Welcome And Dedication

Rays of Wisdom - The Lighthouse of ConsciousnessA warm and loving welcome to Rays of Wisdom, the spiritual but not religious (sbnr) Lighthouse of Consciousness. It brings you ‘The Random Jottings of a Stargazer’ and ‘The Astro Files’, well known and loved by many. Both works are now in their eighteenth year of existence.

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. Naturally, this applies to Rays of Wisdom. From its earliest beginnings it has constantly been evolving and growing as fresh insights are flowing into my understanding of the spiritual background of life. New parts of my jottings and also updates of existing material are always appearing here. To find out about them, please click the image below:

What Is New? - Rays of Wisdom - Homepage

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A thought of wisdom for each new day.

Rays Of Wisdom - Thought For Today

The darkness of our world
Is not knowing and understanding;
Light can only come, when we
Make it our business to find out.
Socrates ca. 470-399 B.C.

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All my work is dedicated to:
The Great Father/Mother of all Life,
The Source of all life, love, wisdom and truth,
And to my spiritual family,
My sisters and brothers who, like me,
Are struggling on their journey home
Into the oneness with our Creator.

By sharing the things
I am finding on my spiritual journeys
Of discovery and healing,
My aim is to encourage and help
All who are in need of it,
Regardless of colour of skin or creed,
Along the road we all have to walk:
Together and on our own,
Back home into our true nature –
And that is love.

 Six pointed Star

You are cordially invited to explore everything that is on offer. Be my guest and partake freely. Eat and drink to your heart and soul’s content. All my writings are my spiritual property and everything on this site that is not otherwise marked is mine and can be downloaded free of charge by anyone. All I ask from you is that you share your findings with those around you. For more details on copyright please see the Information section. The Random Jottings of a Stargazer are appearing in the order they once came into being. Access to the various sections is gained by clicking on the corresponding boxes at the top.

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in all my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Highest Star. These miniature stars are alive and radiate the healing power of the Highest first into you and then into the worldwide web. From there it flows into the heart and soul of our race and all other kingdoms of Mother Earth. No matter how brief the call of any of you may be, each time you get the benefit of this powerful blessing.

My writings are meditations and prayers of thanksgiving
For the miracle and wonder of the gift of this life:
Yours, mine and all life.

From ‘Healers and Healing’

‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’

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Some of my writings can now be read
and dowloaded in the form of a printout on Booksie.

To find out what’s available, please click the image below:

 Rays Of Wisdom - Homepage - Stargazer's Writings On Booksie

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You can also follow me on Facebook.
Please click the image below:

Rays Of Wisdom - Facebook Link

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