Ave Maria For Our Time

The Road To Bethlehem - Part E

Ave Maria by Franz Schubert 1797-1828

With New Words For Christmas In Our Time

A Prayer To The Great Mother Of All Life
A Song About Loneliness At Christmas Time
Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of  the Mother’s symbolisms.

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Between Nations - Ave Maria - Words Re-Written For The Aquarian Age

Ave Maria,
Most human beings dream of a life
That’s filled with tenderness,
But far too many of them are alone,
Shedding tears in lonesome days and nights.
But a few words are often enough
To show us that we are not on our own,
That strangers can become friends
And sorrows grow small.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria,
The journey of our earthly existence
Takes us through many dark nights of the soul,
Looking for a hand to hold onto,
When all we have to do is call upon the Highest Star
And ask the Angels for their help.
And if you are sad and lonely today,
Maybe someone ‘out there’ feels just like you,
Not only in this cold time of year.
Find them and by greeting them
With a smile and kind word
Show them that you want to be their friend.
Open your heart wide,
So they can feel the warmth
Of your honest intentions and kindness.
Ave Maria

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Ave Maria’

Charles and Helene Fischer
Jean Frankfurter, Bach

Sung by Helene Fischer in German
Freely translated by Aquarius

O beloved Great Mother, hear our prayer. The Age of Aquarius is with us now. It is the age of friendship and siblinghood with all life and we give thanks and praise to You for returning to the conscious awareness of our world to show us the way into a more peaceful and loving future. Please protect and guide us and grant each one of us the gift of your love, wisdom and understanding, so that new hope, faith and trust can grow in every heart and soul.

Help us to find ever more powerful ways of doing our share of making our world into the place you have shown us in our dreams by opening our hearts and reaching out for each other, not only at Christmas but throughout the whole years. May this continue until all humankind’s arrogance, fear and hostility towards each other has melted away and destructiveness, violence, crime, warfare and loneliness are no longer known in our world.

In the name of love we ask these things from You.


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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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