To The One I Love And Who Loves Me

Rays of Wisdom - Comfort For The Bereaved - A Message To The Ones I Love And Who Love Me

Now that I have departed from the earthly plane,
Release me and let me go.
You and I, we still have many things to see and do,
So do not tie yourself to me with regrets and tears.
I gave you my love and you will never guess
How much you brought to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you have shown,
But now it’s time for each to travel on alone.

So, weep a while, if grieve you must.
Though not for me, only for yourself and
For the hole my passing has created in your life.
But then let your grief be comforted by trust
And the knowledge that
It’s only for a while that part we must.
Bless the memories you carry in your heart.
It knows that no love is ever lost,
That life is eternal and goes on and on,
Not just for you and me, but everybody.

You and I now are closer than we have ever been
And I’ll never be further from you than a thought.
So whenever you need me, call and I’ll be near.
Even though you can now neither see nor touch me,
Know that I have never gone from you.
And when you listen to your heart,
You’ll feel my love there soft and clear.

And then, one fine day,
When you are coming this way,
You’ll find me waiting to greet you
And with a smile
I shall welcome you home.

Meanwhile refuse to get too upset about the
Emptiness my physical absence has created in your life.
Do your best to fill it to overflowing with a new kind of
Understanding of the higher purpose and meaning
Every human being’s earthly lifetime serves,
Including yours and mine.  

Through your contacts with me and others who have
Returned to this side of the veil of consciousness that,
For far too many in your world to this day separates them
From their true eternal home, the spirit realm,
Your fear of leaving behind the earthly plane
Slowly but surely dissolves.
That’s because you then realise that there really is no
Need for being afraid of anything in our world
And much to look forward to.

This will help you to let go easily when, one of these days,
An Angel of transformation, not of death because
There is no such thing, takes your spirit/soul by the hand
And gently lifts this part of your being from your physical body.
It’s just like slipping out of an overcoat you have worn
Long enough and are glad to leave behind.
There’ll be no struggle and no pain for you,
Just an immense relief that you no longer require
A physical body for getting around.

Fr. Pat Lennon
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

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The above is part of ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’.
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