Religions Have No Power Of Their Own

Religions Have No Power Of Their Own

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Religions Have No Power Of Their OwnAs pointed out before, the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of our world’s people  will become aware that no religion that ever appeared in our world possessed any power of its own. That’s why to this day, none of them has any of it over you or me, only over those who allow them to do so. After all, what are religions? Organisations based on certain beliefs and people who are willing to listen to and follow their doctrines, regardless of whether they ever were true and valid or not.

Religions are not things in themselves, they most certainly have no power of their own and the same is true for astrology and numerology. I believe that all subjects of this nature were created so that one day they could be used as tools for helping us to understand and, through this, bring us ever closer to the true meaning of the Great Power behind life in the whole of Creation and what kind of a role it has always played in our life. Astrology and numerology are wonderful aids when one is trying to find a better understanding of the processes of life, which so far were hidden from our view. To my mind, there is nothing better for explaining in simple terms the highly complex workings, the why and how of the Universal energies, the Power and the Force that is constantly at work behind the scenes of life in the whole of Creation, and that on all its levels.

It would be wrong to say that I believe in astrology as such. I believe in the great wisdom and love of the One who created it and who, from the beginning of my studies, has been teaching me from the very depths of my own being, how it can be shaped by every one of us into their own healing instrument. I fell in love with astrology and wanted to work with it for the benefit of all humankind from the moment I recognised that it is not meant to be an instrument of fortune-telling. I knew that astrology really works, because I realised through the way it was helping me to find a better understanding of myself, my world and the nature of the forces behind it. If it worked for me, it was likely that it would do the same for everybody else. I have never followed any of our world’s belief systems teachings. That’s because my inner guidance, the wise one and living God within me, showed me a long time ago that in truth every religion is no more than a ladder on which human for a while are meant to climb Heavenwards.  

All are different pathways that were created to guide us back into our true nature, into the awareness of our own Divine nature, immortality and oneness with God. When this point has been reached, individually and collectively, we shall be walking hand in hand with God and the Angels again, the way we once did. Religions will then no longer be known in our world. This is the direction in which we are now heading ever more strongly. Paul McCartney’s poignant song at the beginning of this part of the jottings shows us the way. The old religions can no longer do this for us, for the simple reason that they came into being such a long time ago and are badly in need of a great overhaul.

Astrology is under the rulership of Aquarius. At our entry into this age, there is a renewed interest in it and with its help the Universe is revealing to us ever more of the fascinating facets of the Divine science. In times to come, when all traces of the religions that once existed in our world have long vanished, astrology will still be with us, of that I am sure. Ever since humankind walked the Earth, religions have served the Angels, teachers and guides from the highest levels of life as temporary educational tools. Astrology is also one of these, but it is something much more permanent and certainly more expansive. By now, it is increasingly inviting us to raise our vision above the Earth plane and expand our horizons into an awareness of our existence within the Cosmos.

Yet, even astrology as we know it these days is not going to be with us in all Eternity. There will come a time, in millions and millions of years in earthly terms, when the will of God might decide to de-create the whole of our present Universe. There could then be a new big bang, if indeed our present Universe came into being that way, and a new created world will begin. Just think! You and I shall be there to witness it and take part in it. By that time it is likely that we too shall be allowed to create new worlds and later destroy them, at our will and command. Yet,  forever we shall be following the instructions given by the Divine evolutionary plan.

And that illustrates the seriousness of what is at stake. It puts everything into perspective. Because when viewed from that angle, all our world’s present struggles are no more than fleabites. It makes everything that any one of us has to endure in order to redeem the last one of our  karmic debts in our spiritual ledger, very much worthwhile, on’t you think?

And the Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper our world penetrates into this sign’s energies, the more the old religions will disappear. That’s how, slowly but surely, the new religion of the Aquarian age has been emerging, for some time by now. This is the religion for which humankind has a long time been waiting. It is ever more forcefully bubbling to the surface of humankind’s consciousness and taking over like this:

There is only one religion, the religion of
Love and wisdom, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous,
Masculine and feminine, working together as one.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God and that’s
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And the Universal Christ, their only born Son/Daughter.
They are the Holy Trinity,
Who always has been and forever will be
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Updated September 2022

Six pointed Star


This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

Six pointed Star