Happy Resurrection

The Risen Christ - Welcome Prayer - Easter Message Rays of Wisdom 2013

O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And your only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ,
You are humankind’s one and only
Lord and Lady,
Master and Mistress,
King and Queen
And much more besides.

The spark of Your Divine
Spirit is waking up in ever more
Human hearts and souls.
We rejoice that truly, truly
There is only one God, the God of love,
And one religion, the religion of love,
One language, the language of the heart
That is understood by everybody.

Hand in hand with the Angels and Masters
Around Your throne and our other  
Friends and helpers in the spirit world,
We welcome You, the living and loving Spirit,
Onto the Earth.

And so it shall be, forever and ever,
In the name of love,
Your true name and ours.


Six pointed Star

The above is part of ‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’
If you would like some more of it, please follow the link below:

‘Words of Wisdom For The Seasons Of The Year’

Six pointed Star