
 Awareness : The Antidote to All Suffering

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - Introduction

Many in our world are struggling with coming to terms with their existence in an over-materialised world that on superficial reflection appears to consist predominantly of money grabbing and profit making, lying and cheating. Being alive on the Earth seems to lack purpose, meaning and direction to anyone who is not inclined that way. Unable to understand their being here and feeling lost, it is hardly surprising that so many these days are looking for escape routes and are finding them in alcohol and various kinds of drugs. If only these sufferers knew what they are doing to themselves!

To my mind, the greatest evil in our world is a general lack of understanding of who and what we are, why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing in earthly life. I am convinced that knowing about these things is the antidote to any kind of suffering that we in our state of ignorance are inflicting upon ourselves. In particular this applies to those who have fallen into the trap of becoming addicted to something that is not only detrimental to their wellbeing but also a serious obstacle on the road of their spiritual progress.

Since time immemorial people have walked down this slippery slope into self-destruction. But this does not mean it should continue, for we are living in the days of miracles and wonders. The greatest miracle and wonder of all times is taking place in our world right here and now and that’s humankind’s rebirth into the awareness of its true nature and Mother Earth’s simultaneous transformation into a more ethereal planet. Because life is presenting all of us with some of our most ancient karmic debts, many are experiencing difficult and traumatic times. And to my mind it’s a sin and a shame for those who are unaware of what is happening to them. If they knew, there would be no need to look for escape routes and finding them in alcohol and drugs and, because these things bring temporary relief from their troubles, becoming addicted to them.

The problem of addictions for some time has been growing into an ever more pressing issue. I believe that governments passing various laws in their attempts of cutting down people’s alcohol consumption and locking them up in prisons for drug offences, is no solution. As likely as not it is increasing this dilemma. The Zeitgeist of the Aquarian Age is rebellion and revolution, anti-establishmentarianism, transformation and transmutation. Those are the energies that are at present influence us and our world most strongly and that’s why the nanny state syndrome in the final analysis is counter-productive. People are rebelling against their governments’ attempts of dominating them. There must be quite a few these days who are becoming addicted to the forbidden fruits of their state out of sheer spite.

The rise of right-wing movements throughout the Western world is clear evidence of this mood of the people. My inner guidance tells me that they do not follow this political direction because they love it – for that it has done too much harm in the not too distant past. It’s people protesting against governments who try to rule them in the traditional way, especially in the form of the nanny state. Whether someone is consciously aware of it, deep down they hate this because it robs them of their God-given right to make their own decisions about what is good and right or bad and wrong for them.

I believe that the only way to overcome this stalemate is awareness. When people find out the truth about who and what they are, why they are here, where they have come from and are going to, they are sure to freely and willingly stop abusing all kinds of substances. Shedding addictive behaviour patterns will become easier when one understands that we ourselves are responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions as well as our own wellbeing and that of our whole world.

Every human being was created to eventually evolve into a seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth in its own right. Alas, our traditional religions offer little or no genuine help with this. Unless one learns to look behind the surface words of their teachings, there is precious little of that. For as long as religions insist on providing head knowledge instead of encouraging their followers to experience God as part of themselves, our whole world and everything that takes part in it, they cannot provide God’s wisdom and truth. And that’s what all of us deep down inside have always been craving and could not find in earthly life until fairly recently through sources like my jottings.

In due course every human being is destined to become aware of God’s true nature and their own, and their special relationship with the Divine. When the right moment has come for this to take place, our spirit and soul work extra hard on waking the Divine spark in our heart from its slumbers. When it begins to stir, our earthly self discovers to its amazement that its existence has a spiritual background that is of the greatest importance for its own evolution, that of its world and the whole of Creation.

When we realise that without this backdrop there would be no life in physicality anywhere, there would be no physical manifestation of you and me, we are progressing with giant steps on the spiritual pathway towards the destination of being released from the need for further lifetimes on the Earth. From where we are now, it’s easy to see that it would have been too early to reveal such things when the old religions were given. We would have been unable to understand and until we do, we cannot help misunderstanding and misinterpreting the messages our spirit and soul are sending through the world of our feelings with such force.

Just imagine if terrorists and other criminals of our world knew what they are doing to themselves, what in due course will be returning to them. I am sure they would be running many miles before touching anything they are up to these days. Let’s think of them with compassion, love and forgiveness, for they are young and inexperienced souls who need their lessons the same as you and I once did. And in some distant lifetime they too will be struggling with the redemption of their Karma, just the same as we are presently doing.

There is no need to ask the Great Father/Mother for forgiveness on their behalves. Their love knows everything and understands why things have to happen and forgives them. Being the Creator of the Universal laws, whenever one of us is sinning, God knows that these laws without fail take care of the consequences of every one of our thoughts, words and actions. In due course the law of cause and effect or Karma one way or another returns them to us. This ensures that every one of our earthly lessons is learnt very thoroughly.

The main keyword for the Age of Aquarius is transmutation, i.e. the changing of one chemical element into another, either by nuclear process or as an alchemical operation. The higher esoteric meaning of this word is indeed an alchemical process, but not one that takes place on the outer level of our existence. It is an inner experience that every human being at the end of its earthly education undergoes. It means the transformation of the leaden desires of someone who merely suffers and endures its present existence into the pure gold of bringing forth the qualities of our higher Christ nature and following its desires.

Freely and willingly we then share our gifts with anyone who is in need of it and do what we can do reduce the suffering of our world. The steadily increasing awareness and understanding expands our consciousness and transforms us into a healer and lightbringer in our own right. Spiritually light is God’s sacred wisdom and truth and ignorance of it is darkness. Through receiving and working with this light human beings evolve into a channels of light through which the Highest Forces of life can project theirs into our world and bring about its transmutation and healing.

Nothing but love is the magic alchemical formula that is required for this process. Loving God’s way has the power of turning us into a wise one who genuinely loves God, ourselves and the life we have been given. My own life’s experiences have taught me that this is only possible through a better understanding of ourselves, our destiny and the processes of life. That’s what all my writings are about.

Literally changing lead into gold in earthly life has become possible by now. Under true nuclear transmutation it is far easier to turn gold into lead than the reverse reaction, which was the one the alchemists had ardently pursued. Nuclear experiments have successfully transmuted lead into gold, but the expense far exceeds any gain. However, the gold we are seeking cannot become anyone’s property for as long as they are ruled by the leaden desires of their earthly nature like greed and avarice, jealousy and powerseeking, troublemaking and warmongering. But rejoice, dear Friends everywhere, the Age of Aquarius is with us, the age of loving God’s way and of truth.

For a long time the Divine wisdom and truth have been waiting to flow directly from the Highest levels into the earthly minds of all those who are ready to receive it and join the ranks of those who are already spreading the good news. God speed on your personal healing journey that wishes to take you from fool to wise one and guide you from the lead of your small earthly self to the discovery of the pure gold of your Christ nature.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healers And Healing’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘From Fool To Wise One’
•    ‘Do You Know Where You're Going To?’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’.
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‘Leaving Addictions Behind’

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