What Is Truth?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - What Is Truth?God’s sacred wisdom and truth were mentioned so many times in the previous chapters that you could be asking yourself: ‘What precisely is truth?’ The dictionary explains it as that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality, a quality or state of being true, and a fact or belief that is accepted as true. Surprisingly, truth is something quite flexible and as the religions of our world throughout the ages are clearly demonstrating, the things that are commonly accepted as truth are not necessarily the ultimate or God’s truth.

The reason behind this is that the spiritual development of our race has always been subject to the process of evolution, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation. Because of this the purpose of every new religion has been to gradually, one small step after another, bring us closer to the revelation of God’s eternal wisdom and truth that had to remain hidden for a very long time at the back of every one of the sacred teachings our world has ever known. This brought with it the necessity to change the perception of God’s truth from time to time.  Equipped with the gift of hindsight, as we are at the time of writing this in the year 2015, it is easy to discern how each new religion emerged from those that came before, integrating the best and discarding the things that had outlived their validity and usefulness.

To teach us and our world the lessons for which we were ready at any given time, every so often new religions and belief systems had to rise on the horizon of the consciousness of the small earthly selves of our race, which in the early days was extremely limited. In spite of this, all of them to some degree contained God’s wisdom and truth, though only in small nuggets, which had to remain hidden for a very long time. This was for the simple reason that it was all we could comprehend in those days, but with the increasing spiritual maturity many have reached by now, the time has come for unearthing the spiritual gold that has been waiting for so long to reveal itself to us.

All truth comes from the same source, wherever we may find it and whoever may be its bearer. There is only one truth and that is constantly expanding. Deciding how much of it can safely be released to humankind and in which form it should be presented at any given time, is the task of the Angels around the throne of God. This is why throughout the ages many different interpretations of Gods’ truth about the creation of us and our world and our rightful place in it had to appear from time to time. Every one of our religions has tried in myths and legends, with more or less success, to bring us closer to understanding the mystery of our existence. 

Various scribes down the ages acted as channels through which the Divine wisdom was transmitted into the consciousness of our race. But even if these people were reasonably highly evolved, in their time it would have been far too early to reveal the esoteric truths behind the surface words of the sacred texts that were given through them. If the revelations that came had not been masked in this manner, neither the scribes, nor their masters and least of all the general public would have been able to comprehend their true meaning in any case.

This is how it came about that the same points were made time and again in the religions of the past. Each time another one of them came into being, the points were presented in a different way. To fulfil the wise and higher purpose that was their very reason for being these religions could only ever supply us with temporary truths. Behind them God’s wisdom had to remain concealed, though with the passing of time gradually in a lighter camouflage, until the right time for their revealing had come, in the Age of Aquarius. Each new belief system that appeared was meant to take us another bit up the spiritual mountain and closer to the ultimate, God’s truth.

Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, increasing numbers of us are sufficiently evolved to understand that if a real spiritual Master had been nailed to the cross, he would not have uttered the words: ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ There would have been no need, because this man would have been well aware that our Creator is at one with all life and therefore also with him, and that therefore it would be impossible for God to forget any one of us, never mind him, the Master on the Cross.

We too are now aware that the cross represents the oldest symbol known to our world of humankind’s earthly existence, and that the esoteric truth behind Jesus’ death on the cross is a metaphor for humankind’s small lower self on its earthly sojourns, when time and again it finds itself trapped in experiencing and learning from life in physicality. ‘Father, why have you forsaken me?’ cannot be the cry of the Christ on the cross, because He would know better if he had been there.

The man’s cry is the lament of our lower earthly part, when we find ourselves nailed to the cross of Earth life and have to endure the suffering that is the result of the Karma we ourselves created in previous lifetimes, as yet unaware of what we were doing. It takes a long time until the small lower self comes to terms with the fact that God never leaves any one of us, no matter how depraved someone becomes in any of their lifetimes. God is part of everything and therefore also of us. Because of this the Divine would never dream of leaving us. God’s eternal truth, which has for so long had to remain shielded by the surface words of the story of Jesus death on the cross, is that our Christ Self knows this and therefore would never have spoken those words of doubt and despair.

Other equally precious parts of God’s wisdom have been contained in similar manner in every one of the legends, myths and tales of our world. In the original versions of all of them God’s wisdom has been trying to speak to us about our own Divinity and how we were created by Him/Her, the Great Father/Mother of all life. To find God’s truth all one has to do is look in the right places. Alas, the original texts were transcripted many times over and human nature being what it was in the days of yore, and unfortunately to a large degree still is, they gradually became more and more distorted, misunderstood and misinterpreted, only sometimes unintentionally.

The sacred texts of the religions of the patriarchy very quickly developed into the tools of their power-crazed priesthoods for the submission and exploitation of the masses and in particular the suppression of the feminine principle. None of it happened against the will of God – nothing in the whole of Creation ever does. Everything that took place was part of the plan for the development of the masculine forces of our race. Every bit of power we were allowed to wield in our lifetimes as men in the name of the patriarchy and the resulting misdemeanours were permitted by the wise ones on the Highest levels of life on the principle of ‘Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves in the end.’ And that indeed is what’s happening now.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Symbolism Of The Cross’
•    ‘On The Wings Of God’s Truth’
Part A – ‘The Truth About Truth’
Part B – ‘What Is God?’
Part C ‘Do Things Work Even If I Don’t Believe In Them?’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

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