The True Christ Is Risen

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - 2020 Year Of Healing - The True Christ Is Risen

O Divine Trinity,
Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
We give You thanks and praise You for the glory of
Your infinite love and wisdom
That has allowed the fears and anxieties of our world
Over a new type of Coronavirus to develop into
An unprecedented outbreak of mass hysteria
That by now has reached pandemic proportions.

Your true nature and ours is love
And it’s not in the nature of love to send us,
Your beloved children of the Earth,
Anything as a punishment.
You did not bring the present situation about.
We ourselves created it because
Whatever happens in our world
Comes about in that way.
Individually and collectively,
We are its creators.
Yet, whatever happens is meant
To teach us some kind of a lesson
Which in the end helps us to bring forth,
Each from deep within their own innermost being,
The best, the highest and noblest qualities
Of their God or Christ nature.

Thank you for Your infinite wisdom
And all-embracing love that at Easter 2020,
In mysterious ways that for earthly minds
Are hard to fathom,
Is bringing us the rebirth and resurrection
Of humankind’s higher God or Christ nature.
We praise You for the glory that the one and only
True saviour and redeemer of ourselves,
The whole of humankind and our world
Is at last rising from its tomb of being unaware
Of Your true nature and ours,
And the special relationship every human being
Has always had and forever will have with You.

The belief that every word of the religious
Teachings of our world are literally true
Have for long enough kept our race
Trapped in the darkness of ignorance.
It stopped us from discovering that every one of
The legends that from time to time appeared in our world,
Contained a different kind of symbolisms for
The higher God or Christ nature that is
The most essential part of every human being.
This is particularly true for the tale of the Master Jesus.
He never was a historic figure who once walked in our midst.

The wise higher reason for the present situation is to stop us
For a while from running after material possessions,
Come to our senses and realise what
Humankind’s earthly existence truly is about.
It creates breathing space for our whole world to realise
That life owes us nothing and that we owe the Universe
For the gift of life and everything it contains;
Giving us time to reflect on what truly matters in our lives;
Drawing our attention to the importance of
The companionship of human and angelic beings alike;
Becoming aware that even if the whole of humankind
Were to disappear from earthly life, *
Such a mass exodus from our world into the spirit realm,
Would not really be a disaster because
Every one of us would be taken care of by the
Wise ones in the spiritual background of our earthly existence
Who are in charge of us and our world.

After all, the spirit world is humankind’s true home
And the essence of every one of us is spirit/soul.
They are part of God and therefore like God,
Eternal and immortal and therefore will never die.
When one views earthly life from this perspective,
It’s not hard to see that in truth there is no death,
Merely a moving on to a different dimension of life
Each time one of us leaves their physical body behind.

The present break in the activities of our world
Is helping ever more of us to come to wake up
To what earthly life truly is about and
What kind of purpose it serves and that’s certainly
Is not the accumulation of all kinds of material wealth.
Like everything else on the Earth,
Possessing them is but a passing phase and,
Even if for some of us it lasts a hundred years or more,
But a fleeting temporary experience.
The only thing that’s of true and lasting value
For all of us is the progress we make
On our personal evolutionary journey and what
We learn along the pathway of our earthly lifetimes.
That’s the only thing we can take with us.
It will forever be ours and nobody would ever dream
Of taking it from us.

The only true values are eternal ones and they consist of
Conducting our lives with honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity, kindness and goodwill to all.
We are here to learn how to bring forth,
Each from deep within their own being,
These characteristics of our God or Christ nature.
That IS humankind’s rebirth into its
True and eternal higher nature.
The beliefs of the old religions served
The purpose of separating us from each other and
Turning us against our siblings in the
Great family of humankind for long enough.

It was necessary because everyone needed to learn,
Each through their own experiences,
What happens to our world under the rulership
Of an all-male Godhead and the masculine aspect of
Our collective nature is deprived
Of the balancing and civilising influence of
The Great Mother’s wisdom and love, the feminine.
Under their influence
The beliefs of the old religions are dying
On the cross of humankind’s earthly existence.
The Mother’s wisdom and love are
Bringing us the freedom of the Aquarian age
That consists of a deep inner knowing of the truth.

This sets us free to believe what our heart tells us is true,
Namely that there is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

We welcome the true Christ’s
Goodness and kindness, tolerance and patience,
Love of truth and honesty, loyalty and integrity
That under the influence of the present crisis
Is coming alive in ever more human hearts.
And that is the only one who can truly
Save and redeem each one of us,
The whole of humankind and our world.
The old spirit that once ruled our world is dead,
Long live the new one!


* My inner guidance wants me to tell you that this is not part of God’s plan for us and our world. The matter will resolve itself in quite a surprising way and that quite soon. That’s all I am allowed to tell you. And the more of us respond to the present wake-up call of the Highest Forces of life, the more easily they will be able to bring it about.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Thank you, Coronavirus!’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Our World In Transition’

Six pointed Star