Seeking Dominion - Over Whom?

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition -  Seeking Dominion - Over Whom?As a spark of the Divine, every soul contains the same powers and forces that are in God. When less experienced souls sense this inside them and misinterpret their urge to dominate and rule over those around them and their lives as something of a God-given right, trouble and disasters follow in its wake, the way they usually do with false beliefs. As we all have everything inside, the issue of dominion is an important one for all of us. The only thing we are here to gain dominion over, and that through self-discipline and self–mastery alone, is the wise control and handling of the drives and urges of our own lower earthly nature and personality. It takes a long time in evolutionary terms until human souls have spiritually matured sufficiently to comprehend that this is so and start to behave accordingly.

The only one who truly has the right to dominate others, including you and me, is God. Dominion is essential for the One who keeps planets in their orbit and brings whole worlds and everything in them into being, maintains and nurtures them, and destroys them again at His/Her will, when they have outlived their usefulness. Our Creator is the ruler of all life and everything is under His/Her loving control. What an amazing feat! It is not hard to see the necessity for keeping a firm grip on things and for organising the whole enterprise down to the tiniest details, as otherwise chaos would reign and nothing could ever work. Isn’t it good to know that that no human beings are in charge of us and our world? At our present evolutionary level, one shudders to think what the result of that would be.

To get a taste of what happens when the males of our species are in charge, as they have been for a very long time, look at the state of our world and you can’t help seeing the disastrous consequences of this reign. Mother Earth raped, robbed and plundered of her most precious resources is the legacy of the patriarchy and male dominance. All of it was carried out for material gains and with a total lack of care and consideration for our beloved planet and its weaker inhabitants, human as well as those of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Experiencing first hand the results of this kind of irresponsible human behaviour and the damage and suffering caused by it, that precisely has been the educational value behind the patriarchy.

It came into being so that in the fullness of time ever more of us would have had enough of the mismanagement of Mother Earth’s abundance. With the help and will of God and the Angels we would then roll up our sleeves, draw the learning from humankind’s mistakes of the past and set about doing better. By now, there are encouraging signs that this is happening and to my mind there is no need for despair, as assistance from the Highest levels of life is with us and forever will be, to show us the way of making good and healing our planet and all its kingdoms. To enable our race to attend to the many lessons we and our world needed, the wise ones have always been watching, steering and guiding us from the spiritual background of life. Even through the darkest and most difficult times they were there and drew especially close, as they will do in all Eternity.

The Age of Aquarius returned us into the conscious awareness that our Creator is Father and Mother alike. More and more we are feeling and benefiting from the Great Mother’s presence, Her wisdom and love. The starting point of Her return was a growing appreciation of the feminine as her representative as carer, nurturer and protector through whom life is given. It brought us equal rights for women, so that once again the wisdom and love of the feminine could begin to have its say in the running of our world and the distribution of Earth’s resources, showing us how the way into the new golden age is opening up. Though timidly and hesitatingly at first, the movement is sure to gather ever more momentum as we progress along the way.

Spreading the good news of this prospect does not require any kind of missionary work, but whenever you bump into someone who so far can accept no other explanation than that the process of Creation started with a big bang that came about entirely on its own, how about asking them a few questions? Maybe something along the following lines? ‘Who in your view caused the great explosion? And if it all really started with a big bang, isn’t that evidence of our Creator at work? For if there is a Creation, as indeed there is, in which we all take part, how could it be without a Creator?’ Even though the other person may as yet be unready to accept this, you could be sowing a seed into their minds and providing them with some food for thought. This is all that’s required from us.

Having done your work, step back and leave it to God and the Angels to do the rest and help this particular human being, the same as all others, to find their own understanding, as surely they will when the right moment for them has come.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘In The Beginning Was The Word’
•    ‘The Eternal Light’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

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