The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Freedom Of The Aquarian AgeEverything that ever happened in our world and is taking place to this day serves a wise higher purpose. This is also true for the suppression of all truth in the run-up to and especially during the Piscean Age. We and our world are striving to reach God consciousness and that is the level of life where nothing exists but absolute honesty, integrity and loyalty to everything that is good, right and beautiful. The intention behind the general lack of these qualities in the Piscean Age was to teach us how to appreciate them during the next age. Each time we encounter them during the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, we recognise them and value them more highly than just about anything.

These characteristics are part of everyone’s Christ nature, though at first only in seed form. All human beings, no matter where anyone may presently be on the evolutionary spiral of life, will eventually be required to bring these qualities forth from within their own being. To enable us do our share of making our world a more peaceful place, they need to be applied to all aspects of our life when we have learnt to humbly serve the good of the whole instead of pursuing selfish aims.

In times gone by, running with the herd was the norm and expected from every obedient citizen. The religions of those days left us no choice. Thinking for ourselves and drawing our own conclusions was unwanted, as shown by the following teaching from Proverbs, one of the oldest books of the Abrahamic religions, Chapter 3:5 + 6: ‘Trust in God with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of Him and He will make your paths straight.’ And how would anyone take notice of Him other than through the words of the churches’ sacred texts, which had been declared to be infallibly true?

For the Aquarian Age the above quote needs to be paraphrased as follows: ‘Trust the wisdom and truth of the Great Father/Mother of all life, which is recognised by your heart whenever you encounter it. Pay attention to your inner guidance and draw your understanding from the living God within. Whoever does that cannot go wrong and all paths will be made straight.’

No matter what the scriptures of the various religions asked of their followers, the people in charge paid precious little attention to their demands, for example the ten commandments of the Abrahamic religions and in particular the command ‘Thou shalt not kill!’ When it came to satisfying the drives and urges of their lower earthly nature, they did not allow little things of this nature to stand in their way. They simply invented interpretations of some of the sacred texts that provided them with a steady flow of hatred and distrust between the people and nations of our world.

The result was ever more trouble, strife and warfare, while on both sides of the conflict, back home preachermen were praying to the same God and asking for the victory of their followers. With all my heart and soul I believe that these things will not go on forever and that they will soon belong to the past. In my view, it will not take too long until the old religions have been replaced by the new faith of the Aquarian Age. Please see the link at the end of this chapter.

The Age of Aquarius is an age of self-discovery and self-determination. With every passing day, the Universal forces are presenting all of us with more opportunities for learning to think for ourselves, making up our own minds and coming to our own decisions as to what we can and wish to believe. That in a nutshell is the freedom of the Aquarian Age. This advanced state of spiritual development brings with it the awareness that to every right that exists in our world belongs a set of responsibilities and duties. The right to be here at this very special time is accompanied by the duty to accept the responsibility for ourselves and every one of our thoughts, words and actions.

The ignorance of not knowing our true nature, that God is as much part of us as we are part of God and that in fact we are God, has been our race’s cross of past ages. We have it carried long enough and the Universe is slowly but surely releasing us from it. In this process ever more of us are nailing the cross of their lack of understanding of their earthly existence to the tree of knowledge and wisdom. Our eagerness for lessons of a higher nature reveals itself when we accept the responsibility for the state of our own being and that of our world. Knowing that everybody has done their share of making it this way, wise ones are not surprised to find that all of us are expected to make their contribution towards making it into a better and more peaceful place.

This is best done by making every effort to steadfastly think only good, kind and loving thoughts and to create nothing but good and positive Karma. The power of this is greatly increased when we unselfishly give of our best and share our gifts and talents with all who are in need of what we have to give. The lower self is crucified and surrenders itself to its Highest or God Self each time it bravely reaches above and beyond its fears, anxieties and apprehensions, which in the course of many lifetimes have accumulated in its soul memories. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway needs to become the leitmotiv of our life. And that is how all parts of our being that are no longer desirable for our present evolutionary state are waiting to be nailed to the cross of consciousness, so that our inner vision can open and our perception and understanding of life’s forces expand.

The freedom of the Aquarian Age consists of deciding for ourselves what we can and want to believe, what or whom we wish to follow or refuse to do so, as the case may be. We are always the bottom line and each one of us has the God given right to decide for ourselves what kind of God we wish to serve. Wise ones, who make it their business to know these things, can no longer be forced by anyone to follow and fight for the defence of someone else’s false beliefs and prejudices. Wise ones refuse to give their lives as a sacrifice to a God who merely serves as an excuse for continuing the rule of trouble and strife, warfare and destruction that for so long has been the main theme of our world.

They are acting like this because they know that the time has come when every one of us needs to learn how to march to the tune of their own inner drum, the voice of their intuition, their very own wise one, the living God within, to the tune of: ‘Alleluia! Peace and goodwill for us and our world, forever!’ And when it comes to establishing whether anything they hear or read is true, all they need to do is listen to their own innermost heart and its responses. If it says: ‘This is true, it makes sense!’ they have found something that is true and it is safe to add the item to the store of their own truth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘About Time’
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Healers And Healing’

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