Christianity - A Tree With Weak Roots

Rays Of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Christianity - A Tree With Weak RootsTo my mind, Christianity can be likened to a tree with roots that are too weak to reach deep enough into the ground for its main nourishment. That’s what hiding the truth about the Jesus myth for too long has brought about. Such a tree in the long run cannot thrive. When it’s deprived of the food it really needs, it has to die a long drawn out slow death. * Christianity is a tree on which many branches appeared with the passing of time. One cannot help wondering how long it is going to take until it dawns on those in charge of them that the individual and collective development of our world has reached the point for forcing the truth about its main character out into the awareness of the masses.

For some time by now the energies have been right for this to happen. Christianity has come a long way since its earliest beginnings, but it seems to have escaped the notice of its leaders that the evolutionary process is an ongoing one that will never stop. We and everything that shares our world with us, individually and collectively, from the beginnings of human life on the Earth plane have relentlessly been moving forwards and upwards on the great spiral of life. Anything that resists this movement for too long is eventually pulled up by its roots, metaphorically speaking. It gets thrown onto the compost heap, so that in due course some good things of the Earth can grow from the nourishment provided.

It seems to me that Christianity’s main trouble is that it has not yet grown a taproot that is strong enough to reach downwards into God’s sacred wisdom and truth. How much chance of survival has a tree that has nothing but a superstructure that is based on a deception?

The law of life is love and based on honesty and truth. Whenever people and companies, organisations and even nations are doing something to break this law or if they have done so in the past, nothing in the whole of Creation can stop their trespasses from eventually finding their way into the bright light of the awareness of the masses. Independent of who we are and what high or low positions we may occupy in this lifetime, the Universe loves sinners so much that it presents them with many opportunities for making good where they once sinned. That’s the only way that anyone can be saved and redeemed, by none other than themselves. And the events that are necessary to achieve this are never intended as punishments. They are but tools for teaching us invaluable lessons that ensure that we shall never dream of sinning in that particular way again.

The law of Karma * decrees that every action causes a reaction. Ignorance of this law never protected anyone against having to live with the consequences of every one of their thoughts, words and deeds that are sent at any given moment into our world and the Universe beyond. Naturally, this goes as much for the churches of our world as their followers. And there is every likelihood that offences committed in the name of God, for example during the times of the inquisition and the witch hunts, weigh more heavily than ordinary ones in the Divine scales of justice that never err.

This applies especially when someone believes that their crime does not count for as long as they are hiding in the shelter of their church where no-one could see them. That’s what they must have thought at the time, but in due course every one of these sinners will find out, each through their own experiences, that they could not have been more wrong. God’s Universal laws see to it that every one of us, in the fullness of time and without fail, gets their just desserts, of that we can be sure.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Christ The Redeemer’
•    ‘The Jesus Mysteries’
•     ‘The Law Of Karma’

 Six pointed Star

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