Unresolved Past Lifetime Traumas

Many of the most unpleasant and fearful feelings that accompanied past life traumatic experiences are now stored in our subconscious. They have been slumbering there for a very long time and all those that were too unpleasant and difficult to face and handle at the time had to be ignored and suppressed by us. They had to remain unacknowledged by our earthly self, until the right moment for releasing them safely had been reached.

By now, this is happening to a great many of us. Until even our most distasteful feelings have found their final resolution, they are going to seriously impair and hold up our soul’s spiritual progress. Every soul must eventually go through this vital cleansing and purifying exercise of acknowledging and feeling its most ancient feelings. Whatever their nature may be, they must be experienced once more; only then can they be released, once and for all.

This process cannot be delayed forever by any one of us; that’s why at certain times in our earthly existence, our most difficult feelings refuse to be pushed away. Ever more urgently and loudly they then demand attention and start knocking at the door of our conscious mind. The poor earthly self hardly ever understands what is at stake, especially not when strong fears rise to the surface. Frightened of one’s own feelings, one naturally shies away from them and does not want to know. The more one does this, the deeper one sinks into depression, until things get so bad that we cannot stand it any longer.

In desperation we then visit our doctor, in the vain hope that there may be some kind of magic wand that can be waved to make the unpleasant feelings go away. Believe you me, I have been there – I have done it. Conventional medicine used to believe it had one of those in the form of different types of chemicals. What a long time it has taken until there comes the news of the above mentioned official confirmation of their ineffectiveness. That’s what they are at best. At worst their side-effects can be as disagreeable as the illness they aim to or rather pretend to be able to cure. This kind of exercise could not be any more counterproductive.

As all unresolved issues that are left behind at the end of each lifetime have to be brought back into every subsequent one, isn’t it preferable by far to attend to our feelings right here and now? Regardless of how much anyone hopes they can escape from their problems. As our consciousness has to be cleansed of them, not a single one of them will ever go away on its own. For as long as we steadfastly refuse to deal with them in the appropriate manner, they will rise – if need be time and again – to the surface of our consciousness.

They do not come to torture us but in the hope of being faced this time and worked with until their final resolution. That is why, to me, the only sensible solution for ending depression once and for all is through seeking healing. However, this can only come through finding a better understanding of ourselves and the purpose of our present existence.

The first and most important step for me on my personal healing journey was the recognition that evolution is the purpose of all life throughout the whole of Creation, including that of the Earth. This knowledge helped me immensely and I hope that it may do the same for you. The time has come for looking beyond the end of our own noses and suffering, and for becoming aware why we are here and that a great many more wonderful moments of revelation are in store for us, the more our inner eyes begin to open.

As the vision slowly clears, one begins to distinguish that there is so much more to Earth life than meets the eye. And a deep sense of security develops with the increasing realisation that there really is such a thing as a benevolent higher authority at work behind our present existence that takes care of all our needs on all levels of life. Its nature is so kind, gentle and loving that it never forces anyone to do anything against their will. It merely tries to coax the human soul, individually and collectively, forward and upwards onto ever higher levels of perception.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’
.If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’

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