Space Traveller Extraordinaire : Mother Earth

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Looking At The Year 2020 - Space Traveller Extraordinaire : Mother EarthEverything in the whole of Creation has been created from the Christ Star’s Light, therefore also the inner and outer part of every human being. It’s just that at the beginning of our earthly education our physical bodies contain a tiny spark of the Universal Christ, who is the Light of all light and the Sun of all suns. At that developmental stage the spark exists merely in seedform. However, in the course of many lifetimes in the earthly school of life,  this light increases and grows stronger with every bit of wisdom and understanding we gain, each through their own experiences. This is how every individual consciousness and that of our whole world constantly expands.

And that’s why every one of our planet’s present population of approx. 7.7 billion is quite literally a seed of the Highest Star, i.e. a starseed on the magnificent spaceship Mother Earth. At all times, we and our world together are moving through space at the breathtaking speed of almost 30 kilometres per second or 67,000 miles per hour. At the same time our planet rotates round its own axis once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds. As her circumference is roughly 40,075 kilometres, her surface at the equator moves at a speed of 460 meters per second or roughly 1,000 miles per hour. God and the Angels purposely placed our planet in a remote corner of the Universe. It was done so we could not do too much harm to the surrounding planets, especially those of our own solar system, as soon as our technical know-how had progressed sufficiently to attempt such enterprises.

The great plan of life shows quite clearly that God and the Angels at all times have always been holding our world’s reins safely in their loving hands. This is in spite of allowing each one of us the freedom to decide how we wish to react to anything that comes before us. The Highest Forces of life would never allow us to interfere with the functioning of other planets. That never changed, even though on the surface of things it sometimes looks possible. Something would always happen, frequently at the last moment, to deter us from trying to exploit and damage other planets and their worlds, the way we – for wise higher educational purposes – for a long time were allowed to deal with ours.

The unusual situation of our world provides plenty of opportunities, individually and collectively, for making good where we once sinned. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, every human being carries within the potential of bringing forth, from deep within themselves, the characteristics of their God or Christ nature. In this process even the slowest ones eventually evolve into saviours and redeemers not only of themselves and the human race, but our whole world. All who are presently taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons are destined to play an essential role in bringing about the greatest healing miracle our world has ever witnessed. Naturally, this also applies to those who are resting and recovering from the trials and tribulations of their earthly existence in the world of light. From there many of them are doing their best to support our efforts.

Quite literally, everybody is equally welcome on board the good spaceship Mother Earth. We are all the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth and there is no distinction between anyone. Every one is a special and unique being, a many faceted jewel and there is no other one like it in the whole of Creation. All of us were created to fulfil a specific function during this crucial period of the final stage of our planet’s evolutionary journey. We have reached the stage during which God and the Angels, together with us, are going to transmute the Earth from the state of a purely material being into an ever more ethereal one. Find out more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

In truth, every human being is a young God in the making. And the ultimate aim of our earthly education is to evolve, each one in their own right, into a healer and bringer of light. In this context light means wisdom and a better understanding of God’s true nature and our own, the higher purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and its spiritual background. All of us, without exception, are walking this road of many lifetimes in search of consciousness expanding experiences that help us to gain them. And there comes a time in everybody’s development when it dawns on us that Jesus never was a historical personality who once walked in our midst, but represents every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature.

Jesus was one of the many symbolisms that God and the Angels chose to bring us, down the ages, ever closer to the understanding that in truth every one of us is a young God in the making. The different aspects of this God/man’s life story describe in legendary allegorical form the initiations that every human being experiences during its earthly education.

The whole of humankind is the crew of spaceship Mother Earth. As a spark of the Greatest Light in the whole of Creation, every one of us truly is a starseed in its own right. For the time being, we are serving our apprenticeship on the material plane of life. On this spaceship there are no religions because love is it’s the supreme ruler. That is their religion and it knows but one nation: the whole of humankind. Warmongering, violence and crime have no place here. Like dishonesty, lying and cheating, corruption and exploitation of the masses they have been left behind. As everybody just takes what they need and leave the rest for the others, there is no hunger. Illnesses and diseases are things of the past because the transmitter/receiver station of all earthly minds have been tuned into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life. They have learnt to trust the intuitively received instructions of how to work with the Christ Star’s white healing magic, each from their very own wise one or living God within, and so follow them without hesitation.

These good things and many more besides are in store for us and our world. So rejoice, dear Friends, and let’s enjoy travelling on our Starship. Isn’t it exciting to be allowed to take part in it? Thanks and praise be to God and the Angels for providing us with an adventure of such magnitude. And in return for the goodness and kindness Mother Earth has always shown humankind for millions of years, in spite of our frequently diabolical behaviour, hasn’t she richly deserved that every one of us asks God and the Angels to teach us intuitively how we can contribute to the greatest healing miracles of all times that is taking place right here and now, under everybody’s eyes?

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘How Did It All Begin?’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Our World In Transition’

Six pointed Star