
From Fool To Wise One - Part Two

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transit - Abuse One scandal after another is presently bubbling to the surface of our world’s consciousness. Anyone who is aware of travelling from fool to wise one must be looking at these things and asking themselves why there should be so much of this kind of thing everywhere? With regard to our personal healing journey and that of our world that’s probably the most difficult issue to come to terms with and to find a truthful answer, it’s essential to take a closer look at the spiritual background of these events.

As hard as this turns out to be at times, first of all we need to acknowledge the things we are likely to have got up to in the course of the lifetimes we spent as a fool. In those days we were still unaware of the meaning and higher purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. We had no idea about the presence of the undeviating and never erring justice of the Universal laws, God’s laws, which at any given moment are influencing every aspect of life throughout the whole of Creation.

Naturally, this applies also to us and every one of our thoughts, words and actions. However, during the lifetimes of our innocence or rather ignorance we believed that for as long as nobody was watching us, we could do as we pleased and there was no chance of any repercussions. But as each one of us has always been under the constant supervision of the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers in charge of development of us and our world, we could not have been more wrong in this assumption. Because earthly eyes cannot see these beings does not mean they are not there. Far from it!

If you are hearing this for the first time, take heart! Even though nobody forces us to have more earthly lifetimes, the education we receive here cannot be acquired anywhere else and is compulsory. And if we ever wish to finish with this part of our development and move on to lessons of a higher nature, we have to get on with it. Therefore, whenever we have rested long enough in the world of spirit and feel sufficiently strong, we are usually ready to tackle another earthly sojourn.

It’s reassuring to know that everybody is on the same evolutionary pathway. The only difference between all of us is that each one is dealing with a different stage of their development. Even those who seem to be stuck in materialistic ways of thinking, unaware of the existence of other levels of life, in their own way are searching for the higher purpose of their existence. When you encounter someone like this, that person could be on the verge of receiving some important enlightenment from the highest levels of life. How about if you or I had been chosen to be the bringer? It doesn’t matter that we shall never know, but these people are God’s beloved children of the Earth, the same as everybody else. And the only things they need from us are kindness and friendliness, tolerance and a loving understanding of why they are behaving the way they are, instead of criticism and condemnation.

All of this is part of learning to love God’s way, totally and unconditionally accepting the other one, non-judgementally and wisely. Ultimately, we are all in this life to learn how to love in this manner. And the more we advance on the spiritual pathway, the more important it becomes that only thoughts of love and compassion should flow from us into the Universe. There are many snags and pitfalls on this road and there will only ever be one saviour and that is love. The love this requires does not express itself as a weak and sentimental emotion. It is a strong and constructive combination of faith and trust, a keen sense of justice and a great deal of understanding of spiritual wisdom and truth. At this stage of our development our earthly self has united itself with our Highest Self and we know intuitively when withholding is wiser than giving. As a result, well balanced thoughts and feelings are then flowing from our human heart and mind into the consciousness of our world.

Getting to this point is a long and thorny road, but in the end it takes every human being from being a fool into a wise one. The evolutionary laws of life decree that on this journey each individual must experience lifetimes of being ignorant of the meaning and higher purpose of its existence and the presence of the Universal laws. After a sufficient number of lifetimes of thinking that we can do as we please on the Earth and foolishly enjoying hurting and harming, killing and maiming people, we are ready for the next developmental phase that opens the door of the beginnings of wisdom. Alas, this can only come about through finding ourselves at the receiving end of the behaviour we dished out in the course of our previous earthly sojourns. Through pain and discomfort, mentally, physically and spiritually, the Universe introduces us to the nature of suffering.

In between the states of fool and wise one the earthly counterpart of all human spirits and souls have to spend a certain amount of lifetimes in the spiritual desert of an earthly existence that is bereft of any kind of nourishment for its spirit and soul. This is a kind of ‘no-man’s’ region, in which we have to spend at least one lifetime but to thoroughly imbibe this lessons this will probably take quite a few. During this period the small earthly self has no idea of why all manner of unpleasant things are happening to it. The story of Jesus in the desert * is an allegory of this developmental phase, without which no earthly education would be complete.

During our lifetimes in the ‘no-man’s’ region we do little else but suffering and that very intensely without knowing why, that it is nothing but the thoughtlessness of previous lifetimes which, with the help of the Universal laws, are unerringly finding their way back to us. Suffering on every level of our being seems to be all we are doing in such lifetimes, feeling lost and lonely. Many times we are frightened out of our wits of life in general and what may lay ahead, especially death, which at that stage of our development we still imagine as the grim reaper.

The grim reaper is one of the many false beliefs of the past. In truth, one of the Angels of Death comes to set the captive spirit free when the time of another departure from the Earth plane has come for one of us. The Angel of Death is a group of Angels. None of them has anything in common with the images of the grim reaper we know from days gone by. The countenance of these Angels is kind and loving and they radiate nothing but love. When we are ready to leave our physical body behind, one of them comes for our spirit and soul. Taking the hand of our astral body, it wraps its wings of golden light around us and moves us to the world of light. But for the moment let’s stay with the earthly journey of discoveries that precedes these events.

It takes a long time until it dawns on us that everything that’s ever happened to us is entirely of our own making and has always served the wise purpose of helping our soul to grow, our consciousness to expand and to stir the Divine spark in our heart from its slumber. During this process our lower nature is nailed to the cross of earthly life and dies there, to allow the characteristics of our higher nature to move into the foreground of our consciousness. With the passing of time they gradually unfold. In the course of slowly but surely taking over our whole being, ever more of our karmic debts are being paid and our transit from fool to wise one will eventually be complete.

Having reached that point, it’s no longer a secret to us that: God is as much part of us as we are part of God; on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. We can see for ourselves that because of these things nothing could ever be hidden from the scrutiny of the Angels and Masters, spirit guides and helpers in charge of us. And whenever we are in danger of wallowing in self-pity, let’s remind ourselves that, with their assistance, we were the one who chose the pathway we are presently walking. This seems like a crazy notion when the going gets really rough, but it’s the truth nonetheless. Considering the effect the Universal laws have on all lifeforms and the utter justice of these laws, it could not have been any other way.

Every individual evolutionary development is closely linked with and part of the collective one of our world and the whole of Creation. And even though each one of us has to travel their individual journey of life on their own, it is our birthright to reach out for the blessing, healing and helping hands of God and the Angels and other groups of spirit guides and helpers. However, reading about these things alone is not going to do anyone any good at all. The knowledge we are receiving from the Highest levels of life is always intended to be constantly worked with by applying it in all our daily encounters. One thing is for sure, no-one can wave some kind of magic wand and do the work of saving and redeeming ourselves on our behalf. This is confirmed by our spirit guides in ‘White Eagle On Surrender and Miracles’ *.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Jesus In the Desert’
•    ‘The Age Of Pisces’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•    ‘Human Behaviour Is Chosen’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 1’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 2’
•    ‘Freedom Of Choice – 3’
•    ‘White Eagle On Surrender And Miracles’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

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