Explorations Beyond Earth's Solar System

Rays of Wisdom – The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World – Explorations Beyond Earth's Solar SystemIrrespective of how highly evolved you may become, more heights will always be waiting to be climbed by you. Eventually they will be reaching way beyond the solar system of your present world. Heights of consciousness and experience are in store for you that in the present state of your development you cannot yet imagine or understand. But this how all life, including yours, moves ever forwards and upwards and becomes more glorious and beautiful. Yet, for as long as you still dwell on the Earth plane, there is much you can do to help your siblings as well as yourselves by simply being true to your real nature and loving everything that comes before you.

As many know by now, thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creations. Everything that is in your individual life and that of your world is your own creation. As much as you may initially hate this thought, through your thinking and behaviour patterns of the past you yourself once brought every bit of it into being. Now you are here as pioneers of the Aquarian Age and its people like you, simple folks, who are given the power of shaping and moulding in their thoughts the new world of your dreams and visions. It is a narrow path you are presently treading, but only for the time being. In due course many will follow in your wake.

The Angels and I are pleading with you that in all your endeavours you make an effort at rising above earthly conditions and its limited horizons. So far they have to remain safely boarded up for your younger and less experienced siblings, because of the lessons they still require. In your role as wayfinder of a new age, let them see that you are capable of peering beyond the end of your nose and willing to share with them your visions of the new world that is in the process of emerging on the Earth plane. Paint for them the picture of a place where people co-exist in peace and harmony and with goodwill, love and respect for themselves and each other. By focussing on such a world, talking and thinking about it frequently, you are making a vital contribution towards bringing it into being, for in your thoughts you are then creating this world.

In preparation for this task, sit in the silence and commune with the invisible as often as you can and become aware of the praise and thanksgiving that flows from My heart. Initially it may seem strange to you to think of Me giving thanks to you. But reflect on the idea of Me pouring forth thankfulness. I created the world, your world and all others and everything they contain. And I give thanks when I behold My Creation. Keep in your heart this thought of a continual outpouring of thanksgiving and join into it by being grateful for everything: for the mystery of life, your own and everyone else’s, for food and drink and for the joy of being alive and allowed to be present in your world at this very special time of transformation and transmutation. Do not forget to include in this the difficult and traumatic experiences, which on the surface of things may appear to have been bitter, as each one of them held a special blessing for you, My beloved child of the Earth.

Reflect on the idea of giving thanks for everything you have received as well as for the things you are capable of giving. Give thanks to Me, the Great Father/Mother of all life for the Universe and all that is, ever has been and one day will be. Notice how your inner gates of praise and thanksgiving open as soon as you enter into the innermost sanctuary to worship Me. They open quite naturally when one of you has reached the point on its spiritual journey when it has learnt how to rise on the wings of My sacred wisdom and truth from the Earth plane into the heavenly fields on the higher and highest levels of life. When you dwell there for a time, you become aware of the praise and thanksgiving that incessantly flows from the highest levels of life. You can join this great symphony whenever you choose.

The more highly evolved you become, the more you feel your oneness with Me and through it with all life. For you there no longer is any separation between anything. Unless you suddenly start to behave in ways that are no longer worthy of you, the being who for a long time has been acting as your guide gradually grows into one with you. You live and breathe as one, you are one.

Each one of you is on the Earth to eventually become aware that you are a spark of Me, the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation. Therefore, you yourself are a light and the sooner yours begins to shine into the darkness of earthly life the better. The final aim of all your earthly lifetimes is to teach you the wise use of matter, including the cells and atoms of your physical body. Rather than allowing them to dominate you, you need to take charge of them and learn how to raise the vibrations of your whole being by filling the heavy atoms of your physical body with My heavenly light. Miracles happen when My spirit thus gains power of control over it. When your spirit and Mine finally have joined forces and become one, we can manipulate physical atoms and use any of the elements at will.

At all times the concerns and ideas of the spirit have to be your master and that master is your own spirit, who is part of Me, the Divine Master and Son/Daughter of the Great White Spirit. Mastery over yourself and your life can only be gained through obeying and living in accordance with the Universal laws, My laws, first and foremost the law of love. In this way highly evolved souls can not only gain mastery over their whole being, they also learn how to co-operate with the elements.

Seeking to defy their power has been humankind’s way of the past. Look around you and you will see evidence everywhere to what kind of an effect your race’s attempts at seeking to control them have had on your poor planet. Aware of what is at stake, wise ones endeavour to work harmoniously with the elements and approaches them with love and wisdom, as well as the kindness and respect they deserve.

The Bible’s Book of Genesis 1:28 once told you: ‘And God blessed them and said to them: ‘Be fruitful, and multiply. Fill the Earth and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle and over every living thing that moves upon the Earth.’ These words were given to your world so that in due course you would be able to learn from your own experiences that this was a mistake and simply could not continue. Having reached your present evolutionary level, you cannot help coming to this conclusion when the consequences of humankind’s struggle with nature, of trying to conquer and subdue it, are clearly visible just about everywhere. All natural disasters and catastrophes that ever took place on the Earth have been and still are the result of this kind of behaviour. The crowning glory has been and to this day is humankind’s disrespect for Mother Earth’s precious resources, and their ever more greedy and reckless exploitation for material gains.

Aware that nothing in earthly life is yours to keep forever and that everything has to be handed back at the end of each lifetime, wise ones recognise the futility of such enterprises. Knowing that the only thing human souls are on the Earth plane to conquer and subdue are the desires and urges of their lower earthly nature, like avarice and greed, jealousy and hatred, sufficiently evolved souls work hard on overcoming such traits once and for all. The duty of each one of you is to make their contribution to putting things right on your planet, taking a stand and calling a halt to all destructive actions against it.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’.
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‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

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