Finding Your Moon Sign

This is easy because there are sites on the web where you can do this free of charge; is one of them. Although I know of it, I am in no way connected with it. Because a friend recommended it some time ago, I tried it and was surprised how good the information was that came forth. But see for yourself. And as soon as you have found out from one of these free sites where your Moon is, a pathway opens for you to discover more about yourself and especially about your subconscious motivations. I promise you that you will find the study of the Sun sign that corresponds to the one your Moon is positioned in highly revealing. The negative expressions of your Moon sign are of particular interest, as the Moon tends to bring them out more than the Sun in the same sign.

When trying to locate your Moon sign, it is helpful if your time of birth is known. If it is not, tune into your intuition = your inner teacher, and see whether it is willing to help you. Then listen to the world of your feelings and see what clues might come from there. Are you a morning or evening person, maybe a night owl? All these things are pointers. Listen within and it will tell you.

As the Great spiritual Sun, whose spark each one of us is, always tries to guide and move us in a forward and upward spiral, it is much easier to integrate the positive aspects of our Sun sign than those of our Moon sign. When you find this difficult, do not despair. Becoming familiar with the negative expressions can be very beneficial, because our knowledge can help us get in touch with the unconscious destructive thought and behaviour patterns we have brought with us from previous lifetimes. If there are any subconscious character flaws somewhere within us, it is necessary to become aware of them before we can consciously start to work on changing them.

As an astrologer, for me the progressions of the planets have a special magic of their own, and especially those of the Moon. The orderly and precise fashion in which they take place – not only in the skies, but also the way they affect everybody’s life never ceases to amaze me. Seeing how strongly the planets influence everybody’s experiences, as each lifetime unfolds, I marvel at God’s great wisdom. Witnessing how we all respond to the Cosmic influences, mostly without having a clue why we feel drawn to certain experiences at different times as we move through life, gives me a warm and secure inner feeling. They are the kind of thing that constantly renews and builds up my trust in the goodness of the life God has created for us, and serves as a constant reminder that we and our world and everything in it rest safely in the hands of God and the Angels. It is very difficult and almost impossible to share such feelings, but I am trying nonetheless because that more than anything else is the message I would like to convey with all my writings and the Astro Files in particular.

However, I do not believe that the same kind of feelings can grow inside you, unless you are willing to study not just one or two of the files, but all of them. I recommend that you take your time and imbibe them sign by sign, maybe over the course of one whole year, as the Sun moves through the zodiac. By the way, I believe that you are likely to gain most if you take a printout and sit with it somewhere quietly, rather than in front of your computer screen. To benefit as much as possible from your studies, before you start reading, try to tune into the energies of the Sun sign in front of you. Maybe you will be able to feel and sense them while you are reading. When you put your sheets down, take a moment to reflect on how the energies are affecting you and your life.

You alone can tell where you are on your pathway through life at present. And you are the only one who can tell which of the negative characteristics of the various signs still have to be shed by you and which of the positive ones are waiting to be integrated and developed by you, so that they can becomes permanent feature of your character. The next step is the application of any knowledge you are finding, as much as possible, first to yourself and then to those around you. Given time and if you persevere, the same warm inner feelings are likely to slowly develop within you. And you too will gradually get to know that sense of security and the knowledge that you are safe in the loving hands of the Great Spirit, Father/Mother.

Take it from me, observing humankind through the eyes of an astrologer is delightful! And as your knowledge of the subject increases, you quite likely will come to the same conclusion. In fact, the more you find out, the more you will appreciate how and why humankind simply had to be kept sheltered and safe on our small and beautiful planet. It seems to me that, in Cosmic terms, we have been isolated in this way to stop us – in our ignorance – from doing too much harm to the rest of Creation. I believe that until we are spiritually sufficiently evolved, we shall not be allowed to become ‘fully subscribed’ members of the family of all life in the Universe.

Recommended Reading:
•    Astrology for the New Age – An Intuitive Approach’ by Marcus Allen.
In my view the best astrology book that has ever been around.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’

Six pointed Star