Destiny Is Not Some Airy-Fairy Notion

Destiny Is Not Some Airy-Fairy Notion - Rays of Wisdom - The Philosophy behind the Stargazer's Astro FilesDestiny is not some airy-fairy notion that is going to happen in a future place far away somewhere. It is with us always and in the final analysis consists of all God’s human children of the Earth eventually bringing forth – from within the very core of their own being – God’s highest qualities. Our world can only become a better and more peaceful place when gradually ever more of us endeavour to do so. Merely thinking about these characteristics is no longer good enough! That would be like going to church on Sundays, listening to an inspired and uplifted sermon about loving our neighbours because we are all siblings in the great family of life, then going home to continue to gossip about and backstab our fellow citizens the way we always have done.

The development of the highest aspects of our nature demands from every human soul that we constantly endeavour to give the best we are capable of. In the world of appearances all manner of things can be faked. Spiritually, however, whatever we undertake has to be for real. We prove that we mean business by striving to be the kindest and most loving person we can possibly be, not only now and again when the right mood overcomes us, but at all times. The seriousness of our intentions needs to reveal itself in every one of our contacts and encounters with everything that is in our world and all worlds. And it seems to me that our inner world is the one that is most in need of some extra loving care and attention. 

The time will come in our world when our race will once again walk hand in hand with God and Angels, the way we did in previous ages. First of all this requires learning to trust them completely and utterly, knowing that they will guide and protect us, no matter where our destiny may eventually be required to take us. We need to know that we shall always be safe, irrespective of what may happen to us and our world, and wherever we may find ourselves. I am well aware that this is a faith that is extremely hard to acquire. You might like to read my suggestions on how to go about it in my ‘Reflections On Faith’.

Learning to trust is the most essential part of the healing process.  It is the sacred marriage between the Divine and humankind which for quite some time has been increasingly taking place in our world. It will continue until every human soul has regained the faith it had when it was first released from God and started on its long evolutionary journey of developing into individual beings, each soul in its own right. All together, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we are constructing the long promised New Jerusalem, not as a place on the physical plane of life but an inner reality.

The waking up and coming fully alive of  the Divine spark of the Christ spirit in every human heart, which for evolutionary purposes had to remain dormant for such a very long time, is the homecoming of the prodigal son of God. The spark is activated by the Divine love that descends from the highest levels of life and the response it receives from those dwelling on the Earth plane. The spirit of the Aquarian Age is one of love, friendship and kinship with all life and we have every reason to celebrate, as this spirit is gradually coming alive in ever more human beings. Many by now are sensing its calling, receiving its vibrations and are acting them out in every one of their daily encounters.

Each through their own efforts, that’s how the Universe places the power into everybody’s own hands to act as a channel through which the healing energies can flow straight from Great Father/Mother of all life and their own born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, into everything that dwells on the Earth plane, our other world and all other levels of existence. Ultimately, it reaches into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation and blesses and heals all life.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Reflections On Faith’
• ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
• ‘Building The New Jerusalem’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

Six pointed Star