The Neptunian Energies

The Neptunian Energies - Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing JourneyThe main intention behind Neptune’s soft and dreamy energies is that,  under its subtle influence, the human sense of separateness and ego boundaries should be slowly dissolved. Our soul and spirit need this to once again become one with all life. The house of the zodiac through which Neptune is moving at any given time reveals in which part of our life this dissolution is taking place. For Sun Pisceans the life force itself, whose symbol is the Sun in our birthchart, is constantly under Neptune’s influence. The Great Spirit created us and our world in such a way that, individually and collectively, having reached a sufficiently high evolutionary level all ego boundaries should go from us completely. When this has come to pass for sufficient numbers of us, through once again being aware of our true nature and our relationship with God, peace will reign on the Earth.

On the earthly level all changes that take place under Neptune’s influence come about gradually. They are centred on the words disintegration, disorientation, dissolution, deception and disillusionment. Like everything that is in this life, this too serves a wise higher purpose; the aim of the Neptunian energies is to assist humankind to transcend and dissolve all boundaries and confinements. They are meant to connect us with the inspiration of our Highest Self and lead each one of us back into partaking more fully in the stream of the creative ideas that constantly flow from the Source into all life.

Neptune’s energies seek to assist anyone who consciously attunes themselves to their Highest Self with the unfolding of their spirituality, until it reaches its highest potential for their present lifetime. In the fullness of time each one of us may eventually grow into an ever clearer channel of the Divine. Through such conduits the inspiration of the Highest imparts some truly magnificent creative works unto our world from time to time. To my mind, the finest example of this was Frederic Chopin, the Polish-born composer, my favourite Piscean. His music knows nothing of this world. It is purely on the soul level and speaks directly to our souls.

Pisces is one of the Water signs and Aquarius is an Air sign. The Water signs serve the development of the emotions and the Air signs that of the human intellect. Having reached the Aquarian Age, we are leaving behind the Age of Pisces. It has been a highly emotional age and one of the soul when, under the co-rulership of Jupiter and Neptune, blind faith was top of the agenda. Individually and collectively, there was wholesale deception by the institutions that were allowed to be in charge of the spiritual wellbeing of our race. Part of the lessons our whole world had to endure during the Piscean Age was being tricked into blindly following them. A rosy dream and an illusion appeared in our world that a saviour and redeemer would come, who would be capable of waving some kind of magic wand to release us and our world from all suffering. This tale was like a balloon that went up. Alas, it is in the nature of balloons that eventually someone sticks a pin into them and deflates them.

Enormous soul growth is achieved as, at the beginning of the Aquarian Age, ever more individual souls and that of our whole race are waking up from their misapprehensions. In deep disappointment more and more are turning away from the institutions that have let them down, to go in search of their own truth. This is very necessary indeed now that we have reached the age that is under the rulership of the awakener and enlightener, Uranus. Aquarius is an Air sign and we are moving into an intellectual age, during which learning to control the thinking of our lower earthly mind is of the utmost importance. 

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Power of Thought’
•    ‘The Sun In Pisces’


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