Our World In Transition

The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition

A Serendipity of Reflections on Life

Seen through the Eyes of an Astrologer


Our World In Transition

Parts One to Seven

Humankind At The Crossroads And Seeking Understanding

‘Any fool can know. The point is to understand.’
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

Six pointed Star

Part 1

Joy To The Earth

 Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Joy To Our World

How generous you are, Mother Earth,
And how strong is your yearning for your children
Lost between that which they have attained
And that which they could not obtain.
We clamour and you smile.
We flit, but you stay!
We extract your elements to make cannons and bombs,
But out of our elements you create lilies and roses.

Kahlil Gibran

The way Kahlil Gibran describes Mother Earth and her relationship with us shows us the way of past ages. But now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, we and our world are good and ready for some fundamental changes and crying out for them ever more loudly. The video at the end of this chapter shows how ordinary folks like you and me, throughout our whole world behave in the same manner. We, the people, need to force those who have been allowed a measure of power and would like to be considered as our spiritual and political leaders and in charge listen to us. This includes the ultra rich and powerful, the local, national and international  maneouvrers and manipulators who irresponsibly seek to make vast profits out of the suffering of others.

This applies as much to the banks and governments of all countries as it does to our industrialists. It does so in particular to the companies who supply the war machinery, with their greed and total lack of consideration for the wellbeing of our planet and all its lifeforms. The same goes for the pharmaceutical industry with its even more sinister and destructive weaponry. Read more about this in ‘The Ebola Outbreak’.

The people responsible for these organisations and those employed by them, the same as everybody else, have been placed in this life so that in due course they should learn how to work for the good of all and how they can make their contribution towards the healing of Mother Earth. Her abundance and beauty are there for all to share and our task as healers and lightworkers is to help every one of her children to have the basic comforts and security in life. The only road that can put us and our world right is the one that is paved with love and tolerance, friendship and kindness, caring and sharing and supporting each other. 

After six thousand years of patriarchy that has brought us not much more than the raping and polluting of our planet, don’t you think it’s the highest time for  change? The patriarchy with its greed and lust for power, wars, terrorism, religions, dictators, presidents, prime ministers, the ultra rich and powerful with their smoke and mirrors, lies and deceptions, pecking orders, divisive distractions, those who have and those who have not. The ever growing greed of the ones at the top has left those at the bottom of the ladder with nothing but terrorism and revolution as their way forward, while the rest of our world pretends to listen and does nothing, except taking even more from the poorest of the poor. For centuries the western world has raped and pillaged their countries of their assets and resources. And still these robber barons insist on trying to take more and more. They stop at nothing, if need be they achieve their ends through yet another war that gives them access to someone else’s oil, or by sending missionaries to expand their religious flocks, or through giving loans to the countries of the underdeveloped parts of our world that add to their debts and enables the west to subdue and control their leaders and their countries.

At any given time, all of us have a choice  whether we accept all these things as the status quo and continue to allow the mass media to fill our consciousness with their daily doses of fear, negativity and hatred about everything and especially other nations and their people. It is up to us as individuals to choose different ways of living and being. To get us started on this road, let’s keep signing petitions to voice our oneness and speak the truth, use any wisdom and understanding of life we have found thus far to help each other, not only our loved ones and dearest friends, but everybody to discover it for themselves.

Let’s all bring forth our own Christ nature with its characteristics of goodness, kindness, tolerance and fairness to bring joy and new hope to everyone we meet by showing respect and understanding for them and their lives, their needs, hopes, dreams and highest aspirations. Let’s support each other in whatever way we can, for none of us is meant to face life on their own. And whenever we are in doubt about anything, let’s go within and listen to the small, still voice of our conscience or inner guidance – the living God within, to find out what the Angels of love and peace and healing advise us to do and follow their instructions.

The link below takes you on a trip around our world that is sure to put a smile on your face. See for yourself that there are many happy people ‘out there’ who are calling to our spiritual and political leaders: ‘We want to see changes and refuse to be sent into wars by you. We’ve had more than enough of your ways of killing, destroying and exploiting in pursuit of power. Don’t you know, you fools, that the only true and absolute power belongs to the highest, by whatever name you may call this authority? Hasn’t it ever occurred to you that all your earthly possessions as well as every last shred of power you think you have, can be taken away from you and that at any given moment and in the fraction of a second?  

All of us, and that includes you, have received the gift of another lifetime so that we may learn to sing and dance and enjoy being on this wonderful planet of ours. Each is required to do their share of making the Earth an ever more beautiful place, where all lifeforms live together in peace and harmony, helping and supporting each other to the best of our ability, instead of taking advantage of and exploiting everything that comes our way. We pray that the light of God’s wisdom and truth may also fill your hearts and souls, so that the Divine spark in you comes alive and you too become ware of God’s true nature, your own and everybody else’s and the responsibilities this brings with it.

Praising the love and glory of our creator, the great Father/Mother of all life, for giving this life to us, is the only thing we want to do from now on and we hope that you will soon join us.

And now sit back, relax and enjoy:

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Three Minutes Of Joy’

Six pointed Star

Searching For Wisdom And Understanding

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom And Truth Grown On The Tree Of Life

Spending many lifetimes on the earthly plane is an essential part of every human being’s evolutionary pathway. The higher purpose of each one is to help us grow in wisdom and understanding of God’s true nature and our own. This goes hand in hand with the discovery of the true meaning of our existence. The question of how this treasure can be found has occupied humankind for a very long time. The abundance of memorable sayings on this theme bears witness to it. So let’s take a closer look at some of them.

Marie Curie, 1867-1964, wrote: ‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.’ And as Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, pointed out: ‘Any fool can know. The point is to understand.’ You can be sure that it does not come from reading books alone. You may know something because you have read about it somewhere and still be a long way from understanding it. So, how does one find understanding? It grows quite naturally and organically within us when we just live our lives and move ever forwards, being mindfully present during all our experiences, making sure to feel our feelings and listen to the inner guidance we receive through them. That no doubt is why Søren Kierkegaard, 1813-1855, concluded: ‘Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.’

This is hardly surprising, as the very reason for granting us the gift of another lifetime is that we should grow some more in wisdom and understanding, compassion and love. This is why Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1926-2004, observed: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have gained an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen, they have to evolve.’

In the beginning of its evolutionary cycle on the Earth plane, our small lower earthly self, thus far unaware of its own true nature and the Universal laws that rule the whole of God’s creation, goes on the rampage. It heartily hates anything that gets in the way of its wishes and so it ventures forth into killing, slaughtering, hurting and hating, if an opportunity for it arises torturing and maiming the object of its desires, sadistically enjoying and revelling in the misery of those who are at its mercy.

As a consequence of God’s laws, in subsequent lifetimes the deeds we once dished out to others return to us and we get to know first hand what suffering means. In the course of many earthly sojourns, because we now know how physical, emotional and spiritual pain feels, the characteristics of our Highest or God Self  stir within us and we begin to feel more compassionate and loving towards the suffering of others. Hence Gautama Buddha’s advice: ‘Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.’ Not only sometime in our present lifetime, but in all of them is each one of us sure to have undergone these stages of development.

Once we are equipped with the gift of hindsight, in our reflections and meditations  it becomes easier to draw the wisdom and understanding we are meant to gain from all our experiences. Every new lifetime for each one of us brings sufficient opportunities for doing so and that  applies to each individual as well as to companies and other organisations of all kinds, nations and our whole world.

Our redemption consists of any kind of suffering we have to endure, be it physical, mental or spiritual and what we have learnt from it. Whether we have made any spiritual progress as a result of what we have gone through reveals itself to the wise ones in charge of us in our behaviour. We are now meeting every manifestation of life with kindness and compassion, tolerance and love, not only those who are in distress but also our younger and less experienced siblings in the family of life, who so far know no better than inflicting pain onto others.

Anything we do to alleviate someone’s suffering, irrespective of who they are and where they are coming from, helps our Christ nature to flourish. Becoming aware again of our immortality, our appetite for death and destruction goes from us forever and is replaced by our Christ nature. That’s the only way the Christ Spirit can save and redeem anyone. And because on the inner level all life is one, when one of us has gone through this process and developed their Christ nature, the whole human race and its world are simultaneously moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This is how every human being in due course is going to evolve into a saviour and redeemer of humankind and our world.

‘Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be [healing and] recovery.’ J.K. Rowling in ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’

‘Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.’ C.G. Jung – ‘Gazing Into The Mirror Of The Self – Projection’.

‘Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it isn’t so.’ Lemony Snicket in ‘The Blank Book’

‘Try to understand people. If you understand each other, you will be kind to each other. Knowing a person well never leads to hate and almost always leads to love.’‘  John Steinbeck

‘One of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.’ Richard Dawkins in ‘The God Delusion’

‘For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.’ Carl Sagan in ‘The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark’

‘Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.’ Aristotle

‘Sometimes it’s not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don’t mean.’ Bob Dylan

‘Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and a few to be chewed and digested. That is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly and with diligence and attention.’ Francis Bacon

‘Rabbit’s clever,’ said Pooh thoughtfully.
‘Yes,’ said Piglet, ‘rabbit’s clever.’
‘And he has Brain.’
‘Yes,’ said Piglet, ‘rabbit has Brain.’
There was a long silence.
‘I suppose,’ said Pooh, ‘that’s why he never understands anything.’  
A.A. Milne in ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’

This contains the message that for as long as we just think about things, without applying the knowledge we are finding to real life situations to test and try them in order to learn from them, we may considered to be clever by those around us, in spite of the fact that we understand very little. Knowledge is of the head, cold and clear as crystal, without warmth. But wisdom and understanding can only grow in any one of us organically by intrepidly scaling the heights and wading through the depths of the human predicament, never through book-learning alone. Wisdom and understanding dwell in our hearts and flow forth from there with the language of love.

Everything that is in our lives is in truth a gift for helping us to grow ever more heaven-tall. The more readily we accept this and because of this knowledge endeavour to move with the flow of our lives, the more easily life itself can turn into our teacher. By accepting with grace and gratitude whatever the Universe brings, instead of struggling against it, the deeper our understanding shall grow and the swifter our evolutionary progress will move us forwards and upwards.

Six pointed Star

The King Is Dead – Long Live The King!

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The King Is Dead, Long Live The KingOur world probably has never been more spiritually challenging than at this time of transition from one age to another, the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Before our very eyes King Materialism is going through its death agonies and communism and capitalism are breathing their last. Long live, not some kind of a King on the Earth plane, but as befits the spiritual awakening of our race in the Aquarian Age, the true King of our world, the Spirit of the Universal Christ. This is the supreme royalty, the ultimate authority and the highest commander of the whole of Creation, before whom all knees shall bow and all tongues confess that S/He is the King and Queen, Lord and Lady of all, whose coming has been foretold by the prophets of old. To His/Her supreme will and command life on all levels freely and willingly subjects itself.

Aquarius is the mental pioneering sign of the zodiac. The highest potential of souls born into this sign is the capability of mentally breaking new ground and acting as wayfinders and preparers for those around them. Thus it is hardly surprising that the thinking of some Aquarians is at least fifty years ahead of their time. Technologically and spiritually, the Age of Aquarius has already brought us an enormous inflow of new ideas from the Highest realms of life. Yet, we shall only be able to fully benefit from them when our race has become sufficiently evolved to work with and put them into practice the way they are meant to be. No matter what may still have to take place on the Earth plane, spiritually no experience is ever wasted. This is as true for the learning we gain when we strive to fulfil any of our earthly goals as it is for the Aquarian ideas and principles. The earthly education the Universe has been providing for us and our world in the course of many lifetimes and the gifts and talents we acquired, for many by now are beginning to reveal their relevance and how, under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, are meant to be used for the highest good and the greatest joy of all life.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

2012 And All That

One of the most pernicious and persistent superstitions that has been hanging around for a very long time focuses on the year 2012; it is based on the tale of the Mayan Calendar which ends in that year. This has given rise to a myth that has been and still is exploited by soothsayers of all kinds, who are adorning it with ever wilder and more negative imaginings. To this day, there is much talk that this means that, once again, our world is going to end. Not another one; oh yawn!

In my view, myths of this nature are highly destructive because they are providing the mass media with endless opportunities for feasting on negativity and spreading it remorselessly. As if there wasn’t far too much of this and the fears caused by it in our world already, the media are irresponsibly doing their best to add as much fuel to fires as they can. If the people involved would only wake up to the fact that we are all responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, and that their efforts are constantly feeding into the stream of negative thinking that is part of humankind’s collective consciousness. Each one of us is an integral part of this pool and any thought that one of us sends out into the Universe affects all of us and also the rest of life.

To those who believe this tale to be true, I say: nothing will happen. Can’t you see why? Because it’s all happening now! I believe that 2012 has been a red herring all along. Anyone who fails to see that the world we have known is disappearing before our own eyes must be blinding themselves to the signs of our time. I am to give you the following information from the most reliable source in the whole of Creation, my inner teacher, who is the true author of all my work:

‘Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen in 2012. Look around you and see the profound changes that are now taking place in your world. Its evolutionary march forward is unstoppable and progressing well. This will continue in the year 2012 and beyond, the same as it is doing now and the way it has always done. Your world is changing rapidly before your very own eyes. In the year 2008, an important part of this was the new President of the USA. He brought with him a renewal of hope for your world. He, the same as everybody else, is guided by Me and the Angels. Never doubt that you and your world are resting safely in My loving hands.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Man-Made and Natural Disasters’

Six pointed Star

Barack Obama – A Leader For The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Crisis - Barack Obama - A Leader For The Aquarisn Age

An important part of the profound changes that are now taking place in our world is the fact that for the first time in its history a black man, Barack Obama, has gained access to the office of the President of the United States of America. With a white mother and a black father, the new President is ideally suited to bridge the gaps that to this day exist between the races in our world. By conviction he is a socialist, a Democrat. Shortly after his election in the year 2008, I watched an hour long program on TV about the new president. I am not easily taken in by anyone, least of all politicians, but the more I see of President Obama the more he impresses me as a truly remarkable man. One of the things I like particularly is a sense of sadness that seems to flow from his heart through his eyes into our world. He has seen and experienced suffering and deprivation without shying away from it; he knows it because he has worked with it. He is a compassionate man and strikes me as one who is genuinely interested in the social progress of our world. He will do his best to try to make our world a better place for his being here.
Some would like to see in President Obama is a kind of new Messiah. In my view, this would be grossly unfair to him because there would then be those who would expect him to be able to walk on water and perform miracles. However, he is sure to encounter many limitations in his decision making. They are dictated by the Karma that has been created by his nation as a whole and each individual within it, under all its previous administrations. The verdicts he comes to will also be influenced by the Karma of our whole world, as much as he will be influencing it, the same as we all do. I believe that President Obama has the strength and the willpower, as well as the inner guidance, to ensure he copes well with whatever may come his way. First and foremost, he comes across to me as a man with integrity and yes, a socialist – sorry if that’s a naughty word with some folks. I have always been one of those at heart myself. As a child of the Aquarian Age one cannot really be anything else; it is the age of equal rights for all and freedom from oppression of all kinds, especially from hunger and all manner of deprivation and persecutions.

I believe that the time is right now for the beginnings of a new kind of socialism of the highest order that has not yet been tried on the Earth plane. Communism and capitalism have had their day. Each represented an experiment that is meant to eventually lead us and our world on to more advanced forms of government. The nightmare of endlessly increasing government involvement and interference with the individual’s life, in my view, is not part of the Aquarian vision. It stands to reason that quite the opposite is true! When everybody on the Earth plane has fully woken up to their true nature and is therefore willing to take responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions, and also our world, there will be no need for more government but less. Governmental over-involvement is one of the many wrong ways that had to be tried first. The more aware we all become and behave in accordance with the spiritual wisdom we are now finding, the less incidents of law breaking there will be. This will continue until eventually no more state interference will be required at all to maintain law and order.

It seems to me that President Obama is the right man to serve as a tool in the hands of the Highest to take us a considerable step nearer towards the goal of this desirable state of affairs. His Ascendant and Jupiter are in Aquarius; Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house. This is one of the planets own houses, where its presence is strongly and beneficially felt. It shows that President Obama’s inner guidance is likely to be good and that special protection is always around him, and that on all levels of life. Under Jupiter’s influence there can be a tendency to over-expansion of one’s idealistic ideas that may result in over-inflated and unrealistic hopes and dreams that cannot be grounded. However, in President Obama’s chart this sufficiently counteracted by the presence of Saturn in Capricorn, its own sign, conjunct Jupiter in the twelfth house.
With his Sun, Mercury, Uranus and the Moon’s North Node in Leo, President Obama has always had strong the leader qualities. The presence of the Sun and Mercury in the sixth house, the natural home of Virgo, and Pluto and Mars in Virgo in the seventh house, shows an equally strong presence of Virgo, the teaching and healing sign of the zodiac, as well as the sign of service on the Earth. This reveals President Obama as a hard working and also down-to-Earth man, who is probably only happy when he can serve his country and our world in some capacity. As pointed out in my interpretation of ‘The Sun in Leo’, Leo is the royal sign of the zodiac and Aquarius is its opposite sign. The further we proceed into the New Age, the clearer we shall see that earthly kings and queens are anachronisms and leftovers from the past. The true royalty and the spiritual aristocrats of the New Age are the wise ones, who serve the highest good of the whole and who function without the need for pomp and circumstance in the outer world and instead with great simplicity give from their loving hearts and souls wherever the need arises.

His Moon is in Gemini in the fourth house, the natural home of Cancer. His Saturn forms an opposition with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo. This contact with Saturn is beneficial; it is a sign of a serious minded person who thinks before he speaks. It protects President Obama against getting lost in all manner of minute details about trivial matters, as both Sun and Moon Geminians can be prone to. Saturn, the teacher and rewarder, has helped him to develop the self-mastery to grow into the intelligent and agile thinker and speaker he now is. The Moon in the fourth house reflects his love of home, country, his origins and especially his mother. With his Ascendant in Aquarius he is unlikely to be afraid of looking for and putting into practise unusual solutions to the situations that will inevitably come his way.
God bless President Barack Obama and his family, God bless America and God bless us and our whole world.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Sun in Leo’
• ‘The Mayan Calendar’

Six pointed Star

Prayer For Barack Obama
Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and
The Universal Christ, Your only born Son,
We pray that the radiance of your Love, Power and Strength
Should flow ever more freely into us and our world
And especially into President Obama, his family and friends,
As well as those around and with him who are
Working for the good of our whole world.

We lift each one of them
Into the radiance of the Highest and Brightest Star,
The Universal Christ .
May our prayers and positive thoughts about the President’s
Devotion to his office and the sincerity of his intentions create
A protective shield of golden healing light around each one of them.
As everything sent into the Universe, including our world,
Must return to its sender, we pray that all negative
Thoughts and feelings that try to invade the auras of all involved
Should be absorbed into this light and from there flow as golden healing light
Back to where they came from.

May every last remnant of the forces of darkness on this plane
Be absorbed into Your Light, so that peace will
Come to our world at last.
In the name of love we ask these things from You,
For the blessing and healing of our world and the whole of Creation,
For You are the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory.
And so it shall be, forever and ever.


Six pointed Star

Is Earth Life Really Chaotic?

Although on its surface it may often appear to be so, I assure you that nevertheless all life on this plane, the same as on all others, has always proceeded in a most orderly fashion and in accordance with My plan. On the inner levels, My eternal realm, in spite of all humankind’s beliefs to the contrary, the reins of every aspect of the whole of My Creation have never slipped from My hands. This applies to the parts that are visible to human eyes and also the invisible ones. I alone have the Great Plan of Life and everything within it unfolds by it, in accordance with My design, will and wishes. No force exists that is outside of Me or beyond the reach of My power.

You may find this hard to grasp now, but it has always been humankind’s great lust for power that showed itself in the culmination of the above described events. Why did I allow them to happen? Because as My children and young Gods in the making, each one of you must eventually realise your utter dependence on Me and My resources, that on the Earth, the same as in the rest of the whole of Creation, you cannot achieve anything on your own and that without Me you are nothing. All must wake up to the fact that your lives have to be conducted in keeping with My Universal laws and that your strong self-will and small ego has to be willingly surrendered onto Me and My will.

In the book of Genesis 1:28 I told you: ‘And God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild bests that move upon the Earth.’ From the evidence you can see all around you in your world you can surely see for yourselves by now that this is a metaphor which, like so many others, has been misinterpreted. My intention never was to provide your race with a carte blanche for subduing your planet and raping it of all its precious resources. I tolerated it because I knew that you could only learn through your own experiences what this would eventually lead.

You were never placed in that life to seek dominion over the planet, but over your own lower earthly nature. Human life has evolved through the animal kingdom and is therefore an integral part of it. That is why your small earthly self is subject to the same desires, drives and urges as all the other animals and because on the inner level of life all is one, in truth the animals are your brothers and sisters. Before in future harming any of My creatures, you do well to remind yourselves that in coming lifetimes you will have to live with the consequences for every one of your thoughts, words and actions, because you are fully accountable for them.

From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks’

Six pointed Star

Pluto In Capricorn

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Pluto In Caprcorn

In the year 2009, the events of a world economic crisis and the election of a  new president of the USA, for the first time from a black and white background, to me were clear evidence that the evolutionary pace of our race and planet is by now being speeded up significantly. The energies of the incoming Aquarian Age are hard at work to help us cleanse and purify the consciousness of every individual soul and the soul of our whole world. Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration and the co-ruler of Scorpio, plays a major part in this. It is one of the outer slow moving planets, known as the generation planets, that will remain in Capricorn until January 2024. Plenty of time for clearing away the things that for so long have been troubling our world.

Until then Pluto energies will keep us and our world engaged in the process of breaking down and then rebuilding the structures that are essential for the successful running of our world. At the time of updating this file for the first time in December 2008, Pluto had for some time been hovering around the cusp of Capricorn, the sign that rules large institutions, like banks, building societies, insurance companies and so forth. The representatives of governments, the police, the legal and medical profession and in particular the religious belief systems of our world are not excluded from the purging and cleansing effect of Pluto’s energies. Ever more forcefully they are drawing everybody’s attention to that which had previously been hidden from public view and knowledge. Like scum on a mill pond, they are rising to the surface of our race’s individual and collective consciousness. And that gets me wondering how long it will take until the last one in our world comprehends that nothing can remain hidden in our world any longer. Read more about Pluto’s energies in ‘The Sun in Scorpio’ *.

At the time of my most recent revision of this article in December 2017, the tempo of this cleansing process was still increasing. This is necessary because lots more old things have to die before new and better ones can be born. Because of the events that to this day are taking place everywhere in our world, my faith in the fundamental goodness of life sometimes begins to wobble. I then remind myself that this is the work Pluto’s energies have to do and that truly much good is in store for us and our world, when ever more of us bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature with its love of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity.

Sadly, before they can do this every human being first has to learn from their own experiences about the destructive power that greed and corruption can have on individuals as well as whole worlds. To this day these scourges are caused by the fact that large proportions of our population are as yet unaware of the true, i.e. spiritual purpose of their earthly existence and of the existence of Universal laws and how they affect all life, including that on the Earth plane. The presence and subsequent dying of such matters are essential parts of the lessons, some of them of truly Cosmic proportions, which our whole world and everything that is in it cannot avoid taking part in.

Have you noticed how for some time now ever more scandals, especially of a sexual nature and related to men’s behaviour, have been rising like scum to the surface of our collective consciousness? This too undoubtedly is another necessary part of our world’s cleansing process, through which the Universe is teaching us, individually and collectively, many a valuable lesson. Therefore, when as a result of the latest revelations some more mud is flying in all direction, wise ones do not condone and they do not judge either. Because they trust God’s great plan of life * and God’s perfect justice *, they resist the temptation of sitting in judgement * over anyone and in particular not those who are still taking part in the lower and lowest lessons of earthly life, the way they too once did. And because they themselves are already moving in the upwards direction of the evolutionary spiral of life, wise ones have every reason to be glad and express their thankful for all that once was in their lives, now is and forever will be.

To paraphrase what the Jesus legend tells us in St John 8:7: ‘Let those of us who are without sin be the first to throw a stone at anyone.’ It makes me shudder to look back on the kind of suffering that we, in the course of many lifetimes, must have been inflicting upon each other. Yet, when considered in the light of our evolutionary pathway as young Gods in the making, it’s not hard to recognise that all of it served as a ‘worthy’ instrument for moulding us and eventually returning us, the human children of God in our guise as earthlings, into the awareness of our true identity. Bearing in mind that we are sparks of the Divine, it is probably not surprising that most of our race’s warfaring seems to have been carried out in the name of one religion or another. Being spirits and souls who are experiencing life in physicality, matters of the spirit and therefore religions somehow for a very long time formed an important part of our consciousness. Even in declared atheists this characteristic of human nature is present in the recesses of their subconscious.

Having reached the end of six thousand years of patriarchy and warmongering that took our world ever deeper into the systematic suppression of the love, wisdom and truth of the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Goddess, a vast circle of life is in the process of closing and the saddest stage of humankind’s evolutionary journey reaching its natural conclusion. And in keeping with the fact that the darkest hour comes just before the dawn, to reach this point we and our world first had to work our way through the living inferno and Armageddon, rolled into one, of the two World Wars.

Thanks be to God and the Angels that increasing numbers of us are gaining access to the knowledge of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. As, with the passing of time, ever more of us are slowly but surely turning into Gnostics, each awakened one is living proof that these things cannot be suppressed forever by anyone. And that’s why wise ones refuse to begrudge the difficulties they are presented with and tackle them as best and as bravely as they know how to. Their behaviour is based on the knowledge that we and our world shall forever rest safely in the hands of the living God and the Angels and that in due course much good is sure to emerge for our whole world and every one of its inhabitants.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Scorpio’
•    ‘Sitting In Judgement’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’
•    ‘My Justice Is Perfect’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The Power Of Thought

What We Think, We Become

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transiton - The Power Of Thought

I have no time for any kind of negativity and especially the havoc wreaking variety the financial world is regularly causing, so the mass media can exploit them by feasting on the suffering such disturbances are causing to the peace of our world. I have even less time for the emanations of pessimism, which the mass media people are constantly pumping into the collective consciousness of our world. If only the people involved knew that every single one of our thoughts feeds into the pool of consciousness of our whole world, which in turn is part of that of the whole of Creation. And because on the inner level of life everything is one and there is no separation between anything, we must be influencing each other much more strongly than we think. Every one of us is an integral part of the great pool and – unbeknown to many, to this day – all of us are responsible for its wellbeing.

As far as the Jesus legend is concerned, I believe that it has always been intended by the higher powers to be used as a teaching and guide book, an educational tool. Through the symbolism of the crucifixion we are shown how every human spirit and soul, once it has become sufficiently evolved, is capable of withdrawing from and rising above even the worst kind of suffering of the physical plane of life. The earthly education for each one of us continues until we eventually reach the point when we are capable of freely and willingly reaching for the loving hands of our Highest Self and the Angels, to help us perceive our life and everything it contains in the right light. At all times they are standing by, ready to teach those who are waking up to their true nature and will now listen how to view all troublesome earthly situations from the perspective of the higher and highest realms of life.

I believe that it does not really matter whether or not someone believes in the value of the Christian teachings when they are taken literally. The way I understand the Jesus story is that as soon as a soul has become sufficiently evolved and has reached a degree of spiritual maturity, it can see for itself that the legend depicts the pathway all of us are eventually required to walk. When we walk in the Master’s footsteps and follow his example, we develop ever more of the highest character aspects, our Christ nature. Even if someone believes that the Jesus tale is based on historical facts and that every word of it is true and should be taken at face value, this do not release anyone from their duty of eventually bringing forth the characteristics of their own inherent Christ nature, which in them is probably still in seed form and slumbering.

Like the Master before us, instead of allowing ourselves to be tortured and crucified by the events around us and the unpleasant deeds of our fellow travellers on the road of life, we are in this existence to learn how to conquer its difficulties and traumas by looking at life as dispassionately as possible. This alone enables us to recognise the traumatic events of our own life and our world for what they truly are and always have been. They represent tests and trials that reveal to God and the Angels the degree of spiritual maturity we – individually and collectively – have reached at any given time. In spite of the fact that these things are of vital significance for the evolution of our world and everything in it, each one of such happenings in the final analysis is but a passing phase. It is a lesson that simply cannot be avoided and has to be endured by us, for the simple reason that we should learn from it and grow in wisdom and understanding.

In our role of aspiring healers and light-workers the task before us is to hold fast to our inner knowledge that we and our world rest safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and that even the various crises on the financial markets are happening for wise reasons and for the highest good of all. Through them we and our world are taught some invaluable lessons. Each one of us is involved and we do well to pay attention. Let us not give in to grumbling and in this way adding to the ocean of negativity that already exists in our world and into which far too many are all too happily pouring ever more of the same.

Because we understand the spiritual background and the purpose of such lessons, we need to feed nothing but kind and loving healing thoughts into the pool of human consciousness. We are here to show by our good example that we trust that God’s great plan of life is perfect and that – no matter what may still have to happen on the Earth plane – everything will work out for humankind’s highest good and greatest joy in the end and all will be well. This is made easier by focusing on the good, i.e. the learning that already has emerged from experiences of this nature and more will surely come to our world through anything that may yet have to be endured by us. For the growth of our Christ nature it is necessary to bring forth the best from within us. This we do when we concentrate on the good and desirable aspects of all earthly adventures, our own and also those of our whole world. At the present phase of its evolutionary development nothing else is good enough for wise ones who have awakened to their true nature.

The one great message the events in the financial world as well as elsewhere must be bringing home to even the most spiritually closed off souls on the Earth plane and that is: our whole world is one and we all influence each other. Wise ones are aware that we are all responsible for ourselves, each other and also our whole world. They are aware that the most powerful force in the whole of Creation is thinking and that thoughts are the most potent tools in the whole of Creation. We are the leaven in the bread of humankind and it is of the greatest importance that we learn how to use our thinking in positive and constructive ways. And that means refusing to tune into negativity of any kind.

Yet, we are human and we cannot help that negative thoughts and feelings creep into our conscious awareness from time to time. Not to worry! We can uplift and transmute them into positive ones by reminding ourselves that negative and destructive thoughts are no longer worthy of us, for the simple reason that we now know better. In spite of all the work I have done on this, negative thoughts still come to me from time to time. Whenever they do, I project thoughts of understanding, love, forgiveness and compassion into the situation. I do this in the hope that this creates good Karma for myself and at the same time makes a contribution towards the healing and redemption of our whole world.

Six pointed Star

Part 2

To Jab Or Not To Jab (1)

Reflections On The Swine Flu

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab?

Today is Friday, 31st January 2020 and the following is the latest report about the Coronavirus outbreak. According to official sources its death toll has risen to 170 and a confirmed case in Tibet means it has reached every region of mainland China. Chinese health authorities state that there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29th January 2020. Infections have also said to have spread to at least fifteen other countries and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are going to meet in Geneva to consider whether the virus should be declared a global health emergency.

The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

I cannot help the sneaking feeling that the pharmaceutical industry seems to be of the opinion that sufficient time has passed since then and that our world is therefore likely to be ready for another of attempt of spreading mass hysteria. I hope that even in these fast living days people have not forgotten how previous artificially whipped up pandemics disappeared without mass vaccinations being carried out in the end. I believe that this was possible because not sufficient numbers of us can be led by their noses and are willing to run with the herd to have themselves vaccinated with the costly products of the pharmaceutical industry. To assist anyone who is in need of making up their mind about the present flu scare, let’s reflect on what happened during some of the previous ones.

Those who are familiar with my work know that increasing public awareness is its only aim. As explained in the previous chapter ‘The Effects of Pluto in Capricorn’, we live in times when nothing remains hidden from public view for very long. The scandals that are revealed everywhere are ample proof of this. No-one has the right, in my view, to pull the wool over our eyes and get away with it. I am willing to do all that is in my power to prevent these things. Let the pens of those who have been granted the gift of writing be mightier than the sword. May the living spirit within guide us to use them as swords of truth that cut through the layers of deception, to reveal the true intentions of those behind the scenario. The only gain I hope to find is that someone ‘out there’ – hopefully more and more of them – can be helped to look through all creeping manifestations of evil, to enable them by giving a loud and clear ‘No!’ to join the ranks of those who prefer to work with the forces of light.

Many branches of the pharmaceutical industry in the past undoubtedly have been among the great benefactors or humankind. Yet, it seems to me that the deeper our world sinks into the experience of materialism and the stronger the greed element rises to the surface of life, the more some parts of this industry are turning into wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is particularly noticeable with regard to vaccinations against all types of influenza. The first one developed was against the common flu, the second one the Bird Flu and the most recent one the Swine Flu.

One of my friends lives in Basel, Switzerland, the home of La Roche Pharmaceutical Industries. Having made it her business to investigate this matter, she writes as follows: ‘Tamiflu is the name of the serum against Swine Flu. It is the baby of La Roche, a company in which Donald Rumsfeld owns a big stake. The serum against swine flu was originally developed in New Zealand as a serum against bird flu, which also turned out to be ineffective. At the time of the bird flu scare, La Roche bought the licence to produce it under the name Tamiflu. Ever since, La Roche has been sitting on vast quantities of this serum and great stock piles of it also existed in the USA. And then someone came up with the brilliant idea of marketing this product against swine flu.

‘Roche stated that the US is their prime target, with fifty million shots sold at one billion dollars last week. Stock holders are thrilled. That none of these so called flu shots have been tested does not seem to matter to anyone. You don’t fuss in the middle of a world Pandemic! Created by whom? The videos of doctors, who have spoken up against mandatory shots, for example one in Austria, can be viewed on u-tube.’

Recommended Reading:
 ‘The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?’
• http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/13/Swine-Flu-Vaccine-Makers-to-Profit-50-Billion-a-Year.aspx
• http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/08/Big-Bucks-Big-Pharma.aspx

The three articles above are by Dr. Joseph Mercola, whose mission is to bring people practical solutions to their health problems. A New York Times Best Selling Author, he is the author of the ‘No-Grain Diet’ and ‘Take Control of Your Health’. He has also been featured in TIME magazine, LA Times, CNN, Fox News, ABC News with Peter Jennings, Today Show and other major media resources. The remaining items also each has its own poignant tale to tell:

• http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jul/22/glaxosmithkline-swine-flu-vaccine
• http://consciousmedianetwork.blogspot.com/2009/07/big-pharma-rock-star.html

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (2)

The Driving Force Behind The Pandemic

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Driving Force Behind ItBy the time of writing this at the end of July 2009, the pharmaceutical industry in my view had clearly revealed itself as the driving force behind the health-scare that was proudly announced by the mass media as – at that time – reaching ‘Pandemic’ proportions. Having become far too powerful and influential for their own good, this industry and its offshoots irresponsibly created the present monstrosity and the mass media obligingly did the rest by systematically whipping people into an all-time frenzy of fear. Not surprisingly, the pace accelerated at the beginning of what has traditionally always been considered to be the ‘silly season’ by the media people.

As the outbreak of the Bird Flu of recent years revealed in smaller measure, the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media do not hesitate to ruthlessly join forces to manipulate the mass of people when business worth billions of Pounds/Dollars/Euros is at stake. That is too great a temptation to resist. How appropriate is the name of the present outbreak when many of those in charge of our world, in all different walks of life, are behaving like – it has to be spelled out – swine at the trough?

Being on the healer’s pathway, i.e. of ever increasing spiritual awareness requires that we live in accordance with the knowledge we are finding. So, how do we react to this latest crisis and what is the best way of dealing with it? Let us approach the matter by looking into its background, in the hope of finding a better understanding of the forces behind this latest scare. First of all it is comforting to know that the Swine flu virus is no stronger than that of the common flu strain and that, if one does not wish to catch the Swine Flu, the vaccination should be avoided. To keep us safe from contracting it from our fellow citizens, we need to remind ourselves that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation; that at all times, with the help of our thoughts, each one of us creates their own reality; and that negative thinking of any kind attracts to us the very conditions we wish to avoid.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Creative Power Of Thought’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’
•    ‘Positive Thinking’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (3)

The River Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Driving Force Behind The PandemicIn the long course of our personal and collective evolution and throughout many lifetimes, we and our world move round and round the zodiac, not just once or twice but many hundreds, maybe thousands of times. Time and again every human soul has to pass through every sign and house. This continues until the lessons of all of them have been so thoroughly absorbed by our earthly self that the highest qualities and aspects every sign and house has to bestow upon us, God’s children of the Earth, have become part of everybody’s own character make-up. Only when that has been achieved are we finally released from our education on this plane of life.

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Each lifetime we spend in one of them serves the development of the different aspects of our earthly minds. This mind is an invaluable tool that is entrusted into the care of its children of the Earth by the great Universal Mind. Individually and collectively, in Aquarius we face the formidable task of attuning our earthly minds to It. Aquarius is the sign of revolution, whose symbol is the water bearer who holds a pot in his arms from which he seems to be pouring water. Because of this it is hardly surprising that to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of this sign. In spite of its symbol and contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is by no means one of the Water signs. It is an Air sign and the water that flows from the man’s vessel is not of the liquid earthly kind that represents a symbolism for the waters of consciousness in the form of spiritual knowledge.  

The waterbearer is an allegory for the cleansing and purifying effect on the collective and individual consciousness of our race, which new insights and inspirations into spiritual wisdom and truth, received directly from the Source of our being, have always been intended to bring to us and our world. Incessantly, this knowledge pours from the highest levels into all life, including that of the Earth plane, not for the selected few but for everybody. All human souls are capable of receiving God’s wisdom intuitively in their prayers and meditations, as soon as they learn how to attune their inner receiver station to the vibrations of the Highest. And if we wish to move forward on the evolutionary spiral of life, it is essential that we purify and cleanse our consciousness of the debris of every bit of the outdated false beliefs, superstitions, misconceptions and prejudices we have accumulated in times gone by. The sacred knowledge that is presently flowing with ever increasing strength into our individual and collective consciousness assists us in this truly Herculean task. Sharing that which we find with those around us is vital, so they can proceed with their own flushing out of the old. By clicking on the link provided at the end of this chapter you can read more about this in ‘The Labours of Hercules’.

Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and all nations, and ultimately with all life. In this sign the highest human hopes and aspirations can potentially find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as on the collective level. I hope I shall be forgiven for using the word siblinghood instead of brotherhood. For my liking it smacks too much of times gone by, the patriarchy and the suppression of the feminine. The true spirit of Aquarius is equal rights and opportunities for all and there is much evidence everywhere that we are making good progress with this.

The deeper we penetrate into the Age of Aquarius, the better comprehension of the workings of our minds we are gaining. Already we have learnt that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and that life is a vast river that consists of two streams of thought or consciousness, which are constantly flowing through the whole of Creation. Every one of us is a small tributary of the great river of life, who relentlessly draws from the river and feeds into it. Simultaneously, we always have been and forever will be receiver and transmitter stations, channels of the ideas and inspirations of the Highest. Our earthly minds being part of the creative flow of ideas that are ceaselessly pouring forth from the Source of our being, makes us into co-creators with God and that is why our thoughts continually create and re-create our reality.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (4)

The Two Streams Of Consciousness

Rays Of /Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Two Streams Of Consciousness

The great river of life consists of a positive and constructive current and a negative and destructive one and every single thought of ours draws from or feeds into either one or the other. The white healing magic of the Great Light that illuminates and brings forth all life is part of the positive stream, while to the forces of darkness, destruction and also black magic belong to the negative stream. This force too serves a wise purpose and is a necessary part of God’s energies. It is not inherently evil – nothing in God’s Creation is. It exists because everything in the whole of Creation has to balance. The dark, negative – which in this context is to be understood as passive – and destructive forces are the natural balance to the positive, outgoing and creative forces of light.

The outcome of anyone’s efforts can only be evil when individuals and organisations on the Earth plane employ the dark forces in selfish pursuit of personal gains and power. The great wisdom of the Universal laws ensures that anything achieved in our world that is based on negative and destructive motivations, in the fullness of time will rebound with ever greater strength on the karmic debts we incurred as young and inexperienced souls who still required the lessons of evil. During that part of our development we have no choice but calling upon and utilising the dark forces. During the later stages of our development when we are ready for the lessons of good, our misdeeds return to us. They do this not as some kind of punishment but so that we through our own experiences eventually find out how the suffering we once inflicted upon others feels.

Trying to fight evil with more of the same is pointless. Two wrongs never did make one right, and one plus one can only make two, never zero. It stands to reason that the only way to get to the zero of neutralising situations like these is by taking away from the power of the one. Adding one evil to another just increases the strength of the force of the energies that have been generated at any given time. Yet,  all negative situations in our world can benefit when we lift them into the light of the Highest. Requesting that the will of the Highest should be done, it is good and right for us to ask God and the Angels that the conflicts of our world and the energies created by them to be absorbed into Its radiance and to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies that flow back into all life.

In times of mass hysteria caused by health scares, unscrupulous industries like the pharmaceutical one all too willingly receive the kind of support from the mass media they may not have dared to hope for in their wildest dreams. This undoubtedly was the case during the swine flu panic of recent years, when both agencies together shamelessly took advantage of a public round the globe that was growing ever more fearful. It seems that in the year 2011 and again in 2020 this phantom is trying to rear its ugly head again. Unaware of their accountability for the monster they were creating and are still doing their best to unleash, fresh fuel has been added to a fire that was already blazing so furiously that the danger of it getting completely out of control was great. 

Had those taking part been aware of their responsibilities and the consequences that their actions were bound to produce, would they have seen the light and mended their ways? One cannot help wondering! However, as every soul at some stage of its development has to take part in the experiences of the dark as well as the light forces, at the giving and also the receiving end, there is no need to sit in judgement over anyone. Instead, let’s count our blessings that we are already working with the positive and constructive stream of life.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The Triumph Of Good Over Evil’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good and Evil’
•     ‘Sowing The Wind’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’
•    ‘Learning To Control Our Minds’
•    ‘Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Building The New Jerusalem’
•    ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’
•    ‘Studying The Nature Of Evil’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (5)

Keeping Our Cool

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Keeping Our CoolSo, what can we, as individuals, sensibly do to counteract this kind of negativity and any other? Most of all by keeping our cool and not allowing ourselves to be dragged into any of it. Every small effort we make to remain firmly in the positive thought flow counts. It is greatly appreciated by the higher and Highest forces, who are all around us and working with us and through us.

This can be effectively supported by positive affirmations like: ‘We and our world rest safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels.’ Speak the words out loud! Be creative and make up sentences that really appeal to you and whose positivity you can feel vibrating through your whole being, each time you send them out into the Universe. Most of all, refuse to worry about this particular flu or any other. Trusting that all will be well and that all life rests safely in the loving hands of the Highest Forces of life, who with the help of this want us to see the matter more clearly, that’s the best insurance policy anyone can have against catching it.

For as long as the idea of the swine flu has not been dissipated, you catch a cold, don’t panic and react with: ‘Have I got the swine flu?’ Stay calm and reassure you that it’s just a cold. Even if it’s a severe one, the type everybody gets from time to time, most important of all refuse to go into fear mode. Treat it as you would any cold by staying at home, drinking plenty of fluids and resting, until you feel better. No matter what happens, refuse the jab because from it you could contract the flu much more easily than from anything else.

As far as the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media are concerned, the swine flu affair all along has been about making money, great masses of it. In my view, it never had anything to do with caring for the wellbeing of the people of our world. Sad, but true! Yet, we are by no means helpless and no-one can force us to take part in this madness or any other. Knowing that this – the same as everything else that is and happens in our world – rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels, sets us free to choose sending thoughts of hope and trust instead of fearsome ones into our world. Projecting positive and loving thought vibrations into the pool of collective consciousness is making a valuable contribution towards helping the vibrations of mass hysteria to subside. Surely, we owe that to ourselves, each other and our poor beleaguered  world, who has deserved something much better.

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (6)

Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids

Rays of Wisdom - Our World in Criis = Good And Evil As Teaching Aids

All life is energy and different types of it are ceaselessly at work throughout the whole of Creation. Astrology is a wonderful tool for familiarising ourselves with these energies. To me, the Divine science is a gift to humankind from the Universal intelligence. How else could it provide us with so much knowledge? Alas, like all things on our plane of life, astrology can be used with equal ease for good and evil purposes. Irresponsibly scaring people half to death with dire prognostications about the next end of the world, for example the way it had been forecast for the year 2012, is evil. The necessary balance is created by those who reassure the public and help  them find a better understanding of themselves and the spiritual background of life, bringing them closer to the higher realities of life and the great wisdom of the One, who so lovingly designed and created it all for us. The choice of how we wish to employ anything that comes before us is always ours.

Everything in our world has been provided by the Highest forces of life so that we should learn something from it and in the great plan of life nothing is ever wasted and even this serves a wise and higher purpose. We are here to find out about the wise use of the energies the Universe places at our disposal at any given time and astrology can assist us gain insights into their nature. This applies to the energies of our Divine parents, God and Goddess, as much as to – as their offspring – our own, as well as of others, our world and ultimately the planets and the Universe. Knowledge is a type of energy. All energy in itself is neutral – it is neither good nor evil. The evil we are still witnessing in our world is but a manifestation of energies that have been and still are used and expressed in negative and destructive ways.

The most essential part of our earthly education is to become increasingly aware of who we truly are. And to enable us to make wise decisions regarding the use of our energies, we first have to get to know their flow in our lives at any given time and their potential use against the backdrop of either good or bad intentions. At the onset of any new enterprise, it is essential to assess carefully what the outcome of our actions is likely to be, if we decide one way or another.

In the final analysis, everything on the Earth plane can be used to create something either good or evil. Whether any of our endeavours turns into something good or bad is decided by the intentions behind our actions and our motivating thinking patterns, as well as the way we think about that which the Universe entrusts into our care and its use. Our motivation and intentions behind  any decision making are invariably the most significant factors. This is the case wherever people intimidate and threaten other members of the human family of races and nations to overpower them in some way. Whole industries like manufacturers and users of weapons of mass destructions are involved in this and, in events like the swine flu, certain parts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media, too. In the same way, religious organisations are guilty of contributing to the spreading of evil in our world and whole countries influenced by their teachings and the individuals who are holding fast to them.

Albert Einstein, the German born theoretical physicist, 1879-1955, had the struggle of our world between good and evil in mind when he wrote: ‘Concern for man himself must always constitute the chief objective of all technological effort – concern for the big, unsolved problems of how to organise human work and the distribution of commodities in such a manner as to assure that the results of our scientific thinking may be a blessing to mankind, and not a curse.’ We are creative beings, co-creators with God and within reason we are allowed to create whatever our heart desires. Ah, yes! But having got it, what do we do with it? This is the testing ground that reveals to those in charge of us at any given moment our present degree of spiritual awareness and maturity, and whether we have learnt anything from past experiences.

Our thoughts and intentions alone behind any of our actions decide their outcome, whether that which we create in the spiritual sense is going to belong to the realms of good or of evil. Both exist in our world because our Creator – with infinite wisdom and love – guides us through both experiences, so that from each one of them we can all learn to differentiate between them. Creating peace on Earth must have been the biggest issue facing humankind for a very long time. If that is what you and I wish too, we have to start with ourselves, act responsibly and take charge of every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

When coming face to face with evil wise ones bear in mind that the word itself when read backwards means ‘live’. Evil is created each time one of us, as co-creator with God, uses the creative energies of the Universal Life Force in a manner that is negative, destructive and harmful to someone or something in order to achieve personal gains of one kind or another for the satisfying of that person’s or organisation’s lust for spiritual/religious/material dominion over others. This applies as much to individuals as to whole organisations and even countries in their pursuit of power over others. Evil comes into being each time someone gives in to the promptings of the drives and urges of their lower earthly self. No, not the devil, that symbol has merely been used as a metaphor to explain to us this part of humankind’s nature.

Good is the polar opposition to evil. Good is everything that is wholesome, constructive and of benefit to others instead of seeking to gratify the small earthly self’s desires. Good honours, respects and furthers that which is good, right and beautiful in human nature and our world.

The test for those on the Earth plane always lies in how we react to any kind of evil, and how we put the evil force into some kind of a perspective that human minds can grasp. Whenever something evil happens in our world, we have the choice of either ignoring and turning away from it or of facing it and somehow dealing with it in as constructive a manner as possible. We are free to either join the evil or to turn to our Highest Self, the living God within, to show us ways of opposing all evil that is still in our world. With the help and the will of God and the Angels it becomes possible to destroy it and transmute its negative and destructive energies into blessing and healing ones for all life.

It is our reaction to evil that determines in which direction any evil action turns. One way or another our responses to all kinds of evil bring us spiritual growth and evolution through a renewed understanding. That is the very reason why evil has been necessary in our world. It was always meant to teach us to differentiate between good and evil, so that through this our perception of the purpose and meaning of our existence as a whole should expand.

The way we react to evil reveals to the wise ones in charge of us and our world who fully trusts that our Creator, Father/Mother of all life, is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent and holds the reins of our world and all others safely in His/Her wise and loving hands. Whenever something evil happens, our behaviour shows our unseen helpers whether we appreciate that no matter how low any soul may ever fall on the Earth plane, their indwelling spirit of God remains alive in them because it is eternal, immortal and cannot die.

And so the Angels and Masters watch with interest to establish how many of us truly accept that on the inner level of life we are all one and that therefore what is done to one is done to everybody, for good and evil alike. These invisible hosts are constantly assessing how many of us are aware that we all belong together, that in truth we are one big family which in turn is an integral part of God’s great family of all life. Head knowledge alone of these concepts is useless. Only when human hearts and souls also have grasped their  meaning, do they feel the need to act accordingly, with compassion and love. To those on the higher levels of life the way we act and react in any given situation is the clearest indicator of the evolutionary level any human soul has reached at any given time.

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (7)

Gossiping And Rumour Spreading

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Gossiping And Rumour SpreadingOne of the most popular and destructive evils of our world is idle gossiping and malicious rumour spreading. In pursuit of establishing the thinking patterns that help rather than hinder our evolutionary progress, our decision-making starts with something as basic – and only seemingly simple – as the power to communicate and express ourselves. Life constantly presents us with choices and if for instance, we choose to take part in scattering the rumours that come our way, we actively participate in creating and spreading evil. Wise ones, however, make every effort to search for the good in all people and every situation. Bearing in mind that even the worst criminal is here for no other reason than the rest of us, helps them to rise above tittle-tattle and rumour spreading and confirms to those in charge of them their present higher degree of spiritual maturity than that of the masses.

The concepts of Heaven and Hell are not places anyone goes to. They are metaphors for the various states of consciousness that we create for ourselves and each other, in our daily lives in the here and now. Because we are allowed freedom of choice, it always has been up to each individual whether we create a living hell for ourselves and those around us or prefer to bring our own ideas of Heaven down to Earth in our daily lives. ‘Hell is other people!’ wrote Jean-Paul Sartre, 1905–1980, the French existentialist philosopher, playwright, novelist, screenwriter, political activist, biographer, and literary critic. The same wisdom is contained in one of the songs of  ‘Paint your Wagon’ by Lerner and Lowe: ‘Mud can make you prisoner and the plains can make you dry. Snow can burn your eyes, but only people make you cry!’

How right they were! Learning to watch the words we speak and thus taking charge of our tongues is one of the most vital and ancient issues to be tackled, especially now that we are entering into an age of ever increasing spiritual awareness. The proverbs of the Old Testament were written a long time before the Bible came into being – their origins are lost in the mists of time. But, even then Proverb 18:21 warned: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ White Eagle in ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ adds to this: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing. Bear in mind the feelings of those to whom you speak and do so gently and thoughtfully, without anger and without haste. When you constantly practise this, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of your Master on the highest levels of life.’

Through making an effort at consciously thinking good thoughts we not only do our share of increasing the good that is in our world, we also do something for our own evolution and that of our race. Making an effort at turning our conversation towards something good and positive is more constructive by far than standing on street corners with people discussing how awful things in our world are. Good is created when we refuse to sit in judgment over anyone and make a conscious effort at looking for the good in all people and situations.  This task is considerably eased by the knowledge that Earth life for all human souls is a place of learning, a giant training ground and a school where everything it contains – without exception – serves wise higher evolutionary purposes.

This is by no means as trivial a task as it may seem, because the temptation to practise and spread evil in our daily lives is great for everybody and can at times be extremely subtle. The best way of avoiding it is by not giving in to the evil of gossiping and rumour spreading. We create good and add to the positive stream of thought each time we endeavour to look for the goodness and kindness of people that can be seen everywhere in our world by those who are willing to open their eyes to perceive it. This does more for our environment and its people than you might imagine. Another type of evil begins with bullying those around us into doing what they do not want to do by scaring them in some way. This applies especially to small children and others who cannot stand up to us. If instead of using our intelligence to convince others of our viewpoint, we intimidate or browbeat them into doing our willing rather than their own, we are guilty of spreading evil.

On the higher and highest levels of life records exist of every one of our thoughts, words and deeds of all our lifetimes. From the beginnings of time on the Earth, frightening and intimidating others in pursuit of personal selfish gains, material wealth and earthly possessions that allow us power over others instead of allowing them the personal freedom of following their own interests and convictions, has spiritually always counted as bullying, emotional blackmail and evil. Even when our decisions reach Universal proportions, for example if we become involved in matters like atomic power, the principle remains the same. The decisive question of the wise ones in charge of us is: ‘How does this earthling apply the power of the knowledge we are permitting it access to?’

That’s the way the Universe tests the degree of our spiritual maturity. Without fail, the outcome of all our efforts depends on the thinking patterns, motivations and intentions behind our actions. Sufficiently evolved souls, equipped with this knowledge, are likely to dedicate the rest of their life’s work to finding ways of producing inexpensive electricity that provides affordable light and warmth and therefore improves everybody’s quality of life. Because we and our world can only learn from the mistakes we make, even good intentions may initially produce bad results. The pollution caused by the peaceful uses of nuclear power demonstrates this clearly.

Yet, for as long as humankind’s intentions are good, the Universal intelligence will always be happy to teach us ways of using all its energies safely. The wise ones on the Highest levels of life in charge of our world and us are much more highly evolved than we are. They have access to all the knowledge and skills our race is lacking to this day. These beings are our elder siblings in the vast family of life, waiting to be called upon to stand by our side, to guide and protect us. Their helping hands are reaching out to us, but we must ask for their help – it will not be pushed onto us. It is our choice whether we wish to do the work that has to be done more easily, namely with their help. For this purpose we have to attune our energies to theirs and to keep on asking for their support, so that together the work may be carried out safely and for the good of all, not merely humankind, but the whole of Creation. By willingly following their instructions our new world will come into being with much more ease than we may presently think possible.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (8)

Humankind's Quest For Power

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Humankind's Quest For Power

The masculine part of the Divine Trinity is the will and power aspect of the God, the Great Father of all life. Its feminine counterpart is the love and wisdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother. Being a spark of the Divine, the same energies and qualities that are contained in them are also in us, women and men alike. Until the development of the masculine in our world, each one of us through their own experiences, finds an improved understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence, the masculine characteristics manifest themselves as the man being right at all times. He resists bending his will and principles for anyone and has no time for compromises that would make life more bearable for everybody around him. He will have none of what to him, during the early part of his earthly education, he perceives as sheer nonsense.

The male of our species, during that stage of its development, has a strong urge to dominate and rule. Just about the only thing he is interested in is changing the world around him and its people to suit his will and adapts them to the whims of his lower animal desire nature. This leaves only one road open to him and that is the pursuit of power and personal gains. With his limited vision and understanding of earthly life he sees this as giving him the power to purchase what he wants. What could be simpler? When he has grown into a wise one, he too will know that each one of us can only learn from the consequences of the thoughts, words and actions they once sent into our world, when in due course the Universal laws are returning them to him in some form or another.

Alas, it takes many lifetimes until such things dawn on us. As a result, as young and inexperienced souls we do not hesitate to abuse any knowledge that the highest levels of life are making available to our world for the satisfying of the selfish desires and urges of our lower earthly nature. As a result, those who dream of ruling the world with godlike power, may then seek the means for building an atom bomb with which to threaten our world and if need be, using it. And so far that person has no idea that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and that it is God’s will that has the power to create matter from light and later destroy it again, if it so wishes.

There are two great rivers of consciousness in our world and each has its own thought waves that are part of it and are constantly feeding into it. The first one is the good, positive and constructive stream and the second is the evil, negative and destructive one. The first consists of the flow of energies from the higher evolved parts of Creation and the second that of the crude lower and unevolved one. For as long as someone chases the biggest illusion of our earthly existence, known as power, the energies of anything that person thinks and does automatically join the destructive and evil stream. The more wise ones who have woken up into the conscious awareness of their true nature feed into the evolved stream, the sooner that which is evil will be absorbed into it until every bit of it has gone.

But while we are still dreaming of gaining control and dominion over other countries and their people, maybe not only their bodies but also their spirits and souls, during the early phases of our development we are likely to threaten death and destruction to whatever gets in our way and tries to stop us. Should the attacked fail to oblige and obey, we do not hesitate to follow our threats up with the necessary actions. And even the tiniest step along this road not only creates more evil and spreads it far and wise. It also brings increasingly difficult Karma into being that eventually has to be redeemed – by none other than us.

Humankind’s past is a clear demonstration of how, without at least a degree of spiritual awareness, it is very easy to slip into a state of total disregard for our beautiful planet with all its life-forms. Unaware of the repercussions our actions are bound to have on ourselves, our life and the world around us, we have been stumbling from one natural catastrophe to another for long enough. That has been the way of the past and the patriarchy, but now the energies are right for ever more of us are now waking up from the nightmare all of us together have created and responding to the calls of the spirit world.

Yet, the present poor state of our world has been serving a wise higher purpose, the same as everything that happens anywhere in it. Only through observing how our environment is reacting to what we have been and in many parts still are doing. Making mistakes is the only way we can ever learn something. There will come a time when the last one of us will have evolved into a wise one who can recognise that in our physical existence there are only two types of true power available to us. The first one is making mistakes and being willing to learn from them. The second power is part of the first one and that is deciding how we wish to respond and react to the people and situations of our daily lives.

If we wish to evolve, as all lifeforms must, there is no point in keeping our learning to ourselves. It has to be shared with as many people as possible and these days there no longer is any need for standing and preaching from pulpits and soap boxes. Living by good example and one-to-one contacts is preferable. The more the awareness of everybody’s true nature and responsibility for ourselves and our world spreads, the more people are going to make genuine efforts at bringing forth their highest and best qualities, the more quickly the remaining evil in our world will be absorbed into that which is good, right and beautiful.

During past ages and without exception, everybody has been involved in creating evil, for the simple reason that we did not know any better. Besides, this has always been the only way human beings could be taught how to differentiate between the polar opposites of good and evil. But do we not owe it to ourselves and our whole world, to give of our best and steadfastly refuse to stoop to that which many of those around us insist on doing to this day? By using the God-given power of making wise and conscious decisions of always and without hesitation acting and reacting in a positive and constructive manner, we are taking our own destiny into our own hands and also that of our world. Each time does this, they are making a valuable contribution towards taking all of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life into the new golden age of the conscious knowledge of everybody’s oneness with God.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (9)

Working Out Our Own Salvation

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Working Out Our Own SalvationAs we know by now, on the inner spiritual level there is no separation between anything, and the Angels and Masters and other spirit guides and their helpers are in charge of our race’s development and that of our whole world. Because they are in this way one with us, they frequently know our heart’s and soul’s intentions and motivations better than we do and on many occasions before we even become aware of them. Their presence and observations ensure that spiritually nobody in earthly life ever gets away with anything. Whatever we do has to be for real and there simply is no point in deception of self and others and no need for faking sincerity, lying and cheating. Such character traces belong to the lower earthly nature of young and inexperienced souls; they will eventually be left behind.

The legend of the Lord Buddha, who is thought to have walked the Earth from 563-483 BC, tells us that the last words the wise one spoke on his deathbed were: ‘Go and work out your own salvation, with diligence.’ But how shall we to go about it? I believe that those who have become aware of their higher nature and willingly conduct their lives in keeping with their knowledge, qualify to be called aspiring healers, lightbringer and wise ones in their own right. Through sending nothing but good and positive, kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into the Universe, they are already actively engaged in the process of saving and redeeming themselves and our world. The awareness that in due course the Universal laws can do nothing but return more of the same to them makes this pathway easier to cope with.

In every one of their daily encounters responding to the feedback wise ones are constantly receiving intuitively through the world of their feelings, rising above the temptations of their small and easily frightened lower earthly selves with its selfish whims, urges and fears creates no major problems for them. In the course of its long evolutionary journey our higher Christ nature eventually wakes from its slumbering state. Our earthly self then begins to develop spiritual wings that in the end enable us to rise above the temptation of responding to the desires of our lower self. Jesus on the cross * is an allegory of how our Christ nature in the end leaves them behind. The dying man illustrates how the small self, nailed to its earthly existence slowly bleeds to death by doing so.

Having learnt about these things, wise ones bravely and patiently endure whatever their karmic debts still have to present to them. Following their inner guidance helps them to resist the urge of their lower earthly nature for seeking revenge and they forgive instead. Knowing that this is the Universe’s way of returning the pain they once inflicted upon others makes it easier for wise ones to respond with nothing but love and forgiveness in their hearts towards those who to this day are trespassing against the laws of life. Knowing that these people are young and inexperienced souls who do not yet understand the higher purpose and meaning of their own existence, makes forgiving them easier. Wise ones follow this up by also forgiving themselves for once having set in motion the wheels of what is happening to them, now.

To achieve the evolutionary progress that potentially is every human being’s birthright, wise ones follow the idealistic promptings of their innermost heart, from where their Highest Self, the living God within or wise one, has always been trying to guide and protect them. For as long as our earthly self is unaware of its presence, its efforts are largely unsuccessful. Everybody eventually reaches the evolutionary point when the time is right for welcoming our higher nature, following its advice and working together with it for the good of all, so it can steadily take over ever more of our earthly nature. Like all great truths, saving and redeeming ourselves is basically that simple, even though it is by no means always easy to apply our good intentions to earthly life’s situations.

Apart from working on ourselves, everybody’s main task at present is assisting others to become aware that all of us are responsible for our every word, thought and action. Wise ones who are familiar with the workings of the Divine laws refuse to act unkindly towards man or beast, because they know that what we send out always must come back and that this is the only way true and lasting peace can come to our planet. Like all truly great ideas, it is as straightforward as that and by now there is no doubt in many people’s minds that we and our world are on a course of evolution. When one reflects on humankind’s history, it becomes clearly visible how much we have actually been progressing in millions of different ways. Even though in evolutionary terms our race has already come a long way, we have much further to go. You can read more about this in ‘The Great Year *’ file.

Complete mastery over the desire nature of our small lower self is the final aim of all human beings’ earthly education. This is likely to take a great many lifetimes because every spirit who descends into an existence in physicality for the first time immediately has to start building its own earthly personality. At the moment of its creation the spirit is masculine and feminine just the same as its Creator. But to enable it to get to know itself through its own experiences, the two parts temporarily have to split. So the masculine spirit creates itself a feminine counterpart, a soft and sensitive feeling side that is his soul. Together these two parts get to work and one small step after another they are learning to cope with the conditions of earthly life. Naturally, this process has to start at the lowest point and that’s how steadily, lifetime after lifetime, each one of us progresses on their evolutionary pathway of getting to know themselves.

The first major turning point is reached when a spirit and soul become sufficiently evolved for starting to resist and overcome the drives and urges of their lower earthly animal nature. Without this it is impossible to take possession of the higher aspects of our nature, the Divine inheritance. Every one of us eventually starts bringing forth its powers and characteristics from deep within the core of their own being, where they have been resting in seed form for a long time. Each new lifetime takes us a little bit closer to the moment of its awakening. When one of us evolves, our whole world is moving forwards with it. That’s why every small effort anyone makes to improve their character counts and is of importance for our personal evolution and that of our world.

The more we endeavour to transmute our lower energies into the highest that is within us, the stronger the good in our world grows and that which is evil decreases. The more we, as a race, evolve so that the good in us eventually becomes so powerful that it conquers all remnants of evil and absorb it into itself. Once we are aware of God’s true nature and our own and the high and holy purpose our own as well as everyone else’s earthly life serves, our soul has no other wish than serving the Highest forces of life and doing what we can to make this blessed state of no more evil and rue and lasting peace a reality on the Earth. Divine intervention is trying to help each one of us to reach this stage of their development sooner than we may presently imagine. Who knows?

And let’s face it, it would make no sense if the Universe took the burden of saving and redeeming ourselves and our world from our shoulders. Alas, it takes a long time before we realise that God and the Angels are always with us and only too willing to help us with any problems and issues that are hindering our progress. But they will only do so when we ask for it. Then they are delighted to show how to go about our task in good and wise ways.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (10)

Discriminating Between Good And Evil

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Discriminiating Between Good And EvilThe most essential part of every human being’s earthly education is learning how to discriminate between good and evil. To enable us to tell the two aspects of humankind’s nature apart, each can only do this through their own experiences. First it is necessary to take part in creating evil, so that in the fullness of time it can return to us and we are on its receiving end. That’s the only way we can get to know both sides of any coin, and at the same time the debit and credit sides of our spiritual bankbook are balanced. Eventually we all reach the evolutionary point for transmuting that which is evil in us and our world into goodness. The darkness of our ignorance in this process changes into the light of God’s sacred wisdom and understanding.

This destiny is not merely for the selected few but for everybody. This is how, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we ourselves are going to bring the promised new Earth into being and the time for starting to do our share is NOW. There is no time to lose! By conducting our lives in more peaceful and harmonious ways, everybody is required to eventually make their contribution by bringing forth the best that is within them, i.e. the qualities of their Christ nature. That’s the only way humankind’s age-old dream of a world where people live together in harmony and peace can at last become a reality on our planet. Should you not know how to go about it, go within and ask God and the Angels to show you the way.

But it’s not necessary to reach as high as that for a better understanding of the nature of good and evil. Wisdom about it can be found everywhere. A long time ago I watched a film whose title I have forgotten, but not the message one tiny scene contained. In it, a disreputable looking young man encountered someone who was wailing about what one does in life and what life does to us. ‘What’s the matter with you?’ replied the young man. ‘Why are you making such a big deal of it, when life is so simple? If you do good things, then good things happen to you.’ That’s not only good and evil in a nutshell, but also the law of Karma. Life really is that simple!

Considering that every single one of the problems of our world is caused by evil words and deeds, one cannot help asking oneself: ‘Do we really need evil and will it be with us forever?’ The answer to this question is a definite ‘Yes!’ to the first part and ‘No!’ to the second. Good and evil are the Universe’s educational aids for teaching us, Its children of the Earth, to distinguish between these two polarities. In the final analysis evil is but a temporary appliance that slowly but surely eliminates itself in the natural course of events. It happens when ever more of us become aware of our true reality and learn to conduct our lives in harmony with the Universal laws of love, evolution and of Karma and reincarnation. Everything in the whole of Creation is subject to these laws.

Under the influence of these laws, evil will finally have run its course in our world when every last small earthly self succeeds in bringing forth, from within itself, its own Christ nature. The more our small self surrenders itself to its Highest or God Self, the more the latter takes over our whole being, the less strongly the downwards drag of the lower animal self is felt and the need for lessons of evil cease. The only experiences we then desire are good and wholesome ones.

Extract from ‘The Lord’s Prayer – A Healing Mantra for the Aquarian Age’ *

Leave us not when we are in temptation,
But deliver us and our world from all evil.
Help us to uplift and transmute the greatest evil into the
Highest good and the greatest joy for all life,
In keeping with the will and wishes of Thy great plan.

Thou art the only one who knows what tests and trials my soul still needs to endure until the balance of my spiritual account has been restored to wipe out my failures and wrong-doings of previous lifetimes. I know that the obstacles I am still encountering are not punishments of some kind, but were created by my thoughts, words and actions of this lifetime and previous ones. I forgive myself for this and take responsibility for the things I am still struggling to resolve. I understand that any sickness of the human physical body and mind are indications of an underlying sickness of soul and spirit. Please help all of us to heal every aspect of our being.

In our capacity as aspiring healers and lightbringers, we are required to share the learning we are finding along the pathway of our present lifetime. Yet, there is a time for speaking and for remaining silent. As a general rule if they are unsure of what to contribute to a conversation, wise ones prefer to keep quiet, following the dictum: ‘If in doubt, don’t!’ People should never be forced to follow a certain line of thought or believe in a religion of any kind. Much more can be achieved by simply manifesting our love for someone by allowing them to be and get on with what they presently think of as true. In spite of the fact that we really do know better, shutting up is a finer demonstration of the spirit of love than anything else.

Because no words are spoken, this kind of approach is absorbed by people much more easily. God’s wisdom and truth is the light of our world and the right way of spreading it at this special time of transformation into the Aquarian Age, the age of truth, is by letting it shine from our innermost self and reveal itself in the way we are and behave. As long as our actions and our mode of speaking are wise and kind, most people quite naturally respond in positive ways. When questions are asked or someone says: ‘What do you think?’ it’s best to reply with what comes to us intuitively. Speaking is only necessary when our inner guidance tells us that it is likely to help someone. Apart from that, it is usually better to say nothing and listen. When someone is in need of it, we can afterwards send love from our heart to theirs. On the inner levels of life it then flows into them and helps them in this manner.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Year And The Ages Of Humankind’
•    ‘The Lord’s Prayer For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘The Prophet On  Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (11)

Of Good And Evil

Good and evil hearts - Rays of Wisdom, Kahlil Gibran 'Of Good And Evil'

One of the elders of the city said:  ‘Speak to us of good and evil.’
And he – the prophet – replied:
‘Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but the good within you
That is tortured by its own hunger and thirst
For the learning that will help you,
In the fullness of time,
To return into the conscious awareness
Of your true nature?
Because the good in you is hungry and
And your soul longs to return to its real home,
It sometimes seeks for food in dark caves
And may drink of dead waters, too.

You are good when you are at one with your Highest Self,
But when you are no longer consciously aware of it,
You are not evil. You are but a divided house,
Which does not have to be a den of thieves.
It is merely that the two parts of you,
Your Highest Self and its earthly counterpart,
Are still travelling in opposite directions.
This state of being can be likened t
To a ship without rudder that
Is capable of wandering aimlessly among perilous isles.
Yet, somehow it does not sink to the bottom.
When you have studied evil sufficiently,
With the help and the will of God and the Angels,
The two parts of you will come together again
And brought into harmony,
So that in future they work for you,
Instead of against.

Fear not, if some of the souls in your world
Still seem to be guided away from their Highest Self
And ever deeper into the morass of physicality.
Trust that for them too, the turning point will come,
As it has done for you and all other wise ones in your world.
Humankind’s evolution is a circle
That first moves you away from God,
That which is all good.
The farther you descend into matter,
The more you move downwards.

When you have reached a certain phase in your development,
You begin to move upwards and are then on your way
Into re-discovering your true nature,
That you are part of God and that God is part of you,
And that because of this
The core of your being has always remained good,
Through and through, all-loving and all-knowing,
Like your God Self
With whom you are now consciously
Being reunited and at one again.

For as long as your soul lessons require that
You move downwards, you are not evil.
Even thought your earthly self may still
Be learning to differentiate between good and evil,
Your innermost essence of your being
Remains good and of God.
You are good when you are spiritually awake
And that in thought, word and deed.
Yet, those who have not yet reached this point
Are not evil.
And if your tongue still staggers without purpose,
Know that stumbling speech also serves a wise higher purpose,
That of strengthening weak tongues.

You are good when you strive to give of yourself.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still seeking gain for yourself.
Those who are doing this are learning the lesson
Of being a root that clings to Mother Earth and sucks at her breast.
Like a tree your soul’s needs
Vary according to the evolutionary phase you have reached.
That is why the fruit of a tree
Cannot say to its roots: ‘Be like me,
Ripe and full and ever giving of my abundance.
For the fruit giving is as good a need
As the receiving is to the root.

You are good when you walk towards your goal
Firmly and with bold steps.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still approaching it with a limp.
But even those who limp are not going backwards,
For all life is evolution, moving ever forwards and upwards.
Let those who are strong and swift,
Make sure they do not pretend to limp too,
Out of misunderstood kindness for the lame.

You are good in countless ways,
And you are not evil when you are not good,
You are neither loitering nor sluggard,
You are merely still in the process
Of learning to discern between good and evil.
Have compassion too for those
Who already are moving with the speed of stags,
And believe that they can teach their swiftness to those
Who thus far only capable of moving like turtles.
Wise ones know that in God’s great plan,
The turtle has as much its place as the stag.

Your goodness lies in your longing for being at one
With your Highest Self.
This longing is in all of you.
In some, it already is like a torrent that rushes to the sea,
With all its might,
It carries with it the secrets of the hillsides
And the songs of the forests.
The longing of others is still like a shallow stream
That lingers in angles and bends and loses itself.
Yet, it too finally reaches its destination.

Each does come to the end of their journey,
In their own sweet time.
That is why there is no need for those in whom
The longing is already very strong
To say to those in whom it is still weak:
‘Why are you slow and halting?’
This is why wise ones who are truly good
Would never dream of asking the one who is naked:
‘Where is your garment?’
Or another one who is homeless:
‘What has befallen your home?’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (12)

On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

To this day, occasionally a confirmation of something I have recently been writing about intuitively arrives in the form of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. This was the case with an article that appeared in the February/March 2011 issue of ‘Stella Polaris’, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge with the heading ‘One in Thought – From an Inner Teaching by White Eagle’. The following is its essence:

 ‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It has the power of creating good and bringing healing, but it can also inflict pain and disease, disrupt and destroy. Your earthly scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending that thought can do anything in your world and all others. Thought is the root of all suffering and of wars, but at the same time it is responsible for beauty and harmony, siblinghood and providing you with everything you have ever longed for.

‘Knowing that thought is creative, that’s why we, the group of spirit guides known as White Eagle, always work with the creative power of thought and make every effort to avoid negative and destructive thinking. You will have noticed that our advice is always constructive and that we foresee the good outcome of everything. This is by no means foolishly optimistic. It is realistic because by seeing only good something of this nature is created by our thoughts and thus helps to bring into being some more of that which is good, right and desirable. There is no point in thinking in terms of pessimism, destruction or death. They too are unavoidable parts of the evolutionary process. Even so all things that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation represents forever unfolding and progressing life and everything that happens anywhere, including our world, was created by God and therefore serves a wise higher purpose.

‘To this day, many of those in earthly life become so immersed with trivialities that they fail to realise the power in which they have their being and that it was created to assist humankind with its spiritual development. This is particularly true for the power of thought. As a result, we in our world observe a great deal of confusion in the thought forces. When we see you, God’s beloved children of the Earth, enduring physical pain and discomfort, and weariness of mind and body, spirit and soul, we want to bring them the healing balm they need. In people’s present state that can be exceedingly difficult. Yet, it is possible for people to find perfect health and that is by training their thought patterns and directing them into healthier channels, so that the healing rays from the Highest levels of life, the Christ circle, can flow through them and alleviate the suffering of many.

‘For a long time people on the Earth believe that their thoughts are entirely their own and cannot be known by anyone. There could be no graver mistake. There are two streams of consciousness and thought in your world, a positive and a negative one. Every thought that anyone thinks in your world joins the relevant stream and so has the power to affect the whole of humankind. Because of this it is impossible to be good, kind and loving and think such thoughts without assisting the growth of good for your whole world. Naturally, the same is true for unkind, negative and unloving thoughts.

‘Can you see what a great responsibility each one of you is carrying? That’s why wise ones radiate loving thoughts in someone’s direction, independent of how much they may be tempted to criticise. This is not difficult for those who are aware that everybody has the best as well as the worst in them, is on the same evolutionary pathway and struggling with their specific learning curve. Each has to make their own mistakes and learn from them and is therefore in need of every bit of help that anyone can provide. That’s why wise ones are happy to supply some by sending a kind and understanding thought.

‘Each thought creates a wave in the ether. Whenever you are thinking about a person, your thoughts travel directly to them and take form. They hover around them and wait until they are off guard. For as long as the recipient’s mind is filled with useful and helpful thoughts, the intruder cannot penetrate until the mind is less occupied, but then it jumps in. If you are aware of what is happening to you, you can dismiss negative thoughts or transmute them into a good and constructive ones. If the thought that was sent was a good one, it will motivate the recipient to do something good. Everybody in earthly life is continually receiving the thoughts of others, particularly from the astral and mental planes where the thought-forces are at work.

‘When you are suffering physically, refuse to focus on and think of your suffering. Each time someone is in pain and the thought enters their mind: ‘Oh, how I suffer! I do feel bad!’, the negative thought powers around that person makes the pain worse because they are increasing in strength, just the same as the thought of that which is good and right and therefore of God, and that the pain is part of their healing process, fills their whole being with the healing rays of the Universal Christ’s spirit. If you apply this knowledge wisely, in due course wonderful blessings will be coming your way, and because on this pathway it is impossible to think merely for yourself, not only for yourself but also for those around you.

‘The wisdom and power of the Divine white healing magic is the same today as it was yesterday, always has been and forever will be. The secret of its magic consists of learning to control and use your thoughts wisely. In due course you then develop into a Christed one in your own right who has mastery over your thoughts and their power. For a long time, in earthly life and whilst spending time in our world, everybody has difficulties training their thoughts and thus gaining control over their mental bodies. Frequently it is only after they have left their physical bodies behind that people begin to understand, at first only vaguely, that that the spirit realm is a world of thought.

‘Spiritual masters are teaching us that, if we wish to tread the path of the mysteries, we have to train ourselves to be precise and particular in our thoughts, take good care of our surroundings, and do our best to create harmony wherever we go. That’s the foundation on which all spiritual life is built and of magical power every human being eventually learns how to wield with the help of their thoughts. That’s the only way the power of the white healing magic can be developed.

‘What in earthly life is known as psychic gifts is merely a preliminary to the opening of the higher spiritual gifts of the Christ spirit, who is waiting to wake from its slumber in every human heart. In the fullness of time, the Christ power will hold dominion over the Earth and draw the people of all nations together into the siblinghood of the great family of humankind. As this gradually comes to pass, the vibrations and the physical conditions of the Earth are changing; they are becoming higher, finer and more etherealised. Each one of you has the power to make their contribution to the spiritual advancement of the whole of your race and its world.

‘During the first part of their earthly education each person exists as if they were existing in their own small prison, so immersed are they in the task of earning their daily bread and provide for food and clothing, housing and protection of their physical body. Its ignorance of God’s true nature and their own and the fear this brings with it that keeps them imprisoned for a long time. But gradually the Christ spark within begins to stir from its slumber. The further we penetrate into the Aquarian Age, the more the mental vibrations of the thought power of the highest levels of life will be stimulating humankind’s individual and collective higher mind. This is because the Angelic hosts are drawing ever closer to humankind and pouring their rays of truth and light into its consciousness. As time goes by, you will notice how a great revival and stimulation of people’s spiritual faculties is taking place. Materialism will gradually lose its hold and there will be increasing evidence of the spiritual forces at work in literature, music and science.

‘Influencing humankind’s evolutionary progress in positive and constructive ways is not difficult. The only thing you need to do is developing the ability to think good thoughts by perceiving the good behind all situations and in every human being. In addition to this wise ones constantly keep the transmitter/receiver station of their earthly mind tuned into the frequencies of the Highest intelligence, God and the Angels and Masters around His/Her throne, so that the blessing and healing power of their energies can flow through you into your world.

‘Even though on the spiritual inner level of life there is no separation between anything and all is one, everybody retains their individuality and we are all related to each other like drops in the ocean. After all, that’s what each one of us is in the vast ocean of life. This is how the whole of Creation moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life as one great Cosmic siblinghood and that is the main secret of the Divine healing white magic. When one of is healing, the whole of Creation does the same. It is impossible to exist in splendid isolation. Because of the inner oneness, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, everybody’s behaviour and thinking patterns are constantly affecting the lives of millions. So take care that yours are the right ones.

‘The eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, on whose mighty wings the whole of Creation is flying. We, the groups of spirit guides and helpers, are part of its vast messenger and distributing network. The Divine wisdom and knowledge we are bringing are providing those who receive and understand them with spiritual wings. Their ever increasing vision of the higher and highest levels of life enables you to lift yourself and those around you above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and recognise the high and holy purpose they serve. The simplest and yet most profound teaching was given to you and your world in the Jesus legend with the words: ‘Love one another. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, mind and body, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (13)

The Light Of All Worlds

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Light Of All WorldsThe Christ Star is the symbol of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. It is the light of our world and all others and the Universal Christ is the Grandmaster of all lodges of consciousness on the Earth plane, i.e. philosophies, religions and belief systems. To this day they are speaking to us, for example through the legend of the life of Jesus, the Christed one. In the Native American tradition the eagle represents the spirit and a lodge is a dwelling place such as a hogan, wigwam or longhouse. The group living in such a place is also called a lodge.

In my view, the names White Eagle and the White Eagle Lodge and what was to become its mission were not chosen to represent one particular personality in the world of spirit. It stands for a whole group of wise ones through whom the Angels from the highest levels of life chose to bring to our world fresh insights into and updates for the existing spiritual knowledge. The Lodge was founded in 1936, three years before the outbreak of World War II, at a time when the clouds of darkness, destruction and death were gathering with increasing force over our poor beleaguered world and there was a particularly great need for the light of God’s wisdom.

In the Lodge’s own words, the White Eagle guides once worked through the spiritual mediumship of Grace Cooke for the purpose of helping our race to find a better understanding of its true spiritual nature, so that through this our love for all lifeforms that share our world with us could grow. How well they have always succeeded in fulfilling this task. However, the time for imparting fresh wisdom through spiritual mediumship is over. No successor to continue Grace Cooke’s work has come forth to this day, probably because this aspect of humankind’s spiritual development has run its course and the role of spiritual mediumship is changing *.

It is every earthling’s birthright to eventually evolve into being its own recipient of Divine wisdom and truth that flows intuitively into their hearts and souls from the source of our being. When our earthly self regularly tunes the receiver/transmitter station of its mind into the frequencies of the highest levels of life, the Divine spark in our heart and soul wakes from its slumber. That’s the beginning of its transformation into the living God within, the wise one who really does know the answer to all our questions.

The White Eagle teachings, the same as any other item of spiritual knowledge that was ever given to our world by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, were never intended to be set in concrete or hewn into stone. Spiritual knowledge is of a fluid nature and is intended to enlarge and expand, as we and our world move through various evolutionary cycles and with it our ability to comprehend God’s sacred wisdom and truth increases. Keeping pace with our race’s continued progress, groups of Angels and Masters, guides and helpers have always been working in the background of life to gradually guide us into a constantly improving understanding of God’s true nature and our own, as well as our special relationship with the Divine.

On the mighty wings of Its sacred wisdom and truth the Great White Eagle wants to lift us all above the Earth plane and carry us onto ever higher levels of awareness and understanding. Because of a better perception of their present existence in the Cosmic context and the presence of the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers who are constantly surrounding them, even the last one of God’s beloved children of the Earth will eventually reach the developmental point when they will no longer feel lost on the physical plane of life.

Book knowledge and learning parrot fashion is well and good, but any information that comes our way has to be integrated by us and that can only happen through testing and trying it out for ourselves. Unless we apply the spiritual knowledge we are finding along the pathway of our lives to every one of our daily encounters, it will remain what it was in the first place: book and head knowledge that has no spiritual value whatever. Only through conscious application can it sink into our consciousness and in this way become the spiritual property of our eternal inner self. This is the only type of possession we take with us into the world of spirit, when our time for departure from the physical plane has come; no-one can ever take it from us. It accompanies us into Eternity and will forever stand us in good stead, as it can be drawn upon whenever the need for it arises.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Changing Role Of Spiritual Mediumship’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (14)

The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer

Did you know that astrologically the mass of people in our world is strongly under the influence of Cancer? It is the sign of the Great Mother of all life, the feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity who is also the soul of the whole of Creation, and every soul within it, including our own and that of our world. Cancer represents the soul of the people and like the soulful individuals who are born into this sign, the mass of people is extremely soft, sensitive and pliable, highly psychic and easily impressed and swayed by just about anything. Like any Cancerian, in times of crises when there is increased vulnerability to the negative thinking and feelings that are constantly pumped into the consciousness of our world by the mass media, we benefit greatly from carefully protecting ourselves psychically.

The following is an extract from my interpretation of the Sun in Cancer: ‘If you get the chance of watching the behaviour of a crowd, you will able to recognise how easily it can be reached through the emotions and how – like individual human beings who are spending their present lifetime in Cancer – it is all too easily swayed by just about any impression. For good and for evil, this has always has been exploited by humankind. Orators and dictators down the ages have used it to manipulate, rule and control the mob. It worked and all we can do is speculate whether or not they were consciously or unconsciously aware of what they were doing. One cannot help wondering how aware they were that the masses can be influenced because on the inner level and in the vast ocean of life we are all one.

‘The emotions are a body of water and water must be allowed to find its own way by flowing wherever it will, which is where it encounters least resistance. At its weakest point any dam will break and bring the whole structure down. In the same way, one person in a crowd going into hysterics, especially the one at the front, can set the whole multitude on fire and carry it with it, if need be into destruction. Emotionally and psychically we are all part of the great ocean of life and also of each other. Each one of us is a unique stream of consciousness in its own right that is nurtured by the ocean and in turn constantly feeds its learning back into the ocean.

‘Within this ocean, our whole world is one group soul with a common karmic past, present, future and destination. Contained in that, each nation is one group with its own karma; and within that again, each one of us is an individual soul that has its special karmic pathway to walk. Everything that feeds into the great ocean has an influence on it and everything it contains. This shows the importance of learning to control our thought processes and of feeding nothing but positive and loving thoughts into the collective consciousness, because spiritually nothing is ever wasted. Whenever one of us insists on looking for the good in every experience, situation and person, we are making a small contribution to our role as saviour and redeemer of ourselves and our world.

‘Under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, we are all in this life to learn how to consciously influence the mass of people in positive ways that serve the highest good of our whole world. Consciously attuning ourselves in prayers and meditations to the outpourings of the energies of the Universal Christ, not only at this special time of the year but always, has never been a privilege for the selected few. The time has come in the evolution of our race that each one of us is required to make their contribution towards increasing the power of the blessing and healing energies of the Christ that are now pouring ever more strongly into us and our world.

‘Our oneness in the great ocean also sheds some light onto outbreaks of mass hysteria. To my mind, one of the most striking examples of this in recent years – apart from the present Swine Flu one – was the reaction of the British public to the death of Diana Princess of Wales, a Sun Cancerian. This connected her, the same as all other souls born into this sign, deeply with the mass of people.’

Louise L. Hay in her book ‘Heal your Body’ says about ‘Influenza: A response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics. She suggests the following affirmation to neutralize its effects: ‘I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all outside congestion and influences.’

Recommended Reading:
 ‘Psychic Protection’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (15)

Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning At Last?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning To Our World?Healthy signs are coming my way from different parts of our world that a degree of sanity is returning to us. There is sufficient evidence by now that many people in the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany, to name but three countries, are refusing to take part in the swine flu vaccinations. To give you but one example, on the 15th October 2009, the following information was sent to me by a friend, who in turn had received it from one of his friends who works in a National Health Hospital in the United Kingdom: ‘According to a survey by a regional doctor’s health insurance association, sixty percent of doctors in the German federal state of North Rhine Westphalia are not prepared to participate in the mass ‘swine flu’ vaccination campaign organised by the government. If the need arises, the doctors who are willing to participate have to agree to administer the jabs in tents in market squares. Each one will be allocated to work in special ‘vaccination centres’ in government buildings and public spaces, for example market squares, in what is surely going to be not only the biggest but also the most bizarre mass vaccination campaign in history.’

According to reports in the German media on the 3rd October of this year, officials representing the federal states of Germany are insisting on new talks between the German Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical companies. They request that, because of its dangerous side effects, the new swine flu jabs should not contain the adjuvant ‘Squalene’. GlaxoSmithKline has a major production facility for the flu jabs in Dresden, Thuringia. According to a spokesperson, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Health and of Thuringia are going to discuss with the pharmaceutical industry how to produce the new Swine Flu jab and when. This move has come after growing opposition in Germany over the inherent dangers of the flu jabs that are presently available.

Wolfram Hartmann, the head of the German Paediatrician’s Association, said that the German government should not have ordered vaccines that contain mercury and adjuvants, especially not for children. The Pharma industry is arguing that mercury is necessary because multi dose vials are used instead of single injections.Relatives and friends in Germany confirmed that the information received was correct.

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (16)

Natural Flu Protection – The Humble Onion

Onion - Natural Flu Protection - Rays of Wisdom 

The time of year when the danger of catching the common cold or its most severe form, flu, comes round surprisingly quickly each year and with it the need for refreshing our memories about natural ways of protecting ourselves and our loved ones against all manner of airborne bacteria, including any flu viruses that may be at large. Let me begin with the story one of my friends told me some time ago of how when, as a child, he was in hospital and near dying. His Italian/African grandmother came to visit him and she told a family member to go buy her a large onion and a clean pair of white cotton socks. She sliced the onion open, then put a slice on the bottom of each of his feet and pulled the socks over this. In the morning when he awoke and the socks were removed, they found that the slices of onion had turned black and his fever was gone.

The following has been reported from the year 1919 when a flu virus is believed to have killed forty million people. One of the doctors, who visited people to see if he could help them, came upon a farm where, to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked how this was achieved, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the main room of their house; there would probably not have been more than two rooms in any case. The doctor couldn’t believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. Clearly, through absorbing the bacteria, the onion had kept the family healthy.

Another story I heard from a hairdresser. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick and that certainly convinced her that it works. And no, I am not sharing this information with you because I am in the onion business. So, how about buying some onions and placing them in bowls around your home? If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. The friend who sent me this says they did it in their home and they never got the flu.

If this helps us and our loved ones not to become sick, what could be better? But even if you do get the flu, because of the healing influence of the onion it will probably be only in a mild form. What is there to lose, apart from a few pence or cents on onions?

One lady reports as follows: ‘I contracted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill. I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar, placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs. Sure enough it happened just like that. The onion was a mess, but I began to feel better.’

Another thing I read somewhere was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague in times gone by because of their powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.

Following the advice, I placed onions strategically all over my home, and I have to say, they do look quite decorative. One stands in a small wooden bowl in my living room and creates the impression of a sculpture. And by the way, because the onions do not have to be peeled, no unpleasant smells linger.

After reading the above, one of my friends contacted me with this: ‘I have tried both onion and garlic on ear infections. At one time my ear drum had actually burst, and even though I had been to see the doctor twice, each time she refused to prescribe antibiotics. This was because there was no redness in my ear canal thanks to the onion and garlic I had placed over it. I think she only believed me when, on my third visit, a discharge was evident.

‘My Grandmother used to place an onion in a bowl of water in rooms that had been painted and decorated, to take away the smell of the fumes.’

Another friend reported: ‘When my youngest boy was running a high fever and we could not get it to break, I tried one of my grandmother’s recipes. She used to take an onion, cut it in half and tied it to the bottom of the feet of the person who was running a fever. The onion draws out the fever. It worked with my little boy, too.’

From Dian Dincin Buchman’s excellent book ‘Herbal Medicine’ come the following two remedies: ‘Coughs: An old pioneer remedy consists of simmered honey and onion syrup. The onion may be juiced first and added to the honey, if this seems desirable. If available, add a pinch of thyme and ginseng powder, as both are very helpful in chest complaints.’

‘Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma: Make an onion broth. Cut up a large red onion. If you haven’t got one, a white one will work, too. Add a pint of cold water, a pinch of salt and a pat of butter and simmer until the onion is soft. Place the broth in a hot bowl and eat it as hot as possible, without removing the onion pieces. Minerals from the onion and its mucilaginous properties help soothe the inflamed mucous membranes and induce perspiration. This helps to reduce the chest congestion and causes the release of toxins.’

Six pointed Star

To Jab Or Not To Jab (17)

Natural Remedies Against Colds And Flu Symptoms

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Natural Remedies Against Cold And Flu Symptoms

1.    Large doses of Vitamin C, up to 10 grams per day.
2.    Steam inhalations with Eucalyptus and/or Tea tree aromatherapy essences.
3.    Apply a thick layer of Vapour Rub to the soles of your feet at night, cover with cotton socks to avoid messing up your bed. Eases the coughing fits.
4.    Sage and honey gargles. 1 heaped teaspoon of fresh or dried sage into a cup, pour boiling water over it, cover with a saucer for about 15 minutes, strain. Add one teaspoon of honey and wait until the mixture has cooled. Take a mouthful at a time and gargle with it thoroughly. Don’t spit it out, but swallow it. Do this time and again in the course of each day. I guarantee you that it will not take long until you feel a good deal of relief.
5.    Echinacea as drops, tablets or capsules of various strengths. Follow the instructions on the package.
6.    And as a protection against future virus infections, put an onion into each room of your house. Read my notes about ‘The Humble Onion’ by following the link below:

•    ‘The Humble Onion & Natural Remedies Against Cold And Flu Symptoms’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 3

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (1)

Will The Animal Kingdom Strike Back?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Bird Flu And Swine Flu - Is The Animal Kingdom Striking Back?

In the years 1995/1996, I was living close to a famous beauty spot somewhere along the coastline of one of the oceans of our world. It is a place that poets and bards used to write poems and sing songs about. To this day they are being performed and enjoyed by people, but what also existed in that place when I was there was something of quite a different nature. As what I found unfortunately is an all too common issue throughout our world, there is no need to mention the place’s name. It’s not my intention to point a finger at anywhere in particular. I merely wish to tell you about one of the many plights the animal kingdom of our world has to endure. Through the outbreak of the bird flu, this became an even more urgent issue than it had previously been.

I would like to share my story with you, because I feel intuitively that it can shed some light into the spiritual background, the purpose and meaning, of the threat of a possible genuine life threatening epidemic we are facing at all times. In February 2020 this part of my writings was updated during the mass media’s latest attempt at whipping up another mass hysteria about the Chinese Coronavirus. The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of the avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

I hope that since the previous attempts at artificially creating a mass hysteria sufficient numbers of us have woken from their spiritual slumber and therefore are unwilling to be taken in this time round. Having already witnessed the eventual dwindling away of several health scares, I cannot help wondering how long the present one will take to wind up the same way. And having observed similar previous health scares, I would like to tell you about something that could really come about, unless we get our act together and evolve into a race of carers and guardians of our beloved planet.

This is a true tale and I hope it’s going to speak so much to your hearts and souls that you, in your role of aspiring healers and lightbringers, will feel motivated to take some constructive action. A valuable contribution will be made even if all you can do is sharing what is before you with as many as possible. I make no apologies that many of the points mentioned here have already been covered in other parts of my work. Because I would like this one to stand on its own, so it can speak for itself, they are repeated here.

This then is my tale. One bright and sunny day at high tide, a friend and I decided to visit the above mentioned beauty spot, let’s call it Bird Island. As up to that day it had been our favourite place, we were eagerly looking forward to an enjoyable outing, the way it had been on previous occasions. When we set off, the sky was a clear blue and a stiff breeze was sending fluffy white clouds scudding across it. The sea promised to be spectacular – what a day it was going to be!

However, as we approached the beach, a nauseating smell greeted us from quite a distance. ‘Walking into an open sewer must be like this,’ we jokingly said to each other, made our way down to the beach in search of a spot for settling down on one of its rocks and boulders. As we had hoped, the sea was fantastic, the breakers were coming in hard and fast, and the beach at first glance, looked the same as usual. But where was that abysmal stench coming from? Well, it had been there all the time but on previous occasions the wind had carried it away from us. Today, however, it was blown in our direction and we discovered that a few hundred yards to either side of where we were standing, we were surrounded by the most disgusting mess imaginable. The sea had already swept huge piles of untreated sewage onto the beach and more was arriving all the time.

After some searching, we found a spot that looked and smelled somewhat neutral, but there clearly was no point in settling down anywhere. So, we just stood for a while and started watching large flocks of gulls and crows that were excitedly feeding on something. But what? Closer examination revealed that it was on the enormous piles of human waste that the sea was constantly and generously bringing to them on our behalves. That’s when the thought struck me how inevitable it is that one of these days, the animal kingdom is bound to strike back at the human race for the problems we have created for ourselves, as well as everything that is unfortunate enough to have to share our world with us.

I am aware that God and the Angels will forever take care of humankind’s true needs, in spite of our at times incredibly thoughtless and selfish behaviour. But I also know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, and that any suffering we bring to any other creature in the whole of Creation, has to be made good and redeemed, by none other than those who caused it. I shudder at the thought of the prospect of what is likely to come towards us, if we do not mend our ways and that soonest. I am far from pleased about having to take part in it, when it does come but if the majority of us carries on the way we have done and still are doing in some parts of our world, it is bound to happen.

Apart from all this, I find it deeply disturbing that any creatures should be feeding quite happily on what we, supposedly the higher and more intelligent species, are so carelessly leaving behind for them. That they are feeding on our waste, in itself, is not as disgusting as it appears to be on the surface of things, because they are merely doing the job they were created for, the best way they can. Every creature in its own special and unique way is here to serve the life our Creator has given to us, in return for the services that are being rendered to us. The birds we were watching on the beach that day were created to be the bin men of the skies. It is their job to clear up after everybody, including themselves and us.

There is nothing wrong or disgusting about this. What is disgusting and irresponsible is what humankind is leaving for them to remove. In this case, it was the untreated waste of the inhabitants of a whole city, sick and healthy alike. It stands to reason that any bacteria and viruses that are in our physical bodies are also contained in its waste material. When picked up by these birds, such intruders are likely to multiply rapidly in the bloodstream of these unfortunate creatures. If their immune system can no longer build up the necessary resistance against our diseases, it may not take all that long until they become as sick as the humans from whom the waste came and maybe a good deal sicker. There is sure to be waste from people suffering from all manner of contagious diseases that is being flushed directly from the toilets in hospitals and other sickbeds of the city into the sea. I hasten to add that this, obviously, does not apply to just this place but to anywhere in our world where to this day untreated sewage is being pumped into the sea.

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Building Our New World’
•    ‘Past, Present And Future’
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’
•    ‘Hold Your World’
•    ‘Healing The Earth’
•    ‘Mother Earth’
•    ‘Sharing Your Gifts’
•    ‘The Best Is Yet To Be’
•    ‘Only A Shadow’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (2)

Birds Falling From The Sky

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Birds Falling From The SkyJust for a moment let’s imagine how one of those unfortunate creatures we were watching, a gull or a crow, becomes sick because of humankind’s carelessness. When it falls from the sky and takes its last breath, what is likely to happen? Its siblings will come and take care of the deceased, in the way that is normal for this particular part of Mother Earth’s animal kingdom. They will eat it, because that is how they dispose of bodies that are no longer needed and wanted any more. As our Creator intended them to work in this manner, there really is nothing disgusting about this process. Quite truthfully, aren’t we by far the most disgusting creatures on this beautiful planet who leave their mess behind everywhere? If we were not, there would be no need for any of our birds to become an endangered species, when all they are doing is tidying up after us.

How many birds shall we say could arrive to partake in any one of those deadly feasts that has been our doing? The creatures have no way of establishing that those who once were their companions should be left alone, because their mortal remains have a lethal dose of something nasty inside them. Let us assume that first ten birds arrive to feast on such a carcass, even though there could be more. After a while, each one of them becomes sick and also falls from the sky! They in turn are going to attract another ten or so. Do you shudder, as I do, when you think how rapidly some deadly diseases could spread in this manner and how long it would take to affect other lifeforms involved in their food chain? According to God’s laws, everything has to return to its source. That’s why any scourge that was created by us, never by God and the Angels, has to return to and rebound on us, the human race.

I have no intention of indulging in scaremongering, but it takes very little imagination to recognise that a modern version of the Bubonic Plague could be coming towards us, only seemingly out of nowhere. And there is another aspect that has to be considered. Whatever we create by action or non–action, all of us have to live with every bit of their consequences. If we are crazy enough not to take drastic steps to put things right now, only one of the consequences of our carelessness could be the wiping out of our whole bird population out and through this disturbing nature’s delicate balance irreparably.

And if there were no birds left on Earth, all edible matter would rapidly be devoured by the insect world. Every leaf and blade of grass would disappear. It does not take all fingers of one hand, to count the number of days the human race could survive such a disaster. Do we really want to wait until our birds fall from the sky in whole flocks, before we realise how precious and valuable every creature is for the healthy functioning of our world, and how urgently issues like the one before us demand our attention?

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (3)

Is There Time Left To Mend Our Ways?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Is There Time To Mend Our Way?

The writing for a major environmental disaster is most certainly is on the wall. But how many possess the inner vision that enables them to perceive it? Might it be only a question of time until the animal kingdom takes its revenge, without intending to or even knowing about it? Will it strike back at us for what we have inflicted upon it and in some parts of our world still insist on doing because of our ignorance of what is at stake? I sincerely hope that time will be left for learning from our mistakes of the past and doing better.

All of us are responsible for the present state of our world because every one of us did their share of bringing it about. I hope and pray that it may never come to flocks of birds falling from the sky because increasing numbers of us recognise their responsibility for what to this day many are thoughtlessly creating in their relentless struggle for ever more material goodies.

Don’t you think it’s the highest time that ever more earthly selves wake up from their spiritual slumber and recognise the wise higher purpose of their existence as well as the holy destiny that is in store for every one of us in the end? To my mind, the best way of helping them to grasp these concepts is by gently explaining our own views about the wise higher meaning of everyone’s earthly existence. I like to use as simple, kind and loving words as possible, something like this:

•    Earthly life is a school, a place for learning and growing where everybody is a teacher and student at the same time. Each can only do this through their own experiences.
•    The essence of our being is spirit/soul and there is no death, merely a moving into a different dimension of life at the end of every earthly lifetime.
•    God is in us and we are in God. God is as much part of us as we are part of God. Every one of us is a young God in the making and we are serving the initial part of our apprenticeship by experiencing ourselves as physical beings in a material environment.
•    We are responsible for every word, thought and action, and also for the state of our world. In the course of many lifetimes each one of us contributed to making it the way it presently is.
•    All parts of Creation contain God. And nothing exists outside or is beyond the reach of God and the Angels. Everything consists of dualities and polar opposites, for example masculine and feminine, God and Goddess, good and evil, darkness and light. In every human being they manifest themselves as the very best as well as the worst characteristics. No-one is all good or bad. Everybody is a mixture of both. The highest and noblest qualities are there, if only in seedform waiting to be brought forth and developed. The lower and lowest ones need to be overcome and nailed to the cross of earthly life, so they can be left behind for good.
•    The Earth is our Great Mother. Everything is given into our care and in trust, for safe-keeping only. That also applies to our physical bodies, our planet and everything that shares it with us.
•    Nothing is truly ours. Our physical bodies are merely a vehicle for getting around on the Earth and that for one lifetime only. Belonging to the Earth, they have to be returned when the indwelling spirit/soul no longer requires it. Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted and everything is recycled time and again. This is also true for the components of our physical bodies. One way or another they too are recycled.
•    Everything on this planet is borrowed, for a time only and should be left behind in as good condition as possible. All parts of the Earth we have ever occupied, visited and/or used – including our physical bodies – should ideally be left behind in a better state than we once found them.

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (4)

Not A Punishment From God

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Not A Punishment From GodUnless ever more of us wake up and at long last seriously set about mending their ways, we could all too easily be causing the outbreak of a modern version of the plague. This one could be far more dangerous than those that savaged humankind not such a long time ago, in evolutionary terms. Should this happen, I pray that there will be no-one who dares to call it a punishment from God because every one of us contributed to creating it through their thinking and behaviour patterns. If we were not as greedy, as many unfortunately still are, we would freely and willingly go in search of asking God and the Angels to help us solve the problems we once brought about. And what about some form of voluntary extra taxation – oh, perish the thought! – to ensure that a new sewage works, or whatever else may be required, come into being and that as rapidly as possible?

Isn’t it the highest time that everybody at last becomes aware that we are responsible for ourselves; that our planet is but a temporary home that’s been given into our care; and that whatever has to be done to put things right, just like anything else that happens throughout the whole of Creation, can only come about with the help and will of God and the Angels. Asking for their assistance is everybody’s birthright and without it no help can come to us. They cannot create on their own. They have to have our goodwill and co–operation as much as we require theirs. Otherwise they would not have brought us into being in the first place.

Humankind is by no means a cosmic error or an accident, because there is no such thing anywhere. We and our world were created for a specific purpose. There is a special place for every one of us in God’s great plan for the whole of Creation. Everything has its allocated place in it and role to play, individually and collectively. The Great Architect’s design for us and our world provides that, with the passing of time and in the course of many lifetimes, every human being slowly but surely evolves into a healer and bringer of light. Divine wisdom, truth and understanding are light and ignorance of it is darkness.

We are all taking part in earthly life to eventually find enlightenment in the form of an ever growing understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth and the higher and holy destiny that is in store for every human being. Whatever we find first for ourselves is meant to be shared with those around us. All of us are required to eventually contribute to our race’s spiritual rebirth into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own. This new understanding brings with it the renewal of hope, faith and trust in the fundamental goodness of the life that has been given to every one of us and also our world. We ourselves have to bring this about, hand in hand with God and the Angels.

No large hand will be reaching down from the Heavens to take us by the scruff of our necks and shake us whilst a mighty voice roars: ‘You will stop this nonsense!’ God does not work like that. Even though many have difficulties coming to terms with this, everything in the whole of Creation is of God and was created by God. The purpose of evolution always has been and forever will continue to be moving away from what appears to us earthlings as ugly and evil, but in truth is nothing but the lower and unevolved aspects of life, into ever more perfect higher and eventually highest manifestations where nothing but beauty and love rule supreme. This kind of love is subtle and kind, gentle and loving. It does not command but coaxes and cajoles its human children of the Earth along and allows each one of us the freedom to make our own decisions and coming to our own conclusions.

Every last one of us earthlings is ultimately striving to bring forth from deep within their own being the highest and noblest characteristics of their Divine nature. At least in seedform they are present in everybody. It’s just that for a long time they are waiting in the background of our consciousness before they can be developed and brought to full enfoldment. The reason why we have ever taken part in earthly life and why we are still here is learning to love God’s way, ourselves, each other, the whole of humankind, our world and all others that exist on the higher and highest levels of life, even though they are invisible to earthly eyes. This means living and responding to any kind of situation like a true spiritual Master and Christed one, in kind and loving, tolerant and patient, forgiving and understanding ways, as demonstrated by the legend of the Master Jesus. This love refuses to sit in judgement and forgives all because it understands all, especially why things ever happened in earthly life and why it is necessary to this day.

God’s love has nothing in common with soppy emotions. It is the boundless kind and gentle, loving and caring, infinitely farseeing wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life that has the highest good and greatest joy of the whole of Creations at heart. Naturally, this includes every one of its earthly children, all of humankind and also our world. This love is so generous that it allows everybody the freedom of learning from our own mistakes. And that applies collectively as much as to groups, organisations and nations as well as every individual within them.

Through the mistakes we make in the course of many earthly lifetimes, each through their own experiences slowly but surely grows in wisdom and understanding. Always in search of consciousness expanding knowledge, through what comes to us as we travel on the road of our evolutionary pathway, slowly but surely we grow ever more Heaven-tall and God-like. The final aim of every human being’s earthly education is to achieve spiritual Mastership and evolve into a Christed one in our own right. When our development has reached this  point, the school of Earth has nothing left to teach us. Emanating the right vibrations at the natural end of our final earthly sojourn, enables us to continue our explorations of life on the next higher level, another one of the many stepping stone that eventually allows all of us entry into the Highest echelons.

The planet Saturn represents the stern and undeviating schoolmaster aspect of our Divine parents. In due course it demands complete self-control and self-mastery from even the last and slowest one of their human children of the Earth. It stands to reason that otherwise it would not be safe to let young and unevolved spirit/souls loose onto those heights. For anyone who is willing to learn from the mistakes of the past, the time has come to express our appreciation and gratitude for the kind of love that has brought us and our world into being and is giving us the school of earthly life for learning and growing.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Candle’
•    ‘Light Up Our World’
•    ‘Letting Our Light Shine’
•    ‘Is There Any Need For Praying?’
•    ‘Being A Channel Of Light’
•    ‘Saturn As The Teacher And Rewarder’
•    ‘Saturn’s Coldness’
•    ‘Saturn – Gatekeeper Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (5)

What Can We Do?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - What Can We Do?

If you are able and willing to do something constructive about the present state of our world and its environmental issues in particular, how about sharing this part of my jottings with as many as possible, in preference to merely complaining about the problems that are facing us? When it comes to creating a better and more peaceful world for everything that shares Mother Earth with us, it’s impossible to do this on our own. Whatever has happened here and will do so in the future, God and the Angels needed us as much as we require their help. That will forever continue and as young Gods in the making and co-creators with them, we are constantly in the process of creating something, when in truth they are bringing it into being through us.

Whatever it is that we earthlings desire with all our heart, that’s what they give us. And if it’s peace we wish for our world, everybody has to do their share of creating it. Alas, it takes a long time before we realise that the Divine justice is perfect to such a degree that it is hard to imagine in our present existence. Unlike the earthly system God’s Universal one is based on laws that decree that everything any one of us send into our world in thoughts, words and deeds in the fullness of time has to return to us and that with ever increasing strength.

An essential part of God’s dual nature and our own is the existence of two streams of consciousness, a positive and constructive one as well as a negative and destructive one. Every human thought, word and deed flows into and feeds either one or the other. And nothing in the whole of Creation happens per chance or is an accident, but does so for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the nature and value of concepts and things. As this applies to suffering as much as anything else, the persecutors of one lifetime in due course are going to find themselves in the role of the persecuted.

The knowledge of such things enables us to consciously begin to steer our own destiny and that of our whole world into the direction that is right for our individual and collective evolutionary pathway. This is how the good gradually absorbs ever more of that which still is bad and ugly in our world into itself and transforms it into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Without exception, old and experienced spirit/souls in the course of at least one of their past earthly lifetimes, maybe several, are guilty of thoughtlessly inflicting suffering and pain upon the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms of our planet. Do not despair because like every cloud this one has a silver lining! Every bit of it has been a necessary and valuable contribution because individually and collectively these developments have taken us constantly forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And whatever still has to come about in our world, bear in mind that nothing in the whole of Creation ever happens without the help and will of God and the Angels or is beyond their reach.

Let’s not forget that the wise higher purpose of every mistake that is made along our individual and collective evolutionary pathway is that we should learn from it and do better. The time has come to remind ourselves that the lower earthly selves of the human race have evolved through the animal kingdom. We belong to it and in truth the animals are our siblings. Therefore, they have the right to be loved, cared for and protected against the behaviour of the young and inexperienced earthlings in our midst. How much more will it take to attract humankind’s attention to the animal’s plight? Is it really necessary that large parts of both the human and animal population are wiped out by a genuine epidemic of mammoth proportions that leads to a mass exodus from the physical world into the spirit realm? An outbreak that is very different from the artificially hyped up ones mentioned in this part of my jottings. Or is there something that you and I can contribute to avoiding that kind of disaster?

The time for positive and constructive actions is now for those who do not want that the Universal Forces, through the animal kingdom, in the end has no option but sending our world a major catastrophe of this nature as a final warning that the animals have suffered long and hard enough at the hands of humankind. Unless we come to our senses and find spiritually acceptable ways of feeding our world, a major environmental disaster is bound to come about to teach us an extremely necessary and therefore valuable lesson. Aspiring healers and bringers of light can make a valuable contribution by spreading the word that this scenario is avoidable through ever more of us behaving in responsible ways towards every one of our planet’s kingdoms.

We are not in this life to act as scare-mongers or panic-makers. Far too many are doing that already and our task is showing that in the long run this approach is not meant to work. We are here to quietly speak our truth and to share the knowledge that is coming our way, so that God and the Angels can work through us and raise the consciousness of our whole race. Those who are still unaware of God’s true nature and their own, as well as their responsibility for the wellbeing of our planet and everything that shares it with us, also have the right to find out what is at stake and the spiritual realities behind humankind’s earthly existence.

As soon as we surrender the drives and urges of our lower earthly nature to our highest God or Christ Self and through this show our willingness to work with God and the Angels by following their intuitively received instructions, they are going to bring those who are good and ready for what we have to give. May the inspiration of the Highest realms flow through ever more of us and may the right words always come, so that with their help and direction healing and peace can ever more establish themselves in us and our world. May every heart and soul be touched and opened to the plight of Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, especially to that of the whole animal kingdom and the birds.

May God and the Angels show us how to lift the whole planet and all its creatures into the radiance of the Christ Star, the Sun beyond the Sun and light of all lights, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. May It work through us and support us in our efforts at blessing and healing our world. And may Its blessings always be with each and every one of Its beloved children of the Earth.

Every one of us has the birthright to discover that all that to this day appears to be ugly, nasty and unacceptable in our world also has a right to be here. It is merely a crude and unevolved manifestation that is waiting to be transformed into something pleasant and harmonious, beautiful and peaceful. In particular this applies to human characteristics. In their own sweet time, this is sure to happen to every human being, in God’s time and not ours.

Can you imagine our Creator’s pleasure about the improvements that humankind’s more positive and constructive thinking and behaviour patterns that at all times have been taking place in our ever changing world? And can you picture the joy on the Highest levels of life, that our whole world at last with ever increasing strength is responding to and working with the vibrations of love and truth that for some time by now have been flowing from there into us and our world?

Because ever more human hearts are opening like flowers, the most powerful healing miracle of all times is happening in our world. The owners of these hearts are reaching out to the Sun beyond the Sun and connecting with the Source’s eternal flame of wisdom and truth that has the power of absorbing all negativity, pain and suffering of our world into Itself. In Its temple of healing these energies are uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing ones for the whole of Creation. They are flowing to wherever they are needed and in particular when they are requested by someone.

And that’s how every human being will eventually be doing their share of acting as channels through which the love and God and the Angels can flow ever more powerfully into everything that is in our world and for the blessing and healing of all life.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’
•    ‘On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Restoring Our World’s Balance’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (6)

Vaccinations Against Bird And Swine Flu?

Rays Of Wisdom - To Jab Or Not To Jab - Bird And Swine Flu - Vaccinations Against Bird And Swine Flu?In reply to my reflections on the outbreak of the Bird Flu several years ago, one of my American friends wrote: ‘Here it is again, the constant cause and effect. Whatever humankind does will always reflect itself in the animals, sea life, soil and even the atmosphere. And as we know by now, everything we do on this planet does not only affect them but also the whole of Creation. There are always good people fighting bureaucracy to dispose of our waste in better ways and it’s up to us to send them our love and pray that God and the Angels will give them the strength to do their best.

‘I share your view that this bird flu thing, going by what we are finding out about it, is nothing but a ploy to sell the stockpiles of the ineffective serums he pharmaceutical companies have developed and massively invested in. Everything that has been written by doctors and others who know about such things tell us that the serums could even give us the flu and that not necessarily of the bird flu, i.e. infecting us. It’s interesting that the patent for the serums is held by our own ‘Rumsfield’! Hmmm. . .’

Donald Henry Rumsfeld is a former politician of the USA. My American friend’s comments open up yet another perspective of the bird flu outbreak. The points made do by no means invalidate the contents of the message from Mother Earth, through the animal kingdom and the urgency of its cry for help for our bird population in particular. The bird flu to me undoubtedly is all of that! Intuitively, I sense that their cry by now has risen to a high pitched scream.

I believe that, unless we finally get our act together and our whole world co-operates in an almighty effort of bringing relief to all parts of the animal kingdom, some kind of a natural disaster in the form of a disease that threatens to wipe out humankind’s earthly existence may indeed come our way. As nothing happens outside the will of God and the Angels and is beyond their reach, if we fail to pay sufficient attention to finding better ways of treating our animal siblings, one of these days we could be taught a lesson of such severity that it will never be forgotten. Should that ever become necessary no serum will be developed for protecting us. Where does anyone think the ideas for this type of work, as well as any other human endeavours, have their origin other than in God and the Angels in their role of executors of God’s plan for the evolutionary development of our race?

‘Thy power throughout the Universe displayed!’ Issues like these to me are just as awesome displays of the power of God and the Angels as standing before and admiring the magnificence of the created world in a glorious sunrise and sunset, the majesty of a mountain range, a mighty river, a roaring waterfall or the splendour of natural spectacles like thunderstorms. Considering who alone has the power to create any of these things, in spite of or maybe because of the things that have ever happened in our world, there is even more reason for thinking and feeling: ‘How great Thou art!

This part of my jottings is of an intuitive nature, just the same as all others. And there is no doubt in my mind that my friend’s response was also prompted by God and the Angels. After all, their way of working and speaking to our world has always been through human beings who acted as their channel. The fact that La Roche claim to have developed an effective serum against bird flu that is nothing of the kind, in itself is sufficient proof to me that this matter – like everything else – rests safely in the hands of the Highest Forces of life, and that Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, including every one of us are equally loved, treasured and therefore protected by them.

I believe that any cry for help from the animal kingdom represents a very real and serious warning. Ignoring any of their signals would be extremely short-sighted and nothing short of sticking our heads into the sand ostrich fashion. Hoping that the issues will all go away on their own, ever means living in a fool’s paradise. To me, the notes about the dud serum are adding to the sound of the alarm bells that keep on ringing with increasing clarity in the consciousness of humankind. Nothing can take away from the significance of the pleas received on behalf of the animal kingdom.

Serums against the common flu have been available for many years by now. I suspected for a long time that they are ineffective and that for some of us they could even be harmful. That is why I do not take part in the usual vaccinations recommended by the medical profession at the beginning of every winter, even though it would cost me nothing. However, to find out for myself what it was all about, I had a go one year. It did not feel at all right to have something of this nature forced into my body. I never repeated the experience because my inner guidance at the time gave me the message: ‘This is not for you!’ It was comforting to read my friend’s notes that confirmed my thoughts about them.

It will be interesting to watch whether the pharmaceutical industry’s latest attempt of getting rid of the serum mountains for which nobody around our world has any use is going to fizzle out, the same as on the previous three occasions. It’s up to people like you and me, as aspiring healers and bringers of light, to broadcast the knowledge that is coming our way as much as possible. And that’s indeed how many small people, in many small places, doing many small things in their daily lives, hand in hand with God and the Angels, have the power of changing our planet into a kinder and more loving, less commercially orientated and money grabbing, peaceful place for everything that shares it with us.

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (7)

The Ebola Outbreak

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Ebola Outbreak

This chapter was released October 2014 when the Sun was in Libra, the sign of the peacemaker, and the Moon in Virgo, the teaching and healing sign of the zodiac. What better time for sharing this could there have been? And what do you personally make of the scaremongering that initially surrounded our world’s latest health threat in which the mass media once again were working very hard to increase the amount of negativity and fear that already existed in our world? Like me, were you getting an ever stronger feeling of déjà-vu when you followed the news about the unfolding of yet another sad and painful episode in humankind’s development? Did the thought occur to you that frequently came to me that all of this could be a re-run of the Bird flu and the Swine flu epidemics during the years 2003 and 2009 respectively?

After the above mentioned failed attempts, it would not have surprised me at all if one of these days the pharmaceutical industry were to present our astonished world with the news that a new kind of ‘wonder drug’ had been developed by them. How would the mass of people react if three billion shots of it in vaccine form magically appeared and was immediately made available to the governments of the Western world at – let’s say – fifty Pounds/Dollars/Euros a shot? And what if, several months after the outbreak had died down quite naturally, as surely it would do, someone came forth to reveal that the ‘new’ vaccine had been as useless as the ones against the Bird and Swine Flu in the end turned out to be? It did not take long until voices of doubt about the Ebola outbreak came to the fore. The latest one I found in February 2020 whilst updating this part of my writings was: 

•    ‘Doubts About The Ebola Outbreak’

My contribution to this kind of scaremongering is ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’. Please follow the link at the end of this chapter.  Reading my reflections on the Bird flu, the Swine flu scare and also the Ebola health scare I hope it will help you find a better understanding of what is at stake. I believe that attempts of any new ones will also  fail as ever more of us are becoming so well informed that they can no longer be taken in by anyone or anything. For as long as their knowledge is based on sources that genuinely have the mental and spiritual wellbeing of humankind and our world at heart this is bound to happen. And that alone can bring the peace of mind that is the foundation of true and lasting physical wellbeing and happiness for all of us.

I trust that what is before you now will help you to make up your own mind whether you wish to buy into further panic-making that so obviously is being carefully built up, step by step. When we refuse to react in the manner the pharmaceutical industry hopes us to do, we empower ourselves. So, let us show our faith in God and the Angels and ask them to give us the strength and courage not to join the negative thought stream that endangers the wellbeing of our whole world and all its inhabitants. Let’s ask them to show us ways of counteracting the negativity of the mass media and those who are pulling their strings behind the scenes and help us to absorb all of it into the positive and constructive stream into which our thoughts and feelings of faith, trust and hope in their loving care are flowing.

And now, I would like to share with you the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of guides with the heading ‘Seeking Serenity’. I came across it in the Lodge’s Stella Polaris when I was in the middle of writing this chapter about the Ebola outbreak six years ago. ‘Do not allow yourselves to dwell in darkness and fear, discord and disharmony. Do not dwell unnecessarily on your planet’s present physical condition and problems. And do not allow negative thinking patterns to limit you and your existence on all its levels, but ensure that the life-force of the Highest flows into you and ever more fills every cell and atom of your whole being with the blessing and healing power and strength of Its light.

‘Individually and collectively, negative and destructive thoughts limit your march forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Good, kind and loving thoughts increase the flow of the positive and constructive stream and through this speed it up. It is also strengthened by attuning your thoughts and your whole being ever more to the frequency of the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star. Thought is a living thing and its effectiveness can furthermore be increased through prayers, meditations and quiet reflections that show your trust and faith in your Creator’s wisdom and love.

‘The Christ Star is the great white light at the top of the spiritual mountain. It is the Sun above and beyond the Sun in the sky above you whose radiance consists of all colours of the rainbow. Each one of them represents a different healing ray. The radiance of the Christ Star’s light is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation in whom these colours are focused and working as one. Through it every aspect of life anywhere in the whole of Creation is given, nurtured and sustained as well as healed whenever the need for it arises. All of you need to learn how to tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into this energy, so you can be used as channels for the blessing and healing of your whole world.

‘The two streams of thought or consciousness are an essential part of God’s duality and also your own. In every one of you they manifest themselves as yin and yang, female and male, darkness and light, black and white with all shades of grey in between, positive and negative, lower earthly self and higher God or Christ nature. The legend of the Master Jesus life represents the latter.  At any given moment each one of you is allowed the freedom to choose which thought stream you wish to join. Becoming aware of this enables you to consciously decide whether to strengthen the negative thoughts of scaremongering and panic-making or the positive ones of declaring your faith and trust in our Creator’s wisdom and love, the goodness of the life you have been given and of His/Her great plan of life.

‘Unconsciously, you have always been feeding into one of the streams or the other. But the deeper you enter into the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth and honesty, the more you will feel the need to make conscious choices that empower you to take charge of your life and destiny. Up into the Heavens, that which is good, right and beautiful, or down into Hades, that which to this day is dark, evil and destructive, the choice is entirely yours. You not only have the right but also the duty to choose and please bear in mind that not making a decision is also a choice.’

As far as the pharmaceutical industry is concerned, it’s up to each and every one of us whether any of their attempts at artificially creating mass hysterias that contribute to the suffering of large parts of our world will ever be successful. Let’s join hearts and hands with God and the Angels in prayer and form a ring of love and protection around Mother Earth and all her children, and do what we can to ensure it cannot come to pass. ‘More power to the people,’ I say and hope that you will join the ranks and files of those who refuse to be led by their noses and forced to run with the herd. If so, please share this message with as many as possible. But as always, first pay attention and listen to your inner guidance to find out whether it confirms that what is before you now is the truth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Great Cover-Up’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘Loaves And Fishes’
•    ‘The Wedding At Cana’
•    ‘Walking On Water’

•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Disasters’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (8)

Change Our World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Change The World

If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.

Sri Chinmoy

If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.

As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.

This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.


Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (9)

You Only See One Side Of The Picture

You only see one side of the story - Rays of Wisdom - Healers & Healing

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us,  your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it.  And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, the same you did not know when you had to deal with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Human souls find peace when their earthly selves realise that they themselves are the ultimate cause of everything that has ever happened on the Earth and is doing so to this day. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work in exact rhythms and with great precision. There is a great abundance of everything, but as only through the lack of something human beings can learn to appreciate that which they have, sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary in earthly life, to teach you the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the warmongering lasts six thousand years, it represents a mere batting of an eyelid in God’s time.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power Of Prayer’
•    ‘The Laws Of Compensation And Balance’
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (10)

On The Forces Of Good And Evil

Rays of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - On The Forces Of Good And Evil

The following is the essence of three items from ‘There shall be Light!’ Stella Polaris Vol. 46:5: ‘The seeds of the siblinghood with all life that knows nothing but love is in every one of you. Do not look on the outer level of life for love but within and become more loving yourself. You are a dynamic being who can only attract that which you are yourself. The world around you is a mirror of what is happening within. So, whenever you want to change something in your world, first take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self. Each one of you has to do this for themselves because you can only recognise yourself by your reflection.

‘Never forget that each one of you has the best as well as the worst within. When you observe the ugly and painful things that are happening in your world, feelings of compassion and humility with all involved arise in you and you feel the need to pray for a purification of your own soul and that of your world to take all of you closer to God. The desire for loving and forgiving rather than hurting, criticising and resenting awaken in you. Please don’t ever think: ‘Oh, that’s too much for me!’ The only thing we ask of you is to simply keep on trying day by day. Every time you look into the mirror honestly and quietly affirm: ‘I am God’s child and I seek to obey the law of love, God’s law.’

Do Not Attack Evil – Dissolve It!

‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, a negative one and its positive counterpart, that which is good. This part is all love and with the passing of time absorbs what is known as evil in your world into itself and creates more good from it. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and humankind lives in Its heart and although many find it hard to accept that good and bad alike are within our Creator’s power. Both aspects have their origin in the life of God and proceed from there.

‘You need to know that that which is evil and ugly in your world and anywhere else is the unevolved and undeveloped part of life. All the powers that are in God are also in you. That is why when your Highest Self first starts building itself an earthly counterpart, it has to start at the lowest point, just the same as the Universal intelligence of the Almighty, whose spark you are, has to do when creating anything. The same applies to every field of human endeavour, be it the ability to conduct satisfying and rewarding personal relationships, or being successful professionally, artistically as well as spiritually. There are no shortcuts. In each case you have to start with the bottom step of the ladder, slowly and patiently working your way up to beauty and perfection.

‘Everything that to this day leaves much to be desired in your world is part of humankind’s lower earthly nature in its slowly evolving state. Evil is a consuming and destructive force. It’s a fire that first tests and tries humankind’s mettle to its utmost. Later on it is absorbed by the individual and collective development of the Christ nature. The Christ fire consumes everything that is no longer of any use and transforms it into something good. During the later stages of your development, when the thoughts, words and actions you in your ignorance of what is at stake once sent into the world return to you, the result tests and tries your whole being frequently to breaking point. The suffering endured pays the karmic debts that were incurred earlier.

‘By the time you have recovered, you have become thoroughly familiar with the nature of suffering. Your higher nature is awakening from its slumber and your heart fills with love and compassion whenever you see someone in distress. You have come to admire the people who happily share their talents with anyone who is in need of them and the work they are doing. Like them you want to become a useful member of society and assist those who are suffering the way you once did. With this the healer’s pathway is opening before you. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put it: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have experienced defeat, suffering, struggle and loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Such things do not just happen, they can only grow from within.’

‘With the awakening of the good and higher aspects of your nature, the Christ Spirit, the process of absorbing the ugly and evil parts of your lower earthly self begins. As this happens in ever more of you, with the passing of time all evil will eventually vanish from your world. And that is the only way Christ can become the saviour and redeemer of you and ultimately your whole world. Many believe that by attacking evil they can do their share of getting rid of it. But when you have become aware of God’s true nature and your own, you know that this is not the right course of action and that the best you can do to dissolve any kind of evil is by radiating the light of the Christ Star into the distressed people and areas of your world.

‘Those who view evil from the perspective we are bringing here, will have no difficulties recognising the wise higher purpose it fulfils in earthly life to this day. We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, have walked this way before you. We understand your difficulties only too well. That’s why we are volunteering to light the road every human soul must travel. We are trying to help you overcome the darkness of earthly life by showing how each one of you has to make their contribution towards absorbing it into the Christ light of love and compassion, wisdom and truth which, if only in seed form, is in every one of you. One of these days you may wish to join us and assist those you have left behind and who are still struggling in the darkness of earthly life.

Good Or White Magic

‘Good or white magic is performed with the knowledge and assistance of the Angels of Light. This ritual is carried out by people who work from their heart centre and with the highest intentions. Because they love those around them, they do not try to impose their own will upon them. Seeking nothing for themselves, they work unselfishly for the good of all. Many groups who work with the White Light will spring up all over the Earth in the days to come. Working in them allies the server with the Forces of Light and requires a spirit that is dedicated to selfless service.

‘Those who insist on working entirely for themselves, wishing to draw everything to themselves and imposing their will upon others, form an alliance with the negative forces. Awakened ones have no thoughts of themselves. Their only desire is to give love and light, to bless and raise all God’s children to a Higher state of consciousness. They give without reservations, from their loving hearts. Such selfless giving distinguishes the white from the dark magic.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (11)

A Beam of Starlight

A message from the Christ Star,
the Highest Star and the Brightest Light
in the whole of Creation

  Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Message from the Christ Star

All things are possible when, guided and protected by God and the Angels, we are working with the light of the Christ Star. To counteract the spreading of fear and anxiety across our world, let’s join hearts and hands under the Star and pray: May the light of God’s wisdom and truth illuminate the hearts and souls of the scaremongers and panic-makers of our world. May the Divine spark in them come alive so that they too wake up to the knowledge of God’s true nature and their own, helping them to become aware of the responsibilities every human being has towards their own development, the whole of humankind and our world.

The White Eagle group of spirit guides tells us: ‘We see the Christ Star’s light shining beyond the clouds and we bring you our message of hope. Peace be with you. All is well and all will be well. Have no fear and rest quietly. Put your trust into the hands of God and the Angels and go forwards with courage. And now affirm:

I believe in the power of God’s light.
I trust that God’s great plan for all life is perfect
and that the blessing and healing power
of the Christ Star keeps on flowing to
wherever it is needed in our world.

Quietly repeat to yourself whenever a negative thought enters your mind:

I see the Christ Star’s light deeply penetrating and healing
every one of us and all lifeforms that share our world.
I have no fear because I trust God and the Angels
to direct the blessing and healing power of this light
until the last remnants of that which is dark and evil
in our world has been uplifted and transmuted
into something that is good, right and beautiful.

Tuning the receiver/transmitter stations of our minds into the wavelength of the Christ Star focuses our thoughts. This helps our minds to remain steady, calm and balanced, our hearts and souls to reflect the light of the Heavens and no longer the darkness of the Earth. Through this the light of the Christ Spirit fills our whole being ever more.

Knowing that under the Christ Star all life is one, with hope, faith and trust in our hearts, all together let’s move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. For as long as we are doing our best for the blessing and healing of our world, we can be sure that God and the Angels will be happy to do the rest – in God’s time, not ours.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (12)

The Latest About The Coronavirus Outbreak

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Latest About The Coronavirus Outbreak

At the beginning of March 2020 one of my friends sent me the following: ‘Tremendous worldwide efforts are being made to understand the virus so a vaccine can be produced.’ That confirms my suspicions about the present Coronavirus outbreak and how the mass media are doing their best to whip the hysteria of the masses into fever pitch, so that the pharmaceutical companies can emerge after a while with the declaration that they have developed a new ‘wonder drug’. For further details see the relevant links at the end of this chapter, especially the one for the Ebola outbreak.

BBC News reported on 5th March 2020: There is currently no vaccine available to protect people against the disease. But when could that change? Researchers have developed vaccines and are starting to test them on animals, and if that goes well there could be human trials later in the year. But even if scientists can celebrate having developed a vaccine before Christmas, there is still the massive job of being able to mass-produce it. That means, realistically, one would not be ready until at least the middle of next year. All of this is happening on an unprecedented timescale and using new approaches to vaccines, so there are no guarantees everything will go smoothly.

There are four different types of Coronavirus that already circulate in human beings. They cause the common cold and we do not have vaccines for any of them [because no doubt there is no need for them].

On the 11th March 2020 one of my friends brought the following video to my attention:

•    ‘Dr. Eric Berg Talks About The Coronavirus’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Ebola Outbreak’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (13)

Counteracting The Coronavirus Mass Hysteria (1)

From A Member Of The Stanford Hospital Board

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transiton - To Jab Or Not To Jap - Counteracting the Coronavirus Mass Hysteria

This particular Coronavirus may not show signs of infection for many days. How can one know whether one has been infected? By the time someone has fever and is coughing,  their lung is usually fifty percent affected by Fibrosis and it’s too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than ten seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing and discomfort, stiffness or tightness and so forth, there is no Fibrosis in your lungs and you have not been infected. During critical times please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air.

Excellent advice also comes from Japanese doctors who are treating COVID-19 cases. Ensure that your mouth and throat are moist and do not feel dry. Taking a few sips of water about every fifteen minutes is a wise precaution because even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids washes them down through your throat into your stomach. The acid in your stomach destroys any virus. If you don't drink sufficient water or other liquids regularly, through your windpipe the virus can enter your lungs. And that is very dangerous.

Please Note:

1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold.

2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.

3. This virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.

4. If someone who is affected by it sneezes, the virus remains airborne for about ten feet and then drops to the ground.

5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least twelve hours. If you come into contact with any metal surfaces, wash your hands as soon as you can with an antibacterial soap.
6. On fabrics it can survive six to twelve hours. Ordinary laundry detergent kills it.

7. Drinking warm water is the most effective treatment of any kind of virus. Avoid drinking any type of ice-cold liquid.

8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your skin for five to ten minutes. Much can happen during that time, for example through rubbing your eyes, picking your nose and so forth.

9. Gargle regularly as a preventative measure. A simple solution of warm salty water is sufficient.

10. Above all, drink lots of warm water.

The Symptoms

1. The virus first affects the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days.

2. It then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes approx. another 5/6 days.

3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and breathing difficulties.

4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. If you feel like you are drowning, seek attention immediately.

* * *

14th March 2020

As a confirmation of my suspicions about the development of a
new ‘wonder drug vaccination’, expressed in ‘The Ebola Outbreak’,
I just discovered the following:

Scientists close to developing Coronavirus vaccine after tests on mice

By PA Reporter five hours ago

A vaccine for the Covid-19 illness caused by the Coronavirus is on the verge of being developed, a team of scientists has said. Researchers, led by Mucosal Infection and Immunity head Dr Robin Shattock, told the Daily Express they have successfully trialled the vaccine in mice and are hopeful it could be ready for human trials by June.

Senior researcher Dr Paul McKay, of Imperial College London, told the paper: ‘I’ve got results from a month after I injected (the mice) and the vaccine works really, really well.’

PA Media: UK News

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (14)

Counteracting The Coronavirus Mass Hysteria (2)

What Can We Do About The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Jab Or Not To Jab - The Latest On The CoronavirusOn Friday 20th March 2020 at 3.50 Greenwich Meantime the Sun entered into the Fire sign Aries and for a brief moment day and night were of equal length. In our world’s Northern hemisphere this is known as the Spring Equinox, while in the Southern part it manifests itself as the vernal equinox. The best news of all is that Pisces, the most fluid of the Water signs has been left behind. It is co-ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter and its most outstanding negative characteristics are: carelessness and a fondness for building castles in the air; tendencies to deceive self and others; living with head in the clouds; hypersensitive and irritated by discords; sentimental and subversive; unstable and wandering; woolly minded and gullible. Thanks be to God and the Angels that these energies are definitely no longer with us.

From the 20th March onwards with each passing day everything in our world will be influenced more strongly by the fiery Arian energies. On Tuesday, 24th March 2020 there will be a New Moon. Every month that is another point of new beginnings and an ideal time for launching new projects. From the day of this particular New Moon the whole of our world will be completely under the influence of Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries, the Roman God of war. Every week’s Tuesday is also ruled by Mars.

Aries is the sign of the uprushing fountain of life, of new beginnings, rebirth and regeneration. Highly evolved souls with their Sun in this sign may find themselves in the role of pioneers and wayfinders. The Sun is the provider of the lifeforce for every human being. It endows Arians with the strength and courage to butt their heads into any obstacle that gets into their way. They usually are unafraid of rushing in where Angels fear to tread, to their detriment frequently in a downright foolhardy manner. Happily they cross swords with anyone. Ideas and inspiration for new concepts are the gifts the Universal Forces may present to our world through Sun Arians. They are well known as the original ideas people. The more highly evolved they become, the less they feel inclined to use such gifts for selfish purposes like the accumulation of vast fortunes. They then prefer to dedicate them to the welfare of the whole of humankind and our world.

The most negative aspect of the Sun’s most recent traverse through Pisces has been that, under the influence of this sign’s energies, the present outbreak of mass hysteria gradually reached fever pitch and that even in countries where people are not usually known for their gullibility. I believe that it is an affliction that will soon pass, as all earthly things must. To my mind, it’s a miniature version of the Piscean Age which also fortunately now lies behind us. Steered by God and the Angels, for its duration of approx. 2,200 years this age took us through ever escalating lying and cheating, corruption and dishonesty, false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions. They served the wise higher purpose of preparing our world for the coming of the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth and honesty, loyalty and integrity.

However, in the ordinary course of events the sign after Pisces is Aries. And I believe that now that the Arian energies are with us, something is going to happen that will bring our world to its senses. God and the Angels, through us will be helping people to realise that they have been the victims of a particularly virulent outbreak of mass hysteria. There’s nothing new about them. Please read more about this social phenomenon by following the links below:

•    Mass Hysteria (1)
•    Mass Hysteria (2)

I have a good feeling that the end of the present outbreak of mass hysteria will soon have reached its end. It may come about when, inspired by the Highest Forces of life, a more highly evolved spirit/soul who is familiar with the background of how our world was manipulated into this situation. Under the influence of the Arian energies this person suddenly realises that he or she has had just about enough of the irresponsible behaviour of those at the top of their organisation. They decide to act because they are sick and tired of the greed and heartlessness of the few, who believe they have the power to create hardships and miseries for millions around our world. At this time of the year the Mars energies provide such a person with the courage to blow the whistle on the responsible ones.

Even though the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media are first in the firing line, I believe that the fear of death and the false belief, created by the religions of our world, that our earthly existence is a one-off thing and we are snuffed out like a candle when we leave our physical body, is the most essential element of the force that has been driving this project along from the very beginning. Isn’t it the highest time that the last and slowest developers in our midst finally grasp that in truth there is no death? When on considers that physical death is but a moving into different dimensions of life, it’s not such a big deal really.

Because thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation, the individual and collective thinking patterns of our world are urgently in need of attention and changing. Unbeknown to ourselves for a long time, our thoughts have always created the realities of our earthly existence. Therefore, they also have the power to un- or de-create that which is not to our liking, for example the present outbreak of mass hysteria. And the more firmly we believe that our world will soon return to its normal healthy functioning and visualise it happening in our imagination, we are helping to bring it about. If we all work on this together and ask God and the Angels to show us intuitively how we can contribute to this effort, they will surely do so. Another outbreak of mass hysteria is definitely not what they want for us and our world.

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Each one in its own way is dedicated to the development of humankind’s intellectual abilities. During lifetimes in Gemini our earthly minds focus on the self, our siblings and the world around us. By the time we reach Libra through our experiences we are learning about the notion of ‘we’ and the concerns of the people around us. When we have become sufficiently evolved, during lifetimes in Aquarius we acquire the skill of tuning the frequencies of the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind into those of the Universal mind of the Highest. From approx. 1900 AD until around 4,100 AD our world will come increasingly under the influence of the Aquarian energies. That’s why in my view the present outbreak of mass hysteria is a pandemic of humankind’s mind. And because on the inner level all is one and there is no separation between anything, all of us have been contaminating each other not with the Coronavirus but with the fear of death. This is the true reason why this outbreak could spread the way it has done.

I believe the Coronavirus outbreak could only be blown up to the size of a pandemic because its true cause is not really a virus. This is merely the hook on which the latest manifestation of mass hysteria is hanging. And as ever, awareness is the key for unlocking its door and that is true for all other problems that to this day are troubling us and our world. Only through a better understanding of their spiritual background can we hope to find the answers we need for overcoming them. To my mind, vaccinations – even if they were effective – are not what’s required here.

The time has come for seriously getting to work on removing the fear of death from the individual and collective consciousness of our world. An enterprise of such magnitude can only come about through working hand in hand with God and the Angels, each one of us individually and all of us together as a group. The time has come for spreading the knowledge that the essence of every human being is spirit/soul, that we are as much part of God as S/He is with us and that, like our Creator, we are eternal and immortal beings who will never die. In truth there is no death, merely a moving into different dimensions of life when we depart from our physical body.

Because the age of truth is with us, finding it first for ourselves and then spreading it as much as possible is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and represents the will and wishes of God and the Angelic hierarchy. Without asking their help cannot come to any one of us. Their advice and assistance has to be requested and that enables them to show us intuitively ways of resolving any kind of problem that is troubling us and our world. To remove all fears and especially the fear of death from the consciousness of humankind, they need to reveal the truth behind the many false beliefs that are still with us. Because God and the Angels generously provided us with a multitude of ideas that, with the passing of time, have made it ever easier to communicate with each other, broadcasting the insights and visions they are giving through us to our world is no longer difficult. However, only if your inner guidance reacts to any kind of spiritual knowledge that is coming your way with a clear: ‘Yes, this is true!’ is it worthy of becoming part of your own truth and of passing on to those around you.

Our behaviour during crises times like the present one reveals the true level of our spiritual development. To paraphrase St. Matthew 7:15-20: ‘Beware of false prophets who present themselves in sheep’s clothing when in truth they are ravenous wolves. That’s how everybody needs to learn how to recognise others by their fruits. Is it possible to gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, good trees bear good fruit while bad trees can only bear bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. That’s what separates the wheat from the chaff. The trees that do not bear good fruit during their present lifetime will not be allowed to reincarnate onto the earthly plane when your planet’s transformation is complete. The energies of young and inexperienced spirit/souls will only be suitable for continuing their learning about the material world on a younger and less highly evolved planet. And that’s how by their fruits anyone’s true value can be recognised, not only by you but also your invisible friends and helpers in the spiritual background of life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Mass Of People Ruled By Cancer’
•    ‘The Power of Thought’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Fear Of Losing Our Identity’
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Overcoming Our Fear Of The Unknown’
•    ‘Fear – The Root Of All Evil’
•    ‘You Will Have Life To The Full’
•    ‘All Is One In The Great Soul Of Life’

Six pointed Star

Looking Back On The Bird Flu And Swine Flu (15)

Counteracting The Coronavirus Mass Hysteria (3)

Living With Faith, Hope And Love

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Coronavirus Outbreak - Living With Faith, Hope And LoveThe following was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me on the day of the New Moon in Aries 2020 via the White Eagle Lodge’s newsletter: ‘ Live in faith, dear children of the Earth, and trust the power of God and the Angels to take you and your world through what is left of the darkness of ignorance that to this day is causing all its problems. The present outbreak of mass hysteria is a particularly bad example of it. Yet, nothing in your world happens perchance or is an accident or a coincidence. Everything that has ever taken place did so for the higher purpose of teaching humankind, individually and collectively, a certain lesson. It’s up to each one of you to work out what kind of a lesson and to decide your best way of reacting to and dealing with it. The manner you go about it reveals to us, your guides and helpers in the spiritual background of your earthly existence, the true level of your spiritual awareness.

‘God and the Angels have always guided every human being through the lessons that at any given time were in store for them. At the same time they have been protecting you against destroying the immortal and eternal essence and core of your being, your spirit/soul. These things will forever continue. Don’t forget to remind yourself frequently that you can but row the boat of your life and that God and the Angels are the Admiral in command of the fleet of humankind. Trust that with their help and will all things are possible, any condition can be healed and crooked corners made straight. And never give up hope that, whenever you ask for something, your request is granted even if you do not perceive any visible evidence of it on the earthly plane.

‘The time has come for every one of you to wake up to the fact that you are personally responsible for all your thoughts, words and actions. The knowledge of this empowers you to steer the tiller of your earthly existence’s boat in the direction in which you wish it proceed on the vast ocean of life. As co-creators with God a high and holy destiny awaits every one of you, independent of your spiritual development’s level so far. As your ability for living with hope, faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that has been given to you grows, the more easily the sacred fire of God’s love flow into the cells and atoms of your whole being and from there into everything you come into contact with. From your heart and the world of your feelings it flows through your hands. It fills your mind with every thought you think and every word you speak and write. It enters everything that shares your world with you and from there flows into the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation to bring healing wherever it is needed.

‘Your world, the same as the whole of Creation, consists of two streams of consciousness, one of light that is creative and constructive and constantly reaches forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. It pulls along with it all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation, nor merely on the Earth. Balancing this stream is a dark, destructive and de-creative one. In humankind it expresses itself as a tendency to hold you, individually and collectively, back in the past. Those who respond to the increasing power of the forces of fear about the Coronavirus outbreak are feeding the energies of their lifeforce into the dark stream. Through every one who allows themselves to be sucked into the mass hysteria by that which the scaremongers of your world are handing out, that stream grows more powerful.

‘But if your heart is filled with hope, faith and trust that the blessing and healing power of God and the Angels have always been working on moving you and your world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral, you are supporting the constructive stream. You are making it stronger because you are feeding your lifeforce with its good, loving and positive thoughts into it. Through every one of your efforts this stream slowly but surely becomes more powerful and that enables it to absorb ever more of your world’s darkness into itself, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies. They are gradually filling ever more of everything that shares your world with you.

‘And that’s why we ask you, regardless of what may still have to happen in your world, just keep on keeping on letting nothing but faith, trust and hope fill not only your loving hearts but every cell and atom of your whole being. The more of you are taking part in this, the more powerful the stream of light is going to grow with every second, minute and hour of each day. This is the only way any kind of what appears to you as evil and dark in your world, but in truth merely represents the crude and unevolved aspect of people’s character and the issues involved, can be overcome and left behind once and for all. God be with every one of you, whichever stream you may presently be feeding into. Even the last one will eventually reach the evolutionary stage to which all of you have always been moving and that is evolving into a Christed one, each in their own right.

‘The knowledge that everything in your world ultimately serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you something helps wise ones to react positively to anything that comes their way. Searching for the wise higher reason behind any kind of situation stops them from panicking. They believe that the Coronavirus outbreak is a signal from God and the Angels to ask for their assistance, so that they can show each one of you intuitively how you can contribute to normalising the state of our world.

‘Trust that, when you do your best, God and the Angels will do the rest and ensure that much good for everybody will come out of the present experience. Know that even the smallest effort of feeding into the positive stream is a valuable contribution to deflating the mass hysteria and assisting the affairs of your world to return to their normal healthy functioning. The more of you tune into the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into this stream’s frequencies, the sooner people will come to their senses and the end come about – only seemingly – quite naturally.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On  Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘Studying The Nature Of Evil’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 4 

In The Beginning (1)

The Beginning of Human Life

The Beginning of Life - Rays of wisdom - Healers And Healing

Throughout the ages a great deal of gold in the form of spiritual wisdom was given to the human race in the teachings of the various belief systems of our world. For evolutionary purposes much of their true meaning had to remain carefully hidden until we, individually and collectively, had grown sufficiently in understanding to be capable of grasping their underlying esoteric meanings. Every part of the spiritual knowledge of all the religions and philosophies that have ever been known to humankind came to us from the wise ones on the highest levels of life. They are in charge of and responsible for us and our world and therefore take good care that none of God’s children of the Earth can forever get lost anywhere.

Retelling the old tales and legends, reinterpreting and newly relating to them, to this day can guide us into a deeper understanding of the purpose and meaning of our own existence and that of all life. And what better place to get started than with an exploration of the spiritual background of the Tree of Knowledge and Adam and Eve, the symbolism for the first human beings on the Earth that was given to the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam? To me, the tree is a symbol of life itself and Adam and Eve are archetypal human beings. For a very long time they served large parts of our world well to get at least some kind of an understanding of humankind’s earthly existence and its dualities. On our planet they manifest themselves in the necessity for feminine and masculine versions of just about every species.

I see Adam and Eve as a metaphor for the original creative idea of a perfect woman and man, i.e. whole and complete, the woman with the feminine/masculine and the man with the masculine/feminine energies and characteristics of our Divine parent. They are perfectly balanced and working harmoniously together, the same as in our Creator, in whom everything is one. Adam and Eve are but names for the prototypes that exist in the heartmind of God and after which each one of us has been fashioned.

Now, imagination is the source of creation. Nothing comes into being without first having been an idea and a thought. This is how our Creator first held you and me in Its mind as an exceedingly tiny creature that nonetheless contains in seed form everything that is in Him/Her. From the very beginning of its existence the human spirit is given the power to increase in consciousness. At this point of conception, God planted a seed of His spirit, masculine in each one of us. As a companion is then attached to us, through whom we can experience and get to know ourselves, a soft and sensitive feeling side, a soul, God’s and our spirit’s feminine counterpart.

This is how it has come about that every human soul, wherever it may presently dwell, contains God’s seed-atom from which a physical body as a vehicle on the material plane of life can later be constructed. This seed-atom contains every aspect of Creation and is capable of experiencing all of them, as soon as the opportunity for doing so arises. And deeply impressed in every soul that is sent forth from God’s heart to become aware of its own existence and get to know itself, is an indelible memory of its true home in the oneness with Father/Mother Creator. This is the place to which every soul returns at the end of all its wanderings, after aeons and aeons of adventuring and explorations on many different planes of life have passed.

As physical manifestations of God/Goddess, the masculine and feminine life-force flows in us just the same as it does in everything else in the whole of Creation. As a race we are God’s children of the Earth. We always have been, still are and eternally will be gathering and feasting on the fruits of the tree of knowledge. But, they can only be found in the shape of learning that from the moment of our creation sends us forth onto ever more different levels of existence. And that is why, in the long course of its evolution, every human soul also has to spend a great many lifetimes in physicality on this planet. Our earthly education will continue until we have spiritually matured so much that this plane of life can no longer teach us anything.

But in the beginning this existence can only be studied in one way and that is by  time and again being reborn into yet another physical body. This process ensures that all of us are constantly eating from the tree of knowledge. At the same time we add to the fruits it bears, making them richer and more beautiful. The gathering of knowledge is the main purpose of our existence, on the Earth plane and also beyond, wherever our path may eventually take us. Only through each soul learning from its own experiences can the tree prosper and our individual and collective consciousness expand.

For this purpose the indwelling spirit feels a strong urge to evolve onto ever higher levels of life. It takes many a lifetime until eventually its small earthly counterpart wakes up from its spiritual slumber and becomes aware of its inner desire to experience something higher and better than what life on the Earth plane has to offer, and at long last it begins to seriously reach Heavenwards. It’s this evolutionary urge that brings all of us into one lifetime after another on our beautiful planet. This continues until every last one of its lessons has been thoroughly imbibed. But then there is no holding the human spirit any longer and we are allowed to move on. Any wisdom we find at any given time is ours to keep in all Eternity. It accompanies us and helps us travel ever more easily forwards and upwards, and will eventually take us onto the highest levels of life.

As the knowledge of each one of us of ourselves and this life increases and we grow in wisdom and understanding, our own consciousness and that of our race expands. The tree of knowledge thrives because we are enriching not only ourselves but also the Source. The Source’s soul is the Great Soul of the whole of Creation, one of the aspects of the Great Mother of all life. In her role as the storehouse for every bit of the impressions and learning that has ever been gathered by any of God’s children in the whole of Creation, and the wisdom and knowledge that was gained from it, she herself is the Tree of Life. Eventually, there is sure to come a time when humankind, individually and as a race, has evolved sufficiently to partake from its fruits on the higher and finally the highest levels of consciousness, to be enriched by our experiences there.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Adam And Eve’
•    ‘The Barren Fig Tree
•    ‘The Budding Fig Tree’
•    ‘The Rich Harvest’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (2)

How Did Everything Begin?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - How Did Everything Begin?The Universal law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, decrees that every action causes a reaction. In conjunction with numerology and astrology this law provides us with some valuable clues to the beginning of everything. The first cause is represented by the number 1 = the Sun, a symbolism for the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Father, God. The number 2 represents the second cause, the Moon, a symbolism for the Great Mother, the Goddess. Together the 1 and the 2 result in the 3 = Jupiter, a metaphor for the superconscious faculties of the Divine and us. The joining of the energies of Father and Mother result in the creation of light, their only born Son, which manifests on the physical plane of life as the light and the warmth of the Sun in the sky above us, the giver and sustainer of all forms of life. Esoterically, ignorance stands for darkness and light for the expansion of God’s consciousness and our own through spiritual wisdom and knowledge.

The three aspects of the Divine are abstract and invisible as well as indivisible. In the beginning there was nothing but consciousness and darkness, until one fine day – to express it in earthly terms – the consciousness asked itself: ‘Who or what am I? To start finding out, how about in my imagination creating a world that is inhabited by all kinds of creatures? It will be impossible for them to dwell in darkness. They need a light to shine their way. But first of all, why do I live in the darkness of my own ignorance and without a source of light to keep me warm? I will create a great light by bringing into being a seed atom that will so rapidly multiply itself that soon there will be sufficient atoms to make the beginnings of the elements of Water and Earth. When I have created sufficient numbers of atoms by the power of my thoughts, I will contract them together into the shapes I have thought of in my mind. By bringing the atoms ever closer together I will be able to mould them into anything I want to.

The consciousness consisted of a masculine and a feminine part, God and Goddess, the wisdom aspect of the Divine. She told her companion: ‘If you want to get to know yourself, start by making images of yourself and then of whole worlds and all manner of lifeforms that belong to them, in which you can express who and what you think you are. That will enable you to recognise yourself. Let your creative ideas represent the Fire element and when you transmit your ideas to another part of you, we’ll call it the Air element where the power of thought dwells. I will play for you the role of the Water element, the world of feelings and soul, and the Earth element of the physical aspect of all worlds yet to come.

‘When Earth and Water come together, they form clay and that is going to be a material you will be able to shape according to your design. I shall advise you where and when new worlds and beings should be created, so that ever more of them will appear. Being the wisdom aspect of the Divine and representing the Water element, I shall be the soul that acts as the storehouse of the memories of all learning that is going to take place in any of our creations.’ So it was and gradually ever more worlds came into being and started to evolve, the same as ours is doing to this day.

Spirit alone can create matter and matter can never be separate from spirit. Every cell and atom is not only imbued with spirit, it is spirit. Because the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the God, is spirit and therefore abstract and invisible to earthly eyes, one could say that God is formless.  Everything that has taken on some kind of a form represents His feminine counterpart, the Goddess. The two are inseparable and their all-consciousness contains the most beautiful and perfect forms that the Creator imagination can conceive. In Earth terms such an ideal shape may take a very long time to manifest itself. But from the moment when its creation begins, it will always show itself in some form of expression. In the long course of its evolution the perfect form increasingly comes into being, until it has reached such beauty and glory that it is hard for human minds to visualise.

All life forms on our planet are still in quite a crude state. But, as our spirit and soul advance on the evolutionary spiral of life, they – the same as you and me and everybody else – will move on to more and more advanced levels of life and evolve into something much more beautiful than at present is possible on our planet. No original design is ever withdrawn. Each one is constantly being worked on and improved. Therefore, if the ideal something we long for is still missing here, as long as we follow our inner guidance, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation will eventually help us find it.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Is There A God?’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (3)

The Big Bang

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Big BangGeorges Lemaitre, 1894-1966, a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the French section of the Catholic University of Louvain was the first known academic to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe, widely misattributed to Edwin Hubble. He was also the first to derive what is now known as Hubble’s law and made the first estimation of what is now called the Hubble constant, which he published in 1927, two years before Hubble’s article. Lemaitre also proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his ‘hypothesis of the primeval atom’ or the ‘Cosmic Egg’. Over time, scientists built on his initial idea of cosmic expansion, which according to Lemaitre’s theory, could be traced back to the origin of the cosmos and led to formation of the modern Universe.

The first vague understanding of these concepts could have been the source of the Bible’s St. John 1:5: ‘The word was in the beginning and that very word was with God and God was that word. The same was in the beginning with God. Everything came to be by His hand and without Him not even one thing that was created came to be. The life was in Him and the life is the light of people. And the same light shines in darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.’

Yes, in the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. The creative thinking of God is and always was God. Every idea first has to shape itself in the realm of Fire into the form of a thought, so that with the help of words it can transmit itself to our consciousness where it can be understood as a thought, the sphere of the Air element. By the power of His thoughts, the masculine aspect of the Divine, the God, guided by the love and wisdom of His counterpart, the Goddess, creates and destroys matter, brings whole new worlds and everything that is in them into manifestation and gets rid of them again, once they have outlived their usefulness.

The Universal Life Force, Father/Mother of all life, known as God, thinks and experiences itself through the worlds and the creatures it brings into being, including us. Any Eureka moments we enjoy on the Earth plane in truth are Its gifts. All humankind’s creative ideas have their origin in this source, although many like to think of them as their own. Ideas transmit themselves as a thought to the feminine and passive Earth and Water element, to which we and our world belong, both genders alike. Through the power of thought the positive and masculine Air element adds to whatever already is in existence or still is in the process of being created or un-created, as the case may be.

God’s ideas and thoughts are constantly flowing into every aspect of physical life, including us and our bodies of clay, made from Earth and Water. Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation and the thought processes transmit the creator’s ideas, including those that come to you and me, to our feminine and receptive bodies of clay and our emotional water bodies and soul, where the memories of all previous lifetimes as well as the present one are stored. As all life is in God’s image, the same as everything else, each one of us is being shaped and modelled into what our Creator thinks of Him/Herself to be. By the power of Its intellect and thought processes the God models Its image into whole worlds and all its creatures and other lifeforms. God is the idea and thought and everything that is visible to our earthly eyes is the Goddess – and every cell and atom of it is imbued with the spirit of the whole and indivisible Divine Trinity. 

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (4)

The Power Behind The Big Bang

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Power Behing The Big BangTo this day there are many in our world who steadfastly refuse to accept that there is a Divine force behind the whole of the created world, as it is presently known to us. The big bang theory of the origin of the Universe to them presents an obstacle in the way of understanding its true nature, which can only be found when one has learnt to peer into the background of the higher and highest spiritual dimensions of life. Because our scientists believe that the Universe came into being through a sudden appearance and expansion of light and matter, many people seem to draw the conclusion that this does away with the need for a Creator because all of it happened perchance and quite on its own.

Should that be your belief too, take a moment or two and have a good look around you. Then please tell me, how could there be so many intricate and sophisticated forms and expressions of life on this our beautiful planet alone? How would this be possible if they had not been lovingly created by some great designer and artist? And anyway, the big bang was by no means some kind of vast explosion, as the name suggests to the layperson. It is thought that there was a sudden release and outflowing of energy into space. Does anyone seriously believe that this could have happened by sheer accident and appeared out of nowhere?

Yes, the big bang was caused by natural forces, but who or what in your view are these forces, if not the Life Force itself, known as God to some? Doesn’t this Creator constantly manifest itself and its wisdom in millions of different ways in all that is in the created world, not merely in ours? If it is not the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother that makes all animals, flowers and trees grow and decay, the same as we human beings do when our time on the Earth plane is up? Who is and who makes the wind blow, the Sun shine and the rain fall?

The law of cause and effect or the law of Karma is at work behind quite literally everything in the whole of Creation. This law knows neither rewards nor punishments, merely consequences. It explains why anything that happens can only be there because it has first been thought of by someone. That includes the big bang. It is a well known fact by now that thought is the most powerful force of all. Placed in the right hands, especially God’s, it can and does create and destroy whole worlds at will. This same power has always been at work in each one of us. Learning to harness and master this energy is our task and has to be practised until it has become our servant, instead of running us, our life and destiny for us.

Nothing in our world and all others happens per chance and on its own, or without the will of the Great Father/Mother and their child, the true only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. The Son is the light of all lights, the Sun above, beyond and behind every one of the stars and suns in the whole of Creation. It is the Highest Star and the greatest Light through whom the life in all worlds is given by the Father/Mother.

If you are among those who know intuitively that there is a Great Designer and Architect who wisely and safely holds the threads of all our fates in His/Her loving hands, whenever you encounter someone who does not share this belief, do not give in to despair over humankind’s ignorance and the state of development of our race. Instead, rest safely in the knowledge that in the end we all wake up to our true nature again and get where we need to go.

To anyone who is ready to listen, speak your truth and quietly explain your beliefs with something like this:  ‘For the life of me, I cannot see why the big bang should do away with the need for some great Universal force to bring this event about. And even if the created world came into being in this manner, who do you think caused it? Because of the Universal law of cause and effect, I believe that nothing could ever happen from nothing and that there is always a good and wise reason behind everything.

‘I trust that a great creative power, the Father/Mother Creator of all life, for simplicity’s sake I like to call it God, is constantly at work behind the scenes of all life, including that of the Earth. God brings everything into being and also supports and sustains it. Without this power no life would be possible, but with its help all life is slowly and almost imperceptibly evolving and moving forwards into ever better, more beautiful and higher manifestations of life.’

Isn’t that a much more magnificent display of power and glory, greatly more realistic and awe-inspiring than any other story of Creation that has ever been presented to humankind throughout the ages? The patriarchal tale that our world was created in six days by some kind of a distant and remote all-male God, who just waved His hands to bring everything into being, was good enough for humankind during its spiritual infancy and childhood. Those who have matured into adulthood, are ready to grasp and accept what truly happened, how wonderfully and miraculously everything slowly and painstakingly evolved over endless millions of years by the will and the power of the living God, the Father, and His wise and loving partner, the Mother Goddess.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Thought – The Most Powerful Force Of All’
•    ‘White Eagle On The Power Of Thought’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (5)

Leaving The Patriarchy Behind

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The End Of The Patriarchy

The Age of Aquarius among many other things is the age of equality that is bringing us an ever increasing awareness that before God we truly are all equals, who have the same rights and duties. Best of all, to my mind, the concept of the wise and loving Great Mother of all life has been returned to us. What joy that at long last we earthlings are allowed to know once more that we not only have a Father in Heaven, a metaphor for the highest levels of life, but also a Mother, who dwells there with Him in sweet harmony, and that both of them are as much part of us as we are of them. Since the return of the Mother to the consciousness of our world, increasing amounts of spiritual wisdom and truth have been flowing from Her loving heart into the consciousness of our race for the comforting, blessing and healing of ourselves, each other and our world.

Equal rights for all God’s children of the Earth is seeing the gradual decline of about six thousand years of developing the masculine aspect of human nature. This inevitably brought us the patriarchy and the Age of Aquarius will see us through to its natural end. With the passing of time, the patriarchy with its rapidly increasing lust for power unbalanced our world ever more and plunged us deeper and deeper into the destructiveness of all manner of enslavements and dominion-seeking, especially spiritual ones. Empire building based on increasingly cruel and sadistic warmongering to this day are the result. The purpose behind the whole experience served the wise higher purpose of demonstrating to us how a whole world, without the balancing, moderating and restraining influence of the love, wisdom and caring of the feminine principle of life, deteriorates and – if left for too long to its own devices – would undoubtedly not hesitate to destroy itself in the end.

With the coming of the Aquarian Age and under the guidance and protection of the Highest, there are promising signs everywhere that the balance of our world is slowly but surely restoring itself. In spite of the many unpleasant things that are still happening in many places sanity is returning. All trouble-spots are demonstrations to us, the more highly evolved souls, of the atrocities and animal behaviour we ourselves once were capable of, during the lifetimes of our early stages of development, when we were taking part in the lessons the young ones are presently undergoing.

The troubled places of our world are still providing new and less experienced souls with training grounds where the miseries and suffering inflicted by warfare are experienced. The memories of these events are leaving deep imprints in their souls. The likelihood is that in coming lifetimes – as likely as not on another, younger planet than the Earth – they will volunteer to play the role of peacemakers and lightbringers to those who will then be following in their footsteps.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (6)

Seeking Dominion – Over Whom?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  Seeking Dominion - Over Whom?As a spark of the Divine, every soul contains the same powers and forces that are in God. When less experienced souls sense this inside them and misinterpret their urge to dominate and rule over those around them and their lives as something of a God-given right, trouble and disasters follow in its wake, the way they usually do with false beliefs. As we all have everything inside, the issue of dominion is an important one for all of us. The only thing we are here to gain dominion over, and that through self-discipline and self–mastery alone, is the wise control and handling of the drives and urges of our own lower earthly nature and personality. It takes a long time in evolutionary terms until human souls have spiritually matured sufficiently to comprehend that this is so and start to behave accordingly.

The only one who truly has the right to dominate others, including you and me, is God. Dominion is essential for the One who keeps planets in their orbit and brings whole worlds and everything in them into being, maintains and nurtures them, and destroys them again at His/Her will, when they have outlived their usefulness. Our Creator is the ruler of all life and everything is under His/Her loving control. What an amazing feat! It is not hard to see the necessity for keeping a firm grip on things and for organising the whole enterprise down to the tiniest details, as otherwise chaos would reign and nothing could ever work. Isn’t it good to know that that no human beings are in charge of us and our world? At our present evolutionary level, one shudders to think what the result of that would be.

To get a taste of what happens when the males of our species are in charge, as they have been for a very long time, look at the state of our world and you can’t help seeing the disastrous consequences of this reign. Mother Earth raped, robbed and plundered of her most precious resources is the legacy of the patriarchy and male dominance. All of it was carried out for material gains and with a total lack of care and consideration for our beloved planet and its weaker inhabitants, human as well as those of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Experiencing first hand the results of this kind of irresponsible human behaviour and the damage and suffering caused by it, that precisely has been the educational value behind the patriarchy.

It came into being so that in the fullness of time ever more of us would have had enough of the mismanagement of Mother Earth’s abundance. With the help and will of God and the Angels we would then roll up our sleeves, draw the learning from humankind’s mistakes of the past and set about doing better. By now, there are encouraging signs that this is happening and to my mind there is no need for despair, as assistance from the Highest levels of life is with us and forever will be, to show us the way of making good and healing our planet and all its kingdoms. To enable our race to attend to the many lessons we and our world needed, the wise ones have always been watching, steering and guiding us from the spiritual background of life. Even through the darkest and most difficult times they were there and drew especially close, as they will do in all Eternity.

The Age of Aquarius returned us into the conscious awareness that our Creator is Father and Mother alike. More and more we are feeling and benefiting from the Great Mother’s presence, Her wisdom and love. The starting point of Her return was a growing appreciation of the feminine as her representative as carer, nurturer and protector through whom life is given. It brought us equal rights for women, so that once again the wisdom and love of the feminine could begin to have its say in the running of our world and the distribution of Earth’s resources, showing us how the way into the new golden age is opening up. Though timidly and hesitatingly at first, the movement is sure to gather ever more momentum as we progress along the way.

Spreading the good news of this prospect does not require any kind of missionary work, but whenever you bump into someone who so far can accept no other explanation than that the process of Creation started with a big bang that came about entirely on its own, how about asking them a few questions? Maybe something along the following lines? ‘Who in your view caused the great explosion? And if it all really started with a big bang, isn’t that evidence of our Creator at work? For if there is a Creation, as indeed there is, in which we all take part, how could it be without a Creator?’ Even though the other person may as yet be unready to accept this, you could be sowing a seed into their minds and providing them with some food for thought. This is all that’s required from us.

Having done your work, step back and leave it to God and the Angels to do the rest and help this particular human being, the same as all others, to find their own understanding, as surely they will when the right moment for them has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’
•    ‘The Eternal Light’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (7)

The Natural End Of All Religions

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  The Natural End Of  All Religion

As pointed out many times in other parts of my jottings, in the New Age all religions will go from our world and that for the simple reason that there will no longer be any need for them. Considering how much misery and suffering they have brought and still are doing to this day, this gives us plenty of grounds for rejoicing.

Have you ever asked yourself, as I have: ‘What does religion actually mean?’ In its original sense religion signified the respect for what is sacred and the reverence for the Gods. The word stood for an obligation and the bond between humankind and the Gods. It is derived from the Latin religio, the ultimate origins of that word are obscure. One possibility is an interpretation traced to Cicero, connecting lego ‘read’, i.e. re – like in again – plus lego in the sense of ‘choosing’, ‘going over again’ or ‘considering carefully’.

Modern scholars such as Tom Harpur and Joseph Campbell apparently favour the derivation from ligare ‘bind, connect’, probably from a prefixed re-ligare, i.e. re – again – + ligare or ‘to reconnect,’ which was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius. The medieval usage alternates with order in designating bonded communities like those of monastic orders. We hear of the religion of the Golden Fleece or a knight of the religion of Avys.

Isn’t it sad that the teachings of the religions of our world and the Christian ones in particular contain such a rich store and diversity of gems of spiritual truth and that to this day far too many of them are still misunderstood and misinterpreted? What a pity that the spiritual progress of so many of the remaining religions is unnecessarily hampered by too narrow a field of vision.

Fortunately, there have always been groups and associations on both sides of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds, who were and still are genuinely working with the Highest levels of life for the blessing and healing of us and our world. With hindsight it is easy to see that what those who failed to pursue this aim did not understand that true religion is a matter of the heart and never had anything to do with dogma and creed. The only concern of true religion is the re-establishment and reinforcement of humankind’s heart relationship with our Creator, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.

An essential part of the learning curve of the patriarchy lessons was that with the passing of time its religions, with their all-male Divinity, suppressed ever more forcefully the wisdom of the feminine, the Great Mother. Without this, all these religions could hope to achieve was putting a roof on the structure of their belief systems because they ignored the fact that of necessity the teachings of the legends of their scriptures were in truth based on and had their origin in the spiritual/esoteric background of life. Without this any religion lacks the necessary foundation that acknowledges humankind’s true reality, origin and home, the world of spirit and light, from which all myths and legends of the past once emerged.

The result of this was that the interests of the religious organisations’ employees were given preference to caring for the spiritual wellbeing of the communities they were meant to serve. For many centuries the establishments involved remained blissfully unaware of the fact that the foundations of any construction have to be laid before a roof can be put on its top. The most basic underpinning of all life, not merely that of religious institutions, is humankind’s relationship with its Creator. As soon as this has been duly attended to, the rest of the structure comes right on its own.

Only when the human soul’s spiritual beliefs finally rest in a deep inner understanding of God’s true nature and its own, can total and unconditional love and respect, tolerance and understanding for all life and the One who created it grow organically from what our inner guidance intuitively tells us what is true. Only when our faith is based on this foundation and has established and embedded itself deep in our hearts and souls, can the temple of healing and peace that exists on the inner plane of life manifest itself in our earthly self and rise from there into the Heavens.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (8)

Gullibility – Humankind’s Greatest Enemy Of Past Ages

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  Gullibility - Humankind's Greatest Enemy Of Past AgesTo find a better understanding of the present so that we may learn from it, the way we are required to do, it is necessary that from time to time we take a closer look at the past. The age we are leaving behind is the Age of Pisces. Pisces is a mutable Water sign that is co-ruled by the expansive and mighty Jupiter and the deceptive, nebulous and devious Neptune. One of our race’s most formidable enemies in times gone by has been gullibility. This was particularly strongly felt during the Age of Pisces from about 300 BC – 1900 AD. With hindsight it is easy to see that not much else could have happened under the influence of the combined forces of the energies of the sign’s two vast planetary rulers. Under their rulership the Piscean age turned into a time of blind faith and deceptions, cruelty and suffering which one part of humankind inflicted upon another on an ever grander scale.

When one considers that Jupiter is also the sole ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of the raconteur and storyteller, the gullible and dogmatic conman and gambler of the zodiac, it does no longer come as a surprise that religious differences of opinion supplied the main reasons/excuses for humankind’s insatiable appetite for warmongering. The lethal combination of these Sagittarian characteristics found their worst expressions in the excesses of the patriarchal religions with their ever more brutal and vicious suppression of all traces of the wisdom of the feminine. The centuries of the rule of the Inquisition and of witch hunting come to mind. Their legacy haunts the consciousness of our race to this day.

There is every reason for us to rejoice, as this sad phase of humankind’s development is definitely over and the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom, the Age of Aquarius, is with us. It is here to stay for a very long time, as it takes the Earth nearly 26,000 years to complete one of the cycles that moves it through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Such a cycle is known as one Great Year. Each sign the Earth passes through represents one Great Month, which lasts for rather more than 2,000 years. The unique character of each one of these months strongly influences all creatures and happenings on our planet.

At the same time the Great Months are also indicators of the Ages of Humankind, as I prefer to call them. No-one can tell exactly when one of them ends and a new one begins. All we know is that by now the Age of Aquarius is with us. When you observe our world more closely, you will be able to see for yourself how the energies of this sign are influencing everything in our world ever more strongly, although the remnants of the effects of the preceding age of Pisces are still with us. As hard as they are to shake off, individually and collectively they have to be dealt with by all of us.

Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the essence of the Piscean Age better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

Having been born on the 29th October, Goebbels during that particular lifetime was a double Scorpio. All those born on the twenty-ninth day of any month are under the rulership of this sign. The life’s work and ‘achievement’ of Goebbels as an incarnation of evil presents us with one of the finest descriptions of the lowest evolutionary stage of Scorpio’s development. During lifetimes in this sign it is potentially possible for every soul to reach three different levels of consciousness. Each one carries its own symbolism.

First in line is the scorpion, the insect with the deadly sting in its tail. It does not take the human version long to discover that it has a tongue that can sting others and hit them where it really hurts. This gives them a feeling as if they had some kind of power over others. Ah yes, the power to hurt and destroy. This is the Universe’s way of teaching us the destructive power of Mars. Every soul born into Scorpio is presented with many opportunities for learning from its own experiences of how, when obstacles get in the way of its over-strong will, it is capable of lashing out and angrily destroying in seconds, through a word or a gesture – careless hurled at someone or carefully planned – what may have taken many lifetimes to build. This goes for personal relationships as much as for national and international ones.

That is how, as life progresses, the soul in Scorpio may enjoy hurting and stinging so much that it ever more frequently indulges in it for the sheer pleasure of it. Unbeknown to the earthly self, the ideas for its most successful stinging actions have their origin on the subconscious level, from where the Highest Self is prompting its small earthly counterpart to bring this early evolutionary phase to its natural conclusion. Only when the scorpion has destroyed itself is the earthly self allowed to move on to its next lessons, the exploration of the second level. And so the human scorpion eventually stings itself to death and its Highest Self takes it through the transformation onto the second level.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Scorpio’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (9)

Searching For Our Own Truth

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  Each Searching For Their Own TruthBeing thoroughly fed up with the deviousness and deception, lying and cheating of the Piscean Age, has prepared us and our world to seek a better understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth by re-establishing our direct connection with our Creator through our inner guidance by the living God within. The knowledge that comes to us from there is not of the kind that can be imbibed by book-learning alone. Because spiritual wisdom and understanding is a constantly expanding living organism, it is impossible to find God’s ultimate truth in any kind of book, as by the time of its appearance it is likely to be outdated already. And as on top of this, everyone’s perception of truth varies slightly from everybody else’s, clearly it is best to set off in search of our own truth.

In prayers, meditations and quiet reflections our consciousness tunes itself like a transmitter/receiver station – which in truth it is – into the wavelengths of the Highest. Through regularly entering into the silence within, God’s sacred understanding of things begins to reveal itself to us. This truth is so elusive that it is almost impossible to capture and describe in words. We need to break through the limitations of our minds and the many false perceptions of our small earthly self, so that we can become one with the Universal wisdom of the Great Mother and the Cosmic intelligence of the Great Father. They alone can take us into their knowingness and that simply cannot be expressed in earthly terms and languages.

However, when one looks back over the centuries and millennia and watches humankind’s spiritual development, it is not hard to see that the religions of our world were specifically designed to stop us from becoming mystics and seekers of God’s sacred wisdom and truth before the time for doing so had come. Although finding it is humankind’s birthright and destiny, an enterprise of such vast proportions could only succeed when sufficient numbers of us and also our whole world had matured into spiritual adulthood, and when the Cosmic energies were right, which they are now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius.

To serve the purpose of keeping us away from too intimate a relationship with God, of necessity the religions of the past were organised ones and of the head. In contrast to this, the faith of the Aquarian Age is of the heart and has nothing to do with institutions and organisations. It is the kindness and compassion that is felt in our hearts and souls for the suffering of the whole of humankind, Mother Earth and all her kingdoms. Our new religion is a deep and abiding love for our Creator that is accompanied by an unshakeable trust in His/Her goodness and ability to heal every wound and make all crooked corners straight again for each one of God’s erring children of the Earth.

This new religion has no need for churches because it helps us to find  God in the joys and pleasures, the beauty and wonders of our world, as well as in the misery and distress of all of God’s creatures and creations of the human, animal, plant and mineral worlds alike. It is a faith that fills our hearts and souls with sadness for the suffering all of us in our ignorance of the true purpose and meaning of life inflicted upon our world in the course of many lifetimes. When we forgive ourselves and each other, our heart opens and the only thing we feel is wanting to make a valid contribution to alleviating and healing every last bit of the suffering and pain our planet has ever seen.

The new creed is a true one because it has its origin in the realisation of our innermost being that we are safe and enfolded in the infinite Power of the Great Father and the Love and Wisdom of the Great Mother. This attunement to and trust in God’s all-pervading life and the Divine eternal laws of the Universe is waiting to bestow upon all God’s children of the Earth the gifts of joy and healing. It opens the senses of our soul and in the fullness of time will enable us to recall all the lifetimes we have ever spent on the Earth plane.

Our consciousness of the life of the invisible spiritual planes that fill and surround our world increases. The old religions were afraid of astrology and condemned it because they did not yet understand that it is a gift from the Highest, the same as everything else that is made available to us earthlings. In contrast to that, the beliefs of the Aquarian Age welcome astrology as a precious tool an a lifehelp for getting to know ourselves and each other. It can teach us how to respond to the energies that are influencing all kingdoms of our beloved planet and therefore also us. This allows us to get ever more into harmony with the flow of  the Cosmic energies as well as those of everything that shares our world with us.

Every soul possesses an inborn instinctive knowledge of God. Upon reawakening to our true reality this aspect of our nature consciously connects us not only with every living creature, but with all life. Yet, it is hard to put Heavenly truths into earthly words to explain them to those around us. One can only try to give pointers and speak about things in the hope of stirring and quickening their hearts and minds, in the hope that in their own sweet way they might also attempt to tune their channel of communication into that of the Highest.

As touched upon earlier, spiritual wisdom and knowledge is a constantly growing and developing organism and therefore fluid. It aims to present us with the laws and principles of the Universe in ways that everybody can understand and work with. God’s truth can be likened to a mighty river with many tributaries, large and small. It is easy to get side-tracked into one of the side-arms and sometimes we get lost in them. But, even then there’s no need to worry, as our inner guidance will always take us back to the main theme and final goal: the loving union with our Creator.

Looking down upon the Earth from a great height, one becomes aware of  where all the branches of the great river of truth and of life have ever flown and how each one of them, one way or another, beautifully fits into the grand panorama of humankind’s existence

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Uranus – Planet Of Rebellion’
•    ‘Saturn – The Wisdom Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘Uranus And Saturn In Mythology’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘Loving People Without Liking Them’
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (10)

Mysticism Versus Science

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  Mysticism Versus Science

When one takes a closer look at our world one cannot help a sneaking feeling that the various religions of our world, certainly the ones of the Piscean Age, came into being not for re-connecting us with our Creator, but for keeping us away from finding out the truth about who or what this truly means. We were not to know too early of God’s true nature and our own, so that eventually we would be aching to rebuild the profound and deep relationship we once had with our true parents, the Divine. It was for good and wise reasons that concepts of the living God within who is alive in everything, including all of us, had to remain carefully hidden for such a long time.

The resulting deprivation ensured that in due course each in their own right would be good and ready to joyously enter into the role of a mystic and seeker of God’s wisdom and truth in the greatest mystery school ever – that of all life. Equipped with the wisdom of hindsight, it is not hard to see that the main task of the religions the past served as a protective shield against our discovering too soon that:

•    The answers to all our questions lie within ourselves.

•    God’s wisdom and truth could only be found behind the surface words of the legends of our world.

•    Although the truth had always been present in the esoteric meanings of the religious teachings of our world, for a very long time they had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge behind the outer words of the myths and legends the wise ones on the highest levels of life gave us from time to time, specially in the life stories of the Lord Buddha and the Master Jesus.

As soon as the mystic side of our nature stirs from its slumbers, we begin to realise that God is in everything, that God is life itself and all life is God, constantly changing, growing and evolving into ever more beautiful and sophisticated lifeforms. As this enables us to recognise and honour God’s presence in everything we encounter, we no longer have any need for organised religions. With the passing of time the whole of Creation becomes our church and place for worshipping and communing with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.

Before all this can happen, in occasional moments of great clarity a yearning and longing feeling grows in us ever more powerfully that there must be things that are beyond the reach of humankind’s earthly understanding and perception. We then begin to ask ourselves whether there could be higher concepts and ideals that are so elusive that earthly minds have difficulties grasping them, as they can only be experienced as feeling in the depths of our hearts and souls.

To enable us to be strong and courageous enough to act as a pioneer and lightbringer for the Aquarian Age, we need to put our inner guidance or intuition, the mind of our Highest Self, in charge and that at all times. This is the only authority in the whole of Creation that will never tell us something wrong or lead us astray. It knows the answers to all our questions and with any kind of problem it is always willing to show us a good way of solving it by reaching wise decisions.

Our higher mind is situated at the back of our heads and the intellect or Earth mind at the front. When we constantly work with the higher mind, it gradually takes over our whole being. Only when this has taken place, will there be peace between our two minds, as the arguments of the earthly mind that often sounded so sane and right in the past will have stopped.  The pull between the two minds ceases and the balance of our whole being is restored when the earthly mind has fully surrendered itself to the Christ mind of its indwelling spirit and acts as its humble and obedient servant.

The astrological sign Gemini is dedicated to the development of the small earthly self’s mind with its logical, rational and analytical capabilities. Sagittarius is its polar opposite in the zodiac, where we discover our superconscious faculties and start building them up. The legendary twins of mythology represent these two aspects of human nature that are active and alive in all human souls. It is not hard to recognise Gemini as the earthly twin and Sagittarius as its heavenly counterpart. Most souls born into both these signs are intelligent, lively, active and greatly interested in mental pursuits. During a lifetime in Gemini the soul is still mostly involved with earthly matters.

By the time it reaches Sagittarius its interests – especially from midlife onwards – begin to turn to higher concerns, for example the religions and philosophies of our world. While many a soul in Gemini happily remains on the surface of things, carelessly flitting from one experience to another, Sagittarians who have developed at least a degree of spiritual awareness are likely to choose subjects of a more expansive nature that question and query further and deeper into things. The nature and scope of the Sagittarian’s journeying and activities, mental, spiritual and otherwise is likely to be wider and their studies more profound than the ones Gemini would be interested in.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Sun In Gemini’
•    ‘The Sun In Sagittarius’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (11)

The Mystic And Seeker

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  What Is A Mystic?Might you by now have evolved into one of our world’s mystics and seekers? Let’s see. According to the Oxford dictionary the word mystic means: ‘a) spiritually allegorical or symbolic; occult, esoteric; of hidden meaning, mysterious; mysterious and awe-inspiring. And that b) a mystic is one who seeks, by contemplation and self-surrender, to obtain union with or absorption into the Deity, or one who believes in spiritual apprehension of truths beyond the understanding [of ordinary mortals].’

So, there we have it. If mystics are people who probe into the less known and mysterious aspects of life, those that have not yet been fully explored by humankind, then they are probably not as far removed from what science is doing on a different level of life, than some of our scientists seem to think. What these people do not yet realise is that at a certain point mysticism and science converge. They too no doubt will find this out in the fullness of time. And when the two aspects eventually come together and officially join forces, even greater progress will be possible in the understanding of the scientific working of God’s Creation than in the past. This is what happened through the efforts of people like Darwin, Newton and Einstein – to name but three – when they acted as channels for the wisdom of the Divine and brought it down to the Earth for the benefit of all.

Why else would Einstein have spoken of ‘that Cosmic religious feeling’ he experienced whilst contemplating the underlying order of the physical Universe? Enlightened people like him have always appeared in our world from time to time, so they could be used as channels of the Divine to light the way and ensure humankind’s scientific progress, in spite of any kind of opposition – no matter how powerful it may have been at the time. 

Some believe that there are two different types of science, a spiritual and a mundane one, one of which is superior to the other, but that at some stage the two will come together. In my view, they already are one and always have been. All any of our scientists could ever do was grapple with and search for a better understanding of God’s Creation and the laws that rule all life within them. Whether any scientist is as yet aware of this or not, from its earliest beginnings those involved in science could only wrestle with unravelling the mysteries of the Cosmos, trying to explain them to themselves and then to the rest of us.   

Until a scientist has woken up to the awareness of God’s true nature and their own, which every human being does in the fullness of time, the success of their scientific endeavours is likely to remain restricted. For as long as the masculine and feminine aspects of our nature are detached from each other, we have difficulties to perceive  our world for what it truly is. It’s impossible to recognise the part we are playing at all times as a humble receiver/transmitter station for the wisdom of the Divine. I believe that in due course even the last one of our scientists will wake up from their spiritual slumbers and evolve into a mystic and seeker in their own right. That’s when they too will let go of their cherished false beliefs, prejudices and pre-conceived ideas that to this day abound in the individual and collective consciousness of our world and are holding some of our scientists back from fulfilling their highest potential.

Having defined what a mystic is, what then is a scientist? The Oxford Dictionary says: ‘A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.’ Naturally, not all of them are people who operate on the masculine intellect only, so much so that they have become completely detached from the world of their feelings, their own feminine part. But too many of them are to this day. Maybe that is the reason why so often, in the past, their discoveries were handled in such a cold, unloving and uncaring manner without any regard towards the welfare of our planet and all its lifeforms.

In my view, it is unlikely that any major scientific breakthrough will ever be given through one of our present day scientists for as long as they insist on playing the part of ‘pop-star scientist’. They too one day will wake up from their spiritual slumber and realise that, as James Allen put it: ‘The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.’ For them too the time will then have come to do their share of manifesting God’s dream for humankind on the Earth plane, and they may wish to follow Henry Van Dyke’s advice, doing their best so God and the Angels can do the rest: ‘Use what talents you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.’

The German physicist Werner Heisenberg added to this: ‘The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.’ And the way we interpret his words depends on what the concept of God means to us.

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (12)

No Inspiration Without Perspiration

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  No Inspiration Without PerspirationDarwin, Newton’s and Einstein are living proof that scientists can also be mystics and that a mystic does not have to be a person who functions through their feminine side only, and that scientists do not have to work exclusively with either the masculine or the feminine aspect of their nature. That no doubt is why the results of the work of the three above named ones could remain as influential as it is to this day. I believe that as earthlings none of us can become truly inspired until finally the masculine and feminine, higher and lower parts of our nature have been brought together and are functioning harmoniously and peacefully together as one, the way they do in our Creator.

Nothing truly worth having in the arts, sciences, mysticism and all other human fields of endeavour has ever been achieved on the Earth plane without someone’s sacrifices, hard work on many levels of their being, blood, sweat and tears, often literally and not just metaphorically speaking. When asked how he worked, Einstein replied: ‘I grope.’ On another occasion he confessed: ‘I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time, I am right.’ This is because after toiling for months and years on end and wrestling with a scientific problem, the same as in any other field of endeavour, the solution may come to us when we least expect it in a flash of inspiration that has its origin in the highest. Einstein, as well as Darwin and Newton, may have been spiritually sufficiently advanced to humbly accept that the touch of genius that crowned their work was not achieved by their earthly self, but that they were merely acting as channels through which the genius of the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the Highest levels of life could flow.

No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown. No sweet without sweat. Success never comes easily. There is no pleasure without pain or as the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once put it: ‘Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration!’ The manifold expressions of this rudimentary fact shows that once it was well known to everybody that before one could expect anything out of life, one had to have plenty of input into it. The Universal laws see to it that unless someone has sufficient positive input into it, that person has no right to expect a great deal out of it. Why is it that so many these days, especially among the young, do not seem to be aware that life is a gift from the Universe that owes us nothing and that we owe life everything?

Wise parents see to it that their offspring, when venturing forth into life on their own, are equipped with the knowledge of the Cosmic laws and that because of them:

•    Every right brings a duty in its wake.
•    We are responsible for ourselves and every one of our thoughts words and actions.
•    Every action causes a reaction.
•    What we send out into life sooner or later without fail finds its way back to us.

Such parents are among the awakened ones who know that there is a great deal more to humankind and our world than is commonly known to the mass of people thus far. They are happy enough to let those who do not yet know any better get on with following any kind of herd and allowing themselves to be led like sheep by whatever authority sets itself up to rule over them. In due course these inexperienced souls will also become aware of their true nature and then join the ever growing throng of those who are opening their whole being to the higher and highest creative forces of the Universe and Its intelligence.

This unfolding of our inner nature gradually enables us to act as channels. Since time immemorial the inspiration of the Divine has occasionally flown through souls who were more highly evolved than average. As we are moving inexorably forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, the wisdom of the Highest pours itself with increasing strength into us and our world. The ability to act as one of its channels cannot be developed by reading books. It makes no difference how many of them we study and/or how wise their contents are. The ability to be a channel can only be developed through constantly bringing forth, from within the very core of our own being, ever more of the characteristics of our own Christ nature. This is the only way it can support us in our search for a better understanding of God’s sacred knowledge. The ancients knew this as the fire of the Gods, which their messengers carried to the Earth plane, to be shared by everybody.

First in line of these legends is Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, the communication sign of the zodiac, and Virgo, the teaching and healing sign. Roman mythology presented Mercury as the fleet-footed messenger of the Gods. Many artworks depict Mercury as a young man who is wearing winged sandals or a winged cap. He holds a caduceus, a staff around which two snakes are winding themselves upwards and facing each other. Amongst many other things, it has always been Mercury’s task to steal the fire of the Gods. This symbolism has always tried to convey the message to our world that it is through the channel of the human earthly mind that Mercury in his capacity as God of communications brings the creative ideas, wisdom and knowledge from the highest levels of life, onto the Earth plane.

Mercury’s gifts have always come to humankind to help us make some kind of sense of our temporary existence and to lessen our struggle with it. The highest levels of life are constantly trying to help us find a better understanding of ourselves and our environment, so that the wounds that were of necessity inflicted upon ourselves and each other would heal again. That’s what the messenger of the Gods is doing, to this day! Who else could be writing this through me?

Recommended Readling:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Higher And The Lower Earthly Mind’
•    ‘The Higher And Lower Mind Explained By Astrology’
•    ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (13)

How About Stealing Someone’s Ideas?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  How About Stealing Someone's Ideas?Do you believe that ideas can be stolen? Yes, according to earthly laws this is possible and an offence, but not in relation to the laws of the Universe. Let me explain: Potentially, all of us are transmitter/receiver stations of the Highest intelligence and our earthly minds are its extensions and an integral part of it. The Father/Mother Creator’s consciousness is the source not only of spiritual ideas but also of all others. The fire of the Gods that were the main theme of many of the ancient legends of our world were one of its symbolisms.

The ideas that come to any one of us at any given moment are this fire and every last one of its sparks belongs to God and therefore to everybody. No idea could ever be only one person’s property, because they freely float in the etheric to be picked up by all who are ready to receive them. Esoteric cosmology recognises the etheric as a plane other than the physical one. It is perceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the physical aspect of life.

Now, if one of these days, I came across an idea that someone said they had written an article or a quote, maybe a book about some of the ideas that in the course of my development came through me, my first reaction would be: ‘Great that the ideas are spreading!’ If that person was seeking personal fame and fortune, I’d wish them well and be glad that the ideas would in this way be brought to the attention of a wider audience.  If this is what their Highest Self wants them to do, who would I be to argue with that? Whatever they are doing, it’s their Karma, so I’d wish them all the best.

Naturally, I am well aware of the fact that if we make use of any idea or a quotation to pass it off as our own, when it is not, in terms of copyright and legality this amounts to plagiarism or theft of intellectual property. As you know by now, I am not in pursuit of moneymaking, fame or glory. All I am interested in is the spiritual advancement of the human race and the wellbeing of our whole world. So, if someone tried to gain personal glory or credit from what they have ‘stolen’ from me, as far as I am concerned, the only problem – for them, not for me – I can see is the negative Karma they are creating for themselves by pretending they are something they are not.

The eternal light of the Christ Spirit, the Universal Christ, is ever the builder and constructor, as well as the re-constructor and healer of all life. The Divine chain of command that rules us and our world and everything it contains, as well as all others, is as follows. First in line are the Angels as representatives of the Great Mother’s wisdom and of the will and power of the Great Father. They are followed by the Masters and guides in the world of light. All of them are making extra special efforts at accompanying, guiding and protecting us during this difficult time of transition from one age into another. 

They are the envoys and heralds through which the Great Father/Mother’s wisdom and power flows into us. This continues until our whole being is filled with a confidence that rests safely in the knowledge that they are constantly with us and our world to minister to all and to support every small effort one of us makes, and that they will never leave us. Regardless of how insignificant we may think of our role in the healing of our world, all human souls at least potentially are instruments through which the Christ light is waiting to manifest itself and work. All of us who are here at this special time of transition have been granted the gift of another lifetime, so that in due course we can be used to serve the Highest in some way or another. Each one of us is of the greatest importance in this work.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Apples From My Tree’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (14)

On The Wings Of Love

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  On The Wings Of  Love

I believe that all ideas have their origin on the Highest level of life and that vast amounts of them are at any given moment floating on the etheric level of the great ocean of life. There they can be picked up free of charge at any given time by anyone who is ready to understand and receive them. When the time is right for certain ideas that can help us and our world forward on the evolutionary spiral of life, they are set afloat in the ocean from where after a while they make their appearance on the Earth plane through someone.

Apart from Mercury Pegasus is a metaphor for this creative process. Pegasus is a winged horse, a symbol of the writer’s imagination, as it rises above the clouds that surround the Earth, to fly among the stars. The blue part of the picture represents the Great ocean of life and the fish are the creative ideas that swim in it in great abundance. Having risen from the ocean, the fish ride on Pegasus’ back and in this way they are helping him to bring the ideas into expression, so that they can be understood and of use on the Earth plane where humankind dwells.

The story of Pegasus was a favourite theme in Greek art and literature. The young God was a jolly, kind and light-hearted creature, a sort of emissary between Earth and Olympus, who loved to frolic and skip around, sometimes in the heavenly fields but just as much in earthly life. Sometimes he was also depicted as skimming over the waters that had given birth to him. During a singing contest between the Pierises and the Muses, Mount Helicon swelled in pleasure.

The winged horse’s father was Poseidon, the Greek God of water and the sea. His Roman counterpart was Neptune. Poseidon was also considered to be the Lord or husband of the Earth. It was on his orders that one fine day Pegasus struck the mountain with his hooves and told it to return to its normal size. Helicon obeyed and oh wonder and miracle! A spring gushed forth from the spot where Pegasus had struck that to this day is known as the Hippocrene or Horse Spring. Its water was thought to have magic powers and that anyone who drank from it would be gifted with the art of poetry.

Nowadays the name Pegasus is used figuratively speaking for poetic genius. The winged horse is the symbol of the inspiration that can and does carry writers into the realms of the stars, i.e. to the Highest Star, where all creative ideas have their origin. The horse stands for the writer’s ability to lift themselves and their readers, with the help of their imagination, above the Earth plane.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Navigating  The Ocean Of Life’

 Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (15)

Christ, The Great Healer

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Christ, the Great Healer

The Christian legend to this day teaches that the Christ is a bearded young man by the name of Jesus who, clad in sandals and a flowing white robe once walked the Earth, radiating love and peace and working healing miracles in the lives of those he encountered. We have reached the evolutionary phase of  aspiring mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth when it dawns on us that the Christ never was an outside influence and force, and that the figure of the Master Jesus all along represented a metaphor for the Christ aspect of everybody’s own nature, which at least in seed form has from the moment of our creation existed in all human hearts and souls. There it waits for a very long time to come alive and begin to grow and expand through life’s experiences, until the Christ spirit eventually awakens and in the end takes over our whole being.

The second coming of the Christ has been promised of old, but only recently has it come clear how and when this event is going to take place. The spirit and light of the Universal Christ is presently waking up in ever more hearts and souls. This is the long awaited Great healer, saviour and redeemer of all our individual and collective sins. The Christ spirit potentially is the healer of every ill that may ever befall us in mind, body and soul. Its energies are capable of regenerating and healing every cell and atom of our whole being and it can be called upon to assist us with overcoming any kind of obstacle.

Love, compassion, kindness and simplicity are the Christ characteristics. They are going to be the solvents and destroyers of every last bit of the shadows of that which to this day is called evil in our world. In truth they are nothing but the lessons that are still required by our younger, less experienced siblings in the family of humankind.

The more experienced members of this clan by now have reached the point when they realise that our race’s earthly existence is too short for being anything but happy. And so they say to themselves: ‘Well, why not simply love the people who treat us right and pray for those who don’t?’ Having reached the age of wisdom, they have learnt to walk away from all amateur dramatics and to shun the people who create it. Increasingly, they feel a need to surround themselves with people who make them laugh and to help others to recognise that anything that is still considered to be bad and ugly on the Earth is merely waiting to be made beautiful, in the fullness of time.

Equipped with this understanding it is much easier to focus on the goodness of life, and to see that all mistake making and falling down has always been a necessary parts of our earthly sojourns. Getting up and walking forwards again means that we have understood the lesson the Universe was trying to teach us. This proves that we are ready to move on to the next, hopefully more enjoyable part of our earthly education.

And wherever the wind of change may yet wish to take you from now on, never blindly believe what anyone says or writes. Know that we all have our very own built-in finely tuned and highly reliable lie-detector that is specially designed to help us discriminate right from wrong and truths from untruths, and use this instrument to your heart’s content. When listening to and/or reading anything, pay attention to your intuitions that emerge through the world of your feelings. The wise one within speaks to all of us in this way. Only if your inner teacher or guru, the living God within, says: ‘This is right!’, then for you it is right, even though it may not be so for anybody else.

When working as a channel for the Divine, there is no need to make a big song and dance about it. Do not seek praise and don’t avoid blame. Just follow your inner guidance and keep on working for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, in keeping with its instructions. Even if someone planted us in the backwoods of some distant country and far removed from civilisation, our light would keep on shining so brightly that the Angels and the Masters of the world of light could not miss you. They know all of us and never leave anyone’s side, constantly on the alert and ready to support and guide us. As they are under instructions to stay in the background, that’s what they do until one of us calls for their assistance. That’s why they are aware of what each one of us is doing at any given time. They are the ones who decide which ones of people who quietly go their way and day by day give of their love with kindness, compassion, gentleness and in a peaceful manner, without expecting anything in return, are chosen for the higher and highest tasks.

These wise ones in charge of us notice when one of us even in their smallest endeavours makes God the full focal point of their attention, which quite naturally promotes the awakening of the highest aspects of our nature, the God part. Nothing in life matters as much as this, because only when the living God within us comes alive can it show us how to carry out our work on the Earth plane to the highest point of our abilities and consciousness. By reaching this our inner centre the negative things in our life right themselves on their own. The heart is God’s dwelling place in all of us and this is the place where the Christ Spirit has been waiting to be born and to grow and expand to its full power and love, wisdom, truth and knowledge. The infant Jesus in the manger is a symbol of this process.

The mark of true healers and lightbringers is the ability to reach out and call into action the blessing and healing power of the Highest on the Earth plane from within their own loving hearts. With this they are capable of touching the hearts and souls of all their siblings in the human family. Such people are easily recognised by the light that shines from their eyes and the vibrations that exude from their auras. Because they have become channels through which the light of the Christ Spirit flows into everything they touch, they require nothing else. This energy radiates from the healer’s heart into their eyes, voices and touch, and the blessing and healing power of the Christ works through them, just like it did in the Jesus legend, to comfort the sorrowful and heal the sick, and to bless and heal, save and redeem all of us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (16)

Putting Our World Right

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Putting Our World RightThere once was a very lively and intelligent little girl who showed an astonishingly early talent for geography. Could she have been a geographer in a previous lifetime? Who knows? One fine day, to keep her busy for an hour or two, her mother made her a jigsaw puzzle from a map of the world. To the mother’s surprise, after no more than a quarter of an hour the daughter presented her with the assembled map. The mother could hardly believe her eyes, so she asked the little girl: ‘How could you put the puzzle together so quickly? I don’t think I could have done that.’

‘Well, Mummy,’ replied the girl, ‘when you were cutting the map of the world into pieces I noticed that it had a picture of a little girl, just like me, on the other side. When I put all pieces of the girl together, the picture of the whole world came right. It was that simple.’

When someone succeeds in putting the pieces of the puzzle of their own life together, their perception of the world and their place in it changes. Everything begins to make sense and the complete picture of what life truly is about begins to reveal itself in all its beauty and splendour. We then slowly but surely become aware that our planet is a pleasant and agreeable, beautiful and wholesome place, after all.

As our comprehension of God’s nature and our own steadily grows, our consciousness expands and we start to see the whole picture. It then comes ever clearer in our minds that the many nasty things that to this day are happening in our world are necessary, because they represent vital lessons for us and our whole race, the settling of some people-s karmic debts, and the balancing of spiritual accounts.

This brings us the realisation that our world is a good place, after all and that we and everything else in it have always rested safely in the loving hands of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. It is then no longer difficult to grasp that our world and everything that is in it, including us, was indeed created by the ideas of the Great Father’s mind and brought into being through His will and power and the wisdom and love of the Great Mother. Isn’t it wonderful that none of the many misinterpretations the Divine wisdom had to endure in bygone ages could change one iota of its truth?

To sum things up, what applies for putting the fragments of the girls’ pictures together is valid for any one of us. As soon as we take possession of all aspects of our nature, so they can join forces and begin to work together, the spiritual background of life becomes visible. To our astonishment we then find that the picture of our world comes right and regardless of how much we may in the past have griped and groaned about the state of our world. Our perception corrects itself and we recognise that there is and never was anything wrong with Earth life and our planet’s most troublesome inhabitants, humankind. There no longer is any reason for doubting that all along we and our world have been resting safely in our Creator’s loving hands, cared for, guided and protected by the will of the Great Father and the wisdom and love of the Great Mother.

Ari Ziskind wrote: ‘Anyone who thinks they can solve the worlds problems is a fool.’ How right he was, for when it comes to putting our world in order there is nothing for it but turning to ourselves. The only way we can alter our world is through changing ourselves or rather our understanding of it. When this has happened, our picture comes right on its own. And because of our oneness on the inner level of life, what is done for one affects us all. The corollary of this is that when we change ourselves, our whole race and our world does the same.

In case you are now wondering why there is still so much ugliness in our world, I would say to you: ‘Try to imagine the frustration of the Great artist, our Creator, if the work was ever going to be finished because it had reached perfection. There would be nothing for Him/Her to do any more and that is unthinkable, as any creative artist is sure to confirm.  The wonder and magic of all evolution, as well as its original purpose, is that everything will always continue to grow, develop and move forwards, and that includes us and our world.’

Carrying the world on our shoulders was never meant to be humankind’s work but belongs to the one who created us and our world. Putting our inner house in order is all that is required from us. Once this has happened and the picture of our world has righted itself in our perception, we can see for ourselves that our Creator is fulfilling the job in hand exceedingly well. With the greatest of care and patience, wisdom and love all things come together at the right moment.

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (17)

Change Our World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Change The World

If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.

Sri Chinmoy

If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.

As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.

This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.


Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (18)

Greater Miracles You Shall See

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Greater Miracles You Shall See

Wise ones, who wish to be released from the duties of their earthly education, appreciate that it is essential to make every effort to grow spiritual wings and learn how to fly on them. This is no longer difficult with the help of the spiritual wisdom that is now flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. However, no-one can be discharged from the duties of earthly life until every last item of their Karmic debts has been paid. Part of this are the karmic, i.e. emotional ties each one of our relationships created in previous lifetimes. They need to be dissolved through a better understanding of ourselves and those around us, the purpose and higher meaning of everybody’s existence. Forgiveness is the natural result of this kind of knowledge.

Our spiritual ledgers in the great book of life has to be balanced and that can only be done when we willingly accept and deal with whatever it take to pay all our Karmic debts in full. Regardless of the fact that although many things in earthly life on the surface of things frequently appear as if the Universe were dealing us some kind of castigation or retribution. In truth, the underlying reason for everything that is happing here is invariably of quite a different kind. It takes place because of the law of Karma, which more than anything else is a law of opportunities that knows neither rewards nor punishments, merely consequences and reactions to all our actions.

We do well to remind ourselves frequently that the Universe loves us and that with the help and the will of God all things are possible, and that miracles and wonders can and do happen at every moment of every day. It’s just that sometimes we have to be willing to co-operate in practical and down-to-Earth ways, to help it along. When all is said and done, the law of Karma is part of the love of our Divine parents. It is the law of love and that knows nothing of punishment. All it does it does is teaching, so that we may grow in wisdom and understanding and our consciousness expands. For this reason each new lifetime brings for all of us many possibilities for resolving any outstanding issues we have brought with us from previous lifetimes, as well as for healing relationships, redeeming ourselves and making good the harm and suffering we once cause for ourselves and others.

These truly are the days of miracle and wonder because for quite some time a healing miracle of truly gigantic and Cosmic proportions has been unfolding in our world and that is the rebirth of humankind into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own. The closer we work together with God and the Angels, the easier it will be for them to work the many miracles and wonders that are necessary for the completion of this enterprise. To paraphrase the message the Universal Christ brought us through St. John 14:11-12:

‘Believe in the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter. We are one and everything in the whole of Creation is our work. Truly, truly I say to you: those who know that this is the truth shall do the same works as we are doing, or rather they will be done through them. And even greater than these things each one of you in the fullness of time will do, because you are part of us and we are part of you. All of you are expected to make their contribution to this the grandest spectacle of all times and whatever any one of you asks in our name from a sincere and loving heart, it shall be done.’

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    I Believe In Miracles
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (19)

Living In More Peaceful Ways

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Living In More Peaceful WaysBecause on the inner level of life all is one, anything that happens in the whole of Creation has an affect on everything else. As a result, when we are healing the whole of Creation heals with us and slowly begins to recover from the stresses and strains our race with its presence in a far distant corner of the Universe has inflicted upon the rest of life. The lesson of patriarchy with is dominion-seeking and warmongering has had a disturbing influence on the rest of life. Slowly but surely, this part of our race’s earthly education is drawing to its natural conclusion.

Every small step each one of us takes to conduct their lives in more peaceful ways is another step forward on the individual and collective healing journey of our world. It brings all of us that bit closer to our new and peaceful world where hunger and pain, suffering and wars are no longer known and we live together in harmony and peace. Even the tiniest effort any one of us makes in this direction is noticed, valuable and treasured by those in charge of us. At all times, the Angels and Masters are by our sides in total and unconditional love, ever ready to assist those who are in danger of giving up in despair and falling by the wayside. They are the ones who ensure that no soul will forever be lost in the snares and traps of the illusion that is their present physical existence or left behind anywhere without their support. Every aspect of life is taken care of by these wise ones with the greatest diligence and love.

I would like to share with you the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of guides from one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts on 19th May 2014:

‘It may seem to you that the great truths of the Universe have no relevance to your daily encounters and experiences. You will find that your consciousness expands when you focus your attention on the wider perspective of eternal wisdom and truth, instead of on the obstacles of your earthly existence. You then begin to realise how very small  the problems of your earthly existence truly are, even those that at times seem to threaten to overwhelm and destroy you.

‘When you reflect on the evolutionary journey your spirit and soul have travelled down the ages, your mind begins to understand the grandeur of life and gets a better perception of its past, present and future. With time this helps you to become more tranquil and placid, joyous and humorous, about some of the only apparently overpowering difficulties you still have to encounter in the course of paying your karmic debts and balancing your spiritual bankbook. Your faith and trust in the basic goodness of life increases steadily through the knowledge that God and the Angels never leave you and are constantly with you. Call upon us, so that we can show you that it is true that we can be approached any time of day or night to show you ways of solving even the knottiest problems and issues that are still demanding your attention.

‘Do not think that we, your guides and helpers in the world of light, together with the Angels and Masters in charge of us, fail to understand how important your human problems are. We appreciate that to you they weigh just as heavily as for example the birth of a new civilisation would. Never forget that even civilisations are born, exist and play their part in the grand scheme of life and then pass away, so that a new civilisation can be born, one that will be more grandiose and beautiful than any of those that came before it. Never mind civilisations, whole worlds and Universes with all their inhabitants have come and gone in the long evolutionary history of God’s Creation, and kept safe by us. Such cycles will forever continue, because one gigantic Cosmic breathing in and out follows the other in an orderly fashion. That, dear Friends, is what evolution is about.’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (20)

Letting Go Of The Old

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Letting Go Of The OldAs children of the Great Father/Mother, everybody has the same rights and duties. Knowing that our Creator loves us just the way we are, why then do we find it so difficult to do the same for ourselves and those around us? Because we are in this life to grow in wisdom and understanding, of course we are allowed to make mistakes. How else could we learn anything? The wise ones on the Highest levels of life enjoy with us every bit of learning that is gained and every modicum of progress any one of us makes. When we repent and show our willingness to learn from the error of our ways, we shall always be forgiven.

Only a fool, or rather someone who is ignorant of life’s true purpose, believes that in earthly life we can ‘get away with’ things. Because God is as much part of us as we are of God, and the wise ones in charge of us in the background of our earthly existence are constantly with us and observing us, no-one ever gets away with anything and we are never alone. When the last one of us has grasped and accepted this and of their own free will changes into a responsible child of God, violence and crime will disappear forever from our world and genuine and lasting peace will rule supreme. No matter how long this development may take, every human being in the end reaches this advanced evolutionary state.

When the right moment has come for one of us, we awaken from our spiritual slumber and begin to become aware of why we are in this life and what it is all about. To our astonishment we then discover that the world around us is in truth a mirror of ourselves. It reveals to us that whatever we do not like about ourselves, we can change, and that the things we dislike in others are also in us, mirroring back to us our hidden unconscious self. We cannot transform other people – they alone can do that. But, we surely can change ourselves.

The time has come for realising that it makes no difference how old our physical body is. As far as our evolution is concerned, the only thing of importance is the age of our soul. And whenever some new knowledge comes our way, the only thing that does matter is how we react to it and what we do with it. The maturity of our soul shows itself in the way we use it, either for the furtherance of our own interests, for selfish ends and material gain, or seeking to apply it for the good of others, without looking for rewards. When giving to and working for others, there never is any need to ask for something in return. For as long our efforts are for the wellbeing of humankind and carried out unselfishly, the Universal laws see to it that blessings of many kinds quite magically start to flow into our life.

As pioneers of the New Golden Age we have every right to courageously look forward into the sparkling future that awaits us and our world in the Aquarian Age. This world cannot come into being for as long as too many of us insist on clinging to long outdated beliefs and the thoughts and behaviour patterns that are based on them. To achieve the progress that potentially is every human being’s birthright, it is necessary to let go of many of the old teachings and open ourselves to the wisdom that is coming our way through new interpretations and the understanding they are bringing.

Repeating parrot-fashion, whether something makes sense to us or not, has been the way of the past. The kind of belief this produces is good enough for those who are presently taking part in the experiences of spiritual infancy and childhood, but it is no longer satisfactory when we have evolved into spiritual adulthood. Continuing to use some of the old teachings, i.e. the ones that contain a higher esoteric meaning, makes a great deal of sense once we have become a budding mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. Our task then is picking the best of the old teachings and discarding that which no longer is of any use or value to us and our world. At that stage our main aim is helping others to peer beyond the ends of their noses into the higher and highest realities of life, so that their faith and trust in the basic goodness of life can be restored, the same as ours.

The very reason that we have been granted the gift of another lifetime at this particular time is that the Highest expects all of us to add the learning and insights we are gaining from the experiences of our own pathway through life to the knowledge that is already available and the parts that have remained valid to this day. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, who communicate with us through our inner guidance. That’s how all together we are already in the process of baking a rich new cake from the raisins, the golden nuggets of truth, we are picking from the old religions and belief systems of our world and are adding to them the new and exciting discoveries we are now allowed access to.

Never forget that the law of life is love. In us and our world God’s love finds its most beautiful expression whenever someone is bringing forth the best that is within them, without expecting and asking for anything in return. This kind of love reaches out to all our siblings in the great family of humankind, whether or not they are known to us or as yet in harmony with our beliefs.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age Of Plenty’
•    ‘Baking A Rich New Cake’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (21)

What’s In It For Me?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - What's In It For Me?

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in my name and because you believe
Others will know of my true nature and their own, too.

From a Carol Owen hymn
Adapted by Aquarius

I believe that all ideas belong to the Highest levels of life where they have their origin. They come to us as gifts and although according to Earth laws any present becomes the property of the person it is given to, this is not the case with God’s sacred wisdom and truth. Depending on the evolutionary level our race has reached at any given time, new ideas and concepts are introduced and freely released into our collective consciousness by the wise ones in charge of us, so that all may benefit from them. Because these beings accompany each one of us at all times, they know exactly what we as individuals and the collective consciousness of our world are ready for. They have the power to decide what should be given and when, and they know who is ready to receive their ideas.

The way we approach what we have found reveals to the wise ones our degree of spiritual awareness and understanding. All of us on the Earth plane are constantly presented with choices and everything that ever happens is a test for someone somewhere. For those who have woken up to their true nature and relationship with God, this experience tests their integrity and loyalty, trustworthiness and commitment to the pathway they have chosen.

Throughout the ages ideas have been presented to humankind by the highest levels of life to provide us with a greater understanding of God’s wisdom and truth. In the days of yore this had to happen in a manner that could easily be grasped by the mass of people for whom they were intended. This is how the many legends came into being that to this day abound in our world, and it is not surprising that to this day they can convey some kind of a message that helps us to find a better understanding of some part of ourselves and our world. This is what the old stories did when they first came into being, during the frequent times when you and I walked the Earth as our own ancestors, in earlier lifetimes.

All of these things are the reason why I believe that ideas, especially spiritual ones, belong to none of us and most certainly not to one single person who is picking some of them up and making use of them. And that is the reason why, ever since the beginning of my astrological/spiritual writings, I have given every bit of my work away free of charge. This is did in spite of the fact that none of the things I have just written about intuitively were known to me when on an impulse about thirty years ago, I decided to give every bit of my work away. I did it because it felt like the right thing to do and not because I did not appreciate my own efforts. On the contrary, I value them so highly that it feels wrong to exchange something so precious and holy for money. But then, quite naturally from time to time someone asks me: ‘Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you?’

To explain this, I have to reach out a bit further. There comes a time in everybody’s life when it begins to dawn on one’s earthly self in brief moments of sudden overwhelming realisation that God’s life and love are not just a beautiful story, but that they are very real and that this is where the true reality of all life lies and unfolds. From then onwards God’s wisdom, love and light gradually start to fill all parts of our being and every one of our gifts is enhanced by this inflow of the blessing and healing magic of the Divine fire and creative power. By that time the lower self finally grasps that it has a task to fulfil on the Earth plane and a special calling to follow. Realising the wonders of the rewards, it surrenders itself willingly unto the Highest, the Universal Christ, who is as much part of us as everybody else. That’s what once happened to me.

And having worked as a pioneer of the Aquarian age for such a long time, now enables me to tell you first hand about the highest potential of this pathway:

•    Being able to help someone make peace with God and themselves and their predestined pathway through life.

•    A constantly growing understanding of God’s true nature and our own resulting in enormous soul growth and expansion of consciousness.

•    Redemption of Karmic obligations. Where we have taken in other lifetimes, by giving wholeheartedly in this one we restore the balance of our spiritual ledger in the great bankbook of life. 

•    Being in possession of precious gifts that can be shared with anyone who is in need of them and help those around us to see their way forward for themselves and our world more clearly.

•    Doing our share of moving our world upwards and onwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

•    If we get our act together and do things the right way, that is in accordance with the Universal laws, we shall require no further lifetimes on the Earth plane and will be allowed to move on to taking part in and studying on ever higher levels of life.

What more could anyone wish for? As a friend of mine likes to say: ‘Do you want jam on it?’

On the spiritual pathway we are not to swallow any kind of knowledge that comes our way as a whole and follow it blindly. No progress has ever been made in this manner. Most essential for us is the development of the art of discernment, as this enables us to sort the wheat from the chaff, i.e. that which needs to go from the parts that remain valid. To this residue each one of us is expected to add their own insights and understanding. And that is the only way any one of us can grow into a true and trustworthy wayfinder for those who walk behind us. In due course, these newcomers too will be required to add their contributions to the material gathered by all those who trod the path before them.

As pioneers we break virgin ground happily and courageously stride out where no-one has trodden before us. We do this because we know that this alone can move us and our world forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into the long promised bright and sparkling future of the New Golden Age that awaits us and our world in the Aquarian Age. Firmly believing in our new world and in our imagination frequently reflecting on it, is a valid contribution towards bringing it into being and making it a reality on the Earth.

Therefore, whenever you reflect on the present state of our world, refuse to pay unnecessary attention to the confusion, hatred, resentment, sorrows and suffering that are still very much in evidence in so many parts of it. All of that has to and will run its course. There is no room for sadness when one knows and accepts that the Universal laws are God’s laws and therefore so fair and just, perfect and true that it is hard for human minds to comprehend. In spite of this, at times I cannot help tears coming to my eyes over the lack of understanding of some of my siblings in the great family of humankind and the suffering their ignorance is causing for themselves and others.

However, I do believe that God’s laws exist and that they are working throughout life. And so I comfort myself that in due course my younger sisters and brothers will also re-awaken to their true nature, the same as you and I once did. They too will then understand and when they ask their inner guidance whether there is such a thing as God’s laws, their small still voice of conscience from deep within them will tell them through the world of their feelings: ‘They are the only thing that really makes sense. Yes, that’s how life works.’ They will be at peace because they know that they have found God’s truth.

The more we endeavour to speak the language of love and compassion and act upon it, making these qualities our only motivation, the better God’s laws will be able to work throughout the whole of whole world, until every crooked corner has finally been made straight. The more we share our beliefs and spread the word of the Universal laws, the more people will choose to follow our example and conduct their lives by them and the sooner and easier our world of peace and harmony will come into being.

When you share your understanding of these things with others, there is no need for proselytising or even mentioning the word ‘God’, as some people have become allergic to that word. Instead, quietly explain the existence of the Universal laws and how they are at work in everybody’s life. Tell them that in your view this is not a matter of belief but a fact, and that because of these laws whatever suffering we inflict upon any part of our world, not merely humankind, has to return to us in some way, if not in this lifetime then in another. In the hope that they might wish to follow your example and do the same, add that’s why you would no longer dream of causing harm to anyone or anything. Do your best to sow this seed whenever a possibility for it arises and rest assured that God and the Angels will do the rest. At all times they are watching and standing by each one of us and at the right moment they are sure to guide the recipient of our learning into getting to know the true purpose of their own life and the meaning of God.

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (22)

On Giving – The Prophet

Rays of Wisdom - A Celebration Of Kahlil Gibran - On Giving

You give but little when you give of your worldly possessions.
Only when you freely give of yourself, your gifts, time and resources
And with love in your heart, do you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things for keeping and guarding
Out of fear that you may need them sometime.
But what will that bring to an over-prudent dog
Who buries a bone in the trackless sand of the desert,
As it follows a pilgrim on their journey to a holy place?
Isn’t the fear of need a need in itself and
Isn’t the dread of thirst, even though your well is full,
Part of a higher thirst that cannot be quenched by water?

There are those who seek recognition,
Even when they only give little of the abundance
The Universe in its kindness has bestowed upon them.
Their hidden desire makes any gifts they have unwholesome.
But there are also others who have very little and
In spite of this don’t hesitate to give all they have got.
They are the believers in life and its bounty
And life itself sees to it that their coffers will never be empty.

Next there are those who give with joy,
And the happiness they feel is their reward.
Giving to these people is as natural as the apple tree
In your garden shedding its ripened fruits,
So that all can partake in it, down to the smallest
And least significant creatures of the Earth,
As all have the same right to share this life with us
And to be nourished and fed.

On the other hand there are those to whom giving is painful,
And the pain they feel is part of their Earth baptism and initiation.
Others just give and their giving causes them no pain.
They neither seek joy nor do they claim to be virtuous.
They are giving because it feels like the right thing for them to do.
Such souls give as the flowers breathe their fragrance into space.
Through their hearts and hands God,
The Great Father/Mother of all life speaks.
And from behind their eyes S/He smiles upon Mother Earth,
To bless and heal all her children.

Giving when asked is good,
But it is better by far to do so unasked,
Because you feel and understand the need of another.
To such open-handed ones the search for those
Who are ready to receive their gifts represents a happiness and a joy
That is something much greater than mere giving.

Is there anything in your life that you would like to keep to yourself?
Your spirit and soul are the only possessions that forever will be yours.
All others will one of these days be given to someone else.
Therefore give now, so that the joy of giving may be yours
And not belong to those who follow behind.

Forget about saying: ‘I would give, but only to the deserving.’
The trees in your orchard never say this,
Neither do the flocks in your pasture.
They give of themselves because that is their life’s purpose.
Withholding their abundance for them is unthinkable.
Anyone who is worthy of receiving the gift
Of another lifetime on the Earth plane
Is your sister or brother and therefore worthy of
Anything you can share with them.
 And all who are allowed to drink from the great river of life,
Surely deserve to refresh themselves and fill their cups
From your stream of consciousness.

Could there be a greater desert than doing nothing but receiving?
And who would you be that people should bare their souls before you,
So that you may see their worth naked and their pride damaged?
Make sure that you yourself become a deserving giver
And a worthy instrument through whom God’s gifts can be presented,
For in truth it is always life itself that gives to another part of life,
While the giver is nothing but a channel and a witness.

All of you are receivers, so assume no weight of gratitude,
Lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon the Great One
Who presents His/Her gifts through you.
Together with this giver rise on the wings of the gifts
That in this way come to our world.
And forever be mindful of your debt of gratitude for the generosity
Of your kind and loving mother, the Earth.
Never forget that she is a spiritual and physical manifestation
Of the Great Mother of all life, the Goddess,
And Her loving partner, God, the father,
Who not only dwells in Heaven, the highest levels of life,
But also on the Earth, with Her and at one with Her.

Both are as much alive in minutest creatures of the Earth,
The same as they are in you and me.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (23)

The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow

  Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Pot Of Gold At The End Of The Rainbow

The beginning of the journey into mysticism for all souls is a slowly growing awareness that  God is in all things and everything is in God, that the same is true for us and that this is the reason for the saying ‘as above, so below’. The next step is the discovery that our God is one of duality and forces which are in polar opposition to each other, that nothing is out of the reach or beyond the will of God, and that therefore our God not only in beauty, love and truth but also in everything else. The start of our present voyage of exploration signals the end of our training as an apprentice God on the Earth plane, which at that point comes within our reach.

Having waded sufficiently through the depths of the experiences of physical existences, each one of us eventually reaches the part of our education where we are ready to go in search of our own understanding of God’s wisdom and truth. Because of this there comes a time when we begin to feel an increasing urge to leave book-learning behind and go in pursuit of a deeper comprehension of life that has grown organically in our own heart and soul from the learning we have gained thus far. The hear-say of myths, legends and stories with second hand knowledge then no longer satisfies our spirit and soul’s spiritual hunger and thirst. Nothing will do for us but going on a quest for our own version of God’s truth.

Aware that all ways lead to the One, we trustingly put our small hands into those of God and the Angels and venture forward. Under their guidance and protection we are ready to scale the heights of the spiritual mountain. As constantly practising the best of our Creator’s characteristics until they have become our own is the best way of making progress on the spiritual pathway, we give of our best and pursue only that which comes across to us as beautiful, loving, good, true and right. But even that is only acceptable to us if our inner guidance confirms that this is so. There are many wolves in sheep’s closing in our world and on the road up the spiritual mountain, so beware. Every human soul on this highway, the same as on any other, can be likened to a many-faceted jewel. Each one of us travels on a somewhat different ray and all colours of the rainbow are contained in the radiance of the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star, the true light of God.

This is the light that shines at the top of the mountain where all spiritual pathways meet and become one. It reflects itself in the droplets of moisture from the tears of our world, which creates a shimmering rainbow of healing and peace for us and our world and all worlds. The pot of gold at the end of this rainbow can and is meant to be discovered by anyone who goes in search of their own understanding of God’s wisdom and truth that leads to the healing of every part of their being and peace, not from book-learning but by listening to our own hearts. All form, colour, sound and vibration contains the white magic of God’s healing rays and are components of God’s radiant symphony of life, in which every one of God’s creatures is producing their own unique and inimitable sound and vibration.  

A member of one of the higher ranks in the Angelic hierarchy is the guardian at the head of each colour of the rainbow. Every one represents a different healing ray and all of them together shine in a focused and concentrated manner down to the Earth and all its inhabitants through the light of our Sun in the sky above us. From the Archangels down to the smallest nature spirits, the whole of Creation – including our world – is filled with life that is invisible to earthly eyes. And just imagine each one of us is an integral part of this beauty and wonder! How much we have to look forward to when our spiritual vision has opened up and we can actually see them.

All the more reason for refusing to follow the drives and urges of our small earthly self and pursuing the hopes and aspirations of our Christ nature instead, until it finally takes over our whole being. Every soul at the end of its earthly education has to take part in this initiation and the legendary death of Jesus on the cross is its symbolism. The process of the earthly self breathing its last can take up the whole of our present lifetime. That’s what it’s doing with me and each time the going gets particularly tough, I comfort myself with the thought that the beginning of our journey into mysticism heralds the end of the odyssey of our earthly schooling. And that is the pot of gold all God’s children of the Earth have always been seeking, in spite of the fact that for a long time this happens unconsciously.

As everybody’s perception and understanding of life varies at least slightly from anyone else’s, in the realm of mysticism it is necessary to be generous and in no way dogmatic about our observations, insights and ideas. If not, we could be in danger of diverting God’s truth and keeping our siblings in the human family away from discovering their own truth. The spiritual pathway comprises all aspects of life and it is quite possible that the truth any one of us is seeking lies hidden behind the surface words we use for a better understanding of the concepts that attracted our attention in the first place.

On the pathway of spiritual development and service, faith is the one quality we constantly need to strengthen, as tests and trials are sure to come our way that make us feel as if everybody had deserted us. At such times, more than ever before, we  need to keep walking forwards no matter how difficult the things we have to face may turn out to be. If we but trust that all will be well in the end with us and our world, if we but hold onto our faith that everything rests safely in the loving hands of our Divine Father/Mother, their only born Son and the Angels, everything is sure to turn out all right. The ability to trust that indeed we are walking hand in hand with the Angels, although we may still be unable to actually see them, is the Star that steers the boat of our life safely through the valley of the shadows into the radiance of God’s light.

When all is said and done, what is faith but an inner knowingness that things will always work out for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, in accordance with the Great Father/Mother’s will and wishes? Developing such a deep faith that nothing can shake it any more, that’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow which is every soul’s birthright to find.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (24)

The Mystic And Finder

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Mystic And FinderThe Christian teachings tell us in St. Matthew 7:7-8: ‘Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you. For whoever asks receives and those who seek find and unto those who knock the door is opened.’ I used to be a mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. I knocked at my inner door in search of new understanding. To my amazement I found it, though not in any publication, vast or small, ancient or new, but in my own heart. Now that I have gained access to some of God’s wisdom, I know that the only one who has true power in the whole of Creation is the presence of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, known as God. This God is with me at all times and my whole being rests in His/Her loving arms.

Having waded through the darkness of my ignorance of God’s true nature and my own in past ages, I now realise that God is in everything and does not only mean perfect good. I am aware that sickness, troubles, accidents, temptations and death have been necessary parts of my earthly education of previous lifetimes. In this one striving to bring forth God’s goodness from within in every part of my being is my highest aspiration. I understand that because my true nature is love, there was no other way of teaching me the polar opposite of perfect good other than through experiencing the downside of life through experiencing it on the Earth plane. But the wisdom of the Great Mother designed this course of action so that at the end of it, I would find my way back home into the conscious awareness of my oneness with Her. And this is now beginning to happen for ever more of us, not only me.

In the course of many lifetimes on the Earth I have learned that the law of life is love and that every mishap that ever befell me has been part of my learning curve and was created by my own thinking and behaviour patterns. I accept that for educational reasons I had to remain ignorant of God’s Universal laws for a very long time. As a result of this I unwittingly worked against these laws, which created huge amounts of negative Karma. Every bit of it eventually had to be made good by me. I count my blessings that I have become aware that whatever I send out into the world, because of God’s laws can do nothing but return to me with ever increasing force. As good do the same, I now follow my highest aspirations only and leave the rest to those who do not yet know any better. At all times I give of the best that is in me, so that as soon as I have redeemed my negative Karma, only good things can come my way.

It was for these reasons that in lifetimes and ages gone by, the same inner well of my being had to produce sweet and bitter waters. Knowing that all of it was designed by the wisdom and love of the Great Mother of all life, to teach me how to recognise and differentiate between good and evil, right and wrong, I thankfully accept everything that comes as a necessary part of my curriculum. Knowing that there is only one way of growing ever more God-like, so that I can once again be consciously at one with Him/Her, makes changing my thinking and behaviour patterns much easier. And when at the end of each day, I reflect on God, my loving thoughts lift me up the spiritual mountain to the apex where God, my true and deeply loved Lord/Lady, resides.

As a spark of the Divine Spirit, I am a beloved child of God. I am God and my whole being dwells in this consciousness. My whole being is filled with love and with this the last remnants of my fears are dissolving. The peace of God is with me ever more fills and I no longer have any doubts that all is well with my loved ones, my world and also with me. I have no need to be afraid of people, things or circumstances. I do not fear any part of myself, for God is part of me and shows me how to transmute the drives and urges of my lower self into the highest qualities of my own Christ nature. Being aware that God is as much part of me as I am part of God, I constantly dwell in the presence of God and I feel protected by His/Her love and safe, so that fears can no longer touch me.

As my God Self guides and protects me from my own innermost being and shows me the way in all situations, I have no need for being anxious about past, present or future. As an eternal and immortal being, there is no death for me, merely transformations into different life-states where God will forever be my dwelling place. And underneath me there will always be the ever-lasting arms of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother Creator of all life, to keep me safe. Nothing can ever touch me except God’s direct action, and like me God is love.

And so, I freely and willingly forgive all those who ever hurt or harmed me. And I forgive myself for any suffering I caused to anyone in my ignorance of my true nature and the Universal laws. Everything that once was between us is herewith forgiven and forgotten, and we set each other free. My Christ Spirit helps me to uplift and transmute any residue of resentment and bitterness that my soul still feels into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life. This frees me from the chains and shackles of all the difficult relationships of past lifetimes.

I know that God is in everything and even the tiniest fraction of life contains God. Therefore, wherever I am, that is my church. Aware of my own Christ nature, Divinity and origin – as well as everybody else’s – I no longer have any need for organised religions with their insistence on dogma and creed. I am free to believe what the wise one within me tells me is true and right for me, now. God is truth and so am I and with every one of my thoughts, words and actions I express my truth. Whatever I send out into the Universe manifests nothing but my honesty and my truth. God’s love is tolerant and I have no difficulties accepting that other people’s truth may be somewhat different. And I send my loving thoughts and prayers of healing and peace to the whole of God’s Creation, to Mother Earth’s animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, as well as to every man, woman and child in her loving embrace without exceptions, for all are God’s beloved children of the Earth.

Because on the inner level all life is one, my special attention is devoted to transmitting love and light to anyone who is still wrestling with the experiences of getting to know humankind’s lower nature and their own. No matter how hard to accept this concept may be to some of my fellow citizens, that is nonetheless what my inner guidance tells me is the truth. I act upon this knowledge by praying that the light of Divine wisdom and truth may fill the hearts and souls of all my younger siblings in the human family and that they too may re-awaken to the knowledge of their true nature and oneness with all life. 

God is infinite wisdom and love and day by day every part of me is growing ever more god-like. God’s wisdom guides me from the innermost core of my own being and provides me with the answers to any question I shall ever care to ask. My Christ or God Self transmits the replies to me through the world of my feelings. Whenever I make a mistake, It shows me how I can learn from it, so I can do better next time and move on to another lesson. In all my endeavours its wisdom is the light that shows me the way.

God is the Universal Force that supplies me with all my resources. My true needs have always been met by this force and forever will be. I shall want for nothing. God created me and sustains me. And I trust implicitly that everything that ever happened in my life and that of our whole world, that which is now and the things that will be in the future are written in the great book of life by Divine wisdom and love, who is the eternal provider for everybody’s needs.

God and I are one. In heart and mind, body, spirit and soul we dwell as one and are inseparable. The light and warmth of the Divine fills my heart and soul and deeply penetrates every cell and atom of my whole being, and they are healing and restoring themselves to normal healthy functioning, now. I am a spark of the Divine, a beloved Child of the Universe. The Christ Spirit is coming ever more alive in me and forever I shall dwell in my Creator’s presence. As my Christ nature saves and redeems me, the old prophecy of the coming of a saviour and redeemer for me and my world if fulfilling itself, for what is done for one is done for all. And I give thanks and praise to You, Great White Spirit, for helping us and our world to re-establish harmony within and without, and through this gradually bringing peace and healing to every one of us.

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (25)

Building Our New World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Building Our New World

Ever more of us by now are aware that everything in our outer world is a reflection of the inner level of life, and that nothing can happen on the outer plane, unless it has first manifested itself on the inner one. The way we think makes us what we are and that is how, in the course of many lifetimes, we developed into the person we presently are. That’s the fashion in which each one of us has created their own inner world, where every one of our thoughts, words and actions have their origin. And each time one of us withdraws from earthly life and moves into dreamtime, we rise – if only a small distance – away from our physical bodies and enter into the realm of thought of the higher world.

Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It is the seed and first impulse of all actions. At the time of our departure from our existence in physicality, when our spirit and soul leave the vehicle of their most recent lifetime behind, we move onto the inner level of life, which we ourselves have created with our thinking patterns. And if I wish to find in our other world a kind of Heaven that is beautiful and peaceful, whilst still taking part in earthly experiences I need to employ my thoughts for creating the environment of my dreams, where not only my own soul but everybody’s can find rest and healing.

That’s why in my meditations and quiet times of reflection, hand in hand with my Highest Self, I am busily building the new world I have been dreaming of for such a long time. I start with: ‘O Holy Trinity, Great Spirit, Father/Mother and Christ and the Angels, my will is Thy will and Thy will is mine. May Thy sacred words and prayers also be mine, so that everything unfolds in compliance with Thy will and wishes for the highest good and the greatest joy of all life.’ Then I conjure up in my creative imagination a gathering of people on a vast and open plane. Angels are standing close by to observe the proceedings, to guide and protect and lend a helping hand, should the need for it arise and when asked for assistance.

Suddenly I see soldiers in the apparel of both sides of the conflicts, carrying rifles in their hands, burst from the surrounding shrubbery. Having risen from their spiritual slumbers in a flash of inspiration, they recognise that what the politicians and leaders of their countries have been trying to do to them amounts to nothing less than slaughtering their siblings in the family of humankind. They have begun to ask themselves some searching questions and come to the decision that no course of action is possible for them now other than refusing to continue to act as hired killers and murderers, paid for by their countries.

I become aware of them remonstrating with themselves and saying things like: ‘What am I doing here and what kind of Karma am I creating for myself? And what sort of a legacy am I leaving behind for myself and our world, for times to come when in another lifetime I return to Earth life as my own descendant? I must have been mad to agree to coming here and taking part in yet another one of the senseless wars of our world. Being unaware of the Universal laws, my Karma up to now is bad enough. Making it good will take a long time. Anyway, ignorance of the existence of the laws never did protect any human soul against their working in our lives through presenting us with the consequences of past actions, either in the same lifetime or later ones. Having woken up to my true nature, I want to do better. I cannot, I will not continue with my present way of life.’

With expressions of disgust on their faces one by one the soldiers step forward and hurl all their equipment onto a pile that is growing bigger by the moment. When no more soldiers arrive, one of the Angels steps forward and sets fire to the mountain of armoury, which instantly turns into a bonfire whose flames are soon rising into the Heavens. Angels and people are holding hands and begin to dance and sing praise and glory to the Highest.

Meanwhile fighter planes are landing nearby. Climbing from them are their pilots, who run to the bomb discharge hatches, open them and drag bomb after bomb onto the ground. Strong looking men step forward and help the pilots to carry the missiles to a place nearby where others are waiting to defuse them. All remaining metal is gathered together and taken for recycling to a place where it is melted down. That which is left in the end is destined to be used for the building of bridges between countries and their inhabitants.

Women, men and children from all nations are gathering and reaching out for each other, holding hands and hugging each other. The pilots join them and all together the people form a circle and start to celebrate not only the things everybody has in common, but also our differentnesses, the things that in the days of our ignorance used to separate us from each other. Someone shouts: ‘Vive la différence!’ and the crowd echoes: ‘Vive la différence!’

An Angel explained to me that all of these things could only happen because ever more people in the outer world were praying that the light of God’s wisdom and truth should illuminate the hearts and souls of those involved in the conflicts of our world, to help them to wake up into the realisation of their true nature. The more of us unite in a certain purpose of prayer, without any selfish desires and with nothing but love filling our hearts, the more powerful a wave of love rises from there into the Heavens. The more we offer a united front with our pleas to the Highest, the greater our yearning for peace and healing for all parts of our world, the more powerful Its response will be.

‘One candle can light thousands of others,
without its own life getting shorter.
Happiness and light never decrease through sharing,
they only increase.’

The Buddha

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Sowing The Wind’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (26)

Past, Present And Future

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Past, Present And Future

Someone asked me the other day whether I believe that our subconscious can know the future in the same way as it may reveal the past to us – in meditation, if this is desirable for our present stage of development. I do not think it would be good for us to know too much of either the future or the past. In my view, the veil of consciousness is there for our protection. If we had to live with the conscious memories of everything that ever happened to us – not in one lifetime or maybe two or three, but thousands – if we knew all the things we once were capable of doing, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves. I believe that we are here at this particular time, so that we may re-learn to trust the goodness of life and that it will forever lead us to where we need to move next for our highest good and greatest joy.

To my mind, we are not meant to know the future, for if we did it would be available and easily accessible to us, which it is not – undoubtedly for wise reasons. And I for one am glad about this. What would happen to the thrill and excitement of the explorations that are always waiting for us, to lead us onwards and upwards on the spiritual mountain with ever more new discoveries? What would be the point of knowing their outcome in advance? That’s why I am no friend of using astrology as a tool for predicting the future. I am satisfied with familiarising myself with the energies that are at our disposal at any given time, personally and collectively, and the general trends they bring with it. This to me is helpful when it comes to paddling the canoe of my life on the great river of all life, steering it through the rapids and down the waterfalls.

In this way astrology is useful for assisting us with the process of learning how to work in harmony with the Universal energies, instead of struggling against them, the way our race has been doing for far too long. Being aware of the Big Picture and knowing the broadest of outlines of humankind’s future is enough for me and I look forward with the keenest of interest to what lies ahead for all of us and also for me individually, and how everything will unfold. But while we are here, let us focus on helping Mother Earth in any way we can with her evolution.

It needs to be born in mind that many small people, in many small places, doing many small things can change our world. In my view, the best contribution anyone can make is by living modestly, refusing to over-consume and recycling whenever possible. This has to be done freely and willingly and not because someone – no matter who – says that’s what we should or ought to do. The only spiritually valid way of deciding for any course of action at any given time is when our inner guidance tells us that something is right for us now. In this particular case that the way we are living is out of love and respect for our planet.

Doing all we can to work for instead of against the wellbeing of Mother Earth and thus providing a good example for those around us is one of the main reasons for finding ourselves in this life at this time of transformation and healing. Don’t you think our poor planet has had to put up far too long with our race and the suffering you and I too once must have inflicted upon her and all her kingdoms – the way so many are doing to this day because they have not yet woken up to their true nature and the purpose and meaning of their earthly existence?

Every cell and atom of our physical bodies are filled with the consciousness their indwelling spirit and soul have reached at any given moment. At the end of each lifetime we leave this vehicle for one lifetime only behind. The essence of our being moves on into the world of light, our true home from which we emerge at the beginning of every earthly sojourn. The cells and atoms of our physical boy are filled with the consciousness our earthly self had reached at the time of its departure. This is our gift to the Earth. It belongs to her and stays with her, irrespective of whether our mortal remains were disposed of by burial, cremation or at sea.

Expressed in the simplest of terms darkness is not knowing God’s true nature and our own, and the purpose and meaning of our existence. Being aware of these things is light. Therefore, in our peace prayers let us ask for the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth to fill not only our own hearts and souls but also of everybody else who shares this world with us. We pray that love, light and healing may enter all life, so that together we may progress on our pathway up the spiritual mountain. So far most advancements of our world have resulted from conflicting views, opinions and interests and the suffering caused by them. With ever more of God’s wisdom and truth entering human consciousness, we hope that growth will eventually also be achievable through peace movements.

In spite of all our peace efforts there may sometimes be no other way of resolving one of the conflicts in our outer world than through the use of weapons. Even if this is the case, things can only happen because the resulting events represent an essential part of the lessons required by some of our younger, less experienced siblings in the human family of life. Therefore, such courses of action too are God’s will, and there is a great need for praying that the light of Divine wisdom should fill the hearts and souls of all those involved. There is never any reason for losing our faith and trust in our Creator’s great plan of life, whose wisdom and love at all times blesses every one of us. May His/Her love shine ever more brightly in all human hearts and souls, until everyone’s whole being is filled with it to such an extent that our hands can do nothing but work with love, our hearts beat with it, our mouths utter nothing but its sounds and all eyes, the mirrors of our souls, radiantly glow with it.

Life is a journey and not a destination. Make an effort to savour it, every single step of the way, for even if our present lifetime should last one hundred years, it will be but a small stopping point on our evolutionary pathway back home into the oneness with God and all life. Being fully and consciously here in the moment to my mind is far more important than peering into the past or the future. Every second of our existence – wherever we may be spending it – is a moment in Eternity and precious beyond compare. Although I still have difficulties living the way John Denver’s song suggests, I share the feelings it expresses that this is how all of us would be well advised to live:

Sweet Surrender
Lost and alone on some forgotten highway,
Travelled by many remembered by few,
Looking for something that I can believe in,
Looking for something that I’d like to do with my life.

There’s nothing behind me and nothing that ties me
To something that might have been true yesterday.
Tomorrow is open and right now it seems to be more
Than enough to just be there today

And I don’t know what the future is holding in store,
I don’t know where I’m going, I’m not sure where I’ve been.
There’s a spirit that guides me, a light that shines for me,
My life is worth the living, I don’t need to see the end

Sweet, sweet surrender,
Live, live without care,
Like a fish in the water,
Like a bird in the air.

John Denver

Recommended Listening:
•    ‘Sweet Surrender’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God’s Covenant With Humankind’
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘The Wolf As Animal Totem’

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (27)

The Future Of Humankind

Humankind's Future - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

•    I am looking forward to the time when people’s inner worth is valued instead of their colour or creed, because we will then have become aware of the evolutionary purpose of our race and our whole world.

•    Everyone will then know that we are as much part of God as God is part of us, and all of us realise that humankind’s inner Highest Self is more important than the small earthly self with its fearful, greedy and covetous, mean and selfish ego.

•    As a result of this, everyone will then accept responsibility for themselves, each other and also our world.

•    Because we appreciate how harmful and pointless false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions are, we search for a better understanding of God’s sacred wisdom within and no longer without.

•    We all pull our weight and act on the knowledge we find and in accordance with God’s Universal laws.

•    We love and respect each other, not because someone commands it, but because it’s the only way of being true to our real nature and because our hearts and souls tell us that’s the right thing to do.

•    And hand in hand with God and the Angels we move onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life to experience ever more of its highest and most beautiful aspects.

When these things have come to pass, all human beings will realise their oneness with God, each other and all life. We and our world will have been healed and true and lasting peace will be ours.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

In The Beginning (28)

All Things Are Possible

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - All Things Are Possible

With the help and the will of God and the Angels
All things are possible.
Any condition can be healed,
Crooked corners made straight
And mountains of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions dissolved
Through a better understanding of our true nature.
If our minds can conceive that these things are possible
And we believe that this is so with all our hearts and souls,
It can and will be done.

Therefore, Father/Mother Creator,
Grant me the gift of your wisdom,
So that I may learn to choose wisely
And to work hand in hand with You and the Angels
For the Highest good and the greatest joy of all,
And never again for selfish purposes.

May Your will be my will,
Your inspiration guide me and flow through me
With Your sacred words and prayers,
So that all life unfolds in accordance with Your Great Plan.


Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 5

A New Age = New Hope, Faith And Trust Through New Understanding

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding – A Growing Organism (1)

The Feminine – Soul Of Our World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Feminine - Soul Of Our World

Many are aware by now that spiritual wisdom and knowledge is a constantly growing and developing organism and therefore fluid. It aims to present us with the laws and principles of the Universe in ways that everybody can understand and work with. God’s truth can be likened to a mighty river with many tributaries, large and small. It is easy to get side-tracked into one of the side-arms and sometimes we get lost in them. But, even then there’s no need to worry, as our inner guidance will always take us back to the main theme and final goal: the loving union with our Creator.

For some time I have wanted to give you an example of you how spiritual wisdom and knowledge does grow and expand. And so I have picked for you the first item from the collection of my favourite White Eagle teachings. It consists of two parts. The first one is a White Eagle teaching that appeared many decades ago in ‘The Lightbringer – Developing the Feeling Nature’:

‘The individual cannot find God by intellect alone. People are trying so to do at the present time, however. Many are seeking to intellectualise God; but no-one, we repeat, can find God through the intellect alone. Everyone has to go through a development of their soul, learning to feel their feelings and their love first. You can only lastingly find God through life, through your feelings, through your soul; so that the soul becomes like a bridge between heaven and Earth, bringing humankind back again to God. ‘The soul is the bridge. It enables the child of Earth to contact God again. We are trying to convey the nature of this divine Trinity of Father, Mother and Son, the perfect and holy Trinity of life. We are endeavouring to show the necessity for that sacred marriage or union between spirit and soul that needs to take place within every human being.

‘It is the woman aspect, the Divine Mother aspect, which is the tenderness, the love and the gentleness in life, the tenderness without which Spiritual death must ensue. Do you see the importance of woman’s place in the scheme of things? First let us say that women, those who are in the highly-privileged position on Earth of being in a woman’s body with womanly qualities, have great responsibilities. They do not all recognise such responsibilities, for they allow their lower or weaker self to take possession of them instead of realising their noble and divine attribute, the attribute of the Divine Mother.

‘The work of the woman in you the feminine, caring and nurturing side, which both genders contain – whether you are physically a mother or not in this world – is to give love and motherhood, to nurture and care for, in other words to mother all life; to express motherhood with tender love and sympathy – and with wisdom which is as important as the love. Finding the woman within you, you must endeavour to develop the qualities of the Divine Mother. Can you see that the Divine Mother is herself the soul of humankind? It is the soul, and the soul is the intermediary between the individual self and the First Principle or Will of God.

‘When you arise and manifest from within yourself the dignity of the divine principle that is behind womanhood, wars will cease because the soul (or the woman) desires neither strife nor war. The soul is peace-loving; the soul yearns for beauty, harmony and perfection; the soul, being intuitive, can look into the future desiring to protect the race, not to destroy it. We speak most earnestly to all women, urging them to develop the qualities of the noble, the holy Mary, the mother aspect.’

From ‘A Collection Of My Favourite White Eagle Teachings’

– To be continued in the next chapter –

Six pointed Star

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding – A Growing Organism (2)

Divine Guidance

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Divine Guidance

The White Eagle teaching of the previous chapter must have been highly advanced knowledge when it first appeared, probably in the 1930s to 1940s. It is likely to have come to my attention as a confirmation after I had written of ‘What Is Soul’ in ‘Healers And Healing’. The latter is the earliest part of my work and came into being more than ten years ago. If you are ready to compare White Eagle’s wisdom with my intuitively updated and extended re-interpretation of November 2014, here it is.

‘It is impossible for individuals to find God by intellect alone, although to this day many are trying to do so. No matter how hard anyone may attempt to intellectualise the Divine, you are not going to find God through the intellect alone. First you have to go through a development of your soul by learning how to love wisely and paying attention to your feelings.

‘God can only be found through experiencing life and the Divine through the soft and sensitive world of your feelings. This part of your nature is your soul. It acts as the bridge between Heaven and Earth that brings humankind back to its Creator and enables you, as a child of the Earth, to contact God. By this we mean the Divine Trinity of Father, Mother and Son – the perfect and holy Trinity of life. We aim to help each one of you to become aware of the sacred union between the spirit and soul of the Highest and these two parts of your own being, which in due course will take place in all human beings.

‘This union is the marriage and the healing all of you are on the Earth plane to seek. Wise ones, who are seriously in pursuit of this, refuse to suppress their feelings with the chemicals supplied by the pharmaceutical industry of your world. No matter how hard their healing journey may sometimes be, they persevere and continue to allow their feelings their natural coming and going. They are resting safely in the knowledge that under the emotional/spiritual debris of many past lifetimes there waits for them the reconnection with their Divinity, the Divine aspect of their own nature. The six-pointed star is a symbol of this healing process. During the journey the upper and lower triangles are slowly merging and melting into each other to produce yet another perfect – that is whole – and Christed human child of the Earth.

‘The femininity of the Divine Mother is that which manifests as tenderness, love and gentleness in life – without these qualities spiritual death ensues. Can you see the importance of the feminine in your world and woman’s place in the great scheme of things? All those who are in the privileged position of presently being in a woman’s body and who are also endowed with womanly characteristics carry great responsibilities. For as long as you fail to recognise this as a woman, you are in danger of allowing your lower earthly and weaker self to act out its attributes rather than manifesting their own version of the noble and divine ones of the Great Mother.

‘The feminine in both genders alike is your caring and nurturing side. And whether you are physically a mother or not in your present lifetime, the work of the feminine aspect of your nature in women and men alike is to give love and provide the nurturing and caring of motherhood for all lifeforms. This expresses itself not only in tender love and sympathy but also with wisdom, a quality that is just as important as the other two. To take possession of the woman within you, you yourself have to develop the Great Mother’s characteristics. This is of the greatest importance, as the Mother aspect is the soul of humankind and she also acts as intermediary between the individual self and the first principle, the will and power of God, the Father aspect of the Divine and your own nature. The Mother is the second principle of the Holy Trinity and the third one is their Son, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. This is the Spirit of the Universal Christ and each one of you and us is a spark of His/Her radiance.

– To be continued in the next chapter. –

Six pointed Star

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding – A Growing Organism (3)

The Lessons Of The Patriarchy

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - The Lessons Of  The PatriarchyFor he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.’ Psalm 91:11 and ‘For it is written: He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully’ Luke 4:10

‘For more than six thousand years, the Angels, Master and we, their helpers and your guides from the world of light have been steering and accompanying you through the lessons that were necessary for the development and better understanding of your race’s masculine forces. Unfortunately, to the detriment of the character of human nature and your world, this could only be done by ever more excluding and finally almost removing the wise and loving influence of the power of the feminine. The intention behind this was to show you what your world without it would be like. The result is before you, so you can all see for yourselves the result of this state of affairs.

‘At no stage during every part of this evolutionary phase has any one of you been left to your own devices. In the background of life we have always been with you, to supervise and steer you in the right direction. This is how, slowly but surely, all of you together moved forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life towards the Age of Aquarius, the age of enlightenment and siblinghood of all life, when gradually ever more inner eyes would be opening. You would then be helped to find out why it had been necessary to inflict the patriarchy upon you and your world in the first place.

‘That is why we are now in a position to tell you reliably that, when more and more of you wake up to their true nature and brings forth from within themselves the dignity of the Divine principle of the feminine, so that it manifests itself with increasing strength in your world, the time will come when you will have to endure no more wars. The feminine in women and men alike, when it is allowed to come to the fore and express itself unrestricted, desires neither strife nor conflict. The feminine aspect of your nature, your soul, is peace-loving and yearns for beauty, harmony and perfection.

'Being part of and at one with God, the soul is psychic and therefore as familiar with the past as the present and future. She is the wise one within who knows the answers to every one of your questions. All the Mother Goddess desires is to protect the human race, not to destroy it. She has always been with you and part of you. When you laugh, she enjoys herself with you. And when you are sad and lonely or in pain, She suffers with you. We speak most earnestly to all of you and urge you to bring forth and develop the highest and noblest qualities of the Great Mother. The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend as the mother of God is Her symbol.

‘Learning the lessons of the patriarchy, with its lack of respect and consideration for life in whose creation the masculine aspects of your world have a minute role to play, and the horrors that followed in the wake of power-seeking, empire building and warmongering have been an essential component of your earthly education. This phase was still in full swing when the original White Eagle ‘The Feminine – Soul Of Our World’ teaching was first given and thanks be to God and the Angels that by now it has almost run its course. But make no mistake about it, the Father/Mother aspects of the Divine have accompanied all of you through the pain and suffering the patriarchy had to bring to you and your world. The only reason for all of it was that in due course you as a race would learn from the mistakes of the past and each one of you individually do their share of building a more peaceful world.

‘The Father God is part of the Mother Goddess, and the Father/Mother is part of the Son. These three aspects of the Divine are one and will never be separated from each other. Because of their oneness they constantly work together and respond to each other in perfect peace and harmony. The Mother is familiar with the Father’s great evolutionary plan for the human race and its world. She knows exactly when the constellations and energies are right for launching the next phase and going full steam ahead.

‘The Goddess is in charge of the Angels and their subordinated messengers, guides and helpers in the world of light. Some of them have always accompanied you and forever will. The Mother responds to the creative ideas and the will and wishes of her Divine companion and mate. Yet, She only carries out and manifests those that are in keeping with Her wisdom and love. She does this to the best of Her satisfaction, for She is the one who knows the way of all things and is in charge of them. The Angels of the Christ circle follow the Mother’s instructions and pass them on to the lower realms, further and further down the line.

‘The Mother knows that with the coming of the Age of Aquarius the time for creating a more peaceful and harmonious world on the Earth has come. The lessons of the development of its masculine force have by now almost run their course and your world is ready for the return to a deep appreciation of the qualities of the feminine. The warmongering that to this day is taking place on the Earth is teaching all those present the value of peace. And the Mother is waiting to intuitively guide each one of you back into restoring the balance of your world by teaching your masculine and feminine energies how to work together in peace and harmony, the way they are doing in Her and the Father. As above, so below. The time has come when women and men alike need to take charge of the masculine part of their animal nature with its male aggression, thirst for confrontations and the glory it perceives in fighting for supremacy in all aspects of Earth life.’

What is before you now is basically the same message as the one that was given to our world through the White Eagle group of guides all those years ago. It’s just that the communication has been updated and extended to the latest stand of the knowledge the Highest now wishes to present to us and our world for this phase of our development.  

Stella Polaris October/November 2014 ‘The True Perspective’ contained the following White Eagle statement: ‘We do not say ours is the only truth, but that according to our vision it is what we see. Accept nothing that we say, unless the light within guides you to do so. Indeed, never accept blindly what another soul says. Learn from your intuition.’ That undoubtedly was all the Angels in charge of our dear friends were willing to show us at that time. And what the guides are saying about the truth they were giving at the time the White Eagle teachings came into being, applies to mine as well. I also share their view that if we let our inner wise one, the living God within, at all times be our teacher and guide, we shall never have any difficulties recognising the truth when it comes before us.

And then, just as I had completed the above two chapters, the following White Eagle Monday Thought of 17th November 2014 arrived: ‘You look out upon your world and see its chaotic conditions. You note that human life appears to be storm-tossed and wonder what will be the end. Behind every department of human life, behind politicians, statesmen and all governments, there are greater minds working for the evolution of your race.  Whenever you see something that appears to you to be a catastrophe, bear in mind that the Master mind is at work behind the scenes like a gardener with his pruning knife. And although you may feel intense sympathy with the sufferers, remember that the Masters and the Angels have a far deeper sympathy and love than you for all of them. Cultivate that sense of peace by being aware at all times that the angelic organisation behind the scenes is constantly working to bring humankind to its perfection.’

To me, the above is once more an acknowledgement and substantiation of the work just completed, the way so many White Eagle teachings reached me in the course of many years. Thank you, beloved friends in the world of light, for looking over my shoulder, holding my hand and helping me in so many ways. God bless you all.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Tears Of Your World’

Six pointed Star

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding – A Growing Organism (4)

A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma

Rays of Wisdom - Message Of Hope From The Lords Of KarmaIn the middle of December 2014, at the time of putting the finishing touches to the previous chapter, ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’, the December 2013/January 2014 issue of Stella Polaris of the White Eagle Lodge arrived. It contained a New Year’s Address by the White Eagle group of guides under the heading ‘Behold, I Make All Things New!’ I would like to share the essence of this message with you as follows:

Once again you stand at the threshold of a new year. Before you are fresh opportunities for serving God and helping forward the spiritual evolution of the new age of Aquarius. In spite of the over-enthusiastic materialism of Earth life, the veil between the two worlds is constantly growing thinner, and each one of you can be an instrument of God to bring about the required change in the minds of the people that is capable of transforming their outlook on life. Everybody can become such a tool as soon as the true purpose and meaning of your existence on the Earth plane has been understood. Through you the light of the new spiritual revelation that is now coming to humankind is meant to spread throughout your world.

We bid you reach to the source of all life and light, to the living God, to the Eternal Light, which is the life of each one of you. ‘Behold, I make all things new! I, God, Father/Mother, the Source from whom all derive their being.’ We, your guides in the world of light, have said these things to you time and again. We make no excuse for this, as it is a truth that cannot be emphasised too strongly. As old as Eternity, it is the source of your strength and hope, comfort and happiness. Not only for this personal joy must you seek and work for the light, but for the wellbeing of your whole world.

When you take a closer look at the state of your planet and people’s conflicting minds, your hearts may feel sad or maybe even filled with fear and wondering what the coming year may bring. The Masters and Lords of Karma, who control and direct humankind’s progress, are waiting to reveal to those whose hearts are pure and simple the truth of what lies ahead. From these great beings we bring to you this message for the coming New Year.

In spite of uneasiness and fear of increased conflict, they tell us that the new age is destined to bring a fresh revelation of God’s love, wisdom and truth to humankind. However, before it can come the hearts and souls of all of your world has to be prepared. A furrow needs to be ploughed before any seed can ever be sown and the plough carrying out this work is constantly toiling on the Earth plane. Not surprisingly, many are finding this process unpleasant because it means shedding preconceived ideas, prejudices and false beliefs about themselves, others and life in general. They may have held them dear for a very long time, in some cases over many lifetimes. Yet, no matter how deeply ingrained some of them have become and how difficult they are to shed, each one of them must go.

The new age brings to you a wonderful and glorious revelation of life in a spiritual way, which is a celebration of the spiritual siblinghood and kinship with all life. Humankind has to learn that it cannot live for itself and that every thought, word and deed of yours affects not only the whole of your race but the rest of God’s Creation. Each one of you eventually has to come to the conclusion that whatever you gain for yourselves alone you cannot enjoy. It is impossible to be happy while many of your siblings in the great family of humankind remain in want. Spiritually personal happiness depends upon the welfare of everybody else.

This is a hard lesson and that is why much conflict arises during the ploughing of the field. However, when the first furrow is completed, the ploughman keeps his vision straight ahead and concentrates on his distant goal. Do not allow the opinions and fears of the world to deflect you, but keep your vision steadily fixed upon the Highest. Remember that with every passing day the Lords of Karma are offering each one of you fresh opportunities for restoring the balance of your spiritual bankbooks.

To this day many believe that the law of Karma is an unfair law, when in truth it is nothing of the kind for two reasons. On the one hand it offers you openings for paying off your karmic debts, and on the other it assists you with climbing ever higher upon the golden stairway that in the end leads every human spirit and soul back into the very heart of God’s Kingdom. The wise ones among you therefore consider each new year as one that is laden with chances for working their way through the last remnants of the darkness that over the ages has accumulated in their own souls and the soul of your world.

Some of you are heavy with sorrow because their loved ones are suffering. We are aware how hard it is for you to have to remain still, to be unable to do anything to help. Whenever you witness any kind of suffering of body or mind that you are unable to heal, remind yourself that the sufferer is passing through a condition of life that will eventually bring them into the light. Your contribution is to ever hold your loved ones into the light of the Highest and pray that sufficient hope and courage will come to their soul to make good.

We assure you that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is a God of infinite love, tenderness and mercy. Each one of His/Her children of the Earth is destined to go through experiences on your present plane of existence that eventually brings them the happiness and peace they are longing for. That’s why we are bringing you this message of hope and comfort. For what takes place in each individual personal life simultaneously happens in the collective. What you observe in your world that appears to be painful is the road your whole race must travel. That which you see in someone’s personal suffering is the pathway of that particular soul.

The story of the life of the Master Jesus, the blessed Christ, was once given to humankind as an allegory. It demonstrates how every human spirit and soul, as soon as it has become sufficiently evolved, is required to conduct not only its daily life on the outer plane but – far more importantly – its thoughts and feelings on the inner level. The birth of Jesus, his  temptations, illumination, crucifixion and ascension were given to provide your world with illustrations of the initiations, i.e. experiences all of you eventually have to undergo on the way that takes you home into the full conscious awareness of your true nature and oneness with God.

Some day you will be able to compare the experiences of your own spiritual development with parables and allegories of the Christian Gospels. As you accept with patience and in sweet surrender the inevitable difficulties that had to encounter along the road, you will feel flowing into you the power of the Christ light and Its life-force who is constantly making all things new.

This energy can only come to any of you by degrees, very simply and slightly at first. You may occasionally become aware of a glow in your heart and a harmony that is working to shape your life anew. If you direct the right thoughts and put into action the law of love and direct it towards anyone you come into contact with, especially when adverse circumstances have to be faced, you will soon discover that quite magically things gradually smooth themselves out.

When your life begins to flow more easily, as surely it will, you may think to yourself: ‘Life is so good to me!’ You are beginning to realise that beyond the reach of your own efforts there is a power and a love at work that is helping you to conduct your life more harmoniously and peacefully. There will be a glow in your heart that brings a sweet happiness. This sometimes remains with you only for a few minutes, if you are lucky several hours or even days, but then to your disappointment it disappears. These feelings come to help you become aware of the Divine power and light that alone can bring human souls an inward peace and happiness that is beyond all worldly understanding. There is no way that those who are purely worldly minded can ever dwell in this peace, the glowing light and the supreme happiness it does bring to awakening and awakened souls.
These things are realisations that come to you occasionally and by degrees. They will increase as your life advances and you move forwards and upwards on a spiral of light that represents a lighted stairway that eventually brings all human souls into the eternal Kingdom of light and joy. Each one who reaches that state of consciousness has become a true child of God and a saviour of all humankind. No-one can be truly happy in this manner without also helping many others to reach the same state.

Anyone who has passed through great earthly tribulation ultimately enters into the full consciousness of Heaven and reaches the supreme realisation of humankind’s spiritual kinship and siblinghood with all life. From that point onwards you live to serve the many instead of yourself. When you have reached this evolutionary phase, you may at some stage of your own free will descend once more onto the Earth plane and live in an ordinary physical body. Through this the special role you are playing will remain unrecognised by those who are still dwelling in the shadows of their spiritual ignorance.

Six pointed Star

Spiritual Wisdom And Understanding – A Growing Organism (5)

A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma

If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All PeopleSpirit/souls who have decided to come again into the darkness of earthly life out of love for their fellow beings are radiating God’s light from their loving hearts. They are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and in due course their mere presence helps to transmute the very physical atoms of the Earth. This raises the vibrations of the whole planet and that’s the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus legend’s: ‘If I be raised up, I will raise all people.’

Through us the Universal Christ is bringing you the following message today: ‘The heart of every human being at the beginning of its earthly existence contains a spark of My light in a slumbering state. For a long time it remains this way, but as soon as another earthling has evolved sufficiently, the spark wakes up and the lower self begins to bring forth and practise its Divine characteristics, which each one of you alike inherits from Me. With every one to whom this happens I, the Universal Christ, am being raised and the power of My light increases in your world. This in turn raises the vibrations not only of the whole of humankind and your world, but also the whole of Creation. The more you use your Christ energies, the higher and finer your own vibrations become, the more you become like Me and at one with Me.’

At all times spirit guides are accompanying and trying to help you. Alas, the measure of assistance we can provide you with depends on the faith and trust in the basic goodness of life you have developed at any given moment. Everything depends how you respond to your inner guidance, the living God within, the intuitive knowledge that comes to you from your Christ Self. But no matter what happens to you, we shall never leave you. We understand the trials and tribulations you have to endure much better than you do, because like you we once walked the Earth and during the initial stages of our education there, we had to work our way through very similar ones.

There are many groups of spirit helpers and each one of them is headed by a Master. The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the architect and designer of the Great Plan of life. The Angels are its executors and in charge of every lifeform that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. The Angelic hierarchy is responsible for the unfoldment of the plan and that, with the help of countless spirit friends and helpers, it keeps on unfolding in the right way and at the right time. Even though we are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that we are there. Without the spiritual background of your present existence and us there would be no life on the Earth.

And let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the reigns for the grand design rest safely in our Creator’s loving hands. Allow no-one to convince you otherwise and wherever you may find yourself, do what your inner guidance tells you what is good and right for you, at that particular moment. You have every reason to trust that, independent of what may still have to take place in your world, everything will always be well with you and it.

Referring to the law of Karma and its keepers, the Christian gospels tell you in St Matthew 5:18: ‘For truly I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not even a yoth or a dash shall pass away from the law, until all of it is fulfilled.’ Note: a yoth is the smallest letter in the Aramaic and Hebrew language. As far as the Great Plan of life is concerned, to paraphrase St Matthew 24: 35-36: ‘Even Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words of wisdom and truth shall remain forever. The meaning of the words Heaven and Earth have been in the process of passing away for some time. The Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are conducting this process. They do know when it is complete, but they are not going to tell us, we too have to trust and wait, just like you.’

All we can tell you at present that you have every reason to look forward to the future with hope and confidence. Rest assured that everything will work out perfectly. Do not be disturbed unduly by the things that to this day are happening in your world. Every one of them serves as an educational tool for the unfoldment of the grand design for your race and your planet. They are necessary for the lessons that have not yet been sufficiently grasped by the younger and less experienced souls in your midst.

Instead of worrying and getting upset, look up and tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the highest forces of life. For a long time they have been working ceaselessly on the awakening of the Divine spark in the hearts of ever more human beings, whatever their evolutionary state may be. The contact with these forces alone can bring you and your world the peace and harmony for which deep down every human heart and soul is yearning deeply. Never give up hope that eventually a united world will emerge that has but one government for the whole of humankind.

Even now, ever more of you are becoming aware of the fact that no-one can live only unto themselves and that the same is also true for the countries of your world. So, do your best to establish the spirit of siblinghood and goodwill on the Earth by conducting your own life in this manner. Wise ones appreciate that there is nothing to fear from those who to this day insist on putting themselves outside of that which is good, right and true. These sages know that in due course, in God’s time rather than their own, the inner eyes of every perpetrator against the Cosmic laws will be opened. They will then realise the error of their ways and start to change their behaviour, just the same as you once did.

Eventually, everything that is no longer of use and desirable on the Earth plane will be absorbed into power and light of the Christ Star, the Sun beyond the Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation. Meanwhile rest assured that humankind’s existence will never end because each one of you is a spark of the Divine. The true Christ-Mass is taking place with each one of you who awakes into the awareness of their true nature and starts to bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature.

With that we leave you, dear children of the Earth. Be consoled and rest safely in the knowledge that God is love and wisdom as well as merciful. God be with you and bless each one of you. We wish you a happier and more peaceful and contented New Year than you have ever had in your present incarnation and many previous ones. Our love, dear ones, all our love to you. Your guides in the world of light.

The best is never over,
The best has never gone.
There’s always something beautiful
That keeps us marching on.

There is a compensation
For every cross we have to bear,
And a secret consolation,
Always waits for us somewhere.

Every end is a new beginning
And as one day we’ll surely see,
The best is never over,
The best is yet to be.

And because the law of life
Is love and evolution,
With evolution based on love,
That is by no means an empty promise
For every human being and our whole world.

The following is the essence of a White Eagle Monday Thought 27.6.2016 that arrived in my inbox when I had just finished updating the above chapter: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as you call them, as well as spiritual or occult truth. Until you have built into your soul body the constructive God-atoms of light, you will be unable to serve life the way you would like to. There is a great difference between knowing with your mind and knowing with your inner self. The latter brings forth from you spontaneous good thoughts, words and actions because you then instinctively project the light of love that is within you. This light is creative and capable of raising the very atoms and vibrations of your whole world. And each time you think light and good, you are the co-creator with God of a beautiful world and humankind.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (1)

Letting Go Of Fear And Pain

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Letting Go Of Fear And Pain

The mystics of all ages have puzzled over the mystery of God. Did it ever occur to them that we ourselves are the greatest mystery of all? Well then, who and what are we truly? Every human soul is a spark of the Divine and our true parents are the Great Father/Mother of all life. Their only born Son/Daughter, through whom all life is given, is the Spirit of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights and star of all stars, the Great Sun beyond and behind the Sun of our solar system. Each one of us is special and unique, a tiny particle of an immense whole, and the only one of its kind in the whole of Creation.

The potential of every human soul is unlimited, but before we can seriously begin to dream about fulfilling any of it, we first have to deal with the two main themes of our earthly existence: fear and pain. As there is so much of both in everybody, the need for overcoming our fears and healing our pain, so that our soul can find rest, peace and healing is great. Any distress our souls suffer manifests itself through pain and discomfort in our physical bodies. And whenever fear and pain are threatening to overpower you, the way they certainly frequently do with me, to my mind there is only one way of dealing with them constructively and that is by asking God and the healing Angels for their help. When you do, listen for their responses from within the very core of your being through the world of your feelings, your intuition.

The list of the fears all of us have to become familiar with is a long one. It begins with the fear of life and ends with the fear of death, with a rich variety of types, shades and degrees of fear in between. In the course of learning to pay attention to what rises from within, it often seems as if a sheer endless assortment of fears were constantly trying to pop to the surface of our conscious awareness. But even when they do and are staring us in the face, they are not meant to frighten us some more. They are relics and excess luggage from the past. All they want from us is to let us know: ‘I am a shadow and a skeleton of past realities. You no longer have any need for me. Release me – dissolve me –  heal me and let me go.’

The great wisdom of the Divine has provided that we should only be afraid of something for as long as we fail to understand it. Making an effort to understand the issue concerned shows that we are dealing with it. That’s why it is better by far to get to know our fears, to face and explore them, instead of running away from them. During this process, our apprehension gradually decreases, until hopefully every last shred of this particular fear has gone from us for good. If that still sounds like a Utopian idea to you, I assure you that it is well worthwhile to give it a try. Having experienced it first hand, I have every reason to  believe with my whole being that with the help and the Will of God:

•    All things are possible.
•    All conditions can be healed.
•    Even our worst fears can be overcome.
•    Our fiercest enemy is our own small frightened earthly self. It too can and indeed has to be conquered by us.

This is a subjugation that like no other one demands an extra rich measure of love, forgiveness, tolerance and compassion for our lower earthly self. For as long as human souls remain ignorant of their own true nature they cannot really help to create ever more difficult and traumatic relationships and the ensuing negative Karma. Both of these aspects accompany us through one lifetime after another. This continues until we reach the great turning point on the evolutionary spiral of life when at last we become aware of the true purpose of our earthly sojourns. We become familiar with the workings of the Universal laws and how they manifest themselves everywhere, including our own lives.

To me, the freedom of the Aquarian Age most of all means a world where fear and pain no longer exist. I have always been a very fearful person and having to endure my share of pain, that is the world of my dreams. Hand in hand with God and Angels,  it is up to each one of us to do our share of bringing it into being. Aquarius is an Air sign and we have entered into an age of knowledge. Knowledge is power and the time has come for letting go of all our fears and healing every pain. Both were caused by our own ignorance and we are here to learn how to attend to them in perfect and natural ways through the power of understanding of what lies behind them. Knowledge provides us with the instrument for freeing ourselves from anything that is bothering us.

Knowing who and what we are, where we have come from and where we are going to helps us to shed our fear of life and also of death. And being aware of the Cosmic laws and endeavouring to conduct our lives in accordance with them, enables us to get back into harmony with the stream of consciousness of all life. Our knowledge supplies us with the freedom to act in keeping with our real nature. That enables us to create nothing but good in our lives. Giving of our best in all our encounters is easy when one knows that in due course nothing but the best is sure to return, for that is the law. For those who are aware of the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence, there is no longer any need to continue struggling against an unknown and at times seemingly evil fate and destiny. That, to me, makes all the difference in the world – that alone is true freedom!

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (2)

The Fear Of Annihilation

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Fear Of Annihilation - Snuffed Out Like A Candle There is no doubt in my mind that humankind’s worst fear by far is that of annihilation and non-existence, of being snuffed out like a candle when in fact we are  moving into the world of light, our true home, and merely leaving our physical bodies behind. In the early stages of our earthly education, as young and inexperienced souls, we have no choice but to believe the teachings of the religions, specifically created for this purpose, to convince us with the greatest air of authority that life is a one-off thing. As a result, we move through it nurturing the belief in our bosom that we can please ourselves, do what we like and get away with just about anything, if need be murder – in some cases quite literally.

For as long as we are convinced that a bullet through our head or a cyanide capsule in our mouth will wipe us out or snuff us out like a candle, we are quite capable of killing and maiming, massacring and taking hostages, torturing and maltreating anyone who treats us badly. Maybe they do not share what we think of as true, holy and sacred, possibly make fun of it. Or maybe it’s someone who simply gets in the way what we perceive as our progress or we just don’t like them. We may even hope to deserve a special place in Heaven for our behaviour or go straight to paradise as a reward for our ‘heroic’ deeds.

That is an exceedingly far cry from what really happens. At the moment of physical death when we leave our earthly identity with its physical body behind, we once again become aware of our true nature as spirit and soul and return to the world of spirit, our true home. That’s where all of us go, for the simple reason that there isn’t anywhere else. The awareness of being spirit and soul reminds us that the Divine presence never leaves us and that because of this at all times we stand before our Creator, each one of us on their own. This is not like a standing or kneeling in front of some kind of throne, the way the God was presented to us in previous ages.

Let us not blame the religions that taught false beliefs like this one. They too were necessary so that we should get to know the lower and lowest characteristics of our earthly nature. Poor humankind! In our ignorance of the things that truly matter in life, like the knowledge of our immortality and the Cosmic laws, our Creator’s laws, as young souls we march through life and accumulate ever more negative Karma, blissfully unaware that the bill will eventually be presented to us for every one of our misdeeds.

Ignorance of the existence of the Universal laws could never protect anyone against having to live with them and the need for harvesting the bitter fruits as the consequence of the seeds we once sowed with every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Every bit of suffering that has been caused to any form of life has to be made good and redeemed by us, at some stage during our evolutionary journey through life. And each time we have left the physical reality of Earth life behind and returned into the world of spirit, our true home, there does come a day of judgement. To our astonishment, however, it isn’t at all like what we were taught by the churches we left behind.

In our other world we stand, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us, before ourselves and take a good look at everything that happened in the lifetime we just left behind and in others before it, if this one is not our first encounter with Earth life. Suddenly we understand why Shakespeare wrote in ‘As You Like It’:

This wide and Universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene, wherein we play.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one person, in their time, plays many parts.

To help us gain a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and so that we should get at least an inkling of the complexities that are hidden behind it, throughout the ages God’s Divine wisdom and truth has been presented to humankind in many and varied forms. It has constantly flown through and worked  with all manner of channels. Shakespeare was one of them. Do you find it as astonishing as I do how long it sometimes takes until the meaning of some of the wisdom that was given to our world in this manner actually comes clear?

How much longer will it take until finally all of us are aware of what the concepts of God and the Universe truly mean? One cannot help wondering  what will emerge, as everybody’s understanding of them is going to be at least slightly different from anyone else’s. Our relationship with the Divine is a highly personal and intimate one and because God is as much part of us as we are part of God, our perception of it depends on the relationship we have thus far been able to establish with this part of ourselves. The task of every soul on the Earth plane is to search for their own philosophy of life that is based on their understanding of the meaning and purpose of their own being and that of all life. To my mind, this can only be found by making an effort at peering behind the curtains of Earth life and into its spiritual background, especially through its most profound experiences of birth and death.

A great abundance of fears, superstitions, false beliefs and illusions to this day exists in our world.  The spiritual knowledge that for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into our individual and collective consciousness is doing its best to help us cleanse our consciousness of these things. This process will continue until every last shred of them has gone for good. The general awareness of humankind’s true nature and destiny is increasing all the time. Ever more of us are becoming aware that the purpose of all existence in matter is evolution and that the essence of our being is spirit and soul. Because they are immortal and cannot die, there is no death, only transformation into other states of life. With this knowledge, even the fear of death, the worst one of all, is saying goodbye to our world.

Nothing To Fear
What do we have to fear? Nothing!
Whom do we have to fear? No-one!
Do you know why?
Consciously becoming one again with our Highest Self,
Gives us three great privileges:
Omnipotence and practising it safely in the knowledge
That true Power is with God alone,
And that this God, the living God within, will always
Show us where and how to do so.
This makes us feel intoxicated without needing any wine.
And because we have come home into the awareness
That we are eternal beings of light and immortal,
There is no longer is any death for us,
Merely transformations
From one life-state into another.

St. Francis of Assisi
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘There Is No Death’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (3)

Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Letting Go Of The Illusion Of SeparatenessEmbedded in its deepest innermost memories our soul carries a wound that nothing can heal but the reunion with our Creator. Our soul longs and yearns for its true home, which is often misunderstood by our earthly self as simple homesickness. There is a fear that can only be dissolved, a thirst that cannot be quenched and a hunger that is impossible to satisfy with anything available on the Earth plane. We dream of ideal parents who make us feel welcome, loved and safe, but can never find them in our earthly parents. Through lifetime after lifetime we search for the ideal lover and fail to meet him or her, someone who understands us and our needs and responds to them without having to be asked, a wise one who knows the way of all things and is strong and powerful enough to keep us safe and shields us against all adversaries. All these roles can only be played by one and that is our very own Highest or God Self.

We may feel that somehow there is a gaping hole in us that cannot be filled by material things. The more we try to cram them into this void, the more dissatisfied, unhappy and depressed we become, as many are experiencing at present. At the time of updating these chapters we had just entered the year 2015, a year of Saturn. 2 + 0 + 1+ 5 = 8 = Saturn. This is an indication that this year is one for contracting rather than expanding our worldly affairs and taking responsibility, and an excellent year for taking charge of all parts of our being and practising self-discipline. At the beginning of January that’s precisely what many are showing signs of doing. Freely and willingly they are thus responding to the influence of the Cosmic energies and bringing our world more into line and harmony with it. 

I had been wondering how this would express itself, so can you imagine how delighted I was to listen to a phone-in on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour the other day and heard people speaking about how sick and tired they are getting of the bandwagon of materialism, with its insatiable demands and its thoughtless, irresponsible and destructive behaviour towards our planet. When I mentioned this to some of my friends, they told me that ever more of us are coming to this conclusion and refuse to continue to take part in the dance around the golden calf. Interestingly, Tesco, the largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, has announced the closure of fort-three of its stores and Morrison, the fourth largest, are closing ten of theirs. I see this as a very positive sign of our times. It shows that ever more of us are at last coming to their senses and are buying less, because for those involved the lesson of overconsumption and ‘shop until you drop’ has run its course and is coming to its natural end.

All of us reach a stage in our development when we begin to crave for a world that is at peace, where people live together harmoniously and are happily sharing the planets abundance with all its lifeforms. There is plenty for everybody because we all take only that which we need and leave the rest for those who come behind. Eventually, there comes a lifetime when our warring days are over and our waking and sleeping dreams are of a peaceful world like the one we left behind, a long, long time ago. Throughout every one of our lifetimes on the Earth our soul has been weeping about the greatest pain that was ever inflicted upon it, which was caused by a false belief, but a conviction nonetheless, that we have been separated from God. Unfortunately, the only way of communicating our soul has with us, its earthly counterpart, is through the cells of our physical bodies. Each time we feel a pain in one of its parts, our soul is trying to tell us that something in our lives has gone awry and in need of our attention.

In the course of many lifetimes the earthly self and its soul do not talk the same language and therefore suffer from communication problems. Because of this the soul has no means of telling us that every pain that is experienced in our physical bodies is one of its signals. As a result, whenever the soul knocks on the inner door of our consciousness, the earthly self cannot help failing to respond in the manner desired by its soul. The soul has to continue to send us its signals in vain, hoping that its earthly self awakens to its demands and responds to them by seeking healing for its pains, in preference to suppressing them with chemicals. Until this happens, the lower self can do nothing except suffer, without ever finding our why it is hurting so much.

In spite of the fact that the initial soul pain was caused by an illusion, the deep inner wound it has left behind in all of us takes a lot of healing. I believe that it is because of this pain why each time someone goes from us in the material world, something that is sure to have taken place on a great many occasions and throughout numerous lifetimes, when parting from yet another of our loved ones, the soul’s wound of separateness stirs within and brings the pain of parting alive once more. Our task as healers is to play the role of our Highest Self and make it clear to our small earthly self, as well as our soul, that no power between Heaven and Earth will ever be able to keep us apart from our Creator.

‘I am the resurrection, I am the way, the truth and the light,’ that’s what each one of us is in truth, and all our healing efforts renew the inner connection with our Creator and re-awakens the awareness in us that we are eternal and immortal beings, who will never die. As our earthly self begins to grasp this concept, the illusion of separateness dissolves, our deepest innermost wound heals and we slowly but surely begin to feel our oneness with all life once more.

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (4)

Why Is Earth Life Necessary?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Why Is Earth Life Necessary?When one takes a good look at our world, one cannot help asking occasionally: ‘Is life on the Earth really necessary and if so, why does it sometimes have to be so hard and cruel, tough and demanding? Who would we be to doubt and argue with our Creator’s wisdom? Yet, we are not only allowed to ask searching and awkward questions, we are meant to do just that. If we wish to find truth, the more we query things the better. After all, we are in this life to re-discover to rediscover our true nature as a child of God, a spark of the Divine and a young God in the making, and that therefore the characteristics, energies and powers that are in God are also in us.  It is only when one has become aware that this is so that one can begin to make a conscious effort at learning to use these things wisely.

Because on the inner level all life is one, the illusion of life in physicality was necessary. It was an instrument for helping us to become aware of the fact that, although each one of us is a spark of the Divine and a child of God, and therefore a highly gifted and creative being, all of us are also individuals. That is why, when we as a race had reached a certain stage in our development, the infinite wisdom of our Father/Mother Creator decreed that the time had come for us to begin to realise that each one of us is a unique and precious, and also a separate and individual being. In our state as pure spirit we could see the sense of this. And so we accepted that the illusion of Earth life should be created and that – for as long as that existence would be required – our small earthly self would get ever more lost in the belief that we are separate from our Creator and at loggerheads with It.

It was therefore decided by the hierarchy of the Angels, who is as much part of the Great Mother’s love and wisdom as the Father’s power, that there was no better way of  helping us to realise and develop our sense of individuality than the creation of an existence in physicality. Everybody wandering around in their own physical body as their vehicle through the lifetimes that would be required absorb this lesson, would be sufficient to create the impression and illusion of separateness. Like all great ideas, the principle of this plan is simplicity itself. The Universal laws ensure that it works itself out to perfection and that balance is constantly being restored.

To familiarise us with the duality of our nature, a small earthly self is required to act out the characteristics of its true nature and polar opposite, the Highest or God Self.  These two had to go their separate ways and move in opposite directions, but only for as many lifetimes as this lesson is going to take. Experiencing love and hate, war and peace gradually teaches us the difference between good and evil. Evil invariably brings pain and suffering into our lives, while being a kind and loving person who thinks good thoughts and does good things draws ever more pleasant and agreeable things into our lives, as a reward. After some time the earthly selves notice that this is happening and begin to strive to do their share of manifesting good in preference to evil on the Earth plane.

Every spark of the Divine has masculine and feminine characteristics that are identical to those of its parents. For this phase of our development the two work together as a masculine logical and analysing thinking aspect that has a soft and sensitive feminine counterpart and partner, the soul. This is how Earth life came into being and throughout all lifetimes we spend on the Earth we are helping our planet with its own evolution. At the very beginning of this journey of discovery we were given the promise that eventually all parts of our being would be reunited and healed together into one again.

No spirit and soul will ever be forced to return to life on the Earth. At the moment of physical death when we leave behind our earthly identity and our physical body and return to our true home, the world of spirit, we once more become aware of our true nature as spirit and soul who has gone home. This is where all human souls go, for the simple reason that there is nowhere else for us to go. Having arrived in the world of light, we remember God’s plan for humankind and our role and place in it. If  we wish to make any progress on our evolutionary journey, there is nothing for it but to apply for another lifetime in physicality. This is the only way we shall eventually be released from the duty of participating in Earth life with all its joys and miseries.

Only when our behaviour proves to those in charge of us that we have evolved into one hundred percent reliable, trustworthy and true sons/daughters of God, shall we be allowed to proceed with the exploration of the higher and eventually highest levels of life. All of us are specially gifted in some way and throughout the ages, in  the long course of our evolutionary pathway up to now, God and the Angels have been providing each one of us with all the assistance we require to become aware of our individuality and to help us develop our talents to their highest potential. This will forever continue. And as soon as the plan for our personal development on the Earth has been fulfilled, the voyage home into the awareness of our oneness with God and all life begins. The false belief of separateness is shed along the way and the deep inner wound closes and heals the more we consciously enter into the radiance of the light from the Highest Star and the brightest light of Creation that radiates through the light of the Sun in the sky above us.

This light is part of the illusion of Earth life. What we see is a radiance from the Sun of all Suns that provides the Sun of our solar system with a spiritual illumination that is comparable to the aura of our physical bodies. What we receive on the Earth and perceive as heat and light is a reflection of the Christ light, who is the Spirit of the Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. Its reflection shines onto us and our world through our physical Sun. The Universal Christ is the light that gives life to all and illumines it in all its forms. This is more than a mere inner God consciousness. Its radiance is the Light of all lights, the Sun of all Suns and the ultimate power of Creation that brings everything into being and sustains it.

For evolutionary reasons and in keeping with the great plan of life, the Heavenly and earthly parts of God’s Creation had to go their separate ways in the beginning. In the end they are reunited, blessed and healed together again by the warmth and love of the Great Light. This can only happen when the small earthly self is ready to freely surrender its whole being unto its Highest or God Self, to ask for Its protection and guidance and then to willingly follow whatever it receives this way without hesitation

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Lark’s Message’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past

The Voice Of The Great Mother’s Wisdom Speaks

Peace Of Mind (1)

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past – Peace Of Mind

 It seems like thousands of years
I’ve been stumbling through each day,
Without a hand to hold
And nothing to light my way.

In sorrow I have walked,
With fear never far behind,
No matter what I tried,
I found no peace of mind.

In our world of chaos and strife
I searched for quiet places,
Where my soul would find healing
And for leaving behind my pain.

In the silence of mountains
I searched for God,
But all I found in sunlit days
And star-studded nights
Were paths the Angels trod.

I found no peace anywhere,
Still feel like an empty shell.
Can’t help asking myself:
Do Angels alone walk the Heavens,
Leaving freaks like me condemned
To forever being lost in Earth life’s hell?

Shortly after pouring my pain and frustration into this poem, the Great Mother came to me in dreamtime. She was wearing a gown of sky-blue and looked like my earthly mother, who departed from this plane of life many years ago. Aware that our spirit guides talk to us in symbolisms, I knew it was the Great Mother’s wisdom who had come to visit me. This is what she said: ‘My beloved child, you climbed many mountains in search of God, but God is in everything and the aspect of the Divine you are looking for cannot be found in the world around you. The only way of finding is by climbing your inner mountains that consist of rising above the desires of your small earthly self and its fears. Inside your own heart is the only place in the whole of Creation where redemption, salvation and peace can be found by all human souls.

‘Dearest, you alone are responsible for yourself and your life. Everything that has ever been in it was created by you in other lifetimes when you were getting to know yourself. First the characteristics of your lower nature have to be explored by each one of you. Refusing to accept the responsibility for the pain you caused others during those lifetimes and playing the drama queen or king in this one is not going to get you anywhere. For as long as you remain stuck in the false belief that you are some kind of a freak or aberration of human nature, when in truth there are no such things, the evolutionary progress that is potentially is at a halt.

‘Everything that exists on the Earth plane is there for a specific reason and serves a wise higher purpose, namely to provide certain lessons for one or two, sometimes many or maybe even all of you. On your planet there are only children of the Great Father and Me. All of them are attending the school of earthly life. The plan of life for humankind provides that none of you should ever be alone, unassisted and unsupervised. In all your experimentations and explorations you will only ever be allowed to go so far and no further. Without this your race in its unevolved state and unaware that all of you are responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions, would be far too dangerous for the rest of Creation. Although in your present state you cannot see the wise ones in charge of you who are watching over every step of each one of you, rest assured that they are there nonetheless.

‘Individually and collectively, each time you are reaching one of the boundaries set by the plan, you are running into obstacles that feel like a brick wall. Quite rightly this is recognised even by less experienced souls as having been caused by something that is beyond humankind’s control, known as force majeure. This is how, with the passing of time, you will find out that you will not be allowed to maltreat other planets the way you have done and are doing to this day with your home planet.

‘Because the inhabitants of other planets are invisible to earthly eyes, humankind assumes that there are none. You could not be more mistaken. Visiting these beings and their planets will have to wait until you have matured into spiritual adulthood and are capable of coming as friends and guests. Worlds of many different kinds are waiting to be explored by you, not merely the planets of your own solar system but others in far distant galaxies. In due course you will be visiting planets that Earth’s people have not yet heard of.

‘As you can see, humankind has much to look forward to. Physical bodies will not be needed for your interstellar travelling and exchanges, neither will clumsy spaceships and shuttles. Once Earth’s transformation is complete, the physical bodies that have been serving you so well as vehicles for getting around on the Earth in the course of many lifetimes will no longer be required. You will permanently be living in the body you are presently wearing like a garment underneath the outer shell of your physical body. This body consists of a finer and lighter substance known as ether that vibrates at a much higher frequency than the cells and atoms of the body you inhabit now.

‘Interpenetrating all physical elements of the Earth are finer ones that cannot be perceived by ordinary human senses in earthly life, only by those who have developed what is known in your world as the sixth or psychic sense or intuition. Earth life has four elements, Earth and Water, Fire and Air. The element Air contains an ether that is finer than the air you breathe, which can be registered. This is impossible with the finer ether. Something similar applies to the other elements Earth, Water and Fire. Behind the physical substance of everything that exists in earthly life is a finer material and from the ether in the Air element the nature spirits are created. Theirs is the etheric world and that is where they are at work.

‘Every one of you has the right to take part in earthly life and is provided with its own curriculum that has been specifically designed for your particular evolutionary requirements. Each minor plan is drawn up by your Highest or God Self and the wise ones in charge of your development. Because they love you and know the way,they are constantly trying to help you move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. This process spans many earthly lifetimes in the course of which your higher and lower self, the two aspects of your nature, are slowly but surely drawing closer together. They eventually heal together into one and the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth is taking place.

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past

The Voice Of The Great Mother’s Wisdom Speaks

Developing The Human Christ Nature (2)

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past – Developing The Human Christ Nature Through developing the highest aspect of your being, your Christ nature, each one of you in its own right is entitled to find redemption and salvation from the cruel and destructive demands of their lower earthly nature. That alone can bring the healing and peace, love and happiness all of you are dreaming of and are spending time on the Earth plane to seek. Nobody is exempt from the duty of developing this part of themselves. But this cannot happen until you stop searching on the outer level of life for someone to save and redeem you, especially Jesus.

‘The story of the Master’s life is but a legend. He is a symbol and the archetypal representation of everyone’s own higher nature. As a being that walked the Earth he could never have existed for the simple reason that the great plan of life decrees that there should only ever be one saviour and redeemer, namely everyone’s own Christ nature. This part of you has been waiting to come alive for long enough. Stop hesitating and procrastinating. The time is now for taking responsibility, looking within and bringing forth the best that is within you, for that is your Christ nature. It alone can act as your healer, saviour and redeemer. There is no-one who can do this work for you.

 ‘Take charge of every aspect of your nature and set yourself free by accepting that everything in your life was created by you. You are its creator and therefore the only one who can redeem it. The suffering you have endured for such a long time is your redemption. It has taught what it feels like when the cruelties you once inflicted upon others returned to you earlier in your present lifetime. Enduring what this brought to you has been your redemption. With this the time for you has come to start forgiving those who sinned against you and also to forgive yourself for setting the wheels of fate in motion.

‘That’s probably the most difficult task you ever had to carry out. Whenever you weaken in your determination to forgive, remind yourself of Mahatma Gandhi’s words: ‘The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.’ Forgiving is the only thing that can free humankind’s vibrations from the downwards drag of the lower self’s desires for revenge and retribution. Until the energies you emit have been purified sufficiently, you will be unable to take part in lessons of a more elevated nature for the unfoldment of the higher aspects of your nature. Whenever you are stuck with anything, ask the Angels to show you the way. They are not allowed to do the work for you or interfere with your pathway through life, but they are always ready and willing to stand by anyone to grant the gift of their strength and courage. All you have to do is ask.

‘When you have healed yourself, you will be ready to share the light – the knowledge you have gained from your learning – with those who are still struggling the way you once did. It is through their own healing that wounded ones eventually transform themselves into healers and teachers, saviours and redeemers not only of themselves but of everybody. The spiritual development of each one of you is an essential part of your planet’s spiritualisation. When one of you is healing, your whole world is healing with you. Sharing your learning with those around you helps them to do the same for themselves and that’s how eventually each one of you turns into a saviour and redeemer of your whole world.

‘The Great Father is My counterpart whose thoughts can never go astray and because you are part of Him and Me, you can never get lost in the vastness of space and time either. Each human life comes into being as the result of a Divine thought and can be likened to a pebble that has been dropped into a still pool of water. Every one of your thoughts, words and actions bears the imprint of your own unique vibration that creates a ripple and the Universal law of cause and effect ensures that in the fullness of time each ripple returns to you, in one form or another.

‘All of you are part of the whole that is known in your world as God or the Universe. The earthly part of your being is limited and finite in time and space. It experiences itself through the world of your thoughts and feelings as something that is separate from the rest of humankind and all life. But this is merely part of the illusion of Earth life which was created to help you become aware that each one of you is an individual being. It is a false belief that for a long time keeps your spirit and soul imprisoned and tied to your earthly self’s responses to the will and wishes of your lower nature.

‘In that limited state of existence your ability to love is still restricted to those around you, but you are meant to expand your mental/spiritual horizons whilst walking the Earth. You need to free yourself of the yoke of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that abound there and which you too have been carrying around with you for far too long. Becoming aware that on the inner level all life is one awakens in you the desire to embrace with love and compassion all living creatures, the whole of your world and the rest of Creation.

‘The things I am telling you here are providing you with the key for unlocking the door of your inner prison. It’s entirely up to you whether you use it or not, but whatever you decide to do, know that you will always be loved beyond measure.’

As the dot on the ‘i’ of the above, the 4th July 2016 Monday Thought from the White Eagle Group of spirit guides landed in my inbox just when I was putting the finishing touches to this new part of my jottings. The following is the essence of its message: ‘Although for a long time during your earthly lifetimes it feels as if you were wandering in the wilderness, God never leaves you. The Universal Christ is the only born Son of the Great Father/Mother of all life. And the wisdom and truth of the Great Mother is the light that shines for each one of you by night and by day, always has done and forever will do. It illuminates your world as much today as it did in the days of ancient Egyptian mythology with the Isis and Osiris legend. Osiris represents the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the power and will of God the Father. Isis is His counterpart, the Goddess and Mother, the eternal fountain of wisdom truth. The light of the Christ Star radiates both these aspects into each one of you and your world.

‘The Christ Spirit says to you, now as it has ever done: ‘You are God and I am God. If you want to see God, look into the mirror. I am part of you and you are part of Me. I am the living God, the truth and the love within you. My coming alive in your heart resurrects your conscious awareness of the fact that you are an immortal and eternal being.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Walking Away From Drama’
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Mercy’
•    ‘Colonising New Planets’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (3)

The Transmutation Of Karma

Transmutation of Karma - Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner for Parents & Children

The essence of White Eagle ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 4 – Sayings of the Gentle Brother’: ‘It is so easy to judge the actions of others, but endeavour to refrain from judgment. Because of your oneness on the inner level, whenever you are condemning others you are in truth doing it to yourself. Strive to be tolerant and let flow from your heart the gentle spirit of the master soul the Jesus legend portrayed. Jesus is a symbolism for the archetypal Christ, your own Christ nature, a master soul who in women and men alike can only be made whole and perfect through everyone’s own efforts.

‘The story how a highly evolved and perfected soul would behave in earthly life when it incarnates there is a demonstration of what can be attained when you simply follow the example of the gentle and loving ways of Jesus, one of the many symbols of the Universal Christ.

‘Forgive, dear children of the Earth, forgive. Whatever is in your heart, whichever way you may feel towards anyone, possibly with justification according to the standards of earthly life, pray to forgive, just like the Jesus legend teaches in the Lord’s Prayer: ‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ Know that in forgiving others you are releasing yourself. So long as you sit in judgment over others and refuse to forgive, the Universal laws will bring the same back to you, as all life is ruled by these laws which say: ‘As you give, so you receive.’ Therefore, as soon as you feel forgiveness that comes from your heart and soul, you are releasing each other from the bondage of your joint Karma.

‘Karma is transmuted when you learn to think and act with love from the spiritual aspect of your own nature. The Jesus story points the way. All of you are on the Earth plane to learn how to live like a true Master who is all compassion and kindness, gentleness and love. The legend tells us that Jesus looked into the soul of his friends, of all who drew close to him and saw their suffering, more than merely that of the presence. He could see their whole evolutionary pathway, their Karma and what made them behave the way they did. The tale of the Master shows you how to react to people and life in general with compassion and forgiveness.

‘This is often difficult, but as soon as forgiveness enters the human heart, the spirit and soul that for a very long time has been in bondage and stretched upon the cross of suffering is released and set free. So, look into people’s hearts, love them and forgive.’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (4)


Taking Risks - Rays of Wisdom - Relationship Healing - War & Peace in Relationships

To the small earthly self life frequently is
A risky and scary business.
That’s why we usually dislike and resent the changes
The Universe has in store for us,
So that we may learn and grow
From as many and varied experiences as possible.
While the personality, our small earthly self,
Detests the changes, our spirit and soul rejoice,
Because they understand that this is the only way
The earthly self will ever discover its own true nature.

Risks have to be taken so that our approach to life
And the way we perceive its purpose transforms itself.
We need to shed the deeply ingrained wrong thinking
And behaviour patterns, prejudices and false beliefs
That create the obstacles and difficulties in our lives.
We have to say goodbye to anything that has outlived
Its usefulness, including people and places. 

It is true that that life can be a risky thing when for example
To laugh sometimes means to risk appearing foolish;
To weep is seeming to be sentimental;
To reach out for another to become involved with them;
To expose one’s feelings means to reveal one’s True Self;
When one hopes, one risks despair;
When one tries, one risk failure;
When one lives, one risk dying –
So what?

Risks have to be taken,
Because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The one who risks nothing,
Does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
Souls who hope that in this way they can avoid
The suffering and sorrows of this world are mistaken;
They too are a necessary part of human growth.
The only thing one can hope to achieve that way is
To avoid precious opportunities for
Learning, changing, growing, loving and living.

Souls who allow themselves to remain enslaved and enchained
By their own false beliefs, rigid prejudices and opinions,
Forfeit the only freedom we truly have, namely
The spiritual freedom to think and believe what our inner Self tells us is true;
And to have the courage to act upon the knowledge
That we have come from love and that love alone can show us the way
Home into what we always have been: spirit and soul.

Only those who are willing to take the risk
Of loving the way God loves us,
Unconditionally and wisely,
Can truly be free.

Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (5))

Come To The Edge

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past – Come To The Edge

‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They said: ‘We are afraid.’
‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They came . . .
He pushed them . . .
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire 1880 – 1918
French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist and art critic

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!

Come to the edge!
And they came.
And we pushed.
And they flew.

Christopher Logue 1926 – 2011
English poet associated with the British Poetry Revival

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (6)

The Symbolism Of The Six-Pointed Star

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Symbolism Of The Six-Pointed Star

The six-pointed star is a symbol of the healing that eventually takes place between the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and every one of His/Her earthly children. The downwards pointing triangle of the star represents our Highest Self and the upwards reaching one our lower earthly self. When the small self’s evolutionary journey of exploration on the Earth draws to its close, the two parts begin to reach out for each other and come ever closer. This continues until finally they have merged into a bright and shining Star and another Christed one is working hard to do their share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth.

Spirit alone can create matter and destroy it at will and all matter is imbued with spirit. Any spirit that dwells in matter assists the matter surrounding it in its own evolution. When humankind was first introduced to an existence in physicality, planet Earth had been prepared for this event for aeons of time, to ensure that in due course it could act as a suitable learning ground and a school of life for our race. And so it came about that ever since some of us appeared for the first time, we and our planet have been evolving together. All of us are spirit and in due course we too shall learn how to create and destroy matter.

The emergence of our race on the Earth enabled the Highest to provide us with countless real life opportunities for studying and learning, which would steadily expand our wisdom and understanding of life, ourselves and our world. Through this, in the course of a great many lifetimes, we gradually develop the skills we require to eventually be worthy of being called young Gods, which in truth every one of us is. Life itself will always be our teacher, but for the time being we have to make do with Mother Earth as our school. And although our earthly lessons are real enough while we are here, the more aware we become of our true nature and the higher purpose of our existence, the more we notice that taking part in earthly life is very much like children’s play-acting.

Ever since the start of humankind’s descent into matter, tenderly cared for and watched over by our loving parent, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, together with Its messengers, the Angels, the consciousness of us and our world has been expanding in wisdom and understanding. Through this every human soul in due course learns to differentiate between darkness and light, good and evil, honour and betrayal, love and hate, and so forth. And because the only way of learning the value of peace is through experiencing wars, as far back as historical records are available, human life on the Earth seems to have consisted of not much more that warmongering and destruction. This ensures that we shall truly cherish peace when it finally does come to our world. With all my heart and soul I do believe that this is going to happen and that we shall value it most highly.

On the road to peace and reconciliation it is good to know that God and the Angels have always accompanied us, more than that: they have been and still are part of us. That’s why they are familiar with every bit of our suffering. At all times they are willing to help us, but they cannot do so until someone ask for it, for that is the law. As we move along the predestined pathway of our life, through our struggling our inner strength and resistance increases. To quote the Talmud: ‘The burden is equal to the horse’s strength.’ And to paraphrase the Roman Emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius, 121 – 180 C.E.: ‘Nothing befalls human beings, except what is in their nature to endure.’

God and the Angels have the power to grant us the gift of sufficient courage and vigour to do what has to be done, so let’s not forget to ask them to supply us with them, so that regardless of how chaotic Earth life on its surface may frequently appear to be we shall be able to cope and deal constructively with whatever comes our way. Instead of being dragged down by earthly events, for us as budding seekers of God’s wisdom and truth it is of the greatest importance to focus on that which is at the same time happening on the higher and highest levels of life, where the way of all things is known. This perception of life lifts us above the material plane and into our Creator’s positive stream of consciousness and thought, and that helps us to steer clear of the thoughts and impressions of chaos and darkness the scaremongers of our world enjoy wallowing in to spread fear and doubt into the hearts and souls of humankind.

Because we know what life really is about, there is every reason why we should trust the wisdom and power of the Highest. Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to be sucked into the negative stream where the worst is expected at all times for us and our world, but frequently remind ourselves that as one of God’s children of the Age of Aquarius we no longer need to join their thinking. We are here to practise tuning our whole being into the positive thought stream. This is not difficult when we know deep down in our heart of hearts that only the best is waiting for us, our race and world and that it is sure to emerge in the fullness of time, that everything will work out for the best in the end and that out of all the evil that still exists on the Earth much good is bound to come in the end. The law of life being love, it simply cannot be any other way.

To assist us with this, the Christ Star, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, at all times spreads Its light in the form of spiritual knowledge, wisdom and truth, through the channel of all awakened ones ever deeper into the layers of consciousness of our whole world. The only way the Christ Spirit can save and redeem all of us is by waking up in ever more hearts and souls. That is God’s truth which for so long had to remain hidden behind the myth of Jesus as the saviour and redeemer of humankind. Through our faith and trust in the Highest, the upper triangle of the Star, every last shred of darkness of ignorance, fears and doubts of our small earthly self, the lower triangle, as well as all the pain and suffering of our whole world are slowly but surely absorbed into the upper triangle, our Christ Self,  who uplifts and transmutes them into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation.

Regardless of what still has to take place in the world around us, the perception of life we have found by now helps us to remain positive at all times. Our way of thinking shows the wise ones in charge of us that we are indeed evolving into one of the Great Mother’s wise children. This continues until our thoughts have the power to penetrate the mists and darkness that to this day fill and surround so much of our world. The more positively we think, the more powerfully the rays of God’s light flow through us. Eventually it grows strong enough to fill the densest particles of matter with the Divine blessing and healing energies, which steadily absorb more and more of the gloom of earthly life. By listening to and following the guidance we receive from the living God, the wise one within, everybody who is consciously involved in humankind’s spiritual reconstruction is meant to go forward and lead our whole world home.

The six-pointed Star represents the healing process, in which the higher and lower aspects of our nature gradually join forces and grow into one. A new Star appears on the Earth plane and a Christed one comes into being, who is capable of acting as one more saviour and redeemer of themselves, the whole of humankind and our world. For a very long time such a being may walk in our midst without they themselves and those around them realising that this is happening. The different developmental stages every soul has to undergo on its way to evolving into a Christed one is the Divine truth behind the surface words of the Jesus legend. That is the message the myth has been trying to convey to humankind ever since its first appearance.

When we are sharing a nugget of God’s wisdom and truth that we are finding along the long and winding road of evolving into a Christed one in our own right, we do so  in the hope that they in turn will pass their knowledge on to others. In this way slowly but surely ever more of the darkness of our world’s spiritual ignorance dissolves and turns into light. Robert Alden wrote: ‘There is not enough darkness in all the world, to put out the light of one candle.’ The same is true for every grain of Divine wisdom. Each one of them has the power of sowing a seed which, when the time is right for this to happen, creates a tiny spark of clear and distinct recognition in the receiving soul. That’s what happens when our inner guidance, the small still voice of conscience within us, upon hearing or reading something murmurs: ‘This is right, you know!’ A small shoot begins to grow within and the Divine spark stirs from its slumbers.

This is how it comes about that in due course the higher and lower aspects of our nature are being integrated into our character make-up. They heal together into one single unit, which makes us whole and holy, and another one of God’s children of the Earth has developed into a Christed one in their own right. For us the vast cycle of learning and experiencing life in physicality closes, our earthly education is complete and there will be no further need for lifetimes on this planet. Upon our return into the world of light, our true home, a warm and loving welcome from the wise ones in charge of us is sure to await us. After the usual period of rest and recuperation they are going to release us into the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age and at long last we are allowed to move on to exploring and studying the higher and finally the highest levels of life.

Not surprisingly the last lifetime before such a release can take place is a particularly tough and demanding one. This is because the remnants of the shadows of all lifetimes have to be cleared away, karmic debts paid and our sins against Mother Earth redeemed in some way. Every relationship has to be transformed into a friendship, to ensure that no unresolved issues or connections are left behind when we leave our present level of existence. We shall not be free until the balance of our spiritual account in the great book of life has been restored. But take heart all who are presently struggling with coming to terms and making their peace with earthly life. If you just keep on keeping on, you are sure to get there in the end, the same as everybody else when their time of liberation from Earth life has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Candle’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The History Of The Six-Pointed Star’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (7)

A Call To Action

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Call To ActionOn the surface of life our world still seems to be a dark place. There is much spiritual ignorance and that is the cause of wars and violence, crimes and injustices, exploitations and power-seeking, wherever one looks. Do not despair when you observe them, because in the background and on the inner level a peaceful revolution is taking place and all who are ready to work with the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star, are called to service. A silent army of healers and lightworkers has gathered by now and is determined to put an end to this sad state of affairs. They are numbering thousands – maybe millions, who knows? – from all races and every age group, and every one of them is quietly beavering away.

These people are the supporters of a Universal revolution and they are found in every nation on our planet, though none of them will ever be seen on TV, heard about on the radio or mentioned in the newspapers. They or not are in pursuit of power and glory and they do not wear uniforms Most of them are happily, anonymously and quietly working behind the scenes in the background of life. One of them could be walking past you in any country and culture of our world, in towns and cities big and small, mountains, valleys and remote islands, without you having the slightest idea of who they are.

They are freedom fighters of a very special kind to whom it does not matter who in the end will take the final credit for the blessing and healing, salvation and redemption of our world. All they have in mind is getting on with the job in hand to the best of their ability, in accordance with the inner guidance they receive from their intuition, the living God within. Although during the day many of these people pursue ordinary jobs, their most important efforts take place behind the scenes, because they belong to an army of consciousness who is dedicated to a healing conspiracy. With the help and the will of God and the Angels they are doing their share of slowly bringing our new and peaceful world into being. This can only be done by listening within and with passion and joy they follow the instructions they receive from the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who is the Sun behind and above Suns and dwells in their hearts.

Unnoticed by the hustle and bustle of the outer world these peacemakers are on the move. Everywhere their weapons of love and light, wisdom and truth, comfort, healing and peace are exploding on the inner level of life. The soldiers of this army are healers and lightbringers who are expressing themselves creatively in their own unique way and are sharing the special gifts and talents the Universe has bestowed upon them with anyone who is ready to receive them. This army honours and enjoys the good, right and beautiful things of our world and its arsenal consists of the written and spoken word in poetry and prose, hugs and smiles, kind and loving words, photography  and movies, meditations, prayers and quiet reflections, singing and dancing, music-making and many other spiritual social activities.

This force of light also works through spiritual websites and blogs. Its blessing and healing power flows through every one of their words of wisdom, comfort and healing. Why don’t you join our happy throng and become one of us? Share all spiritual wisdom that is worthy of it, because your inner guidance says: ‘This is true!’, with as many as possible by e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, online groups and associations.

Speak about your beliefs to those around you, but be careful and extra gentle with those who are not yet on your wavelength. Bear in mind that they are your younger siblings in the family of humankind and just sow a tiny seed into their minds. If the person is ready for their awakening, what you are sowing will germinate and a small shoot will soon appear in their consciousness. Next time you meet them they might even ask you a few questions about what you know in your heart of hearts to be true. Whenever you are in doubt what to tell someone, turn to your wise one within and quietly say or think: ‘Please help me with this and give me the right words.’ If you do this, they surely will.

Those of us who seriously wish to help Mother Earth live modestly. To avoid putting unnecessary strain on her precious resources, we avoid over-consumption of any kind and live as a good example that others may wish to follow happily. Healers and lightbringers are aware that before any transformation can manifest itself on the outer plane of life, it first has to happen within. That’s why you will find them quietly and humbly getting on with improving their character and unselfishly serving the power of the Highest the best way they know how to. That is how in due course each one of us in due course has to grow into a channel through which the energies of the Christ Star flows for the blessing and healing of all life. The result is a slow but steady moving of mountains of faith. Invisibly on the surface of life, God’s power works through ever more of us and carries us and our world on His/Her shoulders steadily forwards and upwards into an ever brighter, more peaceful and beautiful future.

Love is the law of life and also the new religion of the Aquarian Age. As it has its seat in the intelligence all human hearts and souls possess, we do not have to be highly educated or possess any exceptional knowledge to understand the language of love. At the moment of the creation of each Divine spark this knowledge has been programmed into it and through this into the evolutionary pulse of our race. It is good to witness how more and more of us realise that:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And their only born Son/Daughter.
They are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Letting Our Inner Light Shine’

Six pointed Star

Dealing With The Shadows Of The Past (8)

An Anthem Of Healing And Peace

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Anthem

 The birds they sang at the break of day.
‘Start again,’ I heard them say.
‘Don’t dwell on what has passed away
Or what is yet to be.
Ah, the wars they will be fought again.
The holy dove she will be caught again.
Bought and sold and bought again.
The dove is never free.’

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.

We asked for signs.
The signs were sent:
The birth betrayed,
The marriage spent,
Yeah the widowhood,
Of every government:
Signs for all to see.

I can’t run no more with that lawless crowd,
While the killers in high places say their prayers out loud.
But they’ve summoned, they’ve summoned up
A thundercloud and they’re going to hear from me.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
You can add up the parts,
But you won’t have the sum.
You can strike up the march,
There is no drum.
Every heart, every heart
To love will come,
Like any refugee.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
And that’s how the light gets in.

By Leonard Cohen
Greeting us from the world of light.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Anthem’

Six pointed Star

What Is Truth?

Part A

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - What Is Truth?God’s sacred wisdom and truth were mentioned so many times in the previous chapters that you could be asking yourself: ‘What precisely is truth?’ The dictionary explains it as that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality, a quality or state of being true, and a fact or belief that is accepted as true. Surprisingly, truth is something quite flexible and as the religions of our world throughout the ages are clearly demonstrating, the things that are commonly accepted as truth are not necessarily the ultimate or God’s truth.

The reason behind this is that the spiritual development of our race has always been subject to the process of evolution, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation. Because of this the purpose of every new religion has been to gradually, one small step after another, bring us closer to the revelation of God’s eternal wisdom and truth that had to remain hidden for a very long time at the back of every one of the sacred teachings our world has ever known. This brought with it the necessity to change the perception of God’s truth from time to time.  Equipped with the gift of hindsight, as we are at the time of writing this in the year 2015, it is easy to discern how each new religion emerged from those that came before, integrating the best and discarding the things that had outlived their validity and usefulness.

To teach us and our world the lessons for which we were ready at any given time, every so often new religions and belief systems had to rise on the horizon of the consciousness of the small earthly selves of our race, which in the early days was extremely limited. In spite of this, all of them to some degree contained God’s wisdom and truth, though only in small nuggets, which had to remain hidden for a very long time. This was for the simple reason that it was all we could comprehend in those days, but with the increasing spiritual maturity many have reached by now, the time has come for unearthing the spiritual gold that has been waiting for so long to reveal itself to us.

All truth comes from the same source, wherever we may find it and whoever may be its bearer. There is only one truth and that is constantly expanding. Deciding how much of it can safely be released to humankind and in which form it should be presented at any given time, is the task of the Angels around the throne of God. This is why throughout the ages many different interpretations of Gods’ truth about the creation of us and our world and our rightful place in it had to appear from time to time. Every one of our religions has tried in myths and legends, with more or less success, to bring us closer to understanding the mystery of our existence. 

Various scribes down the ages acted as channels through which the Divine wisdom was transmitted into the consciousness of our race. But even if these people were reasonably highly evolved, in their time it would have been far too early to reveal the esoteric truths behind the surface words of the sacred texts that were given through them. If the revelations that came had not been masked in this manner, neither the scribes, nor their masters and least of all the general public would have been able to comprehend their true meaning in any case.

This is how it came about that the same points were made time and again in the religions of the past. Each time another one of them came into being, the points were presented in a different way. To fulfil the wise and higher purpose that was their very reason for being these religions could only ever supply us with temporary truths. Behind them God’s wisdom had to remain concealed, though with the passing of time gradually in a lighter camouflage, until the right time for their revealing had come, in the Age of Aquarius. Each new belief system that appeared was meant to take us another bit up the spiritual mountain and closer to the ultimate, God’s truth.

Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, increasing numbers of us are sufficiently evolved to understand that if a real spiritual Master had been nailed to the cross, he would not have uttered the words: ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ There would have been no need, because this man would have been well aware that our Creator is at one with all life and therefore also with him, and that therefore it would be impossible for God to forget any one of us, never mind him, the Master on the Cross.

We too are now aware that the cross represents the oldest symbol known to our world of humankind’s earthly existence, and that the esoteric truth behind Jesus’ death on the cross is a metaphor for humankind’s small lower self on its earthly sojourns, when time and again it finds itself trapped in experiencing and learning from life in physicality. ‘Father, why have you forsaken me?’ cannot be the cry of the Christ on the cross, because He would know better if he had been there.

The man’s cry is the lament of our lower earthly part, when we find ourselves nailed to the cross of Earth life and have to endure the suffering that is the result of the Karma we ourselves created in previous lifetimes, as yet unaware of what we were doing. It takes a long time until the small lower self comes to terms with the fact that God never leaves any one of us, no matter how depraved someone becomes in any of their lifetimes. God is part of everything and therefore also of us. Because of this the Divine would never dream of leaving us. God’s eternal truth, which has for so long had to remain shielded by the surface words of the story of Jesus death on the cross, is that our Christ Self knows this and therefore would never have spoken those words of doubt and despair.

Other equally precious parts of God’s wisdom have been contained in similar manner in every one of the legends, myths and tales of our world. In the original versions of all of them God’s wisdom has been trying to speak to us about our own Divinity and how we were created by Him/Her, the Great Father/Mother of all life. To find God’s truth all one has to do is look in the right places. Alas, the original texts were transcripted many times over and human nature being what it was in the days of yore, and unfortunately to a large degree still is, they gradually became more and more distorted, misunderstood and misinterpreted, only sometimes unintentionally.

The sacred texts of the religions of the patriarchy very quickly developed into the tools of their power-crazed priesthoods for the submission and exploitation of the masses and in particular the suppression of the feminine principle. None of it happened against the will of God – nothing in the whole of Creation ever does. Everything that took place was part of the plan for the development of the masculine forces of our race. Every bit of power we were allowed to wield in our lifetimes as men in the name of the patriarchy and the resulting misdemeanours were permitted by the wise ones on the Highest levels of life on the principle of ‘Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves in the end.’ And that indeed is what’s happening now.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
Part A – ‘The Truth About Truth’
Part B – ‘What Is God?’
Part C ‘Do Things Work Even If I Don’t Believe In Them?’

Six pointed Star

What Is Truth?

Part B

Thou Shalt Not Kill!

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Thou Shalt Not KillIn my view, it does not make any difference whether a man by the name of Jesus ever walked the Earth or not. God’s truth, contained in the Jesus tale since it first came into being, is that we too are half human and half God just like the person portrayed in this story. The figure of the Master was given to us as a metaphor for the aspect of our own inner Christ nature. All of us, without exception, possess this part. For a very long time it slumbers in the deepest innermost recesses of our being, ready do awaken and come fully alive when the small earthly self has reached the right evolutionary level.

Jesus represents our Highest, God or Christ Self. This is the only one in the whole of Creation who can save us in the end. Our small earthly self is its counterpart and our Highest Self alone is capable of showing us how we ourselves can make good and redeem every one of our sins. The highest duty that has to be met by every earthling in the fullness of time is to create inner and outer peace and harmony between the different aspects of their own nature. This is our contribution towards restoring the balance of our world in thoughts, words and actions.

The purpose of every new religion that came into being was to provide humankind a different pathway and a temporary walking aid up the spiritual mountain, no more and no less. The esoteric meaning behind all their teachings invariably contained two hidden messages, the first one tells us that every one of us is one of God’s children of the Earth. The second one is that in the course of many incarnations on our present level of existence, we are in this life to enable us to evolve from being mere earthlings, who are totally unaware of their true nature into the conscious awareness of their Divine origin and inheritance.

The coming of Christianity brought us the Jesus legend and the message that our Creator is a God of love and light. This brought us demands like ‘Love one another! And love thy neighbour as you love thyself!’ Because the three Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam evolved from the same roots and each other, contain the Old Testament with its command: ‘Thou shalt not kill!’ The Hebrew Bible contains numerous prohibitions against unlawful killing, but also allows for justified killing in the context of warfare, capital punishment, and self-defence. With great gusto this was carried forward into the other two religions and the warmongering continued unhindered and growing ever more cruel and devastating. 

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are part of the religions of the patriarchy. The words of their sacred texts were written by men for men and specifically aimed at the suppression of the wisdom and truth of the feminine. In its time this was right for teaching our race what the over-development of the masculine at the expense and exclusion of the feminine would lead to. Everywhere in our world the results are clearly visible.

One look at our history shows how each new religion that came into being provided a Heaven-sent excuse and ever fresh opportunities for the patriarchal belief systems to go to war against each other. Preaching love and peace and making hatred and war. The priests on both sides of the conflict blessing the weapons and praying for the victory of their side. None of the patriarchal religions ever stopped its most devout followers of all nations to go to war, to kill and maim – supposedly with God’s blessings. How much more hypocritical can anyone be?

While in one part of our world astronomical sums are annually spent on weapons to destroy each other that are becoming ever more sophisticated and destructive, in other countries millions of our siblings in the human family of life have no clean water to drink, food to eat and are starving. A world out of balance created by the patriarchy in pursuit of power and glory. The task of all healers and lightbringers is to each do our best to remedy this situation by allowing the feminine to have its say in the running of our world, whenever a possibility for it arises. Instead of following in the footsteps of the masculine, women are required to take action that is in keeping with their softer and more caring feminine nature.

This does not mean a return to the matriarchy of past ages, which was as unbalanced as the patriarchy is in many parts of our world to this day.  Having been through both, we are ready the new experience of the feminine and masculine, in both genders, working together as equal partners. It is no longer a situation of men against women and women against men, but both of them working together as equal partners. When each is in possession and command of every aspect of their nature, therefore whole and holy, and therefore seeking to labour hand in hand with God and the Angels, true and lasting peace will come to our world much more quickly and easily than we can imagine now.

In this our new world everybody will be giving of their best and co-operating in peace and harmony with each other for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. It cannot be achieved by women who behave like men and act the part of the warmonger in pursuit of fame and glory, power and the amassing of ever more material wealth at the expense of spiritual gain and growth. To tone down their male aggressiveness and arrogance, wise men tune into the caring and nurturing aspect of their own inner woman and bring it into play. Wise women use their masculine side for stepping forward and claiming their birthright to bring their love and wisdom to their role as equal partners of the masculine into the running of our world. In all of us the ‘I am God’s gift to the world’ syndrome can easily be overcome by adding ‘So is everybody else’. 

Now that ever more of us are becoming aware that nobody is all woman or man, the final goal of a balanced and healed world that is enjoying a true and lasting peace is moving into our reach. A world where the material and spiritual aspects co-operate, one supporting and complementing the other, instead of struggling against each other. Humankind was created so this could be achieved in the days when our wrestling with physicality and its demands are finally over and done with. This can only be achieved through the realisation of our own Divinity. For the awakened ones God needs to become an inner reality and an aspect of their own nature.

Through our inner and outer behaviour we have to prove to the wise ones in charge of us that we are evolving into ever more God-like beings, who instead of thinking of God as a man and an outer manifestation that in truth only ever existed in the form of a myth. We now realise that Jesus is a metaphor that stands for the God side of everybody’s own nature, which is love. Only when we respect and honour this aspect of ourselves as well as of everyone else, are we true to it.

In this manner each one of us has their contribution to make towards taking all of us, together and individually, step by step higher up the slope of the spiritual mountain, until even the last one of us is once more fully and consciously aware of God’s true nature and their own. Love is the only key that can unlock the gates of Heaven for any of us, because love is the law of life that opens the inner doors to genuine, everlasting and continuing spiritual growth. On this plane of life it is one of the easiest things to talk about love and to say: ‘Love one another’. Acting upon it, however, is something very different. In the end it expresses itself quite naturally as friendliness and tolerance. When finally our whole being has evolved into one loving entity, acting with kindness and consideration, compassion and love to all we meet happens quite naturally.

Six pointed Star

What Is Truth?

Part C

Where Do Our Religions Come From?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Where Do Our Religions Come From?Looking at the multitude of belief systems of our world in the past and present, one cannot help wondering how they all came into being. This theme has been dealt with extensively in various parts of my jottings, for example in ‘Astrology – Not A Belief System’, ‘The Religion Of The New Age’, as well as ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’ and ‘God’s Chosen People’. For more details please follow the links here or those at the end of this chapter. May it suffice to say here that none of the religions of our world appeared out of nowhere and that they all evolved from each other.

The first religion brought us the knowledge that all of us are the children of the Great Father/Mother of life. It taught us that we had once been released from our Creator’s loving heart and sent on an evolutionary journey of exploration and discovery. Lifetime after lifetime spent in earthly life is but one of the phases of our development. When this chapter has been completed, the memory of God’s true nature and our own reawakens in us. It was planted into the deepest recesses of every individual spirit and soul’s memory, as well as that of our whole race, at the moment of our release from the source of our being. 

This memory has accompanied all of us down the ages, up to the evolutionary point we have reached now: the Age of Aquarius. This is going to be an age of wisdom and truth in which the recognition of God’s true nature and our own will gradually come alive in ever more of us, and the ultimate purpose of our creation as young Gods in the making is making itself known. On our way to this recognition, when our small earthly self at long last recognises what Earth life is about and that all our trials and tribulations have always served a wise and higher purpose, and as a deep inner faith begins to take root in us, our thinking and behaviour becomes more positive.

On the inner level we are all one and influence each other. As a result of this, without being aware that something like this is happening, our newly won trust in life radiates from us into those in our environment, and from there into the heart and soul of our whole world. Souls in pursuit of wisdom and understanding emanate a light that impresses itself on the etheric around them. These people create an atmosphere around them that is filled with the vibrations and the colouring of the beauty of their souls. This is enhanced by the rays they naturally draw to wherever they may be.

Being a spark of the Divine, every soul has a light. In our young and inexperienced state, it is just a low gleam, but the more highly evolved we become the more bright and radiant it grows. As soon as a light reaches a degree of radiance, it attracts other lights into its orbit.  The wise ones on the higher and highest levels of life are constantly watching us and our lights. The higher ranks of our friends and helpers in the world of spirit are supervising every step we make, without interfering with us. As soon as they spot that someone’s light is beginning to radiate more brightly, their power and light is attracted to it.

In this fashion each one of us gradually moves forwards and upwards on our pathway through life. At a certain point one of the Masters or even an Angel takes over the showing of the way and provides us with the guidance and special protection we need against unwanted influences, from within and without, which otherwise would interfere with the special mission we have agreed to carry out, before we entered into this lifetime. Whenever one of us asks for the assistance and support of these wise ones, they are happy to show us where to go, what to do and say. We then feel instinctively drawn to what they wish to bring to our attention and their instructions come to us intuitively. You can read more about the special mission each one of us has come to carry out by following the link to ‘You Are Special’ below.

As we spiritually progress on the evolutionary spiral of life, we gradually get to know the different planes on which we are now functioning. The more the energies of the lower and Highest Self mingle and eventually become one, the more we benefit from it not only during meditations and other quiet spiritual times, but also in everyday life. The lower mental plane of Earth life is somewhat cold, detached and isolated, but the higher mental plane is much kinder and more gentle than its earthly counterpart. The most beautiful conditions exist on the higher mental plane, where the truth and beauty of the Great Spirit’s love and wisdom is experienced in harmonious and loving ways. During this process the highlands of Heaven are created on the Earth and another small part of God’s kingdom established on our planet.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Astrology – Not A Belief System’
•    ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

•    ‘God’s Chosen People’

Six pointed Star

What Is Truth?

Part D

Created In God’s Image

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Created In God's Image

 Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
You created us in Your image and placed us on the Earth,
So that in the course of many lifetimes
We should evolve and grow ever more like You.
Your powers are also in us,
Please show us how to master and handle
Them safely and responsibly,
Following Your will and wishes, not ours.

You granted us the gift of our present lifetime,
So our earthly self can at last become aware of its true nature.
The wisdom of the Mother’s love from time to time gave us
New myths and legends that brought us ever closer to this discovery.
This included the tales like the ones of Uranus and Gaia,
The Lords Krishna and Buddha,
Abraham and Moses, Jesus and the Virgin Mary,
And many others whose traces are lost in the mists of time.

The latest one, the Jesus legend, you gave us as a metaphor
And to illustrate all human soul’s predestined pathway through life.
It reveals to us the initiations all of us have to experience,
To evolve into a Master and Christed one,
Each in their own right.
 Through the death of the man on the cross
You showed us that our life, too,
Is an absolute continuum
That has neither beginning nor end.

For all these things we give thanks and praise to You,
Because now the Spirit of the Universal Christ,
Your only born Son/Daughter, is calling all of us
To make the Jesus story a reality in earthly life
By carrying out the work
For which You created us and brought us into being,
In the first place and now into our present existence.

You are our true Father/Mother and the spark of
The Christ spirit is stirring from its slumbers
And coming alive in ever more human hearts.
In Your presence and Your holy name,
We enter into our mediations and quiet reflections
On the beauty and wonder of Your Creation
And what great honour it is to be allowed
To take part in it.

You are the Source of all inspiration
And we pray that all our thoughts and ideas
Should have their origin in You
And be for the highest good and the greatest joy of all.
Please show us ways of conducting the gift of life
You have bestowed upon us to worship and adore You,
Your love and Your glory,
So that enriched with the learning of all our lifetimes,
We return into the conscious awareness
Of our oneness with You.


Six pointed Star

Healing Circle For Our World And Conflicts Anywhere

 Healing Circle - Rays of Wisdom - War and Peace among Nations - Healing Circle for our World and Syvia

In our prayers, meditations and reflections, hand in hand with God and the Angels, let us join hearts and hands in a world-wide healing circle and call upon the healing and transforming power of the Christ Star to help us create an ever more peaceful world. The Angels need our help in this work as much as we need theirs. Together we send the Christ Light to all those who are suffering, the refugees and everyone else caught up in any kind of conflict, as well as all relief workers.

Through the light of the Christ Star may the Goddess’s love, wisdom and truth deeply penetrate the hearts and souls of the leaders of our world, until each one of them has found their own way back into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. May they become aware of the responsibilities this brings with it for them and also for all of us.
•    I believe in the blessing and healing power of God’s wisdom and light.
•    I trust God’s perfect plan.
•    I believe in the power of the Christ Star.

Repeat whenever you can:

I lift all conflicts of our world into the mercy and love of God’s power and wisdom.

In the light of the Christ Star we are one. With its help our thoughts and minds remain focussed, calm and balanced. We are channels of this light. It flows through us onto the Earth plane from the highest levels of life, so that each one of us can do their share of dispelling every last shred of our planet’s spiritual darkness of ignorance that breeds false beliefs, superstitions, prejudices that are the cause of all humankind’s fears. May all our thoughts, words and actions be filled with nothing but positivity, love and light. In the name of love we ask this. Amen.

Six pointed Star

The Events In France November 2015

A Beam Of Hope, Faith, Trust, Healing And Peace

From The Highest Star And The Brightest Light –

The Spirit Of The Universal Christ

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Events In France November 2015

Let us join hearts and hands under the light of the Christ Star, the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, and send our loving thoughts to all who are affected by the tragedy in France.

Together we now send the Light of the Star to all those whose lives are touched by it and pray:

The light of the Star fills my whole being and flows from there into the leaders and people of France. From there it continues into all who are affected by all kinds of extremism in any part of our world.

May the blessing healing power of the Star deeply penetrate into the hearts and souls of the perpetrators, so that the Divine spark in them awakens and they too once more become aware of their true nature, as children of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ.

Repeat to yourself whenever you can:

•    I believe in the blessing and healing power of the
Christ Spirit and the Light of Its Star.
•    I hold the people of France into the Light of the Star.
•    I trust that God’s plan of life is perfect.
•    My thinking is filled with positivity and light.

The Christ Star helps our thoughts and minds to remain steady and balanced. This enables us to do our share of acting as channels for Its light of the Heavens, receiving and transmitting it into the spiritual darkness of Earth life. The light of the Christ Star guides and protects us when we do this work and keeps us safe from all harmful influences.

The essence of a White Eagle teaching from ‘The Gentle Brother’ Stella Polaris December 2015 / January 2016: ‘Train yourself to look beyond the end of your nose, away from the darkness of Earth life into the light of higher and highest realities. Focus on the things that are eternal and true, for they have been given to you to help you on your evolutionary journey. Maybe your present lifetime is a rosy passage and you are wafted along on wings of love, or the reverse.

‘Whatever your experiences may be, never forget that through them we, the wise ones in charge of you in the world of light, are gradually guiding you along an eternal pathway of progress. This is a road on which you are gradually becoming ever more aware of the perfect working out of God’s plan and laws, so that you may constantly in wisdom and understanding. ‘Ear hath not heard nor eyes seen’ the wonders of the heavenly state, to which surely, surely, you are all moving forward.

‘The more you grow in wisdom and understanding, the more you will be able to see for yourself that in truth there is no death, only a change of state and a vision of spiritual growth and beauty that opens in your soul. Never look on the dark side of anything and know that what in Earth life appears to be a tragedy or disaster is in truth part of the unfolding of God’s perfect plan. You can be sure that through whatever happens in your world, behind the scenes on the higher and highest levels of life God’s wise and loving power is bringing ever more beauty and goodness. Divine wisdom creates light out of darkness and makes knowledge and wisdom grow from ignorance.

‘With the help of your younger and less evolved siblings, who are in the process of getting to know this part of their nature, the Universal power shows the older and more highly evolved ones in your midst the senselessness and futility of all kinds of aggression and warmongering. Through this you learn the value and preciousness of human life and of peace.

‘And now open yourselves to the holy blessings of God, the Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ. Like incense from a communion table may our prayers of thanksgivings rise to the Heavens, the highest levels of life.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The True Cause Of All Disasters’
•    ‘Man-made And Natural Disasters’

With love and light,

Six pointed Star

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World

Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World - Rays of Wisdom - War and Peace Among Natiions

This is such a critical time in the development of our world that it feels right to present this letter from time to time. The Old Testament’s book of Hosea goes back to the eighth century B.C. In 8:7 it sent an early warning note into the heart of humankind about the dangers and implications of all warmongering: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ This teaching has not just one but two hidden esoteric meanings. First it refers to the law of Karma, i.e. what we send out into the world must return to us.

But that is by no means all there is to it. In keeping with the Universal laws the force of whatever any one of us creates on the Earth plane through their thought processes and the actions following them increases and gathers ever more strength and momentum on its way back to us. This demonstrates that humankind’s most urgent need is taking charge of our thought processes and learning to control them. Constant practice alone can help us to become its masters rather than its servants.

May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that the civilian population had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city, a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained much of the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare.’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer expression of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that all manmade and natural disasters that have ever befallen our world were caused by us. Only then can the Universal justice of the law of Karma return anything to us. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world? A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations asked for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.

Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot extinguished by another. All  this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter, at the beginning of September 2013, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.

Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.

The spiritual talents the Universe bestows upon each one of us are meant to be used first for our own healing and subsequently for those around us who are in need of it. As soon as the Universe grants one of us the gift of clear vision, that person becomes capable of seeing into the innermost centre and beginning of all life, and what it is like to be at one with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. Once this contact has been made, if only for brief moments here and there, the person’s soul opens and can be used as a channel through which God’s creative power and light flows and acts like a small spring of clear and life-giving water for all life.

Every spiritual development has the potential of one day growing into a mighty flowing river that has its beginnings in the above described spring in human hearts. Bubbling from the Earth plane and trickling down the hillside, it grows broader and ever stronger and faster flowing, until it has become a great river in its own right that constantly pours itself with all its might into the vast ocean of life. Each one of these rivers makes a valuable contribution towards sweeping away the debris of prejudices, false beliefs and superstitions that to this day clutter the consciousness of our world, as described in the eleventh labour of Hercules.

O Great Father/Mother of all life, please grant us the gift of Your wisdom and help us find ever better ways of dealing with crises like the present one in Syria. Hand in hand with the Angels and You, we lift all warmongering tendencies that to this day dwell in human hearts and the energies they create into the temple of healing in the heart of the Christ Star. With Your will and in accordance with Your wishes, may they be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life, so that peace and harmony may be restored in the heart and mind of humankind and our whole world, at last. In the name of love we ask this. Amen

May the Angels of Healing and Peace be with us and our world, to protect, guide and show us the way, now and forever.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Sowing The Wind’
•    ‘Reaping The Whirlwind’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

The Triumph Of Good Over Evil

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Triumph Of Good Over Evil

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing,’ said Edmund Burke 1729 - 1797, Irish orator, philosopher and politician. How right he was, but at the present stage of our race’s spiritual development being a good person is no longer as simple as it was in Burke’s time.

To this day people who really are good at heart, but as yet unawakened to their true nature and the effect the Universal Laws have on all life and lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation, may well respond to terrorist actions by demanding that aircraft should be sent to bomb a place. This is done in the hope that some of the terrorists will be wiped out together with the unfortunate civilians who are getting in the way of their thirst for revenge, men, women and children, young and old alike.

This aligns those who agree with such actions to the forces of darkness, the same side the terrorists are on. These two parties between them are creating ever more negative and destructive Karma for themselves, their country and our whole world. Every bit of it adds to the great mass that with the passing of time has already piled up and waiting to be redeemed by each one of us individually and collectively all of us together. Is that what YOU want?

Good and awakened people, in contrast to those mentioned above, align themselves to the forces of Light and tune into the White Healing Magic of the Universe. They seek the help of the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Angels and focus their whole being on the love and power of the Highest Star and the Brightest Light, the Sun of all Suns, the Christ Star. Wise ones project Its radiance into the hearts and souls of all who are involved in any kind of conflict, on both sides of the fence. They pray that the Divine seed in all human hearts stirs from its slumber, so that the Christ child, promised since the days of yore, be born in the realities of Earth life in all human hearts. Through this even the last one of us will eventually become aware of their true nature and the higher purpose and meaning of their earthly existence.

Never forget that the Universe has granted all of us the gift of choice. For the first time in the known history of humankind we are allowed to have our say and make a conscious decision to which side of any ongoing conflict we wish to belong. Freedom of choice is a right and we need to become aware that every right automatically brings with it a duty, which in this case means we must choose. Let’s take care to do so wisely.

The present situation in the Middle East is a test of everyone’s spiritual maturity and the seriousness behind our intentions. It is our chance to make a genuine contribution towards bringing a more peaceful and beautiful world for all into being. And that is the very reason why we are here at this special time of Mother Earth’s transformation that brings us the transmutation of evil into good and darkness into light. Let’s not waste any of its opportunities.

Peace be with all of us and our world.

Further Reading:
•    ‘The Forces Of Good and Evil’
•    ‘The Prophet – Of Good And Evil’ 
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’

Six pointed Star

On The Forces Of Good And Evil

Rays of Wisdom - The Very Best Of White Eagle - On The Forces Of Good And Evil

The following is the essence of three items from ‘There shall be Light!’ Stella Polaris Vol. 46:5: ‘The seeds of the siblinghood with all life that knows nothing but love is in every one of you. Do not look on the outer level of life for love but within and become more loving yourself. You are a dynamic being who can only attract that which you are yourself. The world around you is a mirror of what is happening within. So, whenever you want to change something in your world, first take a deep and utterly honest look into the mirror of the self. Each one of you has to do this for themselves because you can only recognise yourself by your reflection.

‘Never forget that each one of you has the best as well as the worst within. When you observe the ugly and painful things that are happening in your world, feelings of compassion and humility with all involved arise in you and you feel the need to pray for a purification of your own soul and that of your world to take all of you closer to God. The desire for loving and forgiving rather than hurting, criticising and resenting awakens in you. Please don’t ever think: ‘Oh, that’s too much for me!’ The only thing we ask of you is to simply keep on trying day by day. Every time you look into the mirror honestly and quietly affirm: ‘I am God’s child and I seek to obey the law of love, God’s law.’

Do Not Attack Evil – Dissolve It!

‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, a negative one and its positive counterpart, that which is good. This part is all love and with the passing of time absorbs what is known as evil in your world into itself and creates more good from it. God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent and humankind lives in Its heart and although many find it hard to accept that good and bad alike are within our Creator’s power. Both aspects have their origin in the life of God and proceed from there.

‘You need to know that that which is evil and ugly in your world and anywhere else is the unevolved and undeveloped part of life. All the powers that are in God are also in you. That is why when your Highest Self first starts building itself an earthly counterpart, it has to start at the lowest point, just the same as the Universal intelligence of the Almighty, whose spark you are, has to do when creating anything. The same applies to every field of human endeavour, be it the ability to conduct satisfying and rewarding personal relationships, or being successful professionally, artistically as well as spiritually. There are no shortcuts. In each case you have to start with the bottom step of the ladder, slowly and patiently working your way up to beauty and perfection.

‘Everything that to this day leaves much to be desired in your world is part of humankind’s lower earthly nature in its slowly evolving state. Evil is a consuming and destructive force. It’s a fire that first tests and tries humankind’s mettle to its utmost. Later on it is absorbed by the individual and collective development of the Christ nature. The Christ fire consumes everything that is no longer of any use and transforms it into something good. During the later stages of your development, when the thoughts, words and actions you in your ignorance of what is at stake once sent into the world return to you, the result tests and tries your whole being frequently to breaking point. The suffering endured pays the karmic debts that were incurred earlier.

‘By the time you have recovered, you have become thoroughly familiar with the nature of suffering. Your higher nature is awakening from its slumber and your heart fills with love and compassion whenever you see someone in distress. You have come to admire the people who happily share their talents with anyone who is in need of them and the work they are doing. Like them you want to become a useful member of society and assist those who are suffering the way you once did. With this the healer’s pathway is opening before you. As Elisabeth Kübler-Ross put it: ‘The most beautiful people are those who have experienced defeat, suffering, struggle and loss and have found their way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern. Such things do not just happen, they can only grow from within.’

‘With the awakening of the good and higher aspects of your nature, the Christ Spirit, the process of absorbing the ugly and evil parts of your lower earthly self begins. As this happens in ever more of you, with the passing of time all evil will eventually vanish from your world. And that is the only way Christ can become the saviour and redeemer of you and ultimately your whole world. Many believe that by attacking evil they can do their share of getting rid of it. But when you have become aware of God’s true nature and your own, you know that this is not the right course of action and that the best you can do to dissolve any kind of evil is by radiating the light of the Christ Star into the distressed people and areas of your world.

‘Those who view evil from the perspective we are bringing here, will have no difficulties recognising the wise higher purpose it fulfils in earthly life to this day. We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, have walked this way before you. We understand your difficulties only too well. That’s why we are volunteering to light the road every human soul must travel. We are trying to help you overcome the darkness of earthly life by showing how each one of you has to make their contribution towards absorbing it into the Christ light of love and compassion, wisdom and truth which, if only in seed form, is in every one of you. One of these days you may wish to join us and assist those you have left behind and who are still struggling in the darkness of earthly life.

Good Or White Magic

‘Good or white magic is performed with the knowledge and assistance of the Angels of Light. This ritual is carried out by people who work from their heart centre and with the highest intentions. Because they love those around them, they do not try to impose their own will upon them. Seeking nothing for themselves, they work unselfishly for the good of all. Many groups who work with the White Light will spring up all over the Earth in the days to come. Working in them allies the server with the Forces of Light and requires a spirit that is dedicated to selfless service.

‘Those who insist on working entirely for themselves, wishing to draw everything to themselves and imposing their will upon others, form an alliance with the negative forces. Awakened ones have no thoughts of themselves. Their only desire is to give love and light, to bless and raise all God’s children to a Higher state of consciousness. They give without reservations, from their loving hearts. Such selfless giving distinguishes the white from the dark magic.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Prophet On Good And Evil’
•    ‘Good And Evil – The Heavenly Teaching Aids’

Six pointed Star

White Magic And Black Magic

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - White Magic And Black MagicGod’s nature and our own is one of duality. Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, highest and lowest, Heaven and Earth and so forth. The world around us reflects these dualities and polarities. It is a realm of ideas and every one of them has a lower and higher, positive and negative aspect, and can be used for good or evil purposes. The choice is ours which side we would like to align ourselves to. Learning about the abuse of the idea of brotherhood – I prefer the words kinship or siblinghood, whilst in pursuit of power, has always been part of the equipment used by every regime our world has ever seen, religious and otherwise, at least during the history that is known to us. It is used by the countries and organisations that to this day attempt – and in many cases so far succeed –  to suppress the natural and God-given rights and privileges of their siblings in the great family of humankind.

The centuries old struggle between Christianity and Islam has always been but one of the many expressions of this struggle. Yet, even this can only continue for as long as the members of the warring factions on both sides remain stuck in the past, unaware. of their true nature and therefore failing to grasp the reason why they are here. There is no doubt in my mind that this too will eventually have run its course and disappear from our world. It will do so with the passing of time when every one of the belief systems that still exists in our world returns to their common spiritual roots, when people become aware of their true nature and their relationship with the Divine. All of us will then realise that in truth there is only one God to whom the various religions have been praying in different ways. There could be no better example for this than Sufism, the seed faith of Islam that comes from the heart and teaches tolerance, love and respect for ourselves, each other and all life. The Sufis are the Gnostics of the Islamic world.

We are all in this wonderful school of life together, so that we may act both as teachers and pupils to each other. For this purpose some of us, at any given time, may find themselves at the giving and others at the receiving end of every type of experience. Good, bad and indifferent ones alike, each one is only there to teach us something. That is the only way every soul can imbibe the lessons it requires on its evolutionary pathway back home into the awareness of its true reality and the oneness with God.

The teacher/pupil principle is also true for those who to this day are doing their utmost to lead us and our world down the slippery slope of warmongering and evil. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, all evil deeds create alliances with the dark forces of the Universe and are in fact black magic practises. The sole purpose of these experiences is to help us and our world to differentiate between darkness and light, good and evil. The lessons of evil have to be absorbed as thoroughly by each one of us as the ones of good. Only by each one of us personally wading through the suffering that is created by evil can every individual soul and the soul of our world reach the bottom of the pit of evil.

Not until we have learnt our lesson and in our desperation at last turn to God and the Angels to ask for their assistance, are they willing to show us how to find the turning point of our development. In the end all human souls through their own experiences have to reach the bottom of the evolutionary spiral of life. Only then can they begin to move in an upwards direction that consist of experiencing the polar opposite of evil in the compassion, tolerance and kindness of Universal love, again at the giving and the receiving end.

The zodiac with its opposing signs and houses and their energies clearly depicts every soul’s evolutionary pathway through life. It is a spiral that first takes us down to experience and become familiar with the negative aspects of each sign and then gradually upwards so that we can make their higher and highest qualities our own. The zodiac is a symbol of the wheel of life or fortune. Round and round we go on this wheel, one lifetime after another. The negative Karma accrued on the downwards slope has to be made good and redeemed on the upwards one, until the balance of our spiritual account in the great book of life has been restored. That in a nutshell is the road from sinner to sainthood, which every soul on its evolutionary pathway is constantly travelling.

And when the going gets too touch, anyone who reaches out for the blessing and healing hands of God and the Angels and prays for their assistance, does receive it. Our pleas align us to the Universal forces of goodness and light. When we respond in the right way to what the Highest are bringing us, with the passing of time we evolve into ever more capable channels of light who can act as lightbringers and healers for our whole world. We become valuable instruments in the hands of the Divine forces, and when they work through us we are taking part in and practising white magic. As increasing amounts of spiritual wisdom and understanding flow through us onto the Earth plane and ever more of those around us are waking up to their true nature, they too begin to feel drawn quite naturally into the energies of the higher stream of life.

That is how down the ages every individual consciousness and that of our world has slowly but surely been expanding and growing. It is a process that will continue until every last shred of darkness and evil in our world has been dissolved, uplifted and transmuted by the forces of goodness and light into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all. And when finally every one of us on the Earth plane is operating on the same positive wavelength, peace and goodwill to all life will once more reign.

All of us together are responsible not only for our own development but also for that of our world. The right way of making a valid contribution towards achieving this state of affairs is by living not merely to enjoy ourselves, but for the beautification and benefit of our planet. Even the smallest of efforts in that direction by any one of us moves the spiritual evolution of the whole of Creation forwards and upwards. Every individual can do a great deal to help the highest forces with their work of raising the vibrations of our whole planet and all its inhabitants.

As aspiring lightbringers and healers we know that humankind, individually and collectively, has never struggled up the evolutionary spiral of life on its own. It is our task to draw the attention of ever more of those around us to this facts, so they too become aware of the spiritual powers that are constantly toiling on our race’s behalf behind the scenes of earthly life. When we make an effort to think and act in positive and constructive ways only, we are living as a good example that others may wish to follow. At the same time this is a way of training our spiritual listening to the words of power and love, wisdom and truth which the Highest Forces of life are broadcasting ever more forcefully into the consciousness of our world.

Finding our way back into the conscious awareness on all levels of our being that all life is one and that everything is in siblinghood and relationship with everything else in the whole of Creation, including the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the whole purpose of every soul’s earthly existence. This means shedding our sense of separateness and returning into the conscious awareness of our wholeness and at-one-ment with all life. That is the ultimate aim for all human souls which gains us access to the realm of white magic. When we finally are in complete harmony and siblinghood with all life and the love in our heart for our Creator and all life has become great enough, all power and life on the Earth and its surrounding spheres can use us. And we shall then be able to make wise, respectful and sensible use of the white magic.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Road From Sinner To Sainthood’

Six pointed Star Six pointed Star Six pointed Star

Part 6

Ideas That Changed Our World

Inspiration From Above (1)

Christianity And Socialism

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – Christianity And Socialism

This part of my writings is an exploration of the true genius behind every idea that has ever appeared in earthly life. In particular it is about some of the groundbreaking ideas that already have changed our world and will keep on changing it, for example Christianity, socialism, communism and the evolutionary theory. It is an attempt at freeing humankind from some of the many false beliefs and prejudices about these themes that to this day are floating around in the consciousness of our world.   

Every creative idea originates in the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, God. He is the Creator whose ideas pass through the wisdom and love of the Goddess, His feminine counterpart. The wisdom of the Goddess knows when the time has come for new creations to appear anywhere, including our world. The Earth is one of the many manifestations of the God and Goddess’s co-operation. They perceive the images of their creative visions that concern us and our world through us. We are the dreamers through whom they are brought in being, in keeping with the great plan of life and the small plan for our existence within it. The Angelic hierarchy is the executor, guardian and caretaker of the plan. Without them nothing would ever come into being anywhere.

The great plan provided that our race’s spiritual development should eventually reach the point when each through their own experiences had to find out what happens in our world when the masculine forces are given the upper hand and the softening and civilising influence of the feminine, the Goddess, are gradually withdrawn. As human beings can only learn to appreciate the value of something through having to do without it, there was no other way of providing us with this lesson. This is why the influence of the nurturing and caring energies of the feminine slowly had to be withdrawn from our world.

And that’s what happened during the reign of a patriarchy that lasted around six thousand years, which turned into a time span of almost continuous warfare, suffering and destruction. The ambitions of the reigning warlords to gain the upper hand over other tribes, races, nations and their lands, possessions and people, became ever more cruel and bloody. Financing their enterprises was easily done by robbing and plundering our planet of its precious resources. On the upside, the by-products of warfare have always been the ideas the Angels provided for technical advances that would make Earth life easier and more pleasant, when yet another war had reached its end.

The great plan decreed that when the patriarchy had run its course and sufficient lessons had been learnt, the influence of the feminine would return to our world. The wisdom and love of the feminine would then slowly steer it towards evolving into a highly advanced and peaceful civilisation that would have its foundations in the principles of the Aquarian spirit. This means true socialism with equal rights for all; one for all and all for one; everything is owned by everybody; everybody puts in as much as they can and only takes out what they need. Therefore, there is plenty for all at all times and no-one dies of hunger or thirst. Only highly evolved souls, whose sense of responsibility has fully developed, will be reincarnating into this society. They behave like true sons/daughters of the Highest and conduct their lives in keeping with God’s Universal laws. Being well capable of governing themselves and all aspects of their society, they no longer have any need for governments as they are known to us.

Ideas for such a new golden age * with its ideal social order have for quite some time been flowing into the collective and individual consciousness of our world. The all-male energies of the patriarchy ensured that every wrong way would be explored first, so that in the end the Angels could guide us in the right direction. The crises that always have been rocking every aspect of our world from time to time have been and still are Universal teaching aids and part of the great plan. The dilemmas we encountered in the past and those that are turning up to this day have been and still are essential parts of the labour pains of our new world. These pains cannot be avoided in any birthing process, especially not when something on the scale of a new age’s is coming into being. Also, it needs to be born in mind that before spiritually anything new can come into being, that which went before it has to be broken down and removed. This is what’s been happening to us and our world for a long time.

The above shows why all truly great ideas, for example Christianity and socialism, that are intended to shake our world to its foundations and change it profoundly, have to be seeded into the collective consciousness of our world a long way ahead of their time. This is necessary because germinating and then manifesting ideas of such magnitude can take centuries, sometimes thousands of years, as Christianity and socialism are clearly showing. When the first shoots of such ideas begin to sprout, they become visible in the form of many trial runs that allow us to try more and more wrong ways. Each one of them has to be explored first, so that individually and collectively we can draw the learning from the mistakes we are making along the way. This process continues until the first useful fruits begin to appear on our world’s tree of knowledge, so they can be used to assist that which started as an idea and a mere vision of a peaceful Earth to become a reality in our world.

True Christianity is the purest form of socialism. Neither of them has as yet been practised on our planet. But every one of the wrong ways of trying socialism has always been taking us one step closer to this ideal kind of society, in which the Christ spirit wakes up in ever more hearts and souls and gradually takes over their whole being. When it comes to other human beings, we meet them as well as all other lifeforms, without any kind of distinction and prejudice, from the point of love in our hearts with kindness and patience, tolerance and understanding for each other’s foibles and the difficulties all human beings are bound to encounter on their pathway through life. We are helping each other to climb the hurdles that get in the way of the progress that is possible for us this time round. Giving to people instead of taking from them and exploiting them helps us to discover that being able to give and having something to share is much better way of living for human beings in earthly life. It means bringing God’s kingdom onto the Earth for everyone we meet.

And that, dear Friends, is the real meaning of the second coming of Christ * as the saviour and redeemer of us and our world. The first one was the appearance of the Jesus legend as the Universal Forces’ teaching aid. The great plan provided that this would lead us to the discover that we ourselves are the only ones who can save and redeem ourselves, each for themselves, and that no-one is going to do this for us.

True socialism and true Christianity will appear in our world together; the one without fail leads to the other. They are the road that takes us into the religion of the Aquarian Age *. The religions of the past have been of the head, but the new one is of the heart. It will rule our world with love and compassion, honesty and truth, mercy and forgiveness. Eventually all of us will be following it with integrity and loyalty to our own Christ nature. And regardless of where our destiny may ever wish to take us, we shall always be safely guided and protected when we follow the instructions of the living God within, our Highest Self. The Angelic forces are communicating with us through it.

If Jesus really had existed, he would qualify for the title of the first socialist to become known in our world. With the help of the legend of this half human and half Divine being the Highest forces were seeding the idea of a new world order deep into the consciousness of our world. Alas, it would take approx. another two thousand years before these ideas could seriously begin to stir and eventually manifest themselves on our planet.

I believe that, the more of us wake up to their true nature and strive to conduct our lives in keeping with the Universal laws, preferring peaceful and harmonious cop-operation with others to conflicts, the more peace will come to our world on the inner level quite naturally. As soon as something has happened there, it does not take long until it also manifests itself on the outer plane of life. Each one of us is required to make their contribution towards creating an increasingly peaceful world. This is the only way we shall finally free it from all manner of slavery and oppression, especially of the religious/spiritual kind, where warfare, violence and crime are no longer known.

An important ingredient in the creation of our new Earth is that ever more of us are re-discovering and returning to the age-old natural healing methods. Until they were systematically suppressed and in the end completely wiped out by Christianity, they had been the domain of the nurturing and caring realm of the Goddess and the feminine. Now that our world has returned into the conscious awareness of the Great Mother’s presence *, wherever healing work is called for, the Angels encourage us to tune the transmitter/receiver stations of our earthly minds into the frequencies of the Mother’s white healing magic *. With its help all sickness and even death will eventually be overcome on the Earth.

That’s how God and the Angels are patiently and lovingly guiding us step by step to our peaceful new world *. Without expecting anything in return, wise ones are doing their best to ease our planet’s birthing difficulties by freely and willingly serving the Highest and sharing their gifts with those who are in need of them. They are going to be rewarded by being allowed to take part in earthly life when the transformation is complete. If they so wish, that’s what they can do for a while. Then they will be free to move on to exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother And The Feminine To Our World’
•   ‘The Latter Days Of The Law Or The Second Coming’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘Finding Peace Of Mind’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (2)

Karl Marx – Father Of Communism

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – Karl Marx - Father Of CommunismThe German philosopher, social scientist and professional revolutionary Karl Marx, 1818-83, Sun and Moon in close conjunction in Taurus, is considered to be the founder of communism. In this capacity, he can be counted among the most influential pioneers of the Age of Aquarius *. Another one was Charles Darwin, 1809-1882, a contemporary of Marx, who was the father of the evolutionary theory and the author of ‘The Origin of the Species’. The ideas that were given to our world through these two men, each in their own unique way, have had an enormous impact on the perception and thinking of our world. Marx did this by formulating a theory of social change that has been deeply influencing most modern forms of socialism and communism in particular.

Motivated by the Aquarian concepts of human emancipation with equal rights and opportunities for all, Marx was looking for new ways of freeing humankind from the social, political and economic constraints that have always prevented us from reaching our full potential and giving of our best. ‘From each as he is able, to each as he requires,’ was the basis of his teachings. In my view, this is the attitude that will finally prevail in the Aquarian Age. As every one of us a special and unique being who was created to fulfil some specific task *, in the new age everybody will freely and willingly give of their talents, which the Universe in its great wisdom and boundless generosity has bestowed upon us.

Marx believed that philosophers only dealt with words that predominantly explained the past, but that for critical theorists like himself it was necessary to translate their theories into practice and the realities of earthly life, the way they were in his time and the way they would be shaping up in the future. He does not seem to have been too good at that himself. When he and his wife lived in exile and very reduced circumstances in London, she is supposed to have said to him: ‘You want to stop writing about capital and go out into the world and make some, so we can make ends meet a bit better.’

However, outside his home life, Marx’s impact on the social thinking of our world to this day has not been paralleled by any other thinker. He was a brilliant scholar and economist, as well as a philosopher. After studying law and philosophy he became a journalist. Because of his radical ideas he had to leave his native Germany and live in successive exiles in Paris, Brussels and finally London, where Marx spent years reading, researching and writing in the British Museum. With his close friend Friedrich Engels, he wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. This was followed by numerous other works, the most famous one of which are the three volumes of ‘Das Kapital’, a critical analysis of capitalism and the exploitation and alienation of the labour forces.

Friedrich Engels, 1820-1895, was a German philosopher, social scientist, journalist and businessman. Together with Marx he founded the Marxist theory. In 1845, he published ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England’, which was based on his personal observations and research in Manchester. He not only co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx, he also authored and co-authored, primarily with Marx, many other works. He was the one who supported Marx financially, so he could do the research he needed to write ‘Das Kapital’. After Marx’s death, Engels edited the second and third volumes of this book. On top of all that Engels organised Marx's notes on the Theories of Surplus Value, which he later published as the fourth volume of ‘Das Kapital’.

Marx had a vision of the Aquarian Age and the emergence of a new and just society that was based on economic abundance that was shared by all. He believed that in such a society individuals would achieve true freedom. But when the revolution finally came in Russia and later on in other countries, it was too early for Marx’s vision of freedom from oppression and need to become a reality in earthly life. To teach us many valuable lessons, the great plan of life provided at that stage of our race’s development should serve as a tool for dictatorships and tyranny.

When great ideas like Marx’s first have to be abused by those in pursuit of power for selfish purposes does not mean that any of the visions that were ever given through one of us have been false. Each time something of this nature happens is an essential ingredient of humankind’s learning curve. The portrait painted by Marx of the ideal society, in which everybody co-exists in peace and harmony and where there is a great abundance everything for all was very real indeed. Alas, it is taking a long time until sufficient numbers of us are spiritually mature enough to grasp that such a society can only come into being through everybody’s own efforts, and then to act upon this knowledge.

I believe that Christianity and socialism have a great deal in common, and that in principle there is nothing wrong and everything right with both these concepts. In my view, true Christianity, the way many of us are interpreting the Jesus legend by now, amounts to nothing short of applied socialism. Communism and capitalism have been forms of government that are paving the way to the ideal society we, with the help of God and the Angels, are in the process of creating. On the road leading to it we are still being taught many invaluable lessons. The first and most important one is learning from the mistakes of the past how NOT do conduct our affairs, individually and collectively. I believe that this also applies to the concept of Christianity, in view of the ever increasing amounts of spiritual knowledge that for a long time have been pouring into our race’s consciousness.

Believing that every word of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, including the Jesus legend, is the truth and should be taken literally catered for humankind’s limited spiritual comprehension during its infancy and childhood. But as we grow into spiritual maturity and adulthood, it is not hard to see that the old version of every religion of our world is immensely enriched by the new interpretations we are finding and that there is no need for any conflict. The new lifts the old understanding of our world onto a higher level of consciousness. It allows us access to the heights where we quite clearly perceive the presence of the Divine in everything that is, including ourselves.

At last satisfactorily answers can be found for the questions that none of the religions of the past could supply. They never will be able to, even if they were around for another million years, which they most certainly will not. These questions would start with: ‘Why is there so much suffering in our world? *, ‘Why do bad things happen to good people’ * or ‘If there is a God, why does He allow things like war, crime and violence to exist?’ *

Each one of the belief systems of our world has always been a progression and a moving on from that which went before. As far as any new religion was concerned, it has always been a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff, i.e. discarding that which is no longer of any use and value to sufficient numbers of us because we have found a better understanding. When one has unsuccessfully been trying for many years to make some sense of the literal meaning of a religion’s words, it’s astonishing how this changes quite magically when one begins to recognise the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind its surface words. There could be no finer example than Christianity to demonstrate how, as soon as one understands its symbolisms and metaphors, the meaning of everything the story contains can be seen quite clearly.

None of the religions of our world on its own ever made much sense. Yet, as soon as one treats each one like a piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle * and joins them together, the picture of the religion of the new age * emerges. Just like the Sun in the sky above us rises in the East and sets in the West, the Sun rays of God’s sacred wisdom and truth once rose in the ancient civilisations of the East. Through the Middle East, beginning with Egypt, they reached our Western world, where the light of God’s Sun is in the process of setting in great splendour and glory. I believe it could not have happened any other way. And it will be interesting to observe how long it will take for the experiment of communism and all other dictatorship style governments to vanish from our world, to make room for more advanced and enlightened ways of living on our planet. The last remnants of this experience will soon have run their course, of that I am convinced.

Nanny states too are thinly disguised dictatorships. This kind of government will also reach its natural end, as ever more of us become aware of our true nature and our responsibility for the gift of life that has been entrusted into our care by the highest forces of Creation. Each one of us is responsible for their own wellbeing and that of our whole world. The rebellious anti-establishmentarianism of the Aquarian Zeitgeist will eventually induce people to rise in revolt and sweep before it that which is outdated and no longer of any use to our world. One way or another the old regimes will be removed and make room for the birth of true socialism and true Christianity, i.e. the birth of the Christ Spirit, on which every belief system of our world has been based.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’
•    ‘The Giant Jigsaw Puzzle Of Life’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (3)

Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – Charles Darwin - One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary TheoryThe tree of life’s wisdom is a living and rapidly expanding organism. Every soul, through the learning it gathers from its own experiences, is constantly adding to the knowledge that is already there. Thus the tree constantly grows and expands. Like on any tree, branches that are no longer productive and refuse to grow, have to die and will eventually be chopped off by those in charge of the tree.

Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, 12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882, the English naturalist, geologist and biologist, who was best known for his contributions to the science of evolution that established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors. Darwin’s Sun was in Aquarius and his Moon in Capricorn. The latter can be an indication of an overly cautious, timid and easily frightened personality that clings to tradition and the past, and is highly duty conscious. His Sun was trying to pull him forwards into as yet unknown fields of discovery, but his Moon for a long time firmly tied him to the past. Small wonder he struggled so much with the beliefs of his religion.

Born on the 12th day of February, he was also strongly under the influence of Sagittarius. This is the sign dedicated to the development of the following things: higher and Highest education, the laws – those of the Earth as well as the Universal ones, humankind’s superconscious faculties. Travelling and exploring on the earthly plane of life as much as the spiritual realms are also part of the Sagittarian domain. That’s why people born into this signs are known as the gypsies of the zodiac, but alas also as its procrastinators. Sagittarius and Aquarius are both forward looking signs. Some of the latter ones are known to be capable of thinking fifty years ahead of their time. His Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Capricorn are an indication that Darwin’s nature had two diametrically opposed parts and they caused him a great deal of conflict.

Darwin’s middle name Robert reveals the presence of Scorpionic energies in his character make-up. This awakens in many human souls the urge to explore the hidden aspects of life and peering behind the scenery of what can be observed by more superficial viewers. But, to those who are willing to dig beneath the surface and look beyond the ends of their noses, life willingly begins to reveal even its deepest mysteries and that on all its levels. This is what happened to Darwin and the result was his theory of evolution, which explained for the first time in the history of humankind that all living things on the Earth are connected with each other.

During his explorations on the Galapagos Islands Darwin in particular found much convincing evidence that any species that does not change dies and soon becomes extinct. The progress of our world is obstructed by anything that does not obey the law of evolution and refuses to make the required modifications, so that it has to be removed. This applies to everything that takes part in God’s Creation and therefore also the religions of our world that from time to time came and eventually disappeared. None of them ever came into being from nowhere. Each new belief system evolved and grew from all previous ones. On every occasion the Angels presented our world with a fresh legend, which during that period was right for the requirements of our race’s spiritual development, as well as for the region in which it was presented.

Nothing in the whole of Creation ever stands still and even the Angels are on an evolutionary pathway of their own. As we move forwards and upwards on the spiral of life, so do they. This is how it came about that, when the time for Judaism’s appearance had come, they gave us the legend of Abraham or originally Abram, who would eventually be considered to be the common patriarch of the three Abrahamic religions. In Judaism he was presented as the founding father of the Covenant of the special relationship between the Jewish people and God. In Christianity, he became the prototype of all believers, Jewish or Gentile. To denigrate Jewish claims of an exclusive relationship with God, Islam knows him as a ‘believer before the fact’. It would be a long time before any of them knew who or what God really is * and that in truth the whole of humankind is God’s chosen people *.

Be that as it may, the Great Father/Mother of all life was working through Darwin, the same as S/He does through each one of us. The Angels, as the executors of the God’s great plan of life, were the only authority who, before Darwin made his discoveries and gave them to our world, knew that unmodified ideas, the same as creatures and plants, are doomed. It has taken an astonishingly long time before our world could even begin to understand the presence of the Universal laws, God’s laws, and that all life in the whole of Creation is subject to them. With the help of Darwin’s observations the idea of the all-important law of evolution could at last be seeded into our world’s individual and collective consciousness.

Darwin’s findings were intended to act as a general waking up call for humankind, but being a devout Christian, he spent many sleepless nights struggling with the obvious results of his researches. Because of his own spiritual view of the world and that of the establishment around him, which was still dominated by the church and its beliefs, Darwin hesitated to publish his findings. They had shaken his own belief in the Creation story to its foundations and he knew only too well that they would cause an almighty uproar in the world around him. Unable to make up his mind to go ahead, he struggled with his conscience and procrastinated endlessly.

The Angels had expected that Darwin would encounter these difficulties. In their wisdom they decided to give the idea to another scientist as well. But eventually no further delays in the publication of his evolutionary theory could be tolerated by those in charge of our world on the higher and highest levels of life. That’s why in 1858, while Darwin was still writing his notes for what was going to be called ‘The Origin of the Species’, another intrepid traveller and explorer, like Darwin, surprisingly appeared on the scene. His name was Alfred Russell Wallace. Born 8.1.1823 his Sun was in Capricorn and his Moon in Sagittarius. Wallace contacted Darwin with the astounding news that his studies and observations had led him to the same conclusions as Darwin’s about the origin of all species in our world.

 There really was no point in further delaying the publishing of Darwin’s findings. The result was an almost immediate joint presentation of the theory both men had developed. This is how Alfred Russel Wallace, 8 January 1823 – 7 November 1913 entered into the picture. He was a British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist and biologist, who was best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution through natural selection. His paper on the subject was jointly published with some of Charles Darwin’s writings in 1858. That prompted Darwin to go ahead with making his own ideas about evolution public in ‘On the Origin of Species’. This book introduced the scientific theory that the branching patterns of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding.

Wallace too had done extensive fieldwork, first in the Amazon River basin and then in the Malay Archipelago, where he identified the faunal divide now termed the Wallace Line, which separates the Indonesian archipelago into two distinct parts: a western portion in which the animals are largely of Asian origin, and an eastern portion where the fauna reflect Australasia. Wallace was considered the 19th century’s leading expert on the geographical distribution of animal species and is sometimes called the father of biogeography.

Wallace was one of the leading evolutionary thinkers of the 19th century and made many other contributions to the development of the evolutionary theory besides being the co-discoverer of natural selection. These included the concept of warning colouration in animals and the Wallace effect, a hypothesis on how natural selection could contribute to speciation by encouraging the development of barriers against hybridisation.

Wallace was strongly attracted to unconventional ideas, such as evolution. His advocacy of spiritualism and his belief in a non-material origin for the higher mental faculties of humans strained his relationship with some members of the scientific establishment. On top of his scientific work, he was a social activist and critical of capitalism, which he considered to be an unjust social and economic system in 19th-century Britain. Wallace’s interest in natural history resulted in his being one of the first prominent scientists to raise concerns over the environmental impact of human activities. He was also a prolific author who wrote on both scientific and social issues. The account of his adventures and observations during his explorations in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, The Malay Archipelago, was both popular and highly regarded. Since its publication in 1869 it has never been out of print.

In a letter to his brother-in-law in 1861, Wallace wrote: ‘I remain an utter disbeliever in almost all that you consider the most sacred truths. I will pass over as utterly contemptible the oft-repeated accusation that sceptics shut out evidence because they will not be governed by the morality of Christianity. . . I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions. To the mass of humankind religion of some kind is a necessity. But whether there be a God and whatever be His nature, whether we have an immortal soul or not, or whatever may be our state after death, I have no fear that I shall have to suffer for the study of nature and the search for truth. I wonder whether those who have lived in the belief of doctrines inculcated from childhood and which to them are rather a matter of blind faith than intelligent conviction, will be better off in a future state.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘God’s Chosen People’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (4)

Don’t Give Up

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - Don't Give Up

When worries about our state of health, the material conditions of our life, our loved ones and whatever else are threatening to overwhelm us, it is helpful to remind ourselves that we are a beloved child and part of God. Our Creator’s love is merciful and all-forgiving and never leaves any one of us to struggle completely on their own with their earthly existence. Behind everything that happens here, as well as anywhere else in the whole of Creation, are the everlasting and all-enfolding arms of the Divine love.

In the spiritual background of Earth life God’s love provides us with Angels and Masters and other friends and helpers. Although none of them can be seen by earthly eyes, rest assured that they are always there and ready to assist us. They are not allowed to do the work for us, but they can supply us with the necessary courage and strength for working our way through any obstacle that comes our way. However, this kind of help cannot come to us unasked. It has to be humbly requested and invited by us and our own free decision. Choosing how to react in any kind of situation is the only freewill * anyone in our present existence ever truly has.

Everything that happens to us at any given time was created by our own thoughts, words and deeds in previous lifetimes by none other than us. Each one leaves its mark in the great book of life and because of the Universal law, God’s law of cause and effect, known in our world as the law of Karma *, during future earthly sojourns they unerringly find their way back to us, in some form or another. And that’s because the law decrees that everything in the fullness of time must return to its creator, whoever it may be.

This law is constantly at work throughout all worlds, including ours. And because it was designed by God’s wisdom and love, it benefits us and our world in many different ways. Whatever it brings to anyone has nothing to do with punishment, retribution and vengeance. Things of this nature have no place in the language of love, but belong to the experience world of the lower and lowest development stages of earthly life. During the middle phase we become more and more occupied with issues like redemption and forgiveness. In the highest part we are only interested in expressing the love in our heart through meeting all lifeforms with equal kindness, tolerance and goodwill and so doing our share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth.

When looked at from the right angle, it can be clearly seen that the law of Karma is one of opportunities of many different kinds. For example: for redeeming ourselves and learning something new and doing better in this lifetime than we did in previous ones, whilst we were still ignorant of the law of Karma and its effects. The experiences it brings force us to tap into our inner resources. This helps our consciousness to expand and we grow stronger and wiser all the time, until eventually we are ready to bring forth the best that is within us. Through unselfishly working for the good of all, we ourselves are not only evolving and moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, our whole race and world are progressing with us.

Being aware of these things, wise ones gracefully accept whatever comes their way. And whenever they are suffering in mind or body, maybe both, they see the times they are spending attending to the special needs of their condition as redemption for some of the things they created in other lifetimes through their own flawed thinking and behaviour patterns. Knowing that their suffering is not something that a malevolent fate has thrown upon them at random stops them from begrudging what they have to endure. Life has become much simpler for them since they started to follow the instructions of their inner guidance and therefore are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels. If we but ask, they are ever willing to help any caller to patiently work their way through paying our spiritual debts in the great bankbook of life.

Whatever may still have to happen to you, rest assured that nothing can hurt or harm your indwelling spirit and soul, because in all Eternity it will be resting securely in the tender and loving arms of our true parents, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. The Highest forces alone can do the healing all earthly selves are here to seek. And if our behaviour shows the Angels that we are worthy of a healing miracle, as soon as our Karmic ledger has been balanced to their satisfaction, that’s how they will reward us.

In this proud land we grew up strong.
We were wanted all along.
I was taught to fight, taught to win.
I never thought I could fail.

No fight left or so it seems.
I’m a man whose dreams have all deserted.
I’ve changed my face, I’ve changed my name.
But no-one wants you when you lose.

Don’t give up,
‘Cos you have friends.
Don’t give up,
You’re not beaten yet.
Don’t give up,
I know you can make it good.

Though I saw it all around,
Never thought that I could be affected,
Thought that we’d be last to go.
It is so strange the way things turn.

Drove the night toward my home.
The place that I was born, on the lakeside.
As daylight broke, I saw the Earth,
The trees had burned down to the ground.

Don’t give up,
You still have us.
Don’t give up,
We don’t need much of anything.
Don’t give up,
‘Cos somewhere there’s a place
Where we belong.
Rest your head.
You worry too much.
It’s going to be alright.
When times get rough,
You can fall back on us.
Don’t give up,
Please don’t give up.

Got to walk out of here.
I can’t take any more.
Going to stand on that bridge.
Keep my eyes down below.
Whatever may come
And whatever may go,
That river’s flowing.
That river’s flowing.

Moved on to another town.
Tried hard to settle down.
For every job, so many men.
So many men no-one needs.
Don’t give up,
‘Cos you have friends.
Don’t give up,
You’re not the only one.
Don’t give up,
No reason to be ashamed.
Don’t give up,
You still have us.
Don’t give up now,
We’re proud of who you are.
Don’t give up,
You know its never been easy.
Don’t give up,
‘Cos I believe there’s a place.
There’s a place where we belong,

White, Joy Lynn / Melamed, Vincent Edward

Sung by Kate Bush & Peter Gabriel

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘Don’t Quit!’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (5)

Breaking Free

Breaking Free    Breaking-free  ‘Every human being’s earthly self is an integral part of the whole that is known to us as the Universe. This earthly part of our being is limited in time and space and can only experience itself through its thoughts and feelings. As a result it perceives itself as something that is separate from everything else, although on the inner level all life is one. For a long time the earthly self’s consciousness remains trapped in a kind of optical delusion that acts like a prison and restricts it to experience itself through its earthbound desires and the affections for those who come close to it. This jailhouse is of our own making and each one of us through their own efforts break free from it and that can only be done by expanding our horizons to include the spiritual background of life. As our understanding of it increases, our consciousness gradually expands in tolerance and compassion, kindness and a perception of love that embraces all living creatures and every aspect of humankind and its world, not merely the beautiful ones.’   Created by Albert Einstein Edited by Aquarius

Every human being is a minute particle of the monad of humankind. Each one of us is a single unit within the larger one, which in turn is a small integral part of the whole known to us as the Universe. We all have our predestined pathway to walk and lessons to learn in on the Earth plane. This lower part of our being is limited in time and space and can only experience life and itself through its own thoughts and feelings. Unaware of the fact that on the inner level all life is one, we perceive ourselves as something that is separate from everything else. This creates a kind of optical delusion that acts like a prison and restricts it to experience itself through its earthbound desires and the affections for those who come close to it. For a long time the earthly self’s consciousness remains trapped in this jailhouse. It is entirely of our own making and each one of us, through their own efforts, eventually has to break free from this phase of life.

However, this freeing of ourselves from the restrictions of our false beliefs and prejudices can only come about through expanding our horizons by embracing the spiritual background of life. Yet, this is easier said than done, because for every human being it can only happen when the time is right for the stirring of the Divine spark from its slumber. The qualities of our Christ nature and with it our superconscious faculties awaken. Slowly they begin to unfold and we become interested in the philosophical/religious aspects of life.

God has a plan of life for every one of us that decrees the right moment for the start of this development. The influences on our birthcharts reveal the times when this is likely to happen. For example: when someone’s progressed Sun moves into Sagittarius or the ninth house, the natural domain of this sign; or when their Moon by progression enters either of them; also when the MC, the Midheaven of the chart, which reveals our projection into life and general attitude towards it, enters Sagittarius. At times like that some have been known to march with a Bible under their arm into the sunset. They may have become infected by the religious fervour of some of those they meet and promptly do what is known as ‘catching religion’. For a while they may get carried away in its wake, but disillusionment and disenchantment are bound to set in eventually and that brings them down to Earth with a bump, either in this lifetime or a future one.

The more our Christ nature unfolds and our understanding of the spiritual background of life increases, the more its characteristics come to the fore of our consciousness. We become more tolerant and compassionate. Friendliness and kindness are second nature to us because our perception of love now embraces all living creatures and every aspect of humankind and our world, not merely the beautiful ones. We would not dream of hurting or harming anyone in thoughts, words or deeds, because we are aware that on the inner level all life is one, that there is no separation between anything and that as a result, when one of us gets hurt, our whole race inwardly suffers. But this also means that when one of us heals, our world and all others in the whole of Creation are healing with us. Therefore, our potential is great for acting not only as our own saviour and redeemer, our world and all its inhabitants, but also of the whole of Creation.

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It reached me through the Lodge’s Monday Thought 17.4.2017, just as I was putting the finishing touches to this article. ‘If your inner vision were developed sufficiently, you would be able to observe the distribution, direction and infusion of the rays of God’s healing power. Although they are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, their energies are always available to anyone. They are constantly at work throughout the whole of Creation and are strengthened considerably when someone asks for healing, for themselves and others.

‘The Angel in charge of the healing group and the one at the head of the group known as ‘the Lords of Karma’ closely co-operate with each other. The former knows where healing has been asked for and the latter possesses the knowledge in what form it should be given. The outcome of all requests for healing depends entirely on the patient’s Karma. The decisions the leading Angels of both groups come to are passed onto the Healing Angels, who are at all times fully occupied carrying out the instructions they receive. It is up to the two Angels in charge whether a healing miracle might be justified. They are responsible for bringing them into being – to the astonishment of your world, where very few have an idea how they come about.

‘As most of you, aspiring healers and non-healers alike, to this day are unable to access the Karmic records, it is impossible for you to use the healing rays correctly. However, whenever you are sending healing to someone in need of it, you tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the Angelic healing channels. Through this the vibrations of your thought processes adjust themselves and gradually grow compatible with those of the Angels. Through this, with the passing of time, you become an ever greater force for assisting the healing not only of individual patients, but of the whole evolution of humankind.’

I trust God’s great plan of life * and the Universal law of evolution *, God’s law, that the things and the behaviour of people that to this day appear to us as evil, ugly and wrong in our world will in their own time be made beautiful, good and right. Eventually our whole world will have broken free and it will be the most wonderful place imaginable that is inhabited exclusively by beings who are worthy of being called true sons/daughters of the Highest. Naturally, this – the same as everything else in the whole of Creation – can only happen by God’s will and not ours and in God’s time rather than ours.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Life Is Evolution’
•    ‘The Law Of Life Demands Evolution’
•    ‘Witnessing Evolution’
•    ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (6)

Pumpkins In God’s Garden

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – Pumpkins In God's GardenThere are people in our world who believe that the treatment we receive when we start to follow one of our religions is not unlike being a pumpkin in God’s vegetable garden. In their view, God simply picks someone from their patch, takes them to a tap and washes off the dirt in their character make-up. Notice that God’s of this nature are always masculine because they are at the head of the patriarchal religions *. Well, He cuts off the top, scoops out and removes the messy bits consisting of negative feelings like doubts and fears, avarice and greed, hatred and the want of dominating others. Then He places His light in the empty space so it can be seen by everybody. It’s like a lamp that has been switched on that signals that the unpleasant parts of someone’s character make-up have been replaced by good, kind and loving ones. The whole thing is crowned with a happy smiling face.

If only it were as simple as that! Alas, the above is but one of the many false beliefs that to this day abound in our world. It’s true that all human beings urgently require to be cleansed and filled with God’s light, but what does this really mean? In spiritual terms knowledge and understanding are light * and ignorance is darkness. More about this theme in the next chapter. I believe that, to achieve the spiritual cleansing all of us require at the end of our earthly education, the first step is taking a close look at the very beginning of our existence and come to terms with who and what we truly are, namely a spirit and soul who is only temporarily encased in matter

Going to church on Sundays and saying: ‘I believe in Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, Allah,’ is sufficient for the beginning of the spiritual development of human beings in the school of earthly life. And the name for the highest authority in the whole of Creation, God *, depends on which religion we are embracing at any given time. As our development progresses, we eventually reach a point when we start to grow increasingly disillusioned and disenchanted with our religion. Its flaws begin to stare at us in a disturbing manner, especially as far as the conduct of its leaders is concerned, now that ever more scandals about it in the past and present rise to the surface of humankind’s consciousness, like scum on a muddy pond.

In keeping with an old folk wisdom that says: ‘Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves!’, that’s precisely what many leading figures in public life – not merely the religious institutions – have been doing for quite some time. With ever greater force unsavoury things about them came to the public’s attention during the period when Pluto’s energies were affecting us and our world through Sagittarius *. Pluto was the God of the underworld of antiquity and its energies have always affected the subconscious realm of each individual and that of our world.

By now Pluto has moved into Capricorn * and its purging and cleansing power is felt in anything that deals with public concerns, for example political institutions, banks and churches, the medical profession and pharmaceutical industries *. Read more about by the latter by following the link ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’. Witness how some the people employed by them were at that time particularly good at creating as much rope as they needed for hanging themselves. To my mind, there is no need to be unduly disturbed about such happenings. They are good signs that the cleansing process that is badly needed for the healing of our world, which it can only do by ridding itself of any sore that has been festering in its flesh for a very long time. They are like boils that one after the other are brought to bursting point, so the pus goes up into the air with a bang that can be heard around our world, with the special gift of the Aquarian Age, our news media.

It’s hardly surprising that ever more of us are losing their faith in institutions of any kind and are turning to the higher and highest powers of life to show us ways of healthier ways of living and being. Eventually it must dawn on the slowest people in the ranks and files of all large organisations that nothing remains hidden in our world any more. In due course they will recognise that no-one can get away with anything any more and that vast fortunes can no longer be amassed through shady wheelings and dealings at the expense of public wellbeing. Sooner or later they too will become aware that spiritually no-one could ever get away with anything. In the end, only honest and trustworthy people, who unselfishly wish to serve the good of the whole, instead of filling their pockets, will then be drawn to applying for work in any kind of profession. That’s how they will gradually be cleansing themselves.

The Age of Aquarius is increasingly revealing itself as a spiritual age in which nothing remains hidden from public view or knowledge any longer. The deeper we move into this age, the clearer this spiritualisation of our world and all its inhabitants is becoming visible. A great deal of cleansing and purifying is going on at all times, to bring us the healing we and our world are seeking. Losing what we thought of as our ‘faith’ is part of this development. In my view, there is nothing wrong and everything right about it, because that is the only way our consciousness can open for new beliefs that do justice to the present state of our spiritual development. More about this in ‘Losing And Finding Faith’ *.

This process of shedding our old beliefs enables our unseen friends and helpers in the world of light to lead us into the discovery that all of us are sparks of the Divine and therefore contain all God’s characteristics. Soon we shall be ready to understand that the Jesus has always been but a legend * and should not be taken literally. The Angels are telling us through our inner guidance that the story was crafted in this way, so that when the time was right, it should illustrate how everyone’s own Christ nature would eventually manifest itself in us as simple human kindness and goodness, friendliness and compassion, tolerance and love for everything that shares our world with us.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Knowledge – Light Of Our World’
•     ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘Pluto In Sagittarius’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (7)

God’s Plan For Humankind’s Evolution

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – God's Plan For Humankind's EvolutionGod’s great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation contains many smaller plans. One of them concerns itself with the spiritual development of our race and every individual within it. This plan decrees that every human spirit has to undergo an earthly education that unfolds in three stages. It has always been part of this plan that at first we should believe that figures like Jesus were historical ones and that every word of the sacred texts of our world is true. The Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life are in charge of the execution of all plans. They decided that only when we had matured sufficiently, would human beings be allowed to discover that with the helps of myths and legends, metaphors and symbolisms they have always been communicating with us.

During the first and most primitive phase of our earthly existence, we are taken through events through which we experience and become familiar with the nastiest and most evil aspects of human nature. Unaware of why we are here and what’s happening to us, we freely hand the products of this part of our being out to everything that comes our way. Our perception of these things begins to change when, at the beginning of the middle stage, our superconscious faculties slowly start to open and we are drawn into contact with one of the religions of our world. We believe the people at the head of these organisations when they tell us that every word of their Scriptures is true.

This is how it comes about that if we landed in the lap of Christianity, we swallow lock, stock and barrel the tale that Jesus really was a historical figure, who once walked the Earth, and that he would reappear in the fullness of time to save and redeem those who say they believe in him. This turns anyone into the Master’s disciple who, after the day of reckoning, will be worthy of being saved and to live forever with him in paradise. Those who refuse to believe in Jesus are non-believers and the only thing they have deserved is to fry in the fires of eternal hell and damnation forever. A true spiritual Master would never dream of saying such things because s/he would know that God’s laws do not work that way.

And so, at first we follow our new belief blindly because we have been brainwashed into thinking that it is the only holy-making one. This initial inflow of the Divine fire fills our whole being with so much zeal that we willingly go to war and give our life, if that helps to spread our belief system until our whole world is filled with it. If asked by those we are acting as our leaders, we get involved in and carry out acts of terrorism because they have told us that this will take us straight to Heaven or into paradise.

Alas, when we awake in the world of spirit after our sacrifice, we hear to our disappointment, from the wise ones in charge of us, that nothing could have been further from the truth. We realise that each one of the beliefs with which we were indoctrinated has been a false one and that, no matter how long this may take, hundreds or maybe even thousands of lifetimes ahead, the Universal law of Karma * ensures that every thought, word and action in due course finds its way back to us in one form or another. In the fullness of time it unfailingly brings us our just desserts. For example we may find ourselves at the receiving end of terrorism onslaughts.

The willingness to go to war and/or commit such acts in defence of a religion is only possible for as long as its followers are given the impression that human beings have freewill in earthly life and therefore can do anything they like. It takes until the end and final part of the middle phase of our earthly education that we find out that this is by no means the case. More about this theme in ‘Don’t Give Up *. Our perception slowly begins to change during the middle stage, commonsense is allowed to enter our field of vision and we are ready to reflect on the purpose of the strangeness of our religion’s tales. The small still voice of our inner guidance helps us with an idea that floats into our mind, seemingly from nowhere. We stop what we are doing and ask ourselves: ‘I wonder whether there could be some hidden meaning behind the surface words. But what?’

Psalm 119 of the Old Testament in verses 17:20 is about this struggle every one of us encounters at the beginning of their earthly education as follows: ‘Be good to me, Your servant, while I live, so that I may obey Your word. Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law. I am a stranger on Earth, do not hide Your commands from me. My soul is consumed with longing for Your laws at all times.’ This is a good description of how for a long time something like a veil of darkness and ignorance covers our hearts as far as Divine and spiritual things are concerned.

The lower earthly self initially acts like a black box which firmly encloses us until the lessons that are essential for our development of this stage have been learnt. That’s the cause of the darkness the psalm describes, which is gradually removed by our Highest Self when we are ready for the unfoldment of our superconscious faculties. Slowly but surely, the scales are dropping from our inner perception and we become aware of the presence of God’s Universal laws and how they affect all life, including ours. God’s light thus begins to reveal itself to us and we recognise that higher esoteric wisdom and knowledge has always been hiding behind the surface words of all sacred texts of our world. This is the road any human being in the end finds their enlightenment.

From the very beginning of our earthly existence, our Highest Self, the living God within, has constantly been coaxing its counterpart, our lower self, along on the evolutionary spiral of life. The Sun in our birthchart represents our Highest Self. With its help time and again we move through every sign and house of the zodiac. Through the experiences of each lifetime at first we get to know the lower and lowest aspects of the Sun sign lessons that are waiting for us at any given time. At a steady pace we thus move forwards and upwards, gradually working getting to know the higher and eventually highest manifestations of each Sun sign for the benefit of our own life and of those around us.

Somewhere along this pathway through life, we perceive with ever greater clarity that nobody by the name of Jesus ever existed in earthly life. It dawns on us that this man, half human and half God, has always represented a symbol for every human being’s own Christ nature with its highest and most noble characteristics. We are required to bring them forth from within our own being. This aspect of our nature knows neither dogma nor creed, but lovingly embraces everything that exists in our world and all others as part of the Great Father/Mother’s Creation. It is non-judgemental and willingly lets go of whatever is required.

The more our superconscious faculties unfold, the more we realise that no-one will ever come to save and redeem any one of us. There is no need for it because we ourselves are required to save and redeem ourselves, our whole race and world. And that’s precisely what we are doing when, with every thought, word and action in our daily encounters we are making genuine efforts to bring forth – from within ourselves – only the highest and best we are capable of.

When we send nothing but good and positive, kind and loving thoughts into those around us and the small still voice of wise inner teacher prompts us to follow them up with doing kind and loving things for others, our Christ nature develops and becomes ever more powerful. And that is the only way God’s light of the Christ Spirit can come alive in any heart and soul and radiate into the whole of humankind and from there into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation. As we grow more at one with our Highest or God and Its vibrations mingle with ours, all the earthly self wants to do is listen to and follow God’s dreams, wishes and aspirations rather than the desires of its lower nature. Everything that is of no use for our future development, is shed and left behind once and for all.

That’s how each one of us eventually needs to nail the nature of their lower self to the cross of earthly life *, where it slowly bleeds to death and is no more. The man of the Jesus tale hanging on the cross represents this part of our development. And the six-pointed-star * is a symbol of the loving union in which the earthly self, the lower triangle, freely and willingly surrenders its will and wishes to those of it Highest Self, the upwards pointing triangle. With the passing of time the upper absorbs the lower into itself. When the two at last are working together in sweet harmony and for the good of all – instead of working against each other, the way they used to do –, they have become a shining star in its own right. Another Christed one, a bridge between Heaven and Earth for the benefit of all, has emerged to take part in the saving and redemption of our whole world.

Every human being eventually reaches this point their development. It requires great devotion and extremely hard work that no-one can do for us by waving some kind of a magic wand. The infinite wisdom of God’s love least of all would want to do this. What purpose could that serve? As evolutionary progress can only be made by each one of us ourselves, we might as well get on with it. It’s good to know that the assistance of God and the Angels is always available for those who ask and that whatever happens in earthly life can only do so with the help and will of God and the Angels. Nothing happens without it anywhere.

The Highest levels of life have always been supporting and sustaining us and our world, even though we are kept in the dark about this during the early stages our earthly education. And ever since human life commenced on the Earth, the emanations of the Christ Circle have ceaselessly been flowing into our planet’s consciousness in the form of just the right amount of Divine wisdom and knowledge our world was ready to receive at any given time. This will continue forever.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Don’t Give Up’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘The Saviour And Redeemer’
• 'The Six-pointed Star – Symbol Of Perfection’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (8)

What Is God’s Light?

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – What Is God's Light?Many are by now aware that in spiritual terms knowledge and understanding are light and ignorance is darkness. The Bible tells us in St. John 1:5: ‘God is light.’ What it cannot yet tell us is that this light is God’s spiritual wisdom and truth. Why should this be? In keeping with the great plan, the religions of our world, Christianity in particular, were specifically designed to do their utmost to suppress God’s truth for as long as it would be necessary. As ever, the purpose behind withholding anything from us is to teach us something. Only through the lack of something do we learn to value and appreciate when the object of our desire eventually manifests itself.

Compulsory cheating and lying has been a large part of earthly life for a long time and that reached all-time heights during the Piscean age, especially towards its end. That has left us and our world with a great hunger and thirst for knowledge that is based on truth and when it cannot be found anywhere on the outer levels of life, everybody in the end is forced to go in search of their own truth – within. Now we are ready for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Nothing else is good enough for us and our world anymore.

Searching for God’s sacred truth helps us to develop our spiritual gifts. Yet, there really is no need to look for them outside ourselves, for instance by reading any of the sacred texts of our world or other spiritual writings that advise this, that or the other practice. Concentrating on mediation is more beneficial than anything else. It helps us to control our emotions and to develop our imagination and with it the power of imagery, which is required for creating form on the etheric planes of life. Most important of all, meditation re-establishes our direct inner connection with God and assists us with learning to control our thought processes, so the can be channelled into positive and beautiful creative thinking and that is God-thought.

During the Age of Aquarius ever more of God’s truth will be flowing without any outside intervention from the Source of our being directly into the consciousness of those whose hearts and souls are open to receive it. And that, with the passing of time, will be everybody. We and our world had to go without God’s wisdom and truth for such a long time, so that when ever more of it would be coming our way eventually, we would know what a priceless possession it is and value it most highly. We would enjoy serving the Highest and working for the good of the whole, appreciating what a great honour and privilege it is to have been chosen to do this kind of work and freely share our insights with everyone who is ready to receive it. And because all truly great ideas are simple, for presenting them we would use plain and straight forward language that could be followed by everybody and their understanding would expand together with ours.

In sharp contrast to this, with the help of scribes that were available in our world and could be used as their channels, the Angels saw to it that at any given time as little as possible of God’s truth or light would reveal itself in the surface words of the scriptures of our world. In due course we would find out that this precious commodity could only be discovered by peering behind the outer words of the myths and legends the Angels prepared for us. And because nothing can hide the truth forever, now that the spiritual freedom of Aquarian Age is with us, it can be found in publications like this one. They are doing their best to assist us with our development of becoming enlightened beings and free spirits, whose inner guidance tells them reliably what is true and what is not.

But the story by no means ends there. Whenever we discover another nugget of God’s truth, merely reading it is not enough. Wise ones prove their wisdom to their unseen friends and helpers in the spiritual background of earthly life, by applying such jewels to every one of their daily encounters. They know that this is the only way they can be integrated by their consciousness and become their eternal property. The degree of our spiritual maturity reveals itself in the way we are capable of bringing our own small piece of Heaven down to the Earth, for ourselves and those around us. Being kind and friendly and living with tolerance and wisdom, a good portion of humour and goodwill that aims to make friends with everybody, that’s what God’s kingdom on the Earth * really is about.

Every aspect of the great dance of life has been most carefully designed and on all its levels is lovingly orchestrated and directed by the Angelic hierarchy. To help us with the building of God’s kingdom in our world, fresh ideas always have been flowing into it. Not all are world-changing like those that were received with the assistance of people like Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. The smaller and even smallest ones come from the same source. Wise ones, who are aware of these things, recognise and salute the Highest as the true genius behind everything that has ever appeared in our world. Knowing that they are merely serving as one of Its many channels, they feel no need to think of themselves as geniuses.

The Universal Force experiences and gets to know itself through us and that is one of the main purposes of our existence. Every idea that comes to our mind is a gift from this force, so we can react to it. The manner we respond reveals the degree of our spiritual maturity and tells the wise ones in charge of us when we have grown strong enough to cope with our next Karmic lesson. The next obstacle we ourselves created with our thoughts, words and actions in previous lifetimes and earlier in this one, can then be tackled.

Part of the most painful lessons with the farthest reaching consequences humankind ever received has been the belief that every word of the sacred texts of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam – in the order of their appearance – should be taken literally. The great plan of life provided that as much as possible of God’s truth would remain hidden from public view and knowledge for a certain period.

The right time for revealing ever more of the Divine wisdom would have arrived when we entered into the Age of Aquarius. To our astonishment we would then begin to discover that God’s truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of the sacred texts of our world. Each one of the images and symbolisms, allegories and metaphors, fables and legends that have been used is filled with higher esoteric meaning. When viewed from this angle, even our most ancient writings can reveal their great spiritual wealth, inherent beauty and magnificence. See ‘Myths And Legends For The Aquarian Age’ *.

As soon as our inner perception has opened sufficiently, we realise that things like metaphors and symbols have always been the language with which the spirit world has communicated with us. The wise ones on the highest levels of life, who are in charge of and are taking care of us and our world, have always used this mode for conveying their ideas, thoughts and truths. Alas, for a long time we had to remain unaware that this is the case. The story of Jesus in the desert * is an allegory of this phase of our earthly existence. It provides us with an illustration of what happens when our Christ nature – Jesus is its symbol – takes over and rejects the temptations of our earthly nature’s desires – symbolised by the Devil. When the lower part of our being freely and willingly surrenders itself to our Highest or God Self, we lose our taste for the temptations of the Earth and our wishes adapt themselves to those of our higher nature.

It takes a long time before anything of this nature can happen. But with the passing of time it eventually dawns on us that the sacred texts of our world are filled with symbolisms. This opens our inner doors for exploring what they stand for and our superconscious faculties, which are required for interpreting them, slowly begin to unfold inside us and start to provide us with an ever clearer vision of the spiritual background of life. We are in the process of developing the gift of true clairvoyance, i.e. an understanding of the esoteric meanings of symbols and the spiritual truths that have always been hiding behind all aspects of our earthly existence.

The Angelic hierarchy, with the Angels of the Christ Circle around the thrown of God at the top, are in charge of God’s great plan of life * and also the millions of small individual plans that are an integral part of it. The same as each one of us was created for one specific task *, see the link ‘You Are Special’ at the end, God created these Angels to orchestrate His/Her plans into one mighty symphony. Conducting every earthly development down to its finest details in keeping with these plans is essential for its success.

That’s why the Angels around the Christ circle have always broadcasted into our world God’s creative ideas as well as just the right amount of the Divine wisdom and truth that was required for the progress of our world at any given time. More ideas have always appeared at the right moment to help our world’s development move forwards and upwards. And sometimes it happens that several people receive the same idea for a discovery or invention that will help us progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Good examples of this are the ideas at the basis of the scientific theories that reached us through people like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Our world’s progress will never be allowed to stop if one person for some reason or another is unavailable to serve as a channel. In such cases the ideas are given through someone else. The history of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory * shows quite clearly what happens, for example when the first person hesitates too long to go before the public with the idea that has been given to them. That’s what Darwin did and promptly a second man appeared on the scene with the same idea. This in the end forced the very reluctant Darwin to go ahead with the publication of his truly world-changing theory.

That’s how the genius of the Highest * has always manifested Its ideas in earthly life through human communication channels. This undoubtedly will continue on every level of earthly life and it’s more than likely that further strokes of God’s genius will appear as rewards for those who are willing to patiently and with great endurance work hard for the progress of our world on all its levels. This also applies to people who are bringing ever more golden nuggets of God’s wisdom and truth for the nurturing of humankind’s spiritual requirement onto the Earth.

It’s unlikely that anything of this nature will ever be given through anyone who is merely in pursuit of fame and glory, and vast amounts of money for acquiring ever more earthly possessions. Wise ones who, unperturbed by such things, are freely and willingly and without pursuing selfish motives, are serving the whole of humankind, serenely walk their predestined pathway guided and protected by their inner teacher, the living God within. Through them God’s radiates the blessing and healing power of Its love into everything that shares this world with us. And that is the only way God’s light can begin to shine in any one of us.

Rejoice! The end of six thousand years of patriarchy * has been reached, with its seemingly endless cycles of sad and painful lessons and the religions that were necessary for teaching them. The awareness of the Great Mother’s presence is returning. This reveals itself in the fact that in many parts of our world equal rights for women already exist and that the feminine is once more having its say in the running of its affairs. Wherever women are still struggling to claim what is rightfully theirs, it’s merely a question of time when they will be getting it. With this the influence of the wisdom of the feminine with its caring and nurturing qualities is steadily increasing. Under the protective shield of its energies, during the by now rapidly approaching new golden age *, all warfaring will gradually cease and peace come to our world with prosperity for all.

We, who have been entrusted to do our share of ushering in this age, have an essential role to play. Wherever you may find yourself at present, never forget that you are a disciple of the Universal Christ spirit. By behaving like one at all times, let’s prove that we are worthy of such a great honour and privilege, for that’s what our being here at this particular time most certainly is. And all together we welcome Thee, the living and loving spirit onto the Earth.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘When Will The Kingdom Come?’
•    ‘Myths & Legends For The Aquarian Age’
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘The Jesus Legend’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘Inspiration From Above’
•     ‘Charles Darwin – One Of The Fathers Of The Evolutionary Theory’
•    ‘On The Wings Of Love’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (9)

All Of Life Is Flowingness

Rays of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom For Friendship Healing - All Of Life Is Flowingness

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing
There is meaning and law.
I trust God’s great plan of life
And my own within it.
I cannot lose what is my own and
I need not seek what is my own,
For what belongs to me will come and
Whatever goes does not belong to me.

Only what I am has power
And everything that’s rightfully mine
Is constantly drawn to me and
Will appear at the right moment.
Knowing this, I give up
All personal struggle and ambition.
I let go and trust the inner guidance
Of my Highest Self and the Universal Forces
To show me the way and
Run my life for me.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (10)

God – The Great Genius

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – God - The Great GeniusSix thousand years of patriarchy with its warmongering and bloodshed, and all manner of slaveries and tyrannies are almost over. But if there is a God *, why should anything of this nature ever have been allowed? In my view it is because everything in our world happens for the wise higher reason of teaching us something and it is up to us to fathom out what that might be. The patriarchy has taught us the value of peace and the death agonies of this epoch, which we are presently experiencing, are driving this point home some more.

Everybody’s perception * of life and concepts like God, the Universal life force, is at least slightly different from anyone else’s. In the course of our earthly development it slowly moves from not believing in anything to literalism, i.e. believing that every word is true of the sacred texts of our world, for example those of the Abrahamic religions, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran. It takes many lifetimes before we discover that God’s truth can indeed be found in all sacred texts of our world, but that it will only reveal itself when at last we begin to search for the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding in the symbolisms and metaphors of their surface words. Now we are ready to find out who and what God truly means, namely an inner force that is part of us and not an outer one that is way beyond the reach of our understanding.

Although before God * each one of us stands alone, this does not mean in front of some kind of throne in a far distant and unreachable location, the way our Creator was presented to us in previous ages. With the arrival of the Aquarian Age * the time has come for placing the Great Father/Mother of all life, our true parents, in Its/Their rightful position. Every human being has to find their own way back home into the awareness of their true nature and re-establish their direct link with the Highest forces of life *. It depends on our own efforts when we shall return into the oneness with them and the state known as Paradise. It takes a long time before we realise that in truth no-one ever leaves it.

Our relationship with God * is something very personal and intimate. It is different for each one of us, because it depends on the contacts we have had with this authority in past lifetimes and this one, up to now. The task of all earthlings is to search for a renewed understanding of the higher purpose of our own life and everything that shares it. In my view, that can only be done successfully when our spiritual nature begins to stir from its slumber. We then discover that a veil of consciousness has been protecting us against finding out about the spiritual background of our existence, where everything in our world and all others have their origin.

Without peering behind and beyond this protective cover of our earthly consciousness, there is no way of penetrating the mists that have for so long been surrounding the deepest mysteries of our existence: birth and death. More about this in ‘The Mystery Of Birth’ * and ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’ *. No truthful answers to our most urgent questions of all times can otherwise be found, for example: ‘Where do we come from and where are we going to? Why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing?’ Also: ‘I know that this perfect and beautiful small creature has grown inside me/my wife/partner, but where has it come from and where will it be going to?’

Our understanding of what God means has changed profoundly since the sacred texts of the above mentioned religions first appeared. Although their origins are lost in the mists of time, from the evolutionary peak our race has reached by now on the evolutionary spiral, through paying attention to the symbolisms that are hidden in their myths and legends it is now possible to make a great deal of sense, for example of the Creation story in the book of Genesis. Being convinced that the surface words of these tales were unalterable Divine truth, for a long time God was believed to be an old man.

Like a kind of superior magician with a long white beard, He was sitting on a throne up in the clouds above our world somewhere. Imagining that our beautiful world was brought into being by this man’s waving of a wand and casting magic spells upon his latest creation was good enough for humankind’s infantile spiritual comprehension of the early days. In those days it would still have been too difficult to grasp that each day of this particular creation story – there are others – describes one of the evolutionary phases of our world. In truth they may have taken many millions of years.

A slow and patient evolutionary process brought our world into being the way it is at present, over millions and millions of years in Earth time. Don’t you think that this is a much more magnificent achievement that commands a great deal more respect than the mere waving of a magic wand? Having been allowed access to the amount of spiritual knowledge that already has come our way, I stand in awe and wonder before the amazing genius of the Great architect and Master designer of life. I bend my knees and open my heart to His/Her love that was so great that it had and still has the wisdom and foresight to think of the many evolutionary changes and adaptations of our ever changing world, which have already taken place and will continue to do.

The Highest forces of Creation, invisible to earthly eyes, are toiling by day and night to manifest the Creator’s ideas. They bring them into being and then care for and maintain all worlds and everything in them. And that undoubtedly will continue for as long as we, our world and all others are moving ever higher on the evolutionary spiral. To my mind, all of that is much more of an achievement than the mere waving of a magic wand.

I see our world as one great a work of art. In spite of its size, it is merely a tiny though integral part of an even more gigantic masterpiece and the labour of love that is the whole of Creation and all worlds and taking part in them. Everything that ever has been and ever will be is created by the will and power of the loving thoughts of our Creator, the Great Father of all life. Through the Great Mother and the assistance of the Angelic hierarchy all things come into being. And everything that is still ugly and disharmonious in our world and also in us is merely waiting to be made beautiful and harmonious, in its own sweet time. Let us not despise any of these aspects, for they too have meaning and serve the purpose of teaching us something. In this case it is the art of discernment * and discrimination that enables us to tell right from wrong, lie from truth, ugly from beautiful and so forth.

Should you now ask me: ‘Why is there still so much ugliness in our world and why do bad things happen to good people *?’ I would say: ‘Try to imagine the frustration of the Great artist, our Creator, if His/Her work was ever going to be finished because it had reached perfection. There would be nothing to be done any more and that is unthinkable, as any creative artist will surely agree. In keeping with God’s great plan of life, the wonder and magic of the evolutionary processes will always continue. All lifeforms, including us and our world, will constantly grow more beautiful and perfect, and move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.’

God’s love is the true power of the Universe that commands and controls all life’s processes. It is all loving, giving and forgiving and provides everything that any human heart may ever wish to possess, so we can enjoy it and learn from it. And whenever we, individually and collectively, have to be taught the value of something, life’s forces in their wisdom first withholds it. If there were always an abundance of everything, we would never learn to appreciate any of it. Balance is created when the object of our desire appears, as everything in the whole of Creation eventually has to balance. Without it no evolutionary progress is possible anywhere. The long period of peace that is in the process of coming to our world is going to balance the warmongering and conflicts of the past.

 Loving God’s way is life’s greatest secret of wellbeing, which every human being eventually learns to master. Jesus stilling a storm with love is a metaphor that demonstrates the power of the energies involved. God’s love is wise and gives breadth to our vision and comprehension of life, of ourselves, other people, our world and the rest of Creation. The more our whole being fills with this love, the more we feel inclined to freely and willingly render loving service to humankind, simply by being true to our real nature and giving of ourselves and without withholding anything.

If we spend too much sentiment and emotional energies on our relationships, we and our life are out of balance. The only thing that can restore it is the wisdom that organically grows from a better understanding of the true purpose and meaning of our existence. The Aquarian energies are ideal for the healing of relationships and for manifesting the concept of siblinghood on the Earth, being at one with and part of every aspect and condition of life, not only our planet’s but the rest of God’s Creation. Ever more of us are shedding the false belief that we are separate from each other.

The awareness of our oneness with the Infinite and through this with all life and lifeforms everywhere is the culmination and end point of every human being’s earthly education. Through working together with God and the Angels and being at one with them, the love in our heart grows so much that in the end God’s power can use us not only for the blessing and healing of the Earth, but also the surrounding spheres. And anyone who is in complete harmony and siblinghood with all life is working with God’s white healing magic *.

Such wise ones have reached the end of their earthly education and are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and under their supervision. No-one is ever let loose on the Universe without it and because God is in everything and part of us, that’s impossible in any case. That’s why, leaning on one of the Jesus legend’s teachings, I say to myself: ‘On my own I am nothing, I have nothing and I can do nothing. The Angelic hierarchy, as executor of the great plan on behalf of the Great Father/Mother, are doing all the work and I rejoice and gratefully accept whatever they may wish to bring me. I trust that it will be nothing but good.’

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘God’s Nature And Our Own’
•    ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’
•    ‘Healing Our Relationship With God’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Miracle Of Birth’
•    ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’
•    ‘Developing Discernment’
•    ‘White And Black Magic’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (11)


Rays of Wisdom - The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World - The Road From Sinner To Sainthood - Mercy

God, the Great Father/Mother of all life
Is love and the law of life is love.
The Divine life forces are omniscient and omnipresent,
All-loving and forgiving.
Because they know the way of all things,
They understand and forgive everything.

God as the designer and architect of the great plan of life,
Also of every small individual plan within it.
Is familiar with everyone’s development,
From its earliest beginnings to its very end.  
It has always been part of God’s plan
That we should be the only ones
Who can save and redeem ourselves.
This is how the wisdom and love of the Divine
Lays the tools into everyone’s own hands
To evolve from being one of the sinners of today
Into one of our world’s saints.

No-one has the right to dwell upon
Sins that have been truly repented
And forgiven by God.
And what God has forgiven
Surely can also be pardoned by us.
Wise ones pay no attention to the transgressions
And shortcomings of their neighbours.
They prefer looking for their own imperfections instead,
So they can make the necessary changes.

Eckhart von Hochheim
Circa 1260 – 1327
Known as Meister Eckhart
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Road From Sinner To Sainthood’
•    ‘By The Will Of God’
•    ‘White Magic And Black Magic’
•    ‘The Laws Of Compensation and Balance’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (12)

No Boundaries

Rays Of Wisdom – Our World In Transition – Ideas That Changed Our World – No Boundaries

The more we perceive
God’s presence in everything,
In us, the same as in anyone else.
Every animal, plant and tree,
Mountain and river,
The whole of Mother Earth
And even the Sun, Moon and Stars
The more we realise that
All of them are part of us.

The inner life has no boundaries
And the Universe is in us.
We ourselves are the Universe.
On the inner level all is one and
People and things are part of us and not separate.
In the light of this knowledge
We realise that truly there is nothing to fear.
The more God’s love fills our whole being,
There is no more room for negative feelings
Like greed, jealousy and hatred,
Separateness and alienation,
Which in the past were the cause of fear.

Because our inner guidance is helping us
To discern truths from untruths,
We know that this is true,
And that in reality every person we meet
Is one with us and when viewed from
The highest point of our consciousness,
Together we are dwelling in each other’s bodies.
Realising this feelings of love and compassion
For all life rise spontaneously from
The very depths of our own being.
With this peace comes to us and our world.

Genpo Sensei
Japanese Zen Monk
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Fear Of Annihilation’
•    ‘Waking Up From The Illusion Of Separateness’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘The Gift Of Individuality’

Six pointed Star

Inspiration From Above (13)

Peace Prayer

Dove of Peace - Peace Prayer - Rays of Wisdom - Relationship Healing

I wish you warmth – in a world that has grown cold.
I wish you joy – for all your days,
To soothe your own sorrow and that of others.
I wish you wonder and a growing awareness that
The Glory and the love of our Creator
Manifests in all beings, places and things.

I wish you a sense of humour and the gift of smiling,
For they help to overcome our own fears and those of others.
I wish you silence,
In which to recognise the Will of our Creator
Who loves us and lives within each one of us,
As it reveals itself in you and your life.

I wish for peace in our world, within and without.
May it flow from the heart-mind of God
Into the farthest, remotest corners of our world,
To bless and heal us all.
May God’s Wisdom and Truth shine into every heart,
The only place where truth is known.

I wish that the creative fire, the ideas from the heartmind of God,
Lighten and warm everybody’s days,
So that Its dreams and visions can come true,
Through us and our world, and all worlds.
I wish for a renewal of faith in our world,
So that we may walk holding the hands
Of those who are frightened and in pain.
May God’s strength work through each and every one,
So that we all can share it.

I wish for the renewal of hope and faith and trust in our world,
So that all together we may ascend to the heights of Divine compassion.
I wish for God’s love to flow into every heart and soul,
So that we may all walk together hand in hand,
As one big family, peacefully and forever united.
With all my heart and all my soul and all my being,
I wish for peace, harmony, and healing
To come to our inner and outer world, and all worlds.

Although this is still a dream, I know in my heart of hearts
That one day it can and will come true,
Through all human souls, including you and me.
For when God’s love dwells again
In every heart and soul,
Anything can be achieved and all things will be possible.

Above all I wish for the gift of understanding
To come to every human heart and with it
The ability to stop taking things literally,
When the true meaning of something is
Hidden behind its surface words.


Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

A Christmas Message From The World Of Light

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2015

Today I would like to share with you the essence of a News Flash from the White Eagle Lodge at Christmas, which contained a teaching that was given a long time ago. Bearing in mind the ever quickening pace of our race’s spiritual progress since this teaching first appeared, it has been updated to do justice to that which is happening on the inner and outer level of earthly life now.

‘Two thousand years ago a new legend was given to humankind. Its role was to act as a messenger for the events that would be taking place in the Age of Aquarius, which by now are increasingly becoming a reality of Earth life. From the beginnings of human existence on this plane, in the days before Christmas and for some time after, the blessings from the highest levels of life have been pouring more powerfully than at other times into all aspects of earthly life. With each passing year the inflow of the Christ energies has become more powerful.

‘And today we have come to lead you in a meditation for this most holy event. We are here to celebrate with you the Christ-Mass, the birth of the Christ. The awakening of the Great Light in all hearts is presently taking place in the realities of Earth life and in ever more of you the Divine spark of the Universal Christ is stirring from its slumbers. The legendary figure of Jesus has been a herald of the coming of the Great Light. The story of his life has been but one of the many interpretations of the myth that have been surrounding this event. Each one of them was given to your world by us, the wise ones in the world of light. Throughout the ages people have been celebrating the coming of the Christ in many different ways.

‘Now imagine in your mind’s eye that the Heavens are opening and the Holy Mother with the Christ child in her arms enters your inner vision. What you are seeing is the Great Mother of all life. In her loving arms she is holding a miniature version of the Great Light, the Sun of all Suns. Its radiance shines with undiminished force from the Divine child into the hearts of all human souls on both sides of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates them.

‘The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend is a symbolism for the Great Mother of all Life. Her love and wisdom is the focal point and centre of all life on the Earth plane as well as anywhere in the whole of the created world at Christmas, the Christ Mass. Silently observe and breathe in the sweetness and kindness of the Mother and worship Her and the gift she brings to humankind, Her child. With each passing year it is newly brought forth to help human hearts and souls to become spiritually stimulated, so that they open in love and goodwill towards all lifeforms.

‘The Great Father is part of the Great Mother. He stands behind Her and puts His arms lovingly around the mother and their child. Sing with the Angels and worship with the shepherds. Greet and give thanks to the three kings, for they represent the sages in the world of light, who at all times are holding your hands to guide and protect you and to keep you safe. Kneel before your true King and Queen, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, and their only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, on the highest plane of life.

‘Sagittarius is the sign responsible for the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. When the Sun moves through it from 22nd November to 22nd December in the run-up to Christmas, the Divine seed that to this day is still slumbering in many human hearts receives a renewed impetus to come alive and reveal its presence in the realities of Earth life. On the day of the Solstice, 22nd December, the Sun moves into Capricorn, the densest Earth sign of them all. It is also the sign in which the highest aspirations can be fulfilled and achievements brought about in earthly life. The energies of this sign bring the sacred fire of the Divine down onto the Earth. The goodwill and love that expresses itself in so many ways reveals that the seed of the Christ Spirit is indeed stirring in all hearts and souls, and that the holy infant is being born.

‘And that is whom you too have come to worship. To the wise ones in your midst, who have woken up to their true nature, the magic of the higher meaning that lies behind the surface words of the ancient story of the birth of Christ and the many carols it helped to bring into being never fades. Understanding what they have to say, the wise one’s hearts open wide to receive the Divine fire of love that flows more strongly than usual at this blessed time of the year. Invisible to earthly eyes, the Angels, messengers of the Highest, are standing by as the power, glory and light of goodwill shines with increasing force into all life on the Earth plane and fills every heart. The crib is the symbol of the most humble place on Earth: the human heart. And the light shines from the heart of the Divine Mother and the Christ, her Son/Daughter, in all its beauty and glory into each and every one of them.
‘Awakened ones do not complain that we are once more telling you the same old story. They know that we are doing it to remind you of the many symbolisms that have been hiding behind the words of the Jesus legend for such a long time. The Divine wisdom and truth they contain is waiting to sink ever more deeply into the consciousness of each individual heart and soul and through it your whole world. Being aware that the spiritual aspect of life is by far the more important one, wise ones refuse to put earthly concerns first. They prefer to concentrate on the profound truths the myth contains because they appreciate how essential they are for their own life and happiness as well as that of the whole of humankind.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, would love to describe the glory of the Heavenly realms to you, but using earthly languages this is impossible. And even if we could find the right words to tell you about the power and glory of the Heavenly hosts, most of you would not yet be able to grasp the meaning of what we have to convey about the power of the Highest, the Christ Star. In your earthly existence it can only be perceived by calling upon and practising it in your daily lives. It is something that cannot be known with the help of words or pictures. It can only be sensed through the feelings of love and siblinghood towards each other and your whole world that rise from the deepest innermost core of your being.

‘We would like you to know that many of those who have left their physical bodies behind are with you in spirit. Those you have loved and still love and remember are gathered here tonight. May you feel their presence as well as that of the Angels and Masters, and all other spirit guides and helpers. All of us together are sending heartfelt greetings and wishes for each one of you on the other side of the veil of consciousness. We invite you to join in the feelings of happiness and gratitude about the gift of life that has been given to us, and our common fate and destiny.

‘Know that every human soul, who is endeavouring to grow in saintliness and inner beauty of spirit, is making a valuable contribution towards creating a new and ever more peaceful and beautiful world by bringing God’s Kingdom onto the Earth. The highest potential of all who are presently participating in earthly life is to evolve into healers and bringers of God’s light and wisdom. And that, dear Friends, is the way, the light and the truth for every one of God’s children of the Earth. Whether you are as yet aware of this or not, each one of you is a child of the Christ Spirit who forever has its being in the radiance of the Christ Star.

‘The healing you are seeking is of the spiritual kind, but it can only be found through the power of your own spiritual aspirations. When your thoughts and whole being are truly aspiring to the light forces of the Universal Christ and tuning themselves into them, Its rays can flow into your loving heart without any hindrance. This awakens the Christ seed and soon you begin to feel how the rays of the Highest light penetrate ever deeper and with increasing force into every cell and atom of your physical body.

‘The Christ light is the only power in the whole of Creation that can reverse the order of all things, make crooked corners straight and bring healing to all conditions. Under its influence all darkness in human minds, physical bodies and their indwelling spirit and soul transmutes itself into light. This is how the Christ Spirit gradually takes possession of every cell and atom of your physical bodies and controls your whole being. And that is how miracles are performed.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Ancient Prophecies Fulfilled’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’

Six pointed Star

A Thrill Of Hope

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - A Thrill Of Hope

O Holy Night,
The Stars are brightly shining,
It is the true Saviour’s birth.
The blessing and healing power of Christ Star’s
Light is penetrating ever deeper into
All human hearts and souls and that of our world.
And ever more of them joyously respond
By opening wide.

For long enough our world has been
Suffering and pining in the prison of humankind’s
Ignorance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
Rejoice, because for some time the greatest
Wonder and miracle of all times has been taking place
And that is the rebirth of humankind
Into the awareness of its true spiritual nature.
Archangel Michael with the golden sword
Of sacred knowledge that flows directly
From the heartmind of the Highest into our world
Touches the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That in the course of many lifetimes have
Accumulated in the memories of our souls.
This contact transmutes them into
Total faith and trust in our Creator
And the basic goodness of the life
That has been given to us and our world.

Fall on your knees, O hear the Angels voices.
O night Divine,
O night when the true Christ child is born
In every heart and soul and that of our world,
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by the cradle we stand,
Because we now understand its true meaning.
Led by the Christ Star’s light sweetly gleaming,
The wise ones from the spirit realm are guiding
And protecting us, helping us to recognise
The symbolisms behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.
They are telling us intuitively that the child’s parents
Are the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Who never left us and have always been with every one of us.
Lovingly they are watching us and our world,
Assisting the true Christ child’s birth
In ever more human hearts,
Whose symbol is the manger and
The little town of Jerusalem
Represents the whole of humankind.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God
Have always been in charge of the development
Of us and our world.
They know the needs of everyone and,
As far as our Karma allows,
Are at all times doing their best to fulfil them.
That’s why they are now providing us with
The courage and strength to master
The drives and urges of our lower nature.
When we nail them to the cross of our earthly existence,
From deep within everyone’s own being,
Our God or Christ nature can then take over.

Glory be to our world’s true King And Queen
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Light of all lights and Sun of all suns.
Before them we kneel in adoration,
Giving thanks and praise for allowing us to know that:
The main Divine laws are love and evolution,
Their gospel is peace;
Everybody is our sibling
In the vast family of humankind;
When we love and forgive each other,
The karmic chains and shackles dissolve.
We ourselves created them in past lifetimes
When we were ignorant of our true nature and
The presence of God’s Universal laws.

The knowledge of these things takes our world
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into the new Golden Age when slavery and oppression,
Warmongering, violence and strife will no longer be known.
That’s why songs of joy and peace, faith and trust
Are flowing from our hearts and souls,
And we give thanks and praise to the Divine Trinity’s
And bless its sacred name.

Each time another one of us becomes aware of their real nature
And starts conducting their life in keeping with it,
Another Christ child is born in Bethlehem.

Adolphe Charles Adam
Adapted for our time by Aquarius

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘What Does Christmas Mean In Our Time?’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘O Holy Night’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

Part 7

From Fool To Wise One (1)

Humankind's Evolutionary Journey

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - From Fool To Wise One

Many of us are aware by now that everything in the whole of Creation consists of duality, for example God and Goddess who at the same time is the Great Mother and Father of all life; masculine and feminine, yin and yang, light and darkness, good and evil, upper and lower and so on and so forth. Because each one of us is a spark of the Divine Great Light, the same characteristics and powers are also in us. The law of life is love and its main branch is the law of evolution. Everything that is evil, ugly and destructive in our world and also in some of its inhabitants is part of the lower evolutionary spiral of life on which everything in the whole of Creation is constantly travelling in a forwards and upwards direction.

As a Sun Gemini, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), was very much aware of the duality of his own nature. Reflecting on why this should be so, he wrote in his Sherlock Holmes Story ‘The Sign of Four’: ‘Yes, there are in me the makings of a very fine loafer, and also of a pretty spry sort of fellow. I often think of those lines of old Goethe: ‚Schade, dass die Natur nur einen Menschen aus dir schuf, denn zum würdigen Mann war und zum Schelmen der Stoff.’ Conan Doyle was born 22.5.1859 when the Sun was transiting Gemini; his Moon was in Aquarius. Aware of the duality of his own nature, Goethe’s words struck a chord with Doyle because human behaviour was puzzling just as much. I believe that, without an understanding of the processes of life, one cannot help feeling that way.

I perceive the Goethe quote as a reference to the two aspects of humankind’s nature. The higher God part is the honourable and wise one and for a long time earthly counterpart experiences life and acts in foolish and unwise ways. People’s behaviour in general must have puzzled Goethe (1749-1832) a great deal when he wrote the above words. The translation on the internet reads: ‘Nature, alas, made only one being out of you although there was material for a good man and a rogue.’ In my view that does not come anywhere near what both Goethe and Conan Doyle had in mind. My translation, as a native speaker of the language Goethe used, deals with the duality with which every human being eventually has to come to terms: ‘Pity that nature could only make you an ordinary human being, even though the material would have been right for creating either a wise one or a fool.’

As Darwin’s theory had not yet been published and hit our world like a thunderbolt, Goethe’s thinking and perception of us and our world were not yet influenced by the concepts of Darwin’s theory. To Goethe nature was probably another word for God and his words sounds as if he believed that this authority creates us just the way we are. He must also have believed that at the end of our earthly existence we would be snuffed out like candles and wait, somewhere in Eternity, for what the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, call judgment day. If we passed its tests, our physical bodies would be resurrected. What a strange view of the world it has been!

Conan Doyle was born not many years after Goethe’s departure from this plane. Doyle was spiritually very aware and became a devoted spiritualist, who also joined the Freemasons for some time. The concept of Karma and reincarnation does not yet seem to have been part of his consciousness. The Christian teachings do not embrace it to this day.

During 1916, at the height of World War I, a change came over Conan Doyle’s beliefs that were prompted by the psychic abilities of his children’s nanny. This, combined with the deaths he saw around him, brought him to the conclusion that Spiritualism must be a new revelation sent by God to bring solace to the bereaved. To my mind, this undoubtedly is true. As a result, ‘The New Revelation’ was the title of Doyle’s first Spiritualist work that was published two years later. In the intervening years, he wrote to Light magazine about his faith and lectured frequently on what he saw as the truth of Spiritualism.

War-related deaths close to him strengthened his long-held belief in life after death and spirit communication, though it would be wrong to claim that the death of his son, Kingsley, turned him to Spiritualism, as is often stated. Doyle appeared before the public as a Spiritualist in 1916, two years before his son’s death. In October 1918 Kingsley died from pneumonia which he contracted while convalescing after being seriously wounded in the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Doyle’s brother Brigadier-general Innes Doyle died, also from pneumonia, in February 1919. His two brothers-in-law, one of them was E. W. Hornung, creator of the literary character Raffles, and his two nephews also died shortly after the war. His second book on Spiritualism ‘The Vital Message’ was published in 1919.

Although as a writer and thinker Goethe was in many ways ahead of his time, it was too early to understand that what he called ‘nature’ was but one of the many physical manifestations of God, the Great Father/Mother of all life. In Goethe’s as well as Conan Doyle’s days, it was too early for the knowledge that every one of us was created from the prototype of the perfect human being who is whole and holy. This means the higher and lower aspects of its nature are fully integrated and working together harmoniously, the way they are doing in our Creator. Each one of us once emerged from this idea in the heartmind of the Great Father, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity. Whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, from fool to wise one that, in a nutshell, is the evolutionary pathway every one of us has always been walking.

Goethe also wrote: ‘Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. Our world had scarcely become known to be round and complete in itself, when it was asked to waive the privilege of thinking of itself as the centre of the Universe. Never, perhaps, was a greater demand made on humankind when, by this admission, many cherished ideas went up in mist and smoke! What became of our Eden, our world of innocence, piety and poetry, the testimony of the senses, the conviction of a poetic/religious faith? No wonder Copernicus’ contemporaries did not wish to let all this go. That’s why they offered every possible resistance to a doctrine that demanded from its followers the kind of spiritual vision and understanding that few had and could not even dream of.’

Regardless of this, the God of the Western world in Goethe’s time was Jesus. When both he and Conan Doyle are now looking at our world from the spirit realm, if they are still there, they will be delighted about what a long way humankind’s understanding of the purpose and meaning of its existence and its spiritual background has come; that ever more of us are perceiving Jesus as a symbol for the higher God aspect of every human being’s nature and that in fact we ourselves are God; that each one of us is the creator of their own earthly personality with all its flaws and shortcomings as well as good qualities and strengths; and that everything is within us and the only thing we have to do is bring it forth.

A lot of water had to flow under the bridge of earthly life before we were allowed to find out that we ourselves, that is our spirit self, in the course of many lifetimes create the personality of our earthly self. Every individual spirit has to start this process at the lowest end of the spiral of its personal evolutionary development. Steadily and patiently, each has to work their own way forwards and upwards from being one of the fools and villains of the earthly plane, who for a long time remains unaware of his/her true nature. At the top waits the role of a good, kind and loving God-person conducting their life in the footsteps of the legendary Master Jesus. That’s how each one of us eventually fulfils their high and holy destiny as a child of the Highest and becomes a Christed one in their own right. It takes but a look at the world around us to realise that there are millions of shades between the two extremes.

Goethe thought that ‘Talents are best nurtured in solitude and character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.’ and: ‘There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action.’ That’s why he wrote the following:

Seliges Verlangen
The Soul’s Yearning

Sagt es niemand, nur den Weisen,
Weil die Menge gleich verhöhnet,
Das Lebendige will ich preisen,
Das nach Flammentod sich sehnet.

In der Liebesnächte Kühlung,
Die dich zeugte, wo du zeugtest,
Überfällt die fremde Fühlung
Wenn die stille Kerze leuchtet.

Nicht mehr bleibest du umfangen
In der Finsternis Beschattung,
Und dich reisset neu Verlangen
Auf zu höherer Begattung.

Keine Ferne macht dich schwierig,
Kommst geflogen und gebannt,
Und zuletzt, des Lichts begierig,
Bist du Schmetterling verbrannt,

Und so lang du das nicht hast,
Dieses: Stirb und Werde!
Bist du nur ein trüber Gast
Auf der dunklen Erde.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

My interpretation of the first verse’s two lines, not Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s, who may not have understood the German language quite as well as I do, is as follows:

As the mass of people instantly jeers at
Things it fails to understand,
Tell nobody except truly wise ones . . .

It never ceases to amaze me how those who know very little about a subject insist on shouting their ignorance into our world and proudly display their lack of understanding for all to see and hear. It can be witnessed everywhere how such people dogmatically defend their limited horizons and are wearing them like a coat of armour that protects them against paying attention and learning something new.

The essence of the whole poem is a description of every human being’s most fundamental, greatest and holiest desire, even though for educational reasons earthly selves, for wise higher educational reasons, have to remain unaware of it for a long time:

Praise be to all earthlings who eventually are drawn
into the sacred fire of knowing who and what God truly is.
That’s the marriage of the highest kind
to which every human being is drawn towards the
end of their education in the earthly school of life.

In the sacred fire of finding out who and what God truly is
and what every one of us also is, the marriage between
the Divine forces of life and humankind thus takes place.
It’s a marriage of the highest kind for which we
have been yearning for a long time.
Eventually we are drawn to it like a moth to a candle flame.

This is how, every one of us eventually is consciously re-united
with their true Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life
and the love and light of their only born Son/Daughter,
the Universal Christ. This Divine Trinity
is the truly beloved of the whole of Creation,
naturally also humankind and its world.

Here is the last verse in masterful translation
by a dear friend of mine who wishes to remain unnamed:

So long as this you fail to see:
That death precedes re-birth!
A gloomy guest you’ll always be,
Upon this darkling Earth.

From: ‘The Soul’s Yearning’
Original Title ‘Seliges Verlangen’


It takes a long time until we realise that, what awaits every human being at the end of each lifetime of taking part in another one of the earthly school of lifetime’s lessons, should by rights not be called death. It’s merely a transfiguration that, every so often, takes all of us from one state of life to another. At first we are nothing but a spirit/soul, who once began its existence as a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light. One of the Angels of transfiguration has taken us, whenever the time for it has come, onto the earthly plane so we can take part in life there. This enables us to attend ever more of the lessons that are only available there.

As soon as the purpose of one of earthly lifetime has been fulfilled, one of the transfiguration Angels returns our spirit/soul to the spirit realm, humankind’s true and eternal home, from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime and return to at its end. This is the place where we rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of all our earthly lifetimes, until we feel strong enough to apply for another one. That’s why what happens each time we leave the earthly plane behind, is by no means death, merely a transfiguration. It also comes about whenever we have been provided with the gift of another physical body and reappear once more as a newly born baby.

That’s what the journey from fool to wise one truly consists of. Amado Nervo (1870 – 1919), the Mexican poet, journalist and educator, had some advice for us. The following is the essence of what he said about sublime and essential things. ‘Do not talk to everybody about them. Instead, carefully choose the right level of those you converse with about them, so as not to humble or distress anyone. When with the frivolous, be as frivolous as they are, gently dropping a petal from the flower of your dreams into their cup of frivolity.

‘If they are unready for what you are giving, be on your way smilingly, because you know that they will come to what you have found, each in their own time. Should someone pick up your petal, examine it and inhale its fragrance, carefully and discreetly allow them a few more glimpses of what grows in your magical inner garden. Tell them of the invisible Divinity that surrounds and penetrates everything. Maybe thoughts and feelings of love will enter their minds, so they can act as keys and be an ‘open Sesame’ to the door of the only true freedom that exists for humankind and that’s spiritual freedom!’

Updated July 2022

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing – The Sacred Marriage’
•    ‘Soul Mates’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (2)


Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Abuse One scandal after another is presently bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness. Anyone who is aware of travelling from fool to wise one must be looking at these things and asking themselves why there should be so much of this kind of thing everywhere? With regard to our personal healing journey and that of our world that’s probably the most difficult issue to come to terms with and to find a truthful answer, it’s essential to take a closer look at the spiritual background of these events.

As hard as this turns out to be at times, first of all we need to acknowledge the things we are likely to have got up to in the course of the lifetimes we spent as a fool. In those days we were still unaware of the meaning and higher purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. We had no idea about the presence of the undeviating and never erring justice of the Universal laws, God’s laws, which at any given moment are influencing every aspect of life throughout the whole of Creation.

Naturally, this applies also to us and every one of our thoughts, words and actions. However, during the lifetimes of our innocence or rather ignorance we believed that for as long as nobody was watching us, we could do as we pleased and there was no chance of any repercussions. But as each one of us has always been under the constant supervision of the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers in charge of development of us and our world, we could not have been more wrong in this assumption. Because earthly eyes cannot see these beings does not mean they are not there. Far from it!

If you are hearing this for the first time, take heart! Even though nobody forces us to have more earthly lifetimes, the education we receive here cannot be acquired anywhere else and is compulsory. And if we ever wish to finish with this part of our development and move on to lessons of a higher nature, we have to get on with it. Therefore, whenever we have rested long enough in the world of spirit and feel sufficiently strong, we are usually ready to tackle another earthly sojourn.

It’s reassuring to know that everybody is on the same evolutionary pathway. The only difference between all of us is that each one is dealing with a different stage of their development. Even those who seem to be stuck in materialistic ways of thinking, unaware of the existence of other levels of life, in their own way are searching for the higher purpose of their existence. When you encounter someone like this, that person could be on the verge of receiving some important enlightenment from the highest levels of life. How about if you or I had been chosen to be the bringer? It doesn’t matter that we shall never know, but these people are God’s beloved children of the Earth, the same as everybody else. And the only things they need from us are kindness and friendliness, tolerance and a loving understanding of why they are behaving the way they are, instead of criticism and condemnation.

All of this is part of learning to love God’s way, totally and unconditionally accepting the other one, non-judgementally and wisely. Ultimately, we are all in this life to learn how to love in this manner. And the more we advance on the spiritual pathway, the more important it becomes that only thoughts of love and compassion should flow from us into the Universe. There are many snags and pitfalls on this road and there will only ever be one saviour and that is love. The love this requires does not express itself as a weak and sentimental emotion. It is a strong and constructive combination of faith and trust, a keen sense of justice and a great deal of understanding of spiritual wisdom and truth. At this stage of our development our earthly self has united itself with our Highest Self and we know intuitively when withholding is wiser than giving. As a result, well balanced thoughts and feelings are then flowing from our human heart and mind into the consciousness of our world.

Getting to this point is a long and thorny road, but in the end it takes every human being from being a fool into a wise one. The evolutionary laws of life decree that on this journey each individual must experience lifetimes of being ignorant of the meaning and higher purpose of its existence and the presence of the Universal laws. After a sufficient number of lifetimes of thinking that we can do as we please on the Earth and foolishly enjoying hurting and harming, killing and maiming people, we are ready for the next developmental phase that opens the door of the beginnings of wisdom. Alas, this can only come about through finding ourselves at the receiving end of the behaviour we dished out in the course of our previous earthly sojourns. Through pain and discomfort, mentally, physically and spiritually, the Universe introduces us to the nature of suffering.

In between the states of fool and wise one the earthly counterpart of all human spirits and souls have to spend a certain amount of lifetimes in the spiritual desert of an earthly existence that is bereft of any kind of nourishment for its spirit and soul. This is a kind of ‘no-man’s’ region, in which we have to spend at least one lifetime but to thoroughly imbibe this lessons this will probably take quite a few. During this period the small earthly self has no idea of why all manner of unpleasant things are happening to it. The story of Jesus in the desert * is an allegory of this developmental phase, without which no earthly education would be complete.

During our lifetimes in the ‘no-man’s’ region we do little else but suffering and that very intensely without knowing why, that it is nothing but the thoughtlessness of previous lifetimes which, with the help of the Universal laws, are unerringly finding their way back to us. Suffering on every level of our being seems to be all we are doing in such lifetimes, feeling lost and lonely. Many times we are frightened out of our wits of life in general and what may lay ahead, especially death, which at that stage of our development we still imagine as the grim reaper.

The grim reaper is one of the many false beliefs of the past. In truth, one of the Angels of Death comes to set the captive spirit free when the time of another departure from the Earth plane has come for one of us. The Angel of Death is a group of Angels. None of them has anything in common with the images of the grim reaper we know from days gone by. The countenance of these Angels is kind and loving and they radiate nothing but love. When we are ready to leave our physical body behind, one of them comes for our spirit and soul. Taking the hand of our astral body, it wraps its wings of golden light around us and moves us to the world of light. But for the moment let’s stay with the earthly journey of discoveries that precedes these events.

It takes a long time until it dawns on us that everything that’s ever happened to us is entirely of our own making and has always served the wise purpose of helping our soul to grow, our consciousness to expand and to stir the Divine spark in our heart from its slumber. During this process our lower nature is nailed to the cross of earthly life and dies there, to allow the characteristics of our higher nature to move into the foreground of our consciousness. With the passing of time they gradually unfold. In the course of slowly but surely taking over our whole being, ever more of our karmic debts are being paid and our transit from fool to wise one will eventually be complete.

Having reached that point, it’s no longer a secret to us that: God is as much part of us as we are part of God; on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. We can see for ourselves that because of these things nothing could ever be hidden from the scrutiny of the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers in charge of us. And whenever we are in danger of wallowing in self-pity, let’s remind ourselves that, with their assistance, we were the one who chose the pathway we are presently walking. This seems like a crazy notion when the going gets really rough, but it’s the truth nonetheless. Considering the effect the Universal laws have on all lifeforms and the utter justice of these laws, it could not have been any other way.

Every individual evolutionary development is closely linked with and part of the collective one of our world and the whole of Creation. And even though each one of us has to travel their individual journey of life on their own, it is our birthright to reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of God and the Angels and other groups of spirit guides and helpers. However, reading about these things alone is not going to do anyone any good at all. The knowledge we are receiving from the Highest levels of life is always intended to be constantly worked with by applying it in all our daily encounters. One thing is for sure, no-one can wave some kind of magic wand and do the work of saving and redeeming ourselves on our behalf. This is confirmed by our spirit guides in ‘White Eagle On Surrender and Miracles’ *.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Human Behaviour Is Chosen’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (3)

Compassion And Forgiveness For Ourselves

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Compassion And Forgiveness For OurselvesProbably the single most vital step forward on our personal healing journey is the understanding that whatever happened to us, in this lifetime or any other, was brought about by us. Whether we were mentally and/or physically, spiritually or sexually abused by someone in one of our previous lifetimes or this one, it could only happen because that’s what we did to others during other earthly sojourns. The only reason why the Universal laws are presenting us with any kind of issue is to provide us with opportunities for resolving and healing it.

Finding compassion for our suffering and forgiveness for ourselves is probably the most urgent task everybody has to deal with at present. The nature of the Karmic chains and shackles that are tying us to others from one lifetime to another, through the events of distant days, is an emotional one. They can only be dissolved by love and forgiveness * that rises into our conscious awareness from the very bottom of our heart and soul and that grows quite naturally out of the understanding we are finding along the way.

An essential part of the revelations that for some time have been flowing from God and the Angels into the consciousness of our world are the earthly beings whose receiver/transmitter stations of their earthly minds are tuned into the frequency of the Highest. This shows that they are ready to act as channels for the distribution and broadcasting of knowledge like that we did not inherit our good, bad or indifferent character traces from anyone. As our own ancestors * we developed them in previous lifetimes and brought them with us into the present one. It isn’t the planets, our birthchart or anything else that makes us do things. We ourselves are the only ones who can bring this about.

And whether we are born into each new earthly lifetime as a fool or a wise one is not decided by some kind of an unknown and unseen force of destiny that throws this kind of thing at human beings in a haphazard fashion. Everything depends entirely on the earthly personality we ourselves developed in previous lifetimes and growing from a fool into a wise is likely to take a great many of them. However, this process can be speeded up considerably by the right use of the flow of new knowledge that is now constantly coming our way.

The discoveries they are bringing place the tools for consciously working on the person we would like to be into everyone’s own hands. Here, the same as in any kind of situation, it’s up to us how we react – as a fool or a wise one, the choice is ours. As ever, we are free to choose * and that’s the only true freedom we as earthlings truly have. At any given time, our reactions and the choices we make reveal to the wise ones in the spirit realm the degree of our spiritual maturity. It shows them how much progress we are making on the road that takes every human being from fool to a wise one who is ready for lessons of a more elevated nature.

St Augustine of Hippo (354 –430) wrote: ‘There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.’ * St Augustine was an early Roman African Christian theologian and philosopher from the Roman province of Africa. His writings greatly influenced the development of the Western religions and philosophies in general. And even though St Augustine’s wisdom for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the Christian teachings, the above words are a clear reference to his awareness that human life is a never ending eternal spiral that, from its lowest starting point, the sinner, winds itself upwards to the saint.

Aeons ago, the Divine wisdom and love decided that the best way of teaching humankind the value of something is by withholding it. That’s why God’s great plan of life provided that in the course of the Piscean Age * greed and corruption, lying and cheating, dishonesty and falseness should be experienced in rich measure. This is how, propelled by increasingly cruel and destructive constant warmongering, God and the Angels have been and still are teaching our world the value of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity, and above all peace. An essential part of this lesson to this day is Christianity with its erroneous presentation of Jesus * as a historical figure and its insistence that every word about the tale surrounding the Master must be understood literally and is true, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

We were given a new religion that was carefully designed to keep us away from the truth about God’s nature and our own and the higher meaning of our earthly existence. Like the other religions of our world at that time, it was designed not to connect us with the Divine but to stop us from doing so. This ensures that, as our world moves deeper and deeper into the Aquarian Age, increasing numbers of us are going to be ready to discover ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, valuing and cherishing it the way it deserves to be.

Nothing in the whole of Creation happens without the will and support of God and the Angels. And that’s why and how at the beginning of the Piscean Age, from about 300 BC to 1900 AD, inspired by the Highest Forces of life, our world received a new legend that in the end would reveal itself as the greatest deception our world had ever experienced. Read more about this in ‘The Jesus Mysteries’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

It did not take long until a religion sprang up around the new legend, whose sole intention from the moment it was given, was to prepare our race for the coming of the Age of Aquarius, about two thousand years ahead of it time. Under the influence of this sign’s energies God’s wisdom and truth would begin to flow ever more powerfully directly from the Highest levels of life into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. This has been happening for quite some time by now and will continue to do so ever more forcefully, until the last one of us has woken from their spiritual slumber.

By the way, I do not share the view that earthly life is but an illusion. For as long as we are taking part in it, it is very real indeed. The tasks that are coming before us are always worthy of being attended to meticulously and to the best of our ability. Without them it would be impossible to learn, grow and evolve. The kind of learning we receive on the Earth plane is not available anywhere else. And that’s why I prefer to view every lifetime as a passing phase rather than shrugging it off as an illusion.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•     ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’
•    ‘The Buck Stops Here!’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘By The Will And The Grace Of God’

  Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (4)

Things That Cannot Be Recovered

Rays Of Wisdom - Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - Things That Cannot Be Recovered

Stones that have been thrown
Can sometimes be retrieved,
But not thoughts once they have left our mind,
Words when they have been spoken,
Opportunities that have been missed
And time that has been lost.

We are responsible for every one of our thoughts and words. They leave an impression on the ethers and join either a positive or negative stream to create something. None of them can ever be taken back, especially not unkind and unloving words that are thoughtlessly spoken. They add themselves to the stream of thoughts of this nature and because all life moves in vast circles and everything eventually has to return to its sender, at some time or another find their way back to us with increased strength. Aware of this, wise ones guard their tongues most carefully and get their minds into gear before saying anything.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Guarding Our Tongues’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (5)

The Value Of Wisdom

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Wisdom From The Tree Of Life - The Value Of Wisdom

There was an old owl who lived in an oak.
The more it heard, the less it spoke and
The less it spoke, the more it heard.
Why can’t people behave a bit more
Like this wise old bird?

Ah yes, but wait a moment!
In my view, anyone who heeds
What’s been said in the previous chapter
Has the potential of turning into someone
Who is as wise as a whole tree full of owls,
Much wiser than the old owl could ever hope to be.

Edward H. Richards
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (6)

Turn To Me

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Turn To Me

 Turn to me, O turn and be saved,
Says the Lord, for I am God.
There is no other, none beside me.
I am the spirit of the Universal Christ,
The only born Son/Daughter of the
Great Father/Mother of all life.
Their qualities are Mine and because
You are a spark of Me,
Everything that’s in Me is also in you.

I am the living God or wise one within you,
The one who comforts and heals you.
No outside forces are involved.
You will always be safe with Me.
Even when you leave earthly life
And shed your physical body like an outworn garment,
You’ve no need to be afraid of anything.
All that happens to you is that
My Angels take you back
To  the spirit realm,
My world and your true home.

Do not look for Me
Somewhere ‘out there’.
You will not find me there.
I am your Highest or God Self,
The wise one within,
Your inner guidance.
Search for Me deep within your own being.
You are My child and
My highest qualities are also in you.
I am waiting for you to start bringing them forth,
So your own Christ nature can save and redeem you.
You are the only one who can do this for you.

Listen to Me, My people,
Give ear to Me, My nation,
A law went forth from Me
Long before life on the Earth began.
The knowledge that brings you the understanding
That the justice of My laws is perfect and unerring,
That’s my light for you, My beloved children of the Earth.
Equipped with this knowledge,
Lift up your eyes to the Heavens
And look at the Earth down below.
Your understanding of the meaning of
The Heavens then vanishes like smoke
And you know that your existence in physicality
Is but a passing phase
And that each one of you awaits a
High and holy destiny,
Forever safely guided and protected by the Angels and Me.

Throughout the whole of Creation
My laws have always been ruling supreme.
They ensure that everything returns to its source
And none of you can ever be truly lost
In the vastness of space and time.
During the course of your evolutionary journey
You are constantly being drawn back into the oneness with Me.
The knowledge of this is part of My light
And that for all of you,
My beloved children of the Earth,
Not just a selected few.

Yet, what good are My laws to you
For as long as you lack the understanding
Of their presence and how they work,
Affecting every lifeform in the same way,
Therefore also you and your life.
Religions that are supposed to serve Me,
But insist on looking after their own interests,
Who refuse to grasp My laws and their justice
And learn how to work with them,
Are not serving the highest good
Of My people of the Earth.
They are no good to either you or Me.
That’s why before long they will disappear.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (7)

To Err Is Human

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - To Err Is Human

Spiritual knowledge is not something static; it was never intended to be that way. Simultaneously with the development of everything else in the whole of Creation it has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the eternal evolutionary spiral of life. The only thing that will forever remain unchanged is the foundations of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. It is the same today as it was yesterday and forever will be. The only thing that with the passing of time alters is humankind’s ability to grasp their meaning and interpret them.

In the course of many lifetimes every human being develops their own spiritual vision with its unique perception of God’s truth that could be different from all others. Bearing this in mind, whenever our inner guidance tells us that what is before us is the truth, then for us it is – even though it may not be for anyone else, as yet. However, our beliefs are bound to change the more we progress on our evolutionary journey. In this process our understanding of the spiritual background of earthly life and our own place within it increases quite naturally.

Keeping pace with the development of humankind’s individual and collective ability to understand the spiritual aspects of life, throughout the ages God and the Angels from time to time have been presenting another aspect of the Divine sacred wisdom and truth to us and our world. To make it easier for us to comprehend it, they lovingly wrapped the new parts in various myths and legends. With the help of these tales and the passing of time, humankind’s grasp of the spiritual background of its earthly existence has slowly but surely been improving.

The story of the Master Jesus’ life was the latest and final arrival of stories of this nature. God and the Angels presented it to our world at the beginning of the Piscean Age. The astrological symbol of Pisces is two fish that are attached to each other in the middle by a silver cord. One fish represents the human spirit and soul and the other one its counterpart, our small earthly selves. Spirit and soul are working hard at swimming upstream because they are longing to get back to their source and home, while our earthly selves are just as keen to explore their existence in physicality.

The resulting struggle and conflict between these two parts of our nature has been disturbing humankind’s balance and equanimity for aeons. Thanks be to God and the Angels, by now ever more of us are spiritually maturing sufficiently to start reconciling these two aspects of their nature and healing them together into one. Each one of us has to find their own way of attending to this and whenever one of us heals, our whole world is doing the same. Religious views are what for many mostly get in the way of this development.

Apart from successfully hiding the truth about God’s true nature and our own from us for around two thousand years, there is nothing wrong with Christianity that I can see. That sets me wondering whether one of its leaders will eventually pluck up the courage to step before our world with a declaration that might go something like this: ‘We were made to believe, by those who came before us, that every word of the Bible and in particular the story of Jesus’ life is literally true. However, by now it is coming ever clearer that this is not the case and that it has been an erroneous belief.

To find an explanation how this came into being, we need to reach a bit deeper into the times when Jesus is thought to have been born. They were highly literate days and the long list of Greek philosopher’s writings would fill a library. In spite of the fact that the Romans kept copious notes of all their proceedings, especially legal ones, no evidence whatsoever could be found that Jesus was a man who once walked the Earth. We shall return to this in a moment.

‘Nothing in the whole of Creation happens outside of the will of God and the Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. The corollary of this is that the tale surrounding Jesus was inspired and masterminded by the Great Father/Mother of all life, and the Angels in the form of a legend that would initially be presented to our world as literally true. The Age of Pisces has been the age of delusions and deceptions, of the self and others. Predominantly they were caused by false beliefs. The Jesus legend in the end turned out to be the greatest deception of all times. It’s purpose has been and for many to this day is teaching the value of honesty and truth in general and in particular with regard to humankind’s perception of the spiritual background of earthly life, as presented through the religions of our world.

‘That’s why, designed with love and the greatest of care God and the Angels presented us with the Jesus tale the way they did. The story is intended to act like a picture book that step by step demonstrates the initiations every human being encounters during the earthly part of its long evolutionary journey as one. For a long time it has to be unaware that in truth each one of you is a beloved child of God, who in due course would discover the true nature of its Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and its special relationship with them.

‘To allow the lessons of honesty and truth to deeply penetrate the individual and collective consciousness of our world, the Jesus legend, when taken literally, promised humankind that he would eventually return to the Earth in another lifetime in which he would act as the saviour and redeemer of those who believed in him. But it is becoming ever clearer that this is not going to happen because it cannot be done by any outside forces. Every one of us has to save and redeem themselves and that can only come about through the power of the love that every human heart contains, though at first merely in seed form and as a potential. When a certain evolutionary point has been reached by each individual, this seed stirs from its slumber and starts to grow.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (8)

Carrying The Cross Of A False Belief

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transitoin - Bearing The CrossThe devout Christians Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy are the authors of ‘The Jesus Mysteries – Was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?’* It came about because the Jesus tale no longer made any sense to them. That’s why, the same as many others in our world, they went on a quest of finding the truth about Jesus. In the chapter ‘The Missing Man’ from page 162 to 194 they are telling us about their meticulous research into the background of the story. In the end they could come to no other conclusion than that Jesus had never existed.

‘Even though the Romans had been most copious record keepers, no trace could be found that a man by the name of Jesus had ever lived in the whole of the Roman empire. Such events used to draw big crowds and if someone as well known and popular as Jesus, according to the Gospels, had been sentenced to death by crucifixion, there most certainly would have been a record of this. One of Rome’s punishments was the painful and visible death by crucifixion. In the age of Roman domination, the Romans were the only ones who crucified. By the time method of torture and putting someone to death had become a staple of the Roman Empire, its justice system had also employed strangling and stoning, burning and even boiling in oil as methods.

‘For a long time and for wise higher reasons God’s humankind was not allowed to get access to the wisdom and truth that was hiding behind the surface words of the Jesus legend. However, with the passing of time it is becoming increasingly clear that the whole human race is God’s chosen people, that each one of us is a beloved child of the Earth and that we also are half human and half God, just like the legendary holy man. The whole of humankind is in this together. We, individually and collectively, are rowing the same boat back home into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and our own. God is as much part of us as we are part of God. God is in everything, therefore also in each one of us. All powers and characteristics that are in God are also in every one of us, the very best as well as the worst.

‘Unbeknown to us for a long time, the figure of the Master Jesus has always represented a symbol for humankind’s higher evolved Christ or God nature. The characteristics of this aspect of our being at first are in a slumbering state. However, when the time is right for this to happen because through attending to our earthly lessons we have evolved sufficiently, they begin to wake up. The birth of the child in the stable of Jerusalem is a metaphor for this phase of our spiritual development. *

‘Having become aware of these things, ever more of those in the ranks and files of our churches are feeling motivated to bring forth and develop their own Christ nature by unselfishly working for the benefit of the whole of humankind rather than feeding the insatiable coffers of our already immensely rich organisations. We are convinced that the more handing out to the poor instead of taking from them is carried out in our world, the more speedily peace will reign.

‘We believe there is no point in apologising for what happened in the past. It is likely that every one of the more advanced souls who are presently are spending another lifetime on the Earth did take part, at the giving as well as the receiving end, of the events of times gone by. The only sensible thing to do, in our view, is to forgive ourselves as much as everybody else and then move on. How could one person’s apology ever hope to make good the suffering that was caused by a deception, the greatest one ever, now that it’s becoming ever clearer that our church has been guilty of carrying the cross of a false belief and defended it, by fair means and foul, for around two thousand years?

‘It makes us shudder to think that the yoke of the Karma that was thus created by individuals as well as the whole of our organisation can only be redeemed by us. But it comforts us to know, and we hope that you will be able to share this, that the truth behind the surface words of the Jesus legend is something much more beautiful and magical than anyone could ever have imagined. Most important of all is that at last it provides our religion with a solid foundation that really has been built on God’s sacred wisdom and truth. What could be more precious? Sharing this with you is what we would like to offer you in place of an apology.’ End of the statement.

There are many experienced souls in our midst who, in the course of countless lifetimes must have taken part in the atrocities that human beings have always been so good at handing out to each other in the name of God. It is true that many times we are sure to have found ourselves at their giving end of such experiences and, on probably just as many occasions, the receiving end. This applies as much to those who are working for our churches, as its followers and other ordinary folks. And if you are one of these old souls, you will understand what I am talking about and your inner guidance will be reacting to it with a strong feeling of: ‘This is true!’

Isn’t it the highest time that everybody takes the cross off Jesus’ shoulders and that we carry it ourselves? The Karma we have created in previous lifetimes through our lower earthly self’s thinking and behaviour patterns, that’s the cross all of us have to bear. * The drives and urges of this part of our being need to be given up and, metaphorically speaking, nailed to the cross of our earthly consciousness. Through slowly and painfully bleeding to death, the divine spark within wakes up and the birth of our Christ nature begins. In the course of growing from infancy into adulthood, our inner spirit self slowly but surely grows wings.

This comes about quite naturally, a bit more each time we rise above the desires as well as the fears and anxieties of our easily frightened earthly self and overcome the characteristics of our lower nature, for example greed and avarice, jealousy and hatred, powerseeking and selfishness. As time passes by, through the suffering we endure together with our Highest God or Christ Self, we not only save and redeem ourselves, but also evolve into a spiritual Master and a Christed one in our own right.

If my own life is anything to go by, it can be an exceedingly painful and longwinded process which is symbolised by the child in the manger, Jesus being nailed to the cross and dying. The three nights he spends in the tomb is a metaphor for the lifetimes each one of us has to spend in earthly life without any kind of nourishment from the light of God’s wisdom and truth. Jesus spending forty days and nights in the desert * is an allegory that describes this phase of our earthly education. The esoteric meaning of the number forty is an indefinite time.

Holding tightly onto outdated beliefs is the cross Christians throughout our world are carrying, deprived of any chance of redemption. Should its leaders refuse to adjust to the inflow of this kind of knowledge into the consciousness of our world and tell the truth about Jesus, the likelihood is that with this it will be signing its own death warrant. But if it willingly changes, there would still be a good chance that at last it becomes a truly catholic, i.e. Universal religion of our world. For this to happen it would have to evolve into a belief system that no longer seeks to dominate and exploit people’s souls and funds, but opens its inner and outer doors to everybody. Irrespective of what anyone’s beliefs may have been in the past, all who are ready for prayer and worship of the Divine Trinity, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ will be made welcome, for in truth:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And the Universal Christ, their only born Son/Daughter.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘Nailing The Lower Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Flowering Of The Rose On The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’
•    ‘The Cross Of Earthly Life’
•    ‘Nailing The Small Earthly Self To The Cross’
•    ‘The Cross We Bear’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (9)

The Christian Guilt Complex

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Christian Guilt ComplexThe Age of Aquarius *, among many other things is the age of honesty and truth. The deeper we move into this age, if Christianity fails to respond to the warning signs of increasingly shrinking numbers of followers, the opportunities for evolving into a church that is suitable for the new age will have to be removed by God and the Angels. By now, ever more of us are asking whether anyone has the right to deprive us and our world of the mysticism of its spiritual background, which by right should be the foundation of every belief system.

But even so, as undoubtedly it was once decreed by God and the Angels that for wise higher reasons it should be hidden from humankind’s view and knowledge until the time was right for revealing it, who would we be to argue? In any case, why should changing expressions like ‘our Lord and Master Jesus’ to ‘our Lord and Lady, the Universal Christ’ so difficult? If Christianity were courageous enough to make the long overdue adjustments, that’s how this once mighty religion could transform itself and evolve, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation. What’s wrong with accepting that, the same as every human being, the development of this organisation, again the same as everything else, had to start with being foolish enough to present a deception and untruth because it was too young and inexperienced to know any better?

Having grown up and matured into spiritual adulthood and a wise one, why shouldn’t Christianity be happy to at last acknowledge that God’s wisdom and truth have always been hiding behind the surface words of its scriptures? Isn’t it sufficiently wonderful in itself that there really is a great deal of truth in the Bible teachings with the help of which, when it reveals itself to our astonished eyes, they make so much sense – where there was none before – that nobody will feel the need to argue about them?

If Christianity makes the required alterations, it could happen that it fulfils the purpose for which it was called into being, namely bringing our world the message that our God is love. For as long as every word of the sacred texts was meant to be understood literally, that did not make any sense whatever. Every one of us is in this world for learning how to love God’s way, i.e. totally and unconditionally, without preference and reservations against anyone.

As ever more people in our world become aware of this, Christianity could act as an intermediary who, if they were appointed by God and the Angels, could play a major role in bringing true and lasting peace to our world. What a refreshing change that would make from being the cause of endless warmongering, trouble and strife and providing humankind with ever more ‘Heaven-sent’ excuses for indulging the drives and urges of its lower nature that thirsts for dominion and exploitation, vengeance and destruction.

Peace is sure to come to our world when even the last and slowest one of us has found out about God’s true nature and their own, and the duties and responsibilities this brings with it. Everybody needs to know that spiritually no-one ever gets away with anything; that we are accountable for each one of our thoughts, words and actions; and that due to the Universal laws, especially the law of Karma, everything we send into our world in due course returns to us in some reinforced format. If this does not happen in this lifetime, it’s sure to do so in future ones.

Christianity would in that case be empowered to release humankind from the almighty collective guilt complex which, with the passing of time, with the help of its teachings has been deeply implanted into our race’s individual and collective consciousness by those who for centuries, until fairly recently, were preaching hellfire and brimstone from their pulpits. Their most urgent task seems to have been telling their congregations that the whole lot of them were nothing but worthless miserable worms and a sinners. No reasons given, we just were. But why should anyone be that?

* Recommended Reading:
‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (10)

Miserable Worms And Sinners

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Saints And SinnersChristianity will never again be able to dominate large parts of our world for as long as it insists on clinging onto the long outdated understanding of its own teachings. If it did, the majority of people to this day would believe that human beings are born into one single earthly lifetime. If that were the case, why should some of us be born as sinners and others as saints? This unfortunate fate would leave no room for the Universal forces to provide every one of us with opportunities for gradually evolving from fools into wise ones, each under their own steam. In spite of any false beliefs we may ever have nurtured in our bosoms, that is what God and the Angels have constantly been doing in their infinite wisdom.

Anyone whose earthly mind is reasonably developed must be able to recognise that developing from sinner to saint cannot come about in one single lifetime, quite miraculously and without us having to do a stroke of work on improving our character make-up. In any case, what kind of a God would it be who creates human beings as sinners who have to suffer just because they are taking part in earthly life? Isn’t it enough not being allowed to know why we are here, where we are coming from and going to; why anyone should have to suffer and why there is so much suffering in our world *?

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as the Abrahamic religions. This is because they are sharing certain sacred texts; Christianity calls them the Old Testament, in which Abraham is described as the founder of Judaism. Christianity and Islam are branches that have grown on this tree. The three religions have an all-male God in common. His children are poor creatures. For starters they have no mother and there is no place in the whole of Creation they can call their home. They appear out of nowhere and are dropped into one single earthly life and there is nowhere for them to go to when it is finished, as everybody inevitably must.

The only thing these poor creatures know about is their small and easily frightened earthly self and the physical body in which it resides. When that part dies, the earthly self is snuffed out like a candle and, according to the Christian teachings there is nothing but dust to dust and ashes to ashes. No trace of us is left anywhere. Death is not the kind and loving Angel of death, which in truth it is, as we know by now. It is a grim reaper, who is often depicted as a human skeleton with a frightful grin on its face and holding a scythe in its arm with which it mows people down indiscriminately, just for the fun of it, frequently without any warning whatsoever.

Christians are made to believe that on judgement day * the physical bodies of those who believe in Jesus will be restored, so that they can join him in paradise, presumably moving around in these bodies. Anyone who rejects Jesus as he lord and master of their life has to fry in the fires of hell forever, without any chance of redemption. Are you as glad as I am that nothing of the kind happens? If it were true, our Creator would be a sadistic uncaring and unloving one who casts human beings onto the Earth, which for far too many of them is nothing but a valley of tears and suffering.

The placing of these poor individuals appears to happen at random and haphazardly for a stay of a certain period, and that once only. For no reason whatsoever and without distinction or discrimination, some are rich and others poor, some enjoy good health while others have to endure lifelong afflictions, some are women and it’s all right when they have to suffer at the hands of their men, because the females of the species are merely men’s chattels and unpaid servants, and so on and so forth. It does not seem to bother the Creator that the whole enterprise is grossly unfair because he is sitting on his throne in a distant place by the name of Heaven *. No-one has any idea where that might be.

In case the rulership of this Deity had continued forever, human beings would never have found out that in truth every one of us is part of God’s spirit and that the essence of our being is spirit and soul who are immortal and eternal, just like God. We would still not know that life is a never ending spiral that is constantly winding itself upwards and forwards and that this will forever continue. However, the coming of the Aquarian Age ensured that God’s wisdom and truth could no longer be suppressed. The scales kept falling from humankind’s eyes ever more forcefully and it became clear that Christianity’s obsolete image of God had been nothing but a description of the character traces of humankind’s own lower crude and unevolved nature. That was all we allowed to know in those days.

Yes, it is true that every human being once was a sinner. This was essential for walking the predestined pathway. Even though no-one forces us into another earthly lifetime, the education Earth alone can provide is compulsory and cannot be avoided by anyone. The curriculum of this school demands that before humankind’s higher nature can be explored, we first have to become familiar with its lowest and murkiest aspects. For this purpose it is necessary that we sometimes find ourselves at the giving and then at the receiving end of the darkest and nastiest experiences of life in physicality.

Because this is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and the countless smaller ones within it, for each one of us there is an individual one, it never did make any one of us into a miserable worm. At whatever level we are at the moment taking part in Earth’s lessons, whether our development is still at its lowest point or the highest one, something never changes, each one of us at all times remains a beloved child of God, the Great Father/Mother of all life.

In the early stages of our earthly education we are ignorant of the higher aspects of our nature and the spirit background of our world that is invisible to earthly eyes. When the going gets tough it is hard to believe that we ourselves once chose this pathway and that it was done hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us in the spirit world. For a long time we are unaware that they are constantly observing and guiding us into the adventures that are inevitable parts of the lessons we have agreed to take part in. Not knowing any of these things, it’s very easy to get lost in the role we are playing on earthly life’s stage.

And now just for a moment, let’s imagine how you and I behaved when we were still unaware of the Universal laws and how they are affecting us and our life. Unable to see the wise ones in charge of us and our world and having no idea of what kind of part they are playing in our lives, as far as we are concerned they don’t exist. As a result we believe we can do as we please. No matter how much we sin, if no-one sees us, it’s okay. We go to church on Sundays because that’s where God is. The rest of the week He cannot see us. And in any case, at the end of our lives we shall be extinguished and no trace of us will be left behind.

That’s why during the early stages of our earthly development we are likely to ask ourselves: ‘Why not do the nasty stuff something inside urges me to do? No-one will know. To my heart’s desire I can hurt and main, torture and kill those who are unfortunate enough to fall into my hands. As long as nobody is watching, regardless of how much burning and looting, plundering of their earthly possessions and raping of their women I do, nothing is going to happen to me.

Oh dear! We could be no more wrong. If only we had known. But the hard way has always been the Universe’s way of teaching us the value of things. Without this we would never have learnt anything. Considering that each one of is a young God in the making, this kind of education and tough love is not surprising. Alas, with the help of the beliefs that are now turning out to be false, every one of us has done their share of creating the present state of our world. That’s why now all of us are required to shoulder the responsibility for making it a better and more peaceful place for all its lifeforms in the human, plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. 

And for as long as the record of Christianity’s vision of our world remains stuck in the same old groove, the churches together with their followers will be unable to take their rightful place for moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life from fool to wise ones and sinners to saints. Won’t they be surprised when they arrive in the world of spirit and find out what really happens to them? Never mind, in due course they will be granted the gift of another lifetime, so they can catch up with the rest of humankind.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Why Is There So Much Suffering In Our World?’
•    ‘Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?’
•    ‘The Law Of Karma’
•    ‘The Cause Of All Suffering In Our World’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell’
•    ‘Heaven And Hell – An Allegory’
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’

 Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (11)

The New Religion

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The New ReligionAround two thousand years ago, the wisdom of the highest levels of life decided that the time was right for the emergence of a new religion for our world. And so God and the Angels provided some of the scribes of that time with ideas for one based on a person who is half human and half God by the name of Jesus *. He is presented as a very holy man who at quite an early age is accused of a crime of which he could never be guilty. As punishment the Romans are nailing him to a cross where he bleeds to death. Yet, before he dies this man promises that for anyone who believes in him he will reappear one fine day. He will then rescue them from their sad earthly existence and remove the yoke of their suffering by shouldering their sins and through this redeem them.

The above information came to me from my inner guidance, the living God or wise one within. This is the only reliable source of truthful spiritual knowledge in the whole of Creation. Jesus is one of the many symbols of this part of humankind’s nature; others names are God and Allah, Jehovah and Lord Krishna, plus whatever else. ‘Call Me by any name and I shall be there!’ Come to think of it, every human being’s inner guidance could therefore also be considered to be their own Jesus, so to speak. * And it’s my Jesus who is writing these words to you. How is yours reacting to them?

Back to the new religions of our world. As the centuries passed by, independent of how much misery and suffering had to be endured on the Earth plane, and there has always been plenty of that physically and mentally, emotionally and spiritual. It made no difference how much people called for and prayed to Jesus, he never came to fulfil his promise. Is there anybody around in this day and age who deep down seriously believes this strange tale? Even the slowest and most gullible ones in our midst must eventually come to the conclusion that God has to be something else.

When the majority of earthlings were still unaware of the higher purpose and meaning of their existence and that in truth there is only one God, in particular during the days when Christianity was still an influential and powerful presence in our world, wars were constantly raging somewhere. Priests on both sides busily and obligingly blessed the weapons of their side and prayed for its victory. Some of them no doubt are doing this kind of thing to this day somewhere. And how about the inquisition and the witch hunts that went on for centuries? In view of these things the Christian statement that its God is the God of love did not contain an ounce of credibility. A God who allows us to destroy each other by the millions and does not heed the call of those who are suffering *, who does nothing to save and redeem anyone, can that really be a God?

If He were, this God must be witnessing the suffering of His people, but no matter how hard they pray He comes to no-ones rescue. He refuses to intervene irrespective of how cruel and sadistic people behave towards each other, and how much and with what intensity they plead with Him to come, because He is a Divinity without compassion and mercy. He appears to hear and see nothing of what happens to His children of the Earth and do nothing to help them. What kind of a God * would that be? Reflections of this nature are bound to lead thinking and feeling human beings to the conclusion that God has to be something different from what we were made to believe during the six thousand years of patriarchy with its all-male Godhead. Is it any wonder that my parents and many others with them lost their belief in the Christian God during World War II *?

Each one of the religions of our world likes to think of itself as being in possession of the truth and declares itself to be the only holy-making one that, without fail, has the power of leading its followers up the spiritual mountain of life into the loving arms of God. In truth, every belief system has been and to this day is one of the many pathways that lead up this mountain. For thousands of years, this kind of false belief has been providing religious zealots with ever more excuses for troublemaking and warfare.

Those who have grown wise by now are aware that every religious conviction our world has ever known contains some golden nuggets of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, but never the whole truth. Such treasures are not easy to find because God and the Angels have usually hidden them from public view and knowledge in the form of symbolisms and metaphors behind the surface words of the sacred texts with which they have been providing us and our world. In this manner new ones were given from time to time. All of them together have been purposely designed so that eventually their teachings should be joined like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Only when every piece has found its rightful place, only then a picture * of God’s true nature and our own that makes a great deal of sense should at last emerge.

Now that Christianity has made such a splendid job of fulfilling its predestined task of teaching humankind the value of truth – through successfully suppressing and withholding it with every available means –might the time for this religion have come to open a new chapter in the acting our of its role? Or are its leaders meant to keep on avoiding the necessary changes, so that as a result the number of its followers continues to quietly shrivel away until this belief system has gone from our world completely, the way many others did in the course of humankind’s long evolutionary journey?

From the moment the Jesus legend came into being, God and the Angels in their infinite wisdom and kindness laid the finest tool imaginable, for the changes that in due course would have to be made, into Christianity’s hands. And that is the esoteric higher meaning that has always been hiding behind the surface words of Jesus legend. It’s there if they want it and no other religion has anything as potent as this to offer.

For many earthlings, with the passing of time, my jottings have become a handbook for a constantly improving understanding of the higher purpose and meaning of our existence as well as the principles and issues of the Aquarian Age. If there was going to be a New Christianity, what could be better suited for serving them and that without costing anyone a penny or a cent? But as usual, there is none so blind as those who do not wish to see. Any horse can only be led to the water, trying to push its head into it is never advisable and I would not dream of it.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Is There A God?’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘War And Peace Between Nations’
•    ‘Losing And Finding Faith’
•    ‘Putting Our World Right’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (12)

The Never Ending Cycle Of Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Life Is A Never Ending CycleMy inner guidance, the living God or wise one within, tells me that the Jesus story was purposely designed by God and the Angels so that at first, through insisting that Jesus was a historical figure and that every word about this man was from God and quite literally true. This was decided by the highest Angelic council to be the most effective way of using it for the suppression of God’s wisdom and truth – but only until the time and the energies would be right for revealing them. The vibrations of the Piscean Age * were ideal for a trickery of such proportions, the same as those of the Aquarian Age are now for disclosing that the truth is the higher esoteric meaning that for a long time had to remain hidden behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.

Because God is in everything and on the inner spiritual level of life all is one. Nothing in the whole of Creation happens without or is beyond the reach and will of God and the Angels. And that’s how, with their help and will, inspired by them and under their supervision, the greatest deception of all times was brought about. It happened on the principle that the means justifies the end and that in this case was teaching us and our world the value of honesty and truth. The inner world in sharp contrast to our outer one so far, is a place where nothing can be hidden from anyone. There would be no need for it, for this is a realm where the highest qualities like integrity, loyalty and sincerity, honesty and truth rule supreme.

Now that Christianity no longer has the power to stop anyone from becoming aware of God’s sacred wisdom and truth under their own steam, I cannot help wondering what would happen if Christianity embraced the concepts discussed here. Even most devout Christians should have no difficulties grasping that everything in the whole of Creation, including they themselves, are taking part in never ending cycles that are constantly moving all forms of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral.

Is it really so hard to understand that the essence of all human beings, without exception, is spirit and soul? Would devoted church visitors really want to be exempt from God’s great evolutionary plan when everything else in the whole of Creation is taking part in it? Would they seriously want to deny themselves this very special education, if they knew that it is the love and wisdom of the Highest who decrees that each one of us, from time to time, journeys from the spirit world, our home, into earthly life, so that they can learn from their mistakes and in this way grow ever more in wisdom and understanding, until they themselves have become as wise as the Great Father/Mother?

Let’s take a closer look at the basics of the evolutionary process and what it entails. The masculine aspect, the Father Creator, is the origin of all creative ideas. From the moment of its creation everything relentlessly strives to evolve and correspond with the image of the prototype the Great Father is holding in his mind. The prototype is the perfect son/daughter of God in whom all dualities and the opposing forces of Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, darkness and light, good and evil are perfectly balanced and functioning together harmoniously and responding to each other the way they are doing with the Great Father/Mother.

Each one of us is a miniature version, a microcosm of the macrocosm, of these Divine parents. At first only in seed form, every human being contains a complete set of God’s powers and characteristics, constructive as well as destructive ones. They are waiting to be taken possession of and developed when the time for doing so has come. Every human being can only do this in their own right. And until we have evolved sufficiently to be capable of acting responsibly for the highest good of all life and in keeping with the will and wishes of God’s great plan of life, we are not going to be let loose onto the rest of Creation to do as we please.

There will be no exploiting and robbing of other planets and creating havoc, the way we have done with the Earth, of that I am sure. The Jesus legend points us in this direction with: ‘On my own I am nothing. The Father doeth all the work.’ The Father in this sense means the Angels and Masters in the spirit world, who are in charge of the great plan and its execution. Acting on behalf of the Great Father/Mother, they are doing any work that is required to be carried out. Without their knowledge, will and wishes nothing happens anywhere in the whole of Creation.

During the early foolish phase of our development we are but a young and inexperienced sou. For a long time we remain unaware of the processes of life, what goes on in the background of our earthly existence, and that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions. As a result, we go against the will and wishes of God and the Angels frequently, thus far blissfully unaware that in future lifetimes the law of Karma presents us with the bill for the debts we incurred earlier. Through making good and paying them, with the help of the experiences our life brings to us and learning from our mistakes, slowly but surely we evolve into a wise one. At that stage we are happy and grateful to accept the guidance and protection of God and the Angels and for showing us how to go about the tasks they are bringing us.

I believe that most of those who are presently taking part in earthly life have been doing so before, not just once but a great many times. Throughout the ages, every so often they have spent another earthly sojourn to move forwards with their own evolutionary development and that of our planet. What a relief it will be for the Christians of our time when their leaders can at last explain why there is so much suffering in our world, how it has come about and how more of it can be prevented in future lifetimes. Won’t it be good when the following things are revealed: The One who brings all of us into being is the Holy Trinity that consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ? S/He is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights, from whose light every manifestation of life on all its levels are brought into being by the Great Father/Mother.

This Trinity is the source of all being, a truly loving, caring and above all just and fair Divinity. It is not perchance and at random that some of us are rich and other poor, some blessed with excellent health while others have to suffer lifelong afflictions. All of these things have come into being because of what each one of us ourselves did in previous lifetimes. What kind of earthly personality we bring with us into each new lifetime depends not only what we developed in previous ones, but also on the karmic debts we brought with us into each new lifetime from those days.

God is part of us as much as we are part of God and on the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. The corollary of this is that we are constantly under the surveillance of God and the Angels. Nothing is unknown to them or can be hidden from them. That’s why spiritually nobody has ever got away with anything. Christians of our time, who are as yet unaware of the presence of the Universal laws, will benefit greatly from being told about them. Although these laws and their giver are invisible, their justice is one hundred percent impeccable.

These laws are the cause that whatever any one of us sends out into the Universe unerringly finds its way back to its sender. Sometimes this happens straight away and we talk of instant Karma. On other occasions the return may take until another lifetime, maybe the next one or if we are as yet not strong enough to cope with it, many lifetimes in the future. Whatever we do in thoughts, words and actions is bound to find its way back go us one way or another. The more the knowledge of this spreads into our world, the sooner the many kinds of abuses that to this day are committed throughout our world by those who are ignorant of God’s laws, among them the churches’ ranks and files, as well as its followers, are sure to come to a natural end.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (13)

Christianity – A Tree With Weak Roots

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Christianity - A Tree With Weak RootsTo my mind, Christianity can be likened to a tree with roots that are too weak to reach deep enough into the ground for its main nourishment. That’s what hiding the truth about the Jesus myth for too long has brought about. Such a tree in the long run cannot thrive. When it’s deprived of the food it really needs, it has to die a long drawn out slow death. * Christianity is a tree on which many branches appeared with the passing of time. One cannot help wondering how long it is going to take until it dawns on those in charge of them that the individual and collective development of our world has reached the point for forcing the truth about its main character out into the awareness of the masses.

For some time by now the energies have been right for this to happen. Christianity has come a long way since its earliest beginnings, but it seems to have escaped the notice of its leaders that the evolutionary process is an ongoing one that will never stop. We and everything that shares our world with us, individually and collectively, from the beginnings of human life on the Earth plane have relentlessly been moving forwards and upwards on the great spiral of life. Anything that resists this movement for too long is eventually pulled up by its roots, metaphorically speaking. It gets thrown onto the compost heap, so that in due course some good things of the Earth can grow from the nourishment provided.

It seems to me that Christianity’s main trouble is that it has not yet grown a taproot that is strong enough to reach downwards into God’s sacred wisdom and truth. How much chance of survival has a tree that has nothing but a superstructure that is based on a deception?

The law of life is love and based on honesty and truth. Whenever people and companies, organisations and even nations are doing something to break this law or if they have done so in the past, nothing in the whole of Creation can stop their trespasses from eventually finding their way into the bright light of the awareness of the masses. Independent of who we are and what high or low positions we may occupy in this lifetime, the Universe loves sinners so much that it presents them with many opportunities for making good where they once sinned. That’s the only way that anyone can be saved and redeemed, by none other than themselves. And the events that are necessary to achieve this are never intended as punishments. They are but tools for teaching us invaluable lessons that ensure that we shall never dream of sinning in that particular way again.

The law of Karma * decrees that every action causes a reaction. Ignorance of this law never protected anyone against having to live with the consequences of every one of their thoughts, words and deeds that are sent at any given moment into our world and the Universe beyond. Naturally, this goes as much for the churches of our world as their followers. And there is every likelihood that offences committed in the name of God, for example during the times of the inquisition and the witch hunts, weigh more heavily than ordinary ones in the Divine scales of justice that never err.

This applies especially when someone believes that their crime does not count for as long as they are hiding in the shelter of their church where no-one could see them. That’s what they must have thought at the time, but in due course every one of these sinners will find out, each through their own experiences, that they could not have been more wrong. God’s Universal laws see to it that every one of us, in the fullness of time and without fail, gets their just desserts, of that we can be sure.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•     ‘The Law Of Karma’

 Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (14)

Cleansing The Cesspool Of Human Consciousness

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Cleansing The Cesspool Of Human ConsciousnessFrom the year 2008 the planet Pluto has been transiting the sign Capricorn *, the sign that rules large institutions, like banks, building societies, insurance companies and so forth. The representatives of governments, the police, the legal and medical profession and in particular the religious belief systems of our world are not excluded from the purging and cleansing effect of Pluto’s energies. Ever more forcefully they are drawing everybody’s attention to that which had previously been hidden from public view and knowledge. Like scum on a mill pond, they are rising to the surface of our race’s individual and collective consciousness. And that gets me wondering how long it will take until the last one in our world comprehends that nothing can remain hidden in our world any longer.

This cleansing process will continue until the year 2023. In classical Greek mythology Pluto was the ruler of the underworld, a metaphor for the subconscious mind of us and our world. Under the influence of the Plutonian energies, drawn by the vibrations of the forces of love, wisdom and truth from above, the higher and highest levels of life, and forced upwards by Pluto, anything untoward rises like scum on a murky pond to the surface of our humankind’s consciousness. Christianity’s history can be likened to a pond that is part of the great cesspool of human consciousness, which for a long time has been waiting to be dredged and cleansed of the impurities of false beliefs that have their roots in the ignorance of God’s true nature and humankind’s as well as our race’s special relationship with its Creator.

This cleansing is a truly Herculean * task. Almost every day a new scandal of one kind and another is crawling from the murky depths of our world’s consciousness to its surface. Each one of these events is comparable to a nasty and painful abscess that is waiting to be burst, so that the body on which it is growing – the spiritual body of the whole of humankind – can at last heal itself. And that’s precisely what has been happening for quite some time by now.

All of this raises the question whether Christianity will be capable of stepping back and distancing itself from the foolish arrogance of its spiritual infancy and childhood. Can it rise like the legendary phoenix from the ashes of its own funeral pyre and wing its way into a mature state of spiritual adulthood that knows nothing but honesty and integrity, and truly serves the Highest from its heart instead of its head? Is there enough strength left in Christianity to progress from its unevolved state of ignorance, the fool, into an honest, responsible and reliable wise one?

The word religion is based on the Latin religare ‘to bind’. The Heavens alone know – but they are smiling and not telling us – whether those within the Christian churches are capable of assisting their organisation to survive the transition from something of the head that keeps us away from God into a religion from the heart that this time really does tell the truth.  Through tolerance and love for each other, regardless of anyone’s colour and/or beliefs, this religion would seek to connect ever more human beings with each other and with God. Will those in charge have the courage to confess that in the past they failed in this task because they did not understand the true meaning of God and that in truth the Divine Trinity means the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ?

Organisations, companies and whole countries are required to evolve from fool to wise one, just the same as every human being. Everybody has to make their own mistakes and is allowed to learn from them. Organisations are doing this, except religious ones. Who or what is it that keeps them trapped in the past and forces them to remain stuck with their obviously long outdated teachings. It does not seem to bother the religious leaders of our world that, what they call their sacred texts makes no sense for our times and the level of understanding ever more of us are reaching, and that through this they are losing ever more of their followers. How sad!

This reminds me of the Buddha’s advice for his disciples that was given a long, long time ago: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it, or because it is spoken and rumoured by many, or because it is found written in your religious books, or because it emanates from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find after observation and analysis that anything agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to the good and benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it.’
I shall never give up hope that one fine day one of the religious leaders of our world pluck up the courage and set a good example that others may wish to follow, by stepping forward and declaring that religions are involved in the evolutionary process of the whole of Creation, the same as everything else. Therefore, there were periods when his/her religion acted like a fool, who was ignorant that higher esoteric wisdom was hiding behind it’s sacred texts. Nobody would have any problems forgiving any one of the remaining religions if it were explained that God and the Angels once gave the myths and legends through the scribes of our world, with the intention that in due course the esoteric higher meaning behind the surface words would be revealed.

There could be no finer illustration of this than the story of the Master Jesus. Will Christianity ever tell us that it has discovered that Jesus never was an exterior force, because in truth it has always been a symbol of humankind’s own higher or God nature. The legend can be likened to a picture book description of the evolutionary journey every human being in earthly life is constantly travelling on the road of developing its higher or God nature.

As pointed out before, there would be no need to apologise. After all, everybody has to cover the same distance which starts with being a fool, a young and inexperienced soul, to a sage, an old and experienced one. Why should Christianity be exempt from taking part in it? If it is God’s will that it should renew itself and remain part of our world for a while longer, then it will happen – but only then.

 Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (15)

Cycles Within Cycles

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Cycles Within CyclesAll life consists of cycles within cycles and every human being is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the Universe. Each human lifetime, even if it lasts over a hundred years, represents but one tiny cycle within many much greater ones. At the moment we take our first breath of earthly air, one of these cycles commences with the seconds, minutes and hours of our daily existence. Added to this after a while are the coming and going of the seasons of the world around us that can be likened to the different parts of our lives.

The progressions of the Moon in our birthcharts reveal that the development of our present lifetime is constantly moving forwards in two and half year cycles that take us through the experiences of every sign and house of the zodiac. As one complete cycle takes thirty years, if we are around long enough, we are required to navigate the boat of our life through them several times. Each time we move into a sign or house we have been through before, the Universe provides us with further opportunities for deepening our understanding of their lessons.

If you reflect on your present lifetime so far, you will probably be able to confirm that about every two and a half years different kind of experiences have come your way. Although I have been studying astrology for a very long time, whenever I take a closer look at someone’s birthchart and their progressions of the Moon, it never fails to amaze me with what accuracy astrology works. That, to me, is the best and most positive use that can possibly be made of the Divine science *.

The progressions have nothing in common with horoscopes and fortunetelling. They can be used as an instrument for becoming aware of the energies that at any given time are operating in our lives and what kind of lessons can typically be expected. Co-operating with these things eases the flow of our lifepath considerably and helps us to get into harmony with the cosmic energies, in preference to struggling against them, the way we all too frequently do.

Knowing about our Moon progressions makes it easier to take charge of our life and steer it in the right direction. The simplest way of doing this is through familiarising ourselves with the Universal laws and how they are affecting all life, including ours. When we learn how to conduct it in keeping with these laws, with the passing of time our experiences are sure to provide us with sufficient proof that the love we send into our world really does return to us. As with this our trust in the fundamental goodness of the life that has been given to us grows, our desire to peer into the future to see what it may – or may not – have in store for us, goes from us.

The progression have an element of forecasting what kind of experiences are likely to be drawn into our life, but merely as general trends, tendencies and energies that are influencing us during each progression. As everybody’s earthly lessons are different from all others, there are no hard and fast rules about what is going to happen and how things will manifest themselves. That’s why looking at our future progressions is by no means a form of fortune telling. The nature of the lessons each one has in store for us depends on the planetary ruler of the houses and signs in question and the life lessons they are designed to teach. It’s basically that simple and no secrets are involved.

And if what you are reading has whetted your appetite for finding out more about astrology, how about having a go at ‘Being Your Own Astrologer’? In my view, there is no need for spending large amounts of money on books and courses, and getting ever more confused as a result, when everything you need for your own spot of stargazing can be read and downloaded from my website free of charge. As you move along, you will find that the more you share your learning with those around you, the more astrological insights will come to you intuitively, i.e. from the inner guidance of your Highest Self, who in this way will be assisting your studies.

The zodiac is a symbol of the great wheel of life or fortune that never halts or goes into retrograde motion. Every lifeform, including human beings, is constantly in the process of evolving into something better, more beautiful and perfect. Perfection in this context means whole, i.e. every aspect of our nature integrated and all of them harmoniously working together as one, the way they are doing in our Creator, the Great Father/Mother. Round and round the zodiac our spirit and soul wander, spending countless numbers of times in every one of its signs and houses, occupied with the building, shaping and improving of our earthly personality. Each new round moves us onto a somewhat higher level of experiences.

This continues until somewhere along the line our higher Christ or God nature begins to stir from its slumber and, with the passing of time takes over and absorbs its lower earthly counterpart into itself. When the two parts of someone have fully merged into one, that person has evolved into a Christed one in their own right. They are then ready to walk hand in hand with God and the Angels and, under their guidance and protection, can make valuable contributions towards the fulfilment of God’s great plan * of life. And that’s the only way every one of us will eventually be capable of serving earthly life for the highest good and greatest joy of all.

But for as long as our lower selves are struggling with Earth life on their own and are not yet acting with the conscious support of our Highest or Christ nature, for us earthlings there is no way of knowing what the highest good might be. This changes when the higher aspect of our being has completely taken over its earthly counterpart. It then thinks, acts and speaks through us and we know intuitively and spontaneously how to behave and react to the people we meet the right way.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Be Your Own Astrologer’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The End Of The Patriarchy And Return Of The Great Mother’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (16)


Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Literalism One cannot help wondering what will happen to those who to this day are so obstinately clinging to literalism in the religions of our world, not merely Christianity, when they return to the spirit world and are given opportunities for reviewing the conduct of every one of their lifetimes and especially the most recent one. How will they then be feeling about their limited horizons? For as long as Christianity sticks to its dogma about literalism, those who are presently responsible for it will be blinding themselves to the fact that on the soul level every human being is and always has been a Christian *. This is because, even though for a long time merely in seed form, all human hearts contain a tiny spark of the Great Light of the Christ Star, the Universal Christ, only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life.

Isn’t it time that Christianity gave up the notion that earthly life is a one-off thing and with this removed the fear element from its teachings by telling the truth about life? That life, including that of every human being, is a never ending learning curve; that the law of life is evolution and everything in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and is constantly winding its way forwards and upwards on God’s gigantic evolutionary spiral of life. This is how every human being, without exception, in the course of a great many lifetimes moves from the lowest level, the sinner, to the highest level of the saint, i.e. someone like Jesus though obviously not a reincarnation of the man who never existed. This is the stage when we have reached every human being’s final goal of being a Christed one in our own right.

From the moment human life was introduced to the Earth, God and the Angels have never stopped accompanying and keeping us under close observation. To assist the first human beings with their earthly education, they have been guiding us through our lessons and also protecting us, mostly against ourselves, whenever the need for it arose. And that’s what they are doing to this day.

Right now they are shaking their heads in disbelief about the short-sightedness of some of our world’s religious leaders who, instead of courageously moving forwards into the Aquarian Age and making the required changes, insist on stubbornly peering to that which once was. Anxiously they are clinging to a past that never was a pleasant one, because of the lessons of the patriarchy *. That is how, with the help of power struggles, warmongering and incessant trouble and strife, lying and cheating, dishonesty and corruption, God and the Angels have been teaching us and our world the value of honesty and truth and above all, of PEACE.

What a pity that those concerned do not know that, regardless of what objections against progress anyone may nurture in their bosom, every individual’s evolution and that of our world has always been relentlessly sweeping everything before it that is in its way. It makes no difference whether we like this concept or not, or whether it makes us happy or sad, nothing in the whole of Creation ever stands still and remains the same. Everything is in a constant state of flux. If our religions refuse to go with the flow of this great river of life, it will gradually sweep each one of them away.

To ensure that things can only go so far and no further with us and our world, God and the Angels have always been guiding us. To stop earthly life from getting completely out of hand, in view of the destructive urges of humankind’s lower nature with its callousness and brutality, greed and avarice, God and the Angels also had to protect us – mostly against ourselves. That is why, for example, we shall never be allowed to colonise and make a mess of other planets of our solar system and beyond it.

What a long way we and our world have come under the influence of the Aquarian energies in a comparatively short space of time. Yet, while the whole of Creation has constantly been moving forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life, our existing religions have turned themselves into spiritual dinosaurs. Stubbornly they refuse to change in keeping with the evolutionary pace of the world around it. Is there any help for organisations that to this day resist growing from fools into wise ones?

Should they keep on refusing to mature into spiritual adulthood and keeping their heads stuck in the sand ostrich fashion, how many of the remaining religions of our world will be able to adjust themselves to the increasingly powerful spiritual awareness that has been taking over our world for quite some time? It is being brought about by the flow of knowledge from the Highest levels of life into all those who are able and willing to receive it. Will any of belief systems join these ranks?

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘Pluto In Capricorn’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (17)


Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Spontaneity The following is the essence of a teaching about spontaneity from the White Eagle group of message guides that came my way in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as they are known in earthly life, and quite a different one when spiritual or occult truth is concerned. Until you have built into your soul body the creative God atoms of light and with their help have found a deep inner understanding of such matters, you cannot serve life as you would like to. Knowing something with your mind only is quite different from being able to comprehend it with your inner self. The result of the latter is spontaneous good thinking and actions through which the light of God’s love flows and that have the power of creatively raising the atoms and vibrations of your whole world.

‘The growth of your mental bodies depends on what kind of habitual thought patterns you develop. To most effectively train theirs, wise ones during their times of prayers, meditations and quiet reflections, tune the receiver/transmitter stations of their earthly minds into the frequencies of the highest levels of life. This, with the passing of time, changes their thinking and behaviour patterns quite naturally. By conducting their lives the right way and without hesitation following the advice of their Highest or Christ Self, this part of their nature gradually takes over their whole being.

‘Through this your higher mental vehicles develop and you are evolving into a living channel and bridge between Heaven and Earth. As a result the living God within all life can flow through you and work on transforming your planet into a state that is far removed from the way it is known at present. The new Earth that God and the Angels are in the process of creating will eventually be so advanced that, although it still consists of the same substance, its matter will be filled with more light and therefore be much less dense than you know it now.’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (18)

The Golden Future Of Humankind

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - The Golden Future Of humankindThere now follows the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 16th April 2018: ‘Miracles come into being as a result of putting into operation the Divine law of love. At all times it manifests itself in earthly life as much as it does throughout the rest of God’s Creation. On the Earth plane human beings are used in gentle and beautiful ways to bring miracles about. You have no idea when God and the Angels are creating one of them through you.

‘For quite some time by now, they have been working on the greatest miracle that has ever taken place on the Earth. It consists of healing the minds and bodies, spirits and souls and each one of you individually and collectively of your whole world. This is possible because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything, whenever one of you finds healing not only your whole world but the entire Creation heals with you.

‘Once more we would like to draw your attention to the importance of the Divine law of love. In your world it not only manifests itself in goodwill, kindness and tolerance between people, but also that in ever more of you a new kind of faith and trust is stirring. These feelings keep on growing the more you find out that all life throughout the whole of Creation is one great spiritual family of all life; that on the higher and highest levels God and the Angels and Masters are taking care of you and your world, assisted on the lower levels of the spirit world by countless numbers of friends and helpers. All together we are responsible for the development of you and your world.

‘This kind of knowledge awakens in human hearts and souls a growing interest in the Angelic beings in charge of other planets and studying other parts of the enormous spiritual Universe where planet Earth once was crystallized into a form of matter so that you, during lifetimes spent on it could receive earthly education. The great plan of life provides that each one of you would be spending many lifetimes playing the role of a mere earthling, so that you could get to know and understand the material world you would be placed in time and again. For a long time you would be unaware of your true nature, but towards the end of your earthly curriculum the truth would be revealed to you.

‘Great things are in store for every human being. In your higher etheric bodies you will in due course be able to visit and get to know the worlds of much more highly evolved beings than you have ever consciously known before. They no longer require physical bodies for getting around and neither will you by that time. For however long you choose, you can live among and be one of them. There is no need to be afraid of getting lost in the vastness of space because God and the Angels will always be with and part of you, the way they have always been. The only difference will be that you are not only conscious of their presence, you also can see them. They will forever be guiding and protecting you, the same as they have always done.

‘So be of good cheer, dear friends of the Earth. Each time earthly life threatens to get on top of you, keep on keeping on and look forward to these things. If occasionally the going gets too tough, take comfort from knowing that what’s happening to you is but a small part of your evolutionary journey which is sure to pass. Trust us when we say that all is well, all is good and rests safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and ours, because that is the truth. We hope that knowing this will help you to endure what your karmic debts still have to present to you with as much courage and strength as you can muster. And never forget that we are with you to supply you with these qualities and as you move through your experiences, they are quite naturally developing within you.

‘Refuse to limit your thinking and conceptions of earthly life. Send your loving thoughts into the spiritual Universe and further into what’s known to you as outer space of the physical one. Become aware that all lifeforms that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation are one big family and that therefore they are your siblings. In your thoughts move further and further away from your small planet and mingle with the beings of other worlds, send them your love and greetings. The time is going to come when you will be visiting them, not with the help of clumsy spaceships but using your higher etheric bodies. Spaceships as you know them would be of no use to you out there.’

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Miracles Do Happen’
•    ‘The Days Of Miracles And Wonders’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’
•    ‘Greater Miracles You Shall See’
•    ‘Astrology – The Divine Science’
•    ‘Going Or Rather Flying Home’
•     ‘The Religion Of The New Age’
•    I Believe In Miracles
•    ‘My Dream Of Humankind’s Future’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (19)

My Dream

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - My DreamThe Universe dreams its dreams through us, so that we can do our share of grounding them in earthly life and making them into a reality there. As long as we go where our inner guidance tells us and endeavour to give of our best at all times, it is highly likely that in due course we shall succeed. My favourite dream is of Mother Earth as a place where the people of all nations are living together in peace and harmony, where wars, violence and crime, hunger and homelessness, sickness and suffering no longer exist. I know that dreams have the power of coming true, especially when – in spite of the tests and trials that are inevitable on the individual and collective pathway through earthly life – we hold onto them and have faith in the high and holy destiny that at the end of their earthly education awaits every one of God’s beloved children of the Earth.

There is talk about a new golden age * that will come on the Earth. The selfishness, greed and corruption that are part of the lower earthly aspect of humankind’s nature will then have been overcome and are no longer known. As Mahatma Ghandi once said: ‘Mother Earth has enough for everyone’s needs, but not for everyone’s greed.’ The golden age is going to come about in quite a natural way the more of us are becoming aware of their true nature and are acting responsibly because they have willingly left the desires of their earthly nature behind and are now following the guidance of their Highest or God Self. At that point of our development, our life experiences have taught us that all our needs will always be met. Therefore, we don’t find it difficult to merely take what we need and happily leave the rest for those following behind. We rest safely in the knowledge that, the more we do this the more there will be enough for everybody. Hoarding things and over-consuming for us belong to the past and we do our best to recycle as much as possible.

And that’s how we, all of us together, slowly but surely are going to bring the new golden age into being. Young and insufficiently evolved souls will no longer be reincarnating onto the Earth when her transformation is complete. Having finished with the early parts of our earthly education, they will cease to be required as teaching aids. So, what can any one of us do to make this dream into a reality? For as long as we are not afraid to ask God and the Angels to show us how to go about it, there is no reason why any of our dreams of the future should remain unfulfilled. It is true that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible *, but it needs to be born in mind that things cannot happen until our karmic debts have been fully redeemed. Irrespective of what may still be in store for us individually and collectively and which tasks are waiting to be attended to, the evolutionary spiral of life stops for nobody. It never goes into backward motion and all lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation are ceaselessly moving with it.

Treachery, falseness, jealousy and exploitation will also belong to the past. Instead we are all doing our best to support each other, especially in our creative endeavours. Because of this there is going to be a great blooming of all manner of artistic expressions. To make this kind of dream into a reality on the Earth plane, all we have to do is to place it into the loving hands of God and the Angels and work hard on making it come true. Whenever this happens anywhere, they are only too happy to do the rest.

Many of us have been dreaming of a peaceful world for a long time. And because of millions of contributions towards this end, many positive, good and beautiful things as expressions of humankind’s higher evolved nature are already manifesting themselves in many places, without being reported about. I believe that by now they are outweighing the negative and ugly, evil and destructive things that emanate from our race’s lower unevolved nature. Alas, our mass media seem to have got into the habit of reporting too much about the latter. Is this because good things don’t sell newspapers and fill airtime on the many radio and TV channels that are now available, every one of them hungry for what they consider to be the juiciest titbits of news?

Be that as it may, you and I have been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime so God and the Angels can teach us, with the help of our inner guidance, how to counteract the spreading of negativity and fear. Each one of us is here to make their contribution towards laying the foundations for the good, happy and wholesome future, towards which our whole world has inexorably been moving for a long time. Even while we were still unaware of what was happening to us and our world, that’s what all of us have always been doing and that never alone, but hand in hand with God and the Angels. Now that ever more of us are waking up to their true nature and understand what is at stake, this process can be speeded up considerably by paying attention to our inner guidance.

And so, bearing in mind that many small people, in many small places, doing many small things can change our world, let’s roll up our sleeves – figuratively speaking – and get to work in the most positive and constructive ways we can think of. Each time we notice that something good is being done by someone, we can support their efforts by refusing to wonder what kind of motivations could be hiding behind what’s visible on the surface. It is better by far to focus and hold onto that which is already good, right and beautiful in our world.

And when one of our world leaders finally begins to show signs of working for peace and goodwill, we awakened ones can support them because we know that, even for as long as someone is not consciously are of it themselves, ultimately every human being has always responded to the impulses received from their Highest or God Self, the Universal Christ, in whom we are all one. S/He has always been guiding each one of us and our world forwards and upwards on the individual and collective evolutionary spiral. The Sun in our birthcharts by sign and house position shows the direction in which we as individuals shall be moving for the whole of our present lifetime.

A great deal can be achieved on the inner level of life by directing our thoughts to humankind’s higher or Christ nature, the part of everybody that is all good. At the moment of a new spirit’s entry into earthly education, a tiny spark from the Great Light of the Universal Christ is implanted in the deepest innermost recesses of its soul. This is everybody’s first soul memory and from the word go, the spirit and its soul are constantly responding to the pull of the light of the Christ Star, the light of all lights and the Sun above and behind the Sun in the sky above us in earthly life. Lifetime after lifetime its love keeps on drawing us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Love and light are the greatest powers in the whole of Creation with whose help quite literally anything can be conquered. Spiritual knowledge is light and not knowing is darkness. And once the power of God’s love and light begins to shine through our words, wherever they go darkness cannot resist for long, but dissolves. And because everything that is good, right and beautiful is motivated by love, every bit of it has the power to absorb some of that which is still evil, ugly and destructive in our world. The love behind it has the power of transmuting it into blessing and healing energies for all life. Therefore, the more good we send into our world, the more of its darkness is going to be absorbed it and transformed by power of God’s love and light.

In the golden age oppression and slavery, especially of the religious kind, humankind’s main excuse for practically continuous warmongering for thousands of years, will finally have gone from our world. There will then be:

Only one religion, the religion of love.
One country, the whole of Mother Earth.
One race, the race of humankind.
One gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
One language, the language of the heart.
One God, the God of love,
The Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ,
Known by everybody as
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

And that, dear Friends, is my dream.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Future Of Humankind’
•    ‘All Things Are Possible’
•    ‘The New Golden Age’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (20)

The Lord’s Prayer

 A Healing Mantram For The Aquarian Age

Praying hands

Say the following words quietly to yourself and pay attention to the feelings that rise within your innermost heart and soul:

Our Father/Mother, Thou art in Heaven . . .

Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, Thy Heaven is here on Earth with me, inside my own heart. God and Goddess, Thou art as much part of me as I am of Thee. Thy Spirit is nothing but love and dwells in me. The spirit of love knows no separation. Thou art The Eternal Light. All your characteristics are waiting to come alive in each one of us, merely waiting to be brought forth by us. Thy Divine spark of the Christ Spirit is now coming alive in me. Thou art the flame of pure love and the state of Heaven in my heart.

Hallowed be Thy name . . .

With my whole being I worship Thee, o holiest of holy Mother/Father, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, God of power and might and Goddess of wisdom and love. Heaven and Earth are filled with Thy glory. Thou art omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent and everything Thou hast brought into being is sacred. It includes me and with all my heart and soul I honour and worship Thee and Thy Creation. I bless Thy Holy Name. Deep within the silence of my heart I listen to its sound, the great AUM. It renews Thy light, life, and perfection within me, for I am Thy child.

Thy Kingdom come . . .

Whenever I reflect on Thee and speak Thy blessed name, Thy light in my heart grows more powerful and grows into a blazing flame that fills my whole being. It unites itself with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun and that cleanses me and heals me by burning my weaknesses and impurities. My dark thoughts and feelings dissolve when I dwell on the splendour of Thy great love and devotion to me, until nothing but Thy shining purity of thoughts and feelings fill my whole being. By filling it with Thy light and beauty, I realise that Thy kingdom is coming alive in me and is here with me in earthly life.

Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven . . .

Thy will created me and brought me into being. With the passing of time Thy light and beauty has re-created me and that brings me ever closer to the perfection of wholeness. Please make me ever more like Thee, so that through me the world around me is blessed and healed and transforms itself into the new Earth. The more Thy light illuminates my whole being, the more I glorify and praise Thee and Thy sacred name. May the purity and perfection of the Christ Star, the symbol of Thy only born son/daughter, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, come alive in all human hearts. May its radiance grow ever stronger, until the whole of humankind reflects Thy Glory and through us blesses and heals all life.

Give us today our daily bread . . .

O Christ Spirit, Thou art the Star of all stars, the Light of all lights and I am a tiny spark of Thee. Thou has placed me in earthly life so that I should grow and evolve and in the fullness of time respond to Thy calling. The light in me is a reflection of Thine. With every passing day it shines in me more powerfully and visibly, doing its share of removing more of the darkness of ignorance of earthly life.  As I consciously open my heart to Thee, my understanding of Thy wisdom and truth increases and with every breath I take Thou and I are growing a bit more into one.

The gifts Thou art bringing me are the bread that not only nourishes my heart and soul but through me that of those around me and ultimately our whole world. The sweetness of Thy Divine spirit is coming ever more alive in me and filling the cup of my love for Thee and my gratitude to overflowing. The pure flame of Thy Divine passion cleanses, purifies and heals every aspect of my being. All my human passions and earthly desires I surrender to Thee and pray that they should be transformed into blessing and healing energies for all life.

Having created us, Thou knowest better than anyone what rebellious creatures we are and how we hate to be lorded over. But as our whole being fills ever more with Thy love, we are willing and capable of fulfilling superhuman tasks as long as they comply with Thy will and wishes. Thou art the truly beloved of my heart and soul and that is much more than a Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress could ever hope to be. Thee I follow willingly and trustingly. And the power of Thy love, when it fills our whole being, provides us with wings to lift ourselves and those around us above the concerns of earthly life and helps us to view their importance from the right angle, that of the spirit.

And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us . . .

By sharing the gifts you so generously bestowed upon me to all who accompany me on my pathway through life, I freely give of my love. Freely and willingly, I forgive every one who has ever hurt, harmed or wounded me. And I pray that Thou will help the ones whom I have caused pain, to forgive me, so that we may set each other free and our karmic slates be wiped clean and we are ready for the experiences of the Age of Aquarius. My soul rejoices at the knowledge that the Christ Spirit is part of all my siblings in the human family.

May Thy glory and radiance, wisdom and power work through me to bring rest, healing and peace to the whole humankind. I pray that no shadow will ever again fall between Thee and us. Please help all of us to overcome our selfishness and transform our weaknesses into strengths. And with every day that passes, help me to love Thee more dearly and to see Thee more clearly in all that is in Thy Creation – totally and unconditionally, the way Thou lovest all of us.

Leave us not when we are in temptation,
But deliver us and our world from all evil.
Help us to uplift and transmute the greatest evil into the
Highest good and the greatest joy for all life,
In keeping with the will and wishes of Thy great plan.

Thou art the only one who knows what tests and trials my soul still needs to endure until the balance of my spiritual account has been restored to wipe out my failures and wrong-doings of previous lifetimes. I know that the obstacles I am still encountering are not punishments of some kind, but were created by my thoughts, words and actions of this lifetime and previous ones. I forgive myself for this and take responsibility for the things I am still struggling to resolve. I understand that any sickness of the human physical body and mind are indications of an underlying sickness of soul and spirit. Please help all of us to heal every aspect of our being.

With every breath I take, I breathe in Thy light and breathe out Thy love for the blessing and healing of all of Creation. In this day and every day, grant me Thy help and guidance, in all I say and do. Please, give me Thy strength and courage so that I may triumphantly overcome the things that are still troubling me. My whole being is crying for Thee to come to my rescue, to heal me and re-birth me into my true Divine nature, to once again be a fully conscious child of Thine, the way I once was and on the inner level of life never stopped being. Through the difficulties I am experiencing you are teaching me to take better care of myself in mind, body, spirit and soul. I thank Thee for this most gracious lesson.

May these struggles help me to discover and release my latent healing abilities, so that Thou and the Angels can work through me. And when I have recovered sufficiently, grant me the grace to show others how they, with Thy help, can also heal themselves. As I have been helped, one of these days I shall be a way-finder for others who are suffering the way I once did, so that my life grows ever more into a blessing and a gift for our world and everything that is in it, in accordance with Thy great plan of life, will and wishes.

Grant me the gift of Thy strength and wisdom to rise above the desires and temptations of my small earthly self. Deliver me from the evil of the dark thoughts and feelings that try to keep me from reaching out for Thee and Thy goodness. By learning to fully trust Thee and Thy Divine guidance and protection, help me to shed my fears and doubts, so that I may follow in total trust wherever Thou leadest me. And whenever the feelings of my earthly self threaten to overwhelm me, knowing  that they are not the work of the devil but that of my frightened earthly self, grant me the gift of Thy strength to say to this part of me: ‘It’s all right, calm down.’ Help me to rise above the lower aspects of my being and bring forth, from deep within me, my own Christ nature, so it can show me how to do that only that which is for the highest good and the greatest joy of all.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory . . .

My life is one with Thee and it is my will that it shall be so, for ever more. Thou art the light within my spirit and soul that is now safely returning me into the oneness with Thee. Trusting that in all Eternity I shall be safe with Thee, I surrender my whole being unto Thy care. I pray that Thy will be my will and that my will be Thine, that Thy sacred words and prayers are ours, so that the great plan of life unfolds in keeping with Thy will and wishes rather than ours. Show all of us how to manifest Thy love, beauty and perfection that are also in us, although for many still in seed form. Help us to conduct our lives, now and forever in keeping with Thy Universal laws, so that our vibrations become ever more purified and be compatible with Thine.

Thou art the true Kingdom of our being and Thine is the power and the glory that is now coming alive in us and our world with the awakening of They Divine spark in ever more human hearts. May this continue until the healing power of Thy sacred love fills all our hearts and souls to overflowing. May it spread from there into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation, to finally return to Thee enriched with the wisdom and understanding all of us have gained thus far in the course of our evolutionary journey up the spiral of life and back into the oneness with Thee, our Creator.

O Great White Spirit, fountain of all Holiness, Thou art the source of all life, light and healing. May all human beings be restored and regenerated, giving and receiving love, breathing out and breathing in nothing but love and light, together with Thee. By making peace with Thee, beloved Father/Mother, the human spirit and soul enters into Thy light and is cleansed and healed. Our whole being comes to rest in Thee, our body relaxes and every cell and atom of it are restored and regenerated. And when one of us healing, all humankind, Mother Earth, and all of Creation are healing with us.

So it shall be – for ever and ever,
In Thy sacred and most holy name.

May the blessing and healing power of Thy love flow through us and everything that is in our world. Through all channels who are ready to serve you, may the power of Thy love flow for the healing of humankind’s emotional and spiritual wounds of all lifetimes. All these things I am asking in the sacred name of the Universal Christ. Thou art the highest Star, the brightest light, the greatest love and the highest mind in the whole of Creation.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Background Of The Lord’s Prayer’
•    ‘The Cross Of Life’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (21)

Growing Up

Rumi - Growing Up - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Comfort & Healing

The essence of what I want to tell you today is that
Little by little, every human spirit and soul has to
Grow up and wean itself.
From an embryo who draws its nourishment
From its mother’s blood,
We become an infant who drinks her milk.
But all along we are searchers of wisdom and truth,
Treasure-seekers and hunters of invisible gains.

Imagine how a conversation with an embryo would go.
It might start with something like:
‘The world outside your womb is vast and intricate.
There are wheat fields, mountain passes
And orchards in bloom.
At night you can see millions of galaxies
And in the Sun’s light maybe watch
Friends dancing at a wedding.’

If you asked the embryo: ‘Would you prefer
To stay where you are, cooped up in the dark,
With your eyes closed?’
At that stage of its development
The small earthly self to be would probably reply:
‘I only know what I am experiencing now.
When you talk of other worlds,
It sounds to me like hallucinations.’

From Rumi’s ‘Mathnawi’
Persian Muslim poet, jurist, theologian and Sufi mystic.
His writings are descriptions of everything in Heaven and Earth.
Adapted by Aquarius

Each time the door of the spirit world, our true home, closes behind us and we once more reborn into another lifetime on the Earth plane, during the embryo phase of our earthly sojourns the only thing about life we know is our present state. Of necessity this happens to every one of us the first few times around. And that’s the way young and experienced souls in our midst perceive themselves and their existence. The Divine spark in them is still slumbering for the simple reason that their time for its wakening has not yet come because their earthly selves have not yet sufficiently experienced life in physicality and learned about it.

The law of life is love and the essence of every human being is love, even though for a long time this may not show itself in their behaviour patterns. Nonetheless, from love we come and to love each one of us eventually returns. Times in earthly life at first serve the exploration of everything that is not love, for example hatred and greed, violence and crime, sickness and death. During this phase of our development we are interested in anything that creates suffering for those around us and our world. Even though we are unaware of what is happening to us, in the fullness of time every bit of it returns to us and we find ourselves at the receiving end. Through these happenings our own soul and that of humankind, our whole world and the whole of Creation become familiar with these characteristics. Because they belong to humankind’s lower and unevolved nature, in due course they have to be worked on and overcome.

This is a process in which we, individually and collectively, are constantly growing in wisdom and understanding. Through this our consciousness and that of our race slowly expands and everybody in the end reaches the point of rediscovering who we are, where we have come from and where we are going to. We then find it far more enjoyable by far to pursue that which is positive and wholesome, good, right and beautiful. We feel drawn to them because that’s the only way we can be true to our real nature. This heralds that, at least for us, a vast evolutionary circle has closed, another chapter of our development is complete and we are ready for moving on to lessons of a higher nature. That applies as much to each one of us individually as it does collectively to our whole race and world.

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (22)

I Believe

I believe - Rays of Wisdom - Words of Wisdom for Hope & Encouragement

I believe for every drop of rain that falls,
A flower grows.
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows.
I believe for every soul that goes astray
An Angel comes to show the way.
I believe. I believe.

I believe that above each storm
Even the smallest prayer is heard
And someone in the great ‘out there’
Is listening to every word.
Each time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf and see a star,
I know why I believe.

I don’t just believe, I know that
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
I know this is true because
The world around me acts like
A mirror of what’s happening on the
Inner levels, the spiritual background,
Of our earthly existence.
I know that regardless of the many dark things
That are still taking place in many places,
A new day is dawning for each one of us
And also our whole world.

My consciousness has changed gear from
The blind belief of the Piscean Age
To the state of knowing of the Aquarian Age.
There’s a world of difference between the two.
Now my faith and trust in the goodness of life
That’s been given to us is something
That cannot be taken away of destroyed
By anyone or anything any more.

Jimmy Shirl &Al Stillman
Edited by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I Believe’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (23)

I Believe In Miracles

Believing - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement

I believe in thoughts to share and feelings to discuss.
I believe in miracles, I believe in us and our world.

I believe in sunny days, the cleansing touch of rain,
In special moments that form an endless chain.

I believe in quiet nights and brilliant starlit skies,
In tender sights that stir our human hearts.

I believe that honesty and truth are the greatest plus,
In loving and sharing, I believe in us.

I trust God’s great plan of life and my
Inner guidance tells me that there will always be
A positive and beneficial outcome of everything
That happens in our world.
I believe in every human being goodness and decency.
No matter how long it may take in some
To come forth, it will do so eventually.

I believe that the destiny of us and our world
Has always rested safely in
The Great Father/Mother’s loving hands.
I believe that all is well with us and our world
And that everything is in the process of coming right.

I believe in the ever increasing healing power
Of the love that is created when
The human and Divine aspects of life join forces.
I believe that at present this is bringing about
The greatest healing miracle our planet
Has ever experienced and that
It is taking place right here and now,
Not only for humankind but for everything
That shares this plane with us.

I believe, nay, I know, feel and trust
With my whole being that
All harmful influences of our world,
With the help and will of God and the Angels,
Are being transmuted into beneficial ones
That strengthen and heal every immune system
That’s in need of it.  

Bruce B. Wilmer
Edited by Aquarius
Updated July 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (24)

The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

 Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord.
He is trampling out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored.
He has loosed the fateful lightening
Of His terrible swift sword.
His truth is marching on.

I have seen him in the watch-fires
Of a hundred circling camps.
They have built him an altar
In the evening dews and damps.
I have read his righteous sentence
By dim and flaring lamps.
His day is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
His truth is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel
Writ in burnished rows of steel.
As ye deal with my contemptors,
So with you my grace shall deal.
Let the hero, born of woman,
Crush the serpent with his heel,
Since my God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat.
He is sifting out the hearts of men
Before His judgment-seat.
Oh, be swift, my soul.
To answer him be jubilant, my feet.
Our God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
Glory, glory, hallelujah.
His truth is marching on.
His truth is marching on.

Julia Ward

On April 3, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Baptist minister and political activist, rose to speak in support of striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tennessee. ‘I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land,’ King announced. ‘And I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man.’ And then he closed in his lyrical voice: ‘Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.’ The next day he lay dying on the second floor of the Lorraine Motel, struck in the cheek by an assassin’s bullet.

The last line that King ever spoke in public came from the song ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic,’ written by Julia Ward Howe in 1861. It was a fitting finale to the life of a great American because the story of the ‘Battle Hymn’ is the story of the United States. The song, now approaching its 150th anniversary, is a hallowed treasure and a second national anthem. The country has turned to it repeatedly in national crises. The ‘Battle Hymn’ has inspired suffragists and labour organisers, civil rights leaders and novelists, for example John Steinbeck in ‘The Grapes of Wrath’.

Since time immemorial the snake has been a symbol of the wisdom and truth of the Great Mother of all life. No matter how hard the religions of our world, during the times of the patriarchy with its all-male Divinity, tried to crush under the Mother’s love, kindness and wisdom under its boots, it cannot be suppressed forever. The truth will always be out in the end and with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius the time is right for its emergence.

To me, this song is the epitome of a battle hymn for our whole world and Martin’s vision of the Promised Land is not merely for Christians but all humankind. And although this song is not at all my kind of music, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s interpretation moves me to tears, each time I listen to it. To my mind it’s one of the finest pieces of choral music altogether. What appeals to me most about it that yes, God’s truth does keep marching on. Irrespective of how hard the religions of our world have always tried to keep us away from it and no doubt will continue to do for a while, it is now with us for all to see whose perception of life has sufficiently opened.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Battle Hymn Of The Republic’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of  Snakes’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (25)

I Can See Clearly Now

I san see clearly now - Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Hope & Encouragement 

For far too long the fog and mists of false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions about God’s true nature and our own, and of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence have been clouding humankind’s vision and understanding. The spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is flowing ever more powerfully directly from the Highest levels of life into the consciousness of our world are clearing them away. And an ever more beautiful picture emerges of the bright and sunny future that indeed lies ahead of us and our world. That’s why there is every reason for our hearts and souls to rejoice and sing:

I can see clearly now, the rain has gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone.
All of the bad feelings have disappeared.
Here is the rainbow I’ve been praying for.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Look all around, there’s nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue.
I can see clearly now, the rain has gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It’s gonna be a bright, bright Sun-shiny day.

Johnny Nash

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘I Can See Clearly Now’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (26)

The Cross We Bear

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - The Cross Of Earthly Life
However heavy our cross
And great our pain,
God’s Sun will always shine
After any kind of rain.

Sometimes we stumble
On other occasions we fall.
God and the Angels never refuse help
To those who call.

The Great Father/Mother of all life
Is with and part of us and
Therefore not only knows about
But takes part in every one of
Our heartaches, pains and tears.

If we ask for help from the Highest,
The wise ones in charge of us have
The power to make our troubles disappear,
Just like waving a magic wand.

Yet, that’s not what they do,
Because it would stop us from growing
In wisdom and understanding.
We would never learn to tap into
And develop our own inner strength and
Bring forth and work with
The characteristics of our Christ nature.

Because of this, instead they guide us intuitively
To someone who can show us
How to explore the higher purpose
And meaning of our life and
The reasons why we are suffering,
Thus making the burden of our cross
Lighter and easier to endure.

May the Great White Spirit
Fill your days with the blessing and healing power
Of His/Her love, wisdom and peace.
Be good, kind and loving to everybody.
Never forget that we all have to bear our own cross
And that is the earthly personality we ourselves
Created through the thinking and behaviour of past lifetimes.
That’s why each now has to fight their own inner and outer battles.

The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. In its true sense the cross never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It was originally meant to convey the idea that the spirit can overcome and rise above all happenings on the physical plane. During its many journeys through this particular form of existence all human spirits and souls remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness that Earth life presents.

There is no point in fighting against this, as the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is compulsory and unavoidable because it is essential for our individual and collective evolution. The best we can do is go with the flow and submit ourselves willingly to whatever duties present themselves. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.

Because all life is consciousness, whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, every human being on this plane is constantly in search of consciousness expanding experiences. The degree to which this is happening depends on our actions and reactions to the experiences that come our way in every one of our daily encounters. Independent of whether they are insignificant or great, sweet or bitter, each one is meant to provide us with further opportunities for evolving through growing in wisdom and understanding. And the extent of the spiritual power we are gaining with the passing of time depends entirely on how conscious we are of how everything in the final analysis is designed and sent to us by the wise ones in charge of us in the higher realms of life.

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (27)

God’s Unerring Justice

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - God's Unerring JusticeThe essence of an extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris February/March 2018 under the heading ‘The Inner Awakening’: ‘The law of life is love and evolution through love. God is the law and the law is God, whose love and laws pervade and rule every level of the whole of Creation. The Universal laws cannot be influenced by anything that would change their course and corrupt them. They know no punishment or retribution and they do not judge. God’s justice is perfect. Errors or miscarriages of justice are unknown on the inner spiritual levels of life. Every outer manifestation is an extension of the inner ones and therefore has the same qualities and characteristics.

‘The law of Karma is not by any means something negative, as many earthlings believe it to be. It is completely neutral and returns as many good and positive things as negative and evil ones to its sender. The law just is and functions exceedingly well. The only thing it has in mind for humankind is providing opportunities for consciousness expanding experiences that help every one of God’s children of the Earth to grow in wisdom and understanding, whilst redeeming itself and making good where it once sinned.

‘In the whole of Creation there is no such thing as chances, accidents or coincidences.  Everything that happens is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and is the result of the law of Karma. In your world this is true for the events that on the surface of life are so tragic and hard to endure. If you had access to the Akashic Records *, you would be able to see for yourself that these occurrences are always the outworking of the Karmic law of cause and effect. In broad outlines their conditions are as similar as possible to those that once set the karmic wheels in motion. This goes for anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by the events and also the groups and nations they belong to. This is how the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, is constantly in the process of redeeming some of its karmic debts.

‘But the story does by no means end here. It is a well known fact in your world that difficult and traumatic times have the power of bringing out the best and noblest qualities in many people. That’s how the infinite wisdom of the Great Father/Mother eventually assists His/Her human children of the Earth with the development of their own Christ nature. Through manifesting it in earthly life good and positive Karma is created that wipes out ever more of your Karmic debts. This is the only way the Universal Christ, not as an outside force but from within your own inner being, in due course can save and redeem each one of you and your world. It is for this reason that some people feel drawn to the rescue services and when the need for it arises, risk and sometimes give their own lives for the sake of others.

‘And because God’s characteristics and powers are also in you, every one of you carries the power within – if only in its slumbering state thus far – for sowing the seeds of a more beautiful and peaceful world. Your present is occupied with attending to your karmic obligations and making every effort to go about it in the right manner. Learning to control your thought processes and living in harmony with God’s Universal laws empowers you to sow the right seeds in our present lifetime. The knowledge of this is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everyone’s own hands – or rather heart and soul – for making their own contribution towards positively influencing your own future and that of your whole world.

‘In the long run it is irrelevant whether Christianity or any other belief system survives. It’s the Christ spirit in every human heart and soul, in its total and unconditional surrender to its Highest or God Self. Its kindness and goodwill, tolerance and love for all lifeforms is the only authority who can save and redeem each one of us and our world. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are part of it and working on it – together with you on the one hand and with God and the Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life on the other. No-one on their own has any true power, but together with them makes us so strong and powerful that anything can be done and performing miracles is easy.

‘And if you are longing to find truth, all you have to do is gain access to the wise one, the living God within you. On that level of consciousness the meaning of God’s love is known and you are meant to use the knowledge we are bringing you about it in your everyday life. In words, thoughts and actions show the people around you how they too can find their own way to God’s light, i.e. wisdom and knowledge. Encourage them to do their share of preparing for a golden harvest on the Earth by sharing the seeds that are coming their way with as many as possible.

‘Keep the glorious vision of the new golden age in mind and do not allow anything to deter you and do not be disappointed when you see but a few results of your work. Hold steadfast onto the vision that we are giving you about the age of love and peace, wisdom and truth, that is sure to come into being as ever more of you desire it and willingly and unselfishly work on making their contribution to bringing your new world into being. And because God is in everything and at all times is manifests Him/Herself through the Universal laws, in the fullness of time perfection and joy will come to your world through everyone’s own efforts.

‘You will then be experiencing a life that none of you can as yet imagine, even in your wildest dreams. It is going to be a life of beauty and joy, health and harmony and the love that is the supreme ruler of the spirit spheres. They are spheres of pure light and beauty that are far beyond the world of desires of your present existence and the astral worlds. Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance darkness. Peace be with each one of you as you journey onward into the light of full conscious awareness. There is nothing to fear. God, the Angels and we are with each one of you, holding your hands, giving of our courage and strength, and showing the way whenever someone asks for it. As everybody is required to do their share of the work involved, do your best to spread the good news we are bringing you.

‘Whenever you wish to find out whether someone is telling you the truth, go to your inner guidance. It knows the way of all things and will never lead you astray. Naturally, this also applies to the knowledge you receive from us.’

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (28)

Change Our World

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Change The World

If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.

Sri Chinmoy

If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.

As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.

This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.


Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (29)

First Healer Heal Thyself

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Healer Heal Thyself

Someone told me the other day: ‘Hospitals are full of religious people fighting against their God’s will.’ It’s not just our hospitals that are filled with them, but our whole world and that is for the simple reason that they do not yet comprehend who or what God is. They have still to discover that God is as much part of them as they are part of God; that they themselves are God; that doctors and hospitals have no power for healing anyone; and that the same powers and characteristics that are in God are also in every human being. The only difference is that in some of us they are partly or fully developed, while in others they are still in their slumbering state, waiting to wake up. When the right moment has come, they will do so and begin to rise into the person’s conscious awareness. They too can then take charge of their healing powers and speed up its process.

Yet, if you or I wanted to tell people about this, they would only understand if their time for doing so had come. As the Old Testament’s book of Ecclesiastes tells us: There is a time and a season for everything in God’s great plan of life and the small plan for our present lifetime that reveals itself through everyone’s birthchart.

To Everything, There Is A Season

And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to weep and a time to laugh.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to cast away stones and
A time to gather stones together.

A time to embrace and
A time to refrain from embracing.
A time to lose and a time to seek.
A time to tie up and a time to untie.

A time to rend and a time to sew.
A time to keep silent and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace –

He has made everything beautiful, in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

The book takes its name from the Greek ekklesiastes, a translation of the title by which the central figure refers to himself, in this case Kohelet, which means something like one who convenes or addresses an assembly. Ecclesiastes is thought to have been written by King Solomon in his old age.

Six pointed Star

From Fool To Wise One (30)

Nothing But The Truth

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Nothing But The Truth

Aquarius is the sign of revolution. Its astrological symbol is the water bearer who holds a pot in his arms from which he seems to be pouring water. Because of this it is hardly surprising that to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of this sign. In spite of its symbol and contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is by no means one of the Water signs. It is an Air sign and the water that flows from the man’s vessel is not of the earthly kind. It is a symbol for the cleansing and purifying effect of fresh spiritual knowledge and wisdom that from the beginning of human life on the Earth has been pouring from the highest levels of life into the consciousness of humankind, to assist us and our world with moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

Aquarius is also the sign of siblinghood, kinship and friendship among all peoples and all nations, and ultimately with all life. In this sign the highest human hopes and aspirations can potentially find their fulfilment, on a personal as well as on the collective level. The Age we have left behind is the one of Pisces. Under the rulership of the two mighty planets Neptune and Jupiter, it has been the age of blind faith and false beliefs on a grand scale. Gullibility is the main negative characteristic of Jupiter and lying, cheating and deception, of the self and others, is one of Neptune’s.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are dedicated to the development of humankind’s mental faculties, each one takes us forward to a more advanced developmental stage. When I intuitively chose the name Aquarius for my writings, I had no idea that this sign represents the voice of God. The Piscean age has been teaching us the value of honesty, integrity and truth, which the Aquarian age is returning to our world under the influence of its energies. That’s why God’s sacred wisdom and truth for some time have been flowing ever more forcefully from the Highest levels of life into the hearts whose earthly minds are tuned into the right frequencies for receiving them. And that is by no means as simple as it sounds.

The way of the Piscean age has been being forced by the religions of our world, whether their teachings made sense of not, to blindly believe and follow them. Allowing ourselves to be led by our noses like sheep, to be slaughtered, i.e. dominated and exploited by the institutions that with great speed established themselves around the increasingly male religions God and the Angels were giving us, a new one from time to time. Those taking charge of them used them as instruments for selfish purposes like satisfying the male lust for powerseeking and amassing immense wealth.

In the hope that this – for them – blessed state could be extended forever, the churches did all they could to suppress any flickering of feminine wisdom that appeared somewhere. Whenever an item of truth threatened to expand humankind’s extremely limited spiritual horizons, the attempt was stamped out with incredible brutality. Fortunately, that is no longer possible. And even though the churches would love to hold onto the power they once possessed over human souls and purse-strings, that’s not what is written in the great plan for us and our world.

Every one of us was created to constantly grow in wisdom and understanding, each through their own experiences. And knowing and understanding are the two main themes of the Aquarian Age. All those who are presently taking part in earthly life have been granted the gift of another lifetime that offers sufficient opportunities for exchanging the yoke of the religious slavery of the past for the freedom of the new age. It consists of believing and following only that which makes sense and to which our inner guidance responds through the world of our feelings with: ‘Yes, this is true!’ Nothing else is good enough for us now.

The religion of the new age is one of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. After having been deceived and lied to for long enough in previous lifetimes, in this one the Universe presents all those who are ready for it with the right to find the truth. This means getting to know things the way they really are, not merely being told that’s the way they are. Gone for good are the days of having to believe things whether they made sense or not and of better at least saying we believe the most unbelievable stories, for example the Jesus legend. Those who refused were declared to be heretics and burnt on the stakes, or subjected to other gruesome methods of death the church leaders could think of in the days of yore.

Hallelujah! The age of truth is with us and that’s why the truth can no longer remain hidden. No-one can do this forever and especially not the religions of our world, because they simply were not designed that way. However, one religion stands out from all others. As soon as one looks at it from a spiritual rather than religious vantage point, it does not take long until one discovers the esoteric higher meaning that has always existed behind many of the surface words of the Jesus legend. What stands out like a sore thumb is not Christianity but the legend around its main character, the Master Jesus.

The authorities who to this day insist that this tale is based on historical facts and that Jesus was a man who once walked in our midst, are in the process of fading away, but not the legend of the half God and half human being. * And that is the only part that’s going to survive humankind’s rebirth into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own. Christianity is destined to die, but not the Jesus legend, because it contains God’s eternal wisdom and truth which has always been hiding behind the surface words of every belief system God and the Angels ever presented to humankind.

The Jesus tale will survive  not as a religion but merely a story that shows in picture book fashion the higher purpose and meaning of our race’s earthly existence and the initiations every one of us has to undergo during the various stages of their earthly education. The final one is nailing the small lower self with all its fears and anxieties to the cross of Earth life *. It needs to surrender itself totally and unconditionally to its heavenly counterpart, the Highest or God Self, the Universal Christ. Jesus is but one of the many symbols for this part of our being. Only when this surrender has taken place can any one of us, at the end of their present lifetime, hope to be released into the freedom of exploring and studying ever higher levels of life and their inhabitants.

Shedding all fears and in particular the one of God, of living and death, are essential steps towards this goal. The greatest help on this part of our predestined pathway through life is familiarising ourselves with the things that for many lifetimes had to remain hidden from our earthly self’s awareness. First in line is the knowledge that the essence of our being is spirit and soul and that our earthly existence has a spiritual background, the spirit world. This is our true home, from which we emerge at the beginning of a new lifetime and return to when its purpose has been fulfilled. Countless friends and helpers, many of whom are known to us from other lifetimes or earlier this one, are waiting there to be called upon to show us the way and help with the overcoming of our fears.

The fear of God is particularly hard to shed and that’s because it is deeply embedded in the soul memories of many lifetimes. Letting go of it can prove extremely difficult even for those who – like me – were not brought up on a steady diet of any kind of religious teachings. It’s comforting to know that in earthly life there never were meant to be any successes worth having without a struggle. Although this becomes easier with an increasing comprehension of God’s true nature and our own and the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence, it can still be hard going.

For long enough by now have the fearful teachings about God and the devil, Heaven and hell served their intended purpose of keeping us away from the truth about God’s true nature and our own, and the high and holy destiny that eventually awaits every human being. The old religions were designed so that in the fullness of time they would die a natural death and fade from the consciousness of our world. For some time this has been coming about in quite a natural way because of the churches’ insistence that every word of their sacred texts is literally true. The truth will always be out in the end. No-one can hide it forever, least of all the religions of our world with their lack of understanding of who and what God really is *.

There will come a time in the not too distant future when nobody will follow the old religions any more. That creates the necessary space for the religion of the Aquarian Age. While the religions of the past were of the head, the new one is of the heart and its foundations are nothing but a love that has its roots in the individual and collective consciousness of our race and world.

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And the Spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Sun of all suns and Light of all lights,
Their only born Son/Daughter.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Through their outdated beliefs, the old belief systems for long enough have succeeded to cut their followers off from connecting with the living God and wise one within them. Unaware of the effect of their actions on their own Karma and that of their institution, to this day they are doing their best to obstruct the quantum leap of consciousness that for many years has been taking place in our world. The best evidence that this is impossible shows itself in the fact that increasing numbers of us are by now accepting not only the responsibility for themselves and the pathway of their own lives, but also the destiny of the whole of humankind.

With the increasing amount of spiritual knowledge the Age of Aquarius * has for some time been bringing us, God and the Angels are placing the instrument for making the choices that are right for this very special time of transformation of Mother Earth and the spiritual rebirth of humankind. Many opportunities are on offer to those who are ready to take charge of their own redemption and salvation and that of our whole world. In the course of many lifetimes, each one of us has been prepared by the wise ones in charge of us to play one particular part in the greatest revolution our planet and our race have ever experienced. *

The prize that’s potentially waiting for all of us at the end of our earthly education consists of no longer having to serve time on the Earth and being allowed to move on to continuing our studies on more elevated levels of God’s Creation through exploring and experiencing them and their inhabitants.

The truth is what you can find in every part of my writings. Those who are already familiar with them are likely to have noticed that the word ‘because’ is the most used one. This is because I refuse to merely dogmatically state that something is the way it is, I prefer to explain to you why it is so. And last but by no means least, I would like to point out once more that what you are getting from me is MY truth. Whenever something speaks to you, I recommend accepting it as your truth only if your inner guidance reacts to it with: ‘This makes sense; it is true!’ As ever, the choice is yours.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘On The Soul Level We Are All Christians’
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘The Age Of Aquarius’
•    ‘Who Or What Is God?’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed StarSix pointed StarSix pointed Star

 ‘The Purpose Of My Life’s Work – Reaping The Bountiful Harvest’

Every one of the small six-pointed stars in my e-mails and postings in Rays of Wisdom are bringing you a personal greeting and blessing from the Christ Star, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. My stars are miniature replicas of the great one. They are alive and radiate the Christ Star’s blessing and healing power first into you, dear Reader, and those around you. From there it flows into the worldwide web and then into the heart and soul of humankind and everything that shares Mother Earth with us. No matter how brief your call may be, each time you come you will be getting the benefit of these powerful energies.

Six pointed Star

Like the flow of the river of life itself, humankind’s store of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is never at a standstill, static or stagnant. The same applies to Rays of Wisdom, which is evolving and growing as fresh insights are entering my understanding of the spiritual background of life. Whole new jotting parts as well as updates of existing material are constantly arriving. To learn about them, all you have to do is click the image below:

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