Where Do I Stand Spiritually?

In case you are by now wondering where I stand spiritually towards the religious organisations of our world, let me explain. Throughout my present lifetime I have been and always will remain a free spirit. Occasionally, I visit churches and other places of worship. I am not averse to taking part in their services. As a matter of fact, I have found some of them most enjoyable in the past. But, like any Aquarian, I refuse to be bound by anyone’s dogma or creed. I relish the freedom to follow my heart and the knowledge that this is the only place in the whole of Creation where truth is known. My truth is that which my inner teacher tells me to be true, and that alone I am prepared to share with anyone. One needs to bear in mind that the perception of truth varies from person to person; therefore yours may well be different from mine. Wherever the two digress from each other, we need to ask our inner teacher to show us what is right for us, though it may not be for anyone else.

As I am as involved in the rebirth of humankind to the same degree as everybody else, I also have to attend to my own personal healing journey. By now, I have reached the point where I recognise my role in this life as that of an interested but neutral observer. As far as humanly possible, I intend that this position should remain unchanged for what is left of my present lifetime. Through new interpretations of old themes all my work is done in a spirit of enquiry and of seeking spiritual wisdom, not just for myself but for all of us. By adding some of my insights into our common spiritual heritage I hope to increase the understanding of some of the concepts that have been available to humankind for a very long time. And that is my very own small share of bringing a measure of healing and peace into our troubled world.

Although quotes from the Christian teachings appear in my writings more than those from other belief systems, let no-one run away with the notion that I am some kind of a Bible thumper. Lying at the feet of any well-known great earthly teachers has never been my style. Yet, I do not hesitate to humbly go down on my knees before the Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator and the Universal Christ. In my view, the best teacher of all is life itself; it has always been mine. Life alone can teach us the value of the things, which – when the setting of the Sun for this lifetime has been reached – we recognise as having been truly worth living and striving for.

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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