The End Of All Suffering

A renewed understanding of the purpose and meaning of Earth life and an ever increasing awareness of the things that are truly of importance is the device for putting an end to all the suffering in this world, which the Universe is now laying before us. The beginning of wisdom is waiting to provide each one of us with the key for unlocking all life’s doors – inner and outer. Making good use of this gift, the Divine qualities of compassion and love open our hearts and souls and almost on its own the required forgiveness floods our consciousness for all those who have ever hurt and wounded us, and also for creating the miseries we had to endure in the first place.

There eventually comes the time in everybody’s healing process when sufficient distance has been gained from the events of the past. To paraphrase someone’s immortal words: ‘The past is a foreign country where things were done differently.’ We are here to learn from the mistakes of the past and make good where we have sinned. As pioneers of a new age, we are expected to invent better ways of being and doing things. There comes the time in everyone’s life when one begins to realise that in truth there is every reason for forgiving our perpetrators and even for being grateful to them.

After all, haven’t they been excellent teachers to us, because through their offensive behaviour towards us they taught us how we do not wish to be? Thus, they made an invaluable contribution towards our personal evolution by playing a major part in helping us to become the person we now are. Therefore, if any loved or unloved person who ever took part in our life – whether they are by now in the world of light or not is irrelevant – had in our view a few too many obnoxious qualities, which we with their help have overcome, let us give thanks to God and the Angels for providing us with such good tutors.

All human relationships are invaluable tools for personal growth and development and the importance of changing our character cannot be stressed sufficiently. It is by no means as difficult as it may sound when one first encounters this concept. All that is required from us is that we should own up to the less pleasant qualities we witness in others and to accept them as our own. There is never any need for acting them out ourselves.

If we have already changed them into agreeable ones, there is no need to do anything but to say: ‘Yes, I also have this character trace. If the other person had not acted it towards me, I would probably have been like that myself. Oh,  perish the thought and thanks be to God and the Angels for protecting me from that!’ Something along these lines; be creative and above all things forgive, forgive, forgive! This alone can break the vicious karmic circle that once drew those painful experiences into our lives; it set us and the other one free to move on to higher levels of learning.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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