Opening Your Inner Vision

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Opening Your Inner VisionAs touched upon earlier, a covenant has always existed between Me and humankind. It consists of a special agreement that the Angels and I are constantly taking care of everyone’s true needs as well as those of all creatures that share your world with you. This will forever continue, but for as long as humankind’s inner vision remains closed to the higher realities of life that are constantly unfolding in the background of your earthly existence, life to you may at least at times appear to be grossly unfair and unjust.

However, as soon as you awaken to your true nature and become familiar with the workings of the Universal laws, My laws, especially the law of Karma, the scales fall from your inner eyes. For the first time you will then be able to see for yourself that in sharp contrast with your former beliefs life is at all times utterly fair and just, in fact so much so that it can be hard for your small earthly self to comprehend. Life itself has always been your teacher and Earth life in particular has been specifically designed so that everybody at all times is acting as teacher and pupil for each other.

To help you become familiar with every aspect of your nature, the highest as well as the lowest, the first part of your journeys of exploring your existence as physical beings takes you into the deepest and darkest recesses of human depravity and recklessness. When you have reached the bottom of this abyss of darkness, there comes a turning point. However, the curriculum of your earthly education decrees that on your way down you should forget who you truly are, where you are coming from and will one day be returning to. This is how it comes about that while one section of human spirits and souls in earthly life is occupied with learning how to kill, hurt and destroy, another one is busy with developing their skills of repairing and healing and bringing good from the evil they spread during their downwards journey.

As you move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, it will eventually no longer be necessary for you to wait until you have moved into your other world and true home, the world of light, before you understand how all this works. Whilst still on the Earth plane your consciousness and with it your inner vision gradually opens and you begin to perceive things how they really are. The true purpose and meaning of your own existence, that of your world and everything in it, as well as all other parts of My Creation, then reveal themselves to you. These are gifts every spirit and soul develops in the third and final phase of your earthly scholarship.

This is a far cry from the periods you spend as a first grader of Earth life. During those lifetimes you exist like in a dark box that cannot yet be penetrated by any glimpses of the light of spiritual wisdom and truth. All you can see is darkness. It takes until the end of the first grade and the beginning of the second one that you begin to catch the occasional first glimpses of this light and they start to seep through the protective blinkers you have been carrying for so long over your inner eyes.

And that is why first graders in the school of life have difficulties accepting that the Jesus story is not meant to be taken literally. At that stage of your development you are convinced that Christianity murdered Jesus, although in truth he never existed. It is for this reason that to this day many followers of this religion cannot accept that the story of the Master’s life is but a legend. It is too early for them to recognise that the true esoteric meaning of this tale up until quite recently had to remain hidden behind its surface words, which after all are the foundation of their religion.

The belief that the Jewish race murdered Jesus Christ has been a false one and the cause of much suffering that has been inflicted on Jewish people throughout the ages. Included in this is the Nazi regime which, during its fortunately short-lived reign, extended and deepened a false belief and defamation that has been haunting Judaism for much more than two thousand years. Isn’t that in itself a good reason for humankind to rejoice and be glad that the story of Jesus is but a myth and a legend, that the murder never took place and that therefore there is no need for guilt complexes or looking for scapegoats, who can be blamed for humankind’s atrocities of the past?

Independent of what anyone in your world believed, said or did down the ages and is doing now, the basic spiritual concepts of life have remained unchanged. The law of life always has been and forever will continue to be love and branching off from it is the law of evolution. This law decrees that everything throughout the Cosmos, including humankind and its world, ever since they first came into being have constantly been changing, growing and evolving.

Most of the religious teachings that are still used in your world were given during the depth of the patriarchy. They were designed to drive humankind and its world deeper and deeper into experiencing the ever more destructive and devastating effects of the masculine’s lust for personal power, empire building, dominion and warmongering. Only through the absence of something can you, My beloved children of the Earth, learn to appreciate anything. The patriarchy has been My way of teaching your world the value of peace. The exclusive rulership of the masculine force has served this purpose well, but by now it has run its course and is therefore in the process of crumbling away.

Through the suffering the patriarchy inflicted upon you and the Karma it brought about, individually and collectively, you and your world have grown in wisdom and understanding. And the new spiritual wisdom and truth the Angels and I are now bringing to you from the highest levels of life are endeavouring to keep pace with your race’s growing capacity for comprehending spiritual concepts. This ensures that the awakened ones in your midst keep on growing and evolving, some of them to such an extent that many of your younger siblings are finding it hard to comprehend what they are talking about.

Many times before I have pointed out in other parts of Stargazer’s writings that the words of none of the sacred texts your world has ever known, for example those of the Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, to name but a few, have ever been intended to be carved in stone and unchangeable. As this is a vital part of your earthly education, I am telling you once more that the knowledge of spiritual wisdom and truth is a constantly expanding and evolving dynamic force that has to keep pace with My evolutionary plan for the whole of My Creation.

Spiritual teachings render themselves obsolete and die a natural death when they resist the waves of fresh understanding of the esoteric wisdom that for a long time had to remain hidden from humankind’s view for the simple reason that you would have been unable to understand it. Having served its usefulness, any teaching that refuses to adapt itself and enlarge, with the passing of time is bound to quietly fade away until it has been forgotten.

As you grow into spiritual adulthood and are maturing the way you should, you will be required to make up your own mind about what you can and want to believe. You are then expected to come to your own conclusions about spiritual matters and have your own insights, instead of swallowing things wholesale the way you did in the past, believing them blindly just because they were printed somewhere. Rather than regurgitating parrot-fashion what someone else wrote – no matter how long ago or recently, how revered the writer may be or have been by the mass of people, and how sacred the texts still are to some – each one of you is taking part in earthly life to evolve into a healer and lightbringer.

Spiritually light is knowledge. Eventually you will be required to add something of  your own to that which others found before you. In the beginning this will only happen occasionally, but with practice you will soon be able to constantly make your contribution to the spiritual wealth of your world. To fulfil these requirements it is essential that you listen to Me, your inner teacher, so that with My help you can learn to discern and discriminate truths from untruths, and right from wrong.

And then, one of these days the inner vision of every one of you will have opened up. Your religious/theological/spiritual horizons will then have expanded sufficiently for you to comprehend that the new spiritual knowledge you are presently receiving poses in no way a threat to the old religions of your world. There will come a time for all the belief systems that are still with you when all their followers, not merely the more highly evolved souls among them, will be able to perceive that every word of My newly arriving wisdom and truth is meant to be an extension, enhancement and enlargement of the ancient spiritual texts of your world.

The fresh knowledge you are receiving forms an essential part of the natural renewal process that is presently taking place for the whole of your race. It brings to those who are ready to receive it an improved understanding that reveals the connection of all scriptures with the realities that lie beyond the horizons of earthly life. As time goes by, ever more of you will be ready to receive into their hearts and consciousness the wisdom and truth that now flows directly from My heart into yours. From there it proceeds, with the help of the Angels on the Highest levels of life, into the heart and soul of your whole race, thus assisting you and your world with moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Sooner than you may think the day will come in earthly life when all of you will be able to understand. There will then no longer be any need for anyone to doubt the correctness and truth of the spiritual knowledge that your world for some time has been receiving in ever increasing abundance. Throughout the ages many myths and legends appeared from time to time in your world. They were given by the Angels and Me for the simple reason that this was all you, My beloved children of the Earth, could understand and connect with during the various phases of your earlier spiritual development. This also applies to the Jesus legend.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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