Learning To Live Intutively

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - Learning To Live IntuitivelyExtraordinary things start to happen when one begins to live one’s life intuitively, as all of us are meant to do eventually. I have been practising it for a very long time. Through constantly attuning ourselves to our Highest or God Self, the wise inner teacher and comforter, one becomes ever more familiar with and gradually learns to trust is guidance. This is the way every part of my writings has come into being. The reason why they contain the same or similar spiritual wisdom, as that which can be found in publications like White Eagle, is that intuitive writing taps into the sacred Source of all knowledge and wisdom, where all truth is known. Each one of us will eventually be required to act as one of its channels.

My writings are constantly changing, growing and evolving because spiritual ideas have for many years been flowing through me almost non-stop. They always come to me and I never had to go in search of them. The most difficult part of this process is learning to switch off the flow of consciousness when I have reached saturation point for one writing session. The initial inspiration can come from just about anything, but only when an idea is really worth sharing with others and keeps on coming to my mind, do I start to make notes. Next time I switch my computer on, my inner guidance shows me where the new material should appear.

Should you have read any of the volumes of my ‘Random Jottings of a Stargazer’ some time ago, it will be worth your while to have another go. You will be amazed how much has been updated and changed. Because our understanding of spiritual wisdom is constantly growing and expanding, I prefer publishing my work on a website rather than in book form. My own writings are proof enough for me that any of the ideas that previously came down to us in earthly life from the highest levels of life were meant to be set in concrete or chiselled into stone. In the course of millennia humankind’s grasp of the spiritual aspects of life is bound to have grown and expanded a great deal. Existing ideas either adapt to this with the passing of time or they simply die when they have ceased to be relevant for our race’s evolutionary level at any given time.

The sum total of all ideas that exist in the whole of Creation represents the river of consciousness that is life on every one of its levels. Our individual human consciousnesses are integral parts of it. To ensure the river’s smooth flow, individually and collectively, from time to time ideas have to be removed that are no longer valid in the light of fresh insights that are waiting to be woven – I can’t call it anything else – into the rich tapestry of the existing knowledge.

This process I call ‘the polishing of gems’. As you may have noticed throughout my work, I enjoy doing this as much with somebody else’s work as I do with mine. In my view, when the inspiration and insights of two souls fuse into one, the two together potentially can form some of the finest instruments of creativity. It’s a bit like Tchaikovsky 1840-1893 and Beethoven 1770-1827 writing their ‘Mozartiana Suites’ to honour and celebrate the beauty of the work of their fellow composer, who was still relatively unknown when they were around. Mozart lived 1756-1791.

Intuitive writing is a wondrous thing. A friend once asked: ‘How do you do it?’ The simple answer is: ‘I don’t. It’s more like it is doing me!’ None of my work has ever been something premeditated. I never sit down and think: ‘I am now going to write so and so, or what shall I write about today?’ Rather, a theme calls for my attention with an inflow of fresh insights and I start making notes. Every one of the volumes of my work were triggered off by one small article, maybe a chance remark made by someone. Lots of material that could have been used for publication had already accumulated when I went public with it on my first website.

From its earliest beginnings twelve years ago my website has been called ‘Rays of Wisdom, the Lighthouse of Consciousness’, spiritual and not religious my writings have always embraced and invited all belief systems of our world. They aim to do their share of bringing peace to our world through a better understanding of the concepts of the spiritual background of our world, which the Angels expressed through gift of the myths and legends that appeared over the ages in our world. This is my contribution to bringing new hope to humankind through restoring its faith and trust in the basic goodness of the life God and the beings from the Highest levels of life have prepared for us.

There was a time in my life when I started to gain insights into spiritual concepts that had never previously interested me. But I soon felt that the answers that came flowing through me in such abundance were so good that they should be written down. As ever more material accumulated, the need arose to store my insights into a collection of files and each one of them soon grew into a considerable size. In the beginning I found it scary that some of my ideas appeared to be far too advanced and controversial to be presented to anyone.

But then, it happened many times that a few days later a new Stella Polaris, the magazine of the White Eagle Lodge, would arrive and lo and behold! The same wisdom was there in black and white for all to see in one of White Eagle’s teachings. Their kind and loving, yet simple and down to Earth approach to spirituality have always been their main appeal for me. They have a way of speaking directly to the human soul. Upon first encountering them a great many years ago, I found them reassuringly in harmony and like an echo to the intuitive insights and the new beliefs I was finding with the help of my inner teacher.

At first this was quite uncanny and, to put it mildly, rather weird, if anything this frightened me even more. How could this be? Who would I be to know such things? Yet, I did and still do, just as described here. First an idea comes into my mind that leads me to a certain topic, then ever more fresh insights are flowing in that help me to understand it better. This understanding is what I subsequently share with you in my writings.

Gradually, I got used to the echoing effect and even started to enjoy it, as by then I could recognise them for what they truly were. It was the Universe’s way of telling me: ‘Trust me; it’s okay. Don’t hide your light under a bushel. Go ahead and give of your learning so others may benefit from it, too.’ Clearly, each one of such a happening was a pat on the back and a message of reassurance from the Angels and guides that all was well with my writings. They are the ones who have always encouraged me to persevere in spite of the obstacles I am encountering, the same as everybody else, on my personal long and painful healing journey of a thousand miles.

It frequently feels that every step forward on this journey is followed by three in the opposite direction, but I imagine that it’s probably more like two of them forwards and one back. It comforts me to know that nothing truly worth having was ever achieved in earthly life without an almighty struggle by someone. So, I pick up my cross and soldier on as best I know how to. I rest safely in the knowledge that the reasons for it will be visible much more clearly when, in due course, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of me, I shall review this lifetime from the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds.

Should you sometimes stumble – the way I often do – as you work your way through your ‘stuff’, let’s get hold of each other’s hand – metaphorically speaking – and walk together for a while. God and the Angels are walking with us and keeping us safe, no matter what may ever befall us, of that I am sure. Would you agree that the high and holy destiny that awaits each one of us and our whole world makes every faltering step we take along the way of returning into the oneness with God very much worthwhile?

There will come the time when all of us will be taught the way it’s been happening to me for around thirty years by now. When my inner guidance calls, I follow gladly, thankfully and without hesitation to wherever it may wish to lead me.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star