
Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - ArmageddonWhenever one takes a closer look at our world one cannot help getting the impression that it is in a state of utter chaos and destruction. But let this not deceive you. Reject the temptation of joining the thoughts of darkness, fear and doubt of those around you. Refuse to be drawn into this stream of consciousness and know within your heart of hearts that everything that is happening is going to lead to some kind of positive and constructive conclusion. Familiar with the Universal law of evolution, wise ones know that everything that’s ugly and destructive in our world is in the process of evolving into something beautiful and constructive. They are aware that there will always be a good ending to everything and that it cannot be any other way. Expecting it is by no means false optimism; it is justified.

That’s why wise ones make it almost a ritual in their life not to participate in negative and destructive thoughts and words. At all times they look for the good that is hidden behind everything. This helps them to remain positive and constructive, irrespective of what takes place around them. Their behaviour has the power of penetrating the darkness and mists of our world with the light of the living God within them. Because all matter is created from the Christ Star’s light, our inner light can shine through and dissolve the mists surrounding even the densest matter. Light is love and love is light and every loving thought we send to anyone creates more light and is added to that which is already there. The matter becomes lighter and less dense, the vibrations of the atoms and molecules of the cells speed up and heal.

Anyone who still believes that someone will come to save and redeem us or that Armageddon has yet to happen, to my mind, is barking up the wrong tree. The time for swinging into action and doing our share of rescuing ourselves and our world from destruction is now. It has to be done, by the likes of you and me, so please do not procrastinate and get on with it. Armageddon is not an event to come. It is an idea and a symbolism for the inner struggle between the small earthly and the Highest Self, and the forces of good and evil within each one of us, which has been taking place all along.

As far as Armageddon on the outer plane of life is concerned, I believe that the two World Wars with their grand finale of the horror of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were Armageddon and the Apocalypse rolled into one. The sad spectacle of the towering inferno of large parts of some of the finest cities of the Western world going up in smoke has been one of the outer manifestations of the clearing actions that were at that time taking place on the inner plane. To this day they are occupied with the process of cleansing us and our world of the negative energies we accumulated over the ages. To all of us they are offering valuable opportunities for balancing our spiritual bankbooks.

But still, one cannot help wondering how many more demonstrations we need of the consequences of power abuse, dangerous psychic experimenting that is combined with the irresponsible manipulation of the mass of people. When one considers the orgies of massacring each other by the millions and the wholesale destruction of material possessions of World War I and II, surely no Armageddon anyone could dream of in their wildest imaginations could be worse. And isn’t it strange that the commandment ‘Thou shall not kill’ from Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21 does not seem to exist when it comes to the ‘joy’ of maiming and destroying each other in the name of a God who appears to agree with this notion?

The Commandments are a set of biblical laws relating to ethics and worship that play a fundamental role in the Abrahamic religions. They are also known as the Decalogue, which the Angels gave to our world with the help of the Moses legend. This part of the sacred texts includes instructions for worshipping only God, honouring one’s parents and for keeping the Sabbath, as well as prohibitions against idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, theft, dishonesty and coveting. In the Hebrew Bible the commandments appear in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy. Modern scholars have found that they have their origin in Hittite and Mesopotamian laws and treaties, but are divided over when they were written and by whom. The Angels are looking on and smiling. They know, but they are not telling us.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the Abrahamic religions. The sacred texts of each one of them contain the Commandments and they came down to them from preceding religions. Each one of the these three religions has always conveniently ignored the words ‘Thou shall not kill!’, pretending that taking other people’s lives in times of war and terrorist actions does not represent killing. We earthlings cannot create life and therefore have no right to destroy it, especially not wanton and randomly like in times and activities like that. Because the law of life is love, doing so creates particularly severe Karma.

Those who believe that children are created by us are mistaken. They merely come through us and are not of us. The wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother creates them through us. * Universal law decrees that before anything new can be born, something old always has to die. This is also valid for the many outdated beliefs that are still at large in our world. The more the birth process of humankind’s awakening Christ consciousness progresses, the more they are systematically removed, on the inner as well as the outer level.

Our spirit friends and helpers on all its levels for a long time have been beavering on our behalves. This will continue until even the last and slowest one of us has been guided into the awareness of God’s true nature and their own, and the predestined role * every human being has always had to play in God’s great plan of life *. Finding this knowledge is the birthright of all God’s children of the Earth as well as the right of learning how to walk hand in hand with God and the Angels. And that’s how, one small step after another, we are inexorably moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral. In the end it takes every one of us, without exception, to a high and holy destiny.

The laws of love and evolution are seeing to it that under the guardianship of God and the Angels everything in our own lives and that of our world will eventually come right. Because everything is taken care of by them, there is no need to be afraid of the future and what it may bring. Even if all manner of events still have to take place in our lives in the course of paying our karmic debts, for as long as we accept that these things are part of God’s perfect justice * and therefore inevitable, they do not need to stand in the way of our happiness. This surrender of our whole being to the will of the Highest brings inward happiness and joy. Besides, it can bring about the most wonderful occurrences that make us think: ‘This has to be the work of the Angels and our spirit friends.’

As soon as we submit our whole being to the forces of the Highest, we can rely upon it that help will always be there when we need it. It may come to us in quite surprising ways and be of particularly gentle, loving and caring kind. That’s the hallmark of those working behind the scenes of earthly life. They never leave us and are always ready to bring us their blessings and some kind of compensation. Even if some hard knocks still have to endured by us, our invisible friends and helpers are sure to reward us with something.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Miracle Of Birth’
•    ‘About Children’
•    ‘New Hope For Childless Couples’
•    ‘You Are Special’
‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘My Justice Is Perfect’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star