Words Of Wisdom About Friendship

Healing Lotus - Real Friends - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers for Healing Friendships

A true friend is one who walks in
When the rest of the world has walked out.

Walter Winchell

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A true friend knows the song of our heart and soul
And sings it to us each time our memory fails.


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Nothing but Heaven is better than a friend
Who cares and truly is a friend.

Plautus c. 254 – c. 184 BC

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There’s no need to change our perception of the
Meaning of friendship when one grasps
That friends need to evolve and change,
The same as we do.


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No matter how good a friend someone is,
They are likely to hurt us once in a while.
Unless we are willing to forgive,
Even the best friendship is bound to die.


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True friendships continue to grow,
Especially when long distances come between friends.
Everything that is beautiful and true,
Good and right is of God.
That’s why it never goes away or dies.


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Happiness keeps us sweet,
Trials keep us strong,
Sorrows keep us human,
Failures keep us humble,
Success keeps us glowing,
And friends keep us going.


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Friendship isn’t a big thing.
Its many little ones.


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‘One of the tasks of true friendship is to listen compassionately and creatively to hidden silences. Often secrets are not revealed in words but are concealed in the silence between the words or in the depths of what is unspoken between two people.’

John O’Donohue in ‘Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom’

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‘When we honestly ask ourselves which people in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, offering solutions or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.’

From Henri J.M. Nouwen
‘The Road to Daybreak – A Spiritual Journey’

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True friendships last beyond our present earthly existence. We take them with us wherever we go and bring them with us, should another incarnation become necessary. They will then be part of our support system. That’s why there is every reason to nurture our human relationships and look after them, right here and now. Spiritually it is desirable that we should make every effort to transform even the most difficult and traumatic relationships into bonds of friendship and love. True love is an eternal link between two souls, who will always recognise each other, wherever and whenever they may meet again.

From ‘Are Marriages Made In Heaven?’

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Knowing that all of us are siblings in the vast human family, how could I have something against anyone? All of us are like children at school and performers on the vast stage of life. The daily drama of human life in physicality is acted out to help us learn from each other. Through this we grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature, our own and the processes of life. As a result our consciousness expands and that is the main purpose of our existence.

In truth, there are no enemies in this world, only teachers and friends who are showing us how we no longer want to be. We all have everything within and because we are magnetic beings, we attract that which we ourselves are into our lives, so that we should learn from it. In the case of negative characteristics, this enables us to work on overcoming them.

From ‘Go Forward And Sin No More’

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The finest place to be is in someone’s thoughts.
The safest place to be is in someone’s prayers
And the best place to be is in God’s loving hands.
You are in all three.

Take care and God bless, dear Friends.
With love and light,

  Six pointed Star 

The above is part of ‘Words & Prayers For Healing Friendships’
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‘Words & Prayers For Friendship Healing’

Six pointed Star