Compassion And Forgiveness For Ourselves

From Fool To Wise One - Part Three

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Compassion And Forgiveness For OurselvesProbably the single most vital step forward on our personal healing journey is the understanding that whatever happened to us, in this lifetime or any other, was brought about by us. Whether we were mentally and/or physically, spiritually or sexually abused by someone in one of our previous lifetimes or this one, it could only happen because that’s what we did to others during other earthly sojourns. The only reason why the Universal laws are presenting us with any kind of issue is to provide us with opportunities for resolving and healing it.

Finding compassion for our suffering and forgiveness for ourselves is probably the most urgent task everybody has to deal with at present. The nature of the Karmic chains and shackles that are tying us to others from one lifetime to another, through the events of distant days, is an emotional one. They can only be dissolved by love and forgiveness * that rises into our conscious awareness from the very bottom of our heart and soul and that grows quite naturally out of the understanding we are finding along the way.

An essential part of the revelations that for some time have been flowing from God and the Angels into the consciousness of our world are the earthly beings whose receiver/transmitter stations of their earthly minds are tuned into the frequency of the Highest. This shows that they are ready to act as channels for the distribution and broadcasting of knowledge like that we did not inherit our good, bad or indifferent character traces from anyone. As our own ancestors * we developed them in previous lifetimes and brought them with us into the present one. It isn’t the planets, our birthchart or anything else that makes us do things. We ourselves are the only ones who can bring this about.

And whether we are born into each new earthly lifetime as a fool or a wise one is not decided by some kind of an unknown and unseen force of destiny that throws this kind of thing at human beings in a haphazard fashion. Everything depends entirely on the earthly personality we ourselves developed in previous lifetimes and growing from a fool into a wise is likely to take a great many of them. However, this process can be speeded up considerably by the right use of the flow of new knowledge that is now constantly coming our way.

The discoveries they are bringing place the tools for consciously working on the person we would like to be into everyone’s own hands. Here, the same as in any kind of situation, it’s up to us how we react – as a fool or a wise one, the choice is ours. As ever, we are free to choose * and that’s the only true freedom we as earthlings truly have. At any given time, our reactions and the choices we make reveal to the wise ones in the spirit realm the degree of our spiritual maturity. It shows them how much progress we are making on the road that takes every human being from fool to a wise one who is ready for lessons of a more elevated nature.

St Augustine of Hippo (354 –430) wrote: ‘There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.’ * St Augustine was an early Roman African Christian theologian and philosopher from the Roman province of Africa. His writings greatly influenced the development of the Western religions and philosophies in general. And even though St Augustine’s wisdom for a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the Christian teachings, the above words are a clear reference to his awareness that human life is a never ending eternal spiral that, from its lowest starting point, the sinner, winds itself upwards to the saint.

Aeons ago, the Divine wisdom and love decided that the best way of teaching humankind the value of something is by withholding it. That’s why God’s great plan of life provided that in the course of the Piscean Age * greed and corruption, lying and cheating, dishonesty and falseness should be experienced in rich measure. This is how, propelled by increasingly cruel and destructive constant warmongering, God and the Angels have been and still are teaching our world the value of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity, and above all peace. An essential part of this lesson to this day is Christianity with its erroneous presentation of Jesus * as a historical figure and its insistence that every word about the tale surrounding the Master must be understood literally and is true, beyond any shadow of a doubt.

We were given a new religion that was carefully designed to keep us away from the truth about God’s nature and our own and the higher meaning of our earthly existence. Like the other religions of our world at that time, it was designed not to connect us with the Divine but to stop us from doing so. This ensures that, as our world moves deeper and deeper into the Aquarian Age, increasing numbers of us are going to be ready to discover ever more of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, valuing and cherishing it the way it deserves to be.

Nothing in the whole of Creation happens without the will and support of God and the Angels. And that’s why and how at the beginning of the Piscean Age, from about 300 BC to 1900 AD, inspired by the Highest Forces of life, our world received a new legend that in the end would reveal itself as the greatest deception our world had ever experienced. Read more about this in ‘The Jesus Mysteries’ by following the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

It did not take long until a religion sprang up around the new legend, whose sole intention from the moment it was given, was to prepare our race for the coming of the Age of Aquarius, about two thousand years ahead of it time. Under the influence of this sign’s energies God’s wisdom and truth would begin to flow ever more powerfully directly from the Highest levels of life into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness. This has been happening for quite some time by now and will continue to do so ever more forcefully, until the last one of us has woken from their spiritual slumber.

By the way, I do not share the view that earthly life is but an illusion. For as long as we are taking part in it, it is very real indeed. The tasks that are coming before us are always worthy of being attended to meticulously and to the best of our ability. Without them it would be impossible to learn, grow and evolve. The kind of learning we receive on the Earth plane is not available anywhere else. And that’s why I prefer to view every lifetime as a passing phase rather than shrugging it off as an illusion.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•     ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘We Are Our Own Ancestors And Descendants’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’
•    ‘The Buck Stops Here!’
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘By The Will And The Grace Of God’

  Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Our World In Transition’

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