Developing Our Christ Nature

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - Developing Our Christ NatureEach one of us has been granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth to bring us closer to discovering that in truth we, as well as everybody else, are a great deal more than mere earthly beings and this knowledge assists us to bring forth and develop the higher aspect of our nature, the Christ spirit. The life story of the Master Jesus is a legend that depicts the initiations all of us have to undergo in the course of the various stages of our development. From initially thinking of ourselves as nothing but earthly beings, it constantly takes us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, until we have grown into a Christed one in our own right. 

The figure of Jesus, half human/half God, represents humankind’s earthly and higher nature. The different phases of the Master’s life are a picture book presentation of every human spirit/soul’s evolutionary pathway. It starts with the moment of our birth as a spark of the Divine on the highest levels of life, untouched by anything earthly and therefore in immaculate conception. This heavenly child is born into our world through earthly foster-type parents. From there the story moves to the child’s presentation to the world, a symbol of Earth life, and winds up with a great crescendo in the death of this child of God on the Cross, the oldest symbol known to humankind of our earthly existence. On it moves to the child’s resurrection and ascension to Heaven, which symbolises our return to the higher and eventually highest levels of life. Read more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

The Jesus legend is meant to bring humankind closer to the realisation that in truth there is no death, only transformations into other life-states. Understanding and accepting this releases us from the need for getting lost in the illusion of Earth life and feeling bewildered and confused, resentful or even bitter and angry about the death of those who leave us behind on the Earth plane. Reminding ourselves of the temporary nature of everything in this existence is more constructive by far. Accepting on a deep inner level that this life is not our true reality is the first step towards rising above any of the experiences that may come our way.

Becoming aware again of our real immortal and eternal nature is the very reason why we are here. I do not share the belief that we come into this life without anything and that we pass out of it again with nothing. This merely applies to the physical aspects of life. Without appearing to be particularly wealthy there, spiritually a soul can be immensely rich. On the other hand, someone very rich in earthly life can spiritually be extremely poor, as that person’s spiritual/karmic balance sheet may show too many entries on the debit side of the ledger.

The law of life is love and love is our true nature and natural state. Everything else that happens is part of the learning curve of our earthly existence and therefore merely a temporary state. We have come from love and to love we return, and that is the case without exceptions. The core of everyone’s being is spirit and pure consciousness and it takes many lifetimes of studying, which each can only do through their own first hand experiences, until we finally find our way back home into our true nature again. The way I see it, possession and possessiveness are earthly things, because in truth we do not possess anything or anyone. Even the physical bodies we walk around in do not belong to us. They too have to be handed back to Mother Earth, at the end of each lifetime.

The knowledge and wisdom we gather as we steadily progress on our evolutionary path, help our consciousness to grow and expand. As we slowly move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, the only thing that truly ever belongs to us is our consciousness. Whatever is added to it through our learning is ours to keep in all eternity. And this is why no child that is ever born onto the Earth plane enters into a new lifetime with nothing. Accompanying each new tiny body is always a fully formed soul and spirit that is at the evolutionary level it has reached in the course of all its previous lifetimes. That is what each newly born baby brings into its present lifetime. Makes you think, doesn’t it?  

Any learning our spirit and soul acquires on the Earth plane we are allowed to take with us into the world of light in preparation for all coming lifetimes and way beyond, when we have reached the evolutionary level that Earth life cannot teach us anything any more. I hope that all of this will help you to realise the true purpose of life on the Earth and of making an effort at looking for the meaning that is always hidden behind the happenings in our lives, at any given moment. Without this it is impossible to find out what our experiences are trying to teach us. How can we learn and grow unless we can see for ourselves that invariably the goodness of life is at work and wishes to teach us some kind of a valuable lesson? Until we wake from our spiritual slumbers, lift our eyes to the higher levels of life and make a conscious effort at seeking the spiritual purpose that truly is hidden in everything, very little evolutionary progress can be made.

But when we have woken up, it begins to dawn on us that something good is actually happening to us during traumatic times of transformation, because in times of great sorrow and suffering God and the Angels can then draw much closer to us and enter our hearts and minds than ever before. With their help we slowly but surely develop an appreciation of the glory that lies behind our present existence. This makes it much easier to willingly submit ourselves to the lessons that still have to come our way for karmic reasons. Attending to them with patience and diligence considerably speeds up our personal evolution and indirectly that of our whole planet.

May every moment of your life become ever more blessed and enriched and may life reveal itself to you in all its beauty, wonder and splendour of worlds visible and invisible to earthly eyes.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Angel In Disguise’
•     ‘The Esoteric Meaning Of The Crucifixion’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

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The above is part of ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’.
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