The Price Of Spiritual Wisdom

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - The Price Of Spiritual WisdomMy life has taught me what a priceless jewel spiritual wisdom is. Because it is given freely to any one of us, in my view it belongs to everybody and is there to be shared and enjoyed by all. That is why I give all my work away and why everything that has up to now been published on my website can without restrictions be downloaded free of charge. I believe that all knowledge belongs to everybody and should not only be within the reach of those who can afford to buy the latest publications.

Fortunately, many countries these days have Internet Cafés and public libraries where computers can also be used free of charge. So, even those who cannot afford a computer and an internet connection of their own at home can – if they so wish – download any part of my work from my website. What do I get in return for my efforts? My greatest reward comes each time some of my work helps someone to find a renewed faith and trust in the Universe and as a result, that person walks their pathway through life with more confidence.

As discussed in the chapter ‘The Ancient Wisdom’, Divine truths have always existed; they are eternal and unchangeable. God is the source of all spiritual knowledge and ever since the human race first emerged on this planet, it has come to us through various teachers. Over the ages, they came from the highest levels of life to walk among us and show us how to live our earthly life more meaningfully. Depending on the level our individual and collective spiritual evolution had reached at any given time, the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom were presented to us in ever different ways. Every one of the religions and belief systems our world has ever known was but a variation on the main theme of this Great Wisdom. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are three of Its most recent interpretations.

Through finding new interpretations of some of their symbolisms, my writings, for those who are ready to receive them, aim to bring a renewal of hope, faith and trust in this life. Seeking neither fame nor fortune, all my work is done for charity. If, with the help and the will of God, any of it one of these days is published in book form, all proceeds will go to the charity ‘Médecins Sans Frontières’ or MSF. It is an independent humanitarian organisation that is committed to providing medical aid where it is most needed, regardless of race, religion, politics or gender and also to raising awareness of the plight of the people they help. They work round the world for the poorest of the poor, especially in war stricken areas.

Closer to home, my favourite charity is the Salvation Army. Apart from their work with the homeless, they are also making a wonderful contribution in times of war. A friend told me that her father had fought as a soldier in the Second World War. He said that the best cup of tea he had ever had was the one that was given to him by Salvation Army volunteers, before his battalion had to move into battle.  The father said that he had never heard any of the soldiers – or anyone else – say a bad word about the Sally Bobs. My friend was also told by an ex-RAF soldier, now back home in Britain, that they are doing the same work in the Iraq crisis.

Now, I am aware that there are some people ‘out there’ who seem to have difficulties understanding my motivations for giving all my work away. Such reactions are nothing to get upset about. They are merely human. Another aspect is that it has ever been the way of spiritual establishments to try to discredit and suppress any new wisdom and knowledge that reaches humankind. Unless such organisations are wise enough to adjust themselves and go with the flow, they will become irrelevant. Even now, the way some people react to new spiritual insights is reminiscent of the religious establishment that according to the legend of his life surrounded the Master Jesus when the mass of people was shouting: ‘Crucify him!’ Does it never occur to souls, who to this day behave in this manner, that executing the messenger cannot get rid of the truth of his teachings?

As the example of the early Christians shows, through the very resistance they encountered, their resolve hardened, their support grew stronger and they gathered ever more followers. Could there be any better evidence of how, in the long run, nothing can suppress the emergence of God’s eternal truths. Depending on the evolutionary level of our race, it has been presented in various ways, at different times and through many sources. But this too has run its course and now ever more of the Great Wisdom is revealing itself directly and through different sources to us. The consciousness of our race has always been evolving, as has everything else in the whole of Creation.

Nothing can hold up progress. No matter how hard some may try to keep us in the past, we are constantly moving forward and are gradually finding ever greater understanding. No-one can deny us the gift that is known as the Ancient Wisdom; it has always come to our world from our Divine Father/Mother. And if here and there you come across souls who cannot yet grasp and accept the fresh insights you are finding, refuse to be discouraged. Be aware that they too will come to understand, but in their own sweet time, as we all do eventually – it cannot happen any other way.

Take comfort from knowing that sooner or later the time will also come for them to be drawn to the Father. Should this not happen during this lifetime, it is sure to do so in another. The Universe is endlessly patient; it is we who want everything to happen now. Just bear in mind that we have all eternity to learn and that it is true in every aspect of our life that everything comes to them who wait. If you have any missionary zeal, contain it. There is no point in wasting your time and energy trying to convert the unready. It is undoubtedly more constructive to pray for souls, who are still stuck in the dungeon of their own darkness, that they be lifted into the light of the Highest Star. Leave them to it, move on and concentrate on doing what your inner guidance tells you is right for you, in any given moment.

My feeling is that one seed carefully planted in good and fertile soil is sure to yield in the fullness of time more than any amount of broadcasting, missionary work, standing on soap-boxes or going from door to door could ever do. That kind of thing is likely to be aimed predominantly at those who cannot yet understand what we have to give. The only thing it can do in that case is drawing ridicule and suffering to ourselves. But, there are no prizes for martyrdom. And most important of all, we are not to cast spiritual pearls – well no, not before swine – but to the unready, because they would fail to grasp our message. It might even frighten people and bring out the worst in them. All too easily they could turn aggressive and maybe even attack what they perceive of getting in their way. On all levels we would thus achieve the opposite of what we set out to do.

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star