Being Among The Lucky Ones

Rays of Wisdom - War And Peace Among The Nations - Being Among The Lucky OnesSadly, to this day far too many still have to deal with war situations in their every day lives, maybe the only way of doing so is by psychically closing off and stumbling through each day as best one knows how to. When one cannot change the events, one has to accept them as facts of life and turn towards counting one’s blessings. That’s what I did in those days and still do, in spite of lacking all spiritual awareness in those days. After all, we were alive when millions had perished. Our immediate family was still intact, although its wider circle had been cleared of all men capable of carrying a gun – except my father.

Another reason why we thought of ourselves as lucky was that we had a fair-sized garden and my father was a wonderful gardener. I am sure it was his toiling that saved us from the worst during the near-starvation years 1945/1948. Also, the war had created millions of homeless and displaced people, while we still had our house and it had remained undamaged. As the end approached, ever more refugees came flooding into the western part of Germany, trying to get away from the Russian troops, advancing from the East. The stories told by the survivors made your hair stand on end. To me, one of the worst possible fates that can befall any human being is homelessness, physically and spiritually. All of my work aims to relieve both these conditions.

Regrettably, even when the war was finally over, for many the worst was yet to come in the form of the post-war years 1945/48. This undoubtedly increased the constantly rising numbers of souls who during these times lost all faith that a Saviour and Redeemer would ever come to their rescue. Yet, it is in keeping with spiritual law that some great new understanding comes to each soul and that of our world after having waded through the depths of suffering and pain.

From the time World War Two was at its height until its official end, when we all had to drink the bitter cup of the lessons wars intend to teach our world, come some of the finest examples of White Eagle’s teachings – see ‘Further Reading From My Bookshelf’. Between January 1943 and July 1945, as the lights on the outside of life went out over large parts of our globe, much light in the form of spiritual knowledge and wisdom entered it on the inner level.

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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