart from being able to support their loved ones on the earthly plane in the usual manner, at this critical time in our planet’s development, if they so wish all newcomers can actively take part in bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times that was ever experienced on Mother Earth. And that will soon bring our world’s present unhappy situation to its natural happy conclusion.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (4)

An Aquarian Transmutation

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - An Aquarian TransmutationWhat exactly is a virus? Let’s take a closer look. Every one is a microorganism that is smaller than a bacterium and cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. A virus invades living cells and uses their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate itself. It may reproduce with fidelity or with errors called mutations. This is responsible for the ability of some viruses to change slightly in each infected person and that makes treatment difficult. Viruses cause many common human infections and are also responsible for a number of rare diseases. Examples of viral illnesses range from the common cold, which can be caused by one of the rhinoviruses, to AIDS, which is caused by HIV.

In principle, the development from a harmful virus that’s nothing but a nuisance wherever it turns up, into a beneficial and helpful organism, is a miniature version of every human being’s evolutionary pathway on the earthly plane. The early phase of our development does not last forever and neither does anything else that’s as harmful and dangerous to our world as human beings can be. It’s just that our evolutionary progress is spread over many lifetimes, while for a virus like Covid-19 it can happen in a comparatively short time. The influence of this process cannot usually be seen by us like on this occasion.

Without exception, the evolutionary journey of every one of us once started with us behaving like a public nuisance, who likes nothing better than mischievously hurting and harming others. And yet, in the course of many lifetimes, we slowly but surely evolve into useful and responsible society members. If we are ill, our only desire is to find healing. When this has been achieved, we increasingly feel like sharing our learning with anyone who suffers the way we did, in the hope that they will also be able to do such things for themselves.

Everything that happens in our world in some way serves a wise higher purpose and this also applies to illnesses. And nothing, in our world or any other in the whole of Creation, happens on its own, without the help and will of God and the Angels. For example, it wasn’t you and I alone who brought us into being and helped us to develop into who we have become by now. Our education consisted of being moved round the zodiac, one lifetime after another through every one of its signs and houses many times over.

All along the Highest Forces of life were looking after us and kept on providing for every one of our true needs, whatever they may have been and one of these days will be. At this particular time of our development, creating Covid-19 was the most urgent true need for the whole of humankind. Arousing sufficient numbers of us from their spiritual slumber has been its purpose. But that was never intended to be the end of anything. Humankind’s spiritual rebirth consists of a new understanding of who and what God truly is and what we are, because in truth every one of us is a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s great light. Therefore we are nothing less than young Gods in the making, who are serving the first stage of their apprenticeship on the Earth.

Our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, has generously bestowed many gifts and talents upon each one of us. As soon as we have reached the right degree of spiritual maturity, they are meant to be used unselfishly. Instead of accumulating mountains of material wealth that have to be left behind at the end of every lifetime, we then prefer to sing the praise and glory of the Highest and the goodness of the life that has been given to us. Everybody is eventually equipped with the power of bringing their own small piece of Heaven down to the Earth. When, towards the end of our earthly education, we have accepted the responsibility for every one of our thoughts, words and actions as well as the wellbeing of humankind and everything that shares our world with us, we have evolved not only into a healer and lightbringer but also a guardian and caretaker of our planet.

Because we appreciate that those involved in the driving forces behind the pandemic are young and inexperienced spirit/souls whose earthly selves have no idea of what they are doing to themselves, we send them kind and loving thoughts of compassion and forgiveness. That does not mean condoning their behaviour. The most important part of such thoughts is that they feed into the light stream of our world’s consciousness, so that its strength increases. This enables it to gradually absorb ever more of the darkness which these youngsters are spreading. They cannot help themselves because their whole being so far is filled with it. Nonetheless, as members of the great family of humankind they are our younger sister/brothers. They are very much in need of our love and our compassion because of what the Universal laws, in the fullness of time, are bound to return to them.

As their vibrations will not be right for appearing again on Mother Earth after her transformation, they are likely to reincarnate on another newer planet whose vibrations are right for them. They will be assisting their new home planet’s evolutionary progress. When they have done this for as long as we have been playing this role for the Earth, in one of their far distant lifetimes a pandemic could be hitting them that is very similar to ours. Its cause will also be the karmic debts that the majority of that planet’s human inhabitants at that time, brought with them from long ago. Their suffering will be the redemption they need for the balancing of their spiritual bankbook. Because we are responsible for the state of the world we are living in at any given time, nobody can come and wave some kind of magic wand to save and redeem them, or us and our world.

Our pandemic is the redemption of the karmic debts that the majority of those who are presently here accrued in previous lifetimes. It was our inner darkness and ignorance that created these debts because we then did not hesitate to take part in ruling the masses and exploiting them with the help of fear. It was a case of the blind leading the blind. Our unscrupulous and irresponsible methods took advantage of people’s ignorance and gullibility. Through dishonesty and corruption we too in previous lifetimes satisfied our greed for other people’s wealth that provided us with material possessions and power. In those days the end justified the means and as any kind of propaganda method available was good enough for us, we did not shy away from spreading false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions.

Things have come full circle and even though on the surface of things it may seem as if nothing had changed, we are here to take part in lessons of a different kind. For the likes of you and me, the times when we used such methods and made people suffer most certainly belong to the past. Love and evolution being the main Universal laws show that every manifestation of life in the whole of Creation is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. That’s why from their earliest crude and unevolved state everything, including every human being as well as viruses, endeavour to develop into something more beautiful, wholesome and perfect. For humankind perfection is another word for wholeness or holiness that comes about through integrating every aspect of our being, for example our higher and lower nature, masculine and feminine energies, darkness and light and so forth.

When we and Mother Earth had travelled far enough on our evolutionary journey, God and the Angels were ready to respond to our prayers for the healing of our world. If sufficient numbers of us were ready to co-operate with them they would make this dream of ours into a reality. And that’s what has been and still is happening. However, allowing the virus’s creation and distribution on a large scale was a necessary first step. It served the purpose of shaking humankind from its lethargy of existing as purely material beings into the awareness of our true nature, the higher purpose it serves and that Mother Earth is but a place of learning, a school. The ultimate goal of every human being’s education in that place it to help them evolve, in the course of many lifetimes, into healers and bringers of light, in the form of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, as well as the planet’s guardians and caretakers.
The second phase consists of intuitively showing ever more of us how we can contribute to the transmutation of Covid-19 from a harmful virus into a beneficial and strengthening influence. As ever more of us were tuning the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly minds into their frequencies, God and the Angels saw no point in denying us to actively take part in bringing about the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. That’s what is happening right here and now. And if that isn’t living proof that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are truly possible and that all conditions can be healed, please tell me what is.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me through an e-mail from the White Eagle Lodge 14th June 2020: ‘God’s laws are just and perfect and true. And whatever happens to you on the earthly plane, although it may seem undesirable from its point of view, a compensating power is always at work, whenever suffering cannot be avoided because of karmic debts, to bring something helpful, comforting and beautiful to those taking part in it.’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (5)

For They Know Not What They Are Doing

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - For They Know Not What They Are Doing

The young and inexperienced spirit/souls and troublemakers of our world at present are still lost on the material plane with their greed for money that promises to buy them masses of earthly possession, high standing and what from their spiritual view looks like ‘power’. Each time they come mind, be of good cheer and send them a kind and loving thought. You can afford to do so because you know that in one of their future lifetimes they too will have evolved into old and experienced spirit/souls like you and I at present. When their turn for redeeming their karmic debts has come, the way we are doing now, won’t they be surprised to find themselves at the receiving end of the suffering they are currently inflicting upon us and our world? As likely as not, they too will then have no idea of what is hitting them, the same as many in our midst.

Our world’s present spiritual youngsters will then have to redeem their karmic debts at the hands of another generation of young and inexperienced spirit/souls who will then inhabit the world in which our youngsters will have reincarnated. This will bring yet another vast evolutionary circle to its natural end and close. This brings the following that’s been with me since my childhood days to my mind: ‘Gottes Mühlen mahlen langsam, mahlen aber trefflich fein!’ or ‘God’s mills grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine’. The earliest known use of this expression is by the third century Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus, who wrote: ‘The mills of the Gods grind slowly, but they grind small.’

I knew that this means that although justice may come slowly, it will surely come eventually. But only when I found out about the presence of Universal law of cause and effect, or Karma, and how it affects all forms of life everywhere, therefore also us and the Earth, I understood at last why God’s justice works this way and how it comes about. Once again knowledge provides me with power. It empowers me to conduct my life so that in due course, as soon as the last one of my karmic debts has been paid, nothing but good and desirable things will return to me because of what I have been sending into our world for a long time.

What a lot of difference knowledge and understanding makes! From struggling in the darkness of falsely believing that what has presently befallen our world is because of some dark and unknowable force ‘out there’ somewhere, known as God, who constantly hovers over every one of us and our world to bring the suffering and destruction that still are rampant in many of its parts. The knowledge we possess by now has the power of taking us into the light of understanding that this is by no means the case. In truth every one of us is personally responsible for creating the present misery in the course of many lifetimes, long ago when we were as young and inexperienced spirit/souls as those of the troublemakers of our time.

If you tell someone that this is the case and they respond with: ‘How could I have done that? It cannot be true!’, tell them to listen to what you have to say. It could only come about because the likes of you and me, during the earliest past of our earthly education, enjoyed causing suffering and distress to those around us. We did this because we did not yet know that humankind’s earthly existence has always been controlled and run by God and the Angels. The Angelic hierarchy is in charge of us and our world’s development on all its levels. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, nonetheless they rule our world and conduct each one of us from the spiritual background of our existence. And that will forever continue.

But to get to the heart of the matter, it’s necessary to reach out a bit further. Every human being once started its existence as a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s Great Light. This means we are children of the Highest and therefore co-creators with God. Because of this, with every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of bringing something into being, creating it. Everything is in God and is part of God, the highest as well as the lowest, therefore also in us. That’s why everybody’s evolutionary journey has to start with getting to know the darkest and most evil aspects of our nature. Alas, it takes many lifetimes before we become aware of what we have been doing to ourselves during that educational phase.

But there is no need to despair in humankind! Every one of us eventually reaches the point when our higher God or Christ nature begins to stir from its slumber. The spiritual wisdom and knowledge that then keeps on coming our way, together with the necessary understanding, are the gifts with which God and the Angels at a certain point of our development place the rudder for steering the boat of our life and destiny in a direction that’s to our liking. Being allowed at least a certain amount of control is our hard earned reward.

With the passing of time ever more of us were reaching a sufficient degree of spiritual maturity to handle any spiritual knowledge entrusted into their case responsibly and unselfishly, without seeking material benefits and personal glory. That’s why God and the Angels for some time have been sharing steadily increasing amounts of their wisdom about how their presence has always affected all manifestations of life on the earthly plane and forever will continue to do so. It is an instrument of peace and they are willing to place it into the care of all those who are ready to receive it and know how to use it for transforming Mother Earth into a more pleasant and peaceful place. For this task they need our help as much as we need theirs. The only thing they require from us is that, during our meditations, prayers and quiet times of reflection, we tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into their frequencies, ask for their help and wait until it comes to us intuitively.

In my view, knowledge and understanding are the two most precious gifts the school of earthly life is waiting to bestow upon on every one of its students. Understanding why first and foremost we need to forgive ourselves for any kind of suffering that ever came our way, enables us to take charge of our life and destiny. I agree with Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, who said: ‘Any fool can know. The point is to understand.’ The only way I could ever take things on board was through understanding them. It they make sense to me and my inner guidance, through the worlds of my feelings responds with: ‘This is true, you know!’

Let’s return for a moment to the working of God’s mills. Why is it that, even though this saying has been with us for such a long time, our world has to endure its present predicament? If we had grasped earlier how the Universal law of Karma have always affected all life, wouldn’t it look very different by now? No need to shed tears over this, as it clearly wasn’t meant to be. The age of truth has at last brought us the key, in the form of understanding, for unlocking the door to humankind’s self-inflicted suffering. With its help it’s up to each one of us to bring this sad chapter to its natural end.

This key opens our inner doors about the secret of why things are the way they are and why our world at present has to endure such a difficult position. How about changing our planet into a more peaceful and beautiful place for everything that shares it with us? By first looking towards ourselves and sweeping in front of our own door. We cannot change other people, only ourselves and our attitude towards them. We are not young Gods in the making for nothing. The time has come for proving our worth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•    ‘Transmutation Of Karma’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘Relationship Healing’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (5)

The Feminine – Soul Of Your World

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Soul Of Our World

The following was inspired by a White Eagle group of spirit guides teaching that a long time ago came my way through the White Eagle Lodge’s ‘The Lightbringer – Developing the Feeling Nature’. It’s update was finished on the 2nd July 2020, the day of the weeks that is ruled by the Great Mother, when the Sun was moving through Cancer, the zodiac’s caring and nurturing sign that is also ruled by Her.

‘An essential part of your development, when the end of your earthly education draws near, is re-establishing your inner connection with God. You will find that with your intellect alone this is impossible. You also need to experience yourself as a spirit/soul who, through the world of its feelings, is taking part in another earthly lifetime to find out more about itself and its environment. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is bringing humankind the recognition that the Godhead of the whole of Creation consists of a Divine Trinity that has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. They always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of the whole of Creation and therefore also of the earthly plane.

‘For a better understanding of this, we need to reach out a bit further. The first creative impulse is the masculine God or Great Father of all life. The second one is his counterpart, the feminine Goddess or Great Mother. In close co-operation the two express and manifest themselves with the help of the third impulse, masculine/feminine the Universal Christ. Everything in the whole of Creation, on all its levels, was brought into being by the partnership of the first and second impulse, working together and responding to each other peacefully and harmoniously, through the third impulse. In every boy or man of your world the masculine aspect of his nature is conscious and its feminine counterpart unconscius. Each one of the main women in his life, like his mother, partner or wife is an outer manifestation of his inner woman. For girls and women it works the other way round. Because every one of you is already whole, you do not really need others to make you that way.

‘Being part of God, every human being’s spirit/soul is immortal and just like God can and will never die. But for a long as this part of your nature unloved and is not nurtured and cared for, merely you do not know about its existence, its development stands still. Spiritual muscles are like physical ones. If they are not used regularly, they lose their usefulness. Use it or lose it! Unless your spirit/soul’s requirements are regularly attended to, this part of you goes to sleep and remains that way until you do something about it. The small still voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, is always trying to communicate with every one of you through the world of your feelings.

‘The voice belongs to the Great Mother. She knows the way of all things and has the answers to any question you may ever care to ask because She is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation. She is the storehouse for the soul memories of all worlds and every individual soul within them. Not only are they stored in the Mother, they are also constantly feeding into Her. That’s how any knowledge that was ever gained anywhere during the long evolutionary journey of the whole of Creation found its way to Her. She is so wise and loves you so much that initially on your own journey She has always been showing you the way. Alas, if at some point of your development your feeling world went to sleep, you would have been unable to hear Her and follow Her advice because she was no longer available to you.

‘This is what came to pass in your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its all-male religions that encourage the masculine to dominate the feminine. Fortunately, this stage of humankind’s development by now lies well behind you. But to this day your world is struggling with re-balancing the unnatural state that was created by the patriarchal religions. We are glad to tell you that the withdrawal of the feminine influence from the Godhead was not meant to last forever. It was a temporary state that in any case only existed on the outer physical plane of life. Nothing of this kind will ever happen on the inner level, because the Great Father/Mother are one and inseparable. The wise higher purpose of withdrawing the feminine was to demonstrate to your world what happens to it when without the feminine’s softening, beautifying and civilising influence.

‘Up to the middle ages there were still many on the earthly plane who did not believe in the strange and unnatural all-male Godhead. As non-believers and heretics, they were mercilessly persecuted and wiped out. For a long time the patriarchal religions ruled your world with an iron rod and teachings that had been carefully designed to spread fear. Exploiting the masses and making them part with their earthly resources for the purpose of increasing the churches’ wealth was made easy that way. The beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were part of their teachings were declared to be literally true and that created a barrier of fear on the inner level of their followers.

‘Being exposed to this kind of treatment for several lifetimes eventually made it impossible for them to access the Great Mother’s wisdom through the world of their feelings, so that they could no longer receive Her guidance. This is how a barrier of fear consisting of many layers of soul memories that were piled upon people’s initial natural inner connection with and their knowledge with their Creator. Now that humankind has been kept away from discovering the truth about its Divine parents for long enough, for every one of you the time has come for attending to their inner blockage and removing it. This is a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion. To enable you to reconnect with God, layer upon layer of fear needs to be shed, so that a new understanding of who and what God truly can come to you.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (6)

Nurturing And Caring

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Very Best Of White Eagle - Nurturing And Caring‘God is the Great Father of all life, the first masculine aspect of Creation. His astrological elements are Fire, creative ideas, and Air, the intellect with its ability of thinking and transmitting them to His feminine counterpart, the second aspect of the Goddess or Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decide how they should be used. Her astrological elements are water, humankind’s emotional nature and world of feelings, and Earth, matter that’s created by slowing down the Universal Christ’s light. All matter in the whole of Creation is brought about in close co-operation of the first and second aspect using the third one. As sparks of the Christ light, the triple aspects of your Divine parents and also its powers and characteristics are in every one of you.

‘Getting to know God requires your intellect as much as the world of your feelings. With the intellect alone and without experiencing the responses of that world it’s impossible. But through nothing more than taking part in earthly life, as soon as you are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, that task is easy.  Because you are as much part of God as God is part of you, you yourself are God, or rather a young God in the making. Each time you look into the mirror, who greets you there? God! If you wish to constantly be guided and protected by your inner guidance, the living God or wise one within, you have to be familiar and in touch with your feeling world.

‘Your first requirement on this journey is being aware of your spiritual nature and that in truth every human being is a spirit/soul, who from time to time spends another lifetime as a material being on the earthly plane. The awareness that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all light, eventually provides your earthly self with the knowledge that connects it, through the bridge of its spirit/soul, with the higher and eventually the highest levels of life. Your understanding of these things provides your lower self with the power of connecting its earthly plane with the higher and eventually highest levels of life. This is the esoteric meaning behind the sacred marriage or union between Heaven and Earth.

‘The aspects of the feminine in every human being, male and female alike, are part of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing nature. It makes no difference whether a woman is a mother in her present lifetime or not. Every feminine creature, human and animal alike, has the natural ability to love and mother, nurture and care for, not only her own young but everything that shares her life without forgetting about her own needs. In the course of many lifetimes, human females learn that her caring nature needs to express itself not only with tender loving and caring but also wisdom. Both are equally important.

‘As the soul of the whole of Creation, the Divine Mother is peace loving and constantly tries to bring about more beauty and harmony, peace and perfection. At least potentially, so is your own soul and that of your world. The soul is intuitive and has the ability of not only knowing the past but also the future. She truly knows the way of all things and can supply the answer to the questions any one of you will ever care to ask. Now that you have taken part in the lesson of the Great Mother’s absence in your world long enough, Her only desire is to protect you and your world against destroying each other and your world. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of Her many symbols.

‘Every human being eventually starts bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the Great Mother’s characteristics. And all of you need to teach the masculine and feminine of your own nature to co-operate and work together harmoniously and peacefully, the way they are doing in your Creator. When this has been achieved, warmongering and violence, trouble and strife, lying and cheating, corruption and exploitation of the masses will no longer exist on the Earth.

‘The redemption of the karmic debts that mounted up in the course of lifetimes spent at the giving end of that kind of behaviour is the spiritual background for the suffering at the hands of those who, behind the scenes, are pulling the strings and are responsible for bringing about the 2019/2020 pandemic. Send them a loving thought and forgive them, if you can. For they do not know what they are doing themselves, the same as you did when you caused your world’s present regrettable state because you did not yet know about the existence of Universal laws that in due course return everything to its sender. That’s what they are sure to bring to them in the fullness of time and not as some kind punishment. It’s merely the Universe’s way of ensuring that every human being eventually gets first hand knowledge about the nature of suffering. This is achieved through alternating from someone first being on its giving end and later on the receiving one.

‘However, Great Mother does not wish your present world situation to continue forever. That would contravene the main laws of love and evolution to which the whole of Creation is subject, therefore also your world, because it would make evolutionary progress impossible for humankind. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are in charge of the development of all worlds on every one of its levels, therefore also humankind. They in turn are in charge of us and through them the Mother’s wisdom decides how much spiritual knowledge should be given to your world, at any given time and in what form it should be presented. Spiritual knowledge is a constantly expanding organism that should never be considered as being chiselled in stone or set in concrete and therefore unchangeable. Because of the new learning that is constantly being gained by someone in the whole of Creation and fed into the Mother’s store, this organism has never stopped growing and that will forever continue.

Acting on the Angels and Master’s instructions, we ask all who are reading this message and are capable of recognising its urgency, to turn to them and request their assistance for bringing about the pandemic’s natural end and at the same time ensure that no further ones will ever be possible. They wish to show as many of you as possible intuitively what kind of contribution each one of you can make towards the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on Mother Earth. She is but one of the many manifestations of the Great Mother and so are the people who are reading this. The only difference between the genders is that men experience Her presence through their inner being and women are acting it out in the world around you. God bless you all and keep you and your world safe, now and forever.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’
•    ‘The Great Plan of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is Truth?’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (7)

Turn To Me

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Turn To Me

Turn to Me, beloved Children of the Earth.
I am Your Creator, the Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
S/He is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights.
The Angels and Masters around My throne,
The Christ Circle, and I are waiting for your call.
The Aquarian age has been with your world
For quite a while and now the time has come when
Ever more of you need to be instructed by us,
Intuitively through everyone’s own inner guidance,
How to go about saving and redeeming
Yourself and your world.

Nobody can do this for you and no-one will come
To wave some kind of magic wand,
To bring it about.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth.
This brings your world the knowledge that
The Master Jesus is not a historical figure,
Who once walked in your midst.
He is a symbolism that represents
Every human being’s own
Higher God or Christ nature.

I, the Divine Trinity, am your God.
There never was or will be any other.
Help could never come to you and your world
For as long as you kept asking for it the wrong way.
But at last the time has come for waking up
To the fact that the Angels and Masters
Around My throne are the executors of
My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
They are also responsible for that of your world
As well as the individual ones for every one of you.
They are in charge of the evolutionary progress
Of every level of all worlds,
Including yours.

At the beginning of the creative process
A law went forth from Me.
In your world it is known as the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law decrees that everything has to return to its source.
When the light of understanding how this law
Has always affected every one of you and your world,
And that this will forever continue, has reached
The darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence,
There will be peace on the Earth.

The comprehension of this law provides you
With a power tool of the highest calibre.
It places the power into everybody’s own hands
For recognising the spiritual background
And cause of the 2020 pandemic.
You may then wish join the ranks and files
Of your world’s miracle workers.
Hand in hand with the Angels and Me,
They are occupied with blessing and healing
Humankind and your world.
And that’s how the Covid-19 outbreak at present is
Slowly but surely reaching its natural happy conclusion.
Every miracle worker, at the same time, is creating
Credit entries on their spiritual ledger
For the balancing of its debit entries.

Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
As co-creators with Me,
It has always been in everybody’s own hands
To create either one or the other,
Wherever you may find yourself.
And your world’s present state creates endless
Opportunities for bringing your own small piece
Of Heaven down to the Earth.
All you have to do is turn to Me and the Angels.
They are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively
How you can take part in your world’s recovery
From the living hell of psychological warfare
Between good and evil, which is the background
And true cause of the 2020 pandemic.

Every miracle worker’s positive and constructive
Thoughts, words and actions are feeding into
Your world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its power to absorb ever more
Of the darkness that fills and surrounds
Your world’s troublemakers behind the scenes.
As creators of its present hellish state
They are feeding into the dark stream.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated Beginning July 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (8)

What Kind Of Freedom Does Anyone Have?

Rays O Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - What Kind Of Freedom Does Anyone Have?

The only true freedom any human being has has ever been allowed is the choice of how we react to any kind of situation. This is because, whilst attending our lessons in the earthly school of life, we are also constantly occupied with responding to the positive and negative karmic entries that up to any given moment have accrued in our spiritual ledger. On the inner level, our world’s spiritual background, wise ones are in charge of us. At all times they are observing and guiding us and, whenever the need for it arises, they protect us against destroying our spirit/soul. Our reactions show these wise ones which degree of spiritual maturity we have reached at any given moment of our earthly existence. That reveals what further lessons any one of us requires, so that at least some kind of evolutionary progress becomes possible for us.

As on the inner spiritual plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything, everything has to be for real and nobody ever gets away with anything. Although faking is possible in earthly life, it’s pointless attempting it there because the intentions behind every one of our thoughts, words and actions are clearly seen by everyone. But it takes a long time before we earthlings discover that the whole of Creation is subject to Universal laws, therefore also we and our world. The main law for our earthly education is the law of cause and effect or Karma, which ensures that in due course everything unerringly finds its way back to its source, so that nothing can ever get truly lost in the Universe’s vastness of space and time. Naturally, this also applies to everything we send into our world. It can do nothing but return to us  and that in a somewhat strengthened form.

This knowledge enables us at last to consciously start creating karmic credits through reacting in positive and constructive ways to any situation that is not to our liking. Sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the troublemakers who are spiritually are responsible for the 2019/2020 pandemic, to my mind is one of the finest starting points, because they feed into and strengthen our world’s light stream of consciousness. Our thoughts direct the stream to the troublemakers and there is no need for knowing anyone’s name. God and the Angels know every one of us, what we are thinking, saying and doing at any given moment and our intentions never were any secret on the inner level.

The light stream consists of the Christ light. The more we support and feed into this stream, the better its light can penetrate the darkness that not only fills the whole being of our world’s troublemakers but also surrounds them. This light eventually becomes so powerful that it ignites the troublemakers’ Divine spark and converts it into a tiny flame. Through this their Christ or God nature stirs from its slumber. When ever more kind, loving and forgiving thoughts are fed into the stream and directed to the troublemakers, their flames slowly but surely begin to bring forth the characteristics of their Christ nature. That’s how on the inner level all Christ natures respond to each other.

The following is the higher esoteric meaning of the Bible’s St. John 12:32: ‘When I am lifted from the Earth, I will draw all people onto Me.’ The following is the message that for a long time has been hiding behind these words. ‘When the age of truth is with you, ever more of you will get to know that Jesus never was a historical figure, who once walked the Earth with you. The story of his life was inspired by God and the Angels. They decided that at first it should be presented to your world as being literally true. In due course, ever more of you would find out that all along it has been My light and not that of the legendary Jesus that’s always been drawing every one of you into My loving embrace.

‘This comes about through constantly drawing all of you round and round the zodiac and spending lifetime after lifetime in every one of its signs and houses. First their negative qualities have to be explored and practised. They have to be shed and overcome when your time for acquiring the positive characteristics has come. In the course of these evolutionary journeys of discovery, as the earthly self grows in wisdom and understanding and the Divine spark’s light literally grows stronger, the amount of light in both senses of this word of your whole world has always been expanding. Every one of you is helping Mother Earth’s evolution and she does the same by providing for all your material needs. This is how My light has constantly been moving all of you, individually and collectively, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Every round starts with Aries and ends with Pisces. Each new one moved you onto a somewhat higher educational level than the previous one.

‘Your world’s troublemakers at any given time are occupied with their earthly education’s initial lessons that consist of exploring and practising the lower and lowest drives and urges of humankind’s earthly nature. Through studying them a whole lifetime and maybe several of them, they become part of a person’s character make-up. To satisfy their urges, greed and avarice, lying and cheating, dishonesty and spreading untruths, corruption and bribery are high on the agenda during those early lessons. For older and more experienced spirit/souls such behaviour creates opportunities for exercising their Christ nature, for example through sending loving and forgiving thoughts to their younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind.

‘Thoughts of this nature feed into the light stream of the Christ Spirit. Therefore they have a good chance of assisting the awakening of the youngster’s Divine spark from its slumbering state. The conscience of their Christ nature then begins to stir and its characteristics comes to the fore of their earthly self, especially the love of honesty and truth. And because every one of you, without exception, once started your earthly education the same as they are doing now, every one of you has the best as well as the worst within. That’s why no-one has the right to judge or condemn those who at the moment are acting the part you once played in at least one of your previous lifetimes and probably several. If that were not the case, there would be no need for you to take part in your world’s present difficult state.

‘Hopefully, the knowledge of these things will make sending kind and loving thoughts to those who are responsible for this misery easier. Whenever they return to you and remind you of the troublemakers, send more thoughts of this nature to them and keep on doing it time and again. On the etheric level your thoughts are joining others from people whose intentions are like yours. The more often this is done, the more powerfully the light streams flows to the troublemakers, penetrating their darkness and helping their spark to wake up. There is no point in asking Jesus for his assistance because the central figure of any legend never possessed any light of its own. The Master Jesus has always been but a symbolism that represents every human being’s own God or Christ nature. The more the knowledge of this spreads so that ever more of you endeavour to bring forth their Christ characteristics, each from deep within their own being, the sooner true and lasting peace will come to your world.

‘The only way it can happen is through the realisation that none of your world’s belief systems was ever intended to be the only holy-making one. Every religion of the past and what’s left of them to this day, has merely been another road to show you the way up the spiritual mountain. At its top, every human being discovers its true nature as a spark of the Universal Christ’s light, a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and a young God in the making. Even the last and slowest one of you will eventually reach the point when they understand this and accept it, not because it is written somewhere. It is because the Angels are letting them know intuitively through your inner guidance, the world of their feelings, that this is the truth. They too will then be ready for the religion of the Aquarian age:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘This religion is a true one because it connects all of you with each other. Gone for good will soon be the days of sowing the seeds of hatred into the hearts of a religion’s followers against anyone who dares to doubt the truth of its teachings, when calling them nonbelievers and heretics gave people the permission to mercilessly persecute them and wipe them out. This is the karmic debt many of you and your world are redeeming through the suffering brought about by the 2019/2023 pandemic.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Much Freedom Do We Really Have?
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’ 
•    ‘Free Will’
•    ‘If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (9)

Peace Coming About Naturally

Rays O Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 – Peace Coming About Naturally‘It is written in the Great Father/Mother’s plan of life that in the course of the Aquarian age peace will gradually come to your world in a natural way that is part of your individual and collective evolutionary journey. Among many other things, Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life. It is also the sign of group consciousness through which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams are going to find fulfilment. This will take your world forward into a new golden age of spiritual freedom, peace and plenty.

‘The knowledge that on the inner level by now is flowing with ever increasing strength directly from the Highest Forces of life into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness, will gradually enable you to shed ever more of your fears and anxieties. It will happen in a natural way because you understand who and what God truly is and who you are. Finding out about the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence and the predestined pathway that takes every one of you home into the conscious awareness of these things, much hope, faith and trust will slowly but surely be filling your whole being. And when you not only know but also understand that the essence of your being is spirit/soul and that, as being part of God, like God they are eternal and can never die, even your fear of death and the unknown will go from you and that forever.

‘With the passing of time, you will notice that reaching out for each other, shaking hands and hugging other members of the great family of humankind, irrespective of the colour of anyone’s skin and what beliefs are dear to them, fulfils an inner need of every human being. That’s why during the Aquarian age these things will be enjoying ever greater popularity. In the course of this age relationships will gradually change to meeting people and recognising them as whole beings, each in its own right. It’s no longer a case of ‘I love you because you make me whole’ but ‘I love you because you ARE.’ If the other one is already a good, kind and loving person, that’s great. But if they have not yet evolved sufficiently to behave this way, there is no reason why you should not love them just the same, even though in a somewhat different way. You will discover that it’s possible to love people without liking them or the way they behave. You can still love them.
‘And that’s how all of you can and indeed are meant help each other and your world on your individual and collective evolutionary journey. The light stream of consciousness is the Christ light and the dark stream as its counterpart is not bad or evil in any way. The components of the latter that to you appear as evil and/or destructive are merely the crude and unevolved state of something. With the passing of time, it too will gradually evolve into its higher form as. This process can be speeded up considerably  by directing the Christ stream’s light its way. The more you support and feed into it, the greater its power of absorbing that which still is dark and evil about it becomes.’ End of ‘If I Be Raised . . .’

Taking part in earthly life is compulsory for every human being because each can only learn and grow through their own experiences. Yet, nobody forces us to apply for another lifetime And that is why,  during our periods of resting and recuperating in the spirit world from the trials and tribulations of our most recent earthly sojourn, which everybody is bound to encounter there, time and again we apply for another lifetime on that plane. It’s not difficult then to agree with what the wise ones in charge of us suggest, because we know that God and the Angels will be guiding and protecting us and safely taking us home to their realm, as soon as the purpose of that particular lifetime has been fulfilled.

And when our earthly education’s final stage has been reached and we then leave our physical body behind, all earthly values, appearances and pretentions once more fall from us. Again we then stand before God or rather our God Self, naked so to speak. The difference on this occasion is that we no longer need to be ashamed of our most recent earthly performance. We shall still be just one of  the billions of eternal and immortal spirit/souls, who always have been and forever will searching for consciousness expanding adventures. But because our vibrations have changed sufficiently for exploring the next higher  level of the spirit realm, on this occasion we do not need to apply for another opportunity of taking part in earthly life.

The more our God or Christ nature takes over our earthly personality, the more our values are concerned with the welfare of humankind and the whole of our world. Purely material values that serve satisfying people’s greed for money and the material possessions it can buy, as well as gaining personal recognition and what they with their limited perception of life perceive as power, fall by the wayside each time they leave their physical body behind. Apart from creating debit entries in their spiritual ledger, they are useless. Yet, as the whole of life consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles, nothing is ever wasted. Everything is constantly recycled and used in different ways. Our karmic debts are no exception.

The value of these debts remains hidden until we reach one of our future lifetimes and that could be hundreds or maybe thousands of them away. But eventually, our debts are going to serve God and the Angels as teaching aids for younger and less experienced spirit/souls. As our siblings in the great family of humankind, they will then be handing out the suffering that we in previous lifetimes inflicted upon the people around us. We could not help ourselves, because hurting and wounding people then was part of our earthly education and we were still ignorant of the spiritual background of our existence and that all life, including ours, throughout the whole of creation is subject to Universal laws. That’s the present developmental level of our world’s troublemakers.

They have yet to find out that, although the death of our physical body is the end of experiencing life on the material plane, our  spirit/soul are immortal. One of the Angels of death returns us to the spirit world, our true home from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime. Our spirit/soul is the eternal student who will forever be learning about new levels of life and horizons through exploring them. Nobody judges our performance and there is no judgement day. As soon as we have recovered from the strains of our earthly existence, the wise ones in charge of us take us before the Akashic Records. They reveal how we performed in the course of all our lifetimes, including the most recent one. Our behaviour patterns clearly show where our weaknesses and strengths are and we can also see the karmic debts that are still in need of redemption.

We alone decide whether our earthly self is likely to be strong enough to cope with the demands of these debts. If another lifetime on the material plane would be beneficial for the completion of our earthly education, the wise ones advise where and how it could be spent and with whom. The decision of whether to go ahead and apply or not is entirely up to us. When you view your present lifetime from this perspective, aren’t you sometimes tempted to say, the way I do: ‘I must have been crazy to ask for this!’? If we ever wish to get to the end of our earthly education, there is nothing for it but going ahead. And so we do!

At the beginning of our lessons in the earthly school of life, we tend to reincarnate into the same families and groups. Our roles merely shift, one lifetime we might spend as the child of a certain mother or father, while during another the roles are exchanged. However, the more highly evolved our spirit/soul and our earthly personality become, the more tend to spread our wings and choose reincarnations into different cultural backgrounds to familiarise ourselves with their beliefs, habitual behaviour and thinking patterns. That’s been essential for the worldwide spreading of Covid-19.

As touched upon earlier, the cause of the pandemic can be found in the patriarchal six thousand years. It consists of the karmic debts of those who were and still are affected by Covid-19 in the crude and unevolved state of its evolutionary journey. God and the Angels, with our assistance, for some time have been working very hard on transmuting Covid-19 into a beneficial influence that strengthens and heals the immune system of humans and animals alike. Their symptoms are clearing up and they are feeling healthier and fitter than they have done for a long. Their suffering is the redemption that balances their spiritual bank account and the recovery is their reward. And that’s why something of this nature could hit our world with such force, at this particular time. It’s not some kind of punishment, merely Divine Justice at work.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came my way in Reader’s Letters Stella Polaris of June/July 2020: ‘Behind every dark happening and difficulty of your earthly existence hides a blessing. There will come a time when you trust the presence of God and the Angels, their work and goodwill towards humankind on its evolutionary journey. This will come about when your inner guidance tells you that what is before you is the truth.

‘When the time is right, the Divine magic has the power of making the dark clouds of  your world’s ignorance disappear, so that the radiance of God’s love can reveal itself. And because the Aquarian age is the age of truth and transmutation, the time is right for the greatest healing miracle your world has ever experienced to take place. This age has been with you for long enough to reveal its benevolent nature in this manner. Every one of you will soon be able to see for yourself that behind everything that ever happened in your world the glory of God’s life and its Divine magic have always been at work. It’s just that many in your world to this day fail to understand what is happening and why. Never mind! They too will know, when for them the time is right.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (10)

The Angel In Disguise

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - The Angel In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take Heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see.
And to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly, heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
A living splendour
That has been woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a toil, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with discovering these joys,
For they conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with profound esteem of your true nature
And a prayer that for you, now and forever,
The awareness of your immortal and eternal
Being wakes up and fills your
Earthly existence with the light of truth
And its shadows cease to exist.

Fifteenth Century Prayer
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (11)

Aquarius : The Voice Of God

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Aquarius : The Voice Of God

The Aquarian age of truth has brought us the knowledge that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. Their supreme rulership will forever continue. They are in everything and everything is part of them, the highest as well as the lowest aspects of life and also of humankind’s nature. Aquarius represents the voice of God and the deeper we and our world move into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the clearer it becomes that the ultimate purpose of the lifetimes we spend in the earthly school of life is to first discover and then start bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the highest and noblest qualities. Even though at first they only exist in seed form, at least potentially they are part of every human being’s character make-up.

Jesus is one of the many symbolisms that God and the Angels from time to time presented to our world in the form of a legend. The intention behind all these tales has always been that, each in its own way, should gradually bring us closer to comprehending every human being’s own higher nature. All of us, without exception, once started our earthly existence as a minute spark of light in the heart of the physical body that was given to us. Every subsequent lifetime has taken us forward into experiencing earthly life through the window of another astrological sign and/or house of the zodiac. That’s how, each through their own experiences, slowly evolves and grows in wisdom and understanding of their own nature and the world around them. On this evolutionary journey every spark’s actual light increases and so does the light of its knowledge. In the course of its earthly lifetimes every human being is constantly adding to its own store of knowledge. At the same time we are feeding into  that of all humankind and the whole of Creation.

This is how slowly but surely, progress is made on the road that takes all of us, individually and collectively, up the spiritual mountain. By the time its top has been reached, we earthlings have evolved into a Christed one, in our own right. Jesus represents this part of our nature and the story of his life depicts the initiations all of us, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, have to undergo and that for a long without being aware of what’s happening to us. Our lower nature’s drives and urges need to be given up and nailed to the cross of our earthly existence. As we leave ever more of them behind, one small step after another, our God or Christ nature slowly but surely takes over our whole being. The dying man on the Christian cross is a symbol of what happens to our animal nature. When it bleeds to death and breathes its last, our Christ nature can take over completely.

As sparks of the Great Light and young Gods in the making, the same powers and characteristics that are in God are also in every human being, but at first merely in seed form. A major turning developmental point has been reached when the negative aspects of every sign of the zodiac have been experienced so much that they have become part of our character make-up. The earthly self’s Divine spark then starts to focus on exploring and developing the positive qualities of one sign after the other.

The birth of the Christ child is a metaphor for this turning point. The infant in the manger represents our higher nature. The animals are a metaphor for its counterpart, our lower animal nature, who hasn’t a clue about what’s happening. Once more the Bible’s St. John 1:5 comes to mind: ‘And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not.’ The more the characteristics of our higher nature manifest themselves in our thoughts, words and actions, the more our lower nature’s negative qualities are absorbed. The Christian cross is humankind’s oldest symbol for its earthly existence.

On the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. The whole of humankind is one big family in which every one is a sibling who has the same rights and duties as everybody else. In the school of earthly life all of us simultaneously are students and teachers. Viewed from the higher spiritual perspective, everybody is our friend and in truth there never were any enemies, merely teachers. Those who show us through their behaviour how we do not want to be, are our best friends of all, as each in their own inimitable manner is helping us to bring forth and develop the characteristics of our higher nature.

The ultimate purpose of the earthly school’s curriculum always has been and forever will be bringing forth, each from deep within their own inner being, the highest, best and noblest qualities. As part of our higher God or Christ nature, they consist of total and unconditional love, patience with and tolerance towards the younger and less evolved siblings in the human family, as well as kindness and goodwill towards all manifestations of life. God always has been and forever will be everybody’s best friend. As on the highest levels of life there is no class distinction, it’s not surprising that the age of Aquarius is bringing us a new age of friendship, equality and siblinghood with all life. With this the time has come for transforming all our relationships, especially difficult and traumatic ones, into friendships. Understanding our own nature and theirs, the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence and the pathway which, at least for a while, we have been walking together, makes this task easier.

The Aquarian age has brought us the realisation that God is not and never was a force somewhere ‘out there’. It is an inner experience and on that level we are neither woman nor man but androgynous. This is because all opposing forces, like the highest and the lowest, light and darkness, as well as the feminine and masculine aspects of our nature. They are equal partners and, when employed the right way, they complement each other. In us they can only function properly when they have been trained by us to work together, peacefully and harmoniously, the way they are doing in God.

Each time we leave another physical body behind at the end of another lifetime, all earthly things are shed and that includes the identity as woman or man. Once again we are then fully aware that in truth we are an eternal and immortal spirit/soul, who can and will never die. We know that we do not need other people to make us whole, even though in earthly life it frequently seems that way, because on the inner level we have always remained whole. The chains and shackles that tie us together in human relationships from one earthly lifetime to another are of an emotional karmic nature. Even though these bonds are invisible to earthly eyes, they are as strong as if they were made of cast-iron. There is only one way of dissolving them and that is through forgiveness. First we need to forgive ourselves for causing, either earlier in this lifetime or a past one, the suffering difficult and traumatic relationships inflict upon us. The next step is forgiving all those who ever hurt and wounded us with their thoughts, words and/or actions.

Irrespective of what may still have to befall us and our world because of remaining karmic debts, all human beings are beloved children of the Highest. We and our world will forever be guided and, when the need for it arises, protected by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle. They are supported by many groups of helpers on all levels of the spirit realm. As before God all are equal and there is no distinction between anyone, in the course of the Aquarian age discrimination and class systems will disappear. All of us are sister/brothers in the great family of humankind. Everybody has equal rights and is equally treasured and loved, totally and unconditionally, without judgement, reservations or preferences.

Nobody is better than anyone else and because in truth God is everybody’s best friend, everybody is also our friend, even though for a long time we are unaware of this. The main laws of life being love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, are living proof that our Divine parents have always had nothing but our best in mind and this will forever continue. This knowledge is the most helpful tool we need for transmuting, hand in hand with God and the Angels, not only Covid-19 but all types of dangerous and harmful influences into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal the immune systems of anyone who is affected by them, human and animal alike.

Learning how to love God’s way is the main purpose of our earthly education. Its curriculum has been mastered when our thinking and behaviour patterns show the wise ones in charge of us that we really have evolved into a Christed one in our own right. We then truly are a young God in the making who is worthy of the high and holy destiny that in the fullness of time is in store for every human being. The time then has come for us to thank and praise the Highest for allowing us access to the knowledge that everybody is an equal partner in the great scheme of life and that nobody has a God-given right to dominate and/or exploit anyone. Doing so creates debit entries in people’s spiritual bank account which, and that could be hundreds of lifetimes away, will have be redeemed by none other than those who are responsible.

With the realisation that God is in everything and that everything is in God and part of God, the highest as well as the lowest of what exists anywhere, the teachings of the old religions die a natural death and fade away. This creates the necessary space for the Aquarian religion. Its spiritual nature invites all of us to reach out for and help each other, instead of dominating and exploiting the way our world’s troublemakers would like to continue in the footsteps of the old religions. Because we and our world are constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, this is no longer in tune with Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. It is bringing us the end of all kinds of slavery, especially of the religious kind. Now that honesty and truth are taking ever more over as our world’s true rulers, dominating the masses and exploiting their resources for selfish gains through fear are no longer allowed by those in charge of us. Thanks and praise be to them!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’
•    ‘Was I Ever A Dinosaur?’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (12)

If I Can Help Somebody

Rays of Wisdom - Words And Prayers of Hope and Encouragement

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or a song,
If I can show somebody when they’re travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty, as a child of God ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world that is wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, the way the Angels taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
Then my living shall not be in vain.
My being here will not have been for nothing,
If I can help somebody to understand that their life
Has meaning because it serves a wise higher purpose.
What a shame if the gift of their present lifetime
Were frittered away, for in that case they would
Have to return in another one for a repeat performance
Of their quest for understanding.

If I can help ever more spiritually homeless
To find out about their eternal home and that
In truth there is no death, only a moving on to
Different dimensions of life,
So they lose their fear of death and the unknown.
When they understand that God and the Angels
Are in charge of us and our world
That they have always protected us and that now
The time has come for wanting to show us intuitively
How, hand in hand with them, as many as possible
Need to do their share of bringing about
The greatest healing miracle ever
Experienced on the Earth and that is the
Natural happy ending of the 2019/2020 pandemic,
Then my living has not been in vain.

Alma Bazel Androzzo
Edited by Aquarius
Updated September 2020  

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (13)

The Pandemic : So Far And No Further!

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Pandemic : So Far And No Further!

The higher spiritual purpose of our world’s present state will have been fulfilled when the majority of people at last become aware that their earthly existence is by no means a one-off thing. How long will it take until what’s left of our world’s religions grasps that it is nothing of the kind? In truth every lifetime we spend on this plane is but a temporary stop-over. Each one, however, is a necessary part of humankind’s individual and collective eternal journey that will forever continue to move us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

It’s good to know that ever more of us by now are sufficiently highly evolved to participate in bringing about the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, we are destined to counteract the professional scaremongers who, from behind the scenes, have manufactured the present pandemic. Their hopes that it would be possible to once more manipulate our world’s masses and, with the help of fear, relieve them of sufficient amounts of their resources to satisfy the greed and avarice that are the driving force of the troublemakers’ lower nature.

God and the Angels are only allowing them to go as far as they have done, because it was necessary for the redemption of the karmic debts of many who are presently taking part in earthly life. The debts were accumulated during lifetimes spent on the giving end of suffering, in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with their unnatural all-male religions and dominance of the masculine over the feminine. Read more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The experiences of the latest pandemic up to now were necessary for the completion of one great cycle of events, whilst providing valuable learning opportunities for everybody else. However, the patriarchal karmic debts raised their heads for the purpose of redemption and nothing more! And that’s why God and the Angels are now saying: ‘So far and no further! No matter how hard anyone may try, the individual and collective progress of your race’s evolutionary journey and that of your world will never come to a halt or move backwards, not even by an inch. The purpose of the exercise has been teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth through the absence of it. This would enable to you to cherish and treasure these qualities when the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age returned them to your world.

‘Their own experiences will soon teach your troublemakers that what was right in the days of the patriarchy is no longer good and desirable now. Irrespective of how hard they may try, as surely they will do, their hopes and dreams of ruling your world with fear and, with its help, mercilessly exploiting humankind’s resources to their heart’s content, no matter how much suffering their behaviour causes, are not going to find fulfilment. For wise higher educational reasons the religions of the past once were allowed to get away with this kind of thing. But this part of humankind’s development has run its course. Rejoice! You and your world together are moving into experiencing the greater freedom of the Aquarian age.

‘The spiritual expansion of your world’s consciousness can only come about through the peacemaking efforts of all who are aware of what is at stake and therefore are willing to contribute towards making your planet into a better and more peaceful place. Every kind and loving thought, word and action that any one of you sends into your world adds to its positive stream of consciousness. Through this, with the passing of time, that stream slowly but surely becomes so powerful that it absorbs ever more of that which is evil and negative in its dark counterpart. Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and love is the first and main law of life. When the two come together, their joint strength is greater than twice the amount of each of these energies on its own. This transforms them into such a powerful force that it’s hard to imagine in your world.

‘In the temple of healing on the highest level of life, the Angels of healing and peace for some time have been working exceedingly hard with these energies to uplift and transmute all your world’s harmful influences of into beneficial ones. For taking part in the blessing and healing process the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind needs to be tuned into our frequencies and your energies in harmony with ours. For all healing work in your world we require your help as much as you need ours. And even the smallest efforts that one of you makes is of the greatest value and counts. Not your world alone gains from them, but the whole of Creation.

‘Never forget that every one of your kind and loving thoughts, words and deeds you send into the Universe joins others with the same energies in the stream of light and that adds to its power of attracting ever more thoughts of this nature. As a result, when in due course your thoughts return to you – as they surely will – they are going to be greatly enriched. Alas, this also happens to evil and deceitful, treacherous and hateful, destructive and vengeance seeking thoughts, words and deeds. So you can see for yourself that there really is no point in fighting evil with evil. All that can hope to achieve is creating more of the same and increase the power of the dark forces that to this day are at work in your world.

‘Every loving and forgiving thought one of you sends to the professional scaremongers and troublemakers of our world creates more light. It adds to the light stream’s strength that flows in their direction. With your help, their Divine spark then absorbs ever more light. Eventually, their Christ nature begins to stir from its slumber and its characteristics start moving into the foreground of the troublemaker’s earthly self’s consciousness. The love of honesty and truth are the most outstanding features of everyone’s Christ nature. Christianity’s birth of the Christ child is a metaphor for this process. It’s easy enough to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers. And that’s just one of the many ways every one of you can act as their own saviour and redeemer, and that of your younger and less experienced siblings, as well as your whole world.

‘For a long time, all spiritual youngsters are unaware of their true nature and the spiritual background of their earthly existence, its laws, obligations and responsibilities. That’s why those in your midst have no idea what, because of the Universal laws, will eventually be winging its way to them. In one of their future lifetimes, when they are financially and spiritually weak, like many of you are today, they are sure to find themselves at the receiving end of the suffering they, in their youthful ignorance, are now inflicting upon millions of people and your whole world. They will then have to endure something that is similar to what they are presently doing. Isn’t there anything you, their older and more experienced siblings in the family of humankind, can do to prevent this kind of thing from going round in circles and endlessly repeating itself? Everybody can, if they so wish. How about you?

‘Every human being in your world is your brother or sister and that includes the scaremongers and troublemakers. Young and inexperienced as they are, they do not yet know that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, is subject to My Universal laws. The main ones are love and evolution, and that means evolution based on love. Anyone who trespasses against them deserves your compassion. While these spiritually poor ones are wallowing in material riches and greedy to possess ever more of them, they are blind to what they are doing to themselves and what, unless you assist them in the suggested way, is sure to happen to them in one of their future lifetimes and that could be a long way ahead. My justice is perfect, it does not forget anything. It’s so perfect that it is hard to imagine when you first hear about it. Bearing this in mind, why not forgive the trespassers? And that does not mean you are condoning their behaviour.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’
•    ‘The Golden Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•    ‘Transmutation Of Karma’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (14)

The Blind Leading The Blind

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Blind Leading The BlindWhether someone is as yet aware of it or not, every human being is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. Each leaves an indelible impression on the etheric level and is recorded in what is known as the Akashic Records. As mentioned before, on the spiritual level of our earthly existence everything is for real and that’s why there is no point in faking and pretending anything. And no-one can twist and turn the Universal laws, if one pays enough to someone who knows how to do this on our behalf, they way it’s possible on the earthly plane. The rule on both sides of the veil that separates our two worlds from each other is ‘Unwissenheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!’ Ignorance does not protect anyone against punishment.

However, God’s laws do not punish, they teach. Whatever we think, speak or do at any given time, in due course returns to us. It is not meant to be some kind of punishment but to show how it feels when we are at the receiving end of what we, in our youthful ignorance, once so thoughtlessly and carelessly did to those around us. It takes a long time until our earthly self realises that its true nature and the essence of its being is spirit/soul. Every one of us has the same dualities within that are in God, masculine/feminine, darkness/light, positive and negative energies. None of them is either good or evil and one is not better than the other or in any way superior. All qualities are equal partners who complement and complete each other. And the same is true for the colour of our skin on the outer plane. White is not superior of black. And the more all aspects of our earthly and higher nature function together and in harmony with each other, the more whole our whole world becomes.

Every human being contains its own spark of God’s great light, if at first only in seed form. The spark is the earthly self’s spirit/soul. Like God it is eternal and immortal and therefore will never die. The spirit world is humankind’s true home from which, every so often, one of us emerges. We stay for a while in the earthly school of life and attend its lessons. At the end of each lifetime we return to the spirit realm. When our earthly possessions, titles and pretentiousness have been left behind, once again we are nothing but spirit/soul. It’s that simple!

Clearly, our earthly existence is by no means a one-off thing, as was believed in times gone by, when the strange beliefs of the old religions ruled our world. It was a case of the blind leading the blind, if ever there was one. That’s what the likes of you and me were doing in the days when we were as blind as the troublemakers of our world are now, blissfully unaware of what we were doing to ourselves. When we had no idea about our existence’s spiritual background, that wise ones are in charge of us and our world and that they are constantly observing and guiding us. Whenever things are in danger of getting out of hand, the way they are doing now, they step in protect us against ourselves and the results of our spiritual ignorance. The pandemic is the price we are paying for our misdemeanour in times long gone by, but not as punishment – see above.

Fortunately, since our entry into the Aquarian age, God and the Angels have been bringing ever more spiritual wisdom and truth to those who are capable of receiving, understanding and handling it the right way. As a result, ever more of us by now realise that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, but an ongoing evolutionary process that will never end. Spiritually, everything that concerns our earthly existence is very simple. Simplicity is the greatest gift of all. One of the finest examples of this is the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. It simply states: ‘Everything returns to its source.’

The simple explanation of why the pandemic had to happen, in response to something that took place a long time ago, is that the law of Karma is returning the trespasses of the old and experienced spirit/souls in our midst, when we were as young and foolish as our world’s present troublemakers. In those days, we too could not resist the temptations of our lower nature, no, not the devil. That’s why, as likely as not in several lifetimes, we took part in manipulating and exploiting the masses with the help of fear-inspiring teachings that were designed to separate people from their earthly possessions to satisfy our greed for more and more money and the material possessions it could buy then. Nothing new under the Sun!

Every human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the whole of Creation and within it, our world. Therefore, if we have an immune system, so has our world. Every one of God’s powers and characteristics are also in us and fortunately the main law of life is love. Aquarius is the sign of transmutation in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams are going to find fulfilment. This will come about in the natural course of events. And because at all times we and our world are moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, it’s our birthright to eventually leave all harmful influences behind. Hand in hand with the Angels and God, every one of us, at least potentially, possesses the power of transmuting all viruses into beneficial organisms that strengthen and heal the immune system of everyone who is in need of it and also our world. Every sentient being is an integral part of it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrological Correspondences Between The Planets And Our Physical Bodies’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (15)

All Is Well With Our World And Us

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – All Is Well With Us And Our World

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, may Your will and wishes and also Your words and prayers forever be mine. Every day is a good one because you are giving it to me. Healing miracles are constantly happening in our world in many different places. It’s just that our earthly eyes can usually not see them. But they are there nonetheless. All glory and honour, praise and thanks be to You and the Angels for the greatest healing miracle of all times that is presently taking place on the Earth.

I love You with my whole being and whenever I am in need of it, I ask that the healing power of Your love penetrates the cells and atoms of my physical body so that its normal healthy functioning restores itself quite naturally. With every step I walk, every breath I take and with every heartbeat the sacred fire of Your love flows through me and heals the underlying causes of all human afflictions and our whole world. In the temple of healing in the heartmind of God, the Angels of Healing and Peace for some time have been working hard on transforming all harmful energies into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal the immune system of every sentient being and also our whole world’s. In perfect and natural ways the symptoms of the patients’ afflictions are clearing up and they are beginning to feel stronger and healthier than they have done for a long time. This is how the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on our planet is being experienced. Thanks and praise be to You and the Angels for it and also for showing increasing numbers of us intuitively how we can contribute to it.

Our earthly personality is the cross all of us have been carrying long enough. Please show us how, one small step after another, we can hand it over to our own Christ nature, until with the passing of time it has taken over completely. You and the Angels are our inner guidance, the only trustworthy and truly reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation. This is the voice of the wise one or living God within every one of us, who communicates with us intuitively and at any given moment shows us through the world of our feelings what is right or wrong. On top of all that You are part of everything. That’s why You know the way of all things and have the answer to any question we may ever care to ask. You are the eye that never sleeps and who knows the future as well as the past of everything in the whole of Creation, naturally also for us and our word.

You and the Angels will forever be guiding and protecting all of us intuitively. From my own experiences I have learnt that we and our world will be safe forever and that nothing can ever hurt or harm us beyond repair. Having served their purpose, our fears and anxieties by now have become surplus to requirement. They are waiting to be dissolved and that is what’s now happening to ever more of us in dreamtime. When we ask for it before dropping off to sleep, our fear energies flow through the soles of our feet into the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into faith and trust in the presence of God and the Angels and that our life and that of our world truly is a good one.

It’s good to know that the first and main law of life is love and evolution, meaning evolution based on love, and that hand in hand with the You and the Angels we have always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, and that this will forever continue. The knowledge of this leaves no doubts in my mind that Your great plan of life is perfect and that this is also true for our whole world and all human beings, on both sides of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates our world from the spirit realm, humankind’s true home.

I trust that You and the Angels will be navigating us through the tests and trials that still have to come our way to pay our last karmic debt can be paid, so that the greatest healing miracle of all times can fully unfold and become ever more visible. As sparks of Your great light, every one of us is Your child and all Your powers and characteristics are also in us. Eventually, every one of us is destined to reach the developmental point when Your love fills our whole being and flows into everything we come into contact with in our thoughts, words and actions. Through learning to love Your way, totally and unconditionally, without prejudice and judgement against everybody, everybody in the end brings forth their own Christ nature. The world around us acts like a mirror that reflects back to us what we are, within and our outer personality. And because we are magnetic beings, at all times we are attracting into our orbit others whose energies are compatible with ours.

Every one of us is a many-faceted jewel and has been gifted in some special way that enables us to make our own unique contribution towards the healing miracle that is now taking place in our world. Some of us have not yet discovered these talents, even though they could have taken many lifetimes to develop and are waiting to unfold to full flowering in this one. Read more about it in the relevant file at the end of this chapter. This is important because, hand in hand with You and the Angels, every one of us has the birthright of establishing their own small corner of Heaven on the Earth.

To enable us to do this, sharing our gifts with as many as possible is essential. Everybody else also has the right to find out that God and the Angels have always been with every one of us, guiding and protecting us, whenever the need for it arises. None of us was ever abandoned and left to struggle on their own and this will forever continue. The state of being at one with our Creator, and through this with the whole of Creation, was never interrupted. It’s just that it takes our earthly selves a long time to discover these truths.

But when at last we do, hand in hand with God and the Angels, it becomes possible to consciously enter into the state of Paradise whilst taking part in earthly life. The realisation of these truths fills our whole being with a new kind of hope and faith, trust and devotion that cannot be shaken and will never be taken away by anything or anyone. This is because they are based on the solid foundation of knowing and understanding the processes of life and that all its manifestations in the whole of Creation, therefore also we and our world, are and always have been subject to God’s Universal laws.

It will not be long now until no-one will be required to blindly believe things just because they are written somewhere and some people tell us that they are true. That’s what they believed, in the days when the blind were leading the blind. Thanks be to God and the Angels for telling us that they are nothing of the kind. Soon no-one will have to fumble in the darkness of strange tales that could not make sense for as long as their higher esoteric meaning had to remain hidden behind their surface words.

God and the Angels are waiting to intuitively communicate with ever more of us. Even the slowest in our midst will eventually learning, through their own experiences, that instructions received this way are one hundred percent trustworthy and can be followed without hesitation. That’s how all of us, hand in hand with the Highest, will in due course be doing our share of ushering in our world’s new golden age, when Mother Earth has evolved into a planet where all manifestations of life co-exist harmoniously and peacefully. The last traces of selfishness, greed and avarice will then have been overcome and everybody is working for the highest good and greatest joy of all.

To smooth the road leading to this destiny, may the radiance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth increase the light of the Divine spark in ever more human hearts, so it stirs from its slumber and the birth of their earthly self’s Christ child or nature takes place.

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
All glory, honour and praise be to You.
You are the Source of all inspiration,
Revelations and illuminations
That exist in the whole of Creation,
Therefore also in every one
Of us and our world.

With the help and will of
You and the Angels
All things are possible,
Crooked places made straight
And all conditions healed.
Your light in us does shine and that
With every passing day more.

All my writings are of an intuitive nature. They are originals that cannot be found anywhere else, unless someone copied them from my work. Feel free to do so. But if you do, I would greatly appreciate it if you were kind enough to mention the origin of your information and provided links for my website and/or writings on Booksie, where more of this nature can be found and downloaded by anyone free of charge. The more my writings are shared, the easier the greatest healing miracle of all times will come about and reveal itself to our world.

Intuitively, God and the Angels are telling me that everything is right with us and our world. This is how I know that it really is! May the Angels in the same manner show ever more of us how we can contribute to the transmutation of all harmful influences into beneficial ones. God bless and keep us and our world safe, forever and ever. Amen

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (16)

Overcoming Fears And Anxieties

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Leaving Fears BehindOur fears were originally designed to keep us away from experiences for which we were unready, at any given time. The most serious and difficult fears that most urgently are in need of shedding, by just about every one of us, are those of God, of death and the unknown. Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions of all-male Godheads and the dominion of the masculine over the feminine forces of our world have by now been left behind. They once served the wise higher purpose of keeping us away from the knowledge of who and what God truly is, who we are, the special relationship every one of us has with the Divine, and the purpose of humankind’s earthly existence.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more pressing becomes the issue of overcoming and leaving behind all our fears, once and for all. This is why increasing numbers of us are discovering that the teachings of the patriarchal religions were never meant to be understood as literally true, the way they once had the power to force people to believe. One of the finest examples is Heaven and hell. As many of us know by now they never were places where people go when they depart from this plane. The answer to the question: ‘Where are Heaven and hell?’ once depended on whether someone believed in Jesus or not. In truth, they never were places anyone went to. They are states of consciousness that all earthlings are good at creating for themselves and those around them.

There is no need for getting upset about having been forced to believe untruths. Be comforted by the thought that everything that ever happened and to this day is happening in our world, the teachings of the old belief systems served a wise higher purpose, the same as everything that ever appeared. The teachings at that stage of humankind’s development served God and the Angels as instruments for preparing us for the event of the Aquarian age, when truth and honesty would gradually take over as our world’s supreme ruler. To teach us the value of something, the Great Mother’s wisdom and love has always been withdrawing it for a certain length of time. After a while it would be re-introduced.

The teachings of the old religions above all served the purpose of familiarising ever more of us with the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature. And that’s why, for a predestined length of time, treachery and deceit, of the self and others, have been the order of the day for our world. Manipulating the masses through fear was allowed in those days, because that made it easy to relieve them of their material resources. However, this lesson has been learnt thoroughly enough and is definitely over. As God’s great plan of life clearly shows, we and our world have never stopped moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that’s why by now we are taking part in a lesson of a very different kind and why honesty and truth are returning to our world.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more these qualities will gradually become our world’s supreme ruler. The most essential part of this lesson is finding out about: a) God’s true nature and their own; b) the special relationship every one of us has with their Creator; c) the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and d) the high and holy destiny that’s in store for every human being and that not only at the end of our earthly education but far beyond. The knowledge of these things brings with it the realisation that there really is nothing to fear and that makes shedding our apprehensions easier. However, if my own life’s experience is anything to go by, it can still consist of a long and hard struggle. As a reward and compensation, one gradually becomes aware that it’s a road that’s worthwhile travelling because one’s fears are gradually replaced by an ever-growing deep and unshakeable faith and a trust in the goodness of the life that God and the Angels are giving us.

To my mind, there is no better way of going about shedding one’s fears than by turning to our inner guidance, the wise one and living God within, who communicates with us through our feeling world, so that our spirit friends and helpers can show us intuitively how to proceed. Being surplus to requirement, our fears and anxieties are waiting to be dissolved. To me, the best way of doing this is in dreamtime. That’s why I ask God and the Angels, before going to sleep, that the fear energies of our world and mine should flow through the soles of my feet into the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into total faith and trust in the Divine presence and the certainty that our life and that of our world really is a good one.

To my mind, the greatest gift on the spiritual pathway is simplicity. Spiritually everything is simplicity itself. The polymath Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519, said: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.’ As I could not agree more, let’s keep things simple. It’s good to know that the only God who ever existed is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. God is part of everything and everything is part of God, the highest as well as the lowest manifestations of life, in our world and everywhere else in the whole of Creation. All aspects of our human nature are of God, the inner and the outer, the higher as well as the lower. And there is no need to be afraid of God, because every human being, including you and me, is a young God in the making who at present is attending the lessons of their apprenticeship on the material plane of life. There is no more to it than that.

The old religions were purposely designed in such complicated ways that made it impossible to truly connect anyone with God. For long enough they have kept us away from finding out God’s true nature and our own, and the special relationship every one of us has with their Creator. The discovery that we are young God’s in the making enables us to make special efforts to think, speak and act in keeping with this high status. When we become aware that the same polarities that are in God are also in every one of us, we can start treating our masculine and feminine forces as equal partners, who need each other because they complement and complete each other.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (17)

Circles Within Circles

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Circles Within CirclesThanks be to God and the Angels that the days when our world’s religions could force us to believe that the masculine is superior to the feminine and that men, because of the all-male belief systems had a God-given right to dominate the women around them. The age of truth has brought us the knowledge that the masculine and feminine forces throughout the whole of Creation, except until recently in our world, are equal partners who complement and complete each other, the same as they are in God. In truth, every woman’s inner being is masculine and every man’s feminine and the main people in everybody’s life are outer manifestations of their own inner being. For a woman it’s her father, husband or partner, and for a man his mother, wife or partner. As everybody is already whole in their own right, other people cannot make us whole.

The more we find about this kind of thing, the more our fears dissolve and we discover that all really is well with us and our world, always has been and forever will be. God’s great plan of life will forever keep on unfolding the way it should, so that we and our world could learn our predestined lessons. The Aquarian age’s is the return of honesty and truth to our world. No-one will be allowed to interfere with our learning by trying to force us to remain stuck in the lessons of the previous age. In those days lying and cheating, treachery and oppression of the masses and manipulating them through spreading fear-inducing teachings of our world’s old religions.

During the early stages of our education, we are for a long time under the impression that we can do what we like, as long as no-one can see us. How wrong could anyone be? Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, God and the Angels have always been holding our world’s reins firmly in their hands. This will forever continue and they will only step in when things are in danger of getting out of hand. That’s what they are doing at present with the pandemic. As they are happy and willing to protect and show the way to anyone who asks for it, for those who do there really is nothing to be afraid of.  They also did this in times gone by. It’s just that we were unaware of their presence. The only difference is that by now ever more of us know about it and are turning to them.

Life in the whole of Creation consists of circles within circles and cycles within cycles. Earthly life is no exception. That’s why, in our school of life, everybody simultaneously acts as teacher and pupil. In truth, there are no enemies, only teachers who are showing us, through their behaviour, how we do not want to be. And everything that ever took place in our world has been serving the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the lessons which, at that particular time, were essential for us, unaware that every one of us is a young God in the making. It is an evolutionary process that will forever continue. While for one group of old and experienced spirit/souls a cycle closes, for another group of young and inexperienced learners it is opening. This is why one group of old and experienced spirit/souls is occupied with redeeming their karmic debts, the way we and our world are doing at present, through the suffering that is inflicted upon us by a new group of inexperienced spirit/souls.

To this day, the youngsters are unaware – the way we once were – that their behaviour is creating karmic debts which they, each one for themselves and as a group, will have to redeem in one of their future lifetimes. Because of their unevolved state, they are spiritually blind enough to want to manipulate our world’s millions so that they could exploit their material resources to their hearts content. By allowing the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature free reign and so causing suffering and hardships for millions they see as power. Spiritually, they are too young to realise that the only true power in the whole of Creation belongs to God and the Angels. Nobody on the earthly plane possesses any real and everlasting power.

That’s how both groups, each in its own way, are responsible for our world’s present situation. The oldies group is on the receiving end of the suffering that is caused by the youngsters group on the other end. While the former is redeeming its most ancient karmic debts, the other is creating new ones for itself, which they themselves in due course will have to redeem at the hands of a group of new youngsters that will by then have appeared. And because during the early phases of our earthly education none of us knows what we are doing to ourselves, let’s all shake hands and forgive first ourselves and then each other.

While taking part in the earthly school of life, human beings are very good at inventing complications where in truth there are none. But, as touched upon earlier, spiritually everything is simplicity itself. One of the finest examples is the Universal law of cause and effect, or Karma. Life in the whole of Creation, therefore also our world, is subject to this law. It simply decrees that everything has to return to its source. This ensures that nothing and nobody can ever get lost in the vastness of space and time.

This law has nothing to do with punishment or revenge. It is about teaching and that everybody, through their own experiences, should find out about the nature of things, especially suffering. The effects of the law constantly create fresh opportunities for every one of us and our whole race to grow in wisdom and understanding. This is how the Universal Forces have always been moving every one of us ever closer to the high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one, in our own right, which is in store for all of us at the end of or earthly education. And that’s why wise ones, who know about these things, whenever someone offends or hurts them in some other way, would not dream of seeking revenge or punishing the offender. Aware that in the fullness of time, the law of Karma is bound to return their deeds to them, in thoughts, words and actions that are similar to what they are doing now, wise ones prefer to forgive so that they can get on with other lessons that are still waiting for their attention.

There would have been no point in humankind discovering too early that our earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair and that the spirit world is our true home, to which every one of us returns at the natural end of each earthly lifetime. Had we known such things already, whenever the going got too tough for our liking far too many would have opted for committing suicide, just like lemmings leaping into the sea. That would have made it impossible to fully absorb the lessons that were in store for us. Our Divine spark in that case would not have had enough time to absorb a sufficient amount of the Christ Star’s light, literally as well as in the shape of wisdom and an ever increasing understanding of itself and its environment. Without this growth constantly taking place, nobody would ever be able to eventually comprehend concepts like God’s true nature, our own, that God is as much part of us as we are part of God, and that – in the final analysis – we ourselves are God.

Only when a certain point has been reached in the development of our spiritual nature can we be expected to start dealing with things of this nature the way they deserve and respond to them in the right manner. Fortunately, by now ever more of us are becoming aware that humankind’s earthly existence represents but one small part of a long and never ending evolutionary journey. It will gradually be taking us, individually and collectively, forwards and upwards into the exploration of ever higher levels of life. It’s comforting to know that all God’s powers and characteristics are also in every one of us. Even though those of our higher nature at first only exist in seed form, we all eventually bring the whole of this aspect to full unfoldment and flowering. Naturally, this takes many earthly lifetimes. And that’s why by now ever more of us are able to work on overcoming and leaving behind that which to this day is dark and evil, ugly and harmful in our world. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, all of us together are transforming them into something that is good and right, beautiful and beneficial for the blessing and healing of all humankind and our whole world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’
•    ‘Overcoming Our  Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘Fear – The Root Of All Evil’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘God : The Great Mystery’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’

Six pointed Star 

There’s None So Blind . . . (18)

The Recovery Of Our World

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Recovery Of Our World

To my mind, the most effective and simplest way of helping our world to recover from the pandemic 2019/2020 is by tuning the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly minds into the frequencies of God and the Angels. They are waiting to be called upon so they can show us intuitively how to start sending the Christ Star’s light to those who have been and/or still are affected by Covid-19. It also needs to go to the scaremongers and troublemakers of our world who are doing their best to keep the pandemic going. Unaware of their true nature and their spiritual responsibilities, those who are pulling its strings behind the scenes, their selfishness so far is unconcerned about the wellbeing of our world, its countries and people who are suffering physically, mentally and spiritually because of them.

The troublemakers are doing this because they are as yet blind to the fact that their existence has a spiritual background of their existence, where every one of their thoughts, words and actions are clearly seen by the wise ones who are in charge of them and their development. They have yet to find out that everything on all levels of the whole of Creation, therefore also our world, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. It makes no difference whether someone knows about its presence or not, it always has been affecting everything that exists in our world, even the planet itself, and this will forever continue.

As our younger and less experienced siblings in the family of humankind, the troublemakers deserve our compassion and being sent as many kind, loving and forgiving thoughts as possible. Just like what happens in any good family where the older offspring take the younger ones under their wings. Maybe we can at least alleviate what the law of Karma in due course is bound to return to them, as soon as they have evolved sufficiently to be able to cope with trials of this nature. They will then find themselves at the receiving end of the suffering that they are so thoughtlessly inflicting upon our world’s millions.

It’s good to know that we are by no means helplessly at the mercy of such people. Every one of us, at least potentially, has the power of doing their share of bringing our world’s present situation to its natural and happy ending. So let’s join hearts and souls in prayer and visualise the light of the Universal Christ, the Christ Star, who is the Light of all lights, the Sun of all suns, and the Star of all stars. Through the Sun in the sky above our world Its blessing and healing energies have always been radiating into everything that exists on its inner and outer plane. The Christ light in the course of many millions of years has constantly been drawing Mother Earth and everything that exists on her, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, into Its loving embrace. Naturally, we and our world were never excluded from this.

Those behind the scenes who, from the word go, have been pulling the strings of our world’s present situation are the pirates and buccaneers of our time. Ignorant of their true nature and why they are here, they are relentlessly trawling the ocean of humankind’s earthly existence for the bounty of amassing huge amounts of money and the material possessions they will then be able to afford. How, in their blindness, do they do deal with the fact that all earthly possessions have to be left behind, when our departure time from this plane has come? If only we could get it through to them that much greater and more precious possessions that will forever be theirs are guaranteed to come their way, as soon as they discover their spiritual nature and start developing it.

Let’s ask God and the Angels to show us how to go about showing them who and what they truly are and that their life, the same as every other human being’s, serves a wise higher purpose. Our world will be a happier place if we can somehow entice them to start bringing forth, from deep within their own being, the qualities of their Christ nature, because that will help them to start acting in a more thoughtful, kinder and more loving manner. Becoming patient and tolerant towards the shortcomings and foibles of these people becomes easier when one realises that the flaws of their nature are unavoidable aspects of the lessons they are presently attending.

But they too have the birthright to eventually discover that any growth in wisdom and understanding that’s gained during each lifetime is the only thing that truly belongs to us earthlings and that forever. The knowledge of this is the treasure all human beings are in search of in the earthly school of life. That’s why they are participating in its lessons one lifetime after another. And nobody in the whole of Creation would ever dream of taking any of that most precious possession from us. It is the only thing we take with us into the world of spirit and accompanies us into all future earthly sojourns, which makes coping with them easier.

Be that as it may, the troublemakers are our younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. Don’t you think it’s good and right that we provide them as much spiritual support as possible? After all, you and I once were where they presently are on the evolutionary spiral and in those days we probably were grateful when assistance came our way. Helping the spiritual youngsters in our midst to discover the spiritual treasures that are in store for them, the same as for everybody else, practises our own Christ nature. And that’s what we also do each time we send them some more kind and loving, understanding and forgiving thoughts. There is no need for names. God and the Angels know every one of us, where we have come from and where we are going to. They are aware of the sincerity of our motivations and intentions, probably better than we are ourselves.

The main law of life is love and every kind and loving thoughts joins the Christ stream and strengthens the healing power of its light. Whenever we focus on the harmful influences and hindrances to our world’s evolutionary progress, the Christ stream’s light flows straight to those who are causing them. Even though our troublemakers’ earthly selves almost certainly would reject what we are trying to bring them as fanciful flights of imagination and nonsense, their Divine spark is grateful for every bit of light that reaches it. Hungrily it absorbs what we are sending and so are assisting the waking up process of their God or Christ nature. Never forget that no bread cast on the waters of life is ever wasted. It does not matter if the earthly self of the fed one cannot yet understand our gift, their spirit/soul does and responds to it. And the same as everything else, our bread in due course returns to us. It may come in the form of help when we are in need of it and least expect it. All of a sudden, it appears but hardly ever through those we fed. Yet, return it must because it cannot do anything else.

God and the Angels are waiting to demonstrate that with their help and will quite literally all things are possible and that any condition can be healed. In particular this applies to our world’s present predicament. In my view, it was brought about by unscrupulous business methods that do not shy away from trying to achieve its ends through lying and cheating, trickery, deception and corruption. The selfishness and greed of those pulling the strings behind the scenes are unaware that this kind of behaviour is not good enough for the age of honesty and truth and therefore is no longer be tolerated. And one of these days, the Christ nature of some of our troublemakers, and with it their love of honesty and truth, the first and finest qualities of the spirit realm, is sure to wake up.

They too will then realise that spiritually everything is for real. Faking does not exist, the way it does on our side of the veil that separates our world from the spirit realm. Everything there is simple, straight forward and can clearly be seen by everyone. And what we on our side like to think of as our most secret thoughts, on the spirit side it is as if we were shouting them from the rooftops. No hidden plans and agendas exist there and the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more our world’s earthly plane will become like that.

Anything we dream of and wish for with all our heart and soul, God and the Angels have always fulfilled, sometimes merely to teach us a certain lesson. I believe that the worldwide pharmaceutical industry’s dream for ruling our world with its products, distributed at its will, has produced the 2019/2020 pandemic. They are responsible for the suffering and hardships it has brought to millions of people. From behind the scenes, they have always been pulling the strings and manipulating our world’s masses and its governments into this sad and very strange situation.

If you follow the link at the end of this chapter and read ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’ about the outbreaks of the bird flu, the swine flu and Ebola, you can see how this industry for many years has been nurturing the dream of creating a pandemic. The result they dreamed of was always that eventually vaccinations, with their products, would be declared by the governments of ever more countries to be compulsive for everybody. That would have enabled the industry to shovel huge amounts of profit into its shareholders’ pockets.

The main law of life is love and this kind of dreaming trespasses this law in such a gross manner that God and the Angels are unwilling to allow it becoming a reality on the earthly plane. The pharmaceutical industry’s dream also grossly contravenes the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on the Earth but throughout the whole of Creation. And that is why by now ever more of us are feeling a growing sense of responsibility for the wellbeing of humankind and our whole world. We are dreaming of transmuting all harmful influences into beneficial ones for the healing and strengthening of the immune system of our world and everything that shares it with us.

This is the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth and I am glad to tell you that for some time it has been progressing well. For this work God and the Angels need our help as much as we need theirs. They are waiting to show ever more of us intuitively what kind of a contribution we can make. To requests of this nature they respond with the greatest of pleasure, the way they have always done. And that is they are bringing seemingly unreachable stars and dreams that could never find fulfilment before, within everybody’s reach.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (19)

 The Possible Dream

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – The Possible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘A Temple For The Living Christ’ in Stella Polaris August /September 2020: ‘Never look back, dear children of the Earth, only forwards and upwards. Steadfastly trust that God and the Angels, hand in hand with ever more of you, will bring about the natural happy ending of your world’s present state. No matter what still has to happen there because of the redemption of some ancient karmic debts, they will always be guiding and protecting you and your world. Individually as well as collectively, that’s what they always have done for you and your world on its journey up the evolutionary spiral of life,

‘As this will forever continue, even when the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you, place your hands into ours so we can show you intuitively what kind of contribution each one of you can make. Trust the blessing and healing power of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, the Sun beyond and behind the Sun in the sky above your world. With Its help, together with yours and ours, the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth for some time by now has been taking place. The power of this light and the great company of Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, will forever be supporting and assisting your endeavours. As the executors of God’s great plan of life, they are in charge of humankind’s development on all its levels.

‘Knowing the way of everything, they decide what your world is ready to cope with, at any given time. Then they instruct us, your spirit friends and guides on the lower levels, how to present the wisdom they have prepared for you and in what form it should be presented. That’s how the tale of the God-man Jesus came into being for the Piscean age. And the deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more it will become common knowledge that he never was a historical figure. He was created as a thoughtform and as a symbol of every human being’s God or Christ nature. And that’s why Jesus could never save and redeem anyone. There is only one God who truly can do this and that, for every human being as well as your whole world, is everybody’s own higher nature. No outside influences are involved in this process.

‘What you and your world for a long time have been waiting for is the birth of humankind’s individual and collective Christ child. This requires bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the Divine powers and qualities that has always been present in every spark of the Great Light, even though at first only in seedform. As discovering the truth about things of this nature is every human being’s birthright, ever more of you are by now learning how to tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into our frequencies. The living Christ is at work in your world whenever one of you treats every member of the human race as an equal and greets them with the same kindness and tolerance, friendliness and goodwill. Each time you lend a helping hand, some more of your inner light shines into your world. It light increases and a bit more of that which to this day is dark, ugly and evil in your world is absorbed into the goodness of the Christ light within you.

‘We spirit guides and helpers are happy and thankful each time we watch another one of you who is waking up from their spiritual slumber and therefore refuses to be at the mercy of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Every one of you is gifted in some special way to enable them to make their unique contribution to your world’s present situation. As soon as another one of you tunes their earthly mind into our frequencies, we can start showing them intuitively how to make best use of their talents that have taken many lifetimes to develop, in preparation for taking an active part in your world’s recovery from the present pandemic.

‘No-one in the whole of Creation will ever be allowed to seriously interfere with humankind’s evolutionary progress. That’s why there is no point in trying to walk in the footsteps of your world’s old belief systems. The times are definitely over when the blind were leading the blind and when, for wise higher reasons, it was good and right to inflict any kind of suffering onto your world and everything that inhabited it. For teaching humankind the Divine values of love, honesty and truth, for a certain length of time they were withheld.

‘As this lesson has been imbibed sufficiently, you and your world by now are taking part in the next lesson and that is the return of love, honesty and truth to your world. The lack of it, with the help of the pandemic, created suffering and hardships for millions of people. The damage it has done so far to humankind and your world’s economy is sufficient for the redemption of the accumulated karmic debts. And we are glad to see that ever more of you are freely and willingly offering themselves to serve as channels through which the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light pours into your world, with steadily increasing force. That’s how gradually the mist and darkness that are the underlying cause of your world’s present situation are dissolving.

‘With the redemption of the old and experienced spirit/souls’ karmic debts, the pandemic has served its wise higher purpose. With this the main obstacle in the way of your world’s evolutionary progress has been removed. That’s why God and the Angels are not going to tolerate any attempts at forcing your world to stand still of go backwards, not even for the tiniest of moments. There is no way anyone will be allowed to ever return to the ways of the old religions, when they were allowed – for the earlier mentioned reasons – to manipulate the masses with the help of fear, so their resources could be selfishly exploited.

‘The lessons of treachery and corruption, deceit of the self and others of the past have been sufficiently learnt. The pandemic has closed the circle of these experiences through the redemption of the karmic debts that the old and experienced in your midst brought with them from lifetimes of long ago. The Aquarian age has opened a new circle that is bringing lessons of a very different nature to you and your world and they consist of discovering the value of love, honesty and truth.

‘As a result of the pandemic many countries, including the United Kingdom, are suffering from the deepest economic recession since the 1930s. Having served its purpose well, the pandemic has run its course. And the more of you freely and willingly tune their earthly minds into our frequencies and request to be shown intuitively how to go about working hand in hand with the God, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, and also us, your spirit friends and helpers, the sooner the whole situation will reach its natural and quite surprising end. The time has come for moving on. We bless all of you, young and old spirit/souls alike, each one a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother and our sibling in the great family of all life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Little Things’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (20)

Of False Prophets, Messiahs And Experts

Updated for the Coronavirus Outbreak 2019/2020/2021

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Of False Prophets And MessiahsBe particularly careful each time you come across another medical Doctor and others who call themselves experts on the Coronavirus outbreak 2019/2020/2021. Reflect on who, from the background, might be pulling their strings and how much and by whom they might be getting paid for making statements that are obviously designed to frighten some more of the living daylights out of people and especially the governments in whose hands the spending power of their countries rests. With the means of communication that are now available to just about everybody, it has been easy to bring about a pandemic by turning the handle of the fear-making machinery of our world’s troublemakers.

To find out whether something is true or false, pay attention to how your inner guidance reacts to whatever you are hearing or reading. For example when ‘experts’ tell you that wearing facemasks is completely harmless. Having tried them, I believe that cannot be true. I could not possibly stand wearing one for more than ten minutes for the following reason: our lungs bring oxygen into our bodies when breathing in and send carbon dioxide into our world when we are breathing out. It is a waste gas that the cells of our body produce and a high concentration of it displaces the oxygen in the air. If less of that is available to breathe, symptoms such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upsets and fatigue can result. As less oxygen becomes available, nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma and death can occur. How is that for harmlessness?

And for everyone on the spiritual pathway a word of warning may not come amiss and that is: ‘Whatever you do, beware of false prophets and messiahs!’ To this day, they are sure to be encountered by all of us in the form of people who are trying to take us in. The only one hundred percent reliable teacher in the whole wide world dwells inside everybody’s innermost heart and is waiting to be called upon and spring into action. Yet, even in these communications with our inner Master, the living God within, it is essential that we use our discriminatory faculties, so they can be developed to their highest potential.

Sorting the wheat from the chaff is now more important than it ever was before. Do not believe anything or anyone, including me and my writings – not that I would call myself a prophet or messiah, but I am sure you know what I mean – without verifying the information before you with your inner guidance first. In order to do this, whatever you hear or read anywhere, let it flow through the filter of the world of your feelings, especially your heart, as that is the only place in the world where truth dwells. Listen carefully to what it tells you.

Our inner guru, also known as the living God within, has full access to every bit of wisdom and knowledge that has ever been gathered anywhere in the whole of Creation. S/He is the final authority on recognising and telling us the difference between right and wrong, truths and lies. Learn to listen to this teacher carefully, with love and respect. Test and try it, time and again, and it will amaze you how much it can and will tell and help you, even down to tackling your most mundane tasks. This authority in everybody is waiting to help us understand what is happening in our world, within and without, with ever increasing speed. It is waiting to be called upon to show us how to overcome all our fears and how to transmute our negative thoughts and feelings into positive and constructive ones.

To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:15-20: ‘Beware of false prophets who present themselves in sheep’s clothing when in truth they are ravenous wolves. That’s how everybody needs to learn how to recognise others by their fruits. Is it possible to gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, good trees bear good fruit while bad trees can only bear bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit. This separates the wheat from the chaff. The trees that do not bear good fruit during this lifetime are not going to be allowed to reincarnate into earthly life, when the present transformation of your planet is complete. Their energies will only be suitable for continuing their education of the material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet. That’s how by their fruits anyone’s true value can be recognised, not only by you but also your invisible friends and helpers in the spiritual background of life.’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (21)

Paradise : Earthly Life Without Fear

A Message From The Angels And Masters

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Earthly Life Without Fear

Take my hand,
I’m a stranger in paradise,
All lost in a wonderland,
A stranger in paradise.
Standing starry-eyed,
That’s the danger in paradise.

From the musical Kismet 1953
Music by Alexander Borodin 1833-1887
Words by Robert Wright and George Forrest

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are calling today to assist you and your world with overcoming all fears, and especially those of God, death and the unknown. In the presence of truth there is no room for fear and that’s why we are here. Earthly life, because of its general lack of spiritual awareness, for long enough has been ruled by fear. You will be glad to hear that this part of humankind’s earthly education is definitely over. The time has come for finding out ever more of the truth about your world’s spiritual background and the concepts that rule life on both sides of the veil, which for a long time has been separating our two worlds from each other.

Let’s start with taking a look at the meaning of Paradise. It is a similar concept to that of Heaven and hell. Both are states of consciousness and not places anyone ever went to. Hell is what human beings, during the early stages of their earthly education, are good at creating for others and later – when the law of Karma returns their misdeeds to them – for themselves. Heaven is the state when human beings have redeemed their last and oldest karmic debts and their vibrations are right for moving on to experiencing their next higher level of existence and what comes after it. Doesn’t that sound like Heaven to you?

Don’t you think it’s heavenly to find out that no-one ever went to Heaven to spend their time sleeping in the company of Jesus until judgement day, because there never was a Jesus and there will be no judgement day? As explained in other parts of the Aquarian writings, the story of Jesus is a legend and you yourselves are the only who will ever judge you. None of you is ever snuffed out like a candle when you leave your physical body behind. As soon as the purpose of one of your lifetimes has been fulfilled, like a caterpillar slipping from its chrysalis, your spirit/soul turns into a beautiful butterfly that’s released into the greater freedom of your world’s inner spiritual background, our realm. That is humankind’s true home, where every one of you is loved and tenderly cared for.

Each time an Angel of Death takes any one of you there, should someone ask: ‘Have I died? Am I in Heaven?’ the Angel replies: ‘No, you are not dead and you are not in Heaven. You have arrived in our world. Welcome home! You are alive and well and will soon start enjoying its greater freedom, because you are no longer tied to a cumbersome physical body.’ There really is nothing to be afraid of and isn’t that Paradise enough? We want you to know that every human being’s existence is an ongoing and never-ending process, which begins with spending many lifetimes as a material being in a material environment. At the end of each one of them, you return to our world. There is no other place for anyone to go to.

After resting and recovering sufficiently from the rough and tumble of your earthly experiences, time and again you re-emerge for another journey on the earthly plane. Nobody forces you to do so, but for every one of you being educated on the material plane is compulsory. You have to reappear until it has run its course and earthly life can teach you no more. This comes about through evolving into a Christed one, in your own right. Your vibrations are then right for moving on to exploring the next higher level of humankind’s existence.

You will then appreciate that Paradise is not a place from which humankind once emerged. It is a state of consciousness towards which your race for a very long time has constantly been moving, drawn ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral by the Christ light. Over millions of Earth years new opportunities have thus been created for ever more of you to explore and develop all aspects of your being. For every one of you that is a long journey, in which you first start experiencing yourself as a material being in a material world, without having a clue of who you really are, where you have come from and where you will eventually be going to.

Eventually, every one of you finds out about God’s nature and their own, as well as the special relationship all of you have always had with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and forever will have. The initial stage of your personal Paradise has been reached when your inner guidance confirms that this is the truth. The awareness of this for you transforms the earthly plane into a natural part of our realm, your world’s inner spiritual background that’s merely an extension of ours. This knowledge and everything else you are going to receive intuitively from us, will slowly but surely help you shed your fears, one after the other.

This sets you free to love, with your whole being, us and our world as well as all life that exists in the whole of Creation. When you add to this the love of honesty and truth as your one and only ruler, you have brought your very own small corner of Paradise down to the Earth. This enables us to use you as one of our channels through which the Christ light, in both senses of the word, flows with steadily increasing force into your world and everything you come into contact with. You are glad to know that in truth:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

A world where fear is no longer known
And that’s Paradise enough!

As none of you ever experienced this state before, all of you truly are strangers in Paradise. And we have come to tell you that it’s the birthright of every human being to make their contribution towards establishing this state on the Earth, first for yourself, then for those around you and eventually for your whole world. Do not shy away from this somewhat daunting task, for we shall be with you, all the way. Shed your fears, they are no longer needed. Instead, roll up your sleeves and get to work by tuning your earthly minds into our frequencies. We know every one of you personally, better than you do yourself. We are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively how to proceed, so please call.

Earthly life will be a Paradise when peace has come to your world, at last. It will then be a place without fear, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption, violence, wars and other types of crime, especially those committed in the name of a God, the meaning of which is not yet understood by those who still insist in trespassing against love, the main law of life. That’s how to this day the blind still are leading the blind. Removing this blindness from every human being’s perception, once and for all, that’s the true meaning of the concept Paradise.

What you and your world have been experiencing for some time is not humankind’s spiritual rebirth. It is the Christ nature waking from its slumber in ever more human hearts. And that’s the higher esoteric truth that’s been hiding for such a long time behind the surface words of the Jesus legend’s child birth in a manger. To bring about the natural happy ending of the present unhealthy and unhappy state of your world, we need your help as much as you need ours. If that’s what sufficient numbers of  you dream about and yearn for with every fibre of their being, we are willing to fulfil this dream. And that will be humankind’s first major step towards creating the state of Paradise on your planet.

Refuse to run with the herd, for those who do cannot get any further than the herd of  human beings who are so frightened that they allow themselves to be led by their noses like sheep, to the slaughter. Turn to us instead and rest safely in the knowledge that we are with you and forever shall be. Do not allow anyone to frighten you. We shall always be happy to intuitively show anyone who comes to us, how they can contribute to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. And that’s how, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest ones in your midst are predestined to evolve into saviours and redeemers of themselves, the human race and everything that shares its world. We are with every one of you, all the way and welcome home!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (22)

Humankind’s Waking Up!

Amazing Grace

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Amazing Grace

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears reliev’d;
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believ’d!

Thro’ many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

John Newton 1725 – 1807

Amazing Grace, the sound of Your wisdom and truth being heard in our world at last is sweet beyond compare. How good it is to know that no human being is or ever was nothing but a worm, a miserable sinner and wretch who needs to crawl in the dust before You, and through this debase their own nature and existence. It’s great to find out that all of us, without exception, are Your beloved children of the Earth, that all of us are sparks of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, Your only born Son/Daughter. Therefore, when all is said and done, all of us are young Gods in the making, who are serving the first part of their apprenticeship in the earthly school of life’s compulsory lessons.

When all of them have been sufficiently experienced, every human being is destined to have evolved into a healer and a bringer of the light of Your sacred wisdom and truth. Whenever we then come across any of our world’s religious teachings, we recognise the truths that have always been hiding behind their surface words and understand them. That means we have developed true clairvoyance. Our time then has come for sharing our insights with those around, so that they too are no longer deceived. And that’s the esoteric truth behind the Jesus legend’s allegory of the Master healing someone from their blindness.

Thank You for telling us that the world around us at all times is like a mirror that reflects back to us what is happening on its inner level. The knowledge of this enables us to pay attention to our environment and taking more time for watching and listening what it is trying to tell us, because that which we are seeking may already be where we are, but presented itself in a different manner than we had hoped for. All we have to do is open our eyes and tune into our inner perception. Otherwise we may too blind to see what You and the Angels have in store for us. Please help ever more of us to develop this gift, so we can perceive the many blessings that are all around us.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound of Your Great Plan of life and that we have a Mother as well as a Father on the highest levels, who love us dearly and have always taken care of all our true needs and that this will forever continue. Thank You for the knowledge that Jesus is not a historical figure, that the story of his life is a legend and that the God-man is a symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. Thank You for the privilege of allowing us to see with our own eyes, by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter, that Your plan has always unfolded as it should and that nothing but good things are in store for us and our world. There is no doubt in my mind that these things are true because they are what the Angels and Masters of Your realm for quite some time have been telling our world with the help of my intuitive writings.

To enter into the state of Paradise and establish our very own small corner of it whilst taking part in earthly life, all we have to do is start conducting our life in keeping with Your Universal laws, in particular the main laws of love and evolution, in other words evolution that is based on love. These laws always have been and forever will be taking us, individually and collectively, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. A high and holy destiny awaits every one of us, even our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers in one of the lifetimes in the far distant future.

In times gone by, running with the herd was the norm and expected from us as obedient citizens. The religions of those days left us no choice. Thinking for ourselves and drawing our own conclusions was unwanted, as shown by the following teaching from Proverbs, one of the oldest books of the Abrahamic religions, Chapter 3:5 + 6: ‘Trust in God with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of Him and He will make your paths straight.’ And how would anyone take notice of Him other than through the words of the churches’ sacred texts, which had been declared to be infallibly true?

For the Aquarian Age, the age of truth, let’s paraphrase the above quote: ‘Trust the wisdom and truth of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Your heart recognises it when it comes your way and tells you through the world of your feelings whether something is true or false, right or wrong. Pay attention to it and this way find understanding through the wise one or living God within. You can then no longer go wrong and all your paths will gradually become and then forever be straight.’

And the following is the essence of message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me in a White Eagle Lodge newsletter on 17th August 2020: ‘In the course of every one of your earthly lifetimes only a small part of your whole being functions with the help of your physical body. Your spirit/soul always has been and forever will be part of God. At the beginning of your the earthly school of life’s lessons your lower self can be likened to being chained to the hold of a great ship. It takes many lifetimes until it has gained sufficient light for getting its first glimpses of the beauty of the great ocean of life through which your ship has always been ploughing. In the course of every earthly lifetime every earthly self’s light steadily increases, a) through absorbing more the Christ Star’s actual light and b) through growing in wisdom and understanding of itself and its environment.

‘Without the earthly self being aware of it, it has always been moving steadily and methodically forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. And that has drawn it ever closer into the loving embrace of the Great Light, the Source its being, the same as all other manifestations of life in the whole of Creation. Every one of you develops like this and at all times you are being bathed by the warmth and love of the Christ Star’s light.

‘Although for a long time your spirit/soul is trapped and held prisoner in the darkness of its earthly self’s lack of understanding of God’s true nature and its own, and the wise higher purpose of its existence, every one of you always has been and forever will be guided and protected by us. We are the wise ones in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, who are in charge of humankind’s individual and collective development on all levels. It takes a long time until you realise how closely observed and watched over by us your evolutionary journey has always been and forever will be. Although we are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, we always have been and forever will be watching everything that happens on your plane. Because humankind has been given freedom of choice, only when things threaten to get out of hand, do we intervene by putting a stop to them to protect humankind and its world. That’s what is in the process of happening to the pandemic 2019/2020. Having served its purpose, there is no need for it to continue. That’s why it will soon be reaching its natural happy ending. This will not surprise you as much as the rest of humankind.

‘Those who have been following the Aquarian writings, are familiar with the pandemic’s spiritual background and why it happened at this particular time. If you are one of them, for you there is no need to run with the herd and be frightened by the continuing efforts of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. If you turn to us instead, we will help you intuitively to walk your predestined pathway of evolving into one of the saviours and redeemers of themselves and their world. Never forget that hand in hand with us, your spirit guides and helpers, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, especially this one. Together let’s demonstrate how the Christ spirit, through waking up in ever more of human beings and bringing it forth, each from deep within their own being, really can save and redeem you and your world. This is the only way it can come about.

‘Naturally, the decision of whether to join or not to join our movement of bringing healing and peace to Mother Earth at last, is up to every individual. But if you seriously want this to come about, turn to us. The more of you do this, the sooner and more easily it will come about. Rest assured that on the earthly plane none of you is ever left to their own devices. We are always with all of you, quietly observing from your world’s spiritual inner background. When someone veers off too far from their predestined pathway, some kind of event nudges them back onto it. There are no accidents or coincidences in your world. And everything that happens to you is the result of something you did, you created it. The Universal laws are just to the point of perfection, they never err.

‘So trust us and do not fear, we are with you all the way and you will forever be safe. Last but by no means least, we remind you that for bringing about the greatest healing miracle of all times that has ever been experienced on your planet, we need your help as much as you need ours. God bless you all and thank you.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (23)

Only A Shadow

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Only A Shadow

O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother Creator of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
The love we have for You,
Is only a shadow of Your love for us,
Your deep abiding love
That has never left us.

Our belief in You, O Creator,
Is but a shadow of Your faith in us,
Your deep and lasting faith
That has always accompanied us
On our journey forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life,
That will forever continue.

Our lives are in Your hands,
O Angels and Masters,
Of the Christ Circle, the Throne of God,
Assisted by spirit guides, friends and helpers,
Who, even though they are invisible to earthly eyes,
Have always have been and forever will be with us.

Our love for You has been growing since
We found out who and what You truly are,
Who we are and what kind of a relationship
Every one of us has with You.
Through this the light of Your Love
Penetrates ever deeper into
The cells and atoms of our whole being
And restores all parts into
Normal healthy functioning.
From there it flows into our world’s
Individual and collective consciousness,
For the blessing and healing of
Every manifestation of life.

You and the Angels need us as much
As we need You to make a reality of
Our dream of Mother Earth as a place
Where peace and harmony, honesty and truth
Rule supreme, where
Sickness, hunger and starvation are unknown,
The lust for warmongering, trouble and strife,
Lying and cheating, greed and corruption
Have been overcome.
Even death, the way we once understood
It’s meaning, has been left behind.

The joy that fills our whole being
About this future for our world
Is but a shadow of what
You and the Angels are feeling about
Our homecoming into the awareness
Of Your true nature and our own,
That each one of us, without exception,
Is a spark of Your Great Light
And a beloved child of the Earth,
Who at last is standing before you,
Face to face.

It’s good to know that everything in the whole of Creation is of You and from You, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. And every one of us is a spark of this Great light. Therefore, all powers and characteristics that are in You are also in every one of us, the highest as well as the lowest. Nobody is all bad or good. We are all a mixture of both. Our dark and evil side is meant to be overcome and left behind and the more our higher nature takes over, it dies a natural death. Bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, their own God or Christ nature. We are here to develop and bring it to full unfoldment. That’s what our whole world is presently experiencing and every one of us is taking part in it. Christianity’s dying man on the cross is a symbolism for this part of our individual and collective education in the earthly school of life.

Carey Landry
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (24)

Turn To Me

Updated July 2020

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Turn To Me
Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me,
I call your name.

I am He who comforts you,
Who are you to be afraid?
Your flesh that fades
Is made like the grass of the field,
Soon to wither.

Listen to me, my people;
Give ear to me, my nation;
A law will go forth from me,
And my justice for a light to the people.

Lift up your eyes to the Heavens,
And look at the Earth down below.
Those Heavens will vanish like smoke,
And the Earth will wear out like a garment.

John Foley

The tale of Jesus was an essential part of one of the religions in which the concept of good and evil was presented in the form of God and the devil. The story of the God-man’s life is but one the legends we gave to your world during humankind’s spiritual child- and adulthood. Jesus represented that which is good, kind and loving in you and your world and the devil that which is dark, nasty and evil. With tales of this nature we tried to bring you a better understanding of the forces of good and evil. For a long time they are at loggerheads in your world as well as within every one of you. When you have reached spiritual adulthood, you realise that there is no point in turning to Jesus because he is not a historical figure, merely as a thoughtform. That’s why he could never save and redeem anyone.

The story of the Master’s life is but one of the many legends through which we, throughout the ages, from time to time have tried to familiarise humankind with the concept of good and evil. Being sparks of the Divine, both are a natural part of every human being’s nature. There is only who can truly save and redeem you and your world and that’s every one of you for themselves and that’s why we are asking you to turn to us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, instead of Jesus. We are supported by vast numbers of groups of spirit guides and helpers on the lower levels of our realm. For a long time we have been yearning to show ever more of you intuitively how to go about bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, their higher God or Christ nature.

We are the executors of God’s great evolutionary plan and responsible for all levels of humankind’s development. Unbeknown to you, we have always guided every one of you on their long journey forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Now that you are ready to be aware of our presence and work, that’s why we are asking you not to turn to Jesus but to us. As soon as the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind has been successfully tuned into our frequencies, we can start using you as one of the channels through which the Christ energies’ blessing and healing power are flowing with ever increasing strength to wherever there is a need for them. In this process, your own whole being of mind and body, spirit and soul heals and every part of it gradually returns to normal healthy functioning. And this is how God’s great plan of life decrees that, in due course, every human being evolves into another saviour and redeemer of themselves, the whole of humankind and your world.

To practise the God or Christ part of your nature all you have to do is live a good life and send nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to whoever comes your way, and especially to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Every thought of this nature one of you sends their way adds to the strength of the Christ light’s stream of consciousness. Your thoughts direct the flow of light to them and that enables their Divine spark to absorb ever more of it. Deprived of light, because of its earthly counterpart’s over-materialistic attitudes and way of living, such sparks cannot help having been kept prisoner in that state. That’s why they hungrily absorb even the tiniest rays of light that reach them.

And that continues until the person’s God or Christ nature begins to stir from its slumbering state. Its qualities begin to wake up and that is accompanied by our world’s love of honesty and truth. This is what’s presently happening to every individual spark and all together they are the spark of humankind and your world. The more of you take part in sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to any kind of pirate on the high seas of earthly life, the more easily their own Christ nature as well as the Christ nature of the whole of humankind wakes up. The Jesus legend’s baby in the manger is a symbolism for this process that in due course takes place in the heart of every human being, the whole of humankind and your world. The heart is the symbol for the most humble place on the Earth.

Every one of you is endowed with the power of easing the pain of this birth by sending their loving thoughts. Please also direct them to anyone who is presently taking part in earthly life and do not forget those who are resting and recovering from the stresses of that existence in our realm. The sparks of those on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds, all together are the spark of humankind and its world. Added to that are also the sparks of those who once took part in earthly life and whose vibrations had evolved sufficiently for moving on to start exploring the higher levels of life. That’s what many of the old and experienced spirit/souls in your midst will soon be doing.

And every one of you is constantly making their own unique contribution to Mother Earth’s evolutionary progress. All of those who have moved on are now part of the many groups of your guides and helpers in our realm. Together they are known to you under the collective name of the White Eagle group of spirit guides. They receive their instructions from us about how much of God’s sacred wisdom and truth humankind is ready to receive at any given time. We decide where it should be presented and in what form, for example the Buddha legend starting in your world’s Eastern part and spreading out from there.

The Abrahamic religions Judaism and Christianity with its Jesus legend, was followed by Islam. These three had their beginnings in the Middle East. As ever, the blind were leading the blind by priesthoods that blessed their soldier’s weapons in the name of a God they did not yet understand. Doesn’t it make you feel sad that religions that are meant to connect us all with God and each other, to this day manages to make us into enemies instead of friends? As this is still happening in some parts of your world, don’t you want to do all you can to help these people to wake up from the illusions of such an existence? If so, you know where to start directing your kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. For they know not what they are doing . . .

The more materialistically orientated your world became, the more deprived of light the individual and collective spark of humankind was. This is by no means what God’s great plan for the development of humankind and its world decrees. Something drastic had to happen to bring all of you to your senses. It needed to be big enough to shake humankind up, that would stop it from getting lost in the illusion that acquiring material possessions and wealth is the reason for taking part in earthly life. The pandemic has fulfilled the purpose of forcing ever more of you to peer beyond the ends of their noses and the limited horizons of their earthly existence. This would enable you to become aware of your higher realties and the evolutionary hopes and dreams for you and your world.

For ever more of you the pandemic has served the purpose of bringing things to a head. Through the suffering and hardships many of you had and still have to endure, some of humankind’s most ancient and severe karmic debts have been redeemed. The time for moving on has come because the birth of your world’s Christ child is happening just where you are. It happens when people help each other wherever they can, because they are then bringing forth their very own Christ nature and developing its highest, best and noblest qualities.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (25)

Who Or What Is Jesus?

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Who Or What Is Jesus?For a long time, the majority of your world’s population has been dreaming of peace on Earth and goodwill to all and that one day it will become a reality on your planet. And many of you are likely to be familiar with the song: ‘Jesus, joy of man’s desiring.’ The time has come for discovering that this world of your dreams can only be made into a reality on the earthly plane when ever more of you realise the truth about Jesus and his role as a peacemaker. That’s why we have come to tell you that the God-man is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature.

Peace can only come to your world, when ever more of you bring forth, each from deep within their own being, the powers and qualities of this aspect of their being. Like all great things this one is simplicity itself. All you have to do is being a good person, who leads a good and modest life that does not stress your planet’s precious resources unnecessarily, and who endeavours to think nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts about everybody who shares your world. If you have not yet tried it, you will be surprised how difficult that can turn out in view of what always has been and still is happening in your world.

In keeping with God’s plan for humankind’s development, in the course of many lifetimes every human being is destined to evolve into one of the billions of saviours and redeemers of themselves, the whole of humankind and your world. In view of the evolutionary level they by now have reached, we are paraphrasing the above mentioned song: ‘Humankind’s greatest joy consists of discovering the truth about Jesus, that the God-man is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. He is a symbolism of every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. This knowledge empowers all of you to start acting as your own and your world’s saviour and redeemer. This is how all human beings will eventually be required to contribute to the joy of bringing healing and everlasting peace to your planet.’ And that is the only way the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth at present is in the process of unfolding. The speed with which it progresses depends on every one of you, so please share what you are finding here with as many of your family and friends as possible.

Thinking is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. And every kind, loving and forgiving thought is a ray of light and a powerful instrument that not only increases the sender’s own light but also adds some more strength to the blessing and healing power of your world’s light stream of consciousness. As a spark of the Christ light, the Divine powers and characteristics are in every one of you and that’s why you can direct the light stream’s energies to wherever you want them to go. The light you send first benefits the recipient’s Divine spark and from there it flows into the spark of the whole of humankind and your world. Every individual spark is an integral part of both. And having been deprived for a long time of an ordinary steady inflow of spiritual light, the collective spark most gratefully absorbs the steadily increasing strength of the Christ light’s stream.

The polar opposite and balancing force of that stream of consciousness is the dark stream, the same way as the passive receptive feminine forces of life balance and complete the masculine outgoing and active ones. One cannot function or even exist without the other and that in the whole of Creation, therefore also in every one of you and your world. The nature of both streams is neutral. However, love being the main law of life for all its manifestations and that on every one of its levels, everything in your world that ever trespassed this law fed into the dark stream and that, with the passing of time, kept on increasing its strength. And every kind, loving and forgiving thought, word and action has always fed into the light stream and increased its power to gradually absorb ever more of that which accumulates in its dark counterpart.

The suffering and hardships the pandemic is causing for millions of people around your world is the redemption of unpaid karmic debts that had been left behind from those that accumulated in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy and the enforcement of the all-male religions of that time. The pandemic has been part of repairing your world’s imbalance between the spiritual and material aspects of humankind’s existence that was created by those at the head of these religions and their followers. The pandemic has fulfilled its purpose because by now ever more of you are becoming aware that their earthly existence fulfils a higher purpose and that a high and holy destiny awaits every human being at the end of their earthly education.

Humankind’s steadily increasing awareness of its spiritual nature and the meaning of its earthly existence is slowly restoring your world’s balance. The wise higher reasons for the all-male religions and the unbalancing effect they had have been sufficiently explained in other parts of the Aquarian writings, especially in ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’. We have always worked hard to avoid humankind destroying each other and its planet. However, to restore the balance of your world’s streams of consciousness, we need your co-operation.

Unfortunately, there are still too many in your midst who believe they can do as they please, for as long as they are doing it secretly so that – as far as they know – nobody watches them. Is it any wonder that your planet is in its present state, that a pandemic was possible and even necessary to wake humankind’s spiritual nature from its slumbering state? But because of our presence, your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers could not be more wrong. We always have been and forever will be observing what every one of you, at any given time, is thinking, saying and doing. That reveals to us which level of spiritual maturity someone has reached. And this is how we know that at present the Christ nature of ever more of you is ready to wake up.

You are one of them, if you feel you would like to do something to end your world’s present sad state and the suffering and hardships that millions are experiencing at the hands of a comparatively small greedy, selfish and thoughtless minority. Turn to us, we are waiting to show you intuitively in what way you can contribute. Start straight away by sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those who are trying to keep the pandemic going. Because it has served its purpose, we are not going to allow this state to continue unnecessarily. So, let’s end it together. In close co-operation with us, every one of you has the power of doing their share of unfolding your world’s greatest healing miracle ever, in full view of your whole world.

Your world needs you, now more than ever before. So please join us and each time your kind and loving thoughts return to you, as surely they will, send them on their way time and again. You have no idea how much you will then be helping your world’s balancing and healing process. Its return to normal healthy functioning shall be your reward. As a result of the pandemic, new and better ways of treating your planet and everything that exists on it are going to develop. We shall provide plenty of ideas, the way we always have done to improve humankind’s living conditions, so that once more you and your world really will be moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.

And now let’s return for a moment to the song that states: ‘Listen to Me, My people. Give ear to me, My nation: a law will go forth from Me and My justice for a light to the people.’ We would like to paraphrase it for the Aquarian age: ‘In the fullness of time, My justice of My law will bring the light of truth to My beloved children of the Earth. All of them are My people. I will then tell them about My nature and theirs, the special relationship every one of them always has had and forever will have with Me, and that every one of them – whatever the colour of their skin or their beliefs – will forever be My beloved child.’

Discovering the truth about Jesus is the greatest joy in store for the whole of humankind. It enables every one of you to bring forth, not from some outside force but from deep within your own being, the qualities of your very own higher God or Christ nature. Through practising your best, highest and noblest characteristics in every one of your daily encounters, every one of you is endowed with the power of making your world into a better and more peaceful place for those around you.

Having matured into spiritual adulthood, wise ones are doing this not because it is written somewhere that this is what they should do, but because they understand what is at stake that’s what they want to do. There’s a world of difference between these two attitudes. Besides, only through acting upon any kind of knowledge can it become part of the spiritual property that’s yours forever. That’s why wise ones firsts sweep in front of their own door and tidy up their habitual thinking and behaviour patterns. And as your world’s eminent scientist Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (26)

A Law Will Go Forth From Me

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – A Law Will Go Forth From MeYes, at the beginning of the creative process God’s laws brought all worlds and beings into existence, they all went forth from the Godhead, not from Jesus. The law mentioned in the song is that of cause and effect or Karma. It has always ensured that perfect justice ruled throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also your world and everything that takes part in it, in particular humankind. The same as everything Divine it is simplicity itself. It decrees that everything has to return to its source. And because the main law of life is love, the law of cause and effect ensures that nothing can ever get lost or wind up forgotten in the vastness of space of time of the worlds that were yet to come.

The Divine justice is perfect. That’s how it comes about that in one or several of your earthly lifetimes you manipulate people with the help of fear-inducing tales that are mere inventions and not true. This is followed by creating earthly laws that these stories are literally true, when they are nothing of the kind. You then use all manner of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, to satisfy the desires of your lower earthly nature for the amassing of every more earthly riches. The Divine justice returns your misdeeds to you in one of your, at that time still far distant, earthly lifetimes, when you have grown strong enough to cope with things of this nature. You then find yourself at the receiving end of the suffering that you, when you were still working your way through the lessons of your spiritual childhood and adolescence, so generously and thoughtlessly handed out to those around you.

That’s what your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers have for some time been occupied with. Some of them are devout Christians, who seriously believe that they can behave whichever way they like and sin as much as suits their personal requirements, because Jesus will surely save and redeem them, as long as they attend church on Sundays and so show that they are followers of Jesus. How would they react if they knew that the legend of his life was created by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle? What would they do if you told them that Jesus has never been more than a thoughtform that was intended to be around only for a predestined length of time and would then be removed?

The wise higher purpose of the Jesus legend has been sufficiently explained in other parts of the Aquarian writings. The legendary God-man now has this message for them: ‘Having merely existed as a thoughtform, I could never save and redeem anyone, never mind the whole of humankind and its world. The only one who can do this is each and every one of you, for themselves. To make it happen, the only thing you have to do is bring forth, from deep within your inner being, the powers and qualities of our own higher God or Christ nature.’

Your friends and helpers on many different levels of our realm have been waiting for a long time to help ever more of you with this process. Do not be afraid and let no-one run away with the idea that they can permanently rule your world. Its reins have always rested safely in the hands of the Highest Forces of life. We alone have true and everlasting power and that will never change. The intentions behind every human being’s thoughts, words and actions have always been clearly visible to us. You're your most secret thoughts are perceived by us as if you were shouting them from the rooftops.

We allowed the pandemic to happen because the time had come for the waking up of humankind’s individual and collective higher God or Christ nature. This event created sufficient opportunities for ever more of you to emerge from the darkness of a purely material existence into the light of recognising their true nature as eternal and immortal beings, who are merely spending another one of their many lifetimes on the earthly plane. For a long time all of you are taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, without being aware what you are really after and that is constantly searching for consciousness expanding experiences.

Through the wisdom and knowledge you gain along the pathway of each lifetime and your steadily increasing understanding of yourself, the world around you and the higher purpose and meaning of the different levels of your existence, your consciousness expands and you grow from spiritual childhood and adolescence into adulthood. God’s great plan of life decrees that, in the course of countless earthly lifetimes, every one of you evolves into a healer and lightbringer, a guardian and keeper of Mother Earth, as well as a saviour and redeemer of yourself, the whole of humankind and your world. And that takes us full circle back to ‘Healers And Healing’, the first part of the Aquarian writings.

Once you are aware of the laws of love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, you do your best to leave the Earth in a somewhat better state than you found it. When you realise this is the ultimate higher purpose of every human earthly lifetime and the end of your present one comes round, it’s no big deal for you. Glad to go home, you eagerly reach out for its hand when one of the Angels of death takes you back to your true eternal home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each earthly lifetime, the world of spirit or light where honesty and truth have always been the supreme rulers.

The cross is the oldest symbol known to humankind for its earthly existence. The dying man nailed to Christianity’s cross is a symbolism for your above described evolutionary state. Aware of what is happening to you, what you are doing and why, there is no need for you to pray: ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.’ You have the advantage of realising that there is only one God and that is the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit, who knows the reason why everything in the whole of Creation happens and therefore understands the way of all things. And because the Divine love understands all, it forgives all. You understand that everything is of God and part of God, that which is good as well as that which is evil, and that all life is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral towards the loving aspect of the Divine.

Because you understand, you realise that it’s up to you to forgive your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers for what they are doing to humankind, only because they do not yet know about the spiritual background of their existence and that every human being is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. This leads you to the realisation that, if you wish your world to become a better and more peaceful place for everybody, you need to turn to us so we can show you intuitively how you with your gifts can bring about the miracle of helping the blind to see and the deaf to hear.

The best way is sharing what you are finding here with as many as possible. Bearing in mind how much misery proselytising has brought to your world, avoid it at all cost and proceed with great caution. Ask anyone who is interested to pay attention to how their inner guidance reacts to what’s before them, so it can tell them through the world of their feelings whether it is true or not. Those who are ready to receive a gift of this importance will understand and then want to share it with their family and friends. Those who are unready will be guided to it by us, when their time for understanding has come.

The word religion for your world’s belief systems of the past has been a misnomer, if ever there was one. By successfully keeping you away from finding out the truth about God’s true nature and your own, they turned ever more of you against each other. Alas, to this day some of them manage to convince people that people who reject their teachings is an enemy and through this provide ever more reasons for treachery and deceit, violence and warmongering. Rest assured that this too will soon come to its natural end, because these things have been part of the lessons of the patriarchy and especially its final phase, the Piscean age. The painful process of the pandemic has been necessary for the redemption of the karmic debts that accrued during those periods of humankind’s development. Alas, they too once were necessary.

But the deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the more it will be noticeable that loving and respecting the people of all nations, irrespective of their beliefs and the colour of their skins, is taking over as the new world order. Everything starts and ends with every one of you. If you long for a world where people live together peacefully and harmoniously, co-operating instead of lying, cheating and exploiting each other whenever an opportunity for it arises, you have to set an example that others wish to follow and conduct your own life that way. Because you are magnetic beings and like attracts like, with the passing of time, you then attract ever more people whose energies are similar to yours into your orbit.

You and your world are steadily moving towards a new golden age of freedom from slavery of all kinds, especially religious ones, and peace for all. Any work on changing your perception of life and attitude towards all people, and also your thinking and behaviour patterns will be an excellent preparation for making humankind’s highest hopes and dreams into a reality on the earthly plane. When the religions that our world has known so far have disappeared, you will be enjoying the freedom of believing what your heart tells you is the truth, instead of something that was written a long time ago and now has lost all its value. Your world’s new religion deserves this name because it does connect all of you with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit’s light, as well as with each other.

We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are the voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who knows the way of all things and never leads anyone astray. And that is the long awaited and promised new world teacher of the Aquarian age. Every one of you has their very own teacher and there truly is nothing to fear for those who have connected with theirs. We shall always guide and protect you against all harmful influences, including the pandemic. We are ready to show every one of you intuitively what they can do to bring it to its natural and happy ending. And that’s why we are saying: ‘Turn to us, o come and be saved. Let us show each and every one of you intuitively how you, in keeping with God’s great plan of life, are meant to save and redeem yourself, the whole of humankind and your world.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘What Kind Of Freedom Does Anyone Have?’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Golden Key’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (27)

Searching For God

Rays Of Wisdom – War And Peace Between Nations – The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages – Searching For God

I searched, but I could not find Thee.
I called Thee aloud, standing on the minaret.
I rang the temple bell with the rising and setting of the Sun.
I looked for Thee on the Earth.
I searched for Thee in the Heavens, my Beloved.
And at last I have found Thee –
Thou art the pearl of true love that for so long had to
Remain hidden in human hearts.

Freely and willingly I surrender my whole being to Thee.
Thee I serve in all my daily encounters by
Thinking, speaking and acting with
Compassion and tolerance, patience and love,
And simple human kindness.

Thou art that which is good, right and beautiful,
Not only in me but in every human being.
As so far in some of us it only exists in seedform
And a slumbering state,
Helping it to wake up is my task.
Loving and understanding them
Are the only weapons I shall ever need.
They are part of the God aspect of my own being,
Called by some Jesus and others Allah.
My whole being is tuned into the frequencies of
The Highest Forces of life.
Their guidance and protection
Shall forever make me invincible.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Total Surrender To God – Becoming The Lamb Of God’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (28)

Peace Prayer

Dove of Peace - Peace Prayer - Rays of Wisdom - Relationship Healing

In the cold of an over-materialistic world,
Where many are feeling lost and lonely
I wish you warmth and joy from the knowledge that
These are the days of miracles and wonders,
When ever more of us are once more
Becoming aware of their true nature
And the reason for their being here.

I wish you courage and strength
To heal your own pain and that of others.
May it grow from a steadily increasing awareness that
The love and wisdom aspect of our Creator,
The Great Mother of all life,
Is manifesting herself everywhere in our world.

I wish you a sense of humour and the gift of smiling,
To help you overcome all your fears,
So you can show others how to do the same for themselves.
In the silence of your inner being may you
Be at one with the will and power of the Great Father.
The Father/Mother and their only born
Son/Daughter, the Christ Spirit,
Are as much part of us as we are part of them.
May their highest qualities reveal themselves
In our world through you and your life.

I wish for inner and outer peace in our world.
May it flow from the heart-mind of the Divine Trinity
Into the farthest, remotest corners of our world,
To bless and heal all its lifeforms.
And may the Mother’s wisdom and truth enter
Into every human heart and soul,
As that’s the only place where truth is known.

I wish that the creative fire
Of the ideas from the heartmind of God,
Lighten and warm everybody’s days,
So that Its dreams and visions can come true,
Through us and our world, and all worlds.
I wish for the renewal of hope, faith and trust in our world,
To assist every one of us with ascending the heights of
The spiritual mountain of Divine compassion.
I wish for God’s love to flow into every heart and soul,
So that we may all walk together hand in hand,
As one big family, peacefully and forever united.

Although this is still a dream,
I know in my heart of hearts
That one day it can and will come true,
Through all human souls, including you and me,
For when God’s love has at last come alive
In every human heart and soul,
Anything will be possible and achievable.

Above all I wish for the gift of understanding
To enter every human heart and with it
The ability to stop taking things literally,
When the true meaning of something is
Hidden behind its surface words.


Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (29)

The New Kind Of Hope, Faith And Trust

What Is Hope? Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The Aquarian Age is presenting us
With the gift of a new kind of hope, faith and trust,
As they have never been known in earthly life before.
They are realistic and justified because they are built on
A solid foundation of understanding and the knowledge
That there really is a great evolutionary plan of life,
Which has always been unfolding as it should,
Showing clearly that everything has always been well
With us and our world, in spite of the fact that
To this day it frequently doesn’t look that way.

The plan’s unfolding of past ages
Is the evidence we need to show us
That the reins of our world have always been
Resting securely in God’s loving hands,
And that our race has always been steered safely
Through Earth life’s many diverse lessons.
Supervised and protected by the Highest Forces
We have constantly moved forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life.
That leaves no shadow of a doubt
In my mind that this will forever continue.

The renewal of hope in our world
Is the most important aspect of the Aquarian gifts.
But what is hope?
It’s an inner knowingness that regardless
Of the things that are still happening in our world
The life we have been given has always,
Individually and collectively,
Been part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan.

Hope grows from trusting that the wisdom and love
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Has been guiding and protecting each one of us
In the course of many lifetimes
And that when looked at from the right perspective,
Our existence is indeed a very good one.

Hope springs eternally from
The inner guidance every human being receives.
No matter how closed off some may still be
With regard to matters of the spirit,
They still contain the Christ Spirit,
Though so far merely in seed form.
Their Highest or God Self has never left them.
It is always there to protect and guide each soul
Through all experiences of its earthly life.

Coaxed onwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life by
The living God within who encourages us
To try, try again – many times against all the odds,
The small earthly self in the end succeeds
To overcome its self-imposed limitations.
In spite of itself it has grown in
Understanding and wisdom, which can
And indeed are meant to be found in even
The most traumatic and harrowing experiences.

There is a higher aspect to everyone’s nature.
Independent of how low and depraved
The earthly self has become,
Known as the living God within.
It endows us with the hope and strength,
Courage and determination we need to endure
What cannot be changed and start again,
If need be many times over.

This is especially true after total
Personal and collective breakdowns.
It’s hope that helps us to reconstruct
Our whole being and the world around us.
Hope makes us go in search of healing
Whenever we are hurt and wounded.
With hope we know intuitively
That better things will come our way,
If we but persevere.

Hope is the Great Spirit’s eternal gift to humankind.
It’s the driving force of the power of love
That through famines and wars,
Disasters and all other types of destruction
Has always moved humankind and its world
Inexorably onwards and upwards
To evolve into ever more beautiful
Manifestations of the Divine,
Who will eventually be capable of
Exploring life on ever higher levels.

Hope enables us earthlings to trust that, in truth,
The moment of physical death is not an ending,
Merely a transformation into a different lifestate,
A new beginning and a release into
The greater freedom of our true home,
The world of light, where those
Who have gone before us
Are waiting to welcome us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past’
•    ‘The Patriarchy And Warfare Through The Ages’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (30)

Do You Know Where You're Going To?

Do you know where your're going to? Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing Journey

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?

Do you know?
M. Masser & G. Goffin

An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.

Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.

The deeper these things sank into my consciousness, the more I came to terms with my lifetime’s experiences and the long, slow and painful journey of healing my soul got on its way. As time went by, the desire to return to my old home country or even to visit it disappeared completely. All I had ever got from my visits was a bloody nose – metaphorically speaking. Each time I was emotionally so deeply upset and distressed that at one time it made me physically sick, without having any idea at the time of why it was happening. Realising where we are all coming from and one day will be returning to has helped me to love and appreciate my life and the things it is showing me.

As bit by bit the mystery of our existence started to unravel itself in my mind, I got to like and appreciate what life has always been trying to show me. The more I understand, the more I love my life and the one who created it. In my view, understanding is the key for unlocking any door. It makes forgiving much easier, first for ourselves for needing such difficult lessons and then for the unfortunate souls who had to carry the burden of hurting and wounding us, not only in this lifetime but also all previous ones. Recognising the Universe’s great wisdom and infinite love behind every single one of our experiences is half the battle won. Without the ‘bloody nose’ experiences I almost certainly would have got lost in the illusion of a home and mother who were meant to play this role in my life for an allocated span of time only. And so, I pray:

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may forgive each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me in this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I am truly thankful.

From ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’

As soon as our earthly self catches a glimpse of the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of God’s children of the Earth, our comprehension expands of God’s true nature and our own. When we begin to understand where we once came from and where one day we shall be returning to, our soul rejoices. As it begins to relax, the earthly self slowly finds ever more rest, peace and healing.  Even when it has merely touched the outer edge of God’s eternal bliss and joy, it becomes more patient in its pursuit of the wisdom, truth and understanding of its true Divine parents.

Although God’s all-enfolding, all-forgiving and all-understanding total and unconditional love is hard to grasp for earthly minds, it is from this point that each one of us once emerged as a minute spark of God’s sacred spirit and was sent forth. Each was launched on their own evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Straight away we had to start building ourselves a personality with distinct character traces. We also needed a soul, as a container – if you like – in which the memories of all our learning would be stored. In both genders, the soul is the feminine, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling part of our nature. Only through these additional parts is it possible for the indwelling spirit in any of us to get to know itself and the world in which our Highest Self places us, wherever this may be one of these days.

Each spark of the Divine initially is a spirit only. Part of God’s masculine aspect, astrologically it is represented by the elements Fire and Air. For as long as the spirit has no body, although it can think it can neither see nor experience itself. It has no feelings but that does not stop if from being precocious, enterprising and inquisitive, wanting to learn to understand itself and the life surrounding it. Having given the matter considerable thought, the spirit of God once decided to create itself a feminine counterpart, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Our soul is part of the Goddess and our spirit is part of God. Both belong together and are one – there is no separation. The feminine aspect of the Divine and us is astrologically represented by the elements Water and Earth.

This evolutionary process explains the necessity for our existence on the physical plane of life. To enable anything to take part in this world, a vehicle has to be created for moving about, i.e. a physical body whose main components are Water and Earth. And that’s how it’s come about that we presently find ourselves in one of the material environments of God’s Creation, planet Earth, on the outermost edge of existence.

It does take a long time until the earthly mind understands the  incredibly long journey of discovery its spirit and soul have already travelled. Finally, the small earthly self comes to terms with its existence and accepts that its explorations will forever continue and that on increasingly higher levels of life, its imagination captures an impression of the grandeur and the goodness of God’s Creation that can clearly be seen everywhere, including its own past, present and future. With this new vision it gradually becomes more tranquil, placid, joyous and also humorous towards some of the difficulties it daily has to cope with.

Whenever something threatens to overwhelm us, it is good to know that we are never alone, because God and the Angels, as well as our guides and masters in the world of light, are constantly with us. Having witnessed them many times in the past, they do understand our human problems only too well. If we call upon them, they will show us how we can become ever more sincere and true in all our relationships, so that we may walk our pathway through life with tranquil hearts and minds that are open to the glories of their worlds that for the time being have to remain invisible to earthly eyes.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (31)

The Candle

The Candle - Words & Prayers Of Comfort & Healing for Christmas & The New Year - Rays of Wisdom

‘There is not enough darkness in the whole of our world to put out the light of one candle.’ Robert Alden

Have you ever sat in front of a burning candle and stared into its flame for any length of time? If so, did you become aware of the feelings of warmth and comfort, of wellbeing and somehow being at home that radiate from it? And did you notice how the flame of one single candle can light up a whole room?

The candle can only do all these things by giving of itself and allowing the flame to consume its substance. Reflect upon this in your moments of disenchantment, when sometimes after your daily toiling and possibly fruitless strivings you feel as if you had given away every last bit of your strength. When you are in this state of exhaustion and sometimes begin to wonder about the sense, purpose and meaning of your efforts, the time has come for building more quiet moments of reflection into your daily life and that as soon as possible. Create a space where you can be undisturbed for a while and make yourself as comfortable as you can in it. Light a candle, look into it and then ask yourself: ‘Have I burnt myself out by being a light for others, giving them signs and showing them directions for new and better ways of being? How many candles of support am I giving to those around me, every day and throughout the whole year, trying to ease their load and lighten their pathway and through this maybe of our whole world? How about myself?’

Spiritually, light is knowledge and wisdom, and darkness is ignorance. It is true that when a candle gives of its light and warmth it can only do so until its own substance has been consumed by the flame and nothing is left. It is different for us because, whenever we attune ourselves to the stream of the Universal Christ’s consciousness, the source of all life and inspiration, every bit of light and warmth we give by nurturing others is constantly renewed by It and returned to us. The Christ’s warmth and light will never dry up or leave us, and the more of it we send into our world, the more we receive. The laws of the Universe command this. The Christ Star’s luminescence shines through all who are acting as Its channels on the Earth plane. The power of Its blessing and healing energies are constantly flowing into and through them and from there into our world, to be shared by all its lifeforms.

May the small still flame in all human hearts grow ever stronger, until the entire planet is filled with nothing but love and light, healing and peace. Instead of asking for earth- and mind-shattering enlightenments, let us pray that every single day of the coming year and all future ones will bring us and our world a constant supply of small rays of light that renews our whole race’s hope, faith and trust that the Divine great plan of life is unfolding as it should. And let’s give thanks and praise for the goodness of the life the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, so kindly provides for each one of us, God’s beloved children of the Earth.

May raindrops fall lightly on your brow,
Soft winds freshen your spirit and
Sunshine brighten your heart.
May the burdens of each day rest lightly upon you
And the Universe forever enfold you
In the sheltering mantle of Its love.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (32)

You Only See One Side Of The Picture

You only see one side of the story - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & HealingThe following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us,  your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it.  And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, the same you did not know when you had to deal with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Human souls find peace when their earthly selves realise that they themselves are the ultimate cause of everything that has ever happened on the Earth and is doing so to this day. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work in exact rhythms and with great precision. There is a great abundance of everything, but as only through the lack of something human beings can learn to appreciate that which they have, sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary in earthly life, to teach you the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the warmongering lasts six thousand years, it represents a mere batting of an eyelid in God’s time.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘The Laws Of Compensation And Balance’
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (33)

Nobody Can Hide The Truth Forever

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Nobody Can Hide The Truth Forever

It looks like the truth about our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers as the driving force behind the 2019/2020 pandemic is beginning to emerge. The pharmaceutical industry’s greed is the energy that has attempted several times to hype a viral outbreak into a mass hysteria whose real cause is fear. This is all too easily stirred up because of every human being’s hypochondriacal tendencies. The only thing they had to do was each time get our world’s mass media to methodically highlight this fear. It would then keep on spreading on its own. In that case it does not take long until a viral outbreak has grown to pandemic proportions. And I believe that this is how this industry for quite some time has been working hard to produce the rope on which it will eventually hang itself.

Let’s follow its track record so far. The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

On 1st September 2020, the day before the full Moon in Virgo, the teaching and healing sign of the zodiac, someone brought the following to my attention:

•    ‘The First Rays Of Truth’

Every full Moon is a time for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a long time. It’s interesting that the above news came my way around the time of the full Moon in Virgo, the teaching and healing sign of the zodiac. It is also the harvest sign in which the spiritual harvest is brought to humankind. Virgo’s planetary ruler is Mercury. He is the winged messenger of Roman mythology who stole the fire of the Gods, a symbolism for the ideas of the highest levels of life. Mercury brings them down to the Earth to relieve humankind’s suffering. Although no-one calls him by that name any more or even thinks of him, by the look of things he is playing that part to this day.

At the moment he brings us good news about the state of our world’s health. And my inner guidance tells me that this is how the truth about the pharmaceutical industry’s intentions is making its voice heard. To the industry’s chagrin it happens just when it thought that on this occasion it was going to hit the jackpot, because soon its representatives would be able to put sufficient psychological pressure on our world’s governments to make vaccinations against Covid-19 compulsory for everybody. Their treasury departments would then have to spend billons of their resources at a time when their country’s economic prosperity has already been severely damaged by the pandemic.

Thanks be to God and the Angels for giving us a sign that they are in charge of us and our world and that, the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the love of honesty and truth will increasingly take over as our world’s true ruler. My inner guidance tells me that the pharmaceutical industry are not going to be allowed to walk in the footsteps of our world’s religions and satisfy the greed of a comparatively small minority to rob people of their monetary resources. This kind of behaviour belonged to humankind’s lessons of the past. The one our world is now experiencing is its polar opposite of lying and cheating, deception and corruption.

To this day, the pandemic is an essential and necessary parts of teaching us the value of honesty and truth. It is supplying all of us with first hand knowledge how much damage the lying and cheating of a few can do to our whole world. The wise ones in charge of us hope that when the truth is known, the way it is beginning to do, we shall cherish it so much that all our future encounters will be conducted in the spirit of honesty and truthfulness. This is the way the Great Mother’s wisdom and love has always been teaching us, Her beloved children of the Earth, the value of everything. And although warmongering and all other types of violence and crime up to now have not finished teaching us the value of peace, eventually this lesson will also have been imbibed sufficiently. And that’s how, in God’s time and not ours, hand in hand with the Angelic hierarchy and its helpers, peace will then come to us and our world.

Meanwhile, we are living in times of rapidly changing attitudes when ever more people are striving to live more healthily, recycle more and treat our planet with the kindness and consideration it deserves. Part of this movement is turning to the age-old natural healing methods, which were systematically suppressed by our old religions. It won’t take long now until the pharmaceutical industry realises that following their example no longer works. After starting off as a true benefactor for humankind, it did not take long until the industry continued that way. Through the fear of illnesses that may end in death and thoughts like: ‘And then, what happens to me?’, both institutions successfully amassed vast fortunes.

Fortunately, the days of such rulerships are definitely numbered, because by now ever more of us are recognising the importance of keeping the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly minds tuned into the frequencies of God and the Angels. Those who find healing for themselves in this way are simultaneously acting as one of their channels through which the Christ light’s healing energies are flowing into everything that exists on Mother Earth, including the planet itself. Who would not prefer that procedure to the pharmaceutical industry’s chemical products?

The old religions and that industry are both parts of the same lesson that consists of teaching our world the value of honesty and truth. In the year of healing, read more about it in ‘The Rebirth Of Humankind’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter, especially around the time of the full Moon in Virgo, the teaching and healing sign of the zodiac, our world’s events are serving the following purposes: 1) The redemption of karmic debts that were created by old experienced spirit/souls whilst taking part in leading one or the other, maybe even several in different lifetimes, of our world’s old religions. 2) Young and inexperienced spirit/souls creating new karmic debts that they will have to redeem in one of their future lifetimes. 3) Even though the teaching the spiritual development of these two generations is poles apart, with their help our whole world is learning to appreciate the value of honesty and truth. The pandemic is a mammoth demonstration of what kind of damage the lack of honesty and truth can do to our whole world. It’s the first time in the history of humankind’s  development that it can clearly be seen by everybody.

This situation is only possible because not enough is known about what happens to us when we have to part company with our physical bodies. It’s the highest time that ever more of us discover that their fear of death and the unknown is unjustified, because the only thing that happens is that the essence of our being, our immortal spirit/soul returns to its true home, the spirit realm, where we rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of our earthly existence. It also needs to be known more widely that a truly great future is in store for every human being and also our whole world. Find out more about these themes by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter. The deeper one looks into them, the more one realises that there truly is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, for every one of us, the whole of humankind and also our world.

My work has always been dedicated to showing the spiritually homeless how they can find safe ways of going home. I have first hand experience of this state and know how frightening and unsettling it is. And if your inner guidance reacts to that which is before you here: ‘Yes, this is the truth!’, do not forget to share it with as many as possible. I would provide a home for every spiritually homeless person, if that were possible. But every one of us has to walk this way on their own, fortunately no longer alone when at last we turn to God and the Angels and ask them to light our way with their wisdom and truths. Thanks and praise be to them.

P.S. If you wish to read how and where the first rays of truth have appeared, but cannot follow the provided link from where you are, please go to my website www.raysofwisdom.com and click on ‘What’s New?’ and then follow the first link given there.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Virgo’
•    ‘The Rebirth Of Humankind's Christ Nature’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (34)

The Latest About Covid-19

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Latest About Covid-19

Update 11th October 2020

The following has just come to my attention: ‘Over six thousand scientists and doctors have signed a petition against Coronavirus lockdown measures. They are urging that those who are not in the risk category would then be unable to get on with their lives as normal, and that the lockdown rules the US and UK governments have in mind would be causing ‘irreparable damage’. Read more about it by  following this link:    ‘Coronavirus Causing Irreparable Damage’.

The Facts

More than five hundred German doctors and scientists have signed on as representatives of an organisation called the "Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee" to investigate what’s happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19.

Reflect On

Why are so many professionals and experts in the field being censored, ridiculed and shut down by organizations like the WHO? Should we not have the right to examine information openly, freely, and transparently?

Is this article ‘fake news?’ No, because the statement in the title that reads ‘we have a lot of evidence that it’s a fake story all over the world’ is an actual quote from a representative of the group discussed in the article. The statement was  said. Whether or not what the quote says is true, on the other hand, is up for you to decide or according to multiple governments, is up for the World Health Organization (WHO) to decide. Is the title misleading or inaccurate? No, again, it’s a direct quote and represents the opinion of multiple health professionals. Are they implying that COVID-19 is a fake virus? No, they are simply implying that it’s not as dangerous as it’s being made out to be and I summarize some of that information below that made them come to that conclusion.

These doctors and scientists are being heavily censored across all social media platforms, and those who write about them are experiencing the same. Many of the claims these doctors make have been ‘debunked’ by mainstream media, federal health regulatory agencies and ‘fact-checkers’ that are patrolling the internet. Any information that does not come from the (WHO) is not considered reliable, truthful or accurate, and that would include the information presented in this article and information shared by these experts in the field. People are being encouraged to visit the WHO’s website for real and accurate information about COVID-19 instead of listening to doctors and scientists who oppose the narrative of these authorities.

This group has been giving multiple conferences in Germany, in one of the most recent, Dr. Heiko Schöning, one of the organizations leaders, stated that “We have a lot of evidence that it (the new coronavirus) is a fake story all over the world.”  To put it in context, he wasn’t referring to the virus being fake, but simply that it’s no more dangerous than the seasonal flu (or just as dangerous) and that there is no justification for the measures being taken to combat it.

I also think it’s important to mention that a report published in the British Medical Journal  has suggested that quarantine measures in the United Kingdom as a result of the new Coronavirus may have already killed more UK seniors than the Coronavirus has during the peak of the virus.

Why This Is Important

It can be confusing for many people to see so many doctors and many of the world’s most renowned scientists and infectious disease experts oppose so much information that is coming from the WHO and global governments.

Many scientists and doctors in North America are expressing the same sentiments. For example, The Physicians For Informed Consent (PIC) recently published a report titled  “Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Compares COVID-19 to Previous Seasonal and Pandemic Flu Periods.” According to them, the infection/fatality rate of COVID-19 is 0.26%. You can read more about that and their access to resources and their reasoning by following the link below.

John P. A. Ioannidis, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Stanford University has said that the infection fatality rate is close to 0 percent for people under the age of 45 years. You can read more about that by following the link below. He and several other academics from the Stanford School of Medicine suggest that COVID-19 has a similar infection fatality rate as seasonal influenza. They published their reasoning in a study last month. You can find about that study and more about it by following the link below.

Michael Levitt, a Biophysicist and professor of structural biology at Stanford University criticized the WHO as well as Facebook for censoring information and informed perspectives regarding the Coronavirus and has claimed that, with regards to lockdown measures the level of stupidity going on here is amazing. You can read more about this by following the link below.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology and one of the most cited research scientists in German history is also part of the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee mentioned above and has also expressed the same thing, many times from the beginning of the pandemic to this day.

Implementation of the current draconian measures that so extremely restrict humankind’s fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that an exceptionally dangerous virus really is threatening us and our world. Does any scientifically sound data exist to support this contention for COVID-19? I assert that the answer is simply no. Bhakdi

From https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/08/17/we-have-a-lot-of-evidence-that-its-a-fake-story-all-over-the-world-german-doctors-on-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR0e74NPo-jJJk5pxJzd3r0Slezb2exRdr8dPBnNwgv83mcK9EbC_n7Ncbk

For more information about Covid-19 go to:

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (35)

UK Law Changes For Covid-19 Mass Vaccination

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - UK Law Changes For Covid Mass VaccinationsThe UK government is planning to change UK medicines law to prepare the way for fast-tracked Covid vaccines. There’s not enough time to get them licensed before they are used, and they want to train an army of vaccinators who are not health care professionals to administer unlicensed vaccines. Vaccine makers and vaccinators will be immune from any prosecution if injuries occur. We likely won’t know enough about their safety as there’s not enough time to evaluate it properly. We’re concerned the government plan will forego basic human rights like the right to informed consent.

The Dept of Health & Social Care has launched a public consultation on the planned changes to the law which closes on the 18th September. Now is the time to have your say so that we can maintain our rights and freedoms, ensure that vaccine companies are forced to be transparent with their data, to protect the health of UK citizens. We’ve uploaded our draft response to the consultation on our website (short and long versions) to help you formulate your own responses.

We need as many people as possible to respond and tell the government that we don’t consent to the changes that expose us to greater risks or infringe our freedoms. We also need MPs to know this is one they shouldn’t just rubber stamp when it comes forward in Parliament in October. Please share with your friends family and wider network this message along with our four minute video that explains the urgency of the situation. The more of us respond, the more forceful our message will be! Thank you.

Link to draft response that includes link to consultation:

From https://www.anhinternational.org/news/uk-law-changes-for-covid-19-mass-vaccination/?fbclid=IwAR1yNY8ku8pFHjjqT9i4UedZ7qNitWi7nxjHCB12XUvqk4k93W83wdFDvNs

See also: https://www.facebook.com/ANHInternational/videos/1423861138004711

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (36)

For They Know Not What They Are Doing . . .

Managing The Pandemic

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Managing The Pandemic

The mass of people is ruled by Cancer, the sign devoted to the Great Mother, the caring and nurturing principle of the Divine Trinity. Cancer’s planetary ruler is the Moon. Women and men as politicians clearly show the basic difference in the feminine and masculine approach to humankind’s earthly existence. All our world’s females, not merely human ones, are manifestations of the Great Mother. Women politicians quite naturally care for the people of their country. They do their best to protect them against harmful influences of any kind by following what comes to them intuitively.

All males, not only human ones, are manifestations of the Great Father. Therefore, also our masculine political leaders who love to dominate and wield what they think  of as their power. Unless these men are on good terms with their inner woman and so have access to her feminine instinctive knowledge of how to protect everything that is in need of it, they are lost in situations like the pandemic. By the look of things, that’s what has happened to our male political leaders. This is not surprising when one bears in mind that for some time by now we have been in the process of leaving behind approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. The unnatural all-masculine religions of that time systematically and forcefully suppressed the feminine and its store of wisdom and knowledge. Through this our world’s natural balance became ever more disturbed and everything we are struggling with is part of overcoming these detrimental influences. And the spiritual background of the pandemic has been the redemption of the karmic debts that were created then.

And how do our male political leaders react to it? Having no idea why something of this nature has to happen during their ‘reign’, they are as lost as so many around them are. Sensing that, as a demonstration of their masculine strength and leadership qualities, that they should be seen doing something, they panic. In that state they may not shy away from trying to speedily push new laws through their country’s parliament that forces people to take part in mass vaccinations. By severely restricting their movements and robbing them of their God-given right to make their own decisions, they are already turning their country into a police states. With the help of the new laws they have in mind, anything can be enforced, even vaccinations with serums of which nobody knows whether they are going to be effective or harmful for people’s all round wellbeing.

What if it turns our to be as disastrous as a mass swine flu vaccination programme in the USA in 1976, which caused far more illness and deaths than the disease it was designed to combat? The American Health Protection Agency watchdog had asked doctors to look out for cases of GBS at the beginning of the vaccinations. Read more about it by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter. Would you like to have your physical body purposely invaded by something that revealed itself as damaging as that?

And even if the pandemic were a conspiracy, nothing in the whole of Creation, including us and our world, is beyond or out of the reach of God and the Angels. They are the eye that never sleeps and observes everything. They are aware of the past of us and our world from their earliest beginnings, as well as their present and future. They know every one of us better than we ourselves do. And the way we react to the things that appear in our lives, at all times shows them which degree of spiritual awareness we have reached. Even what we like to think of as our most secret thoughts, words and actions in the spirit realm it’s as if we were shouting them from the rooftops.

God and the Angels are familiar with everyone’s hopes, dreams and aspirations. To all of them they respond in the manner that’s appropriate for the times in which they appear. And because we and our world for some time have been taking part in the lessons of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, they are revealing ever more of the truth about everything, especially the pharmaceutical industry with the help of their professional troublemakers and scaremongers. All along, they have been the driving force behind the pandemic.

Among many other things, the Aquarian age is the age of rebellion and revolution. The sign is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is a symbolism for the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of the Divine Trinity. Uranus represents its iconoclastic side that provides us and our world with the power of attacking and destroying any kind of idols that have outlived their usefulness and need to go. This applies as much to our old religions as the pharmaceutical industry’s motivations. Both were and to this day are driven by the general masculine lust for power and dominion, whose symptoms are an insatiable thirst for ruling our world through moneymaking and warmongering.

Our world’s present Zeitgeist rebels against anything that restricts humankind’s freedom on all levels of its existence, religious, spiritual and material. And the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more strongly the Uranian energies are influencing us. What we are presently experiencing is the natural end of the dance around the golden calf and the rulership of money. Those who are sufficiently evolved, are exchanging such temporary values for true and everlasting spiritual ones.

The strength of the Aquarian energies is constantly increasing and should not be underestimated by anyone. Nothing and nobody between Heaven and Earth can delay or hold up humankind’s evolutionary progress and seriously disturb the beneficial influence of these energies. For some time they have been influencing everything that exists on our planet. And when the dust around the pandemic has settled, which it will do quite soon, ever more of us will be able to recognise it has brought us the most precious gift that the Aquarian age has in store for every one of us. It is bringing us freedom from all kinds of slavery, especially those of a religious nature as well as the over-estimation of money and earthly possessions.

For some time, the Aquarian energies have been slowly but surely taking our whole race forwards into a new kind of superconscious awareness that has been unknown in our world since the previous Aquarian age, about 25,800 years ago. Once again we are free to follow our heart and believe what it tells us is the truth. Now that ever more of us are conducting their lives in spiritually orientated ways, we are discovering that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, any kind of condition really can be healed. Whenever something ails us, we prefer turning to alternative healing methods and learning how to access the Universe’s healing energies is growing in popularity.

Many these days no longer wish to enter the seemingly inevitable vicious circle of taking the pharmaceutical industry’s products. The unpleasant side effects of one of them requires another one. After a while, this medicine also has side effects. Never mind, let’s wheel in the next one. And so on and so forth.

Our world’s religious leaders once started the worship of money and earthly possessions. They were allowed to get away with it for wise higher educational reasons, which have been explained sufficiently elsewhere. Alas, those who these days try to follow the religions’ example and keep on walking in their footsteps, God and the Angels, hand in hand with us, their earthly helpers, are going to show soon that this is no longer possible. Praise and thanks be to them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Vaccine Dangers’
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’

Highly Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘International Free Choice’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (37)

Good News On Covid-19 At Last

Humankind’s Natural Herd Immunity Is Increasing

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Good News On Covid-19 At LastThe following came to my attention two days ago: ‘The article ‘Confounding’ from 16th September that Covid may have already peaked in many African countries hints that there may be natural immunity in African countries where Covid-19 has settled down. This is likely to be true, and not just in Africa. If the evidence is closely examined, up to half of the worldwide population may have natural immunity. In none of the natural ‘experiments’ of Sars-CoV-2 exposure within a closed group has the infection rate risen above 50%. In Lombardy, a study of 5,484 individuals, who had been exposed by close contact with an infected individual, were tested for antibody positivity, with 51.5% testing positive.

‘This hints at pre-existing natural immunity in the population. This has been convincingly demonstrated, with a study in Nature showing that 35% of a population cohort using historical samples had demonstrable CD4 T cell activity against Sars-CoV-2, never having been previously exposed to the new virus.

‘The implication is that 35%-50% of the population is naturally immune, and up to 25% antibody prevalence is being approached in some areas of the world, 17.5% in London. We could already be approaching 75% immunity in those regions, well within the estimated 60%-80% needed for herd immunity. So, where death rates have settled to historical norms, this would be explicable by natural immunity. We may be closer to the end of this pandemic than we think. Prof Moin Saleem, University of Bristol

‘During the past six weeks we have received good-quality information from Chicago, Heidelberg, Bari, Israel and Iran demonstrating that low blood levels of vitamin D lead to an increased risk of Covid-19 infection, and high risks of severe or fatal disease. From Spain we have received the result of a randomised controlled trial demonstrating that vitamin D, in its part-activated form calcidiol, given to 50 patients on admission to hospital with Covid-19 pneumonia reduced the need for intensive care from 50% (in the control group) to 2% and eliminated deaths.

‘This information must not be ignored. It requires attention and action in the UK now. We must boost our blood levels of vitamin D, especially as we have reached mid-September, and at our latitude the production of vitamin D in the skin will have come to an end for 2020. Dr David Grimes, Langho, Lancashire

From ‘Covid End Closer Than Thought Possible’

The next day the above was followed by another item of good news. Here is an extract from it: ‘Local lockdowns have been imposed because infections are deemed dangerously high, but research by experts at Oxford University suggests as many as half of the ‘positive’ tests relied upon could actually be false. This is because the current test is so sensitive it can pick up dead and harmless viral particles that are shed once the infection has passed.’

From ‘Doubts About Corona Virus Testing’

And what follows now was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me through the White Eagle Lodge’s calendar September 2020: ‘Never think that you could have avoided the things in your life or changed them. This applies to your present lifetime as much as all previous ones. The Great Architect of the Universe has designed a great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, therefore also you and your world. Within the great plan there are millions of smaller ones for the worlds that by now have come into being. And every one of the world plans contains many even smaller ones for every species and even tinier ones, one for the group spirit/soul of the animals and individual ones for every human spirit/soul, who ever took part in the earthly school of life. Many of them by now have left that plane and are exploring the higher levels of their existence.

‘All plans have always been co-ordinated to work together for the highest good and the greatest joy of all life, wherever it manifests itself, in keeping with the great plan of constantly providing for every one of its worlds and everything that dwells upon them with steadily increasing strength and beauty. Light and truth are added in the case of human spirit/souls to help them grow in wisdom and understanding of themselves, the world around them and their Creator.

‘Nobody can release you from the hell which you yourself created, in your present lifetime and all previous ones. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness and not places that anyone ever went to. No-one can save and redeem you or bring about the state of Heaven, Paradise or Nirvana on your behalf. It’s up to each and every one of you to create such a state of bliss for yourself and also your world. It will have been reached when honesty and truth are your world’s supreme rulers and peace has come to it. The latter days of the law will have arrived when at last the only things the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma returns to each one of you and your world only that which is good, right and beautiful.

‘If that sounds like a mammoth task, there is no need to be afraid. You are not alone in this enterprise and you never will be. Unbeknown to you, God and the Angels have always been with you, but to encourage as much unfoldment as possible, they do not interfere unnecessarily with anyone’s life. Their assistance has to be called for, without asking no help can come to any one of you. And no teacher or guru exists anywhere who can truly be relied upon. Independent of what anyone may tell you, they do not exist in the outside world.

‘Everybody’s intuition = in-tuition is the long promised and awaited world teacher. If you wish to make the spiritual progress that is every human spirit/soul’s birthright, learn how to tap into the guidance of your own inner teacher, the wise one or living God within. That is the only truly trustworthy guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question you may ever care to ask, who will never lead you astray or tell you an untruth.’

21st September 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (38)

Wishing Upon The Highest Star

And All Other Stars In The Whole Of Creation

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Wishing Upon The Highest Star
When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are,
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is to extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

Fate is kind.
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfilment of their secret longing.

Like a bolt out of the blue,
Fate steps in and sees you through,
When you wished upon a star,
Your dreams come true.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is too extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

When you wish upon a star,
Your dream comes true.
Each time we wish upon the Highest Star,
The Universal Christ,
The Angels see to it that it really does.

Jesse McCartney
From Walt Disney’s ‘Pinocchio’

The light of the Universal Christ is the Star of all stars, the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, above and beyond the Sun in the sky above our world. When we wish upon this Star that it absorbs all our world’s damaging and harmful influences and transmutes them into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal the immune system of our planet and everything that shares it with us, that’s what the Star does. This is because we are its offspring, the Star loves us and wants to help us any way it can. If we concentrate on asking this time and again in our quiet periods of praying, meditating and reflecting on our world’s present sad state, the Star’s healing energies become increasingly powerful and that enables them to penetrate ever deeper into everything that exists on our planet.

This is how all of us can contribute to bringing about the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced in our world. Every one of these efforts brings about more of that which is good, right and beautiful and through its sheer presence it gradually absorbs a bit more of that which to this day is dark, ugly and evil. And that gets me wondering what will happen if we bring our wishes for our planet’s healing to every one of the millions of stars that are visible from our planet and all others beyond. Let’s try and ask all of them for their help to bring about the natural happy ending of the pandemic 2019/2020. Under normal circumstances nobody is allowed to interfere with the development of us and our world. But in times like these, we need all the help we can lay our hands on and have access to, apart from God and the Angels.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. After all, every one of the stars ‘out there’ is another manifestation of the Christ Star’s light, the same as the Sun in the sky above us. Maybe the power of their combined love can absorb the last remnants of darkness and evil that to this day exist in our world. While we are about it, let’s also ask them to assist us with transmuting humankind’s fears and anxieties, including our own, about the present and future, into absolute faith and trust in the goodness of the life that’s been given to us by God and the Angels and our individual and collective predestined pathway.

Over this let’s not forget to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. With their help, the pharmaceutical industry time and again has been trying to rule our world and exploit its resources, the way our religions used to do. Working on behalf of such authorities, people inadvertently make themselves instruments of evil while they are still unaware of the spiritual gravity of such activities. The pharmaceutical industry’s warmongering equipment consists of viruses, a far more sophisticated and lethal weapon than machine guns, canons and tanks ever were.

However, with the help of God and the Angels, this menace can be overcome the same as all previous ones were left behind, once their purposes had been fulfilled, i.e. Karma redeemed and lessons learnt. For every one of us the time has come for nailing our own deepest and darkest innermost fears, as well as those of the whole of humankind, to the cross of our earthly existence. When sufficient numbers of us are doing this, our individual and collective Christ spirit can begin to take over. The pandemic has been the stone our world’s religions rolled onto the tomb of humankind’s spiritual nature. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for intuitively showing ever more of us how to remove this obstacle, once and for all.

1.    Today is the 22nd September 2020 and that means we and our world for twenty-four hours are on the Master vibration of the 22 x 2 = 44. 4 = Uranus, co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius, the voice of God. 4 + 4 = 8 Saturn, symbol of the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of the Divine Trinity.
2.    0 = the circle of Eternity 00 x 2.
3.    September is the 9th month of our calendar. 9 = Mars, the Roman God of war and sole ruler of Aries, the point of all new beginnings.
4.    Mars together with Pluto, the Roman God of the underworld, is the symbol of humankind’s individual and collective subconscious, rules Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of birth and death, regeneration or degeneration. Death of that which is outdated and no longer needed, which is always followed by rebirth onto a different level of consciousness.

Every one of the stars in the sky above our world is our sibling in the great family of all life. Many of them are older and much more highly evolved than we and our world are at present. They have never been allowed to interfere with our world’s development. However, my inner guidance tells me that it’s all right to ask for their support now that that pandemic has created a real need for it. It’s up to them to decide whether they wish to help us and if so, they are allowed to do so any way they can. In the fullness of time, when our evolutionary level has become compatible with theirs, every one of us will be able to take part in interplanetary exchanges and visit them. There will be no need for clumsy spaceships because by then we shall be able to think ourselves to wherever we want to go, anywhere in the whole of Creation.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Studies In Mastership’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘No Evidence Of Second Wave’

If you cannot access this video from where you are, please go to the Homepage of my website www.raysofwisdom.com, click ‘What’s New?’ and follow the top link there.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (39)

The Truth Is Emerging!

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Truth Is Emerging

Today I would like to share with you three links that are a clear indication that the truth is beginning to emerge and that with a bang! Please take a look at the following links and if you agree with what is being said, sign the petition. I already have done so.

1) Pandemic Investigations – Part 1

2. Pandemic Investigations – Part 2

3) Pandemic Investigations – Part 3

Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for bringing this to our attention. It’s my eighty-third birthday on 28th September 2020 and I simply could not imagine a more beautiful present than these links. God bless you, your loved ones, the whole of humankind and our world.

If you cannot access these links from where you are, please go to the Homepage of my website www.raysofwisdom.com, click ‘What’s New?’ and follow the top link there.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (40)

What Is In Store For Us?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - What Is In Store For Us?

 1.    This chapter is winging its way to you on 1st October 2020. It’s the day when the Sun is moving through Libra, the peacemaking sign of the zodiac, and the full Moon taking place in it’s polar opposite Aries, at 21.05 hrs Greenwich Meantime. At any time of the year, Aries is the point of new beginnings and that not only when the Sun moves through Aries and presents our natural world with another uprushing fountain of new life. The time around any of the twelve full Moons is always a period when it’s easier to find enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of things that could have been puzzling us for a long time. And I hope that what’s before you now will help you to do this in connection with our world’s present situation, as well as getting a better idea of what’s ahead. How about following the relevant link at the end of this chapter and having another look at my reflections on the year 2020, the year of healing.

2.    With the help of numerology, this is an updated and extended version of taking a closer look at our world’s energies at the time of the Sun’s entry into Libra, which will continue for the thirty day’s the Sun spends in this sign. The day when the Sun enters Libra is known as the equinox because day and night for a fleeting moment are perfectly balanced. The date fluctuates slightly from year to year and this time it was the 22nd September 2020. This means that we and our world for thirty days and night are going to function on the Master vibration of the 22 x 2 = 44. There will be more of this energy when the Sun enters Scorpio, the next sign, on the 22nd of October. Sagittarius and Capricorn, the next two signs, will be entered on the 21st November and December respectively. For those two months we shall be coming increasingly under the influence of the benevolent and beneficial consciousness expanding energies of Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius.

3.    2 = the Moon, planetary ruler of Cancer, the Great Mother of all life’s nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac. It’s the day of the equinox when day and night for a fleeting moment have the same length, are perfectly balanced. Having left behind the zodiac’s teaching and healing sign, Virgo, our Sun has moved into Libra, the sign of the peacemaker, ruled by Venus. This means that for us and our world the time for making peace has come. Libra is the sign that teaches us to handle things with the iron fist of determination that’s clothed in the velvet glove of Venusian kindness and courtesy.

4.    The Sun on the day of the equinox was accompanied by the Moon in expansive and benevolent Sagittarius. This bodes well for our world because Sagittarius is the sign dedicated to the opening up and developing of humankind’s superconscious faculties. And the day of the Sun’s entry into each new sign is that sign’s birthday and the 30 degrees it will take for the Sun to transit Libra will be coloured and enhanced by the Sagittarian energies.

5.    4 = Uranus, co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius, the voice of God.

6.    44 = 4 + 4 = 8 Saturn, symbol of the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of the Divine Trinity, who demands self-discipline and self-mastery from every one of Its children of the Earth. Without sufficiently developing these qualities, individually and collectively, we and our world cannot be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age. Saturn as its gatekeeper and guardian takes care of this condition.

7.    0 = the circle of Eternity 00 x 2.

8.    September is the 9th month of the Western world’s calendar. 9 = Mars, the Roman God of war and sole ruler of Aries, which is the zodiac’s point of all new beginnings.

9.    Mars together with Pluto, the Roman God of the underworld, is the symbol of humankind’s individual and collective subconscious, rules Scorpio. This is the sign of birth and death, regeneration or degeneration. Death of that which is outdated and no longer needed, which is always followed by rebirth onto a different level of consciousness.

10.    The 31st December 2020 is the last day of that year. The 1st January 2021 is the beginning of year 2022. 2 = the Moon and Cancer, the sign dedicated to the nurturing and caring principle of the Great Mother of all life. 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Venus, planetary ruler of earthy Taurus and airy Libra, the peacemaking sign of the zodiac. The new year will be starting with the Moon in Sagittarius with is expansive and benevolent planetary ruler Jupiter. Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct in Capricorn, Saturn’s own sign in which its positive qualities can manifest themselves best. Saturn’s role as teacher, as soon as this planet’s  lessons have been sufficiently attended to, changes into that of the rewarder. And when these rewards turn up, they can be truly magnificent! This bodes well for our world when the pandemic has been dealt with the right way.

11.    The Sun’s entry into each new year acts like the birthchart of a newly born baby. In the year 2021 Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct in Aquarius. That will be beneficial for our world because the expansive Jupiter energies can make people gullible and easily swayed into believing any kind of tale, including the Jesus legend and the fear inducing stories spread by our world’s professional scaremongers, of the past and present. The Jupiterian energies work better when they are constricted by the Saturnian ones. Their joint energies will be helpful when it comes to grounding humankind’s hopes, dreams and aspirations. In keeping with the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist, they promise us and our world freedom from all kinds of slavery, religious and those who these days are following the religions’ example and try to walk in their footsteps. Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of this sign. With the help of their joint energies, God and the Angels are going to show all those who are working hand in hand with them, ways of freeing our world from the danger of being enslaved by the pharmaceutical industry.

12.    Pluto is the slowest moving one of the outer planets and has been moving through Capricorn for some years. Because of their slow movements these planets are known as the Generation Planets. Capricorn rules the large organisations and institutions of our world, and under the influence of the Plutonian energies things come to the surface of its consciousness, individually and collectively. These energies have a cleansing and clearing effect on everything they come into contact with. They bring about some major shifts of consciousness by clearing away the rubbish that could have been covering something for a long time, for example revealing the basic goodness of human beings and our whole world. Although this is usually brought about through difficult times and some ugly revelations, when the dust has settled it can clearly be seen that major changes for the better have taken place.

13.    In the year 2009, the events of a world economic crisis and the election of a new president of the USA, for the first time from a black and white background, to me were clear evidence that the evolutionary pace of our race and planet is by now being speeded up significantly. The energies of the incoming Aquarian Age are hard at work to help us cleanse and purify the consciousness of every individual soul and the soul of our whole world. Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration and the co-ruler of Scorpio, plays a major part in this. Pluto will remain in Capricorn until January 2024. Plenty of time for clearing away the things that for so long have been troubling our world. Read more about this in the next chapter.

14.    So, what can Pluto tell us about the present state of our world? A great deal! On the 1st October 2020, the day of the Full Moon in Aries, Pluto is influencing us from 22.29 degrees in Capricorn. 22 = the second Master Vibration, 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = the first Master Vibration. That bodes well for our world’s transformation and the new beginning on a higher level of consciousness, individually and collectively, for which we have been yearning such a long time. The planet was in retrograde mode from the beginning of September, i.e. cleansing and purifying our world’s inner subconscious plane. From the 2nd October Pluto is moving direct again, i.e. influencing the outer world in the same way.

15.    And the following is a flashback to the swine flu in the year 2009 to 2010 that gives me a strong feeling of déjà-vu: ‘One of my friends lives in Basel, Switzerland, the home of La Roche Pharmaceutical Industries. Having made it her business to investigate this matter, she writes as follows: ‘Tamiflu is the name of the serum against Swine Flu. It is the baby of La Roche, a company in which Donald Rumsfeld owns a big stake. The serum against swine flu was originally developed in New Zealand as a serum against bird flu, which also turned out to be ineffective. At the time of the bird flu scare, La Roche bought the licence to produce it under the name Tamiflu. Ever since, La Roche has been sitting on vast quantities of this serum and great stock piles of it also existed in the USA. And then someone came up with the brilliant idea of marketing this product against swine flu.

‘Roche stated that the US is their prime target, with fifty million shots sold at one billion dollars last week. Stock holders are thrilled. That none of these so called flu shots have been tested does not seem to matter to anyone. You don’t fuss in the middle of a world Pandemic! Created by whom? The videos of doctors, who have spoken up against mandatory shots, for example one in Austria, can be viewed on u-tube.’

Who are these people who have no qualms about, every so often, having attempting to mercilessly ruin our world’s economies in order to satisfy the greed and avarice of their lower nature? What kind of sadistic pleasure do they imagine they would get if their efforts ever succeeded? My inner guidance tells me that this is most certainly never going to happen. Let’s forgive those who to this day are trapped in the blindness of their ignorance. They have no idea of what they might be doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, would come about through returning to them what they are now merely trying to do to others. Unless sufficient numbers of us contribute to preventing this, it is sure to happen. Instead of condemning the activities of such people, it’s more constructive for them and also for us to keep on sending them kind, loving and forgiving thoughts that feed into the Christ stream of consciousness and increase the strength of the light that’s flowing in their direction.

Hand in hand with God and the Angels, every one of us can do something to assist the waking up of their Christ nature. That would break the cycle of events like the present pandemic endlessly repeating themselves. ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing,’ were the last words the legendary Jesus spoke on the cross to which the Romans had nailed him. These words were directed at those who were as yet unaware that all along Jesus has represented every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. You and I were among those who insisted that every word of the God-man’s life’s story is literally true and that he is the long promised and awaited Messiah, who had appeared in our world to save and redeem anyone who followed him by believing that his teachings were the truth. His followers, with their lack of spiritual understanding, thought they had the God-given right to persecute and wipe out, by any means available to them, anyone who refused to believe that they were speaking the truth.

And that’s how you and I, a long time ago, created the karmic debts that have found their redemption through our world’s present state. Taking part in this dark time of humankind’s evolutionary journey, those debts have been paid. The Age of Pisces has been a period of about 2,200 years during which deception of the self and others, blind faith, corruption and various kinds of slavery were the order of the day. Lying and cheating, dominating others so their earthly belongings could be taken away by any means were essential parts of the Piscean age’s lessons. For quite some time by now it has run its course. We are witnessing its remnants and the Plutonian energies are occupied with cleansing our world through sweeping them away. If you are among those who have been granted the gift of another lifetime in the age of truth and are aware why the pandemic happened, would you agree that it’s time for ever more of us to become aware of their true nature and the wise higher purpose of our earthly existence?

I hope that one of these days, we shall be able to move forwards, all together, to take part in lessons of a higher nature. To my mind, it would be fairer if  the less evolved siblings in the family of humankind could also find out the truth about what they have been trying to do and what, if they succeeded, the inevitable consequences of their behaviour was going to be? Haven’t we all deserved to move on to the next higher loop of the evolutionary spiral, instead of indulging the drives and urges of a small minority’s lower nature?

Haven’t they also got the right to discover the truth about their own nature and that the purpose of their earthly existence is growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves and the world around them. They too need to find out that the main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, and that this applies to them as much as to everything in the whole of Creation. After all, even though our youngsters are trespassing against the main laws, nonetheless they are sparks of the Universal Christ’s great light, just the same as everybody else. They too have the right to find out that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also for every one of us and our world, is subject to God’s Universal laws.

And let’s not forget that nobody is all good or bad. We are all a mixture of both and that’s everybody’s Divine inheritance. I believe that our spiritual youngsters are not really bad. It’s just that they have got stuck in one of the early lessons of their earthly education. They too need to find out that that which is ugly and evil in humankind’s lower nature is meant to be left behind, so that its higher God or Christ counterpart can begin to emerge. Maybe we can assist some of our youngsters – maybe all of them – with the waking up of this aspect of their being, so they can also start bringing forth their best, highest and noblest qualities, from deep within their own being.

Things can only happen in God’s time, not ours, which means when the energies are right. Our world’s planetary system has been designed by the Great Divine Architect as a giant clockwork, known to us as the zodiac. In keeping with it’s timing the Divine plan for humankind’s development, individually and collectively, has always been unfolding and that with astonishing precision. Every birthchart is a snapshot of the energies affecting our whole world, therefore also us, at the moment of our birth. The planetary progressions, especially of the Moon and Sun, show quite clearly how each one of us is constantly moving forwards on the pathway of our present lifetime.

I hope that, with the help of what’s before you now, you will be able to see for yourself that the energies are right for bringing the pandemic 2020 to its natural happy ending through the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. Everybody is invited to play their part in bringing it about, in whichever way they can.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Studies In Mastership’
•    ‘Excursions Into Numerology’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (41)

Pluto In Capricorn

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Pluto In Caprcorn

In the year 2009, the events of a world economic crisis and the election of a  new president of the USA, for the first time from a black and white background, to me were clear evidence that the evolutionary pace of our race and planet is by now being speeded up significantly. The energies of the incoming Aquarian Age are hard at work to help us cleanse and purify the consciousness of every individual soul and the soul of our whole world. Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration and the co-ruler of Scorpio, plays a major part in this. It is one of the outer slow moving planets, known as the generation planets, that will remain in Capricorn until January 2024. Plenty of time for clearing away the things that for so long have been troubling our world.

Until then Pluto energies will keep us and our world engaged in the process of breaking down and then rebuilding the structures that are essential for the successful running of our world. At the time of updating this file for the first time in December 2008, Pluto had for some time been hovering around the cusp of Capricorn, the sign that rules large institutions, like banks, building societies, insurance companies and so forth. The representatives of governments, the police, the legal and medical profession and in particular the religious belief systems of our world are not excluded from the purging and cleansing effect of Pluto’s energies. Ever more forcefully they are drawing everybody’s attention to that which had previously been hidden from public view and knowledge. Like scum on a mill pond, they are rising to the surface of our race’s individual and collective consciousness. And that gets me wondering how long it will take until the last one in our world comprehends that nothing can remain hidden in our world any longer. Read more about Pluto’s energies in ‘The Sun in Scorpio’ *.

At the time of my most recent revision of this article in December 2017, the tempo of this cleansing process was still increasing. This is necessary because lots more old things have to die before new and better ones can be born. Because of the events that to this day are taking place everywhere in our world, my faith in the fundamental goodness of life sometimes begins to wobble. I then remind myself that this is the work Pluto’s energies have to do and that truly much good is in store for us and our world, when ever more of us bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature with its love of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity.

Sadly, before they can do this every human being first has to learn from their own experiences about the destructive power that greed and corruption can have on individuals as well as whole worlds. To this day these scourges are caused by the fact that large proportions of our population are as yet unaware of the true, i.e. spiritual purpose of their earthly existence and of the existence of Universal laws and how they affect all life, including that on the Earth plane. The presence and subsequent dying of such matters are essential parts of the lessons, some of them of truly Cosmic proportions, which our whole world and everything that is in it cannot avoid taking part in.

Have you noticed how for some time now ever more scandals, especially of a sexual nature and related to men’s behaviour, have been rising like scum to the surface of our collective consciousness? This too undoubtedly is another necessary part of our world’s cleansing process, through which the Universe is teaching us, individually and collectively, many a valuable lesson. Therefore, when as a result of the latest revelations some more mud is flying in all direction, wise ones do not condone and they do not judge either. Because they trust God’s great plan of life * and God’s perfect justice *, they resist the temptation of sitting in judgement * over anyone and in particular not those who are still taking part in the lower and lowest lessons of earthly life, the way they too once did. And because they themselves are already moving in the upwards direction of the evolutionary spiral of life, wise ones have every reason to be glad and express their thankful for all that once was in their lives, now is and forever will be.

To paraphrase what the Jesus legend tells us in St John 8:7: ‘Let those of us who are without sin be the first to throw a stone at anyone.’ It makes me shudder to look back on the kind of suffering that we, in the course of many lifetimes, must have been inflicting upon each other. Yet, when considered in the light of our evolutionary pathway as young Gods in the making, it’s not hard to recognise that all of it served as a ‘worthy’ instrument for moulding us and eventually returning us, the human children of God in our guise as earthlings, into the awareness of our true identity. Bearing in mind that we are sparks of the Divine, it is probably not surprising that most of our race’s warfaring seems to have been carried out in the name of one religion or another. Being spirits and souls who are experiencing life in physicality, matters of the spirit and therefore religions somehow for a very long time formed an important part of our consciousness. Even in declared atheists this characteristic of human nature is present in the recesses of their subconscious.

Having reached the end of six thousand years of patriarchy and warmongering that took our world ever deeper into the systematic suppression of the love, wisdom and truth of the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Goddess, a vast circle of life is in the process of closing and the saddest stage of humankind’s evolutionary journey reaching its natural conclusion. And in keeping with the fact that the darkest hour comes just before the dawn, to reach this point we and our world first had to work our way through the living inferno and Armageddon, rolled into one, of the two World Wars.

Thanks be to God and the Angels that increasing numbers of us are gaining access to the knowledge of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. As, with the passing of time, ever more of us are slowly but surely turning into Gnostics, each awakened one is living proof that these things cannot be suppressed forever by anyone. And that’s why wise ones refuse to begrudge the difficulties they are presented with and tackle them as best and as bravely as they know how to. Their behaviour is based on the knowledge that we and our world shall forever rest safely in the hands of the living God and the Angels and that in due course much good is sure to emerge for our whole world and every one of its inhabitants.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Scorpio’
•    ‘Sitting In Judgement’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘My Justice Is Perfect’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (40)

God Is Near : But Where?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - God Is Near : But Where?

These are the days of miracle and wonder,
This is the long distance call,
The way the camera follows us in slow-motion
And shows us the way we really are.

No point in looking to spiritual constellations
That have outlived their usefulness and are dying
In the deepest recesses of human consciousness.
The time has come for find out the truth
About God’s nature and our own.
These truly are the days of miracle and wonder!

From ‘Under African Sky’
Paul Simon
Edited by Aquarius

When people get married in Germany, they get a family book in which the details of their marriage, the birth of their children and of their baptism are entered. My parents first had three girls and then, to my father’s delight, a boy. The four of us grew up without any religious instructions, although we all had been baptised into the Protestant faith. It was dominant at that time in the part of Germany where I was born. My parents lived through two world wars, hyper inflation and all the rest of it. Through these experiences they must have lost their faith that there really is a God. Read more about this by following the relevant link about losing and finding faith at the end of this chapter.

These days my brother is the keeper of our parents’ family book. Some years ago he told me that it seems that I am the only one for whom a baptism verse was entered as follows: St. Luke 10:10 ‘Heal the sick who are there and tell them: ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’ I looked it up when I first heard about it, but to my disappointment it did not seem to mean anything, at all. From time to time, I puzzled whether that teaching contained some kind of message for me, after all. But as nothing ever came to me intuitively, the way things usually do, with the passing of time I forgot about it.

And then out of the blue, a few days before my eighty-third birthday, St. Luke 10:10 came to my mind. So I looked it up again, lo and behold! It started speaking to me like this: ‘All along this verse has been pointing to the pathway you would eventually be walking in this lifetime. Your world’s main sickness is the fear of death and the unknown. And that’s why, on behalf of God and the Angels, you have been telling those around you for quite a while that, to overcome and leave behind all your fears and anxieties, not merely the before named ones, lying and cheating, deception of the self and others need to be overcome and left behind.

‘To find the truth about God and Jesus in particular, the story of his life has to be approached from the perspective that not every one of its words is literally true. Like many other tales of this nature, it was presented in the form of a legend, behind whose surface words higher esoteric wisdom has always been waiting to be discovered, as soon as humankind evolved sufficiently to comprehend their meaning. The time has come for realising that Jesus never was a historical figure. He always has been a symbolism of every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature.

‘With the help of allegories, parables and metaphors the life story of Jesus demonstrates picture-book fashion the various initiations of every human being’s evolutionary pathway on the earthly plane. For a long time they have no idea that something of this nature is happening to them. But by now ever more of you are reaching the end of their earthly education. It reveals itself when someone understands that your world’s present state has served the wise higher purpose of redeeming the karmic debts that the highly evolved spirit/souls in your midst brought with them into this lifetime from previous ones of long ago.

‘Your world is still involved in the process of leaving behind approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its beliefs of an all-male God-head. They are contrary to the natural laws of the whole of Creation. With the passing of time, this unnatural state disturbed your world’s natural balance more and more, as well as that of the whole of Creation. Because on the inner level all life is one, whatever happens anywhere affects everything else in either a beneficial or harmful disturbing manner. Humankind has been doing the latter for long enough. And as, in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, the civilising influence of the wisdom of your world’s feminine forces are re-establishing themselves, it’s balance is slowly but surely being restored.

‘Withholding something for a predestined length of time has always been the Divine wisdom’s way of teaching humankind the value of things. For the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the value of truth, things like lying and cheating, dishonesty and deception were tolerated, but only for a predestined length of time. The pandemic 2019/2020 has been necessary for cleansing your world’s consciousness of the karmic debts that were accumulated during the six thousand years of patriarchy.

‘The Universal laws decree that before something new can be born, something old has to give way and die. The pandemic is a signal that the whole of humankind has reached the developmental stage when it’s time to let go of its old and outdated over-materialistic approach to life. This creates space for the birth of becoming aware of your true nature and that your earthly existence serves the higher purpose of learning something from every one of your experiences, so that you constantly grow in wisdom and understanding of the spiritual background of everything that comes your way.

‘It has been for wise higher reasons that your world’s old religions were too materialistically orientated. At the right time, God’s time and not yours, they have always been destined to disappear. As explained in one of the previous chapters, the energies are right now and this is God’s time. The pandemic has been an essential instrument for changing ever more people’s approach to life into a truly spiritual one. For teaching humankind the value of truth, the patriarchy was brought about. And the deeper your world moves into the age of truth, the more it will come clear to its people that the God-head consists of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the light of the Universal Christ.

‘In spite of your old religions’ teachings, God not only has always been near you,  around and with you, God has always been as much part of you as you are of God. As a spark of God’s great light, every one of you is a young God in the making, a chip off the old block. And those who wish to find the truth about Jesus, need to first look behind the surface words of the legend of his life and then to themselves. Discovering the truth about God’s nature and your own is the meaning of Christianity’s second coming. There never was a first one. The appearance of another legend is no substitute for the coming of a saviour and redeemer. St. Luke’s words were part of Christianity’s propaganda machinery when that religion first came into being. Humankind was then about two thousand years away from discovering that the surface words of all your world’s sacred texts have always been hiding higher esoteric truths.

‘For the above mentioned reasons, unbeknown to humankind for a long time, every one of you has always been closer to your Creator than anyone thought. God never was in the Heavens ‘out there, somewhere’, but has always been with you. Wherever you were, God was with you and forever will be. You and your world always have and forever will rest safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. And every one of you has always been destined to evolve, in the course of many lifetimes, into a healer and lightbringer, a saviour and redeemer of yourself and your world, as well as a guardian and keeper of Mother Earth’s precious resources. Every one of you needs to do all they can to keep them safe and protect them against the greed and avarice of your less highly evolved siblings in the family of humankind, so that when you as your own descendant in future lifetimes return to your planet, they will still be there for you to treasure and enjoy.

‘The time has come for healing your sick world and everything that is taking part in it. Every one of you is, at least potentially, a Messiah for spreading the news that as far as saving and redeeming is concerned, it can only come about through never hesitating to give of your best. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought, word and action of yours is a valuable contribution. And through patiently enduring the pandemic’s hardships you have been paying your karmic debts, as well as contributing to saving and redeeming yourself and the whole of humankind. In this mammoth enterprise you are never alone, but are working hand in hand with us, God and the Angels. Even though we are invisible to earthly eyes, we always have been and forever will be ruling every aspect of your world, together with everything else that exists in the whole of Creation.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’

Six pointed Star 

There’s None So Blind . . . (41)

Christmas And Easter At The Same Time

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - Christmas And Easter At The Same Time‘Many have been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime so that, as the highlight of their earthly education, they can make a unique contribution to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. Through bringing forth, from deep within their own being, the best, highest and noblest qualities of their God or Christ nature, in the fullness of time even the last and slowest ones of you will evolve into one of your world’s saviours and redeemers.

‘Bringing forth and developing this aspect of their being is one of the initiations that every one of you, during their evolutionary journey in the course of many lifetimes takes part in. The pandemic represents two of these initiations for many individuals and also the whole of humankind and its world. 1) The birth of the Christ child is taking place in the younger, i.e. less highly evolved members of the family of humankind. 2) Those who are no longer giving in to the drives and urges of their lower nature, metaphorically speaking are nailing that aspect of their nature to the cross of their earthly existence. This is how, towards the end of their education in the earthly school of life, the Christ nature of every individual spirit/soul slowly emerges from the dark tomb of its spiritual ignorance and lack of understanding to the awareness of its true nature. From that point onwards, slowly but surely the Christ nature takes over that person’s whole being.

‘And this is how, allegorically speaking, Christmas and Easter for a while have simultaneously been taking place on your planet. Humankind’s lack of spiritual wisdom and understanding were the stone on the tomb of each individual and the whole of humankind. It is rolled away by the knowledge that for some time, in many different ways, has been flowing from the highest levels of life directly into the consciousness of those who are sufficiently evolved to understand our gifts. The way someone handles them shows us how ready that person is to receive more.

‘The natural flow of every human being’s spiritual development consists of the knowledge they find whilst travelling along the pathway of their earthly existence. This is how, in the course of many lifetimes, bit by bit the stone on top of the tomb in which everybody’s Christ nature at first is buried, is removed. This continues until the higher nature of their being has become strong enough to break through the hard shell of their earthly personality. This process is very similar to that of a chicken emerging from one of its mother’s eggs. She patiently sits on it, to protect and warm it, until her offspring is ready to appear.

‘To return to the pandemic for a moment, there is nothing new under the Sun in your world. Since the beginning of the patriarchy about six thousand years ago, systematically spreading fear has been the driving force behind satisfying the masculine lust for power, dominion and empire-building, with the help of taking away other people’s material possessions and resources. The end has always justified the means and any kind of propaganda machinery available was and is used. If they are unsatisfactory, new ones are invented. The pharmaceutical industry is merely following the example of many much older of your world’s traditions, especially religious ones. Walking in their footsteps through artificially and purposely creating a pandemic is the result in your time.

‘As pointed out in the chapter about gullibility, see relevant link at the end of this one, these methods were also used by the German Nazi party. The politician Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, was its Minister for Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. Nothing describes your world’s present dilemma better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie that’s big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from its political, economic and/or military consequences. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State that is based on deceptions. The Nazi party proclaimed that its regime would last a thousand years. Fortunately, it was only around from 1933-1945. It ended with the total and unconditional surrender of Germany.

‘How do the pharmaceutical industry’s attempts at ruling your world through fear compare with this? It started fifteen years ago. The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

‘Rest assured, dear children of the Earth, that the Angels and I are not going to allow anyone, including the pharmaceutical industry’s fear mongering, to continue ruining your world’s economies. The main enemy that needs to be overcome at present is the darkness of humankind’s fears and anxieties of death and the unknown. All of them are caused by a lack of understanding of the processes of life and that’s something from which both leaders and followers of your world’s religions suffered. Their teachings were purpose designed to drum fear remorselessly into people. And that’s how every one of you has wound up carrying around the burden of fear. Some of them to this day are likely to still be buried in the deepest recesses of your soul memories. Each time you departed from the earthly plane, your soul memories accompanied you. You took them with you into every new lifetime, in the hope that during this one you would be able to overcome and leave them behind.

‘The time has come for treating all manifestations of life with love and compassion and that includes yourself. You need to forgive yourself and all others who created the need for the pandemic because of their outstanding karmic debts. Unaware of the severity of what you were doing and how your behaviour would affect you in, at that point, far distant earthly lifetimes, you took part in the old religions in one of two ways and that on many occasions. In some of them you enjoyed frightening people to death with tales that, unbeknown to you, were designed to affect people in this manner. Those in leading positions believed that the dreadful things described in their teachings would really happen to those who refuse to believe that they are literally true.

‘As ever, it was a case of the blind leading the blind and in the land of the blind the one-eyed is king. Because of their lack of understanding of the spiritual background of life and the laws that rule the whole of Creation, therefore also everything on the Earth, each king does not hesitate to exploit, to his heart’s content, the resources of those who are blind enough to believe what he tells them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Gullibility – Humankind’s Greatest Enemy Of Past Ages’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (42)

The Built-In Lie Detector

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Built-In Lie-Detector‘The fear of death and the unknown has always made people easy prey for the greed and avarice of those who offer something that’s going to keep them safe. If the wind keeps on blowing in the right direction for long enough, the victims will never find out that in truth the makers of such promises merely pretend they have something of value to offer. After all, they are generously paying people with imaginative minds. They have no problems inventing things that sound as if they were true, when they could not be further away from it. Never mind, if what they are saying gets the wheels of their employers’ propaganda machinery going and, for as long as no strong enough resistance has built up, keeps them turning.

‘People involved in such schemes believe that they are working with the greatest of secrecy and that therefore nobody can observe them, they don’t mind using any kind of means that promises to deceive those around them, when in truth they are deceiving themselves. It’s not really evil that you and your world are up against but ignorance. That’s always been the greatest obstacle on humankind’s individual and collective progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Not knowing and understanding breeds fear. And that in turn brings forth young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are only too happy to ruthlessly exploit humankind’s fears with tales that have been specially invented for the purpose of pumping them up to previously unknown heights.

‘And because the age of truth for quite a while has been with you, once more we have come to tell those who are still looking for someone to save you and your world from this kind of menace. Nobody in the whole of Creation will ever come and wave some kind of magic wand on your behalf or anyone else’s, to bring this about, least of all Jesus. He never was in a position to respond to requests of this nature for the simple reason that he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only existed as a thoughtform that was inspired by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world some invaluable lessons of discernment, i.e. the ability to recognise whether someone is telling the truth or a lie.

‘Every one of you needs to be able to do this for themselves and that about everything that comes your way on the earthly plane. Don’t worry, you all have a built-in lie-detector and that is your inner guidance, the wise one of living God within. As soon as your earthly education has reached a certain point,  the time has come for learning how to consciously tap into its communications. Through the world of your feelings this aspect of your being has always tried to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road of doing the right things at the right time, i.e. that which is beneficial for your development. It’s the small still voice of your conscience that’s ignored to your detriment. For every one of you, paying attention to its reactions has always been the only truly reliable way of telling whether something, at that particular moment, is right or wrong, false or true. When this ability has been developed and you look at any kind of knowledge that comes your way, especially in the form of religious teachings, your lie-detector will either react with ‘this is true or untrue’.

‘To assist every human being with developing this part of their being is the wise higher reason why, for the duration of the patriarchy, your world had to be misled about your Creator’s nature and your own, as well as the special relationship all of you are having with the highest authority of all. The imbalances that were created by the old religions’ beliefs, with their all-male God-heads, for some time have been in the process of being removed. It is coming about through the truth that your Creator always has been and forever will be the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light. It’s good to observe that ever more of you are waking up to the realisation that the only one who can save and redeem you and your world is every one of you for themselves.

‘Every physical body, animal and human alike, has always been equipped with the inborn natural gift of healing itself and that in mind, body and spirit/soul. Unfortunately, the products of the pharmaceutical industry all too frequently interfere with the functioning of this aspect of their being. That’s why we are telling those who are in need of healing that, with our help and will, any condition can be healed. As without asking no help can come to you from us, turn to us so we can guide you to the natural – these days so-called ‘alternative’ – healing methods that will really do you good. If you pay attention to your inner guidance when trying those you feel drawn to, you will intuitively know which one(s) are right for you.

‘Stick your toes into the water and find out what each one can do for you. And do not forget to tap into our healing energies that are available free of charge to anyone who asks for them. Learning how to tap into them is the only thing you have to do. When you do your best, we are always happy to do the rest. And that’s how your trust in our presence and our ways of helping those who ask for our assistance steadily grows. This is the most essential ingredient for the process of shedding your fears and anxieties. The spiritual wisdom we have for quite some time been bringing to your world, through many different channels, is providing ever more of you with the key for unlocking the doors to their innermost being, where the memories of all your previous lifetimes have been stored, good, bad and indifferent alike.

‘The lack of understanding to this day is making far too many of you is into gullible victims of the pharmaceutical industry’s tales about the pandemic 2019/2020. They are the driving force behind events of this nature. They have tried before and did not succeed and we assure you that they will not do so this time. To bring about the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth, we need the help of as many of you as possible. It’s up to every individual to release themselves and your  whole world, once and for all, from the darkness of the prison that time and again was created by the machinations of your world’s professional troublemakers and scaremongers, employed by the pharmaceutical industry.

‘Like a poisonous spider, this organisation sits in its web that consists of falsifications and lies, ready to devour any victim that believes its tales and is willing to act upon them. Their favourite hiding places are the façades of once well respected organisations, like the World Health Organisation. The pharmaceutical industry hopes that eventually the government of all countries are going to pass a new law that forces people to take part in compulsory mass vaccinations. They are dreaming that this would come about in dictator fashion, with each country’s police force behind its government to ensure that their law is obeyed. But that harks back to the ways of the past, in sharp contrast with the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of freedom from all yokes of oppression and slavery. This age is about friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, reaching out for each other, helping and supporting people instead of exploiting and taking advantage of their fears.

‘As nothing could contravene that spirit more, there is no chance that attempts of this nature will be tolerated. Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. The deeper you move into this age, the clearer it will become that the Uranian energies are providing people, individually and collectively, with the courage, strength and determination to go on the barricades in order to shake off anything that can no longer be tolerated, for example the yoke of continued lockdowns.  The protest meetings and marches that are already taking part in many parts of your world are a clear sign that the influence of the Uranian energies with every passing day are growing more powerful.

‘The instrument for rendering any kind of human-made trap ineffective is through every one of you overcoming and letting go of their deepest innermost fears, because that enables you to move from your role as victim into that of a conqueror. The magical key for bringing this about is an improved understanding of the processes of life, especially those of birth, death and rebirth. For long enough your fears, individually and collectively, have been making prisoners of your earthly selves. The knowledge that has been coming your way for quite some time is meant to assist ever more of you to unlock the inner doors of the dark dungeon of their ignorance about the spiritual aspects of life.

‘The Aquarian age’s freedom consists of believing only what the lie-detector of your inner guidance tells you is true. To enable you to fully take advantage of what it offers, your inner doors need to be opened wide. Only through using the knowledge we are bringing and in this way digesting it, can any of it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever take from you. It will be yours in all Eternity.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (43)

Leaving Your Fears Behind

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - Leaving Your Fears Behind

‘When it comes to letting go of your deepest and darkest fears, finding out how the processes of life and death have always been affecting your earthly existence will help you more than anything else. For example that, only when the purpose of one of your earthly lifetimes has been fulfilled, an Angel of Death takes the physical part of your being by the hand and releases your captive spirit/soul into the greater freedom of your true home, our world, the spirit realm. That’s the place from which all of you, without exception, emerge at the beginning of another lifetime. You return to it when the end of it has been reached, in whatever way this may come about. You rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of life in physicality in our world.

‘If your apprenticeship as a young God in the making demands further earthly lifetimes, you yourself together with the wise ones in charge of you, decide where and when you will be spending it. This is not as difficult as it may sound to you now, because the wise ones advise what kind of lessons will be most helpful for progressing on your predestined pathway. You alone decide which karmic debts your earthly self has grown sufficiently strong to tackle in the forthcoming lifetime.

‘For as long as you are in our world, you are aware that there is nothing to be afraid of, because even though for a long time your earthly self is unaware of our presence, we have always been with you, guiding and showing the way. Whenever there is a real need for it, we step in and protect you. We shall always be there for you, helping and supporting you. This is also true during every one of your earthly sojourns. But if someone wants our help, they have to ask for it. Without asking none of it can come to anyone and when you do, it will surely come about and that frequently in quite magical and, to you, inexplicable ways.

The following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle Lodge’s Newsletter of 4th October 2020: ‘Humankind is in the midst of re-discovering its true eternal higher nature and becoming aware that everyone’s existence is not merely a passing phase, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle. The time has come for becoming aware of the presence of God and the Angels, for learning how to live and working hand in hand with them, in harmony with to earthly eyes invisible members of the angelic, etheric spirit kingdoms. Through this, slowly but surely, life on the Earth will become ever more beautiful.

‘The more people understand that in truth life is eternal and ever renewing itself, that there really is no death only a moving onwards to different dimensions of life, the sooner the fear of death and the unknown will disappear. Through the seasons that first bring forth flowers that ripen into fruits that can be harvested to provide sustenance for all her children, Mother Earth herself demonstrates life’s ability to constantly renew itself. What you are experiencing every year anew is an outer manifestation of your world’s inner ability to bring this about. At all times, invisible to earthly eyes, spirit beings are beavering away to bring forth everything that’s needed by God’s children of the Earth for their health and wellbeing.

‘And when ever increasing numbers of you endeavour to do only that which is good, right and beautiful, humankind is leaving that which is dark, evil and ugly in its character make-up, individually and collectively. This is how, in the natural course of events, hand in hand with us and through the contribution of every one of you, your world is in the process of evolving into a better and more peaceful place for everything that shares it with you. The right way of dealing with those who are still trying to walk the ways of the past, for you, their more highly evolved siblings, is to keep on sending them kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, for they really do not know what they are doing. Love always has been and forever will provide solutions to all your world’s problems. You may not like what people are doing, but that doesn’t need to stop you from loving them.

‘Love is the main law of life and the love every one of you feels in their heart has nothing to do with outside forces. It’s the Divine fire of your own Christ nature. Instead of perceiving these feelings as something from outside your own being, it needs to become the only force that motivates and guides you in all your endeavours. This needs to continue until nothing but that which is good, right and beautiful flows from you into your world in thoughts, words and actions. Even though to this day many in your world think of Jesus as their Lord and Master, he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only ever existed as a thoughtform, which God and the Angels have been removing for quite some time.

‘For as long as people believe that Jesus or some other higher force is something that belongs to something that’s outside of their own being, the backbiting and gossiping that’s frequently found in places of worship is bound to continue. But it will stop when people realise that the love in their hearts is their own higher God or Christ nature expressing itself. The nature of this love is Divine and it loves for its own sake. It enables you to recognise the good in everybody and also in everything that happens. You want to help those around you in any way possible. You do what’s good for them and protects them against harmful influences. This love motivates you to do loving things. You just do them, without thinking about it. It’s your natural way of reacting.

‘When the Christ love awakes in human hearts, they need no-one to command them to love people not merely this, that and the other one, but everybody. It’s a very simply love, the same as all truly great concepts are. It loves everything and everybody; it recognises the good in people although in some of them it is still invisible. Hearts that love this way know that in due course it will most certainly become visible, even in the last and slowest ones of its siblings.

‘Thinking of Jesus as an outside force stops people from progressing on their predestined pathway of evolving into healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers of themselves, humankind and your whole world. To delay this development until the time or rather the energies were right, in God’s time, has been the Jesus legend’s purpose. And that’s why since your entry into the age of truth, God and the Angels have been in the process of removing this thoughtform. And that’s why ever more of you are becoming aware that they are sparks of the Universal Christ’s great light and each one a young God in the making, who is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions.

‘What about those who were brainwashed as children into believing that the love in their heart belongs to Jesus and that this is their Lord and Master, or maybe they brought this belief with them from previous lifetimes? They may find it difficult to accept that their feelings of love are a natural part of their own God or Christ nature and that this is the true Lord and Master or Lady and Mistress of every human being’s lower earthly self. Everybody’s developmental plan provides that eventually their Christ nature wakes up and begins to take over and rule the higher as well as the lower aspects of that person’s being.’

Recommended Reading:
•   ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•   ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•   ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•   ‘Away In A Manger’
•   ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•   ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•   ‘Walking On Water’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (44)

We Shall Overcome

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - We Shall Overcome

  We shall overcome.
We shall overcome.
We shall overcome, some day.
Oh, deep in my heart.
I do believe that
We shall overcome, some day.

We'll walk hand in hand.
We'll walk hand in hand.
We'll walk hand in hand, some day.
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe that
We shall overcome, some day.

We shall live in peace.
We shall live in peace.
We shall live in peace, some day.
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe that
We shall overcome, some day.

We are not afraid.
We are not afraid.
We are not afraid, TODAY.
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe that
We shall overcome, some day.

Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe that
We shall overcome, some day.

Pete Seeger

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘We Shall Overcome’

I believe with all my heart and soul, my whole being, nay I know that we not only SHALL overcome but that we ARE in the midst of the process of overcoming, right here and now. Love is the greatest power in the whole of Creation. Every one of our kind and loving thoughts, words and actions feed into the good or God stream and takes us another step closer to the fulfilment of the dream about our world as a place where all human beings peacefully and harmoniously live and work together. They are supporting and helping each other. Lying and cheating, dishonesty and all kinds of slavery, deception and exploitation of the masses are things of the past.

It cannot be any other way because that’s the ultimate aim of God’s evolutionary plan for us and our world. It’s up to the likes of you and me to contribute to bringing it about. So let’s keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the troublemakers and scaremongers of our world. The Aquarian age is the age of group consciousness in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will become a reality on the earthly plane. The more of us are coming together to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, the stronger and more effective the consciousness of our group will become. There is no doubt in my mind that, together we are strong and hand in hand with God and the Angels, we are invincible.  

Updated 13th October 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (45)

The Swallow As Animal Totem

The Swallow’s Message (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Relationship Healing - Guidance From The Universe - The Swallow As Animal Totem  Rays Of Wisdom - Relationship Healing - Guidance From The Universe - The Swallow As Animal Totem

At the beginning of October 2020, my friend in Wales sent me the above two pictures of swallows getting ready for their annual migration to our world’s warmer countries. I have never seen swallow gathering in such great numbers. My inner guidance tells me that this is the Angels telling us that the time has come for healing all our relationships, especially the one with God, all of humankind, our world and the whole of Creation. The swallows are bringing us the spirit realms message is one of hope and encouragement that is not only meant for Wales and the United Kingdom but our whole world.

Swallow’s homing instinct, which we shall deal with in more detail later, is drawing the whole of humankind back into the conscious awareness of its true eternal home, the world of spirit. The instinct of returning to it’s home is programmed into every tiny human spark when, for the first time, it leaves behind its true home, the spirit realm where lying and cheating, deception and dishonesty are unknown. Each spark is placed in a physical body. As a physical being in a material world it then starts taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. And just like the swallow faithfully returns every year to the nest it builds for itself at the beginning of this round of its earthly existence, we too at the end of each earthly lifetime, whichever way it may come about, return to the safety of our true home.

Every springtime the swallows return to our Northern rougher climate and conditions of life. Like them, as soon as we have rested sufficiently in the spirit world, we freely and willingly return to the rough and tumble of another earthly existence. We rest safely in the knowledge that, guided and protected by the Great Father/Mother’s love, we shall find our way home, just like the swallow who instinctively finds its way over thousands of miles over some of the most treacherous parts of our world’s oceans. Year after year the swallow does this, when it could always stay in the warmer countries. Why and why don’t we stay in the spirit world? We apply for another earthly lifetime because we know that without attending to some more of its lessons, it will be impossible to grow in wisdom and understanding that help our consciousness to expand the way it should.

Swallow shows us that we and our world will always be safe, protected and guided by the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother and their Angels. This is the knowledge that got lost during six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-masculine religions and the yoke of male dominion-seeking and exploitation of the feminine, warmongering and oppression. Fortunately, by now this part of humankind’s development has been left behind. The pandemic is part of its remnants because the time has come for discovering the truth about God’s nature, our own and the special relationship every one of us has always had and forever will have with our Creator.

Our world’s present situation serves two purposes. The first one is the redemption of the outstanding karmic debts of the patriarchy. The second and maybe even more important one is humankind becoming aware of its true nature. Time for finding out that everybody’s earthly existence serves the wise higher purpose of progressing as much as possible, individually and collectively, on the evolutionary spiral of life. Time for discovering that we are in relationship with everything, ourselves, each other, our world, God and the whole of Creation.

The Age of Aquarius, among many other things, is the age of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on the Earth but throughout the whole of Creation. The time has come for healing and transforming all our relationships into friendships and the realisation that everybody’s true and eternal best friend is their very own God or Christ Self. For the healing of every one of us and our world the twin flames of Heaven and Earth are now in the process of joining forces. And that’s how the greatest healing miracle of all times is in the process of happening on our planet.

Apart from continuing to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, swallow advises us to:

•    Be more vocal about the love, respect and admiration we feel for each other, our world, the whole of Creation and its Creator.
•    Reflect on the things where we and our world have gone wrong, individually and collectively. Ask God and the Angels to intuitively show us ways of how to improve them.
•    Accept the changes that are necessary for conducting all our relationships with love that comes not only from our hearts but also our heads, through the gift of understanding the processes of life.
Let’s call on swallow for spiritual guidance on how to:

•    Express our feelings towards the whole of humankind and our world in visible ways.
•    Examine what we have been doing to those around us and intuitively show us ways of doing better.
•    Wherever necessary, to restore the love we once had for each other, especially with those who passed into the spirit world without an opportunity for making peace with them.
•    Make every one of our relationships into more loving ones.
•    Trust that it is the goodness of life that provides us with relationships that act as mirrors of ourselves as well as teaching us something. This is particularly true for difficult and traumatic relationships. Understanding their lessons is particularly helpful for the redemption of some of our most ancient karmic debts.

Updated 13th October 2020

Highly Recommended Viewing:
1)    ‘The Great Barrington Declaration’
2)    ‘Lockdowns Are Not The Answer’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘Healing The Conflicts Of Our World’

Six pointed Star

The Swallow As Animal Totem

The Swallow’s Message (2)

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Swallow As Animal Totel

When swallows attract our attention, the spirit world wishes to provide us with some specialised guidance for that particular time. These birds can teach us a great deal, for example how to apply the power of objectivity, community fellowship and communications in group environments. Discernment and right actions at the right time, when dealing with influences that threaten to endanger our freedom of movement, as well as doing so with tenacity, style and class can be learnt from the swallows.

They encourage us to think quickly, react appropriately and use the power of our thoughts to bring about out hopes and dreams on the earthly plane. Our inner guidance, through our inborn nesting instincts, may wish to show us intuitively how to create something from nothing. If we use the gifts of our natural ingenuity and determination skilfully, everything that’s needed for this enterprise can be brought about.

Swallows are masters of the air and show us how to move with utmost grace, agility and style. Their appearance in our life asks us whether we are moving with the flow of our thoughts and ideals and whether we are working sufficiently in cooperation with others. They show us how love and communication, when they are paired with trust, can achieve most. When swallows capture our special attention in some way, the time may have come for renewing the environment around us and riding the favourable air currents and tailwinds to stay above anything that comes our way.

In times gone by the swallow could represent either as a sign of good or bad fortune. It was regarded as a noble creature that has a rich and colourful history behind it. Swallow was a symbol of love and faith, hope and honour and many other favourable attributes. For sailors it represented a symbol of loyalty and good fortune that connected them with the principles of honour, friendship and family. The swallow is one of the rare creatures that places great value on these things and we do well to apply them as guidelines to our life.

What characterises swallows most is their instinct for partnership. Throughout their whole lifespan they have only one mate. If our attention is drawn to the swallow somehow, it happens to remind us to take a closer look at how we are dealing with our relationships. Our spirit guides are calling us to look at the things we have done with our partners lately. Have we complimented them on what they are doing and did we do things for them to make their life easier and more enjoyable? Not because they asked us but because that’s what we wanted to do. What is our general attitude towards them? Have we gone wrong somewhere and maybe are inflicting pain and suffering on them?

In the Celtic tradition the swallow is a symbol for a change in the gender roles. The male builds the nest and then through its singing has to woo a mate. This may be worth considering if for us the time has come to let go of the roles and stereotypes that society for such a long time placed upon humankind.

The swallow also stands for a loyal and faithful kind of love. They are good examples of enduring faithfulness and love to one’s spouse, because they are monogamous and only choose one mate for their whole lifetime . That’s the only one with whom they ever mate. Because they return to their homes each year, it is believed that a man with a tattoo of the swallow can be expected to always return to his family. Since swallows never fly very far from their nesting place, the sight of them brings good tidings of homecoming to sailors because land is near. These birds are also believed to carry the spirits of sailors who have died at sea, to their home in the spirit world.

In the days of yore the swallow was thought to be connected with the Gods and the souls of those who passed into our other world. In Greek and Roman mythology some of the Gods and Goddesses could transform themselves into swallows. Mothers of children who have died revered the swallow as the bird that carried the soul of their little ones into the world of light. That’s why killing one these birds was frowned upon.

Most of the tattoos containing the image of the swallow were created after the form of the blue European barn swallow with its long forked tail. They build their nests out of mud and enjoy the freedom of the wide open skies wherever they appear. This is a symbol that every one of us also has the freedom of the wide open skies, i.e. the spirit realm and the promise of eventually finding everlasting true happiness.

Updated 13th October 2020

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (46)

The Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Truth Cannot Be Hidden Forever

The latest on Covid-19 - 16th October 2020

1) ‘Covid-19: The Data Exposing the Deception’

2) Doctor Vernon Coleman Speech 29th August 2020 London Rally

3) Australian Media Davos Great Reset Agenda

4) Medical Doctors Declare The Pandemic Was Planned

5) Pandemic A Crime Against Humanity

6) ‘The Great Barrington Declaration’

I agree that the pandemic has been and to this day is a crime against humankind. Nonetheless, let’s keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those who are responsible for it, in the hope that it will help their Christ nature to wake up. The ‘Great Barrington Declaration’, see link above, to my mind is a clear example that this is happening to some of those involved. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for that.  

Louise L. Hay in her book ‘Heal Your Body’ writes that influenza is caused by: ‘Mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics.’ To paraphrase her affirmations for overcoming these tendencies: ‘I am beyond group beliefs. I am free from all congestion and harmful outside influences.’ Come to think of it, doesn’t the name influenza in itself confirm the truth of what Louise says?

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (47)

The Seagull As Animal Totem

Seagull’s Message For Us And Our World

Rays Of Wisdom - Relationship Healing - Guidance From The Universe - The Seagull's Message

I live in the United Kingdom in a seaside resort on the beautiful Yorkshire Coast in close proximity to a nine hundred year old Anglican church that has been dedicated to the Virgin Mary, one of our world’s many symbolisms of the Great Mother of all life. Before the pandemic there was always lots of bird activity around the church, which I loved watching. Alas, from the beginning of the lockdown the birds almost disappeared. Only a few of them could occasionally be seen and that set me wondering why this should be happening. But when one fine day, a single seagull came into view and majestically sailed by, I realised that it had a message for us and our world.

Birds as animal totems can assist us with acquiring higher knowledge. Air being the most ethereal of the elements, the creatures inhabiting it are sent to help us find a new understanding of the spiritual aspects of life that cannot be seen by earthly eyes. Because they inhabit what on the earthly plane is know as the Heavens, birds are our best allies for communicating with the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the highest levels of life. This is particularly good when it comes to the fulfilment of our hopes and dreams for humankind’s progress on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Birds represent physical and mental strength and sovereignty. These are very important characteristics when major changes are happening and we need to get used to new ways of living and being. To find out how to go about it, we need to consult the wise ones in charge of us and our world and ask for their advice so that their ideas can come to us intuitively. All their bird messengers are meant to encourage and strengthen us, to boost our confidence and remind us that the highest powers are with us, all the way. Even though for a long time, we are unaware of their presence, they have always been as much part of us as we are part of them. And forever they will be guiding and protecting every human being’s steps along the road of their development and that on all its levels.

That’s why the presence of birds is a good omen and a signal from the Highest that our spirit friends and helpers are with us. It’s up to you and me to decipher the meaning of each bird’s message. Seagulls are no exception to this rule. They too are trying to attract our attention for wise higher reasons. For starters, seagull reminds us that, to enable us to cope with any kind of situation, we need to make good use of our inborn resourcefulness and look for the opportunities that exist around us. Through taking advantage of any kind of favourable circumstance that presents itself, it becomes possible to reach the goal of this lifetime, not only for ourselves but our whole world.

God’s great plan of life provides that we should succeed and that there is no point in allowing ourselves to get lost in our world’s present situation. Like all earthly things this too will pass, in God’s time and not ours, and that is going to be sooner than anybody would have thought possible, only a short while ago. That’s why seagull asks us to be adaptable and pay attention to what comes to us intuitively from our inner guidance about moving forwards and upwards to the next higher level of the evolutionary spiral of life, for ourselves and also our world. It may mean moving out of our comfort zone, thinking outside the box and doing things that have never been attempted before.

Our inner perception needs to be opened to the opportunities that are hidden in the present situation, because the time has come for going further than ever before and looking out for distant horizons. Only through reaching out for them can our own and humankind’s highest potential find fulfilment. Whatever steps are necessary to survive the pandemic have to be taken. Seagulls go to great lengths to find food. Their ability to discover something nourishing even in what’s considered to be wastelands, is meant to show us that something good is hidden in every experience that comes our way. Seagull is guided instinctively by the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. It is a symbolism of the fact that everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature will always show its earthly counterpart how to survive any condition.

Seagull urges us and our world to take up new challenges, because we have been going about the same things in the same old way for long enough. A wise ones described insanity as doing the same things the same way, over and over again and expecting different results. Our spirit guides want us to move away from the vicious circles of doing this because our individual and collective development demands that we begin to view our earthly existence from the higher spiritual perspective. There is no need to be scared of trying something new that is sure to bring us and our world results of a more satisfying nature.

Seagull tells us that life is not a rehearsal and should be lived to the fullest. And no matter what circumstances we may ever find ourselves in, we need to approach it with love, so there will be no regrets at the end of our present lifetime. Seagull opens our minds to perceiving that many opportunities are contained in every experience, because everything that happens on the earthly plane is there for the wise higher purpose of teaching us something.

There is no such thing as accidents or coincidences. Everything is predestined and was created by us, either earlier in this lifetime or a previous one. The time has come for accepting this and cleansing our consciousness of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the past. This enables us to appreciate our true role in the order of things. It helps us to recognise with great clarity what needs to be retained in our life and what should go.

Seagull invites us to realise our strengths and weaknesses. It expands our vision and enables us to see our way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life and our goals more clearly. There is no need for being happy with limiting ourselves to small and easily achievable ones. Seagull encourages us to be more ambitious and have faith in our abilities. Our level of self-confidence and determination then increases, so we can confidently play our predestined role in the Highest Forces’ evolutionary plan for us and our world.

Seagull is a powerful symbol of a new dawn and moving into the position that’s rightfully ours and that means leaving behind the self-defeating thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. Seagull’s courage, strength and determination enable us to adopt the strategies that produce the desired results and because we are very adaptable, they are achievable. Every experience that’s ever come our way has been and still is in perfect alignment with God’s plan for our evolutionary journey, so there is no need for allowing any situation to get us down.

Some of them may seem to have been meant to derail us and halt our progress. But in truth they are meant to build up our strength and help us tap into our deep innermost reserves of energy and resourcefulness. Seagull opens our inner eyes to the rich blessings that have always been part of our life. Each one of the earlier hardships was merely a blessing in disguise and everything that’s available to us now is meant to move our whole being to the next level of our personal evolutionary spiral.

Seagull suggests that we reassign and redefine some things in our life. We need to make the decision whether we wish to do what we can to contribute to our world’s greatest healing miracle ever and so bring about its happy natural ending of our world’s suffering. Instead of being a hapless bystander who is at the mercy of a small minority’s greedy machinations, let’s join the ranks and files of aspiring healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers of themselves, the whole of humankind and our world.

The time has come for removing some of the clutter from our perception of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence. An essential part of this are the false beliefs, superstition and prejudices we brought with us from earlier on in this lifetime and also previous ones. Individually and collectively, these things have been weighing us down for long enough. They are nothing but ballast now and for achieving the predestined goal of our present lifetime, they need to be shed.

Seagull wants us to know that challenges are healthy for our overall growth. It suggest that we stop avoiding them and turn to the healer and lightbringer’s pathway. Through tackling this situation head-on, it too can be overcome. Yet, this is often easier said than done. Remind yourself that the Universe at all times has our highest best and greatest joy in mind and that this is why it has brought this particular animal totem to our attention and will continue to do so. Let’s be grateful for the wisdom of that kind of love.

It’s good to call on the seagull spirit to:
•    Exercise the power that comes with adaptability and flexibility.
•    Set mature long-terms goals.
•    Avoid unnecessary drama in our life.
•    Gain clarity by getting rid of all clutter.
•    Through rising to the challenges of our life, hand in hand with God and the Angels, any one of them is meant to be overcome.
•    Get a different approach to achieving the goals of our present lifetime.
•    Set clear personal and emotional boundaries.

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (48)

Nothing New Under The Sun!

The Background Of All Pandemics

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Background Of All Pandemics

Written by Michael Fumento, 02.05.10, 04:35 pm EST

The agency needed to bounce back after the avian flu embarrassment. The World Health Organisation has suddenly gone from crying ‘The sky is falling!’ like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria. ‘The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible,’ the agency claims on its website. A WHO spokesman declined to specify who or what gave this ‘description,’ but the primary accuser is hard to ignore.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a human rights watchdog, is publicly investigating the WHO’s motives in declaring a pandemic. Indeed, the chairman of its influential health committee, epidemiologist Wolfgang Wodarg, has declared that the ‘false pandemic’ is ‘one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.’

Even within the agency, the director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Epidemiology in Munster, Germany, Dr. Ulrich Kiel, has essentially labeled the pandemic a hoax. ‘We are witnessing a gigantic misallocation of resources [$18 billion so far] in terms of public health,’ he said.

They’re right. This wasn’t merely over-cautiousness or simple misjudgement. The pandemic declaration and all the Klaxon-ringing since reflect sheer dishonesty motivated not by medical concerns but political ones. Unquestionably, swine flu has proved to be vastly milder than ordinary seasonal flu. It kills at a third to a tenth the rate, according to U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention estimates. Data from other countries like France and Japan indicate it’s far tamer than that.

Indeed, judging by what we’ve seen in New Zealand and Australia (where the epidemics have ended), and by what we’re seeing elsewhere in the world, we’ll have considerably fewer flu deaths this season than normal. That’s because swine flu muscles aside seasonal flu, acting as a sort of inoculation against the far deadlier strain.

Did the WHO have any indicators of this mildness when it declared the pandemic in June? Absolutely, as I wrote at the time. We were then fully 11 weeks into the outbreak and swine flu had only killed 144 people worldwide--the same number who die of seasonal flu worldwide every few hours. (An estimated 250,000 to 500,000 per year by the WHO’s own numbers.) The mildest pandemics of the 20th century killed at least a million people.

But how could the organisation declare a pandemic when its own official definition required ‘simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.’ Severity--that is, the number of deaths--is crucial, because every year flu causes ‘a global spread of disease.’

Easy. In May, in what it admitted was a direct response to the outbreak of swine flu the month before, WHO promulgated a new definition matched to swine flu that simply eliminated severity as a factor. You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths.

Under fire, the organisation is boldly lying about the change, to which anybody with an Internet connection can attest. In a mid-January virtual conference WHO swine flu chief Keiji Fukuda stated: ‘Did WHO change its definition of a pandemic? The answer is no: WHO did not change its definition.’ Two weeks later at a PACE conference he insisted: ‘Having severe deaths has never been part of the WHO definition.’

They did it; but why? In part, it was CYA for the WHO. The agency was losing credibility over the refusal of avian flu H5N1 to go pandemic and kill as many as 150 million people worldwide, as its ‘flu czar’ had predicted in 2005. Around the world nations heeded the warnings and spent vast sums developing vaccines and making other preparations. So when swine flu conveniently trotted in, the WHO essentially crossed out ‘avian,’ inserted ‘swine,’ and WHO Director-General Margaret Chan arrogantly boasted, ‘The world can now reap the benefits of investments over the last five years in pandemic preparedness.’

But there’s more than bureaucratic self-interest at work here. Bizarrely enough, the WHO has also exploited its phony pandemic to push a hard left political agenda. In a September speech WHO Director-General Chan said ‘ministers of health’ should take advantage of the ‘devastating impact’ swine flu will have on poorer nations to get out the message that ‘changes in the functioning of the global economy’ are needed to ‘distribute wealth on the basis of’ values ‘like community, solidarity, equity and social justice.’ She further declared it should be used as a weapon against ‘international policies and systems that govern financial markets, economies, commerce, trade and foreign affairs.’

Chan’s dream now lies in tatters. All the WHO has done, says PACE’s Wodart, is to destroy ‘much of the credibility that they should have, which is invaluable to us if there’s a future scare that might turn out to be a killer on a large scale.’

Michael Fumento is director of the nonprofit Independent Journalism Project, where he specialises in health and science issues. He can be reached at fumento@pobox.com.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘They Don’t Want You To Know Any Of This’

The above information came to me from the UKColumn. My grateful thanks for all their valuable contributions towards shedding some light into one of our world’s murkiest corners. And the person who shared the Coleman video with us wrote: ‘Keep on fighting Vernon, we are all in this together and every day more people are starting to see through the lies of our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers and thank you for your tireless efforts. We appreciate what you and all the other brave souls out there are doing to resist the evil of Covid-19 and the driving forces behind it.’ I could not agree more!

But nonetheless, let’s keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the driving forces behind the pandemic, for they still do not know what they are doing and, unless they at last come to their senses, what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma is bound to return to them, in the fullness of time. Please share this with as many as possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

* * *

Update 19th October 2020  

Pandemics : Crimes Against Humankind

The pandemic, like any other kind of warfare that aims to control our world through fear, is a crime against humankind. Several lawsuits are already being prepared:

1) ‘Michael O’Bernicia’s Lawsuit’

Michael O’Bernicia, who beat the might of the banks in court over systemic and institutional mortgage fraud, has now served each MP a legal notice of proceedings being brought against them for fraud. Each MP who voted to enact the Coronavirus act only hours after its presentation (100's pages long) and without scrutiny or question, are being individually pursued in courts so they cannot hide behind groups or leaders. One MP Chris Green has since resigned his post (possibly connected).

2) ‘Dr. Rainer Fuellmich’s Lawsuit’

Let’s not forget that our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, who are the driving force behind the pandemic, are not our enemies. But they are our younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind, who are taking part in the early part of their earthly education. The discovery that every human being is personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions is not yet part of their curriculum.

You and I, however, know that we are co-creators with God and young Gods in the making, who are constantly occupied with bringing something into being, and that the main laws of life are love and evolution, evolution that is based on love. Sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to any trespassers against these laws, wherever they may be and whatever their offences are, is an essential part of the earthly schools final examination that leads to Christhood and spiritual Mastership. The youngsters’ Christ nature is crying out for our help. It wants to rise from its slumbering state so it can assist its earthly counterpart to realise that its existence serves the wise higher purpose of progressing on the evolutionary spiral of life, which each one of us can only do through their own consciousness expanding adventures.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’

Six pointed Star

The Truth Behind The Pandemic

 Update 20th October 2020

The CBS have been caught broadcasting fake footage where they attempted to ‘make things look a little more panicked than they actually were’ outside a hospital testing facility, according to Sky News host Paul Murray. Project Veritas have surveillance footage and inside reports proving that the CBS had hospital workers pose as patients to make Coronavirus testing lines look longer. Mr Murray said the staged attempt to make things look more ‘desperate’ than they actually are, was ‘shameful’.

If you believe your chain is not being yanked big time by the government and the bought and paid for mainstream media, then make a donation to the ‘go fund me project to get the Eifel Tower moved to the top of Ayres Rock.’ Never has there been a greater need to escape the crippling mental illness of cognitive dissonance before it’s too late, by asking one simple question: WHO ARE THE REAL TERRORISTS?

From https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/cbs-caught-broadcasting-fake-news-on-the-coronavirus/

* * *

From the World Doctors Alliance, doctors and scientists are speaking out against the lies and tyranny that’s happening around our world. The original video was removed from Youtube but fortunately is now available on Twitter. Please follow this link: https://twitter.com/jonkirbysthlm/status/1316331589962473472

* * *

Airlines, governments and governing bodies are forcing all crew and passengers to wear masks. How is oxygen deprivation in a pressurized (at altitude) environment going to affect the performance of the staff in an emergency. Where's the risk assessment on this? Find out more about it by following this link: https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/is-your-pilot-wearing-a-face-covering/

* * *

This is for my Scottish friends who are being lied to daily and terrorized by the SNP government. Lies, fear and more lies. Please share this with friends and family and disseminate as much as you can to wake people up to the reality! There is no pandemic and lock-down is a gross violation of your freedoms not to mention harming and killing more than the virus. Find out more about it in https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/scots-gov-covid-data/

* * *

Richie Allen writes under the heading ‘We're just going to ruin your lives until you take the vaccine.’ Think of the whole vaccine scam from this angle. Our government is basically telling us we need to take a *vaccine* to stop us from growing reindeer antlers -- or even Teletubby antennas on our heads.... right? How stupid does the government think we are? Has the thought has never crossed their tiny minds that some of them may end up in jail over this fraud?

Covid: Not a pandemic. Can not be properly identified because it hasn't been isolated. Using a test which cannot detect Covid because it hasn't been isolated. Locking down a country for something no more dangerous than the common flu. Using fake science to cause fear and panic. Promoting useless mathematical models to ramp-up the numbers. Ordering medical professionals to falsify cause of death records. Empty hospitals. Doctors being struck-off for speaking out. Controlling the mainstream media worldwide to cause fear and panic. Shutting down all counter-arguments to the pandemic. Shutting down scientific experts with better knowledge than bought and paid for government *advisors* who have links with big pharma and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Using the police to enforce draconian laws and subverting democracy to make all of this happen.

Find out more about it in https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/topic/were-just-going-to-ruin-your-lives-until-you-take-the-vaccine/

Also https://brandnewtube.com/watch/sunday-view-with-richie-allen-october-18th-2020_UYr1TRDHg6VJz9A.html

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (49)

The Magpie As Animal Totem

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Magpie's Message For Us And Our WorldThe following chapters were written on the 22nd October 2020. On that day at 23.00 hrs GMT the Sun moved into Scorpio. It takes the Sun thirty days to move through each sign. The energies at the moment of its entry into a new sign is like a birthchart for a newly born baby and this means that for the coming thirty days we and our world will be under their influence. The Sun’s transit through Scorpio each year is a time when the veil that separates our world from its background, the spirit realm, is particularly thin and can therefore be penetrated much more easily than at any other time of the year.

Scorpios have a sixth sense for other people’s and society’s weaknesses, that’s why they make good detectives as well as criminals. And it’s quite likely that truths that have successfully been hiding for a long time, at last come to the general public’s view and knowledge each time the Sun moves through Scorpio. For everybody it’s always a time of transformation. This can manifest itself either as degeneration or regeneration, and of deaths that are inevitably followed by rebirths on a different level of consciousness. In any case, it’s an excellent time for bringing out into the open that which is not right but somehow had been hiding until then.

In our world things can only happen in God’s time and that means when the energies are right. From today onwards they could not be more so for bursting the painful abscess that’s been troubling our world for far too long: the pharma industry’s efforts of ruling our world through fear. Someone called the present one a ‘plandemic’; I could not agree more. Let’s take a closer look at the energies that will be influencing our world for thirty days from today. The best news is that the Master numbers 11 and 22 are present several times over. 22 – 2020 = 22 x 2, accompanied by a double helping of the 0 = the circle of Eternity. The eleven also turns up twice, the 11th month of the year and the Sun’s entry at 11 p.m. 11 x 2 = 22. This means a double portion of the energies of the 11 and a treble helping of the 22 for us and our world to assist its cleansing process.  Pluto, the co-ruler with Aries of Scorpio, on the day of the Sun’s entry into this sign is in 22 degrees Capricorn. To find out more about this, please follow the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Another good omen that some major revelations are likely to come forth during the Sun’s transit through Scorpio is that it’s entry takes place on a Thursday. This day is ruled by Jupiter, the expansive and benevolent planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign that’s dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. But what has the magpie to do with  all this? A lot, as you will soon see.

Magpies hardly ever come into view where I live. But since the beginning of the pandemic 2019/2020 and lockdowns, when on several occasions they seemed to be attracting my attention, I started wondering whether they might have a message for us and our world. Lo and behold, they did! They want us to know that although magpies can be messengers of love, joy and good fortune, their presence reminds us that the earthly plane is just as much filled with treachery, deception and dishonesty. Magpies are at home just about anywhere and for a long time have been closely associated with human beings. For example, by following nomadic tribes on their hunting expeditions and scavenging on what was left behind.

Some magpie myths of the past tell us that they refuse to believe that Jesus died on the cross. From where we are by now, it’s easy to see that this was because birds have always the messengers of our world’s spiritual background. Long before it became more common knowledge here, such myths were hinting that the life story of Jesus is merely a legend. It was an early warning to watch out carefully because on the earthly plane everything that glitters is by no means gold. For as long as people believe that every word of the Jesus tale is literally true, their spiritual nest is lined with fake gold.

It takes every one of us many lifetimes until we discover that the true gold of the Jesus story is the higher esoteric truth, which has always been hiding behind its surface words. And so it’s not surprising that the earthly selves of young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are still taking part in the early lessons of the earthly school of life, love to line their nests with shining things, which they don’t hesitate to steal from others. And that’s what the leaders of our world’s religions used to do, by whatever means available to them.

The pharmaceutical industry as the driving force behind the pandemic, is walking in the footsteps of our world’s religious leaders of times gone by. They are hoping that one of these days they too will be able to beautify their nest with what, if they succeeded, would turn out to be fake gold. This is because nothing on the earthly plane belongs to us. Everything has to be handed back, at the end of each lifetime. But there will come a time when the young and inexperienced spirit/souls in our midst have evolved into old and experienced ones. The Universal laws, as soon as they have grown strong enough to cope with it, returns to them what they are presently inflicting upon us and our world. Their suffering helps them to grow in compassion, wisdom and understanding. This is the only true gold all of us are constantly in search of; it’s ours to keep in all Eternity and nobody will ever try to take it from us.

Some of our world’s myths speak of magpie as a rebellious creature. Rebelling against anything that is neither true nor right is a vital aspect of humankind’s evolutionary journey. The God or Christ nature’s rebelling characteristics enable our lower selves to perceive that which reaches beyond any kind of traditional knowledge. It helps us to discover the truth that could have been waiting to be found for a long time. That’s how the wise ones in charge of us and our world are drawing our attention to the fact that an essential part of the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist are rebellion and revolution.

The deeper we move into this age, the more humankind’s rebellious nature will come to the fore and rise against all yokes and restrictions, material, spiritual and especially religious ones. The time has come for leaving behind the shackles of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we brought with us from previous lifetimes. They have become outdated ballast by now that’s weighing us down unnecessarily. For this purpose, each one of us needs to bring forth, from deep within their own being, the rebelliousness of their God or Christ nature.

Footnote: For two days running I have been sharing with you an update of how the truth is bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness, in many different places. All information that came your way was provided by: https://www.ukcolumn.org/community/forums/forum/coronavirus-sars-cov-2-covid-19/

At age of eighty-three, I have taken out a lifelong membership of this organisation. In view of what I have already received in return, I consider it money well spent. This community is worth it’s weight in gold. Apart from that, it’s great to be among like-minded people, who understand when I talk about my belief that the pandemic is one gigantic hoax, that the driving force behind it is the pharma industry, and that this is its third attempt – as far as I know – of  exploiting our world’s resources through creating a pandemic, with the help of the age-old and well-known means of spreading fear. It’s up to the likes of you and me to help the truth about this festering sore on our world’s consciousness to emerge.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘Two Studies In Mastership’
•    ‘Master Number Eleven’
•    ‘Master Number Twenty-Two’
•    ‘How To Become A Master Builder’

Six pointed Star

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (2)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Magpie's Message For Our World - Part TwoAs mentioned in other parts of my writings, rebellion and revolution are essential aspects of the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. These qualities of our higher nature enable us and our world to shake off all yokes of oppression and slavery to beliefs that have outlived their usefulness, when the right time for doing so has come. And that’s the process we and our world have been involved in for a long time. To go about rebelling the right way, individually and collectively, the rebellious energies need to be harnessed, so that they can be put to defending that which is of true and everlasting value. This makes it easier to let go of what these days is revealing itself as being of a temporary nature and therefore ready to go from us and our world, in any case.

The time has come for rebelling anything that attempts to stop us from making the progress that, in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan of life, is the birthright of every individual human being, the whole of humankind and our world. It is a pathway that demands discarding anything that’s in the way of ever more of us becoming consciously aware of their eternal oneness with God, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit.

Back to the magpies. There are three types of them, the yellow-billed, the black-billed and the Eurasian one. The Eurasian magpie is probably the most intelligent creature of our world’s animal kingdom. Magpies and crows are capable of recognising their image in a mirror, something that few mammals can do. Magpies are very sociable creatures who, with the help of a well developed vocabulary, communicate with those around them. Frequently one finds them travelling in pairs or groups. They are not really afraid of humans and enjoy displaying their courage by getting as close to them as possible, whilst remaining watchful.

Magpie’s bravery can be seen by the way they defend themselves against predators, especially birds of prey and domestic cats. Their confidence of being capable of dealing with such things is astonishing. For us this is a reminder that we may be in need of toning down on any kind of excess, acting with humility and treating those around us with the love and respect every creature, not merely human beings, deserve.

Magpies put a lot of effort into caring for their loved ones. They frequently have more than one offspring. Both partners share the duties of nest building and caring for their young. Because of this teamwork, magpie’s nests tend to be strong and long-lasting. People who have magpie as their animal totem also are loving and loyal to their families and put lots of effort into making its members as comfortable as possible.

Magpies are adaptable and resourceful and although once in a while they steal another bird’s egg, on the whole they work hard for their living. They are good examples of the kind of resourcefulness that’s necessary on the earthly plane when it comes to surmounting arising challenges. Magpies are attracted by shiny objects and love to decorate their nests with them. We too, during the early stages of our earthly education, go after anything that shines, concepts and ideas alike. But when we have spent a sufficient number of earthly lifetimes, our spiritual nature has grown strong enough to show its earthly counterpart that its understanding of things is by no means the truth. The more our higher nature’s quality of discernment develops, the more our values change from earth-bound temporary ones to those that are eternally true.

To develop this quality to the full, we need to take an honest look at our priorities. Are we pursuing the right goals or are we pursuing something that is false and untrue. Magpie builds its home in the strongest ‘V’ of a tree and according to mysticism ‘V’ is the path into the spirit realm. This suggests that the time has come for looking at the strength of our convictions and values. How aware are we that every human being’s earthly existence in truth serves the wise higher purpose of becoming aware of our true spiritual nature and that the spirit realm is humankind’s true home?

Magpie reminds us that all earthly life consists of growing, each through their own experiences, and through this constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. It wants us to open our hearts and minds to the message it is bringing from the wise ones in charge of us and our world. They are able and willing to intuitively show us ways of resolving our world’s present situation, but this can only be done for those who reach out for them and ask for their advice.  

Magpie encourages you not to hide from the world. It wants us to show who and what we truly are, one of the beloved children of the Great Father/Mother of all life. It invites us to tell them that this is what they also are, that every one of us is gifted in some special way and that everybody has their own unique part to play in our world’s present transformation. Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, every human being is, at least potentially, a precious and unique being, a many faceted jewel that is capable of bringing forth, from deep within their own being, their inborn natural talents. There is no need for being afraid to express them whenever opportunities for doing so arise. These gifts could have taken many lifetimes to develop, ready to fully unfold during this one.

Magpie invites us not to be afraid of taking risks, but trusting our inner guidance to show us when to step forwards to walk our talk and speak up. These birds are not afraid of teasing predators to show those around them what they are made of. They encourage us to enter into situations that enable us to prove to ourselves that we are capable of emerging victorious whatever happens. And that applies to every one of us as well as the whole of humankind.

Magpie’s colouring reminds us of the duality of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. Its black and white feathers are symbols of darkness and light, negative and positive. The presence of Magpie’s energies at this time shows that, individually and collectively, humankind’s obsession with material possessions is in the process of making room for the ever increasing realisation of our spiritual nature and realities and that our true home is the spirit realm. Striving for spiritual growth through a better understanding of its concepts is slowly but surely becoming people’s top priority.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (3)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Magpie As Animal Totem - Part Three

The wise ones in charge of us and our world are using our world’s bird to help us find a better understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence. Birds are their messengers and every bird species has a different kind of message for us. Through magpie our attention is drawn to the need for re-assessing our priorities during the present difficult time. Magpie advises us to keep an open mind towards any kind of information that comes our way, paying attention to what our inner guidance tells us whether it is true or false.

Where might those who are pulling the strings behind the scenes of the moneymaking machinery of the pharmaceutical industry be on their individual evolutionary spiral and that of their organisation? Isn’t it astonishing how a once highly respected organisation could lower itself to the level of a parasite that’s eager to suck the lifeblood of our world’s population? Does their greed make them so blind that – if they succeeded with the pandemic – there would be nothing left that they could bleed dry then?

Could they be acting this way because for some time the public trust in the pharma industry’s products has been shrinking? Many reject them in preference to age-old and time-trusted natural healing methods. After the industry’s initial successes of freeing our world from afflictions like polio and smallpox, as the years went by, the natural remedies that Mother Earth has always provided in great abundance faded ever more into the background.

Magpie wants to tell us that the pharma industry’s products are not the true gold that all human beings, in the course of many lifetimes every one of them spends in the earthly school of life, are constantly in pursuit of. Because all they can do is suppress our illnesses’ symptoms instead of healing them, it can easily be recognised that they are fake gold. Natural healing methods, especially when combined with the healing energies of the Highest, that’s the true gold all of us are destined to discover eventually on the earthly plane. And because the time for doing so has come, that’s why these healing methods, the only ones worthy of being called by this name, re-emerged and are steadily growing in popularity.

On top of that, those who prefer the natural methods to the products of the pharma industry, are assisting the survival of the United Kingdom’s National Health System with its notorious lack of funds, due to the spiralling cost and use of the pharma industry’s products. Many reject the pharma products for the simple reason that all too frequently they interfere with and stop the inborn ability, of human and animal physical bodies alike, to put things right when they have gone wrong and healing themselves. That’s why many by now prefer natural remedies that strengthen their immune system to help it deal successfully with harmful organisms like Covid-19.

Ever more of us are also finding out that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, any condition can be healed. All we have to do is reach out to them, tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into their frequencies and ask for their healing energies to fill our whole being. Magpie draws our attention to the fact that the only nest the fake gold of the pharma industry’s products will ever adorn is the pockets of its already immensely rich shareholders. I find it hard to understand why an industry that started as a genuine benefactor of humankind, has chosen to move down its own evolutionary spiral and degrade itself by turning into a mere money printing machinery that has no regard for humankind’s welfare and wellbeing? Where is the ethos of such behaviour?

And yet, maybe the matter becomes clearer when one considers that, for quite some time by now, humankind is becoming increasingly spiritually orientated. It seems that the more we are moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral on the way of returning to the conscious awareness of our true nature, the more organisations that have served their usefulness, the pharma industry the same as our world’s old religions, are fading away and in due course will have disappeared completely.

This development created the necessary space for the re-discovery of the natural healing methods and the knowledge that the healing energies of the Highest, which have been waiting for a long time to come to the help of anyone who asks for them and that free of charge. It has been part of the Divine great plan of life that these things should temporarily fade into the background of humankind’s consciousness, but that they should return in God’s time, not ours. As we know by now, that’s when the energies are right for doing so and that’s what they are NOW. There are no forces between Heaven and Earth that can stop this from happening.

The pandemic is part of the death-struggle of customs and beliefs that have outlived their usefulness and find it hard to let go and die. An essential part of the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist is honesty and truth and everything has to go that is not in harmony with it. Magpie warns us that the belief of a Messiah, who will appear at a predestined time in our world, to save and redeem all those who are willing to take every word of his teachings literally, is a false one, i.e. fake gold. The true gold that all of us, in the course of many lifetimes, have constantly searching for is the higher esoteric wisdom that has always been hiding behind all our world’s sacred teachings.

It then becomes clear that the essence of every human being, without exception, is spirit/soul who started its existence as a spark of the Great Light. Every one of us is part of God and like God, we are eternal beings who can never die. From time to time we temporarily take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons by spending another lifetime on that plane. Each one serves the wise higher purpose of slowly but surely moving forwards and upwards, each on their individual evolutionary journey as well as that of the whole of humankind. this continues until we have reached the developmental point of bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the best, highest and noblest characteristics of their very own God or Christ nature.

The kindness and goodness, honesty and truth of our higher nature alone is capable of saving and redeeming us, all of humankind and our world. This applies to every human being; each has to play the role of being their own Messiah, saviour and redeemer. An essential part of it is doing our share of revealing the truth about the driving force behind the pandemic 2019/2020. Magpie asks us to do whatever our inner guidance tells us intuitively how we should go about it. Its presence shows that we shall have the courage and determination we need for walking our talk and speaking our truth, whilst taking advantage of every opportunity that offers itself for doing so. Our timing sense will be perfect, because the wise one or living God within will be telling us intuitively when it’s worthwhile standing our ground for something or whether it’s wiser to step aside and let people get on with their squabbles.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Progress of Dr Rainer Fuellmich’s Lawsuit’

From Michael O’Bernicia: COVID-1984 PRIVATE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION UPDATE: Court papers are currently being prepared for initial laying of information in the criminal court, hopefully next week, all being well. Since the launch, more whistle blowers have come forward to offer more expert testimony in support of the action. The evidence of fraud, treason and genocide is now completely overwhelming, as is the support we are receiving from all quarters [with a few notable exceptions].

Six pointed Star

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (4)

Bill Gates : Happy Birthday

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Bill Gates : Happy Birthday!

Today Bill (William Henry) Gates is celebrating his sixty-fifth birthday. He was born 28th October 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA, when the Sun was in Scorpio and the Moon in the 2nd degree of Aries. As pointed out in the first chapter of magpie’s message, Sun Scorpios have a sixth sense for other people’s and society’s weaknesses and how to best exploit them, that’s why they make good detectives as well as criminals.

Be that as it may, the year Bill has just completed is likely to have been one of transformation for him. Yet, the one ahead promises to take him forward into a spiritually expansive period, in which his higher nature will be moving ever more into the foreground of his consciousness. Scorpio’s development takes place in three stages. First comes the scorpion with the sting in its tail and that is Scorpio’s deadly tongue. The second stage is that of the eagle, when the earthly self discovers its ability to lift itself above the difficulties of youth and childhood on the wings of its spiritual nature. The eagle is a bird of prey with a sharp beak and claws for getting hold of things. And that’s how Bill wound up as co-founder of Microsoft and billionaire at the age of thirty-one.

Magpie is a messenger from the spirit world who wants to draw Bill’s attention that spiritually there are two kinds of gold, a fake and a true variety. His birthchart shows that for some time his earthly personality has been struggling against his higher nature. It is doing its best to pull Bill forwards and upwards on his personal evolutionary spiral to start accumulating true gold. It will be easy when Bill enters the third and highest level of Scorpio’s earthly development of turning into a dove of peace! Bill is a born pioneer and leader of people who has excellent potential for one of these days emerging as one of our world’s spiritual leaders. If he refuses the challenge of developing his spiritual nature in his present lifetime, he will be left with nothing when at its end he returns to the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. Having left everything earthly behind, because it’s of no use or value to where he has gone, his spirit/soul will stand naked before – no, not God – but himself.

When he has rested sufficiently in the spirit world, he will be assessing the performances of all his lifetimes, especially the most recent one. Together with the wise ones in charge of him, he will then be consulting the Akashic Records to find out his weaknesses and strengths. This will enable him to see for himself that every bit of his material wealth has been fake gold, because it faded away each time he departed from the earthly plane. And if he continued the way he has done for such a long time, it would then be too late to do something about the sad lack of true gold, i.e. spiritual knowledge and the wisdom that has grown from our ability to understand and apply it to every one of our daily encounters.

If, however, he stepped forward and told the truth about the driving force behind the pandemic, the result would be a major credit entry in his spiritual bankbook. This courageous gesture – Scorpio’s love to think in terms of power – would empower him to act as one of the main contributors to bringing the pandemic to its natural and happy ending. Instead of waiting until the end of his present lifetime, more would be added if he then used his material wealth for feeding the hungry on the material level and so making good at least some of the damage he helped to create. His own spiritual development would take to its wings if, at the same time, he started feeding our world’s spiritually deprived hungry and homeless, through bringing them a new understanding of God’s true nature and their own, and the wise higher purpose of their earthly existence.

A general giving to our world’s population instead of exploiting their already dwindling material resources for the purpose of increasing his own wealth, might balance the karmic debts that are bound to have accumulated in his spiritual account because of his part in the pandemic alone. Maybe it’s Bill’s influence already that’s brought about the changing attitude of the World Health Organisation. The wise ones in our world’s inner spiritual background are the only ones, apart from Bill, who know. Whatever any one of us does, our motivations can clearly be seen by them.

They are the eye that never sleeps and observes everything that happens on the earthly plane. They are never fooled by anyone and if Bill has been using the façade of the WHO to increase his wealth, it will most certainly have caused a debit entry in his spiritual account. There is no need for us to find out, but our spirit friends and helpers know us and our motivations better than we do. Even what we like to think of as our most secret thoughts, in their world it comes across as if we were shouting them from the rooftops.

Bill’s Moon progression tells me that for a while he has been going through a particularly difficult time. But one of these days he could surprise our world by courageously stepping forward and putting his money where his mouth is, through his words and actions revealing what kind of a humanitarian he is. If he told the truth about his intentions behind getting ever more deeply involved with the WHO, he would be worthy of being called one of humankind’s leaders out of the pandemic. It’s likely that this kind of action would encourage others to follow his example. And it’s up to him to decide how he would like future history books mention Bill Gate. Is it going to be as one of the main destroyers of our world’s economies for the purpose of increasing his already enormous material wealth, or as one of its most outstanding healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers?

Magpie wants Bill to know that he is not some kind of Antichrist; nobody is. You are a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life, a spark of the Universal Christ’s light, a young God in the making who is serving the first part of its apprenticeship in the earthly school of life; so is everybody else. You are a special and unique being; so is everybody else. You, the same as all those around you, were created to fulfil a certain task during our world’s present transformation from a predominantly materially orientated into an advanced spiritual one; so is everybody else. You are but one of the 7.7 billion spirit/souls, a spark of the Divine Fire, who has everything within, the highest as well as the lowest characteristics; so is everybody else.

You, the same as everybody else, have been granted the gift of another lifetime to go in search of the only true gold that exists on earthly plane and that is spiritual knowledge and the wisdom that grows from understanding it and applying it to everything that comes your way. This is the true gold every human being, in the course of many lifetimes,  is constantly trying to find. That’s the only thing we can take with us at the end of each earthly sojourn. No-one will ever take this gold from us; it’s ours to keep in all Eternity.

Magpie wants Bill to know that his material wealth is fake gold. It will be lining the nest he has built for himself and his loved ones, until the moment of his departure from this plane. If his spiritual nature failed to wake up during what is left of his present lifetime, the only thing that would remain with him would be the karmic debts that accumulated during the time of accumulating his billions and trillions. But, should he step forward and tell us the truth, future history books would talk about Bill Gates as one of its major saviours and redeemers. Much more so than Jesus, because the story of the God-man’s life is but a legend. He merely existed as a thoughtform, which was created by God and the Angels for a predestined length of time to teach humankind the value of honesty and truth.

The year ahead for Bill is the sixty-sixth of his present lifetime and that means that it will be under the rulership of Venus, the beauty and peace loving planet, twice over, i.e. 66 = 6 x 2 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 ruled by Jupiter. And that’s the benevolent and expansive ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Venus in the Earth sign Taurus teaches us to appreciate the good things of Mother Earth. Money is very important, not for its intrinsic value but for the beautiful things it can buy. Venus in the Air sign Libra is the peacemaker and we learn about the value of partnerships and marriage.

Many happy returns of the day, dear Bill. Hopefully they will be happier for you than this one probably is. Whatever happens, much love and goodwill will be coming your way in the coming year, don’t underestimate their value.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretation Of The Sun In Scorpio’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘The Akashic Records’
•    ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Goethe’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (5)

Bill Gates And The Pandemic

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Bill Gates And The Pandemic The way the Covid-19 situation was artificially pushed into pandemic proportions reminds me of the poem ‘Der Zauberlehrling’ or ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ by Goethe. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter. Might the driving force behind the pandemic really not know what they are doing or is it by now a case of nobody having the courage to call it off? Are they really so heartless and blind to the suffering they are inflicting upon the whole of humankind? Can anyone be so greedy and lacking all sense of responsibility? In my view, the best we can do for the troublemakers and scaremongers behind the scenes is to continue sending them kind, loving and forgiving thoughts that feed into our world’s light stream of consciousness, points it in their direction and helps the higher nature of these people to wake up.

Magpie today has come to draw our attention to the fact that our physical body’s afflictions are always a cry from the indwelling spirit/soul that something on that level is in need of attention. This is as true for every individual human being as the whole of humankind and our world. And that’s why healing the spiritual aspects is more important than anything else. The pharma industry’s products can only suppress the symptoms of whatever is troubling us without any hope of reaching and healing its underlying cause. That’s where spiritual healing comes into its own. It addresses the root of the problem, goes to it and intuitively assists us with finding a better understanding of what we did wrong and what we can do our share of things with our physical body coming right again, dealing with the complaint once and for all.

This shows clearly that the pharma industry’s products are fake gold, while spiritual healing that attends to our whole being is the true gold that is waiting to eventually be unearthed by every one of us. Finding it is every human being’s birthright. When viewed from the spiritual perspective, the pandemic reveals itself as counterproductive for the pharma industry, because it forces ever more of us into taking a closer look at humankind’s true nature and the wise higher purpose of our earthly existence. To my mind, this situation is not really a struggle between good and evil, but between the knowledge of spiritual wisdom and truth and the lack of it.

The early Christians were the pioneers of the Piscean age and that’s what all of us are with regard to the Aquarian age, whether we are as yet aware of it or not. By creating and for many years co-leading Microsoft, one of the pioneering companies of the computer industry, Bill has already shown his inborn talent as a pioneer and leader of people. Through telling us how the pandemic was brought about and why it had to happen, might Bill one of these days also prove that he is capable of acting as one of our world’s Aquarian age spiritual leaders? Could he turn into someone who is capable of and willing to take us forward and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life into what to future generations will be known as the epoch of post-pandemic peace? Well, dear friends, these are the days of miracles and wonders!

Magpie wants to draw our attention to what happens towards the end of every human being’s earthly education, therefore also Bill’s. The time then has come for learning how to love God’s way. Nobody has to ask or command us to love one another, because when our higher nature has taken over it’s earthly counterpart, that’s our natural way of reacting to everything that comes our way. Only when we love for its own sake are we true to our higher eternal nature. The following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the October/November 2020 Stella Polaris, the White Eagle Lodge’s magazine, under the heading ‘May The Rose Bloom’ by Michaela Hurcomb:

‘Loving the Divine way means giving without thought for self and walking faithfully with love in our heart, regardless of how difficult the road ahead may still be for us, trusting that God and the Angels can at any given time be called upon to show the way. It provides us with courage, loyalty and integrity, honesty and truth with which we express our love for the great siblinghood of humankind in every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Recognising the great justice of the Universal law that’s constantly at work in everything that happens throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also for us and our world, motivates us to bring forth, from deep within our own being. the best and noblest qualities of our God or Christ nature and pursue only that which is good, beautiful and right.

‘Loving the Divine way helps us to understand our siblings in the great family of humankind and it makes now difference how deceptive appearances can be in our world. This kind of loving is the most vital aspect of everybody’s God or Christ nature. It does not judge or accuse anyone of ulterior motives, because we are then at one with God and the Angels. They know every heart, spirit/soul and the predestined pathway all of us are walking and which lessons we are attending in the earthly school of life, at any given moment. This love makes us kind and capable of enduring our suffering until our spiritual ledger’s last karmic debts have been paid and redeemed, by us.

‘This kind of loving is the solvent for all our world’s problems, individually and collectively. When it is applied to anything that’s troublesome, for example the pandemic 2019/2020, in God’s time, not ours, the issue will be resolved and the situation disappear, if we but wait until the energies are right for this to happen. That’s how with patience and love, all humankind’s afflictions and predicaments can and will eventually be overcome, because that’s what is written in God’s great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, including us and our world. When we have learnt to love that way, the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach us and our vibrations are right for moving onto exploring the next higher level of life, at the end of our present lifetime.’

Bill once said: ‘As we look ahead into the future, leaders will be those who empower others.’ How about you, Bill? I believe your time has come for doing just that, not only on our world’s material plane but more importantly its spiritual background. Mind you, Bill also said: ‘Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people to think they cannot lose. . .’.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice – Goethe’

Recommended Viewing:

1) Here is a link for the Alliance For Natural Health’s Covid Zone campaign page that connects you with all the content it has created and published on their website relating to Covid-19 since 12 March 2020.

2) ‘Desmond Swayne About Corona Virus Fearmongering’

3) ‘We Are In Business of Shareholder Profit, Not Helping The Sick’
True humanitarians would not want to seen anywhere near the pharma industry, where someone states quite openly that it is not about making people better, but profit making for its shareholders’ pockets.

4) ‘The Progress of Dr Rainer Fuellmich’s Lawsuit’
The previous video was removed from Youtube. I wonder how long this one will be available.

5) ‘There Is No Justification for Another Lockdown’

Six pointed Star

Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World (6)

The Impossible Dream

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

In the fullness of time, the unreachable star described in the above song can and is meant to be reached and that by each one of us. Each time we spread new understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, we act as lightbringers and sowers of seeds. Through this we gradually evolve into a light and a shining star in our own right, who is becoming ever more at one with the Christ Star. In this way increasing amounts of the darkness of our world are absorbed into the light of the Star and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life.

The materialism we experience during the early stages of our earthly development has its place in the grand scheme of evolution because it gets us in touch with the power of love and the first stirrings of our higher nature. As we ascend the evolutionary spiral of life, its lower counterpart is gradually left behind. Hidden behind the hunger and thirst for material possessions felt earlier on, are the first manifestations of something quite different. They were expressions of all human souls’ longing for love.

There comes a time for all of us when our earthly self begins to yearn to make contact with something it cannot yet understand. With the awakening of its higher nature and intuition, the higher part of our being can merely be sensed vaguely. Although we are as yet unable to give love, we feel the need for it in our life and yearn to be loved by someone. This draws people into our life who are willing to love us and to show us the meaning of love.

Every human being eventually reaches the evolutionary point when we begin to sense and feel the presence of the higher dimensions of life, even though so far we do not understand them, we may not even consciously be aware of their existence. The initially tiny flame of earthly love kindles a longing in our heart and soul for reaching out and loving something that is more than earthly love, that will and cannot die and will be with us forever.

During that phase of our development, whenever we observe natural phenomena like nature’s awakening in spring, we sense that behind the manifestations of such beauty and splendour there just has to be a higher power that brings it all into being. With this comes the realisation that everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, is the product of the greatest intellect of all, known as the Divine Trinity, who creates even the tiniest parts of it. Notice how each time you reflect on this, a feeling of peace and harmony begins to fill your whole being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Little Things’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (50)

The Dove As Animal Totem

Messenger Of Peace

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Dove As Animal Totem - Part One

Today is Monday, 2nd November 2020, a day that is powered by the Great Mother energies several times over. Monday is ruled by the Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign dedicated to the nurturing and caring principle of the Divine Trinity, the Great Mother of all life. 2 = also ruled by the Moon, see above. November is the 11th month on our calendar. Eleven is one of the master numbers and should by rights not be interpreted as 1 + 1 = 2. But for today that’s what we are going to do. The year 2020 consists of the 2 x 2 = 4 and 0 = the circle of Eternity x 2. How is that for an energetic cocktail for what at first glance appears to be quite an ordinary day? As you can see for yourself now, it surely is not and that’s why the first part of Dove as an animal totem is winging its way to you.

My part of our world is well known for its love of pigeon breeding. That’s why in normal times flocks of them can frequently be seen moving around and about, including the roof and towers of the nearby church. But for quite a while these birds have become a much more rare sight and when they appear it’s almost always just one or two of them. That set me wondering whether they might have a message for us and our world, because pigeons are members of the dove family and they are the spirit realm’s messengers of peace and love. This is what they wish to tell us today:

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, also known as the Christ Circle, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes every one of you, the whole of humankind, your world and everything that’s taking part in it. We are constantly observing life in all worlds and all levels. We are the eye that never sleeps and who knows the past, present and future of everything that exists anywhere.

Pigeons and doves alike have always served as our messengers for bringing you news from spirit realm, the inner background of your world. They are bringing the gift of understanding and at this time they are drawing your attention to the fact that, to understand the higher purpose and meaning of your present sad state of your world, is presenting you with the Great Mother’s feminine gifts of love and wisdom, kindness and gentleness, as well as that of prophecy. This will enable you to tell your world about the pandemic’s surprising and happy ending and how it will come about.

The Great Mother is the soft sensitive feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity. She is the soul of the whole of Creation, your world’s soul is part of and feeds into it, and the soul of every one of you is part of and feeds into both. The Great Mother’s soul is where the memories of everything that ever happened in the whole of Creation are stored. For the sake of teaching humankind the value of her love and wisdom, her honesty and truth, the softening and civilising influence of Her energies was ever more withdrawn from your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its presentations of an all-male Godhead. The unbalancing effect this had served the purposes of fully unfolding your world’s masculine forces with their arrogance and aggressiveness, lust for power and dominion and the resulting warmongering.

The pandemic has been the final closing chapter of this part of humankind’s development. By now, the Aquarian age has been with you for quite a while. It’s the age of rebellion and revolutions that is supplying your world with a new Zeitgeist of honesty and truth. The time has come for throwing off the yokes of any kind of oppression, and for discovering your siblinghood with all manifestations of life.

Dove is bringing your world the promise of peace that has the power of soothing and quietening humankind’s worried and troubled mind as well as that of your world. When you learn how to walk hand in hand with God and us, your spirit friends and helpers, our healing energies flow into you and fill your whole being, and from there into anything you come into contact with. This enables you and them to recognise and appreciate your earthly existence’s simple things that were in danger of being overlooked when you and your world became too materially orientated.

Many of your world’s myths and legends of the past to this day are speaking of dove having the Great Mother’s characteristics, especially in connection with this bird’s maternal instinctive behaviour. It’s brood consists of two young. The number two represents the feminine nurturing and caring side of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit. Home and hearth, family and ancestry are very dear to the Mother’s heart and she is their protector.

When you observe your environment more closely, you will notice how the dove is an essential aspect of each day’s transitional periods. The same is true for every human being’s own spiritual development and that of your world. The pandemic has been part of the transitional period that is taking humankind, every one of you individually and also collectively, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. That’s why your world’s societies presently are in the process of evolving from an over-materialistic approach to your earthly existence into an ever more spiritually orientated one. The increased leisure time the pandemic’s disruptions are making available is helping ever more of you to become aware of humankind’s, therefore also their own, true nature as eternal spirit/souls who can and will never die.

Dove’s calling can be heard throughout the day, but it is especially poignant when you hear it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. The veil that separates our world from yours is then particularly thin and can therefore more easily be penetrated than at other times. Literally and metaphorically speaking, the sound of dove’s mournful calling has the power of bringing to the surface of every human being’s consciousness feelings that up to a certain point of your development, had to remain hidden in the background for wise higher reasons. When you have reached the developmental point of your higher nature waking from its slumbering state, dove’s calling helps it to do so.

Dove wishes to remind you that, regardless of what your external circumstances may be, peace can always be found within you and so be made available at any time. Regular times of meditation, prayers and quiet reflections on the higher purpose and meaning of your earthly existence, help you realise that everything that happens on the earthly plane serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you and your world something. The understanding that this is also true for the pandemic helps you to make peace with it. And when you add to this the knowledge that the main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love, your deepest innermost being tells you through the world of your feelings that the end of this unpleasant situation has to be near, because by now sufficient outstanding karmic debts have been redeemed through the suffering it brought about.

The realisation that God and we, the Angels and Masters of the spirit realm, are in charge of your world and not the pharma industry’s troublemakers and scaremongers, helps you to rest safely in the knowledge that all is well with you and your world. You calmly and purposefully attend to your daily duties because your inner guidance confirms that this is the truth. And the information that’s coming to you from many different sources, shows you how the truth is indeed bubbling to the surface here, there and everywhere. Your trust in us grows through knowing that things can only happen when the time for doing so has come. i.e. when the energies are right. Dove’s appearance in your life tells you that this is what they are, now.

Dove represents the protective maternal instincts that are an essential aspect of every human being, women and men alike. It connects you with Mother Earth’s energies and her creativity. Through dove’s voice we communicate with your higher nature when the time for something to rise to the surface of your consciousness has come. And with dove’s help we are bringing for you and your world the news that a renewal of hope, faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life that has been entrusted into everybody’s care is in the process of unfolding. Humankind’s spiritual development has reached the point of new beginnings on a higher level of consciousness. And we are delighted that ever more of you understand our messages and that they are helping them to see their own and humankind’s pathway ahead more clearly.

‘When I tell any Truth it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not yet know it, but for supporting those who do.’ William Blake

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’
•    ‘Of False Prophets, Messiahs And Experts’

Recommended Viewing:

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuro-regeneration and neuroplasticity. Please follow the link below to see what she says about the damage caused by wearing facemasks and the effects this has on human brains:

•    ‘The Danger Of Wearing Facemasks’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (51)

The Latest Covid-19 News

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Latest Covid-19 News

•    ‘So, Is That The Plan?’


•    ‘UK Government Openly Admit Cheating With Figures’


•    ‘Anti-Lockdown Protests In Italy And Spain’


•    ‘UK Scientists Warn Against Serum Developments’


A recently leaked document from Canada gave details of isolation camps planned there and the quarantine camps announced in New Zealand apparently are also planned in the USA.

•    ‘Covid-19 Quarantine Camps Planned In New Zealand And USA’


•    ‘New South Wales Police Blowing The Whistle’


With love and light,
3rd November 2020

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (52)

The Latest On Covid-19 (1)

Update 6th November 2020

Blowing The Whistle

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020  - The Lastest On Covid-19 - Update 6th November 2020

My inner guidance, the wise one or living God within me, says about the items of this update that they are reporting the truth. If that were not the case, I would not want to share any of it with you. This sets me wondering how your inner guidance reacts to them.

The first item is about a whistleblower NHS healthcare assistant. She publicly resigned after claiming she had ‘no work for three weeks’ at the height of the pandemic. She said the claim the NHS is overrun is ‘all lies.’ A viral Facebook video shows Shelley Tasker, 43 –  healthcare assistant at Treliske hospital, which is part of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust – telling members of the public what is ‘really going on’ behind closed doors in NHS hospitals.

In the clip filmed outside Truro Cathedral with a crowd gathering, Shelley, who is a mother and part-time photographer from Camborne, Cornwall, takes to a microphone and says: ‘As much as I’ve always loved our NHS, it’s no longer our NHS. It’s run by the corrupt government and the people running this company.

‘We no longer have health care, we can’t see dentists. I can tell you now when I was working at the height of the pandemic, I had no work for three weeks because there were no patients. We have a particular Covid ward. None of the wards were overflowing with Covid patients and they’re not now.’ She went on to claim that the flu and Covid cases are now recorded as ‘the same thing’ on death certificates.


Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYw_hRO-oag
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8szwZ4aaYDY

•    ‘Same Story, Different Decade: How WHO’s Definition of a Global Pandemic Benefits Big Pharma’


•    ‘The Worldwide Spread Of Virus Fear’


•    ‘Claire Edwards – The Covid-19 Genocide 2020’


•    ‘Europe’s Covid-19 Spending Spree Unmasked’


•    ‘Unprecedented Move: The CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season’

CDC =  Centres for Disease Control and Prevention


•    ‘Willing to lose my business for what I believe in’: UK gym owner arrested and patrons fined hours into second Covid-19 lockdown. 

Police in Essex have arrested the owner of a Harlow gym on day one of the UK’s draconian national lockdown, hours after she vowed to stay open and accused the government of inflating Covid-19 statistics. Patrons were also fined.

A video shot outside the Ripped Gym in Wych Elm on Thursday shows dozens of Essex Police officers and several police cars on the scene as an officer demands that a woman believed to be the owner to accept a £1,000 fine for breaching the newly implemented lockdown.

The woman refuses to provide her name or other ID details to the cops, claiming to be protected ‘under common law,’ and is then arrested for not cooperating. Essex Police confirmed on Thursday they had arrested ‘a gym owner in Harlow’ on ‘suspicion of breaching Coronavirus legislation,’ also revealing they had filed a prohibition notice requiring her to close the business indefinitely.

The police’s statement claimed they had been tipped off about ‘social media posts’ advertising that the gym would remain open. The force also encouraged the public to continue turning people in for breaching restrictions, but carefully, advising them to ‘check’ to ensure they are not ‘mis-reading a situation’ before contacting police.


My grateful thanks goes to those who brought the above information to me. God bless you, your loved ones and especially the whole of humankind and our world. It’s good to know that all of it is resting securely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, the wise ones in charge of us, our world and the whole of Creation. They know what they are doing and why such things have to happen. Through my inner guidance they are telling me that the pandemic is close to its natural and surprisingly happy ending and that the darkest hour is just before the dawn, in the world around us as well as metaphorically speaking.

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

The Latest On Covid-19 (2)

Update 7th November 2020

The Truth Emerging With Smoking Guns

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Latest About The Corona Virus - Update 7th November 2020

1) ‘Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID test has fatal flaw. Confession from the ‘beloved’ expert of experts.’ 6th November 2020 by Jon Rappoport who writes:

The COVID delusion is finished, blown apart. Find out how it’s come about by following this link:


2) At a press conference, optometrist Robert Zoellner said about the risk of wearing face masks:

‘…the fear factor has got to step back. This idea that I don’t want to give you something I don’t even know that I have is almost at the point of ridiculous. Let’s use some common sense.’

Dr. James Meehan, MD followed by warning that mask wearing has ‘well-known risks that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis. I’m seeing patients who have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that bacterial pneumonias are increasing.

‘Why might that be? Because untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly… in a non-sterile fashion… They’re becoming contaminated. They’re pulling them off of their car seat, off the rear view mirror, out of their pocket, from their countertop, and they’re reapplying a mask that should be worn fresh and sterile every single time.’


3) Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even ‘almost all’ tests for COVID are false positives. Dr. Yeadon also argues that the threshold for herd immunity may be much lower than previously thought, and may have been reached in many countries already.

In an interview last week Dr. Yeadon was asked: ‘We are basing a government policy, an economic policy, a civil liberties policy, in terms of limiting people to six people in a meeting…all based on, what may well be, completely fake data on this Coronavirus?’

Dr. Yeadon answered with a simple ‘yes.’ In another interview he said that,  given the ‘shape’ of all important indicators in a worldwide pandemic, such as hospitalizations, ICU utilization, and deaths, ‘the pandemic is fundamentally over. Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened. Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season…but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.’


4) ‘Red zones’, travel bans, quarantines, ‘red lists’. A ‘Second Wave’ have been announced. The fear campaign has gone into overdrive. Millions of people are lining up for Covid-19 testing. Drastic state measures are contemplated, including restrictions on social gatherings, marriages, funerals, the closing down of restaurants and bars, the outright paralysis of civil society.

Coming to the rescue of our citizens. What is the justification?  Is this is a global coup d’état sustained by a persistent barrage of media propaganda? This article focuses on the ‘Numbers Game’.  How statistics and ‘estimates’ are used by politicians to justify the closure of the national economy and the derogation of fundamental civil rights.  

From the onset of the Covid crisis in January 2020, far-reaching decisions taken by the WHO and national governments have been justified by citing ‘estimates’ of the Covid-19 disease as well ‘statistics’ pointing to a  Worldwide spread of a new deadly Coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China. Scientific analysis confirms that these estimates of ‘confirmed cases’ tabulated by the WHO and the CDC are subject to error.  The tests do not detect or identify the virus. Moreover, the figures are often manipulated to justify political decisions. Both the concepts as well as the test results do not point to the existence of a Worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Nor do they justify social distancing, the face mask and the closing down of the global economy.

Corruption prevails at the highest levels of government as well within the upper echelons of the United Nations system. The entire state apparatus as well as inter-governmental organizations are controlled by powerful financial interests.

Millions of people are now being tested which contributes to increasing the number of so-called ‘confirmed’ Covid positive cases Worldwide. These statistics are then carefully tabulated.  The governments need those numbers to justify their totalitarian measures. Find out more by following the link below:


5) ‘Crimes Against Humankind’. The German Corona Investigation : The PCR Pandemic. Here is an extract from the conclusions: The corona crisis must be renamed the ‘Corona Scandal’. It is: The biggest tort case ever. Tort lawsuits are the biggest category of civil litigation. They can encompass a wide range of personal injury cases. There are three main types: intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability. The pandemic is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. Those responsible must be: Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humankind, sued for civil damages and deaths.

There is no excess mortality in any country. The Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu. Ninety-four percent of deaths in Bergamo were caused by transferring sick patients to nursing homes where they infected old people with weak immune systems. Doctors and hospitals worldwide were paid to declare that the deceased had been victims of Covid-19.
Autopsies showed: Fatalities almost all caused by serious pre-existing conditions. Almost all deaths were very old people. Sweden (no lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics. US states with and without lockdowns have comparable disease and mortality statistics. Find out more by following the link below:


6)  New Mass (mandatory) Vaccination Propaganda Exposed! - 25 June 2012 update – Jane Burgermeister


Again my grateful thanks are going to those who are providing me with the above information. To me, every bit of it is clear evidence that the truth is bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness with ever increasing strength. My inner guidance tells me that all is well with us and our world, because everything is unfolding in keeping with the Great Father/Mother’s evolutionary plan for humankind and our planet. It’s good to know that the development of both have always rested safely in their loving hands and that this will forever continue.

God bless you and your loved ones, be of good heart and keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, for they know not what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time is bound to return to them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

The Latest On Covid-19 (3)

Update 8th November 2020

Pharma Industry : Our World’s Highway Robbers

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Latest News On Covonia-19 - Update 8th November 2020

1)    ‘Hundreds of medical doctors say the pandemic was planned’


2) ‘Who is Behind ‘Fake News’? Mainstream Media Use Fake Videos and Images’


3)    ‘What Do Honest Doctors Say About Covid-19?’


4)    ‘Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned With A Certain Purpose’


5)    ‘Global Covid Fraud – Evidence That Date Is False’


6)    So this is what they are after:

a)    GPs to deliver two-dose COVID-19 vaccination at £12.58 per jab seven days a week

GPs across England will have until 13th November to nominate a practice in each primary care network (PCN) area to lead a COVID-19 vaccination programme that could start from 1st December and operate seven days a week, draft details of an enhanced service reveal. By Nick Bostock on the 6 November 2020


b) You can find some more interesting article by following the link below:


c) And how about this? GPs to deliver COVID jabs at ‘one site’ per local area as BMA strikes deal with NHS

A single ‘nominated practice’ in each local area across England will deliver COVID-19 vaccinations as soon as they become available under a deal backed by the BMA’s GP committee. By Nick Bostock


To me, the highway robbers of our time are the companies of the pharma industry. Not only are they trying to rob the government coffers of as many countries as possible, but also the pockets of people’s private resources. Nice work, if anyone can get it. But my inner guidance has been telling me all along that this is not going to happen. How could an industry that in the beginning was a true benefactor of humankind, lower itself to such a degree? I have the following message from our spirit friends and helpers for you:

‘We are with you all the way. We love to watch how the people of the Earth are responding to the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. We are whole-heartedly supporting their efforts of rebelling against the yoke that was brought about by a small minority of immensely rich people so they could exploit your world’s some more.

‘Governments who are hoping to use their police to force their subjects into compulsory mass vaccinations with serums whose effectiveness is at best extremely doubtful and at worst downright dangerous, as well as the pharma industry producing them, are in for an almighty surprise just when the latter believed to be on the verge of hitting the jackpot this time. It’s anybody’s guess how their shareholders will react when the industry’s promise that vast dividends will soon be pouring into their pockets to line their already splendid nests with some more of what magpie calls fake gold, turns out to have been another false one?

‘Never forget that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. And the end of the pandemic is going to be very similar to the finale of the bird and swine flu outbreaks. On both occasions it happened, just when the pharma industry was gleefully rubbing its hands because it looked as if this time they really had succeeded to get rid of their existing stockpiles of flu serums. Tents had been set up in market places in towns and cities of your world, in readiness for mass vaccinations with serums of a highly doubtful nature.

‘That’s when new evidence of the truth about the driving force behind each event emerged. The structure of the swine and bird flu outbreaks consisted of lies, deception and corruption, just like the Covid-19 one. For wise higher reasons we allowed it to expand to the size of a pandemic. The bird and swine flu pattern was repeated in somewhat more sophisticated ways. Similar to the previous occasions, the light of truth is by now penetrating ever more deeply into this corner of your world, one of its darkest.

‘And that’s why the pharma industry’s latest attempt at highway robbery is in the process of collapsing round its ears. On this occasion, however, the truth will be revealed about how this industry has always been pulling the strings of your world’s  troublemakers and scaremongers and  generously rewarding them for their efforts. The limelight will also be on the medical profession’s involvement and the inability of your world’s governments of acting for the good of their people and countries. Trust us to know better than anyone in your world could ever do, when to wait and when to act. So be of good heart and trust that us. We are with you, all the way and forever shall be. God bless every one of you. You and your world rest safely in our loving hands.’

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

The Latest On Covid-19 (4)

Update 9th November 2020

The Truth Sets Us And Our World Free

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Covid-19 Update 9th November 2020

1) ‘The Bottom Lines Of The Pandemic With Many UK Revelations’


2) List of Members of Parliament who voted against another Lockdown in the United Kingdom.


3) Wisdom from Courageous – and Silenced – Whistle-blowing “Vaccine Skeptics”


4) Fur Trades and Pandemics: Coronavirus and Denmark’s Great Mink Massacre


5) ‘Covid-19 Testing Fraud Uncovered’


6) ‘Boris Johnson admits 93% of Covid-19 tests produce false results’


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is Truth?’

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

The Pigeon/Dove As Animal Totem

Messenger Of Peace (2)

For They Know Not What They Are Doing . . .

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Pidgeon/Dove As Animal Totem - Messenger Of Peace - Part Two

Dove asks you  to pay attention to the inner and outer disharmonies, your own and your world’s, that were created by the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that to this day are stored in your soul memories. Some of them date back to the days when your religions could still force people, by any kind of means available to them, to believe that every word of their teachings was literally true. As many of you know by now, in truth they were nothing of the kind. The memories of what happened, for example during the times of the inquisition and witch hunts, are likely to have been accompanying you from one lifetime to another.

We are glad to tell you that at last the energies are right for ridding yourselves, the whole of humankind and your world of anything of which your inner guidance says it’s outdated and false. This kind of ballast needs to be shed because it is weighing you down interfering with the spiritual progress that is the birthright of every human being as well as the whole of humankind. All of you are here to find a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence and the laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also you and your world, is subject.

Knowing that every one of you is a beloved child of God who has always been walking towards a high and holy destiny of consciously becoming one with the Highest, brings to your world a renewal of hope, faith and truth in the basic goodness and the perfect justice of the life that’s been given into everybody’s care. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have come to tell you that, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan nothing but goodness is in store for the human race, its world and everything that’s taking part in it. Every one of you is invited to play their part in the greatest healing miracle of all times. It is presently taking place on your planet on the physical and emotional, mental and spiritual level of everything that shares your world with you. Every level is of equal importance.

Dove’s gift of understanding is the most essential ingredient of this healing process because it helps you come to terms with the necessity for your world’s present difficult situation. Top of the list are the karmic debts that accumulated during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its belief of an all-male Godhead. Even though this part of humankind’s development has been left behind for quite a while, many of the debts were still waiting to be paid. They were created by those who took part in the proceedings, religious and secular, of those times.

For the sake of a well balanced development, every human being in some of its lifetimes plays the part of a man and in others of a woman. For a long time you have no idea that in truth you are constantly being your own descendant. One of the main purposes of the pandemic is the redemption of the karmic debts that were created then and some of them are very old indeed. And in the great scheme of humankind’s evolutionary journey the younger, i.e. less highly evolved spirit/souls, are playing the role that once was played by those who meanwhile have evolved into being their older siblings. We hope that this knowledge will enable you to recognise that sitting in judgement over anyone is unwise.

And whatever still has to happen in your world, never forget that anyone who is less highly evolved than you, is your sibling in the great family of humankind. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought that flows their way from any one of you, feeds into the Christ light’s stream, increases its strength and helps it to assist the waking up process of the youngster’s higher God or Christ nature. As soon as sufficient amounts of light have been absorbed by the higher part, it  starts to beneficially influence its earthly self, thanks to the efforts of some of their older siblings.

If your inner guidance tells you that this is true and that it’s also the right way of acting for you, don’t hesitate following its advice. Without your help, with every passing day, the youngsters will be adding more debts to the considerable amounts of them that already exist in their spiritual bankbooks. They were created by the suffering which they, in their ignorance of the wise higher purpose every human earthly lifetime fulfils, have been and still are inflicting upon your world.

During the bird and swine flu outbreak, in the years 2003 and 2009, the pharma industry was the driving force behind scenes, too. It is oiling the wheels of its scaremongering machinery with ever more outrageous lies. That’s how those in charge are once more hoping that this time they really will succeed lining their luxurious nests with ever increasing amounts of money. Because of their lack of spiritual awareness, they do not mind that money is of no spiritual value and therefore fake gold.

The same as everything else on the earthly plane of life, every bit of any kind of currency is borrowed and that for a predestined time only. Piling up ever more of this kind of gold in dishonest ways adds to the debit entries of your spiritual ledger and weighs heavily in the scales of God’s perfect and unerring justice. This system consists of the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma and is simplicity itself. It decrees that, throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also in your world, whatever is sent into the Universe has to return to its source, good and bad alike in thoughts, words and deeds.

As a result, when you think good thoughts and do good things, in due course they unerringly find their way back to you, like a boomerang. Frequently this happens without you knowing how they came about. Naturally, if you dishonestly reduce someone’s material possessions, money belongs to this category, because you have not yet learnt to control your lower earthly nature’s greed and avarice, you will be relieved of your earthly belongings either later in this lifetime or a future one. You will have no idea whatever why something – that’s only seemingly unjust and unfair – should be happening to you, out of all people. That, in a nutshell is the law of Karma.

Even your physical bodies are not truly yours. Every cell and atom of it belongs to Mother Earth and is returned to her. It’s your outer vehicle for getting around on the material plane. You leave it behind when your spirit/soul’s time has come to return to our world, the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. Everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, is recycled and used time and again in many different ways. And when you view the situation from the higher perspective, you will be able to recognise that spiritually money is nothing but fake gold.

In the earthly school of life all of you are constantly playing the roles of teacher and student. Nobody truly is your enemy. Think not of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers as your enemies. They are merely your younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. Like you, they are beloved children of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit. Every one of you is walking their own predestined pathway and attending to their lessons in the earthly school of life, in keeping with your Creator’s will and wishes.  

But unlike you, the youngsters are as yet unaware of the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, therefore also every human being and everything else that shares your world with you. When viewed from this perspective, it becomes visible that those who are pulling the pandemic’s strings from your world’s background, are their own worst enemies. That’s what they are because they have no idea what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is bound to unerringly find its way back to them.

We are delighted to tell you that the efforts of those who keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to their spiritually younger siblings are easing the lot of these people when they have matured into spiritual adulthood. It will be their turn to save and redeem themselves and the world in which they will then be taking part. Thanks to you, they will not have to cope with anything as harsh as the pandemic that was created by their thoughts, words and actions.

Their energies will not be right for re-incarnating onto the Earth when its transformation from an over-materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one is complete. They will be continuing the compulsory part of their education as physical beings in a material world on a younger and much less highly evolved planet. For a long time they will be unaware, the same as many of you are to this day, that the true reason for their presence is that they should learn from their experiences and through this keep on growing in wisdom and understanding of their own nature and their world.

That’s how they will be assisting their new home planet’s evolutionary journey from a purely material place into an increasingly spiritually orientated one, the same as all those who ever took part in earthly life to this day have always been doing. Even though today’s spiritual youngsters will be spending one lifetime after another on another planet, they will still be required to redeem their unpaid karmic debts. This is necessary wherever they were accrued, the same as every human spirit/soul always had to do. And this is how, in the fullness of time, when your youngsters have evolved into oldsters, they will be saving and redeeming themselves as well as their world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•     ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

The Latest On Covid-19 (5)

Update 12th November 2020

The Great Roll-Out Of What?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Great Roll-Out Of What - Update 12th November 2020

1) ‘Covid vaccine: NHS ready for Pfizer roll-out, says Matt Hancock’

The NHS is ready to start providing the new Coronavirus vaccine ‘as fast as safely possible’, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said. Asked whether it could be available by Christmas, he said that was ‘absolutely a possibility’ – but he expected the mass roll-out ‘in the first part of next year’. Mr Hancock said vaccination clinics would be open seven days a week, and he was giving GPs an extra £150m. But he urged people to be patient. ‘We just don't know’ how many people will need to be vaccinated before life can return to normal, Mr Hancock added.

He also said new rapid tests – which give results in less than an hour - will be made available across 66 local areas, after they were used in a mass testing trial in Liverpool. It comes as figures showed the number of people dying continued to be above normal levels for this time of year, with 1,597 deaths mentioning Covid on the death certificate in the last week of October – up from 1,126 the week before.

From https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54882091

If you believe any of the figures that have been and still are published regularly, you are one of our world’s fog knitters. If you believe that, you can knit fog! Be that as it may, the above is particular good news to me. It shows that the situation has matured to the stage of the swine flu outbreak, when the whole carefully designed structure of lies and deceptions came crushing down on the pharma industry and its army of professional troublemakers and scaremongers. See below:

To Jab Or Not To Jab – Part Fifteen

Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning At Last?

Healthy signs are coming my way from different parts of our world that a degree of sanity is returning to us. There is sufficient evidence by now that many people in the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany, to name but three countries, are refusing to take part in the swine flu vaccinations. To give you but one example, on the 15th October 2009, the following information was sent to me by a friend, who in turn had received it from one of his friends who works in a National Health Hospital in the United Kingdom: ‘According to a survey by a regional doctor’s health insurance association, sixty percent of doctors in the German federal state of North Rhine Westphalia are not prepared to participate in the mass ‘swine flu’ vaccination campaign organised by the government. If the need arises, the doctors who are willing to participate have to agree to administer the jabs in tents in market squares. Each one will be allocated to work in special ‘vaccination centres’ in government buildings and public spaces, for example market squares, in what is surely going to be not only the biggest but also the most bizarre mass vaccination campaign in history.’

According to reports in the German media on the 3rd October of this year, officials representing the federal states of Germany are insisting on new talks between the German Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical companies. They request that, because of its dangerous side effects, the new swine flu jabs should not contain the adjuvant ‘Squalene’. GlaxoSmithKline has a major production facility for the flu jabs in Dresden, Thuringia. According to a spokesperson, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Health and of Thuringia are going to discuss with the pharmaceutical industry how to produce the new Swine Flu jab and when. This move has come after growing opposition in Germany over the inherent dangers of the flu jabs that are presently available.

Wolfram Hartmann, the head of the German Paediatrician’s Association, said that the German government should not have ordered vaccines that contain mercury and adjuvants, especially not for children. The Pharma industry is arguing that mercury is necessary because multi dose vials are used instead of single injections. Relatives and friends in Germany confirmed that the information received was correct.

From ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’

* * *

2)    End 2020 on a Humane Note: The International Community Calls for Human Rights Protections for Whistle-Blowers.’


3)    ‘Michael O'Bernicia – Prosecutions of British MPs Update’

As Parliament approves Boris Johnson’s proposal to put England back into full lockdown for a month, on the eve of 5th November, Michael O’Bernicia returns with the latest news on the Private Criminal Prosecutions that he and his legal team are bringing via the Common Law system. There is a chance, he says, that all MPs who voted for the extension will find themselves under House Arrest on charges of Fraud, Treason and attempted Genocide.

a) https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL3Nob3cvMjU5NDg0OC9lcGlzb2Rlcy9mZWVk/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkuc3ByZWFrZXIuY29tL2VwaXNvZGUvNDE3OTcxNDE?ep=14

b) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk9-CLZplqA&t=10s

4) ‘Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us.’


5)    ‘Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good’


Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (54)

The Pigeon/Dove As Animal Totem

Messenger Of Peace (3)

The Patriarchy’s Death Struggle

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Dove As Messenger Of Peace - The Patriarchy's Death StruggleThe pandemic is the final instalment of your world’s dramatic lesson of teaching the value of honesty and truth. Just like all other qualities, the wisdom of the Great Father/Mother taught it through first providing plenty of experiences for every one their beloved children of the Earth. They knew that there is nothing quite like taking part in something, in this case witnessing how much damage lying and cheating, dishonesty and deception, corruption and the spreading of untruths is capable of doing. Dove, as our messenger, has come to let you and your world know that this lesson has been dealt with sufficiently and that, therefore, the time for making peace has come. That’s why the truth about the machinations of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is surfacing ever more forcefully into the consciousness of humankind.

What you are presently experiencing is the death-struggle of the patriarchy. Masculine aggression and ambition are having their final fling! That’s why some behind the scenes of your world to this day are dreaming that it will be possible for them to rule the whole of your world, their way – not God’s – with fear. We have come to tell you that they could not be more wrong! All around you signs are clearly visible that the Great Mother’s love and wisdom and an appreciation of the civilising and beautifying influence of the feminine are returning to your world with ever increasing strength.

The increasingly powerful influence of the Mother’s feminine creative energies, for some time by now has slowly but surely being restoring the balance of your world. A difficult task, if ever there was one, you might be tempted to think. Ah yes, but with the help and will of God and us, the Angels and Masters around His/Her throne, all things are possible and any condition can be put right and healed. That’s why dove with its gift of prophecy has come to tell you that your home planet, because of humankind’s presence, has suffered long and hard enough. And because love and evolution are the main laws of life, the Great Father/Mother do not wish that any of their beloved children should unnecessarily. This is why the truth about the pandemic by now is emerging ever more forcefully.

We, your spirit friends and helpers, love to watch how the people of the Earth responding to the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist. We are whole-heartedly supporting your efforts of rebelling against the yoke that was created by a small minority of immensely rich people for the sake of satisfying their greed by exploiting your world’s resources some more. They are in for an almighty surprise when the whole enterprise blows up around their ears. This also applies to governments who are nurturing the hope that compulsory mass vaccinations can, one way or another, be forced upon the people of their countries with serums whose effectiveness is at best extremely doubtful and at worst downright dangerous. And what about the pharma industry who is producing them, just when they thought they were on the verge of hitting the jackpot this time? It’s anybody’s guess how their shareholders will react when the industry’s promise that vast dividends will soon be pouring into their pockets to line their already splendid nests with some more of what magpie calls fake gold.

Some in your world believe that the plotting and scheming of these people is the work of a creature called the devil. See the link for the open letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to Donald Trump at the end of this chapter. In God’s time and at the predestined moment, the Archbishop as well as anybody else who to this day shares his beliefs, will discover that the devil is a symbolism for every human being’s untamed lower nature. They will also know that Jesus represents their higher God or Christ nature. Heaven and hell are not places anyone ever went to, but states of consciousness everybody has the power of creating for themselves and those around them.

How this manifests itself on the earthly plane depends on whether someone is still taking part in the lessons of experiencing the lower aspect of their being. But if you are already in the process of bringing forth, from deep within your own being,  the qualities of your higher nature and developing them by using them in your daily encounters, you are unlikely to have difficulties recognising that the driving force behind the pandemic 2020 is the pharma industry and the greed and avarice of the spiritually immature leaders and shareholders.

We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, so far have allowed it to happen. It was necessary for the redemption of the karmic debts the more highly evolved ones in your midst brought with them from previous lifetimes, when they were as ignorant of their true nature and their responsibilities towards all manifestations of life, just like your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. And because the Great Father/Mother of all life does not wish any of its beloved children of the Earth to suffer unnecessarily, the dove is entering your world’s consciousness with the promise of peace.

As pointed out before, we are the eye that observes everything that happens in the whole of Creation. Naturally this includes your world and all thoughts, words and actions of every one of you. We assure you that there will be no Great Reset. Nothing in your world, or anywhere else, is beyond our reach or takes place without our permission. The lack of honesty and truth has been part of teaching humankind their value. And the need for redeeming some of your most ancient karmic debts, individually and collectively, has  been the reason why your whole world for such a long time had to endure being at the receiving end of the mischief making of your spiritually less experienced siblings in the family of humankind. But enough is enough!

Yes, the pandemic came about with our help. Rest assured that nothing in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation happens without it. There is a big difference between your efforts and ours. The motivation behind everything we do are two wise higher reasons: a) teaching someone and sometimes your whole world a lesson and b) redemption of Karma. As co-creators with God and assisted by us, everything that exists on the earthly plane was created by all those who ever took part in it and those who are doing so at present.

That’s why the robbers and plunderers of this lifetime, who do not yet know any better, during one of their future lifetimes on the material plane, when they have matured into spiritual adulthood, will be robbed of their material possessions by a new generation of spiritually immature people. This is how, in the earthly school of life, everybody sometimes takes on the role of teacher and on other occasions as pupil, many times simultaneously. Like all truly great ideas, your earthly existence is that simple! Simplicity is the greatest gift God can bestow upon any human being.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Open Letter From Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano To Donald Trump’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (55)

The Latest On Covid-19

Update 13th November 2020

For They Know Not What They Are Doing . . .


Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Covid-19 Update 13th November 2020 - Coincidences?

‘Well, well! Isn’t this interesting… A drug called Remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, is now being reported as the ultimate “CURE” for COVID-19. But it gets MORE interesting… The patent for Remdesivir is currently held by China, through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary, called UNITAID. UNITAID just happens to have an office near Wuhan, China.

‘Can you guess who some major financial investors in UNITAID might be? You don’t know? Well, how about none other than George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the WHO (World Health Organization). I know what you’re thinking! Just coincidence!

‘Well, here’s another coincidence. Both Gilead Sciences and UNITAID were financial backers of Hillary Clinton in the last election. And here’s another coincidence. Dr. Fauci authorized millions of American dollars to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, specifically for the study of Coronaviruses AFTER those very studies were deemed too dangerous to be continued in the USA.

‘Oh, did I mention that Dr. Fauci’s wife works for Gilead Sciences? What do you think? Just coincidences! Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving. It’s no wonder Dr. Fauci slapped down the use of hydroxychloroquine, which is inexpensive, has been around for over 60 years with a proven safety record, even though its success rate was very favorable. Why? Because he was told to!! And the news media backed him up all the way while mocking and demonizing President Trump for even mentioning it as a possible treatment.

‘It’s amazing what you find when you just follow the money. Here’s a link to the full and very thorough report.


‘Do you detect political/financial considerations? Or was it Just A COINCIDENCE? None Dare Call It Conspiracy! Follow the MONEY.’

A friend of mine shared the above with me yesterday and my inner guidance tells me that this is the truth. Otherwise I would not be sharing this item with you. Pay attention to how your inner guidance responds when you are reading it.

As far as coincidences are concerned, I believe that there is no such thing on the earthly plane of life or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. Everything that happens is right for that particular moment and place. The Universal law of cause and effect or Karma has brought it about, under the direction of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. As executors of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, including us and our world, they are responsible for the development of all manifestations of life and its evolutionary progress. The supreme laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. All other Universal laws branch out from these two.

A thin veil of consciousness separates our earthly existence from its background, the spirit realm. This is humankind’s true home, from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to when it has reached its end. There is nowhere else for anyone to go. On the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. Therefore also not between us and our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. We ourselves benefit as much as they do, if we keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to every one of them.

They really do not know what they are doing – most of all to themselves. They will not know what’s hit them when, in one of their future lifetimes, the Universal law returns the results of their present thoughts, words and actions to them. For good and evil ones alike, their strength constantly increase during its the return journey. Well, there’s none so blind as those who will not see and none so deaf as those who refuse to listen. If we tried to explain what they are doing to themselves, they would laugh into our face and carry on regardless.

So, let’s just forgive them for being ignorant of which wise higher purpose their earthly existence serves, that it has a spiritual background and is subject to Universal laws, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, therefore also us and our world. Forgiving is not difficult when one considers that, after all, those who are trespassing the Divine laws are only doing what every human being’s compulsory education in the earthly school of life demands, during the initial stages of its curriculum. Wise ones, aware that this is what they must have done in some of their lifetimes of long ago, refuse to sit in judgment over the offenders. Otherwise there would have been no need for them to take part in the pandemic 2020.

That’s why I suggest to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to anyone who is guilty of bringing this sad situation about. Together we are strong and, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we truly are invincible. And that’s what we are doing, each time we project thoughts of this nature into the Universe. Love and thought are the most powerful forces in the whole of Creation and with every loving thought, God and the Angels are supporting our efforts.

‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ Mark Twain

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (56)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

The China lockdown, Sun Tzu, and the Art of War

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

This truly inspired article was written by the Canadian Journalist Jon Rappaport. It reached me on the 7th December 2020. The first response of my inner guidance, the wise one or living God within me, was a loud and clear ‘this is the TRUTH!’ That’s who is telling me to share this article with you in full and I hope you will take the time to do justice to it.

Jon wrote: This is something I wrote months ago on the grand China deception. First let me provide you with some context: If there really were a dangerous virus on the loose in China, NOTHING could have stopped it. We would be seeing huge numbers of deaths in China to this day. Instead, the country has long been back to work, the economy is wide open, and the Chinese regime is looking, with great satisfaction, at Western nations, where its lockdown model has been laid on, wreaking havoc. This is called a clue.

As I’ve explained in detail, in other articles, at the time when US and European agencies were first constructing their PCR tests to detect the virus, they were unable to obtain an actual virus. The obvious source would have been China, but China was unable to supply it. The reason? China wasn’t selling a real pandemic to the world. They were selling a fake, in the form of A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS. They had no actual specimens. And that’s another clue a mile high.

All right, here is the long article I wrote months ago. I would, perhaps, change a few items, in view of developments since that time, but aside from minor edits, I’ve left the piece as-is. It indicates how, with collaboration from major actors like Bill Gates, the CDC, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum, the Chinese regime could have pulled off one of the greatest cons in history. Who actually initiated the plot, and who followed suit. These issues could be debated, but the basic pattern remains the same.

From April 2020: COVID: THE CHINESE REGIME, SUN TZU AND THE ART OF WAR: In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the UN, and other elite Globalists NEEDED a new pretext for their tyrannical operation, and. . . they needed to know, YEARS BEFOREHAND, that this pretext would come into play. And that pretext was: THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT LOCKDOWN of its own citizens, 50 million of them in three cities, rapidly expanding to 100 million.

Without the Chinese mass lockdown, COVID would have unfolded as Swine Flu and SARS and Zika had unfolded. Small disturbances in a calm lake.

I explore the Chinese regime as the major instigator pretending to fumble, bumble, and fawn before the World Health Organization and the CDC. Acceding, as it were, to those ‘superior’ virus hunters, asking them to help figure out what was going on in Wuhan – knowing the WHO/CDC researchers would claim to find a new deadly virus – because they always do. The Chinese regime would then sit back, lock down millions of their own people, knowing the events of the fake pandemic would automatically play out, with the West following suit and locking down their own populations and causing economic havoc and destruction, subverting all basic human values.

This could have been what the Chinese regime, in fact, did. Yes. But behind that front, it’s clear that a higher level of cooperative planning was alive. The Chinese lockdown was in the cards all along. In the cards for the West, for the whole world. The plan was years in the making. Most people simply do not believe intelligence operations can involve that degree of subtlety. This is a failure which unfortunately opens the door to takeover.

My longer-term readers know my findings on the pandemic: an unproven claim of having discovered a new virus; diagnostic tests which are worthless, but open the door to the phony escalation of case numbers; the gathering and corralling of people who have DIFFERENT traditional diseases (and perhaps a few new non-viral conditions) under the meaningless umbrella term, ‘COVID-19’; the plan to introduce a toxic vaccine as the ‘solution.’

I fully realize there are several possible roles the Chinese regime could be playing in this global crisis. And by crisis, I mean lockdowns and economic devastation. I’m laying out one possible role here. To begin: The Chinese regime’s model of absolute control over its population is fully in line with Rockefeller-type Globalists’ model of control for all of Earth. But the Beijing regime prefers to extend its own formidable Empire. It will cooperate with Globalist elites on certain operations, but only because the benefits accrue to China.

In the case of this pandemic illusion, the Chinese government would be pleased to contribute to nations locking down populations and closing out economic activity. Why? Because the result would be significant weakening of those nations – whom the Chinese regime views as opponents or potential satellites. Weakening nations is also the ambition of Globalist elites, to be sure. Flailing countries are easier to take over. Easier to convert to a New Technocracy. A Brave New World. But the Chinese leadership is not a basic Rockefeller partner. The China bosses are for China.

If, in the process of playing along with Globalists in this pandemic forgery, the Chinese nation absorbs economic losses, the regime is more than willing to write them off as necessary sacrifices. Temporary. ‘We bounce back quickly. Other nations are not so fortunate. They don’t have our level of power over their citizenry. They don’t have 1.4 billion people under a moment to moment gun.’

The next Chinese-regime idea: ‘Suppose we could launch the illusion of a pandemic. That would serve us well. In terms of our goals, it would be a success: economic destruction visited on our enemies. As a bonus, we buy bereft governments, more foreign companies, and more foreign land at bargain basement prices.’

The next idea: ‘We could lay out a ‘tempting meal’ for the obsessed virus hunters at the World Health Organization and the CDC. Help them go where they already want to go. . .’ Bearing that in mind, let’s travel back to the beginning, where it all started: Wuhan.

To the virus hounds from the CDC and WHO, the Chinese government COULD HAVE said: ‘Yes, we have a little outbreak in Wuhan. Nothing serious, nothing unusual. We have people coming to hospital with flu and pneumonia. About 300,000 people die of pneumonia every year in China, for all sorts of reasons. In Wuhan, the elderly have a major health problem owing to the air quality---pneumonia. We’ve been working very hard to fix that. At one point, we were going to build an incinerator for burning waste in Wuhan, but we discovered the technology would have created more pollution, so we abandoned the idea. We want to come up with a better facility, and we will. We’re sensitive to the needs of our people…’ Yes, the Chinese regime could have said that, but they didn’t.

Consider an alternative scenario: The Chinese regime DECIDED to tell the Globalist Rockefeller-type CDC/WHO virus hounds exactly what they wanted to hear: ‘PERHAPS a new virus is on the loose. Please help us figure out what’s going on. We bow before your superior skill…what?...you’ve found a dangerous new virus? My goodness, thank you for discovering it so quickly!’ And THEN, and that was the key, the regime suddenly locked down three huge cities and quarantined 50 million people overnight. BANG.

THAT was the event that started the global ball rolling. No quarantine of such size had ever been tried before. (In short order, the Hong Kong protests went away, the mainland protests against air pollution in major Chinese cities went away.)

The Globalist CDC and WHO drooled with joy, pushed a few buttons, and their whole epidemic PR apparatus swung into action: ‘THIS ONE IS BIG. LOOK AT WHAT THE CHINESE JUST DID. THEY LOCKED DOWN 50 MILLION PEOPLE. SO IT’S ON. WE CAN DO IT, TOO. IN MANY NATIONS.’

Since then, the Chinese economy has taken a hit. The country has been blamed, in some quarters, for spreading a deadly virus all over the globe. To which, of course, the Chinese regime replies: ‘What? We Chinese have been weakened greatly by the epidemic ourselves!’ Fast forward a few months. Who’s taking a hit now? The US, Italy, and many other countries. The US has shut down anything that moves. The US stock market and trading markets all over the world are tanking. Around the world, hundreds of millions of people have been thrown out of work, and untold numbers of small business owners have been driven into bankruptcy. Magic.

By ‘humbly acceding’ to the authority and desire of the CDC and WHO – who always say they’ve found ‘a new deadly virus’ – the Chinese government has helped engineer, in the freest and craziest and most powerful nation in the world, the USA, a massive lockdown similar to the one now ending in China. Who does all this remind you of? It reminds me of the ancient Chinese general and philosopher, Sun Tzu (6th century BC), who wrote the erudite and wildly popular treatise, The Art of War.

Here is a sprinkling of Sun Tzu observations and advices. Read carefully:

‘All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive…’

‘If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.’

‘Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.’

‘Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.’

‘If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him.’

‘To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.’

‘Move swiftly where the enemy does not expect you.’

‘Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions.’

Getting the picture? Any bells ringing?

The Chinese regime: ‘Yes, Dr. CDC and Dr. WHO, it does appear, as you say, that here in China we have a new virus. You’re the experts. [Thought bubble: ‘You’re always willing to fake the discovery of new viruses.’] We bow to your wisdom. Certainly, we have to contain the virus. If we’ve somehow made a misstep here, we apologize. You’re the leaders in this field. Do what you think best. If alerts to national governments are in order, issue them. We’ll help. Do you think the spread will escalate?’

Meanwhile, in typical fashion, CDC and WHO haven’t done, and will never do, the necessary procedures for proving they’ve actually found a new virus (as I’ve described in other articles). The Chinese government watches the epidemic propaganda start to lift off---and suddenly, as I just mentioned, locks down 50 million people for no rational medical reason---thus giving the Globalist CDC and WHO the shocking precedent for a super-con job, a super-story, a super-scenario, a fairy tale about a pandemic, an excuse to enact their own lock downs, across the whole planet.

Soon, one leader, who happens to be engaged in a trade battle with China, by the name of Trump, is boxed in. Usually arrogant, of choleric temperament, as Sun Tzu characterizes certain leaders, Trump must now dial back his attitude and go along. He believes he can’t buck the medical authorities. He believes he can’t do his usual THIS IS ALL FAKE NEWS punch to the gut. He can’t turn the stock market around by citing economic victories. He can’t talk about winning a trade war against the Chinese government. He’s stifled. Deflated, he has to go on TV, and read from script the measures he’s taking to ‘stop the spread of the virus.’ With that he signs away more trillions of dollars the government doesn’t have.

Of course, many people refuse to believe there is a thing called subtlety in strategy, in covert warfare. ‘The Chinese government couldn’t be so clever.’ Really? How about a regime which has a few thousand years of tradition behind it, based on the arts of covert operations? The current smash-and-grab Chinese dictatorship shows one face, but it is not their only face. The Chinese dictatorship gave the CDC and WHO what they fervently wanted: a reason to launch, laid out like a dinner on the table. ‘Enjoy your meal.’

There was a little something extra in the food. Not a virus. Instead, Sun Tzu spices. Imagine a small group of Chinese-government elite professionals looking at reports: ‘With this fake pandemic operation, we will have MANY enemies we want to subdue. For a moment, let’s look at just one. Trump. We can’t let him reject the lockdowns. If he does, other nations might reject them, too. He believes he’s winning a trade war against us. He is effective along certain domestic fronts. He knows how to rally his supporters. He has great energy. He can inspire enthusiasm from his troops.

‘He promotes a brand of nationalism, which strikes a deep note with many Americans, and which could be dangerous to us. His critics and opponents are, on the whole, ineffective. They’re annoying amateurs. Trump’s self-confidence, arrogance, his tendency to become irritated and lash out…this is what we have to focus on. These are strengths which can also be weaknesses. He will fail to see attacks coming from unexpected sources and directions. He thinks he sees the whole map of threats to his presidency. In this regard, he has limited perspective. He views his potential enemies as blunt aggressors, because he himself is blunt. He sees warfare as open clash, as direct leverage. There is where we have our opportunity. We need a subtle operation that, at first, looks like a peripheral problem or crisis. But when the visor closes quickly, it will be too late. Not only Trump, but the whole of America will be caught in the squeeze play. Of course, in the process, we’ll inflict economic damage on ourselves. ‘We’re victims, too,’ we’ll say. That will be our cover story.’

‘Oh,’ people reply again, ‘that’s impossible. The Chinese regime couldn’t be that devious. I mean, that plan has too many steps in it. Where’s the firepower? Where are the laser weapons flashing in space, you know, like we see in movies? Without that, there is no war.’ Well, when people insist the game has to look like tic-tac-toe with missiles, but the opponent is really playing chess or Go, Iron Man doesn’t come out on top.

2019. Chinese leadership: ‘Let’s enable our Globalist ‘friends’ to create a false pandemic and bury nations. We’ll only need to make a few moves on the board, and then they’ll do the rest. I suggest we call the operation the Sun Tzu Virus.’

Of course, the Chinese regime permits itself the right to exert an occasional PUSH and TWIST. To create torque and help events unfold. In that regard, a few key questions: What country has a huge and lopsided financial arrangement with the Chinese regime? What country has seen the Chinese pour gigantic amounts of money into its government coffers, and buy up its companies? What country is laboring under the undue influence of China? What country’s government might, therefore, take an enormous and dire action under more or less direct orders from Beijing? What country’s head of government SUDDENLY, without warning all its governors, locked down half the nation overnight? What country therefore created a new beachhead for lockdowns? If you’re looking for one country that answers EVERY question, its name is Italy. Once the center of the greatest renaissance since ancient Athens. Now masked and quarantined. And the new beachhead is Europe and the West.

One reason I’ve written this article? Given the existence of certain structures in this world, I’m imparting how easy it is to lock down a few billion people inside a reality egg. FREEDOM involves cracking and climbing out of the egg.

CODA, June 27, 2020. Over the past few months, we’ve witnessed Western imitations of China, in the form of behavior control. Attitude control. Among these imitations:

The shuttering of houses of worship.

People in the West are told to load outrageous contact tracing apps on their cell phones, and cooperate with spying against themselves.

The infamous Chinese social credit score system (behavior control) is mirrored by the tyrannical notion of ‘immunity certificates,’ which, if approved, would need to be presented by US citizens in order to travel, enter office buildings, schools, etc.

The forced premature deaths of the elderly, under the cover of ‘demise by COVID,’ is a straight-out exercise in population control, a device the Chinese government has deployed on its own population.

These are not accidents.

They are purposeful Chinese-type transformations.

At the root of it is the plan to raise up armies of Western citizens who are more than glad to sacrifice what is left of their own minds to a ‘Higher Altruistic Ideal,’ also known as socialism.

Thomas Paine, December, 1776: ‘THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.’

Governments in Beijing and Washington and London might laugh in the face of these words. But they are uneasy. Because they know there is a power in the human soul they cannot understand.

End of the China/Sun Tzu article. December, 2020: So now, in the US and Europe and other places, we’re now into our second and third waves of lockdowns. The strategy of economic and associated human destruction has expanded. What began in China as A STORY ABOUT A VIRUS, has taken on a life of its own. Or so it appears. In reality, the wall-to-wall messaging of that story is the continuing driver of the life of this fraud. The messaging and the threat and use of force on the part of governments. But a rebellion is against Police States is rising.

The political actors who are making demands and issuing edicts are easy to spot. They keep claiming they are ‘following the science.’ I’ve spent the last nine months taking that science apart, piece by piece. There is no science. There are blind fools with academic credentials, and active criminals with those credentials. And there is China, where it all started. Where the regime has a passionate hatred of freedom. It now stands as the number one genocidal outlaw government on Earth.

Mark Twain said: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Power Outside The Matrix’

Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (57)

The Latest On Covid-19

Update 28th December 2020

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth . . .

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - Covid Update 28th December 2020 - The Emperor's  New Clothes

1)     ‘Irish Government Admits: COVID-19 Does NOT Exist.’ Published December 26, 2020


Do you remember Hans Christian Anderson, the Danish story teller’s ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’? At the end of this tale a  small child, whose innocence had not yet been touched by the lies and deceptions of the adult world around it, looks at the Emperor and sees that he is not wearing anything. When asked how it likes the emperor’s new clothes, it is the only one who tells the truth and shouts: ‘The Emperor is in the altogether!’

This story came to mind when the above link about the Republic of Ireland’s statement came my way. Three cheers for the country that’s small enough to courageously step into the frontline of our world’s scenery of lying, cheating and corruption, speaking the truth with a blessed childlike innocence.

2) The following is from the comments section of a publication in the Freedom of Information from Health, Safety and Environment that was published online with Canada Health, Public Health England and Centres For Disease Control Freedom Of Information:

‘I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 “supposed” positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch’s postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples.

‘We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.

‘We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.

So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included a massive election fraud.’

The question comes to mind about the Covid testing that’s taking place everywhere in our world at present. Who is benefitting from supplying whatever is needed for these tests and who is paying for them? The second part of the question is easy! Whether we agree with the testing of not, the money for them comes out of the pockets of us taxpayers. No government has any money of its own. For the first part of the answer follow the link below:

3)    ‘Big Pharma and Big Profits: The Multibillion Dollar Vaccine Market.’


Six pointed Star

There’s None So Blind . . . (58)

New Year Greetings 2021 (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - New Year Greetings 2021 Part One

My loving thoughts and best wishes
For our world’s speedy recovery
I am sending into the Universe.
Never forget that love and thought
Are the most powerful forces
In the whole of Creation.

And those who are sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts
To our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers,
Wherever they may be on our planet,
On the inner spiritual plane are forming
A group that has more strength than we imagine.
When we work hand in hand with God and the Angels
We are invincible and they are assuring
Us that the best is yet to come
For every one of us, the whole of humankind
And our world,
So let’s be of good heart and trust them.

Every human being in this world
And our other world, the spirit realm,
Is a member of my spiritual family and
I love each one of you with my whole being.
God bless and all the best for the coming year.
And now please take a look at
What I have prepared for you:

•    ‘New Year Greetings 2021’

 Six pointed Star 

New Year Greetings 2021 (2)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Looking At The Year 2020 - New Year Greetings 2021 Part Two

There is light at the end of every tunnel and this is also true for our world’s darkness of lying, cheating and corruption, which in the year 2020 has had enjoyed its final fling. And the light that’s coming our way is by no means from an oncoming train. It’s the light of the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom, honesty and truth.  Our inner guidance is the wise one and living God within and that’s the only utterly trustworthy teacher and guru in the whole of Creation. Mine is telling me that the present situation’s happy ending is close at hand and that it will come about in a surprising manner.

In keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan, in God’s time and not ours, it will happen soon. God’s time means when the energies are right and that’s what they will be in the year 2021. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let me explain. When a child has it’s first birthday, the second year of its present lifetime has started. Therefore, the 1.1.2021 is the beginning of the year 2022. The number two represents the Universe’s second creative impulse, the feminine nurturing and caring aspect of the Great Mother of all life. The zodiac’s sign Cancer, the fourth house and their ruler, the Moon, are dedicated to this aspect of the Divine Trinity. The number one represents its counterpart, the Great Father, the masculine creative force. The sign Leo and the fifth house, ruled by the Sun, a dedicated to Him.

The 1.1.2021 being the beginning of the year 2022, the energies available are going to beneficially influence us and our world for the whole of that year. Consisting of 3 x 1 and 3 x 2 they are well balanced. And 2022 consisting of 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 = the number of Venus, as well as 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 the number of Saturn. Saturn is best placed or exalted in Libra, the sign of balance and relationships. I believe that this is an excellent sign for our world’s recovery. It will come about through ever more of us healing their relationship with the Highest Forces of life, whatever that means to them.

It’s thought of as extremely fortunate when Saturn is in an exalted position in someone’s birthchart. These people are likely to find enlightenment during their present lifetime. That, to my mind, means a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of every human being’s earthly existence,  the processes of life and the initiations all of us are constantly taking part in on the earthly plane. Can you see what’s shaping up for us and our world? Until mid March 2023 Saturn will remain in Aquarius, one of its own signs. In the chapter ‘What Is In Store For Us?’ we already talked about how we and our world are influenced by the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that took place on the 21st December 2020, the day of that year’s winter solstice.

The year 2020 has been under the rulership of Virgo, the zodiac’s teaching and healing sign that’s ruled by Mercury, the winged messenger of the God’s of Roman mythology, known as Hermes to the Greeks. To this day they are stealing the treasures of the Gods, the wisdom of the highest levels of life, and bring them down to the earthly plane to alleviate humankind’s lot. Read more about 2020 by following the first link on the list at the end of this chapter.

However, the year 2021 is going to take us and our world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life with the help of the Venusian energies. Venus is also the planet of beauty, harmony and above all peace. It’s the planetary ruler of earthy Taurus and airy Libra. Libra is the peacemaking sign of the zodiac, in which Saturn the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of our earthly existence, is in exultation – see above. An excellent sign for our world’s recovery and helping us to gain self-mastery and self-control over our lower earthly nature. On top of that, the first day of 2021 is a Friday, the day ruled by Venus.

2020  has been the year in which God and the Angels have been teaching our whole world the value of honesty and truth – through removing these values completely, for a while. It’s also been a year of healing humankind from the delusion that troublemakers and scaremongers could ever seriously have the power of ruling our world and taking over it’s reigns. We shall soon be able to look back on 2020 as the year when our world’s outer plane, through a practical example was shown that nobody but the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit, and the Angelic Hierarchy are the only ones who are truly in charge of us and our world and that on all its levels. They  always have been and forever will be.  

In our world’s spiritual background, the inner spiritual plane, love, honesty and truth have always ruled supreme. Spiritually, everything is for real; faking, lying and cheating are unknown. In keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan of life, our world’s outer plane for quite some time has been in the process of being transformed, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, to become ever more like its inner counterpart. This applies to every human being, the whole of humankind and our world. The present situation is an essential and necessary part of this transformation. The reasons for it have been explained sufficiently in other parts of my writings.

The Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age is groups of people working together for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. The corollary of this is that those who keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers – independent of where they are on our planet – they form a group that is strong. And when they are working hand in hand with God and the Angels they are invincible.

God bless and all the best for you and your loved ones. A happy and above all healthy new year 2021 for the whole of humankind and our world. And now please have a look at what I have prepared for you:

•    ‘New Year 2021 Greetings’

With love and light,

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Rebirth Of Humankind's Christ Nature’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 9

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Love: The New World Order

The following is a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides for our world’s major transformation that has been taking place for some time and will be reaching its peak at the beginning of the year 2021. White Eagle is a collective name for all groups of friends and helpers who, in co-operation with the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, on their behalf have always been attending to humankind’s spiritual progress. The White Eagle is a symbolism for the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom. Its wings are the understanding that enables humankind to lift itself above whatever,  for wise higher reasons still has to happen on the earthly plane.

And this is what our White Eagle friends have come to tell us today: ‘Fear is the greatest evil that’s known in your world, especially the fear of death and the unknown. As you are only afraid of what you do not understand, we have come today to help you find a better understanding of the processes of life all of you are constantly taking part in. A high and holy destiny is in store for every one of you and also the whole of humankind. And what in your world is known as death is merely a moving into different dimensions of life. In truth, there is no death.

‘Every human being is a spark of the Universal Christ’s Light and has the potential for the very best as well as the worst qualities. And every one of you is constantly moving forwards on their own predestined pathway. Your earthly education starts with becoming familiar with the crude and unevolved aspects of your nature. But in the course of many lifetimes, you are steadily ascending your own evolutionary spiral. That which is dark and evil in you is overcome and left behind through gradually bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the best and finest, highest and holiest qualities of their own God or Christ nature.

‘You are only afraid of the unknown for as long as you believe that you are struggling alone with your lessons of the earthly school of life, when in fact this could not be further from the truth. God and the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have always accompanied you and your world. At all times, they are constantly observing what is happening in your world. They have never left you and never will and that’s for the simple reason that they are as much part of you as you are part of them. And with the passing of time, sufficient numbers of human beings became sufficiently evolved to take over.

‘That’s how it came about that we are serving God and the Angels on the one hand and on the other one you, in the role of your spirit friends and helpers. At all times, we are following the instructions of the highest level of life and are constantly working in close co-operation with various groups of Angels. All who are working on our level, some a long time ago and others more recently, have attended every lesson of the earthly school of life, the same as you are occupied with now. Having walked a similar pathway, each one of us in their own unique way is well qualified to intuitively advise those on the earthly plane to do whatever is right for them, at that particular moment. The story that every earthling has a Guardian Angel is a pretty one. But alas, its untrue like so many of your world’s tales. A whole group of spirit guides is dedicated to each one of you and our friendship and help can be far more effective than one Angel on its own could ever hope to be.

‘So what can we tell you about why the truth that there is no death has been hidden from humankind for such a long time? It came about for the wise higher reason of teaching your world the value of truth, so that you would appreciate and treasure this precious commodity when it returns to you in the age of truth, at last. As this age has been with you for long enough by now, every human being has the birthright of finding out who and what they truly are. The time has come to find out that each one of you is a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ. Therefore, you are an immortal and eternal being who, just like God can and will never die. Alas, there are still too many in your world who believe that life is a one-off thing and that its end has been reached each time someone leaves their physical body behind. This information could not be further away from the truth, if only for the simple reason that, individually and collectively, humankind has always been moving forwards on an upwards winding evolutionary spiral and that this will forever continue.

‘At the beginning of every human being’s earthly education, the Christ nature of its earthly self consists of a tiny spark of the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights who is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The essence of every one of you, without exception, is immortal and eternal, and can never die. And that’s why there is no real death for humankind, merely from time to time being reborn into our realm, the world of spirit or light. Our world is not ‘up there’ somewhere in the sky. It is an integral part of your world that’s invisible to earthly eyes, but nonetheless is teeming with life. Our world is humankind’s true home that’s merely a different dimension of life, from which every one of you emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to when it has reached it’s end.

‘Do not believe any of the tales that are trying to convince you that those who leave the earthly plane of life before your turn for doing so has come, at the end of your present lifetime, has come round are dead and have left you forever. We assure you that they are alive and well in the world of light, our realm, enjoying the greater freedom that being without a physical body brings with it. And that’s what will also happen to you when, in due course, one of the kind and loving Angels of Death takes you by the hand and invites you to go home. There is no such thing as a grim reaper and leaving your physical body behind is similar to the shelling of a pea from its pod.

‘The Christ light is the higher God or Christ aspect of every human being. Only a small part of it ventures forth each time it ventures forth into another earthly sojourn and is reborn into a physical body it needs for getting around on the earthly plane for that particular lifetime. At first these bodies are equipped with a rational and logical mind whose horizons are extremely limited. As yet they are unable to recognise that every earthly self also has a higher nature that consists of a spirit/soul.

At that stage of your development, your Christ nature is still too weak to wake up from its slumbering state. It takes a long time until the Christ spark’s light has increased sufficiently for it to stir into life. From that point onwards the Christ nature starts to influence its lower earthly counterpart, so that it in turn begins to peer cautiously beyond the end of its nose and, to its greatest surprise, discovers some increasingly distant horizons.

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (2)

Loving God's Way

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Love: The New World Order - Loving God's Way‘At first, the human mind has to be focused on getting to know its earthly self, the world around it and the tasks that are calling for its undivided attention. In this state of ignorance the higher spiritual aspects of life are dismissed out of hand and everything that cannot be seen, weighed and measured is rejected as nonsense, humbug and imaginations. But, in the course of many lifetimes, each earthly self learns from its own experiences. It slowly but surely grows in wisdom and understanding and the vision of its consciousness keeps on expanding.

‘Every one of you eventually discovers that your earthly existence is shared by a higher spiritual counterpart that’s invisible. After a while, you realise that God is something quite different from what you were told by your world’s all-male religions. It dawns on you that the Divine Trinity consists of a Great Father as well as a Great Mother of all life, and that their only born Son/Daughter is the Light of the Universal Christ Spirit. To your astonishment you learn that, with the help of the Christ light and nothing but the power of love and thought, everything that exists in the whole of Creation was brought into being through the Great Father/Mother’s coo-operation.

‘Love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation and they cannot be destroyed by anything. That’s why bonds of love and friendship between people and also their animals are forever. And because of this, during your quiet times of reflection, prayer and meditation, your thoughts have the power of connecting you with loved ones, wherever they may be in your world or ours, as on the inner level all is one and there is no separation between anything.

‘And should anyone ask us who or what God is, the only thing we can say is that God is in everything, the highest as well as the lowest aspects of life and that throughout the whole of Creation. The ultimate aim of every human being’s earthly education is learning to think, speak and act like a young God in the making, because that’s what you truly are. Towards the end of your earthly education you will be loving God’s way. The more your Christ nature unfolds, the more behaving like God becomes the only way of being for you.

‘You need no-one to command that you should love those around you. Because your nature is love, you no longer want to dominate anyone You love everybody and wish to help and support them in any way you can. Giving instead of taking away is your natural way of reacting to people and situations. Lying, cheating and exploiting others never occur to you. They are things of the past that have been left them behind by you. You have nailed them to the cross of life. The cross is the oldest symbol known to humankind for its earthly existence.

‘Jesus bleeding to death on a wooden cross represents the process when the lower earthly self is initiated into the higher aspects of its nature. The earthly education of each one of you consists of many lifetimes of believing that your physical nature is all there is to you and to life in general. But as you approach the end of this existence, your Divine spark has grown strong enough to be born. You gradually begin to love everything that exists anywhere, the highest as well as the lowest manifestations of life. You love that which is still dark, evil and ugly in your world just as much as that which is beautiful and perfect. You love both of them because you know that, the lower dark and ugly aspects are but the crude and unevolved side of something that, in the course of many lifetimes, will also transform into something beautiful and perfect. Spiritually, perfection means accepting, integrating and working with every aspect of your. After all, every one of them is Divine.

‘You love the lower aspects of your world as much, and maybe even more, because you know what’s ahead of them, their future lifetimes of making mistakes, struggling with defeating others and then being defeated themselves, to created the necessary balance and clear the spiritual bank account. You know that in the end everything comes right. And because you love the lower aspects of life as much as the higher ones, you provide both with all the help they are going to need. That’s why you provide everybody with friends and helpers who, from your world’s inner spiritual background are guiding and protecting each one at all times.

‘Even though for a long time you are unaware of their presence because your earthly eyes cannot see these helpers, from the word ‘go’ of every human being’s earthly education friends from the spirit realm are with you and forever will be. They are observing everything that happens on the earthly plane. Yet, unless someone asks for their help, they never interfere with anything. Only when things threaten to seriously get out of hand, do we step in and take over. And that’s what will soon happen in your world. The pharma industry as the driving force behind its present misery has had it’s way long enough. Satisfactory amounts of karmic debts have been cleared away and the lesson of how much lying, cheating and corruption are capable of causing has been learnt sufficiently. Remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn and your world has by now reached this point.

‘Every one of you is on the earthly plane to evolve into a healer and lightbringer, saver and redeemer of themselves, the whole of humankind and your world. Healing consists of taking into your physical bodies ever more of the Christ Star’s radiance. And every one of you has been granted the gift of another lifetime for learning how to use this light for your own healing and that of your world. The more you consciously breathe the Christ light in and work with it, the more it enters the cells of your physical body and from there travels into everything you come into contact with.

‘That’s why we are asking you to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Remember that each one of them feeds into the stream of your world’s Christ Light and so increases its strength. When these thoughts return to you, as they surely will, keep on sending them out time and again. Through this the Christ stream’s power of absorbing ever more of the darkness and fear that to this day is clouding your world’s consciousness. And at the same time you own light increases and that’s the only way the Christ Spirit of your whole world can be born. Every one of you is required to do their share of bringing it about. God bless you every one of you. All is well with you and your world and the end of the present situation is close at hand.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Can God Be Weighed And Measured?’
 ‘Is There A God?’
•    The Truth About Truth?’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (3)

How Will The New Order Come About?

The Eye That Never Sleeps

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Love: The New World Order - The Eye That Never Sleeps

Know that God and the Angels, as well as whole groups of spirit friends who are at all times willing to assist you with everything. We are with you, all the way and we shall never leave you. We could not if we wanted to, because we are part of you and you are part of us. And yes, a new world order is in the process of being born, inspired, guided and protected by the Highest Forces of life, and nobody else! All those whose earthly minds are tuned into our frequencies are receiver/transmitter stations for bringing our ideas into your world. They are shown intuitively what kind of contribution they can make and we notice with gladness that their numbers are constantly increasing.

Tales about agendas and resets are part of the age-old tested and tried propaganda methods of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Their basic approach, throughout the ages, has changed very little, as can clearly be seen from following: Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, the German politician was Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. As one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers, he said: ‘If you tell a lie that’s big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. However, such a lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from its political, economic and/or military consequences. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

George Orwell added to this: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ We hope you are not going to hate us for trying to help you find a better understanding of how your world’s present state came into being. Only if you inner guidance, through the world of your feelings, reacts with: ‘This is the truth!’, share the information we are bringing you with as many as possible, so that with the passing of time ever more of you will start peering beyond the ends of their noses. Hopefully, this will enable them to recognise that the present experiences, the same as everything else that ever took place on the earthly plane, serves the wise purpose of teaching humankind the value of something. The pandemic 2020/2021 is an essential part of humankind learning the value of honesty and truth.

Since time immemorial, the Highest Forces of life have been teaching humankind the value of things by first giving them and, after a while, withdrawing them for a predestined length of time. And that could mean a very long time indeed, for example the six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male religions. That was the period when the Great Mother more and more withdrew the love and wisdom of Her feminine energies from your world. Its reigns were placed into the hands of the masculine forces.

Fortunately, in keeping with your world’s great evolutionary plan, things eventually return and that’s what has been happening in your world for quite a while by now. The Great Mother’s love and wisdom are once again with you and we are among Her helpers, who at all times are willing to intuitively show the way to anyone who requests our assistance. Should someone ask you who we might be, tell them that we are the messengers of God and the Angels from the spirit realm. For a very long time indeed, it has been our task to help humankind find a better understanding of who and what human beings truly are and why they are taking part in earthly life.

The pathway of each one of you, your whole world and everything that shares it with you, always has been to slowly but surely move forwards on an upwards winding evolutionary spiral; this will forever continue. Alas, to this day many have difficulties accepting that God is in everything and everything is part of God, and that means the highest as well as the lowest aspects. God is not merely that which is good, right and beautiful. It’s that part of your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and therefore of you that all human beings in the course of their earthly lifetimes have always been striving to bring forth, bit by bit from deep within everybody’s own being. That which is dark, ugly and evil in your world and your own nature is meant to be overcome and left behind.

Your world exists of an outer and an inner plane. The inner world is the outer world’s spiritual background and everything that exists on the outer plane is created on the inner one. Without us, and all others who have always been toiling ceaselessly and invisible to human eyes, on humankind’s behalf behind the scenes, your world would not exist. There would be no human beings, animal or plant life; there would be nothing.

Our realm is the eye that never sleeps. We are observing what’s happening on the earthly plane by day and night and that’s the only place where the concept of time exists. Because we have no physical bodies we are not in need of resting and sleeping at regular intervals, like you do. And in case some of you are still wondering who is in charge of your world, as well as all others that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation, it’s God and the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the Divine throne. As executors of God’s great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, these beings are the only ones who are truly in charge of anything that exists anywhere. And everything that ever happened anywhere, therefore also in your world, has always rested safely in their loving hands.

That’s why we are saying don’t be discouraged by anything, and especially not your world’s lockdowns. Never doubt that God and the Angels, and all those who are serving them on the lower levels of the spirit realm, are constantly with you. They truly are and will not allow anything seriously harmful to come to you or your world. Stay calm and remind yourself that the darkest hour is always just before the dawn. On your plane this applies literally; it is also true metaphorically speaking.

And what about the promised new world order? It can only come about one way and that’s an extremely simple one. In your world people seem to enjoy creating difficulties for themselves through making things unnecessarily complicated. This is in sharp contrast to our realm. All truly great ideas are simple and everything here is that way. One of the best examples of this is God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Its justice is perfect and it simply decrees that everything has to return to it’s source.

Establishing your world’s new order is just as straight forward. All of you together are endowed with the power of bringing it about and the best contribution any one of you can make is to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. As your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind, they are entitled to your help – the way the youngsters of any good family are. Having been created by God and the Angels, that’s most certainly true of humankind.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (4)

Do Not Be Afraid!

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Love : The New World Order - Do Not Be Afraid!

It’s up to the older and more experienced spirit/souls in your midst to assist their younger siblings in the great family of humankind with finding a better understanding of the higher purpose that  every human being’s earthly existence serves. The pharma industry all along has been the driving force behind present outbreak of mass hysteria, just like those of the bird and the swine flu of previous your. Your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers are employed and paid by them. And having learnt from their ‘mistakes’ of the past, this industry is once more dreaming of  exploiting your world’s resources and ruling it through fear.

This dream is but a left-over from the patriarchal times. It is most certainly not going to find fulfilment, now that the age of truth is with you. But whatever one of you wishes and dreams of with their whole being, the Angels are willing to make it come true. They are the only ones who can do this and it may come about in two ways. The first one is as a well deserved reward for past efforts. And the second one is for the teaching of an important lesson that the dreamers are in need of, to bring them down to the realities of their earthly existence. That’s why we advise you to be careful about what you wish for and dream of, as it could be fulfilled in an unexpectedly unpleasant manner. And this is what soon is going to happen to the pharma industry.

The time has come when even the last and slowest human beings need to wake up to the fact that nothing in the whole of Creation ever happens against the will and wishes of God and the Angels and is beyond their reach. God’s great evolutionary plan for your world decrees that in the age truth, ever more you will become aware that love and thought are the two supreme powers of the Universal Forces. By now their energies have become sufficiently powerful in your world  to absorb the last remnants of darkness and evil that are still troubling it.

We, your spirit friends and helpers, are grateful that ever more of you are doing your share of assisting these Divine efforts through sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to all troublemakers and scaremongers who are interfering with your world’s wellbeing and survival. Rest assured that they will and cannot win, because what they are doing is not in keeping with the Divine will and wishes for humankind’s developmental progress.

Whatever still has to happen because of redeeming outstanding karmic debts, do not be afraid. Open wide your inner doors to your own God or Christ nature and the knowledge that we are with you and forever will be, all the way. If you ask that we show you how to go about anything, that’s what we are willing to do without fail. Every human being has the birthright of being assisted by us, in any kind of situation that may arise. For a long time, we have been waiting to guide all of you on the road home into the conscious awareness of your own higher nature and natural inner connectedness with God and Angels, and everybody else on the lower levels of the spirit realm, that cannot be taken away by anybody or anything.

For as long as we are needed, we shall continue to show the way. Yes,  even to those who do not yet know that no help from us can come to them unless it is asked for. We are guiding and protecting them nonetheless, the same as we have always done with everybody on their march home into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. We are aware that each can only do this in their own sweet manner and when the time is right for them. It’s just that if you ask for our help, we can get you there much more smoothly and quickly.

The roads we are taking you are more direct because you are sure that what you are doing is right. Everybody else can only find out by trial and error and that means making more mistakes. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you learn something on each occasion. All we can then do is stand by and support them, unseen in the background, when in their spiritual ignorance they are creating ever more karmic debts that will have to be redeemed, later in this lifetime or a future one.

Karmic debts are your responsibility because you are their creator. Although we cannot remove them for you, we can certainly assist with avoiding to accumulate new ones on the road of becoming aware that every human in truth is a young God in the making. During your earthly lifetimes every one of you is attending the first part of their apprenticeship. The ultimate aim of your earthly education is that you should evolve, in the course of many lifetimes as a physical being, into a Christed one in your own right.

At a certain point of every earthly self’s development, the Divine spark within them has absorbed a sufficient amount of the Universal Christ’s light to beneficially influence its lower counterpart. Sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers does not only increase their inner light, as explained in previous chapters of the Aquarian writings, but also your own. That’s why we advise you to keep on sending as many thoughts of this nature as possible into the Universe. The more one of the sparks grows in strength, the more that person’s Christ nature gains the upper hand over the drives and urges of its lower earthly counterpart. They no longer appeal and are quite naturally left behind in favour of developing the Christ nature’s characteristics.

And that’s how all lower earthly personalities, in the course of many lifetimes of believing that they are nothing more than physical beings, slowly but surely bleed to death. Every human being’s higher God or Christ nature eventually moves into the foreground of its earthly counterpart and begins to take over from the lower earthly self’s drives and urges, which once were its supreme ruler. Jesus bleeding to death on the cross represents this process. Every human being, in the course of its long evolutionary journey, takes part in this development as soon as their time for doing so has come.

The cross is the oldest symbolism for life on the earthly plane that’s known to humankind. This is because the physical body fastens every one of you firmly to this existence, until the purpose of any given lifetime has been fulfilled. Only then are you allowed to leave that plane and go home for some rest and recuperation with us. And that’s the case a) as soon as you, through your earthly lessons, have grown sufficiently in wisdom and understanding of yourself and the world around you; and b) when a certain amount of your karmic debts has been attended to and redeemed by you. Together with the wise ones in charge of you, you agreed to do these things during your most recent stay in our realm.

Six pointed Star

From ‘Words And Prayers From Around Our World’

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (5)

I Asked And I Was Given

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayer for Comfort & Healing - I Asked And Was Given

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve.
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey.
I asked for riches, that I might be happy.
I was given poverty, that I might become wise
And be able to appreciate abundance when it arrives in my life.
I asked for power, that I might be feared and praised by people.
I was given powerlessness, that I might become aware that
The only true power belongs to God.
I asked for all the things that would help me to enjoy my life.
I was given wisdom and the ability to enjoy all things.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity, that I might grow in understanding
And become a better human being through bringing
Forth from deep within the highest and best qualities,
Which in those days were still slumbering inside me,
Waiting to wake up to help me evolve into
A true daughter/son of the living God on the Earth plane.

And when my awakening came,
I asked for Divine courage and strength,
But the lessons of my subsequent life taught me
That these characteristics cannot be given to us by anyone,
Not even by God and the Angels.
They can only be developed by following our inner guidance
And bringing them forth from within
The very core of our own being.

That’s how the Universe at all times meets everyone’s true needs.
It’s just that frequently it has to come about in mysterious ways,
Which we earthlings find hard to understand.
But rest assured that each time we ask for something
We get what we truly need and that’s why
It’s necessary to be careful what we ask for,
Because in some way our prayers are always
Heard and replied to.
It’s just that sometimes the response
To our small earthly self’s desires
Has to be ‘No!’ 

All these things have taught me
That my life – and everybody else’s –
In truth is filled with the goodness and love
Of the Great Mother’s wisdom,
And that ultimately, each life is a gift and a benediction
From the Highest Star and the Brightest Light
In the whole of Creation,
The Christ Star.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (6)

In Loving Memory

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Love : The New World Order - In Loving MemoryIf you recently lost a loved one to our world, irrespective of what was written in their death certificate, they were allowed to leave your plane because the purpose of their most recent lifetime had been fulfilled. Otherwise they would not have left you. But because they have first hand knowledge of your world’s present situation, they are of the great value on our side of the veil that still separates our two worlds from each other. They are highly welcome, of that you can be sure. And as soon as they have rested from the stresses of their most recent earthly lifetime, every one of the newcomers is happy to join our ranks.

At present, they are much more urgently needed by us, because the strength of their love for you and your world is added to the blessing and healing energies that are coming your way from us. They can now see for themselves who the driving forces behind your world’s present state are. Unaware of our presence and that their outer plane has a spiritual background where every one of their thoughts, words and actions is observed by day and night, your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers believe they are working with the greatest of secrecy, when nothing could be further from the truth.

During the early part of the education in the earthly school of life, every human being lacks the knowledge of the processes of life, in which every one of you is constantly taking part. For as long as you are unaware of your existence’s spiritual background, you do not realise that the essence of every human being is spirit/soul. It’s you yourself who has chosen to once more appear on the earthly plane so that you may grow in wisdom and understanding through the adventures that will be coming your way. Many of you by now are ready to leave behind the false belief that when they leave their physical body, their whole being dies, they are snuffed out like a candle and that’s the end of them.

Those who still believe that this is true, will be very surprised indeed when – one of these days – they discover that their physical body is lies inert and dead on the earthly plane, when they continue to be alive and well. When there is no way of getting their physical bodies moving again, they realise that their spirit/soul has been set free. It has returned to humankind’s true home, our world of spirit or light from which every human being – without exception – emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to, when its purpose has been fulfilled.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (7)

Music Of The Future And The Past

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Music Of The Future And Music Of The Past

 Music was my first love
And it will be my last.
Music of the future
And music of the past.

To live without music for me
Would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles,
Music helps me through.

John Miles

On the 19th January 2021 at 20.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime, the Sun moved into the fixed Air sign Aquarius. It’s astrological symbol is the Waterbearer. Should you be unfamiliar with the meaning of this, go to my ‘Interpretations of the Sun Signs’ on Booksie. Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations not only can but also will find fulfilment, when the necessary groundwork has been done. One of the co-rulers of this sign is Saturn. This planet represents the stern and undeviating aspect of the Great Father/Mother that demands self-discipline and self-mastery from every one of their children of the Earth. Without them no-one can be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age.

The second co-ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, whose energies can bring about sudden and drastic changes in circumstances, for our whole world and everything within it. Usually, only when the dust has settled after a while, we recognise that the change has been for the better and that it has moved us forward on the evolutionary spiral. The Uranian energies also are of an iconoclastic nature and every one of us is provided with a certain amount of this power, to be used when the right time for doing so has come. At least potentially, these energies enable us to smash to smithereens that which has outlived its usefulness, for ourselves, for the whole of humankind as well as its world. The Aquarian energies can be used for getting rid of any icon and that, for the time being, still applies in particular to making of money.

And that’s also how the old religions have been shrinking away, for quite some time by now. There is no doubt in my mind that the war machinery manufacturers are bound to follow in their footsteps. And after having shown themselves in their true colours and revealed their real intentions, who will continue to trust the products of the pharma industry? For quite some time, they too have been in the process of being replaced by natural healing methods and, by now, ever more of us are learning to tap into the Universal blessing and healing energies. Being free of charge, they are available by day and night to anyone who asks for them. All we have to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life, and then ask God and the Angels that their healing energies should fill our whole being and attend to that which is troubling us. From there these energies will quite naturally continue their journey and flow to wherever someone is in need of healing.

But now, let’s now take a closer look at the words at the head of this chapter. They could have been written for me or even by me. Since the days of my childhood the words of songs have been just as important to me as their melodies. Both together have a wondrous ability of starting to talk and telling me things I was up to then unaware of. That’s what happened to me the other day about our world’s present situation. A song came to mind that reminded me of standing by a campfire in the Kieler Bay on the Baltic sea, in the year 1948. It was shortly after the end of the currency reform that gave Germany the Deutschmark.

I was eleven years old at the time. The Second World War from 1939-1945 with its Nazi dictatorship lay behind us. Alas, on top of it the German civilian population had to endure three more years of severe hardships when people had to survive on a near starvation diet that had been designed by the American Morgenthal plan. Read more about these times by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Exceptionally cold winters also had to be dealt with. Our family, the same as millions of others, did not have enough to eat for their rapidly growing children. There were four of us who had not enough warm clothes and sometimes were without shoes on our feet. On several occasions, my mother did not send us to school because of it, which got her into difficulties with some of our teachers. Only small amounts of fuel were available for keeping warm. And yet, our family was among the comparatively rich!

At the end of those nine years, everybody was looking for something good to happen in our world. It came about for my middle sister and me when we were allowed to join the Falcons, a German socialist movement for children and young people. Before and during the war, the Nazi regime had tried to suppress and eradicate the original and old-established socialist movement and all its organisations, including the Falcons. Fortunately, they did not succeed. By now, the Falcons have a history of over ninety years behind it. To this day, they organise camps and other spare time activities. They encourage the country’s youngsters to think in terms of democracy and social justice, equality and beneficial general changes to their society.

And that takes me back to the Kieler Bay. In the evenings we gathered around a campfire and sang the new songs we were learning, as well as older ones. One of my favourites was a song from the Russian revolution. Someone had translated its words into German. I remember how they were ringing a chord deep within me and that’s probably why to this day I have neither forgotten the melody of this song nor its words that speak of freedom, justice and solidarity.

It was the German music interpreter and conductor Hermann Scherchen, 1891-1966, who got to know this song during his time as a Russian prisoner of war in Latvia, at the beginning of the First World War 1914. He wrote the song’s German text in 1918, shortly after getting home at the end of the war. The melody is taken from a Russian student song and it’s original Russian text was written by Leonid Petrovich Radin, 1860-1900.

Scherchen came across this song for the first time when he was travelling on a train on which political prisoners were also transported through Moscow; they were singing this song. Not surprisingly, it went from strength to strength and with the passing of time took its rightful placed alongside the ‘International’ and other songs of this nature. Communist and socialist parties and organisations adopted it as their battle hymn. The Nazis published it from 1934 in one of their songbooks. It was adopted as the battle song of the Nazi SA or Sturmabteilung, i.e. storm detachment. The SA was the party’s original paramilitary wing that played a significant role in Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (8)

Longing For Freedom

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Longing For FreedomTo my mind, the spirit of the Aquarian age could not be any better expressed than through this song. I was hoping to translate its words for you, but alas stumbled over the very first one. It is ‘brothers’ and considering that equal rights for both genders have been with us for quite a long time, that goes very much against the grains with me. I settle for ‘comrades’; aren’t we all ‘comrades in arms’? Fortunately, our arms have nothing in common with military weapons. They are the loving arms of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and It’s Light. So here we go:

‚Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit. Brüder zum Licht empor!’ Comrades, to the Sun, to Freedom. In the spiritual sense, light has two meanings. The first one is the life-giving and –supporting light and warmth of the Sun in the sky above us. The second is the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, which for a long time remained hidden behind the surface words of the sacred texts of our world’s religions, as well as this song. But at long last, ever more spirit/souls are developing the ability of flying on the wings of their spiritual knowledge and understanding. This enables them to lift themselves and the whole human race into the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, to find new hope, faith and trust in the goodness of their existence.

Every human being has the birthright to eventually discover their own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. The spiritual light that then comes to us has the power of shining into the darkest corners of our earthly existence. It has the power of cleansing every one of us from that which still appears to be dark, ugly and evil in our own nature as well as our world. In truth, however, nothing is truly evil, because it is but the crude and unevolved manifestation of something. This applies as much to you as it does to me.

With the help of a better understanding of our own true nature and God’s wisdom and truth, the second meaning of light brings about spiritual growth. The Universal Christ is the Sun behind the Sun and the Light of all lights. That’s how It’s light and warmth, in those two ways by day and night, shines through the Sun in the sky above our world into everything that takes part in it.

The freedom the song speaks of is that of the Aquarian age. It is the age of rebellion and revolution, during which honesty and truth will gradually emerge as our world’s supreme ruling forces. Aquarian freedom consists of the freedom of believing only what our inner guidance, through the world of our feelings, says is true! Even if it isn’t for anybody else – as yet.

‚Hell aus der dunklen Vergangenheit leuchtet die Zukunft hervor.’ From the darkness of past ages and times that taught us what kind of damage lying, cheating and deceptions can do, individually and collectively. The future of a new golden age of knowledge and truth, with plenty for all and the end of suffering and even death, radiates from the darkness of the past of not knowing and understanding who and what we truly are. In spite of ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes’, as Shakespeare wrote, in the course of many lifetimes, every one of us steadily progresses forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral and that of our world.

This continues until we have become enlightened enough to realise that in truth everybody is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light. Therefore, we are young Gods in the making who are serving the first part of their apprenticeship in the earthly school of life. With the passing of time, it dawns on us that God is in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, that love is of God but so is hatred. In the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human being – without exception – is walking the road of overcoming and leaving the latter behind and that can only be done through bringing forth and developing the former.

That’s how, each in their own right, evolves into a Christed one, eventually, who realises that we ourselves are God and that our earthly education’s purpose all along has been the development of the higher and highest aspects of God’s nature and our own, for our own benefit and that of the whole of humankind and our world. And that’s how, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we and our world for a long time have been marching, steadily and unstoppably, along the road of enlightenment for all. There is nothing that can halt or even delay our evolutionary progress and the coming of a new golden age, because these things were written in God’s great evolutionary plan for humankind and its planet, when both of them first came into being.

‚Seht, wie ein Zug von Millionen endlos aus Nächtigem quillt, bis unserer Sehnsucht Verlangen Himmel und Nacht erfüllt!’ Our race’s longing for true freedom has been filling Heaven and Earth, by day and by night and that for a long, long time. God and the Angels have always responded to our yearning, in their own way. But now at last the time is right for millions of us to emerge from the darkness of not knowing and understanding. Through finding out where they are coming from and going to, the state of slavery for increasing numbers of people has reached its end. They are no longer allowing themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter, by the greed and avarice of anyone.

Those characteristics are the driving forces behind our world’s present situation, just as much as they were with the religions of the past, the manufacturing industry of war machinery and, for some years by now, the pharma industry. The only God or icon all of them ever truly served was the one of moneymaking.

Recommended Reading:
•   ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (9)

Ending All Slavery

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Ending All Slavery

‚Brüder, in eins nun die Hände. Brüder, das Sterben verlacht! Ewig der Sklaverei ein Ende. Heilig die letzte Schlacht.’ United we stand and what doesn’t make us weaker, makes us stronger. So let’s reach out for each other and walk hand in hand with God and the Angels. Let’s laugh about the notion of death, because it simply does not exist. We merely move forwards to a different dimension of life, the spirit realm, humankind’s true home. That’s where every spirit/soul merely goes at the end of each earthly lifetime and re-emerges when the gift of a new one has been granted.

It’s only a thin veil that separates our two worlds from each other. Whenever we move behind the veil, we can join one of the numerous groups of spirit guides and helpers. From that world we can support our loved ones on this side more effectively than we ever could before. The spirit realm is the inner part of our world. It is part of us and with us, even though our earthly eyes cannot see it. It’s neither ‘out there’ nor ‘up there’ somewhere.

And humankind’s last battle is a holy one because it consists of the awakening of every one’s own higher God or Christ nature. With the passing of time, all Divine sparks slowly and steadily absorb ever more of the Christ Star’s light. As soon as one of them has done so sufficiently, which happens for all of us at a certain developmental point, their higher God or Christ nature gradually takes over its counterpart, the earthly personality. It usually surrenders itself without too much struggle, glad to be guided intuitively by God and the Angels, and their spirit helpers.

The word ‘Islam’ means surrender. Its true meaning is every earthly human being surrendering itself, freely and willingly, to its higher God or Christ nature. This surrender is holy because it takes place on a different level, i.e. everybody’s own inner spiritual plane. It consists of overcoming and leaving behind that which is crude and unevolved, in our own nature and our world. The only purpose these things ever served were waiting to be transformed into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Attending to this is not really a battle and it’s not even evil. It just means recognising that which has become undesirable and no longer suits our own evolutionary requirements and our world’s. These aspects need to be accepted and then, individually and collectively, freely and willingly surrendered to the hopes, dreams and aspirations of humankind’s higher God or Christ Self. When ever more of us work along these lines of unfolding and developing their Divine qualities, the Christ Spirit of our whole world is born. The Jesus tale’s birth of the Christ child represents this process that eventually takes place in every one of us and our world.

That’s how the last holy ‘battle’ is going to bring about the end of all oppression and slavery, especially of the spiritual kind. This battle is meant to be won by every one of us, and that without a drop of blood being shed. And that’s what we are in the middle of experiencing. Thanks and praise be to the Highest that Mother Earth and the inhabitants of all her kingdoms have at last reached this developmental phase.

Thanks and praise also to our spirit friends and helpers who are intuitively showing ever more of us what kind of contribution they can make to this process. How about now tuning the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest, so that the Great Father/Mother’s wisdom and truth can flow through you into our world with ever increasing strength? So that, from the darkness of the past’s lying and cheating, corruption and dishonesty, radiates ever more strongly the light of the golden age when honesty and truth, wisdom and love will be our world’s only and supreme rulers.

People will then be supporting and helping each other, instead of doing their best to rob and exploit those around them. The perfect justice of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will be well known by everybody and nobody will have any difficulties conducting their lives in keeping with the Universal laws.

As touched upon earlier, the Aquarian age is a period for rebellions and revolutions. The present one will be fought with the conscious awareness that love and thought are the two most powerful weapons that exist in the whole of Creation. Therefore, kind, loving and forgiving thoughts are the most powerful weapon that can be wielded by anyone, by day and night, anywhere. If we join forces and come together as a group, we are strong and when we are working hand in hand with God and the Angels we are invincible!

On the inner level there is no separation between anything. All life is one. Love and friendship are the themes of the Aquarian age and these bonds connect all of us with each other, those who are aware of what kind of beneficial energies are influencing our whole world with ever increasing strength, as well as those who so far have no idea it.

Six pointed Star 

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (10)

The Yoke Around Humankind’s Neck

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – The Yoke Around Humankind's NeckMy inner guidance tells me that, when Scherchen heard this song at the end of World War I, the Highest Forces of life inspired him to express not only his own yearning for the freedom of the Aquarian age, but also for the whole of humankind. That’s how he contributed such a long time ago, in his own unique style, to bringing about the end of a world in which trouble and strife, lying and cheating, exploitation and slavery had been the order of the day for a very long time.

As soon as we become aware of our true nature and that our earthly existence serves a wise higher purpose, we can no longer be forced into taking part in wars that are not our concern, in which we have no interest whatever and are unwilling to fight for the power crazy ones and money spinners of our world. We yearn for a world that’s simply at peace. And that’s how the German version of this song came into being.

What’s at present happening in our world is not unlike the senseless slaughtering of people, for the sake of satisfying the greed and avarice of two money-printing weapon manufacturers, who are responding to each other in World War I and II, whose latest inventions are making the killing of millions ever easier. It seems to me that the only difference is that this time one part of the pharma industry produced first one aspect of its weapon, i.e. the fear of ill health and death through virus infections. Viruses are ideal because their presence is much more difficult to prove than anything else. Part two of the pharma industry’s weapon is rushing out vast amounts of serum that are bound to be of doubtful quality. Never mind, the industry hopes and dreams that eventually every country in our world will make vaccinations with one of their serums compulsory for all its citizens.

What they are not aware of is that, with the help of God and the Angels, the Aquarian age will continue to take humankind forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, until the end of all kinds of slavery has been achieved. First in line is the spiritual slavery that was inflicted upon humankind by our world’s old religions with their false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. Their true purpose in life also was money spinning and that through various types of warmongering that unashamed robbed people of their resources. The warmongering stayed, merely the weapons changed with the passing of time.

In the six thousand years of patriarchy, first the religions with their false beliefs of all-male God-heads appeared. When they eventually lost their grip on their ideas of ruling our world, manufacturers of ever more sophisticated war machinery entered the picture. In different countries they were helping each other to become ever richer. And for some time by now viruses have been taking their place and the pharma industry is doing their best to convince humankind that the only way of surviving at all is accepting their vaccinations. The driving force always has been the greed of the industries involved and pushing the whole train along, from behind invariably has been and still is FEAR!

That’s how, from time to time, a different lot of troublemakers and scaremongers manage to rule our world’s roost for a while. They stay until someone else’s turn has come to frighten people out of their wits. Fear is the worst yoke that all human beings for a long time carry around their necks. And as I know from first hand experience, it’s an exceedingly difficult one to remove. But we are not alone in this and it can be done. With the help of God and the Angels all things are possible and they have been waiting for a long time to intuitively show us how to go about it. All we have to do is ask!

To my mind, the worst slavery of all throughout the ages has been believing that every word of our world’s sacred texts is literally true. For long enough they have kept us away from finding out who and what we truly are and what God really means. For example, Jesus is not a historical figure who once walked in our midst and who save and redeem us, if we believe in him. The God-man, half human and half God, is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. That is the only one in the whole of Creation who really can save and redeem us, namely we ourselves have to do it. Nobody will come and wave some kind magic wand over us, to do it for us. Heaven and hell are not places that anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness which human beings are capable of creating for themselves and people and animals alike around them.

There never was an all-male Godhead of Father and Son. In truth, the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Light. Things like these are the yokes that have been waiting for a long time to be removed from every human being’s neck. As soon as that has been done, no kind of troublemaker and scaremonger will ever be able to deceive us. When our opinions are solidly based on what our inner guidance, the wise one or loving God within, in any given moment tells us intuitively is right or wrong for us, truth or lie, no-one can lead us astray or prevent us from coming to our own conclusions and using our own judgment,

Through the awareness of who and what we truly are, what we always have been and forever will be, that our true nature is love, that from love we have come and to love we are going, individually and collectively, our earthly self’s fears melt away like snow before the warmth and love of the Sun. And who and what is the Sun in the sky above us? One of the many physical manifestations of the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, the Universal Christ’s light.

One of these days, the whole of humankind will have reached the state of fearlessness. That’s when humankind’s longing and dreaming of living in world, whose outer and inner plane is filled with nothing but peace that will last forever and never go away. The more we yearn, with our whole being for the appearance of such a world, the more it fills Heaven and Earth, the more millions are going to emerge from the darkness of their spiritual ignorance into the radiance of the Aquarian age’s light of honesty and truth. And here at last is the song in its original version:

Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit,
Brüder zum Licht empor!
Hell aus der dunklen Vergangenheit
leuchtet die Zukunft hervor.

Seht, wie ein Zug von Millionen
endlos aus Nächtigem quillt,
bis unserer Sehnsucht Verlangen
Himmel und Nacht erfüllt!

Brüder, in eins nun die Hände.
Brüder, das Sterben verlacht!
Ewig, der Sklaverei ein Ende,
Heilig die letzte Schlacht.

Heinrich Scherchen 1918

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘War And Peace Among Nations’
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (11)

The Magic Of Music

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers For Comfort & Healing - The Magic Of Music

Music is one of the most essential parts of the great Mother of all life. I am the feminine wisdom and love aspect of the Divine Trinity and the soul of the whole of Creation. Music is My voice that informs your world about the harmonies of the Heavenly Fields, on the highest levels of life. With the help of poets and composers who are serving Me, I share them with you on the earthly plane. The magic of My music has always captivated the senses of human beings, so that I could communicate with them more easily. Since time immemorial, making music and listening to it has had the power of lifting humankind above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and lifting them into My loving arms.

I inspire the making of instruments and the musicians who use them. They, like everything in the whole of Creation, are constantly moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life and that of the whole humankind. That’s why I constantly encourage them to aim for ever better sounds that please them, their listeners and also Me. I am mistress and servant alike, not only of those who dwell on the earthly plane but also those who on that plane are believed to be dead, when in truth the essence of their being, their spirit/soul is alive and well in My world, the spirit realm. That’s humankind’s true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to when it has run its course.

As the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, I am eternal and immortal and so is every one of you. My music responds to the needs of all who are taking part either side of the thin veil that separates your two worlds from each other. In days gone by, I used to accompany you into battle and was there each time some physical remains were laid to rest in a grave. My vibrations have the power of making humankind laugh and rejoice, weep and mourn, wonder and worship. My sound can tell stories of love and hate, of souls who have been condemned as well as redeemed. Your prayers fly on My wings and take you into My world.

I am part of the smoke that falls over battlefields, where people are dying and thinking of their loved ones. Each one of you can only learn through their own experiences that there is no glory in warmongering, merely suffering and dirt, pain and blood, as well as tears for your own misery and of those you are leaving behind.

I reach and comfort human spirit/souls when their earthly selves have to wade through the depths of depression and despair, because of the karmic debts they themselves have created in other lifetimes or earlier in this one. I open human hearts to love and I am as much present and at home on marriage altars, as christening fonts and funerals. Each time someone stands at the open grave of a loved one, who has been called home into the world of light, I console those who are left behind. I heal the inner wound that was caused by the other person’s leaving.

I am but one of the many qualities and gifts of the great Father/Mother of all life. I am the Goddess and God is My masculine counterpart. I serve Him and the whole of our creation, and vice versa. Before Me everybody is equal. Kings and their servants alike are My slaves. In the school of earthly life, I communicate with you in many different ways. The birds of the air, the insects in the fields, the crashing of waves on ocean shores and the wind sighing in the trees, all are speaking My language. And once you have become aware of My presence, you can perceive me anywhere, even in the chatter of voices and the clatter of wheels on city streets.

All life is My family and you are as much part of Me as I am part of you. The very best as well as the worst is in every one of you. And all of you are instruments that were created to serve us, the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit’s light. We in turn serve you. You are like us and we are like you. We have never left any one of you. During your race’s most traumatic experiences, the voice of My music has always served you upfront. I was there and I will never leave you. Each time one of you is wounded in mind and body, spirit and soul, listening to Me comforts and heals.

I am the inspiration behind all works of art. That’s the way I enjoy expressing and experiencing myself through you most. I have always inspired your world’s writers of poetry and prose, as well as your composers. To this day, I get some of you to write poems and others to set them to music, so that My messages can reach millions of you in this way. Some of you can use words and music together for the blessing and healing of the whole of humankind. Such gifts take many lifetimes to develop.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and the quality of what you produce depends on which evolutionary level you have reached, at any given moment and how well the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies. That’s how I inspired Aquarius to bring this to you. I hope that it encourage ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to take to the wings of your own creative imagination. The Angels and I can then assist you to lift yourself, the whole of humankind and your world, to experience ever higher levels of life, whilst still taking part in earthly life but adding a touch of the magic and beauty of My world to everything you do.

The cosmic dance of your solar system’s planets is constantly making a sound that in your world is known as the music of the spheres. It’s My voice that always has and forever will be accompanying every one of you and the whole of Mother Earth with all here kingdoms on their journey forwards on an upwards winding spiral, in keeping with the Father’s great evolutionary plan. Every planet and house of the zodiac has a different lessons to teach and therefore plays a unique kind of music, during the times you spend attending the earthly school of life.

Whilst there, learn to pay attention to the birds, but not only their songs. They are My messengers and I am the one who orchestrates them and their movements. If you watch them, their behaviour patterns can give you valuable clues about your own motivations and what’s happening in the world around you. Their mere presence has always been trying to tell you that, in spite of the fact that you are tied to the earthly plane by your physical body for a certain length of time, your spirit/soul remains free. Every one of you has been provided with wings, just like the birds, and that’s your imagination because it enables you to go wherever and whenever you wish. As soon as you think of a place, even if it is in one of the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, you are instantly there.

And when you do not listen to the song of birds with your mind alone, you can sense the vibrations of their joy and happy feelings stir in you. They too are wings on which every one of you has the power of lifting themselves above the conditions of their earthly existence onto the higher and eventually highest levels of My realm. That’s how you can release yourself, at least for a while, from whatever could be troubling you at any given time. Music vibrations sometimes have the power of lifting you into My heart, to which yours responds with feelings of happiness. Regardless of how anxious and frightened you may sometimes feel about what’s happening in your world, when you listen to music whose vibrations deeply resonate with your innermost being, gladness fills your whole being and that increases your faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

Birds belong to the air element, the region of thought. They are telling you that your spirit/soul is part of their realm and that in truth it is as free as the birds. Try it out for yourself and observe how your thoughts can instantly take you into a distant corner of Creation. Every human spirit/soul has its own song. As soon as yours has become as pure and clear as that of the birds, nothing in the whole of Creation will even try to stop you from lifting yourself and the whole of humankind into the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ, so that all can share them with you.

The music of times gone by is living proof that I, the Great Mother, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, never left you. This applied particularly during the six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine and the make-believe world of a nonsensical all-male Godhead. During that time, your whole world was particularly in need of Me and My gifts.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Message Of The Birds’
•    ‘The Lark’s Message’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (12)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth . . .

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – The Truth - Nothing But The Truth . . .

Today I would like to introduce you to another truly inspired man and that is the American journalist, Jon Rappaport. His ability of going after the truth of a matter and finding it, is astonishing. I find this most refreshing and welcome in these times of turmoil, when the Divine qualities of humankind’s higher nature of honesty and truth, would be in danger of getting overlooked and lost in the shuffling that for some time has taken place on our world’s outer plane. But not when Jon is around!

Here are Jon’s most recent efforts. Each one of them is well worth taking the time for reading. Thanks and praise be to the Highest for giving us people of Jon’s calibre, who are willing to share their reflections on our world’s background with us. I believe that under this author’s pen the truth comes bubbling to the surface better than anywhere else! Thank you, Jon, and keep the good work up – on behalf of all of us.

1)    Here is something that does not surprise me the tiniest bit. It is about Nazi Germany’s ‘IG Farben: the roots of the COVID plan.’ Published 4th January 2021 by Jon Rappoport


2)    ‘Medical weapons of mass destruction.’ A continuing tradition, in which COVID is the latest example. 5th January 2021 report by Jon Rappoport who is getting ever more inspired. All his articles are highly recommended reading material.

3)    ‘The criminal WHO blows its own cover: fake PCR test.’ By Jon Rappaport 31st December 2020


4)    ‘Why do hypocritical officials violate their own COVID rules?’ The open secret by Jon Rappoport 1st January 2021


5)    ‘World Health Organisation Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website?’ Something fishy going on, very fishy!


4)    ‘The World Health Organisation WHO has Changed The Definition of Herd Immunity.'


Before the change, the definition was as follows: Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. This means that even people who haven’t been infected, or in whom an infection hasn’t triggered an immune response, they are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person. The threshold for establishing herd immunity for COVID-19 is not yet clear.

With Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical companies as the driving force behind the WHO efforts, a new version was published 15th October 2020. It now states: ‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.

5)    ‘COVID: where are the courageous religious leaders?’ By Jon Rappoport


6)    ‘Lockdown civilization: phase one and phase two.’ By Jon Rappoport 6th January 2021 ‘Lockdowns were never about a virus or a pandemic. Lockdown Civilization has been in the planning and development stage for a long time.’


7)    ‘To the people of lockdown California: it’s jailbreak time!’ By Jon Rappoport 7th January 2021


8)    ‘Was the assault on the Capitol building a false flag?’ By Jon Rappoport 7th January 2021

9)    ‘When protestors took over federal buildings: a little thing called history.’ By Jon Rappoport 11th January 2021


10)    ‘Breitbart: anti-lockdown protestors force their way into Oregon capitol.’ By Jon Rappoport – How much longer is it going to take until the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age of rebellion and shaking off any yoke that anyone tries to put on humankind?


11)    ‘CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination.’


12)    ‘A brilliant analysis of vaccination, by Richard Moskowitz, MD and homeopath.’ By John Rappaport


13) ‘In case you thought the PCR test detects an actual virus...wrong.’ By Jon Rappoport


14) ‘COVID: Open letter to business owners.’ And an offer by Jon Rappoport


15) ‘When protestors took over federal buildings: a little thing called history.’ By Jon Rappoport 11th January 2021


16)     ‘Exposed: Fauci and CDC clash; can’t keep their story straight.’By Jon Rappoport 12th January 2021


17)    ‘Your group sets off a bomb in the Senate building, and Bill Clinton pardons you.’ The astounding Susan Rosenberg case, and the logic of the left. By Jon Rappoport 13th January 2021


18)    ‘Alert: the operation to squash protests in America.’ By Jon Rappoport 14th January 2021


19)     ‘COVID vaccine secret, a stunner!’ By Jon Rappoport 15th January 2021


20) ‘The Matrix Revealed: Cartels That Run The World.’ By Jon Rappoport 9th January 2021


21)     ‘Power Outside The Matrix: The Free Individual Returns from the Dead.’ There are two major effects of overall mind control. By Jon Rappoport 16th January 2021


22)    ‘Why Twitter and FB must ban the NY Times.’ By Jon Rappoport 19th January 2021  


Jon Rappoport was born April 16, 1938. He is an American journalist and author living in San Diego, California with his wife, Dr. Laura Thompson, with whom he does much work advocating alternative medicine. He studied philosophy for four years at Amherst College in Massachusetts, graduating in 1960. He has published the web site nomorefakenews.com since 2001. He has been an investigative reporter for over 20 years. Rappoport has also authored several non-fiction books. Although his main focus over these years has been the power of the imagination and creativity, he is most often cited and interviewed as an authority on conspiracies and global elites, the work of the latter, as Rappoport sees it, in general being implemented through the seven global cartels, which he identifies as the government, military, money, intelligence, energy, media, and medical.

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (13)

From ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’

On Religion

 On Religion - The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - Rays of Wisdom - A Celebration of Kahlil Gibran

An old priest said: ‘Speak to us of Religion.’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Have I ever spoken to you of anything else?
Isn’t everything a religion in its own special way,
Because it’s a gift from our Creator and connects us
With Him/Her, no matter what our world’s religions
Have ever told us about who or what God is.
God is the wonder and surprise human spirit/souls experience,
For example when their hands are hewing a stone
Or attending to a weaving loom.

‘Who can separate their faith from their actions
Or their beliefs from their occupations?
Who can spend their daily hours and say:
‘This part of me is for God and that for myself.
This is for my spirit/soul and that for my physical body?’
All hours of any given lifetime are
Wings on which our spirit/soul is working
Its way through space and time.
For a long time without being aware of what we are doing,
We are experiencing every part of our being.
Effortlessly, we change from our God or Christ nature
To our earthly personality, its counterpart.

‘If we wear our morality only as our best garment
When we attend church on Sundays,
There is no way of getting any idea
Of what the concept of God truly means.
For as long as someone’s conduct is limited by
The dogma and creed of one religion or another,
Their soul’s songbird is like being trapped in a cage.
Nobody can sing their finest songs from behind wires and bars.
And for as long as someone’s worshipping is but a window
That they open and shut at their will,
It’s impossible for them to experience
The constantly open windows of
Every human being’s spirit/soul’s true home,
The world of spirit or light.

‘The Aquarian age brings the recognition for the whole of humankind
That everybody’s daily life is the temple of the only true religion,
Of love and integrity, honesty and truth.
Let’s enjoy and made good use of everything that we,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have brought into being, whether something
Is a necessity or serves our delight.
Each night, before going into dreamtime,
Lets leave our mistakes behind because
They were nothing but lessons the past
Instead, rise on the wings of the knowledge
Our spirit guides and helpers are intuitively bringing us.
Let’s take our whole world and everything that shares it with us
Into the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother of all life.
Embrace humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspiration
Into the spirit realm, so they can intuitively show
Us how we can contribute to fulfilling them.

‘Together with God and the Angels,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
Lets lift ourselves on the wings of honesty and truth
Into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age,
Finding out who and what our Creator truly is by
Discovering the higher and highest realities of our
Earthly existence and it’s inner spiritual background.
Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be led by our noses
And following like sheep the information spread by
Our world’s troublemakers and scaremonger,
As well as other things that were written a long time ago,
Are outdated and are in need of reviewing, now.

‘The religion of the Aquarian age is of the heart.
For some time by now it has been working hard on
Explaining to all human beings, that
Independent of colour, race or creed, every one of them
Is taking part in the earthly school of life,
To help the grow in wisdom and understanding of
The true nature of God, their own and their world.
The belief systems of the past were not really religions.
The word means connecting with God and all they did
Was purposely keeping us away from discovering
Who and what God truly is and who we are.
Fortunately, by now this has reached its end.

‘The Great Father/Mother of all life’s
God and Goddess aspects
Are as very much alive in every one of us,
As well as our children and everybody else.
And when we gaze into space, especially at night,
To our delight we discover that even with
Every star and cloud our Divine parents are embracing
Everything that takes part in our world and that
With the same loving care with which they are attending
To the rest of the whole of their Creation.

‘Every ray of sunshine and drop of rain
That touches the Earth, comforts, blesses and heals
Humankind and our whole world.
In every flower, leave and blade of grass
God and Goddess are smiling.
The branches of our trees, like their hands and arms,
Are waving to us and the wind
Whispers words of healing and peace.
Anyone who is aware of their presence can hear
What they are telling our world about
The religion of the Aquarian age:

‘There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And their only born Son/Daughter.
They are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Reinterpreted by Aquarius
Updated January 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty And Truth : The New World Order (14)

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

Part One

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

1) ‘David Rasnick: new strain of the coronavirus, or a giant con? How deep do the lies go?’ By Jon Rappoport 26th January 2021


1)    ‘SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist.’ The shocking research of Christine Massey by Jon Rappoport 26th January 2021


2)    ‘COVID: If they haven’t isolated the virus, how can they make a vaccine?’ By Jon Rappoport 27th January 2021

3)    ‘The Coronavirus: using "animal models" as proof of infection; another lie.’ By Jon Rappoport 28th January 2021


4)    ‘COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?’By Jon Rappoport 29th January 2021-01-29


5)    ‘Power Outside The Matrix: Cult of the reality builders.’ By Jon Rappoport 30th January 2021


6)    ‘The Matrix Revealed: The trick behind Occult systems.’ By Jon Rappoport 31st January 2021


7)    ‘The non-existent virus: it undercuts all other stories.’ By Jon Rappoport 1st February 2021


8)    ‘Official COVID death numbers: the fraud, the killing.’ By Jon Rappoport 2nd February 2021


9)    ‘COVID, a disease in name only.’ By Jon Rappoport 3rd February 2021


10)    ‘If there is no virus, what is the test testing for?’ By Jon Rappoport 4th February 2021


I believe that Jon Rappaport is speaking the truth, because a) he knows it and b) because my inner guidance confirms that what he says is true. He is the real thing. He has been there. He knows what he is talking about and is not trying to mislead anybody, as so many have always been doing – and to this day are trying to do. To me, one of our world’s main voices of untruth is Bill Gates. I am in the privileged position of having the birthcharts of Jon and Bill as well as being blessed with the ability to interpret them. Each chart is telling me its own story, loud and clear. So you can see for yourself why to me Jon is a voice of truth and Bill of untruth, I am going to take you on an astrological excursion into some aspects of both men’s birthcharts.

Before going any further, once more I would like to draw your attention to the fact that none of my readers ever had to take my word for what I have written. There is no need for it because everybody has their very own built-in lie-detector and is naturally guided by the wise one or living God within them. And that’s the only truly reliable teacher or guru that ever existed in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. This is the only truly trustworthy one who never and never will be interested in leading us astray.

Using this guidance is simplicity itself, the way all truly great concepts are. It communicates with us through the world of our feelings. Anyone who does not wish to be led by their nose, like a sheep to the slaughter or in this case to take part in compulsory vaccinations against something that does not even exist, is in urgent need of learning to pay attention to their inner guidance.

Having got that off my chest, we are going to have a closer look at Jon Rappaport’s and Bill Gates’ astrological details, as far as they are known to me. Jon is a Sun Aries and Moon Scorpio. Aries is the fiery pioneering and wayfinding first sign of the zodiac. People who were born with their Sun in this sign are natural leaders and their favourite theme is ‘me first!’ Nothing suits them better than intrepidly knocking their heads against any obstacle that tries to get in their way. And because they are constantly on the look-out for fresh opportunities and greener pastures, it’s impossible to seriously stop their progress in life.

Aries people are particularly good at finding new and better ways of living and being, and have a knack for showing others by their example how to do the same for themselves. They are unafraid of charging ahead and trampling a path where no-one has been before, so that more timid and cautions spirit/souls can follow them, if they so wish. They are the eager beavers and the original ideas people of the zodiac, who never lack energy and enthusiasm for any kind of new enterprise.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (15)

The Nature Of Scorpio

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – The Nature Of ScorpioThe signs of the Water element are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s emotional nature. Scorpio is the fixed Water sign and those born with their Sun in one of the fixed signs are stubborn. They can get so set in their ways that it’s almost impossible for them to change their attitudes and general approach to life. This is true for Scorpios and whether the world around them likes it or not, they insist on having their own way, no matter what.

They are deeply feeling and emotionally highly sensitive and extremely vulnerable people, even though it may not look like that on the surface. This is because they are secretive creatures, especially when it comes to their feelings because occasionally they can be so painful that, with the passing of time, they become ever better at hiding their feelings, if need be from themselves. With his Sun in Scorpio, Bill is affected by this on the conscious level and Jon, with his Scorpio Moon, from his subconscious.

Scorpio’s spiritual development consists of three distinctive phases. The first one is the nature of the scorpion with a deadly sting in its tale that in human beings manifests itself through the use of their tongue. Never mind, it’s what the scorpion needs to sting itself to death and reach the second phase of the eagle. People’s scorpionic nature then takes to its wings and they rise above whatever earthly conditions they were born into. Alas, the eagle is still nothing but a bird of prey a sharp beak and claws with which it loves robbing people of what is rightfully theirs. And that’s what they do with the greatest of ease whenever possible.

The third stage is the dove of peace. That’s when Scorpio, having been moved forwards and upwards on its personal evolutionary journey by the experiences of its pathway through life up to that point, has learnt how to use its wings and the ability to fly for locating what’s good for the whole of humankind. The way Jon behaves shows that he must have left the second Scorpio development stage behind some time ago. I admire his way of using the third stage for revealing ever more of the truth behind our world’s present situation.

By the look of Bill Gates’ behaviour up to now, he brilliantly managed the first stage. But alas, for the time being he appears to be stuck in the second one. This is how both men are making excellent use of the energies the Universal Forces are making available to them, each in their own unique manner, because Bill Gates is a Sun Scorpio and Moon Aries. And it’s up to each one of you, dear readers, to decide which man in your view is speaking the truth. Naturally, this depends on how your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within you, reacts to what Jon Rappaport and Bill Gates have to say about our world’s present situation.

Scorpio’s great emotional sensitivity enables them to develop into fine detectives, who enjoy working for the good of humankind. Alas, the same ability can also make them into particularly clever criminals. The most devious ones are those who mask the way they are plundering people’s resources and destroying their countries economies through the pretence that what they are doing is for the benefit of the whole of humankind.

The only thing that makes this possible is someone’s lack of spiritual awareness and the belief that they are working in the greatest of secrecy. That’s how detective and the criminal alike, with equal ease are making use of our world’s laws. Fortunately, that’s impossible with the Universal spiritual laws that rule the whole of Creation and therefore also our world. Their justice is perfect because these laws simply return to us whatever we send into the Universe. That’s why, in due course, we all get what we deserve.

If they were already aware of these laws, there would be no criminals in our world. None of them would dream of even touching the things with which some of them have been spending their time, for a long time by now. For example, what would Bill Gates do if he knew that our world consists of an outer plane and an inner spiritual one? That there really is a God and beings of light, whom for simplicity’s sake I like to call Angels? That these are the eyes that never sleep because, together with millions of spirit helpers, they are constantly observing everything that happens on the earthly plane? How will Bill react when he finds out that all of us, without exception, are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions? That every one of them leaves its mark on the etheric plane and creates either a credit or debit in our spiritual bank account? And that the debit ones have to be made good or redeemed, by none other than each one of us ourselves?

If Bill’s spiritual nature wakes up before his present lifetime is over, he will kick himself when he finds out that on the inner plane all life is one and when we damage and hurt others, that’s what we are doing to ourselves. And what he thinks of as his innermost secret thought, on the inner plane it’s as if he were shouting them from the rooftops. To my mind, it’s not really evil what people like Bill are doing. It’s merely a lack of awareness about the presence of the before mentioned beings of light and the role they are playing in every human being’s life. They are reacting to whatever any one of us does in thoughts, words and actions, in ways so that, each through their own experiences, grows in wisdom and understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (16)

Knowing The Truth And Speaking It

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Know The TruthTo my mind, the main difference between Jon and Bill at present is that Jon knows the truth and speaks it, loud and clear. Bill also knows the truth, but he is doing his best to hide it most carefully. That’s what he thinks and the only one he is fooling is – himself! On the inner plane everybody knows about every one of his thoughts, words and actions and the intentions behind them. They are smiling, especially about the fact that, in spite of his efforts to bring about worldwide compulsory vaccinations against viruses that do not really exist, he did not allow his three children to be vaccinated. They are 24, 21 and 16 respectively in the year 2021.

It must have been because of a mass swine flu vaccination programme in the USA in 1976 that caused far more illness and deaths than the disease it was designed to combat. The American Health Protection Agency watchdog had asked doctors to look out for cases of GBS at the beginning of the vaccinations. Would anybody in their right senses have their physical body purposely invaded by something that in the end revealed itself as damaging as that? Read more about it by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

Small wonder that John Lennon, 9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980, wrote: ‘Our societies are run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we are being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I am liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That’s what’s insane about it.’ I believe that speaking the truth was the real reason why he was assassinated.

Be that as it may, which pathway a Scorpio feels drawn to depends on which degree of spiritual maturity they have reached so far. Scorpio is at home in the subconscious regions. During lifetimes spent in this sign much of the subconscious is part of their conscious awareness. It’s only a thin veil of consciousness that separates our inner and outer world from each other for everybody. During lifetimes in Scorpio it is particularly thin. So it does not come as a surprise that many Scorpios are interested in the occult, i.e. that which is usually hidden from common view and knowledge.

With their high emotional sensitivity they somehow know when something is not right in the world around them. That’s how one way or another, from time to time something arouses their curiosity and they go after it. Like a dog with a bone, they cannot let go of the matter until they have got to the bottom of it. This is how Scorpios go after the truth until they find it and then makes use of it, one way or another. Isn’t it wonderful when you come across someone who, through their own life’s experiences, has evolved sufficiently to have developed this ability and who knows how to apply it to reveal the truth about something that’s for the good of our whole world? My inner guidance tells me that this is what Jon Rappaport has been doing for a long, long time.

To find out how this has come about, we shall now take a closer look at the birthcharts of Jon and Bill. The Moon tells us where we are coming from, i.e. the previous lifetime, and the Sun shows the direction in which we are moving forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary spiral. Jon Rappaport’s Sun is in Aries and his Moon in Scorpio. Bill Gates’ Sun is in Scorpio and his Moon in Aries. It looks to me that Jon has continued his evolutionary journey successfully through conquering and overcoming his difficulties and learning a great deal through them. It will be interesting to observe whether Bill Gates is going to get stuck on the second phase of Scorpio’s development of their spiritual nature.

Let’s take a closer look at how this might come about. In the zodiac Scorpio and Taurus are in polar opposition to each other. Taurus is the hedonistic fixed Earth sign, ruled by Venus. The opposite sign is the sleeping partner of our Sun sign whose energies, from the subconscious level, at all times are affecting us just as strongly as those of our Sun sign on the conscious plane. The sleeping partner’s pull may even affect us more, for as long as we are unaware of its presence and so cannot begin to counteract it’s influence.

On the inner level the energies of any two signs in polar opposition influence us as one and that’s the explanation for Bill’s behaviour for the whole of his present lifetime. Taurus is the zodiac’s money sign and Taureans love money more than anything else, because of all the lovely things of the Earth it can buy. Bill’s one hundred and fifty-four dollar mansion shows how strongly he is influenced by the Taurean energies better than anything else. I just hope and pray that he is not going to be ‘ruled by his Stars’ so much that it becomes impossible for him to manage the third stage of his Scorpio development. Read more about this by following the relevant link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Vaccine Dangers’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (17)

Telling A Lie That’s Big Enough

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Telling A Lie That's Big Enough

Jon and Bill’s lives are the finest examples of how individuals are dealing with stage two and three of Scorpio’s development that have ever come my way. Bill, having managed the first and second one, has indeed taken to his wings. But the way he is relieving people of their resources as much as ever to this day, is clear evidence that he has not yet left his bird of prey nature behind. Stage three is still waiting for him. Will he make it?

By the look of things he is following, consciously or unconsciously, the example of Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945. He was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the essence of the Piscean Age better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

Scorpio is the mystery sign of the zodiac about which not a great deal is known. It deals with death and birth, i.e. rebirth into a different dimension of our earthly existence. It’s the sign of degeneration which, one way or another, is invariably followed by regeneration that takes place either on this side of the veil that separates our two worlds from each other or on the other side, i.e. the physical plane or its inner spiritual background. Scorpios are extraordinary people. Their survival instinct is so strong that time and again they can quite literally bounce back from death’s door. Jon’s Moon in Scorpio reveals his ability of dealing with situations in which he was struggling to survive. It was the Universe’s gift of a strong survival instinct that helped him to conquer cancer three times.

Jon’s date of birth 15th April 1938 shows that his destiny number is the number 4 = ruled by Uranus, the co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more the Uranian energies will be providing every one of us with its iconoclastic power of destroying any idols that have outlived their usefulness and are in need of being removed. It looks to me that Jon for a long time has been making use of the gift of these energies for the benefit of the whole of humankind. Clearly that’s been ‘written in the Stars’ in the form of his destiny number from the moment he took his first breath of his present lifetime.

Jon has done his share of suffering and that’s how his spiritual wings have grown. To my mind, he is one of the finest examples of how they can be used for making someone’s contribution towards bringing peace to our world. Jon’s way of doing this is through revealing ever more about the background of our world’s present difficult situation.

Bill’s destiny number is also 4. Clearly, both men all along have been destined to influence our world in some significant way during their present lifetime. The Universal Forces are using them as instruments for teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, on either side of the fence that separates these qualities from lying, cheating and corruption. Neither Jon nor Bill is likely to be aware of how they are actually making use of the iconoclastic power of the Uranian energies. Uranus is the planetary ruler of their destiny number 4, as well as co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius.

Bill’s efforts are trying to use the Uranian energies to destroy the presence of that which is good, right and beautiful in our world, once and for all. At the same time, Jon is doing his best to smash to smithereens whatever gets in the way of honesty and truth and tries to hide and destroy these qualities. On top of that he makes his findings available free of charge to anyone who is interested in discovering the truth behind our world’s present situation. Fortunately, it’s impossible to get rid of honesty and truth. Thanks and praise to the Highest for giving us people like Jon – and also Bill. Without either of them we would never know the difference between lying and cheating and honesty and truth.

To help us learn this lesson that’s the wise higher reason why people like Jon and Bill in our time are still occupied with working on the same issue, in opposite directions. One is busy with redeeming their most ancient karmic debts, hopefully all of them, while the other one is beavering away at creating new ones that can only be made good by the offender against the Universal laws himself.

If only one could tell Bill not to overdo things while the going is good for him. The only way this could possibly be achieved is by keeping on sending him kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. Let’s hope that the light of our thoughts will be absorbed by his Divine spark and help his higher God or Christ nature to wake up and gradually take over. If Bill thinks of a way of redeeming his karmic debts, at the same time this would avoid the need for a repeat performance of our world’s present situation.

So let’s forgive Bill, for he really does not know what he is doing to himself and what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to him, unless we – hand in hand with God and the Angels – help him. Because with their help and will all things really are possible, how about asking them to show us how to go about bringing about this kind of miracle, the greatest one ever on the earthly plane? Somehow I have a good feeling that the last word has not yet been spoken about how Bill’s evolutionary journey of his present lifetime is going to end.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Happy Birthday Bill Gates’
•    ‘When You Wish Upon A Star’

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (18)

Scorpio’s Memory

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Scorpio's MemoryBut let’s stay with Jon a bit longer. As pioneering and wayfinding is his predestined pathway, in spite of all opposition, fearlessly and intrepid he keeps on butting his head against any obstacle that ever gets in the way of revealing the truth, the way he sees it. Scorpios have a wonderful memory that never seem to forget anything and that’s great for his writing efforts. The Scorpio memory reflects how everything we experience on the earthly plane is stored in our subconscious. This is how the energies of the inner and outer world of those who are strongly under the influence of the Scorpio energies sometimes seem to be capable of acting, even though they are still taking part in earthly life.

Because they never forget anything, if you have any Scorpios around you be extra careful how you treat them. Make a point to never hurt an unevolved Scorpio. This sign is co-ruled by Mars, the Roman God of war, and Pluto, their God of the underworld. The same as everything else that exists in our world, naturally the energies of both planets can be used for either good or bad purposes. And knowing how they sometimes feel about people, especially when someone has hurt them, Scorpios find it hard to trust anyone – least of all themselves. And if someone has hurt them deeply, unevolved Scorpios are likely to eventually seek revenge. If it takes thirty years of patient waiting, when they strike something will hit you out of the blue, when you least expect it and it’s sure to hit you where it hurts most.

As touched upon earlier, Scorpio is a fixed sign and people born into all of them are stubborn and very much set in their ways. Changing their minds is very difficult for them. That’s how they create relationship problems for themselves that with a bit more flexibility could easily be avoided. Alas, that’s just about impossible for the fixed signs and especially Scorpio. For as long as they insist on having things their way, no matter what, not many people are willing to put up with them in the long run. That’s why Scorpios often wind up as lone wolves.

My husband and I decided to each go their own way after we had been married for thirty-three years. He was a Capricorn and having been born on 8th January 1937, that means that for the whole of his present lifetime he had to cope with a double dose of the energies of Saturn and Capricorn. As I know now, that’s no joke in anyone’s language. By the way, the eighth day of every months is under the influence of the energies of Saturn and Capricorn. Looking back from where I am now, I realise that separation was the best thing for us at that time. Being a Sun Libra, my ideas of what my home should look like were very different from my husband’s Capricornian ideas. In the end, he felt happier living in a flat, whereas I prefer a house. So at long last each could have their own way. Naturally, there were other major differences that drove us apart.

We had been an excellent team when we were bringing up our children, going to work and looking after our home. Yet, when the youngsters had grown up, we had to deal with the empty nest syndrome, the same as everybody else. We found that we had hardly any common interests left and as a result had become like two strangers under the same roof. My life was in the process of being taken over by discovering that our earthly existence has a spiritual background. I started to explore it in my writings. As soon as I started writing about something, the most amazing discoveries just seemed to come to me.

My husband wasn’t interested in anything of that nature, in those days. So we separated but stayed married. It sounds very simple, but believe you me it most certainly was not. However, with the passing of time, we discovered to our delight that our marriage was becoming better than it had ever been before. The same happened to the friendship that had brought us together in the first place, he living in England and me in Germany. We had been pen-friends for thirteen years when we got married and it was out writing that brought us ever closer together again. He started writing his funny Madazine articles and they were followed by lots of short stories. My writing concentrated ever more on finding a better understanding of the spiritual background of life and sharing my learning with my ever growing worldwide readership.

Be that as it may, having been married for almost fifty-six years has provided me with first hand knowledge that Scorpios really never forget anything. My husband’s Moon was in Scorpio on the Ascendant. Some of his colleagues used to call him a mine of useless information. He truly was like a walking encyclopaedia and I enjoyed asking him about things. As often as not, he knew the answer. Not merely where facts were concerned but also when figures entered the picture. An astonishing ability!

Also, I am glad that I don’t have to take anyone’s word for Scorpio’s ability to survive almost anything. Plenty of evidence has come my way that people with Scorpio on the ascendant of their birthchart invariably had to cope with an exceedingly difficult entry into this lifetime. They survived it thanks to their Scorpionic strength. It had to be used straight away. My husband was one of these people. His Moon was in Scorpio in the first house. The doctor who helped to bring him into our world, said he had never come across a baby that was as long and thin as my husband. He advised father Joseph to tell mother Emma, as carefully as possible, that the baby was unlikely to reach his first birthday.  

Well, my husband passed from this world on 25th January 2020, two weeks after his eighty-third birthday and shortly before the pandemic craziness got hold of our world. I have always admired his sense of timing and it was as perfect as ever on this occasion. His death certificate states that he died from old age frailty and cancer of the nether regions, a typical scorpionic complaint. I was glad that he was no longer suffering and that, if he had departed from this plane somewhat later, his passing would almost certainly have been counted as a Covid death, which it was definitely not. But having been born and growing up in one of the Yorkshire Heavy Woollen District towns, where the air in those days was severely polluted, had a lot to answer for.

He told me how on one occasion as a little boy his parents took him to the seaside. Watching the trees along the railway line, he remembers thinking that there was something wrong with them because their trunks were not black, like those at home. And that was the air people had to breathe in. Not surprisingly, throughout his adult life and especially towards the end, my husband was struggling with breathing difficulties. He had to endure it on top of cancer of the nether regions, a typical Scorpio complaint.

This is the kind of situation that Jon described with such clarity in his item of 29th January 2021. I admire his ability to grasp an issue and the clarity with which he follows it through, digging ever deeper until he has found the truth behind whatever has been trying to hide it. That’s Scorpio at it’s best and how Jon to this day is making good use of never forgetting anything of interest, especially in connection with matters of health.

Six pointed Star

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (19)

Learn How To Use Your Lie-Detector

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Love : The New World Order – Learn How To Use Your Lie-DetectorJon having been born on the 15th April means that his main pathway is that of teacher and healer. Why? 1 = the Sun, 5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of the teaching and healing sign of Virgo, the harvest sign that has the power of bringing the spiritual fruits of someone’s own learning onto the earthly plane, so others can also make use of them. The day of Jon’s birth reveals that although he is a Sun Aries, he is also a Virgo. The motto of this sign is ‘First healer heal thyself and then share your learning with anyone who can make use of it.’

I wonder whether Jon’s efforts of helping our world to do just that through finding the truth behind our world’s present situation will be receiving their just reward towards the end of this lifetime, which he is likely to have reached at his present age of eighty-two. He is doing this without asking for anything in return because, like me, he obviously believes that spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody and should not be sold to the highest bidders.

Jon tells us that he worked thirty years as a detective and that to this day, he teaches private clients about expanding their personal creative power. It’s a picture book unfoldment of using the gifts and talents he developed in the course of many previous lifetimes, so they could be brought to full unfoldment in this one. Colombo, the TV detective played by Peter Falk, provided us with fine examples of Scorpio’s ability of getting onto the trail of any kind of crime that had been committed and how his highly sensitive senses could unfailingly lead him to those who had committed them.

Virgo’s planetary ruler is Mercury, the winged messenger of Roman mythology. He was known and loved for stealing the fire of the Gods – their ideas – to bring comfort and healing to the suffering of humankind on the earthly plane. These ideas have always been flowing intuitively into our world through people like Jon. That’s how the planetary energies of Mercury, God and the Angels using us as its channels, to this day are doing their best to bring us the truth about the background of our world’s present strange situation. They are not only doing this to relieve humankind’s suffering at any given time, but so that through ever more of learning from our experiences, suffering will eventually have gone from our world completely. Jon is a good example of what kind of an influence Mercury’s energies can have on someone’s pathway through life.

Healing and peace can only come to our world through a better understanding of the processes of life and the purpose of humankind’s existence on this plane. Ultimately, it’s up to each one of you, dear Friends, to decide how in your view Jon and Bill are influencing our world’s present situation. It seems to me that Bill is working hard to make the truth disappear, while Jon is doing his best to bring it back by revealing it. This is what George Orwell had to say about this kind of situation: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ Mark Twain added to this: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’

It looks to me that Jon had to work his way through another very difficult lifetime, so he could enter the final stage of Scorpio’s development. Now he really is the dove of peace who works exceedingly hard to bring the truth about the present situation to our world, so that peace may come to it. I wonder whether Bill will have the strength to manage all three stages in one lifetime. As this is a very special time of transformation when our world evolves into an altogether more spiritual place, with the help and will of God and the Angels he can do it, but only then. Time alone can tell. Nothing short of a miracle can bring it about. And Bill’s Moon progressions are telling me that entering the third Scorpio stage could be on the cards or rather ‘written in the Stars’ for him, as these are indeed the days of miracles and wonders, as Paul Simon in one of his ‘Under African Sky’ songs says.

A while ago, someone wrote and I could not agree more: ‘Bill Gates does not have his own children vaccinated or let them use his cell phone. Makes you wonder why. Anything that someone says against Bill Gates and the vaccine is considered a conspiracy. The interesting thing is that the media is a reverse conspiracy. They put on the news they want you to hear so that when the real news hits, it looks like fake news. And to answer any questions about what does Bill Gates have to do with vaccines, next to the United States government, Bill Gates is the second largest funder of the world health organisation. Clearly the more money you have invested, the more your vote counts and the more you can push the use of vaccines. In my view, the pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion dollar legal drug pushing industry that kills people and that quite legally. Good work, if you can get it!’

Pay attention to how your inner guidance reacts to those words. And do the same with Jon Rappaport’s contributions provided at the beginning of this part of my writings. Your built-in lie-detector will tell you without fail who is speaking the truth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘The Magpie’s Message For Us And Our World’
•    ‘The Built-In Lie-Detector’
‘God Is Near : But Where?’

Six pointed Star

From 'Words Of Wisdom For Hope & Encouragement'

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (20)

All Things Are Possible

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - All Things Are Possible

With the help and will of God and the Angels
And a better understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
All things really are possible,
Any condition can be healed,
Crooked corners made straight
And mountains of false beliefs,
Prejudices and superstitions uplifted and
Transmuted into Divine wisdom and truth.

If our minds can conceive something is possible
And we believe in it with all our hearts and souls,
God and the Angels will do the rest.
That’s why I now ask you,
O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
To grant me the gift of Your wisdom
And help me to choose wisely,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
I can serve you and together with You work
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of all,
Rising above and leaving behind
The selfish desires and destructive urges
Of my earthly nature.

May Your will be mine
And my will be Yours.
May Your inspiration flow through me,
And Your sacred words and prayers be mine
So that they contribute to the
Peaceful and harmonious unfolding of all life,
In keeping with Your will and wishes
That can clearly be seen in Your Great evolutionary plan.

Through transmuting, hand in hand with You and the Angels,
All influences that are harmful and damaging for
Us and everything that shares our world,
Into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal
Every individual immunity system
And also that of our whole world,
May the 2019/2020 pandemic soon reach its
Natural and happy ending.
In the name of love and on behalf of
The whole of humankind
I am asking for this.


Updated February 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’

Six pointed Star

From 'Our World In Transition'

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (21)

Awake From Your Slumber

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Age of Aquarius

Awake from your slumber,
Arise from your sleep.
A new age is dawning
For all those who weep.

Dan Schutte & Robert J. Batastini

Ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, are waking from your spiritual slumber. Increasing numbers of you by now are taking part in experiencing the great light of the Aquarian age. In keeping with My great evolutionary plan for your world, it is the age when honesty and truth will gradually be  re-appearing in your world. You no longer have to make do with false beliefs like Heaven and hell, and that an all-male god-head is ruling the whole of creation, therefore also your world. Strange fear-inducing stories, superstitions  and prejudices were essential parts of this tale. That’s why, with the passing of time, your world could not help deteriorating ever more into a vale of sadness and tears.

To help humankind appreciate the value of honesty and truth, they first had to disappear. That’s how these things turned into necessary teaching aids. Rejoice, dear children, the first part of this lesson lies safely behind you. All of you at presents are experiencing the second part and that’s the re-appearance of honesty and truth in your world. By now, ever more of you have matured into spiritual adulthood and are capable of understanding what’s at stake and that life in the whole of creation,  therefore also on your planet, is subject to My Universal laws. The main one of interest here is the law of cause and effect or Karma. It’s a very simple one;  it decrees that everything that is sent into the Universe anywhere, in due course has to return to its sender.

Every one of you eventually reaches the evolutionary point when your own life has provided you with plenty of evidence that whatever you send into your world, really does return to you like a boomerang. You realise that you are personally responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions. From this time of enlightenment onwards, you are determined that your life should be conducted strictly in keeping with My laws. Therefore, lying and cheating, deception and corruption for selfish gains are no longer for you.

Accepting the responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions means that you are taking the oars of your life’s boat into your own hands and that helps you to fulfil your highest potential of evolving into the master of your own destiny. As soon as your last karmic debts have been redeemed by you, only that which is good, right and beautiful can return to you, because that’s what you – from the moment of your spiritual awakening – will be determined to send into your world.

You now realise that every human being’s earthly existence serves a wise higher evolutionary purpose and this renews your faith and trust in the goodness  of the life that the Angels and I have always given to every human being. Your heart and soul are no longer prisoners who dwells in the dark dungeon of strange beliefs that made little or no sense at all. With every passing day more, you will be enjoying the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian age. It is yours as soon as you have learnt to  follow the advice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who  communicates with you through your feeling world. This is the only truly reliable and trustworthy voice that tells you, about everything that comes your way, whether it is true or false.

I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and the Universal Christ’ light is our only born Son/Daughter. My light of our sacred wisdom and truth for quite some time  has been flowing into your world with ever increasing strength. Every ray of it has the power of absorbing some more  of your world’s lack of understanding darkness. Its energies are transmuted by us into blessing and healing ones that flow to wherever they are needed, in your world. From there they continue to flow  into the rest of My Creation.  

Nobody will ever wave some kind of a magic wand  to save and redeem any one of you, never mind the whole of humankind. No matter what anyone may tell you, nobody can do this for you because it can only be done by each one of you, for themselves, the whole of humankind and your world. It’s a high and holy task that’s waiting for every one of you. Yet, there’s no need to be afraid. You are not alone in this, you never have been alone. For a long time, the Angels and I have been waiting for ever more of you to call  for our help. Help can only come to those who ask for it and when it arrives for you, do your best to follow our instructions. You will receive them intuitively. And that’s how every one of you, in the fullness of time, is destined to evolve into one of your world’s true saviours and redeemers.

Updated February 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Love : The New World Order’

Six pointed Star

From ‘Words Of Hope & Encouragement’ & 'War And Peace'

Love, Honesty & Truth : The New World Order (22)

I Can See Clearly Now

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - I Can See Clearly Now

For far too long the fog and mists of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions about God’s true nature and our own, and of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence have been clouding humankind’s vision and understanding. The spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is flowing ever more powerfully directly from the Highest levels of life into the consciousness of our world are clearing them away. And an ever more beautiful picture emerges of the bright and sunny future that indeed lies ahead of us and our world. That’s why there is every reason for our hearts and souls to rejoice and sing: ‘I can see clearly now!’

During their earthly self’s state of spiritual ignorance human beings cannot help coming to the conclusion that there is no God and there cannot be one because no proof and tangible evidence of its existence that can be weighed and measured are found anywhere. Yet, because God is in everything, we could not be further from the truth. We can see this for ourselves as soon as our higher nature has woken from its slumber. If we then ask ourselves whether God can be weighed and measured, the answer is a loud and clear: ‘Yes!’ To find the evidence we could have been seeking for a long time, all we have to do is take any object in our world and weigh and measure it. What we are then holding in our hands is a small piece of God and Goddess, the same as we ourselves are as well as anything that can or cannot be weighed and measured.

All our world’s material entities are part of the feminine aspect of the Divine, the Goddess, astrologically represented by the elements Earth and Water. They came into being by the power of the creative ideas, Fire, and the thought processes, Air, of the abstract and invisible masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, God. In this manner everything that already exists in the whole of Creation was once created and is constantly re-created and maintained by God and Goddess, peacefully and harmoniously working together and responding to each other. Everything that exists is their child, a manifestation of them and therefore their Son/Daughter. Numerologically, the Divine Trinity is expressed by 1 = the Sun, masculine, invisible, abstract, active and outgoing, God. 2 – the Moon, feminine, visible, passive and receptive. 1 + 2 = 3 = their child, the Universal Christ who is the Light of all lights. The Sun in the sky above us is but one of its many physical manifestations and so is the rest of the whole of Creation.

Gemini represents the earthly logical and analytical mind of the small self. Detached from its soft and sensitive feeling side, the soul, this mind is cold and crystal clear in its perceptions and analyses. For as long as its vision is firmly focused on daily life and the concerns of the Earth its understanding remains extremely limited. The earthly mind is a jittery and nervous part of our being that is doubtful and all too easily frightened. This is greatly relieved when during one of our lifetimes in Gemini we learn to tap into the energies of our Sun sign’s polar opposite in the zodiac, Sagittarius. Its most endearing qualities are unbounded faith and trust, but unless they are handled with circumspection these characteristics all too easily deteriorate into gullibility. The gift of a great abundance of joy and hope are another aspect of our ebullient and expansive super-conscious faculties of our Highest or God Self.

Credulity has been one of the main problems of the Piscean Age. This is hardly surprising when one considers that Jupiter co-rules Pisces in tandem with mystic, dreamy and otherworldly – but beware! also devious and deceptive – Neptune. The combined energies of these two planets produced a perfect setting for something as monumental as the Jesus legend. Considering that it was provided by courtesy of the foresight and wisdom of God’s great plan of life, it’s no wonder that it held its spell on so many for such a long time.

By getting the churches to insist that the Jesus story is based on historical facts, its spiritual and mystical components, i.e. the higher esoteric meaning and symbolism behind the tale’s surface words, were hidden away. That with the passing of time they almost got lost altogether was the Angels’ ingenious way of hiding God’s face from us, for as long this was necessary for the unfolding of the great plan of life. However, with the approach of the Age of Aquarius the time had come that the veil of secrecy should be removed and the scales slowly be taken from humankind’s eyes.

The deeper we and our world are moving into the new age, the more of us are shedding the spiritual blinds that for such a long time kept us in darkness. The age of truth is bringing humankind a renewed understanding that the Great Father/Mother of all life are our true parents. The knowledge of this helps us to renew our relationship with them and through this come to terms with the wise higher purpose our earthly existence has been serving, all along.

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone.
All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue.
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Johnny Nash

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I Can See Clearly Now’

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (1)

The Greatest Deceptions Ever!

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – The Greatest Deception Ever

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in My name and because you know
And understand who and what I truly am,
Others can do so, too.

Carol Owens 1972
Adapted by Aquarius
February 2021

George Orwell wrote: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ And this is what Mark Twain thought: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ That’s why today I have come to share with you the truth behind some of the greatest deceptions and lies that for a long time have been the most serious obstacles on the road of humankind’s spiritual development. Together we shall look at some of the most important ones as follows:

•    ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32 True. Every word of the Bible is from God and therefore literally true. Untrue! The truth, in the form of higher esoteric meaning, has always been hiding behind the surface words of your world’s religious teachings. For a long time, that’s where they remained, but the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world are moving into this age, the more of you will find their way into its freedom. It consists of believing what the wise one or living God within you, your inner guidance, tells you is true, irrespective of what may be written somewhere or what anybody else may say. The beginning of this freedom is discovering who and what I truly am, who and what every one of you is, and what kind of a relationship all of you have always had with Me, in spite of the fact that for a long time you did not know about it.

•    I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and My great evolutionary plan for the Earth and humankind decrees that through some of the greatest deceptions and lies that have ever been experienced in your world, humankind should be taught the value of honesty and truth. When the right age for them to return has been reached, these qualities will gradually re-establish themselves. Since your entry into the Aquarian age that’s been happening with steadily increasing force. True!

•    The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father, his only born son Jesus, who sits at the Father’s right hand side and the Holy Ghost. Untrue! Jesus was immaculately conceived by a virgin called Mary, who gave birth to him in a stable surrounded by animals. For all times she will remain seated below Father and Son to serve them. Untrue! Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine over the feminine have been the greatest deception that was ever experienced in your world. God and Goddess are equal partners in the creative process. Lovingly they respond to each other. The masculine provides the ideas and the love and wisdom of the feminine decides which ideas should be used, where and when. By slowing down the vibrations of the Christ light to the right frequency, matter appears. And that’s how God and Goddess harmoniously working together have always brought everything that exists on the earthly plane into being. This will forever continue.

•    The false beliefs of your world’s religions have been our instruments for helping humankind to become familiar with the darkest and most evil aspects of human nature. These beliefs encouraged those in leadership positions to abuse their power by dominating their religion’s followers and relieving them as much as possible of their earthly resources, especially money. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you generously handed out the suffering this caused. And each time My law of cause and effect returned such actions to you, you were the one who suffered. For a well balanced earthly education it’s essential that each one of you spends some of your lifetimes hurting, wounding and exploiting people, while in others you are on the receiving end of what you once did to others.

•    Jesus is a historical figure who once walked on the Earth. Untrue! Jesus is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. True! The tale of his life is literally true. Untrue! The story is a mere legend. It was inspired by Me and the Angels to tell humankind in picture-book format about the initiations every human being experiences, in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. The state of your initial ignorance of your true higher God or Christ nature is described by the birth of the Christ child and no room at the inn. The story ends with the God-man, everybody’s lower nature, bleeding to death on the cross of its earthly existence, so that your spirit nature can rise and take over completely.

•    Jesus was conceived immaculately by the Virgin Mary. Not literally. Immaculate conception means that the idea of the Christ spirit to come alive on the earthly plane has its origin on the highest levels of life, in My mind.

•    Jesus was born in a stable, surrounded by animals. Not literally. A long, long time ago, the idea of placing a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light in every human being’s heart came forth from My mind. The stable is a symbolism for the most humble place on the Earth: the human heart. And the animals surrounding the child’s crib represent the lower animal nature of the leaders of your world’s religions.

•    Heaven and hell are places where people go, either when they follow one of the other of our world’s religions or refuse to believe in them. Untrue! Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that every human being has the power of creating, for themselves and those around them.

•    Every one of you is a miserable worm and sinner. Untrue! All of you, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. And I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit’s Light. This is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns, the Sun behind and shining through its physical manifestation in the sky above your world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

  Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (2)

Lying And Cheating

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Lying And Cheating•    Your earthly existence is a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle. Untrue! Each one of you is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light and the Divine Trinity is your true parent. The essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul and like Me, they are immortal and eternal. They can and will never die. You belong to your earthly parents; you are of them. Untrue! You have come through them into this life, but you are not of them.

•    If you say you believe in Jesus, you can sin as much as you like on the earthly plane. By dying on the cross he has already redeemed any sins you may ever commit and because of this you are saved, forever. Untrue! Every one of you is personally responsible for all their thoughts, words and actions. Because of My Universal law of cause and effect or Karma My justice is perfect. It decrees that whatever you send into your world in thoughts, words and actions in any given moment, must return to you. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you find yourself at the receiving end of how you once affected those around you. And because of your personal responsibility the only one who will ever be able to redeem and save you, is YOU. It starts as soon as your Christ nature stirs from its slumber and you begin to bring forth, from the depth of your own being, the Christ characteristics of goodness and kindness, patience and tolerance towards all manifestations of life, especially your fellow human beings. Through ever more of you practising these qualities in all your daily encounters, your world quite naturally transforms itself into a more peaceful and harmonious place.

•    The Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. You go to hell, unless you follow one of them – take your pick – and believe that every word of their teachings comes from God and is literally true. Those who refuse to believe it are in all Eternity condemned to roast in the fires of hell. Untrue! Esoteric higher truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the teachings of all three religions. The age of truth is revealing ever more of what they are.

•    If you surrender your whole being, mind and body, spirit and soul, to the warmongering factions of Islam, you go to Heaven. Untrue! As explained in part one, Heaven and hell never were places that anyone went to. And the word Islam means ‘surrender’. This means freely and willingly surrendering the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature, to your very own higher God or Christ nature. Its characteristics of kindness and goodness, love of honesty and truth plus tolerance for all lifeforms, especially your fellow human beings, independent of the colour of their skin and their creed, with the passing of time slowly but surely take over ever more of its earthly counterpart.

•    That which is good, right and beautiful in human beings and your world, that’s God. Everything that’s dark, ugly and evil is of the devil. There is a Christ and an Antichrist. Untrue! God is part of everything and everything is part of God, the highest as well as the lowest aspects of every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world. That which to this day comes across to you as dark, ugly and evil in human beings and anywhere else are crude and unevolved manifestations. The same as everything else, they are constantly in the process of moving forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral as well as that of your world. This is why, in the fullness of time, the dark and ugly things will also have evolved into something exquisitely good, right and beautiful.

•    Religions connect you with God and help you to become a better person. Untrue! The word religion has its roots in ‘religare’ connect. Your world’s religions have kept you away from the discovery of who and what I truly am and that every one of you is one of My beloved children of the Earth. And the belief that Jesus can wave some kind of a magic wand to save redeem and save you, have encouraged human beings to sin against My laws. The age of truth is bringing you the discovery that every one of you is the only one who can save and redeem you and, thorough this, the whole of humankind and your world.

•    For approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom withdrew ever more from your world and especially from its religions. Her absence served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of the softening and civilising influence of the feminine energies. Even though this is impossible on the inner plane of life, where all is one, on the outer plane the absence of the feminine still works only too well in some parts of the Earth.

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (3)

Money, Money, Money!

 Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Money, Money, Money•    Money is the most precious commodity on the earthly plane. Untrue! Unless you spend it genuinely for the good of humankind, money has no spiritual value whatever. The only thing you can take with you, at the end of each lifetime, is the spiritual knowledge that has come your way. Yet, knowledge on its own is not enough. Without understanding it, it is of no use to you when you depart from the earthly plane. Only when knowledge is accompanied by understanding can it become your spiritual property and forever be yours. That’s why Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’

•    The Jewish race is God’s chosen people. Untrue! The whole of humankind is God’s chosen people.

•    The teachings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are literally true. Follow one of these religions and all those who don’t believe that its teachings are literally true are your enemies. And that obliges you to do your best to destroy them, by whatever means available to you. Untrue! For long enough political leaders have been hiding behind the façades of religious teachings that were designed to keep you, My beloved children of the Earth, away from Me and from discovering everyone’s own Divine nature.

•    Your world’s religions served exceedingly well as instruments for satisfying the patriarchy’s masculine lust for empire building and warmongering, dominance and exploitation of the masses. Part of it was that priests on both sides of any kind of your world’s conflicts, especially religious ones, blessed their soldiers and their weapons, and prayed to what they thought of as God for a victorious outcome. None of them realised that they were praying to the same God, for they did not yet understand who and what I truly am. As yet, they were unaware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions in due course would return to them that which they were over-eagerly sending into your world, and that it would do so with ever increasing strength. This is why we inspired the scribes of times gone by to compose teachings that would set people against each other, so that at any given time sufficient numbers of them would be willing to go to war and kill each other, the more the better.
•    There is no Goddess, and the masculine forces are superior to the feminine ones. The feminine was created to serve the masculine. Untrue! The Angels and I created the patriarchy with its unnatural all-male religions for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world what happens without the softening and civilising influence of the feminine energies of the Great Mother and women. Every woman is one of Her earthly manifestations.

•    Each religion believes that, in the fullness of time, it will be the only one that exists in the whole of your world. Untrue! The truth is that there only ever has been one God, who is in everything and who is part of everything. The highest as well as the lowest aspects of life are of Me and Mine, therefore also of you. Your earthly education consists of spending countless lifetimes of experiencing yourself as a physical being, who believes that the physical plane is all there is to life. It’s for your own protection that you have no recall of how and where you spent any of your previous lifetimes, as in many cases you would be unable to live with yourself if you knew what you had been up to in some of your previous earthly sojourns. For example, if you had spent one lifetime as somebody like Hitler, to create the necessary balance and also to redeem some or maybe all of your karmic debts, in your next lifetime you might chosen to appear as someone like Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

•    Even though for a long time you are unaware of what’s happening to you, you have always been steadily moving forwards and upwards on your own evolutionary spiral and that of the whole of humankind. Being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory and everybody at first gets to know the lower and lowest aspects of their own nature and Mine. When, in due course, you begin to develop yours and My highest and noblest characteristics, the lower ones are gradually overcome and left behind, for good. They are nailed to the cross of earthly life, so that your higher God or Christ nature can take over. Christianity’s feast of Easter represents this initiation. This is why I am telling you today that:

There is only one religion, the religion of love, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

•    Following in the footsteps of your world’s religions, one of the prime spreaders of untruths of recent times has been Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945. He was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the essence of the Piscean Age better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

•    That’s how your world’s pharma industry has been outdoing the machinations of Goebbels and the Nazis. The pharma industry is responsible for the second greatest lie of all times and that is the tale that there is a virus that’s so powerful that it can remove the whole of humankind from the Earth, if it were left to its own devices. The virus was given the name Covid-19, but it’s true name is FEAR. Fear of death and the unknown. Enough has been said about this in the previous chapters of the Aquarian writings. Please follow the links at the end of this one.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’
•    ‘Overcoming Our  Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘Fear – The Root Of All Evil’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (4)

Deceptions : Creating Hell On Earth

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth – Deception : Creating Hell On Earth

•    Through creating hell for our whole world, the Corona virus tale at present has brought about a heavenly state for the pharma industry. And hell is the state that those who belong to the driving force behind the pandemic will be creating for themselves in one of their future lifetimes, when their deception returns to them. They, and our whole world with them, will then have to endure something similar to what’s happening now. The power of doing their share of preventing this is in the hands of every one of you, because love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation.

•    Therefore, if you are working hand in hand with the Angels and Me, and keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, with the passing of time you are sure to develop into an ever more formidable force. And each time these thoughts return to you, send them on their way, time and again. On every occasion their strength increases and as the Divine spark of the troublemakers is neglected and mal-nourished, it is hungry for every spark of light that comes its way. It is greedily absorbed and the more this happens, the better the person’s higher God or Christ nature can influence its earthly counterpart, to come to its senses and stop cheating and lying. Forgive them, for they are your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. They deserve your compassion, for they really do not know what they are doing, most of all to themselves and – unless you help them – what in due course will return to them and also inflict upon your whole world.

•    The wisdom ‘those who laugh last, are laughing best’ is something that has grown quite naturally from humankind’s experiences of living on the earthly plane. The saying shows that the final winners in some of its contests are likely to have more glory than those who at the beginning think of themselves as the winners, but then – surprise, surprise! – in the end are the losers. This is what’s going to happen to the pharma industry. For the moment, it is still laughing big apples all the way to its shareholders’ bank accounts. When the truth fully emerges, which it will do soon, the rest of humankind will be laughing because it will then be ‘egg-on-face’ time for the people and institutions who, for the time being, are enjoying the monetary gains of the situation.

•    The pharma industry in particular will realise that their present behaviour clearly reveals what kind of intentions have been behind the sale of most of its products, and that for a long time. This is of great benefit for you and your world because ever more of you are losing their faith in these products. As a result, increasing numbers of you are returning to natural healing methods and are reaching out for our helping hands and healing energies. They are available free of charge to anyone who tunes into our frequencies and asks for them. And the pharma industry will realise too late that the pandemic has been the rope on which it has been hanging itself.

•    Freely, freely you now have received the truth about Me and some of My concepts. Now go in My name and tell those around you that it is the Great Father/Mother of all life, whose only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ spirit and its light. Tell them who and what they truly are; what kind of a relationship they have always had with Me and that the life that’s been given to each one of you is a good one, in spite of the fact that it presently does not look like this.

•    Let them know that it’s in everybody’s own hands to steer the boat of their life in a direction that is more to their liking. To bring this about, the only thing anyone has to do is conducting their earthly existence in keeping with My Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. Not knowing about this law has brought about your world’s present state. Every one of you, My beloved children of the Earth, is a co-creator with Me. Your thoughts, words and actions are constantly occupied with creating something, whether you are as yet aware of it or not. Whatever is in your life now was created by none other than you. And this is how all of you together, hand in hand with the Angels and Me, even though you were unaware that this was happening, created your world’s present state. It happened earlier in this lifetime and in the course of countless previous ones. If that were not the case, you would not be here and had to take part in the pandemic.

•    However, the knowledge of My Universal law of cause and effect is the instrument I am placing into everybody’s own hands. All of you are invited to make their contribution to transforming your world into an increasingly peaceful and harmonious place, with the help of the right kind of thoughts, words and actions. That’s the only way true and everlasting peace can come about that no-one will ever be able to disturb or take away.

•    Tell My human children of the Earth that their planet is by no means destined to remain a valley of tears, lying and cheating, deception and corruption forever. Tell them to use the truth they finding here as their tool for doing better and how, each through their own efforts, needs to contribute to making Mother Earth into a place where everybody works for the good of the whole; where people support each other; where exploiting, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption have become things of the past and are no longer known.

•    Astrology is a fortune-telling tool. Untrue! But it’s the finest instrument for getting to know yourself and your pathway through life, and also of those around you. The study of the Divine science helps your higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumber, and with that you become kinder and more loving, tolerant and forgiving towards yourself and anyone you meet on the earthly plane.

Tell My children of the Earth that astrology is a wonderful instrument for helping them not only to discover but understand the truth about Me, their own true nature and the wise higher purpose every human being’s earthly existence has always served. Then ask them to share what they are finding here with as many as possible, but only if their inner guidance reacts to it with: ‘Yes, this is the truth!’ And because spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody and should not be sold to the highest bidders, that’s why all of it is coming your way free of charge.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (5)

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Paradise : Earthly Life Without Fear

A Message From The Angels And Masters

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Looking At The Year 2020 – Earthly Life Without Fear

Take my hand,
I’m a stranger in paradise,
All lost in a wonderland,
A stranger in paradise.
Standing starry-eyed,
That’s the danger in paradise.

From the musical Kismet 1953
Music by Alexander Borodin 1833-1887
Words by Robert Wright and George Forrest

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are calling today to assist you and your world with overcoming all fears, and especially those of God, death and the unknown. In the presence of truth there is no room for fear and that’s why we are here. Earthly life, because of its general lack of spiritual awareness, for long enough has been ruled by fear. You will be glad to hear that this part of humankind’s earthly education is definitely over. The time has come for finding out ever more of the truth about your world’s spiritual background and the concepts that rule life on both sides of the veil, which for a long time has been separating our two worlds from each other.

Let’s start with taking a look at the meaning of Paradise. It is a similar concept to that of Heaven and hell. Both are states of consciousness and not places anyone ever went to. Hell is what human beings, during the early stages of their earthly education, are good at creating for others and later – when the law of Karma returns their misdeeds to them – for themselves. Heaven is the state when human beings have redeemed their last and oldest karmic debts and their vibrations are right for moving on to experiencing their next higher level of existence and what comes after it. Doesn’t that sound like Heaven to you?

Don’t you think it’s heavenly to find out that no-one ever went to Heaven to spend their time sleeping in the company of Jesus until judgement day, because there never was a Jesus and there will be no judgement day? As explained in other parts of the Aquarian writings, the story of Jesus is a legend and you yourselves are the only who will ever judge you. None of you is ever snuffed out like a candle when you leave your physical body behind. As soon as the purpose of one of your lifetimes has been fulfilled, like a caterpillar slipping from its chrysalis, your spirit/soul turns into a beautiful butterfly that’s released into the greater freedom of your world’s inner spiritual background, our realm. That is humankind’s true home, where every one of you is loved and tenderly cared for.

Each time an Angel of Death takes any one of you there, should someone ask: ‘Have I died? Am I in Heaven?’ the Angel replies: ‘No, you are not dead and you are not in Heaven. You have arrived in our world. Welcome home! You are alive and well and will soon start enjoying its greater freedom, because you are no longer tied to a cumbersome physical body.’ There really is nothing to be afraid of and isn’t that Paradise enough? We want you to know that every human being’s existence is an ongoing and never-ending process, which begins with spending many lifetimes as a material being in a material environment. At the end of each one of them, you return to our world. There is no other place for anyone to go to.

After resting and recovering sufficiently from the rough and tumble of your earthly experiences, time and again you re-emerge for another journey on the earthly plane. Nobody forces you to do so, but for every one of you being educated on the material plane is compulsory. You have to reappear until it has run its course and earthly life can teach you no more. This comes about through evolving into a Christed one, in your own right. Your vibrations are then right for moving on to exploring the next higher level of humankind’s existence.

You will then appreciate that Paradise is not a place from which humankind once emerged. It is a state of consciousness towards which your race for a very long time has constantly been moving, drawn ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral by the Christ light. Over millions of Earth years new opportunities have thus been created for ever more of you to explore and develop all aspects of your being. For every one of you that is a long journey, in which you first start experiencing yourself as a material being in a material world, without having a clue of who you really are, where you have come from and where you will eventually be going to.

Eventually, every one of you finds out about God’s nature and their own, as well as the special relationship all of you have always had with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and forever will have. The initial stage of your personal Paradise has been reached when your inner guidance confirms that this is the truth. The awareness of this for you transforms the earthly plane into a natural part of our realm, your world’s inner spiritual background that’s merely an extension of ours. This knowledge and everything else you are going to receive intuitively from us, will slowly but surely help you shed your fears, one after the other.

This sets you free to love, with your whole being, us and our world as well as all life that exists in the whole of Creation. When you add to this the love of honesty and truth as your one and only ruler, you have brought your very own small corner of Paradise down to the Earth. This enables us to use you as one of our channels through which the Christ light, in both senses of the word, flows with steadily increasing force into your world and everything you come into contact with. You are glad to know that in truth:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

A world where fear is no longer known
And that’s Paradise enough!

As none of you ever experienced this state before, all of you truly are strangers in Paradise. And we have come to tell you that it’s the birthright of every human being to make their contribution towards establishing this state on the Earth, first for yourself, then for those around you and eventually for your whole world. Do not shy away from this somewhat daunting task, for we shall be with you, all the way. Shed your fears, they are no longer needed. Instead, roll up your sleeves and get to work by tuning your earthly minds into our frequencies. We know every one of you personally, better than you do yourself. We are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively how to proceed, so please call.

Earthly life will be a Paradise when peace has come to your world, at last. It will then be a place without fear, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption, violence, wars and other types of crime, especially those committed in the name of a God, the meaning of which is not yet understood by those who still insist in trespassing against love, the main law of life. That’s how to this day the blind still are leading the blind. Removing this blindness from every human being’s perception, once and for all, that’s the true meaning of the concept Paradise.

What you and your world have been experiencing for some time is not humankind’s spiritual rebirth. It is the Christ nature waking from its slumber in ever more human hearts. And that’s the higher esoteric truth that’s been hiding for such a long time behind the surface words of the Jesus legend’s child birth in a manger. To bring about the natural happy ending of the present unhealthy and unhappy state of your world, we need your help as much as you need ours. If that’s what sufficient numbers of  you dream about and yearn for with every fibre of their being, we are willing to fulfil this dream. And that will be humankind’s first major step towards creating the state of Paradise on your planet.

Refuse to run with the herd, for those who do cannot get any further than the herd of  human beings who are so frightened that they allow themselves to be led by their noses like sheep, to the slaughter. Turn to us instead and rest safely in the knowledge that we are with you and forever shall be. Do not allow anyone to frighten you. We shall always be happy to intuitively show anyone who comes to us, how they can contribute to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the Earth. And that’s how, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest ones in your midst are predestined to evolve into saviours and redeemers of themselves, the human race and everything that shares its world. We are with every one of you, all the way and welcome home!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (6)

Pandemic : The Pharma Industry’s Rope

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Honesty & Truth : The New World Order - Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth - Pandemic : The Pharma-Industry's Rope

 The moving fingers writes
And having writ, moves on,
Nor all thy piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.’

Omar Khayyám

It was Edward FitzGerald in 1859 who translated from Persian into English a selection of quatrains (ruba?iyat) that are thought to have been written by Omar Khayyam (1048–1131), the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. How much might Khayyam as well as FitzGerald have been aware that what this quatrain describes really is constantly happening in our world. Every human thought, word and action creates an impression on the etheric level, known as the Akashic Records, through which either a credit or debit entry in our spiritual bankbook comes into being.

The cause of Bill Gates not allowing his children to be vaccinated must have been what Jon Rappaport writes about in the first item of the list at the end of this chapter. It’s astonishing how, after having protected his own offspring against the pharma industry’s doubtful products, that after a while, when he probably hoped everybody had forgotten about he had felt earlier about them, his earthly nature’s greed gained the upper hand. Any regard he might ever have had for the wellbeing of the whole of humankind must have gone over board when he set about systematically exploiting our world resources more and more.

When the truth about the pandemic’s background has fully emerged, it will become ever clearer that this event is the rope on which the greed of Bill Gates and the pharma industry for a long time have been working hand in hand, to hang itself. When ever more of us are turning towards the natural healing methods that have always been available to humankind and were pushed into the background through the pharma industry’s efforts, they are going to kick themselves for recognising too late that the result of their actions of past and present would be that people are losing the last shred of faith they ever had in the pharma industry’s products.

Things can only happen in our world in God’s time and that means when the energies of our solar system’s planetary system allow it to do so. And everything in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles. The pandemic closes the circle that started when the industry was a genuine benefactor of humankind. The companies that are now part of it revealing themselves as buccaneers and purposeful destroyers of our world’s economies are closing that particular circle.

Let’s take a closer look at how our planet’s energies are helping to bring about not only the end of this particular industry but of many other institutions that are not serving the highest good of the whole of our world and the countries within it. First in line are the iconoclastic energies of Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius together with Saturn. Uranus is one of the generation planets. They have been given this name because they move so slowly that whole generations are affected by their energies. Uranus stays in each sign for around seven years. It moved into the fixed Earth sign Taurus in March 2019 and will remain there until April 2026. Taurus is the fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus. In this sign Venus reveals the hedonistic aspect of its nature. Taurus is the sign of value and money.

When planets move retrograde, they affecting us more on the inner than the outer plane. On the inner plane everything is for real; there is no faking, pretending, lying and cheating. ‘If you can fake sincerity, you’ve got it cracked’, doesn’t work here. The intentions behind everything that’s thought, spoken and/or acted on the outer plane are clearly visible to everybody on the inner plane. Earthly efforts only create a credit entry in our spiritual ledger when they are in keeping with the inner world’s ruling principles of love, honesty and truth.

When ever more of us come into harmony with these principles, our world’s outer part gradually changes and becomes ever more like its inner counterpart. And when this process is complete and the outer plane has become identical to the inner one, there will be  true and everlasting peace on our planet that nobody and nothing can disturb or destroy. This is the golden future towards with all of us, individually and together in groups, are steadily working our way forwards and upwards on our personal evolutionary spiral of life, that of humankind and our whole world.

1) ‘Vaccines: “preventing every bad thing”.’ By Jon Rappaport 31st December 2019


2) ‘Vaccine Airlines, Jewish Airlines, Islamic Airlines.’ By Jon Rappaport 6th February 2021


3) ‘Vatican Vaccine Hotline, How Can I Help You?’ By Jon Rappoport 9th February 2021


4) ‘The Pandemic Planners: Conversations in the Dark.’ By Jon Rappoport 10th February 2021


5) ‘"Never-before-seen strange COVID symptoms"? Try using logic.’ By Jon Rappoport 11th February 2021


6) ‘Super Bowl CNN Karen calls cops on mask-less people in Tampa.’ By Jon Rappoport 11th February 2021. Highly recommended reading! It’s brilliant. A German proverb says: ‘Humor ist wenn man trotzdem lacht!’ When you can laugh because of it all and in spite of it all, that’s true humour!’ Jon has mastered this art brilliantly!


7) ‘COVID: Patient Grills Doctor; Off the Record.’ By Jon Rappoport 12th February 2021


8) ‘COVID Airlines Solves the Great Racial Divide.’ By Jon Rappoport – very funny! ‘Humor ist wenn man trotzdem lacht!’ When one laughs about a situation, this one in particular, in spite of it and because of it, that’s true humour! Jon has plenty of that! 15th February 2021


9) ‘“They didn’t isolate the virus”.’ Chief Chinese epidemiologist tells NBC News. Referring to samples taken from the Wuhan market a year ago. By Jon Rappoport 16th February 2021


10) ‘COVID: The predatory testing labs are complicit in the crime.’ By Jon Rappoport 17th February 2021


11) ‘Yes, the NY Times exposed the PCR test.’ By Jon Rappoport 18th February 2021


12) ‘The NY Times recalls an outbreak of PCR lies.’ By Jon Rappoport 19th February 2021 Essential reading!


13) ‘Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the "beloved" expert of experts.’ The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud by Jon Rappoport 22nd February 2021


14) ‘PCR test revelations from official literature; they expose their own lies.’ By Jon Rappoport 23rd February 2021  


In this article Jon comes to the following conclusion: The PCR test is useless and deceptive. It provides de facto dictators the opportunity to cite “new case levels” and lock down populations, creating economic and human devastation.


And get this information out there, far and wide.

I could not have said it any better!
God bless and let’s have a good day, in spite of it all.

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (7)

Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth

My Kind Of Astrology

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – My Kind Of Astrology

Someone the other day asked me: ‘Isn’t the zodiac you refer to a rather small local physical environment to focus on when compared to the galaxy as a whole, and even more so as it relates to the entirety of the physical Universe, let alone the even larger possibility of multi Universes? There is a whole lot of physical space out there beyond our view of a relatively tiny local zodiacal perspective. Can you say that all creation is not available to souls in their growth and evolution?’

What an interesting question! Thank you for it and this is what my inner guidance has to say about it: Each one of you is a young God in the making, a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. You are a spark of Its light. Mother Earth is a place of learning, a school, no more and no less. Even though what’s happening there, on the surface of things, may look rather haphazard and at random, rest assured that it most certainly is nothing of the kind.

Every human being evolves at the same steady pace, as is clearly shown by your birthchart’s planetary progressions. The main ones of interest here are those of the Sun and the Moon. Your Sun moves forward one degree per year. The Moon is known as the runner because it progresses at the rate of one degree per month. If you are fortunate enough to have someone who can show you how the progressing energies of both your Sun and Moon have always been affecting your life as well as the lives of your loved ones, you will be able to see for yourself that in truth the only thing you could ever do was to row the boat of your life. God and the Angels are the admiral of the fleet of human boats and they are the ones who are doing the steering.

The Universal Christ is the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The Christ spirit and light is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns. It is the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above you. Its light always has been and forever will be pulling all earthly life, including every human being who ever took part in it and that in the course of millions of years, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Every human being has one of its own, so has the whole of humankind as well as your planet and everything that’s ever appeared there.

From the moment of humankind’s first appearance on the Earth, human beings were given the precious gift of freedom of choice. This means that at all times you are allowed to make your own decisions about how you wish to react to whatever comes your way. Alas, for a long time you are unaware that you are personally responsible and accountable for every one of your thoughts, words and actions. It takes a long time until you find out that you can but row the boat of your life and that the steering is done by the wise ones in charge of you. They are responsible for your development and dwell in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, on its inner level.  

In spite of this, you are by no means manoeuvred through life like marionettes or pulled like puppets on a string. All of you are comparable to dogs on a lead, which the Angels of Karma are holding in their hands. It’s your karmic debts that determine what kind of relationships and lessons you are encountering in the course of each lifetime. As you can see for yourself now, even though on the surface of things in earthly life it looks as if human beings were allowed to do as they please, they could not be further from the truth. Read more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

It takes a long time until someone becomes aware of their personal responsibility for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, and how the Universal law of cause and effect, widely known as the law of Karma, affects life in the whole of Creation, therefore also the earthly plane. Like all great things, this law is a very simple one. It merely decrees that whatever any one of you sends into your world, in the fullness of time, unerringly finds its way back to its sender, like a boomerang. This can come about later in the same lifetime or in a distant future one, when the person’s earthly self has grown strong enough to cope with that which it once created, when it did not yet know about the existence of this law.

The evolutionary journey of every human being, without exception, takes all of you time and again round the whole of the zodiac. This ensures that the qualities of all signs and houses are sufficiently experienced. First each one of you has to experience the negative characteristics and later the positive ones. In the beginning you take to part in them at the giving end and later, when you have matured enough to be able to cope with what’s coming your way, you find yourself at the receiving end.

Every new round begins with Aries and ends with Pisces. Each one of them takes you onto experiencing your earthly existence on a somewhat higher level. Education in the earthly school of life is compulsory for every human being. Its curriculum has been completed when you have evolved into a Christed one, each in their own right. Nobody ever forces you to take part in the earthly school’s lessons. The true home of every spirit/soul is the spirit realm, from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to when they have run their course.

Being once more aware of your true nature as spirit/soul, you know why from time to time you are taking part in earthly life. You realise that, if you ever want to leave that part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making behind and be allowed to move on to exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life, there is nothing for it but thinking about another earthly lifetime and applying for it. You ask the wise ones in charge of you to help you decide where and when and with whom it would best be spent.

The end of your earthly education has been reached when with the help of self-discipline and self-mastery the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature have been overcome. As soon as you have well and truly left them behind, you have evolved into Christed one. When Earth’s lessons have nothing left to teach you and, through your experiences on that plane, your energies have changed sufficiently, at the end of your present lifetime you will be ready to start exploring the next higher level of life and the greater freedom of the spirit realm. The wise ones in charge of you will be by your side to advise and show where to go next.

Without these developments none of you will ever be let loose on anything in the whole of Creation, on their own. You have matured into spiritual adulthood when every one of your thoughts, words and actions shows that you are a responsible and trustworthy spiritual adult. At that developmental stage you are glad to know that, even though your spirit friends and helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, that does not mean they do not exist. That’s why you gratefully accept what they are offering you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Much Freedom Do We Really Have?’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (8)

Astrology : The Divine Teaching Aid

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Astrology : The Divine Teaching AidAs many of you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is the age in which ever more of the Divine truth will flow directly from the minds of those on the Highest levels of life into any earthly mind that is tuned into their frequencies. That mind always has been every human being’s own receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly pouring onto the earthly plane from God and the Angels.

Saturn and Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of Aquarius. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of your Divine parents. And that is the guardian and keeper of the Aquarian age’s freedom. You cannot enter it unless Saturn approves of your behaviour. When this has been achieved, the role of the Saturnian energies turns from those of the schoolmaster into that of the rewarder. When these rewards arrive, they are well worth having. At the same time, the Uranian energies providing every one of you with the iconoclastic power of smashing to smithereens anything that’s no longer of use and value to you personally and the whole of humankind and your world.

At the present time, one of the most essential aspects of this process is getting rid of the belief that Jesus was a historical person who once walked in your midst. The time has come for knowing and accepting that the God-man represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. The higher esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Jesus tale has always been a picture-book type description of the initiations that every human being experiences during the first part of its long evolutionary journey. For every human being the first part consists of many lifetimes attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Every one of you was conceived immaculately. This means that untouched by anything earthly, you first emerged as an idea from the heartmind of the Great Father. He wished that yet another spark of the Universal Christ’s light should be planted into the heart of a new beloved child of the Earth. The love and wisdom of the Great Mother decided where and when this child should come into being. As a spark of the Divine, in truth every human being, without exception, is a young God in the making. All of you, each one on a somewhat different level, are spending the first part of their apprenticeship as a physical being in the world of matter.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are serving the will and wishes of the Great Father as well as the love and wisdom of the Great Mother. They are the ones who decide when the gift of another earthly lifetime should be granted to one of you, where and when it should come about and with whom it would best be spent. The education in the earthly school of life has run its course for you when the drives and urges of your lower nature have freely and willingly been surrendered to your higher God or Christ nature.

Everything that is bad, evil and ugly in every one of you needs to be nailed to the cross of your earthly existence. These characteristics have to be shed gradually and left behind, once and for all, so that with the passing of time your God or Christ nature can take over your whole being. This is what the symbolism of the God-man bleeding to death on the cross has always been trying to tell you. The cross is humankind’s oldest symbol for its earthly existence.

For helping you to understand the processes of Creation, of life in general and the purpose of every human being’s evolutionary pathway, there could be no better instrument than astrology. It has had a poor reputation and a bad press for far too long, because it has been and still is widely used as for fortunetelling. The more you become aware of how the Universal laws are affecting life in the whole of Creation, therefore also every individual human being, the whole of humankind and your world, the more your wish to peer into the future shrinks away.

The first and most important law in this connection is that of cause and effect of Karma. All Universal laws are very simple, like all truly great ideas. As soon as you start sending only that which is good, right and beautiful into your world, nothing but more of the same can in due course return to you. That’s what it will do, as soon as your existing karmic debts have been redeemed – by none other than you. When that’s been understood, there really is nothing to be afraid of earthly life and a great deal to look forward to. And because love and evolution are the first laws of Creation, from which all others laws branch out, many pleasant surprises are sure to eventually find their way to you.

It was the combined wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother that, millions of Earth years ago, brought your world’s planetary system into being. The evolutionary plan for you and your planet provided that in the fullness of time – during the Aquarian age of truth to be precise – astrology would reveal itself as the Divine science. New ways of using it would then be developed that will help you to discover many aspects of the truth that, due to humankind’s lack of understanding up to that time had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge.

Mother Earth was never destined to remain a valley of tears forever. This state will only continue for as long as enough of you are still willing to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter, who believe that the lies and deceptions of those at the helm of your world’s organisations are the truth. To break the spell they appear to be holding on your world to this day, people need ever more spiritual knowledge. Yet, the knowledge on its own is not enough. Without understanding its meaning and then applying what you have learnt to every one of your daily encounters, you cannot gain from it and it will not become your spiritual property that you can take with you into Eternity. It’s the only thing you can take with you, each time you depart from the earthly plane. No-one will ever want to take it from you.

The Aquarian age has already brought you the truth about who and what God truly is, who and what you are and what kind of relationship every human being has always had with its Divine parents. From the beginning of time on the Earth, God’s great evolutionary plan for you and your world has decreed that a high and holy destiny is in store for every human being and that many good things will always be waiting for every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world.

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (9)

Astrology : Astronomy’s Spiritual Background

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Astrology : Astronomy's Spiritual Background

To my mind, on the earthly plane there exists no better tool than astrology for gaining a more profound understanding of our existence. It certainly has assisted me a great deal with getting to where I spiritually am by now. My way of using astrology is the spiritual background of astronomy, the study of the physical manifestations of our solar system’s planets, the same as the spirit realm is the background of our earthly existence.

Naturally, astrology, the same as everything that exists in our world, can be used for either good or bad purposes. As ever, the choice is ours. But isn’t it the highest time that the Divine science should be treated with the love and respect it deserves? My inner guidance tells me that it was the will and power of the Great Father who designed and created, with the Great Mother’s love and wisdom as well as the spirit and light of their only born Son/Daughter, this particular solar system, with so much love and attention to the minutest details specifically for the development of humankind.

A great plan has always existed for the evolutionary journey of humankind and our world. It provides that in due course some of us would be sufficiently evolved to be able to understand and then explain to those around them how the Cosmic dance of our world’s planetary energies always has been, and for a long time to come, will continue to constantly affect whatever happens on this plane. God’s great evolutionary plan for us and our world tells the tale. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

My interpretations of the Sun signs were the first part of my writings. From the beginning, I realised that astrology is the most wonderful tool for getting to know ourselves, our predestined pathway for each lifetime and the lessons that are in store for us. Of particular significance are the positive and negative qualities of our Sun and Moon signs. The negative ones are particularly interesting because we tend to project them onto those around us. There is no need for disliking these people. It’s better by far to accept the negative qualities, integrate them into our character make-up and then let them go. Read more about it by following the link ‘Projection’ at the end of this chapter.

Learning to love every human being God’s way is one of the main aims of our earthly education. This and forgiving them for the roles they once played in our life becomes much easier when one finds out some of the other person’s main astrological details, like their Sun, Moon and the Ascendant. It’s good to know that the people with whom it was impossible to have a good relationship could not help behaving the way they did, because they were what’s known as ‘ruled by the Stars’, makes it easy to heal my connection with them and convert it into one of friendship. This is how ‘Be Your Own Astrologer’ came into being. See the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

About thirty years ago, the man who taught me the first steps into astrology and numerology, told me that some time in the future I would be telling humankind about God’s great evolutionary plan for humankind. In those days, I could not imagine how that would ever be possible. What the man said made no sense whatever to me. Yet, that’s precisely what I did many years later. ‘The Great Plan Unfolds’ is the most popular part of my writings published in Booksie. At the moment of writing this its viewing figure stands at just over seventy-one thousand. My total viewing figure at Booksie alone has just reached two million and this figure, as well as those of other outlets, is constantly rising.

You have no idea how much joy it brings me when those figures have gone up by yet another one and sometimes several thousands within twenty-four hours. People like Bill Gates are unlikely to experience anything like this when, as a result of their machinations, their fortune has increased by yet another million, billion or trillion. Whatever Bill and his mates have accumulated by the time they are leaving the earthly plane, some of them in the not too distant future, none of their earthly possessions will be of any use to them.

When these things have been left behind, their spirit/souls will be standing naked, so to speak, not before God but before themselves. It will then be time for taking stock of the performance of all their previous lifetime and the most recent one in particular. They are likely to regret being as poor as that. Never mind, when they have rested sufficiently in the spirit realm, they will be applying for another earthly lifetime of a very different nature. And when, one of these days, I get to the end of my present lifetime and stand before myself, I’ll probably be amazed about how rich I have become. I shall be sorry that I can no longer share my wealth with anyone, especially with folks like Bill. I shall be glad that I have made sure of leaving plenty of it behind.

My writings have always been of intuitive nature. All of them are originals that are not based on anything, apart from the odd quote of something, here and there. My work has come about through an ongoing process of working hard on clearing away, layer upon layer, like the peeling of an onion, the blockage that must have existed for a long time between me and my Creator, the wise, loving and living God within me – without knowing for a long time what I was actually struggling with.

Be that as it may, my writings are my gift to humankind or rather the gift God and the Angels are presenting to humankind through me. Watching how my viewing figures are steadily increasing shows me that people are coming back for another helping, because their own inner guidance is telling them that what they are receiving is the truth. Therefore, it’s also likely that they are recommending my writings to those around them. It would be impossible to get such a lively response from the sale of books. How many are read once and then wind up on a shelf, gathering dust, never to be looked again. If the book does not speak to its owner, it will be donated to a charity shop.

What an honour and a privilege to have been chosen for presenting some of God’s wisdom and truth to our world! Nonetheless, I must have been crazy when I agreed to walk that pathway, before entering this lifetime. It has been a long and extremely painful healing journey that started about fifty years ago with one step, the same as all journeys. Since then I have been working my way through an inner blockage that consisted of countless layers of fear. I have never been able to just sit down and write about the spiritual aspects of life. One day of severe headaches was usually followed by another in which I could understand the way of all things, well almost. New insights came flowing in.

It’s been a long and hard struggle that to this day does not seem to be quite over. Yet, from the beginning there was nothing for it but to attend to whatever appeared to surface from the depths of my subconscious, as best as I knew how to at the time. This process has been touched upon in various other parts of my writings. Consciously, I would most certainly not have chosen such a lifetime and yet . . .

As I know now, every one of us is destined to play their part in the present great transformation of our world from a predominantly materially orientated place into a spiritual one. This one has been mine and thanks be to God and the Angels for helping me to get through it thus far. Read more about this by following the ‘You Are Special’ link at the end of this chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Projection’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (10)

Spiritual Knowledge : At What Price?

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Spiritual Knowledge : At What Price?To me, the worst that can happen to human beings is being homeless. This is also true for spiritual homelessness, of which there is so much in our world, to this day. My writings have always been dedicated to these people because about fifty years of my life had provided me with first hand knowledge of what that does to us earthlings. And from the beginning, it’s been my firm belief that spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody. In my view, something so precious should not be sold to the highest bidder, but made available free of charge for everybody and especially for those who cannot afford to buy usually expensive books about spiritual themes. Maybe that’s why the more material hardship is created by our world’s present crazy situation, the more the popularity of my work increases.

Being able to give something so precious away means a great deal more to me that earning millions through selling books could ever do. Looking after lots of money would be nothing but a nuisance to me. It might not leave me enough time for reflecting on and discovering some more of the higher aspects of life and especially astrology, for writing the insights that come to me intuitively down and then sharing my learning with those around me.

How many in our world, to this day blindly believe that what’s written in a book is true? How can you tell whether something is or isn’t? That’s why I believe that the most urgent requirement of every one of us, especially in these trying times, is learning how to use their own built-in lie-detector. Everybody has one. How about asking yours the following:

•    When a book has sold millions of copies, do you take that as evidence that its author is telling you the truth? Even if they are sharing what, at that time, they think of as their personal truth, it may not be the ultimate truth – THE TRUTH. That’s what we are all on the earthly plane to seek and eventually find.
•    Did you or do you still believe that every word of our world’s religious teachings is literally true?
•    Do you believe that the troublemakers and scaremongers of our world are speaking the truth when they say there is a virus by the name of Corona that’s so powerful that it could wipe out the whole of humankind, unless the pharma industry’s products are accepted?
•    What does your lie-detector say about each one of these points? Are you willing to blindly believe that what they are saying is true?

My built-in lie-detector reacts to the above mentioned points to tell me that none of them is based on the truth. They are probably leftovers from the Age of Pisces, the age when gullibility and blind faith, lying and cheating, corruption and deceiving ourselves and those around us, ruled supreme in our world. Fortunately, the Piscean age has been left behind for good and the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has been with us for quite some time by now. And the deeper we penetrate into this age, the more of us will have become sufficiently evolved to receive as well as understand the kind of truth that was never available to humankind before.

Every human earthly mind, without its owner being aware of it for a long time, has always been a receiver/transmitter station of the ideas that are constantly flowing from the Highest levels of life onto the earthly plane. Our minds are amazing instruments. Learning how to use them the right way is the task of every human being. In due course this will enable every one of us to bring their own version of God’s sacred wisdom and truth to the earthly plane, first to be used by ourselves and then shared with as many as possible of those around us. Doing this is the birthright of every one of us. And to receive what’s rightfully ours, all we have to do is tune our minds into the frequencies of God and the Angels. They are glad to help anyone who does this and asks for their assistance.

All our prayers are heard. It’s just that sometimes the answer, for wise higher reasons, has to be ‘No!’ Some kind of help will always arrive when we request it. Yet, it will come to us in God’s way and time, not ours. And miracles really do happen, but they can only come about when the energies are right. And that could be now, because Neptune, another one of the generation planets that move very slowly, has been in Pisces, the sign it co-rules with Jupiter, from February 3, 2012 and will transiting this sign until March 30, 2025. Retrograding planets affect us and our world more on the inner level than the outer. Neptune is the higher octave of the loving energies of Venus. Venus is represented in the zodiac in two very different ways. It is the planetary ruler of the fixed Earth sign Taurus, in which the good things of the Earth are enjoyed, as well as the cardinal Air sign Libra, the sign of the peacemaker of relationships, marriage and all kinds of partnerships.

Neptune spending such a lot of time in its own sign is helpful for our world’s present situation. In their own signs the planet’s positive characteristics are benefiting the development of our whole world. Human beings become more empathic and malleable, intuitive and dedicated to helping those around them to recover from the greatest hoax ever. Character traits soften and we are happy to humbly serve whenever an opportunity for it arises. The Air signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental capacities and Aquarius is one of these signs, it’s good to observe that research in the workings of the human mind is progressing rapidly.

The best way of studying astrology, for me, has always been through looking back on how the planetary energies have affected my life and that of those around me. I never met anybody who worked with astrology the way I have always done. That’s probably because the time has come to develop new ways of using the Divine science. It can provide us with a better understanding of every human being’s long evolutionary pathway that takes all of us, time and again, through every sign and house of the zodiac. The birthchart of each new lifetime, in the right hands, can reveal a great deal about the new arrival’s predestined pathway. The same is true for us, our loved ones and everybody else. Astrology is also the finest tool known to me for gaining insights into the very processes of Creation, the beginnings of life in general and humankind’s existence within it. Might I be meant to act as pioneer and wayfinder that others may eventually wish to follow? Who knows?

For many years I have been studying the progressions of Sun and Moon. Time and again I am finding them to work with astonishing accuracy. Let me illustrate this with an example. My friend Angela was born into three degrees Aquarius. At the beginning of the year 2021 her progressed Sun had moved to six degrees Aries. When I asked her whether anything of importance had happened to her six years ago, she could not think of anything at first. However, as Aries is the point of new beginnings, when I pointed out that a whole new cycle of experiences must have started for her six years, without hesitation she replied: ‘Ah yes, my mother and somehow I started being the mother of my four brothers and elderly father.’

As far as the question about other Universes and multi Universes is concerned, the speculations of our sci-fi writers are by no means proof that these places really exist. However, every one of us in due course will have become sufficiently evolved to investigate such matters for themselves. Many good things are in store for all of us and our whole world, of that you can be sure.

The kind of knowledge that’s coming your way here, with the passing of time, is meant to provide ever more of you with the power of overcoming and leaving behind all your fears, especially the one of death and the unknown, once and for all. Through sharing this with as many as possible, every one of you can contribute to bringing peace to your world by establishing love and wisdom, honesty and truth as its supreme rulers.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling 

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (11)

How It All Began

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – How It All Began

There was a time when astrology was as ‘way-out’ a topic for me, as at present it may still be for many of the visitors to my website. I have never been one for fortune telling, neither at the giving nor the receiving end. If astrology fell into that category, it is likely that I would not have become interested in studying it seriously and in depth. I am well aware that many use astrology for forecasting the future, but then it is possible do dabble at this with the help of a great many things, for example tea leaves. Such things are not for me.

From the beginning of my studies I have been fascinated by the spiritual aspects and the higher esoteric meanings behind the Divine Science, as astrology was called in ancient times. That’s why in my writings I have always dug ever deeper into them. As the ancients were aware that astrology is of Divine origin, in many cultures it was held in great esteem and practiced by the priesthood of its day. In those days it was available only to kings, queens and high-ranking officials, never to ordinary mortals like you and me, as it is today. How lucky we are!

Astrology can be used as a tool for getting to know ourselves and for becoming aware of our deepest innermost motivations. It is an invaluable help when it comes to developing one’s character in order to speed up one’s personal evolution. Although I always stress that I am no soothsayer, it occurred to me that, when all is said and done, our character is our fortune. It alone determines our destiny because of the soul lessons that are still required by us, at any given time. Does that make me a teller of fortunes, after all, whether I like it or not?

Be that as it may, astrology can help us find a better understanding of a great many things, including how the planetary energies affect our whole planet and every individual being on it. And there is nothing quite like it when it comes to finding the right time for doing things, especially for launching new projects. Besides, the progressions of the planets can give us valuable pointers of how far we have got on our evolutionary pathway during our present lifetime.

My interest in astrology, earlier in life, always had been as casual and as much of a joke, as is usual for anyone who is still unaware of its true nature. In those days, I used to read magazine and newspaper forecasts, the same as many do. I never gave any thought as to why and how things are as they are here on the Earth and how they might be influenced by higher and highest forces in the Universe. I would not have occurred to me to enquire where subjects like astrology have their origin, and I had no idea that there could be so much more to it! Until one fine day a friend told me that she had her chart done and that we was fascinated by how accurate and true to her character it was. ‘Hm!’ I thought: ‘Why don’t I have a go?’ So, I rung the man who had worked for her, but he was in the middle of moving house and could not oblige. Could I phone back in a fortnight?

As is the way of things, I was so busy and astrology had no kind of priority in my life then, I forgot about the whole thing until, some time later, I met a man who was said to be a brilliant astrologer. I asked him whether he was interested in doing my chart; he was. As I had no idea what to expect, I approached the matter with an open mind; that to me is the single most important ingredient upon encountering anything new. When my chart arrived, I was astonished how much this man seemed to know about me. After all, we had only chatted for no more than ten minutes and apart from my birth details he did not know anything about me.

Yet, in my chart he told me a great many things about myself which I was only vaguely aware of doing and some of my character traces, which although true at that time were still totally unfamiliar to me. Soon after he announced that he would be starting an astrology class and I was one of the first to enrol. I just had to find out how it is possible to know so much about people one has never met before and whom, by rights, one never needs to meet in person.

In the course that followed I learned the basics of astrology. The rest is self-taught, i.e. life itself has been and still is my most valuable teacher. All my writings are of an intuitive nature and I rely upon the guru within to know the way of all things and to show it to me. It did not take long until it became clear to me that there is a great deal more to astrology than meets they eye. I am glad to say that I am still learning something new with each passing day and that, to me, is the most interesting and fascinating aspect of the Divine science.

To benefit as much as possible from what is now before you, I recommend that you download and print out whatever is to your liking – hopefully all of it. You might later like to re-read what you have found and contemplate on it. You could then go into in the peace and quiet of your inner sanctuary to seek the help of your inner guide and the Angels, so that they can show you whether any of it is of value to you.

For those who are not very familiar with the use of computers I have designed some easy to follow tips for budding computer geeks. For easy access I have placed them as a separate item in this section.

With Love and Light,

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (12)

The Days Of Miracles And Wonders

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – The Days Of Miracles And Wonders

These are the days of miracles and wonders.
This is the long distance call.
Our invisible spirit friends and helpers
Are the eye that never sleeps and like a
Camera in slow motion observes humankind,
Every one of its thoughts, words and actions,
As well as everything else that
Happens throughout the whole of Creation.

It’s good to know that God never was
In the Heavens, somewhere ‘out there’.
God always has been and forever will be
As much part of us, as we are part of God.
Every human being is a young God
In the making who is serving the first part
Of their apprenticeship on the earthly plane.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God,
The Christ Circle, are the Highest level of life.
Getting in touch with it was once thought of
As a long distance call, but to our greatest
Delight is revealing itself as
A surprisingly short one.

From ‘The Boy In The Bubble’
Paul Simon
Edited by Aquarius

Taking part in the education of the earthly school of life is compulsory for every human being. There are no exceptions and the only way of being released from the duty of attending its lessons is through growing spiritual wings and learning how to fly on them. In the age of Aquarius that’s no longer as difficult as it used to be, because God’s sacred wisdom and truth for quite some time has been trying to flow with steadily increasing strength into every human being’s consciousness, as well as that of the whole of humankind and our world.

The Aquarian age is bringing us the truth that our Creator is the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light. That is our God who always has been and forever will be as much part of us as we are part of Him/Her. Every one of us is God. Our world’s old religions with their all-male Godheads were designed to keep us away from discovering these truths too early. And because they insisted that God is in Heaven ‘out there’ somewhere, communicating with God was thought to be a long distance call. Even though it takes a long time until we realise that every one of us is a young God in the making, whenever one of us speaks with themselves, we are in fact speaking with God.

Every human being is a many-faceted jewel who has been gifted by our Creator in some special and unique way. Even if at the moment we are still unaware of such a gift, it could already have taken us many lifetimes to develop it. Maybe we brought it with us into this lifetime. Maybe it’s just waiting to be discovered by us, so we can develop it some more, bring it to full unfoldment and then to be used for making our world a better and more peaceful place for all who are taking part in it.

The talents we are aware of have are not been inherited from anyone around us. They were bestowed upon us by the Highest and could already have taken many lifetimes to develop. That’s why in this one we chose to be born into a family background with people of similar inclinations. This ensured that our gift(s) would be discovered, nurtured and encouraged to unfold some more. That’s the evolutionary background of so-called  ‘Wunderkinder’ like Mozart.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘I Will Succeed!’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (13)

Only A Shadow

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Only A Shadow

O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother Creator of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
The love we have for You,
Is but a shadow of the love You
Have always had
For every one of us and our world,
A deep and abiding love
That never left us.

Our belief in You and the power of Your love
Is but a shadow of the faith You have in us.
Because You know the way of all things,
Your faith in us is deep, lasting and unshakeable.
It always has and forever will accompany
Each one of us on their evolutionary journey
That is constantly taking us forwards and upwards
On an upwards winding spiral
That draws all life into Your loving embrace.

Our lives are in the hand of
You and the Angels and Masters,
Of the Christ Circle, the Throne of God.
How good it is to know that
Countless groups of  spirit and helpers,
Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes,
Always have been and forever will be
Accompanying us and showing the way.

Finding out who and what You truly are,
Who we are and what kind of a relationship
Every one of us has always had with You,
Helps our love for You get stronger with
Every day that passes.
The more we tune into Your frequencies,
The more Your love’s light penetrates into
Every cell and atom of our whole being and
Restores them to normal healthy functioning.
From us it flows into every manifestation of life
That’s in need of healing in our world.

You and the Angels need us as much
As we need You to make a reality of
Our dream of Mother Earth as a place
Whose supreme rulers are peace and harmony,
Honesty and truth, where sickness,
Hunger and starvation are no longer known;
Where humankind’s lust for warmongering,
Trouble and strife, lying and cheating,
Avarice, greed and corruption
Have been overcome and
Left behind, for good.

The joy that fills our whole being
About the golden future that’s in store
For us and our world,
Is but a shadow of how You and the Angels
Are feeling about the homecoming of
Your beloved children of the Earth,
Into the conscious awareness of their
Spiritual nature and that each one of us,
Without exception, will soon know that
They are an offspring of You,
A spark of the Christ star’s Light.

Because everything in the whole of Creation is of You and from You, each time one of us looks into a mirror, we are looking at You. Regardless of what our world’s old religions insisted was the truth about You, Your Trinity never stopped of consisting of You, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. And because every one of us is a spark of the Christ Star’s light, all Divine powers and characteristics are also in every one of us, the highest as well as the lowest. Nobody is all bad or good; everybody is a mixture of both.

It’s good to know that what to this day appears as dark, ugly and evil in human nature and anywhere else in our world, is merely its crude initial manifestation. Your great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, our world and every human being who ever existed within it, provides that in due course such things will have been overcome and left behind, for good.

The main laws of life are love and evolution, evolution based on love. The more our higher nature takes over, the more the drives and urges of our lower nature bleed to death because they are being nailed to the cross of our earthly existence. It comes about each time another one of us brings forth, from deep within their own being, their very own higher God or Christ nature. The first part of every human being’s apprenticeship as a young God in the making is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. Being educated this way is compulsory and cannot be avoided by anyone.

We are all here to give birth to our higher nature. In the course of many earthly lifetimes, time and again God and the Angels are providing each one of us with many opportunities for unfolding and eventually bringing this part of our being to a magnificent blossoming. Our whole world is presently going through this final part of the evolutionary process. There is a wise higher reason why our world has become so heavily overpopulated by now. It allows as many as possible to actively take part in our world’s transformation from being in the main a materialistically orientated place into a spiritual one. This part of their earthly education is going to be the final one for those who handle the present situation in a kind, loving and compassionate way that contributes to the blessing and healing of our world. Such efforts create credit entries in people’s spiritual ledger that are invaluable for the redemption of  their remaining karmic debts. Christianity’s dying man on the cross is a symbolism of this process.

The reactions to our world’s present situation show the wise ones in charge of us in the spirit realm the degree of every person’s spiritual maturity. This decides whether it is safe to release them from their duty of being educated in the earthly school of life, so they can be set free to start exploring and getting to know the greater freedom of the next higher level of our world’s spiritual background. In due course, this will be followed by moving on to ever higher levels. The Angels and Masters in charge of us decide when we are ready for this or whether a few more earthly lifetimes would be better for our development.

As pointed out in ‘Healers And Healing’ the first part of my Aquarian writings, we are all in this life to evolve into healers and lightbringers. First healer heal thyself, then share your learning with anyone who is suffering like you used to do. This is a journey that promises to be blessed with ever more discoveries. And like any journey, this one begins with one step and that’s being afflicted by something that’s been troubling you for a long time. But whatever you tried, it did not budge. Having unsuccessfully experimented with many different things, where should you turn next?

One fine day, an old folk wisdom comes to mind, from apparently nowhere: ‘God helps those who help themselves!’ You start wondering whether this is true and if so, why. It is true because God and the Angels never interfere unnecessarily with our lives. If anyone wants their help, it has to be asked for. Only then are they willing to show us intuitively how to go about finding whatever it is we are looking for. Should you be uncomfortable with the word God, use others like the Universe, the Universal Forces of life or the Highest Forces of life or whatever works best for you. I use the name God for simplicity’s sake. Yet, ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there’. That’s because God is in everything and everything is part of God.

Carey Landry
Edited by Aquarius
Updated March 2021  

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (14)

Going Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Going Home

Going home, going home.
We’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day,
That’s how everybody goes home
Into the spirit world.

It’s not far, just close by,
Through an open door.
Work all done, cares laid by,
Pain and fear no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us,
Father’s waiting too.
Angels and helpers gathered
With the friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way,
Earth-bound sorrows done.
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life’s just begun.

There’s no break, there’s no end ,
Just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile,
Going on and on . . .

I’m just going home!
Without being aware of it,
I have gone this way many times before.
And it’s good to know that none of us
Ever has to do so on their own.
One of the Angels of Death held our hand and
Took us back home into the world of spirit or light.
From which every one of us emerges
At the beginning of a new earthly lifetime.

God and the Angels always have been and
Forever will be as much part of us
As we are part of them.
And wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still have to take us,
There’s no need to be afraid of anything.
They will forever be accompanying us
And showing the way.
We shall always be safe because
In all Eternity our life will rest
In the loving embrace of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

I believe that whenever the moment of someone’s departure from the earthly plane has been reached, no matter under what circumstances it comes about, that’s always the right moment. And that’s going to apply as much to you and me, as well as anyone else. The way I understand life now, is that it is by no means a one-off affair, the way our world’s old religions. Nobody is snuffed out like a candle, each time one of their earthly lifetimes has reached its end. Every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out developmental journey that is constantly taking each individual, the whole of humankind and our world, forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of all life.

The essence of every one of us is spirit/soul and they are eternal and immortal, the same as God. Only when the purpose of each lifetime has been fulfilled are our spirit/soul allowed to go home, independent of at what age and in what manner the departure comes about. To my mind, no death can be described as ‘untimely’, because that does not do justice to the infinite wisdom and love with which our Creator lovingly takes care of every aspect of the development of every human being and our world.

Our Creator is the Divine Trinity of the Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, is our Creator’s Divine Trinity. And the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. They are responsible for the development of every human being who ever took part in earthly life, the whole of humankind and our world. This is the ultimate authority who decides about everything that, in keeping with the great plan, needs to happen in the whole of Creation. They are the only ones who have any true and everlasting power. Nothing is beyond or outside of their will and wishes. And no soul’s departure from earthly life ever takes place without their consent. This is true for any kind of death, including suicide. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The only part that dies when one of us departs from the earthly plane is their physical body. But that’s merely an outer shell which every spirit/soul requires for functioning and getting around in our world, for one lifetime only. Ever more of us these days are becoming aware that leaving our physical body behind does not mean we are dead. Because the essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul, we can and will never die because just like God we are eternal and immortal. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of Death returns our spirit/soul to the world of spirit or light. It is humankind’s true home, the inner spiritual background of our world, from we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to as soon as it has run its course.

 Whenever one of our loved ones has left this plane, there is no need to think that they have gone to a place somewhere ‘up above or out there’. Even though the spirit realm is invisible to earthly eyes, it is there nonetheless. Everything that appears in our world, the outer plane, first has to become manifest on its inner counterpart. Without the inner, there would be no outer; there would be no you and me. And that’s why there is no need to ever talk of those whose physical being has left us, as if they had disappeared altogether. They most certainly have not.

Our world is not really a home. It’s but a temporary staying place, a school and place for growing in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. That’s how every human being’s consciousness slowly but steadily expands. Each can only do this from their own experiences. Nobody can do it for us. And everything that ever happens on this plane does so for a wise higher purpose that’s meant to teach those involved something.

And because I get much comfort from music, especially when it is accompanied by words that really speak to my heart, this song is now winging its way to you, in the hope that it might do the same for you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Going Home’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (15)

If I Can Help Somebody

Rays of Wisdom - Words And Prayers of Hope and Encouragement

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or a song,
If I can show somebody when they’re travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty, as a child of God ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world that is wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, the way the Angels taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
Then my living shall not be in vain.
My being here will not have been for nothing,
If I can help somebody to understand that their life
Has meaning because it serves a wise higher purpose.
What a shame if the gift of their present lifetime
Were frittered away, for in that case they would
Have to return in another one for a repeat performance
Of their quest for understanding.

If I can help ever more spiritually homeless
To find out about their eternal home and that
In truth there is no death, only a moving on to
Different dimensions of life,
So they lose their fear of death and the unknown.
When they understand that God and the Angels
Are in charge of us and our world
That they have always protected us and that now
The time has come for wanting to show us intuitively
How, hand in hand with them, as many as possible
Need to do their share of bringing about
The greatest healing miracle ever
Experienced on the Earth and that is the
Natural happy ending of the 2019/2020 pandemic,
Then my living has not been in vain.

Alma Bazel Androzzo
Edited by Aquarius
Updated September 2020

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (16)

The Optimist’s Outlook On Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Optimist's Outlook On Life

Life in the whole of Creation, therefore every one of us and everything else that’s taking part in our world, is subject to Universal laws. Bearing this in mind, humankind’s earthly existence is basically very simple. The first laws are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love. All other laws branch out from these two. The next important law supports the first two is the law of cause and effect or Karma. It decrees that whatever anyone sends into the Universe, wherever this may come about, in the fullness of time it has to return to its sender in a somewhat strengthened state.

Every human being is a spark of the great light, who has the very best as well as the worst within, even though the good cannot yet be seen during the early stages of someone’s earthly education, in seed form it is there nonetheless. Everything that happens in our world did and still does so, at any given time, for the wise higher purpose of teaching all who are taking part in it something. This is constantly moving every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world forwards and upwards on the great Divine evolutionary spiral of life. That’s why I look for something good in everybody and everything which, to my mind, is by no means foolishly optimistic.

Spiritually, it is realistic and sound because by focusing on that which is good in every human being as well as our world, we help their earthly selves to bring it and their higher God or Christ nature to the surface of their consciousness. This is why I enjoy sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody and especially our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. After all, they too have the Divine spark within and therefore are children of the Highest who have the best as well as the worst within, the same as everybody else, including thee and me.

Every one of us is a co-creator with the Great Father/Mother of all life and at all times we are in the process of bringing something about. Our thoughts create our reality and any kind, loving and forgiving thought we send to our less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind is helping their higher nature to eventually become strong enough to break through its lower earthly counterpart and take it over.

I like to think only of things that are good, right and beautiful, why I enjoy giving of my best at all times and talking health and natural healing methods whenever an opportunity for doing so arises, because more knowledge of this kind will come to me in due course. For the first time in this lifetime I feel safe. This is because I know that: a) my existence – on all its levels – rests securely in the hands of God and the Angels; b) they have always been with every one of us; and c) nothing will ever be able to disrupt or destroy the oneness every one of us always has had and forever will have with them.

They know the way of all things and when one of us needs help, they are more than happy to oblige and yet, without asking for it, no help can come to anyone. As soon as we go down on our knees, if only metaphorically speaking, they willingly show us intuitively how to go about things, guiding and protecting us whenever necessary. That’s how God’s great evolutionary plan once came my way. It has provided me with first hand knowledge that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, has always been unfolding in keeping with this plan.

Through my writings, in the course of many years, my faith and trust in the basic goodness of humankind’s earthly existence and every human being’s nature has grown so strong that nothing will ever be able to shake it. Understanding why things happen, nothing can disturb my peace of mind about our world’s present state. Wise ones have always told us that things can only come about in God’s time and not ours. Yet, they never told us why this should be so. Maybe because they did not know.

Astrology, the Divine science, helps me to understand that things can only happen when the energies of our world’s planetary system are right and therefore allow it to take place. And that’s what they were, a bit more with every passing day as soon the Sun moved into Aries, the sign and point of all new beginnings. Its energies are the uprushing fountain of life that has the power of bringing about the miracle of rebirth on all levels. On the 20th March 2021 the Sun entered Aries. The energies now are right for revealing the truth about the pharma industry and it’s many helpers, especially those of the medical profession. This is the force that for many years has been working exceedingly hard to manipulate our world into the present situation. Secretly, those involved thought, so that nobody would ever be able to reveal the truth about their activities and intentions. What they did not know is that everything that happens on our world’s outer plane is clearly visible to those dwelling on its inner spiritual background. Our most secret thoughts are as if we were shouting them from the rooftops there.

The Aquarian age is the age of truth and nobody can hide it forever. This is for the simple reason that it is not meant to be, never was and never will be. That’s why the truth for quite some time by now has been doing its best to flow with ever increasing strength into all human earthly minds. Each one is a receiver/transmitter station of the ideas that are constantly coming forth from God and the Angels on the Highest levels of life. Alas, many earthly minds have closed down because of not being used. Use it or lose it! My inner guidance tells me that this is why so many are afflicted by Dementia and Alzheimer’s in our time. It’s good to know that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, any condition can be healed and natural ways of doing so are meant to be found. See the relevant link at the end.

It’s good to know that ever more heart-minds are successfully being tuned into the highest frequencies. This shows our readiness to receive the wisdom and truth that for some time by now has been flowing with ever increasing strength onto the earthly plane, to be shared there with as many as possible. Through this, with the passing of time, it has come about that for the first time of my present lifetime, maybe ever, I feel safe and that’s because I know that everything that’s ever happened in our world came about for the wise higher reason of teaching us something. The present situation is no exception and, to show that God and the Angels really are in charge of us and our world and not the pharma industry, they – the most trustworthy source of all – are telling me that the truth about it will soon be revealed.

It’s good to know that everything in our world is of a temporary nature and that our world’s present state was necessary to help humankind wake from the illusion that the earthly plane is all there is to it’s existence. I am not being foolishly optimistic when I say that, in spite of what’s going on around us, all is well with us and our world and forever will be, but in view of its spiritual background very realistic indeed.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    Norman Doidge’s Book ‘The Brain’s Way Of Healing’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (17)

Jupiter’s Blessings In Aquarius

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Jupiter's Blessings In AquariusThe mutable Fire sign Sagittarius is dedicated to the development of humankind’s super-conscious faculties. It’s planetary ruler is the benevolent expansive and yes, gaseous Jupiter. Many by now are aware that Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life. It’s also the sign of truth that flows directly from the highest levels of life into all human minds that are tuned into its frequencies and therefore are capable of receiving its messages. On top of all that, Aquarius is the sign of group consciousness in which humankind’s highest dreams and aspirations will eventually find fulfilment.

On 20th December 2020 Jupiter moved into Aquarius, where it will remain until December 2021. The merging of energies this produces is going to be particularly beneficial for bringing our world’s present state to a surprising and happy ending. Saturn and Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of Aquarius. Saturn’s energies have a restricting and crystallising effect on everything they come into contact with. This is going to counteract the gullibility that can be the hallmark of the Jupiterian energies in Sagittarius and the ninth house, Jupiter’s home sign and house. Jupiter together with Neptune co-rules Pisces and the twelfth house. At the beginning of December 2019 Jupiter moved into Capricorn, the sign that rules large institutions and organisations of our world.

Would it surprise you if I told you that Sagittarius is the zodiac’s sign of showpeople, storytellers and yes, con-people and that our world’s religious institutions are ruled by this sign? What about men enjoying to appear on their church’s stages in colourful women’s garments? Or the wilder, more outrageous and less credible their stories turn out to be, the better their tellers like them? Our world’s legends bear witness to this and in particular Christianity’s Jesus legend. That’s because wherever Jupiter’s energies enter the picture, gullibility rears its head. The many problems this has always brought to our world and is doing to this day, has created ever more opportunities for deepening the effect of life’s lessons in the earthly school of life.

And would it surprise you that Bill Gates has outdone by far that which our world’s religious leaders ever achieved with their lies and deceptions? He is likely to qualify for the title of world champion showman and storyteller, conman and gambler. This is how it came about. Born into the 5th degree of Scorpio, at age twenty-five Bill’s progressed Sun moved into Sagittarius. At age fifty-five it had reached ambitious and high reaching Capricorn. The Sagittarian astrological symbol is the archer, half human – half animal. The arrows that fly from his bow are aiming as far and high as possible. Capricorn’s astrological symbol is the goat. That can either represent human beings as slow plodding house goats or mountain goats, who carefully but sure-footedly aim for the distant goal of being the best ever of their occupation. Saturn is Capricorn’s ruler. Under its guidance the second type of goat steadily works its way towards fulfilling its highest hopes and dreams with great patience and determination.

At some point Bill must have recognise that more money could be made out of the pharma industry than computer technology. That’s why he sold Microsoft in the year 2006 and invested part of his capital in the World Health Organisation. All of it was part of Bill spinning the yarn of his wholesome intentions that one fine day would help him to become known as one of the main benefactors of humankind’s physical wellbeing. Never mind that the opposite is true. By becoming a major shareholder of huge pharmaceutical concerns, for a long time Bill could successfully hide his true intentions of evolving into a major pirate in the vast ocean of earthly life and a piranha fish who was happily feeding on humankind’s resources.

Unaware of the eye that never sleeps in our world’ spiritual background and who knows the way of all things, Bill thought that nobody would ever find out his true intentions. And so, in what he thought of as the greatest of secrecy, he set about getting the ball rolling. The starting point was the idea of worldwide vaccination programs that were to protect everybody against whatever might be threatening  humankind’s physical health. That’s how Bill for many years has been making a major contribution to creating a pandemic which, in the fullness of time, would make his dream of being hailed as the world’s richest, wisest and best loved man come true.

It did not bother Bill that the suffering, which such an event was bound to bring to the people of our world, would be creating massive debit entries in his spiritual bankbook, probably more than even people like Hitler and Mussolini accumulated during their most recent earthly appearances. This was only possible because Bill, at that stage of his development, was as yet unaware that there really is such a thing as our world’s inner spiritual background where everything that happens on the outer plane is observed and carefully registered. That every good thought, word and deed creates a credit entry in our spiritual bankbook and every bad one brings about a debit entry, which eventually has to be redeemed or made good, by none other than us.

Also, isn’t it strange how greed can make someone of Bill’s calibre sink so low? It is likely to have come about during the time when his progressed Sun was moving through Sagittarius. Being ruled by the Stars, the same as we all are, Bill probably could not help sliding into the role of conman and gambler. The temptation was too great. Was it Oscar Wilde who said: ‘I can resist anything but temptation’? An addiction to gambling is as difficult to shed as any other. When it has been developed and pursued successfully in the course of thirty years, that’s probably impossible.

Alas, during the early stages of every human being’s earthly development we are still at the mercy of our lower animal nature’s endless desires and we are so gullible that we quite happily believe just about anything we hear, see or read. We grab it because it sounds to us that it represents some kind of what we, in our innocence – or rather ignorance – think of as a ‘Gospel truth’. We are still a long way from discovering that what came our way wasn’t truth at all and neither were the Christian gospels. They were an essential part of the propaganda machinery of another political organisation that, for a long time successfully, was hiding its true intentions of empire building and warmongering for the sake of material profiteering behind a religious façade.

Fast forward many lifetimes. When we have become sufficiently evolved so that our higher God or Christ nature has woken from its slumber, the scales at last start to fall from our eyes at last. Our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, through its reactions shows us that stories like those of the Bible cannot possibly be taken at face value. It tells us that the same is true for the tales of our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, and that it’s the pharma industry who rewards them for spreading ever more preposterous lies, on its behalf.

That’s how, with the passing of time, every one of us is eventually guided by their Highest Self to discover that all legends that ever appeared in our world were inspired by God and the Angels. But only in the fullness of time, when the energies are right and allow it, the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind each tale’s surface words, can be recognise.

What is it that makes people so gullible that they swallow everything that comes their way, even the most unlikely stories? It looks like a left-over from the Piscean age, the age of blind faith, lying and cheating, deception of the self and others and corruption. The pandemic is an essential aspect of redeeming the karmic debts that accumulated not only in the course of the approx. 2,400 years of the Piscean age, but all others since the beginning of the patriarchal religions with their false belief of an all-male God-head.

The age of truth has been with us for quite a while by now. Isn’t it the highest time that ever more of us let go of the old false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that have accompanied our race for such a long time? How about assisting some of the died-in-the-wool Christians around you, who still believe that every word of the Bible is literally true? Wouldn’t you like to help them make some progress on their personal evolutionary journey through finding out what their scriptures are really trying to tell humankind? Isn’t it time they used their earthly minds for doing some thinking of their own, instead of allowing themselves to be guided like sheep and believe in something that’s outdated and not true?

Our earthly minds are wonderful instruments. They are the receiver/transmitter station of ideas that have always been flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. This mind was not given to any one of us for nothing and to understand the true meaning of the incoming ideas, the mind is in need of constantly being fine-tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. Every one of them has always been waiting to eventually evolve into another channel through which the wisdom and truth of the Highest one day are going to flow without dilution onto the earthly plane, to be used for the blessing and healing of our world. Without training the earthly mind this is impossible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (18)

Jon Rappaport : Voice Of Truth

1)    ‘Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test.’ By Jon Rappoport 24th February 2021 continuing his series exposing the COVID test fraud.


2)    ‘Defeating COVID Test Fraud: Memo to Lawyers and Clients.’ By Jon Rappoport 25th February 2021


3)    ‘COVID: the virus was never proven to exist; a statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell.’ 26th February 2021 by Jon Rappoport. Essential reading that ends with:

‘Questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

‘If pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time. We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist. Signed by: Sally Fallon Morell, MA, Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD.’


4) ‘Massive number of flu cases are re-labeled COVID cases.’ By Jon Rappoport    1st March 2021 Jon writes: The number of COVID cases has been faked in various ways. By far, the most extensive strategy is re-labeling. Flu is called COVID. We don’t need charts and graphs to see this. It’s right in front of our eyes. The definition of a COVID case allows flu in the door. There is nothing unique about that definition. For example, a cough, or chills and fever, would constitute “a mild case of COVID.”


4)    ‘Ebola: the new fake outbreak. The virus is the cover story.’ By Jon Rappoport 2nd March 2021 This is essential reading, don’t miss it! Here is an extract from what Jon is saying: ‘ We’re being warned that a new Ebola outbreak is spreading. Yahoo News (February 26, 2021): “On Feb. 17, the World Health Organization reported a cluster of Ebola cases in Guinea…The Biden administration is moving forward with plans to screen airline passengers from two African countries arriving in the U.S. for Ebola…” Before yet another lunatic pandemic story takes off, people need to understand the multiple hoaxes behind Ebola. I covered the story in 2017 and 2014. What follows are the essential quotes from my pieces. Buckle up and read on!


6) ‘COVID: Apocalypse omelet with Fauci sauce, Gates pickles, served in a roadside Censorship Diner by Joe Biden in his pajamas after escaping the White House and hitching a ride to Kansas.’ By Jon Rappoport. Some more highly enlightening essential reading from THE voice of truth. The following is an extract:
Now, just between us, did they ever find a brand new virus in China to begin with? I see no convincing evidence they did. But who cares? Are the diagnostic tests for the virus inadequate and useless and worthless and deceiving? Of course. Is the “virus epidemic” a gold-plated fake? Sure. Are all sorts of people being diagnosed with corona who have no disease at all? You bet. Are people who are sick for all sorts of reasons being told they’re corona cases? Yeah. That’s our bread and butter. Some poor bastard gets off a plane and he has a slight fever from the bad air in the cabin and he’s whisked away for quarantine. Play it up. “The virus can get you anytime, anywhere.” In a city, one ICU ward in a hospital is overflowing with sick people. Of course it is. People are sick all the time. But now, they’re all afraid, and they’re coming on foot, in cars, in wheelchairs, on crutches, and with the wave of a magic wand, they’re put in the ICU because they must be corona. Good. I want more pictures of that chaotic ICU. I want video on the news. More of it. Get busy. Don’t slack off. This is a circus. There are rules for a circus. The main rule is, people get bored quickly, so you need lots of acts and tricks and animals and side shows and candy to keep the audience occupied. An ICU here, an ICU there. A mother crying. Who cares why? It must be the virus. I don’t want to hear about all the other reasons people are sick. I just want to hear VIRUS.

Never forget how easily you can fool the yokels. Yesterday, a guy living in an apartment house had the flu. No big deal. But today, same guy? Corona. Nothing changed except the news. All his neighbors in the building forget that yesterday this guy had ordinary flu. It’s a beautiful thing. Use it. I want to see more funerals on the news.  

Our holy grail, our perfect ideal, which is unattainable, would be: every death in the world for the next six months or a year is called Coronavirus. But we can strive toward that ideal. We must.


7) ‘Zika was a warm-up for COVID; it didn’t fly.’ By Jon Rappoport 4th February 2021 I covered the Zika outbreak extensively in 2016. It was yet another fraud, and it collapsed under the weight of warnings to women to avoid pregnancy. Women wouldn’t obey in great enough numbers. Basically, the official position was: an outbreak of microcephaly was occurring, worldwide, starting in Brazil. Babies were being born with smaller heads and brain damage. The cause was the Zika virus, carried by mosquitoes. When I was exposing the lies, in 2016, I wasn’t questioning the existence of the Zika virus. Now, in 2021, I would be demanding proof that the virus had actually been isolated.  


8) ‘Let's Dump the Queen and the Rest of the Royal Family.’ Dr. Vernon Coleman


9) ‘Tony Fauci and the Swine Flu hoax; betrayal of trust.’ By Jon Rappoport 6th February 2021


10) ‘My HIV/AIDS investigation, and the parallels to the COVID hoax.’ By Jon Rappoport 8th February 2021
In my current series of articles on fake epidemics, Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu, I’ve established that all the symptoms of these so-called diseases can be explained without invoking a virus. . . As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been offering compelling evidence that SARS-COV-2 has never been proven to exist. Researchers twist and reverse the meaning of the word “isolation,” in order to “demonstrate” the virus is real. The non-existence of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t surprise me. After all, the so-called symptoms of both “conditions” can be explained without reference to a virus. In both cases, the reality, which lights up like a giant neon sign in the darkness, is FRAUD.


11) ‘Antifa/BLM should be protesting against drug cartels and banks. If the CIA admitted the truth about the destruction of society.’ By Jon Rappoport 10th March 2021 It’s a work of fiction, in the form of an interview that presents a thesis about the protection of high-level criminals. Jon chose to report in this fashion, because it’s the fastest and clearest way of getting to the heart of the matter. It’s about a reporter interviewing a former CIA executive who is fed up and decides to spill many beans.


12) ‘COVID: To Governors who are re-opening your States. How to defeat the attacks against you.’ By Jon Rappoport 11th March 2021. This is a talk with the Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who understands the game. In December, his office issued an order to all state labs processing COVID PCR tests. They must now report “the number of cycles” they deploy in every test they perform. Roughly speaking, a cycle is a quantum leap which increases the sensitivity of the test. As readily asserted by Anthony Fauci, any test using more than 35 cycles is meaningless. It’s not really meaningless, but laden with false-positive results. The patient is falsely claimed to be “infected.”


13) ‘Biden: naked socialism/technocracy for America; the great land theft. A new chapter in the Energy Wars.’ By Jon Rappoport who writes: We are living in the middle of a giant scam: “Reduce energy use, in order to cut CO2 emissions and save the planet.”


14) ‘JFK's dream of breakthrough energy technology.’ By Jon Rappaport who writes: ‘Discussion of reviving the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project has surfaced every few years, with studies undertaken and debates renewed. Each time, most people agree that the engineering plan is sound: the project could be built and it would work. Other considerations, however, have kept the project from being resumed.
‘The article describes John F Kennedy’s dream of a new energy project of awesome dimensions: the Passamaquoddy Tidal venture, which would have used huge water turbines to produce electricity for both America and Canada. It would also have provided a model for the rest of the world.’


15) ‘I didn't order the Fauci baloney on rye with RNA sauce.’ By Jon Rappoport who writes: ‘Waiter, I said I didn’t want the Fauci baloney with Birx pickles and Redfield mustard and the RNA sauce. The lockdown-vaccine lunatics have a problem. They’re running out of credible front figures. Fauci says asymptomatic COVID-19 cases can’t drive an epidemic, and never have, which means most PCR positives are meaningless, and lockdowns are unnecessary. Then he turns around and says we all have to wear masks until the sun burns out.’


16) ‘Dr. Fauci: a conversation in Hell.’ By Jon Rappoport. The following is but a sample of when Anthony Fauci steps off a small boat floating in a river at the bottom of a great cavern. A lamp cuts into the darkness and illuminates a small table and two chairs. Fauci walks to the table and sits down. He is joined by his old mentor, whose name is unknown. It’s been a long time, Anthony. Remember me? Of course. But why am I here?

You need a refresher, Anthony. You’ve been wobbling badly. Apparently you’ve forgotten our first lesson. I was in medical school then. That’s when we promised you significant rewards if you performed well for us. That day, I told you: you need to lie with CONSISTENCY. Yes, sir. And I’ve obeyed your order. No you haven’t. You’ve cooked a goose and a cake in the same pan. You’ve said it was raining and not raining. You’ve worn only a jock strap and spread sunscreen on your body in the Arctic, and you’ve bundled up at the Equator. You’re a mess. . .

To hear more of the truth, please following this link:


17) ‘My original position on the non-existent virus.’ By Jon Rappoport 18th March 2021 Here is a small extract of what he has to say on this subject: ‘About a year ago, I wrote and published my position on the existence of SARS-CoV-2. I still stand by it. It’s worth revisiting. File it under: “follow the actual science.” If researchers had actually been interested in proving the virus exists, they would have a conducted a large-scale study.’ To my mind an essential read.


18) ‘Hollywood movies featuring "deadly viruses" on the loose.’ By Jon Rappoport 19th March 2021 he wrote: ‘Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs. A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion. My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.’ Some more essential reading material.


19) ‘Hollywood movies featuring "deadly viruses" on the loose.’ 19th March 2021 By Jon Rappoport. The following is his introduction to his reflections on this theme: Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs. A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion.

My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics. Manufacturing 134 movies on the same subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage. But in this case, it’s viruses.


20) ‘Vaccine: twenty countries suspend injections; does that make you “hesitant?”’ 22nd March 2021 By Jon Rappaport   

On 19th March The Guardian: “Several European countries have halted using the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine…” The Guardian has a brand new definition of “several.” Their own article lists the following nations: Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Sweden. Bulgaria and Thailand have also stopped the jab. The reason for the “pause?” A “small” number of people have developed blood clots.


21) ‘The COVID narrative as an occult work of art.’ By Jon Rappoport 24th March 2021. This is the beginning of another fascinating chapter: Readers who have been with me the past year know I’ve dismantled every piece of the official COVID narrative. Factually. Scientifically. I knew from 30 years of experience—investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika—what to look for in the fake COVID science.

I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue. Occult initiations are mysteries, in the sense that the believer is fed steps and procedures which he can’t fathom, or only partially understands. This is purposeful. The believer’s imagination is engaged without him knowing it. He attributes meaning to factual gibberish. . .

22) ‘Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory once and for all.’ By Jon Rappoport on 25th March 2021 he writes: In a number of articles, I’ve offered compelling evidence that the deaths attributed to COVID-19 can be explained without reference to a virus. Furthermore, whatever merits “alternative treatments” may have, I see no convincing evidence their action has anything to do with “neutralizing a virus.” The entire tragic, criminal, murderous, stupid, farcical COVID fraud is based on a hundred years of Rockefeller medicine – a pharmaceutical tyranny in which the enduring headline is: ONE DISEASE, ONE GERM.

That’s the motto engraved on the gate of the medical cartel. Thousands of so-called separate diseases, each caused by an individual germ. “Kill each germ with a toxic drug, prevent each germ with a toxic vaccine.” In the absence of those hundred years of false science and propaganda, COVID-19 promotion would have gone over like a bad joke. A few sour laughs, and then nothing, except people going on with their lives. The overall health of an individual human being has to do with factors entirely unrelated to “one disease, one germ.” Another fascinating and, my inner guidance tells me, true read!

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (19)

Jon Rappaport : Not Always A Voice Of Truth

Rays Of Wisdom – Songs Of Inspiration – Amazing Grace - Jon Rappaport : Not Always A Voice Of Truth

Someone who would greatly benefit from finding out about these things, would be the American writer and journalist Jon Rappaport.  Until recently he came across to me as a voice of truth. This is because the part of his work to which my attention was first drawn, was spot on. To each one my inner guidance reacted with: ‘Yes, this is the truth.’ Alas, this has changed since the arrival in my e-mail inbox of his most recent offerings:

1) ‘COVID vaccine deaths: the numbers point to a catastrophe,’ of 10th May 2021. My guidance’s response to this one is that Jon’s perception of our world’s present state this time is way off the mark. See what yours says when you follow the link below:


2) ‘Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money. Financial shock and awe.’ Arrived 12th May 2021

My inner guidance tells me that the direction in which Jon is moving with these offerings is way off the mark. They are reminding me of the German proverb: ‘Wenn’s dem Esel zu gut geht, geht er auf’s Glatteis und bricht sich ein Bein.’ When things are going to well for donkeys, they step onto black-ice and breaks a leg.’ Donkeys aren’t known for their smartness. This saying warns us that doing something in too high spirits can turn out to be harmful. In Germany it is used when someone does something and they should have known better. People might only shake their heads and say: ‘When the donkey. . .’. That’s usually enough, because just about everybody knows the rest of this proverb. An English saying also comes to mind and that’s: ‘Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched!’

About Jon’s latest offerings my inner guidance adds: ‘Yes, things of this nature could happen, but only if God and the Angels were not in charge of humankind and its world. Fortunately, they are and the Divine great plan of life has something quite different in mind for all of you. The Aquarian age, for some time by now, has constantly been moving humankind’s spiritual development forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Nothing on the earthly plane can interfere with, disrupt or even bring it to a halt, for the briefest of moments. With every passing second and minute, hour and day your whole world is moving closer to a new golden age. Every one of you will be provided with plenty of what they truly need. That’s all you take and you’ll be happy to leave the rest for those who come after you. The prime rulers of your world will be peace and love, honesty and truth together with goodwill towards all manifestations of life that share Mother Earth with you. Metaphorically speaking, that’s what’s ‘written in the Stars’ for humankind.

‘For long enough it has seemed on your world’s outer plane as if nobody were in charge of it. Let no-one be fooled by such appearances. Your world was created this way for the wise higher purpose of enabling every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, to become familiar with the drives and urges of its lower earthly nature. The only way of doing this is through exploring each one to the fullest, and that on the giving as well as the receiving end of the experiences this brings with it. That’s why every human being has been granted the gift of freedom of choice. At all times, it allows you to make up your own mind about which way you would like to travel whenever a new idea or concept comes your way.

‘The present state of your world serves the redemption of all unpaid karmic debts that to this day are waiting to be paid in humankind’s spiritual ledgers. Please note that it’s for simplicity’s sake that, throughout the Aquarian writings, the Highest Forces of life are called God and the Angels. This authority never interferes unnecessarily with life on the outer material plane of Its realm. Only when things are in danger of getting out of hand, it does step in and says: ‘Whoa!’ That’s what it is doing with what’s before you now.’

If you would like confirmation that what you are finding out here as well as in all other parts of my writings, is true, it’s best to consult with your own inner guidance or the living God within. To my mind, this is the only trustworthy and reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation who knows the way of all things and has the answer to any question we shall ever want to ask. Best of all, this teacher never charges anything for its services.

From ‘The Milk Is White’ comes the following warning: ‘It is important to be aware that there are many souls incarnate who are misguided, because they have not yet overcome their selfish desires and present themselves to us as Gurus and Masters and seek our allegiance and all that entails. Others have the spiritual knowledge but because they do not live that knowledge mislead themselves into using it for selfish purposes. Hence independent thought is very important. ‘By their actions you may judge them’ and ‘Beware the priest who is also a businessman’ is wise counsel to keep in mind. [Jon Rappaport owns a publishing house.]

‘There are others who, with the best of intentions, try to convince us that the texts on which they rely are the only true one. Sadly this ignorance demonstrates a lack of understanding of the Truth. Some present for our acceptance and salvation what may be likened to a beautiful bonsai – a plant whose shape is contrived, whose roots do not probe deeply and whose branches are low and do not reach into the ethers. In making any choices we should be aware that a rope incorrectly knotted is difficult to undo.’

Be that as it may, the Piscean age has been the age of blind faith and blindly believing of what our world’s religious teachings are saying that they are literally true. This age was a period during which lying and cheating, deception of the self and others, were the order of the day and practised by many. All of it came about with the help and will of God and the Angel during the Piscean age. It was an essential part teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, when in the course of the Aquarian age they would gradually re-appear. The deeper we penetrate into this age, the more of these qualities will re-establish themselves in our world.

How does one remove that which still is ugly and evil on this plane, once and for all? To my mind, the best way is by absorbing it by sending good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions in its direction.  Each one of them feeds into humankind’s light stream of consciousness and that increases its strength. This is how, with the passing of time, the power of our world’s own Christ light gradually absorbs ever more of our world’s remaining unwanted and superfluous darkness into itself. If we but ask, God and the Angels transmute these energies into blessing and healing ones that happily and freely flow to wherever someone is in need of them.

God and the Angels are part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also our world. Being the eyes that never sleep, they are part of everything that happens anywhere and nothing ever comes about without their consent or is beyond their reach. And because earthly life is a school and place of learning, whenever God and the angels permit something to come about here, it merely does so because it serves a wise higher purpose of some kind. Without exception, it is part of someone’s lesson and in many cases for the whole of humankind.

This most certainly is the case with the plandemic. It’s the result and aftermath of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, during which the love and wisdom of the Highest Forces of life systematically removed honesty and truth ever more from our world. That was the only practical way and most sensible way of teaching the whole of humankind the value of these qualities. And the deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the less need there will be to blindly believe anything that was written by someone somewhere.

Thanks and praise be for everyone’s own inner guidance, the wise one and living God within, and for the protection it has always provided for anyone whose earthly mind is tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. And because erring is human and forgiving Divine, lets forgive those who to this day are trying to pull the wool over our eyes and deceive us. Once we have learnt to use our built-in lie-detector, paying attention to its reactions and following its advice, this is impossible. Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for its truly magical protection.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (20)

Of False Prophets, Messiahs And Experts

Updated for the Coronavirus Outbreak 2019-2022

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Of False Prophets And MessiahsBe particularly careful each time you come across another medical Doctor and others who call themselves experts on the Coronavirus outbreak 2019/2020/2021. Reflect on who, from the background, might be pulling their strings and how much and by whom they might be getting paid for making statements that are obviously designed to frighten some more of the living daylights out of people and especially the governments in whose hands the spending power of their countries rests. With the means of communication that are now available to just about everybody, it has been easy to bring about a pandemic by turning the handle of the fear-making machinery of our world’s troublemakers.

To find out whether something is true or false, pay attention to how your inner guidance reacts to whatever you are hearing or reading. For example when ‘experts’ tell you that wearing facemasks is completely harmless. Having tried them, I believe that cannot be true. I could not possibly stand wearing one for more than ten minutes for the following reason: our lungs bring oxygen into our bodies when breathing in and send carbon dioxide into our world when we are breathing out. It is a waste gas that the cells of our body produce and a high concentration of it displaces the oxygen in the air. If less of that is available to breathe, symptoms such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, clumsiness, emotional upsets and fatigue can result. As less oxygen becomes available, nausea and vomiting, collapse, convulsions, coma and death can occur. How is that for harmlessness?

And for everyone on the spiritual pathway a word of warning may not come amiss and that is: ‘Whatever you do, beware of false prophets and messiahs!’ To this day, they are sure to be encountered by all of us in the form of people who are trying to take us in. The only one hundred percent reliable teacher in the whole wide world dwells inside everybody’s innermost heart and is waiting to be called upon and spring into action. Yet, even in these communications with our inner Master, the living God within, it is essential that we use our discriminatory faculties, so they can be developed to their highest potential.

Sorting the wheat from the chaff is now more important than it ever was before. Do not believe anything or anyone, including me and my writings – not that I would call myself a prophet or messiah, but I am sure you know what I mean – without verifying the information before you with your inner guidance first. In order to do this, whatever you hear or read anywhere, let it flow through the filter of the world of your feelings, especially your heart, as that is the only place in the world where truth dwells. Listen carefully to what it tells you.

Our inner guru, also known as the living God within, has full access to every bit of wisdom and knowledge that has ever been gathered anywhere in the whole of Creation. S/He is the final authority on recognising and telling us the difference between right and wrong, truths and lies. Learn to listen to this teacher carefully, with love and respect. Test and try it, time and again, and it will amaze you how much it can and will tell and help you, even down to tackling your most mundane tasks. This authority in everybody is waiting to help us understand what is happening in our world, within and without, with ever increasing speed. It is waiting to be called upon to show us how to overcome all our fears and how to transmute our negative thoughts and feelings into positive and constructive ones.

To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:15-20: ‘Beware of false prophets who present themselves in sheep’s clothing when in truth they are ravenous wolves. That’s how everybody needs to learn how to recognise others by their fruits. Is it possible to gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, good trees bear good fruit while bad trees can only bear bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, neither can a bad tree bear good fruit. This separates the wheat from the chaff. The trees that do not bear good fruit during this lifetime are not going to be allowed to reincarnate into earthly life, when the present transformation of your planet is complete. Their energies will only be suitable for continuing their education of the material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet. That’s how by their fruits anyone’s true value can be recognised, not only by you but also your invisible friends and helpers in the spiritual background of life.’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (21)

The Built-In Lie Detector

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - The Built-In Lie-Detector‘The fear of death and the unknown has always made people easy prey for the greed and avarice of those who offer something that’s going to keep them safe. If the wind keeps on blowing in the right direction for long enough, the victims will never find out that in truth the makers of such promises merely pretend they have something of value to offer. After all, they are generously paying people with imaginative minds. They have no problems inventing things that sound as if they were true, when they could not be further away from it. Never mind, if what they are saying gets the wheels of their employers’ propaganda machinery going and, for as long as no strong enough resistance has built up, keeps them turning.

‘People involved in such schemes believe that they are working with the greatest of secrecy and that therefore nobody can observe them, they don’t mind using any kind of means that promises to deceive those around them, when in truth they are deceiving themselves. It’s not really evil that you and your world are up against but ignorance. That’s always been the greatest obstacle on humankind’s individual and collective progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Not knowing and understanding breeds fear. And that in turn brings forth young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are only too happy to ruthlessly exploit humankind’s fears with tales that have been specially invented for the purpose of pumping them up to previously unknown heights.

‘And because the age of truth for quite a while has been with you, once more we have come to tell those who are still looking for someone to save you and your world from this kind of menace. Nobody in the whole of Creation will ever come and wave some kind of magic wand on your behalf or anyone else’s, to bring this about, least of all Jesus. He never was in a position to respond to requests of this nature for the simple reason that he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only existed as a thoughtform that was inspired by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world some invaluable lessons of discernment, i.e. the ability to recognise whether someone is telling the truth or a lie.

‘Every one of you needs to be able to do this for themselves and that about everything that comes your way on the earthly plane. Don’t worry, you all have a built-in lie-detector and that is your inner guidance, the wise one of living God within. As soon as your earthly education has reached a certain point,  the time has come for learning how to consciously tap into its communications. Through the world of your feelings this aspect of your being has always tried to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road of doing the right things at the right time, i.e. that which is beneficial for your development. It’s the small still voice of your conscience that’s ignored to your detriment. For every one of you, paying attention to its reactions has always been the only truly reliable way of telling whether something, at that particular moment, is right or wrong, false or true. When this ability has been developed and you look at any kind of knowledge that comes your way, especially in the form of religious teachings, your lie-detector will either react with ‘this is true or untrue’.

‘To assist every human being with developing this part of their being is the wise higher reason why, for the duration of the patriarchy, your world had to be misled about your Creator’s nature and your own, as well as the special relationship all of you are having with the highest authority of all. The imbalances that were created by the old religions’ beliefs, with their all-male God-heads, for some time have been in the process of being removed. It is coming about through the truth that your Creator always has been and forever will be the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light. It’s good to observe that ever more of you are waking up to the realisation that the only one who can save and redeem you and your world is every one of you for themselves.

‘Every physical body, animal and human alike, has always been equipped with the inborn natural gift of healing itself and that in mind, body and spirit/soul. Unfortunately, the products of the pharmaceutical industry all too frequently interfere with the functioning of this aspect of their being. That’s why we are telling those who are in need of healing that, with our help and will, any condition can be healed. As without asking no help can come to you from us, turn to us so we can guide you to the natural – these days so-called ‘alternative’ – healing methods that will really do you good. If you pay attention to your inner guidance when trying those you feel drawn to, you will intuitively know which one(s) are right for you.

‘Stick your toes into the water and find out what each one can do for you. And do not forget to tap into our healing energies that are available free of charge to anyone who asks for them. Learning how to tap into them is the only thing you have to do. When you do your best, we are always happy to do the rest. And that’s how your trust in our presence and our ways of helping those who ask for our assistance steadily grows. This is the most essential ingredient for the process of shedding your fears and anxieties. The spiritual wisdom we have for quite some time been bringing to your world, through many different channels, is providing ever more of you with the key for unlocking the doors to their innermost being, where the memories of all your previous lifetimes have been stored, good, bad and indifferent alike.

‘The lack of understanding to this day is making far too many of you is into gullible victims of the pharmaceutical industry’s tales about the pandemic 2019/2020. They are the driving force behind events of this nature. They have tried before and did not succeed and we assure you that they will not do so this time. To bring about the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth, we need the help of as many of you as possible. It’s up to every individual to release themselves and your  whole world, once and for all, from the darkness of the prison that time and again was created by the machinations of your world’s professional troublemakers and scaremongers, employed by the pharmaceutical industry.

‘Like a poisonous spider, this organisation sits in its web that consists of falsifications and lies, ready to devour any victim that believes its tales and is willing to act upon them. Their favourite hiding places are the façades of once well respected organisations, like the World Health Organisation. The pharmaceutical industry hopes that eventually the government of all countries are going to pass a new law that forces people to take part in compulsory mass vaccinations. They are dreaming that this would come about in dictator fashion, with each country’s police force behind its government to ensure that their law is obeyed. But that harks back to the ways of the past, in sharp contrast with the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of freedom from all yokes of oppression and slavery. This age is about friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, reaching out for each other, helping and supporting people instead of exploiting and taking advantage of their fears.

‘As nothing could contravene that spirit more, there is no chance that attempts of this nature will be tolerated. Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. The deeper you move into this age, the clearer it will become that the Uranian energies are providing people, individually and collectively, with the courage, strength and determination to go on the barricades in order to shake off anything that can no longer be tolerated, for example the yoke of continued lockdowns.  The protest meetings and marches that are already taking part in many parts of your world are a clear sign that the influence of the Uranian energies with every passing day are growing more powerful.

‘The instrument for rendering any kind of human-made trap ineffective is through every one of you overcoming and letting go of their deepest innermost fears, because that enables you to move from your role as victim into that of a conqueror. The magical key for bringing this about is an improved understanding of the processes of life, especially those of birth, death and rebirth. For long enough your fears, individually and collectively, have been making prisoners of your earthly selves. The knowledge that has been coming your way for quite some time is meant to assist ever more of you to unlock the inner doors of the dark dungeon of their ignorance about the spiritual aspects of life.

‘The Aquarian age’s freedom consists of believing only what the lie-detector of your inner guidance tells you is true. To enable you to fully take advantage of what it offers, your inner doors need to be opened wide. Only through using the knowledge we are bringing and in this way digesting it, can any of it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever take from you. It will be yours in all Eternity.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Amazing Grace’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (22)

Fog Knitters Of Our World Unite

Hooray For Bollywood!

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Hooray For Bollywood

My inner guidance says: ‘If you believe what your world’s mass media is presently pumping into the ethers about the Indian variant of the Covid virus, beyond any shadow of a doubt you qualify to be called a fog knitter. If you believe anything that the mass media these days is distributing, especially in connection with the latest addition to their repertoire, the so-called Indian variant, shows your ability to knit fog. Every bit of the information that the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery is now pumping into humankind were produced by no less than the Indian film industry. For some time by now, this dream factory is becoming ever more widely known as Bollywood.

‘All who are taking part in the making of this kind of propaganda material are as yet unaware of their true nature and the wise higher purpose of every human being’s earthly existence. These people so far have no idea of how they are piling ever more karmic debts into their spiritual ledgers. And that’s because they are young and inexperienced spirit/souls who have not yet found that all of you are responsible for every thought, word and action that’s sent into your world. All involved in this operation have yet to learn that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also on the Earth, is subject to the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. This law, in the fullness of time, returns whatever one of you sends into your world, in somewhat strengthened form, to its sender.

‘Each one of those who agrees to getting involved in any kind of function, be it in front or behind a camera, in the production of the pharma industry’s ever more harrowing propaganda film material about the supposed effects of the ‘Indian Variant’, in truth are your younger siblings in the great family of humankind. If any one of them was as highly evolved as you are, they would never dream of taking part in such an enterprise, no matter how much money anyone offered them.

‘The age of someone’s physical body does not matter, because it’s merely a vehicle for getting around on the earthly plane and that for one lifetime only. On the inner spiritual level every one of the people involved in the production of the ‘Indian Variant’ propaganda films is but a youngster. None of them know as what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to them. It’s in the hands of every one of you, their spiritually older and more experienced siblings, to do all you can to stop this from happening.

‘And that’s why we, your spirit guides, friends and helpers, ask every one of you to include all spiritual youngsters whenever you send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to all who are involved in troublemaking and scaremongering. Thanks and God bless to the whole of humankind. Irrespective of which developmental point you have reached on the great evolutionary spiral of life, you are a child of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, spirit and light, who is loved beyond compare.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (23)

Sing, Sweet Nightingale . . .

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Nothing But The Truth – Sing, Sweet NightingaleFrom the beginning of the Covid virus scare I have been convinced that the whole thing is nothing but a hoax and a gigantic swindle. The pharma industry, who has prepared for itself our world’s best equipped propaganda machinery, is the driving force behind it. ‘Mistakes’ were made during the industry’s previous attempts at creating a plandemic, through inventing imaginary viruses that were said to cause the bird flu and after a while the swine flu. By now they have been learnt from and overcome. That’s why now it seems as if the industry this time really had succeeded. At least by the look of things, they have. I trust my inner guidance who tells me that the truth about the plandemic’s background is bound to emerge, as nobody can hide the truth forever. That’s impossible because it is not meant to remain hidden.

Regarding vaccinations, we are told it’s not going to be made compulsory in the United Kingdom, as that’s not the way things are done in this country. There’s no need for making it compulsory because other much more sneaky and profitable ways of forcing people to take part in the vaccinations have been developed. The ones in charge seem to believe that if you harass people sufficiently, they will eventually get so tired that they agree. One the most prominent institutions that’s taking part in this operation is the British National Health Service. Being financed by taxpayer’s money, it stands to reason that this service belongs to the British people and not the British government, who is merely its caretaker – on paper at least.

My present existence is a good example of the care the various institutions are providing for the British citizens. By the end of September this year I will have reached the age of eighty-four. Let me tell you about the various ways of how I have already been harassed to take part in the Covid vaccinations. No doubt to the pharma industry’s greatest delight, by no it’s not just one jab they are trying to convince that everybody needs, but two. Who knows three, four, five and more? The sky’s the limit. Are you as moved as I am how the industry is concerned about the state of my health and its efforts to keep me on the earthly plane for as long as possible?

But seriously now, here is what happened to me. Starting about a month ago, I received:

1) Phone call from my GP’s office, inviting me to make an appointment. I told them I was not taking part in the vaccinations. They accepted it and did not bother me any more.
2) Within a few days, a letter from the NHS urging me not to miss out and make an appointment for being vaccinated, which I ignored.
3) A second letter with similar content arrived several days later, which I also ignored, but I was not going to get away.
4) The same day, the letter was followed by another phone call, this time a direct line from the NHS. I told the lady that I will never take part in the vaccinations. When asked why, I told her that I believe it’s one gigantic hoax. The response was: ‘That’s very interesting!’ This was followed by a promise that I would not receive further reminders.

There were no more letters or calls from the NHS, but the crowning glory arrived on 28th May 2021 in the shape of an innocent enough looking letter that landed on my doormat. It was from the Humberside Police. I live in the East Riding of Yorkshire, which is part of their territory. The envelope was addressed to The Owner of . . . This created an appearance as if my letter was but one of those mail-shots, which service suppliers now and again send to all households that are going to be affected by changes they are about to make. Naturally, the same letter goes to every household in the area.

That’s what I thought at first, but then the alarm bells of my inner guidance began to ring. Smelling a rat, I asked my next door neighbours whether they also had received a copy of this letter. They had not! The German proverb ‘Nachtigall ich hoer dich trapsen!’ which translates into ‘Nightingale I hear you trampling’ once more came to mind. To find out more about this proverb, please take a look at the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

My letter ended with: ‘Thank you for taking the time to tell us your views.’ It was signed by Lee Freeman, Chief Constable, Humberside Police. This was followed by a signature that consisted of going round and round in small circles. I wonder what a graphologist would make of that alone. Be that as it may, my inner guidance says about the sweet song of this particular nightingale: ‘It’s a thin disguise for the trampling of the police force’s jackboots of which those at the head of your world’s governments have secretly been dreaming for a long time. If this dream ever came true, it would enable them to force the masses of their countries to be vaccinated, whether someone likes it or not.

‘It would make no difference if someone were convinced – the way you have been from the word ‘go’ – that your world’s present situation is not a pandemic but a plandemic which has been in the planning stage for many years. On the surface of things nobody knows like we, the wise ones in charge of you and your world, how much money already has changed hands between institutions like the British National Health System, the international medical profession and various governments. We know how much by now has disappeared, even though the amounts are invisible to earthly eyes, into the pockets of various innocent looking members of these organisations.

But let’s return to my letter for a moment. It started off with an invitation to take part in a friendly survey that asked me for suggestions about how the Humberside Police Force’s services, which according to them are already excellent, could be improved some more. Even though at first I was tempted to log on to see what kind of information they are after, because my inner guidance suggested it would be better to ignore the letter, that’s what I did. I am keeping it as evidence, to be prepared for all eventualities.

The Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age is rebellion and revolution. The deeper we penetrate into this age, the more the Aquarian energies will be able to assist us with shaking off the rest of the yokes of oppression that to this day, individually as well as collectively, are obstructing humankind’s evolutionary progress on the grand spiral of life. One cannot help wondering how long it might take sufficient people in our world unite and rise in protest against the pharma industry’s insatiable greed that’s the true background of the plandemic. This is the yoke that’s increasing its attempts at suffocating the breath of life out of all humankind. Are they really so blind not to be able to see this?

The deeper we penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more strongly will every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world benefit from the Aquarian energies. The co-rulers of this sign are Saturn and Uranus. And the freedom of Aquarian age consists of believing what our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within everybody, tells us is true – regardless of what has been and still is written, said or shown by anyone anywhere.

Saturn represents our Divine parents’ stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect, which demands self-discipline and self-mastery from every human being. Only when this task has been attended to satisfactorily, can any human being be trusted with being released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm, where our studies continue through exploring ever higher levels of this world, humankind’s true home.

At first Saturn acts as teacher in every human being’s life. As soon as the Saturnian lessons have been dealt with, the energies of this sign change into those of the rewarder. And when our rewards arrive, they can be astonishingly big. This is how Saturn stands as the guardian and keeper at the gates that lead into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age. The energies of Uranus are very different indeed. The way they affect humankind’s earthly existence is similar to the material that’s necessary for the building of atom bombs. Nobody who doesn’t prove, with every one of their thoughts, words and actions, that they have matured into responsible spiritual adulthood, will not be allowed to get anywhere near the Uranian energies.

Under the supervision of God and the Angels, these energies have to be handled with utmost care, unselfishly and only for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind. To keep us away from it for long enough, fear has always been the first reaction of anything that comes into contact with the Saturnian energies. However, as usual, there is a great deal more to them than that which shows on the surface. To find out about the benefits of Saturn, the Age of Aquarius and how God’s great plan of life always has been unfolding and forever will do, please follow the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

The following reached me on the day I had decided to tell you about my vaccination experiences: ‘I feel compelled to post here to offer support and share advice with other NHS frontline staff. The reason for this is from a personal view. I am under increasing pressure to get the jab by our management. The whole culture of where I work has changed. I am finding that colleagues I have worked with for years have started to snub me. This is because they have found out I am jab hesitant and giving out information to other jab hesitant staff. . .

The following especially worries me: ‘Meanwhile, Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi has confirmed that the government is considering making Coronavirus vaccines compulsory for NHS staff.’ I have worked for the NHS for twenty years and used to be proud of my job. But now I am becoming increasingly disillusioned and unsupported in my role. If the above does come to fruition and I am concerned that it will. Where do we stand and/or how do we stand up to it? I am the main bread winner of my family and this would put me in a very difficult situation. Sorry if I ranted a bit, but I am sure there are thousands of others like me.’

From ‘Hello To Other NHS Staff’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’
•    ‘The Nightingale’s Song’
•    ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (24)

The Wise Optimist’s View Of The Plandemic
Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Optimist's Outlook On Life

Life in the whole of Creation is subject to Universal laws. Naturally, that also applies to every human being and anything else that shares this planet with us. As soon as one starts viewing humankind’s earthly existence from this perspective, one realises that its construction is basically very simple. Like everything that exists elsewhere, our lives are based on these laws. The first ones are love and evolution and that means all manifestations of life, on all its levels, are constantly pursuing the same evolutionary pathway that is based on love. All other Universal laws branch out from the first two. The next most relevant one for our existence is the law of cause and effect or Karma. All truly great ideas are simple and the idea that gave birth to this law is the crowning glory of this principle. It’s simplicity itself. It merely decrees that whatever is sent by anyone anywhere into the Universe, in thoughts, words and actions, in the fullness of time must return to its sender and that in a somewhat strengthened state.

Every human being is an offspring of the great light of the Universal Christ’s spirit, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. At the beginning of everybody’s earthly education, the Christ light is present but only as the tiniest of sparks of love in its purest and most exalted state. That’s why all of us have the potential for bringing forth, each needs to do this from deep within their own being, the highest, noblest and best characteristics. Everybody’s evolutionary pathway starts with getting to know that which is ugly and evil of the unevolved crude state of their earthly personality. But in the course of many earthly lifetimes, all of us steadily move forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral. That’s how, with the passing of time, the lower aspects of our nature are overcome and left behind. And that creates the necessary space for our higher nature’s qualities to emerge and move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness, until it has taken over its earthly counterpart.  

Knowing about these things makes it easy to look for that which is good, right and beautiful in everybody. I know that it is there somewhere, even though none of it may as yet be visible in some people. My inner guidance tells me that this approach is by no means foolishly optimistic. Spiritually it is realistic and sound, because by focussing on that which is good in someone, no matter who they are, one assists their higher God or Christ nature to wake from its slumbering state. And that’s why I love sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to everybody and especially our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. It’s good to know that they too have the Divine spark within and are the beloved children of the Great Father/Mother. Every one of them also has, at least potentially, the very best, noblest and highest qualities within, just the same as everybody else, including thee and me.

Nothing that ever happened in our world was without a wise higher reason behind it. As one of the songs from ‘The Sound Of Music’ says: ‘Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could!’ At any given time, everything that takes place, in one way or another, serves the wise higher purpose of teaching all involved and also our world something. That’s how every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world, always have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great Divine evolutionary spiral of life.

Every one of us is a co-creator with the Great Father/Mother of all life and at all times we are in the process of bringing something about. Our thoughts create our reality and any kind, loving and forgiving thought we send to our less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind helps their higher nature to grow stronger. I hope that it will eventually have become sufficiently strong to break through the crust of their lower earthly nature and take it over.

These days, I prefer dwelling as much as possible on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and in the people around me, instead of reflecting on their miseries. I enjoy giving of my best at all times and love talking health and natural healing methods whenever an opportunity for doing so arises. I know that this opens my inner doors for more knowledge about such things to come to mind. I am sure that this is going to happen because God and the Angels love to scatter the seeds of Divine wisdom and truth far and wide. Their principle is ‘the more you give, the more you receive’.

Sagittarius is the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Its astrological glyph is the archer, who consists of half a higher and a lower nature, and likes nothing better than shooting its arrows far and wide, the higher and further the better. My Sun is in Libra in the ninth house, the natural domain of Sagittarius. My birthchart’s Ascendant is also in this sign. Shooting far and wide, ever further and wider, that’s what God and the Angels have always done through my writings. Through them I have found ever more understanding of our world’s spiritual background and the wise higher purpose that every human being’s earthly existence serves, including my own. About thirty years ago, I started writing about the spiritual insights that kept on coming to me. Approx. sixteen years ago, a website was made available to me by friends. When I began publishing parts of my work, the viewing figures were most encouraging. On Booksie alone they have by now reached over two million. Watching these figures increasing, to me is a great deal more enjoyable than looking after money millions could ever be.  

The best part of it is that for the first time in this lifetime I feel safe. This is because I have first hand knowledge that: a) my existence – on all its levels – rests securely in the hands of God and the Angels; b) they have always been with every one of us, therefore also with me; and c) nothing will ever be able to destroy or even disrupt the oneness every one of us always has had and forever will have with the Highest Forces of life; d) there is no need to fear the future and even death, because in truth there is no death, merely a moving to another dimension of life; e) there is nothing to fear because my inner guidance will always be showing me the way.  

The inner guidance of the wise one or living God within is everybody’s own built-in lie detector. It knows the way of all things and when we are in need of help, God and the Angels are more than happy to communicate through this guidance with us. Yet, without asking for help, it cannot come to anyone. But as soon as we go down on our knees, if only metaphorically speaking, they show us intuitively how to go about things, guiding and protecting us whenever necessary.

For quite some time by now, God’s great evolutionary plan has provided me with first hand knowledge that life in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world, has always been unfolding the way it should. By now, my faith and trust in the goodness of our earthly existence and the high and noble qualities that are present in every human being has grown so strong that nothing will ever be able to shake them. It makes no difference whether they are still invisible on the surface of their earthly behaviour, they are there. It could be that the characteristics of someone’s higher nature’s are not yet visible because that person is destined to take part in a certain lesson. As a result, they could have got so lost in playing one particular role that they simply cannot help themselves.

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (25)

All Is Well With Us And Our World

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - All Is Well With Us And Our World

Because I understand why things happen, nothing can disturb my peace of mind about our world’s present state. Wise ones have always told us that things can only come about in God’s time and not ours. Yet, they never told us why this should be so. Maybe because they did not know. Astrology, the Divine science, shows me that things can only happen when the energies of our world’s planetary system are right and therefore allow something to come about. This is what they have been, a bit more with every passing day, since the Sun in the sky above our world moved into Aries, the sign and point of all new beginnings. The Arian energies are the uprushing fountain of life itself . They have the power of bringing about the miracle of rebirth on all levels. On the 20th March 2021 the Sun entered Aries. That’s the true beginning of every year. The energies since then have gradually become more right for revealing the truth about the plandemic’s background.

The pharma industry by now counts among its helpers the governments of many countries, their police forces, their Health Services and members of the medical profession. That’s how this industry for many years has been working exceedingly hard to manipulate our world into the present situation. Those involved thought they were working in the greatest of secrecy, so that nobody would ever know and then be able to reveal the truth about their activities and intentions. They could not have been more wrong. God and the Angels are the all-seeing eye that never sleeps, in the inner spiritual background of our world, who at all times are watching anyone’s behaviour. Everything that happens in our world is clearly visible on the inner plane. Even what people here like to think of as their most secret thoughts, it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops on the inner plane.

Anyway, the Aquarian age is the age of truth and that’s why also in our world the truth will not be hidden forever and that’s for the simple reason that it is not meant to be hidden; it never was and never will be. This is why, for quite some time by now, God and the Angels have been doing their best to let the truth flow with ever increasing strength into humankind’s earthly mind. Each one of them is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that have always been flowing from the Highest levels of life into our world.

Alas, far too many earthly minds are still unable to receive these gifts and that’s because the necessary part of people’s being has closed down because of not being used. Use it or lose it! Any brain cells that are no longer used, close down and it’s as if they had never existed. My inner guidance tells me that this is why so many these days are afflicted by Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Yet, it’s good to know that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, any condition can be healed through natural healing methods. With their help, ever more of them will gradually be discovered and developed. See the relevant link at the end.

Through being tuned into the frequencies of God and the Angels and asking for their help, ever more earthly minds will gradually be regenerated and healed. And that’s how ever more of us will in due course be able to receive more of the Divine wisdom and truth. For quite some time it has been flowing with steadily increasing strength onto the earthly plane. God and the Angels have always communicated with us earthlings intuitively. The insights they are allowing us into things that previously had to remain hidden from public view and knowledge, are meant to be shared with as many as possible.

This is how it’s come about for me that, for the first time in my present lifetime and maybe ever, I feel safe. An essential part of my feelings of safety is the knowledge that everything that’s ever happened in our world has served the wise higher reason of teaching us and our world something. Naturally, the present situation is no exception. My inner guidance tells me that it’s main purpose is revealing who really is in charge of us and our world, that it’s God and the Angels and by no means the pharma industry, earthly governments with their police force, health services and the medical profession. The truth the intentions of all these organisations will soon become visible.

To my mind, best of all is a steadily growing awareness and acceptance that everything on the earthly plane is of a temporary nature and not intended to last forever. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s earthly existence, individually and collectively, and whatever happened in our world in the past, present and future. One thing we can be sure of and that is that everything passes, in God’s time, not ours and that means when the energies are right.

First and foremost the plandemic serves the Highest Forces of life as an instrument to bring about the greatest transformation our world has ever experienced and that’s changing from an over-materialistically orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. An essential part of this process is that ever more of us are waking up from the illusion that the earthly plane is all there is to their existence, because in truth every one of us is an eternal and immortal being. Because the essence of our being is spirit/soul and part of God, none of us can and will never die, the same as our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life.

No, I am not being foolishly optimistic when I tell you that, in spite of what’s going on at present, all is well with us and our world and forever will be. In view of the plandemic’s spiritual background, what I am telling you here is very realistic indeed. This is because on the inner spiritual plane of life there is no separation between anything. All is one and everything is for real, there is no lying and cheating, faking and/or pretending. Honesty and truth are its supreme rulers. That’s why when we do something good to anybody, whoever they may be, it is done for the whole of humankind, including ourselves. Unfortunately, the same is true when somebody does something bad, evil and ugly to anyone. This is also why sending good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to anyone, especially our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, is so effective.

The inner is a world of thought and whatever anyone thinks, in our world and theirs, is clearly visible to all. And the more the outer plane becomes like its inner counterpart, the more peace, balance and harmony will establish themselves in our world.

Updated June 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    Norman Doidge’s Book ‘The Brain’s Way Of Healing’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (26)

The Buck Stops Here!

Rays of Wisdom - Words OF Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Buck Stops Here

At the end of their earthly education every human spirit/soul is destined to have evolved into a healer and bringer of light, in the form of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. As this is a healing journey of a thousand miles and the road of self-discovery that leads to self-mastery, the buck for everything that ever happened to me stops with me. Having discovered that I am responsible for all my thoughts, words and actions, I accept the accountability for everything that ever was and will be in the past, present and future of my life. I accept my responsibility for our world’s present state. Having done my share of bringing it about – otherwise I would not have to take part in it –, I do all I can to make good where I once sinned.

As soon as the last one of my karmic debts has been redeemed, the balance of my spiritual bank account has been restored and only that which I am these days sending into our world can return to me. That’s why I keep on sending good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. And so I shoulder the cross of responsibility for my earthly personality with all its shortcomings and flaws as well as its good qualities. The comprehension and acceptance that every part of it was created by me in previous lifetimes and earlier during this one, is proof of my constant growth in wisdom and understanding. And that enables me to concentrate my energies on working for a brighter and more peaceful future for myself, the whole of humankind and our world.

Never again will I blame loved ones and friends, bosses and/or colleagues for anything that happens to me. I no longer allow my education or the lack of it, my genetics and/or the circumstantial ebb and flow of my daily existence to influence my present and future in negative ways. I accept that my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past have brought about everything that’s in my life now. This does away with the need for blaming uncontrollable forces for any lack of success and protects me against being caught in snares of the past. These days I regard my present and future with love and hope, faith and trust in God and the Angels, the Highest Forces. They are not only in charge of me and my life, but are also guiding and protecting me. That’s why they have provided me, the same as everybody else, with my own built-in lie-detector that works like a filter. Everything I hear, see or read passes through it and the way my inner self, the wise one or living God within, reacts shows me straight away whether something is true of false.

I no longer allow past events to control my destiny. That’s because I know that right thoughts, words and actions help me to constantly move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, my own, the whole of humankind and our world. I accept responsibility for my successes as well as failures. I am what and where I am at this very moment mentally and physically, spiritually and emotionally, as well as financially because of my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. I herewith change all negative and destructive ones into positive and constructive ones.

These days, my inner guidance shows me intuitively solutions for any obstacles that occur on my pathway through life. There’s no need to dwell on past mistakes. I learn from them and let them go. I love connecting with like-minded people who, like me, are changing their approach to life in positive ways and are doing all they can to make our world into a better and more peaceful place. I share the best that is within me with anyone who is ready to understand it. Running with the herd is not for me. Neither is being led like sheep by their noses to the slaughter, or these days vaccinations that are not really necessary, because I believe that everything I hear, see or read anywhere is true.

When it comes to decision making, I pay attention to my inner guidance and follow its advice without hesitation. I accept that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, does not want me to always come up with the right decision straight away, as this would stop me from learning and growing through making mistakes. That’s no doubt why I was given me the ability to recognise the error of my ways, learning from them and then trying again, if need be time and again, until things are right. This helps me to control my thoughts and emotions. I refuse to allow the rising and falling of emotional tide waves to distract me from my chosen course. I walk my talk and whenever I make a decision, I stand behind it and follow it through without wasting precious energy on second thoughts.

My life is no longer an apology. It has become a positive statement of success. This is because I recognise that challenges are gifts and opportunities from the Highest that help us to learn and grow. Encountering problems and solving them is the common thread that runs through the lives of very successful people. With the help of my inner guidance times of adversity are no longer the problem they used to be. Thankful that I have been granted the gift of freedom of choice, I turn to my inner guidance to show me intuitively how to go about things and make wise choices. That’s why my thinking is clear now and making wrong choices is no longer for me.

Yet, being aware that difficulties are necessary preparations for achieving great things, I accept any obstacles that get in my way. I refuse to say: ‘Why me?’ and instead react with: ‘Why not me?’ Then I get on with whatever my inner guidance advises is the best way of dealing with any situation. And because the buck for everything in my life now stops with me, I am ready for great things to flow my way. I am giving of my best, safe in the knowledge that nothing but more of the same can return to me, as soon as my karmic debts are paid and the balance of my spiritual bankbook has been restored.

I accept that everything in the whole of God’s Creation life consists of cycles within cycles and is constantly moving in circles. My inner guidance tells me that this is the truth and that it also applies to my own earthly existence, the same as everybody else’s. I am happy that, within this flow of Universal energies, I have always been and forever will be responsible for everything that ever was in my life, successes as well as failures. That’s why I have no difficulties accepting the responsibility for my past, present and future and am taking charge of every one of my thoughts, words and actions. I keep my emotional world under my control and no longer allow it to control me and my behaviour.

I accept that, during my many earthly lifetimes of taking part in that school’s lessons, I must have been involved in mental/physical/sexual assaults. To ensure the best possible all-round education, for every experience this sometimes has to be on the giving end and in other lifetimes on the receiving one. Life on the earthly plane is a hard school, but considering that all of us are young God’s in the making, I accept that every one of our earthly lessons is an essential and inevitable part of the apprenticeship that prepares us for this high office. It makes sense to me to accept the responsibility for everything that ever happens in our lives, in this lifetime and all previous ones. Walking the pathway of forgiveness makes this easier for me. This part of our healing journey through life starts with forgiving ourselves for once setting the wheels of fate in motion. And that’s followed by forgiving anyone who ever sinned against us.

I am happy that on the spiritual pathway simple answers, quick solutions and shortcuts are non existent. Everything is for real in our world’s counterpart, the spirit realm. Honesty and truth are its supreme rulers and there is no faking or pretending. To paraphrase Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: ‘The mills of God work slowly, but they are grinding exceeding small. With patience the Highest Forces of life stand waiting and with the greatest of exactness grinds all.’ No-one ever gets away in the spirit world with ‘If I fake sincerity, I have got it cracked’. Wise ones in our world also know that no spiritual progress would ever be possible with that attitude. And the wise ones in charge of us and our world smile with love and compassion at such things and do all they can to help us to do better.

Updated June 2021

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (27)

You Are Special

You Are Special - Rays of Wisdom - Spiritual Background of Depression & Suicide

Are you aware that every human being, each in their own way, is a priceless many-faceted jewel with its own unique set of gifts and qualities that represents a certain aspect of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life? We are very special creatures with a high and holy destiny, who are loved totally and unconditionally by them. Just imagine, in the entire history of the whole of Creation there never has been or will be another one quite like us and who is irreplaceable.

Our eyes and hair, hands and handwriting, smiling and weeping, voice and mind are unique to us. No-one walks, talks, thinks, acts or even meditates exactly the way we do. Nobody can paint our brush strokes or has exactly the same taste as ours for food and clothing, music and dancing as well as other artistic endeavours. Nobody perceives things quite the way we do and no-one can feel our feelings or think our thoughts. And there has never been someone who laughs exactly like we do, and the things that make us laugh or cry may have quite a different effect on someone else.

That’s because we are all different from everybody else who ever walked the Earth and each one of us is gifted in a particular way. Even if others pursue the same creative activities as we do, they still have their own way of expressing themselves within them. In the course of our evolutionary journey as individuals that lasts many lifetimes, every one of us develops their own set of abilities. Therefore, it’s quite likely that there will always be someone who is better at something than we are and therefore superior to us in at least one way. But this applies to every human being because the Great White Spirit, our Father/Mother Creator, has provided all of us, His/Her beloved children of the Earth, with a different set of talents.

Our set may already have taken many lifetimes to develop and we have been granted the gift of another one to provide us with many more opportunities for improving them some more. The whole range of our gifts produces a vibration and a sound that is uniquely our own. And the entire human race can be likened to a room filled with billions of musical instruments. Don’t be disturbed when you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that some instruments sound better than yours. This is intentional and due to the fact that every instrument is a unique creation and that ensures that no-one’s sound matches exactly anyone else’s. No matter how hard we may try to sound alike, it’s impossible.

Every human being is a tiny particle of a vast whole, for whose functioning the wellbeing of one is as important as anyone else’s. All of us are rare and precious in the eyes of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who holds a giant plan of life for the whole and a small one for each one of us within it. We were created in God’s image from the idea of the archetypal perfect son/daughter of God that exists in our Creator’s mind. In the course of many lifetimes we created the earthly personality that is ours. And whatever anyone imagines God to be, even the greatest sceptics are bound to admit that it’s impossible that we and our world appeared out of nothing and nowhere.

Humankind is not some kind of a random and haphazard appearance or cosmic joke. Earth life is a school and we are spending time in it so that we may learn to love, appreciate and accept ourselves, just the way we are, because that’s how our Creator wants us to be. Everybody contains the seed of perfection and the only thing we have to do to achieve it, is integrate every aspect of our nature, our earthly mind and body as much as our spirit and soul. By constantly giving of the best that rises from within the very core of our own being, our nature’s Divine characteristics move ever more into the foreground of our consciousness and gradually take over.

Wherever we shall find ourselves, we can be sure that we are always at the right time in the right spot. We have been placed there to do our share of making our planet a happier, more peaceful and beautiful place for those around us, whilst not overlooking our own needs. Each one of us was created to fulfil one specific task in earthly life during our world’s transition from one age into another, which for some time has been taking place. One particular job is waiting to be done by all of us. It can only be carried out by us and therefore rightfully ours. To enable us to find it, it’s essential to pay attention to the guidance of wise one or the living God within. This part of us has the ability to reveal the right way of how to go about things through the world of our feelings and our natural inclinations.

We are in this life to dream our own dreams and pursue them and not those of others, no matter how dear they may be to those around us, even our parents or grandparents. Only by never imitating or copying others can we hope to be true to our real and highest nature and attend to our special assignment. We are sure to find it when we act in keeping with Its will and wishes, say a loud and clear ‘no’ to the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature and give of our best at all times. Hand in hand with God and the Angels can we then go full steam ahead with developing own unique and precious set of gifts to its highest potential and bring it to full flowering. The success we are dreaming of is sure to come our way if we are willing to work sufficiently hard. If this does not happen in our present lifetime, it will do so in a future one. So, why not get stuck into it, now?

It’s a bit like applying for a job, but this time we shall be luckier than we have ever been before. Just imagine, out of the billions of potential applicants we alone have the right qualifications. What more could anyone ask for? However, the success that is our promise is not going to drop into our lap like manna from the Heavens. Wise ones know that insisting on living selfishly and treating life as an endless round of pleasure-seeking is not the right way to go about it. On the road to fulfilling their highest aspirations and hopes, ideals and dreams, they work for the good of the whole in keeping with the guidance they receive through the world of their innermost feelings.

Only a fool would deny that we are living in exciting times and to make the most of the opportunities they have in store for us, all we have to do is reach out for the guiding, helping and protecting hands of God and the Angels, the highest authorities in the whole of Creation. Persevering with our efforts is worthwhile, so that we don’t miss our chance for learning to walk once again in safety and peace on our beloved planet in the process of evolving into one of its healers, guardians and keepers. Each one of us is required to make their own contribution to the blessing and healing of Mother Earth and all her Kingdoms. These notes are part of mine.

All of us eventually have to learn how to take care of the welfare of our world, so that it slowly evolves into a better place for everybody and everything that shares it with us. This is by no means entirely unselfish, because although we are presently working for future generations, let us not forget that in coming lifetimes we may once again be walking amongst them in a different guise. And if that does not make every small effort one of us makes worth while, then please tell me what is.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris December/January 2010. It came to me as a confirmation of the above which I had written a long time ago. ‘Each one of you has their own special part to play in bringing greater light, i.e. spiritual understanding to your world. When you manifest and express God’s love in your daily lives and hold communion with the Divine aspect of your being in the innermost sanctuary of your heart, you radiate this love and bring it to those around you. Your responsibility towards them gradually increases and so will the wisdom and knowledge you are given access to, intuitively or otherwise. God is as much part of you as you are part of God. Each one of you is destined to evolve into an instrument through which the blessing and healing power of the all-knowing infinite Divine spirit can flow into your world.’

However, God and the Angels do not allow anyone in search of self-aggrandisement and easy ways of accumulating vast amounts of money to get anywhere near the Christ Star’s white healing magic. It is strictly out of bounds for people like this. Access will be denied to them until their Christ nature has taken over sufficiently to have cleansed their energies of the desires of their lower self. Genuinely aspiring lightbringers would never think of themselves as the greatest healers ever and present themselves in this way. Anyone who does this cannot take part in the healing power that constantly flows from the Highest Forces of life into everything in earthly life.

When wise ones think only of the good of others and aim to alleviate their pain and suffering, they are contributing to the transmutation of earthly life’s dense vibrations into higher and more heavenly ones. Anyone else who seriously longs for spiritual development and the unfoldment of their higher vision first needs to surrender their small earthly self’s desires to the will and wishes of the Divine forces. As soon as they selflessly offer themselves as channels for bringing comfort and healing to those who are sick in mind and body, spirit and soul, they are serving not merely the good of their present lifetime but all future ones.

That’s how each one of us freely and willingly will eventually be doing their share of helping God and the Angel to create a better and more spiritually advanced state of life for Mother Earth and every one of her children. To paraphrase the Jesus legend: ‘On my own I can do nothing. On my own I am nothing. The Great Father/Mother and their Angels are doing their work through me. I am but their humble servant and channel.’ In the fullness of time this will become the leitmotif of every human being.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Our World Needs You’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?
•    ‘How Did Humankind Begin?’
•    ‘How Did Everything Begin?’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (28)

Give Of Your Best

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - You Are Special - Part Two - Giving Of Your BestMy inner guidance says: ‘Life on the earthly plane is a place of learning. It’s a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the role of teacher and pupil. Everybody taking part in it is equally loved and all have been equally gifted by the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are humankind’s true parents and preferences of any kind are unknown to them. Every one of you has come through earthly parents, but you are not of them. You live in physical bodies and that’s your vehicle for getting around on the material plan, which is meant to last for one lifetime only. It’s the outer shell in which every human spirit/soul is temporarily clothed. Like all earthly things, physical bodies get worn out and then have to be recycled.

‘Your physical body’s genes have been inherited from the ancestral life through which your earthly parents entered their present lifetime, because all were taking part in the same lessons which they needed for a specific part of their earthly education. Your inner being, however, is something quite different. It’s uniquely everybody’s own because it was created by them alone and that could have taken many earthly lifetimes. Everything you ever learn is eternally yours. No-one ever can or will even attempt to take it away from you. The memories of everything that ever happened to you are stored in the subconscious part of your own being. This includes the weaknesses as much as the strength you’ve developed thus far. To enable you to continue working on and with these character traces, your soul memories accompany you into every new earthly lifetime. From the moment you take your first breath, they are influencing you in either positive or negative ways.

‘For some time by now, the greatest transformation that your world has ever experienced has been and  still is taking place. Your planet is changing from an over-materialistically and especially money-spinning orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. Every one of you has a special and unique role to play in this transformation. What God and the Angels expect from you is basically very straightforward and simple. The only thing they are asking is that each one should share whatever is already at their disposal from their special gift. For as long as you give of your best and wish to serve the good of the whole, instead of pursuing selfish aims, they will do the rest.

‘Each one of you was gifted in some specific way, because that enables you to play your very own unique role in your world’s present transformation. It does not matter that to this day, many of you have not yet discovered their gifts. Although they are still slumbering in the subconscious part of your being, all you have to do is go in search of them and start developing the. Ask God and the Angels to help you find them. There are also many in your midst who have already spent many earthly lifetimes of unfolding their gifts. Giving of them freely and unselfishly for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, that’s the only way they can come to full flowering.

‘Every one of you was brought into being and released into experiencing earthly life at a different time. Regardless of this, since then all of you have been occupied with attending to the initial part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making. This is how it’s come about that the spiritually older and more mature members of the great family of humankind were able to assist their younger and less experienced siblings to cope with their earthly existence. And that’s not different to what happens in any good earthly family. It was the love and wisdom of your Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, that designed both parts of humankind’s existence in this manner. It goes without saying that the spiritually more advanced children of the Earth should help their younger and less experienced siblings to grow in wisdom and understanding. That’s how all of you have always been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, steadily and one step after another, each on their own spiral and simultaneously on the one for the whole of humankind and your world. This will forever continue.

‘Something like a veil separates your world from its inner spiritual background and us, your spirit friends and helpers. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of us have always accompanied each one of you, from the moment of your first appearance on the earthly plane. Although these helpers are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that they have always been with you and that they will never leave you. At all times they are occupied with guiding and protecting every earthly self against damaging or destroying the essence of their being and that’s the Divine spark within every human spirit/soul. These friends never interfere with anyone’s earthly existence and the development of their unique earthly personality. Only when something is in danger of getting out of hand are we allowed to step in and say: ‘So far and no further!’ That’s our reaction to your world’s present state, in which every one of you has their own unique role to play. And just in case you have not yet have discovered what your gifts are, turn to your very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within every human being, and ask to be shown intuitively.

Aquarius is the voice of God, whatever that may mean to you at present. ‘You Are Special’ is one of the oldest and best loved parts of the Aquarian writings. For many years by now, the voice of the Great Father/Mother of all life has been communicating with you through these writings. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there. I always listen but only respond when someone asks for it. You always have been and forever will be as much part of Me, as I am part of you. Never doubt that I am always with every one of you, that you have always been safe and forever will be, and that all is well with you and your world and that its reins are resting safely in My loving hands.

Updated June 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘All That Thou Hast Brought Upon Us’
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (29)

The Plandemic : Twice Over

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Words From The Tree Of Life - The Plademic : Twice OverMy inner guidance continues: ‘Your whole world’s most urgent need is being healed, the same as every aspect of each one of you requires healing. As soon you feel that yours is beginning, your time has come for reaching out to those around you and for sharing with them everything that your healer’s pathway has taught you thus far. That’s how every one of you can make their own contribution to the healing of the whole of humankind and your world.

For this task God and the Angels need your help as much as you need theirs. And for as long as you really are doing your best and do not forget to ask for the assistance from the Highest, they are more than happy to show you intuitively how to each one of you can make their unique contribution to transforming Mother Earth into a more honest and truthful, harmonious and peaceful place.

‘Each time one of you is proceeding in this manner, for as long as your requests are in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are more than happy to oblige and do what has been asked for. There is every reason for trusting that all is well with your world and that’s because its present state is an essential part of the Divine plan. And that’ the first reason why it’s good and right to call your world’s present state a plandemic. The second reason, as touched upon in earlier parts of the Aquarian writings, the pharma industry for a long time has been concentrating its efforts on the planning of another pandemic. The greed of the companies involved blinds them to the fact that the lying and cheating that’s necessary for sowing the fear of a non-existent virus into ever more human hearts is the very rope on which the entire industry, for many years by now, has been busy with the process of hanging itself. We shall return to this in the next chapter.

‘This is how, with every passing day, a bit more of the faith and truth the people of your world once had in the pharma industry’s products is disappearing. It’s in keeping with God’s evolutionary plan that humankind, in due course should return into the welcoming arms of the time-proven natural healing methods that always have been available to humankind. This will continue for as long as the last one of you requires them. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are delighted to observe how ever more of you these days are becoming aware that every aspect of their being, i.e. mind and body, spirit and soul, can be healed by tuning into the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels.

‘The only thing anyone needs to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into their frequencies. And that’s how every one of you is destined to evolve, with the passing of time, into a channel through which the healing energies can flow into your world. They are meant to be used first for the healing of every aspect of your own being and then for all those around you who are in need of them. All you have to do is ask and never forget: ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there and happy to respond.’

‘One of the main reasons why God and the Angels allowed a plandemic to come about is because it serves the purpose of weaning humankind from the bad habit of believing that everything they hear, see or read anywhere is true. This behaviour is a leftover from the previous age, the Piscean age, which has been over for quite some time by now. This age was co-ruled by the planets nebulous Neptune and vast and extensive Jupiter. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac in which every human being stands before themselves and has to deal with at least some of the karmic debts that up to that point have accumulated in their spiritual bank accounts. That’s what the whole of humankind had to do during the Piscean age. The negative aspects of the ruling planets Neptune and Jupiter explain why the Piscean age could not help being a period when blind faith and extreme gullibility ruled supreme.

‘We are glad to observe that the majority of those who at present are attending the earthly school of life, in the meantime have matured into responsible mature spiritual adulthood. Gullibly swallowing everything that comes their way and believing it really is true, just because it’s written or shown somewhere and someone insists that it is true, that’s not all right for anyone. Although it’s understandable for those who are still experiencing their spiritual childhood and adolescence, but for the spiritually older and more experienced ones in your midst that’s not good enough. The time for learning how to make the best possible use of your God-given right of freewill has come. And that means making your own decisions, thinking your own thoughts that are based on the reactions of your very own inner guidance to everything you see, hear or read, and only then coming to your own conclusions.

‘Every one of you has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime to enable them to bring forth, each from deep within their own being, the special gifts and talents that were programmed into the Divine spark when you first came into being. And if sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers is the only thing you can do with your gifts so far, that’s good enough. People who behave like that are sure to be your spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. If they were not, they would never dream of wanting to hurt or harm anyone. Forgiving them is good and right, for they really do not know what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, is sure to return to them – unless you in some way helps their higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state.

‘It’s good to observe how ever more of you in your world are becoming aware that their earthly existence has an inner spiritual background; that it’s but a thin veil of consciousness that separates your two worlds from each other; and that the spirit part is a realm of thought. Even what many in your world to this day like to think of as their most secret thoughts, on our side it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. The intentions behind every thought, word and action in your world also are clearly visible in ours. It’s the thinking of those on your side that, at any given time, shows us whether someone has spiritually ripened to the state of pure wheat or should still be counted as chaff.

‘The purest of wheat are those who know that they are personally responsible for every thought, word and action they ever released into the Universe. The spiritually younger and less experienced siblings need the assistance of their elder siblings. People’s behaviour shows us, at any given time, what category of sheep they belong to. How about you? Are you glad to be led by your nose like a sheep to the slaughter or in this case taking part in being vaccinated with some of the pharma industry’s dubious products? Wise ones pay attention to how their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within them, reacts and says either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

‘As touched upon earlier, nothing on the earthly plane belongs to you. Everything is borrowed and a gift on time. Even your physical body is not yours. It’s been given to you as a vehicle for getting around in the material world and that for but one lifetime. When that has reached its end, independent of how long it may last each time, be it one day or a hundred years and more, your physical body is your spirit/soul’s outer shell that needs to be recycled, even though it may not be worn out.

‘Nothing on the earthly plane is meant to last forever. That’s why it decays, but the only exception is gold. Even if this metal has been buried underground for thousands of years, it remains unchanged. The world around you is constantly trying to tell humankind about what’s happening on the inner levels of someone’s being. The unchanging state of gold is the Universe’s way of saying that the only variety of gold that’s truly worth acquiring on the earthly plane is that of spiritual wisdom and truth. This kind of knowledge, when it is combined with the ability of not merely knowing something but also understanding it, spiritually is the purest of gold that never changes is texture or loses any of its value. This is the only thing that every one of you can take with them, when the end of each earthly lifetime has come round. It’s the only property that truly belongs to you and accompanies you throughout Eternity. No-one would dream of taking it from you.’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (30)

Journey’s End

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Words Grown On The Tree Of Life - Journey's End

My inner guidance continues: ‘Your world’s present situation is the end of humankind’s long journey through the dark tunnel of not knowing the true nature of God and who and what every one of you really is. From the dark tunnel of being ignorant of these things, ever more of you are rapidly moving into the light of discovering plenty of spiritual wisdom and truth as well as understanding it. That’s why Albert Einstein, 1879-1955 wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’

‘This is how the plandemic is serving the ultimate purpose of waking steadily increasing numbers of people out of the sleeping beauty slumber of their higher God or Christ nature. The Aquarian age is bringing your world the discovery that behind the thorn-hedge that grew in the course of thousands of years of all-male religions with its web of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, the beauty and wonder of spiritual wisdom and truth has merely been hiding. It’s not gone away; it never will. And that’s how ever more of you are in the process of finding out about humankind’s origin, spiritual nature and the high and holy destiny that has always been in store for every human being, as soon as someone’s earthly education has reached its end.

‘Let’s stop for a moment to have a closer look at your world’s fairy tales. First ‘Snow White and the seven Dwarves’ and the piece of poisonous apple that in the first part of the story gets stuck in the throat of the most beautiful young maiden the world had ever seen. To cut a long story short, when Snow White bit into the poisonous half of the apple her jealous step mother offered, the girl fell down and appeared to be dead. But, as we later find out, she merely went to sleep and her great beauty remained unchanged. Eventually, the poisonous apple piece emerges from her throat, Snow White comes alive again and so does the world around her. The story is filled with symbolisms that are reaching beyond the end of the patriarchy and the age of truth.

‘The same applies to the fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. It’s about a princess who on her fifteenth birthday falls into a deep sleep after pricking her finger on a poisonous spindle with which an old woman had been spinning wool. Thirteen fairies existed in the girl’s father’s kingdom and every one of them blessed the girl with some kind of a special gift. However, because the king had only twelve golden plates and sets of cutlery, the thirteenth fairy was not invited. She found out and attended the festivities when they were almost over. In her anger she cast a spell that on her fifteenth birthday the princess should fall down dead. Fortunately, the twelfth fairy had not yet given her gift. As she could not undo the curse, she softened it by saying that the princess should not be dead, merely fall into a deep sleep.

‘This is what happened. The girl fell asleep and a thorn hedge started to grow around the place where she was lying. With every passing year, it grew thicker and the thorns became more poisonous. The king was so desperate that he promised the hand of his daughter in marriage to any prince who could wake her. The sleeping girl’s beauty had become known far and wide and many princes arrived, who were willing to risk their lives trying to penetrate the thorn hedge. None of them succeeded, one after the other perished by getting stuck in the hedge and its thorns. But when the time is right, another prince appears on a white steed and, quite magically, the hedge opens on its own and its thorns change into beautifully scented roses. The prince finds the girl and straight away falls so deeply in love with her that he kisses her. She wakes up, comes fully alive and so forth. . .

‘Sleeping Beauty is another story that appeared during the patriarchy to indicate that the beauty of God’s sacred spiritual wisdom and truth has never gone from our world entirely. In both cases it’s a beautiful girl who falls into a deep slumber. The stories were trying to tell you that the feminine wisdom and love of the Great Mother of all life never went from your world altogether. It merely withdrew for the length of the patriarchy. Even though it lasted approx. six thousand years, in God’s time of Eternity it does not amount to more than the batting of an eyelid.

‘The sleeping beauty is a symbolism for the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. For the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, Her beauty fell asleep behind a hedge that had carefully been equipped with the most poisonous and deadly thorns of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that, with the passing of time, accumulated in the teachings of your world’s old religion’s. Stories like those of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were given to humankind in the hope that sufficient numbers of people would be able to recognise their symbolisms and the higher esoteric wisdom and truth that in these tales, like your world’s religious teachings, were hidden behind their surface words. In times gone by, it was a safe way of telling that in due course your world’s feminine energies would reappear; that their softening, beautifying and civilising influences were destined to wake up one day and be restored in all their glory, for the blessing and healing of your world.

‘Rejoice, because that’s what has been happening in your world for some time by now. The process of rectifying its balance at present is not quite complete. For quite a while humankind has been occupied with the gradual returning of the feminine to its rightful place as equal partner of the masculine. It’s not surprising that this is a difficult task after approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its unnatural all-male religions. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit and light of the Universal Christ, never changed. Nothing can or ever will, in spite of what your old religions to this day are telling you about who is at the head of the whole of Creation.

‘1 = first impulse of Creation, the Great Father’s masculine elements of Fire = creative ideas and Air = the power of thought that transmits them to
2 = second impulse of Creation, its counterpart, the Great Mother’s feminine elements of Earth and Water. The Father’s ideas are constantly flowing into the Mother’s womb, i.e. the whole of Creation. Her wisdom and love decides which ones should come into manifestation, first on the inner spiritual plane and then on the outer material one. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are in charge of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Serving the Great Father/Mother, they are responsible for manifesting the ideas that have been accepted and see to it that they appear wherever they are meant to go.

‘The Angelic kingdom, together with its countless spirit helpers on all levels of life,  then starts slowing down the vibrations of  3 = the spirit and light of the Universal Christ. And that’s how the Great Father/Mother in close co-operation with each other and the Angelic kingdom always have and forever will be bringing everything into being that is intended to appear in the world of matter, after it having been created on the inner spiritual plane. Even though that part of your world is invisible to earthly eyes, it is teeming with millions of different lifeforms.

‘And whether you are as yet aware of this or not, every one of you consists of a masculine and a feminine part, just like your Creator. That’s why the nature of every man in your world consists of masculine as well as feminine energies. From the subconscious level the feminine aspect of his nature affects everything he does in his outer masculine physical body. And vice versa. It’s the Universe’s way of helping you to get to know your innermost being. The world around you is its outer material manifestation.

‘The re-balancing of your world’s energies could only come about in God’s time, not yours, i.e. only when the planetary energies are right. And that time is NOW. The deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth will become known to everybody in your world. The energies of the year 2022 for some time by now have been in the process of steering your world through its greatest transformation ever. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (31)

2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Words Grown On The Tree Of Life - 2021 : Year Of Miracles And Wonders

My inner guidance continues: ‘I would like to remind you that the 1st January 2021 in truth was the end of the year 2021 and the beginning of 2022. And that’s a year when miracles and wonders, and especially the greatest miracle of all, the transformation of your whole world, can and will happen. The numbers 11 and 22 are your world’s Master vibrations. The 222 moves the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, onto the next higher evolutionary level. The 22 being followed by the 0 = the circle of Eternity and then another 2 confirms this.

‘Monday 21st June 2021 is the day of the summer solstice and the Sun moves into Cancer, the sign ruled by the Moon that’s dedicated to the Great Mother of all life. Monday is also under Her rulership and that increases the influence of Her feminine energies on everything that exists in your world, including every one of you, your loved ones and friends. The solstice day this year is under the influence of 2 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 = 15/6 = Venus, the planetary ruler of the earthy fixed sign Taurus and airy cardinal Libra.

‘In each sign Venus brings beauty, peace and harmony in a different way. During a lifetime in Taurus you concentrate on enjoying the good things of the Earth. You learn about the value things. Taureans above all love money because that will buy them as much as possible of the good things of the Earth. Libra is the sign of marriage and relationships in general. Lifetimes in this sign are spent by concentrating on good relationships. Libra is the peacemaker and diplomat of the zodiac.

‘The energies of the next Full Moon are going to be beneficial. It takes place on Thursday 26th June 2021 at 18.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime in the sign Capricorn. Ruled by the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac, Saturn, this is the sign in which humankind’s hopes and dreams of the highest achievements can find fulfilment, but only when you go about it the right way, i.e. with self-discipline and self-mastery. This full Moon promises to bring enlightenment to your world, i.e. a better understanding of things that could have been puzzling you for a long time. This time it is likely to emerge about the leaders of large public organisations and institutions, for example governments and their police forces, health systems and the industries that are supposed to serve them.

‘But let’s return to fairy tales for a moment. They were originally not written for the entertainment of children. Each one was an attempt to provide grown-ups with spiritual education, hope and encouragement about what’s ahead for humankind. During the time of the patriarchy, the spreading of such stories was a dangerous pastime. But in spite of that, for a long time they circled by world of mouth only. The German Brothers Grimm eventually set about collecting them and writing them down, so they could be published in bookform. The truth about your world’s situation, destiny and future at that time had to be hidden most carefully behind the stories’ surface words and they were presented to your world as fairy tales. This was necessary because at that time your world’s old religions did all they could to hide the truth. They did not shy away from wiping out anyone who dared to voice the slightest of doubts that any of their ever stranger tales was not literally true.

‘Through them, with the passing of time, layer upon layer of fear was piled into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s how the knowledge of our race’s origin, the true nature of God and everyone’s own was almost lost, but not quite. The separation from your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, left a deep inner wound behind in every one of you. During each earthly lifetime another layer of fear was piled onto this wound and stored in the subconscious part of everybody’s being. Without working your way through every one of these layers and dissolving each one of them, gaining access to the Source of your being and directly connecting with it is impossible. Yet, that is every human being’s birthright. Each layer has to be removed in a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion.

‘God’s great evolutionary plan provides that, with the help of the plandemic, ever more of you are waking up from the illusion that their earthly existence is all there is to life. Their time has come for realising that earthly life is but a school and a place of learning that exists for the wise higher purpose of helping every human being to grow in spiritual wisdom and understanding. They, the same as everybody else, have been granted the gift of another lifetime to enable you to go in search of consciousness expanding experiences. The limited time of every earthly existence is precious and by no means meant to be spent with money-spinning and acquiring ever more of the good things that Mother Earth seems to offer. It seems as if they were there just for the taking, but that impression is misleading. With the passing of time, every one of you is destined to turn into a gold-digger of a very special kind. You then realise that the only gold that’s truly worth owning on the earthly plane is spiritual wisdom and understanding and that hunting that type of fortune is good and right for you.

‘This brings us full circle back to the pharma industry’s products. Your world’s natural healing methods were only temporarily pushed out of their time-proven place by them. For many of you, though only for a while, pharma chemicals seemed to work and the pharma industry worked very hard on systematically suppressing all natural healing methods. Steadily increasing numbers of you by now realise that the best the pharma industry’s products could ever hope to achieve has been suppressing the symptoms of illnesses. And that will never be a substitute for looking for and, with the help of God and the Angels, locating their underlying causes and then setting about healing them. That’s what your world’s natural healing methods have always been doing and will continue to do, for as long as anyone in your world requires them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Our World In Transition’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I’ll Find My Way Home’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (32)

All About Flu And Vaccinations Against It

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom Words Grown On The Tree Of Life - All About Flu And Vaccinations Against ItOne of my friends wrote to me in the year 2005. This year has become known as the year of bird flu. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza has caused government officials to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with pandemic influenza. That’s when one of my friends wrote the following: ‘I swear this whole bird flu saga is something straight from some television mini-series or fiction novel. However, as you know, you couldn't make up a story like this tale of greed and political corruption.

Earlier this year, the United States placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion. It was abundantly clear that this drug was not going to help anyone with the flu, and now we find out that it has a serious potential of killing children that are vaccinated with it.

To add insult to injury, the drug companies have made a sweet arrangement with the U.S. government that they are not liable for any of the side effects from the drugs. President Bush's $7.1-billion pandemic flu plan seeks broad limits on lawsuits against producers of vaccines and antiviral drugs, but is silent on how those injured or killed by adverse reactions might be compensated.

The liability shield is contained in the Pandemic Flu Countermeasure Liability Protection Act of 2005. It would protect producers and distributors of emergency vaccines from injury suits except in cases of "wilful misconduct," a term to be defined later by the attorney general and the secretary of Health and Human Services.

So, even if these drugs or vaccines wind up killing innocent children or adults, for that matter, these companies will not be held liable. But you don't have to worry as on Saturday the FDA announced that Tamiflu was safe. Of course, this is the same agency that gave Vioxx its safety blessing, before it killed 55,000 people.


If Tamiflu kills U.S. children, Roche will plead that they had no idea it could do such a thing! They will claim reports such as this one out of Japan were unverified, and that there was no way they could have known it was a problem.

It just doesn't get much worse than that. When will America wake up and say enough is enough? If this bothers you as much as it does me, you will want to be on the alert for a special animation I have created that could make a major difference in this country by helping people realize that we are not hopeless and that we can make a difference. I plan on releasing the video the first week of January, and we hope it will gain as much national attention as the Jib Jab video did last year.

Not that they will make any great efforts to find out if it is a problem -- if you've been paying attention to the way the drug companies operate, you know that any potential problem with their drugs is something they want to find out about after it has been sold to millions of people, not before.

As you probably understand by now, drugs are rarely the answer to your health problems. And vaccinations are a dangerous alternative to simply taking care of yourself.


Vaccines, which often contain mercury, are linked to several chronic illnesses including:
Behavioral disorders
Ear infections


An essential resource for anyone interested in protecting their health and the health of their loved ones is Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal, a two-hour video by world-renowned vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The video is the culmination of Dr. Tenpenny's three-year investigation into the real story behind vaccines. The facts on several crucial areas are covered including:


1.    How vaccines can cause illnesses
2.    The very real link between vaccines and developmental learning and behavioural disorders in children
3.    How vaccines have never been proven safe
4.    The ingredients and contaminants in vaccines and why they're detrimental to your health
5.    How vaccine studies are seriously flawed

If you want to avoid catching the flu , drugs and vaccines are not the answer. Your body and health are better served by addressing the reasons why the immune system is impaired, which allows it to acquire the infection to begin with. Here are some much healthier and less expensive steps you can take:


1.    Avoid sugar
2.    Get enough rest
3.    Eat garlic regularly
4.    Don't let stress overwhelm you
5.    Exercise regularly
6.    Wash your hands

Last but not least, here are some more of Jon Rappaport’s recent offerings that are once again spot on, especially item three. Consult your own inner guidance about everything else that’s available in Jon’s blog.

1) ‘Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous.’ On 28th May 2021 the following reached me:


2) ‘Who needs a fake virus when we’ve got opioids?’ by Jon Rappaport 2nd June 2021


3) ‘Forgotten moments from the history of vaccines; yes, history matters.’ By Jon Rappaport 9th June 2021


Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (33)

From 'Words Of Hope And Encouragement'

All Things Are Possible

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - All Things Are Possible

With the help and will of God and the Angels
And a better understanding of
God’s true nature and our own,
All things really are possible,
Any condition can be healed,
Crooked corners made straight
And mountains of false beliefs,
Prejudices and superstitions uplifted and
Transmuted into Divine wisdom and truth.

If our minds can conceive something is possible
And we believe in it with all our hearts and souls,
God and the Angels will do the rest.
That’s why I now ask you,
O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
To grant me the gift of Your wisdom
And help me to choose wisely,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
I can serve you and together with You work
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of all,
Rising above and leaving behind
The selfish desires and destructive urges
Of my earthly nature.

May Your will be mine
And my will be Yours.
May Your inspiration flow through me,
And Your sacred words and prayers be mine
So that they contribute to the
Peaceful and harmonious unfolding of all life,
In keeping with Your will and wishes
That can clearly be seen in Your Great evolutionary plan.

Through transmuting, hand in hand with You and the Angels,
All influences that are harmful and damaging for
Us and everything that shares our world,
Into beneficial ones that strengthen and heal
Every individual immunity system
And also that of our whole world,
May the 2019-2021 pandemic soon reach its
Natural and happy ending.
In the name of love and on behalf of
The whole of humankind
I am asking for this.


Updated February 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (34)

From 'A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran'

About Children

Children at play - About Children, Kahlil Gibran - Rays of Wisdom

Holding a babe on her bosom, a woman said:
‘Speak to us of children’,
And the Prophet replied: ‘Your children are not your children;
Every human being is a beloved child of the Earth
Of the Great Father/Mother.
We are all manifestations of life that’s steadfastly moving
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral
Of the whole of Creation, one of their own as well as
One for the whole of humankind and our world.

Your children come through you, but they are
Neither of you nor from you.
Even though they are with you for a while,
They do not belong to you.
You can give them your love, but try not to make
Them think your thoughts.
From as early as possible, teach each one how
To think its own thoughts,
Come to its own conclusions and
Develop its own opinions.

Although you house their physical bodies for a while,
Their spirit/souls are uniquely their own.
In their soul memories they have brought with them
Their own hopes, dreams and aspirations
And they may not be the same as yours.
That’s what you also did when you entered
Your present lifetime and will do again,
Should you need to return to this plane
In a future lifetime, in case you have not yet
Finished your education in the earthly school of life.
Being like your children is good for you.
It keeps you young at heart with them and you continue to
Observe our world with the innocence of a childlike perception.
Whatever you do, forget about making your children like you,
As that would be holding back their development
And not do nothing to assist yours.

Sagittarius is the zodiac’s sign in which
Humankind’s superconscious faculties are developed.
It symbol is the archer, half human and half God.
Parents are the bows from which
The Great Father/Mother of all life
Is sending everyone of Its children forth like
Living arrows onto the material plane.
The members of Angelic Kingdom serve the Divine archer.
They love to shoot their arrows as far and wide as possible.
They alone can see the marks, which are invisible
To earthly eyes, that every arrow leaves behind
And how much progress it is making
On its pathway of getting to know itself
As a spark of the Great Light and
A young God in the making.

That’s how, in the course of many earthly lifetimes,
Every one of us evolves into an ever more perfect and beautiful
Manifestation of the archetype that exists in
The Great Father’s mind.
The first step of our apprenticeship as a young God
Is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
It has reached its end as soon as
We have evolved into a Christed one,
Each in their own right.

The Divine archer loves parents who not only
Give their children roots in which they can grow but also
The freedom to fly when they are ready to leave the nest;
Stepping back and setting their offspring free,
Safe in the knowledge that they will do well because
From early on they have been encouraged
To make their own mistakes, so they can learn from
Their own experiences and dream their own dream.
Support your children to fulfil their own highest potential,
As that sets you free to attend to yours.

The Archer loves wise parents and teachers,
Who tell the children in their care that they are the children of God
And that therefore each one is as precious and unique as the other;
Who appreciate that although children at first live
In smaller bodies than their own, they have nonetheless
Come into our world as a fully developed spirit/soul,
Who may have a much longer evolutionary history
Behind it than its parents;
And that their gifts and talents are not inherited from
Any of their forebears but it could already have taken
Many lifetimes to develop them and bring them
To full flowering, maybe in this one.

Wise parents tell their offspring that:
They are not some kind of appendix of them;
They have been granted the gift of another lifetime
To learn, evolve and grow some more through their own experiences,
The same as they are doing and forever will continue to do.
When their children go to school, they point out that they are
Learning for themselves and for life itself,
Not only for this lifetime, but for Eternity.
They explain that every human being is personally responsible
For every one of their thoughts, words and actions,
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them to is sender.
That’s why in each lifetime we are born to parents who are
Like the parent we ourselves were during our most recent lifetime.

Wise parents teach their children that they are personally
Responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them.
Through their example they are showing that,
If one wants to get anything of value from earthly life,
It’s essential to first put something valuable into it.

From as early as possible, wise parents encourage their children not to blindly swallow everything they hear, see or read; not to believe that something is true just because someone says so, whoever they may be; to let everything flow through the inner filter of their very own wise one or living God within, who communicates with everybody through the world of their feelings. If something is true or false, this guidance reliably lets us know.

Wise parents don’t endlessly give to their children. Through first giving something and then withholding it for a while, their offspring learn about its value. That’s how the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother have always been teaching us, their beloved children of the Earth the value of honesty and truth. And this is why our world needed approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. With the old religions unnatural all-male God-head and their steadily increasing store of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, and the insistence of their leaders that they are literally true, one step after another honesty and truth were almost completely removed from our world.

Although it seems that God and the Angels are allowing the present outburst of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, they will never cease to be the eye that does not sleep. Wise ones know that it must be happening for a wise higher reason. They forgive your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers because they really do not know what they are doing – most of all to themselves when, in due course, the law of Karma returns to them the seeds they are so happily sowing far and wide.

Wise ones know intuitively that our world’s present state is the crescendo and final instalment of being taught the value of honesty and truth. When they have reappeared, they will be appreciated and treasured beyond compare. Every one of us will ensure that they will never again go from us and our world. Wise parents realise that the Great Father/Mother together with their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, are the true parents of the whole of humankind. Earthly parents can merely act as their representatives and can only ever be substitutes for the real thing.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (35)

From 'Healing Corner For Parents & Children'

What Do Our Children Learn At School?

Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - What Do Our Children Learn At School?

Well, what do they learn?
That two and two make four,
And Paris is the Capital of France,
But where and when are they going to learn
Who and what all of us truly are?
Why don’t we ourselves ask them:
‘Do you know who you are?’
When they say they don’t know, tell them
‘You are a unique marvel – every human being is.
There is no-one in the whole of Creation,
Who is exactly like you or me.

What’s more, during all the millions of years
That have come and gone, since humankind
First appeared on the Earth,
In the long course of its evolution,
And however many more years of this are still to come,
There has never been another being like you and me,
And there never will be.

Humankind eagerly searches for miracles and
Loves to dig deep into all kinds of mysteries.
Why then is it so hard for us to recognise
That we are the greatest mystery of all and
That the physical bodies each one of us is living in
Is one of the greatest wonders of our world?
This means every one of us has been born
Into their own private marvel.
Take a good look at your whole body,
Your arms, hands and fingers, legs, feet and toes.
See how cleverly everything moves and works together?
It’s nothing short of a magnificent work of art and
A masterpiece of engineering.
Isn’t that’s worthy of being called a miracle, my child?

As you grow up, you will sometimes be in danger
Of despairing about the state of our world.
I say: ‘Don’t!’ You are here to do your share
Of making it a better place for all its lifeforms.
Every one of us is allowed freedom of choice
And this includes our behaviour.
Yours, the same as mine and everybody else’s,
Is never accidental, but chosen.
It’s up to us how we react to those around us
And which way we behave, at any given moment.
When everybody knows this and acts on their knowledge,
Their behaviour will always be a conscious choice.
We will then have freed ourselves and our world
From the ignorance of the lifetimes during which,
All of us together, created our world’s present state.

Only a fool would pretend that making the
Necessary changes is going to be an easy task.
It’s difficult because each one of us has
Brought with them into their present lifetime
Thinking and behaviour patterns that were
Developed in the course of many previous ones.
That’s why by now they are so deeply embedded
In our soul memories and consciousness
That shedding them is difficult.
Yet, it can and has to be done, by each one of us.
Rejoice, for you have re-entered earthly life
During the period in which the greatest transformation
And renewal of Mother Earth is taking place.
For quite some time by now, she has been changing from
A predominantly materially oriented place into a spiritual one.
This is becoming ever more visible.

God and the Angels are offering everybody the
Same opportunities for doing their share and contributing
To bringing the whole of humankind and our world
Ever closer to what so far we can only perceive in our dreams:
A world where all live together in peace and harmony,
Where lying and cheating, deception and corruption,
War- and scaremongering, exploitation of any kind are unknown.
Mentally hold onto these images, think about them often and know
Deep down in your heart that you are helping them to
Come about and that one day they will have become a reality
On the earthly plane.

In the inner spiritual background of our world,
Wise ones always have been and forever will be
In charge of humankind’s education.
Individually and collectively, they are allowing
Us the freedom to make our own choice.
This is the only real freedom we earthlings have whenever
We are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
Whilst there, we are constantly presented with choices.
That’s why, from as early as possible during each lifetime,
Choosing wisely and at the same time striving to be true
To our higher God or Christ nature,
Is of the greatest importance for every one of us.

This is because the Great Father/Mother of all life want us,
Their beloved children of the Earth, to grow ever more Heaven-tall
And, with the passing of time, evolve into ever more beautiful beings.
Every human being’s potential is unlimited and
Has the same right of developing into someone like
Mother Theresa, Saint Joan of Arc,
Shakespeare, Michelangelo or Beethoven.

Each one of us is living in their own physical body
Creates the illusion that we are all separate from each other.
Don’t allow earthly appearances to fool you because
Nothing could be further from the truth.
On the inner spiritual level, all life is one,
There is no separation between anything and
The whole of humankind is one big family.
That’s why whenever we hurt someone,
We hurt everybody, including ourselves.
Knowing that and also that everyone is a miracle and
A unique marvel in its own right, just like you,
Could you ever hurt or harm another?

Life is a precious gift and you have received this lifetime
So that you may learn that we are all on the Earth
For good and wise reasons, and that is
Learning, individually and as a race,
To love wisely, to cherish, help and support each other.
We are all personally responsible for every one of
Our thoughts, words and actions.
The law of course and effect or Karma, in due course,
Return every one of them to us.
All of us are responsible not only for ourselves
But the whole of humankind and the state of our world,
At any given time.

Learning to work together for the highest good and the
Greatest joy of all is the ultimate purpose of every human being’s
Earthly education. All of us are required to contribute to making
Mother Earth into an ever more beautiful and peaceful place
For everything that shares her with us;
A world that at last is worthy of being the home,
If only a temporary one from time to time,
Of the beloved children of the Earth
Of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.
S/He is the Light of all lights,
And the Sun of all suns, whose warmth and love
Gives and sustains all manifestations of life
Not only on our plane, but throughout the
Whole of Creation.

Pablo Casals
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021 

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (36)

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

Going Home

This song is winging its way to your heart on 21.06.2021. It’s this year’s Solstice Day when the Sun moved into Cancer at 03.32 hrs Greenwich Meantime. Cancer is the sign dedicated to the feminine nurturing, caring and protecting principle of Creation, the Great Mother of all life. Its energies are also good for reflecting on where we came from in this lifetime and who, but only on this occasion, acted as our parents, especially our mother.

Because the 1st January 2021 was the end of that year and the beginning of the year 2022, a triple dose of the Great Mother’s energies are at our disposal for the whole of this year. The Sun’s transit through Cancer takes thirty days and nights. That’s a period when each year the main focus of Great Mother’s energies concentrates on everything that exists in our world. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and that’s why they are affecting us and our world from the subconscious level  of our being. Their main aim is trying to encourage all of us to connect with our true home, the spirit realm, as that’s the place from which every one of us – without exception – emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to when it has run its course.

During the Sun’s transit through Cancer, it is easier than at other times of the year to re-connect and communicate directly with our true parents and ancestors. That is none other than the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit and light of the Universal Christ, who consists of nothing but love.

For the wise higher purpose of teaching our world the value of the Great Mother’s love and wisdom, Her qualities have been withheld ever more from our world and that for around six thousand years of patriarchy. To my mind, this should be more than long enough and that raises the one hundred million dollar questions: ‘Are the Great Mother’s qualities ready to return to our world? When will the task of teaching us the value of honesty and truth be complete? Is She then going to protect Her beloved children of the Earth against the yoke of exploitation that the pharma industry has placed around our necks? How much longer will it take until the professional troublemakers and scaremongers, paid by this industry, come to their senses and shut up?’ My inner guidance says: ‘She surely will do all those things. The more signs that this lesson has sunk into humankind’s consciousness, individually and collectively, thoroughly enough, the sooner they will come about.’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (37)

From 'Comfort For The Bereaved'

Going Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Going Home

Going home, going home.
We’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day,
That’s how everybody goes home
Into the spirit world.

It’s not far, just close by,
Through an open door.
Work all done, cares laid by,
Pain and fear no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us,
Father’s waiting too.
Angels and helpers gathered
With the friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way,
Earth-bound sorrows done.
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life’s just begun.

There’s no break, there’s no end ,
Just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile,
Going on and on . . .

I’m just going home!
Without being aware of it,
I have gone this way many times before.
And it’s good to know that none of us
Ever has to do so on their own.
One of the Angels of Death held our hand and
Took us back home into the world of spirit or light.
From which every one of us emerges
At the beginning of a new earthly lifetime.

God and the Angels always have been and
Forever will be as much part of us
As we are part of them.
And wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still have to take us,
There’s no need to be afraid of anything.
They will forever be accompanying us
And showing the way.
We shall always be safe because
In all Eternity our life will rest
In the loving embrace of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

I believe that whenever the moment of someone’s departure from the earthly plane has come, no matter under what circumstances, it’s always at the right moment. And that’s going to apply as much to you and me, as well as everybody else. The way I understand life now, is that it is by no means a one-off affair, the way our world’s old religions tried to make us believe. Nobody is snuffed out like a candle, each time one of their earthly lifetimes has reached its end. Every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out developmental journey that is constantly taking each individual, the whole of humankind and our world, forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of all life.

The essence of every human being is spirit/soul and like God, they are eternal and immortal. Only when the wise higher purpose of any given lifetime has been fulfilled, one of the Angels of death takes our spirit/soul’s home into the world of spirit or light. This is independent of what age our outer shell, the physical body, may be and in what manner our departure comes about. To my mind, no death can be described as ‘untimely’. It would be an injustice to the infinite wisdom and love with which God and the Angels in charge of our development are taking the greatest of care about attending to every detail of everybody’s evolutionary pathway.

Our Creator is the Divine Trinity of the Great Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, is our Creator’s Divine Trinity. And the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are the executors of the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. They are responsible for the development of every human being who ever took part in earthly life, the whole of humankind and our world. This is the ultimate authority who decides about everything that, in keeping with the great plan, needs to happen in the whole of Creation. They are the only ones who have any true and everlasting power. Nothing is beyond or outside of their will and wishes. And no soul’s departure from earthly life ever takes place without their consent. This is true for any kind of death, including suicide. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The only part that dies when one of us departs from the earthly plane is their physical body. But that’s merely an outer shell which every spirit/soul requires for functioning and getting around in our world, for one lifetime only. Ever more of us these days are becoming aware that leaving our physical body behind does not mean we are dead. Because the essence of everyone’s being is spirit/soul, we can and will never die because just like God we are eternal and immortal. At the end of each earthly lifetime, one of the Angels of Death returns our spirit/soul to the world of spirit or light. It is humankind’s true home, the inner spiritual background of our world, from we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to as soon as it has run its course.

 Whenever one of our loved ones has left this plane, there is no need to think that they have gone to a place somewhere ‘up above or out there’. Even though the spirit realm is invisible to earthly eyes, it is there nonetheless. Everything that appears in our world, the outer plane, first has to become manifest on its inner counterpart. Without the inner, there would be no outer; there would be no you and me. And that’s why there is no need to ever talk of those whose physical being has left us, as if they had disappeared altogether. They most certainly have not.

Our world is not really a home. It’s but a temporary staying place, a school and place for growing in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the world around us. That’s how every human being’s consciousness slowly but steadily expands. Each can only do this from their own experiences. Nobody can do it for us. And everything that ever happens on this plane does so for a wise higher purpose that’s meant to teach those involved something.

And because I get much comfort from music, especially when it is accompanied by words that really speak to my heart, this song is now winging its way to you, in the hope that it might do the same for you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Going Home’

Six pointed Star

The Age Of Aquarius : Age Of Truth (38)

The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer

Did you know that astrologically the mass of people in our world is strongly under the influence of Cancer? It is the sign of the Great Mother of all life, the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity who is also the soul of the whole of Creation, and every soul within it, including our own and that of our world. Cancer represents the soul of the people and like the soulful individuals who are born into this sign, the mass of people is extremely soft, sensitive and pliable, highly psychic and easily impressed and swayed by just about anything. Like any Cancerian, in times of crises when there is increased vulnerability to the negative thinking and feelings that are constantly pumped into the consciousness of our world by the mass media, we benefit greatly from carefully protecting ourselves psychically.

The following is an extract from my interpretation of the Sun in Cancer: ‘If you get the chance of watching the behaviour of a crowd, you will able to recognise how easily it can be reached through the emotions and how – like individual human beings who are spending their present lifetime in Cancer – it is all too easily swayed by just about any impression. For good and for evil, this has always has been exploited by humankind. Orators and dictators down the ages have used it to manipulate, rule and control the mob. It worked and all we can do is speculate whether or not they were consciously or unconsciously aware of what they were doing. One cannot help wondering how aware they were that the masses can be influenced because on the inner level and in the vast ocean of life we are all one.

‘The emotions are a body of water and water must be allowed to find its own way by flowing wherever it will, which is where it encounters least resistance. At its weakest point any dam will break and bring the whole structure down. In the same way, one person in a crowd going into hysterics, especially the one at the front, can set the whole multitude on fire and carry it with it, if need be into destruction. Emotionally and psychically we are all part of the great ocean of life and also of each other. Each one of us is a unique stream of consciousness in its own right that is nurtured by the ocean and in turn constantly feeds its learning back into the ocean.

‘Within this ocean, our whole world is one group soul with a common karmic past, present, future and destination. Contained in that, each nation is one group with its own karma; and within that again, each one of us is an individual soul that has its special karmic pathway to walk. Everything that feeds into the great ocean has an influence on it and everything it contains. This shows the importance of learning to control our thought processes and of feeding nothing but positive and loving thoughts into the collective consciousness, because spiritually nothing is ever wasted. Whenever one of us insists on looking for the good in every experience, situation and person, we are making a small contribution to our role as saviour and redeemer of ourselves and our world.

‘Under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, we are all in this life to learn how to consciously influence the mass of people in positive ways that serve the highest good of our whole world. Consciously attuning ourselves in prayers and meditations to the outpourings of the energies of the Universal Christ, not only at this special time of the year but always, has never been a privilege for the selected few. The time has come in the evolution of our race that each one of us is required to make their contribution towards increasing the power of the blessing and healing energies of the Christ that are now pouring ever more strongly into us and our world.

‘Our oneness in the great ocean also sheds some light onto outbreaks of mass hysteria. To my mind, one of the most striking examples of this in recent years – apart from the present Swine Flu one – was the reaction of the British public to the death of Diana Princess of Wales, a Sun Cancerian. This connected her, the same as all other souls born into this sign, deeply with the mass of people.’

Louise L. Hay in her book ‘Heal your Body’ says about ‘Influenza: A response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics. She suggests the following affirmation to neutralise their effects: ‘I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influences.’

* * *

Update 22nd June 2021

My inner guidance tells me that the mass of people is just as easily manipulated into responding to positive and constructive thoughts, words and actions that aim to serve the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of humankind and our world. That’s what happens when we keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, as well as the driving force behind them. For a long time by now, that’s been the pharma industry with its insatiable greed for money, supported by ever more money-spinning dreams of world-wide vaccinations, if possible compulsory ones and that many times over.

Today is the 22nd June and the year we are moving through is 2022. The Sun at present is moving through Cancer, the sign dedicated to the Great Mother of all life, whose planetary ruler is the Moon. Its energies influence every one of us from the subconscious level and that most strongly during dreamtimes at night. The 22 is one of the Master vibration numbers. See link below. That’s why the Great Mother’s energies today are available to everything that exists in our world with the strength of 2 x 5 = 10 = 1/0 = 1 Leo, ruled by the sign of the Great Father of all life, the Mother’s companion. This is a sure sign that together they are supporting us and our world throughout the year in which spiritual Mastership for us is ‘written in the Stars’.

But this is by no means all! Let’s take a look at 2 x 5 = 10 and add the 6 for the month of June = 16/7 = the Sun and Venus as well as Neptune, the co-ruler with Jupiter of Pisces, the zodiac’s last sign. When handled the right way, Neptune’s energies are providing humankind and our world with the highest love vibrations of the whole of Creation. That’s the level which our race’s development by now has reached. And because on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything, each time one of us sends kind, loving and forgiving thoughts in anyone’s direction, in both parts of our world, everybody else benefits from them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Psychic Protection’
•    ‘Studies In Mastership’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 10

The Great Aquarian Age Spiritual Transformation (1)

The Old Order Is Breaking Down

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation

The darkness of our world
Is not knowing and understanding;
Light can only come when we
Make it our business to find out.

Ca. 470 – 399 B.C.

Six pointed Star

The Great Aquarian Age Spiritual Transformation (2)

Returning  To Natural Healing Methods

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation - Returning  To Natural Healing Methods

Throughout the whole of Creation one of the most important laws of life is that something old has to give way, die and disappear, so that something new can be born and move into the space that’s been created. Naturally, this applies as much to every human being’s inner attitudes and perceptions of life as to every world’s outer manifestations, not only ours. This is how the renewing and rebirthing creative forces of the whole of Creation are constantly occupied with moving all forms of life forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. The plandemic 2019/2021 is very much part of this process.

This is because the birth of humankind’s higher God or Christ nature, individually and collectively, for some time has been progressing so well in our world’s inner spiritual background that God and the Angels had no choice but allowing something drastic to happen that would break down our world’s old order. People’s steadily increasing over-materialistic attitude towards their earthly existence, with the passing of time left less and less ‘room at the inn’ for the birth of the Christ child in most people’s consciousness. The Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper our world moved into it, the more urgent an issue this became. Something had to happen that would take ever more of us by the scruff of our necks and shake people so that they would wake up from the illusion that earthly life is all there is to humankind’s existence.

Acquiring ever more material goodies is not why we have been granted the gift of another lifetime. By far the most important part of every human being’s educational journey through the earthly school of life is the development of their higher God or Christ nature. The plandemic has been and still is acting as a major wake-up call for this aspect of many people’s being, which at the beginning was still slumbering in far too many of us. Fortunately, there are encouraging signs everywhere that ever more of us are responding in the desired manner.

The plandemic also serves the purpose of revealing with ever increasing clarity the true intentions behind the pharma industry never ceasing money-spinning efforts. There can be no doubt about it that they, as well as everybody else who is involved, are walking in the footsteps of our world’s old religions. Humankind’s fear of death and the unknown are deeply ingrained in everybody’s soul memories, waiting to be dealt with and released. And that’s the instrument with which the pharma industry for quite some time has been exploiting humankind’s resources with constantly increasing success. The greed of those who are benefiting from the present situation, like our world’s governments and their services, the medical profession and health care associations, seems to blind them to the fact that all together they are working hard on creating the rope on which the pharma industry’s products for quite a while have been in the process of hanging themselves.

This creates the necessary space for our world’s return to natural healing methods. These methods are the cuckoo’s egg that the pharma industry’s chemicals once pushed out of the cosy nest of humankind’s resources. To find out more about what the cuckoo as an animal totem can tell us about our world’s present state please follow the link ‘Amazing Grace’ at the end of this chapter.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Lodge’s Calendar ‘The Gift Of Healing’ for the year 2019: ‘Healing physical bodies is good, but healing their indwelling spirit/soul is better and of much greater importance. This is because the physical body but a vessel and a vehicle so that they can get round and experience earthly life. Your spirit/soul is constantly trying to communicate with its outer manifestation, the physical body. If something is amiss with any aspect of your life, they send signals to their outer earthly self, in the hope of being heard and acted upon the right way. Your physical body shows symptoms that something is in need of attention within.

‘As soon as you have stepped onto the healer’s and healing pathway, you discover that using the pharma industry’s products to suppress the signals your inner being is giving you is no longer good enough for you. You now prefer to venture forth into finding out what the underlying cause of your physical body’s dis-ease. We recommend that whenever it needs to be comforted and healed, as much as possible look towards the age-old tried and tested remedies that have always been available to humankind through Mother Earth. You are sure to find everything you need there. And the deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the more your medical practitioners will turn to the natural healing methods that have always been provided by the herbal kingdom, colour rays, sound vibrations – especially music.

‘And praying by far is the most powerful tool on the healing journey. Every human earthly mind is, at least potentially, a receiver/transmitter station that’s capable of working with the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. That’s your direct connection with them. The old religions with their false beliefs and untruths created a blockage in every one of you that consists of layer upon layer of fears. With the passing of time, ever more layers were piled into every human being’s soul memories. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you move into it, the more urgent it becomes that even the last and slowest ones in your midst learn how to tune their earthly minds into our frequencies. This is the only way we can tell you intuitively which treatments are best for you, when you are in need of them.

‘With the passing of time, ever more new natural healing methods are going to be discovered and developed. So far some of the pharma industry’s products as well as the skills of your world’s surgeons are still required and much appreciated. But both will eventually have disappeared and that for the simple reason that they are no longer required.

‘For a long time the requirements of many people’s spirit/soul as well as that of your whole world have been neglected. Do not begrudge this. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind some valuable lessons that the earthly existence of the majority of you gradually focused ever more on the material aspects of your being. The crying of your world’s spirit/soul is the cause of its present illness. With every vaccination that takes place anywhere in your world against a non-existent virus, the strength of your world’s crying increases. Do everything that comes to you intuitively to counteract it and heal your world. Each time one of you steps onto the healer’s pathway and starts their healing journey, the whole of humankind and your world is healing with you. God bless you all. We are with every one of you, and that all the way.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (3)

The Aquarian Energies

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation – The Aquarian EnergiesTo my mind, Aquarius is the most versatile sign of the zodiac. This is not surprising because it represents the will and voice of the Highest levels of life, which for simplicity’s sake I call God. Among many other things, Aquarius and its natural domain, the eleventh house, are the sign and house of transmutation. Our world’s energies for some time by now have been ready to be transmuted and moved onto a higher level of existence. That’s the wise higher reason why God and the Angels allowed a plandemic to come about.

The Aquarian astrological symbol is the waterbearer. To my mind the right image for this sign is not a man but a woman who holds a container in her hands from something that looks like water is flowing. That’s why to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the meaning and energies of this sign. Contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is not one of the Water signs, which rule the emotions. It’s one of the three Air signs which are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental capabilities, in a different way in each sign. The other two are Gemini, mutable, and Libra, cardinal. Aquarius is a fixed sign. This is an indication that if you were born with your Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant in this sign, you are stubborn and find it hard to change your opinions. Read more about this by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Cancer is the sign dedicated to the Great Mother of all life through which she has always been communicating with Her beloved children of the Earth and teaching us. From Her vessel She has been and forever will be pouring the waters of consciousness into each one of us, humankind and our world. Cancer is the zodiac’s forth sign and the number 4 is ruled by Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius. Our world’s old belief systems, through superimposing their calendars onto its natural order that’s dictated by the energies of our planetary system, for a long time have been disturbing the natural rhythms of life, not only of our world but also of the whole of Creation. Our solar system is part of its greater order.

The beginning of each year is marked by the Sun’s entry in to Aries, the point of all beginnings. The first day of January takes place in the Capricorn, the zodiac’s tenth sign and house. There is every possibility that the Sun’s entry into Cancer this year, with each passing day will bring us closer to finding out the truth about the plandemic’s background. Its New Moon takes place on Sunday 10th July 2021 at 01.17 hrs Greenwich Meantime. In every sign the New Moon is a point of new beginnings and the energies of this one promise to be particularly beneficial for our world’s present state. Sundays are under the rulership of Leo, the sign dedicated to the Great Father of all life. The number 10 = 1 + 0 = Leo + the circle of Eternity. This shows that the Great Mother’s energies in Cancer on this day will be enjoying an extra portion of the double support of Her companion.

For the purpose of teaching humankind the value of things, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom has always first been giving our world something and that applied to many different things. A period then followed during which they disappeared and only when the predestined right time had come, they reappeared. The lack of them by then has enabled us to recognises their value. As a result, we appreciate and hold onto them and defend them against all onslaughts, so that for all affected by this lesson there will never be any need for them to disappear again. And that’s what happened to the qualities of honesty and truth in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, during which they ever more disappeared from our world. In God’s time of Eternity, where the concept of times does not exist, six thousand years in earthly terms amounts to no more than the batting of an eyelid.

And that’s what the liquid flowing from the waterbearer’s container is about. It represents the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that have always been pouring from the Highest levels of life into humankind’s earthly consciousness. First for the teaching of all kinds of lessons; when they have been imbibed sufficiently, the liquid cleanses our individual and collective consciousness from what the lessons left behind that’s no longer required and of no value; and then the liquid then revives us and our world with its steady inflow of fresh insights and ideas. That’s how, from the moment of our race’s first appearance on the Earth, all of us have constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the spiral of life, in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.

And because Aquarius represents the energies and voice of God, it is the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and nations, and all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation. Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations can eventually find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as collective level, as soon as sufficient groundwork has been done. I hope you will forgive me for using the word siblinghood instead of brotherhood. For my liking it belongs to the developmental period we shall hopefully soon have left behind for good, with its patriarchic religions and the systematic suppression of the feminine. The Aquarian Zeitgeist for some time by now has been bringing our world ever more equal rights and opportunities for all.

The deeper we penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more powerful its energies are going to influence us and our world. And that’s why for quite a while by now, all together, we have steadily been coming ever closer to the fulfilment of humankind’s highest hopes and most ancient dreams of a new golden age when love and peace, goodwill and harmony, honesty and truth will once more be our world’s supreme rulers, the way they once were. This, however, cannot come about through the Highest levels of life wielding some kind of a magic wand to make it happen for us. Every one of us can only be their own saviour and redeemer. If that sounds like a daunting task to you, that’s what it is. However, many groups of spirit friends and helpers for a long time have been working exceedingly hard to help those on this side changing the thinking and behaviour patterns that have long outlived their usefulness.

To paraphrase what Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1821 – 1881, wrote in one of his short stories: ‘The vision of the Golden Age may be a dream, but it is one that makes our earthly existence worth living, even though it’s unlikely that such an age will ever become a reality on this plane. Indeed, this dream makes living here worthwhile.’ My inner guidance assures me that, in the fullness of time, the new golden age really will come about. That’s why, in my view, there is every reason to trust that this is going to happen and that we and our world are moving in the right direction.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Amazing Grace’ (2)

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (4)

How Did The Months Get Their Names?

Rays of Wisdom - The Stargazer's Astro Files - Special Events - The Winter Solstice, Christmas And The New YearAs the above image of an Aztec calendar stone suggests, calendars have been with humankind for a very long time. But did you know that celebrating the new year on the 1st January is a relatively new phenomenon? The earliest recording of new year celebration is believed to be from Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 BC, but in those days the new year still occurred around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March. A variety of other dates that are tied to the seasons and the astrological calendar were also used by various other ancient cultures. For the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Persians the new year began with the autumn equinox, and for the Greeks on the day of the winter solstice.

January originally owed its name to the Janus, the God of gates, doors and beginnings, who had two faces, one looking forwards and the other one back. The first month of our year to this day takes its name from this deity. This confirms that our New Year’s celebrations are founded on pagan traditions, as all other festivities of the Christian calendar undoubtedly always have been. The custom among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands was to exchange gifts on New Year’s day. This was a pagan custom deplored by Saint Eligius, who died about 660. He warned the Flemings and Dutchmen: ‘Do not make vetulas, little figures of the Old Woman, little deer or iotticos or set tables for the house-elf at night or exchange New Year gifts or supply superfluous drinks, another Yule custom.’ The quote is from ‘the Vita of Eligius’ that was written by his companion, Ouen.
In 1582, on the instructions of a Pope by the name of Gregory the Roman calendar was adjusted and as a result most Western nations began to celebrate the start of each new year on the first day of January. This new calendar became known as the ‘Gregorian calendar.’ Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted the 1st January as New Year’s Day somewhat before they accepted the Gregorian calendar. England and the American colonies continued to celebrate the new year on the date of the spring equinox in March. It was not until 1752 that they too finally adopted the Gregorian calendar.
Have you ever wondered how the months of the year got their names and would you be surprised to find out that January has not always been the first month of the year? The ancient Romans used a different and more natural, i.e. cosmically aligned calendar system. Their year began in March and ended in February. Even though our modern system is quite different from that of the ancient Romans, they gave us something very important and that is a name for each month of the year. This is how they went about it:
March: In ancient Rome all warfaring ceased during the time of the celebration between the old and new year. When the Sun enters into Aries on the day of the spring equinox, astrologically this is the point of all beginnings that signals the rebirth of all life. In keeping with this, March was the first month of each new year in ancient Rome. Some believe that it was named March after Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries and the Roman God of war. This to me makes a great deal of sense.
April: Three theories exist regarding the origin of April’s name. The first one is that it derived from the Latin word for ‘second’, April being the second month of the ancient calendar. The second one is that the name comes from ‘aperire,’ the Latin word for ‘to open,’ because during this spring month the buds of the plants, flowers and trees are opening. Still others think April could have been named after the goddess Aphrodite.
May: May takes its name from Maia, the Earth Goddess who embodied the concept of growth.
June: This month was a popular one for weddings. The Romans named it after Juno, the queen of the Gods who is also the patroness of marriage and weddings.
July: In 44 BC July was named after Julius Caesar. Before that time it had been called ‘Quintilis,’ Latin for ‘fifth.’
August: Originally this month had been called ‘Sextillia,’ Latin for ‘sixth.’ During the biggest part of this month the Sun moves through Leo, whose planetary ruler is the Sun. Considering himself to be an offspring of the Sun, Augustus Caesar in 8 BC decided this month should be called August, after him.
Although these days we think of September, October, November and December as months 9, 10, 11 and 12, in the ancient Roman calendar they were 7, 8, 9 and 10. And that is how they got their names.
September: September comes from septem, Latin for ‘seven.’
October: October comes from octo, Latin for ‘eight.’
November: November comes from novem, Latin for ‘nine.’
December: December come from decem, Latin for ‘ten.’
February: Around 690 B.C., Numa Pompilius 753–673 BC and reigned 715–673 BC. He was the legendary second king of Rome who succeeded Romulus. This ruler turned a period of celebration at the end of the year into one that lasted a whole month and named it after the festival Februa. This is how February got its name.
January: Later, Pompilius added another month to the beginning of the year and called it January after Janus, the God of beginnings and endings, mentioned earlier.

Recommended Viewing
•    Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (5)

Shaking Off The Yokes Of The Past

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Old Order Is Breaking Down

 Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light;
You, with your own vision –
And I, with my insight.

The Aquarian age is the age of truth. During this age Divine wisdom and truth are going to flow, with steadily increasing strength, directly into all human minds on the earthly plane of life that are ready to receive them. At least potentially, each one is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that always have constantly been flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. This is the only instrument every human being needs for shaking all kinds of yokes of oppression. The first yoke that’s most urgently crying for attention is that of not knowing who and what God truly is, who and what we are, where our true home is and so forth.

As soon as everybody knows about and grasp these things, it will be impossible for anyone to pull the wool over our eyes. The old religions could get away with their strange fear-inducing tales and false beliefs. It was easy for them to take advantage of and exploit humankind’s resources because of humankind’s general ignorance of the spiritual concepts of life. Even though we have come a long way since then, the plandemic could only come about because the pharma industry is walking in the religions’ footsteps. To this day far too many in our world still do not understand our world’s spiritual background and the reason why they are here, it has been comparatively easy to bring it about. We shall return to this theme, but first let’s concentrate on:

Everybody Their Own Saviour

Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me,
I call your name.

I am He who comforts you,
Who are you to be afraid?
Your flesh that fades
Is made like the grass of the field,
Soon to wither.

John Foley

Forget about the God-man Jesus. He never existed.
He is not a historical figure who once walked among
God’s beloved children of the Earth.
He is a thoughtform that was created by
God and the Angels as part of the lesson of teaching
Humankind the value of honesty and truth.
The story of Jesus’ life is but a legend that describes
The evolutionary pathway every human being walks,
In the course of many lifetimes,
Spent in the earthly school of life.
The Jesus legend is about the initiations every one of you,
At certain points of their development
As young Gods in the making takes part in.

Jesus is a symbol of everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature.
This is the wise one or living God within everybody.
That’s your built-in lie-detector who knows the
Way of all things and has the answer to any questions
Any one of you may ever care to ask.
This wise one communicates with every one of you
Through the world of their innermost feelings.
If it tells you that the plandemic is the greatest
Hoax and scam that’s ever been known in your world,
It’s an even greater lie than that the Jesus tale
Is literally true, when it first appeared in your world.

If you wish to be saved and that all the sins you
Committed on your long evolutionary road
Should redeemed, never mind looking for a force
Outside of yourself to do these things for you.
No help can come that way to anyone.
But if instead you go within and pay attention to
What I, the wise one or living God within you,
Are willing to tell you about any kind of situation
That may ever come your way,
Just call for Me.
Call Me by any name and I shall be there
To help you work your way through it.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me 28th June 2021 by e-mail from the healing department of the White Eagle Lodge: ‘Even though on the earthly plane of life you frequently feel as if you were alone and wandering in a wilderness, never forget that the Great Father/Mother, your true parents, are as much part of you as you are part of them. That’s why they could never leave you. They have always loved you and had only ever your best in mind.

‘That’s why we ask you to tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of God and the Angels, so that their sacred wisdom and truth can flow from them directly into you. At any given time, this is the light that has always been waiting to shine for every human being to show the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, your own and the one for the whole of humankind. This has always been happening, in spite of the fact that many in your world to this day are not yet aware of its presence.

‘The energies of the Universal Christ have always been providing every one of you and your whole world with the warmth and light of the Sun in the sky above you. There were times when these energies were known as the light of Osiris. He is but one of the many symbolisms of the Universal Christ, and Isis, His companion and lover, his feminine counterpart. The Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ. They are the Divine Trinity and cannot be separated from each other, they are one. Its energies are the messenger and comforter within every one of you who says: ‘I am. I am within every one of you. I am the truth and the love within you. I am the life within you, on the earthly plane and wherever else your evolutionary pathway may ever take you. You and I are eternally one. Nothing will ever be able to separate us from each other.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘The Second Coming Is Here’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (6)

Dying On The Cross Of Earthly Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation – Dying On The Cross Of Earthly LifeThe cross is the oldest symbol of humankind’s earthly existence that exists in our world. And the emaciated body of a dying man who hangs on the cross represents the drives and urges of every human being’s small lower earthly nature, which is part of our development as a young God in the making. Each one of us eventually reaches the stage when the demands of this part of our being begin to fade into the background of our consciousness. This creates the necessary space for the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our higher God or Christ nature to move into the foreground. We begin to lose interest in our lower nature’s desires and start to freely and willingly give them up, so that with the passing of time they shrivel away and die.

Leaving the old self behind, every earthly self eventually takes to the wings of their higher nature and learns how to fly. We are just like any bird who is ready for leaving it’s parent’s nest and eager to get on with flying. Learning to do it is by no means easy, neither for young birds or us. Yet, under the supervision of our true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their helpers, spirit guides and helpers, with the passing of time every one of us eventually masters the fine art of spiritually flying. This process is similar to a beautiful butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. For a predestined time only this outer shell had been the home of the first stage of the butterfly’s development as an ugly caterpillar, just like humankind’s lower earthly nature. Its empty shell is eventually left behind by everybody while their beautiful higher nature takes to its wings. It has now been endowed with the ability to lift itself above that which to this day is still ugly and unevolved on the earthly plane.

Each newly emerged butterfly has no need to worry about any of it. Having first hand knowledge of the transformation process that’s necessary to change everything into something that’s good, right and beautiful, butterfly trusts that everything else in its own time is bound to grow and evolve in similar fashion and emerge as something perfect and beautiful. By taking to the spiritual wings of a better understanding, every one of us can develop the ability of soaring above our world’s present state. Because we rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are in charge of our world, and not the pharma industry or anyone else on the earthly plane, we know that everything that’s come about is an aspect of an essential lesson for all who are taking part in it. Otherwise it would not have happened. It comforts us to know that, like anything on the earthly plane, the plandemic is but a passing evolutionary phase and of a temporary nature, the same as everything else that ever happened here has been.

Naturally this also applies to the Jesus legend. To paraphrase St. John 14:11-12: ‘The story of my life is but a legend. The Angels and Masters around the throne of life, the Christ Circle, are the executors of God’s great evolutionary plan. They created this tale. I am not a historic figure that once existed in earthly life. I am but a thoughtform. When the end of every human being’s education in the earthly school of life draws to its close, each one has evolved into a Christed one in their own right. You have become a channel of light. Your emanations will have changed so much that God and the Angels will be able to bring about, through you, much greater healing miracles than those described in the legend of my life.

‘When sufficient numbers of you understand this, it will not take long until everything in your world comes right, for the simple reason that you really exist on the earthly plane and I never did. The parables of my wonders are spiked with symbolisms and metaphors, the same as higher esoteric meaning has always been hiding behind the surface words of all your world’s religious teachings. The Jesus legend is about the initiations every human being experiences in the course of their long evolutionary journey up the spiritual mountain of life. When understood the right way, the Jesus tale can assist you with walking in my footsteps and, like the God-man, working hand in hand with God and the Angels.

‘Quite literally every one of you is a chip of the old block. The main aspect of our  apprenticeship is assisting Mother Earth to develop into a more spiritual and ethereal place. God is part of you and you are part of God. That’s why, whenever you look into a mirror or into someone else’s face, especially their eyes, for they truly are the mirror of someone’s spirit/soul, you are in fact looking at God. Every cell and atom of your physical bodies is permeated by the energies of the Creator’s spirit and because of your inner oneness with Him/Her, when one of you suffers, S/He suffers with you and so does not only all of humankind and your world, but the whole of Creation. When you are enjoying yourselves, God does the same.

In her novel ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ Barbara Kingsolver writes about the confused state of humankind’s perception of its earthly existence of past times. ‘The soul speaks: ‘Misunderstanding is my corner-stone. It’s everyone’s, come to think of it. Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilisation.’

Isn’t it good to know that for quite a while we have been shedding more and more of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that for a long time filled humankind’s earthly existence? Increasing numbers of us these days realise that the ultimate purpose of our earthly existence is to stop believing everything that comes our way and instead look for the truth that’s frequently hidden behind surface words. There is only one place where truth can be found and that is within every one of us ourselves. This waking up is at best an uncomfortable experience and at worst a lengthy, frightening and painful one. Most helpful of all I find the knowledge that, no matter what may ever happen to us on the earthly plane, the essence of our being will never die and we shall not ever be alone because:

•    We are eternal beings, the essence of our being is light
•    Each one of us is a many faceted jewel. The innermost core of our being is spirit/soul who cannot be harmed by anything and who will never die.
•    Our earthly existence is only half of the whole reality of our being.
•    Although each lifetime we appear in a different guise, every one of them, in terms of Eternity, amounts to only a temporary state of brief duration.
•    Wise ones in the spirit realm are in charge of the development of every one of us. Their task is to help us find our way home into the conscious awareness of our higher God or Christ nature.
•    Every human being’s development as a young God in the making is long evolutionary journey. The first part of our apprenticeship consist of  taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life and that takes a great many lifetimes.
•    Nobody will ever be forgotten or left behind on this journey.

Therefore, let us joyously accept the responsibility for taking care of our planet and everything that shares it with us, so that at long we can play our predestined role as its guardians, keepers and caretakers. Wise ones willingly make their contribution and unselfishly live as good examples that others may wish to follow. Knowing that no heroic deeds are required, they are making a constant and sustainable stream of many small efforts. That by now has become their second nature. Although much of what they are saying and doing is no more than common sense and therefore obvious, they don’t overlook that it could still be news to many. Having taken their own small easily frightened earthly self by the hand, helping it first to walk and then to fly, it has learnt to trust that the highest forces of life will forever be taking care of all its true needs.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘From Darkness Into Light’
•    ‘The King Is Dead – Long Live The King!’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Miracles Do Happen’

•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    'I Believe In Miracles'
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Healing Miracles’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘ Miracles And Wonders’

Six pointed Star

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (7)

Be Your Own Saviour

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Turn To Me

Turn to Me, beloved Children of the Earth.
I am Your Creator, the Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
S/He is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights.
The Angels and Masters around My throne,
The Christ Circle, and I are waiting for your call.
The Aquarian age has been with your world
For quite a while and now the time has come when
Ever more of you need to be instructed by us,
Intuitively through everyone’s own inner guidance,
How to go about saving and redeeming
Yourself and your world.

Nobody can do this for you and no-one will come
To wave some kind of magic wand,
To bring it about.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth.
This brings your world the knowledge that
The Master Jesus is not a historical figure,
Who once walked in your midst.
He is a symbolism that represents
Every human being’s own
Higher God or Christ nature.

I, the Divine Trinity, am your God.
There never was or will be any other.
Help could never come to you and your world
For as long as you kept asking for it the wrong way.
But at last the time has come for waking up
To the fact that the Angels and Masters
Around My throne are the executors of
My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
They are also responsible for that of your world
As well as the individual ones for every one of you.
They are in charge of the evolutionary progress
Of every level of all worlds,
Including yours.

At the beginning of the creative process
A law went forth from Me.
In your world it is known as the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law decrees that everything has to return to its source.
When the light of understanding how this law
Has always affected every one of you and your world,
And that this will forever continue, has reached
The darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence,
There will be peace on the Earth.

The comprehension of this law provides you
With a power tool of the highest calibre.
It places the power into everybody’s own hands
For recognising the spiritual background
And cause of the 2020 pandemic.
You may then wish join the ranks and files
Of your world’s miracle workers.
Hand in hand with the Angels and Me,
They are occupied with blessing and healing
Humankind and your world.
And that’s how the Covid-19 outbreak at present is
Slowly but surely reaching its natural happy conclusion.
Every miracle worker, at the same time, is creating
Credit entries on their spiritual ledger
For the balancing of its debit entries.

Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
As co-creators with Me,
It has always been in everybody’s own hands
To create either one or the other,
Wherever you may find yourself.
And your world’s present state creates endless
Opportunities for bringing your own small piece
Of Heaven down to the Earth.
All you have to do is turn to Me and the Angels.
They are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively
How you can take part in your world’s recovery
From the living hell of psychological warfare
Between good and evil, which is the background
And true cause of the 2020 pandemic.

Every miracle worker’s positive and constructive
Thoughts, words and actions are feeding into
Your world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its power to absorb ever more
Of the darkness that fills and surrounds
Your world’s troublemakers behind the scenes.
As creators of its present hellish state
They are feeding into the dark stream.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated Beginning July 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’
•    ‘Looking At The Greater Picture’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (8)

Humankind’s Evolutionary Journey

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Humankind's Evolutionary JourneySt. John 14:16 ‘And I will pray to the Father that he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever. The Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you.’ The Aquarian age of truth has been with you for quite some time by now. And the deeper your world moves into this age, the more of you are going to find out that I never existed as a historical figure, who once walked on the earthly plane among human beings. God and the Angels created me as a thoughtform that’s an essential aspect of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth. To enable you to recognise these qualities when they appear in your life, it was necessary to remove them for a certain period ever more from the earthly plane.

‘God’s great evolutionary plan for your world decrees that, when the age of truth has come round at last, the energies will be right for finding the truth. That’s why by now ever more of you realise that it is almost impossible to find on the outer plane of life. In particular this applies to the teachings of your world’s religions, even though their leaders are still trying to make people believe that they are literally true. But because I never existed, I cannot heal and comfort anyone. The comforter your world has been waiting for is the discovery that it is none other than everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature. The false belief that I really exist is a false one. Unless it disappears from your world, this aspect of your being cannot move into the foreground of your consciousness and slowly but surely take over its counterpart, your lower earthly self.

‘When you have been lied to and cheated sufficiently, the desire to find the truth grows ever stronger in you, so that eventually you come to the conclusion that it cannot be found on the outer plane, you are drawn to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. You discover that through your feeling world it reacts to everything that comes before you with a strong feeling of ‘this is right’ or ‘this is a lie.’ Without this guidance you are lost in your world’s present difficult situation. That’s why so many are still allowing themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter – in this case to be vaccinated, not just one but twice and maybe more.

‘More than ever before, everybody needs to learn that their inner guidance is the only truly reliable and trustworthy teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question any one of you will ever care to ask. They come to you intuitively and that’s how every one of you will eventually be taught by none other than God and the Angels directly. The truth that’s received from that the source of your being is meant to be shared with as many as possible. As soon as they too have tuned their earthly minds into the frequencies of the Highest, they are required to share their insights with those around them, including you. That’s how your world’s wealth of Divine wisdom and truth for some time by now has constantly been growing and expanding. What a refreshing change after the stagnant state of the patriarchal religions with their false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that pretended to be eternally true and unchangeable, as though their teachings had been cast in stone or set in concrete.

St. John 16:7 ‘But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.’ The belief that I can save and redeem anyone has been a false one that for some time has been disappearing from your world. And that enables the higher God or Christ nature of ever more of you to take over for the sake of comforting and healing their lower earthly self. For as long as people believed that the story of my life really is literally true this was impossible. Unbeknown to humankind for a long time, this tale was always meant to be understood metaphorically because higher esoteric wisdom and truth are hidden behind many of its surface words. The same is true for all other religious teachings. As soon as you release the truth from this prison, you will have no difficulties grasping what higher meanings they were designed to bring  humankind. That’s the only way your race, individually and collectively, will be able to at last move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, every one on their own, as well as humankind’s and your whole world’s.

‘A blockage exists in every one of you that is made up of layer upon layer of fears. In the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, every one of these layers was created by following your world’s religions with their unnatural all-male God-heads and false beliefs. Each new religion that appeared on the scene did its best to outdo all previous ones by inventing and then spreading ever more strange fear-inducing tales. The more outrageous, far-fetched and as far away as possible from the truth their stories were, the more suitable they were for frightening the living daylights out of people. That’s what is happening to anyone who to this day believes that they are literally true.

‘The pharma industry is following in the footsteps of these religions. They are pursuing the same principles by spreading tales about a virus that has the power of removing the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, unless of course people accept the saviour they are offering: being vaccinated. These stories have been so successful many by now appear to be quite happy to accept two vaccinations and do not mind waiting for a third one. How many more? Basically, nothing has changed in our time. It’s just that Jesus, the old religion’s non-existent saviour and redeemer of humankind, has been replaced by being vaccinated with the pharma industry’s products. Both are equally ineffective and yet, just as efficient at bringing about what the inventors and spreaders of scaring tales always had in mind: achieving new record heights of money-spinning.’

As touched upon earlier, everything in the whole of Creation is cycles within cycles and circles within circles. Our world’s present situation closes one of them. A new generation of spiritually young and inexperienced troublemakers are doing their best to bring suffering to their old and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. With every passing day, the youngsters are pilling more karmic debts into their spiritual ledgers whilst helping the others to redeem theirs.

If the pharma industry were destined to keep on getting away with their lying and scaremongering, the sky would indeed be the limit. Yet, God and the Angels are placing the instrument for stopping them into everybody’s own hands. The greatest problem that always existed for humankind is finding the truth about anything. The only way of reliably doing it is with the assistance of everybody’s own built-in lie-detector and that’s our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. Being familiar with all things, the way our feeling world reacts to whatever comes before us tells us reliably whether something is true or false, a lie and deception. That’s what every one of us needs most urgently when we hear or read something about the so-called virus and its variants. Each new one is supposed to be adding to the severity of a ‘threat’ to humankind’s earthly existence.

The further such tales are removed from the truth, the better they suit the pharma industry’s purposes. The age-old tried and tested method is the greater a lie, the better it works for scaring people to death. This is particularly effective for as long as people are as yet unaware that every human lifetime, without exception, is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which we are snuffed out like candles and nothing remains but mortal remains for worms to feed on. What a sad tale and so untrue! Because every one of us is a young God in the making, there really is no such thing as death. Our true parents are the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Like them every one of us is an eternal and immortal being, who will and can never die. Naturally, this high and holy destiny demands that every one of us serves an apprenticeship. Our development is a long evolutionary journey of many lifetimes that, time and again, take us through every sign and house of the zodiac.

Our physical body is merely an outer shell that’s left behind each time the end of another earthly lifetime has been reached. It’s a process that’s similar to a butterfly shedding its empty chrysalis. As soon as the creature that developed in it has matured sufficiently, it takes to its wings. And that’s how, at the end of each earthly lifetime, every human spirit/soul time and again is released from the prison of its physical body. Once more we enjoy the greater freedom and beauty of the spirit realm. This is our eternal home, from which every one of us emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to as soon as it has run its course. If we know what’s ahead and are looking forward to it instead of being afraid, when one of the Angels of death or rather transformation calls for us, we just let go. In that case our departure from the earthly plane is similar to the shelling of a pea that slips from the pod that housed us during another growing period.

Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the value of our world’s old religions and the pharma industry’s tales better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

George Orwell: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’

Mark Twain: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (9)

Never Mind Earthly Treasures

 Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation – Never Mind Earthly TreasuresTo paraphrase Matthew 6:19-20: ‘Do not look for earthly treasures that can be destroyed by moths and rust. Thieves can break in and steal them. Apart from that, you cannot take any of them with you when for you the time has come for leaving behind the earthly plane and returning to your true home, the spirit realm. Worldly belongings are useless there, you can’t take any of them with you. Once you have shaken off the yokes and shackles that the false beliefs of your world’ religions placed around your consciousness, worldly treasures reveal themselves as nothing but burdens. That’s why wise ones concentrate on looking for the heavenly treasures of spiritual wisdom and truth. They enjoy building up an ever increasing store of them and rest safely in the knowledge that they will belong to them forever and ever.

‘There is no point searching for spiritual such treasures in any of your world’s religious teachings. None of them are literally true. But as soon as you start looking behind the surface words of the tales and legends God and the Angels, through the various religions, once brought to your world, you are guaranteed to find a better understanding of humankind’s long evolutionary journey and treasures beyond compare that are eternally be yours. No-one will ever attempt to take them from you. However, knowledge on its own, of the spiritual kind or other subjects, is never enough without the ability of comprehending it. Only then can it be applied to first improve your own life and then reaching our for making your world into a better and more peaceful place for everybody.

‘Christianity’s main false belief is the tale that I, Jesus, really exist, that I can redeem all of everyone’s sins and save anyone who accepts that I am a historic figure who once walked on the earthly plane is by no means literally true. The story of my life is a legend. The false belief of my existence was created by the Highest forces of life for the wise higher purpose of creating a barrier between God and humankind. As a result, for a predestined length of time it was impossible for humankind to communicate directly with its true parents and Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. This, however, never changed every human being’s birthright of acquiring this ability. False beliefs could not wipe it out, merely delay this development.

‘This cannot happen without the realisation that the Jesus tale is not literally true; that everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature is the long awaited true comforter and healer; and that this is the only force who not only really can but eventually will save and redeem every one of you, the whole of humankind and its world. The deeper you penetrate into the Aquarian age, the more everyone’s own higher nature is going to wake up and make its presence felt in many beneficial ways. And that is the true meaning of the long promised and often talked about ‘Second Coming’ of the Christ. It is happening right here and now, in every one of you. And unless the appearance of the Jesus legend counts as one of the comings, this is indeed the first one.

‘The awakened ones in your midst are required to first find healing for themselves and then share what this journey has taught them with as many as possible, so they too can set about healing themselves. When this has been achieved, the time has come for reaching out and healing all of humankind and your whole world. This is how ultimately all of you together will be occupied with doing this. And that’s how the greatest healing miracle of all times, which for some time by now has been in the process of unfolding on your plane, will come about. Every one of you is required to give of their best, share their gifts and contribute as much as possible to this event.

‘The Jesus legend’s stations describe in picture book fashion the initiations in which every human being, all of humankind and your whole world have always been taking part. Each one on their own and all together, you have constantly been marching forwards and upwards on God’s great evolutionary spiral of life. Every stage of the Master’s life story depicts another part of the spiritual journey during which, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of you eventually evolves into a spiritual Master and Christed one, each in their own right.

‘The Christ child’s birth represents the time when the lower earthly self’s higher God or Christ nature begins to stir from its slumbering state. That’s why at a certain point of the lower self’s development it dawns on you that humankind’s earthly existence is not all there is to you and your life. Your higher nature’s hopes, dreams and aspiration begin to stir from deep within your own being. Feeling much more interesting than what you have been doing up to that point, you decide to follow them instead of giving in to your lower nature’s drives and urges. At a certain point of every human being’s evolutionary journey the awareness of the higher dimensions of life wakes up and steadily increases. Until then you do not know what to do with spiritual knowledge whenever some of it comes your way, so you reject it as imaginary nonsense. That’s why, when some of it knocks at the door of our consciousness, quite literally for you there is ‘no room at the inn’.

‘Every human being’s development consists of a long and protracted evolutionary journey that starts with taking part in every one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. At the beginning, the higher God or Christ nature in every one of you is but a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light. The Jesus legend’s ‘immaculate conception’ stands for each spark coming into being without having been touched by anything on the material plane. This is how every one of you once started their own journey and in the course of many lifetimes your Divine spark’s light constantly increases. This continues until it has grown strong enough to positively influence the thinking and behaviour patterns of its earthly counterpart, the small lower self.

‘The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life rejoice when they observe that the Christ nature of another one is waking up and that a new Christ child is being born on the earthly plane. Every one of you once started their existence as an idea in the Great Father’s mind. It was subsequently planted in the innermost heart of a creature as a tiny spark of the Christ light. In close co-operation with the Great Mother your development on the earthly plane of life began. Constantly being nurtured and cared for by the Universal Christ’s light and warmth, in the course of many lifetimes the spark in every lower earthly self eventually grows so strong that the characteristics of its higher God or Christ nature move ever more into the foreground of its consciousness.

‘Death and resurrection are descriptions of the process your spirit/soul experiences when your small and frightened earthly selves freely and willingly nail the drives and urges of their lower nature to the cross of matter, so they can die there and be no more. The cross was not invented by Christianity but is the oldest known symbol for humankind’s existence in physicality. And the resurrection of the Jesus legend represents the waking up of every human being’s true God or Christ nature. By the time this event comes about, it has been waiting for the predestined time to slowly but surely take over its small lower earthly self. This part begins to realise that on the inner spiritual level there is no separation between anything and all is one and that, therefore, everyone’s whole being, not merely their spirit/soul, has always been one with God and the Angels.

‘Your whole planet and everything that’s taking part in the present development also experiences this kind of initiation. It consists of a long drawn out process in which you and your world for a long, long time have been involved and that with steadily increasing intensity. This is how all of you together have, since the beginning of humankind’s presence on the earthly plane, always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into an ever more spiritual and etherealised future. Because of this, with the passing of time, your world is ready to change into a place where physical bodies will no longer be required for getting around.

‘Although for the time being you may find this hard to imagine, but you and your world are moving towards times when the coming and going of earthly lifetimes will no longer be necessary and therefore cease. This is because your planet has always been evolving together with humankind. Try not to think merely about your present lifetime. Refuse to get stuck there, but extend your vision to the future when this kind of thing is guaranteed to come about.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Second Coming Is Here’
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem & No Room At The Inn’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (10)

Renewal Of Faith, Hope And Trust

 Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation – Renewal Of Faith, Hope And Trust

 ‘What your world is currently experiencing is not a spiritual rebirth. It is the birth of the higher God or Christ nature of every one of you, all of humankind and your whole world that for some time by now has been taking place. A renewal of faith, hope and trust in the blessing and healing power of God and the Angels is waking up in ever more of you. Deep down every one of you has always known that they truly are in charge of humankind’s development, individually and collectively, on all levels of your existence. Independent of whatever happened on the outer plane, everybody’s deepest innermost roots have always remained planted firmly in the heartmind of the Great Father/Mother. They are everybody’s true parents. At any given time, earthly parents are merely temporary substitutes. Depending on which lessons you intended to take part in and which karmic debts you were hoping to make good in the course of any one of your earthly sojourns, you were provided with a with a different set of parents.

‘The birth of a new and very different world is in the process of coming about and that’s why your world’s existing order has to break down. That’s why it is essential that the outstanding karmic debts of as many of you as possible should be redeemed. And it’s good that ever more of you are waking up into the awareness of their true nature and that no power between Heaven and Earth, especially not your world’s old belief systems, ever had the power of disturbing everybody’s basic oneness with God and the Angels. And that’s for the simple reason that they always have been and forever will be as much part of you as you are part of them.

‘If anything really existed that could remove the whole of humankind from the earthly plane, every one of you would be tenderly attended to by the Angels of death or transformation and allowed to enter the greater freedom of the spirit realm. Wouldn’t it be heavenly to leave behind the earthly plane’s troublemaking and scaremongering? How about no longer having to take care and that by day and night of a physical body that can become ill and is easily damaged? If it were part of the Divine evolutionary plan for your world and all individuals within it, and therefore in keeping with the will and wishes of God and the Angels, that all of you should be released like butterflies from their chrysalises, wouldn’t that be the most wonderful end to your world’s present situation? It’s not going to happen because that would be far too easy. Nothing could be learnt from such a solution and what do you think would happen to everybody’s unfinished lessons in the earthly school of life?

‘Fortunately, after having been taken in by your world’s traditional religious teachings for long enough, thinking of them as being literally true, every one of you eventually reaches the end of their curriculum in the earthly school of life. Every human being, without exception, is destined to have evolved by then into a seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, a healer and lightbringer in their own right, who accepts nothing but the truth, the whole truth. Your belief that there is a force outside of you, by the name of Buddha, Jesus, Hare Krishna and so forth, has been exchanged for the awareness that each one of these is merely another symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. At first it is but a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light. But in the course of many earthly lifetimes, the light of this spark constantly grows while the consciousness of its small lower self keeps on expanding.

‘When this inner light has grown strong enough, it begins to stir from its slumbering state and wakes up. It then slowly but surely takes over as the comforter and healer of its counterpart, everybody’s small lower earthly self. From there it reaches out to others and eventually to the whole of humankind and its world as well as everything that shares takes part in it. As the energies of the Christ light wake up and take over in ever more of you by now, the greatest healing miracle of all times is in the process of unfolding in your world, even though to this day can be seen with a merely earthly vision. Every one of you is required to part in it and make their contribution by unselfishly giving of their best and sharing their God-given gifts with as many as possible.’

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me in e-mail of the White Eagle Lodge 4th July 2021: ‘The clouds of mist and fog that were created by your religions’ false beliefs, in the course of many centuries, to this day are what’s keeping many of you away from directly connecting with God and the Angels. Being unable to receive their share of Divine wisdom and truth, is the result of not yet knowing that everybody will eventually be taught by their very own inner guidance, also known as the wise one or living God within. This is everybody’s very own built-in lie-detector who, through the world of your feelings, has always reacted to everything that came your way with: ‘This is true or false!’ Your world’s present state came about because of this lack of knowledge.

‘The Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. And every one of you is a spark of this light that for a long time has been waiting to wake up and come fully alive in ever more of you. So that this can happen, each one of you has to work their own way through an inner barrier that consists of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions. There is a rich store of them in every human being’s soul memories. Layer upon layer are waiting to be dissolved, so that the blessing and healing power of the Universal Christ’s light can flow with ever increasing strength first into you, to heal every aspect of your being, and from there it flows into everything else in your world that’s in need of it.

‘The fresh insights into ancient themes that for quite a while have been coming your way, have already provided many with a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. Viewing your world’s present state from the spiritual perspective, these fortunate ones are aware that everything that ever happened in your word – and is doing so to this day – has always served the wise higher purpose of teaching certain lessons. In spite of the plandemic they are feeling safe. This is because they know that it is necessary and that the Christ Light will forever be shining into and through everything in the whole of Creation, therefore every one of you, the whole of humankind and its world.

‘The Angels and Masters of the Christ circle are part of their consciousness. Their love has always been working hard to beautify and heal every aspect of it, from within as well as without. When you tune your earthly minds into their frequencies, you are welcoming the presence of their energies. When you work with them, they mingle with yours and through your penetrate everything that shares your world with you.

‘In the whole of Creation life consists of a magnificent blending of the rays of light. And each time you look out at the stars at night, straight away you are connected with the great cosmic ocean of life and your own solar system’s planets. Allow your thoughts to wander beyond it and systems further and further away from your world. Give thanks and praise to God and the Angels that all of them are linked in one great powerful life and that’s by no means something automatic. It’s God’s intelligence that’s working through all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation from the tiniest insects to you and your world.’

O Great Father/Mother of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power through-out the Universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Carl Boberg
 Swedish Pastor
Adapted by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?
•    ‘What Is Truth?’
•    ‘What Is Faith?’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (11)

Message From A Hopi Native American Chief

 Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Aquarian Transformation – Message From A Hopi Native American ChiefThe following is the essence of a message from Bas Ha, the Hopi Indian Chief. It recently came my way with comments about our world’s present state: ‘The way every one of us handles this situation decides whether we ourselves turn it into a door that can be walked through or a hole into we have fallen. The decision of which option we prefer is up to each individual. If we allow ourselves to swallow the information the mass media are relentlessly pumping into our world, we cannot help supercharging our consciousness with negativity. In addition to this, if we believe that whatever we see or hear is true, without consulting our inner guidance of the wise one and living God within, whether it really is, we are creating such a state of nervousness, pessimism and fear for ourselves that we cannot help falling into the hole.

Wise ones perceive our world’s present state as an opportunity for taking a closer look at themselves, their inner motivations to find out which ones are ruled by fear, especially the worst and deepest innermost ones. A subsequent effort at finding a better understanding of the processes of life and death, with the passing of time helps wise ones to shed their fears. Leaving them behind enables them to take better care of all aspects of their own being, not merely the outer shell of their physical body, as well as of those around them. Having become aware that the spirit realm is humankind’s true eternal home, motivates these sages to frequently connect with their brother/sisters in that world to ask for their help whenever they feel in need of it. And that enables them to walk through the door easily.

Our world’s present state is a crisis of physical dimensions that have never before existed on this planet. But its spiritual aspects are of even greater importance. Their perception of the wise higher purpose that every human earthly existence serves enables those who are truly wise to lift themselves, those around them and our whole world above the situation. The wings of a better understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of this event provide them with a much greater vision. Like a White Eagle they soar above it.

The social demands of this situation cannot be separated from the spiritual ones. Otherwise the danger of falling into the trap of fanaticism, in either direction, would be too great. Without the spiritual dimensions, that of falling into the trap of pessimism and futility cannot be avoided. To enable us to deal successfully with this situation, this is how we need to equip ourselves. First look into our inner toolbox and use all tools at our disposal. See what can be learned from how the Indian and African peoples successfully survived attempts of being exterminated by those who invaded their lands.

Those left behind never stopped singing and dancing. They lighted fires and did their best to enjoy themselves, in spite of what was happening around them. They kept on attending to the arts, especially music. Making as well as listening to it are equally beneficial, in particular when singing. They never forgot to regularly count our blessings. As far as we are concerned, first in line is an understanding of what’s happening in and to our world and why it is necessary. There’s no need for sadness or feeling guilty about not taking part in the vaccinations. Such feelings deplete our energies and that’s never helped anyone. Joyfulness creates resilience. Let’s rejoice about the situation’s spiritual aspect and that is that our whole world’s spiritual nature is waking from its slumbering state.

Feelings of inner joy make us strong and positive, in spite of it everything that’s happening in our world and even because of it, and that is every human being’s birthright. Let’s maintain as beautiful, cheerful and as bright an outlook on life as well as a physical posture as possible because that’s a tested and tried strategy of resistance. It enables us to be serene in a storm; keep calm and don’t forget to meditate daily. No matter what happens, we shall never give up hope that the truth, and nothing but the whole truth, will soon become known ever more widely in our world.

The awareness of its sacred background brings with it the knowledge that spirit friends and helpers have always been with us. They are ready and waiting to be contacted and asked for their help, because without requesting it they are not allowed to do so. Enjoying the arts, living with hope, faith and trust filling – not only our heart but our whole being – that our world’s situation is in the process of resolving itself for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and our world, that’s the best way of building up the resilience of all aspects of our being.

A new perception of the wise higher purpose that our world’s present state serves makes it easier to walk through our inner doors of understanding. All our fears need to be overcome and left behind. This is only possible when one faces them, one after the other, without shying away from the fear of death and the unknown. Dealing with fears and anxieties is no longer difficult when one knows, and one’s inner guidance confirms that this is true, that every human being – without exception – is an eternal and immortal being who will never die; that the whole of humankind, our world and everything that shares it with us, has always rested safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and that this will forever continue.

The awareness of these things opens our inner doors to the understanding that there really is no death, merely a moving into different dimensions of life. Equipped with this knowledge, leaving behind our physical bodies is no longer a particularly big deal. Even if it were part of God’s great evolutionary plan that the whole of humankind should at this point be removed from the face of the Earth by a virus, there would be no point in getting unduly upset. God’s justice is perfect and that’s why, without good reasons, something of this nature could never happen.

Because the law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course, returns everything that’s sent into our world to its sender, the persecutors of the American and African Native people of the past are these days being pursued by demands that every human being should compulsorily be vaccinated with the more than doubtful products of the pharma industry. The plandemic is the natural follow-up and result of persecutions that took place in times gone by, when some folks were exploited and illegally removed from the lands they had once inherited from their forebears.

Everything in the whole of Creation is cycles within cycles and circles within circles. That’s how the plandemic was created by the pharma industry’s greed and lust for money-spinning. Our world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are employed by this industry and generously rewarded for their efforts of spreading the greatest lie and deception that have ever affected humankind. This is only possible because, for a long time and in the course of many lifetimes, countless crimes were committed in the name of a non-existent invisible God by the name of Jesus. In this way ever more karmic debts accrued in spiritual bank accounts, which until recently were still waiting their redemption.

And because humankind as a whole, for some time by now, has been approaching the end of what the earthly school of life’s lessons can offer it, the plandemic was necessary. Through the suffering that was brought about by the invention of an equally non-existent and invisible fiend, which this time is known by the name of Covid-19 virus, the redemption of some of the most ancient karmic debts has been taking place for quite a while by now. This is due to the fact that every human being has to take part in the same thorough all-round education that can only be found in the earthly school of life. Every lesson it offers has to be experienced twice, first at the giving end and later the receiving one. That’s how in later lifetimes, when we have matured sufficiently to cope with the suffering we once inflicted upon those around us, we find ourselves at the receiving end and are in fact our own ancestors. On every occasion, one more big circle closes.

White people once brought our tribes a non-existent God by the name of Jesus. In his name they felt justified to systematically exterminate as many of us as possible, so they could take possession of our lands and possessions. But our people’s the love and respect for the natural forces of life and our spiritual connections with them were stronger. That’s why the invaders of our lands did not succeed to rob us of them by destroying them, the way they did with our physical bodies and other material belongings. Our tribes’ spirits were stronger. That’s why nothing could ever stop us from continuing to love and honour Mother Earth and practising the ability to naturally heal whenever something went wrong with any part of someone’s being. In the course of many generations, this knowledge had steadily been built up so that it became ever more sophisticated.

Our world’s present situation is occupied with the closing of yet another giant circle that has been brought about by ever more people losing faith in the whole range of the pharma industry’s products. The plandemic is the rope on which this industry for quite a long time has been occupied with hanging itself. It was their products in general that’s now followed by an increasingly urgent call for ever more mass vaccinations, that once removed our world from the natural healing methods that had been developed by generations of natural healers in just about every part of our world. These healing methods are in the process of returning with ever increasing force. Inspired by God and the Angels, new ones are being discovered and developed, all the time. And that’s how yet another circle within a circle is closing.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (12)

Knowledge Is Light

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Knowledge Is LightThe Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights, the Universal Christ. The will and power of the Father are the first impulse of Creation. The wisdom and love of the Mother is the second. And the third is the Christ Star’s light through which the Father/Mother express and manifest themselves. This is how by and by they have been getting to know ever more about who and what they are. Because spiritually knowledge is light and not knowing darkness is the reason behind the Father’s command: ‘Let there be light!’

Helen Keller, the blind and deaf author, political activist and lecturer, said: ‘Knowledge is love, light and vision.’ Alas, this does not apply to any kind of knowledge. Searching for enlightenment through the right kind of knowledge that has always been why every human spirit/soul has to spend many lifetimes in the school of earthly life. Until we have evolved sufficiently to receive the right kind of knowledge and understand it, we are prisoners of each temporary vehicle for getting around on the Earth, the outer shell of our physical body. It takes a long time until the initial darkness of not knowing who and what we truly are dissolves.

Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, we have always been and forever will be searching for experiences that increase our wisdom and understanding of our existence and the wise higher purpose it serves. Each step every one of us proceeds towards the goal of finding full enlightenment in the knowledge of God’s true nature, our own and our special relationship with the Divine, not only expands our personal consciousness but also that of Mother Earth and the whole of Creation. The discovery that life on our home planet has always been unfolding in keeping with God’s great plan of life is a major move in the right direction. I believe that astrology in the right hands can be turned into a most helpful instrument for recognising and understanding the wise higher purpose of our solar system’s planetary arrangements. When one takes a closer look at it, it becomes clear that it was designed with the greatest of care like a giant clockwork that functions with astonishing accuracy.

But that’s by no means the end of anything. The plan for the development of our world is part of the design for the whole of Creation. Within both of them there are also zillions of small plans for the evolutionary progress of every human spirit/soul that down the ages has emerged from our Creators heartmind. From the moment of their first appearance in earthly life every one of us has carried around in their heart a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ. The warmth and love of the Christ light are constantly drawing every one of these minute lights towards itself. From the word ‘go’, each one is guided and protected by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, as well as the guides and helpers who are serving them in the lower ranks of the spirit realm.

Intuitively, these friends have always tried to show us the way. They are the voice of the wise one or living God, the small still voice of our conscience who knows very well what is right and wrong, even though the earthly self, to its detriment, for a long time is reluctant to follow its advice. In spite of this, supported and nourished by the Christ Star’s light, the strength of each spark’s own light slowly but surely increases. With the passing of time, the tiny sparks who once found themselves exiled on the strange and unfamiliar material plane, begin to stir from their slumbering state. Their earthly self’s love nature wakes up and with every passing lifetime this aspect of our nature grows stronger. This development continues until the spark has evolved into a shining light that’s doing its best to do its share of dispersing the darkness of ignorance, whose clouds to this day are filling and surrounding our world’s  consciousness.

The right kind of knowledge for every earthling is the awareness that the dot and circle in the middle of our birthcharts represent our Highest Self in whom we are all one. They are a symbol of the Great Sun of the Universal Christ, only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, the Light of all lights and the Sun above and behind the Sun in the sky above us. Everything that exists in the whole of Creation has been created from this Star’s light and every one of us, without exception, started their evolutionary journey as one of Its sparks. With the help of Its  light and warmth the Divine Trinity constantly draws all lifeforms, not merely that of the Earth, closer into its loving embrace. Increasingly beautiful and perfect manifestations of everything that once emerged as a mere idea from the heartmind of the Father are the result. Perfect in this context means all characteristics accepted and integrated, and all  dualities and polarities working peacefully and harmoniously together, the way they are doing in our Creator.

It is in the nature of evolution that the predestined pathway of every human spirit/soul begins with experiencing itself as a physical being in a world of matter who can do nothing but manifesting the drives and urges of its lower nature. Through the spiritual wisdom and understanding that comes our way in the course of many lifetimes our consciousness keeps on expanding, under the influence of the Christ light the amount of light in the cells of our being increases correspondingly. Through our earthly self gradually bringing forth ever more of the characteristics of its God or Christ nature, every one of us slowly but surely evolves into a Christed one in their own right and one of the finest and most noble and perfect specimens of our race. Perfect here means whole and holy, i.e. all aspects of our nature integrated and healed into one.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Let There Be Lights In The Firmaments’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (13)

Astrological Aspects Of Breakdowns

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Astrological Aspects Of Breakdowns

Our evolutionary pathway through life demands that from time to time changes have to be made. If it’s impossible to remove the old that’s waiting to be replaced by something new in natural ways, it has to come about in some other manner. This applies as much personally as nationally and internationally. If changes are not made willingly, for whatever reasons, what’s has become known in our world as ‘force majeure’ takes the matter in hand and brings it about. And that’s why God and the Angels allowed the plandemic to happen.

But for now let’s take a closer look at why and how personal breakdowns come about. There is a greater risk during lifetimes when our Sun is in Sagittarius and/or its natural domain, the ninth house. Ruled by the mighty and expansive planet Jupiter, both are dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The likelihood of a breakdown increases each time our progressed Moon moves through the Sagittarian sign and house. The Moon is known as the runner because it progresses very rapidly, one degree per month through every one of the zodiac’s signs and houses. It does this one after the others in orderly procession with each progression lasting two and a half years.

The Moon in our birthchart represents our earthly personality. Its progressive movements mark our personal evolutionary journey which, even in the course of one single lifetime provided it lasts long enough, takes us several times through all signs and houses. With our entry into each new one our energies change and also our interests. Quite subtly new people and experiences are being drawn to us. And I believe that astrology is best studied when one reflects on how the planetary energies have been influencing us personally, the conditions and experiences of our life up to now. If you take a moment to look back on yours, you will probably be able to observe how things almost imperceptibly changed for you approx. every two and a half years, how you became interested in different things and new people appeared in your life who could help you explore them.

By progression the Sun also moves forwards, but only by one degree per year. As a result, even if we were born into – say – five degrees of Libra, at age twenty-five the Venusian energies of this sign will have started to mingle and gradually increase in strength with those of Mars and Pluto, the planetary co-rulers of the following sign, Scorpio. As a result, our approach to life during the next thirty years becomes more intensive and we may begin to feel the need to probe more deeply into the mysteries of our earthly existence. At age fifty-five our energies begin to mix with those of Saturn, the planetary ruler of hard-working and ambitious Capricorn, the next sign. And so forth.

That’s how every one of us moves along on the evolutionary spiral without being aware of it. But eventually all of us reach the developmental point when, guided and supported by our invisible Highest Self and the wise ones in charge of us in the spiritual background of our earthly existence, our lower self has matured so much that we begin to sense that we are no longer prepared to run with the herd and being led by the nose. The time has come for asking ourselves how much truth there is in any of our world’s religious teachings. We do not yet know why thoughts of this nature are creeping into our earthly mind, but we cannot help the feeling that what’s commonly known as ‘sacred texts’ sounds altogether phoney and untrue.

We begin to ask ourselves: ‘Can this be true? And if it is not, can someone please tell me what is?’ The wise one or living God within, our inner guidance, is familiar with every one of our thoughts, words and actions. With the passing of time, we discover that it knows the answers to all our questions and brings them to us intuitively and through the world of our feelings. We have learnt through our own experiences that when something feels wrong, then it surely is.

However, each time fresh understanding comes to us that wishes to fill and expand our consciousness, room has to be created for them through shedding some of our soul memories that are based on the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the belief systems of past lifetimes have to be shed. The old order of our inner and outer world has to break down from time to time because another phase of moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral has been reached. This is the case whenever a higher aspect of someone’s nature has matured sufficiently to commence pushing into their lower self’s conscious awareness. Alas, if the person does not know that this is happening with the well-meant intention of gradually taking over its whole being and that this is for its own highest good and greatest joy, the earthly self gets so frightened that it shies away and refuses to co-operate with its Highest Self.

The inevitable part of every human beings spiritual development is that every so often our perception of life reveals itself as outdated and is in need of being replaced by a new understanding of the processes of life and the wise higher purpose humankind’s earthly education serves. Spiritual wisdom and truth for quite some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s why the deeper we proceed into the Aquarian age, the more pressing the issue of rigorously cleansing our consciousness of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that have accumulated in our soul memories of the past.

Alas, the most usual reaction of someone’s small and easily frightened earthly self, having but a limited grasp of the spiritual background of its existence or maybe even being totally unaware that there is such a thing, is to deny them. The next step is doing anything to repress the feelings that are rising from the innermost core of their being. They are an essential part of a breakthrough of their higher God or Christ nature. This is all too understandable because we earthling are creatures of habit. Most of us hate changes because they mean leaving behind the comfort zones of that which is familiar to us for unknown grounds. For as long as we are unaware of what is happening to us, the experience becomes ever more frightening and there is a serious danger of sinking into a steadily deepening trough of depression that is the gateway of a breakdown.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•     ‘Negative Thinking – Prime Cause Of Depression’
•    ‘The Negative Aspects Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘The Inquisition And Witch Hunts’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (14)

Welcoming Our Spiritual Nature

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Welcoming Our Spiritual NatureThe way people react to whatever comes before them, at any given moment shows the wise ones in charge of their development in the spiritual background of our world which level of spiritual awareness someone has reached. With the help of the plandemic the Highest Forces of life are sorting the wheat from the chaff on the earthly plane. The energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be right for re-incarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation from a predominantly material place into a completely spiritual and ethereal one is complete and the new golden age is with us. And that’s the direction in which our world has been moving for quite a long time by now. Anyone who is insufficiently evolved will be continuing their education as a physical being in a material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet, for which their energies are right.

The spiritual aspect of our nature is the most precious part of every human being. For as long as we try to ignore and deny its presence, instead of welcoming and embracing it, it cannot do anything but push itself ever more forcefully into the foreground of the consciousness of its earthly counterpart, the small and easily frightened lower self. This development cannot be avoided and who in their right senses would want to when its attempts at pushing through are sure signs that our earthly education is drawing to its close. For wise ones who know how to go about it the right way, there will be no need for spending further lifetimes on the Earth. If only more of us knew about this, so that they could also start to co-operate with their higher God or Christ nature and reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of God and the Angels in preference to what’s on offer from the pharmaceutical industry. This is why this new part of my jottings came into being.

What everyone needs to know is that when something of this nature happens to them, it’s their very own God or Christ nature who, from the deepest innermost core of their being, is doing its best to work its way through the layers of the negative and destructive things with which we were indoctrinated by the religions of past lifetimes. Stored in our soul memories, from the subconscious level of our being to this day they are influencing everything we think, say and do. And the older and more experienced spirit/soul we are, the more layers of such recollections have been piled on top of the innermost connection with the Source of our being.

Part of these layers are extremely powerful fears that were instilled by the preachers and the teachings of the various religious organisations we once followed in the course of many lifetimes. Let’s forgive them for they did not know any better themselves than threatening those who refused to believe in Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind with eternal hellfire and damnation, to use but one example. True believers were only those who followed the religion that developed around this legend. They were expected to donate generously of their money and earthly possessions thus enriching the churches’ coffers more and more. Anyone who dared to think otherwise was declared to be a heretic and became the victims of the inquisition and witch hunting mania.

Layer upon layer, similar to the peeling of an onion, the soul memories of such events and the feelings that to this day accompany them and have the power of troubling us from the subconscious level of our being, eventually have to be peeled away by the small and easily frightened earthly self of every one of us. But how to start this process when someone has no idea of why they are feeling the way they do? When all is said and done, it’s a labour of love that can only be carried out by each one of us ourselves. After all, we are young Gods in the making, who are serving their apprenticeship on the earthly plane. It’s a task that befits this elevated status and that’s why no-one can do it for us or on our behalves.

Nobody can wave some kind of a magic wand to make the frightening feelings go away – least of all the products of the pharmaceutical industry. And as many of us know by now, the tale that a saviour and redeemer would come to take away the sins of past lifetimes is but a legend. Our spirit guides and helpers are not allowed to do the work for us either. They can only encourage and coax us along, providing us with their strength and courage, and that’s all.

If only one could explain to those who had a breakdown or are in danger of having one, that as soon as one views it from the right perspective, the spiritual one, one recognises that life on the Earth is by no means merely a vale of tears and sorrow. It is a place that is filled with opportunities for learning, a school in which human beings can grow ever more Heaven-tall. How can we tell them that God is something very different from what people used to believe and certainly from what is likely to be hidden in their soul memories about this theme.

Our earthly existence is basically much more simple and straight forward than anyone could ever have imagined and with the help and will of God and the Angels crooked corners can be made straight, problems solved, ugly things made beautiful, any condition healed through wonders and miracles that with their assistance can come about for all those who know how to go about it the right way. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter. All we have to do is reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of the Highest Forces of life to request their help. Whatever we ask for with our whole being will never be denied.

To paraphrase what Jack Hodgins in his novel ‘The Resurrection of Joseph Bourne’ wrote about the basic human reluctance against change: ‘Maybe there is something in all of us that tries to hold us back on familiar territories. Did our cave-dwelling grandparents and we, as our own ancestors in previous lifetimes, whose memories have been shrouded by the mists of forgetfulness, once fought hard to resist standing upright? Or hate the person who did this first to show those around them how it’s done? Did we panic when hair on our shoulders began to thin out? Did we fight the beginnings of speech? Could it be that, crouched in the dark caves of our ignorance of such matters, we still object to anything that wants to take us forward and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life?’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘God : The Great Mystery’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘Soul Healing For Our World’
•    ‘World Healing Meditation’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

•    ‘Developing Discernment’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (15)

More Astrological Background

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - More Astrological BackgroundAquarius is the sign of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, not only on our planet but throughout the whole of Creation. It is also the sign of group consciousness and in the course of the present Aquarian age, a period of approx. 2,500K years, ever more of us will be learning how to march to the tune of their own inner drum, the wise one or living God within. This is the antidote to what the mass media, richly rewarded by their employers, the pharma industry, for quite a long time by now, methodically and with steadily increasing success, have been pumping into our world. Their messages are making the masses believe that our race is in danger of being extinguished and wiped from the face of the Earth, due to an invisible fiend by the name of Covid 19 and its variants. Ever more of them are said to be appearing and all for the sake of keeping the pharma industry’s money-spinning efforts going at top speed.

 What the companies involved do not know is that Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. These energies are designed to assist humankind, in the fullness of time, to shake off the yokes that, for long enough by then, will have been restricting humankind’s freedom to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This freedom consists of believing what everybody’s own inner guidance says is true. And that’s usually not what was written a long time ago and is outdated. In particular this applies to our world’s religious teachings that are supposed to be literally true. And yet, all of them contain the truth. Alas, it’s futile to look for it in their surface words because for a predestined length of time their higher esoteric true meanings had to remain hidden behind them. They are meant to be discovered when the age of truth has been reached. That time is NOW and the deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of the truth is going to be revealed.

Leo is the sign dedicated to the Great Father of all life. In the year 2021, a mere two days after the Sun had entered this sign, on the 24th July at 02.37 hours Greenwich Meantime a full Moon will be taking place. Leo’s polar opposite in the zodiac is Aquarius. The times around the full Moon in every sign being one for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a long time, how much of the truth about the background of our world’s present state can this full Moon bring to our world?

Nobody can hide the truth forever and this is for the simple reason that it’s not meant to remain hidden. Cancer is the sign of the Great Mother that’s ruled by the Moon. Its energies are shy and withdrawn, affecting everybody mostly on the inner subconscious levels. Having left the Cancerian energies behind, the Great Father’s influence takes over and steps onto our world’s stage. How much of the truth will His energies have in store for His beloved children of the Earth? And how much longer will it take until the Aquarian Zeitgeist has grown sufficiently strong to bubble to our world’s surface to start shaking off the plandemic yoke that’s suffocating our economies because of the pharma industry’s selfish greed that already has brought about many personal breakdowns, as well as national and international ones?

But let’s return to taking a closer look at lifetimes in which we are more in danger of suffering from personal breakdowns than others. First in line are Pisceans with their proneness for slipping into deep depressions that may wind up in breakdown. Virgo is the polar opposite of Pisces in the zodiac. Through its inner connection with this sign, Sun Virgos are similarly affected. The same applies to the polar opposition of Sagittarius and Gemini. When the Sagittarian superconscious faculties are trying to wake up a lower earthly self to Its presence, that part could be reluctant to move forward to getting to know the new dimensions of life that are meant to be discovered. The small and easily frightened lower is frightened of getting to know the most beautiful and precious part of its being, its very own higher God or Christ nature.

The Chinese call Gemini the monkey sign, because of the ceaseless mental activity of their earthly mind, which all of us eventually have to learn how to take control of. Being a mental and not an emotional sign, Geminians may prefer spending their time in endless small talk and revelling in the minutest details of the most trivial things, rather than reaching into the depths of their world of feelings and emotions. Sagittarius, the procrastinator of the zodiac, would rather go jet-setting round the globe in pursuit of some illusory greener pastures than looking for them within, guided and protected by their Highest Self. As a result, both signs are likely to wind up in a breakdown.

Scorpios may suffer from depressions because of their reluctance to reveal their true feelings. At times they can be too deep probing and intense for their own liking. Deeply feeling and highly sensitive to the emotional vibrations of those around them, they are particularly good a hiding their true feelings away from themselves. The inevitable result is that in the fullness of time they sink into depression. Pisceans, ruled by Neptune, are under similar influences, as the danger of deceiving oneself and others always loom large wherever this planet’s energies come strongly into play.

Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, the Roman God of War, and Pluto, the ruler of the underworld, a symbolism of the subconscious level of our being. The Plutonian energies ensure that, when the time for the appearance of something that was formerly hidden is right, the truth about it comes bubbling to the surface of our own consciousness. This applies as much for us individually as collectively for the whole of humankind. The cathartic purging and cleansing effects of the Plutonian energies are designed to cleanse us and our world of the drives and urges of our race’s small lower selves. Find out more about this by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

The Christ Star’s light eventually absorbs that which is no longer desirable and of use on the earthly plane of life and uplifts and transmutes its energies into blessing and healing ones for the whole of Creation. Every earthly self’s highest potential in all signs and houses of the zodiac and especially Scorpio and it’s natural domain, the eighth house, is to lift itself, the whole of humankind and our world on the mighty spiritual wings of the Great White Eagle above the concerns of our earthly existence into the blessing and healing power of the Highest Star and the healing light of the Christ Star. This eagle represents the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the warmth and light of the Universal Christ’s spirit.

Breakdowns occur more frequently when we approach our first and second Saturn return at the age of 29 ½ and 59 years respectively. This also applies to the Uranus opposition or midlife crises. See the respective links below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretation Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘Age 29 1/2 - First Saturn Return’
•    ‘Age 58/59 - Second Saturn Return’
•    ‘38/45 Midlife Crisis - The Uranus Opposition’

•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Love : The New World Order’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (16)

The Spiritual Rebirth Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Spiritual Rebirth Of Humankind

Ah, Love! Could you and I with fate conspire,
To shatter our world’s sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits – and then,
Re-mould it nearer to our heart’s desire?

Omar Khayyam
1048 – 1123 AD
Adjusted for our time
By Aquarius

This new part of my jottings was launched in January 2020 when the Sun had just moved from Capricorn, the densest of the Earth signs, into Aquarius, one of the Air signs devoted to the development of humankind’s intellectual and mental capabilities. From the energies of gloom and doom loving Capricorn everything in our world for thirty days will come increasingly under the influence of forward looking Aquarius, the sign of truth and honesty through which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations eventually are going to find their fulfilment.

The deeper we go forward into the Aquarian age, the more the time has come for leaving behind the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that the religions of the past have been piling up in our soul memories. The Aquarian energies are providing us and our world with the iconoclastic powers of smashing them into smithereens, so they can be absorbed into the warmth of the Christ Star’s light to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation. They are flowing to wherever they are needed and especially when someone asks for them.

Because every human being is potentially a young God in the making, the Aquarian energies can be used by our earthly selves for lifting ourselves and our whole world on our spiritual wings into the blessing healing energies of the Christ Star’s warmth and light. Through this, with the passing of time, we slowly but surely evolve into a miracle worker in our own right who can make a valuable contribution towards the blessing and healing of humankind, our world and ultimately the whole of Creation.

‘The Indians tell us that the phoenix can rise
From the smouldering ashes that once were my eyes
And watch beautiful colours from black and from grey
Be formed into wings and take me away
To where evil is darkness and goodness is light.
And love is the lightning that cuts through the night,
And strikes only once in a dark place in time,
And forms a gold stairway that all of us climb.’

From the song ‘Chain Lightning’
By Don McLean

That’s how the spirit/soul of ever more of us is learning to rise like a phoenix from the smouldering ashes of its own funeral pyre, into the conscious awareness of our own true God or Christ nature. The cross is the most ancient symbol known to humankind of our earthly existence. And the emaciated body of the man who, nailed to a wooden cross is breathing his last, represents the process of freely and willingly surrendering the drives and urges, the dark and ugly aspects of our lower nature, to our highest God or Christ nature. The more we pay attention to and follow the instructions we intuitively receive from our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, the more our lower nature dies a natural death and breathes its last.

The rebirth of a whole race and its world into the conscious awareness of its spiritual nature is a birth like any other. There is no doubt in my mind that every one of the crises that have been and still are taking place on the earthly plane is necessary and indispensable aspect of the labour pains of this event. Therefore, they cannot be avoided during the time our world spends waiting to emerge as a more beautiful and peaceful place for all lifeforms that share it with us. In keeping with the will and wishes of God and the Angels, individually and collectively, everything that is evil and ugly, i.e. the crude and unevolved parts of our character and our world by now have become old and outdated. That which is no longer of any use and value to us needs be removed in order to created the necessary space for the birth of that which is good, right and beautiful, i.e. the higher evolved aspects of our nature and that of our world.

Isn’t it comforting to know that whatever happened for us and our world in the past and is doing to this day, has been and still is for the wise higher reason of teaching us urgently needed lessons? And wherever any one of us presently may find themselves, in earthly life or the spirit realm, all of us are taking part in and have our predestined part to play in the powerful drama of humankind’s rebirth. The steadily increasing flow of knowledge about the spiritual background of our race and the wise higher purpose that our earthly existence serves is the most valuable contribution. It enables those who can understand the knowledge that is coming our way to observe for themselves how, the deeper we penetrate into the Age of Aquarius, God and the Angels are removing from the consciousness of our world ever more of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of past ages that have held our race captive for such a long time.

The inner and outer walls of this dark prison of ignorance are crumbling away. The Highest Forces of life, in their infinite wisdom, created these obstacles for the teaching of important lessons as well as for keeping us earthlings away from finding out about God’s true nature and our own too early. Bearing these things it mind it’s no longer surprising that the by now outdated belief systems of our world to this day insist that their false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are literally true. In the course of many lifetimes, every one of us absorbed their share of them. Stored in the soul memories of the subconscious part of our being, they are waiting to be shed once and for all. Until this has been attended to, from there they have the power of influencing every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross We Bear’
•    ‘The Higher Purpose Of Suffering’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (17)

Earth’s Energies Are Changing

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - Earth's Energies Are ChangingLong before humankind ever appeared on the Earth, our planet has constantly been taking part in Cosmic events of vast proportions. And for quite some time the tempo of humankind’s individual and collective spiritual development and march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral has been steadily increasing. Since our entry into the Aquarian age, this has become ever more noticeable in the world around us.

There have been Aquarian ages before and each one has led to a new Golden Age. It’s a time when people are going to live together in peace and harmony, helping each other wherever they can rather than exploiting and taking advantage of those around them, the way it is happening in our world to this day. This is because many of us are still unaware that everything they we send into our world in due course is bound to return to us, if not in our present lifetime then in a future one. In the case of unpleasant and painful events, if by then we have become sufficiently evolved the time has come to forgive ourselves for causing them.

Approx. every 2,200 years a new Aquarian age comes round. Each time a new batch of spirit/souls has evolved sufficiently to be released from taking part in the compulsory education of the earthly school of life as a physical being. For a long time Mother Earth alone could provide it, but on this occasion things are going to be different. God’s great plan for us and our world decrees that during this particular Aquarian age our race’s rebirth into the individual and collective conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own will take place. This is because the time of experiencing Mother Earth as a place of learning has run its course. As we only recently entered into the latest Aquarian age, even if it takes several lifetimes there will be plenty of time to reach this goal for those who are presently being prepared by God and the Angels to continue their education on the next higher level of life. The Golden Ages do not come about on their own. Everybody has to do their share of creating them through conducting their lives in the right manner in the here and now.

And what about the troublemakers of our world? They are young and inexperienced spirit/souls who are receiving their earthly initial training and through this provide tests and trials that are needed for the lessons of us older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. Through the suffering we ourselves brought about with the help of our thinking and behaviour patterns of previous lifetimes, this one serves the wise higher purpose of familiarising us with the nature of suffering that brings us opportunities for redeeming some of our karmic debts. If we react to and deal with what comes our way in the right manner, the doors of forgiveness for ourselves and others open. And that enables us to attend to all our debts and so restore the balance of our spiritual bankbook. It’s comforting to know that our young and inexperienced siblings are not going to reincarnate on Mother Earth. They will continue their education on a younger and less evolved planet. See the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

The change of energies that takes place each time we move from one sign of the zodiac into the next is always a big and unsettling one that takes a lot of getting used to. This applies as much to our whole world as it does to the progressions of every individual birthchart. Because of this change of energies for quite some time just about everybody has been struggling with their own problems as well as those of our world. The silver lining of this cloud is that the Aquarian influence is equipping us earthlings with a greater ability to grasp the realities of our existence’s spiritual background. These energies are steadily growing stronger and that’s why, with the passing of time, understanding the new age’s requirements and responding to them is going to get easier.

But first let’s take a closer look at astrological background of the energy change. Behind us lies the Age of Pisces, the age of blind faith, deceptions and self-deceptions, cheating, lying and the suffering they are causing to this day. The present Age of Aquarius started around 1900 AD and will continue until approx. 4,100 AD. It is a period in which the character qualities of our God or Christ nature like truth and honesty, faith and trust, integrity and loyalty will gradually emerge as the supreme rulers of our world. A sure sign of this is the ever increasing amount of spiritual wisdom and truth that for quite some time has been flowing with steadily increasing strength directly from the Universal mind of the Highest into the consciousness of our world.

It takes the Earth nearly 26,000 years to complete one whole cycle that takes us through every one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. One of these cycles is known as a Great Years and each sign the Earth passes through represents a Great Month. Every one of them lasts for about 2,200 years and the unique character of their energies strongly influences and manifests itself in all creatures and happenings on our planet. The Great Months are also known as the Ages of Humankind’s development. No-one can tell exactly when one age ends and a new one begins. Yet, the evidence of its presence that is appearing everywhere in our world leaves no doubts in my mind that the Age of Aquarius is with us. When you observe your environment more closely, you will be able to see for yourself how the Aquarian energies are influencing everything in our world ever more forcefully, regardless of the fact that remnants of the Piscean age are still with us. As hard as they are to shake off, individually and collectively every one of us has to deal with them and can only do so in their own way.

Pisces is the most fluid one of the Water signs and Aquarius is the most fixed Air sign. Many human problems are arising because our physical bodies as well as our planet’s physical appearance are changing from consisting predominantly of the water element to that of air. The former represents the emotional part of our nature while the latter is dedicated to the development of humankind’s intellectual capabilities of thinking and problem solving. Bearing this in mind, it’s not surprising that many are experiencing various types of mental disorders. And because thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, walking on water, i.e. taking charge and learning how to control our emotional world and also our thought processes are everybody’s first and most urgent requirements of the Aquarian age.

Pisces being the twelfth sign of the zodiac and its natural domain is the twelfth house, both are thought of as the dustbin of the zodiac. Everything that was left behind unattended is waiting to meet us here. Sign and house are clearing stations for our karmic debts and we are offered opportunities for redeeming at least some parts of them. This is what for quite some time has been happening ever more forcefully and urgently to us and our world in general. Not yet having had a great deal of experience of how to deal with this kind of thing, that’s the underlying cause of many of the problems we individually and collectively are encountering.

To find solutions for overcoming them that really work, the assistance of God and the Angels is most urgently required. And that’s why at long last ever more of us are discovering that they have never left us and that they are as much part of us as we are of them. Because of this they could never have left us, even if they had wanted to. And because they have always loved us totally and unconditionally and are familiar with our difficulties, that was never an option for them. It was just that we did not know about it and that without asking for their help it cannot come to anyone. So whenever we are struggling with anything, let’s do ourselves the favour and request it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (18)

Who Is The Captain Of My Soul?

The Captain of my Soul - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

‘Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’

Samuel Butler
 * * *

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

And yet, it’s good to know that:
The Highest forces of life are steering my boat
And all I have to do is row.
The Great Father/Mother is the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of earthly life.
At the end of each lifetime, they take me home
Into the world of spirit, my true home
Whose harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than any other place I have ever visited.
Each time I drop my anchor there,
The wise ones in charge of me reassure me
That all is well with me and my world,
And forever will be.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary pathway through life,
I am glad to aware that:
I am much more than a mere physical being.
The essence of me is spirit, a Divine spark that is
Part of God, eternal and will never die.
Each time I pass from the earthly plane of life
I am not snuffed out like a candle,
I merely move into another dimension and
A different level of existence, that’s all.

My destiny is a high and holy one.
I shall always be safe and never lost,
Wherever the ocean of my life is taking me.
I am grateful for everything that has been
And sometime in the future will be.
Great Father/Mother of all life,
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Thy wisdom and love.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Navigating The Ocean Of Life’
•    ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’
•    ‘Letting Go Of Fear And Pain’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘Why Is Earth Life Necessary?’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (19)

The Iconoclastic Aquarian Energies

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - The Iconoclastic Energies Of UranusThe sign Aquarius and the eleventh house, its natural domain, are co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents’ nature. Before any one of us can safely be released into the freedom of the Aquarian age, our thinking and behaviour patterns have to prove that we have achieved self-discipline through mastering and overcoming the drives and urges of our lower earthly being. Because of the iconoclastic nature of the Uranian energies this is essential. They are most helpful when it comes to shedding the ballast of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions which the old and by now outdated belief systems have planted deep into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. But the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, this is bound to gradually become easier for all of us.

Basically, there is nothing wrong with the old belief systems. They are only outdated for as long as one misinterprets them as being literally true, when nothing could be further from the truth. You will be surprised to find how any one of the tales and legends that God and the Angels from time to time gave to our world can come alive. They quite happily reveal the higher esoteric meanings that, for wise educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind their surface words. Of particular interest to us and our world is the story of the life and times of the Master Jesus.

Now that the age of truth is with us, it is becoming ever more widely known that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked the Earth. He is a symbolism of the God and Christ nature that exists in every human being, even though for a long time merely in seedform. The Master Jesus always was and to this day remains a thoughtform that was created by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of teaching our world values like honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity. The infinite wisdom, patience and love of the Great Father/Mother has always taught us children of the Earth the value of things by first providing us with them, then temporarily withholding them and later returning them to us. The length of this process depends on how important the lessons are for us and our world.

The six thousand years of patriarchy with its testosterone-driven all-male religions, which fortunately by now have just about run their course, is probably the finest example of how something of this nature manifests itself on the earthly plane. The patriarchy has been a valuable teaching aid for the Highest Forces of life. We were shown what happens when the masculine aggression and lust for powerseeking and empire building is allowed to rule our world and express itself in ever more destructive warmongering. The feminine with its loving, caring and nurturing qualities is the masculine’s natural counterpart throughout the whole of Creation. And that’s how all of us, in the course of many lifetimes, each through their own experiences, were taught how our world reacts when the balancing and civilising influence of the feminine is withdrawn.

Aided and abetted by the old religions, the patriarchy created endless opportunities so that every one of God’s children of the Earth could find out first hand, sometimes at the giving end by handing the ugly and nasty traces of their earthly nature out, and in other lifetimes finding themselves at their receiving end, how the characteristics of humankind’s unevolved lower and lowest nature express themselves in earthly life. That’s been the Great Father/Mother’s way of teaching us lovingly and with endless patience the value of the best and noblest characteristics of our God or Christ nature. For a long time they are slumbering in every human being’s innermost self. How much of this part of their nature we ourselves thus far have developed depends on the point we have reached at any given moment on our individual evolutionary journey.

But let’s return to Aquarius for a moment. The astrological symbol of this sign is the Waterbearer and that is a man who holds a bowl in his arms from which water is flowing. This sign does not belong to – as many believe to this day – the Water element but to that of the Air. The Water signs are dedicated to the development of humankind’s emotional world, while the Air signs are doing the same for the intellectual capabilities of our earthly minds. Aquarius represents the Great Universal mind, of which everyone’s earthly mind is an integral part. It’s good to know that we are in the process of leaving behind the emotionalism of the Piscean age – Water at its most fluid. At present our physical bodies consist predominantly of water, but with the passing of time this is going to change into air and light. As a result of this, the spoken and written word is going to gradually disappear from our world. It will be replaced by thought transmissions, the spirit realm’s method of communication. Every human spirit/soul belongs to and is an integral part of that world.

The monumental adjustments and changes these transformations demand from us and why they are necessary by no means merely apply to the selected few. They concern everybody and we are all involved. And because many have no idea of what is expected of us and our world, it is hardly surprising that breakdowns are very common, on the public scene as well as in individual lives. By the way, I believe that the reason for the present severe over-crowding of our world is due to the fact that all those who are sufficiently evolved and therefore agreed, before entering into their present lifetime, to take part in humankind’s rebirth are either already here or will be appearing shortly. However, this state of affairs will not go on forever. It will continue up to a certain point and then the birth rates will quite naturally go down to manageable levels again. The timing of when this will come about is known to the Highest Forces only.

Also, I believe that every crisis that anyone in our world has to endure is an outcry of our collective spirit/soul to those in charge of us in the spirit realm to come to our help. They know the way of all things and are equipped with the ability to guide and show us how we can free our race from the emotional baggage of past times through which we and our world became ever more materialistically orientated. Undoubtedly, this has too been for the wise higher reason of teaching us and our world another valuable lesson. But signs are emerging everywhere that this part of our race’s development is waiting to be left behind.

There is every reason for being glad and rejoicing because the saddest part of our evolutionary journey is over and the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom truly is definitely with us. It is bringing us the freedom to believe what the dwelling place of our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, our heart tells us is true and there is no longer any need to believe that the misinterpretations of our world’s sacred texts are true. In a nutshell that’s what the freedom of the Aquarian age means. Wise ones leave those who are as yet unready to comprehend such things to the beliefs that for the time being are dear to them. They rest safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels are showing every earthly self the way when their time for waking up from their spiritual slumber has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•    ‘Walking On Water’
•    ‘A Celebration Of The Feminine’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (20)

The Admiral Of Life’s Fleet

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Breakdowns - he Admiral Of The Fleet Of LifeOur Creator is a Trinity that consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and the light of the Universal Christ is their only born Son/Daughter. Together they are the admiral who commands the fleet of the whole of Creation, including us and our world. S/He is also the architect and designer of the great plan of life, which clearly shows how the boat of our world as well as that of every individual human spirit/soul within it, with the help of the Christ Star’s light is constantly being drawn ever closer into the loving embrace of its source.

The Universal Christ’s light is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights in which everything that exists in the whole of Creation has its origin. It is this light that always has been and forever will continue to move all manifestations of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. For every earthling this means being steered time and again round the zodiac. This is how each through their own experiences grows in wisdom and understanding. Our consciousness expands through taking part in the lessons that the different signs and houses of the zodiac can teach us.

Everything in the whole of Creation consists of wheels within wheels and cycles within cycles, as the great plan of life clearly shows. And every human being’s birthchart is a small individual plan within the great one for that person’s present lifetime. The small plan at the same time and is an integral part of the great plan for the development of our race, our world and also the whole of Creation. Our world’s solar system is designed like a giant clock that works with astonishing accuracy and precision. Everything in our world is under the influence of our planet’s energies and that includes you and me as much as every other part of our world. Pulled along by the Christ Star’s light each one of us individually and all together at the steady pace of one degree per year are progressing and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral.

In the beginning of every human being’s earthly education the spirit/soul is but a spark of the Great Light. The Sun in our birthcharts is a symbol of this tiny light. Its sign and house position show the lessons in which each newly born earthly self is destined to take part in its coming lifetime. The progressions of the Sun indicate how the radiance of the Great Light persistently pulls every spark towards itself at the rate of one degree per year. That’s how it grows in two meanings of the word light and so does the whole of our world with us. Spiritual wisdom and knowledge, as well as the understanding of them, is light and their absence is darkness.

The Moon represents our small lower self who anxiously tries to cling with all its might onto that with which it is familiar and so does its best to keep us back in the past. But to provide us with as many experiences as possible during each lifetime, by progression the Moon moves through the zodiac’s signs and houses much quicker than the Sun. One degree per month it leaves behind so that every one of them only takes two and a half years. That’s why the Moon is also known as the runner. When you reflect on your life so far, you will probably be able to recognise how about every two and a half years your interests changed and new people were drawn into your orbit.

The more signs and houses we travel through and the more we learn through our experiences, the more the spark is strengthened and the amount of Christ light in every cell and atom of our earthly self’s physical body increases. Every human spirit/soul is part of the higher aspects of our planet’s nature and each through its own learning constantly contributes to the Earth’s development. One of the main purposes of humankind’s earthly existence has always been to assist the unfolding of Mother Earth’s spiritual nature. In return God and the Angels through her are providing for everyone’s true needs.

The Sun’s progression for me personally mean that although I was born into the fifth degree of Libra, at the age of twenty-five the energies of my birthsign started to come together with those of the next sign, Scorpio. And that explains why from about midlife up to the age of fifty-five my interests turned increasingly towards the themes that are of interest to Scorpios. For example, searching for the truth about God, the higher purpose and the meaning of our earthly existence. Part of the result were looking behind its surface and probing into the occult, i.e. that which is hidden from common view and/or knowledge.

The start of my interest in astrology goes back to this period and with the passing of time it became an ever more important part of my writings. I must have brought at least some of the knowledge about this subject with me from previous lifetimes, because as soon as I began studying it, time and again I had strong feelings of déjà-vu. When our teacher explained something to his class, there were six of us, it was frequently as if I knew it already. It did not take me long to realise that without bearing in mind the continuity of our existence and knowing about the Universal law of Karma and reincarnation, astrology does not really make much sense. In that case it would be no more than yet another kind of fortunetelling and I have never been interested in any of them.

Astrology makes a great deal of sense as soon as one recognises that humankind’s existence is a never ending relentlessly forwards and upwards marching on the evolutionary spiral in which all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation are taking part. ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’ is proof of the fact that in the right hands the Divine science can be can be worked as a firsts class instrument for finding our way through our present lifetime, as well as previous ones more easily. That’s how I know that up to the age of eighty-five the energies of my lifeforce will remain strongly influenced by those of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of our superconscious faculties.

If I have to be around for as long as that, my energies will then be more under the influence of Capricorn, the ambitious and exceedingly hard working Earth sign that’s  ruled by Saturn. Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents who demands self-control and self-mastery from us earthlings. Until they have been developed, we have to continue taking part in the school of earthly life’s lessons. However, as soon as the Capricornian energies are handled the right way, Saturn’s role changes from teacher to rewarder. When this point of our development has been reached, the rewards will truly be worthwhile.

Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. The Aquarian age is going to be a period during which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will come to fulfilment. Saturn’s demands are the gatekeepers to the freedom of the Aquarian age. The deeper our world penetrates into it, the closer we are getting to another golden age of plenty. But the energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be suitable for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete and this comes about. All spiritual youngsters will be continuing their education as physical beings in a world of matter on a younger and less highly evolved planet, that matches their energies. Through colonising this planet they will be contributing to its own development. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’ (1)
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’ (2)

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (21)

What’s Truly Ahead Of Humankind?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation - What's Truly Ahead Of Humankind?

 To my mind, the best way of studying astrology is being equipped with hindsight rather than peering into the future and making more or less wild assumptions of what may lie ahead. I never had time for programming people into expecting negative or positive things and so probably helping them to come about. The older I get, the more I enjoy reflecting on how the energies of the planetary dance in the sky above our world have always been influencing the flow of all our lifetimes, past and present ones. All of us being integral parts not only of humankind and its world, but the whole of Creation, it’s not hard to recognise why astrology is also known as the Divine science. In my view, this name is justified in view of the clarity with which it has always been revealing anyone’s predestined pathway, including that of our world.

Astrology has taught me an infinite number of things, and for every one of them I am deeply grateful. Is it any wonder that, with the passing of time, I became ever more fascinated by this subject? For example, with its help I discovered first hand that the Aquarian age really is going to be the age of truth. That’s why ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth for quite some time has appeared in our world and that in many different ways. My writings is but one of them. God’s great evolutionary plan for our world clearly shows that for a long time our world has steadily been moving towards a period when there will be no point trying to hide anything from public view and knowledge. That’s because, with the passing of time, ever more of us will prefer being taught, guided and protected by their inner teacher, the wise one and living God within everybody, every one’s very own built-in lie-detector.

This is the only truly reliable teacher in the whole of Creation, who really knows the way of all things and the answers to any questions we shall ever care to ask. This teacher assures me that there are no concentration camps and/or communistic take-over bids ahead for humankind. It’s not going to happen for the simple reason that such things would mean moving backwards on the evolutionary spiral of life for the whole of Creation, therefore also every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world. The Universal main laws are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love and therefore never moves backwards, merely forwards and upwards. The first laws are closely followed by that of cause and effect or Karma. With the knowledge of Universal laws God and the Angels are placing the rudder for steering the ship of their fate in the desired direction in everybody’s own hands. The knowledge of them enables everybody to start sending nothing but good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions into the ethers. As soon as our karmic debts have been attended to and redeemed, by none other than us, nothing but more of what we are sending will ever return to us. It’s as simple as that!

That’s what my inner guidance says and it has never told me an untruth or led me astray. It is telling me that the TRUTH will always come out, but in God’s time and not ours. That means when the energies are right, the sufficient amounts of karmic debts have been redeemed and no new ones were created. Safely stored in their soul memories, every bit of theirs is going to accompany the spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls to their new home planet, each time they are occupied with continuing their education as physical beings in a material world. At the hands of another new generation of troublemakers and scaremongers, they will then be taking the part of the older generation on the receiving end of the suffering they, in their present earthly lifetime, are creating for our world. And that’s how another one of the vast circles of life will then be closing.

And yet, because today’s troublemakers and scaremongers are unaware of what they are doing to themselves and what eventually is bound to return to them, why not try to lighten that burden for them by continuing to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts? To my mind, that’s only fair. After all, it’s what we did in previous lifetimes when we were spiritually as young and inexperienced as they presently are, attending the same lesson in the earthly school of life. Otherwise we would not have to take part in our world’s present situation. The longer the plandemic continues, the more karmic debt entries are likely to accumulate in the spiritual bank book of the spiritual youngsters. Because of this, the less compatible their energies will be for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation into a spiritual and ethereal planet is complete, at the predestined time that’s in keeping with God’ great evolutionary plan. Naturally, the age of someone’s physical body has nothing to do with the maturity of its indwelling spirit/soul.

And as soon as one contemplates the situation and views it from a higher spiritual perspective, it emerges that nobody in our world is really guilty. Spiritually, isn’t every one of us is merely a temporary student in the earthly school of life? Aren’t we all nothing but children attending our lessons and doing our homework? Because every one of us has to start at point zero of a journey that takes us constantly forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, how could anyone accuse us of being guilty of spiritual ignorance during the early and middle stages? It’s a journey that for everybody consists of a predestined number of lifetimes that takes us from the beginner’s class to having evolved into a Christed one, each in their own right.  

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.’

In view of all this and in preparation for the new golden age that is surely coming our way, let’s reach out to everybody and start forgiving. First we need to forgive ourselves for once setting the wheels of fate for this, that and the other in motion. The next step is reaching out to all those who ever took part in the play-acting of the earthly school, for getting so lost in the roles that were played during each lifetime. The unpleasant things could only happen because we were as yet unaware of: a) why we were on the earthly plane; b) why we insisted doing them to each other and even enjoyed it; c) that ultimately whatever we do to anyone, we are doing to ourselves. And that’s because of the law of cause and effect or Karma, which in the fullness of time returns to us everything we send into our world in thoughts, words and actions.

‘Your forgiveness should be such that the person who is forgiven does not know that you are forgiving them. They should not feel guilty about their mistake. This is the right type of forgiveness. If you make someone feel guilty about a mistake, then you have not truly forgiven them.’ Patanjali Yoga Sutras ‘The Art of Living’

P.S. My inner guidance tells me that the following Jon Rappaport items are the truth and nothing but the truth.

1.    ‘COVID-19 is the murder of old people.’ By Jon Rappaport 2nd August 2021


2.    ‘If there is no virus, why are all these people dying?’ By Jon Rappaport 3rd August 2021


3.    ‘The Vaccine War: who really has the upper hand?’ By Jon Rappaport 3rd August 2021


4.    ‘Turning flu cases into COVID through manipulation. Easy as pie.’ By Jon Rappoport 5th August 2021


‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ George Orwell

‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ Mark Twain

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (22)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part One

All Is Well With You And Your World

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation - All Is Well Wilth You And Your World

The following is the essence of several messages from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that landed in my inbox over that past few days from the White Eagle Lodge. The first one relates to something that appeared in ‘White Eagle on Festivals and Celebrations’: ‘The foundation of the greatest works in the whole of Creation, not merely on the earthly plane, is love. Human love is dear to all human hearts, but spiritual love is something quite different. Loving that way widens people’s horizons and lifts their whole being above the earthly plane. The more you respond to your true higher nature God or Christ nature, the more your love evolves into the Universal variety. On any plane of life, there exists nothing more powerful than love and that applies whether it expresses itself in material gifts or serving activities. Love cannot help creating something good and beneficial; it never loses its power to do so.

‘The more you not only feel love for individuals, the whole of humankind and your world, but also do your best to express it in some form, the more you are contributing to raising the vibrations of your world. Love transforms everything that exists in the whole of Creation, on the outer material plane as well as its inner spiritual counterpart. As soon as you love people and everything that happens in your world totally and unconditionally, because you understand why it is happening, you are loving the way God loves everything that exists in the whole of Creation. This is the only thing that, in the fullness of time, can and will not only save and redeem humankind and all other manifestations of life that share your world.

‘We advise all of you never to stop loving and giving to whatever comes your way, so that eventually loving vibrations fill your whole being and not merely your heart, flow through you and bring blessing and healing energies to wherever they are needed in other parts of Creation. This is as true for your world as it is for ours. And so, with love filling your whole being never forget to give thanks and praise for the wisdom and love of the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ who, in close co-operation have always brought everything into being and taken good care of it. This will forever continue, in spite of the many false beliefs with which your world’s old religions used to feed humankind and for a long time managed to succeed convincing your world’s masses that they are literally true.

‘Refuse to sit in judgement over those who ever took part in this. Do not condemn them because every one of those who are presently taking part in earthly life are likely to have done so and that not only once, but in the course of many lifetimes. The lying, cheating and deceptions of past ages, as well as that which is still taking place, happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth. That’s why humankind had to be kept away from it for a certain predestined period. But the deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you are going to find out that humankind’s earthly existence never was a one-off affair, at the end of which everybody is snuffed out like a candle. Nothing could be further from the truth!

‘Humankind’s true home is our realm, the world of spirit or light. Every one of you, without exception, returns to it as soon as the purpose of one of your many earthly lifetimes has been fulfilled, i.e. lessons have been learnt and some of your karmic debts redeemed. Closing humankind’s earthly consciousness against finding out the truth about almost anything happened in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, the soul memories of every one of you would eventually be filled with a sufficient amount of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. The most essential aspect of this is the tale that an all-male God-head, without its natural feminine counterpart, rules your world as well as the whole of Creation.

‘Next in line is the false story of Heaven and hell. God and the Angels gave it to your world temporarily for the times when the going became too tough for people’s liking on the earthly plane, during the patriarchy. Had it been commonly known what really awaits every one of you at the end of each lifetime, too many earthlings would have chosen to leave behind their earthly existence by committing suicide. It successfully stopped the majority of people from leaping off earthly life’s edge like lemmings throwing themselves into the sea. Why should anyone put up with that when a better and more peaceful world is waiting? It stands to reason that the greater freedom of the spirit realm can be enjoyed much more when, for getting around, you no longer need the cumbersome burden of a physical body that’s in need of being looked after and cared for by day and night.

‘The soul memories of those lifetimes are stored in the subconscious of anyone who took part in the patriarchal events, and that’s about everybody who is presently sharing the earthly plane with you. The fear of death and the unknown are the main yoke around humankind’s neck. The best news we are bringing you today is that the iconoclastic powers of the Uranian energies, for quite some time by now have been occupied with assisting humankind to smash every one of its yokes of oppression and exploitation to smithereens. What’s still left of them is guaranteed to follow, in God’s time, i.e. when the energies are right. In truth, there is nothing to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to, and that not only for a few chosen people but every one of you.

‘And that takes us back to the concepts of Heaven and hell. They never were places anyone ever went to. They are states of consciousness every one of you has always been capable of creating, for yourself and your world. What’s widely known there as Heaven is not ‘out there’ somewhere; it’s the innermost aspect of everyone’s own being. And when your world’s outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart, the outer will be as peaceful a place as the inner, where honesty and truth are the supreme rulers. The more people respond to the hopes and dreams of their higher God or Christ nature, in the process of overcoming and leaving behind the drives and urges of their lower earthly selves, you yourselves quite naturally will be bringing about Mother Earth’s new golden age.

‘No-one was ever able to stop humankind’s evolutionary progress, individually and collectively. Everything that’s ever happened on the earthly plane has been an essential aspect of its growing and evolving process which necessitates constant changes. Because of God’s Universal laws, first in line those of love and evolution, nothing in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation could ever remain static. The development of you and your world is similar to that of plants. Like them, every human being has to grow and only with the passing of time, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, can each one slowly but surely discover and then unfold ever more aspects of their whole being. Every human being is like a flower whose buds cannot remain closed forever.

‘In the process of living and existing for every one of you constant changes of form and being are necessary. That’s why you reappear in one lifetime after another and each time take on a different role in the great tragic-comedy of earthly life that will help you cope with the earthly school of life’s lessons. In one of their coming lifetimes your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are going to be part of the older and more experienced generation. It will then be their turn of being on the receiving end of what they are so thoughtlessly and generously pouring into your world, these days. Its’ merely a case of one circle closing for an older and more experienced generation and a new one opening for some of their younger siblings in the great family of humankind. It’s never a question of being guilty or not. The only thing that ever matters is that both generations are attending the same lesson in the earthly school of life. And that’s how, in some way, all of you are constantly playing the roles of teacher and student, at the same time. This is the greatest beauty of this unique and ingenious establishment.’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (23)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

Welcome To Humankind’s True Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - All Is Well With You And Your World - Welcome To Humankind's True Home‘Some people in your world insist that humankind’s earthly existence is nothing but an illusion. We say it’s real enough for those who are still forced to take part in the lessons of that school of life. It’s not like an illusion when in some of your lifetimes you are struggling to cope with being on the giving end, and in others at the receiving end of that which is ugly and nasty on that plane. As young Gods in the making, everybody has to experience their share of them and that at the giving as well as the receiving end.

'Ending one of any of your earthly lifetimes by your own hands never offered a way out. That’s because in your next one you will have to return and attend to the issues and people you were hoping to escape. As they would then be covered by a new layer of soul memories, their resolution could turn out to be more difficult still. If you ask us to help you work your way through anything that’s too difficult to handle on your own, we are happy to respond by guiding you and showing you intuitively the way forward out of any situation. Alas, without asking no help can come to anyone.

‘As far as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are concerned, we perceive the spiritual nature of each one of them as a tiny bud that in the predestined length of time will begin to open its whole being, just like their spiritually older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind are doing. In response to the light and warmth of the spiritual Sun, the Sun behind the Sun in the sky above your world, every human being eventually unfolds into a unique flower of great beauty. If from time to time one of them seems to be covered by dew, almost as if they were weeping, it does not mean that there is something wrong with them. On the contrary, everything is right with shedding tears while you are taking part in earthly life, because they refresh and cleanse your whole being.

‘We advise you to peacefully accept any changes and upheavals that may still have to come your way for the simple reason that they are necessary for everybody’s evolutionary development. They are part of the steadily increasing strength of the Earth’s permeation with the light of spiritual understanding. That’s what constantly brings the need for changing conditions to humankind, individually and collectively. As they cannot be avoided by anyone, do your best to respond to the flow of your life and rest safely in the knowledge that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed and put right. And because love and evolution are the prime laws for the whole of Creation, know that ultimately everything works together for the highest good and the greatest joy of everything that exists anywhere, therefore also every one of you.

‘Naturally, this also applies to the plandemic. Although that’s difficult for those on the earthly plane to see, much good will emerge from it in the end. On our plane it serves the purpose of a watershed that not only separates the sheep from the goats, but also the wheat from the chaff. Sheep are those who blindly believe that whatever the mass media come up with is literally true. Such people in your world are known as sheeple. They willingly allow themselves to be led by their noses, like sheep to the slaughter or, in this case, to be vaccinated with something of a doubtful nature that at best is harmless and at worst could be doing them some serious harm.

‘Capricorn is the astrological sign in which high achievements are possible, provided that one goes the right way about it and that means with the help of self-discipline and self-mastery. Capricorn’s astrological symbol is the goat. Goats are those who, during the present the present events, are behaving like highly evolved spirit/souls who are spending one of their lifetimes in this sign. Well aware of the dangers involved, they cautiously place one foot in front of the other and envisaging their distant goal on top of your world’s spiritual mountain, with the sure-footedness of mountain goats they slowly but steadily climb towards it. These people are by no means naturally patient. Quite the opposite is true! But this is the Universal Forces way of teaching their beloved children of the Earth not only patience but also how one can move with ever increasing agility through earthly existence.

‘The intentions behind everything that happens in your world are clearly visible in ours. The same is true for what those on the earthly plane think of as their most secret thoughts. From our perspective it’s as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. And the way someone reacts to the present circumstances shows the wise ones in charge of you and your world their true level of spiritual awareness. Chaff are the spiritually young and inexperienced ones in your midst. The energies of their spirit/souls will not be right for allowing them to reincarnate onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete.

‘Yet, even though the spiritual youngsters are going to continue their education as physical beings in a material world on another planet, within the span of their predestined time they too will have evolved into a Christed one, in their own right, who no longer need to be educated on any kind of material plane. It’s just that they have a much longer stretch of their evolutionary journey before them than many of you have. They too will then be able to support younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind, who still need to attend the lower classes of the earthly school of life. It will be no different from the way we, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing our best to support you.

‘As far as your world’s present situation is concerned, don’t you think that those who have arrived on our side of the veil are the truly blessed ones, independent of how, where and when their departure from the earthly plane came about? Isn’t that especially true during the plandemic? Everybody in our world has the advantage of being able to observe its true background with the greatest clarity. The intentions behind the pharma industry’s activities as a whole, as well as of the ranks and files of  their helper’s helpers, each weaving its own web of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, are no secret in our world either.

‘If anyone on your side needs our assistance, all they have to do is request it. Without asking no help can come to anyone in your world from ours. As soon as it has been requested, we are more than happy to respond and support all your efforts by telling you intuitively the best way of going about things. And should one of our Angels of Transformation, known in your world as Angels of Death, call for you, do not be afraid. Welcome it and reach for its hand. Leaving your physical body behind is similar to the shelling of a pea that is released from the protective pod it needed during its growth period. Its like slipping from your outer clothes, each time you return to our world in dreamtime and your spirit/soul leaves its earthly self behind, to be restored and regenerated as well as healed. Do not forget to ask for it before dropping off to sleep.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Our World In Transition’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (24)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

Leaving All Your Fears Behind

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Leaving All Your Fears Behind

‘After having rested sufficiently in our world and recovered from the stresses of the earthly plane, you will be invited to join one of the many groups of spirit friends and helpers for those on the other side of the veil that separates our worlds from each other. You will then no longer be bothered whether your most recent death certificate states that its cause was the Covid virus. You will be able to see for yourself that there never was such a thing as a life-threatening virus by that name, and that the true cause of the illnesses it is supposed to bring about in the masses of your world should by rights have quite a different name and that is FEAR.

‘The most urgent task that awaits everybody on the earthly plane is the shedding of fears. Every one of them has served the purpose of keeping you away from things for which you were unready. Having done so for long enough, they are merely waiting to be left behind, once and for all and one after the other. This first thing that’s needed for this process is the knowledge that in truth there never is anything to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to. Until recently, the fear-inducing false beliefs of the patriarchal religions about concepts like Heaven and hell, and the processes of life and death, have kept the doors to our realm firmly locked and bolted in the individual and collective consciousness of humankind. These tales were purposely designed to scare easily frightened earthly selves in many cases quite literally to death.

‘Yet, every one of you has made this journey of to and fro between your two worlds many times, in some cases thousands of them. Why is it that you don’t recall anything about them? It is because the memories of what you experienced in all your past lifetimes for a long time needed to remain tucked away in the subconscious part of your being. Because you would not be able to live with yourself if you were consciously aware of what you have been up to in those lifetimes, these memories are inaccessible under normal circumstances. And that’s why working with them for the purpose of letting go of them, once and for all, is difficult. Yet, never forget that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, and that without asking for help it cannot come to anyone.

‘The old religions were purposely designed to keep humankind’s inner doors firmly locked and bolted, until your world had reached the Aquarian age, the age of truth. In order to teach humankind the value of honesty and truth, these qualities were purposely withheld from your world during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, so they would be cherished and valued beyond compare when at last they reappear on the earthly plane. The deeper this age is penetrated, the more inner doors are opening and that ever more widely, in spite of the many false beliefs that piled layer upon layer of the fears of death and the unknown into every human being’s soul memories. Having served that purpose, they are merely waiting to be removed. The truth will help you to remove them carefully and lovingly, one after the other in a process that’s not unlike the peeling of an onion.

‘We believe that the best way of overcoming all human fears is through a steadily growing understanding of how the processes of life really work and how, independent of what your world’s old religions ever brainwashed their followers into believing, they have always been affecting life in the whole of Creation, therefore also every one of you and the whole of humankind. The most urgently needed bit of wisdom for the shedding of fears is the knowledge that in truth there is no such thing as death. There never can be and will be, and that’s because the essence of every human being is spirit/soul. And that’s why like God, you are an eternal and immortal being who can never die.

‘The only thing that happens when one of you leaves their physical body behind, at the end of another earthly lifetime, as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled, is that your spirit/soul slips from the vehicle it needed for getting around on the earthly plane. This outer casing is meant to last for one lifetime only. Whenever one of you is ready to depart from the earthly plane, one of the Angels of Transformation appears and assists you with your journey from the material dimension of life into our realm of spirit or light, humankind’s true eternal home. Irrespective of what anyone’s death certificate ever stated as the cause of their departure from your plane, one of these Angels only appears when the purpose of that particular lifetime has been fulfilled, one way or another. Only then is anyone allowed to return to their eternal home, for rest and recuperation. For those who are unafraid of what’s ahead and maybe are even looking forward to the greater freedom that awaits them when they are no longer encumbered by a physical body, there is struggle. They just quietly slip away from the earthly school of life.

‘Participating in every one of its lessons is compulsory for all human beings. And yet, nobody ever forces you to do anything, either on your plane or ours. During your rest periods here, the decision whether to go ahead with applying for another earthly lifetime is entirely up to every one of you. But you can then for yourself that without further earthly sojourns you will never be able to reach the end of the earthly school’s curriculum. And as without this no further developmental progress of any kind will be possible for you, you turn to the wise ones in charge of you and seek their advice. In consultation with them you work out where, when and with whom your next earthly lifetime will be spent. And while you are here, if you feel like continuing your studies, you can go to our world’s Halls of Learning and kneel yourself into any subject that’s of interest to you.

‘That’s how you find out that since time immemorial God and the Angels have been trying to help humankind to understand their earthly existence by providing them with guidance about the behaviour of members of the animal kingdom. For example, every one of the bird species is a messenger from our realm that can tell you a great deal about yourself and your own behaviour. Swallows are of particular interest when you seek to understand what happens to every human being during the first part of its apprenticeships as a young God in the making. The springtime migration of the swallows to your world’s cold Northern climates represents humankind’s existence as physical beings on the material plane where they have to work hard on developing the various aspects of their being. Its equivalent are the periods the swallows spend in the Northern climes where they rear at least two broods of young. In particularly favourable years this can rise to three.

‘When this work has been done, the swallows leave the Northern shores behind and migrate to warmer African countries. To illustrate the value of group consciousness to humankind, swallows stick together and support each other. It’s rare to see one swallow on its own. Safely guided and protected by the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom, in huge swarms swallows every year without fail migrate to and fro between your world’s different climate zones. There is no breeding for them in Africa, they merely feed and rest, enjoying their freedom and building up their strength for their next journey to the North. This is the equivalent of the periods every one of you from time to time spends in our world. Free to enjoy yourself, you rest and recover from the coldness and stresses of the material plane and work on building up your strength for another lifetime on the earthly plane.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘In The Halls Of Learning’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (25)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

The  Golden Age Of Honesty And Truth

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Golden Age Of Honesty And Truth‘Let’s return to the Covid virus for a moment. Because it does not exist, it’s impossible that anyone should die from it. To this day, people on your plane of life are leaving their physical bodies behind for just the same reasons as before Covid ever appeared on the scene. The only difference between times gone by and now is that steadily increasing numbers of you realise that when this happens to them, they are not really dying but merely moving to another dimension of life that’s invisible to earthly eyes. As always, for any one of you this can only come about when you have sufficiently taken part in the lessons you promised to the wise ones in charge of you, during your most recent resting period on our plane. At the same time, that lifetime enabled you to redeem a sufficient amount of your karmic debts. There’s no more to any human being’s earthly lifetime than that; there never was and never will be.

‘Every one of them is part of their long evolutionary journey. From the time of their creation, when the heart of their first earthly self was equipped with a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light, they have been walking a pathway that unalterably moves all of you forwards and upwards. Each does this on their own evolutionary journey as well as the one for the whole of humankind and your world. By the time every one of you has reached the end of their education in the earthly school of life, they have evolved into Christed ones, each in their own right. All who have reached this goal continue their education and begin exploring the greater freedom of our realm and start exploring, getting to know and taking part in ever higher levels of life.

‘Rest assured that every one of you, without exception, has a great deal to look forward to. Truly, there never is any need to be afraid of anything. Therefore, do not be downhearted or unduly concerned about your world’s present state. Every one of you will forever be safe and, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, guided and protected by God and the Angels in their journey forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually and collectively.

‘Make the best possible use of the gift of earthly time that’s been allocated to you for your present lifetime. Also apply the talents that have been bestowed upon each one of you so generously by your true eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother. That’s how each one of their beloved children of the Earth is required to make a unique contribution to the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced in your world. Everything that ever happened and is presently doing has always served the wise higher purpose of teaching certain lessons. At the same time, it ensures spiritual as well as material progress, individually and collectively. We assure you that all is well with you and your world and forever will be. This is because its reins have always rested safely in the hands of God and the Angels. Nobody on the earthly plane ever has had or will have any real, i.e. everlasting power whatever.

‘Ever more of you by now are becoming aware that humankind’s imagination is one of the most powerful and valuable tools during the periods you spend on the earthly plane. It occupies the second place after the power of thinking. Every one of you is a young God in the making, one of the co-creators of God. As God’s creative powers are in you, you are constantly in the process of bringing something into being and that from the moment you start your education in the earthly school of life. Although for a long time you are unaware of what you are doing, whatever you think about and/or see in your imagination that’s what you are creating. Everything that’s in your life at present was in that way created by you, in the course of many lifetimes.

‘You are personally responsible for the consequences of every one of the thoughts, words and actions you ever sent into your world. And every detail of whatever happened to you, in the course of all your earthly lifetimes, at the end of each one winds up as another one of your soul memories. Layer upon layer of them is stored in your subconscious. From the moment you are born into another physical body, they have the power of influencing your behaviour from there in either positive or negative ways. The negative ones are waiting to be changed, by none other than each one of you yourself, into positive ones.

‘That’s why these days, no newly born human baby in your world is an unwritten slate or an empty vessel waiting to be filled. Far from it! Because the memories from all previous earthly lifetimes of that person are stored in the subconscious part of that tiny being, from the moment of its appearance on that plane they are influencing its behaviour in everything they do. The learning that will be gathered in the coming lifetime will be stored in the next layer of soul memories, as soon as this one has run its course. The gifts and talents, which by then could have taken many lifetimes to be developed, are going to become noticeable quite soon in every new one.

‘Humankind’s existence consists of an uninterrupted flow that will never end. At the beginning of each new lifetime your earthly selves once again pick up all of their soul memories. They contain whatever had been learnt in all of them at the end of your most recent lifetime. The whole bundle is once again picked up when next your earthly self enters another lifetime. And so on and so forth. The best thing of all is that each one of you is an eternal student who is never going to stop learning.

‘The knowledge of these things places the power into your own hands to steer the boat of your destiny and to influence your life’s river to flow in a direction that’s to your heart’s desire. Because humankind’s evolutionary journey is such a hazardous one, none of you is ever just left to their own devices on the earthly plane. Not just one Guardian Angel but a whole group of them is constantly observing the movements of every earthling. On the whole they are allowed to just get on with experiencing your world and reacting to it, each in their own sweet way. Only when things are in danger of getting out of hand are your Guardian Angels allowed to step in.

‘And that takes us back to the power of thinking and imagining things. When someone reads about the Covid virus and the symptoms of the illness it is thought to bring about, and then starts thinking about and imagining them, that gets their human creative power going. The person feels the symptoms are beginning to develop. Their test result shows positive and hey presto! Time for retreating from the outside world for prescribed length. Some of you are more sensitive to responding in this way than others. Particularly endangered are those with their Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant in one of the Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. They are dedicated to the development of humankind’s subconscious emotional nature. Your world masses are ruled by Cancer.

‘People who are strongly under the influence of the Cancer energies are most endangered of all at the present time. Like sponges they absorb any negativity that’s floating around on your world’s subconscious plane. That’s why at all times and especially now, they are most in need of psychic protection. Find out more about this by following the relevant links below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Power of Thought’
•    ‘Psychic Protection’
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (26)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

All Is Well With You And Your World

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation - All Is Well With You And Your World

‘In keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for your world, with every passing day you are drawing closer to the new golden age. By, as frequently as possible, imagining and thinking about what it is going to bring to your world, every one of you can make a valuable contribution to ushering this age in. All you have to do is think about what future might be in store for Mother Earth. Then visualise her as a place where hunger and thirst of any kind are no longer known and that this has come about quite naturally, because everybody merely takes what they need and leaves the rest for those behind. Mahatma Gandhi told your world a long time ago: ‘The Earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not for their greed.’

‘There will no longer be any room for what in your world used to be known as religions. The word itself is based on the Latin ‘religare’, which means connecting. Instead of connecting humankind with God, the old religions kept you away from finding out who and what God truly is, the true nature of every human being and what kind of a special relationship you have with the Divine. The deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more people are going to find out that the true nature of everything that exists in the whole of Creation is love. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, is everybody’s true God and eternal parent.

‘The more time passes, the more people will quite naturally behave in keeping with what their inner guidance tells them is true. Eventually, all will be working together, peacefully and harmoniously, for the highest good and greatest joy of the whole. Unselfishly everybody will apply the talents that have so generously been bestowed on all of God’s children of the Earth, to contribute to making your planet into an ever more agreeably peaceful and beautiful place. Death has been overcome because physical bodies will eventually no longer be required for getting around.

‘Pursuing selfish aims of glory and honour for themselves and accumulating ever more material possessions are things of the past, because people know that spiritually they are worthless. Everybody is supporting everybody else. Lying and cheating, deception of the self and others are unknown. Truth and honesty have become your world’s supreme rulers. With the passing of time, its outer plane has become like its inner spiritual counterpart. Everybody is aware of who and what they truly are and why they are taking part in earthly life. Dreams and ambitions of winding up as the materially richest person in your world have been left behind.

‘Love is the law of life and also the new religion of the Aquarian Age. As it has its seat in the intelligence all human hearts and souls possess, there is no need to be highly educated or being equipped with exceptional knowledge to understand its language. At the moment of the creation of every new human being the knowledge that this would one day come about is programmed into the spark of the Universal Christ’s light in their heart. That’s why the knowledge of this evolutionary outcome is known on the deepest innermost level of the whole of humankind. Deep within every one of you knows that in truth:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘If your inner guidance responds to the above and tells you that it is true, then for you it is – even though it may not yet be for those around you. When you know about this new religion and understand it from the depths of your own being and heart, you will forever feel safe and cared for by the Great Father/Mother’s wisdom and love. This is the freedom that the Aquarian age has in store for every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth. There is no need to argue with anyone over what you know is the truth, trying to convince them because they too will wake up when the moment for this to happen has come round for them, at the predestined time.

‘They too will then know that everything always has been and forever will be well with you and your world and that this is because its reins have never left the hands of God and the Angels. They appreciate that everything that ever happened in your world was necessary for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind the many different lessons, which each one of you in their role as a young God in the making, is obliged to take part in during the first instalment of their apprenticeship. That’s what all of you are, independent of where anyone may still be on their individual evolutionary journey. And although for a long time earthlings are unaware of our presence, we have always been with every one of you and that will forever continue. All the way, to wherever you may still be required to continue your education, we shall be with you, guiding and protecting as ever. And because you then know about our presence, there will never be any need for being afraid of anything again.

‘One of the earthly school’s most vital lessons has been and to this day is the one that deals with honesty and truth. Withholding these qualities very largely from your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy provided sufficient numbers of you with plenty of opportunities for learning to appreciate their value. That’s why in some of your past lifetimes you were at the giving end of lying, cheating and deceiving yourself and those around you. To enable you to recognise both sides of that coin, during later earthly sojourns you found yourself at the receiving end of these things. Your world’s present situation is the closing of this circle with its crescendo of lying, cheating and dishonesty.

‘Without first having been made familiar with both sides of the honesty and truth issue, you would still be unable to recognise dishonesty and untruths as unpleasant and unworthy of God’s children of the Earth and young Gods in the making. And if you were one of those who does not yet know the difference between material and spiritual wealth, you would also spend your material wealth for the pursuit of supposedly humanitarian purposes, when your true intentions are quite the opposite. You would then also be unaware that everybody has a spiritual bank account and that the only way of accumulating entries on its credit side is by sincerely working for the good of humankind and everything that shares your world with you.

‘This is why we are asking you to continue sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those who to this day are blind enough to spend their material resources as well as their time with thinking of and carrying out money-spinning exercises, on an ever grander scale. These people do not yet know that the time that’s been granted for their present lifetime is their most precious and valuable resource. For as long as they unaware that the world in which they are living has an inner spiritual background, they do not know that what they think of as their most secret thoughts in our realm are as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. The intentions behind every thought, word and deed of your world can be seen with great clarity by all inhabitants of ours. Forgive them, for they really do not yet know not what they are doing!

‘None of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers is your enemy. Nobody ever truly is. Everybody is your sibling in the great family of humankind. The spiritually younger and less experienced ones in your midst deserve the compassion of their elder and more experienced siblings because they understand that what the youngsters are constantly in the process of creating, God’s law of Karma is bound return to them in full measure, in due course. Every kind, loving and forgiving thought that’s sent their way by any one of you adds some of your light to that of the other person’s higher God or Christ nature, and increases its influence on their lower earthly self’s development. Besides, whatever you do to help them creates a credit entry in your spiritual bankbook.

‘On the 22nd August 2021 the full Moon in Aquarius took place at 12.02 hrs Greenwich Meantime. Shortly after at 21.05 hrs GMT this was followed by the Sun’s entry into Virgo, the zodiac’s teaching and healing sign. The first encouraging bit of news about the end of the plandemic that landed in the Aquarian inbox was the following on 23rd August 2021: ‘Big Pharma and Anthony Fauci Have Lost a Lawsuit Filed by Robert F Kennedy Jr. and a Group of Scientists!’


Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (27)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

The Truth Must Be Out

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Truth Must Be Out‘On the inner level of your world all is one and there is no separation between anything, just the same as there isn’t between anything that exists in the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. That’s why what’s done for one, in positive and/or negative ways, is done for and to all. And because every human being is but a child and a student in the earthly school of life, spiritually and before God the question of guilt does not exist. All are known as the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth, as a Divine offspring and young God in the making, each in their own right. Everybody at any given moment has reached a different developmental stage, that’s the only difference between all of them. Although it may sometimes not look like this on the earthly plane, every one is equally loved, totally and unconditionally.

‘Everybody’s true needs are constantly being attended to, with the greatest of loving care. It’s just that sometimes that are not to your liking. But whenever something unpleasant happens to someone, there is a wise higher reason for it. As the main law of life for the whole of Creation is love, this applies to sinners against this law just as much as when someone has reached the last phase of their earthly education and is evolving into a Christed one, in their own right. Not merely the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, but all your friends and helpers in our world are aware of this. We only see everyone’s wholeness. We know that the highest, best and noblest characteristics are in every one of you, even though it may still take a long time for them to emerge from some people’s innermost being and become visible on the outer plane. Never doubt that these equalities are there nonetheless.

‘These people, the same as all other manifestations of life in the whole of Creation, are incessantly being drawn forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral. At the same time, they are taking part in the development of the whole of humankind and your world. It takes many earthly lifetimes of being taken through every sign and house of the zodiac, and that time and again, before the characteristics of someone’s higher God or Christ begin to become visible. Only through constant practising in the course of many further earthly sojourns can anyone’s gifts and talents eventually burst forth to full bloom.

‘Many of those who for a while are recuperating in our realm from the stresses and strain of their most recent earthly lifetime enjoy that from here they can support the loved ones, whom they had to leave behind on the earthly plane, much better than when both parties still took part in it. On top of that, they love the many things that are only available on this side of the veil that separates our two worlds. Most popular of all is that the true intentions behind everything that happens on your side are clearly visible behind the scenes, so to speak, in our realm. They love consulting us, their spirit friends and helpers, about the whole picture of what’s behind and ahead of not only their loved ones on your plane, but the whole of humankind and your world. That makes it much easier for them to understand that whatever may still have to happen there, individually and collectively, is for a wise higher reasons.

‘We hope that ever more people on your side know by now that the Age of Aquarius is the age of truth, and that this age has been with you for quite some time. The deeper your world penetrates into it, the more of it is being revealed. Nobody can hide the truth forever for the simple reason that this would be against the will and wishes of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their evolutionary plan for planet Earth and humankind’s development, on all levels. The truth about anything that exists in your world and all others MUST eventually become known. That’s what the evolutionary plan had in mind when it decreed that, for the sake of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, it was essential that people in many of their earthly lifetimes took part in what became known as the patriarchy, which lasted for around six thousand years.

‘During this period ever more outrageous lying, cheating and deceptions of the self and others were not only allowed but encouraged in your world. It came about with the help and will of God and the Angels, because nothing in the whole of Creation ever happens without them. That’s how ideas for an all-male God-head and ever stranger purposely fear-inducing tales about life and death, Heaven and hell, God and the devil were seeded into the minds of those who would know how to exploit them, to support their lust for acquiring power over ever increasing numbers of people. They could then be exploited to support their rulers ever grander money-spinning ideas. That’s how layer upon layer of fears were systematically built into the soul memories of all who were destined to take part in earthly life during that time. Each one of these layers was stored in people’s subconscious minds. From there they have the power of influencing their earthly selves so they are petrified of anything that’s invisible. That’s what to this day is making millions in your world into what’s become known as ‘sheeple’.

‘They are people who willingly allow themselves to be led by their noses and being vaccinated with something that at best could be harmless and at worst might cause considerable harm. They believe that what the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery for quite some time has been churning out really is true. That’s why they wish to be protected against a non-existent virus that is supposed to have the power of wiping the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, when nothing could be further from the truth. These people don’t mind how many more times the industry’s propaganda machinery invents further variations of that virus and with their lies convince them that further jabs are necessary.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘In The Halls Of Learning’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (28)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

Do Not Believe Anything At Face Value

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation - Do Not Believe Anything At Face Value‘It’s good and right that you should not believe that anything that comes your way is true, just because someone says that’s what it is. That was never the right thing to do and most certainly is not these days. It’s not for nothing that your Creator equipped every one of you with their own built-in lie-detector, so that with the passing of time each would learn to pass everything through the filter of the wise one or living God within. That’s everybody’s inner guidance who has always been trying to communicate with you through the world of your feelings. Its reactions have for a long time been ignored to the detriment of many. Never has it been of more vital importance to pay attention to how it responds to everything.

‘If something feels right, for you it is – even though it may not yet be for anyone around you. This part of you is a very special and precious gift that’s put in the cradle, so to speak, of every human being by their loving and caring eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother. People ignore this gift to their detriment, especially with regard to all kinds of religious teachings, including some of the most ancient ones. It also applies to what the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery produces to convince humankind that there really is a Covid virus, when in truth it never existed. God and the Angels are waiting for your call so they can show you intuitively how to go about uplifting and transmuting the negative and damaging energies of these troublemakers and scaremongers into blessing, healing and harmonising ones that will not only benefit you but also the whole of humankind and your world.

‘After all, you have been granted the gift of this particular lifetime because it offers more opportunities than any previous ones to assist ever more of you with reaching the ultimate goal of the school of earthly life’s education, from which every human being, in the fullness of time, is destined to emerge as a Christed one, in their own right. The only way this can come about is through dedicating what’s left of your present lifetime to making a unique contribution to bringing healing and light in the form of a better understanding of the purpose of humankind’s earthly existence to as many as possible in your world. As ever the rule applies of first healer heal thyself! And from that point reach out to those around you, so they can learn from what’s come to you during your personal healing journey of a thousand miles, which for every human being starts with one single step. Never forget that whenever one of you is healing, the whole of humankind and your world are doing the same. This is how every one of you in due course evolves not only into a healer and bringer of light, but also a saviour and redeemer of yourself, the human race and your world.

‘How about starting on this road with telling those around you that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle so that nothing remains. That’s the main false belief that needs to go from your world because in truth, every human being’s existence consists of a long drawn out evolutionary journey that starts with many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. If that were true, humankind’s earthly existence would be very unfair and unjust and that most certainly is not the case. We shall return to this theme in a moment.

‘Life in the whole of Creation is subject to Divine justice. This justice is so fair and just that it is hard to grasp for anyone who is still taking part in the initial stages of their evolutionary journey in the earthly school of life. As many of you know by now, God’s justice is based on the law of cause and effect also known as the law of Karma, which has already been extensively covered in previous parts of the Aquarian writings. Like all truly great ideas, the concept of this law is simplicity itself. It decrees that everything that’s sent by anyone in the whole of Creation, in thoughts, words and actions onto the etheric planes, in the fullness of time has to find its way back to its sender. On its return journey it gathers some more of the energies of the intentions that others on the same wavelength have added to the stream of consciousness in which everything in your world feeds, adding to the darkness or light that already exists.

‘If it were true that humankind’s earthly existence is a one-off affair, how would it come about that some in your world are ultra rich and others desperately poor? Why should some be as fit as fiddles and others struggle with health issues all their lives? That would only be possible if their existence came about in haphazard fashion and that most certainly is not the case. Life on the earthly plane always has and forever will unfold in the most orderly fashion, the same as everywhere else in the whole of Creation. Every one of you, one small step after another, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on God’s great evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively. Nothing illustrates our Creator’s genius and its loving and caring ways better than the law of cause and effect because it ensures that nothing and nobody can ever get lost in the vastness of time and space in the whole of Creation. Everything in due course quite naturally has to find its way back home into the loving embrace of their true and eternal them. That’s why it’s impossible for anyone to ever be left by them.

‘The law of cause and effect is an expression and practical application of the first two laws of life: love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. As a result, everything that’s ever been brought into being anywhere in the whole of Creation, with the passing of time – and that can be thousands or millions of lifetimes in earthly terms – evolves from its crude initial stage to something ever more beautiful and perfect. Perfect in this sense of the words means all aspects of their nature, especially in the case of human beings, have been taken possession of and developed. That’s how every small earthly self, in the course of countless lifetimes, evolves into a Christed one, each in its own right, who is then capable of using all their gifts and talents for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind, Mother Earth and ultimately the whole of Creation.

‘We have come to reassure you that all is well with you and your world and this is because all of you together are constantly penetrating ever deeper into the Aquarian age. As many of you know by now, it is the age of truth during which the wisdom and truth from the Highest levels of life will be flowing with ever increasing strength into all earthly minds who are ready to receive and understand its messages. Every earthly mind always has been a receiver/transmitter station for their ideas, without for a long time realising that this is what’s happens on the earthly plane. Every human being is destined to take charge of this instrument and develop it, so that in due course all of you will be capable of serving God and the Angels with the same kind of accuracy and efficiency.

‘Nobody can hide the truth forever and that is for the simple reason that, in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan for your world it is only intended to remain hidden for as long as it takes to teach the whole of humankind the value of honesty and truth. The first essential part of this lessons has been making your world familiar with what kind of effect dishonesty, lying, cheating and deceptions have when everyone is – seemingly – allowed to practise them to their heart’s content. By now this has almost run it’s course. The plandemic is the final outburst of these characteristics. At the same time it serves the purpose of redeeming the karmic debts that were incurred by the majority of those who presently have to take part in earthly life and are at the receiving end of what your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers enjoy handing out, without having a clue of what God’s perfect justice, in the fullness of time is bound to return to them. That’s the price many in your world are paying now for once having been at the giving end of lying and cheating. And with this another large circle of learning experiences closes.

‘Everything that is in your life at present was in some way created by none other than you yourself. It’s your own doing because each one of you is responsible for every thought, word and action that’s sent into your world. This applies to all of your lifetimes, those of long ago as well as the most recent one. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, without being aware of what you were doing, you brought every bit of it into being. This is because, unbeknown to you for a long time, you are young Gods in the making, children of the Great Father/Mother of all life, co-creators with them. Every one of you is at present serving the first part of their apprenticeship by taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, as a material being in a material world.’

P.S. A few more items from the voice of truth:

1) ‘Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretence of ‘safe and effective’.’ By Jon Rappaport 17th August 2021


2)    ‘Yes, Trump did tell RFK Jr. to investigate vaccine dangers. And why it matters.’ By Jon Rappaport 23rd August 2021


3)    ‘Breaking: FDA gives full approval to COVID vaccines; no public hearing; no transparency; no open review of vaccine data.’ It all happened behind closed doors. By Jon Rappaport 23rd August 2021


4)    ‘Did FDA really approve the Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What?’ By Jon Rappaport 25th August 2021


5)    ‘God finally consents to an interview about COVID.’ By Jon Rappaport 25th August 2021


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?

Six pointed Star

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation (29)

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm

Circles Opening And Closing

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Circles Opening And Closing

‘Let’s return for a moment to some of the patriarchy’s false beliefs. One of the most significant ones has been that, in due course, a saviour and redeemer by the name of Jesus would appear in your world to keep all those who believe that he exists from frying forever in the fires of hell. Something similar has for some time by now been happening in your world with the help of an equally non-existent virus. It’s good to see that ever more of you by now realise that this virus is but a figment of imagination, the same as Jesus. He never was a historical figure, who once walked in the midst of humankind and that’s because the story of his life is but a legend. The truth behind the surface words of this tale had to remain hidden for a long time, because that’s an essential part of humankind’s lesson about the value of honesty and truth.

‘The Aquarian age is the age of truth. That’s why by now ever more of you are waking up to realisation that there is but one true saviour and redeemer and that is their very own inner higher God or Christ nature. This function never had anything to do with outside forces. In every one of you the characteristics of this aspect of your being had to remain dormant until their lower earthly self reached the developmental point when it begins to stir from its slumbering state and the wise one or living God within wakes up. Slowly but surely your higher nature then starts to influence its earthly counterpart in many beneficial ways. This continues until the energies of your God of Christ nature have become so strong that they completely take over from the lower ones. That’s when everyone’s own inner guidance then reveals itself as the only truly reliable teacher and guru that exists in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question its earthly counterpart may ever care to ask.

‘The lust for money-spinning and greed once were the true intentions behind the invention of a non-existent saviour and redeemer of humankind, approx. two thousand years ago by the name of Jesus. This has been repeated with the pharma industry’s invention of a virus called Covid. And the most powerful and only truly effective protection against deceptions of any kind, including the two mentioned here, is the Divine gift of everybody’s own built-in-lie-detector. It is available free of charge as soon as you discover its existence, tune into it and start using it. If you don’t know how to go about it, ask for our assistance. At any given moment we are only too happy to help you with anything that’s troubling you. However, without asking for our assistance, it cannot come to anyone.

‘Should you be asking whether the truth will emerge and how much of it, when and how it is destined to be revealed and by whom, it’s not up to us to reveal it to you. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are smiling and nodding: you will be able to discover this for yourselves when the time is right. Everything can only happen in God’s time and not yours, i.e. when the energies are right to allow it. All we can tell you at present is that every one of you and your whole world have much to look forward to. There really is no need to be afraid of anything, especially not when your time has come for returning to our realm.

‘Your enjoyment starts with being able to move around without the encumbrance of a physical body that’s in almost constant need of attention. Nobody forces you to do anything here. You are like one of the swallows when, at the end of each summer they return to the warmer climates of Africa and leave behind your world’s cold Northern climates. Guided by the love and wisdom of the Great Mother, they find the way to wherever they may be going, the same as every one of you does. In Africa the swallows merely feed and enjoy themselves and that strengthens them for their next visit to the Northern countries. Resting in the warm climate of Africa helps them to recover from the hard work of rearing their offspring, three to five of them in one brood; in good years they manage two of them. The swallows’ behaviour is Universal guidance for the whole of humankind, because that’s how every one of you behaves each time you return to our realm.

‘As after a while doing nothing gets to be boring, anyone who wishes to can visit our halls of learning and study any subject that’s of interest to them. This is particularly useful for further development of the special gifts and talents the Great Father/Mother bestowed upon you at the moment of your creation, before you were released into taking part in the earthly school of life for the first time. Everything in the halls is available free of charge and if you discover new subjects that attract you, you are invited to stick your toes into the water and try them without any obligation whatsoever.

‘And wherever you may one of these days find yourself , either in your world or ours, rest assured that we shall always be with you, more than happy to guide, protect and show the way along your predestined pathway through life. Although it frequently looks as if you were struggling on your own on the material plane, none of you is ever simply ditched there and left to their own devices. We are always accompanying you and helping those on your side of the veil that separates our two worlds, as much as possible. That is what’s always happens for every one of you, even though for a long time you are unaware of our presence. If you want our assistance for anything, we are glad to oblige. However, we cannot do any of the work that your pathway demands from you, as you would then be unable to learn from your experiences. They could not help you to grow ever more Heaven-tall and assist with expanding your consciousness.

‘In that case you would never get to know the processes of life, how they affect you, the whole of humankind and your world. You would never understand that the Divine justice is perfect and is not about crime or punishment, like its earthly counterpart. What represents a crime on that plane is nothing but a learning experience that simultaneously opens and closes a circle in the education of two or more of the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth. One of them closes each time when those who are occupied with redeeming the karmic debts of past lifetimes in this one find themselves at the receiving end of something they did to others in previous lifetimes.

 Six pointed Star


Reflections On Our World’s Legends (1)

The Buddha Legend

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - Part One

The legends of the Buddha and Jesus are the most significant tales for the present state of humankind’s development. Our earthly existence only begins to make sense when one joins the higher esoteric meaning which, for wise higher educational reasons, for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of both stories. As the Jesus legend has been dealt with extensively enough in my writings, the time has come for doing justice to the Buddha legend. Let’s start with taking a closer look at the Wesak Moon.

The Full Moon during the Sun’s transit of Taurus is known as the Wesak Moon and that’s always an extra special event in our world’s spiritual calendar. In the year 2020 it took place on Thursday 7th May at 10.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came my way in ‘The Vibration of Light’ of the White Eagle Lodge’s Stella Polaris June/July 2006: ‘There is nothing that has not happened before in your world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation. God’s wisdom and truth that existed in the beginning is as valid now as it will forever be.

‘However, through the learning that at all times is taking place, not only in your world but everywhere else, ever more wisdom and knowledge are added to this rich store. In the course of Mother Earth’s long evolutionary process certain cycles of light have come round time and again. The word light in this context means spiritual knowledge and the art of understanding it. Throughout the ages, God and the Angels from time to time released some more spiritual knowledge that brought enlightenment to those who were ready to receive it and therefore capable of acting as one of their channels, through which more light could flow into humankind’s consciousness.

‘Ever more knowledge was given in this way that slowly helped to develop humankind’s individual and collective intelligence. Simultaneous with this people’s superconscious faculties began to open and that enabled the more highly evolved of them to understand the meaning of some of God’s sacred wisdom that up to that time had been hidden from public view and knowledge, simply because nobody could as yet do anything with it. That applied as much to knowledge about your environment as to every human being’s inner world.’

The second part was inspired by ‘The Festival of Wesak’ in Stella Polaris April/May 2006: ‘Up to a certain point of every human being’s development, every bit of your world’s evil and suffering was caused by what then looks like people’s selfishness. That, however, is only what’s visible on the surface of things. In truth everything that ever happened in your world has been part of the lessons every human being, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, has to take part in. On the deepest innermost level your spirit/soul has always been yearning to be released from this developmental stage. Your world’s suffering causes the higher part of your being to cry out and it yearns that humankind’s homecoming into the awareness of its true God or Christ nature, should be speeded up.

‘Your Highest Self knows that the next stage of it’s earthly self’s development will be the merging of its upper and lower nature into one loving union that through the gift of friendship is connected with every form of life in the whole of Creation. This is how it comes about that, what once started as a journey of spiritual infants whose explorations took them into getting to know the lowest and darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence, eventually winds up with every one of you kneeling before the throne of the Highest. The wise ones in charge of you and your world are delighted about every one of you who has evolved into mature and responsible spiritual adulthood.

‘Doubtless these things are difficult for you to imagine at present. Yet, when you look at them from the higher spiritual perspective, you will be able to recognise that everything that ever happened in your world and is continuing to do so in many parts of your world to this day, serves a wise higher educational purpose. Each time your soul is born into another lifetime on the Earth, it is nailed to the cross of earthly life, the oldest symbol known to humankind of its existence in physicality. The whole of humankind is also fastened to this cross and each one of you, who is presently taking part in earthly life was granted the gift of another lifetime for getting to know God’s true nature and your own. And everything that to this day is taking place on the earthly plane of life is an essential and necessary part of humankind’s individual and collective evolutionary process, on the material as well as the spiritual level.

‘Wise ones who comprehend these things feel the need to share their learning with as many as possible of their siblings in the great family of humankind. And whatever you do, refuse to fight against anything. Pay attention to your inner guidance, listen to what comes to you intuitively and respond to it by going with the flow of your life. That’s the best way of living in harmony with God’s laws and all life. As soon as this has been achieved, there is no more suffering for you. The Jesus legend’s crucifixion is a symbolism that provides humankind with a better understanding of this process. If Jesus had been a human being, his spirit/soul would have withdrawn when his physical body was crucified. As a spiritual Master he would have been able to observe the scene from the perspective of his Highest Self. And that’s how every human being eventually learns how to treat not only every one of their own earthly problems, but also those of your whole world.

‘Do not allow yourself to be crucified and tortured by anything. Instead, observe your life and everything that ever happened to you from your Highest or God Self’s angle. This empowers you to lift yourself above the tribulations of earthly life that may still be ahead for you, because of your remaining karmic debts. Make an effort to learn something from any situation. Recognise things for what they truly are, i.e. personal and collective evolutionary lessons and temporary development phases that will most surely pass. This approach will help you to rise above and cope with everything you still have to encounter, because you are then viewing it dispassionately with the perception of your highest God or Christ Self. This helps you to grow ever more into one with it.

‘Not only every individual spirit/soul but the human race as a whole has to experience the various initiations the Jesus legend describes. That’s how you, individually and collectively, each at their own pace is constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This happens slowly and by degrees, and whenever a certain point of this journey has been reached, another initiation has to be dealt with. On every occasion your consciousness expands and you advance one more step towards your final destination of spiritual perfection or wholeness.

‘It has been achieved when all aspects of your higher and lower nature have been integrated and become one. The more you bring forth the characteristics of your higher God or Christ nature, the more your God-likeness increases and the more you become consciously aware of your oneness with your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. This is what’s also waiting to happen for the whole of humankind and your world.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (2)

The Human Spark’s Development

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - The Human Spark's DevelopmentWhat now follows was inspired by a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘White Eagle’s Pathway of the Sun’: ‘The Wesak Festival is a period of stillness during which God and the Angels are preparing the inner and outer levels of humankind’s consciousness for the next great outpouring of spiritual wisdom and truth that takes place during the Christ festival, around the time of the full Moon in Gemini. The origins of the Wesak and Christ festival ceremonies reach back to the beginnings of humankind’s education in the earthly school of life.

‘Life in the whole of Creation has its foundations in the laws of love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love. Viewed from this perspective, the development of every human being and also your world reveals itself as a wondrous and astonishingly beautiful tale. Every bit of it was created by the love of God and the Angels, and every human being will forever be guided and protected by them. When you join the Buddha and Jesus legends and add astrology to this mixture, not for a spot of fortunetelling but as an instrument for getting to know yourself and your predestined evolutionary pathway, you discover that the three of them complement each other and therefore belong together.

‘Your earthly existence begins to make a great deal of sense as soon as you find a better understanding of the why and how of all human development, especially the thorny road that takes every one of you through the compulsory lessons of the earthly school of life. This is where you serve the first part of your apprenticeship as a young God in the making. The higher esoteric meaning behind the surface words of the Buddha and Jesus legends is the truth about humankind’s nature and the high and holy destiny that, individually and collectively, is in store for every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth and your home planet.

‘The Sun in the sky above you is but one of the many physical outer manifestations of the Universal Christ’s light. That is the Sun behind and beyond all Suns, the Light of all lights. The light of Its wisdom and truth followed the pathway of your Sun. Through the Buddha legend it rose in the East. From there it moved on to your world’s Middle East where it presented the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And for some time by now, this light has been setting in the West through the life’s work of one who was born in Germany and spent the first twenty-eight years of their life there, and in 1965 moved to the United Kingdom.

‘None of your world’s other religions have as much significance for finding a better understanding of humankind’s existence and the 2019/2020 pandemic. These events are the culmination of everything that ever happened to your planet and you. All of it begins to make sense with the realisation that the main laws of life, not merely on the Earth but in the whole of Creation, are love and evolution, i.e. evolution based on love. But for now, we shall return to the beginning of humankind’s development.

‘The spirit of every one of your world’s sentient beings at first exists as a tiny spark in the heart of each physical body. The development of each human being begins as an individual spirit/soul, while every animal  is part of the group spirit of its species. For humans and animals alike the physical body is a vehicle for getting around on the material plane for one lifetime. The animal kingdom’s natural intelligence and instinctive behaviour are their Divine inheritance. They are attended to by the group of Angels that serves the animals on behalf of the Great Father/Mother’s love for all creatures. It’s their wisdom that shows them the way in all things. Nowhere is this more visible than in the flight of migrating birds. That’s how they instinctively know when to leave a place and where to go because the living conditions for feeding and breeding at their destination at good upon their arrival.

‘An evolutionary plan for the development of every animal species and human being exists in the heartmind of the Great Father. In keeping with this plan, at a certain stage of their evolutionary journey the most suitable of the primates would be used for further development into God-like creatures. Each one of them would be endowed with all powers and characteristics that are in God and they would know themselves as human beings. This plan for humankind’s development was superimposed on that of the primates. And that’s why every human possesses the natural intelligence and instinctive behaviour of their animal ancestors.

‘Added to this was that, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, each one would develop the ability of discriminating and distinguishing one thing from another and especially a truth from a lie, overcoming their natural gullibility and thinking matters through to their logical conclusion. Towards the end of every human being’s earthly education, the consciousness of their own higher God or Christ nature is programmed to wake up. This enables them to recognise God’s true nature, their own and the special relationship they always have had and forever will have, with their Creator.

‘Every human spark is a spirit/soul, who from the moment of its creation, starts to develop the qualities of its Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the light of the Universal Christ spirit. During the first stage of everybody’s long evolutionary journey the lower and lowest aspects of God’s nature and their own have to be experienced, but gradually overcome and left behind. The love of honesty and truth, patience and tolerance, forgiveness and goodwill towards all manifestations of life, not only on the Earth but throughout the whole of Creation, are part of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Even though at first these qualities only exist in seed form, in the course of many earthly lifetimes everyone eventually brings them forth, from deep within their own being.

‘And because all human beings contain the Christ light’s spark, whether someone likes it or not, they are natural followers and disciples not of Jesus but the Universal Christ spirit. The God-man is but one of the many symbolisms God and the Angels used down the ages to bring humankind closer to the understanding of their own true eternal and immortal nature. From the moment of its creation, the Christ Star from highest levels of life has constantly been pouring the blessing and healing power of its light into it. Naturally, this includes your world and everything that takes part in it. Our realm is the spiritual background of your world and that’s humankind’s true home. From it every human being emerges at the beginning of a lifetime and returns to when it’s end has been reached.  

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘Jesus – Symbol Of The Inner Man/Woman’
•    ‘The Tree Of Life’
•    ‘The Mythology Of The Tree Of Life’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (3)

The Symbolism Of The Banyan Tree

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - Sitting Under A Banyan Tree‘The Christ light has always provided all manifestations of your world’s life with its strength and warmth. It also brings fresh spiritual wisdom and knowledge from our realm, but only as much as humankind can cope with and understand at any given time. The flow of these energies steadily increases and then decreases as your earthly Moon travels through every sign, each one of them taking twenty-nine and a half days. Their effect is felt with particular strength during the festivals of the Wesak Moon and the Christ Moon.

‘And that explains why God and the Angels decided to place the legend of the Indian prince Siddharta Gautama at the time that would later become known as the Wesak Festival. The story of the prince’s life tells that he gave up his high status to go in search of understanding why there is so much suffering on the earthly plane. According to the Buddha legend he was been born in Lumbini, near the border of Nepal and India, about 2,600 years ago, and that for forty days and nights he sat underneath a Banyan tree and meditated deeply on this theme. The Banyan tree is a symbolism for the tree of life. And the time span of forty days and nights was also used in the Jesus legend. In both tales they represent an indefinite period of time, which the Master spends in the desert. At its end he encounters the devil, a symbolism for the untamed and uncontrolled drives and urges of humankind’s lower earthly animal nature.

‘The number 4 is ruled by Uranus, the planetary co-ruler with Saturn, of Aquarius. The 0 represents the circle of Eternity and Aquarius the voice of God. In the Buddha and the Jesus legend the number 40 is a message that in God’s time, not humankind’s, the truth behind the surface words of these tales will be revealed. Through taking part in the earthly school of life, for an unspecified number of lifetimes, the higher compassionate Buddha nature stirs from its slumber in every human being and begins to take over their lower earthly nature.

‘The Jesus legend repeats this message; it is merely placed in a different setting. Being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory. Yet, no-one ever forces you to apply for another lifetime. But when you have rested sufficiently from the stresses of existing as a physical being on the material plane of life, you realise that if you ever want to get past this stage of your development, there is nothing for it but to venture forth and apply for another earthly sojourn. An essential part of every human being’s curriculum is spending an indefinite number of lifetimes in the spiritual desert of the earthly plane, without knowing who or what you are, where you have come from or are going to.

‘Driven by the urges of your lower animal nature, you then dream of ruling your world through amassing vast fortunes. You think of ways of how to acquire them and one of the easiest ways, in your view, is through relieving those around you of their material resources. With the help of fear-inducing tales, invented by you, you find it easy to take advantage of their deep seated fears of death and the unknown that have their roots in the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions spread by the tales of your world’s religions of the past. Fortunately, every one of you eventually reaches the developmental point when your God or Christ nature begins to stir from its sleep and you feel the need to leave ever more of your nature’s lower aspects behind. The best, highest and noblest that is within you, that’s your Christ nature. Compassion is but one of these qualities.

‘The tree under which the Buddha sat and meditated for forty days and nights is a banyan tree, Ficus benghalensis is its botanical name. It is one of more than seven hundred and fifty species of fig trees. Each of them is pollinated only by its own species of tiny wasps that breed inside the figs of their partner trees. Banyans are known as strangler figs because they grow from seeds that have from other trees, not their own. Adam and Eve, according to the creation myth of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, were the first human beings to appear on the Earth. Even though Eva picks an apple from the tree of knowledge and offers it to Adam, the genitals of each one is covered by a leaf from the fig tree.

‘The Buddha legend tells us that the answer Siddharta had been in search of for such a long time came to him in a flash of enlightenment during the full Moon in Taurus. Equipped with his knowledge the young prince started wandering your world to share with those around him. And that’s why, with the passing of time, he became known as Buddha, the compassionate enlightened one. To this day, some parts of your world celebrate the Wesak festival around the time of the full Moon, when the Sun travels through the hedonistic fixed Earth sign Taurus, ruled by Venus. The lifetime of those who are born with their Sun in this sign presents many opportunities for getting to know and appreciate the good things of the Earth.

‘The full Moon in Taurus takes place in its polar opposite, the fixed Water sign Scorpio, the sign of birth, death and rebirth, regeneration and degeneration. It is concerned with what in your world is known as the occult, i.e. that which is generally hidden from common view or knowledge. Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, the Roman God of war, and Pluto, the Roman God of the underworld, who was also celebrated as the God of wealth because diamonds and other jewels come from underground. Not surprisingly, Pluto represents two symbolisms: 1) humankind’s subconscious and 2) the gems of ideas and new understanding that emerge from the subconscious level, especially during the time of each full Moon. They can also be accessed at other times once you have learnt to dig deep enough to unearth them.

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (4)

The Wise One Or Living God Within

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - The Wise One Or Living God Within‘The spirit/soul of every one of you is part of humankind’s and Mother Earth’s collective spirit/soul. She in turn is part of the spirit/soul of the whole of Creation. The Great Mother is the feminine sensitive feeling aspect of the Father/Mother of all life. All wisdom and knowledge that was ever gained anywhere in the whole of Creation is stored in the Great Soul. This wealth is most easily accessed in the period before, during and after the full Moon and that in every one of the Sun signs.

‘If you have been puzzling over something for long enough, the Great Father/Mother’s love and compassion may reward you at these special times with an insight into the cause of your problem. If you appear to be stuck in a particularly difficult situation, the Angels in charge of your development may show you intuitively the best way of dealing with it. An idea may come to you, either slowly over several days or in a flash of inspiration. That’s the way your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, is always trying to communicate with every one of you. During the early stages of your earthly education, it speaks to you as the small still voice of your conscience that tries to keep you walking on the straight and narrow, frequently in vain.

‘Ignoring this voice is to your earthly self’s detriment. But eventually every one of them wakes up to the realisation that this is the only truly reliable and trustworthy teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things, the answers to any question you may ever care to ask and never leads you astray, lets you down or tells an untruth. That is the long awaited and promised new world teacher and every one of you has the God-given right to be intuitively guided and protected in this way.

‘The devil is a symbolism for unevolved humankind, when the influence of the spark of its God or Christ nature is still too weak to soften and civilise its earthly counterpart’s behaviour. Each spark is a seed that, just like any earthly seed, from the moment of its planting begins to reach out for the warmth and love of the Sun, either the one in the sky above the Earth, or the rays of the Christ Star’s light. The Christ Star is the Sun behind or beyond the earthly one, from which it receives its life-giving and sustaining strength. Seeds of both kinds at the same time are nurtured by Mother Earth, one of the many manifestations of the Great Mother.

‘The banyan tree represents the tree of life and the apple tree the tree of knowledge. As soon as a new spark begins to part in earthly life, it is placed under the Buddha’s Banyan tree. When, through another one of its experiences, it grows and its consciousness expands in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature, its own and the wise higher purpose of its earthly existence, it is picking one of the apples from the tree of knowledge.

‘With the help of the Buddha and Jesus legends God and the Angels lovingly painted a beautiful picture of humankind’s evolutionary pathway that takes every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth through the lessons of that school of life. When you view the legends and your own life from the higher spiritual perspective, you will not find it hard to recognise the necessity for this part of humankind’s education and that it has to be of a compulsory nature, because of the wise higher purpose it serves.

‘God’s great plan of life shows how everything has always been carefully and lovingly planned. And in every one of your many earthly lifetimes, from cradle to grave, you have been protected by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, and their helpers on the various levels of the spirit realm. Every step of every one of you has always been watched over and guided by them. All your true needs have always been met and this will forever continue. Nothing has ever been left to chance and circumstances, even though things frequently look like it. What more could anyone want?

‘Every bit of the learning that was acquired anywhere in the whole of Creation by anyone, and that in the course of millions of years, is stored in the Great Father/Mother’s soul memories. From this storehouse the Angels withdraw as much as you and your world are capable of grasping at any given moment. And all answers received in this manner represent the voice of the loving, caring and compassionate aspect of the Divine Trinity, who never forgets any of its children. The Buddha is one of its symbolisms.

‘That’s why every one of the Divine children has been provided with their own inner guidance for helping them with their explorations of every aspect of humankind’s nature. It’s an education that starts with practising the drives and urges of the lower and lowest aspects of their being. And from these beginnings, in the course of many lifetimes, every one them has to steadily work their way forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, which is also part of the whole of humankind’s and your world’s journey. And that’s why all of you, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, is constantly in search of consciousness expanding experiences that will eventually bring fulfilment to humankind’s highest hopes and dreams.

‘Every human being has to work their own way through all the lessons of the earthly school of life. Nobody is exempt from this duty. Alas, the present troublemakers and scaremongers of your world are among the young and inexperienced spirit/souls who think that they are on their own and that, for as long as nobody is watching them, they can jolly well do as they please. At that stage of humankind’s development even the most evil things are okay as long as they are carried out in secret.

‘Every one of you can assist the development of such spiritual youngsters by sending them nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. In spite of that, it may take some of them many lifetimes before they realise that: 1) You are never alone. God and the Angels are in charge of you and constantly observing you. 2) In the inner spiritual background of your earthly existence, it’s as if you were shouting your innermost thoughts and secretes from the rooftops. 3) Life throughout the whole of Creation is subject to God’s Universal law of Karma. 3) You are personally responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions. 5) In due course, because of this law all of them will unerringly find their way back to you.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (5)

The Buddha And Jesus Legends

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Reflections On Our World's Legends

‘The Great Father/Mother cannot be separated from each other. They are equal partners who complement and complete each other and who work together harmoniously and peacefully. They are one and one cannot be without the other. In the creative process they lovingly respond to each other. The Father provides the ideas and the Mother’s wisdom decides which ones are worthy of becoming manifest, where and when. There is no struggle for one dominating the other. Each one does their share of the job in hand. In their case it consists of creating new worlds and their inhabitants. They also de-create and remove the ones that have outlived their usefulness and are therefore ready to disappear, to be recycled by being created into something new.

‘Everything in the whole of Creation is well planned; there is no chaos anywhere.  Whatever happens anywhere is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and it contains billions of smaller plans. There is one for every world and each one of these plans has countless even smaller plans within it. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, with its helpers on all other levels of the spirit realm, carry out the Great Father/Mother’s will and wishes.

‘As sparks of the Divine, each one of you is androgynous like your Creator. You do not need other people to make you whole, because you already are. Your inner and outer selves also are one. If you are at present experiencing earthly life in a woman’s physical body, your inner being is a man. The most important men in your life, for example your father, husband or partner are outer manifestations of this man, and vice versa. And for a well balanced education you spend some of your lifetimes as either a woman or a man. If, during your times of playing the role of a man, you treat the women around you with the love and respect they deserve, you will be handled that way by the men in your life when you appear as a woman. This is how the law of Karma affects every one of you in many different and often unobtrusive ways.

‘Therefore, nobody in your world is all woman or man, the same as nobody is either all good or all bad. Every one of you is a mixture of the very best and the worst that human beings are capable of. In the process of gradually bringing forth ever more of that which is good, right and beautiful in your nature, slowly but surely you are shedding that which is dark, ugly and evil. Because both have to be experienced first hand, it cannot be any other way.

‘The emaciated man on Christianity’s cross, who is bleeding to death from his wounds, is a symbolism of this initiation in which every human being, at a predestined point of their earthly education, takes part. And the cross is the oldest symbol known to humankind for its earthly existence. When you leave the drives and urges of your lower nature behind, so your God or Christ nature can ever more take over your whole being, you are nailing that part of yourself to the cross of earthly life. This enables your higher nature to rise from the tomb in which it has been slumbering for this event. The Jesus legend’s three days points to a time span of unknown length. You yourself, or rather you lower self is Jesus. He was nailed to the cross not by Roman soldiers but your very own higher nature.

‘The Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam form one of the great cycles of humankind’s development. The Buddha and Jesus legends complement each other, while Islam completes them. The word Islam means surrender to God and that is the process during which humankind’s individual and collective lower nature, freely and willingly, surrenders itself to its higher God or Christ nature. Instead of endlessly continuing religious confrontations and warmongering by those who do not yet understand their religion’s true meaning, that is the only thing that can and will eventually bring true and lasting peace to humankind and its world. With the Aquarian age’s understanding that there is only one God and that is the God of love, and only one religion, the religion of love, and so forth, Judaism’s teachings that there is only one God closes the cycle it once started.

‘Ever more of you are by now becoming aware that God is in everything and everything is of and part of God. The ultimate purpose of humankind’s earthly education is bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, that which is good, right and beautiful and through this leaving behind, once and for all, that which is dark, ugly and evil in everybody’s own nature and all aspects of your world. And that is a natural evolutionary process in which every human spark, from the moment of its creation, is constantly taking part. The spiritual knowledge every one of them gains along the pathway of their earthly existence are the rays of light that God and the Angels have always been shining through those who were ready to receive it. Every bit of it is another effort at reducing the darkness of ignorance that to this day is the cause of all suffering that exists in your world. And that’s what the legends of your world have always been about.

The Buddha is a symbolism for the Great Father/Mother’s compassionate nature, because they are by no means indifferent to what their beloved children of the Earth for such a long time have been inflicting upon each other. That’s why the Buddha and Jesus legends were given to your world. For wise higher educational reasons that have been explained sufficiently in other parts of the Aquarian writings, these tales were designed to be first understood literally, as if their leading figures really had once walked the Earth.

‘But the deeper you penetrate into the age of truth, the more of you will be ready to discover the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind the surface words of the legends God and the Angels gave to your world. They were lovingly and carefully designed in a way that would eventually show God’s children of the Earth the true nature of their Creator and also their own, as well as the high and holy destiny that is in store for every human being. At the right time, the Buddha and Jesus legends together would provide each of them with a powerful instrument for ending not only their own suffering but also that of the whole of humankind and its world. This is the meaning of the Buddha legend’s ‘latter days of the law’ and Christianity’s ‘second coming’. We shall return to that theme.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Myths and Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•     ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘The Second Coming Is Here’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (6)

Doing The Right Things

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Reflections On Our World's Legends - The Buddh Legend‘To assist every human spark’s development as much as possible, the Angels and Masters in charge of you and your world, from the word ‘go’ are constantly providing each one with as much as possible of the Christ Star’s warmth and light. And as soon as one of the sparks has evolved sufficiently to understand, to ease the pathway of its development spiritual knowledge from the Great Father/Mother’s storehouse of wisdom and truth flows into its consciousness and at the same time into that of humankind.

‘This is how the Angelic hierarchy has always provided every individual spirit/soul and the whole human race’s with as much as they were able to cope with at any given time. In the past this was done with the help of myths and legends. Every so often a new one appeared that attempted to bring humankind somewhat closer to the discovery of its own true nature, who and what God really is, and the wise higher purpose of its earthly existence. For quite some time the doors of the greater freedom of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, have been opening and you are free to believe what your heart tells you is true. As a result, ever more of you are interested in the truth that has always been hiding behind the myths and legends of your world’s religions.

‘To find the truth in anything, all you have to do is pay attention to how the small still voice of conscience of your inner being reacts to it and that is by no means something new. The Angels in charge of your development are the voice of the wise one or living God within. Its reactions have always been trying to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road, alas frequently in vain. Not paying attention to this guidance has always been to humankind’s detriment. It needs bearing in mind, however, that during your earthly education’s early stages doing the right things is very different from what the Buddha teachings have in mind. You then cannot help being interested in dark, ugly and evil things and doing them, because your main life lesson consists of exploring the negative characteristics of the astrological signs and houses, one after the other. Only when you are sufficiently with them does your lifepath advance you to experiencing their higher positive qualities.

‘And that’s how every one of you moves round the zodiac, time and again. Each round starts with Aries and finishes with Pisces and/or one of their natural domains, the first and the twelfth house. Every sign and house has its own lessons to impart. There is nothing haphazard or chaotic about anything on the earthly plane. Even though it frequently appears to be that way, your experiences are at all times moving you forwards and upwards on your personal evolutionary spiral as well as that of the whole human race and its world. Even though you are unaware of what’s happening to you, every new round of the zodiac takes you onwards to experiencing a slightly higher level of life.

‘This continues until you reach the point when things like the Buddha and Jesus legends as well as astrology begin to speak to you and in the end become almost self-explanatory. You then realise that humankind’s earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle. The teachings of your world’s old religions were designed to create that impression, because nothing else could spread fear like beliefs of this nature, when in truth every human being’s existence is an extremely long and drawn out evolutionary process. By the time the end of their earthly education comes round, each one has evolved into a Christed one in their own right.

‘You then know that the essence of every one of you is spirit/soul and that, like God, they are eternal and immortal and therefore can and will never die. You are aware that you have taken part in earthly life many times before and that one of these days, the earthly part of your education will be finished. Your vibrations will then be right for moving on to getting to know the next higher plane of life through exploring it. You will no longer feel the need for clinging to material possessions, money or people, because you know that the only thing you can take with you into our world, the spirit realm, is that which has become your spiritual property and that is what your lessons in the earthly school of life have taught you. Whenever one of you departs from the earthly plane, they are safely stored in that person’s soul memories together with all other recollections of the lifetime they have just left behind and all previous ones.

‘These memories are the only thing every one of you can take with them. Should your education demand more earthy lifetimes, they will accompany you into each one. From the subconscious level of your being, they will then be influencing every one of your thoughts, words and actions in either positive or negative ways. The Great Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation. This is the storehouse into which the memories of all manifestations of life anywhere and at any time are constantly feeding.

‘The Angels in charge of humankind’s individual and collective development at all times are doing their best to intuitively provide whatever any one of you requires to cope better with the conditions of the stages of their education. In keeping with the God’s great plan for humankind’s spiritual development, another lesson has to be tackled by you and your world, individually and collectively, each time one of the great months or years changes into the next one. Learning of a different nature is then in store for both. Find out more about this by following the relevant link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (7)

Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Buddha Legend - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life

‘The cause of all pain and suffering of our world is ignorance.’ The Buddha

‘One candle can light thousands of others without its own life getting shorter because of it. Happiness and light never decrease through sharing, they increase.’ The Buddha

To paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to our world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

‘Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. You can be sure that in one of your lifetimes you have been all of these.’ The Buddha

‘Words have the power to destroy and heal. Those that are true and kind can change our world.’ The Buddha

‘Kindness in words creates confidence, in thinking profoundness and in giving love.’ Lao-tzu

‘Conquering the desires of your lower earthly self is better than winning a thousand battles. The victory shall truly be yours and will never be taken from you by Angels or demons, Heaven or Hell.’ The Buddha ‘And in my view, that’s the only battle truly worth winning.’ Aquarius

‘You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire Universe, deserve your love, compassion and affection.’ The Buddha

‘No one saves us but we ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves have to walk the path.’ Gautama Buddha ‘Sayings Of Buddha’

 ‘Go and work out your own salvation, with diligence.’ According to the legend, the Buddha’s last words on his deathbed.

To paraphrase the Dalai Lama: ‘Once people adopt a religion, they should practice it sincerely. Truly believing in God, Buddha, Allah or Shiva should inspire one to be an honest human being. Some people claim to have faith in their religion but act counter to its ethical injunctions. They pray for the success of their dishonest and corrupt actions, asking God or Buddha to help them to hide their wrongdoings. There is no point in such people describing themselves as religious. Today the world faces a crisis that is brought about by the lack of respect for spiritual principles and ethical values. Such virtues cannot be forced on individuals or society as a whole by legislation or by science and fear cannot inspire good and right conduct. People need to be convinced of the worth of their ethical principles, so they can conduct their lives by them.’

‘The best and most beautiful things in our world can neither be seen nor touched. They have to be felt with our heart.’ Helen Keller

‘It is during our darkest moments that we need to focus on remembering that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.’ Aristotle Onassis

‘Believe you can and you are halfway there.’ Theodore Roosevelt

‘We are what we think. All that we are was created by our own thoughts. With their help all of us together have made our world the way it is at present. When we think, speak and act with a pure mind, in due course nothing but more of the same can return to us. This empowers us to bring about happiness and contentment that follows us like a shadow that no-one will ever take from us.’ Dalai Lama edited by Aquarius
‘Oh Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and the Angels around your throne, please help me to never forget that there is nothing that can happen to me today or ever that I, hand in hand with You, cannot conquer and overcome.’ Aquarius

To paraphrase a quote from the Paramahansa Yogananda: ‘When you are living and loving God’s way, you recognise in every human being the face of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. The realisation that the light of their love is in everything enters you into a magical living relationship that unites you with the trees, the sky, the stars, people and all other living creatures. Feeling your oneness with them that is the code of Divine love.’

‘To paraphrase the 14th Dalai Lama: ‘I cannot release anyone from the hell which they themselves created, in their present lifetime and all previous ones. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness and not places that anyone ever went to. Nobody can bring Heaven about for us than we ourselves. It has to be through everyone’s own efforts. No teacher or guru exists anywhere who can truly be relied upon. Independent of what anyone may tell you, they do not exist in the outside world. Everybody needs to learn how to tap into the guidance of their own inner teacher, the wise one or living God within. That is the only truly trustworthy guru, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. This teacher will never lead us astray or tell us an untruth.’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 11

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (8)

Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Day Of The New Moon In Scorpio

Thursday 4th November 2021

Rays Of Wisdom - Greetings From The Wise One Within - Day Of New Moon In Scorpio 4.11.2021

Greetings beloved friends and siblings in the great family of humankind, wherever you may be. I have a feeling that my departure from the earthly plane is not too far off. Until then I hope to get one of these thoughts to you every day. When, one of these days, no further ones arrive, know that I will be greeting you from the greater freedom of the spirit realm and supporting you from there, as best as this is possible. And when, in due course, your present earthly lifetime has reached its end, I look forward to be among those who are greeting you and making you welcome. You and I will recognise each other by our vibrations. Without wishing away what’s left of this lifetime for me, I am looking forward to what lies ahead.  

The love and wisdom of the Highest Forces of life have for a long time been communicating with my readers through my writings. Even though for a long time I was unaware of this, all of them have come into being intuitively from the wise one or living God within me, who tells me that today is an excellent day for launching this project. For the following reasons: Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the benevolent and expansive ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The 4 is ruled by Uranus, co-ruler with Saturn of Aquarius, the sign through which the wisdom and truth of the Highest Forces have always been entering our world. For long enough they have been waiting to flow directly into ever more human hearts and minds who are ready to receive and understand their messages. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more this will become noticeable. The interference of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the old religions are gradually disappearing from our world. The iconoclastic force of the Uranian energies are helping us to sweep them away.

Last but by no means least, let’s have a look at today’s date. 4 + 11 + 2022 is the year through which we are presently moving. Every New Year’s day is the beginning of the next year, the same as a child’s first birthday is the beginning of the second year. 4 = Uranus. 11 = one of the Master numbers. The second Master number is the 22. To make today’s mixture of energies even more powerful, another 2 has been added to it as well as the circle of Eternity = 0.  

Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, degeneration and regeneration. To my mind, it is the most interesting one of all Sun signs. Read more about it by following the links at the end of this thought. A New Moon comes round every twenty-eight days and that’s always a point of new beginnings. This is because the energies our world receives from the Sun can again reach us with renewed strength. New Moon is always a good time for launching new projects. This is why I have chosen to launch this new project of mine today. So here we go:

So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.


From: ‘The Soul’s Yearning’
Original Title ‘Seliges Verlangen’

In an earlier part of this poem, Goethe says:
Do not tell anyone, except those who are wise.
We advise you to share the knowledge that will be coming
your way through these jottings with as many
as possible around you, so that the spiritual part of their nature
stirs from its slumber and helps them to evolve into wise ones.

‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. Wise ones know that they are young Gods in the making and that they are personally responsible for every thought, word and action they send into the Universe. Hand in hand with God and the Angels every one of you is a co-creator who is constantly occupied with bringing something into being. Wise ones know that if they think of something that has a good, right and positive outcome, no matter if at present this may not appear to be possible, they are helping to create it. Because of this we recommend that whenever you give advice to anybody, be as constructive and positive as possible.

‘Seeing nothing but good in everything that happens in your world to this day may be called optimistically foolish by young and less experienced spirit/souls. Older and more experienced ones know that through only seeing good in everything they are helping to bring it about through their manner of thinking.  By seeing only that which is good, right and desirable in your world, every one of you has the power within to help bringing it about. This is particularly important during your world’s present transformation from a materialistically over-oriented place into an ever more purely spiritual one.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Scorpio’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘Studies In Mastership’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (9)

Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Friday 5th November 2021

‘It is essential for the wise ones in your midst that they stay centred in the knowledge that Earth life, always has been and to this day is but a school, a place of learning – no more and no less. Everything that happens there does so for some wise higher reason and is part of the lessons humankind, individually and collectively, is taking part in at any given time. If you don’t understand the reason why something is going on, do not be too shy to probe into it and ask some questions. Alas, there’s no point in looking for valid answers on the outside. In particular this applies to what your world’s old religions and the mass media for a long time have constantly been pumping into the ethers.

‘Wise ones refuse to pay attention to any of it. They prefer turning to their inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. That’s everybody’s built-in lie-detector who is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, naturally also your world. That’s why your inner guidance knows the answers to any question you may ever wish to ask. If the answer doesn’t come straight away, turn to something else and get on with it. After a while, probably when you least expect it, what you want to know will come to you intuitively and your feeling world will tells you that this is the truth. This is the most reliable and only truly trustworthy teacher and guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and will never lead you astray.

‘For as long as you consider humankind’s earthly existence from a merely material perspective, what happens there is likely to appear to be random and haphazard. That, however, is by no means the case. Everything is well organised and brought into manifestation with the greatest precision on the physical plane by wise ones in your world’s inner spiritual counterpart. Although on the outer plane it frequently does not look that way, everybody’s earthly existence has always unfolded in an orderly and highly organised manner.

‘From the moment every human being who takes part in life on the earthly plane for the first time, is placed like a train on a track. It’s a journey that for everybody starts with the first degree of Aries. From there each one of you steadily progresses by one degree per year through all signs and houses of the zodiac. Round and round you move, without ever being aware of what’s happening to you. Each new round starts with fiery Aries, the point of all beginnings, and ends with watery Pisces. The Fire signs are dedicated to the development of creativity, on three different levels, and the Water signs to that of humankind’s emotional nature. As soon as one round is finished, you automatically move to the next one. Each round takes every one of you forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral and consists of experiencing earthly life, slowly but surely on a somewhat higher level.

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (10)

Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Saturday 6th November 2021

‘Every one of your spirit friends and helpers who are accompanying you on your pathway through this lifetime, also walked it a long time ago. That’s why they are familiar with what happens on the earthly plane. Like you, they have struggled with its problems which were similar to the ones you have to deal with these days. This enables them to use the knowledge they gained for advising their younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind when they are stuck and don’t know which way to turn. They too once were supported by the wise ones in charge of them. And because everything consists of circles within circles, one of these days, you will have joined one of our groups and enjoy supporting those on the earthly plane who so very much are in need of your help.

‘The moments when you take your first as well as your last breath during each lifetime is predestined and therefore ‘written in the Stars’, the great book of life. We have come today to provide you with evidence that every human being’s existence is an uninterrupted flow that continues without ever being disrupted or even disturbed by anything. Each new birthchart shows the direction in which someone’s Highest Self, every one of them is an integral part of the Universal Christ. The love and warmth of the Christ Star’s light is constantly drawing every one of you forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, the one for the whole of humankind, your world and ultimately the whole of Creation. This is how the Divine Trinity is always drawing each one of Its beloved children of the Earth closer into its loving embrace.

‘Life throughout the whole of Creation is moving in one flow; there never are any interruptions. There never will be, no matter what may still have to happen in your world until the new golden age of plenty, honesty and truth, peace and harmony has been reached. Such an age comes round about every 25,800 years. On every occasion another batch of human beings has become sufficiently evolved to take part in the new golden age. This time, however, something very different is going to happen because Mother Earth’s development has progressed sufficiently so that by now she is gradually changing into an ever more ethereal and spiritual planet.

‘Because of this the energies of those who are presently playing the role of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers are not going to be right for reincarnating on the Earth, when their time for reappearing as physical beings in a material world comes round again. They will be doing so on a planet that’s young and less highly evolved that matches the energies the youngsters have developed so far. To find out more about this, please take a look at the link at the end of this greeting.

‘On the inner level of life all is one, there is no separation between anything. That’s why whatever you do to another, you are doing to all life and ultimately also yourself. On top of that comes what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma is bound to return to you because of what you once sent into your world. Therefore, never think of anyone as your enemy. Nobody truly is. Never forget that everybody is your sibling in the great family of humankind and that in lifetimes of long ago, you played the part they may be playing now.

‘So as often as possible send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts whenever you think of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. Better than anything else ever could, such thoughts will assist their God or Christ nature to emerge. At the same time they will also easy their lot when their turn for redeeming the karmic debts they are busily shovelling into their spiritual bankbook, unaware of what they are doing to themselves and what, in the fullness of time, God’s laws are bound to return to them.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (11)

Greetings From The Living God Within

For Sunday 7th November 2021

‘The main laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. Irrespective of how things may ever appear to be in your world, there is no standing still or moving backward on God’s great evolutionary spiral, individually as well as collectively. Everything that happens on your planet does so for the wise higher purpose of teaching some kind of a lesson, not infrequently several at the same time.

‘Nobody in your world ever was a miserable worm and sinner, the way the old religions’ preachers used to assault their listeners from their pulpits, unaware that whilst they were building an ever increasing guilt complex into their listeners’ psyche, at the same time they were piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledger. A circle closes each time when those, who in previous lifetimes played the role of preacher, in this one are on the receiving end of what the law of cause and effect or Karma is returning to them in this one because of the anguish their mental assaults of the past inflicted upon their listeners.

‘And this is what, in the fullness of time, is sure to happen to your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, not as a punishment. God’s justice is perfect and does not Whenever something of this nature occurs in your life, remind yourself that everybody without exception is a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother. Nobody is really guilty of anything because all are merely learners and students in the earthly school of life. Unpleasant things have to come about because everybody must get to know both sides of the coin of every concept. Every one of you is in truth a young God in the making.

‘In the course of many lifetimes the same lower earthly self appears time and again to once more take part in the play-acting of the grand stage of earthly life. On every occasion you come in a different guise and play another role. It takes a long time until you realise that in truth you are always appearing as your own descendant because  you have walked the road of earthly life many times before. It cannot be any other way. How else could you ever get to know both sides of everything?

‘Just live one day at a time. Rest safely in the knowledge that you and your world and everything within it has always been safely handled by the loving hands of the Highest Forces of life, i.e. God and the Angels. At all times they are holding the reigns of everything in the whole of Creation, therefore also the earthly plane, securely in their hands and this will forever continue. Everything in your world is of a temporary nature and that most certainly applies to the present situation. Bear in mind that everything that ever took place on the earthly plane has been an essential part of the lessons which every one of you, in their role as a young God in the making, needs.

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (12)

Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Monday 8th November 2021

‘That which is gained from each lesson at any given time is the most vital aspect of your evolutionary journey. This is why you have to take part in experiencing the material world as a physical being, in your present lifetime and all previous ones. Being educated in this manner is compulsory for every human spirit/soul. And it’s for wise higher reasons that each one of your earthly sojourns only lasts for a predestined length of time and then you are allowed to return to our realm. This is your true and eternal home from which you emerge at the beginning of another lifetime and go for a period of rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence, whenever another one has run its course.

‘During your periods of resting here, you gather strength for your next earthly explorations. Because you are aware that without further ones you will never reach the end of the earthly school of life’s curriculum, as soon as you feel you have recovered sufficiently you want to start planning your next lifetime there. So you consult the wise ones in charge of you about where and with whom it would best be spent, to help your earthly self to grow in wisdom and understanding as much as possible. Pushing forwards like this is worth you while, because when you have at last reached this establishment’s goal of having evolved into Christed one, in your own right, your energies will have become so refined that you will be able to continue your studies on the next higher level of life. As soon as that one has been dealt with sufficiently, you will be ready to explore the level that comes after that one, and so on and so forth. A high and holy destiny awaits every human being, independent which developmental stage someone’s lower earthly self has reached at any given time.

‘And every time one of you has reached the end of their present lifetime, one of our Angels of Death or Transformation, as we prefer to call them, takes your spirit/soul, the essence of your being, to a group that’s right for the energies you by then have developed. That’s where you stay until you are ready to re-emerge on the earthly plane in the guise of whatever role you yourself have chosen for your coming lifetime. This is how every one of you is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral and simultaneously with it that of the whole of humankind and your world. On every occasion when your energies are right for the next higher group, you move on and join them. A fresh set of spirit friends and helpers then takes you under their wings and supports all your endeavours, as much as they are allowed to, just like the previous groups.

‘As always, you consult with the wise ones of your new group about your next lifetime and start planning it. They advise you and only if what they suggest sounds good and promising to you, you agree. And because love is the Universal main law and even though being educated in the school of life is compulsory, nobody ever forces you to do anything. At all times you have freewill. To encourage you to develop a mind of your own, you are allowed to make your own decisions about anything that comes your way. ¬Up to a certain point and within limits, God and the Angels help you to create whatever is to your liking. Even if, during the early part of your earthly education, in some of your lifetimes you should desire inventing ever more sophisticated war machinery. God and the Angels will provide you with the ideas of bringing it about.

Six pointed Star

Reflections On Our World’s Legends (13)

Greetings From The Wise One Within

For Tuesday 9th November 2021

‘While you are taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, for a long time you do not yet know that you are personally responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions. You are as yet unaware that in due course you will have to live with the consequences of whatever you have created during the early parts of your education. This is because God’s perfect justice sees to it that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course returns all of it to you and that in somewhat strengthened form. This is because what you did earlier on fed into the streams of your world’s consciousness and they are either light or dark. Whatever is sent there becomes enriched by whatever else has fed into that stream’s energies. This is what in due course returns to every one of you.

‘When as a result, in one or the other or maybe even several future lifetimes, bombs are raining from the sky on the place where you live and you get buried in the rubble of destroyed towns, cities and the properties they contain, your own and surrounding ones, wise ones do not curse the other side and consider them to be their enemies. They know that’s not what anyone truly is. It’s merely God’s perfect justice returning to them that which they sent into their world in previous lifetimes. That’s how the balance of everyone’s spiritual account is eventually restored through the suffering that someone has to endure. With this, another circle of experiences closes.

‘Wise ones understand the wise higher purpose that earthly life serves for all human beings who at any given time are taking part in it. They know that what’s happening there at any given time is by no means nothing but an illusion and that the earthly plane is a place of learning, a school for God’s children of the Earth, and that’s what every human being is, without exception. Earthly life is part of the great evolutionary journey which, in the course of a great many lifetimes on that plane, takes every one of you time and again through complete rounds of experiencing every sign and house of the zodiac.

‘The only ones who are lost in an illusion are those who are of the opinion that they are at home on the earthly plane. For as long as someone believes that the teachings of your world’s old religions are literally true, they cannot help being convinced that humankind’s earthly existence is a one-affair, at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle and that no trace of you remains. Wise ones know that such beliefs are false ones. Having left them behind, departing from the earthly plane to them does not leaving their nearest and dearest behind. Getting closer to the end of their present lifetime is not something that looms ahead as being hard and painful, but an experience to be looked forward to and enjoyed. And that does not mean they are wishing  away what’s left of this lifetime.

Six pointed Star


The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (1)

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

Ebola: Shattering The Lies And The Fakery

Posted on the 12th January 2022 by Jon Rappoport. Not surprisingly, once again the virus is the cover story. For the whole of this article please follow the link below:


Another one of Jon’s efforts of bringing truth to our world. He does this with the help of writings that are always of outstanding quality and based on a meticulously researched background of wherever he turns in his search of truth. My built-in lie-detector, the wise one or living God within me, does by no means agree with everything about which Jon writes. In many cases my inner guidance reacts with a loud and clear ‘No!’ to his findings. To this article, however, it straight away responded with a firm ‘Yes, this is true!’ It wants me to share it with as many as possible in our world. It’s essential reading for anyone who is seriously interested in discovering the truth about the Ebola outbreak and how the pharma industry’s propaganda machinery for a long time has been dealing with the issue of viruses.

As this article is of particular interest to my readers in the African countries, I am glad to share it on Facebook in the hope of reaching as many people as possible there.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (2)

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

Zen Koan For The Virus

Posted 14th January 2022 by Jon Rappaport. Here is another item to which my inner guidance responds with a loud and clear: ‘This is the truth!’ I wonder how yours might react.


Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (3)

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

America Is A Hospital

Yesterday was the 17th January 2022, day of the Full Moon in Cancer, the sign that’s dedicated to the love and wisdom of the Great Mother of all Life. As my readers know by now, the time around each Full Moon is an excellent one for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a long time. That’s when Jon Rappaport’s article of ‘America Is A Hospital’ landed in my inbox. My inner guidance responded to it with another loud and clear: ‘This is the truth!’ And that’s why I am sharing it with you today. If it sounds interesting to you, pease follow the link below:


In keeping with the Divine great plan for our world’s development, nobody can hide the truth from humankind forever and that’s for the simple reason that this is not meant to happen. Hiding the truth about the higher aspects of life for around six thousand years of patriarchy with its mass of false tales, for example of an all-male God-head who the old religions to this day insist is in charge of us and our world. All stories of this nature have served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the difference between truth and lies, right and wrong, good and evil.

In keeping with the great evolutionary plan for our world it’s merely a question of time when the truth about everything is going to emerge with ever increasing strength. When this happens about our world’s present state at last, it will be egg on face big time for many in elevated positions of our world’s governments and health organisations, for example the United Kingdom’s National Health System and many in the ranks and files of those connected around our world with the medical professions.

On Wednesday 20th January 2022 the Sun begins to transit Aquarius, the fixed Air sign. This is the sign through which the Highest Forces of life have always communicated with us and our world most clearly. With the passing of time, it is doing this with constantly increasing strength. And that sets me wondering how much this transit, which will last thirty days, is going to move us and our world closer to THE TRUTH about the background of our world’s present state.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (4)

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

Arrest People Who Don’t Follow Doctors’ Orders;
Put Them In Prison Or Camps

Today is the 19th January 2022 and when yesterday’s Jon Rappaport’s article with the above heading reached me, my built-in lie-detector again responded with: ‘This is the truth!’ That’s why I sharing it with you today the item with the above mentioned heading and below is the link you need for partaking in it:   


Tomorrow the Sun starts traversing the fixed Air sign Aquarius, the sign in which the Highest Forces of life have always communicated with our world most clearly and strongly. And the Aquarian age, into which we for quite some time have been ever deeper penetrating, is the age of truth. Jon Rappaport has investigated the American background of our world’s present state. Alas, the rest of our world for quite a while has been only too happy to follow the lead of our American cousins, especially with regard to their negative ways of money-spinning. This is why, quite naturally, whatever happens along those lines in the United States of America, is followed eagerly by most other countries of our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (5)

The Sun In Aquarius

Today is the 20th January 2022 and the Sun has moved into Aquarius, the sign of rebellion and revolution. The following is an extract from my interpretation of this sign. The same as all my writings, it is of an intuitive nature and not based on anyone else’s insights into its nature.

Aquarius is a fixed Air sign that is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. It is the eleventh sign in the zodiac and the eleventh house is its natural abode. The keyword of both is: ‘I know!’ Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution, whose symbol is the water bearer who holds a pot in his arms from which he seems to be pouring water. Because of this it is hardly surprising that to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of this sign. In spite of its symbol and contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is by no means one of the Water signs. It is an Air sign and the water that flows from the man’s vessel is not of the liquid kind. It is an allegory for the cleansing and purifying effect of fresh spiritual knowledge and wisdom that is constantly being poured from the highest levels of life into the earthly consciousness of humankind, to enable us and our world to move forward on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and all nations, and ultimately with all life. In this sign the highest human hopes and aspirations can potentially find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as on the collective level. I hope I shall be forgiven for using the word siblinghood instead of brotherhood. For my liking it smacks too much of times gone by, the patriarchy and the suppression of the feminine. The true spirit of Aquarius is equal rights and opportunities for all. Fortunately, by now there is sufficient evidence in our world that this ideal is slowly but surely gaining the upper hand in the consciousness of our world.  Many opportunities for conducting our lives in accordance with this principle are offered to each one of us, but especially to those who are spending their present lifetime in this sign. If they so wish and are willing to work hard on themselves to fulfil the special requirements of their sign, they have excellent potential for growing into significant mental pioneers of this our New Age.

Yet, much love and devotion to the Highest are required. Let no-one run away with the idea that the Aquarian gifts, the same as those of all other signs, will ever automatically fall into anyone’s lap. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is especially true when Saturn is involved. The soul then has to strive particularly hard if it wishes to reach the highest possible evolutionary level in its present sign. Saturn’s keywords invariably are self-mastery and self-discipline. The Aquarian co-rulership of Saturn and Uranus clearly shows that these qualities have to be acquired before any soul can hope to be released into the spiritual freedom of this sign.

Uranus, the liberator, is the planet of revolution and upheavals that come about by the will of God, to free us and our world from the restrictions that bind us to the past. Allowing young and inexperienced souls to freely handle the Uranian energies would be like placing an atom bomb into a toddler’s hands. Clearly, concentrating on integrating Saturn’s invaluable gifts is essential. They are the fundamentals which every soul must learn under the guardianship of this incorruptible, impeccable and stern taskmaster of the zodiac. Ever watchful it guards the inner gates before any of us will be ever allowed to come anywhere near working with the Uranian energies.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Aquarius’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

Part 12

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (6)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (1)

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue (1)

At the beginning of February 2022, my dear friend Julia told me the following: ‘It is a year tomorrow since my mother passed away. I think of her often as she was a beautiful soul who lived her life so very simply and found pleasure in everything she did. My father passed away exactly seven months later on the 11th September, the day after his 92nd birthday. He on the other hand was the polar opposite of my mother and lived a very angry life! No wonder they separated many years ago.

‘I was just wondering if there was any significance in the fact that they both passed away on the 11th day of the month as I believe the number 11 is significant in numerology. I remember you saying that we choose our parents before birth and although I loved both my parents, I had a very unhappy childhood as my father was both emotionally and physically abusive to my mother and made our lives pretty miserable. I still struggle to this day with the effect my father had on me and often wonder what it will be like when we meet again in the spirit realm.’

The reason why I decided to reply in this way is because Julia’s question is such a common one. My own life for a long time was deeply affected by the same problem. That’s what some years ago brought my Booksie file ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’ into being. Everything it contains is part of my own struggle and healing journey of somehow finding a way of making peace with my earthly parents of this lifetime. With the passing of time, to my greatest surprise this file grew into the second most popular Booksie one. The first place belongs to ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’. Their respective viewing figures at the time of writing this, at beginning of February 2022, stood at just short of 97K and not far off 96K. The third one is ‘What Is Truth?’ which has by now reached 91K. When I started these files, there was no way of telling that they would be so well loved by so many of my readers.

On the 31st January 2022 my earthly father, Emil was his name, would have been 121 years old, if he were still dwelling on this side of the veil that separates our two worlds. Oh, perish the thought that any one of us would ever have to stay that long on the material plane. He will not be bothered his birthday because on the inner plane there is no time. And yet, each time his birthday comes round, I think of him and send him my love. Isn’t it good to know that the spirit realm is filled with nothing but the love and warmth of friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, throughout the whole of Creation? And just think, the more highly evolved we become, the more we shall be allowed to get to know them and take part in their worlds.

My own life’s experience has taught me that no progress on our evolutionary journey is possible until we wake up to our real nature, who and what all human beings truly are. And whether any one of us knows this or not, every one of us is a young God in the making. Even though at present we might still be occupied with attending to the lowest and meanest lessons in the earthly school of life, there will come the time when we shall be able to create whole worlds and destroy them at will. This is why our evolutionary journey takes every human being through many earthly lifetimes of experiencing, time and again, every sign and house of the zodiac.

Each new round takes us onto a somewhat higher level. This continues until our curriculum in the earthly school of life has been fulfilled and that plane cannot teach us any more. That’s when, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human being eventually evolves into Christed one, each in their own right. Our energies then are right for being released into experiencing ever more of the spirit realm’s greater freedom.

To my mind, no spiritual progress is possible for as long as we believe that somebody on the earthly plane is either all good or bad. In truth, every one of us has the best as well as the worst within them. The best is waiting to be developed and bring to unfoldment ever more, while that which is bad, ugly and evil in anyone will eventually be left behind, once and for all. Whatever is showing on the surface of someone’s earthly personality is likely to be but a tiny fraction of what might still be slumbering under the surface.

Without knowing why we are here and what the purpose of our present lifetime serves, there is a great danger of getting lost in the role we have agreed to play on the grand stage of earthly life, for one lifetime only. No spiritual progress is possible without the knowledge that we are personally responsible for every thought, word and action we send into our world. The Universal law, God’s law of cause and effect or Karma, ensures that every one of them returns to us – either in this lifetime or a long way ahead into the future. Yet, everything we send out must return to us because the law decrees that everything has to find its way back to its sender.

During the early stages of our earthly development thoughts come to us unbidden. Every human mind is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. Initially, our mind just keeps on thinking. It’s up to every one of us to take charge of our thoughts and teach them to flow in the right direction, to that which is good, right and beautiful and therefore helpful for our development into an increasingly spiritual being.

If we truly wish to proceed on our evolutionary journey, its necessary to engage only with thoughts that make sense, until as a result we are no longer driven by our thoughts into any kind of direction. That’s how ultimately, every one of us is required to take the rudder of the boat of their lives into their own hands. Negative and destructive thoughts need to be changed by us into positive and beneficial ones, not only for ourselves but for the whole of humankind and our world. And to help us on this part of our evolutionary journey, it may be necessary to find a therapist and counsellor who is capable of assisting us. One of the best, to my mind, is Marion Moody. She can be contacted via mazmarion@yahoo.co.uk?

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (7)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (2)

Earthly Life : Not An Illusion

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – Earthly Life : Not An Illusion

Our earthly existence, when viewed merely from the material perspective can appear like an illusion. But this continues only for as long as one is not yet aware of its spiritual background. In that case our earthly existence hardly makes any sense whatever. Yet, eventually everybody’s spiritual nature wakes from its slumbering state and we realise that what happens to our physical body on the earthly plane is never as important as for a long time we thought it was. In truth, it is no more than an outer shell that enables our indwelling spirit/soul to move around and provides a vehicle that’s intended for one lifetime only. This part of our being is mortal and when, in due course, it has grown old and worn out, it needs to be recycled, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet, is used time and again. Nothing is ever wasted.

However, the spirit/soul that dwells within each physical body is, just like its Creator, eternal and immortal. Therefore, it can and will never die. In the course of many lifetimes every human being experiences earthly life as a place of learning, a school and University, no more and no less. Nobody was or ever will be merely a mortal physical being. And everybody’s true parents are the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Without our earthly personality being aware of it for a long time, our indwelling spirit/soul appears time and again in the material world. This is how every one of us, and each can only do this through their own experiences, is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Because of this, to my mind, life on the earthly plane could never be merely we called an illusion. It’s very real indeed whenever we are taking part in it. In every lifetime we play a different role and each one is like a costume with which we clothe ourselves and as soon as it has served the purpose for which it was created, we take it off again each time the end of that particular lifetime has been reached. This is how, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of us plays many different roles, even though for a long time we are unaware that we have taken part in the earthly school of life on many occasions before. Our spirit/soul is the actor who at birth wraps itself into yet another earthly costume into which we reincarnate into a new physical body.

And because we have no conscious recall of previous lifetimes, when we are yet again taking part in life on the earthly plane, it’s all too easy to get carried away with the role we have agreed to play this time round. That’s why, during the early stages of our earthly curriculum, we delight in handing out our most bad, evil and ugly character traces to inflict as much suffering as possible upon the people in our environment. The more we discover that we have the power of making them thoroughly unhappy, the more we start to enjoy using this tool. The end of this kind of behaviour comes about quite naturally when at last we discover our personal responsibility for every thought, word and action we send into our world. In due course, the Universal law, God’s law of cause and effect or Karma returns every bit of it and that in somewhat strengthened form.

If only we had known about it earlier, we surely would have run a mile before opening our mouths to utter even one nasty word. I was born in the year 1937 and so was two years old at the outbreak of World War II. And yet, I believe that the war that raged on the outside of our world until 1945, did me less harm than the constant personal warfare between my parents. By the time I arrived, they had been married seven years and just about each time they clapped eyes on each other, they were at each other’s throats, knowing their sensitive spots only too well. For example, my father would stick his head round the kitchen door and say something like ‘Mann ist die Krone der Schoepfung – The male of the human species is the crown of Creation’. Being a Sun Aries, my mother was full of her own importance, the way Aries people are, as I know by now. Unwilling to tolerate such nonsense, she used to go into the air like a rocket, happy about another opportunity of crossing swords with my father, occasionally threatening him that one fine day she might well kill him.

As a small child you believe that everything your parents say is true and that this is what they are really going to do. That frightens you out of your wits that you might be in danger of losing them and finding yourself left and alone in the big wide world. That’s what happened to me many times. As I know now, the suffering my parents caused me is what I did in at least one previous lifetime to my offspring. This was necessary for balancing my spiritual account. Astrology later taught me that the element Air, having been born on 31.1.1904 my father was a double Sun Aquarius, the fixed Air sign. The Air element enjoys nothing more than the leaping response it can get, when touched the right way, from the Fire element. Hey presto! That’s no doubt why my father enjoyed winding my mother up whenever possible. It was easy because having been married seven years when I appeared, he knew the most sensitive aspects of her nature only too well.

A better understanding of the characteristics of both my parents’ birth signs helped me more than anything to make my peace with them and the same applies to anybody else with whom I ever struggled in the past. Naturally, this is much easier because my father and mother departed from this plane around forty years ago. Julia’s parents are fairly recent arrivals in the spirit realm and it’s likely to still be much more difficult for her to make peace with her father. I hope that my observations might at least provide her with a starting point. Getting to know the positive as well as negative characteristics of both my parent’s birth signs were helpful for finding out why they insisted on behaving the way they did towards each, in their most recent lifetime. We shall return Julia’s parents later.

There is nothing to stop anyone from hurting those around them as much as possible, for as long as they remain unaware that whilst doing this they are literally shovelling karmic debts into their spiritual account. Those at the receiving end who are enduring the attacker’s offences are creating credit entries in their ledger. It’s a double bookkeeping process if ever there was one. If the suffering is caused by only one of the partners, s/he is likely to be the less highly evolved of the two. The karmic bonds they themselves created in some of their previous lifetimes are waiting to be dissolved. This can only come about through forgiveness. The person at the receiving end needs to forgive, first themselves for once having set the wheels of destiny and Karma in motion, and only then the offender. This forgiveness process alone can set people free from each other. And that is the only way karmic bonds that people bring with them into their present lifetime can be dissolved so that they are no more.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (8)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (3)

Newly Born Children : Not Empty Vessels

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – Newly Born Children : Not Empty Vessels

A lack of understanding is the true cause of why to this day there is so much suffering in our world and that’s what is making its present state possible. The first thing that I believe is essential for one of us to find out is who and what we truly are and why we are taking part in earthly life. As these matters have been sufficiently covered in other parts of my writings, there is no need to go into them again. And what’s just as important to bear in mind is that no-one is born onto this plane of life who is merely an empty vessel that’s waiting to be filled with as much information as possible, which in later life could be of no use to the person whatsoever. Hardly any child is ever born who has not brought with it at least some gifts and talents that were developed in previous lifetimes.

From the moment of its renewed entry into here, just about every newly born child is a vessel that’s filled to overflowing with good things that are waiting, hopefully with encouragement from those around it, in its present lifetime to unfold to full flowering. Every one of us is somehow capable of enriching our world and doing our share of transforming it into a better and more enjoyable place for all. That’s no doubt what happened to the child genius Mozart, who at five years old started to produce compositions. His first one was a dainty and well balanced Minuet and Trio in G major.

Because of this, my inner guidance tells me that there is a great need in our world to form groups of freethinking parents, who dedicate their children to the Highest Forces of life. This could be done in a procedure that’s similar to the one of christening in which someone’s present lifetime is dedicated to the non-existent God-man Jesus. How about parents assisting their children and encouraging them to bring forth, each from the depths of their own being, their very own higher God or Christ nature, the best, holiest and highest they are capable of giving to our world? Such a movement will go a long way towards transforming our planet into a happier and generally more agreeable place for the whole of humankind.

The Aquarian age being the age of truth, ever more of the truth keeps on bubbling to our world’s surface. That’s why by now, increasing numbers of us are aware that the Jesus tale is nothing but a legend. Every part of his life’s story stands for an initiation into the spiritual aspects of every human being’s spiritual nature. In the course of many earthly lifetimes, we experience them one after the other, even though for a long time we are unaware of what’s happening to us. Jesus never was a historical figure. He is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature and the human heart is the most humble place that exists on the earthly plane. The animals around the newly born Christ child’s crib represent the lower human animal nature who, as most of us are aware of these days, evolved from the animal kingdom.

And that’s how, with the passing of time, everybody’s higher God or Christ nature evolves and becomes stronger. It comes about through directly absorbing the light of the Universal Christ, ever more of it in the course of each earthly lifetime. Added to it is light in the form of enlightenment that consists of wisdom and a better understanding of our own nature and the world around us. And when at last we have climbed the spiral of our personal evolutionary journey sufficiently, our Christ nature has grown sufficiently powerful to make its presence felt on the earthly plane. And that’s what eventually happens to every human being and not merely a selected few.

At a certain point of our education in the earthly school of life, it dawns on us that all human beings, therefore also you and me, are personally responsible for every thought, word and action we have ever sent into our world. And that causes me to wonder what is going to happen when the zillions of words, which in the age of digital communication and mobile phones are spoken by so many into their appliances at just about all times, when in due course each one of them is returned to its sender, by the Universal law, God’s law, of cause and effect or Karma. If more people were aware of happens, would it cure at least some of them from being addicted to talking into their phones almost nonstop?

Be that as it may, nothing on the earthly plane happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything that ever came our way, in this lifetime and all previous ones, served the wise higher purpose of teaching us something. And whatever at present is in our lives was brought into being by none other than you and me. And although on the surface of things it frequently does not look that way, but everything that happens in our world is part of a carefully designed plan and at the same time the result of karmic debt or credit entries in our spiritual ledger.

Yes it’s true, every one of us has been granted the precious gift of freedom. Alas, the only freedom we truly ever have is how we react to whatever comes our way. We human beings are like dogs on a lead. You and I, we are the dog, the lead is our Karma and that rests firmly in the hands of those watching over us, the Angels of Karma. The sooner we grasp this, the more speedily it is possible to start behaving in a manner that directs the ship of our present lifetime, as well as all future ones, in the direction that is sure to benefit the progress of our evolutionary journey.

Thinking of our earthly existence as no more than an illusion, to my mind, reveals nothing but a lack of understanding of what it really is about and why we are taking part in it. In my view, everybody’s earthly existence is a most serious matter and that’s because being educated on the earthly plane is compulsory for every young God in the making, which cannot be avoided by anyone. That’s what every one of us is, independent of which stage someone’s evolutionary journey has reached at any given time.

Although we are unaware for a long time of what’s happening to us on the earthly plane, it never has been or will be less than a place of learning, a school where in the course of many lifetimes every human being grows ever more Heaven-tall. This can only come about through personally experiencing the many lessons provided by every one of the signs and houses the zodiac. Passing through each one time and time again, provides us with a steadily increasing understanding of the inner and outer aspects of our own nature, the whole of humankind and our world, the inner as well as the outer parts of it.

It’s the lack of understanding who and what every one of us truly is why so many to this day insist on bringing the worst out in each other, instead of assisting those around us to develop and bring forth, each from deep within their own being, that which is best, highest and holiest. The most important knowledge with which the age of truth wishes to provide us is that every human being, at any given moment, has the very worst as well as the best within them. It makes no difference whether someone is as yet aware of it or not.

Alas, without this awareness moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral and the one for the whole of humankind, is just about impossible. That’s what applied to Julia’s parents and mine. Now that all four of them reside in the world of light, they have no difficulties recognising this quite clearly. More than likely they are feeling truly sorry that they did not make better use of their most recent lifetime. Never mind, there’ll always be another one, for as long as one of them needs it to complete the curriculum of their earthly education.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (9)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (4)

Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue –  Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?

What about blood relationships? Are they really stronger than water? It’s by no means blood that brings us together in one lifetime after another, but karmic bonds. They are tying our fate and destiny together like cast iron chains, and love and forgiveness are the only way such connections can be dissolved. And when our spiritual development has advanced sufficiently, it’s important to first forgive ourselves for what we once did to the person at the other end of the karmic chain. If we had not done this, which could have happened in one of our lifetimes of long ago, there would have been no need for them to behave towards us the way they have done.

Memories of everything that ever happened during any of our earthly sojourns are stored deep within the subconscious part of every human being. And that’s necessary for our own protection, for if we knew what we have been up to in some of our previous lifetimes, especially during the early parts of our earthly education, it would be impossible to live with ourselves, never mind forgiving. Alas, every bit of it was unavoidable because as a young God in the making it was necessary to be familiarised with the lower and lowest drives and urges of our earthly nature, as well as the highest.

Whatever happened has been an essential part of our long evolutionary journey. It takes every human being from experiencing first hand their own and everybody else’s lower and lowest characteristics. From there we steadily travel onwards and upwards. Each on their own evolutionary spiral is constantly reaching out for and developing, ever more with the passing of time, the highest, noblest and best that’s within them.

Each time we leave earthly life behind and return to our home, the spirit realm, the characteristics of our personality are stored in the memories of our soul, in the subconscious part of our being. For as long as they remain undisturbed, they have the power of influencing us and our life in either positive or negative ways. The only way karmic debts that could have been incurred many lifetimes ago, can be paid is through finding ourselves, during one of our later times on the Earth, on the receiving end of that which we once handed out all too freely and liberally. We did  this for the simple reason that at this stage of our development we were as yet as unaware of what our earthly existence is about, as the people who are making us suffer later.

That’s how the infinite love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother, through the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, takes the greatest of care of every one of their beloved children of the Earth. The Divine justice is perfect and that’s why, in the fullness of time, everything we send into our world eventually returns to us like a boomerang. And yet, the kindness of our Divine parents provides that this should only come about to any of us when we have spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what comes our way. This is the reason why we first need to forgive ourselves and then those who in this lifetime hurt and wounded us.

Because of this, to my mind, no-one can come to the conclusion that ultimately, any one of us is truly guilty of anything. After all, aren’t we all children at school or students in the great University of earthly life, who are doing nothing but attending the lessons every one of us needs. And just like in any school on the earthly plane, in the spiritual one no-one is basically guilty of anything. When at last the curriculum of one of our earthly schools has been completed, the only thing we get is a certificate that proves we have taken part in it.

Then we are released into the greater freedom of adult life and that, for every human spirit/soul, is the whole of the spirit realm. Even though we cannot see them for a long time, spirit friends and helpers have always accompanied us. Forever they will be showing us suitable outlets for our gifts where they can shine and unfold to full blossoming stage through being welcome and appreciated. It’s good to find out at last that we have not spent many lifetimes developing and preening our talents for nothing, that all along they have served a wise higher purpose. And that’s how even the last one of us will eventually be able to do their share of transforming our world into a more beautiful and agreeable place for everything that shares it with us, not merely humankind.

I look forward to returning to the spirit realm and at last can see my spirit friends and helpers, to thank them properly for always having taken such good care of me. Communication with them will then be much easier in general, although the spirit realm is a world of thought where our spoken languages do not exist. And that’s the only difference between the two worlds in which every one of us, without exception, constantly takes part without for a long time being aware that the material outer part of our world also has an inner spiritual counterpart.

When all is said and done, ultimately aren’t those who are causing us to suffer in truth earthly life’s best teachers, because through their behaviour they are showing us how we do not wish to be. I thank every person who provided this valuable service to me and I am most certainly not joking. For example, my eldest sister taught me the value of truth. Every time she opened her mouth to say something one could never be sure whether it was true or not. That’s how at a young age, my sister was five years older, she taught me to look carefully behind things and never to believe anything at face value, whatever anyone said. With the passing of time, I ever more developed the habit that only if something makes sense and my inner feelings reacts with ‘this is true!’ to it, then for me it really is. It stood me in good stead and served me well since starting to write about spiritual matters.

And then, my dearest Julia, when one of these days, you return to the spirit realm, the way your parents did before you, you will be leaving your earthly nature behind, when one of the Angels of transformation returns your spirit/soul to humankind’s true home, the spirit realm. While we are there, we are nothing but spirit/soul because there is no place for anything else. The earthly personality we played in each lifetime was a role we played and that’s shed like a costume at the stage door upon our return to the spirit realm. The earthly personalities’ characteristics we have developed when we left the earthly plane, each time are stored in the subconscious part of our being. We pick them up again when we reincarnate once more into earthly life.

The spiritual development of every human being starts from tiny spark of the Christ Star’s light. It’s a journey that continues until we have evolved into a Christed one; each does this in their own right And at every developmental stage, the spirit/soul that dwells within its own physical body is that person’s higher God or Christ nature. This part of our being never has any difficulties recognising the mistakes its earthly counterpart makes in the course of each lifetime as a material being in a material world.

When our spirit/soul has gone home into the spirit realm, it consults with the wise ones in charge of our evolutionary journey. They advise us of the best way our next earthly personality can make amends for where it so far failed, maybe in all its previous lifetimes and in particular the most recent one. Naturally this also applies to you and me, dear Julia, when we have returned home once more. And that’s sure to also have happened to any set of parents, not only yours and mine but everybody’s who ever reached the end of one of their earthly lifetimes.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (10)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (5)

Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion

 Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – Earthly Life : Definitely Not An Illusion

Far too many in our world to this day believe that humankind’s earthly existence is nothing but an illusion. When you take a look at what’s been said about our race’s spiritual development in other parts of my writings, and in particular the previous chapters of ‘The Epilogue’, you can see quite clearly for yourself that this is simply not true. That’s because whatever happens in our world is spiritually of the greatest importance and therefore, to my mind, does not deserve the name illusion by any stretch of imagination. It makes no difference whether or not someone is as yet aware of the seriousness of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And that’s what everybody who is presently here is occupied with.

As proof of this, first let’s take a closer look at the belief that earthly representatives of a non-existent God have any spiritual power whatsoever to forgive all kinds of sin that have been committed in our world. Believing this most certainly is nothing but an illusion. Every sin that’s committed and especially lying, cheating and deceiving people for whatever reasons creates a debit entry in the offender’s spiritual account. Stored in their soul memories, for however long it may be necessary, this debit will patiently wait to be redeemed until the law of cause and effect or Karma returns every bit of it like a boomerang. That’s bound to happen because everything that anyone at any given moment sends into the Universe in thoughts, words and actions must eventually return to its sender.

I hope you are not getting tired of hearing about things like that every one of us is personally responsible for every thought, word and deed that’s ever projected into our world. My own life’s experience has taught me that Catholic people in particular seem to be prone to lying. Being well aware that lying is a sin, they nonetheless do not hesitate to use it whenever it suits them. This is done because they believe they can turn to a priest to confess their sin and be forgiven for it, maybe through saying praying ten hail Maries.

Oh dear, if only the sinners knew that the one who likes to think of him/herself as a representative of God, who just like God has the power of forgiving any kind of sin, as long as someone says they truly feel sorry about what they have done. It makes no difference whether they really are or not. Their hailing of the non-existent mother of the non-existent God is nothing but a waste of time, because she is merely a symbolism for the Great Mother of all life as well as the feminine aspect of every human being’s nature.

Be that as it may, the priest is happy to forgive the sinner. Alas, because the God he is working for is a non-existent one, this kind of forgiveness carries no spiritual weight whatever. It does not have any power whatever to change the fact that lying, cheating and deception, in pursuit of personal advantages, are among the most serious offences that can be committed in our world. And when, in the fullness of time, such sins are returned by the Divine law of Karma and make life difficult for the earthly personality of the same spirit/soul, either later in the same lifetime or a future one, they may not be able to understand why things of this nature should be happening to them, out of all people.

It takes a long time until someone has developed sufficiently to realise the perfection of God’s justice and how it is achieved in the simplest of ways through the law of cause and effect or Karma. There comes the time when one realises that all truly great things are basically very simple. And this law is simplicity on a truly grandiose scale, because it operates throughout the whole of Creation, not merely in our world. It also ensures that nobody can redeem anyone else’s karmic debts, because as their creator we alone are responsible for every bit of them. That’s why we are the only ones who can and has to redeem them, in the fullness of time.

Every act of lying, cheating and deception, whether it is successful or not, creates a debit entry in our spiritual account. This is because the only thing that counts spiritually is the intention behind everything we project into our world, which is clearly visible to the wise ones in charge of us and our development on the inner spiritual plane. Lying and cheating are most serious offences against the laws of life for the whole of Creation, not merely on our planet, because God’s laws are based on absolute and unchangeable honesty and truth.

Each offence against the Divine Universal laws creates a debit entry in our personal spiritual ledger. Every one of them consists of a double bookkeeping system, if ever there was one. That’s because the redemption of every sin is put on ice until the offender has spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the law of Karma in due course returns to them. It makes no difference if in this lifetime they are taking the greatest of care to do only what’s honest and truthful. Because of this they will not be able to understand why something so unpleasant should be hitting them, out of all people and maybe even out of the blue.

Naturally, this applies just as much to the pharma industry and the members of the medical profession of our time, who are accepting payments for taking part in the greatest deception that our world has ever experienced. Do not believe for a moment that God and the Angels are not aware of what’s happening. Why are they allowing it? The pandemic serves the wise higher purpose of redeeming the karmic debts of old and experienced spirit/souls, and that has nothing to do with what age the physical body of someone’s lower earthly personality may have reached. Simultaneously with this, masses of fresh karmic debts are shovelled into the spiritual accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls who are involved in experiencing their first lessons in the earthly school of life. To my mind, nothing of what’s been happening for several years by now to people on either side of the pandemic could, by any stretch of the imagination, qualify to be called merely an illusion.

Because on the inner plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything, the belief that every human being is an individual who exists on their own in the material world and left to struggle with no help that’s the only part of humankind’s existence that qualifies to be called an illusion. Also that we are miserable worms and sinners and that the only one who can save and redeem us from forever having to fry in the fires of hell is a God-man by the name of Jesus. All of these things are untrue and therefore illusions.

In truth, every human being who ever took part in the earthly school of life’s lessons always has been and forever will be a beloved child of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Every so often every one of us takes part in another lesson of the earthly school of life. That’s why every so often we stay there for a predestined length of time. At the end of it one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because in truth there is no such thing as death, returns us to our true home, the world of spirit or light. We rest and recuperate there from the stresses of earthly life until our spirit/soul feels strong enough to send its earthly counterpart to experience another spell as a material being in the material world.

And what about the belief that God is in the Heavens somewhere leaving us poor earthlings to struggle, each on their own with their existence in the material world? That’s probably the greatest illusion of them all, because our Creator has always been one with us and forever will be, as much as we have been and forever will be one with Him/Her. If you believe that the earthly plane is your home and that, when your time for parting company with it, you are snuffed out like a candle so that nothing remains of you, you are still caught up in one of our world’s biggest illusions.

Should you already be aware that the God-man Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature and that this is the only one who will ever be able to save and redeem you and me, as well as everybody else, congratulations for having woken up from being lost in the world of illusions. Welcome to the realisation of the true realities of our existence and that without its spiritual background we and our world would not even exist.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (11)

From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (6)

Let It Be

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Let It Be

The Angels and Masters in the
Spiritual background of earthly life
Are in charge of us and our world.
They are the voice of the Great Father/Mother
And of my conscience.
Whenever I’m in trouble,
Their wisdom and love speak to me:
‘Be still, My child,
There’s a reason for everything
And answers to all your questions.
Let Me show the way and
Refuse to rush into things.
For a while let them be,
So I can show you intuitively
How to respond.
Just let it be.

In my deepest, darkest hours
This voice whispers: ‘Let it be.’
And even if the broken-hearted people
Of our world as yet cannot recognise this presence,
The only thing they need to do is ask
For their guidance and protection
Which will never be denied.

That’s how, in due course,
Everybody learns about the living God within
And through their own experiences finds out
That God is as much part of us as we are of God,
That no-one is ever apart from God,
And that with the help and will
Of God and the Angels,
 The right way of handling
Any kind of situation is sure to be found.
Just tell them about your troubles
Follow their advice when it comes to you
Intuitively and then let things be.

Spiritual wisdom and truth are God’s light.
Whenever my life clouds over,
I ask for the radiance of this light
To shine onto whatever troubles me and
Then wait for it to light my way forwards and upwards
On my own evolutionary spiral and our world’s.
Trusting that its advice is always be right for me
And that it will never lead me astray,
Even though it may not yet be accepted by anyone else.
Knowing that this will continue forever,
It’s easy to not mind other people’s views
And let things be.

That’s how in any kind of difficult situation
Divine love and wisdom are always willing
To take over and light our way.
And I hear my inner guidance whispering:
‘Look for the lesson, be patient, My child.
Allow yourself to be and rest safely in the knowledge
That the answers to all your questions will
Never fail to come and show the way.
So just let yourself be and enjoy the voyage
Of your earthly existence as much as possible.
Never forget that each earthly lifetime is but a passing phase
Of your spirit/soul’s long evolutionary journey.’

Paul McCartney
Edited by Aquarius

Every earthly lifetime only ever lasts for a predestined length of time. At the end of each one we return to the spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home. In that world each one of us, without exception, rests and builds up their strength in preparation for the next time of venturing forth into taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. This continues for lifetime after lifetime until our education in that school can no longer teach us anything new. Our energies are then right for being released, by the wise ones in charge of our development, into taking part and exploring the next higher level of life. That’s how, with the passing of time, every one of us grows ever more Heaven-tall and each can only do this through learning from their own experiences. Slowly and steadily, each one of us moves forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral towards ever higher planes of existence. This continues until we have evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle. Reaching it eventually is every human being’s final destiny.

Updated January 2022

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Let It Be’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (12)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (7)

The Ukraine Crisis (1)

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – The Ukraine Crisis

My inner guidance tells me that what’s happening at present in the Ukraine is a major test of consciousness for anyone who is taking part in earthly life. The way we react shows God and the Angels quite clearly which degree of spiritual awareness and understanding we have reached. They are glad when, instead of shivering in our shoes, hoping and praying that the Russian leader Putin will be assassinated by someone, we decide sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to him because he simply does not know what he is doing to himself through the karmic debts he continues to shovel heartily into his spiritual ledger.

Such reactions show that we are aware that this too is happening for the wise higher purpose of teaching us and our world a vital lesson and that every human being can only take part in their lessons in their own way, depending on the degree of understanding we have reached. Most important of all is that our behaviour shows that we trust that God and the Angels are in charge of us and our world and never people the likes of the Russian leader. Another World War is not going to come about because that’s not what the Divine great evolutionary plan has in mind for the whole of the human race and our world. It would not be in keeping with the principles of Aquarian age because that’s the age in which honesty and truth will ever more return to our world and establish itself there.

In any case, the Ukraine is such an interesting country that it is well worth studying more closely. The land on which it is placed is an extremely fertile one that, with the passing of time, has developed into one of our world’s major breadbaskets. To this day, the Ukraine is one of our world’s most important exporters of wheat. I recommend having a look at what Wikipedia has to say about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine.

Jon Rappaport, investigator and reporter extraordinaire, writes the following about the background of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The wise one or living God within me tells me that this is the truth:

‘Alert: Ukraine chemical time bomb; warning to Putin and the Ukraine military.’

THERE ARE MANY STORAGE DEPOTS ALL OVER THE UKRAINE, WHERE DANGEROUS AND BANNED PESTICIDES HAVE BEEN KEPT BADLY FOR YEARS. Bombing and shelling that happens to strike these depots would cause devastating consequences. In 2009, I researched the problem of pesticides in the Ukraine. Use is not the only issue; so is storage. And the scope and danger are huge. Here is what I found:

Tamara Gurzhiy, ‘Expired and prohibited pesticides problem in Ukraine,’ Independent Agency for Ecological Information, Kharkiv, Ukraine (English translation): ‘Twenty thousand to 25,000 t [tons] of expired or prohibited pesticides are stored on 4,000 Ukrainian depots. This is a serious threat for people and environment. Arsenic compounds are highly toxic for cattle. Death comes within several hours…Majority of pesticide depots were not designed for long-term usage. Chemicals are stolen and illegally sold to people. Depots’ roofs collapsed over the time, pesticides’ wrapping gets [out of] of order, pesticides of different nature may become [a] catalyst of spontaneous chemical reactions with unpredictable results. Spontaneous fire may spread toxins on a wide area. Utilization of expired and prohibited pesticides is Ukrainian national problem.’

Many more interesting details follow the above and here is a link for the whole article so you can see for yourself:  https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2022/02/25/alert-ukraine-chemical-time-bomb-warning-to-putin-and-the-ukraine-military/

It seems that, fortunately for our world, the Ukrainian agricultural administration seem to have put such dangerous cargoes into storage rather than poisoning their land with them.

My own research has revealed the following about the background of the pesticides. Guess who produces them? None other than the pharmaceutical industry: ‘CropLife International is an influential trade association and lobby group for the world's major agrochemical and agricultural biotech companies. Its members Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science, BASF, Corteva Agriscience, and FMC are the five biggest pesticide companies in the world by agrochemical turnover.’ Find out more about this through following this link: https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2020/02/20/pesticides-croplife-hazardous-bayer-syngenta-health-bees/

Alas, to this day there are many in our world who consider the pharma industry to be a friend and helper of humankind and not a money-spinning enterprise with total disregard for the wellbeing and health not only of humankind but everything else that shares our planet. Most endangered are fertile places like the Ukraine. As long as the pharma industry is making plenty of money, its members are not in the least bothered about destroying the land on which people are living and that provides their livelihood.

Now that the pandemic is beginning to run out of  steam, because ever more of the truth behind the industry’s motivations is bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness, professional troublemakers and scaremongers must be delighted that another weapon of theirs for spreading fear into humankind with the threat that another World War is looming. My inner guidance tells me that even though the pandemic is a kind of World War III in its own right, a further one would not be in keeping with God’s great evolutionary plan, as mentioned before. That’s by no means the intention of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, because our world is penetrating ever deeper into the Aquarian age, the age of truth. This is why ever more of the truth is in the process of being made available by them, for example through my Aquarian writings.

Unaware of what kind of Zeitgeist now rules our world, every news item about the Ukraine crisis is pure gold for the shareholders of the military equipment industry. Thinking that it’s their turn for spinning the wheel of the money-spinning machine, they rejoice and rub their hands with glee. And that’s why for example, the USA have already pumped military equipment worth 350 million US$ into the Ukraine.

* * *

The Ukraine Crisis (2)

The simplest solution for overcoming the many problems the human race has created for itself in the course of thousands of years, would be destroying the material part of our planet. The Angels and Masters, in charge of our world’s development, undoubtedly have the power to do this. However, this would not satisfy humankind’s need to continue with the earthly school of life’s lessons for those who still require them. As a result, none of the earthly personalities of all sufficiently highly evolved spirit/souls would be unable to finish their curriculum.

The Divine evolutionary plan for the continuation of the human race provides that eventually all our world’s young and inexperienced spirit/souls shall reincarnate onto another planet whose energies are right for accommodating those of their earthly personalities. That’s how the new planet and humankind will be assisting each to evolve together, the same as it is still happening on Mother Earth. Find out more about this by following the relevant link below.

This is why, my inner guidance tells me, that total destruction of our world’s outer material plane is not going to happen. The earthly personalities of the spirit/souls who are presently taking part in life on this plane are responsible for having created the present situation, through the way they behaved in the course of many previous lifetimes. What we created, hand in hand with God and the Angels, without being aware that this is what we were doing,  has to be uncreated the same way. Through learning from our mistakes of the past, we are here to do better and each to our share of restoring our world into a place that’s pleasant and worth living and working for.

And the only way this can come about is through asking the wise ones in charge of us and our world for their advice, so that they can intuitively show us how to transform our planet from a materially over-orientated place into a spiritual one. I suggest that we keep on sending nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. After all, aren’t they our spiritually younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind? The trouble is that they just don’t know what they are doing and what, in the fullness of time the Universal Divine laws is bound to return to them, unless we can help them in some way. But how?

It’s very simple really because as explained in previous parts of my writings, our world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. Positive, kind and loving thoughts, especially for those who do  not yet know why they are here and that every human being in truth is a young God in the making, even though the recipient could still be far away of waking up to this, it’s a fact. Our thoughts can help their spirit/soul absorb more of the Christ light which speeds up the development of their spiritual nature. The more our thoughts feed into the light stream, for individuals and as a whole, the more that stream’s strength increases.   

Unaware of what they are doing to themselves, our troublemakers and scaremongers are increasing the dark stream’s strength. The light stream is capable of absorbing ever more of our world’s darkness, especially when we pray for this to happen. The more we feed into it, the more it comes about quite naturally. Spiritual development never has been about revenge. Its main concern is helping each other to understand, so the other one can progress as much as possible. Everybody does this on their own evolutionary spiral and the one for the whole of humankind and our world. Never forget that the more we feed into our world’s light stream, the more darkness it can absorb.

One of the finest ways of assisting this development is trusting that we and our world have always rested safely in the wise and loving hands of the Highest Forces of life and that this is sure to continue, forever. No forces exist in the whole of Creation who would ever have had the power of interfering with this. The more we trust, the more our whole approach to life feeds into the light stream, through the fact of just being here. The more it can then absorb of the darkness that still exists in our world.

When I had finished making notes with pen and paper in preparation for this chapter, I stepped to my window. As ever, insights were coming to me intuitively. An amazing sight greeted me. At that very moment, a beautifully marked butterfly landed on one of my primroses’ blooms. It happened on the 25th February 2022 and I have never spotted a butterfly as early as that. Clearly, this one was bringing me the message that everything is well with our world and also my own healing journey within it. The spiritual development of both clearly has by now left behind the ugly caterpillar stage. Having evolved into a beautiful butterfly who has the power of lifting itself above our worlds’ troubles, simply through being able to recognise why things have to happen and  delighted to be part of the process of leaving this phase behind.

* * *

The Ukraine Crisis (3)

The wise one or living God within me, from now on wishes to communicate with you directly: ‘There definitely will not be another World War. The warmongering that’s still flaring up in your world here and there, are left-overs from the reign of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its false belief that your world is ruled by and dominated an all-male God-head. Naturally, such beliefs never had the power of changing that the first and second impulse of Creation have always been and forever will be the energies of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Together with the Universal Christ Star’s light they form the Divine Trinity who always have and forever will continue to bring into being and maintain all material aspects of the whole of Creation, including you and everything that exists in your world.

Everything that happens there serves the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind something. Naturally, the pandemic is not exempt from this. It’s an essential aspect of the clearing out process of karmic debts which were accumulated in humankind individual and collective spiritual ledgers in the course of the patriarchy’s warmongering efforts. The Ukrainian crisis is an important contributor because it draws humankind’s attention to the role that was played by the pharmaceutical industry for a long time. As this has been explained sufficiently in other parts of the Aquarian writings, there is no need to go into any further details here.

The beliefs of your world’s old religions also served a wise higher purpose. It created a barrier of fear around the spiritual background of humankind’s existence that was strong enough to keep human beings away from ending it by their own hands, as the going got ever tougher for those who, at any given time, were taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. It’s been a blockage that stopped sufficient numbers of human beings for long enough from returning to their true home, the spirit realm, of their own free will. As ever more of you are finding out these days, there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to in that world.

Let’s turn to the old religions for a moment longer. They were created by none other than the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who are in charge of carrying out God’s great evolutionary plan for everything that exists on your planet. They are the Highest Authority of the whole of Creation. Nothing happens anywhere within it without they not only knowing what’s happening but allowing it. As far as the development of humankind and its world is concerned, it always has been and forever will be for the purpose of teaching those who, at any given time, are taking part in its lessons. Every one of them is an essential component of your education as a young God in the making. That’s what every one of you is, even though for a long time you are unaware that an extremely high and holy destiny is in store for all human beings.

And when at last you understand why things have been happening to you and your world, during the thousands of years of patriarchy, you will probably want to go down on your knees before the Great Father/Mother of life and thank them for always having taken such good care of you and your requirements. You are likely to want to thank for the perfect justice of the Divine Universal laws of life that has always returned to you what, in any of your earthly lifetimes, you sent into your world. This degree of understanding of the background of your existence, when the end of your present lifetime has come round, will free you from compulsorily having to take part in being a material being in a material world.

As a young God in the making, you will then soon continue your education through exploring and getting to know the next higher level of the spirit realm, your true home. Never again will you feel lost and lonely because spirit friends and helpers, whom you will be able to see and communicated with consciously, will continue to accompany your journey, wherever it may still need to take you. You will never be afraid again of what lies ahead, because you know that spirit friends and helpers will forever be with you. That’s how it was before but in the past you could not see them. So you never really trusted that they were there, helping and advising you about which way to turn, whenever your life’s pathway reached a junction.

Until one of the Angels of transformation releases your spirit/soul from your present physical body, do what you can to alleviate your world’s suffering and in particular wherever warmongering is raging to this day, especially in the Ukraine. As you know by now, and I shall never tire of reminding you of it, most of all every one of you can assist your world by sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the troublemakers and scaremongers who are presently on the giving end of humankind’s lesson of getting to know the nature of suffering. Forgive them because they truly do not know what they are doing, most of all to themselves, and what in the fullness of time is bound to return to them. Do your best to alleviate this fate with your thoughts.

If the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle destroyed the outer material aspect of your world, which they alone would have the power to do, it would be very simple for them. All they needed to do is reverse the process that brings into being everything that exists in your world’s outer material plane. It is done by slowing the atoms of the Christ Star’s light down sufficiently to create the illusion of something strong and solid, which in truth it is not.

This would not solve your world’s present problems, merely create new ones and that’s because the Angels of transformation would then have to take all of you home into the world of light. What do you think would happen to those who still need to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, one after the other, and that  several times over? One small step forwards and upwards, this is how every human being has always travelled, each on their own evolutionary spiral without for a long time being aware of what’s happening to them and why they are taking part in earthly life.

The barrier your world’s old religions created, as useful as it was during the patriarchy, is no longer required because the Aquarian age of truth has been with your world for quite a while by now. The Israel and Yemen conflict is another one of the left-overs from the old religions’ false beliefs. Throughout your world the religious barrier consisted of the fear of what was once considered by human beings as death and what awaits you after it. In truth, there is no death merely a transformation into a different lifestate. As ever more of you know by now, every bit the old religious tales was untrue! May it suffice here to repeat that there is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to when you leave the earthly plane behind and your spirit/soul is released into enjoying the ever greater freedom of its true home, the spirit realm.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘Humankind’s Ascent From Darkness’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (13)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (8)

When The Curtain Comes Down (1)

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – When The Curtain Comes Down (1)

At the beginning of every earthly lifetime, until the curriculum of being educated on that plane has been completed, our spirit/soul’s old earthly personality reincarnates time and again into a brand-new physical body that enables it to play yet another role on the grand theatre stage of our world. It consists of a material and an inner spiritual aspect. And when at last the curtain comes down between them for you at the end of your present lifetime, dear Julia, your spirit/soul will be meeting the spirit/soul who, also in his most recent lifetime, got lost in playing the role of your angry father.

Thank you for providing me with the dates of both your parents’ birth and death; we shall return to their meaning later. For the moment it’s good to know that your father was not a Sun Aries like my mother. At all times, during her most recent lifetime, she was all too happy to react angrily to just about anyone who did not agree with her. She loved crossing swords at the slightest provocation. Astrology has helped me to forgive her because she was what’s known as ‘ruled by the Stars’. Find out more about this by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

What you told me about your parents reminds me of the time when my mother and father were, at least for a while, separated from each other in their earthly existence, so they could no longer egg each other on. Because of having learnt in the meantime that everybody has the best as well as the worst within them, it’s no longer hard for me to forgive both of them. But to this day, I am grateful that my father created an opportunity for getting to know the other side of him. It came about when we lived in Burley-in-Wharfedale, a long time ago and he visited me and my family. Having been born on the 31st January 1901, he was a double Aquarius. These days, that helps me to explain just about everything about his behaviour. Aquarians are good friends with everybody and are happiest when one allows them to march to the tune of their inner drum.

As children we used hate having to go to town with him because he seemed to know just about everybody. Each time he had to stop to exchange a few friendly words. When he came to visit us, without speaking a word of English, he travelled on his own from Hirschberg in the Arnsberg Forest, Germany, via Rotterdam, Holland, sailed on the Ellermann-Wilson line, to Hull, England, and from there by rail to us. He had no difficulties finding us because he met lots of friendly people who were happy to help him get where he wanted to be, at the backend of nowhere really.

Grateful for every bit that we did for him, my father had a wonderful time exploring Ilkley Moor, which was not far from where we lived. He had brought his hiking gear with him. An essential part of it were two books about our world’s flora and fauna. They were always in his rucksack when he went hiking, which he did in every spare moment that became available. In those days, people worked long hours and on top of it my father was a fine gardener with a large garden to look after. The titles of his books were ‘Was fliegt denn da? What fliegt there?’ and ‘Was waechst denn da? What grows there?’ I knew them from my childhood days when we occasionally had to walk with him because mother wanted a few quiet hours to herself. We did not like it because he seemed to find it impossible to slow down to the walking speed we needed. Along the way, father gathered specimens of anything he did not recognise. Later at home with the help of his books found out their name and habitat.

When father visited us was the time when at last I got to love him and could never stop at being amazed about his great variety of abilities and interests. My mother had done her best to avoid us children getting to really know and love him. I cannot thank astrology enough for helping me to recognise what a wonderful human being he truly was. My mother’s father had drunk himself to death in his early fifties. My father neither drank nor smoked. That may well have been the main reason why she married and accepted him to be the father of her children, three girls and a boy, although in truth she probably hated the males of our species.

Julia, you will get to meet both your parents when your spirit/soul returns to the spirit realm, at the end of your present lifetime. They as well as you will then be nothing but each their own spirit/soul. The most recent earthly personalities and the role you and they played on the grand stage of the theatre of humankind’s earthly existence will have been left behind. They have been shed and its characteristics will then be stored in the memories of each party’s soul. As residents of the spirit realm the three of you will be aware of what’s at stake, that each is following the spiral of their own evolutionary journey. That’s how every human being, without exceptions, in the course of many earthly lifetimes slowly but surely develops into a Christed one, each in their own right.

What happened between us and our parents in our most recent lifetime was similar to playacting in an ordinary earthly school. Spiritually, every one of us is a child or student each time we are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. That’s what happened to me and the members of my family who returned to our true home, the spirit realm, many years ago. It was the karmic bonds that brought about the events of our most recent lifetime. They kept us tied us together like cast iron chains in the course of many earthly sojourns. The only thing that has the power of dissolving such bonds are forgiveness and love. They grow quite naturally from a better understanding of the spiritual background of these relationships and the purpose they once served.

In truth, the people we meet and in particular those with whom close and troublesome relationships have to be endured. It’s by no means the first time that we are together. We have known each other for a long time and in the course of many lifetimes, we have been meeting each other. Each time both parties appeared in a different role. Sometimes we made the other one suffer and on other occasions they did the same to us. All this happened without either of us being aware that we have been together many times before. Each time we took part in one of the many lessons of the earthly school of life. When at last we understand what happened and why, it becomes possible to genuinely change troublesome relationships into ones that are based on friendship and love. That alone dissolves the karmic bond that once existed between us and it is no more.

By the way, it might interest you that during our spells in the spirit realm, we are neither woman nor man. We are both, androgynous and whole, the same as our Creator and Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life. In truth, we do not need anyone to make us whole, because on the inner level we always are, even in earthly life. And when our spirit/soul has returned to the spirit realm, together with the wise ones in charge of our development, they decide whether in our next lifetime it would be more beneficial to reincarnate into a feminine or masculine physical body. We go for whatever promises to be most helpful for our earthly self to learn from that lifetime’s lesson. At the same time we are creating some more karmic debts and redeem some that could have been waiting in our spiritual ledger for long enough. After the wise ones have consulted about the practicality of their idea with the Angels of Karma, they make their decision. Only if it sounds acceptable to us, we apply for our next earthly lifetime.

And when that lifetime has run its course and the earthly selves have attended to the lesson it had in store for them. Glad to be able to leave the earthly plane behind, their spirit/souls return to the world of light, their eternal home. Like actors on a stage, when the curtain has come down over one of their performances, in which they could for example have been acting as if they were deadly enemies, the spirit/souls reach out for each other and embrace, congratulating the other party on the success of their brilliant performance. Behind the curtain of their earthly existence it has not disturbed their love and eternal friendship for each other. Quite the opposite is true. Their most recent encounter has strengthened both and has been living proof of how well they were matched by the wise ones whom they trusted with their development.

And that’s how the acting talent of the spirit/souls involved, with every appearance becomes more refined and enjoyable. It takes a long time until the lower earthly selves realise that whatever happened to them as material beings in a material world was nothing but play-acting that served the wise higher purpose of teaching them, on every occasion something of immense value.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (14)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (9)

When The Curtain Comes Down (2)

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – The Epilogue – When The Curtain Comes Down (2)

 And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I’ll say it clear,
I’ll state my case of which I’m certain.
I’ve lived a life that’s full,
I’ve travelled each and every highway,
And more, much more than this
I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few,
But then again too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through, without exemption.
I planned
Each charted course,
Each careful step,
Along the byway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Paul Anka

Six thousand years of patriarchy with its false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices created a powerful barrier that protected humankind against finding out too soon that there really is nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, whenever the end of one of our earthly lifetimes has come round. Alas, since then it has become something natural for human beings to be afraid of what lies ahead, not only at the end of their present lifetime but also of what the future may hold in store, in general terms.

The deeper our world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the age of truth that is waiting to flow from the highest levels of life directly into the  hearts and minds of those who tune into their energies and ask for their assistance. This is why ever more of us are finding out that in truth there never is any need to be afraid of anything and that’s because spirit guides and helpers have always accompanied us wherever our pathway on the earthly plane may lead. This will forever continue and although our spirit friends are invisible to earthly eyes, they most certainly are there. Yet, if one of us wants their help, it has to be asked for. Otherwise they are not allowed to advise us intuitively of the best way of proceeding whenever problematic situations are encountered.

It’s good to know that nothing in earthly life is ever an accident or a coincidence. Everything has always been most carefully planned by the wise ones in charge of our development, individually as well as collectively. There always has been a wise higher reason behind everything that’s ever happened in our world. Included are the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy that filled our human soul memories with layer upon layer of fear about what happens to us at the end of each lifetime and beyond. As sufficient has already been said about this theme, it’s not necessary to go into more details.

At all times the Highest Forces of life have been and forever will be occupied with teaching humankind some lessons that are vital for young Gods in the making. That’s what every one of us is, whether we are as yet aware of it or not. And it’s why at any given time, young and spiritually inexperienced earthly selves, independent of what age their physical bodies had reached, have been and still are occupied with getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of their human nature. Unfortunately, this cannot be done any other way than young and spiritually inexperienced earthlings spreading as much suffering as possible to their older and more experienced siblings in the great family of humankind.

One group being occupied with piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledgers, creates opportunities for another group to redeem the debts they created when they were spiritual youngsters. And that’s why I thank you, Great Father/Mother of all life, for the immense wisdom that your perfect justice clearly shows. On the surface of things, thanking for something of this nature might come across as perverse. Yet, I assure you that it is nothing of the kind because I, the same as everybody else is after all a young God in the making who needs to be familiarised with both side of the coin of everything that’s likely to ever happen to us young Gods. It thank you for how far your perfect justice has brought not only me but our whole world thus far.

Considering our world’s present state, I am delighted that I must be on the threshold of returning to my true eternal home, the spirit realm. Hopefully my departure from this plane will come about soon. Having reached the eighty-fifth year of my present lifetime, I have had more than enough of earthly life and am delighted about leaving something of value behind. I hope that’s what my ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ are. They will continue to be available, free of charge as ever, for as long as they may be required.

Since having found out that earthly life is a school and a place of learning, Since spiritual knowledge, which as I know now started to come to me intuitively from the highest levels of life, many years ago, I have been of the firm conviction that it is too precious to be sold to the highest bidders. To my mind, it belongs to everybody and not merely those who can afford to pay large amounts for books that have been published. If you are familiar with my writings, you will be able to appreciate that spiritually I must be immensely rich. Giving my treasures away makes a great deal of sense when you consider that, each time we depart from earthly plane, not a single penny of any wealth that’s been accumulated on the material plane can be taken with us.

The only thing that truly belongs to us, and that in all Eternity, which no-one will ever even try to take from us, is the learning we have acquired up to any given point of our earthly education. That’s the only way one of us can grow ever more Heaven-tall, i.e. spiritually aware that there are no places like Heaven and hell, no saviour and redeemer like Jesus, and so and so forth. Because of this, I would like to say like Edith Piaf, who once was known as the singing sparrow of Paris: ‘Non, je ne regrette rien. Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait. Ni le mal, tout ça m’est bien égal.’

Like Edith, I do not regret anything that ever happened to me. I am just thankful for all of it because I now know that it came about for the wise higher purpose of teaching me something. At the same time, the suffering that came my way, being unavoidable served the wise higher purpose of helping me to redeem some of my outstanding karmic debts. Would anyone want to complain about that?

Also, I really cannot see any point in weeping when loved ones depart from the earthly plane, when in truth they are alive and well in the spirit realm and enjoying ever more of its greater freedom. And isn’t it the highest time that everybody wakes up to the fact that, in truth, nobody has ever been our enemy? This is because on the inner spiritual plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything. Isn’t it good to know that everybody is our sibling in the great family of humankind and that nothing on the earthly plane truly belongs to us? This most certainly applies to whole countries.

Everything on the earthly plane is borrowed and merely a gift that has been loaned to us by the Highest Forces of life, for a predestined certain length of time. Even our physical body does not belong to us and has to be returned each time the end of one lifetime has been reached, in as good condition as possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (15)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (1)

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - When The Curtain Goes Up

The following is a message from the wise one or living God within me, in whom life in the whole of Creation is one, who therefore knows the way of all things and never leads us astray: ‘Ever more people in your world these days are waking up to the realisation that the essence of their being is spirit/soul. It is this aspect of their being who is experiencing life on the earthly plane of life and not the other way round. Every one of you is much more than merely a physical being in a material world who – oh yes, by the way – also has a spirit and a soul. It’s the spirit/soul of every human being, without exception, who a long time ago started its evolutionary journey as the tiniest of sparks of your Creator’s sacred fire that consists of nothing but the highest emanation of love. That’s why every one of you is as immortal and eternal as the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and why none of you will or even can ever die.

‘From the moment of taking part in earthly life, your spirit/soul is clothed in a physical body. As you have no idea that this body is merely a vehicle for getting around on the material plane of life, you think of yourself as just another material being in a material world, the same as millions of others. Even though you could not be more wrong, it’s necessary that you believe this for a predestined length of time. Every lifetime you spend on the material plane serves the wise higher purpose of taking part in lesson after lesson. Every of them is essential for young Gods in the making. That’s what every one of you is, without exception, and it makes no difference whether someone is as yet aware of this fact or not. Alas, not knowing still applies to many who are taking part in earthly life, without being aware of why they are there and why things are happening to them.

‘These unaware ones are there because transformation time with a capital T has come round for your world. The Highest Forces of life are transforming your planet from an over-materialistically oriented place into an ever more spiritual one. What’s been happening for some years by now was specially designed for this purpose. Who might these Highest Forces be? The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. Make no mistake about it, they are the ones who always have been and forever will be in charge of not only attending to humankind’s development but also of everything that shares the Earth with you.

‘What’s been happening in your world for some time by now, was designed to take all spiritually unawakened ones in your midst by the scruff of their necks. They are being shaken and asked to investigate why things of this nature have to happen to them. As yet, they are unaware that earthly life can be likened to the stage of an immense theatre, on which humankind’s destiny has always been unfolding. It’s all too easy to get lost in playing a certain part for as long as you do not yet know who and what every one of you truly is. This is why I am here now.

‘You need to know that every one of you has always been taking part in one or the other particularly grand performance. Each one is meant to assist the consciousness of those involved to expand through experiences that help you to day by day grow in ever more wisdom and understanding, of yourself, the whole of humankind and your world. On every occasion you don’t understand something, you are meant to turn to your Highest Self, the wise one or living God within you, in whom all life is one, and ask questions like: ‘What’s happening in our world? Why do I have to take part in this? Why am I here?’

‘The spiritual journey that constantly takes every human being forwards and upwards, individually and collectively, on your world’s evolutionary spiral. And that’s how, at a certain developmental stage, the curtain of understanding goes up on the performance of why things are happening in your world’s material aspect. The background of its eternal spiritual reality, as well as your own, then becomes ever more visible. You realise how immense the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother has to be that millions of years ago, they created a physical world so that, much later in the course of many thousands of years this place could be used as a training ground for their human offspring.

‘As a young God in the making, each one of them always has been precious beyond compare, even though for a long time each one is unaware that this is what they truly are. ‘During the early stages of every offspring’s development, the material world is something behind which they can hide, so that unashamed and unhindered each of has the freedom to experience the lower and lowest aspects of their nature.

‘Your world’s material and spiritual aspects have always been one. And because every one of you needs to experience the full spectrum of everything that’s likely to ever happen to young Gods, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, you take part in it twice. First you are on the giving end of manifesting the unpleasant human character traces onto the world around you. Later, when your spirit/soul has matured sufficiently so that its earthly personality is capable of coping with what the Divine Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, in due course is bound to them what they once freely and happily handed out to anyone who came near them. At that stage, each one of you finds themselves on the receiving end of similar experiences. It takes a long time until you realise why such unpleasant and unhappy events have to come about in your life, in spite of the fact that you are making every effort to behave in pleasant and agreeable ways, at all times.

‘This is how it comes about that, in the course of many lifetimes, hundreds and sometimes thousands, every one of you time and again plays their predestined role on the grand theatre stage of earthly life, unaware that at all times the spirit/soul of your earthly personality is its own ancestor and, at the same time, descendant. For many lifetimes you have no idea that this is what every one of you is. But when at last you look at life from the spiritual perspective, it dawns on you that those who are presently being killed by Russian bombs that are being dropped on the Ukraine, aren’t they really the fortunate ones? And that’s because old and experienced spirit/souls are dwelling in the physical bodies that are being destroyed.

‘Their suffering is the redemption of the karmic debts they once piled into their spiritual ledgers, a long time ago when they spiritually were still as young and inexperienced as those who these days are commanding the bomber fleets, as well as those who are making the bombs and dropping them. When you were at their developmental stage, like them you had no idea that you are personally responsible for every thought, word and action you release into your world and that, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma would return every bit of them to you. Even though you were ignorant of these things, it did not protect you against having to live with the consequences of whatever you did to anyone a long time ago. Naturally, this also applies to those who are now dropping bombs anywhere in your world onto seemingly innocent people.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (16)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (2)

‘Don’t be fooled by any impression with which the surface of the material plane supplies you. The underlying spiritual truth is that physical bodies who are being killed, at any given time, while their indwelling spirit/soul is eternal and immortal. It has been taken by one of the Angels of transformation, not of death because spiritually death does not exist. The physical body of anyone who has been killed served the purpose of an overcoat that, in each lifetime, is worn similar to an overcoat. It was specially created for this purpose, made to last for a predestined length of time. The age of the spirit/soul wearing it is impossible to tell from your perspective of life.

‘In the case of the people killed in the Ukraine conflict many of the spirit/souls have been waiting for a long time for an opportunity like this to redeem their last outstanding karmic debts. And I hope you will find what happened less cruel when you know that their spirit/soul were taken by the Angels of transformation to the spirit realm, their true eternal home. There is nowhere else to go when someone’s earthly lifetime has run its course and the outer shell of their physical body has served the purpose for which it came into being. On top of all that, it’s the last time that the earthly personalities of those who are being killed in all your world’s present warzones, not merely in the Ukraine, never again have to compulsorily take part in life on the material plane. Their education in the earthly school of life is complete.

‘Their spirit/soul energies have been cleansed by the ordeal each earthly personality had to endure. Because of this the spirit/soul is now ready for being released into continuing its education by exploring and taking part in the spirit realm’s next higher level. After that one, comes the next higher level and so on and so forth. That’s how every human being, each through their own efforts, is constantly moving forwards and upwards on their individual evolutionary spiral, and at the same time on the spiral of the whole of humankind and your world. This evolutionary journey, for each one of you and not merely a selected few, continues until your spirit/soul has reached the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle and joined them. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan of life, you will then be able to create and uncreate whole worlds and everything that’s taking part in them.

‘The intervals that your spirit/soul, every so often, spends at home, serve the recovery from the stresses and strains of your earthly existence. You are then aware that without applying for one lifetime after another, you would never be able to reach the end of your education on the earthly plane. You do this freely and willingly because you know that you will then be released from the compulsion of taking part earthly life’s lessons. Without attending to them, you would never be allowed to continue your education by exploring the greater freedom of the spirit realm and taking part in them.

‘On every occasion you leave the earthly plane behind, your spirit/soul joins the group that’s been taking care of you, and also your loved ones, when you still dwelled on the other side of the veil that to this day separates the two parts of your world. As mentioned before, spiritually nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything you do comes about of your own free will. And nobody will ever be released into the greater freedom of the spirit realm without having served their apprenticeship on the material plane. Each group is headed by a spirit/soul who is more highly evolved than the rest of its members. All of them welcome each newcomer and do their best to start showing them which ways of supporting and helping those on the other side of the veil are allowed and which are not. And because this is what’s first and foremost in the minds of all new arrivals, they gladly accept the period of learning that’s ahead.

‘But let’s return for a moment to the victims of your world’s warzones, not merely the Ukraine but all others. In each case, what happens is for two wise higher reasons. The first one is the redemption of outstanding karmic debts for old and experienced spirit/souls. The second one piles new karmic obligations into the spiritual bank accounts of young and inexperienced spirit/souls. The time has come for realising that, in the final analysis, whatever happens to your physical body is nothing like as important as how much its indwelling spirit/soul learns from the experiences. Through this, in the course of many lifetimes, every one of you grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, why you are taking part in the earthly school of life, and your world.

‘Every human being’s spirit/soul once started its evolutionary journey as the tiniest of sparks of the Great Father/Mother’s only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. That’s why every one of you, whether you are as yet aware of it or not, is an eternal and immortal being that will and can never be truly hurt or destroyed by anyone or anything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. From this you will be able to see for yourself that all is well and forever will be, and that with every one of you, the whole of humankind as well as your world.

‘If you wish to alleviate any kind of suffering, and especially that which to this day is created in your world’s warzones by the spiritual youngsters in your midst, whose higher nature has not yet woken from its slumber. The best way of helping it to wake up is by sending ever more kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to them, individually as well as collectively as a group. They really do not yet know not what they are doing, most of all to themselves because of what, in the fullness of time, is bound to return to them, unless you do your best to assist them with the power of your thinking patterns. Every one of your thoughts feeds into the light stream of consciousness of your world and strengthens it. The more this happens, the more this stream becomes capable of gradually absorbing ever more of the darkness that still exists on your plane of life.

‘Once more I would like to remind you that spiritually nobody ever forces any human being to do anything. Whatever you do it’s of your own free will. Never forget that the spirit/souls of those who to this day are being killed in your world’s remaining warzones, before entering into their present lifetime, agreed with the suggestion of the wise ones in charge of their spiritual development, that the physical bodies of their earthly personalities should die the way they are doing. Spiritually this makes a great deal of sense, because it’s a process that has the power of cleansing any spirit/soul’s spiritual bank account of all outstanding debts. Accumulated in the course of many earthly lifetimes, they have been waiting for a long time to be redeemed, when for them the end of their education in the earthly school of life has come round.

‘When your earthly personality’s suffering has cleansed your spirit/soul’s energies, at last you are fully and consciously aware that you, the same as every other human being – independent of which developmental level anyone may have reached at any given moment – in truth is a young God in the making. Now your energies are right for permanently staying at home in the spirit realm. You will be continuing your education there and never again have to reincarnate onto the earthly plane in order to take part in its lessons. This eventually sets every one of you free to explore and take part in ever higher levels of the spirit realm.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (17)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (3)

‘If one of these days, you get to watch the video of a young mother weeping for the child she has lost in one of your world’s warzones, bear in mind that mother and child are taking part in an outstandingly beautiful part of their development. It’s for wise higher reasons that none of you has any conscious recall of what happened to you in previous lifetimes and what kind of lessons you were then attending. Every one of you, without exception, is a young God in the making. One of the most essential aspects of your earthly education is being familiarised with the nature of suffering. That’s why in some of your lifetimes you are first at the giving end of handing it out to those around you. Later, when your spirit/soul has spiritually matured sufficiently so that your earthly personality can cope with what comes its way, you are on the receiving end of this lesson, just the same as all others.  

‘This is why, at some stage of their development, everybody from time to time has to wade through the depths of suffering. And that’s why the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom protects all its offspring against knowing what they might have been up to in past lifetimes. Rest assured that otherwise no mother would ever have to go through the ordeal of losing her child. It takes a long time until you understand the wise higher reason behind such experiences. Something of this nature could only happen to you because the perfect justice of the Divine law of cause and effect or Karma was returning to you what you did to someone in one or even several of your previous lifetimes.

‘When you are on the receiving end of a similar experiences, it makes no difference whether this time round you have appeared in the disguise of a woman or man who is suffering over the loss of a child. Not knowing that it happened for a wise higher reason would most alleviate the pain of your suffering. But the suffering lesson requires that every one of you has to wade through the very depths of it, without this knowledge. Even though in one or several previous lifetimes, you may robbed someone of their child or children, rest assured that this did not make you into a miserable worm or sinner.

‘Nobody ever is or was one of them, the way your old religion’s preachermen used to spout from the pulpit. It was done for the purpose of making their listeners feel thoroughly guilty, so they would part with their possession more easily when the time of their departure from the earthly plane had come. They needed someone to save and redeem them, so that they would go to Heaven instead of frying forever in the fires of hell. The more they donated to their churches, the more easily the non-existent saviour and redeemer could do this.

‘Many of you by now are aware that every human being always has been a pupil or student in the earthly school of life, no more and no less. That’s how in the course of many lifetimes, time and again all of you take part in the same lessons. Every new round of the zodiac takes every one of you forwards and upwards onto a somewhat higher level of awareness.

‘Every human being, without exception, is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life, your Creator, and therefore no less than a young God in the making, no more and no less. The Divine justice is perfect and this achieved through the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma. This law ensures that whenever one of you has reached the end of their earthly education, their spirit/soul has a thorough grasp of every experience that’s likely to ever come your way. In particular this applies to the lessons of familiarising them with the nature of suffering.

‘This is the reason why, in some of the lifetimes at the beginning of our education in the earthly school of life, you are on the giving end of suffering, handing it out generously to anyone who comes within your reach. The more someone hurts, in whatever manner that comes to your mind, the better you feel. The second instalment of the same lesson you receive when your spirit/soul has matured sufficiently. In the course of may earthly lifetimes, every spirit/soul appears time and again to play another role on the grand theatre stage of earthly life, with a different earthly personality. This is how each spirit/soul, in the fullness of time experiences, i.e. many lifetimes later, something similar to what it once inflicted upon others during previous ones.

‘Because each one of you is a young God in the making, that’s why the Great Father/Mother, your true eternal Divine parents, take the greatest care to familiarise all of you with both sides of every issue that’s ever likely to concern you. Rest assured that whatever happens to any of you, during their intervals on the earthly plane, never has anything to do with guilt and revenge. And nothing happens there perchance, is an accident or a coincidence. Spiritually, such things do not exist. Everything has been most carefully planned and designed to provide for all needs of every Divine human offspring. We shall return to this theme.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (18)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (4)

‘There is nothing you can do about what happens to you. It’s all written in the great book of life and that for every one of you. When you reflect on what might you might have been up to in any of your earthly lifetimes, the best thing you can do is to forgive. Start with forgiving yourself for once, and that could have been many lifetimes ago, setting the wheels of destiny and fate in motion. Then set about forgiving anyone who hurt and harmed you in some way. Initially, you may not be able to understand why these things should have happened. Never mind. Forgive anyway.

‘The more your spiritual nature wakes from its slumbers, the more you will be able to recognise why I am suggesting this. You are dealing with a dual bookkeeping system, if ever there was one. And that’s how every one of you, with the help of forgiveness, possesses the power of restoring the balance of their spiritual bank account. As pointed out in the previous chapter, although though in every lifetime a different earthly personality appears on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life, each indwelling spirit/soul remains the same.

‘The justice of your eternal Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother is perfect. Through the law of cause and effect or Karma their love and wisdom ensure that all lessons of humankind’s earthly existence are thoroughly enough learnt by every one of their human offspring. But it takes until you have almost completed your earthly curriculum that, at last, it dawns on you that for a long time your spirit/soul has been playing the role of its own ancestor as well as descendant. And that’s how it became possible for your consciousness to constantly keep on expanding.

‘As a result, each one of your earthly personalities entered the earthly plane equipped with an increased amount of wisdom and understanding. And eventually you reach the developmental point of realising who and what you truly are and always have been and that the same is true for all human beings. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not makes no difference. But it comes to everybody when they no longer need to be educated on the earthly plane. When the light of your inner and outer being have become equally strong, so that they act as one, you have evolved into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own right.

‘In each lifetime, and the gap between them could be hundred and sometimes even thousands of years in earthly terms apart, it’s the same spirit/soul who slips into the costume of another earthly personality. Nonetheless, your inner self although its consciousness has expanded enormously, is still the same and that’s the wonder and miracle of the human evolutionary journey. It takes every one of you, without exception, from getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of your human nature, up to the highest peak of being a companion of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God.

‘In keeping with God’s great plan of life, you always have been equipped with the power of thought, even though for a long time you haves been unaware that you possess this power. Having reached the peak of your evolutionary journey, you are aware of the power of your thoughts. In the course of your evolutionary journey, you have learnt how to use them wisely. That’s because you will eventually be capable of creating and destroying, at your will, whole worlds and everything within them. Can you see why the kind of education every one of you receives from the word ‘go’ is of the greatest importance? Why it begins with attending the earthly school of life’s lessons and that in the course of many lifetimes? Ever forwards and upwards every one of you constantly moves on their own individual evolutionary spiral, as well as the one for the whole of humankind and its world.

‘Can you see why it is of the utmost importance that none of you will ever be released into the spirit realm to fend for themselves? As touched upon earlier, nobody ever forces you to take part in anything. Yet, whenever your spirit/soul goes home at the end of each lifetime, you are invited to join the group of spirit guides who have been taking care of you on the earthly plane. You will be invited to join them and take part in a kind of apprenticeship that consists of observing the behaviour of the more experienced members of your group and especially the most highly evolved one at the head. Each group has one and by watching them you learn how they go about supporting those who are still taking part in earthly life. Eventually, the inner spiritual and the outer material aspects of earthly life will have melted into one. There will then be peace, balance and harmony on both sides.

‘As touched upon earlier, first and foremost every human being is a spirit/soul who is experiencing life in the material world and not the other way round. You are by no means a physical being in a material world who from time to time thinks: ‘Ah yes, I also have a spirit/soul! So what?’ It’s this aspect of your being who, for wise higher educational reasons every so often takes part in life on the earthly plane. That’s how every one of you and your planet, in the course of millions of years, have always been assisting each other with their development. It takes every one of you from the lowest level up to the highest plane. And for a long time you believe that you are struggling on your own, but in truth you could not be more wrong. At a certain developmental stage you begin to realise that spirit friends and helpers have always been around and with you, to look after you and show the way.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (19)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (5)

‘With every lifetime that one of you spends on the earthly plane, the indwelling spirit/soul’s Divine spark absorbs ever more of the Christ energies and light. That’s because the Universal Star at all times has done its best to draw not only every human being but your whole world closer into its loving embrace. As the strength of everybody’s own Divine spark’s light is constantly growing, with the passing of time on the earthly plane, all spirit/souls reach an ever more enlightened state through their lower earthly selves attending lesson after lesson in the earthly school of life.

‘Through this process the inner and outer aspects of every one of you are constantly increasing in wisdom and understanding of yourselves, the whole of humankind and its world. This is how all of you, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, slowly but surely evolve into Christed ones. However, everybody can only do this for themselves. This is because no-one could ever do the work of changing your character from manifesting that which is ugly and evil to something that’s nothing but good, right and beautiful.

‘But every human being eventually reaches the stage of their development when they wake up to who and what they truly are and why things have always been happening to them. It then dawns on you that your spirit/soul’s development has always been much more important than what happens to its lower earthly self, in the course of each lifetime. The earthly self is the lower aspect of your higher nature, your spirit/soul. To help it to grow and evolve, every so often it reincarnates onto the earthly plane and is provided with a brand-new physical body. Spirit/souls are eternal and immortal while each new body is but a gift on time. As soon as each lifetime has served the purpose for which it was created by God and the Angels, it is returned to Mother Earth. Its components are the atoms of matter and they are recycled, the same as everything else that ever manifests itself on the material plane, not only on your planet.

‘Something like a curtain for a long time has been hiding your world’s spiritual background as well as the true wise and higher reasons why things had to happen in times gone by and why they still have to now. Not understanding any of these things has been creating a barrier of consciousness in every human being. However, this blockage is no longer required because the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has been with you for quite some time by now. And the deeper your world penetrates into the energies of this age, the more of is barrier is removed in quite natural ways by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been and forever will be in charge of the development of every individual human being, the whole humankind as well as your world.

‘Rest assured that everything that ever took place on the earthly plane has been in keeping with the Divine great evolutionary plan. This applies as much to the pandemic as to the present crisis in the Ukraine and all other places in which it is still necessary for warmongering to exist. You will find that gradually ever more of the more of the truth about the wise higher purpose behind everything that ever came about in your world, individually and collectively, is emerging.

‘That’s why ever more of you now realise that in truth every human being is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Therefore, every one of you is no less than a young God in the making. This why, gathered on the inner level of your world’s warzones, are the spirit/souls who have become spiritually sufficiently evolved to be released, and that for good from the compulsion of taking part in the lessons of the earthly school of life. At the end of their present lifetime, when the outer shell of their physical bodies has been returned to Mother Earth, and their spirit/souls have returned to their true eternal home, the spirit realm, their energies will be right for continuing their education through exploring the ever greater freedom of our world. Their earthly personalities had no idea that something of this nature would be happening. Yet, the indwelling spirit/souls for a long time have eagerly been looking forward to the end of this lifetime.

‘Weep for the earthly selves and do your best to comfort the loved ones they have left behind. Some of them will be able to understand that their spirit/souls agreed with the wise ones in charge of their development, a long time before entering into their present lifetime, that this one should be used for this specific purpose. Through the suffering their earthly selves would have to endure, all outstanding karmic debts in the spirit/souls’ spiritual ledger would be redeemed and the balance of their accounts at last be restored. For every human being there eventually comes the time when their earthly personality has absorbed so much of the Universal Christ’s light, that that which once was evil, ugly and nasty in their nature has been left behind, for good. This is how every one of you, in the fullness of time, evolves into a Christed one and each can only do this in their own right.

‘Clearing all individual and collective human spiritual ledgers from their darkness is an essential and unavoidable aspect of your world’s present transformation from a materialistically over-orientated place into an ever more spiritual one. It is a process that for many years has been unfolding. Because of this spiritual waking up, ever more of you by now realise that what happens to your spirit/soul is far more important than what comes about for your physical body. Never forget that it is merely a vehicle your spirit/soul requires for moving about on the earthly plane of life. Each physical body is on loan for just one lifetime. It’s a gift that enables your spirit/soul to take part in the lessons of the earthly school of life, for as long as this is demanded by your educational program. Without it no spiritual progress is possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (20)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (6)

‘As touched upon earlier, nothing that ever happens in your world is about being guilty of something and/or a matter of revenge. Spiritually, these terms do not exist because the only thing that has always mattered during the lessons of the earthly school of life is learning and teaching. After all, every one of you is but a child in that school. Just like in your world’s educational establishments, whenever a student has reached the end of their curriculum, they receive a certificate about having taken part. Punishing them for this in some way would not only be ridiculous but also pointless.

‘A reward of a very special kind awaits every spirit/soul when its earthly self at last has at long last reached the end of having to attend some more of the lessons that are necessary for experiencing the material plane of existence. That’s because by then the energies of your spirit/soul have changed so much that they are suitable for moving onwards and upwards on your own evolutionary spiral and that of your world. Hooray, you are being released into familiarising yourself with the ever higher levels of the spirit realm’s greater freedom.

‘For a long time, something like a curtain has been separating the inner and outer aspects of the world you are taking part in. For quite a while by now, for many of you this curtain has been lifting. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are now in the process of removing it altogether. They want you to know that the only thing that truly matters for every human being, wherever someone’s spiritual development may have taken them so far, is how their spirit/soul learns and grows in wisdom and understanding through whatever happens to their lower earthly self. Every one of you can only do this for themselves.

‘To aid the full unfoldment of your whole being, your world’s spiritual background for around six thousand years has been hiding behind the curtain of the patriarchy. It has provided your world with ever stranger tales that have nothing to do with the truth. For example that an all-male Divinity rules your world and that the masculine is superior to the feminine. Particular strange and most certainly untrue has been the tale of what happens to human beings when they reach the end of their earthly existence. According to your old religions, earthly life is a one-off affair at the end of which every one of you is snuffed out like a candle. Nothing of you remains, unless you have been saved and redeemed by the God-man Jesus.

‘Many of you are by now aware that he is not a historic figure who once walked in the midst of humankind and performed ever greater miracles. He is merely a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. In the course of your evolutionary journey you are getting to know first your lowest characteristics and later that which is highest, noblest and best in you.

‘None of your world’s old belief systems deserves being called a religion, because this word is based on the Latin ‘religare’. It means to connect, in this case with God. In truth, all these systems were ideal instruments for keeping humankind away from God. Their ever stranger tales created the necessary barriers of fear in your race’s consciousness, individually as well as collectively. Layer upon layer of fear were thus placed in humankind’s soul memories. At the beginning of every new earthly lifetime they accompany you, safely tucked away in the subconscious part of your being.

‘For a long time this has been the best defence for keeping humankind away from finding out too early who and what God truly is and who and what every human being is. Because of this the word religion is as much a misnomer as the word God. It is mistakenly used for the Creator of all life, the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light. The Divine Trinity is and always has been present in everything that exists in the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. Not only that which is good, right and beautiful in every human being and your world was brought into being by the Creator, but just as much whatever to this day is still dark, evil and ugly.

‘And because the two main laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love, the former is increasing everywhere and at the same time the latter keeps on disappearing. This is why, from the beginning of life everywhere in the whole of Creation – not merely in humankind’s nature and your world –, the Divine Trinity has been occupied with changing that which is dark, evil and ugly into something that’s good, right and beautiful. This is the meaning of evolution and that’s a process that will never stop, anywhere.

‘For a predestined sufficiently long time, your world’s old religions false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices have served the wise higher purpose of creating a curtain behind which the lower and lowest drives and urges of every human beings earthly nature could uninhibitedly be unfolded and explored. For a sufficiently thorough education, as befits young Gods in the making, every one of you to this day needs to experience these characteristics for themselves, first from the giving end. You then generously dish out the dark, ugly and evil streak in you to anyone who comes within your reach.

‘In a later lifetime, when your spirit/soul as well as your lower earthly self  has matured sufficiently to be able to cope with what the law of Karma returns to you, you are going to find yourself on the receiving end of that which you once handed out to those around you. It will take a long time until you understand why things of this nature should be happening to you, out of all people when in your present lifetime you are working hard on being as good, kind and loving person as possible.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (21)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (7)

‘All of your world’s old religions served the wise higher purpose of helping every one of you to become familiar with their dark, ugly and evil character traces. They are present in every human being and so is that which is best, highest and most holy. Both exist in every human being, even though the latter for a long time of your evolutionary journey is there only potentially. So that the former could develop fully and undisturbed, it was necessary that people during many of their earthly lifetimes, could hide behind the façade of a Divinity that in truth never existed.

‘The deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you will become aware of this. That’s why by now ever more clear evidence is bubbling to the surface of public awareness that the religions that to this day exist in your world, always have been and to this day are nothing but instruments for exploring that which is dark, evil and ugly in humankind’s nature, individually and collectively. These character traces have been waiting for a long time to be overcome and eventually left behind entirely. This can only come about through the higher God or Christ nature in ever more of you waking up from its slumber and gradually taking over its earthly counterpart, not merely by a selected few but eventually every human being.

‘The religion of the Aquarian age is a true and real one because in due course it will connect every human being with that which is good, right and beautiful in them. The laws of love and evolution by now are assisting ever more of you to manifest the qualities of honesty and truth in everything they do. You honour and value them more than anything else, because you are aware that without them no spiritual progress will ever be possible on the earthly plane. This is what’s been hiding behind the curtain of the old belief systems. Ever more of it, for some time by now has been lifted off your world’s consciousness by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been in charge of humankind’s development and forever will be.

‘They are the ones who are raising the curtain over what’s happening these days on the earthly plane of life and why it is necessary. Not knowing about the duality of God, your own true nature and the wise higher purpose of every lifetime your lower self spends on the earthly plane, that each one of them lasts for a predestined length of time, has been shielding humankind successfully from discovering too early the truth about who and what every being is. Naturally, this happened for a wise higher educational purpose just the same as everything else that ever took place in your world and does so to this day.

‘If someone is still occupied with the first part of their earthly education and believes that they have the power of making those around them thoroughly unhappy, the way Julia’s father and the mother of Aquarius did, they have been living in an illusion. Unaware of what earthly life really is about, they have been piling karmic debts into their spiritual bank account. In one of their future lifetimes they will have be redeemed, by none other than they themselves. They will then find themselves on the receiving end of the suffering they once handed out, freely and liberally.

‘Something of this nature has been taking place in your world, on a collective scale, for some time by now and is progressing with ever increasing speed. It’s a necessary essential aspect of the watershed of humankind and your whole world being transformed, not by human beings but the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, from an over-materialistically orientated place into a completely spiritual one. This development is progressing with gigantic steps. That’s why ever more of you are waking up to the realisation of what is truly important in everybody’s life. This is the spiritual progress which every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world has always been making.

‘When for you the curtain at last lifts above earthly life’s material aspects, you realise that the only thing that ever truly mattered has been and forever will be the expansion of humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. That’s why ever more of you are becoming aware that, in the final analysis, whatever happens to your physical body does not matter anything as much as what happens to its indwelling spirit/soul.

‘After all, the physical body is merely a vehicle that your spirit/soul needs for getting around on the earthly plane. Most important of all is how much your spirit/soul learns and grows through what’s happening to its physical body and earthly personality. After all, everything on the material plane is but a gift for a predestined length of time. It has to be returned to the Earth in as good condition as possible and as soon as it has served the purpose for which it was given into your care.

‘And what happens to your earthly personality? Stored together with every one of the memories from all lifetimes in the hidden treasure house of your soul. From there it will reappear should you require another lifetime for completing your education on the material plane. And if all of that sounds too cruel to you, what do you think should happen to young Gods in the making. Eventually, every one of you will be capable of creating and destroying at will whole new worlds and everything within them.

‘Last but by no means least, let’s for a moment turn to those who are weeping because they have lost one or several loved ones recently. Do what you can to comfort them, but don’t forget to occasionally drop a pearl of your spiritual understanding unto their pathway through life. Explain that their loved ones are not dead, that they are alive and well, enjoying the greater freedom of the spirit realm, because that’s humankind’s true eternal home.

‘Help the weeping ones to realise that there is a great deal more to humankind’s existence than merely existing on the earthly plane. Explain that their dear departed will now be able to support them much better than they ever could when they were still taking part in earthly life. Those who are ready will understand and if someone is not as yet, may what you are telling them – as gently as possible – assist their higher God or Christ nature to wake up from its slumber.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (22)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (8)

‘Throughout the Aquarian writings and in particular the Epilogue chapters, much has been said about Aquarius, the sign as well as the age. That’s why today we shall be taking a closer look at what both of them mean to humankind and its world. The Aquarian astrological emblem shows either a woman or a man with a container from which water is pouring. This is why to this day many in your world think that Aquarius is one of the signs of the Water element. They could not be more wrong because the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

‘The water that’s pouring from the waterbearer’s receptacle is not of the kind that’s used in your world for drinking and cleansing. The Aquarian energies always have and forever will continue to pour the cleansing and purifying waters of consciousness into the individual and collective ones of humankind. This enables human beings on the earthly plane to find a better understanding of spiritual truths. That’s why, the deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more urgent the issue of making spiritual truths not only accessible but also available free of charge for every human being becomes.

‘Up to the beginning of the Aquarian age, however, for wise higher educational purposes God’s great plan of life decreed that as much as possible of the truth should remain hidden from the knowledge of humankind. This was achieved through your world’s old belief systems during which, in the course of approx. six thousand years, the patriarchy with its all-male God-head was thought to be the supreme ruler of your world. This and many other strange tales have been the curtain behind which spiritual truths had to remain hidden until the time would be right for revealing ever more of it to humankind.

‘None other than the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are responsible for creating this curtain. That’s because they always have been and forever will be in charge of the development of humankind and your world. This is how it came about that the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, who appeared last on the grand stage of the theatre of earthly life, were supercharged with false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions.

‘However, the sign Aquarius represents the voice of the wise one or living God within. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. For a long time it has been waiting to flow ever more directly from the Highest levels of life into all human hearts and minds whose earthly receiver/transmitter station, the earthly mind, has been tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of you will be able to receive that which is directly flowing from the Great Father/Mother onto the earthly plane.

‘With the passing of time, they wish to communicate ever more freely with each one of their beloved children of the Earth, their offspring. And that’s how it will come about that gradually ever more spiritual truths are going to become available to humankind. The time is over when they were meant to hide, for wise higher educational purposes, behind the curtain of your world’s old religious teachings. Having become outdated, they are no longer of any use, waiting to be discarded once and for all.

‘Anyone who was or is born when the Sun in the sky above your world moves through Aquarius has brought with them a blessing of an extra special kind. Unbeknown to many, every one of them has been granted the gift a direct line with the Highest Forces of life, in your world commonly known as God, who communicates with us through the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. They always have been and forever will be in charge of humankind’s development. It consists of constantly marching forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively. This is as true for the whole of Creation as well as lifeforms that are sharing your planet with you. God’s voice says: ‘Call Me by any name, I shall be there and never fail to respond!’

‘Blessed with the gift of a direct line are also those who were born on the 4th or 13th day of each month, as well as anyone whose progressed Sun is moving through Aquarius or the eleventh house, this sign’s natural domain. 1 + 3 = 4 is the number of Uranus, the planet who together with Saturn rules Aquarius. It’s a great pity that so many in your world are still unaware that they possess such a precious gift and therefore are unable to make good use of it. By the way, it’s unwise to use gifts of this nature for selfish purposes. They are meant to be used for the blessing and healing first of yourself and then the whole of humankind.

‘When the gift remains undiscovered by someone’s earthly self long enough, even though they merely are unaware of its presence, the spirit/soul who dwells within every human physical body, then tries to nudge its earthy self into recognising that something is amiss on the inner plane. First it sends some discomfort to the door of that person’s consciousness. If there is no response for long enough, the indwelling spirit/soul knocks more loudly and adds some pain to the discomfort that gets ever harder to bear.

‘If such a call also remains unheeded, it leaves the spirit/soul no choice but turning ever angrier with the owner of its outer physical shell. Again, this happens although the person whose temporary property the physical body is, has no idea that the pain contains an ever more urgent message from its spirit/soul. An inflammation flares up and the pain it causes is given in the hope that it might assist the earthly self’s spiritual nature to wake up from its slumbering state.

‘You need to know that every part of the human physical body is in tune with the physical as well as spiritual body of the whole of Creation. For example, human knees provide human beings with the ability to bend before the Highest and listen to what messages are coming from there, to be shared with the whole of humankind. When no attention is paid for long enough, one or the other or maybe both knees of the owner’s physical body gradually turn ever more troublesome. It is or they are getting more and more painful because the knee joints are responding through getting inflamed. Feet represent understanding, literally as well as metaphorically speaking. Eyes represent vision, not only earthly but also spiritual vision that’s meant to allow its owner access to ever higher and eventually the highest aspects of life.

‘And when at long last one of you has woken up to the fact that humankind’s existence consists of an inner and outer reality, the wisdom and understanding they are gaining enables them to enter into a dialogue with their very own wise one or living God within. Something like this: It seems that my spirit/soul is angry with me, its earthly counterpart. Why else would there be the need for an inflammation? Might this be an indication that my Highest Self wants me to spend more time on journeying within, so it can intuitively tell me where to search for and find new ways of healing my whole being, mind, body, spirit and soul?’

‘Whatever happens to you, the best way of finding something of this nature first for yourself and then to be shared with those around you, is by turning to your inner guidance. Everybody has their own and therefore does not really need to approach anyone else to ask for healing whenever something is in need of it. This kind of inner guidance is the only authority in the whole of Creation who is truly reliable. Being part of everything, it alone knows the way of all things and will never lead anyone astray.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (23)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (10)

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (9a)

Dear Friends,

It’s the 31st March 2022 today and numerology tells me that it’s a propitious one for starting my new project. 31 = 3 + 1 = 4. 31.3.2022 = 3 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 31 = 3 +1 = 4. 4 is the number ruled by Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius with Saturn, the stern and undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac, who guards the gates into freedom of the Aquarian age. 4 + 4 = 8 = Saturn. When his role changes from teacher to rewarder, the rewards can be great and well worth having. My reward is the viewing figures of various outlets where I have been sharing my insights for a long time. First in line is Booksie. Today the viewing figure of my main file there stood at 2,734,692 when I checked it a moment ago.

On top of everything, it’s a Thursday today. This is the day of the week that’s ruled by Jupiter, the beneficial and benevolent sole ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s higher consciousness. My inner guidance, the wise one and living God within me, from today onwards wants me to share with you, all being well every day, another chapter of the notes I have been making in a kind of ‘rough and ready’ state.

That’s the way they are added to a file on my computer that’s dedicated to holding down the most important fresh insights that are flowing from the Highest level into my earthly self’s consciousness. When I am listening to music, pen and paper are usually within easy reach. Later when my computer is switched on, I transfer my notes to a special file. That’s how I have always worked when more insights were flowing into my consciousness after having written about something. For a long time I had no idea of who was speaking through me.

By the way, I have no smart-phone, merely a small Nokia 105 for sending and receiving text messages. For my writings I have always used a desktop computer, I still do. I am old-fashioned and glad to be so. The rest of the computer technology I am glad to leave to my younger siblings in the great family of humankind. At the mature age of half way between 84 and 85 years of age, this is going to be my way of winding down what started, more than twenty years ago, as ‘The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’.

Stargazing to me means tuning the receiver/transmitter station of my earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life to bring to our world what the wise ones there wish to tell humankind about the spiritual background of its world. I am enjoying it as much as ever. What I have always loved most over the years is sharing with you, in my own possibly unique manner, the astonishing insights that to this day are still coming to me.

I hope that you might like the new ones as much as you always seem to have enjoyed my more polished writings efforts. Even though the new chapters will reach you unpolished, rest assured that each one is filled with just as much love as ever. They will also be accompanied by thanks, on your behalf and mine, to the wise ones on the Highest levels of life who are sharing ever more of their knowledge and wisdom with us.

Last but by no means least, I am looking forward to meeting every one of you in the spirit realm, each in their own sweet time. I hope to get there sooner than you. As you know, a veil of consciousness to this day separates the two parts of our world from each other. Through the knowledge that’s coming our way in writings like these, the veil is disappearing a bit more and that with each passing day. From behind the it, one of these days I shall be able to support you much better than I can do now. Quite a while ago, I applied for an apprenticeship in the group who is taking care of us.

I am looking forward to learning how to be one of those who serve the people on this side of the veil, helping them to cope with their earthly existence through a steadily increasing better understanding of it. That, by the way, has always been my aim and when one of these days you return to the spirit realm, I shall be there to welcome you – if that’s what you want. God bless you, your loved ones and all the best for what’s left of your present earthly lifetime.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

With love and light,

* * *

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (24)

When The Curtain Goes Up (9b)

‘In this chapter we shall return for a moment to the story of Jesus’ life. The deeper your world penetrates into the age of truth, the more of you are going to realise that this tale is no more than a legend, which was not meant to be understood as being literally true, in all Eternity. The spiritual truth that’s been hiding for long enough by now behind this legend tells you that step by step the Jesus story is about the initiations in which the higher God or Christ nature of every human being, in the course of many lifetimes has to take part in the earthly school of life.

‘Transfiguration never happened to Jesus for the simple reason that he is not a historical figure who once walked in the midst of humankind on the earthly plane. The story of the Master’s life is but a legend. Yet, a transfiguration happens each time one of you leaves their physical body behind, as soon it has served the purpose for which it was created. One of the Angels of transformation appears to your spirit/soul and assists it to slip from its physical body.

‘This is the outer shell that each time is left behind on the earthly plane. It’s not unlike shedding an overcoat when it’s no longer needed upon entering warmer surroundings. The empty outer shell you leave behind creates the false impression that death has taken place. Yet, in truth this is merely a process of transformation that moves the most essential part of your being, your spirit/soul, to a different dimension of life into the spirit realm, which after all is humankind’s true eternal home. The process is very similar to when a beautiful butterfly leaves behind the empty carcass of its crawling ugly caterpillar development.

‘For human beings there really is no such thing as death. That’s because at the moment your spirit/soul slips away from its body, like the butterfly leaving its empty chrysalis behind, you are no longer a physical being in a material world. Once more, you are returning to being fully conscious that in truth you are a spirit/soul, most precious and valuable to your Divine parents. Each one of them starts their existence as the tiniest of sparks of the Universal Christ’s light and that is love in its purest and strongest manifestation.

‘There is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater and reject the life-story of the spiritual Master Jesus altogether. How about entering into a dialogue with your higher God or Christ nature, whose symbol Jesus is, that might run something like this: I have always loved you, Jesus, and it’s good to find out that you never were a force outside of me, that you never were a historical figure who once walked among human beings on the earthly plane. I am glad to learn that you have always been a part of every one of us and that the name Jesus is but a symbolism of the higher God or Christ nature of all human beings. For a long time this name shields us against finding out too early who and what we truly are.

‘This is how it comes about that in the course of many earthly lifetimes, freely and willingly every human being’s lower personality gradually surrenders ever more of the drives and urges of their nature. As soon as they have been fully explored, they are no longer required. They merely serve as teaching aids during the initial part of everybody’s earthly education because it’s necessary to become familiar with all of them. Every human being has the lower and lowest character traces as well as the highest, best and noblest ones within. Although for a long time the latter exist merely potentially, nonetheless they are present in every one of us.’

‘With the passing of time the lower aspects of every human being’s nature is taken over by what we at that developmental stage recognise as good, right and beautiful. It exists, if at first only potentially, in every human being, therefore also in me. Jesus bleeding to death on the cross represents this part of our development. And the cross itself is the oldest symbol known to humankind of its earthly existence. That’s how everybody’s higher God or Christ nature, in the course of many further lifetimes, gradually takes over and replaces ever more of the lower aspects of our being.

‘If I were to call this aspect of my being Jesus, no-one would want to stop me from doing this, but it’s not what I want to do. It would be unwise because the name would raise a curtain between the two parts of my being. As I know now, you have been the one who for more years than I care to remember has brought the truth about our world’s spiritual background through the Aquarian writings. You are me and I am you; we are one and nothing in the whole of Creation can ever separate us from each other. Some people might like to call their higher nature Jesus, but that’s no option for me because I comprehend what this name represents. It’s good to know who and what Jesus ever was, as well as who and what I am, always have been and forever will be: a young God in the making. And as this theme has been gone into so many times before, there’s no need to do so now.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (25)

From 'Songs Of Inspiration'

When The Curtain Goes Up (10a)

The Magic Of Music

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers For Comfort & Healing - The Magic Of Music

Music is one of the most essential parts of the great Mother of all life. I am the feminine wisdom and love aspect of the Divine Trinity and the soul of the whole of Creation. Music is My voice that informs your world about the harmonies of the Heavenly Fields, on the highest levels of life. With the help of poets and composers who are serving Me, I share them with you on the earthly plane. The magic of My music has always captivated the senses of human beings, so that I could communicate with them more easily. Since time immemorial, making music and listening to it has had the power of lifting humankind above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and lifting them into My loving arms.

I inspire the making of instruments and the musicians who use them. They, like everything in the whole of Creation, are constantly moving forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral of life and that of the whole humankind. That’s why I constantly encourage them to aim for ever better sounds that please them, their listeners and also Me. I am mistress and servant alike, not only of those who dwell on the earthly plane but also those who on that plane are believed to be dead, when in truth the essence of their being, their spirit/soul is alive and well in My world, the spirit realm. That’s humankind’s true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each lifetime and return to when it has run its course.

As the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, I am eternal and immortal and so is every one of you. My music responds to the needs of all who are taking part either side of the thin veil that separates your two worlds from each other. In days gone by, I used to accompany you into battle and was there each time some physical remains were laid to rest in a grave. My vibrations have the power of making humankind laugh and rejoice, weep and mourn, wonder and worship. My sound can tell stories of love and hate, of souls who have been condemned as well as redeemed. Your prayers fly on My wings and take you into My world.

I am part of the smoke that falls over battlefields, where people are dying and thinking of their loved ones. Each one of you can only learn through their own experiences that there is no glory in warmongering, merely suffering and dirt, pain and blood, as well as tears for your own misery and of those you are leaving behind.

I reach and comfort human spirit/souls when their earthly selves have to wade through the depths of depression and despair, because of the karmic debts they themselves have created in other lifetimes or earlier in this one. I open human hearts to love and I am as much present and at home on marriage altars, as christening fonts and funerals. Each time someone stands at the open grave of a loved one, who has been called home into the world of light, I console those who are left behind. I heal the inner wound that was caused by the other person’s leaving.

I am but one of the many qualities and gifts of the great Father/Mother of all life. I am the Goddess and God is My masculine counterpart. I serve Him and the whole of our creation, and vice versa. Before Me everybody is equal. Kings and their servants alike are My slaves. In the school of earthly life, I communicate with you in many different ways. The birds of the air, the insects in the fields, the crashing of waves on ocean shores and the wind sighing in the trees, all are speaking My language. And once you have become aware of My presence, you can perceive me anywhere, even in the chatter of voices and the clatter of wheels on city streets.

All life is My family and you are as much part of Me as I am part of you. The very best as well as the worst is in every one of you. And all of you are instruments that were created to serve us, the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ spirit’s light. We in turn serve you. You are like us and we are like you. We have never left any one of you. During your race’s most traumatic experiences, the voice of My music has always served you upfront. I was there and I will never leave you. Each time one of you is wounded in mind and body, spirit and soul, listening to Me comforts and heals.

I am the inspiration behind all works of art. That’s the way I enjoy expressing and experiencing myself through you most. I have always inspired your world’s writers of poetry and prose, as well as your composers. To this day, I get some of you to write poems and others to set them to music, so that My messages can reach millions of you in this way. Some of you can use words and music together for the blessing and healing of the whole of humankind. Such gifts take many lifetimes to develop.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and the quality of what you produce depends on which evolutionary level you have reached, at any given moment and how well the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind is tuned into our frequencies. That’s how I inspired Aquarius to bring this to you. I hope that it encourage ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, to take to the wings of your own creative imagination. The Angels and I can then assist you to lift yourself, the whole of humankind and your world, to experience ever higher levels of life, whilst still taking part in earthly life but adding a touch of the magic and beauty of My world to everything you do.

The cosmic dance of your solar system’s planets is constantly making a sound that in your world is known as the music of the spheres. It’s My voice that always has and forever will be accompanying every one of you and the whole of Mother Earth with all here kingdoms on their journey forwards on an upwards winding spiral, in keeping with the Father’s great evolutionary plan. Every planet and house of the zodiac has a different lessons to teach and therefore plays a unique kind of music, during the times you spend attending the earthly school of life.

Whilst there, learn to pay attention to the birds, but not only their songs. They are My messengers and I am the one who orchestrates them and their movements. If you watch them, their behaviour patterns can give you valuable clues about your own motivations and what’s happening in the world around you. Their mere presence has always been trying to tell you that, in spite of the fact that you are tied to the earthly plane by your physical body for a certain length of time, your spirit/soul remains free. Every one of you has been provided with wings, just like the birds, and that’s your imagination because it enables you to go wherever and whenever you wish. As soon as you think of a place, even if it is in one of the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, you are instantly there.

And when you do not listen to the song of birds with your mind alone, you can sense the vibrations of their joy and happy feelings stir in you. They too are wings on which every one of you has the power of lifting themselves above the conditions of their earthly existence onto the higher and eventually highest levels of My realm. That’s how you can release yourself, at least for a while, from whatever could be troubling you at any given time. Music vibrations sometimes have the power of lifting you into My heart, to which yours responds with feelings of happiness. Regardless of how anxious and frightened you may sometimes feel about what’s happening in your world, when you listen to music whose vibrations deeply resonate with your innermost being, gladness fills your whole being and that increases your faith and trust in the goodness of the life that has been given to you.

Birds belong to the air element, the region of thought. They are telling you that your spirit/soul is part of their realm and that in truth it is as free as the birds. Try it out for yourself and observe how your thoughts can instantly take you into a distant corner of Creation. Every human spirit/soul has its own song. As soon as yours has become as pure and clear as that of the birds, nothing in the whole of Creation will even try to stop you from lifting yourself and the whole of humankind into the blessing and healing rays of the Universal Christ, so that all can share them with you.

The music of times gone by is living proof that I, the Great Mother, the love and wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity, never left you. This applied particularly during the six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine and the make-believe world of a nonsensical all-male Godhead. During that time, your whole world was particularly in need of Me and My gifts.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Message Of The Birds’
•    ‘The Lark’s Message’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (26)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (10b)

‘Giving the higher God or Christ nature a name, for Christians it’s Jesus, for long enough has provided our world’s old religions with the curtain that was needed for the lessons that familiarised as many as possible with as much of the lower and lowest drives and urges of their earthly nature. This is how it came about that human beings committed some of the worst atrocities against each other.

‘For example, in three hundred years of the inquisition during which Christians unashamedly hunted down and systematically killed Jews and Muslims in the most gruesome ways imaginable. This was followed by witch hunting and to this day, expresses itself in the pursuit of those who believe something different. This has by no means finished in some parts of our world. And yet, every human has their very own higher God or Christ nature and that’s the only one who truly can save and redeem every one of us and our whole world.

‘The only thing that needs doing is brining forth, from deep within our own being, that which is good, right and beautiful in that nature of every human being and act upon it. At first it only exists potentially but it is there nonetheless. This is how every one of us, in due course, will be required to contribute to making our world into an ever more beautiful, harmonious and peaceful place where it’s a pleasure to spend time. And that will gradually replace the plundering and raping of Mother Earth’s precious resources that’s still taking place as well as people unashamedly taking advantage of others for personal gains.

‘What’s the point in amassing vast fortunes when every penny of it has to be left behind, when someone’s present earthly lifetime has run its course? That’s why wise ones refuse to call their higher God or Christ nature by any name, Jesus or whatever else. And that’s why I am writing this, in the hope that some may wish to follow my example and leave behind their outdated understanding of who and what God is. Truly, it’s the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the light of the Universal Christ Star. Giving the latter the name Jesus and pretending that he once walked among people on the earthly plane, that’s been the curtain and the barrier behind which the truth has successfully been hiding.

‘This is how our world’s old belief systems developed into instruments of evil. The promise that someone existed who really could save and redeem even humankind’s worst sins enabled sufficient numbers of us to experience and explore first hand the lower and lowest drives and urges of their nature, convinced that no-one could see and observe them. This is how it comes about to this day that one part of humankind is piling karmic debts into their spiritual ledger, while others through the suffering that’s being inflicted upon them are redeeming theirs.

‘The awareness that a belief has been based upon nothing but a misinterpretation of the true meaning of something, even though it was done for wise educational purposes it was necessary, hopefully can make a basic belief easier to change into something that is true. If you wish to understand what the name Jesus really means, all you have to do is view it from the higher spiritual perspective. In that case your comprehension expands and your consciousness no longer has any difficulties recognising the true meaning of this name and why, although he only ever existed as a thoughtform, was he once presented as if as a spiritual Master he once really walked the Earth. For yourself you are then raising the curtain that for so long has hidden the truth about the Jesus story from public view and knowledge.

‘The voice of the wise one and living God within me takes over: Your world’s old religions and especially the Abrahamic ones of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have been the curtain behind which the truth about God and humankind’s true nature has been hiding long enough. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the more of the truth behind the curtain is going to be revealed through those whose earthly minds are tuned into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life. This is not something for a selected few because at least potentially, every human being is one of these receiver/transmitter station who, in due course, will also be able to receive its messages, first for their own use and then for sharing with the whole of humankind.

‘There is no place in the spirit realm for anything other than that which is also of the warmth and love of the Christ spirit. Every human being on the earthly plane contains at least a spark of it. Each spark’s size depends on how many lifetimes the spirit/soul has taken part in the earthly school of life. What size your earthly self is depends on the degree of development your higher God or Christ nature has reached whenever it arrives in our world. As this theme has been sufficiently dealt with in other parts of the Aquarian writings, there is no need to delve any deeper into it here. Please follow the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘The spirit realm is not a place ‘up there’ somewhere in the Heavens above your world, where people go when they believe in that your world’s old religions to this day insist. The spirit realm is the spiritual inner aspect of the outer material plane. It’s a world that teems with life that is invisible to earthly eyes. Both parts of your world basically consist of light, the outer just the same as the inner. Through sheer willpower the Angels and Masters in charge of the development of the whole of Creation light atoms into matter, whenever this is required and that creates the illusion of two different world when in truth both always have been and forever will be one.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (27)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

When The Curtain Goes Up (11a)

The Courage To Live

Rays of Wisdom - Words And Prayers Of Hope And Encouragement

O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of the whole of Creation,
There are so many in our world
Who have lost faith that there is
A higher power who loves and protects them.
Help them to trust again.

With the flame of Your Heavenly fire
Touch the hearts in which hope has died.
Rekindle their faith and show them
That each and every one of us is
Your beloved child of the Earth,
That the Angels are with everybody
And taking good care of them.

They are showing the way,
For every individual and our world.
Together with You and the Angels all of us
Have always been marching forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life,
Even though it frequently looks as if we were not.

Help all of us not to give in to the trickery and lies
Of our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers,
A comparatively small minority of greedy and
Already immensely rich opportunists,
Who are trying to line their luxurious nests with
Ever more of our world’s precious resources.

May all human beings become aware of
Their own true nature and Yours,
And that a high and holy destiny is in store
For every one and the whole of humankind.
May Your wisdom and truth provide us with
The courage and strength we need
To resist the temptation of allowing
Ourselves to be lead by the noses
And like sheep to the slaughter of being
Vaccinated with serums whose protection
At best is doubtful and at worst brings death.

Help everybody to find out that love and thought
Are the most powerful forces in the whole of Creation
And that our human thoughts,
Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
Can create anything, therefore also good or ill health,
And that it’s up to each individual to choose
What they prefer.

Updated November 2020

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (28)

When The Curtain Goes Up (11b)

‘The spirit realm is a world of thought where the spoken word does not exist. Speaking is only possible on the earthly plane because of the physical body in which everybody moves about. Thought is the only way of communicating with each other in our world. The spirit/soul is every human being’s very own higher God or Christ nature. It has always understood why, every so often it is necessary to be occupied with experiencing, through a lower earthly self, what it’s like to be a physical being in a world in a world of matter.

‘From the word ‘go’ of its existence every spirit/soul is aware that evolutionary progress would be impossible without every so often, freely and willingly attending the lessons of the earthly school of life. That’s how, in the course of a great many lifetimes there, every one of you slowly but surely gets to know themselves and your world. This is why, in an orderly and well organised fashion, time and again each spirit/soul has to move through every sign and house of the zodiac.

‘Through this ever human being is constantly moving forwards and upwards, each on their own individual evolutionary spiral and simultaneously with it that of the whole of humankind and your world. Every spirit/soul is aware that being educated on the earthly plane is compulsory and appreciates that each lifetime there serves a wise higher purpose. That’s why no spirit/soul ever tries to avoid any of the lessons that are in store for them, no matter how difficult and traumatic they may turn out to be.

‘Nobody ever forces you to take part in anything but your spirit/soul understands. It knows that without taking part in every one of the lessons that are in store for everyone, nobody would ever be able to evolve into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own right. This state has come about as soon as the higher God or Christ nature of the spirit/soul has melted into one with its earthly counterpart. Just like your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life, you are then one whole being that consists of male and female, God and Goddess, who happily respond to each other. Together they work only for the highest good and the greatest joy of the whole of humankind and your world, in keeping with the Divine great plan of life.

‘There is much to be looked forward to, when the natural end of your last earthly lifetime has come round. After being returned to your true eternal home, the spirit realm, our earthly self rests for a while and enjoys the ease of moving around without the need of a physical body. When you have evolved into a Christed one, you love the feeling of having been released from the compulsion of taking part in further earthly lifetimes. You look forward to continuing your education by exploring and getting to know ever higher levels of the spirit realm. It’s every human being’s birthright to be familiarised with ever higher levels of this world.

‘A high and holy destiny is in store for every human being and waits for you at the end of your earthly education. Every spirit/soul knows that in our realm wise ones are in charge of its development, on all its levels. They are familiar with your evolutionary plan and suggest where and with whom your next earthly lifetime would benefit you most. Only if you like the sound of what they suggest, you ask them to go ahead and they do the rest.

‘There would be no point in revealing things of this nature to any one of you too early. The old religions’ many false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices were unavoidable. They have been a vital part of the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle’s programme for teaching humankind the value of truth. The religious tales were ideal for hiding it for a sufficient length of time. They were good enough until humankind was spiritually sufficiently advanced to understand the truth, love and treasure it and capable of using it in positive and constructive ways.

‘To help people recognise their loved ones, who now dwell in the spirit realm and wish to send the other person an encouraging message, they appear either in dreamtime, during spiritual séances or any other way through spiritual mediums. For identification purposes the spirit/soul can slip into the role its earthly self once played on the great stage of earthly life. Each personality is like a costume that can be worn for this purpose.

‘Yet, the way the person on the other side of the veil that to this day separates our two worlds, perceives us is by no means how anyone lives in the spirit realm. It’s a world in which nothing but spirit exists and you then are just a sprit/soul, no more and no less. You are neither woman nor man, you are whole, the same of your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Star with its warmth and life-giving light. Every human being is a spark of this light and the spark’s size depends on how many lifetimes your spirit/soul has already taken part in the earthly school of life.

‘Same as the empty shell of its physical body, as soon as the purpose for which it was created has been served, your spirit/soul leaves it as well as its lower earthly personality behind. Both are safely tucked away and stored in your soul memories. From there they are picked up again at the beginning of every next earthly lifetime, if some more are required. In the spirit world every one of you is nothing but spirit/soul. There is no room for anything else. As touched upon, what size you are depends on the developmental stage your higher God or Christ nature has reached whenever it arrives in our world. And that’s where groups of all sizes exist. Each time one of you leaves earthly life behind, their spirit/soul joins the group that’s right for them. At the head of each group is a wise one who is more highly evolved than all others.

‘Have you noticed that newly born children sometimes look like wise old people? They look that way because that’s what they really are! Every human being starts their earthly existence as the tiniest of sparks. But in the course of many earthly lifetime it absorbs ever more of the Christ Star’s light. That’s how every spirit/soul’s own light steadily increases and that in two ways. The second one is known in your world as enlightenment which every spirit/soul can only gain through the experiences of its earthly personalities. This is how every one of you steadily grows in wisdom and understanding. Your consciousness expands with every bit of learning that the lower earthly self gains through the lessons of the earthly plane. Each can only do this through working their way through their own experiences.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (29)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (12a)

 On Death

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Poetry And Prose & A Celebration of Kahlil Gibran

Then Almitra spoke and said: ‘We would ask now of death.’
And the Prophet replied:
‘You can only begin to understand the secrets of death
When you know that first and foremost you are a spirit and soul,
And start to look for them in the heart of life itself.
You will then become aware that in truth there is no death,
Only transformations when each one of  you,
Time and again at the end of yet another lifetime,
Returns into another state of consciousness.

Birds are messenger of the world of spirit or light,
Your true home, from where you once came
And to which you return at the end of every earthly lifetime.
You have been granted the gift of another sojourn on the earthly plane,
So that you may grow in wisdom and understanding,
And with the passing of time evolve into
A seeker of God’s wisdom and truth, a human owl.

On the Earth owls represent symbols of wisdom,
But there are two types of these birds.
In the early stages of your education in the school of earthly life
You are like one of those who can only fly and hunt at night,
Because their eyesight is very poor in daylight.
However, as you proceed on your evolutionary pathway
That in the end takes you back into
The conscious awareness of your true nature and
Your oneness with God and all life,
You become ever more evolved and gradually grow into
A likeness of the second type of owl, who can see
Equally well by day and night.

Because you are constantly learning something from your experiences,
You are growing wiser all the time, until eventually there
Comes a moment when you discover that you are beginning
To find what you are looking for as well in the darkness of Earth life,
As you do on the other side of the veil of consciousness.
In the past this separated your two worlds like a curtain as much for you,
As it does to this day for many of your siblings in the human family,
While for you it is ever more disappearing.

For as long as you remained trapped in the initial darkness
Of the dungeon of the ignorance of an earthly existence,
And remained ensnared by the belief that this state
Was your only reality and that this was all there is to life,
You could not see beyond the end  of your nose
And it was impossible for you to perceive
The vast horizons of the higher and highest dimensions of life.
For as long as you stayed on that evolutionary level,
You found it hard to grasp and unveil
The mysteries of life and death, darkness and light.

To enable you to understand the spirit of death,
The Divine spark in you first had to awaken,
So that your heart could open wide unto all other aspects of life,
Until finally you grasped that in truth
Life and death are one,
The same as a river and the sea,
Into which it pours itself, are one.

Your Creator deeply and permanently imprinted
The silent knowledge of the higher and highest aspects
Of life, your true home, into the memories of your soul.
From there they continue to surface in your hopes and dreams
In a longing and yearning for the world you once came from,
With none of the trouble and strife of Earth’s harsh environment.
Such dreams lead you to your highest aspirations.
Nurture and care for them, so they can light your way home.
Like a seed that patiently waits beneath the snow
For the arrival of spring, your soul has never given up the
Hope of one day returning into that existence.
Trust these dreams, for they are the key that
In due course will unlock the gates of Eternity for you.

And what about your fear of death?
It can be likened to the trembling of a shepherd,
Who stands before his King, waiting that he should lay
His hand upon him in honour.
Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling,
Although he knows that he will soon be wearing his King’s mark?
But even so, before the event he is more mindful of his trembling
Than of the gift that awaits him.
And what is ceasing to breathe the air of the Earth,
But the freeing of your soul from this planet’s restless emotional tides,
So that it may rise, expand and seek God unencumbered
By a physical body and the concerns of Earth life?

Only when you drink from the river of the silence of
The world of light, your soul truly sings.
And only when you reach the top of the spiritual mountain
The real ascent begins.
And only when your physical body has been returned
To Mother Earth, to which it belongs,
Will you once more know for sure
What your role in the great dance of life has been all along.

As one of God’s beloved children of the Earth,
You are a spark of the Divine,
An immortal being who has all Eternity to look forward to,
Filled with ever more new explorations and fresh learning,
Safely guided and protected by God and the Angels.
Whether you believe in them or not, at any given time,
They will forever be around you, with you and part of you.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (30)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (12b)

‘The Sun of each spirit/soul, at the beginning of its evolutionary journey, is placed like a train on track in the first degree of Aries, the point of all beginnings. The initial earthly lifetime are spent with getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of your nature. Every one of you experiences them first from the giving end of handing out suffering to those around you. Later when your spirit/soul has grown up and matured sufficiently, you find yourself on the receiving end of similar experiences.

‘Every new lifetime takes you another step forwards and upwards on your evolutionary journey. And that’s how time and again you pass through every one of the zodiac’s signs and houses. In an orderly and well organised way, you gradually absorb ever more of their lessons and each one adds to the comprehension of your own nature, humankind’s and also the material world that surrounds you.

‘You exist in every one for a predestined length of time that allows your spirit/soul and your earthly self to grow through whatever experiences your educational program provides for you. When they have been attended to, your spirit/soul slips from its physical body and one of the Angels of transformation returns them to their true eternal home for resting and recuperation from the stresses of earthly life. At the same time, every spirit/soul builds up their strength for tackling the next one.

‘Every new round of the zodiac takes you onto a somewhat higher level of experiences. That’s how the light of your own higher God or Christ nature is constantly increasing. The Christ light consists of love in its most powerful and purest expression. And that’s how, with the passing of time, all human beings bring forth, each from deep within their own being, ever more of that which is good, right and beautiful. It is a process in which no outside forces are involved.

‘Through this the Christ nature of every spirit/soul and its earthly personality steadfastly grows more powerful. They grow into one and that enables them to bring forth, each from deep within, a contribution to making your world into a more loving, peaceful and agreeable place. Be aware that nobody is without at least a spark of the Christ love and that it exists in even the meanest and lowest earthly selves who have just started attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

‘Many of you are aware that on the inner plane all life is one and there is no separation between anything. As a result, whenever we hurt or harm someone in our world, it is done to everybody and therefore ultimately also to ourselves. Naturally, this also applies to every bit of good that’s done entries for someone in our world. On top of it, while the former creates debits in our spiritual ledger, the latter adds credit entries. Once you are familiar with this, it frees you to take the greatest care only to send what’s good, right and beautiful into your world. After all, this is the only way of behaving that’s worthy of young Gods in the making. On top of that, the law of cause and effect or Karma, when the last debit entries in your spiritual bankbook have been redeemed, which in due course they will be, nothing but what’s good, right and beautiful can return to you.

That’s why when someone hurts them, wise ones have no intention of ever revenging themselves. They most certainly don’t turn the other cheek because in their case that would be nothing but an expression of masochism. As karmically such actions would be detrimental for their spiritual development, our sages prefer to forgive the offender because they are aware that what they did could only happen because on another occasion, which could have been many lifetimes ago, they did something similar to that person. That’s why the law of Karma returned to them. Their knowledge enabled them to first forgive themselves for setting the wheels of these events in motion, as explained in one of the previous chapters.

‘The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and the light of their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ is your Creator. Everything that exists in the whole of Creation was brought into being by them. That’s what the Aquarian writings mean when they talk of God. The good as well as the bad are equally of God. However, it needs bearing in mind that the first two Universal laws of life are love and evolution, i.e. evolution that’s based on love. This clearly shows that whatever is still dark, ugly and evil in every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world, with the passing of time every bit of it is meant to be transmuted into something good, right and beautiful. At the beginning of their earthly education, potentially every human being has their share of both within and we are required to work with them in described manner.

Our world’s old religions served the Angels and Masters as ideal instruments for familiarising every member of the human family, who was at that time being educated in the earthly school of life, with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their own nature, as well as everybody else’s. Six thousand years of patriarchy are lying behind you with it’s tales that your world is ruled by an all-male Godhead. Thanks be to God and the Angels that this never was and will be what really happens.

In spite of the patriarchy’s strange stories, the creative process never changed. The only way it has always worked and forever will continue to do so,  is the masculine/feminine forces of life as a oneness that cannot be separated by anything in the whole of Creation. In spite of the old religions’ strange stories, the Great Father/Mother have always continued to work together in the sweetest of harmony. Lovingly one responds to the needs and wishes of the other one. The same is true for every human being. Every man’s inner being is feminine and every woman’s is masculine. Just the same as in our Creator, the masculine/feminine in all of us are inseparable within.

However, the belief that the Godhead really is an all-male affair, on the earthly plane created plenty of opportunities for teaching humankind about the nature of suffering. For a truly complete education, every one of us needs to experience both sides of everything that’s likely to ever occur to us on the earthly plane. That’s why first we are on the giving end of generously handing out as much suffering as possible to those around us. Many lifetimes later, when our same spirit/soul has spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the law of cause and effect or Karma unavoidably returns to us, we find ourselves on the receiving end of what we once did to others. Our world’s present situation is the grand crescendo of the final part of this experience.

There is nothing to be afraid of in the spirit realm and much to look forward to because it’s a world that is filled with nothing but love and light. There is no darkness and no cold. As explained, the manifold false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the old religions were necessary and served the wise higher purpose of teaching our world the value of truth. That’s why this barrier of darkness and fear was created by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Highest. With the appearance of each new belief system this barrier grew more powerful. That’s how all together the old religions provided an ever stronger deterrent that stopped human beings from committing suicide on an ever grander scale, as the lessons every one of us and the whole of humankind had to take part in became increasingly severe.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (31)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (13a)

Your Spirit/Soul's Light

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - The Light Of Your Soul

The inner light of your spirit/soul is love.
May it guide you and bless everything you touch
With the love and warmth that’s in your heart,
So their beauty shines
Through everything you do.

May the sacredness of your work
Bring healing, light and renewal
To you and all those you get in touch with,
Who receive and benefit from your efforts.
May what you are doing never weary you,
But release within you the eternal wellspring of
Inspiration and reveal to you the beauty and wonder
Of the magic and miracle of our earthly existence.

May the true you always be present
And manifest itself in everything you do,
So you will never again be lost
In the illusions of the material world.
May you meet each new day burden free and
May every dawn find you awake and alert,
Because with the help of the Angels in dreamtime
Your whole being was filled with the promise
Of endless and unlimited potential and possibilities.

Every evening may you feel gracious and fulfilled.
May your nights be spent feeling blessed, sheltered and protected,
Safe in the knowledge that your spirit/soul forever rests serenely,
In the loving arms of your Highest Self,
The wise one of living God within
And the Angels and Masters in charge of you,
The whole of humankind and your world,
On the highest levels of life.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

At the beginning of each earthly lifetime, we once more pick up the personality we have developed in the course of previous appearances on this plane and that could have been a great many. Its characteristics, the good as well as the bad ones, are those we ourselves developed. They were not inherited from the people through whom we entered into any particular lifetime. Each time we leave the material plane behind, the earthly personality we have up to that point developed is put to rest in our soul memories. Whenever we re-enter earthly life, we bring them with us. Good characteristics are waiting to benefit us and to be worked with for building them up to even greater strength. Band and ugly ones are waiting to be overcome and eventually left behind, once and for all.

At the end of each lifetime, our spirit/soul parts company with our physical body. It’s a process that can be likened to the shelling of a pea or slipping from an overcoat that’s outworn and ready to be discarded. The characteristics we developed up to that point we bring with us when we re-appear on the earthly plane, the good as well as the bad. Even though they may appear to be similar to those of the parents through whom we reincarnated, none of them were inherited from them. We ourselves developed them in previous lifetimes. It’s just that this lifetime’s parents’ characteristics need to be similar, otherwise it would be impossible to come through them. Even though they might not share that view, we are not off them and we do not belong to them. We belong to the Great Father/Mother of all life and ourselves.

Updated February 2022

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (32)

When The Curtain Goes Up (13b)

‘The wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother of all life created each new religion that appeared in your world in such a way that for their beloved children of the Earth it could serve as another instrument for attending the lessons that are essential equipment for young Gods in the making on its long evolutionary journey. That’s why it takes every one of you from getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of their nature and from there ever forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral and the one for the whole of humankind and your world. For a long time none of us is aware that in a high and holy destiny is in store for every one of you.

‘Love and evolution, i.e. evolution that is based on love, always have been and forever will be the two main laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world from the earliest beginnings of time on that plane. However, not merely that which is good, right and beautiful is of the Creator, but everything and that means the lowest as well as the Highest. The word God is misnomer, if ever there was one.

‘Evolution decrees that every one of you needs to first get to know that which is dark, ugly and evil in your own nature, the whole of humankind and also your world. When that has been taken place, with the passing of time i.e. in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life, everybody’s higher God or Christ nature of love in its purest manifestation, stirs from its slumber and starts to influence your earthly personality in positive ways. The time then has come to change everything that’s dark, evil and ugly into something that’s ever more good, right and beautiful.

‘As by now ever more of you are waking up to this awareness will gradually grow into an ever more peaceful and agreeable place. Kindness, friendliness and generosity of the heart are the qualities of everybody’s Christ nature, which are present in every human being. It’s just that in some they have not yet stirred from their slumber.

For a long, long time the Aquarian writings have been the voice of truth that’s been communicating ever more powerfully with humankind. Aquarius is the scribe/secretary of the wise one or living God within, in whom life in the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, is one. That’s why it knows the way of all things and never leads anyone astray. This voice is taking over from here:

‘Believe it or not, this stage of our race’s development was very necessary indeed. Otherwise it would not have come about. Having served the purpose for which they came into being, they have to go. Alas, to this day many in our world stick to the old religions like glue. And that’s because they do not yet understand who and what they truly are and why they are taking part in earthly life. It’s up to all those who are read and understand the Aquarian writings, to share them with as many as possible to help them spread ever further afield.

‘Although for quite some time I have been looking forward to returning to my true home and cannot wait to get there, this is why I have not yet been allowed to go. From where you, my dear readers and I are by now, each on their own evolutionary journey and also the one for the whole of humankind, it’s no longer difficult to recognise what kind of purposes the old religions have served and why they were necessary, in the first place.

‘For the sake of teaching humankind the value of honesty and truth, for everybody this lesson has to start with getting to know the lower and lowest traces of the human character, our own as much as everybody else’s. Each can only learn from their own first hand experiences and there is no other way than every one of us attending the earthly school of life’s lessons personally, and that not just once but time and again. Having studied our lower and lowest nature thoroughly enough, it needs to be left behind and step by step shed, literally nailed to the cross of earthly life. Jesus dying on the cross is a symbolism of this process and for every human being this development takes up a great many earthly lifetimes.

‘If it had not been for these lessons, we would have been all too happy to leave earthly life behind, each time the going there got too tough for our liking during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy and the rule of the masculine over the feminine forces of life. For example during the approx. three hundred years of Christianity’s inquisition that attempted to wipe out its competitors of Judaism and Islam, and many other types of warmongering, incited by one religion against the other, time and again.

‘Nobody would have wanted to take part in such events of their own free will. If it had not been the fear of what would happen to us when we left earthly life behind, nothing would have kept us there for long enough to redeem some of our karmic debts whilst creating fresh debit entries in our spiritual ledger. Cruel? Yes, but never forget that every human being ultimately is a young God in the making and whatever needed to happen to our physical bodies, during any phase of our evolutionary journey, is not as important as the constant development of our spirit/soul.

‘The most difficult part at the present time is getting people to let go of their fears of death and the unknown. What is perceived as death is nothing of the kind. It’s merely a transformation from one dimension of life to the other, when our spirit/soul moves from the material plane to its inner spiritual counterpart. Helping people to let go of their fears is the most difficult task that’s facing us during this period of our world being transformed from an over-materialistically orientated place into an ever more spiritual one.

‘That’s what this Epilogue, the final part of my Aquarian writings, is about. To my mind, it cannot be pointed out frequently enough that there is nothing to fear and much to look forward to when the time of our departure from this plane has come round, at last. When we have evolved into a Christed one in our own right, earthly life can teach us no more. We no longer need to attend its lessons because our energies are right for being released into the spirit realm to enjoy exploring and getting to know ever higher levels of life and that never on our own. The Angels and Masters will forever be with us and show us how we can best serve the Highest Forces of life.

‘Whenever the spirit/soul of one of you leaves their physical body behind, at the end of their earthly lifetimes, transfiguration takes place. You change from a physical being on the material plane of life into one who purely spirit/soul. This is nothing but returning to your true eternal home. Many by now are aware that Jesus was not a historical person who once walked the Earth, that he is but a symbol of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. That’s why no transfiguration of Jesus ever took place. It is a description of what happens to you each time, at the end of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (33)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (14a)

The Gift Of Understanding

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - The Gift Of Understanding

When the world for you seems dark and grey,
The journey of your life too long and lone,
Don’t hang your head, don’t mourn forlorn.
At a certain point of our earthly development
The Divine spark within us stirs from its slumber.
We then realise that Earth life is a school
And that every one of us is here to learn and grow.
In fact, every experience that comes our way.
Contains the gift of some kind of a lesson.

Once we seriously attend to our learning,
Many answers to our questions we find
That enrich us in soul and mind.
So let’s take a good and honest look
At ourselves, our lives and then go within,
To ask God and the Angels for their help.
It is sure to come if we are willing to wait
For them to tell us intuitively,
Through our inner guidance
The wise one or living God within,
How to go about resolving our problems.

 With their assistance all things are possible
And any condition can be healed.
When our vision of life opens
And we re-define our life by
Approaching it from a different angle
And viewing it with an enlarged perspective,
Our deepest innermost wounds begin to heal.
Time to look forward to the day when
Our soul’s pain is no more.
When, instead of wasting our years
With shedding too many tears,
We know that every piece of life’s puzzle
Is a perfect fit and that once we understand
Its higher purpose and meaning,
The horizons of humankind’s existence
Reveal themselves as very bold
And everyone’s high and holy destiny
Is nothing but a joy to behold.

Sheila White
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (34)

When The Curtain Goes Up (14b)

The voice of the wise one, the living God within me and every one else, once more takes over: ‘The spirit/soul of every one of you is a spark of the Universal Christ’s light and that’s love in its purest manifestation. Each time the spirit/soul of one of you slips from its physical body another transfiguration takes place. The physical body is like an overcoat that’s worn over the spirit/soul and that’s the most precious part of every human being. Although during your times on the earthly plane you remember none of what happened to you each time, the older and more experienced your spirit/soul becomes, the more times transfiguration has happened to you.

‘Anyone who to this day believes that there really is someone who can save and redeem them is living in an illusion. Thinking that anyone, whoever they may be, can do this for you is just not true. There is no saviour and redeemer except everybody’s own higher God or Christ nature. That’s the only one who truly can and will eventually save and redeem you. However, this aspect of your nature takes a long time to develop. It comes about in quite a natural way. Each time you are taking part in earthly life, your spirit/soul absorbs more of the Christ light’s energies, because they are constantly drawing everything that exists anywhere, therefore also on planet, into their loving embrace.

‘Each one of the personalities you are in the course of your earthly lifetimes can be likened to a costume that you, in your role as the performing artist, are wearing. That’s because earthly life at any given time is like the stage of a grand theatre that offers the advantage of everybody taking part in certain lessons. Each one expands your consciousness and that’s how you are constantly growing in wisdom and understanding. But this is not how your spirit/soul appears whenever it has once more returned to its true eternal home, the spirit realm. Again you are consciously aware of your true nature and that, at all times, you are a being of light. It makes no difference that for a long time, whilst taking part in the lessons of earthly life, you have no idea of who and what you truly are.

‘In the spirit realm, however, you know that you are but one of zillions of beings of light, whose home is the world of light and that there is nowhere else for you to go, whenever the end of your earthly existence has come round. When one of your loved ones joins you in this world, you can slip into the role you played in the lifetime(s) you share with them. But that’s only so that you recognise and greet each other when one of you first returns to our world. It helps newcomers to feel at home and welcome and that’s what everybody most certainly is. When it has served this purpose, you slip out of your costume again.

‘The costume of every role you ever played is stored, together with the memories of what you did and what happened to you, in the course of all previous earthly lifetimes, are stored in your soul memories. Each time you are again taking part in earthly life, you bring them with you. They are carried in the subconscious part of everybody’s being. From there they influence you in either positive or negative ways.

‘The costume of any roles you ever played in the grand theatre of earthly life is only worn on occasions when you want someone to recognise you, for example during séances and so forth. Each time, your spirit/soul conveys the message that you are most certainly not dead, but alive and well as a spirit/soul greeting people on the earthly plane from the spirit realm. Do you realise how lucky you are because nobody in our world needs a physical body for getting around, like those on the earthly plane for whatever is left of their present lifetime?

‘By the way, everybody’s size in your world depends on how much of the Christ light and energies their spirit/soul has been able to absorb so far whilst taking part in life on the earthly plane. The size of someone’s physical body depends on the size to which their spirit/soul has evolved, whenever their time for reincarnating comes round.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (35)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (15a

At the beginning of February 2022, my dear friend Julia told me: ‘It is a year tomorrow since my mother passed away. I think of her often because she was a beautiful soul, who lived her life so very simply and found pleasure in everything she did. My father passed away exactly seven months later on the 11th September, the day after his 92nd birthday. He on the other hand was the polar opposite of my mother and lived a very angry life! No wonder they separated many years ago.

‘I was just wondering whether there is any significance in the fact that they both passed away on the 11th day of the month, as I believe the number 11 is significant in numerology. I remember you saying that we choose our parents before birth and although I loved both my parents, I had a very unhappy childhood, because my father was both emotionally and physically abusive to my mother and made our lives pretty miserable. I still struggle to this day with the effect my father had on me and often wonder what it will be like when we meet again in the spirit realm.’

The reason why I decided to reply in this way was because Julia’s question is such a common one. My own life for a long time was deeply affected by the same problem. That’s what some years ago brought my Booksie file ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’ into being. Everything it contains is part of my own struggle and healing journey of somehow finding a way of making peace with my earthly parents of this lifetime, especially my mother.

With the passing of time, to my greatest surprise the Healing Corner grew into the second most popular Booksie file. The first place belongs to ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’. The respective viewing figures at the time of writing the first part of The Epilogue, at the beginning of February 2022, the Great Plan was just short of 97K and the Healing Corner not far behind with 96K. ‘What Is Truth?’ was in third place and by then had reached 91K. When I started these files, there was no way of telling that they would be so well loved by so many of my readers. Only two months later, at the beginning of April the viewing figures stood at 1) 104,846 2) 104,454 and 3) 98,797.

But then, only a short while ago, Julia wrote: ‘Today I would like to tell you about a wonderful experience I had the other day whilst taking part in an afternoon of yoga and reiki. Towards the end, we were all lying down quietly and left to be with our own thoughts. Suddenly I became aware of my parents’ presence, they were on either side of me. There was no physical sign by which I would have recognised them. Nonetheless, there was no doubt in my mind that it was them. They were sublimely happy and saying: ‘Look at us, we are completely at one with each other.’ And that’s something that on this side never happened. It was a very vivid experience.

‘Since then I have been trying to recreate it in my mind, but that was not possible. However, it just confirmed to me what you have always said that our time on Earth is just part of our schooling. And that ultimately, when we return to the spirit realm we shall meet those who hurt and wounded us in earthly life. Both parties will then just be a spirit/soul and consist of nothing but love and are one with each other as well as life in the whole of Creation.’

I had written something in response to the details Julia had given me about her parent’s dates of birth and departure from this plane. However, I have deleted the information because it’s obviously no longer of interest. As both of us by now know, dear Julia, each time someone does something unpleasant and downright nasty to us, spiritually it would be most unwise to think of revenge. After all, the offenders of this lifetime merely did to us what we must have been doing to them, or someone in a similar position, during one of our previous earthly sojourns.

The awareness of how the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma affects all life in the whole of Creation, therefore also what happens in our world, makes it easy to look towards forgiveness instead. And that’s the only way any karmic slate can be wiped clean of the debts that we, in the ignorance of that developmental stage, once happily piled into our spiritual ledger. It makes no difference that for a long time we are unaware that everybody has one.

Not knowing about the Universal law of Karma does not protect anyone against – no, not punishment – but living with the consequences of every thought, word and action that we, at any given moment, release into our world. The law reveals the perfection of God’s Divine justice; it is not only perfect but also infinitely wise. For every one of us the law of Karma ensures that whatever we do to anyone at any given time, in due course when we have matured sufficiently to cope with what comes our way, it returns to us. This is how this law sees to it that everything that is ever likely to happen to us on the earthly plane is most thoroughly understood, in two ways.

First we are on the giving end; as young and inexperienced earthlings we then happily and freely hand hurtful and nasty behaviour out to those around us, especially in family circles. As soon as we have matured sufficiently, we find ourselves on the receiving end. Being a young God in the making, the most vital lesson of our educational program being familiarised every aspect of suffering. As there is no point in someone telling us about them, they have to be experienced first hand and that by every one of us.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (36)

When The Curtain Goes Up (15b)

Sweet Surrender

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Sweet Surrender - Message Of Hope From God And The Angels - Springtime 2021

Lost and alone on some forgotten highway,
Travelled by many remembered by few,
Looking for something that I can believe in,
Looking for something that I’d like to do with my life.

There’s nothing behind me and nothing that ties me
To something that might have been true yesterday.
Tomorrow is open and right now it seems to be more
Than enough to just be there today

I don’t know what the future is holding in store,
I don’t know where I’m going, I’m not sure where I’ve been.
There’s a spirit that guides me, a light that shines for me,
My life is worth the living, I don’t need to see the end

Sweet, sweet surrender,
Live, live without care,
Like a fish in the water,
Like a bird in the air.

John Denver

Recommended Listening:
•    ‘Sweet Surrender’

‘Lost and alone, on some forgotten highway. Travelled by many, remembered by few.’ Alas, this is how far too many human beings to this day perceive their earthly existence. But in truth none of you has ever been lost or alone and never will be. We dwell on the highest level of life and we have brought every one of you into being. None of you was ever left to struggle alone on the earthly plane of life, even though it felt like that to you. We have always accompanied every one of you and shown the road you are required to walk up the spiritual mountain of the earthly plane. Although we are invisible to earthly eyes, we are constantly guiding as well as protecting you. Because you are allowed to make your own decisions about things, we only come to the rescue whenever a situation is in danger of getting out of hand. This frequently happens during the early stages of your education in the earthly school of life.

This is how all of you together and each one on their own are constantly ascending the spiritual mountain of that plane. It is a long and protracted journey of many lifetimes that starts when one of you first comes forth as an idea from the heartmind of the Great Father of all life. The Great Mother places this idea in the form of a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s spirit and light into the heart of each new human being that’s preparing to appear in your world. From that moment onwards, every one of you constantly walks their own predestined pathway that consists of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. For every one of you this road has been designed with greatest love and care by Me, your Creator.

Almost eight billion human beings are presently taking part in earthly life and therefore are, one way or another, affected by what’s presently happening. The song’s forgotten highway describes every human being’s long evolutionary journey. It takes all of you time and again round the whole of the zodiac, through every one of its signs and houses, without your earthly selves being aware of what’s happening to them. It’s not that anyone really has forgotten this highway. The recall of every one of your lifetimes is stored in your soul memories. From there they are influencing your earthly selves in either positive or negative ways. It takes a long time until that part of your being consciously realises what’s happening and in which direction it has always been travelling.

Everything that ever happened in your world came about for the wise higher reason of teaching humankind, individually and collectively, a lesson about something. Your world’s present difficult situation is no exception. Its main purpose is assisting the higher God or Christ nature of ever more of you to wake up from their slumbering state. Many got lost in the illusion of an over materialistically orientated world. Believing that this is all there is to humankind’s existence, they think it’s possible to get away with just about anything, if you go the right way about it. An essential part of humankind’s lesson about the value of honesty and truth has been the present final gigantic outburst of lying and cheating, deception and corruption. As a result of this, when honesty and truth at last re-establish themselves in your world, which they will do soon, each one of you will value and appreciate them so much that carefully guard them.

The song speaks of ‘Looking for something that I can be believe in. Looking for something I’d like to do with my life.’ The Aquarian age is bringing every one of you something that really exists, the truth. Gone are the days of legends like the one about a God-man, who promises to save you and redeem every sin anyone will ever commit, especially those committed in his name. All you have to do is say that you believe that the God-man really exists and that every word of the legend about his life is literally true.

What’s now coming humankind’s way with ever increasing force is the truth about this man and everything else. And that’s going to make good the damage that was brought about by political organisations who, for long enough by now, have been hiding their intentions of troublemaking and warmongering behind the façade of religious teachings. Their insistence that every word of their sacred texts is literally true has been setting people and nations against each other, inciting them to maim and kill each other. Any kind of violence has been and still is permitted in the name of what those at the head of such organisations say, and probably believe themselves, is God. It’s a case of the blind leading the blind, if ever there was one.

The word Islam means surrender. That’s what is truly required of every human being towards the end of their earthly education. It means freely and willingly leaving behind the drives and urges of the crude lower unevolved aspect of your nature. They need to be placed into the loving arms of your own higher God or Christ nature with its hopes, dreams and aspirations of a very different kind. This part alone can lead every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world into the new golden age in which truth and honesty, kindness and tolerance towards every human being will be the supreme rulers. Every one is your sibling in the great family of humankind, irrespective of what their beliefs are and of what colour their skin is. That’s the true meaning of surrendering.

As soon someone’s higher nature has completely taken over its lower counterpart, when the outer has become like the inner, you have reached the final stage of your education in the earthly school of life. You have evolved into a Christed one, in your own right. To ease your way of getting there, promise yourself not to give in to the lying and cheating of our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Instead put all our faith and trust in us and the knowledge that the deeper you and your world are moving into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, nothing and nobody will be able to hide the truth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Total Surrender To God Mean?

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (37)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (16a)

Let’s return for a moment to the spirit/soul of Julia’s parents when they appeared on either side of her and she sensed their presence. The one on her right hand side played the role of her father, the masculine outgoing and active part that exists in every human being. The spirit/soul on her left hand side played her mother’s part. Each is a spirit/soul in its own right. Being a spark of the Divine Trinity, that’s what every human being is. Males and females, men and women alike are whole within themselves. We do not really need anyone to make us that way, even though it sometimes feels like it. But that’s everybody’s mating instinct which ensures an uninterrupted flow of the human race’s presence on the earthly plane for taking part in that school of life’s lessons.

When Julia felt one spirit/soul on either side of her it was done to show here which role each one played during the earthly lifetime they recently left behind. That was what the wise ones, who have always been in charge of humankind’s development, suggested long before the two spirit/souls who would in their next lifetime were going to play the role of Julia’s parents when their lower earthly selves once more appeared on the earthly plane. From beginning to end, it was dedicated to the wise higher purpose of redeeming some of her mother’s most ancient karmic debts, maybe all of them, while fresh ones were piled into spiritual ledger of the spirit/soul whose earthly self took on the role of playing the part of her father, for just one lifetime.

In another lifetime, way ahead in the future when his spirit/soul would have matured sufficiently to cope with what would then be coming his way, the law of Karma would return to what he did to Julia’s mother this time round when he played the part of her father. Whenever it comes to trying to understand why anyone insists on behaving in certain ways, I find astrology the most wonderful tool of all. It’s because on the earthly plane all of us, until we become aware of what’s operating in our lives and what’s motivating us, we are mainly influenced by the sign in which the Sun in our birthchart for this lifetime has been placed, as well as its progressions. We are then what’s known as being ‘ruled by the Stars’.

Everything depends on what kind of lessons in the earthly school of life someone is attending when they appear in our life. As soon as I began to view my parents’ behaviour through the eyes of an astrologer, much of what they used to do quite miraculously changed from irritating and annoying to being downright hilarious! This most certainly applies to what much of what my mother did, but also in many ways how my father behaved.

The awareness that both just could not help themselves sometimes, makes the task of forgiving, my mother in particular, much easier. As a matter of fact, I frequently thank her for what she did to me and that in two ways. The first one is that she has always shown me, through the role she once played in my life, that I definitely never want to be a) like her as a human being and b) as a mother. The second and equally important point is  that through the suffering she managed to inflict upon me, for along time through the way she behaved, she assisted the redemption of some of my most ancient and unpleasant outstanding karmic debts.

The spirit/soul of Julia’s parents of her present lifetime want her to know that there is another reason why they were so happy. It’s because the one who in this lifetime has been and still is playing the role of their daughter, developed into an outstanding mother in her own right. They are glad that Julia came through them to play the part of their daughter. She is not really their child but merely took on playing this role for the wise higher reasons that have already been discussed. This did not alter the fact that every one of the participants in this very personal drama always was and forever will be a spirit/soul in its own right that cannot be separated by anything that exists in the whole of Creation.

And when at last the final curtain rises over the great theatre of humankind’s earthly existence, everybody will know that, on every occasion for a predestined length of time only, every human being has to take part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. All of them are part of the essential equipment everybody requires when, for them the time has come to discover every one of us, without exception, is a beloved offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life and therefore nothing short of a young God. That’s why everybody on the earthly plane is constantly occupied with preparing themselves for this part of their education. It makes no difference whatever that, for a long time, we do not know that such a high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us.

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (38)

When The Curtain Goes Up (16b)

Take These Broken Wings

Take these broken wings - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again,
And learn to live so free.
And when we hear the voices sing,
The book of love will open up
And let us in.

From the Eighties Song
By Mr. Mister

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Take the broken wings of humankind’s earthly existence
And teach all of us how to fly with the help
Of Your sacred wisdom and truth,
So that it flows ever more powerfully
From Your loving heart
Into every human heart and soul
And from there into our whole world.
Under Your guidance and protection
And in accordance with Your will and wishes,
Keep on opening ever more hearts,
Until each one of us acts as a channel for the
Blessing and healing power of Your love.

Grant us the gift of understanding, so that
On the wings of Your sacred wisdom and truth
We can lift our whole world
Above the woes of our present existence
By recognising them as nothing but lessons
In the school of earthly life
And passing phases.

Mend our broken spiritual wings
By helping us to re-discover
The beauty and wonders of Your world,
The spirit realm,
Humankind’s true home,
Where those who went before us
Are waiting to greet and welcome us
When our time for departure from
Earthly life has come.


Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I can fly! I really can!’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (39)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (17a)

In the course of a great many lifetimes, the earthly school of life’s lessons prepares every human being’s energies to be right for the time when we are released into exploring and getting to know the spirit realm’s next higher level. After that follows the next higher one and so forth. But first, through a kind of play-acting, every spirit/soul’s lower earthly self has to take part in all lessons that are available in this very special educational establishment. Each lesson has to be experienced first hand and that twice over, as explained many times before.

But eventually every young God in the making reaches the end of the earthly school’s curriculum. When it has been completed, earthly life cannot teach us any more. That’s the time when there is nothing left for us to do but turn to forgiveness, also as explained. Because of these things, to my mind earthly life never has been or will be but an illusion. It’s extremely real for as long as we still have to take part in its lessons. Nobody forces us to take part in them, but our spirit/soul knows that without one lifetime after another on the earthly plane, taking part in its lessons, no spiritual progress will ever be possible and their earthly selves will never be released from having to reappear as a physical being in the material world. Every spirit/soul knows how valuable the earthly school’s lessons are and that each one of them is a necessary part of every young God’s education.

The spirit/souls of Julia’s earthly parents of this lifetime were also happy because she did not get lost in what happened to her through her father’s behaviour. They are delighted that Julia no longer considers them to be her true parents; that she is aware now that, all three of them, for a while were involved in play-acting on the grand stage of the theatre of humankind’s earthly existence; and that every bit of it served the wise higher purpose of redeeming some of the most ancient karmic debts of her mother and herself. Both of them are old and experienced spirit/souls.

In contrast to them, the one who got lost in playing her father’s role was the earthly self of a young and less experienced spirit/soul. This also was true for my mother. Freely and willingly their spirit/souls accepted that their earthly selves should play this role because it’s an essential part of the initial part of their education. As touched upon earlier, nobody ever forces us to do anything in earthly life. But our spirit/soul is aware of not yet having experienced the first instalment of getting to know the nature of suffering, that’s why it agrees that its lower earthly personality should take part in this lesson. When the wise ones suggest this lesson for our next earthly lifetime, our spirit/soul agrees to go ahead. This may sound cruel on the surface of things for those who have experienced serious suffering in their present lifetime, spiritually there is every reason why we should forgive and even thank the ones who hurt and wounded us, as you will be able to see for yourself by now.

The spirit/souls of Julia parents of her present lifetime are glad that their daughter has a much better understanding of the purpose and meaning of every human being’s earthly existence than they had. When that’s at last has been grasped, the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach us and that’s an indication that for Julia, as soon as the natural end of this lifetime has come round for her, she will no longer have to take part in earthly life. Her spirit/soul will then be permanently released into experiencing the steadily increasing greater freedom of the spirit realm. She will be free to start exploring and getting to know the next higher level of her educational program. Each first educational level is followed by the next higher one. This continues until every human spirit/soul eventually reaches the top and has evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle.

As mentioned before, love and evolution are the first laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. Each lifetime on the earthly plane serves the wise higher purpose of teaching every human being, without exceptions, every one of the lessons they have been most carefully designed to impart. That’s why, in my view, taking part as a physical being in the material world is most certainly not an illusion. It is a very real and serious enough business when one considers that none of what happens there does so at random or is haphazard.

Everything is part of a most lovingly designed program and a plan exists not only for each and every one of us, as young Gods in the making, but also for the whole of humankind and our world. And all of these plans are an integral part of the great plan for the whole of Creation. Everybody’s educational program begins at the lowest point. Everybody’s education unfolds similar to a train that’s placed on its own track. Astrologically each one starts with the first degree of Aries, the cardinal Fire sign, fire of the head, which is the point of all beginnings.

For every human being this is the start of a never ending evolutionary journey. Each train moves along at the steady pace of one degree per year through the Sun sign in our birthchart and one degree per month from our Moon sign. The Sun’s progressions reveal the way our spirit/soul is moving while taking part in life on the earthly plane. The position and sign in which the Moon is placed represents the pathway of our lower earthly personality.

And from where the Sun and the Moon’s progression have advanced to, each time the end of our previous earthly lifetime had been reached, that’s where for every one of us the evolutionary journey of exploring and getting to know ourselves and our world restarts. When our lower personality once more departs from this plane and leaves behind its vehicle for one lifetime only, the physical body, whatever has been learnt in the course of all or lifetimes, including the most recent one, is safely tucked away. It is stored in our soul memories, in the subconscious part of our being. In our next lifetime, the still have the power of influencing us in either positive or negative ways, as explained earlier.

This is how the evolutionary journey starts for every human being at the point of understanding nothing. From there, slowly but surely, in the course of many lifetimes, takes every one of us – without exception – to eventually reach the highest levels of life. And that means that we shall then be able to influence what happens anywhere in the whole of Creation. Do you still share the view that earthly life is merely an illusion?

And that’s why I warmly recommend the study of the files below:

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (39)

When The Curtain Goes Up (17b)

Do You Know Where You're Going To? (1)

Do you know where your're going to? Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing Journey

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?

Do you know?

M. Masser & G. Goffin

An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.

Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.

The deeper these things sank into my consciousness, the more I came to terms with my lifetime’s experiences and the long, slow and painful journey of healing my soul got on its way. As time went by, the desire to return to my old home country or even to visit it disappeared completely. All I had ever got from my visits was a bloody nose – metaphorically speaking. Each time I was emotionally so deeply upset and distressed that at one time it made me physically sick, without having any idea at the time of why it was happening. Realising where we are all coming from and one day will be returning to has helped me to love and appreciate my life and the things it is showing me.

As bit by bit the mystery of our existence started to unravel itself in my mind, I got to like and appreciate what life has always been trying to show me. The more I understand, the more I love my life and the one who created it. In my view, understanding is the key for unlocking any door. It makes forgiving much easier, first for ourselves for needing such difficult lessons and then for the unfortunate souls who had to carry the burden of hurting and wounding us, not only in this lifetime but also all previous ones. Recognising the Universe’s great wisdom and infinite love behind every single one of our experiences is half the battle won. Without the ‘bloody nose’ experiences I almost certainly would have got lost in the illusion of a home and mother who were meant to play this role in my life for an allocated span of time only. And so, I pray:

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may forgive each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me in this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I am truly thankful.

From ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’

As soon as our earthly self catches a glimpse of the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of God’s children of the Earth, our comprehension expands of God’s true nature and our own. When we begin to understand where we once came from and where one day we shall be returning to, our soul rejoices. As it begins to relax, the earthly self slowly finds ever more rest, peace and healing.  Even when it has merely touched the outer edge of God’s eternal bliss and joy, it becomes more patient in its pursuit of the wisdom, truth and understanding of its true Divine parents.

Although God’s all-enfolding, all-forgiving and all-understanding total and unconditional love is hard to grasp for earthly minds, it is from this point that each one of us once emerged as a minute spark of God’s sacred spirit and was sent forth. Each was launched on their own evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Straight away we had to start building ourselves a personality with distinct character traces. We also needed a soul, as a container – if you like – in which the memories of all our learning would be stored. In both genders, the soul is the feminine, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling part of our nature. Only through these additional parts is it possible for the indwelling spirit in any of us to get to know itself and the world in which our Highest Self places us, wherever this may be one of these days.

Each spark of the Divine initially is a spirit only. Part of God’s masculine aspect, astrologically it is represented by the elements Fire and Air. For as long as the spirit has no body, although it can think it can neither see nor experience itself. It has no feelings but that does not stop if from being precocious, enterprising and inquisitive, wanting to learn to understand itself and the life surrounding it. Having given the matter considerable thought, the spirit of God once decided to create itself a feminine counterpart, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Our soul is part of the Goddess and our spirit is part of God. Both belong together and are one – there is no separation. The feminine aspect of the Divine and us is astrologically represented by the elements Water and Earth.

This evolutionary process explains the necessity for our existence on the physical plane of life. To enable anything to take part in this world, a vehicle has to be created for moving about, i.e. a physical body whose main components are Water and Earth. And that’s how it’s come about that we presently find ourselves in one of the material environments of God’s Creation, planet Earth, on the outermost edge of existence.

It does take a long time until the earthly mind understands the  incredibly long journey of discovery its spirit and soul have already travelled. Finally, the small earthly self comes to terms with its existence and accepts that its explorations will forever continue and that on increasingly higher levels of life, its imagination captures an impression of the grandeur and the goodness of God’s Creation that can clearly be seen everywhere, including its own past, present and future. With this new vision it gradually becomes more tranquil, placid, joyous and also humorous towards some of the difficulties it daily has to cope with.

Whenever something threatens to overwhelm us, it is good to know that we are never alone, because God and the Angels, as well as our guides and masters in the world of light, are constantly with us. Having witnessed them many times in the past, they do understand our human problems only too well. If we call upon them, they will show us how we can become ever more sincere and true in all our relationships, so that we may walk our pathway through life with tranquil hearts and minds that are open to the glories of their worlds that for the time being have to remain invisible to earthly eyes.

Six pointed Star 

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (40)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (18a)

You Only See One Side Of The Picture

You only see one side of the story - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, just like you did when you were dealing with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Humankind will at last find peace when the majority of earthly selves realise that they themselves are the cause of everything that has ever happened on the earthly plane and that’s true for what is taking place at any given time. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work with the greatest precision. There is an abundance of everything on the Earth. Alas, only through the lack of something can humankind learn to appreciate the value of things. That’s why sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary; they teach people the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the lust for warmongering lasts six thousand years, as that of the patriarchy, in God’s time it is merely like the batting of an eyelid.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘The Laws Of Compensation And Balance’
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (41)

When The Curtain Goes Up (18b)


Rays Of Wisdom - Words & Prayers Of Comfort & Healing - Trust

O Universal Christ, only born Son/Daughter
Of the Great Father/Mother of all life.
Every cell and atom of anything that exists
In the whole of Creation was made from Your Light,
Therefore also all human beings.
Thou art the Sun of all suns, the Light of all lights.
Through the warmth and love of the Sun
In the sky above our world,
You shine into everything that shares it with us.

Amid the gloom that to this day
Surrounds it, human nights of the soul
For many are exceedingly frightening and dark.
They are feeling far from home,
Even though in truth none of us ever is.
May the radiance of Thy light
And the guidance and protection of the Angels,
Lead every one of us ever upwards and onwards
On the evolutionary spiral of life,
The way you always have done from
The beginning of human life on the Earth.

Lead Thou us on and help ever more us
Know that we and our world shall always be safe,
That Thy wisdom and love have always
Been trying to guide every human being
From deep within the very core of their own being,
And that we shall always be safe.
Until every last trace of the darkness
Of ignorance has gone from our world,
May Thy wisdom and love show us the way.

May everyone’s inner vision,
Upon waking each morning,
Confirm that the Angels really are there,
That they never left us and stopped loving us.
Please, thank them on our behalves
And bless them all.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star 

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (42)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (19a)

This is how Julia responded the other day: ‘Thank you for the latest part of the Curtain Goes Up. How wonderful that the Wise One within you is giving us and our world, through you, insight into the true meaning of all our experiences, especially the most difficult and traumatic ones. This enables me to deal with the relationship with the parents of my present lifetime in a more positive and constructive way, for the time they were still here on the earthly plane and now that both of them have returned once more to the spirit realm.

‘I truly am honoured that my experiences are being used as an example for how the Law of cause and effect or Karma can help us to understand why there is so much suffering in our world; that we have to suffer for the wise higher reason of repaying the Karmic debts which we piled into our spiritual ledger in previous lifetimes. The knowledge of these things makes me thankful for everything that happened in my present lifetime. When I observe the events from the higher spiritual perspective, I recognise that in order to evolve into a Christed one, in my own right, it has been necessary to experience all manner of human behaviour, starting from the very lowest, most basic and unpleasant, all the way through to the highest, holiest and purest.

‘I think my next move forward and upwards on my personal evolutionary spiral will be through beginning to delve deeper into the mysteries of astrology, in spite of the facts that it seems to be rather a complicated subject. However, I am going to give it a go and will keep you posted on my progress.’

Dear Julia. I am delighted to hear that you are going to take a closer look astrology. To my mind, the simplest way of studying the Divine Science is by first using it as an instrument for helping you understand yourself and your predestined pathway of your present lifetime better. After a while, how about extending this to the behaviour of those around you and how they are, without being aware of it, are ‘influenced by the Stars’. To get you going, you may find the following helpful:

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer – D.I.Y’
•    ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

– To be continued. –

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (43)

From ‘Friendship Healing’

When The Curtain Goes Up (19b)

Ode To Unpleasant People

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - The Unpleasant People

This is an ode to the unpleasant people of our world,
In particular those who, in the course of many years,
Were drawn into my orbit by my own energies.
Thank you, Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
For each one of them, especially my mother.
She taught me most of all how I do not want to be.
Having arrived in the departure lounge of my present lifetime,
It’s easy to see that none of the disagreeable folks I had to endure
Were my enemies, but were sent by You to act as my teachers
And that, therefore, I can count them
Among my most valuable friends.

I forgive these people and myself for having created
The unpleasant encounters and situations of this lifetime
In previous ones while I was still unaware of
The presence of God’s Universal laws.
 I wish these folks the very best when the Karma they
Have been and in many cases still are
Busily creating right here and now,
Returns to them and they find themselves
At the receiving end of the unpleasantnesses
They once so generously handed out
To everybody who came within their reach.

O Great Father/Mother,
Please send my love and forgiveness
To every one of our world’s unpleasant people.
Thank them on my behalf and bless them,
For they truly do not yet know what they are doing
To themselves and the whole humankind.
I look forward to meeting the ones I encountered,
In due course in the world of light,
So I can get to know their true selves.
In the case of the mother of my present lifetime,
We shall reach out to each other not as parent and offspring,
But in the spirit of friendship and love,
As beloved children of God,
Who both have grown into spiritual maturity and
In whose life there is no longer room for anything
But love and kindness, tolerance and patience.
I imagine that all unpleasant people on that plane of life
Will reveal themselves
As the most agreeable folks imaginable.

For as long as they are still taking part in earthly life,
May our spirit friends and helpers provide them
With the courage and strength to overcome
The lower aspects of their nature,
The same as I have had to do,
With their help.
That’s why to each one of them I send
My most grateful thanks.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Looking At Both Sides Of Life’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (44)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (20a)

Going Home

Rays Of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Going Home

Going home, going home.
We’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day,
That’s how everybody goes home
Into the spirit world.

It’s not far, just close by,
Through an open door.
Work all done, cares laid by,
Pain and fear no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us,
Father’s waiting too.
Angels and helpers gathered
With the friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way,
Earth-bound sorrows done.
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life’s just begun.

There’s no break, there’s no end ,
Just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile,
Going on and on . . .

I’m just going home!
Without being aware of it,
I have gone this way many times before.
And it’s good to know that none of us
Ever has to do so on their own.
One of the Angels of Death held our hand and
Took us back home into the world of spirit or light.
From which every one of us emerges
At the beginning of a new earthly lifetime.

God and the Angels always have been and
Forever will be as much part of us
As we are part of them.
And wherever our evolutionary pathway
May still have to take us,
There’s no need to be afraid of anything.
They will forever be accompanying us
And showing the way.
We shall always be safe because
In all Eternity our life will rest
In the loving embrace of the
Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (45)

When The Curtain Goes Up (20b)

As you know by now, love and evolution are the first laws for the whole of Creation and therefore also our world. There is no evolution anywhere that was not built on the basis of love, and that will forever continue. This is why we and our world have always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. Everybody has one of their own which, at the same time is part of the spiral for the whole of humankind, our world and everything that shares it with us. Nothing in the whole of Creation has ever moved backwards; it’s an impossibility.

Life in the whole of Creation is one immense evolutionary journey. The spirit/soul of every human being is part of this and begins its journey as a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light. In the course of many earthly lifetimes, each spark is constantly increasing in strength. The human lower earthly personality is the counterpart of each spirit/soul, who every so often attends the earthly school of life’s lessons. This continues until the earthly self’s personality has been taken over completely by the energies of its higher God or Christ nature. That’s when, in the fullness of time, each one of us evolves into a Christed one, in their own right. The deeper we and our world move into the Aquarian age, the more of us will reach this evolutionary degree. Nobody can do the learning that’s necessary to get us there on anyone else’s behalf.

An essential aspect of teaching our world the value of truth is first giving it, so people know how to live together peacefully and harmoniously responding to each other needs. The second part of this lesson is withholding the truth for a predestined length of time. Because of this approx. six thousand years of patriarchy were necessary. The Divine Great evolutionary plan for us and our world decrees that, when they have run their course, the truth will gradually be re-introduced. For example, the life-story of the Master Jesus describes in a picture book way the initiations which every human being, in the course of their long evolutionary journey, experiences. The fear-inspiring and completely untrue tales of our world’s old religions about what happens to us when our earthly lifetime has reached its end, have served this purpose well.

They are no longer required. That’s why the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle have been occupied with rolling ever more of the boulders from the tomb of humankind’s lack of understanding. First in line is the knowledge that every one of us is a spirit/soul in their own right, who is whole and therefore needs nobody else to make them that way. This is how it’s come about that ever more of us by now are aware why they are taking part in earthly life and what truly has awaited them whenever one of their lifetimes there had reached its end. For some time by now, the TRUTH has been emerging, with constantly increasing strength and ever greater clarity, from the tomb in which our world’s old belief systems for long enough kept humankind imprisoned, is a good one. It consists of the knowledge that the spirit realm is our true home, to which we return at the end of each lifetime; there is nowhere else to go. It is much to look forward to and most certainly nothing to be afraid of. That’s what the tomb of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions has been hiding from humankind. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching us the initial part of the lesson about the value of truth.

Isn’t it good to know that the process of transfiguration never happened to a God-man by the name of Jesus, for the simple reason that he only ever existed as a thoughtform? And that transfiguration is what comes about for every one of us whenever one of our earthly lifetimes has reached its end? One of the Angels of transfiguration then takes our spirit/soul by the hand and returns it to its true home, the spirit realm. Our world consists of two parts, the outer material plane and its inner spiritual counterpart, the spirit realm. Ever since human life started to appear on the Earth, its evolutionary journey began and that’s what has been happening between the two parts ever since. This process of transfiguration is reversed each time a spirit/soul reincarnates into a new material body. As a baby we then once more begin to attend the lessons of the earthly school of life.            

The awareness of these things is why there is every reason to celebrate Easter 2022 with an extra special kind of happiness, in spite of and maybe even because of our world’s present state. There no longer is any need to merely believe that all is truly well with us and our world, and that better times most certainly are ahead. When you follow the link be low and take a look at ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’, you will be able to see for yourself that a high and holy destiny is indeed in store for every human being, the whole of humankind and our world. Your faith that there is bound to be a positive outcome to the present situation will surely increase when you recognise that nothing that’s been said here, or in any other part of the Aquarian writings, is the TRUTH and that no empty promises have ever been made. They are based on what the Divine great evolutionary plan always has had in mind for us and our world.

Today is the 16th April 2022, day of the full Moon in Libra. The Sun at present is moving through Aries, the zodiac’s sign of the pioneering and wayfinding. Its polar opposite is Libra and that’s the sign of the peacemaker. As you probably know by now, the time around the full Moon in any sign is always a good one for finding enlightenment. Usually it comes to appears in the form of better understanding of something that could have been puzzling us for a long time. Happy Easter 2022.

Recommended Reading:
 ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star 

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (46)

When The Curtain Goes Up (20c)

Happy Easter 2022

Rays Of Wisdom - Easter Message 2022 - Our World In Transition

This year’s Easter is an extra special one and that’s
because the light, which for some time by now
has been emerging with steadily increasing strength
from the cave, where our world’ old religions used to
keep humankind imprisoned with their strange tales and
false beliefs, for example that Jesus is a historical figure,
who once walked on the earthly plane of life.

The radiance that’s now flowing from that cave into
our world is the one of TRUTH that comes from
realising that Jesus always has been and forever will
merely represent every human being’s
own higher God or Christ nature.
That is because:

The Aquarian age is the age of truth and
There is only one religion, the one of love, goodness and kindness,
honesty and truth towards all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God and that’s
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
Together they form the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Now please take a look at what I have prepared
for your extra special Easter 2022 celebrations:

•    Easter Card

With love and light,
Rays of Wisdom

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (47)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (21a)

If I Can Help Somebody

Rays of Wisdom - Words And Prayers of Hope and Encouragement

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or a song,
If I can show somebody when they’re travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty, as a child of God ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world that is wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, the way the Angels taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
Then my living shall not be in vain.
My being here will not have been for nothing,
If I can help somebody to understand that their life
Has meaning because it serves a wise higher purpose.
What a shame if the gift of their present lifetime
Were frittered away, for in that case they would
Have to return in another one for a repeat performance
Of their quest for understanding.

If I can help ever more spiritually homeless
To find out about their eternal home and that
In truth there is no death, only a moving on to
Different dimensions of life,
So they lose their fear of death and the unknown.
When they understand that God and the Angels
Are in charge of us and our world
That they have always protected us and that now
The time has come for wanting to show us intuitively
How, hand in hand with them, as many as possible
Need to do their share of bringing about
The greatest healing miracle ever
Experienced on the Earth and that is the
Natural happy ending of the 2019/2020 pandemic,
Then my living has not been in vain.

Alma Bazel Androzzo
Edited by Aquarius
Updated September 2020  

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (48)

When The Curtain Goes Up (21b)

Prayer For Renewal Of Faith

Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers For Comfort & Healing - Prayer For Renewal Of Faith

O Universal Christ,
Light of all lights, Sun of all suns,
Star of all stars.
You are the Sun above and behind
The one in the sky above us.
Together with the Great Father/Mother of all life
You are the true Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress,
Of the whole of Creation.
You have more power than any earthly ruler
Could ever hope to hold,
Even in their most daring dreams.

Please draw us and our world close to you
And renew the awareness that every one of us
Is a spark of your Light and therefore worthy
Of being called Your child.
Through this knowledge may our faith and trust grow
In the goodness of the life you have given us
And the hope for a golden future
That is in store for us and world.
Now that You are revealing yourself
As the true world teacher of the Aquarian Age,
Teach all of us intuitively how we can do our share of
Making our world into an ever
More beautiful and peaceful place,
That the only thing we have to do is bring forth,
Each from within the very core of their own being,
The Christ qualities of kindness and tolerance,
Honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity.

Light our way forwards and upwards
The evolutionary spiral of life
That in the end takes all Your children
To the top of the spiritual mountain of life into
The conscious awareness of being one with You.
May the knowledge the Angels and Masters
Around your throne, together with
Countless numbers of friends and helpers
On the lower levels of the spirit realm,
With Your permission are bringing to our world,
Help us to see more clearly who and what You truly are,
So we can love You more dearly and slowly but surely
Become ever more like You and at last
Be at one with You again.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God – The Great Genius’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (49)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (22a)

About Children

Children at play - About Children, Kahlil Gibran - Rays of Wisdom

Holding a babe on her bosom, a woman said:
‘Speak to us of children’,
And the Prophet replied: ‘Your children are not your children;
Every human being is a beloved child of the Earth
Of the Great Father/Mother.
We are all manifestations of life that’s steadfastly moving
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral
Of the whole of Creation, one of their own as well as
One for the whole of humankind and our world.

Your children come through you, but they are
Neither of you nor from you.
Even though they are with you for a while,
They do not belong to you.
You can give them your love, but try not to make
Them think your thoughts.
From as early as possible, teach each one how
To think its own thoughts,
Come to its own conclusions and
Develop its own opinions.

Although you house their physical bodies for a while,
Their spirit/souls are uniquely their own.
In their soul memories they have brought with them
Their own hopes, dreams and aspirations
And they may not be the same as yours.
That’s what you also did when you entered
Your present lifetime and will do again,
Should you need to return to this plane
In a future lifetime, in case you have not yet
Finished your education in the earthly school of life.
Being like your children is good for you.
It keeps you young at heart with them and you continue to
Observe our world with the innocence of a childlike perception.
Whatever you do, forget about making your children like you,
As that would be holding back their development
And not do nothing to assist yours.

Sagittarius is the zodiac’s sign in which
Humankind’s superconscious faculties are developed.
It symbol is the archer, half human and half God.
Parents are the bows from which
The Great Father/Mother of all life
Is sending everyone of Its children forth like
Living arrows onto the material plane.
The members of Angelic Kingdom serve the Divine archer.
They love to shoot their arrows as far and wide as possible.
They alone can see the marks, which are invisible
To earthly eyes, that every arrow leaves behind
And how much progress it is making
On its pathway of getting to know itself
As a spark of the Great Light and
A young God in the making.

That’s how, in the course of many earthly lifetimes,
Every one of us evolves into an ever more perfect and beautiful
Manifestation of the archetype that exists in
The Great Father’s mind.
The first step of our apprenticeship as a young God
Is taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
It has reached its end as soon as
We have evolved into a Christed one,
Each in their own right.

The Divine archer loves parents who not only
Give their children roots in which they can grow but also
The freedom to fly when they are ready to leave the nest;
Stepping back and setting their offspring free,
Safe in the knowledge that they will do well because
From early on they have been encouraged
To make their own mistakes, so they can learn from
Their own experiences and dream their own dream.
Support your children to fulfil their own highest potential,
As that sets you free to attend to yours.

The Archer loves wise parents and teachers,
Who tell the children in their care that they are the children of God
And that therefore each one is as precious and unique as the other;
Who appreciate that although children at first live
In smaller bodies than their own, they have nonetheless
Come into our world as a fully developed spirit/soul,
Who may have a much longer evolutionary history
Behind it than its parents;
And that their gifts and talents are not inherited from
Any of their forebears but it could already have taken
Many lifetimes to develop them and bring them
To full flowering, maybe in this one.

Wise parents tell their offspring that:
They are not some kind of appendix of them;
They have been granted the gift of another lifetime
To learn, evolve and grow some more through their own experiences,
The same as they are doing and forever will continue to do.
When their children go to school, they point out that they are
Learning for themselves and for life itself,
Not only for this lifetime, but for Eternity.
They explain that every human being is personally responsible
For every one of their thoughts, words and actions,
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them to is sender.
That’s why in each lifetime we are born to parents who are
Like the parent we ourselves were during our most recent lifetime.

Wise parents teach their children that they are personally
Responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions
And that the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course returns every one of them.
Through their example they are showing that,
If one wants to get anything of value from earthly life,
It’s essential to first put something valuable into it.

From as early as possible, wise parents encourage their children not to blindly swallow everything they hear, see or read; not to believe that something is true just because someone says so, whoever they may be; to let everything flow through the inner filter of their very own wise one or living God within, who communicates with everybody through the world of their feelings. If something is true or false, this guidance reliably lets us know.

Wise parents don’t endlessly give to their children. Through first giving something and then withholding it for a while, their offspring learn about its value. That’s how the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother have always been teaching us, their beloved children of the Earth the value of honesty and truth. And this is why our world needed approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. With the old religions unnatural all-male God-head and their steadily increasing store of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices, and the insistence of their leaders that they are literally true, one step after another honesty and truth were almost completely removed from our world.

Although it seems that God and the Angels are allowing the present outburst of lying and cheating, deception and corruption, they will never cease to be the eye that does not sleep. Wise ones know that it must be happening for a wise higher reason. They forgive your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers because they really do not know what they are doing – most of all to themselves when, in due course, the law of Karma returns to them the seeds they are so happily sowing far and wide.

Wise ones know intuitively that our world’s present state is the crescendo and final instalment of being taught the value of honesty and truth. When they have reappeared, they will be appreciated and treasured beyond compare. Every one of us will ensure that they will never again go from us and our world. Wise parents realise that the Great Father/Mother together with their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light, are the true parents of the whole of humankind. Earthly parents can merely act as their representatives and can only ever be substitutes for the real thing.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (50)

When The Curtain Goes Up (22b)

Let It Be

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Let It Be

The Angels and Masters in the
Spiritual background of earthly life
Are in charge of us and our world.
They are the voice of the Great Father/Mother
And of my conscience.
Whenever I’m in trouble,
Their wisdom and love speak to me:
‘Be still, My child,
There’s a reason for everything
And answers to all your questions.
Let Me show the way and
Refuse to rush into things.
For a while let them be,
So I can show you  intuitively
How to respond.
Just let it be.

In my deepest, darkest hours
This voice whispers: ‘Let it be.’
And even if the broken-hearted people
Of our world as yet cannot recognise this presence,
The only thing they need to do is ask
For their guidance and protection
Which will never be denied.

That’s how, in due course,
Everybody learns about the living God within
And through their own experiences finds out
That God is as much part of us as we are of God,
That no-one is ever apart from God,
And that with the help and will
Of God and the Angels,
 The right way of handling
Any situation is sure to be found.
Just tell them about your troubles
Follow their advice
And let it be.

Spiritual wisdom and truth are God’s light.
Whenever my life clouds over,
I ask for the radiance of this light
To shine onto my problems
And intuitively show me the way forward.
Knowing that it is always the right one for me,
Even though it may not be for anyone else,
And that this will continue forever,
It’s easy to let people and things be.

That’s how in any difficult situation
Divine love and wisdom can soon take over.
And I hear my inner guidance whispering: 
‘Look for the lesson, be patient, My child.
Allow yourself to be and rest safely in the knowledge
That the answers to all your questions will
Never fail to come and light your way.

Just let yourself be and enjoy the voyage
Of your earthly existence as much as you can,
Bearing in mind that it’s merely a passing phase
On spirit/soul’s long evolutionary journey.’

Paul McCartney
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Let It Be’

‘Being part of and at one with the Great Father/Mother of all life, your soul is psychic and therefore as familiar with the past as the present and future. The Great Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation. She is the wise one within who knows the answers to every one of your questions. All She desires is to protect the human race against destroying itself. She has always been with you and part of you. When you laugh, she enjoys herself with you. And when you are sad and lonely or in pain, She suffers with you. We speak most earnestly to all of you and urge you to bring forth and develop the highest and noblest qualities of the Great Mother. The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend as the mother of God is but one of Her many symbols.’

Extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides in
‘Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding A Growing Organism’

Six pointed Star 

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (51)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

The Curtain Goes Up (23a)

Healing Prayer For Parents And Children

Forgiveness From The Heart

Rays Of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - Forgiveness From The Heart

It makes no difference whether someone we would like to make peace with is in our world or has already moved on into the spirit realm. Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, forgiving and healing that relationship through making peace is always possible. It probably works better from a distance and in our thoughts than face to face. Here are some suggestions of how to approach the matter.

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may pardon each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I truly am thankful.

Thank you for showing us that each one of us is Your child
Whom You have granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth,
So that we should learn and grow some more,
Each through their own experiences.
Thank you for the Angels, Masters and guides who are
Protecting us and lighting the way back home into the oneness with You.
I rejoice to know that we are all children in the great school of life,
Which You so lovingly have created for us.

I pray for Your forgiveness for the mistakes I have made,
Throughout this whole lifetime and all previous ones.
Help me to draw the learning from them,
So that I may bring forth all that is good and noble within me,
Finding wholeness and healing through becoming
Ever more like You and being closer to You.

As the road of this earthly life is long and difficult
And strewn with many kinds of temptations
Which my earthly self finds hard to resist,
Assist me with being strong in my determination to overcome them.
Help me to accept and love myself the way I am,
Safe in the knowledge that Your great wisdom and love
Created me – and everybody else – in Your Divine image,
And that you love us all totally and unconditionally.

To break the vicious circle of acting against my own best interests
And of being my own worst enemy,
When it comes to solving any problem, help me
To listen to Your help and guidance that comes
From deep within my own heart, where You dwell.
Help me to stop finding fault with myself and those around me,
But to love and accept myself and them they way we are.
Whenever I encounter difficulties, especially in relationships,
Grant me the gift of the ability to first look to myself to resolve them.

Now that I understand that the purpose of life on Earth
Is growth and evolution that leads each and every one of us
To ever higher levels of consciousness,
And knowing that all my experiences only ever happened
Because they meant to teach me something,
I let go of all resentment and grudges I ever
Bore against anyone, including myself.

Help me, Great Spirit, to love wisely, the way You do,
Myself and everything that comes my way,
Knowing that it is part of Your Creation,
That it has been prepared by Your great wisdom and love.
Help us all to dissolve the chains and shackles of Karma that
Have bound us to each other, for so many lifetimes,
So that we may set ourselves and each other free
From the bondages that were created
By the darkness of the ignorance of our true nature of past Ages.

Help us to free our world from all hatred, resentment, envy and greed,
And to fill us and it with Your Divine Wisdom, Power and Love.
My soul yearns to make peace with You and all life,
Because I now so much better understand
You and the processes of the life
You created for us.

* * *

Help me to forgive the mother of this lifetime for any unlovingness
She has shown towards me, knowingly or unknowingly, especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who understands the way of all things]
Help me to forgive her for the times she failed to provide me with
The deep and fully satisfying Mother’s nurturing
That only You, my Divine Mother, can give to any of Your children.
Help me to forgive myself for expecting
Such love from someone who is merely human,
Like myself and who is, therefore, but one of your children,
On her own pathway of evolution and therefore still imperfect.

Help me to forgive the father of this lifetime for any unlovingness
He has shown towards me, knowingly or unknowingly, especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who does understand]
Help me to forgive him for the times he failed to provide me with
The deep and fully satisfying Father’s love,
Forgiveness and understanding that You alone, my Divine Father,
Can feel towards all my efforts.
Help me to forgive myself for expecting
Such love from one who is merely human,
Like myself and who is, therefore, but one of your children,
On his own pathway of evolution and still imperfect.

Help me to forgive my partner for any unlovingness
S/he showed towards me, during the times You have given us together,
Knowingly or unknowingly. Especially . . .
[Now pour your pain into God, who does understand]
Help me to forgive her/him and also myself for
Any hurt and pain we ever caused each other,
For misunderstandings and abuse of any kind,
For not entering into the deep and fully satisfying
Relationship that is only possible between You and me.
Help me to recognise that it is folly to expect such
Perfect love and understanding from a mere human being who,
Like me, is Your child, on her/his own pathway of evolution
And therefore still imperfect.

Continue with this prayer until each and every one,
Who has ever hurt or wounded you, has been forgiven.
Finish off with:

Help me to forgive myself for all false expectations I ever hoped
Could be fulfilled in any of my human relationships,
When this can only be found in You, my Divine Mother/Father.
You are the Divine lover, who is alive in each one of us,
And You alone have the power to know and fulfil all my needs.
All those around me and with me are but outer manifestations of You.
And each one who has ever shared my life with me,
Is Your child and constantly searching the perfect loving relationship
That we can only have with You.

Help me to forgive my children for being [or having been]
Unable to fulfil the unrealistic hopes and dreams I once nurtured,
And that made me long and yearn for them,
Ever since I myself was a child who had to endure the suffering
At the hands of parents and other adults,
Who as yet failed to understand their own true nature and Yours,
And the reason why they were here.
Having no idea about the purpose and meaning of this life,
How could they understand me?

Thank You for allowing me access to the knowledge that
The children who came through me are not my children but Yours
And that they are in this life to fulfil their own Dreams
And reach their own Highest potential, not mine.
Like me, they are hoping to re-learn to walk
Hand in hand with You and the Angels, the way we all once did.

Help me, Great Spirit, to forgive myself and all those
Who ever hurt and wounded me for the suffering we,
In the ignorance of our true nature,
Inflicted upon each other, in the course of many lifetimes.
Help us all to set each other free.

Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
I release all those who have ever shared my life
From the Karmic chains and shackles of all lifetimes,
I forgive each and every one and set them free, now.
May the bonds that exist between us be transmuted into those of
True siblinghood, friendship and love,
For You, each other and the world You so lovingly
Brought into being for us, and re-create anew each day to our joy.

With my whole being, with all my heart and soul,
Mind, body and spirit I thank You for the gift of this life.
May the blessing and healing Power of Your Spirit
Now freely flow through me and all those mentioned in my prayer.
I love You with all my heart and soul and my whole being,
And I trust the blessing and healing power of
Your Divine Fatherly/Motherly wisdom and love
To bless and heal the wounds of all lifetimes in me and all life.


Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (52)

The Curtain Goes Up (23b)

Do You Know Where You're Going To? (1)

Do you know where your're going to? Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing Journey

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to?

Do you know?

M. Masser & G. Goffin

An improved understanding of the purpose and meaning of our present existence initially helped me more than anything else to make some sense of the complexities of this life. It was the beginning of my healing journey that brought me a measure of peace. It was good to get to know that our planet is nothing but a place of learning like a school and that the world of spirit is our true home. This is by no means a scary notion, because the spirit world is not a strange and alien place somewhere else, but a very familiar one that is well-known and much loved by all of us. It is an integral part of our present world, whose outermost manifestation is our present existence in physicality. The inner is a world of light from which we once emerged and at the end of each lifetime return to for rest and recuperation.

Human beings are much more than their physical bodies, which is merely an outer shell that is worn like an overcoat. In truth we are a spirit and soul, who every so often returns to the Earth plane to be once more temporarily encased in matter. Our real parents are the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life. All earthly parents can ever hope to do is take on the role of adopted parents for the duration of one lifetime – no more. The most important bit, to my mind, is that everybody has an inner home where a direct connection or line with God has been waiting to be re-established for a very long time.

The deeper these things sank into my consciousness, the more I came to terms with my lifetime’s experiences and the long, slow and painful journey of healing my soul got on its way. As time went by, the desire to return to my old home country or even to visit it disappeared completely. All I had ever got from my visits was a bloody nose – metaphorically speaking. Each time I was emotionally so deeply upset and distressed that at one time it made me physically sick, without having any idea at the time of why it was happening. Realising where we are all coming from and one day will be returning to has helped me to love and appreciate my life and the things it is showing me.

As bit by bit the mystery of our existence started to unravel itself in my mind, I got to like and appreciate what life has always been trying to show me. The more I understand, the more I love my life and the one who created it. In my view, understanding is the key for unlocking any door. It makes forgiving much easier, first for ourselves for needing such difficult lessons and then for the unfortunate souls who had to carry the burden of hurting and wounding us, not only in this lifetime but also all previous ones. Recognising the Universe’s great wisdom and infinite love behind every single one of our experiences is half the battle won. Without the ‘bloody nose’ experiences I almost certainly would have got lost in the illusion of a home and mother who were meant to play this role in my life for an allocated span of time only. And so, I pray:

O Great Spirit, Mother/Father Creator,
Grant me the gift of Your Divine wisdom and forgiveness,
So that I may forgive each and every one
Who ever hurt or wounded me, including myself.
Help me to forgive every cruelty and unkindness
That was ever done to me by anyone, in word, thought and deed.
With hindsight, I can see that all who treated me in this way
Supplied me with a special service and were my best teachers,
Because they all helped me to become the one I am now,
And for that, Great Spirit, I am truly thankful.

From ‘Healing Prayer For Parents And Children’

As soon as our earthly self catches a glimpse of the Divine plan for the spiritual evolution of God’s children of the Earth, our comprehension expands of God’s true nature and our own. When we begin to understand where we once came from and where one day we shall be returning to, our soul rejoices. As it begins to relax, the earthly self slowly finds ever more rest, peace and healing.  Even when it has merely touched the outer edge of God’s eternal bliss and joy, it becomes more patient in its pursuit of the wisdom, truth and understanding of its true Divine parents.

Although God’s all-enfolding, all-forgiving and all-understanding total and unconditional love is hard to grasp for earthly minds, it is from this point that each one of us once emerged as a minute spark of God’s sacred spirit and was sent forth. Each was launched on their own evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Straight away we had to start building ourselves a personality with distinct character traces. We also needed a soul, as a container – if you like – in which the memories of all our learning would be stored. In both genders, the soul is the feminine, soft, sensitive and vulnerable feeling part of our nature. Only through these additional parts is it possible for the indwelling spirit in any of us to get to know itself and the world in which our Highest Self places us, wherever this may be one of these days.

Each spark of the Divine initially is a spirit only. Part of God’s masculine aspect, astrologically it is represented by the elements Fire and Air. For as long as the spirit has no body, although it can think it can neither see nor experience itself. It has no feelings but that does not stop if from being precocious, enterprising and inquisitive, wanting to learn to understand itself and the life surrounding it. Having given the matter considerable thought, the spirit of God once decided to create itself a feminine counterpart, the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess. Our soul is part of the Goddess and our spirit is part of God. Both belong together and are one – there is no separation. The feminine aspect of the Divine and us is astrologically represented by the elements Water and Earth.

This evolutionary process explains the necessity for our existence on the physical plane of life. To enable anything to take part in this world, a vehicle has to be created for moving about, i.e. a physical body whose main components are Water and Earth. And that’s how it’s come about that we presently find ourselves in one of the material environments of God’s Creation, planet Earth, on the outermost edge of existence.

It does take a long time until the earthly mind understands the  incredibly long journey of discovery its spirit and soul have already travelled. Finally, the small earthly self comes to terms with its existence and accepts that its explorations will forever continue and that on increasingly higher levels of life, its imagination captures an impression of the grandeur and the goodness of God’s Creation that can clearly be seen everywhere, including its own past, present and future. With this new vision it gradually becomes more tranquil, placid, joyous and also humorous towards some of the difficulties it daily has to cope with.

Whenever something threatens to overwhelm us, it is good to know that we are never alone, because God and the Angels, as well as our guides and masters in the world of light, are constantly with us. Having witnessed them many times in the past, they do understand our human problems only too well. If we call upon them, they will show us how we can become ever more sincere and true in all our relationships, so that we may walk our pathway through life with tranquil hearts and minds that are open to the glories of their worlds that for the time being have to remain invisible to earthly eyes.

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (53)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (24)

The Galilee Song

Rays of Wisdom – Healers And Healing - Salvation And Redemption - The Galilee Song

Deep within my heart I feel
Voices, whispering to me,
Words, that I can’t understand,
Meanings, I must clearly hear!
Calling me to follow close,
Lest I leave myself behind!
Calling me to walk into
Evening shadows one more time!

In my memories I know
How you send familiar rains,
Falling gently on my days,
Dancing patterns on my pain.
And I need to learn once more
In the fortress of my mind:
To believe in falling rain
As I travel deserts dry.

 As I gaze into the night,
Down the future of my years,
I’m not sure I want to walk
Past horizons that I know.
But I feel my spirit called,
Like a stirring deep within,
Restless ‘till I live again
Beyond the fears that close me in.

So I leave my boats behind,
Leave them on familiar shores.
Set my heart upon the deep,
Follow you again, my Lord.

Frank Andersen

The strange tales of our world’s old religions, which never had anything in common with what really happens to every human being when the end of their earthly lifetime has come round. Alas, these stories in the course of many lifetimes have created a barrier of fear in me, the same as in everybody else who took part in earthly life during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy. Having worked my way through layer upon layer of my fears during almost eighty-five years, with every day that passes the voice of my inner higher God or Christ Self speaks to me louder and clearer.

That’s why for a long time I have been able to sense how it wants me to go, what to do and write. And this is how, with the passing of time, I have found out that the story of Jesus should not forever be understood as being literally true. The God-man is merely a symbolism of every human being’s higher nature. It needs to be brought forth from deep within every human being. Nobody else can save and redeem us and our world. The Divine great evolutionary plan provided that humankind for a predestined length of time should be unaware that the tale of the Master Jesus is but a legend. He only ever existed as a thoughtform and never was a historical figure who once walked on this plane of life.

The knowledge of this is helping to bring about the greatest transformation that our world has ever experienced. For some time by now, it has been in the process of changing from an over-materially oriented place into a completely spiritual one. Whatever may still have to happen, will be an essential part of what the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, who are the executors of the Great Father/Mother’s evolutionary plan, have for a long time been planning for us and our world. This plan decrees that the Age of Aquarius will be the age of truth. And that’s why, with steadily increasing strength, fresh spiritual knowledge has been flowing from the Highest levels of life direct into hearts and minds that are not only open to receive and understand it, but also willing to unselfishly share what they have received with as many people as possible.

This is why the voice of truth these days is whispering to ever more of us that the Jesus tale was created in the form of a legend, so it could serve as the initial instalment of teaching humankind the value of truth. That’s why the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom first gave to humankind the knowledge of who and what God really is and the true nature of every human being. After that, for a certain length of time this knowledge was withdrawn, but only for a predestined length of time. This is why our world, for approx. six thousand years, had to endure the belief that an all-male Godhead is eternally in charge of it, and also that the masculine forces are superior to the feminine.

The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the clearer it will be recognisable that the masculine and feminine forces of life always have been and forever will be equal partners who cannot be separated from each other. And then the crowing glory was the Great Father/Mother’s most ingenious idea of installing the earthly school of life, in which every human being for as long as they are taking part in it, simultaneously plays the role of teacher as well as student. The more highly advanced we spiritually become, our inner guidance moves to the forefront of our consciousness.

There is nothing to fear whenever this guidance tells us that something is right and the feelings of our innermost being confirm that it’s safe to follow the direction received. This is how the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, have always tried to communicate with us. For a long time, we just don’t know where the instructions are coming from. Any task they advise us to carry out on their behalf, we need to attend to the best of our ability.

Whenever we thank our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, for their infinite wisdom and love, their warmth and love then wrap themselves around us act as a protective cloak that shelters and keeps us safe, forever and ever. This is particularly important for as long as, in earthly terms, our planet in many places to this day still has to be a lonely, cold and dark place. Never forget that behind all outer appearances the love and warmth of the eternal Sun have never stopped shining. Every small effort towards making our world into a more peaceful and agreeable place, and that for as many as possible, is a most valuable contribution towards dispersing the mists that spiritually still fill and surround it.

So let’s be of good heart and feel safe because of the awareness that, slowly but surely, the warming rays of the Sun beyond the Sun and the gentle rain of increasing spiritual knowledge are bringing an ever better understanding of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence. These things are constantly occupied with removing the last remnants of the ignorance that cannot be avoided at the beginning of every human being’s evolutionary journey.

The constantly arriving fresh insights into more and more ancient themes, with the help of writings like these, has already brought about great progress in the evolutionary development of humankind and our world. My inner guidance tells me that many good things are in store for every one of us, the whole of humankind and our world, and that sooner than many of us would believe possible. So let’s rejoice and praise the glory of the infinite love, wisdom and truth of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Thanks and praise be to them, forever and ever, Amen.

Updated End of April 2022

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (54)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (25a)

In Times Of Great Struggle

Waterfall - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Comfort & Healing

When our world’s events are forcing us to our knees,
We are in the best position for praying.
And when we do, we do well to bear in mind that
Happiness does not mean living in a world
Where everything is already perfect and beautiful.
True and everlasting happiness is being able to peer
Beyond the ends of our noses and
Recognise that all our world’s imperfections
Serve the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind,
Individually and collectively, many lessons
That are taking us ever closer to recognising that,
At the end of everybody’s education
In the earthly school of life,
A high and holy destiny awaits all of us.

From that view alone can glimpses be caught
Of the perfected beautiful self that potentially
Exists in every human being.
For many lifetimes it is there only in seed form.
But in truth we are all sparks of the Divine,
Children of the Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Great White Light of the Universal Christ.

The characteristics of these parents are also in us.
It makes no difference whether they are already
Visible in someone or not.
Even in our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers
They are merely waiting to wake from their slumber,
To be brought forth and unfolded.
That’s what many of us must have been doing
For quite some time,
Whilst plodding the human evolutionary road
Of evolving into a Christed one, in our own right.
Reaching this  goal is the highest potential and
The birthright of every human being.
There are no exceptions.

If one wants to understand humankind’s existence, one needs to look at the whole of our evolutionary journey. It takes every one of us from getting to know our lowest and meanest characteristics, forwards and upwards towards bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the best, highest and holiest of our God or Christ nature. That’s why it is pointless to merely consider merely the fragment of one lifetime. Never mind the whole of the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its false beliefs of an all-male Godhead that for ever and ever will be ruling us and our world. Fortunately, this developmental period by now has been left behind.

In God’s time of Eternity even six thousand years in earthly time are no more than the batting of an eyelid. They too have been but a passing phase of humankind’s evolutionary journey. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, created it for the wise higher purpose of teaching of us and our world the value of truth. The patriarchal beliefs have been his lesson’s first instalment and this is why the truth was ever more withdrawn from our world, for a predestined length of time.

The re-appearance of Divine truth, since the beginning of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, is the second part of the same lesson. That’s why, for quite some time by now, it has been flowing with ever increasing strength from the highest levels of life directly into the hearts and minds of those who are not only ready to receive and understand the wisdom received, as well as being able and willing to share it unselfishly with as many as possible.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated April 2022

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (55)

When The Curtain Goes Up (25b)

A Visit From Wisdom Or The Guardian Angel

 Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers Of Comfort & Healing - A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran - A Visit From Wisdom

One day, when I was in deep despair and could no longer
See the way forward on my pathway through life,
I prayed for the wisdom and love of
The Great Mother of all life to come to my help.
In dreamtime in the stillness of that night
One of Her Angels came and stood by my side.
It gazed upon me like a tender mother,
Wiped away my tears and said:
‘I have heard the cry of your soul
And have come to comfort you.
Open your heart to me, so it can be filled with God’s light
Of wisdom, truth and knowledge,
Which flows through me into you.
Whatever is troubling you, tell me about it
And the wisdom of Divine Mother
Will speak to you and tell you what you need to know.’

Encouraged by this, I replied:
‘Who am I, beloved Angel and messenger of God?
How did I come to this frightening place, the Earth?
What are the mighty hopes, the many books
And strange patterns I encounter?
What are the thoughts that pass
Through my mind like doves in flight?
And the words that seem to be composed by
My desires and sung by my delights?
‘What are the conclusions, grievous and joyous alike,
That embrace my spirit and fill my heart?
Whose are the eyes that are looking at me,
Can see into the depths of my inner most being
And watch me when I am trying to flee from my sorrows?
Whose is the voice that I hear mourning throughout my days,
Chanting of my human smallness and unimportance?
Who or what is it that plays with my desires
And mocks my longings, is forgetful of yesterday’s deeds
And rejoices in the paltry things of the moment,
And at the same time is fearful of tomorrow’s coming?

‘What is this world that gets me to despise myself
And leads me to I do not know where?
What is this planet that opens its mouth wide to swallow
Animal and human bodies alike and nurtures
Evil things as well as good ones on its breast?
Who is this creature that is satisfied with the love of fortune,
When it knows full well that beyond it lies
Nothing but a union with the grave?
Who is this being that seeks life’s kiss whilst death smites it,
That brings us human beings minutes of pleasure
That sometimes can be followed by years
Of regret and repentance?
Who gives itself to slumber at times and is guided by dreams?
And what happens to those who flow down the rivers of folly
To the sea of darkness?
O Angel, please help me to understand.’

The Angel replied:
‘You are on the Earth plane to learn how to look at life
Through the eyes of God, your Highest Self.
First and foremost you are a spirit and soul.
In truth, you are a young God in the making,
A spark of the Divine, the Light of all lights,
The Sun of all Suns, The Universal Christ.
The purpose of your existence is evolution.
Without grasping this you will never be able
To understand Earth life.
And through the thinking of your earthly mind alone
You will never be able to penetrate the secrets of the hereafter.
Trying to do so is the height of folly.

‘Go to the wild places and watch the bees visiting the flowers
And the eagles revelling in their glorious flight.
Visit your neighbour’s house and observe a child
Enjoying the leaping of the fire in the hearth,
While its mother is busy with her household tasks.
Be like a bee who is happy with who and what it is,
And do not waste your time admiring the soaring of eagles.
Be like the child that delights in the firelight,
Untroubled by its mother’s affairs.

‘Become like a bee who gathers the nectar from all flowers
Within its reach and converts it into honey.
As you move from one experience to another,
The nectar you collect is the learning Earth life provide for you.
Even or rather especially from the most bitter ones
Your innermost being extracts the honey
Of wisdom and an ever growing understanding
Of the purpose and meaning of your life.
Become a wise one, who patiently and diligently
Applies itself to its earthly lessons with the persistence
Of bees attending to their task.
In the fullness of time this will lift your vision
Above the concerns of the Earth plane.
On the mighty wings of God’s wisdom and truth,
The Great White Spirit, whose symbol is the white eagle,
You will be able to rise above earthly life and
With the passing of time perceive
An ever greater picture of the purpose and meaning of all life.
Fear not for those who shirk their earthly lessons
And try to run away from them.
In due course they will be granted the gift of another lifetime,
So they can repeat the lessons they once shied away from.

‘For a very long time, the bee’s harvest has been
The sweet delight of humankind.
If need be, honey can be stored for thousands of years,
Without going off or in any way deteriorating.
The bee’s gift also has some wonderful healing qualities.
And the wisdom and your constantly improving understanding
Of life is your yield.
It has the same healing powers as the bee’s produce.
The honey you gather is yours to keep forever
And after first having healed yourself with it,
When you share it with those around you,
It can do the same for them.
The most wonderful thing is that
When one of you is healing,
Your whole race and Mother Earth is doing the same.

‘Everything that is in your life is there
For you to enjoy and for teaching you something.
All books and patterns and also
The beautiful as well as ugly thoughts
That come to you unbidden.
They are the results of the things you created
By your own thinking and behaviour patterns of past lifetimes.
In this one make sure that the only words you speak weave a bond
Between you and all your siblings in the great family of humankind.
Your grievous and joyous experiences are the result
Of the seeds you scattered in the field of your spirit
In previous lifetimes and earlier in this one.
Knowing this, make sure from now on only to sow
The things you want to reap in the future.

‘The young soul inside you, who plays upon the world of your desires,
Opens the door of your heart for the light of love to enter
At a later date and the Earth with its ever open mouth
For all of you in the end
Frees your spirit and soul from the slavery of
The desires of your lower earthly self.
The inner world is alive in your heart.
It contains everything you think of as your world.
The ignorant, small and insignificant creature
You believe yourself to be,
Once freely and willingly emerged from the heartmind of God.
It ventured forth to experience the joys and laughter of earthly life,
But also its pain, suffering and sadness.
With the passing of time all of these things together
Are helping you evolve into an ever more understanding
And enlightened, compassionate and loving being.
Alas, the way from the darkness and ignorance of the Earth
Back into the illumination of God’s wisdom and truth
Can only be found by wading through all these things.’

Gently the Angel laid its hand on my burning brow and said:
‘Go forward now and take possession of all parts of your being
And do not tarry on your journey into the oneness with your Creator.
This is the road that eventually takes all God’s children of the Earth
Into healing, perfection and wholeness, which is holiness.
This means being in command of every aspect of your nature,
Upper and lover, earthly and Divine alike.
So, do not fear any thorns and boulders on your path,
For I am with you and will light your way,
Now and forever.

‘The role I have been given by God
Is to support and sustain you at all times,
Not only when you have a special need, like now.
I am not allowed to carry you,
As that would interfere with the development
Of your own strength.
But rest safely in the knowledge that whenever you call for me,
I shall come to hold your hand and show you the way,
The way I am doing now.’

Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Angels’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (56)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (26a)

Prayer For Healing And Peace

Dove of Peace - Healing Prayer - Rays of Wisdom - Healing Words & Prayers

O Holy Trinity of the Great White Spirit, Mother/Father of all life, and Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, joy fills our hearts and souls that the dark night of the soul for humankind has almost run its course and is definitely drawing to its close, now that the Aquarian Age is with us. As we now know, on the inner level all is one and what any one of us does affects all life and lifeforms everywhere. The whole of Your Creation must be rejoicing and celebrating with us, because the troublesome energies of our world have been disturbing their vibrations for a very long time.

Having become aware that the powers that are in You are also in us, we want to make good where we once sinned and redeem ourselves. That’s why we ask You and the Angels and Masters around Your throne, and their helpers on the lower levels of the spirit world, to show us what kind of a contribution we can make towards the healing of each other, our world and everything that is in it, and also every aspect of our own being. You are the living God, the wise one within. Teach us intuitively the wise use of all Your powers, especially the one of infinite wisdom and love, never for selfish purposes but only for bringing peace and healing to wherever it is needed in all worlds and beings throughout the whole of Your Creation.

May Your will be our will and Your sacred words with their blessing and healing power be ours. May they flow from our hearts and souls into the soul of every individual human being, on this and the other side of the veil that separates our two worlds. And may they continue from there into the collective soul of our race and world and ultimately the soul of the whole of Creation. May the Divine spark in ever more human hearts and souls wake from its slumber and may this continue until Your loving Spirit has been fully born in our world and takes charge of it. For this purpose may Your prayers and ours join forces and harmoniously work together, so that our world once again finds peace the way it did during other golden ages of the past.

Please help ever more of us to become aware that every human being’s true nature is love, the same as Yours, and that love is the law of life. Teach us how to love wisely, the way You have always loved us. From love we have come and through the gift of the knowledge You are now allowing us access to, we are now returning into the conscious awareness of our oneness with You and all life. Help us to use the gifts and powers you have bestowed upon us wisely, with love and respect for the highest good of all in this world and all other worlds, now and forever. As Your children, we ask these things from You in the name of love, Your name and also ours. We welcome You, the living loving Spirit onto the Earth. Amen

•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (57)

When The Curtain Goes Up (26b)

On Religion

 On Religion - The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - Rays of Wisdom - A Celebration of Kahlil Gibran

An old priest said: ‘Speak to us of Religion.’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Have I ever spoken to you of anything else?
Isn’t everything a religion in its own special way,
Because it’s a gift from our Creator and connects us
With Him/Her, no matter what our world’s religions
Have ever told us about who or what God is.
God is the wonder and surprise human spirit/souls experience,
For example when their hands are hewing a stone
Or attending to a weaving loom.

‘Who can separate their faith from their actions
Or their beliefs from their occupations?
Who can spend their daily hours and say:
‘This part of me is for God and that for myself.
This is for my spirit/soul and that for my physical body?’
All hours of any given lifetime are
Wings on which our spirit/soul is working
Its way through space and time.
For a long time without being aware of what we are doing,
We are experiencing every part of our being.
Effortlessly, we change from our God or Christ nature
To our earthly personality, its counterpart.

‘If we wear our morality only as our best garment
When we attend church on Sundays,
There is no way of getting any idea
Of what the concept of God truly means.
For as long as someone’s conduct is limited by
The dogma and creed of one religion or another,
Their soul’s songbird is like being trapped in a cage.
Nobody can sing their finest songs from behind wires and bars.
And for as long as someone’s worshipping is but a window
That they open and shut at their will,
It’s impossible for them to experience
The constantly open windows of
Every human being’s spirit/soul’s true home,
The world of spirit or light.

‘The Aquarian age brings the recognition for the whole of humankind
That everybody’s daily life is the temple of the only true religion,
Of love and integrity, honesty and truth.
Let’s enjoy and made good use of everything that we,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have brought into being, whether something
Is a necessity or serves our delight.
Each night, before going into dreamtime,
Lets leave our mistakes behind because
They were nothing but lessons the past
Instead, rise on the wings of the knowledge
Our spirit guides and helpers are intuitively bringing us.
Let’s take our whole world and everything that shares it with us
Into the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother of all life.
Embrace humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspiration
Into the spirit realm, so they can intuitively show
Us how we can contribute to fulfilling them.

‘Together with God and the Angels,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
Lets lift ourselves on the wings of honesty and truth
Into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age,
Finding out who and what our Creator truly is by
Discovering the higher and highest realities of our
Earthly existence and it’s inner spiritual background.
Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be led by our noses
And following like sheep the information spread by
Our world’s troublemakers and scaremonger,
As well as other things that were written a long time ago,
Are outdated and are in need of reviewing, now.

‘The religion of the Aquarian age is of the heart.
For some time by now it has been working hard on
Explaining to all human beings, that
Independent of colour, race or creed, every one of them
Is taking part in the earthly school of life,
To help the grow in wisdom and understanding of
The true nature of God, their own and their world.
The belief systems of the past were not really religions.
The word means connecting with God and all they did
Was purposely keeping us away from discovering
Who and what God truly is and who we are.
Fortunately, by now this has reached its end.

‘The Great Father/Mother of all life’s
God and Goddess aspects
Are as very much alive in every one of us,
As well as our children and everybody else.
And when we gaze into space, especially at night,
To our delight we discover that even with
Every star and cloud our Divine parents are embracing
Everything that takes part in our world and that
With the same loving care with which they are attending
To the rest of the whole of their Creation.

‘Every ray of sunshine and drop of rain
That touches the Earth, comforts, blesses and heals
Humankind and our whole world.
In every flower, leave and blade of grass
God and Goddess are smiling.
The branches of our trees, like their hands and arms,
Are waving to us and the wind
Whispers words of healing and peace.
Anyone who is aware of their presence can hear
What they are telling our world about
The religion of the Aquarian age:

‘There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And their only born Son/Daughter.
They are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Reinterpreted by Aquarius
Updated January 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (58)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (27a)

Twelve Golden Stepping Stones

Into The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Stepping Stones

Living on the earthly plane can be likened to a giant river that sometimes seems to gently smile at us and on other occasion angrily roars. For a long time, trying to navigate these waters can be extremely difficult. Yet, when our development has reached a certain point, stepping stones appear one after the other that gradually makes coping with our earthly existence easier. Each one of them slowly but surely brings us closer to understanding God’s true nature, our own and why we are here.

1)    Earthly life is a journey of discovery. It is a place of learning, a school in which everybody simultaneously plays the part of student and teacher.

2)    None of us is ever alone. Wise ones from the higher levels of life in the spiritual background of our world, whom I like to call Angels, are in charge of its development and ours. Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, they have always been with every one of us and have never left us. Forever they will be guiding us and showing the way. Yet, only in the case of great emergencies do they interfere with what we are doing and, when the need for it arises, come to our rescue.

3)    Life is not a one-off thing. It’s an ongoing process that steadily takes every one of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. In the course of many earthly sojourns time and again we move through every sign and house of the zodiac. We are constantly in search of consciousness expanding experiences that increase our wisdom and understanding. That’s how, in the course of many lifetimes, every human being evolves into a God-like being.

4)    For me, God is the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. They are our true parents, because every human being, without exception, contains a spark of the Christ light. The essence of our being is spirit/soul and like God they are immortal and will never die. Therefore, in truth there is no death, merely a moving into another dimension of life, the world of spirit or light. That is humankind’s true home from which all of us emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to when it has reached its end.

5)    Life in the whole of Creation is ruled by Divine justice. This justice is so perfect that initially it is hard to grasp by earthly minds. It’s basis is the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma which simply decrees that everything eventually has to return to its source. Although on the earthly plane people frequently enjoy creating unnecessary complications, on the spiritual level life is simplicity itself, as can clearly be seen from this law.

6)    Everybody possesses their very own built-in lie-detector and that is the inner guidance of the wise one or living God within. This is the only truly reliable teacher or guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the way of all things and the answer to any question we may ever care to ask. In any situation and at any given moment, it’s the only one who can reliably tells us whether something is right or wrong for us.

7)    Nothing on the earthly plane happens per chance, by accident or is a coincidence. Everything was created by those involved and serves the wise higher purpose of teaching us, individually and frequently collectively, some kind of a lesson. Life on our plane and everywhere else in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles. The main law of life is love and in case you are still wondering about the pandemic 2020, it serves the redemption of old karmic debts and creating new ones, which in future lifetimes have to made good by those who are presently trespassing against the Universal laws.

8)    Through withholding something for a while, in God’s time and that can sometimes mean thousands of years, the Great Mother’s love and wisdom has always been teaching humankind the value of things. The pandemic is part of our honesty and truth lesson. Through the damage that a comparatively small minority can do to our world with its lying and cheating, the rest of us are being taught to value and appreciate honesty and truth.

9)    May reflecting on one of these stepping stones after the other, enable you to see for yourself that in truth there is nothing to be afraid of in earthly life. The lack of knowledge and understanding makes us afraid and fear is the root of all our world’s problems. There is no longer any need for being afraid when one discovers that God and the Angels have always been guiding and protecting every one of us with great loving care. Even though for a long time we are unaware of their presence, that’s what they will be doing, forever and ever.

10)    10)   Spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody. It should not be sold to the highest bidders and used as a money spinner. If your inner guidance tells you that what you have found here is true, then share it with as many people as possible. Freely, freely you have received. Freely, freely now give! If that sounds interesting, take a look at the link for ‘Songs Of Inspiration’ where four chapters have been dedicated to this theme.

11)    Let’s never forget that nothing on the earthly plane belongs to us. Everything is a gift and on loan for a predestined length of time. It has to be returned to Mother Earth in as good condition as possible, each time one of our lifetimes there has reached its end.

12)    Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents that demands self-control and self-mastery from every one of their beloved children of the Earth. Until they have been developed, we have to continue attending the lessons of the school of earthly life. And as soon as the Capricornian energies are handled the right way, Saturn’s role changes from that of teacher to the rewarder. The rewards can truly be worthwhile when they at last come our way.

Saturn and Uranus are the co-rulers of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. The Aquarian age is going to be a period during which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will come to fulfilment. Saturn’s demands are the gatekeepers to the freedom of the Aquarian age. The deeper our world penetrates into it, the closer we are getting to another golden age of plenty. But the energies of those who are insufficiently evolved will not be suitable for reincarnating onto Mother Earth, when her transformation is complete and this comes about. All spiritual youngsters will then be continuing their education as physical beings in a world of matter on a younger and less highly evolved planet, that matches their energies.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Greatest Glory’
•    ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (59)

When The Curtain Goes Up (27b)

On Giving

Rays of Wisdom - A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran - On Giving

You give but little when you give of your worldly possessions.
Only when you freely give of yourself, your gifts, time and resources
And with love in your heart, do you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things for keeping and guarding
Out of fear that you may need them sometime.
But what will that bring to an over-prudent dog
Who buries a bone in the trackless sand of the desert,
As it follows a pilgrim on their journey to a holy place?
Isn’t the fear of need a need in itself and
Isn’t the dread of thirst, even though your well is full,
Part of a higher thirst that cannot be quenched by water?

There are those who seek recognition,
Even when they only give little of the abundance
The Universe in its kindness has bestowed upon them.
Their hidden desire makes any gifts they have unwholesome.
But there are also others who have very little and
In spite of this don’t hesitate to give all they have got.
They are the believers in life and its bounty
And life itself sees to it that their coffers will never be empty.

Next there are those who give with joy,
And the happiness they feel is their reward.
Giving to these people is as natural as the apple tree
In your garden shedding its ripened fruits,
So that all can partake in it, down to the smallest
And least significant creatures of the Earth,
As all have the same right to share this life with us
And to be nourished and fed.

On the other hand there are those to whom giving is painful,
And the pain they feel is part of their Earth baptism and initiation.
Others just give and their giving causes them no pain.
They neither seek joy nor do they claim to be virtuous.
They are giving because it feels like the right thing for them to do.
Such souls give as the flowers breathe their fragrance into space.
Through their hearts and hands God,
The Great Father/Mother of all life speaks.
And from behind their eyes S/He smiles upon Mother Earth,
To bless and heal all her children.

Giving when asked is good,
But it is better by far to do so unasked,
Because you feel and understand the need of another.
To such open-handed ones the search for those
Who are ready to receive their gifts represents a happiness and a joy
That is something much greater than mere giving.

Is there anything in your life that you would like to keep to yourself?
Your spirit and soul are the only possessions that forever will be yours.
All others will one of these days be given to someone else.
Therefore give now, so that the joy of giving may be yours
And not belong to those who follow behind.

Forget about saying: ‘I would give, but only to the deserving.’
The trees in your orchard never say this,
Neither do the flocks in your pasture.
They give of themselves because that is their life’s purpose.
Withholding their abundance for them is unthinkable.
Anyone who is worthy of receiving the gift
Of another lifetime on the Earth plane
Is your sister or brother and therefore worthy of
Anything you can share with them.
 And all who are allowed to drink from the great river of life,
Surely deserve to refresh themselves and fill their cups
From your stream of consciousness.

Could there be a greater desert than doing nothing but receiving?
And who would you be that people should bare their souls before you,
So that you may see their worth naked and their pride damaged?
Make sure that you yourself become a deserving giver
And a worthy instrument through whom God’s gifts can be presented,
For in truth it is always life itself that gives to another part of life,
While the giver is nothing but a channel and a witness.

All of you are receivers, so assume no weight of gratitude,
Lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon the Great One
Who presents His/Her gifts through you.
Together with this giver rise on the wings of the gifts
That in this way come to our world.
And forever be mindful of your debt of gratitude for the generosity
Of your kind and loving mother, the Earth.
Never forget that she is a spiritual and physical manifestation
Of the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess,
And Her loving partner, God, the father,
Who not only dwells in Heaven, the highest levels of life,
But also on the Earth, with Her and at one with Her.

Both are as much alive in minutest creatures of the Earth,
The same as they are in you and me.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (60)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (28a)

When The Sun Refuses To Shine

 Sunshine - When the Sun refuses to shine - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

When the Sun refuses to shine on your day,
And you’re finding it hard to cope,
When you’re seeing more rain clouds
Than stars in the sky,
And you feel like giving up hope,

That’s the time when someone comes along
With a smile and a warm hug that says:
‘It’s okay – tomorrow will be a better day.
Don’t give up now, brighter moments
For you are surely on their way!’

Everything we send into our world,
Each thought, word and action,
In due course returns to us
With increased strength.
And if we reach out to someone who feels
Lost in earthly life, frightened and alone,
If we approach them with some kind words,
Accompanied by a smile and maybe a hug,
At some future point when we are
In need of comfort and support,
The kindness once given is sure
To return to us through
Someone reaching out for us.

That’s how the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma,
In due course, returns everything to us –
The good thoughts, words and deeds,
As well as the bad and evil ones.

Emily Matthews
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (61)

When The Curtain Goes Up (28b)

The Impossible Dream

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest...
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

In the fullness of time, this song’s unreachable star can and indeed is meant to be reached and that by every one of us. And whenever we spread fresh understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, we act as lightbringers and sowers of seeds. That’s how every one of us, in due course, slowly but surely evolves into a shining star in their own right who is ever more at one with the Christ Star’s warmth and light. Nobody can do the work that’s necessary to achieve this on anyone’s behalf.

This is how constantly increasing amounts of our world’s darkness and fears are absorbed into the Star’s radiance. From there the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, who are in charge of the development of us and our world, can transmute them into blessing and healing energies that are flowing back to where they once came from.

However, the materialism of the early stages of our earthly education has its place in the plan of our earthly education. And its lack of love represents the first stirrings of our higher nature. The more we ascend the developmental spiral, the initial lower experiences are gradually left behind. Hidden behind the hunger and thirst for material possessions of the first part haves been the stirrings of our higher nature. This is why we long and yearn for love and to make contact with something we are as yet unable to understand.

This is how our higher nature with its intuitive powers begins to stir from its slumbering state. So far, we merely sense vaguely what’s involved. Even though we are as yet unable to be loving ourselves, we feel the need for it in our lives and yearn to be loved by someone. And that draws people into our orbit who are willing to love us in their very  own unique way. Through their behaviour they are showing us what love means to them and that may not be at all like our idea of love.  

Every human being eventually reaches the evolutionary stage when we begin to sense and feel the presence of higher dimensions of life, even though so far we may not consciously aware that they really exist. The initially tiny flame of love in everybody’s own heart kindles the longing for experiencing the true higher meaning of love. Intuitively, we know that there has to be more to it than lasting for the fragment of one earthly lifetime, something that will and cannot die and will be with us forever.

During this developmental phase, whenever we observe natural phenomena like nature’s awakening in spring, we sense that behind the manifestations of such beauty and splendour there just has to be a higher power that brings it all into being. This eventually brings us to the realisation that everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, is the product of the greatest intellect of all, known as the Divine Trinity, who not only creates but also looks after the development and maintains even the tiniest particles of everything.  Whenever we reflect on this, a feeling of love, peace and harmony begins to fill our whole being.

Updated April 2022

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘The Little Things’

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (62)

The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue

When The Curtain Goes Up (29a)

Gratitude For Life

A Practice For The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom Grown On The Tree Of Life - Gratitude For Life

•    At the beginning of each day take time to give thanks and praise to our Creator for the gift of your life, the new day, the light, love and warmth of the Sun that even in winter keeps our world from turning into a frozen wasteland. Also thank for the air you are breathing and everything that is in your life, especially the people who have always accompanied you on your pathway through it. These things are part of your blessings. For all of them be grateful and thank the Highest Forces of life.

•    From time to time, remind yourself that on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. That’s why in truth we are all one and what everybody really desires is to find happiness through loving and being loved.

•    Every so often, spend a few minutes with deeply breathing in God’s wisdom and love and breathing it to everything that shares our world with you, especially the troublemakers and scaremongers. Know that every one of us a special and unique being who at all times is walking forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, that of the whole of humankind and our world.

•    So keep sending loving thoughts to the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, for creating you. Thank the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, as well as all other spirit friends and helpers, for always having accompanied you and for keeping you safe, at all times.

•    Direct kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to every human being, wherever they may presently be on their evolutionary journey. Give thanks and praise to the Highest for your own existence, that of our planet and everything that shares it with us.

•    Take care that nothing but unconditional love constantly flows from your heart to everyone. Never forget that all of us are the beloved children of the Great Father/Mother and that each one of them carries at least a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s warmth and love in their heart. Make an effort to be kind and loving to everybody, especially those with whom it’s difficult to get on.

•    Practise this no matter what may still have to happen to us and our world. Because love is humankind’s true nature, origin as well as destiny, this is the best way we can consciously be at one with the Highest Forces of life.

Updated April 2022

Six pointed Star

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth (63)

When The Curtain Goes Up (29b)

The Angel In Disguise

Rays Of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Depression And Suicide - The Angel In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take Heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see.
And to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly, heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
A living splendour
That has been woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a toil, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with discovering these joys,
For they are concealing much greater gifts.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects every human being, is joyous too.
Be not content with the discovery of these joys,
For they too conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with a profound esteem of your true nature
And a prayer that for you, now and forever,
The awareness of your immortal and eternal
Being wakes up and fills your
Earthly existence with the light of its honesty and truth,
So that its shadows for you disappear forever.

Fifteenth Century Prayer
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.

Six pointed Star

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:

What Is New? - Rays of Wisdom - Homepage

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