Searching For Inner Peace

Rays of Wisdom - The Spiritual Background Of Suicide And Depression - Searching For Inner Peace

Since time immemorial human beings have been trying to recover the blissful state of peace we once knew when we still were fully aware of our oneness with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. It is therefore not surprising that during the earlier phases of our earthly development, to this day the favourite escape route from the demands of the trouble and strife of Earth life is the use of a multitude of substances like alcohol and drugs. It is for wise reasons that the peace we are after can only be found on the inner and higher levels of life. That is why, for as long as we insist on looking for it on the Earth plane, all our attempts of this nature are bound to be in vain. 

The only way of re-entering into the peaceful state is through regularly communicating in prayers, meditations and quiet reflections with our Highest or God Self. Over time this re-establishes our inner connection with it. As each one of us can only do this for themselves, nothing is lost when the earthly self in the early stages of its development discovers to its disappointment that no matter what it tries, time and again it fails to find peace and that on each occasion it has been barking up yet another wrong tree. The mental and physical health problem this kind of experimenting brings with it, together with the fears and anxieties caused by the ignorance of our true nature and the purpose of our earthly existence, topped by the sheer drudgery of Earth life, the best and only way out of this predicament in the end appears to be suicide.

And so we attempt to finish our life. What a surprise awaits us if we succeed and get to the other side of the veil that separates our two worlds. We can then see for ourselves that the death of our physical body has been but a transformation into a different lifestate and that death is not at all like the kind we had been dreaming of in earthly life. When we ourselves no longer dwell in a physical body, there is no longer any doubt in our mind that human beings are spirit and soul, who merely sometimes get encased – trapped – in physical bodies. Once again we are aware that all human spirits and souls are immortal and will never die.

Now we are clothed in our astral body, which is of a much finer and lighter substance than our physical body, under which it is worn. Released from the limitations and restrictions of Earth life, we are ready to enjoy the greater freedom of the spirit world and take part in the learning available there. At a later stage of our development the astral body will also be shed. What a joy it is to know again that even the last one of us will eventually do this and move on to ever higher and more elevated levels of experiencing life.

Let me leave the way I wish.
Give me this one last gift.
Let me have some control.
May God have mercy on my soul.

Let me choose how I want to die.
Let me decide when to say goodbye.
When I am ready I will know.
May God have mercy on my soul.

For my final sin I am willing to pay.
The price for throwing my life away.
This is one thing I will control.
May God have mercy on my soul

Let me find the peace I seek,
From secrets I dare not speak.
Just say goodbye and let me go
And pray for mercy on my soul.

Now my darkness has turned to light
And I’ve found peace, a beautiful sight.
I finally took control
And God had mercy on my soul.

Julia WF

The feelings expressed in this poem and the writer’s longing for being in control, this in itself is the obstacle that stands in the way of finding the inner peace all of us are hoping to find one day and never can, for as long as we look for it on the Earth plane. It is this trying to stay in control no matter what that stunts so much of humankind’s spiritual growth and hinders its progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Wise ones, however, whenever they have to confront difficult situations, surrender them to the Highest and most humbly pray: ‘Please show me the way. Thy Will and not mine shall be done! May Thy will be mine and my will be Thine, so that everything unfolds in accordance with your will and wishes.’

Following the intuitive guidance they receive from their inner selves, the living God within, enables them to come into alignment with the flow of their lives and go with it.

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me.
Only what I am has power.
I now give up my personal struggles and ambitions,
Knowing that everything that is rightfully mine
Will then be drawn to me.

Therefore, I now let go,
And trust my inner guidance
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.


The cross is one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind. It was not invented by Christianity, but merely adopted from much more ancient religions and cultures that preceded it. The cross’s vertical bar stands for the God’s Will, as it reaches down from Heaven to Earth. The horizontal one is the symbol of humankind’s will for as long as it crosses the Will of God and struggles against it. When the two bars at last have been taken apart and are lying peacefully side by side and working harmoniously together, there is no more cross and there is PEACE!

In its original sense it never stood for death and crucifixion, but for the goodness and blessings of Earth life. It is intended to convey the idea that the human spirit with the assistance of its Highest Self is capable of overcoming and rising above everything that happens on the physical plane. The cross contains the message that until all human spirits and souls in their earthly existence, have imbibed their lessons in the course of many lifetimes. Until they have become sufficiently evolved, they have to remain firmly fixed to the cross of consciousness of earthly life.

There is no point in fighting against any of this because the material and spiritual education that our planet alone can provide is essential for our individual and collective evolutionary development. That’s why it is compulsory and unavoidable for all of us. Going with the flow and submitting ourselves willingly to whatever presents itself to us is the best we can do. This brings us much more easily into harmony with the energies of the Highest Forces than anything else. We have been granted the gift of another lifetime so that we may serve them and learn how to co-operate with them.

Extract from
 ‘God’s Lament Of The Piscean Age’

Unbeknown to your earthly selves for far too long
I, the Divine Spirit in you and all life,
Have been held prisoner by the darkness of humankind’s
Ignorance of its own true nature and Mine.
This bred false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions,
Which now stand in the way of
Your personal and collective evolution.
To set yourself free and fully reconnect with Me,
You have to let go of each one of them.

Know that you are responsible for yourselves,
Your whole race and world,
And every one of your thoughts, words and actions,
You are the captain of the ship of your own life and destiny.
Although you are in charge,
You will always be accountable to Me.
I am the Admiral of the great fleet of humankind
In the vast ocean of life of the whole of Creation.
I am the Supreme Commander of all beings and things.

White Eagle: ‘Try not to overlook your constant need for remaining calm, tranquil and still within. Even when you are active with your hands and doing all kinds of work on the physical plane to serve those you love, deep within it is possible to keep still and tranquil deep within, at peace and looking up to the Angels.

‘Every one of your actions has its origin in your innermost centre. It is the basis of all life and the place where your own and everybody else’s Highest or God Self dwells. It knows the answer to any question you may ever care to ask. Your ability to act in more and more positive and harmonious ways grows when you are still within. When you strengthen your inner connection with the spirit of the living God inside you, you will find that you are gradually reacting to life in ever more perfect ways.’

White Eagle Calendar November 2016: ‘On the astral plane all limitations fall away and the soul perfectly expresses itself in colour, form and music. This brings intense happiness.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Walking Away From Drama’

Dedicated to Julia, who inspired this new chapter of my jottings,
and to all those who are searching and suffering like her,
With love – Aquarius

Feedback: ‘Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom, they have brought great comfort to me and made my world a brighter, and a more beautiful place... may your spirit dwell in peace and love... your friend Julia.’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Spiritual Aspects Of Depression And Suicide’

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