The Link Between Astrology And Religion

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Link Between Astrology And Religions

 Most of the suffering of our world, if not all of it, has been caused by the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that to this day are deeply rooted in our race’s consciousness. This is especially true for those surrounding astrology and religion. With my writings I have always tried to do my share of bringing this sad state to its natural end. The more my work progressed, the more I discovered the close link that exists between these two subjects. Videos came my way that showed quite clearly that all religions of our world, for as long as anything is known about them, have always been based on astrology.

If you are willing to work your way through the various parts of my jottings, you will be able to see for yourself that astrology is much more than any belief system could ever hope to be. Thanks be to God and the Angels that the Age of Pisces lies behind us. It has been an age of lying, cheating and deception of the self and others, blind faith and suffering. The patriarchy’s religious organisations of this time were first and foremost designed to suppress, as far as possible, the feminine aspect of life in general and to eradicate the last traces of the eternal wisdom and truth of the Goddess, the Great Mother of all life.

The result of this – in some parts of our world to this day – were leaders whose only interest was the gaining of personal power and material wealth, rather than attending to the spiritual needs and wellbeing of those who followed them, often by force, like sheep to the slaughter. Deadly and evil instruments like the inquisition were specifically created to suppress even the last signs of wisdom and truth that dared to rear its head anywhere. Anything that looked like a threat to the masculine rulership was in the way and therefore mercilessly suppressed and wiped out by whatever means the various authorities could think of.

This is how our religions increasingly became tools of evil that served the submission of people, especially the feminine part of the population. Rulership was gained through the power of fear under the motto: ‘If you don’t follow my God, you are a heretic to be burnt on the stakes for this sin. Instead of going to Heaven like those who follow me, you will be going to hell and damnation and fry in its fires forever!’ It made no difference whatsoever if someone had been a good, kind and loving person in earthly life. Yet, nothing could interfere with the fact that in these people the Christ nature was already in the foreground and the healing power of God’s white magic could work through them and assist those in need. The white magic is the essence of the Divine, the creative life force that is the source of all spiritual healing. Through anyone who spontaneously acts in good, kind and loving ways, it flows freely and at all times into the world around them.

Nothing in our world ever happens perchance or is a coincidence. Everything fulfils a wise higher purpose and the lessons of the Piscean Age were necessary to teach us and our world some invaluable lessons about the use and abuse of power. And that’s why for such a long time the sacred wisdom and truth of the Divine had to remain hidden from public view and knowledge behind the surface words of the various sacred texts that for example emerged in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Jesus legend is of particular significance in this context.

From the details of legends that had been and were still serving the same purpose in other cultures and civilisations, especially the Egyptian and Greek ones, the Jesus story was skilfully woven. The Angels and Masters in charge of the evolutionary plan for us and our world have inspired the scribes of all ages what they should write. The wise ones decided that the eternal wisdom and truth of the Great Mother for the time being should be hidden behind the surface words of the texts of every new religion that emerged. The details of each tales were purposely designed in a way that, once our inner eyes had opened to the existence of the higher and highest realities of life, we would soon recognise that the religious tale’s events could never have taken place in earthly life.

Now that we have reached the Age of Aquarius and of truth, the scales of ever more of us are falling from our inner vision. That’s why many have no difficulties when it comes to recognising and understanding the nuggets of pure gold that have always been hidden in the metaphors and symbolisms of all myths and legends of our world, and especially the Jesus legend. Antonio Porchia in ‘Voces’ wrote: ‘As long as you do not raise your eyes, you will believe you are at the highest point.’ The trouble with the young and inexperienced souls that are sharing our world with us to this day is that they are as yet unable to raise their vision to the existence of the higher dimensions of life. They can’t help that their time for grasping such concepts has not yet come. For any one of us this can only happen when we have become sufficiently experienced and our energies are right.

And that is the meaning of the New Testament’s John 1:5 tells us: ‘The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot understand it.’ Because all of us contain a spark of the Divine, the light of the Goddess’s intuitive wisdom and knowledge is always present in everyone. It’s just that for a long time it is buried under something that resembles some kind of a boulder. Through the experiences of many lifetimes and the understanding we are gaining along the way this obstacle is gradually removed. The inner light in the form of increasing wisdom slowly then begins to flow into the earthly self’s darkness.

The following is an extract from ‘The Fall Of Humankind’: ‘The Divine light from the heart centre of light breathes tiny sparks of Itself into earthly life where each one is clothed in dense matter. The spark can be likened to a seed that is sown in the soil of the Earth. Under the influence of the darkness of its existence the seed in due course is reached and cracked open by the warmth and sunlight it receives from above to help it to grow. Something similar happens to human souls. The pressure of what is known to humankind as evil works on the earthly self so that with the passing of time, the suffering that has to be endured as a result forces it to reach heavenwards and grow.

‘That is how from a non-conscious spark the Divine aspect of your nature expands almost imperceptibly for a long time. Through many ages the consciousness of your small self keeps on growing. This continues until you have mastered the earthly plane of life and are capable of taking charge of yourself as well as shouldering the responsibility for the present state of your world. This shows that you have become the master of yourself. By then you have acquired various bodies or vehicles that allow you to function with equal ease on different planes of consciousness and life. Having learned self-mastery and mastery of the other planes that have become your field of action, you have become God-conscious and are therefore at one with the Great Father/Mother. You are free.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Astrology – More Than A Belief System’
•    ‘Could Religions Ever Change Anything?’
•    ‘Religions Have No Power Of Their Own’
•    ‘The Fall Of Humankind'

Recommended Viewing:
Part 1
•    Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Part 2
•    ‘The Astrotheological Foundations of Christianity’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Healers And Healing’

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