Saturn's Influence

Rays of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - All You Need To Know About SaturnSaturn represents a symbolism for the aspect of the Divine that spiritualises all areas of our lives that are touched by them. Self-mastery and self-discipline, as well as increased awareness of the spiritual aspects of life are the greatest gift the Saturnian experiences can bestow upon the human soul. Understanding can only come to us through suffering, so whenever we are going through particularly trying times, it’s best to take heart and refuse to think that we have been singled out in some way.

Buckle down to your lessons and as you slowly emerge from the darkness of your spiritual ignorance, you can already start to share your learning with those around you. This is how Saturn, the stern schoolmaster of the zodiac, turns into the rewarder and starts to bring you his gifts. Your inner light has been switched on and the knowledge that whatever may befall you, with the help of God and the Angels you are sure to get through any of life’s dark patches, will be yours to keep in all eternity. From where you are now, you may still find it difficult to believe that such gifts will really come out of your trials. Yet, I do not think it will take all that long until you will begin to look back thankfully for every step along the way.

I believe that our character influences – nay, determines – our destiny. We shall deal with this theme in more detail in future volumes of these jottings. May it suffice to say here that this can only be brought about through taking charge of ourselves and our character. Self-control and learning to master the drives and urges of our lower animal nature are sure to get us where we really want to be and where, by rights, we belong. That is why ever more tools for finding self-knowledge and self-awareness are on offer to us from the Universe; astrology is one of them. And daily the Universe offers us all fresh opportunities to eradicate the unpleasant character traits and behaviour patterns we have brought with us from previous lifetimes. 

Wonderful though it is, astrology can certainly not do the work that this requires on anyone’s behalf. But, it can go a long way towards increased self-knowledge, including the recognition of what needs to be changed and what soul lessons our present lifetime wishes to teach us. It can also give us pointers to where our strengths and weaknesses lie. Furthermore, it gives indications where to start digging for the treasures of the now almost forgotten gifts and talents we developed during past lifetimes.

They now rest in our subconscious soul memories and are therefore hidden from our everyday understanding. Knowing where to start our explorations can make all the difference, because that enables us to make an effort to help such abilities to rise to the surface and to start using them again, the way they were used in other lifetimes. We all have gifts of this nature within. To help us fulfil our highest potential they are waiting to be re-possessed by us and further developed.

As we know by now, all the suffering that is in our world – including our own – has purpose and meaning. It is by no means something that an unkind, unjust and unloving God, destiny or fate has thrown upon us.  Astrology can help us to come to terms with this notion by showing us that certain things are truly ‘written in the stars’ for us, as reflected in our birthchart. The way our main life lessons show up here, to me is proof enough that our suffering indeed is predestined and that we chose it before we came into this lifetime, to assist our soul growth and personal evolution. This understanding and the intention of attending to our soul needs, so that if we get it right this time, this could be the last lifetime in physicality we shall require, straight away brings a certain amount of peace and healing.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘All About Saturn’
•    ‘You Are Special’

Six pointed Star

The above is part of ‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’
.If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Everything That’s Worth Knowing About The True Meaning Of Saturn’

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