Faith Is Like Fulfilment

Rays Of Wisdom - War And Peace Among Nations - Faith Is Like FulfilmentTrue happiness grows from trusting the goodness of life and feeling satisfied and fulfilled. This takes faith, yet fulfilment and faith cannot come from without, they have to grow from within. To this day, for far too many life seems to have become a constant search for fulfilment and stimulus from without, i.e. sheer pleasure-seeking. To find genuine fulfilment, lasting happiness and inner peace, faith is our most vital ingredient of all. By that I don’t mean blinding ourselves to what is happening in the world around us, which far too many to this day seem to think of as their only reality. Faith is something rather elusive, which brings with it an urge to search for the good in everything and everyone. It is an increasing inner understanding of our own and everybody else’s inherent kindness and godliness and the wish to bring it forth and share it with others.

True faith, the kind that has organically grown from within, lends us the vision of recognising what lies beneath the surface of things, people and situations. With faith, we begin to recognise the good that is always there, in any situation and any person, if we but open our inner eyes to perceive it. This kind of faith enables us to give in to that aching need of our soul to become more loving and giving. Faith is an inner knowingness of what is right and wrong in any situation, and a trust that, when we do our best in all our endeavours, God will do the rest. Our inner teacher alone can tell us what is truly good and right for us, in any given moment. What might have been right yesterday may no longer be right today. It is everybody’s birthright to enjoy the protection and guidance of their inner teacher.

By the way, nobody ever said that faith is an easy option or an escape route. Quite the opposite! But the going gets smoother, the more our faith in the Universe’s gently helping, supporting and guiding hand grows in us. Faith is an inner hunger and thirst to find truth, and to tell the truth. It is a quest for knowing that which comes directly from God and is therefore pure, true and eternal. It is that which helps us to tap into our own inner fountain of truth, wisdom and knowledge, so that we no longer need to accept what anyone else says, unless it has been verified from within.

Faith grows from knowing that we are all here together to learn certain lessons from each other; and that sometimes we find ourselves in the role of pupil and other times as teacher. Faith comes when we realise that no-one and nothing really is our enemy, except the ignorance our small and fearful earthly self is riddled with; and all its fears are caused by not knowing. Yet, wise ones who learn to walk in faith, trustingly put their hand into the hands of God and the Angels and ask them to help them overcome their ignorance and, through it, all their fears.

Faith is no option for cowards. It takes a lot of bravery to trust God implicitly, to be able to say whole-heartedly: ‘Thy Will be done!’ and mean it, whatever the consequences may be. Just try it, and you will see what is meant. Faith provides our heart and soul with a harbour, a place where we can drop anchor and know that we are safe. Living with faith gives us the strength to trust that everything will always come right in the end, no matter how dire things may sometimes appear to be, on the surface of things. To have faith means to accept that life on Earth is a school and that we are all on an evolutionary pathway. It means trusting that in this school there are no sinners and no losers, only learners. For as long as we are willing to learn and grow through every experience, we shall always be one of life’s winners.

Wise ones have learnt from their own experiences that if they but persevere no matter what happens, with the help and Will of God, they will always go forward and gain something, if only in wisdom and understanding. They know that as long as they are willing to continue learning, they will always gain in consciousness. Because they are prepared to look for what every experience is trying to bring them, their understanding of their own true nature and God’s role in their life and all life constantly expands. They never give up on anything or anyone, because they appreciate that what they have learnt and gained in consciousness will be the only thing they shall be allowed to take with them when they leave their physical body behind, at the end of each lifetime, and that it is their to keep, in all eternity.

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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