
The death of loved ones first of all reminds us of our own mortality. They sufficiently disrupt the rut of our daily lives that so easily sets in, to make us stop in our trucks and start thinking about the purpose and meaning of humankind’s existence in earthly life. These events are meant to stop us from feeling too much at home here, so that eventually we realise that this is not where we truly belong.

During periods of great sorrow and sadness, especially bereavements, even the most closed off human hearts begin to open up. Small cracks appear in the emotional coat of armour we normally wear and through them God’s light, in the form of wisdom and understanding, begin to penetrate our consciousness, for it is a time when God and the Angels are drawing very close to us. And to those who are ready to receive them, they bring a better comprehension of life and its processes, in particular death. This is what all my writings are about and some of them I am sharing with you in this part of my jottings. God and the Angels are writing them and bringing them to you – through me.

Six pointed Star

The above is part of ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’.
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