Entering Into The Master's Joy

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Entering Into The Master's Joy

Because the law of Karma ensures that whatever we send into our world does return, for good or for ill, there really isn’t any need to peer over our shoulders for the reward for our actions. St Matthew 25:21 tells us: ‘Well done, good and reliable servant. You have been faithful over a little, I will appoint you over much. Enter into your Master’s joy!’ Some seem to interpret this quote as an indication that many earthly goodies will be given unto those who serve their Master faithfully on this plane of life. But wouldn’t that be yet another way of asking for some kind of recompense? So what does it really mean?

If this sets you wondering what my rewards are for giving away and sharing the spiritual wisdom I am finding along the pathway of my own life. In case someone thinks there is something wrong with me for not asking for anything in return for the work I am doing, I want them to know that my rewards are manifold. Least of all I ever want to become some kind of a ruler of people, never mind how many of them, now or in some distant future.

Learning to love for love’s sake and giving because of the joy of giving have been the two most important lessons of my present lifetime. I believe that this is the only way human beings can be true to their real nature. This means we are constantly in touch with our inner Master. Working under Its guidance and protection we take part in Its joys and we walk safely in the footprints of the many legendary Master souls, which the Angels brought to help us understand the spiritual background of our existence. Even though none of these masters ever took part in earthly life, they still left their footprints in the individual and collective consciousness of our world.

First and foremost, the understanding of the spiritual aspects of life I am finding with the help of my inner Master has always been my reward. And my greatest joy is when through freely sharing my gifts with someone, they slowly begin to see their way through their own life more clearly. Possessing precious gifts that can be shared with others is a rare privilege, just as much as having people with whom to share them. After all, what use would the finest gifts be if we had no-one to give them to? What more could anyone wish for? Beyond any shadow of a doubt the greatest prize of all is when someone tells me that their renewed grasp of God’s true nature and their own is helping them to find their way back to God and that their soul has made its peace with God. Let me give you an example of this.

Many years ago on my daily walk to the office, when I was still in the early stages of writing and setting up my astrological work, I regularly met a gentleman in his late seventies. He was out for his early morning stroll. After a while, we started to say hello to each other and occasionally we stopped for a chat. We became good friends, but when I first told him that I was studying astrology, he did not seem to have much time for this kind of thing. No doubt he was thinking of it in terms of horoscopes and fortunetelling. Fortunately, however, he possessed the greatest gift the Universe can bestow upon on any of us and that is an open mind.

As we got to know each other better, he confided in me that earlier in his life he had been a devout Christian. But there had been so many excruciatingly difficult situations he had to deal with that, by the time we met, he had lost every shred of faith in God, and did not believe in anything any more. He was another one of those who had been marked and wounded more deeply by the feuds within his family circle than through his first hand experiences of two World Wars. As a small child he had suffered from the privations of World War One and during World War Two he had served on the front line.

My friend was a Sun Scorpio, in essence a highly spiritual sign that cannot be truly understood from a purely material perspective. For as long as people, especially those born into this sign, fail to grasp that all their experiences serve the higher purpose of teaching them something, while at the same time they are redeeming their karmic debts, they may eventually reach the point when they cannot believe in anything any more. Alas, this usually makes them very cold and cynical towards a more spiritual vision of life. My friend had reached this developmental phase many years ago.

As time went by, I told him a bit more about the Sun in Scorpio. When he could see that the points I was making were serious ones and had nothing to do with fortunetelling, the matter clearly began to intrigue him. When he asked me whether I would do a birthchart interpretation for him, I obliged because I still did them in those days. After handing it over to him, he seemed to disappear for a while. Just when I was beginning to wonder whether he might have passed on and whether I would ever hear from him again, one fine day he suddenly stood beside me, when I was waiting to be served at one of the counters of our local Bank, out of all places.

He told me that he had greatly enjoyed my work. He wanted to thank me for it and pay something for my efforts, although I had asked him not to. When I refused to take anything from him, he told me to my astonishment that my work had helped him to understand and that through it he had made his peace with God. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and, in spite of being a gentleman of the old school, it did not embarrass him. Quietly wiping them away, he tried to persuade me to take his money. When I told him to give it to his favourite charity, he said that’s what he was going to do and walked away.

Seeing the effect my writing was having on this man, made me even more determined to continue with my spiritual work free of charge. In my view, my gifts are too precious to be paid for by money. They were freely given to me and should therefore be passed on to others in the same manner. Besides, my writings are a work of art and a labour of love and if I counted the hours I have and still am spending on them, no-one would be able to afford them. So it’s better by far for me to give them away.

Some folks do not seem to appreciate what comes to them free, but that is a risk I am willing to take. It’s their Karma they are creating with their thoughts, words and actions, not mine. To genuinely have helped someone was worth more than winning the jackpot in a lottery. When a friend of mine told me in the beginning that there are many forms of healing, it came clear to me that mine was obviously going to be the one with words. To know that, when placed in the right hands, my contributions can work wonders is a far greater reward than money could ever be. Besides, isn’t it better to light a candle, than sitting in the dark and complaining about people’s ignorance of the spiritual background of life?

And when I reflect on my life, giving joy to others by doing something kind and loving for them has always brought me most happiness. As I had no other kind of spiritual guidance up to about midlife, words of wisdom I found along the way that made sense to me and struck an inner chord became my leading lights and guiding stars. One of the most important ones to this day is:

Willst du glücklich sein im Leben,
Trage bei zu and’rer Glück,
Denn die Freude, die wir geben
Kehrt ins eigne Herz zurück.

If you want to lead a happy life,
Contribute to other people’s happiness,
For any joy that is given
Returns to our own heart.

My own life’s experiences are showing me the truth of Goethe’s words. Many years after this part of my work first came into being, whilst reading through it and updating something here and there, I realise what a great privilege and honour it is to have been entrusted with the task of bringing you a gradually increasing understanding of God’s great plan of life * and the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence within it. The rewards I am receiving from this enterprise must be typical of the joys any soul encounters on the long haul to spiritual Mastership, which all of us are walking.

To me, taking money for something as sacred and holy as my writings would feel like desecrating it, even if I donated every penny of it for charitable purposes, as surely I would do. * Serving the Highest and having something so precious to give and sharing it with many that, in my view, is the meaning of entering into the Master’s joy.

* Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘Spiritual Knowledge Belongs To Everybody’
•    ‘What’s In It For Me?’
•    ‘On Giving – The Prophet’

Six pointed Star

This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star