The Duality Of All Life

Rays Of Wisdom - Overcoming Addictions Through Awareness - The Duality Of All LifeThat which many on the earthly plane look upon as ‘afterlife’, in my view, is by far the most important part of humankind’s existence as well as for every other form of life throughout the whole of Creation. My own life’s experiences have taught me that our being here ultimately has no purpose and meaning for as long as our earthly self still lacks the knowledge of its own true nature and the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject. Of particular interest here is the law of evolution with its branches of Karma and reincarnation.

If we were here merely for the survival of the species and there was no such law, our existence would not make a great deal of sense. Is it therefore any wonder that many are struggling to come to terms with it and in their quiet moments are asking themselves: ‘What’s the purpose of it all? What’s the sense in my being here?’ That must be why, to numb the sense of the purpose- and meaninglessness of their lives, ever more are reaching out for the escape route of alcohol and drugs, gambling and over-eating to suppress the feelings that, during days of transformation for our whole world, are rising ever more strongly from our inner world into the earthly consciousness of our outer being.

There are two different types of drugs. The first one can be prescribed by doctors; they are legal to possess when they have been obtained on prescription. Among them are amphetamines, cocaine, dihydrocodeine, heroin, methadone, morphine, opium in medicinal form, pethidine and methylphenidate hydrochloride. Antidepressants, tranquillisers and sleeping tablets also are highly addictive, as you find out when you have got used to them and want to give them up. As a member of the Valium generation, I have been there and have weaned myself twice from them. Valium was once advertised as sunglasses for the psyche and not all addictive. They once were handed out like Smarties by the medical profession. Alas, it took many years until it was officially accepted that the non-addictive claim had been a very false one indeed.

The second category of drugs is known as recreational drugs, i.e. chemical substances that are taken for leisure purposes, rather than medical reasons. Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine can be classed as recreational drugs. Initially they are usually taken to provide pleasure or improve life in some way. However, either group very soon can lead to addiction, health and social problems as well as crime. Most of these drugs are illegal, so their use means breaking the law.

The first and most important step on the journey of overcoming addictions of any kind through awareness is the knowledge that life is by no means a one-off experience. In truth it is an ongoing eternal evolutionary journal that serves the wise and higher purpose of eventually taking every one of us back home into the conscious awareness of our oneness with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. They are our true parents and all of us are parks of the Great Light of their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

The patriarchy with its all-male Divinity and misleading religions lies safely behind us. The Age of Aquarius, the age of honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity is with us, and the presence of the Great Mother’s love and wisdom with every passing day is felt some more by our world. The beneficial influence of the feminine creative force of life is becoming increasingly visible and making itself felt on every level of humankind’s existence.

Once again we are allowed to know, the way we did in the times before the beginning of the patriarchy, that the Divine Trinity consists of a Great Father and a Great Mother, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. The Father is the masculine aspect of the creative forces of life. The Mother is the feminine counterpart that balances him. The Universal Christ is the Light of all lights and the Sun above and beyond all Suns, of whose light every form of life in all worlds and all levels of existence has been and still is being created.

The Great Father or God is the masculine will and power aspect of the Divine Trinity. The Great Mother or Goddess, his polar opposite is the aspect of love and wisdom of the Universe. She is the storehouse of all the knowledge and learning that was ever gathered by anyone throughout the whole of Creation. That’s why the Mother is immensely wise and really does know the way of all things. She is the feminine part of the living God or wise one within, who eventually stirs into action in every human being’s inner world.

Fresh creative ideas are relentlessly emerging from the Father and placed in the Mother’s womb. It is Her wisdom that decides where and when old things, if need be whole worlds and all their inhabitants, should be removed to make room for new creations. Something similar happens when another human being is meant to appear in our world. Every woman is a physical manifestation of the Great Mother and every man of the Great Father. The Great Father and Mother are constantly at work in the physical bodies of both genders. Great Mother’s wisdom chooses which egg of the human mother-to-be should be fertilised by which spermatozoa of the man who is going to be the coming child’s earthly father.

Every new child re-enters our world complete with the memories of its experiences of all previous earthly intervals, good and bad alike, and the learning it has been able to glean so far, ready and waiting to be used and worked with this time round. Of special importance are the karmic obligations parent and child have created with each other in previous lifetimes. These things are stored in everyone’s soul and our small souls are part of the Great Soul and Mother of all life. Karmic bonds that were created in the past are of an emotional nature. Acting like shackles that tie us together like iron chains, they can only be removed through resolving any outstanding issues that exist between two people and truly forgiving each other.

The birth of a child is the greatest miracle our world has to offer. Isn’t it a pity that it comes into being without us consciously being aware what is happening on the inner level of life? We have no influence on the outcome of the most life-changing experience as bringing a tiny new creature into being. And without the knowledge of the spiritual background of its creation, we may well ask ourselves: ‘Who is this little stranger I am holding in my arms?’ In truth it is nothing of the kind because we know each other very well from previous lifetimes. Our roles may have been reversed, i.e. the child could then have been one of our parents, father or mother.

This kind of role-playing is agreed in the world spirit a long time before the parties involved are ready to apply for another spell of earthly education. And if we have been a good, kind and loving parent in previous lifetimes, that’s what we are getting in our next one as a child. This is how the unerring justice of the Universal laws in due course returns our thoughts, words and actions to us. When painful and negative experiences are necessary for redeeming our karmic debts, the love and wisdom of the Angels in charge of us are holding them back. It could be thousands of lifetimes into the future until this is the case, but our debts are presented to us eventually. The time is right as soon as we have become sufficiently evolved to be strong enough to carry the cross our earthly self once created for itself.

Everything in the whole of Creation is a manifestation of the Divine duality and we earthlings are no exception to this. All characteristic and powers that are in God are also part of every human being. As sparks of the Great Light of the Universal Christ, for a long time merely in seed form, we too contain energies and potentialities of a masculine and feminine nature as well as darkness and light, positive and negative, active and outgoing, passive and receptive ones and so forth.

In our Creator all polar opposites are lovingly and harmoniously responding to each other and working together for the evolutionary progress, benefit and wellbeing of every form of life throughout the whole of Creation. Each earthly lifetime is a gift from the Highest. It is being granted to help us become ever more aware of our true nature and the polarities within us, so that as soon as possible we can start teaching them how to co-operate the way they are doing in God.

When it comes to comprehending spiritual truths, most important of all is developing the ability to perceive the whole picture. That helps us to accept what comes our way, resting safely in the knowledge that the Divine laws are perfect and at all times are working for the highest good and the greatest joy of all life, even though the result may not necessarily be what suits us. Knowing that everything in the whole of Creation ultimately works for the evolutionary progress of every form of life, let’s be happy and rejoice, giving thanks and praise to the Highest Forces of life that they have always taken such good care of us and our world.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Truth About Parents’
•    ‘The Return Of The Great Mother And The Feminine To Our World’
•    ‘Forgiveness’
•    ‘Reflections On Forgiveness’
•    ‘Forgiveness Prayer’
•    ‘Vengeance Is Mine!’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Mercy And Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Importance Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘The Miracle Of Birth’
•    ‘New Hope For Childless Couples’
•    ‘God’s Unerring Justice’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’.
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‘Leaving Addictions Behind’

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