The Perfect Human Being

Rays Of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Perfect Human Being

In the Universe’s heartmind there exists an archetype of the perfect human being, an exact miniature replica of the Great Father/Mother of all life with the same attributes and qualities. At first we only have them in seedform, waiting to be brought forth by us from within the very core of ourselves. In the course of vast evolutionary cycles every spirit, who has thus been breathed forth and released into existence, is taken through many different experiences on ever higher levels of life. Our existence in physicality on the Earth plane is but one of many of these cycles.

Even the smallest and lowest of human beings contains all aspects of God’s nature. Irrespective of what the outer circumstances may wish to delude us into thinking about out siblings on the Earth plane, they are there. Even though at present this may still only be in seedform, nonetheless they are waiting to be developed into full blossom and to their highest potential, the same as in everybody else. On the inner level of life all of us are as complete and whole as our Divine parents. In truth, everybody is androgynous, masculine and feminine, man and woman, both at the same time, struggling and striving to eventually come into perfect balance with each other. Without exception, irrespective of colour or creed, every one of us contains the Divine spark. The masculine aspect of God is the Father and each spark was once breathed forth from the mind of His great heart. The feminine aspect of the Divine, the Great Mother, the Goddess, gives birth to each one of us. For as long as this is required for each spark’s development, the Mother also assists us with manifesting in physicality, on the Earth plane.

Everybody is a spark of the Divine and part of the only born Son, the Great Light of the Universal eternal spiritual Sun beyond the Sun in the sky above us. Only spirit can create matter, so that it may manifest itself on the Earth plane and be animated by its indwelling spirit. As spiritual concerns are eternal ones, they are of far greater importance than those of the world of matter. Our physical bodies are vehicles only, important while we live in them, yet temporary and finite. Opposed to that, our spirit is eternal and indestructible; and whether some of our scientists so far fail to grasp this or not, without spirit there would be no life and no matter.

Because God created us perfect, every soul carries within the seed of perfection and has always possessed a deep inner knowledge of that which is good and right. The trouble with us and our world has been that for a very long time we ignored our inner wisdom. Perfection is wholeness, and to become whole again is every soul’s birthright. To achieve this, the only thing each one of us has to do is take possession of the best, the highest and holiest that dwells in the deepest innermost core of our own being. We need to bring it forth and work with it in our world.

 Our God or Highest Self has never left us. It has faithfully accompanied and supported us throughout the long odyssey of coming home into the conscious awareness of our true nature and the oneness with our Creator that has taken us through many lifetimes on the Earth plane. It is a fact that when we suffer, God suffers with us and when we rejoice, God does the same. In many different ways and with endless patience, the Universe has always tried to guide us into right thoughts, words and actions, towards ourselves and each other. Giving expression to and experiencing the goodness we, with Its help, are capable of producing in all our contacts and in everyday life. The legend of the life of the Master Jesus, as told by the Bible, came into being to show us how every soul finally has to walk and how we all have to learn to face and resolve all our outstanding issues and conflicts.

Perfect human beings are those who have taken possession of and integrated every aspect of their nature, the earthly part as much as the Divine higher one. People who have achieved this state are like trees whose feet are firmly planted on the Earth and whose roots reach deep into earthly life for the nourishment it provides. Their arms are lifted towards the Heavens, i.e. the higher and highest levels of life, for the spiritual food that is constantly flowing from there into our world. This is needed just as much in earthly life, because it not only feeds us but flows through us into all lifeforms that share Mother Earth with us. Every tree is a micro-organism in its own right and so is every human being. Irrespective of their present position on the evolutionary spiral of life, each one is worthy of being loved and respected as one of God’s children of the Earth and a young God in the making.

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

Six pointed Star