The Coming World Teacher

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Coming World TeacherShould you ever have wondered whether my work is based on White Eagle teachings, a note of explanation may not come amiss here that this has never been the case. All parts of my jottings are new and original and came into being intuitively. For many years, I have been a subscriber of Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge, which I have enjoyed ever since my attention was first drawn to it. Initially I knew very little about the White Eagle teachings and what the White Eagle Lodge was about. But as time went by, I found ever more teachings in the magazine that echoed the themes I had either already written about or ‘happened’ to be working on. I do not believe in coincidences.

To find out more, in one of the Lodge’s sales I eventually bought a whole collection of White Eagle books and worked my way through them in the order they are listed in the section ‘Books/Further Studying’. As I went along, I was constantly coming across topics I had already covered in my jottings. To keep track of them somehow I scrawled little notes into the margins of the books where White Eagle’s words confirmed my insights. Yet, I was so occupied with my own writings that I never found the time to return to and make use of my scribblings. After a while I donated the books to a local charity shop, so somebody else could have the use of them.  

Although I never found much time for them, reading White Eagle teachings has always been an enjoyable and uplifting experience. To me, they are nothing short of partaking in a fine old wine that invites you to imbibe it slowly and deeply, so that its essence can sink into the deepest layers of your being. No wonder the White Eagle teachings are enjoyed by so many. To know them is to love them, it can’t be any other way. It makes no difference to me that I feel intuitively that the name does not stand for one person but a whole group of guides. Therefore, to my mind White Eagle by rights should not be addressed as ‘he and him’ but ‘they and them’.

The above paragraphs of this chapter were written eight years ago. I was reminded of it when to my astonishment I found a dedication for the White Eagle Lodge in the Stella Polaris issue of February/March 2017. I have never come across this dedication anywhere else before. It reads:

We have chosen to call this centre the White Eagle Lodge – a name not bearing reference to any particular person, but referring to the white eagle as a symbol of vision, used down the ages by the Wise Ones whom we are privileged to serve. This is to be a centre of light and all who would serve the Great White Light, whatever their denomination and whatever their school of thought may be can meet here on a common plane of brotherhood and service. Therefore, beloved children, we say that this place is to be a lighthouse to guide men and women, and we ask you to help us establish and maintain the light within. Let this become a focal point for the light of spirit.’ White Eagle

‘These words do not only apply to the first Lodge in London, but to every one of our Star Centres that now exist around our world.’

In ‘The United Kingdom and the European Union’ *, I wrote: ‘2017 is going to be a No. 10 year and that means a whole new cycle of experiences will begin and bring us many fresh starts and this is not perchance. Nothing in this life or anywhere else happens perchance or by coincidence. It can only do so when the energies are right and therefore its time has come. The knowledge to which the Angels are now allowing us access provide us with clear evidence that there really is a plan of life and that it has always been unfolding with the greatest precision.’

The signals I am getting from the White Eagle Lodge are telling me that it is also in the middle of preparing itself for a great new beginning. In the above mentioned Stella Polaris we are told that Newlands House by the side of the Lodge itself, a place for retreats and so forth, has been completely overhauled and will soon be reopening. In Stella Polaris April/May 2016 the Lodge Mother wrote: ‘We are facing the reality that the ‘physical body’ of our wonderful temple in New Lands is in such need of major renovations that the practical material advice is: it is better to build a new body!’

Things can only happen when the energies are right and because this year with all its new beginnings they are, the rebuilding of the Lodge can go full steam ahead, as the dedication shows. And so in Stella Polaris February/March 2017 the Lodge Mother told us: ‘Here at New Lands we face now the rebuilding of our Temple. We are moving forward with the plans once New Lands is reopened.’ To me, the process the Lodge for some time has been involved in is one of the finest examples that has ever come of the outer physical reality being a manifestation of what must have been and probably still is happening on the inner level of the Lodge.

By the look of things the White Eagle organisation is going to continue on the old foundations but with a more than somewhat changed and more solid outer structure that is based not so much on a false belief, but a long outdated one about the source of its teachings. This will definitely put an end to any false impressions about the role the White Eagle work is meant to play in our world. And that new approach hopefully will have more appeal to the general public.

I applaud the courageous decision of making what comes across to me as nothing short of a re-dedication. It should leave no-one in any doubt that White Eagle is a serious and dignified worldwide spiritual organisation whose sole aim is to connect the belief systems of our world and in this way make its contribution towards working for peace in our world. Above all the dedication shows that White Eagle is by no means some kind of new age cult where people worship and pray to a Native American Chief in the spirit world.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star