My Perception Of Life

Our world is bound in darkness,
Until we shine the light,
You with your own vision –
And I with my insight.

The way I understand life in general and our earthly existence within it, is that all life is constantly evolving. Onwards and upwards we move in vast cycles that can be likened to spirals that take us onto ever higher levels of consciousness. Life on the Earth is a place of learning, more of a kindergarten than a school.

Through ever changing circumstances life tries to teach us all the true, i.e. spiritual value of everything it contains. It takes a long time until the underlying higher purpose and meaning life reveal themselves to the limited vision of the earthly self.  And even if some of us live to be a hundred, each earthly sojourn is nothing but a blinking of the eyes in God’s time. The word time I use merely as a metaphor; in truth there is no time in eternity and the life of the spirit is limitless; it has no beginning and no end.

We are much more than the bodies we presently live in; we are spirit and soul who time and again reincarnates into Earth life. The two belong together and act as one, they are one single unit; that is why throughout my writings I refer to spirit and soul as an ‘it’ rather than a ‘they’. Each lifetime on the Earth is a journey for which spirit and soul need a vehicle to carry it through, so it clothes itself temporarily with matter. Upon completion of each sojourn, it returns to the world of spirit to rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of Earth life. Only when it has done so sufficiently does it voluntarily apply for another lifetime – and another – and yet another; no-one forces it. Every experience that comes its way has purpose and meaning, which is to teach it something. It is therefore in the soul’s own interest and always worth its while to pay attention and investigate what learning each event may hold.

This happens to all of us and each time before we enter into yet another lifetime, together with the wise ones under whose care we are, we ourselves choose our forthcoming lessons on the Earth plane. On the surface of things this may seem cruel when at times we appear to be stuck in difficult and distressing circumstances. Although it is a fact that we once chose our present experiences, because they alone could teach us the lessons we required, without appreciating that this is so, how can anyone even begin to examine what they are supposed to learn? It is up to each one of us individually to make a conscious effort at discovering the wisdom that is hidden behind our experiences. In that way alone can it be built successfully into our character make-up and help us conduct our lives with more ease.

My own life has taught me that a human existence on this planet can only gain structure and direction when it finally dawns on us what this earthly existence truly is about and why we are here. Until such time it is unlikely that we shall ever be able to make a great deal of the spiritual progress that potentially is our birthright. However, each time we return to the world of spirit, once we have recovered sufficiently from the stresses and strains of Earth life, we are offered opportunities for reviewing our performances of all lifetimes, including the most recent one.

Something like a veil separates our earthly existence from our other world. And because of the scrutinising that comes later, during our time on this side of the veil it is necessary to regularly examine our lives for what is still of value to us and that which is in need of discarding. Unless we do so and willingly make the changes that this requires from us, upon our arrival in our true home, we may wake up to the truth that we have been wasting yet another precious lifetime.

While in physicality, we are bound to make mistakes; indeed, they are good for us and we are meant to make them. We should not become unduly upset over our errors, either past or present ones. For one thing, they teach our earthly self humility, a quality it is greatly in need of. And for another, as long as we glean something valuable from any experience, we are progressing and growing, giving our soul every reason to rejoice.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘What is Soul?’

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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