Could You And I With Fate Conspire

From ‘My Interpretation Of The Sun Signs’

Aquarius – The Sign Of Transfiguration

Aquarius - sign of the waterbearer

Among many other things Aquarius is the sign of transfiguration. By definition this means the process of changing from one appearance, state or phase to another and that is precisely what we and our world are going through at present. The further we proceed into the New Age, the more strongly the Aquarian energies will make their presence known to us all. Aquarius is the sign of spiritual rebirth, during which the long promised and awaited spiritual rebirth of humankind is taking place. Souls who respond to the call of this age and willingly submit themselves to its requirements will increasingly be presented with great opportunities for making their own unique contribution through consciously acting as channels for the Divine to bring new understanding and through it healing and peace to our world.

If during these times of transition from one age into another the Uranian energies would sometimes be all too happy to smash to smithereens everything that gets in its way to just sweep it away, Saturn steps in and prevents it. Among the sterling qualities that can only be acquired with his help are a deep inner sense of responsibility, duty, restraint, discipline and an appreciation of the values of that which has come to us down the ages from our ancestors. The Saturnian virtues can help us to preserve that which has stood the test of time and is worth preserving because it is good. Bear in mind that they could be the things we ourselves may have striven for and bled to death – maybe many times – in previous lifetimes in the role of our own ancestors, and do your best to avoid pouring the baby out with the bathwater during our rebirth. That is what we and our world at this very special time need more than anything else. Now, isn’t that in itself proof enough that Saturn most certainly is one of the best friends of humankind?

And when it comes to dealing with all those outdated inner beliefs and attitudes, let us follow the poet’s example who wrote a long time ago:

Ah, Love! Could you and I with fate conspire,
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits – and then,
Re-mould it nearer to our heart’s desire?

’The Rubayat’ by Omar Khayyam 1048-1123

Humankind’s dream and the vision of a better world is in the process of becoming a reality on the Earth plane. Each one of us now needs to conspire with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life to bring it about. Let us call upon the Uranian energies to help us smash that wobbly building of prejudices, false beliefs and illusion to bits, so that with Saturn’s help, we can rebuild our inner and outer world, nearer to God’s and our own heart’s desire! As in the final analysis all inspiration comes from God, I feel that all along this has been the message Khayyam was meant to bring to our world such a long time ago.

Six pointed Star