Unravelling The Knots Of Time

Rays Of Wisdom - The Astro File Philosophy - Unravelling The Knots Of Time

Through a better understanding of the processes of life in general astrology can show us a useful and quite magical way for undoing the knots of time, i.e. of Karma, in our own lives and beneficially influence that of those around us. The Divine science has the power of shedding much light onto the mysteries of life in the spiritual background of our earthly existence. Any wisdom and knowledge we find in this way needs to be applied liberally to those around us. Don’t be shy! Practise on everybody and when they tire of hearing you going on about astrology, continue do so quietly in your mind.

The Divine science allows us to view life through the eyes of God. This makes it a great deal easier to meet everybody we encounter with kindness and compassion for their suffering and that of all God’s creatures. Looking at our world this way raises us above the emotional level and stops us from constantly stumbling over and taking offence at people’s idiosyncrasies, their likes and dislikes, as well as preferences and inclinations – positive and negative ones alike. Everybody displays them and there is no harm in that because each one is an important part of our own and other people’s predestined and self-chosen pathway for their present lifetime and the special lessons this brings with it.

Being aware of these things can help to overcome much of the irritation and frustration that are inevitable in human relationships. In particular this applies to our nearest and dearest when occasionally their behaviour is less than satisfactory, which it can be quite frequently, if we are honest with ourselves. The reason for this is that the difficulties they are encountering are most certainly of karmic origin, the same as ours. Nowhere is there more karma to be found than in families. Small wonder then that those relationships are frequently our most fraught and difficult ones. All unresolved problems and issues that are left behind at the end of any given lifetime, we bring with us into each new one, in the hope of resolving them this time round, once and for all.

If you have the feeling that this is the case with some of your relationships, do not despair. Through new understanding and forgiveness the Universe places the tools for redemption, reconciliation and healing into everybody’s own hands. We are here to improve every one of our human relationships and heal them. Especially the most difficult and fraught ones are waiting to be worked on and transformed into spiritual friendships of a higher nature. That’s the only way of releasing and letting go of each other, when the moment for doing so has come. Both parties need to free themselves, so that each can get on with pursuing its own individual evolutionary pathway, which may well lead them into totally different areas of interest from each other.

Each one has been granted the gift of another lifetime at this very special time so we can liberate ourselves from those with whom we have negative karmic ties. They are of an emotional nature and it is essential for the everybody’s spiritual progress that we should no longer be hampered by the chains and shackles of our unfulfilled karmic obligations and unpaid debts that act like steel ropes that could have kept us tied us to each other for a great many lifetimes.

This is where astrology comes into its own. Your studies of this subject will be greatly enhanced by quietly observing everything that is in your life through the eyes of an astrologer. Make mental notes and take delight in discovering how surprisingly much of everybody’s behaviour is actually governed by the Sun sign they were born into. The wisdom gained from this can provide us with the wings we need to lift ourselves above earthly life into the realms of humankind’s eternal home and its higher spiritual nature. With the passing of time, with the help of our own intuitive insights and observations these wings are sure to grow ever more powerful. That is the most essential requirement for the spiritual progress we are in this life to seek.

It is impossible to fly on someone else’s wings and regardless of how elevated and revered a teacher may some day cross our path, there is no replacement for doing for ourselves and gazing deeply into the mirror of the self. Having reached this point of our development, nothing but utter honesty with ourselves and others is good enough. And when we discover where our own thinking and behaviour patterns are in need of a good spring cleaning, we feel the urge to start sweeping in front of our own inner doors and tidying up our consciousness. As ever, first healer heal thy self!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘My Interpretations Of The Sun Signs’
•    ‘Karma In Families’
•    ‘Ruled By The Stars’

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
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‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

Six pointed Star