The Steep And Narrow Road

Rays Of Wisdom - Leaving Addictions Behind - The Steep And Narrow RoadFor some time by now, the Age of Aquarius has been bringing us our race’s spiritual rebirth and return into the conscious awareness of our true nature. Simultaneous with this the transformation of Mother Earth into a more spiritual and etherealised planet is taking place. To enable them to take part in these events of truly Cosmic proportions, many highly sensitive are reincarnating into our world. Alas, lots of them have yet to find out that earthly life is a gift the Universal Forces have granted them and is by no means a cumbersome burden that has to be endured as best we know how to. High sensitivity is a sign of an old and experienced soul who, in the course of many previous lifetimes, have been preparing themselves for playing a special part at this very special time. More about the theme of high sensitivity later.

This part of my jottings is dedicated to assist as many as possible of those who are as yet unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their being here. If what you are finding here speaks to you, the time is right for waking up to your spiritual nature and for getting started on your very own healing journey that returns you into the conscious awareness of your true nature and oneness with God. On the other hand if it all sounds like double Dutch to you, maybe you will return to it some time in the future.

The discovery that all life throughout the whole of Creation, including us, our world and everything in it, has always been travelling on a predestined pathway that is constantly winding itself forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. All together we are wandering up the spiritual mountain of life. The discovery of this is the first and most important step of every human beings spiritual healing journey. This is a steep and narrow road that is strewn with rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes. They consist of a) unredeemed karmic obligations that each one of us created for themselves in the course of many lifetimes; b) negative and destructive thought and behaviour patterns that were developed along the way and which we brought with us in the hope of changing them into positive and constructive ones; and c) the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that have accumulated in our consciousness, waiting to be replaced by the truth. These issues have to be tackled by us individually and collectively and each one of us can only do this in their own unique way.

Every human being’s evolutionary pathway begins with the exploration of the lowest characteristics of our own and other people’s earthly nature. In the course of many lifetimes we slowly work our way upwards into experiencing the characteristics of our higher or Christ nature. When this part gradually takes over our whole being, everything that was negative and destructive in our character make-up is replaced by positive and constructive traits and our understanding of the Universal laws and God’s sacred wisdom and truth keeps on expanding.

Jesus is a symbolism for the noblest aspect of our being and the high and holy destiny of evolving into a Christed one in its own right awaits every one of us at the end of our earthly education. Yet, for as long as we do not know who and what we truly are, why we are here, what kind of tasks are in store for us, the Christ part is invisible to the narrow horizons of its earthly counterpart. This changes when we have matured sufficiently and our spiritual faculties begin to stir from their slumber. Until then our small earthly self stays firmly nailed to the cross of its present existence, enduring it without comprehending why things are the way they are.

As young and inexperienced souls we believe for a long tie that, as long as nobody is watching us, we can get away with just about anything. It takes many lifetimes before we realise that we could not have been more wrong because all human beings, without exception, are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions. And that’s how, through false beliefs in previous lifetimes, vast amounts of negative Karma accumulate in everybody’s spiritual bank book that can only be redeemed by one person in the whole of Creation and that is we ourselves.

Do not allow any of this to frighten you unnecessarily, as help is always available for those who know where to look for it and who are not too proud to ask for it. Knock and the door shall be opened! Ask and it shall be given unto you. Feelings of loneliness and of having been abandoned on the Earth reach their natural end when we realise that God and the Angels are as much part of us as we are of them, that on the inner level all life is one and that because of this nobody is ever truly alone.

Even though our spirit friends and helpers cannot be seen by earthly eyes, they are there nonetheless. From the moment of our creation they have taken care of us, looked after and provided for all our needs. In all Eternity they will keep on doing this and never leave us. Therefore, whenever the going gets too rough handling on our own, why not reach for the helping hands of God and the Angels and ask them to show the way? With their assistance we can work our way through any kind of situation. And although the Divine wisdom decrees that they cannot do the work for us, they are always willing to guide and protect us against doing the wrong things and provide us with the gift of their courage and strength.

God and the Angels are the all-seeing eye that never sleeps. Because they are part of us, it is hardly surprising that they are well aware of what every one of us has ever been up to and that during all lifetimes and every moment of each day and night. That’s why spiritually nobody can get away with anything and why on the inner spiritual level of life everything has to be for real. There is no point in trying to fake things, especially not sincerity and believing we have cracked whatever we were hoping to achieve by cheating and lying. Although it is possible to get away with this in earthly life, on the inner level our intentions are clearly visible and no-one is ever fooled. Knowing this helps us to avoid creating negative Karma and further debts in our spiritual account.

It has been said that life is a mystery. The more one finds out about the processes of life and its spiritual background, the more one realises that we ourselves have always been the greatest mystery of all. Each one of us is their own mystery school, life itself is the headmaster and the world around us with everything it contains can teach us something. We are all here to act as teachers and pupils at the same time and every one of our daily experiences can, for those who pay attention to what is happening, reveal ever more mysteries that for a long time had to remain hidden from common view and knowledge.

There is no need for reading books to find the mysteries. All it takes is learning to love this live, ourselves and those who bring us into being, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their Angels, and countless other spirit guides and helpers. To my mind, loving our earthly existence becomes possible when one finds a better understanding of it. But most helpful for our spiritual development is practising being patient and still during regular periods and meditations and quietly reflections, and observing life in all its richness whenever possible.

Intuition is everyone’s own inner mystery school, the wise one or living God within, who is waiting teach us everything we shall ever care to know and intuitively provide us with the answer to all our questions. For those who enjoy reading, doing so is all right, but this activity should not be used as some kind of a prop. Let’s read what is of interest and then take time to reflect on what has come our way. This is another way of growing in wisdom and understanding. Novels are particularly good at teaching about human nature and relationships, the time and place in which they are set and in particular about authors and their windows through which they are observing what’s going on around them, and perceiving life in general.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘The Origin Of My Truth’
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Leaving Addictions Behind’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Leaving Addictions Behind’

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