The Desire Nature

Mars, the planet of desire, rules the astrological sign Aries; it also co-rules, together with Pluto, the sign Scorpio. These planets and the two signs are configured somewhere in everybody’s birthchart; this is an indication that the desire nature is strong in each one of you. Mars is the force, the energy that once brought you onto the Earth plane, with the burning desire to experience life in physicality in order to find out what experiences it has to offer human souls that will expand their consciousness and help them to grow.

Desire is at the basis of all life and the energies of the planet Mars are the pure creative/spiritual/sexual ones that fuel all your desires. As you know, there are a great many. In the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, human souls come into being and all their desires and interests are still focused on themselves. They are propelled into life by the desire to build themselves an earthly personality that will help them to carve out a niche for themselves and maintain it. In the second sign, Taurus, the desire for all the good things of the Earth and especially earthly possessions are explored. In the third sign, Gemini, the soul concentrates this precious energy onto developing its abilities to communicate. In the fourth sign, Cancer, it learns the value of home, mother and tradition. In the fifth sign, Leo, it becomes aware of itself and its own creative powers. And so forth.

At present all of you are struggling with resolving your most difficult Karmic relationships, as well as with the Karma of your whole world. Without exception, each one of you created these difficulties through the behaviour patterns which, to this day, are displayed by young and inexperienced souls on the Earth plane who are born into Aries and Scorpio. If you wish to learn about the way you once were, pay attention to the behaviour patterns described in the ‘Sun in Aries’ and the ‘Sun in Scorpio’. That is how each one of you behaved in earlier lifetimes, even if during this one you behave like an Angel, a true lady or gentleman with the highest moral standards and ideals.

Pretending these things never existed will get you nowhere. Facing up to everything that is inside you is better by far. Because it was created by you – with My help – take responsibility for your life and everything that is in it, including your less pleasant characteristics. They are still a part of you, but now they are waiting to be shed once and for all. Yet, before this can be done, you first have to own up to them and accept them. By no means does this make any human soul into a miserable sinner, as some to this day would like to make you believe. Earthly life is a place of learning and each one of you is on an evolutionary pathway. In this school there are no sinners and no losers, only students. For as long as you are willing to learn and grow through every experience, you will always gain something.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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