Shedding False Beliefs And Prejudices

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Shedding False Beliefs And PrejudicesHuman beings are like snakes who shed their skins many times during the various stages of their growth. Something similar happens to our spiritual development when our consciousness cleanses * itself of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we acquired in the course of all previous lifetimes. To help us understand this process, a long, long time ago the Angels gave our world the snake * as a symbol of the wisdom and love of the Great Mother. However, during the time of the patriarchy * the feminine and its wisdom and love were removed from its religions. The declaration that the sacred texts had to be understood literally the Divine truth was systematically suppressed. Through this the snake changed into a symbol of evil that was instrumental in bringing about everything that was bad and wrong with our world.

Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation in Germany who, for the first time in its history, made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German, observed: ‘Reason should be destroyed in all Christians’ and ‘Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has.’ These words were very much in keeping with the Zeitgeist of the Piscean Age *. It was the age of lying and cheating, deceptions and corruption, deviousness and dishonesty. All of this prepared our world for the coming of the Age of Aquarius *, the age of truth and honesty, integrity and loyalty, bringing things out into the open where everybody can see and understand what’s going on. That precisely is happening increasingly. And the deeper we move into this age, the more of us will be receiving their own vision of the Divine truth, directly from the heartmind of the Highest forces of life.

The age of Pisces has been teaching us the value of the above mentioned qualities, so that when we discover them we appreciate and value them and protect as best we can. Under the cleansing influence of Pluto’s energies in Capricorn * nothing remains hidden. Eventually the scales will fall from the eyes of even the slowest of us. They too will begin to understand and start complying with the spirit of our time and conduct their affairs in keeping with it, freely and willingly responding to the demands for openness, honesty and above all: TRUTH. For that, my dear Friends, is the will of God for the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius represents the voice and will of God.

Martin Luther was also a farseeing man who wrote: ‘If I knew I had to die tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today.’ This shows that he too was working not merely for himself and his time, even more so for future generations. This means not as much for our children’s children, but for ourselves when we return to the Earth in coming lifetimes as our own offspring, because everyone is their own ancestor *. We shall then reap the rewards of our present efforts in the form being able to live on a planet where life is at peace and all work together and for each other, instead of against, which so many in their spiritual ignorance insist on doing to this day.

Such folks would to well to follow Martin Luther’s recommendation of: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ As we evolve and grow in spiritual understanding and layer upon layer of our false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are shed, the more our consciousness cleanses * itself of them, the stronger our higher nature grows and gradually takes over.

But let there be no doubt about it that Earth life is hard school. This is not only because of the wars that to this day are testing the strength of the more evolved parts of humankind’s spirit. It is also because of the astral and etheric forces to which we unconsciously respond. We have other bodies besides our physical one, which are finer and much more sensitive than their outer shell. On these bodies the thought forces of passion, hatred and bloodshed that emanate from souls in the trouble stricken parts of our world are constantly beating. And that’s the cause of much nerve strain and heartache, sorrow and fear in the rest of us on the physical plane. The finer bodies are use exclusively once the outer physical one has been cast off. These are the bodies that accompany us from lifetime to lifetime, until finally our spirit and soul has become sufficiently evolved so they can also be shed.

The soul is our emotional body; one of the vehicles every spirit uses during the various stages of its long evolution. Each individual soul is part of the soul consciousness of humankind and ultimately our world. Because of the oneness of life on its inner level everybody’s soul has always been affected by everything that any one of us ever felt. These feelings were and still are caused by all the thoughts that pass through our minds. For better as well as for worse, in this way we are constantly absorbing everybody else’s vibrations. Can you see the importance of positive thinking * and why we are told that when we harm another, we also hurt ourselves; and that we are all responsible for whatever happens in our world?

By now, there is so much suffering on our planet that when it comes to finding ways of overcoming it, there is only one realistic choice and that is asking God and the Angels for their assistance. They alone know how we, individually and collectively, can redeem the mountains of karmic debts each one of us has accumulated along the way. The only sensible thing for us is to trust God’s perfect laws and justice and patiently endure whatever our healing journey brings to the surface of our consciousness, so it can be dealt with. This not only balances our own karmic account but also that of our world. There is no easy way out and no exceptions are made, of that we can be sure. And as all of us have done our share of creating the present state of our world *, don’t you think it’s fair that everybody should make their contribution towards resolving its problems?

The power of thought * cannot be stressed too strongly. And because our thoughts build the realities of our world and determine its state, it is crucial that we learn to control our thought processes. I see the duty of every aspiring wise one and healer as making a genuine effort at sending nothing but kind and loving, understanding and forgiving thoughts into everything that takes place in our world and to everybody involved. It is our task to lift them and everything else that is causing any kind of problem, personal, national of international ones, into the light of the Christ Star, the symbol of the Universal Christ, who is the Highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation.

Each one of us being a spark that once went forth from the loving heart of the Star, its light is the Great Father/Mother to us all. At any given moment Its children have the birthright of asking for Its guidance and protection that it may come to us intuitively, through our inner guidance. As this spark has been waiting to wake up in all human hearts, let’s do our best not to disappoint it. All we have to do is ask our Highest Self to teach us how to project the radiance of Its wisdom, acting as Its channel, so it can flow through us into all human hearts and souls, evolved and less evolved ones alike, and from there into the rest of world.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’
•    ‘The Snake - Symbol Of The Goddess’s Wisdom’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•     ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star