Loving God's Way

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - Loving God's WayAll of us are in this life to rediscover that first and foremost we are spirit and soul. And although the spiritual world and its concepts are part of the mental realm of life, we do well to remind ourselves frequently that the Divine essence of life, God, is contained in every cell and atom of our physical bodies. Therefore, it is not with our minds alone that we explore and experience the inner mysteries of life, but also with our eyes and noses, mouths and ears.

One of the main purposes of our earthly existence is that we should realise our individuality as a very special, unique and much loved being. We are in this life to evolve and grow in wisdom and understanding and each one of us can only do this through their own experiences. Our own evolutionary pathway is an essential part of our planet’s spiritual development and we have been placed here so that we may eventually become aware that in truth we are an eternal spirit and soul, God’s much loved child of the Earth. Bringing forth the Divine aspect of our being, our Christ nature, characteristics of our being, so that with the passing of time we become ever more godlike ourselves, is the task that eventually has to be tackled by every one of us.

Learning to love God’s way, totally and unconditionally, and in a detached manner is one of the most essential parts of this process. By practising this kind of loving in all our relationships on a daily basis, it gradually becomes our natural and only way of behaving towards people and reacting to them. When we can do this in spite of their idiosyncrasies and the things that occasionally go on our wires, we are making an invaluable contribution towards establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of friendship and kinship with all life and the time has come for striving to transform every one of our relationships, especially the difficult ones, into bonds of friendship. In earthly life there are two distinctly different types of friendship: one is of a personal and the other of an impersonal and more general nature. even though we may find someone’s behaviour unacceptable, there is no reason why we should not love them in spite of it. This is an essential part of developing the kindness and tolerance of our Christ nature towards all life.

To my mind, loving could never be like the flicking of a switch, something one turns on and off at will. Love has as many expressions as there are people in our world. On the one hand there is the love for someone who has shared a large and important part of our life. This love continues when the other one goes from us, for whatever reasons. On the other hand, the love we feel for those who are no more than casual acquaintances is something quite different. And the realisation of where we are all coming from and going to makes it easier to love people God’s way by showing understanding for their concerns and forgiving them whenever the need for it arises.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! It is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.

Love’s not time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

William Shakespeare
Sonnet 116

Wise ones avoid getting into situations that endanger their friendships at all cost. Knowing that what goes around must come round, they make an effort to send only the right thoughts, words and actions into the Universe. Their hearts are filled with love for all humankind and everything that shares our world. No matter what anyone does to them, wise ones refuse to seek vengeance because they know that the Universal forces will take care of the matter in its own way. For these souls nothing ever changes the fact that on the spirit level we are all sisters and brothers, God’s children of the Earth and worthy of our forgiveness and love, so in future they can do better.

The inner child already possesses all our gifts and talents. None of them were inherited from our earthly parents but are the result of our own strivings, hopes and aspirations of previous lifetimes. This means that our child self is intelligent and has the mental capabilities that we developed in the course of many lifetimes. We brought them with us into this one and they have always been at the child’s disposal. Learning their wise application has been our main task throughout the various developmental stages of our present lifetime up to now.

And because your child has always had your intelligence, it is sure to love the idea that life in truth is a never ending process without beginning or end. On the basis of this, it will understand that all earthly nightmare events of days gone by were but passing phases in the flow of eternal life, even though some of them could have lasted many years. It will be able to grasp that it takes a long time to become the person we would like to be. As it’s the same for everybody, there’s no need to be unduly upset about it. And looking back from where you are now, your child self will also be able to recognise that the people who treated you badly were in truth your best teachers, because they taught you how you do not want to be. Do not forget to give thanks for this to the infinite wisdom of the Universe.

Working with yourself through your inner child will help you to perceive any child you meet in a very different way. And should you meet one that is dyslexic to whatever degree, you’ll nod to yourself sagely and think: ‘Ah yes, reading and writing is not one of the skills he or she has practised in its previous lifetimes. As likely as not this means that it has developed some other special talents on which it has been focussing so hard that no time was left to acquire the skill of reading and writing. I bet this child is very gifted in some special way and should as far as possible be encouraged to do its own thing, so its talents can begin to surface.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
•    ‘The Truth About Parents
•    ‘You Are Special’
•    ‘The Purpose Of Individuality’
•    ‘Forgiveness Grows From Understanding’
•    ‘The Art Of Forgiveness’
•    ‘Dysfunctional Families’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
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‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

Six pointed Star