Human Behaviour Is Chosen

It comforts me to know that we all have everything within, the very best but alas, the worst as well. That’s when we look in shock and horror at what some people are doing, we are well advised to remind ourselves that what is in them is also in us. In truth, we are all capable of all kinds of behaviour and it is up to us in any given moment who we want to be and how we wish to behave. The discovery that human behaviour is chosen and by no means compulsive is an empowering and liberating experience. It makes one realise that there is nothing to be afraid of inside ourselves. This is what our freedom of choice is all about; in fact, it’s the only true freedom that anyone ever has on the Earth plane.

We have not been given freewill for nothing and it needs bearing in mind that every right inevitably brings with it a duty and a responsibility. In this case it means that we have to choose in any situation how we wish to behave. Nobody has to act upon any bad or downright evil impulses; there is always a choice. It is up to each one of us to resist the pull of their lower earthly nature and to rise above its urges. All unpleasant characteristics we observe in others are waiting to be lifted into our conscious awareness. Everything that is inside us needs to be accepted and acknowledged. It’s just that the lower instinctive behaviour patterns need to be counteracted and reacted to firmly saying: ‘No!’ to them. God and the Angels are waiting to show us how to rise above them and to help us release them, so that their energies can be transmuted into wholesome and good ones.

Going through the above described process can be a painful one. Yet, diligently attending to whatever surfaces into our conscious awareness is well worth anyone’s while. For those who do, enormous evolutionary forward strides are possible. There is every likelihood that in the end we shall be a far more whole and integrated person than our loved one could have hoped to become in their own right, during their most recent lifetime. If we can muster the courage to consciously accept and integrate the obnoxious parts, we shall never have to act out these behaviour patterns ourselves.

Having served us well as teaching aids, it is a good idea to give thanks for them. And then, it’s time for moving on and seriously getting to work on letting go of all excess baggage from the past. This makes room for concentrating on bringing forth from within all the desirable qualities we wish to integrate into our character make-up. Once the change of energies has taken place inside us, the necessity will never again arise to draw people who act the old distasteful traces out towards us.

If however we fail to do this and the offending item remains unrecognised and therefore unresolved in our own subconscious, through the behaviour of those around us the mirror that such experiences represent will be held in front of us again and again. Until the issues concerned have been attended to and resolved by us, it is highly likely that we shall attract more of the same into our orbit. The principle f this does not change even when one of the perpetrators returns to the world of spirit. Until the offending character traces have been eradicated from our own consciousness, we shall continue to be at their receiving end, as a constant reminder of the way we once sinned against others in previous lifetimes. Thus balance is created in the greater scheme of life and excellent teaching and learning opportunities are provided for all parties involved.

It needs bearing in mind that karmic conditions do not come into anyone’s life as some kind of a punishment. The law of Karma is one of opportunities, because with its help ever more of these are created for resolving issues and for once and for all shedding the parts that are no longer required by us. The karmic chains and shackles we created for ourselves and each other in the course of many lifetimes can only be dissolved by true forgiveness that comes from the heart. This is greatly helped along by our increasing awareness of the reason for being on this plane of life.

Probably the most vital asset in the healing of all human relationships is taking charge of our tongues. As early as the Old Testament the Bible warned in Proverbs 18:21: ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruits thereof.’ In ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 2’ White Eagle has this to say: ‘Keep control of your tongue, so that it says no unkind and hurtful thing; remember the feelings of those to whom you speak, and so speak gently and thoughtfully, without anger and without haste. And then, my dear children of the Earth, difficulties fall away, sorrow recedes into the background and you cannot help but become aware of the gentle presence of your Master.

‘We ask you to render a service to us and that is holding your tongue. This is one of the hardest tasks you can be asked to do. Oh, the mists that surround humankind that is caused by idle chatter. When there is so much of it on the Earth, even the Angels can to nothing but fold their wings and bow their heads, because they are then unable to minister to you. So, whenever you are tempted to say: ‘I think so and so; I believe so and so; I like this man; I don’t like the other…’ instead of speaking, be silent and wait and see. If you can restrain yourself from expressing any foolish opinion about the affairs of the world you will also greatly assist the Angels in their work.’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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