Young Gods In The Making

As children of Divine parents the essence of our nature is love. We come from love and to love we return. Young Gods in the making that we are, the educational demands on us are justifiably great and the road home is an exceedingly rough and thorny one that is strewn with rocks and boulders of all sizes. It is inevitable that on this highway every human soul has to travel through the valley of experiencing the polar opposite of love and also of life. Each must deal with and get to know through its own experiences fear and all the evils it causes, like arrogance, false pride, selfishness that leads to greed and corruption, death and destruction, hatred, violence and crime. Every child of the Earth must partake in these lessons before its ascent into love and the knowledge of its eternal life can begin in earnest.

Oh yes, there is light of the end of this tunnel, the same as any other, more light than anyone could ever have believed possible. All human souls on the Earth plane eventually reach the evolutionary stage when they awaken into the realisation that their present existence is not all there is to life and that it is by no means a one-off affair. The individual soul then becomes aware that life is a never ending process that consists of an exceedingly long chain of lifetimes of coming and going on the Earth plane. Neatly aligned, one follows the other in a most orderly procession. This discovery leads to the next major step on this journey of many, many thousand miles and that is the understanding that we are responsible, and always have been, for ourselves and every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

If these Eureka moments have already come for us but not for those with whom we are enmeshed and trapped in relationships, maybe abusive ones, we have every reason to count our blessings. Our knowledge puts us a giant stride ahead of our trespassers, because it enables us to consciously start working on forgiving them. That is the only way we can free ourselves and others from the Karmic chains and shackles that consist of negative emotional and psychic bonds, which all human beings have created for themselves and each other in the course of many lifetimes. Getting to work on this, it pays to remind ourselves frequently that the only person we can and indeed are required to change is ourselves and our inner attitudes to anyone with whom we encounter difficulties. No matter how hard and impossible the task ahead of us may at first appear it is of vital importance and cannot be avoided by anyone. So, why not get on with it, now?

All religions have at their heart spiritual knowledge that was given to our world through various teachers directly from the Source of our being; such knowledge is called the Ancient Wisdom. For a very long time, the teachings of the Bible, the same as all other publications of this nature, have been trying to convey to us God’s Divine truth. The only snag was that each time some more of God’s wisdom was given to our world, humankind was still too young and unevolved to be able to grasp their underlying esoteric meanings.

As far as the law of Karma is concerned, there is historical evidence that in the early days of Christianity it was known and referred to in the New Testament, but that at a certain stage all references to it were removed from the Bible. There is no doubt in my mind that if there ever had been a person like Jesus, as a Master soul, he most certainly would have known about the law and conducted his life in accordance with it. The legend of his life is a demonstration of the various initiations every human soul must eventually undergo in its earthly existence, before it can find its way back home into the realisation of its true Divine nature and re-ascend into its full oneness with God. No matter how long this may take for each one of us, we all reach this state in the end. There is no other way for any human soul.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
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‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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