The Christmas Mouse

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - Guidance From The Universe - The Christmas MouseAs an illustration of how animal guidance can and does work in real life, I would like to share something from my own experiences with you. Probably the most valuable lesson I was ever taught throughout my whole life was given to my by the Christmas mouse when, some years ago, we had rented a place in Ireland that was infested with mice. These creatures seemed to be tamer than the pet mice our children had when they were small. They didn’t scarper when they heard or saw us, but just walked away.

As there was no peaceful way of getting rid of them, we decided to move on. One of the mice seemed to be particular audacious, some kind of a leader, if there is such a thing among mice. When there were only a few days left until our move, I appointed that mouse to be our Christmas Mouse. The next days was St. Nicholas day, so I cut a small wedge of cheese and chopped it into smaller portions. I left them in a pile by the side of our kitchen bin and wished the creature Happy Christmas and went for a walk.

Upon my return every bit of the cheese had gone. My theory was that, if we feed this mouse, instead of trying to catch it, maybe it will go to sleep in one corner and not rummage through our cupboards, leaving most unhygienic droppings every¬ where. One can but try! Oh wonder, by the look of things it appeared that my method succeeded. The next day at lunchtime I spotted our mouse in the kitchen. I had fed it with some home-baked soda bread, which it obviously enjoyed because every scrap had gone within a very short space of time. Not wishing to leave our mouse wanting in any way, I offered it a small slice of best cheddar, chopped up into the most handsome morsels. As by late afternoon the cheese was still in the place where I put it, I hoped that mousey was fast a-snooze in a corner somewhere. The next morning, fully expecting that all cheese would have disappeared, I found to my amazement that it had not! Some of it was still there. The mouse had taken what it needed and left the rest for those who came after it.

How much the animal kingdom can teach us! Even this tiny mouse with its modest requirements, taking only what it really needed and leaving anything it did not want for someone else to find and enjoy. One cannot help wondering how many human beings would do that, if they found themselves in such reduced circumstances. To me, the encounter with the mouse encapsulated the whole story of our problems on the Earth plane. Amazing how the mouse’s behaviour clearly showed the solution for the entire conundrum.

When the human race at last has reached the degree of maturity displayed by this diminutive creature, all our problems will disappear very quickly and in a most natural way. That is the way it is going to happen in the Age of Aquarius, the age of plenty for all. We shall all do our share of bringing it about. Why are we so greedy and why do we have so little trust in the fact that all our needs are always being provided for? What an excellent example of teaching by good example! That’s what the Christmas mouse did for me.

What does animal speak of the Native American tradition have to say about mouse? It scurries about and pays close attention to the little things in life that we often miss. Mouse scrutinises everything to see whether it’s worth a nibble. To us this is a reminder that it is essential to attend to the small details of our lives. Mouse shows up the importance of analysing situations before acting and the necessity for balancing our hearts with our minds and for not losing sight of the bigger picture, because otherwise trouble may ensue.

The ‘Animal Cards – the Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals’ and the accompanying book by Jamie Sams and David Carson – an excellent set, highly recommended – had this loud and clear message for me: ‘Mouse medicine is telling you to scrutinise. Look at yourself and others carefully. Maybe that big hunk of cheese is sitting on a trigger that will spring a deadly trap. Maybe the cat is in the pantry waiting for you. Maybe someone to whom you have delegated authority, such as a doctor, lawyer or even a plumber, is not doing the job faithfully The message is to see what is right before your eyes and to take action accordingly.’ As I found out much later, every bit of this guidance from the Universe, at that particular time, was spot on!

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star